Roll care. Mallow - the land on which I live

Landscaping and planning 30.05.2019
Landscaping and planning

An annual plant from the Malvaceae family with an ascending stem 15-30 cm high. Leaves are alternate, rounded, whitish flowers. Blooms from June to August. The fruit is dry, has the shape of a ball.

Mallow grows in weedy places, near dwellings.

Medicinal raw materials are flowers and leaves collected during flowering, as well as roots.

AT traditional medicine an infusion of flowers or leaves is prescribed for colds, diarrhea, inflammatory processes in the stomach, intestines and respiratory tract (especially with dry cough and hoarseness). When used internally, preparations from flowers and leaves reduce irritation and inflammation. Mucus has a large adsorption surface and acts anti-toxic. Outwardly, the infusion is used as a rinse for sore throats, as poultices and ointments for hemorrhoids, burns, skin diseases, wounds and ulcers.


Infusion of flowers or leaves: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of raw materials with a glass of boiling water, insist 2 hours and take 1-2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day.

The plant contains a lot of mucus, ascorbic acid, carotene, malvin, fatty oil.

In folk medicine, a decoction of the leaves is drunk for urinary retention and female diseases, a decoction of the roots and leaves - for inflammatory processes. respiratory tract and diseases of the throat, oral cavity. Young leaves and stems

are used in the spring as a remedy for the prevention of colds and as a laxative. The calyx flowers are considered emollient and enveloping. Crushed fresh leaves are applied to abscesses, boils, inflamed skin.

The leaves can be used fresh or cooked in salads. The fruits are also edible.

Pelargonium (lat. Pelargonium)- a genus of the Geranium family, originally from South Africa, numbering up to 400 species and forms of annual and perennials. In Europe, representatives of this genus appeared at the end of the fifteenth or beginning of the sixteenth century. Relatives of pelargonium, or flowering geranium, are meadow geranium and common geranium. All types of pelargonium grown at home are combined under common name"room geranium", and in this article we will tell you how to care for geraniums and how to propagate geraniums at home.

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Planting and caring for geraniums (in brief)

  • Bloom: may bloom all year round.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight (south window).
  • Temperature: during the growing season - the usual room temperature, during the dormant period - 15 ˚C.
  • Watering: abundant during the period of active growth, as the top layer of the substrate dries. In winter, watering is stopped.
  • Air humidity: common for residential areas.
  • Top dressing: from the end of March to the middle of November, once every 2 weeks, with a solution of complex mineral fertilizer for flowering plants.
  • rest period: from late autumn to early spring.
  • Transfer: infrequently, before the beginning of the growing season, when the pot becomes small for the plant.
  • Pruning: regularly in autumn. Shoots are shortened to segments with 6-7 leaves.
  • Pinching: each shoot over the fourth or fifth leaf.
  • Reproduction: seed, vegetative (cuttings).
  • Pests: aphids, whiteflies, spider mites.
  • Diseases: black rot, botrytis, rust, leaf spot, root rot, bacteriosis, viruses.

Read more about growing geraniums below.

Home geranium - growing features

Geranium- one of the most popular indoor plants, which does not require any special effort or time to grow. However, there are several features that an amateur florist about caring for home geraniums does not hurt to know:

  • in winter, geranium loves cool temperatures, but you should not keep it indoors with temperatures below 10 ºC;
  • the geranium flower loves the sun, therefore the best place for a pot of geraniums - the south window;
  • geranium can bloom all year round, for this it needs only sufficient food and light: do not forget that its homeland is South Africa;
  • to enhance branching, geranium shoots need to be pinched;
  • wilted flowers must be removed;
  • almost all types of geraniums need regular pruning.

home geranium care

How to care for geraniums at home

Growing geraniums at home is very easy. The soil for geraniums needs moderately fertile so that there are more flowers and less greenery on the bush. It is important to provide a good drainage layer of large expanded clay in a pot with a plant. Watering geraniums should be plentiful, as the soil dries out, and in winter, watering geraniums is almost stopped. Geranium does not need spraying, as it prefers fresh, dry air, so it would be nice to take it out to the balcony in summer. The light, as already mentioned, should be bright, direct sunlight is welcome. And only on the hottest days, geraniums are slightly covered from the sun. Temperature in summer time any plant will suit, but in winter it is desirable that the room be about 15 ºC.

Fertilizer for geraniums

Geraniums need to be fertilized once every two weeks from late March to mid-November with liquid fertilizers. An excellent top dressing for geraniums is a solution of iodine: 1 drop of iodine is dissolved in 1 liter of water and 50 ml is carefully poured along the walls of the pot. No more needed so as not to burn the roots. After such top dressing, indoor geranium blooms for a long time and plentifully. Do not use fresh organic matter as a fertilizer, geraniums do not tolerate it.

Transplanting home geraniums

Geranium does not like transplants, and does not really need them. Only when the roots start to come out of the drain hole of the pot, you can put it to this test. Planting or transplanting geraniums is carried out in early spring when the plant begins its growing season. The pot should be chosen only a couple of centimeters in diameter larger than the one in which it grows, otherwise, if the pot is large, you will get a lot of branched shoots, but the geranium will not bloom.

In the photo: Growing geraniums in a pot

geranium pruning

In autumn, it is time to trim the geranium shoots. You need to leave a stem with 6-7 leaves. Remove shoots that do not grow from the root, but from the leaf axils. If during the winter the plant has grown again, in the spring (at the end of February or the beginning of March) it can be cut again, leaving only a few buds on the stem. Cut branches can be used as cuttings for propagation. In the future, in order to improve flowering and make the geranium bush thicker, pinch the shoots after 4-5 leaves. From December to January, flower growers do not recommend trimming geraniums at home.

Propagation of home geraniums

Reproduction of geranium seeds

Reproduction of geraniums by seed is not at all difficult. Purchased seeds germinate well and give a large number of seedlings. Using seeds collected from your own geraniums is unlikely to give the expected result, since with seed propagation hybrid varieties lose the characteristics of the mother plant. Geranium seeds are sown in loose moist soil (peat, sand and soddy soil in a ratio of 1: 1: 2), sprinkled on top with a layer of the same soil or sand two and a half centimeters thick. Top spray with water from a spray bottle. So that the seedlings do not get sick with the "black leg", the substrate must first be shed with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. Landing should be covered with glass and regularly moisten the soil, while eliminating condensation. The temperature for seed germination is 18-22 ºC. When shoots appear, the glass is removed, the container is moved to a bright place, but the temperature is reduced to 16-20 ºC. After 1.5-2 months, the seedlings have 2-3 true leaves, and they can be planted in pots, and when 5-6 leaves appear, you can pinch the shoot to enhance tillering.

Propagation of geraniums by cuttings

You can stock up on cuttings all year round, but it is better to do this in the spring. Geranium cuttings should be 5-7 cm long and have 2-3 leaves. A freshly cut stalk is dried for a day, then the place of cut is sprinkled with crushed coal and planted in a small pot with loose soil. Sometimes the cuttings are rooted in coarse sand, which should be slightly damp all the time, but when watering, the water should not fall on the leaves and stems so that the plants do not rot. It is not necessary to cover the cuttings. After the cuttings have roots, they are transplanted into the ground to a permanent place. Optimum temperature for rooting cuttings 20-22 ºC.

Geranium diseases

Diseases and pests of geraniums

Geranium rarely gets sick, but if it does, it's usually the cause. improper care. Sometimes the leg (black rot) turns black in young geraniums. Such plants are not treated, they must be destroyed, and the soil in which diseased specimens grew should be sterilized or replaced with a new one. It is necessary to ensure that waterlogging of the soil does not occur - this is the cause of black, root and gray rot. Sometimes geraniums are affected by mites, whiteflies or aphids. If your geranium has mites or aphids, wash the leaves, especially carefully from the underside, with an infusion of chamomile or tobacco with green soap. After 2-3 hours, wash off this compound with water from the leaves. The treatment of the plant with such preparations as Zubr, Confidor, Actellik and Fufanon will help you get rid of the whitefly, and all in turn, since getting rid of this pest and its larvae is not so easy.

Why does geranium turn yellow

There may be several reasons why geranium leaves turn yellow:

  • if the leaves turn yellow and only the edges dry, it means that the plant lacks moisture;
  • if the yellowness of the leaves is accompanied by lethargy, then the reason is just an excess of moisture;
  • geranium turns yellow and loses lower leaves and from insufficient lighting;
  • check if the pot has become cramped to the plant;
  • sometimes the cause of yellowing and falling leaves may be adaptation when changing places or after transplanting geraniums.

In the photo: Geranium turns yellow

Why does the geranium not bloom?

Usually the reason that geraniums do not bloom is:

  • too low temperature or lack of light. In such cases, it is necessary to provide additional illumination of the plant with fluorescent lamps;
  • sometimes it's too much to blame fertile soil, so try to buy a special substrate for geraniums or make it yourself according to the recipe from our article;
  • too spacious pot, stimulating the growth of the root system, but inhibiting flowering;
  • untimely pruning: geraniums need to be “cut” regularly, then it will branch more densely and bloom more magnificently;
  • irregular feeding of geraniums.

Why geranium dries

If only the tips of the geranium leaves dry, then the plant does not have enough water. Another reason that geraniums dry out is a fungal rust disease: the leaves first become covered with red-brown spots, then they begin to dry and fall off. Spray the geranium with a 5% solution of Bordeaux liquid or treat it twice with phytosporin with an interval of 7-10 days.

In the photo: Geranium leaves dry

Types and varieties of room geranium

Most often, in home floriculture, zonal geranium, or kalachik, as it is still called colloquially, is used. It is distinguished by dark concentric circles on the leaves, grows up to 30-60 cm in height, sometimes even up to a meter, blooms in simple or double bright flowers collected in spherical umbellate inflorescences of red, raspberry, white or pink flowers.

Geranium ivy, or thyroid

Ampel plant for hanging flowerpots with brittle hanging shoots up to a meter long and with racemose inflorescences of simple, semi-double and double flowers of a wide palette of colors.

Royal, or English large-flowered geranium

She is homemade, royal noble) is represented by many varieties, shapes and colors, sometimes with variegated leaves, with simple and double flowers. The height of the plant is up to half a meter, it is distinguished by a dark spot or stripes along the veins on the lower petals.

In the photo: Geranium ivy

Geranium is a well-known indoor plant that has several varieties. In floriculture, it is also known as pelargonium. In the people it is sometimes called "kalachiki". Consider home care and how winter goes in the apartment.

Flowering directly depends on compliance with the rules of care

Temperature and lighting in summer and winter

In summer time tolerates any temperature. That is why some types of geraniums are planted outdoors. In winter, it is desirable that the temperature does not fall below 10 degrees. During the dormant period, the most optimal temperature is from 10 to 15 degrees Celsius.

Pelargonium lighting requires bright. It belongs to light-loving plant species. Tolerates direct sun well. If there is not enough light, then the geranium will not give abundant flowering, and the shoots will grow weak.

Therefore, the more sun, the better. On particularly bright days at noon you can shade a little so that the leaves do not burn out too much.

How often to water in the apartment

Pelargonium does not need high humidity. Moreover, spraying the flower is not recommended because of its fluffy leaves, which can leave spots. Geranium prefers fresh air, so in summer it feels great on balconies and verandas.

Watering requires regular and plentiful, but there should be no stagnation of water. The earth needs to be evenly moist, at the bottom of the pot a drainage layer must be made.

Expanded clay and perlite are often used as drainage

In winter, when the dormant period sets in, watering is done more rarely, paying attention to sufficient drying of the soil.

The choice of substrate and top dressing: how to fertilize correctly

Many people ask the question: what kind of top dressing does the "kalachik" need? The following land is suitable for pelargonium: a mixture of soddy land, humus and sand in a ratio of 8: 2: 1. You can also use garden soil for it, having previously processed it from pests.

The store sells universal primer, which is also suitable for this flower. In general, she is unpretentious.

From March they begin to fertilize. You can feed twice a month.

Organics are not suitable for her, only mineral top dressing. A good helper for the development of buds will be special fertilizers for flowering plants.

Preparation for wintering: winter storage

autumn geranium should be cut. 6-7 leaves are left on the stem. Also remove the shoots growing from the sinuses, they only pull nutrients. Pruning from December to January is not recommended.

Wintering should take place at a temperature of 10-15 degrees, so that flowering is abundant next season.

Plants can be kept on the windowsill. There is a fairly cool temperature and a lot of light.

Miniature and variegated varieties more demanding on the conditions of detention and usually do not need pruning. Storage in winter: on special shelving with lighting, the temperature is suitable for them up to 25 degrees.

Since the apartment is usually warm in winter, it is most convenient for these purposes basements. Light day under artificial lighting should be 10-12 hours.

Ivy varieties leave lashes 40-50 cm long. If at the same time pruning was not done on time, then it is better to wait for the end of the winter period - the beginning of spring, since any intervention can weaken the plant.

To put pelargonium into rest mode, in the fall they begin to gradually reduce watering and stop feeding.

Reproduction and transplant

Reproduction is available in several ways.

Pelargonium can be propagated by seeds and cuttings.

Seeds: how to care

Growing from seeds is fairly easy. Seeds are best purchased at the store, in which case they will give greater germination than collected on their own.

drop them off in loose soil to a depth of 2 cm. Moisten with water from above, it is better to do this from a spray bottle so as not to wash out the ground. The soil must first be disinfected, for which it is spilled with a light solution of potassium permanganate.

The seed pot is covered with glass to create uniform humidity. For seed germination, the most favorable temperature is 18-22 degrees. After the emergence of seedlings, the glass is removed, and the temperature is lowered to 16-22 degrees.

After about 1.5-2 months, when 3 true leaves appear, the pelargonium is transplanted to a permanent place. When she grows 5-6 leaves, pinch the plant for better branching.

blooms with this method of reproduction about six months later.

Growing by cuttings

This breeding method is not difficult. Geranium cuttings can be cut at any time of the year, but the best period is still spring. The stalk is taken in the size of 5-7 cm. So that the cut does not rot, it is sprinkled with crushed charcoal.

Then they are planted in a loose substrate or wet sand. They don't need top cover. When roots appear, pelargonium transplanted to a permanent place. Flowering is possible in three months.


This plant does not particularly like transplants, and there is no need for them. This should be done only if the roots begin to sprout from the drainage hole. Capacity for planting is taken 2 cm more than the previous one. Geranium does not like too spacious pots and blooms worse in them, but it gives a lot of shoots.

Young shoots that have reached 7 cm, pinch to branch. Pruning is also done in autumn, leaving a stem with 6-7 leaves. Periodically, excess shoots that grow from the sinuses, and not from the root, should be removed.

If the pelargonium has grown strongly during the winter period, it can be cut off in the spring, so flowering will be better. Periodically, shoots should be pinched at a height of 4-5 leaves.


It is only necessary if the pelargonium has become too crowded. This is done in autumn or spring, avoiding the flowering period.

Potassium permanganate helps to disinfect the soil

  • Pre preparing a new container, a couple of centimeters larger than the previous one. If the pot is clay and new, it must be soaked in water for several hours so that it is saturated with moisture.
  • The soil is being prepared. If the earth was taken from the garden, it should be disinfected by spilling potassium permanganate or holding it for several minutes in a hot oven.
  • During transplanting, the soil should be slightly damp, so it will be easier to remove the plant from the pot.
  • With one hand, hold the geranium, turn the pot over and, gently tapping, remove the plant. It's better not to disturb the roots, slightly remove upper layer, put the whole com in new pot and add fresh earth.

A geranium transplant is done every two to three years and only if the pelargonium has grown greatly.

Possible problems

Sometimes the plant becomes ill due to the appearance of pests, insects or exposure to microorganisms.


At the plant may appear:

  • Yellowing of leaves.
  • The appearance of spots on them.
  • Falling leaves.
  • Leg rot.
  • The appearance of pests.

PICTURE Yellowing of foliage, Spots on leaves

Why indoor geranium dies

Why does a plant die? This is observed in the most different occasions. The most common reason is improper care. If you forget to water the plant in time, then not only its upper parts, but also the root system begin to die off.

More more dangerous systematic bay and stagnation in poorly permeable soil.

The death of a plant is often observed when attacked by pests. The deterioration is gradual. At first, the leaves may begin to turn yellow, dry and curl. Then they die in turn, and the plant is depleted and dies.

In some cases, an incorrect transplant can damage pelargonium if the root system was severely disturbed in the process.

Diseases and pests: how to save a kalachik

From time to time, yellowing of the leaves can be observed. In small quantities, this is normal for geraniums. The old lower leaves die off. You should be concerned if yellowing is profuse and young leaves are lost.


The loss of some amount of green mass is observed when pelargonium after summer period returned from the street to the premises.

Other reasons:

  • If lethargy is observed along with yellowing, then the cause is excessive watering.
  • Yellowing of leaf edges- lack of moisture.
  • If the lower leaves fall abundantly, then the plant does not have enough light.

Geranium often suffers from fungal diseases. She may have leaf rust, "black leg". For their treatment, they are treated with fungicidal preparations. If the trunk began to rot, then most often the only way to save the geranium is to grow it again from cuttings.

Of the pests, pelargonium is attacked by: whitefly, aphids, spider mites, mealybugs, caterpillars. To get rid of them use special means. The most common are Fitoverm, Aktellik.

Refuse to bloom may be for the following reasons:

  • Lack of light.
  • Too low air temperature.
  • Too fertile soil, therefore, geranium gives an increase in green mass and does not bloom.
  • A very spacious pot, which also causes rapid growth of foliage and shoots.
  • Untimely trimming or its absence.
  • rare and irregular fertilization.

If there is an excess of nitrogenous fertilizers in the soil, then the plant will produce a green mass, and flowering will not occur or will be weak.

general information

In the rooms they like to grow varieties:

  • Zonal
  • ivy
  • Fragrant
  • dwarf species

We described in a separate article. As well as the Fragrant section

A variety of colors and shapes allows you to collect beautiful collections, use pelargonium for gardening at home, balconies and gardens.

Medicinal properties and benefits of the flower

Pelargonium has a lot of useful properties, it’s not for nothing that our grandmothers kept it in their homes. The plant releases substances into the air that have a detrimental effect on bacteria and viruses.

It is also used with benefit in folk medicine - an infusion is made from the leaves for gargling. The leaves are applied to the back for rheumatism.

The smell of geranium relieves stress. This plant is useful for people suffering from insomnia, nervous and heart diseases.

According to some beliefs, geranium normalizes the aura and the atmosphere in the house, removing negative influences.

Pelargonium is a great plant for the home. It is easy to care for her even for beginners, she has an abundant and varied flowering. The most important thing is the watering regime, cut the shoots in time and put the geranium in the brightest place. Subject to these conditions flowering will continue for a long time.

Geraniums (pelargonium, rolls) great amount virtues and everyone knows it, and caring for geraniums in winter at home is only a pleasure, delighting with its greenery. There are more than 50 species of this plant. Indoor geranium fits well into any home interior and dilutes it with its bright and beautiful flowers because it blooms all year round.

Geranium came to Europe from South Africa in the middle of the twentieth century, and immediately fell in love with aristocrats due to its ability to decorate. Over time, she is among ordinary people became popular.

Geranium Care

Home care for geraniums is determined by its southern origin. This is a plant that loves the sun very much. It is better to put it in the house in the brightest place, especially in winter. In summer, pelargonium can be planted in open ground on the street. After getting into the fresh air, she takes on a luxurious look, and she has new leaves and flowers. Blooming geraniums should be periodically fed to keep the flowers bright and numerous. To do this, use a liquid fertilizer, which is diluted in ordinary water for irrigation. In summer, top dressing is done every second week. In winter this is not necessary. Geranium blooms in early spring and blooms until mid-winter. For the normal growth of room geraniums, the usual room temperature of 20 ° C is suitable. But these flowers do not like drafts. Watering the balls is not very large quantity water, but always. The soil for these plants should always be moist. During watering, it is necessary to avoid getting water on the leaves, for this reason spraying is never done.

When caring for pelargonium, how houseplant many flower growers are worried when her leaves begin to turn yellow. But this is quite normal. The yellowing of the leaves can be caused by natural dying off. This phenomenon is observed when geraniums are transferred from the street to the house in the fall, yellowed and fallen leaves are an inevitable and natural process. Thus, there is an adaptation to the changed conditions. Sometimes this happens because it's time to replace the pot with a larger one.

winter care

Geraniums do not tolerate cold well. Therefore, all care for pelargonium in the winter is to take care of the flower, which comes down to keeping it in a sunny, warm place. Even the slightest cold snap can lead to death of pelargonium.

One way to preserve the rolls in the winter is to place them in spacious pots that allow the roots to spread freely. Then you need to trim the geranium, leaving only half or a third of the height of the plant. Also, do not forget about regular watering and a sunny location.

Proper watering

Caring for room geraniums at home determines the presence of due attention to watering. In summer, it is watered abundantly, while avoiding waterlogging of the soil. In winter, watering geraniums should be moderate, and air humidity is low. Sometimes there is no flowering. This greatly upsets flower growers. The reason for this is often an excess of moisture in the soil.


For better flowering when caring for geraniums, a transplant is recommended. But only in the case when its roots in their development require a larger volume or in case of an accidental overflow of water during the irrigation process. When transplanting, it must be borne in mind that the kalachi do not like spacious pots.

When placing a flower in a new pot, it is necessary to take care of good drainage in order to avoid stagnant water after watering, otherwise rotting may occur at the roots. The composition of the substrate for geraniums does not need to add special ingredients. Good for him ordinary soil, which can be purchased at the store, and even just land from the garden.


Indoor geranium is propagated using cuttings. With this type of reproduction, success is guaranteed. But this can also be done with the help of seeds, which will allow the plant to grow more compact, with the best flowering and larger inflorescences. But seeds require more attention and are troublesome and difficult for beginner growers.

When propagating pelargonium by cuttings, it is necessary to cut a stem 10 centimeters long from the top of the shoot with 4–5 leaves. Then it is placed in water for several days, and after the appearance of several roots, it is planted in a pot with soil. But there is another option, when the cutting is immediately planted in a light mixture of peat and sand, and installed in the floor. dark place, to accelerate the growth of the roots, not the stem. With regular watering of the plant, a full-fledged specimen of geranium will grow in 1–2 months.

Sowing is done, as a rule, in March, to provide the plant with a sufficient amount sunlight. Seeds pre-treated with a manganese solution are sown in a not very deep container that has good drainage. After laying out the seeds on the surface of the soil, they are slightly pressed into it. Then cover with polyethylene and place in a warm shaded place. After seed germination, the film is removed, opening access fresh air. And when two leaves appear on the stem, they are seated in small pots or cups, at the bottom of which there is a mandatory hole to remove excess water during irrigation.

At proper care indoor geranium lives up to 30 years, and all this time it will be able to delight everyone with its beautiful flowers almost all year round.

You will be interested to see photos and videos on caring for geraniums.

Video - How to grow geraniums

AT Soviet time geraniums were very popular, almost every window sill and balcony showed their lush multi-colored inflorescences. It is also called differently - fragrant pelargonium, because of its unique sweetish aroma.

After the collapse of the USSR, the popularity of geraniums went away, only recently her flower growers began to breed again. Not the last role in this was played by its medicinal properties.

In the Geraniev family, there are more than 260 species of this perennial herbaceous plant, differing among themselves in general size, color of leaves and petals. It is not only a house plant, but can also grow on summer cottages, it is often decorated with parks.

If it is carefully looked after and fed in time, then it can grow up to two meters high and from the outside it can be mistaken for a shrub.

Noticed if the geranium is placed on the windowsill with open window or on the balcony, then insects will not fly into the apartment, as its specific smell scares them away.

In addition, it has a disinfecting effect, can purify the air of the room from harmful substances.

Over time, the geranium grows strongly in a pot, therefore, in order to preserve it decorative look, at the end of winter, it must be cut, forming a crown as desired. Geranium does not like a pot that is too spacious, so the smaller the pot, the better it blooms, since in this case the flower stops taking roots in length and breadth, and begins to grow leaves and inflorescences.

It is advisable to put a pot of geraniums in a well-lit place, but not under direct rays, as the leaves and petals can get burned. But in partial shade, it stops blooming. If you periodically forget to water it, then it's okay, since it easily tolerates drought, but overflowing has a detrimental effect on its roots, they begin to rot and the leaves wither.

It is undesirable to spray it, otherwise the leaves will get sick. Every month it is desirable to feed it with mineral fertilizers with phosphorus.

By smell, you can understand that it is geranium in front of you, and not a plant similar to it. Its wide leaves smell like lemon, and the umbrella-shaped flowers spread a very delicate and sweetish aroma. Therefore, it is sometimes called lemon geranium. With proper care, pelargonium can bloom all year round.

It propagates mainly by cuttings, that is, a cutting with a shoot is cut from the plant, placed in a glass of settled water so that the roots grow, and then they are transplanted into a new pot with soil. But there are some varieties that can be propagated by seeds.

Unfortunately, geraniums are often exposed to both viral and fungal diseases. Therefore, as soon as one of the signs of diseases is noticed on it, it must be treated immediately, otherwise the plant will no longer be saved. But if she periodically throws off yellowed leaves, then you should not be afraid, this is a normal and normal process.

If you notice that the base of the stem has turned black, it means that the plant is affected by root rot. The dried edges of the leaves indicate a lack of moisture in the soil, which means the plant needs to be watered more often, but not more than once every two days. If the flower is poured, then swelling will appear on the leaves.

It is necessary to ensure that water does not accumulate in the pan, otherwise the plant, due to its stagnation, can become ill with gray rot.

Healing properties of geranium

In folk medicine, geranium leaves are most often used, since they have the most medicinal properties, even more than the roots.

AT chemical composition This indoor plant contains a lot of biologically active substances: resin, starch, vitamins, minerals, essential oils, carbohydrates, glycosides, terpene alcohols, tannins and phytoncides, which it releases into the air, disinfecting it from microbes and fungi.

She also has a calming effect on people with her scent. In this case, no antidepressants will be required. If there are pots of pelargonium in the offices, then the percentage of chronic fatigue and conflict will decrease among employees, mental and physical activity will increase.

For treatment, freshly cut leaves are used, they are by no means dried, but only washed well.

They have anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antispasmodic, antimicrobial, antiseptic properties, in addition, they help stop blood, including uterine and reduce tumors, cure colds, lower blood pressure.

List of diseases from which it helps to cure in a harmless way given plant, quite extensive: pressure, insomnia, hemorrhoids, colds, osteochondrosis, fever, sciatica, gout, dermatitis, diarrhea, otitis media, menopause.

For perfumery, cosmetology, a pleasantly smelling essential oil is obtained from a plant by steam distillation. It can be used as a sedative through aromatherapy. And also with this oil you can get rid of diseases of the ears, throat.

In winter, frostbite of the limbs can be cured with this oil, and in summer sunburn. And also they are treated with eczema, bedsores and diaper rash. During the menstrual cycle, the smell of this oil will help relieve pain in women, reduce anxiety.

It is best not to extract this oil yourself, but to buy it in a pharmacy or special stores selling eco-products. After opening, the oil is stored for no longer than a month.

Before using geranium in folk remedies, you should study the contraindications:

  • Intolerance to essential oils.
  • Age up to 12 years.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Asthma is bronchial.
  • Gastric ulcer.
  • Varicose disease.
  • Allergy.
  • Gastritis.

List of diseases and their treatment


With a clean knife, cut off one leaf of geranium, take half a teaspoon of petroleum jelly or any vegetable oil. Wash the sheet well and dry. Then lubricate the sheet with oil or vaseline and, after emptying the bowels, gently insert the sheet into a clean anus overnight. This procedure is carried out for seven days in a row. After that, the pain should go away.


To reduce the pressure, within twenty minutes you need to draw in the aroma of geranium through the nose. For an additional effect, two leaves of the plant must be fixed on the wrist of one hand with a bandage. You can remove it after twenty minutes. By this time, the pressure is usually normal.


One crushed and freshly washed leaf is poured into a glass hot water. This tincture will be ready for use in fifteen minutes. Then, throughout the day, before each meal, drink one third of a glass of this tincture.


Prepare two sheets of pelargonium, then carefully roll each of them into a tube and insert one into each ear, but not deep so as not to damage the eardrum. They can be removed after the headache subsides significantly.

Dermatitis and eczema

Pluck so many leaves that it fits in a crushed form on one tablespoon. Then pour a glass of boiling water over it and put on water bath for ten minutes. After that, pass this broth through a sieve. Then add a little hot water to bring the volume up to 200 ml.

Then every day drink one tablespoon of this decoction before each meal. To improve the effect, they lubricate the affected areas on the body. This decoction is stored in a closed container in the refrigerator.


If you can’t get rid of diarrhea for a long time with the help of medicines, then in this case a tincture of geranium leaves will help. Water at room temperature is poured into a half-liter jar, then two teaspoons of crushed leaves are thrown there. Mix well and leave for eight hours. Filter and drink throughout the day in small sips.


In any way, squeeze the juice from a few clean pelargonium leaves. Then, using a pipette, this juice is instilled into the inflamed ear in the morning and in the evening, two drops each. Use only fresh juice each time.

Adrenal dysfunction

Pour two crushed leaves with a glass of boiling water. Wait fifteen minutes, filter and drink before each meal in small sips.

Stop internal bleeding

With this tincture, you can stop further destruction of blood vessels. Here, not leaves are used, but geranium roots. We need only four crushed roots and a liter of water. Bring this mixture to a boil and cook for twenty minutes.

Then wait until it cools down and filter the tincture. During an exacerbation of the disease every half hour, drink half a glass of tincture.


In advance, you need to chop the geranium leaves so that they are enough for three tablespoons. Prepare 25 ml of valerian tincture, one glass of whey, two tablespoons of vegetable oil and one glass rye flour, as it has useful properties. Pour the crushed leaves into a glass with whey and valerian.

Leave it all for 14 hours in the room. Then add flour and butter to this tincture, knead the dough. Then divide the dough into three parts and form them into cakes. Before going to bed, fix these two cakes with a bandage on the calves, one on the upper part of the neck. Leave it like that all night. Throw them out in the morning.

Although geranium is harmless and medicinal plant However, before using it, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

A wonderful indoor flower is geranium, or it is also called pelargonium or kalachik. In the 20th century, this flower was very popular, but today it has gone a little "in the shade." It was replaced by violets, gloxinia, and other indoor plants. Geranium is considered a bit old-fashioned. But is it? The plant always pleases the eye and delights with its luxurious flowers.

Thanks to the grandmothers who sell in the market, this flower can always be found on sale. Pelargonium brings me back to my childhood, when it grew on almost every window.

Geranium belongs to the geranium family. Motherland - South America. Perennial evergreen plant. Pelargonium got its name from the Greek word pelargos - stork, for the similarity of the shape of the fruit with the beak of a stork.

Geranium is one of the most beloved plants by flower growers. The flower is very popular in many countries of the world. It is bred on window sills, balconies, and in countries with a warm climate - in flower beds.

Geranium has one interesting feature: she gets along great in the same pot with others indoor flowers, for example, with roses. Her bushes can perfectly complement many exotic plants. Leaves come in a variety of shapes and colors.

Geranium flowers are large, collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences. various colors. The plant is light-loving, relatively drought-resistant, develops well on the lungs, fertile soils. In culture, there are a large number of species, races and varieties.

Home care for geraniums: 4 types

  • Zonal pelargoniums. They are most often called geraniums, with rounded green leaves, with a brown, yellowish or white border around the circumference. The flowers of this group are simple or double, collected in umbrellas of various colors: from pure white to red and dark crimson. There are races bred for ornamental leaves.

  • Large-flowered - with strongly serrated folded leaves. Flowers - umbrellas, large, white or pink with dark - cherry spots on all petals or only on the top.

  • Ivy - with drooping branched stems and green pentagonal leaves resembling ivy leaves in shape. Flowers come in different colors. Often used as ampelous plant, as the stem is weaving.

  • Fragrant - the most common pelargonium. The deeply cut, pubescent leaves have a strong aroma. The flowers are white, pink, small.

Geranium is a wonderful plant because, for all its beauty, it is absolutely unpretentious. Most importantly, the soil must be moist. This plant loves moisture, but not excessive.

Zonal geranium is desirable not to spray from above, she does not like it. All pelargoniums love watering, loosening. After the zonal geranium has faded, it must be carefully trimmed, leaving 2 - 3 knots. After a while, especially if the pelargonium is fed several times with complex fertilizers, it will again please with flowers. Geranium is practically not damaged by diseases, only with a strong bay a black leg may appear.

Pelargonium drought tolerant plant, it simply can not be filled. Water abundantly in summer, and moderately in winter, but so that the earth is slightly damp. Loves frequent loosening!

He loves geranium very much if you add a few coniferous needles to the soil. This slightly acidifies the soil and adds looseness to it.

Geranium home care: reproduction

Pelargonium is propagated mainly by cuttings. Mother plants (for cuttings) are kept in bright places at a temperature of 10-15 degrees, emerging buds are broken out. From one plant take from 5 to 10 cuttings. Cut them from March to July with 3 - 5 leaves. Before planting, geranium cuttings are slightly dried, and then planted.

Substrate for planting cuttings: soddy, leafy, compost soil (4:4:1) and sand with a layer of 2 - 3 cm. I plant at a distance of 7 x 7 cm. When watering, the leaves are not wetted. Zonal geranium rooted very well in perlite.

Rooted cuttings of early cuttings are planted in pots with a diameter of 9 cm and fed through watering. Geraniums bloom in June. Adult geraniums feed each or skip one watering.

The soil mixture for planting a plant should be nutritious: peat, soddy soil, humus, sand (1:1:1:1). Summer to October. geraniums must be watered with mineral fertilizers with trace elements, and from January - February, top dressing is resumed.

From the purchased soil, you can buy a universal one, but you need to add humus, perlite and sand to it.

Pelargonium obtained from summer cuttings, in August or March of the following year, is transferred to pots with a diameter of 9–11 cm. In winter, they are kept in a bright place at a desired temperature of 6–12 degrees. at this temperature, it is laid maximum amount kidneys. This geranium blooms in April. If pelargonium is used for summer ground flower beds, vases or balconies, then with the onset of frost it is transferred to the room.

In winter, geraniums are watered moderately, in February they are pruned, using the removed parts for cuttings. At home, the flower develops well on a sunny window. The optimum temperature for growing in summer is 18 - 22 degrees. Likes fresh air.

The most common varieties of zonal geraniums:

Meteor and Reformer (bright red, simple)

Coral, Ruby (bright red, terry)

Fisher - a modern variety, distinguished by additional semi-double petals, red - pink.

Saxony is a wide sprawling shrub with high dense stems, the color of the flowers is bright red.

Salma is a compact shrub with very large bright red buds.


My ideal and Balcony (pink)


White pearl (white), Garden Glory (terry, bright red), Roland (semi-double raspberry).

Geranium, especially fragrant, releases phytoncides that disinfect the air by killing pathogenic microbes.

In ancient times, pelargonium was considered the flower of the poor for its ability to disinfect dry and musty air in the dwellings of artisans. The aroma of geranium leaves soothes, improves sleep, strengthens nervous system. Blooming pelargonium, planted in the same pot with other plants, creates a unique holiday that cheers up.

The reason for the sudden death of the plant:

Most often, inexperienced flower growers make the same mistake.

The geranium dried up and was immediately filled with plenty of water. This flower does not like this very much. Even if it has dried up a little, the first thing you need to do is loosen the flower well and water it in doses not much. Sudden watering after drying can lead to the death of the entire plant.

The attractiveness of geranium, or pelargonium, in its openwork leaves. One has only to touch them, as a strong aroma appears. Fragrant geranium - a beautiful attribute cozy home and a unique home doctor.

Types and varieties of fragrant geraniums

The geranium is native to South Africa. The leaves and stems of the plant are covered with thin glandular hairs that contain essential oil. When the hairs break off, it enters the air and emits a characteristic smell.

Varieties of fragrant geraniums smell differently - roses, apples, lemons, oranges, pineapples, peaches, mint, lavender, verbena, wormwood, pine, coconut, almonds, caramel.

There are natural types of pelargonium with fragrant leaves - fragrant, curly, pink, oaky, capitate, felt, etc.

Varieties of fragrant pelargoniums of natural species:

  • Chocolate Mint (felt). A bush up to 30 cm high with hanging shoots, green leaves with a chocolate spot in the center, it smells like mint, the flowers are small, pink.
  • Attar of Roses (capitate). About 45 cm tall, the leaves are large, three-lobed, smell like a rose, the flowers are lilac.
  • Cy's Sunburst (curly). Small corrugated foliage of light green color with a yellow border, smells like lemon, pink flowers.
  • Giant Oak (oakleaf). The leaves are large, lobed, emit a balsamic smell.
  • Red-Flowered Rose (pink). The leaves are openwork, palmately dissected, gray-green in color, blooms profusely with red-pink bright flowers.

Today, many hybrid varieties have been bred, which may differ from the natural species not only in flowers and leaves, but also in smell:

  • Citronella. Dark green multipartite leaves with a strong citrus aroma, pink flowers.
  • Copthorne. Bush about 50 cm high, dark green leaves with a cedar smell, purple-pink flowers with red spots.
  • Grace Thomas. Dense shrub up to 90 cm tall, deeply dissected leaves, smell of lemon and raspberries, pale pink flowers with bright spots.
  • Joy Lucille. Up to 60 cm tall, leaves with a menthol-mint aroma, pink-purple flowers.
  • Lemon Kiss. Lush bush about 40 cm, leaves are rough, serrated, with a pleasant lemon flavor, flowers lilac-carmine.

The intensity of the aroma depends on the growing conditions - air temperature, sunlight and the amount of moisture. It is advisable to select a variety whose aroma is most to your liking, and causes only positive emotions.

The chemical composition of the plant

The chemical composition of geraniums is very rich, the leaves and stems contain the following substances:

  • essential oils;
  • organic acids;
  • starch;
  • Sahara;
  • pectin;
  • mineral salts;
  • anthocyanins;
  • vitamins;
  • geranine, etc.

The plant contains no toxins, alkaloids, toxic substances, it cannot cause poisoning.

Healing properties for the body

All types of plants have medicinal properties, but fragrant geranium is most often used in medicine. It is her openwork, rugged leaves that are used to prepare infusions and decoctions.

Medicinal properties of geranium:

  • bactericidal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • decongestant;
  • astringent;
  • painkiller;
  • soothing and relaxing.

Geranium is used to treat neurological disorders and headaches associated with spasms.

The essential oil of the plant effectively destroys staphylococcus bacteria and other harmful microorganisms in the air of the room. The smell of geranium has a strong soothing effect. Therefore, people who suffer from neurosis or are in a stressful situation are advised to place a flower in their bedroom in order to inhale the healing aroma during sleep.

Use in traditional medicine

The use of geranium in medicine is associated with its anti-inflammatory effect. It is used, for example, for toothache. To do this, chew a leaf of geranium or put it on an aching tooth. For children, mashed leaves are tied on the outside to the cheek; ingestion is not recommended. This method is used even in babies during teething.

Geranium juice is added to water, gargle with ARVI and tonsillitis. It can also be instilled into the nose for a runny nose, sinusitis and sinusitis.

Leaf decoctions are used to treat:

  • heart diseases;
  • high blood pressure;
  • gastritis;
  • intestinal inflammation;
  • urolithiasis.

Fresh and dried geranium leaves are used as medicinal raw materials. Crushed leaves help to soothe severe ear pain and relieve inflammation, even with chronic otitis media.

Compresses with crushed leaves are used for radiculitis and osteochondrosis, they are applied to a sore spot, and the pain quickly disappears.

Geranium juice heals wounds and burns on the skin. With increased blood pressure a mashed sheet is applied to the wrist, after a while the pressure decreases.

Herbal preparations based on fragrant geranium

For medical purposes, you can use not only fresh geranium shoots, but also prepare them for future use.

Alcohol tincture

To prepare the tincture 1 tbsp. crushed shoots are placed in glass jar, pour 100 ml of pure 95% alcohol. Cover with a lid and put in a warm, dark place for 2 weeks. During this time, the extraction of useful substances will occur, they will move from the plant to the alcohol tincture. It can be used for medicinal purposes.

Oil tincture

On the basis of alcohol tincture, you can prepare an oil tincture, which will have a milder effect. To do this, add to a container with a ready-made alcohol tincture of geranium leaves olive oil, put in a warm place for 2 weeks. After this period, strain the oil, plant remains throw out. Store the product in a tightly closed jar, in a dark place. The drug is used in the same way as a fresh plant.

Geranium essential oil: benefits and harms

The essential oil of fragrant pelargonium is part of the elite French perfumes and cosmetics. In countries with a tropical and subtropical climate, this plant is grown on an industrial scale. The oil is produced from young leafy shoots. It contains about 270 components, the most valuable of which are citronellol and geraniol.

Geranium oil is used in the food industry to add flavor to confectionery and drinks.

In medicine, oil has been used since ancient times for the treatment of infectious diseases, including pneumonia. It also stimulates the adrenal glands, has a tonic, soothing, antispasmodic and wound healing effect.

Sometimes there is an individual intolerance to geranium oil and an allergy to it. In such cases, its use can be harmful.

Care and cultivation at home

Pelargonium is a very unpretentious indoor plant. It can be grown not only on the windowsill, but also on the veranda or in the garden. It is good to take it out into the fresh air in the summer, and take it back to the apartment in the fall. The plant is drought-resistant, but with a strong drying of the soil begins to lose leaves. It is also impossible to fill it in - the roots immediately begin to rot.

Pelargonium loves bright light. In partial shade, the essential oil stops being produced, and the aroma disappears.

The soil should be neutral or alkaline, light and fertile. Can be used soil mixtures with enough peat and sand. Since February, the pelargonium is illuminated and begin to be fed, the formation of a bush is carried out. hybrid varieties propagated by cuttings.


Unlike medicinal preparations from other indoor plants, the use of geraniums has almost no contraindications. The exception is childhood when you can not use geranium juice inside. In some people, plants with a strong smell cause allergies.

Home care for fragrant pelargonium is simple. In addition, it fills the house with enchanting aromas, bringing peace, tranquility and creating a cozy atmosphere for living.

Geraniums (pelargonium, kalachiki) have a huge number of advantages and everyone knows it, and caring for geraniums in winter at home is only a pleasure, delighting with its greenery. There are more than 50 species of this plant. Indoor geranium fits well into any home interior and dilutes it with its bright and beautiful flowers, as it blooms all year round.

Geranium came to Europe from South Africa in the middle of the twentieth century, and immediately fell in love with aristocrats due to its ability to decorate. Over time, she became popular among ordinary people.

Geranium Care

Home care for geraniums is determined by its southern origin. This is a plant that loves the sun very much. It is better to put it in the house in the brightest place, especially in winter. In summer, pelargonium can be planted in open ground on the street. After getting into the fresh air, she takes on a luxurious look, and she has new leaves and flowers. Blooming geraniums should be periodically fed to keep the flowers bright and numerous. To do this, use a liquid fertilizer, which is diluted in ordinary water for irrigation. In summer, top dressing is done every second week. In winter this is not necessary. Geranium blooms in early spring and blooms until mid-winter. For the normal growth of room geraniums, the usual room temperature of 20 ° C is suitable. But these flowers do not like drafts. Water the balls with not very large amounts of water, but constantly. The soil for these plants should always be moist. During watering, it is necessary to avoid getting water on the leaves, for this reason spraying is never done.

When caring for pelargonium as a houseplant, many flower growers worry when its leaves begin to turn yellow. But this is quite normal. The yellowing of the leaves can be caused by natural dying off. This phenomenon is observed when geraniums are transferred from the street to the house in the fall, yellowed and fallen leaves are an inevitable and natural process. Thus, there is an adaptation to the changed conditions. Sometimes this happens because it's time to replace the pot with a larger one.

winter care

Geraniums do not tolerate cold well. Therefore, all care for pelargonium in the winter is to take care of the flower, which comes down to keeping it in a sunny, warm place. Even the slightest cold snap can lead to death of pelargonium.

One way to preserve the rolls in the winter is to place them in spacious pots that allow the roots to spread freely. Then you need to trim the geranium, leaving only half or a third of the height of the plant. Also, do not forget about regular watering and a sunny location.

Proper watering

Caring for room geraniums at home determines the presence of due attention to watering. In summer, it is watered abundantly, while avoiding waterlogging of the soil. In winter, watering geraniums should be moderate, and air humidity is low. Sometimes there is no flowering. This greatly upsets flower growers. The reason for this is often an excess of moisture in the soil.


For better flowering when caring for geraniums, a transplant is recommended. But only in the case when its roots in their development require a larger volume or in case of an accidental overflow of water during the irrigation process. When transplanting, it must be borne in mind that the kalachi do not like spacious pots.

When placing a flower in a new pot, it is necessary to take care of good drainage in order to avoid stagnant water after watering, otherwise rotting may occur at the roots. The composition of the substrate for geraniums does not need to add special ingredients. Ordinary soil, which can be purchased at the store, and even just earth from the garden, is well suited for it.


Indoor geranium is propagated using cuttings. With this type of reproduction, success is guaranteed. But this can be done with the help of seeds, which will allow the plant to grow more compact, with better flowering and larger inflorescences. But seeds require more attention and are troublesome and difficult for beginner growers.

When propagating pelargonium by cuttings, it is necessary to cut a stem 10 centimeters long from the top of the shoot with 4–5 leaves. Then it is placed in water for several days, and after the appearance of several roots, it is planted in a pot with soil. But there is another option, when the stalk is immediately planted in a light mixture of peat and sand, and installed in a semi-dark place, to accelerate the growth of the roots, not the stem. With regular watering of the plant, a full-fledged specimen of geranium will grow in 1–2 months.

Sowing is usually done in March to provide the plant with sufficient sunlight. Seeds pre-treated with a manganese solution are sown in a not very deep container that has good drainage. After laying out the seeds on the surface of the soil, they are slightly pressed into it. Then cover with polyethylene and place in a warm shaded place. After seed germination, the film is removed, opening access to fresh air. And when two leaves appear on the stem, they are seated in small pots or cups, at the bottom of which there is a mandatory hole to remove excess water during irrigation.

With proper care, indoor geranium lives up to 30 years, and all this time it will be able to delight everyone with its beautiful flowers almost all year round.

You will be interested to see photos and videos on caring for geraniums.

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