Pelargonium breeding care. Pelargonium royal: home care, photo, propagation by cuttings

Engineering systems 14.05.2019
Engineering systems

Royal Pelargonium is a flower that can be easily grown at home. It is often confused with geranium. The main difference between pelargonium and geranium is that in the second all the petals are the same size. Care and reproduction of this plant is quite simple.

Royal pelargonium: plant features

Except that the flower has petals different shapes(the bottom 3 petals are longer than the top 2), it has several main features:

  1. The flowers of this plant reach 15 cm in diameter.
  2. Variety of colors. To date, there is a wide variety of colors of this type.
  3. The size and number of flowers depends not only on timely watering, but also on lighting. This factor must be taken into account when planning plant care.
  4. The flowering period of this plant lasts much less than that of other species. In addition, the plant may not bloom at all if you choose the wrong care for this flower.
  5. Pelargonium can be grown both in the garden or on the balcony, and at home. It is worth noting that growing a flower on a windowsill is the safest and most comfortable for the plant, as it is whimsical to soil and air moisture.

Flower reproduction also occurs in a special way. In order to know how to care for this plant, you need to know the basic favorable conditions for its existence.

How to propagate and transplant pelargoniums?

It is recommended to transplant pelargonium at least 1 time in 2-3 years. If transplanted too often, the flowering of the plant will slow down. The optimal time for transplanting is spring. It is worth noting that during the same period it is advisable to carry out reproduction.

The note! During a flower transplant, it is also necessary to cut the shoots and remove dry leaves and stems.

It is necessary to transplant pelargonium in not big pot, where the roots will be a little cramped. The first time to cut and transplant pelargonium is preferably in the fall. During this period, you need to cut off weak shoots. In the spring, dry leaves are removed from the stems and the shoots are pruned. This must be done in order for the flower to grow faster. Pelargonium is cut off 6-7 weeks before flowering.

Reproduction (cutting) of pelargoniums

  1. Propagation by cuttings begins with cutting off stems 7-11 cm long. After that, the cuttings are planted in the ground.

    Important! You need to plant the stems in the ground after they lie down in the open air for 2-4 hours. As land, it is necessary to use a mixture containing peat and sand in equal proportions.

  2. In order for the stems to take root, a plastic bag must be put on the pot with cuttings.
  3. It is necessary to water the soil in a pot with cuttings periodically, maintaining constant humidity.
  4. After independent roots appear in the plants, it can be transplanted into a separate pot.

Thus, transplanting a plant with cuttings at home is quite simple.

Geranium Rooting Secrets


If you don't know why your plant is not blooming? Or why strange spots appear on it and it dies, make sure how proper care behind a flower.
The main frequent manifestation of a plant disease is root suppuration and drying of the lower leaves of the plant. In order to protect the flower at the time when it blooms, it is necessary to provide it with good care accompanied by sufficient light and water.

Usually, yellow leaves appear on the plant when it blooms at insufficient watering, as well as when it hits direct sun rays.

A large amount of water can lead to dropsy or root suppuration.

Based on the above, you can determine why your pet does not bloom. Remember, flowering depends on how well the care of the flower will be.

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AT ordinary life, such a flower is often called geranium, only this is an unusual geranium - royal. characteristic feature from a simple geranium, is the presence of a large cap of flowers of various colors.

The flower looks like pansies, since dark blotches are clearly visible in the middle along with light petals, but the leaves themselves do not differ from ordinary geraniums.

Royal pelargonium blooms from the very beginning of spring until late autumn, a houseplant, heat-loving. The flower does not need special care, it is only important to water it once a week.

The plant propagates by cuttings. Varieties this plant quite a lot, each of them has a unique color, leaf size, flower shape.


Growing pelargonium at home in a bowl, you need to provide it good conditions to make her happy beautiful flowers all summer. It is comfortable for the plant, in a room with enough air, the main thing is that there are no drafts.

AT summer time, gardeners love to plant Pelargonium on the terrace in beautiful bowls. You can decorate flower beds with such a flower, after planting it also in bowls, which are placed near other plants.

It is also necessary to ensure sufficient watering of Pelargonium. The plant does not like excess moisture, fill the soil large quantity water is unacceptable, watering should be carried out as the soil dries. If you pour a flower with a large amount of water, mold will form, the flower may get sick, and soon die.

Leaving Pelargonium on outdoor terrace, you need to make sure that the sun does not fall on it all day, moderate shading is necessary for the plant. It is necessary to limit pelargonium from rain. It is watered in the summer twice a day, in the winter one watering per day is enough.

The temperature at which Pelargonium feels great, blooms profusely, should vary from 18 to 26 degrees.

From late October to mid-May, Pelargonium is in a state of sleep, it is not necessary to touch the ground, irrigate it.

Before dormancy, it is necessary to remove dried leaves, tired shoots, this will provide a greater supply of nutrients and oxygen.

During the flowering period, the soil must be fertilized minerals. This should not be done during the rest period. Lush flowers can be found on young shoots, more mature shoots do not give such beauty, they just quickly stretch upwards.


The flower is propagated by cuttings. At the beginning of summer, cut off the tops of the stems. Place them in a jar of water. After some time, they will sprout, after which Pelargonium is planted in the ground.

High humidity in the soil should not be allowed, this leads to the death of the flower. Two days before transplanting the cuttings into the soil, you need to remove them from the jar, dry them a little, in order to avoid excessive moisture ingress.


To plant Pelargonium in a pot, you need to mix ordinary land with peat, or purchase ready-made soil in the store.

After harvesting the soil in a bowl, it must be moistened, then plant a plant. It is impossible to plant a flower in dry ground; in this case, you need to water the soil along the edges, without falling on the roots.

Planting cuttings pretty convenient way because the plant takes root quickly. At the beginning of the germination of a flower in the ground, it is not necessary to water much.

A month after landing in the ground, Pelargonium is taken out in the sun, not for the whole day, just for a couple of hours. This method perfectly prepares the plant for flowering outdoors.

Pelargonium is transplanted quite easily, you just need to carefully pull the plant out of the bowl, shake it off the old earth, and then place it in new ground. You need to transplant a flower in the spring, like most indoor plants.


A disease such as "black leg" can harm a flower. In this case, the stems begin to turn black close to the ground. It is necessary to eliminate this in a timely manner, since soon blackness will cover the entire plant.

Pelargonium can also be covered with rust, it appears on the leaves, rust, as a rule, does not touch the flowers.

Pelargonium is an unpretentious plant, with proper care it will delight with lush, beautiful flowers all sunny summer.

Photo of royal pelarnogy

If you turn to specialized literature, you can find out that royal pelargonium is also known under a number of other names - royal geranium, large-flowered geranium. For scientists, the name of the plant is more familiar as - Regal Pelargonium, Pelargonium grandiflorum. Pelargonium is a member of the Geraniaceae family and can grow up to 25–50 cm in height. However, this plant is best known as indoor flower that can explain it long period flowering and unpretentious care. The reproduction of royal pelargonium is simple and effective, since cuttings are most often used for it.

Types and varieties of royal pelargonium

Zonal pelargoniums.

Tulip-shaped. Highly beautiful variety pelargonium. This subgroup got its name due to half-open flowers, shaped like mini-tulips. They are collected in dense inflorescences, resembling small boutonnieres. They were bred in the USA in the late 60s. Most of all I liked such varieties from this category as: Red Pandora, Lilian Andrea, Marbacka Tulpan, Emmafran Bengtsbo, Patricia Andrea.

Rosebud. The flowers of this variety look like roses, the petals of which are neatly folded into buds. BUT a large number of terry flowers in one inflorescence forms a beautiful, fluffy ball. Such rose pelargoniums appeared at the end of the nineteenth century, and have since been bred great amount their varieties.

Carnations. The flowers of such pelargoniums are framed by petals with jagged edges. One gets the impression that the bush is dotted with tiny carnations.

Cactus. An interesting and extremely rare group of pelargoniums, which was released at the end of the nineteenth century. Their peculiarity is that each petal is wrapped in a kind of bundle, from which the flower caps take on a slightly disheveled look.

Ivy Pelargoniums.

Ivy (ampel) pelargoniums have long occupied their niche among numerous species and varieties. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that their stems are not erect, but long and hanging down (their height can vary from 30 to 100 cm).


Unique - "elder" among pelargoniums. In the second half of the 18th century, this specimen was bred with carved leaves, beautiful flowers and a fragrant smell. The species became especially widespread in the Victorian era, when almost no garden of the nobility could do without several representatives of this variety.

Fragrant pelargoniums.

Not everyone will like the smell of pelargonium, which it emits if you accidentally touch its leaves. But there are varieties that simply smell fragrant, filling the house with a variety of wonderful aromas. At first glance, these are completely nondescript plants, with rare, modest flowers. But this group is valued not for beauty, but for the ability to refresh and flavor the air. If you want to smell spruce or pine, you can put a pot of Orsett, Clorinda, Fernleaf, Fair Ellen in the room.

Care for royal pelargonium at home

Pelargonium loves good lighting, but it should be protected from direct sunlight. If there is little light, then its inflorescences will be small. It can be located in any bright place in the apartment with the exception of the north side.

AT winter period due to lack of light, pelargonium is kept at a low temperature (about 15 degrees). It must be placed in the light in a cool room so that the pelargonium rests. If she is not allowed to rest in the winter, then her shoots will stretch, and she will stop blooming, which over time can lead to the death of the plant.

Growing royal pelargonium implies careful attention to watering the plant, because if the soil dries out strongly, it will stop blooming. If the soil is too wet, then the pelargonium may begin to hurt. For irrigation use settled water at room temperature. It is necessary to water the flower when the top earthen layer is already dry. Additionally, you need to spray the leaves of pelargonium before it begins to bloom.

Pelargonium is planted in sod land, to which peat and sand are added. As additional fertilizers, products that contain a smaller amount of nitrogen are used.

In spring and summer, the plant is fed once a month.

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Watering royal pelargonium at home

As for watering, the plant loves water. Therefore, water it abundantly, but do not let the water stagnate, she is very afraid of him. In addition, waterlogging is more dangerous than drying out the soil. If the soil dries out, then there is a better chance of saving the plant. But frequent waterlogging causes root rot. And if the roots began to rot, then the plant is almost impossible to save. And do not forget to pamper your beauty regularly. nutrients especially during flowering. Therefore, during the active period, pelargonium is fed every 10 days. But during the dormant period, it is better to refuse top dressing.

Fertilizer for royal pelargonium at home

At home, geraniums can be fed with milk formula by dissolving 100 ml of milk in a liter of water. Use alternating with regular watering. Ash mixed dry with soil will help replenish potassium reserves; or ash solution added as an auxiliary top dressing. For the abundant flowering of the plant, complex means and feeding systems are not required. It is enough to provide the flower with nutrient soil, and in the spring and summer, give a full range of mineral fertilizers, paying close attention to watering with iodine. Reasonably dosed top dressing, which includes, in addition to the three main components, also magnesium, calcium, sulfur, zinc, iron, iodine, will provide the owner of the geranium abundant flowering at home throughout the year.

Transplantation of royal pelargonium at home

First of all, we look at the state of the flower. If it is in the flowering stage, you should wait for the end of the process and replant 4-5 days after completion.

If the pelargonium does not bloom, we take new pot of a suitable size, since the plants are usually sold in small shipping containers and the flower is transplanted into it. We also replace the soil with a new one, because in stores they mainly use a temporary substitute in which the plant will not be able to fully develop.

Light is suitable for pelargonium fertile soil, it is best to mix sand, turf and leaf ground and humus in a ratio of 1:2:2:2. At the bottom of the pot, be sure to lay out a drainage layer of expanded clay, broken brick, pebbles or other coastal pebbles. We carefully remove the pelargonium from the old container, without washing or shaking off the roots strongly, and place it in a new soil. Sprinkle with earth on top, carefully closing root system. At the end of the procedure, water the plant.

Reproduction of royal pelargonium

Like all types of geranium, the royal one is propagated by cuttings. But unlike other geraniums, the royal geranium does not tolerate reproduction and begins to act up. Therefore, certain conditions must be created.

Propagation by cuttings is carried out in spring and summer. It is important that the air temperature in spring be 18–20 degrees, and in summer a maximum of 25. At other temperatures, rooting problems may occur.

Prepare the ground ahead of time. In soddy soil, add sand one to one or peat, sand and perlite, also in equal proportions. Pour the previously prepared soil with boiling water or a solution of potassium permanganate. Using a sharp knife, cut the stems and leave a small margin under the bottom leaf. Cut the cuttings so that each has 2-3 buds. trim bottom sheet by making an oblique cut.

Dry the cutting and plant in the soil. After planting, the cuttings are usually not watered. You can just spray with warm water. After about 3 weeks, the cutting takes root. After that, pinch the central stem, and the plant will begin to branch. Top dressing can be carried out two weeks after rooting.

It is not necessary to repot the plant often. It does not like this because of its capriciousness.

So, here are the basic rules for caring for this beautiful geranium:

  • place geranium pots in well-lit areas;
  • do not overheat, observe the temperature regime;
  • do not expose to direct sunlight;
  • do not leave in the rain;
  • ventilate the room;
  • water moderately, avoiding getting water on the leaves and the flowers themselves;
  • feed before each flowering;
  • do not repot often;
  • The plant affected by the whitefly must be isolated from warm, dry air. If the flower is heavily infested, shed the soil with actara three times in 6 to 7 days. In the future, for the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to inspect the leaves from the underside.

    On the initial stage whitefly can be easily washed off with water. To prevent its spread, you need to wash the leaves laundry soap, and then cover the flower with a bag for half an hour. To prevent soapy water from running into the pot, cover the surface of the soil with polyethylene.

    Among the diseases of royal pelargoniums, the black leg is most common. The reasons for its appearance may be: low temperature, dense, waterlogged soil, too large a pot. This disease is most susceptible to cuttings, as well as young plants that have not yet lignified stems. Since it is almost impossible to save the plant, it is necessary to re-root it.

Royal - originating from South America. It was brought to Europe in the 18th century, and since then many varieties have been bred by breeders. In this article we will talk about royal pelargonium, about caring for a flower at home, and you can also see a photo.

Short description

This flower small, can reach up to 60 cm in height. The plant has erect and stems. The bush is completely covered with emerald-colored leaves, which have a rough surface and a light fluff. Pelargonium inflorescences are large, and with proper care they can reach 25 cm in diameter.

On average, the diameter of inflorescences is 15 cm. Peduncles have different length: 5 to 10 cm. The flower itself grows up to 7 cm in diameter. Shapes and colors can be very different: purple, orange and purple, red and pink. Buds can be plain or with contrasting inclusions. Flowers may have wavy, ruffled, or smooth edges.

blooms royal plant, unlike the usual one, not for long, about 4 months. Flowers look great on window sills, balconies and suspended in.

Popular varieties

Consider the popular varieties of royal pelargonium with a photo:

Did you know? Essential oil geranium, which is obtained from the green part of the plant, is very valuable medicine. It is also used in aromatherapy to calm the mind and uplift the mood.

What to look for when buying

It is best to buy a flower in proven places. When buying pelargonium, pay attention to the condition of the inflorescences and the bush. They shouldn't be wilted. There should be no damage on the leaves - this may indicate the presence of diseases.

Do I need to repot the plant after purchase

Most flowers are sold in disposable containers and with an unsuitable substrate. Therefore, after buying a flower, it is recommended to transplant.

Important!Transplant the plant only if it does not bloom.

To prepare a substrate for pelargonium, use 1 part of sand and 2 parts each, leaf and sod land. If it is not possible to prepare the mixture yourself, then you can buy a regular one in the store. nutrient substrate for flowers. The pot should match the size of the root system. You should not take a large container, since in it the pelargonium will go green, and you can not wait for flowering.

Follow-up home care

Pelargonium (geranium) royal requires some care at home.

Location and lighting

In order for the royal plant to bloom densely, it needs good lighting. If you place the royal flower in, then it will grow, but will not give buds or flowering will be short-lived.

To provide required amount light flower must be placed on the south. But you need to make sure that bright rays do not fall on the plant, otherwise they can burn the leaves. In winter, the royal flower needs an auxiliary one, because due to a lack of light, the stems are pulled out.

Temperature regime

During the hot season optimum temperature for pelargonium should not exceed 24 ° C. In winter, the flower will feel good at 12-15 ° C. If the plant overheats or stands in a draft, then flowering can not be expected.


Royal Pelargonium loves moisture, so you need a plentiful one. But stagnant water must not be allowed. On hot days, the flower is necessary 2 times a day. Reduce in winter. Pelargonium does not like when water gets on the leaves, so the flower is not recommended. And the plant needs to be rooted.

top dressing

The royal plant should be fertilized regularly - in spring and summer this is done once every 2 weeks. It is necessary to feed the flower, which includes 3 components: magnesium,. Ready complexes with additional additives can be bought. If fertilizers are made independently, then you need to take equal parts. And before flowering, increase the composition of potassium and reduce nitrogen.

To increase the number of buds, flower growers recommend adding: 1 drop of iodine is diluted in 1 liter of warm water. This solution should be watered along the wall of the pot so that there are no burns. For one plant use 50 ml of solution.

Important!The main thing is not to overdo it with top dressing, this will lead to yellowing of the leaves.


Pruning of royal pelargonium (geranium) is carried out for lush flowering and in order to make the flower shape compact. This should be done after flowering. Basically, this is done at the end and at the beginning. The second wave of pruning is carried out after 1.5 months, so as not to injure the pelargonium.
Pruning rules:

  • it is necessary to cut, taking into account the characteristics of the plant - the flower should be small and have the shape of a bush;
  • the procedure is carried out with a sharp disinfected knife or at the level of the leaf node;
  • slices should be processed;
  • stems growing inward must be completely removed.
Trimming order:
  • you need to remove wilted stems and inflorescences that have faded;
  • it is worth trimming the dried leaves;
  • you need to carefully examine the pelargonium and determine which shoots are best cut to get a beautiful crown;
  • bare and long stems are removed;
  • in a flower that is preparing for wintering, it is necessary to cut off the third part of the main stem.

Features of care in the winter

In October, the royal pelargonium begins a period of rest, which lasts until March. Flower care at this time is almost not required. The main thing is to prevent the coma from drying out. Feeding stops. To be in winter time the flower should be at a temperature of 12-15 ° C. Also, with the help of additional lighting, it is necessary to extend the daylight hours for geraniums so that the stems do not stretch much from lack of light.

How often to transplant

Many are interested in the question of why it does not bloom royal geranium. One solution to this problem can be a timely plant transplant. This must be done at least once every 2-3 years. It is also not recommended to carry out the procedure more often - flowering may slow down in pelargonium.

The flower should be transplanted into a small pot so that the roots are placed just in it. The container must have drainage holes. Special attention you need to give yourself, which will not allow water to stagnate. Broken brick, sea pebbles or expanded clay can be used as drainage.

Diseases and pests: prevention and treatment

Pelargonium diseases include:

  1. Gray rot. This disease develops due to excess moisture in and a high nitrogen content in it. Brown spots appear on leaves and stems. A gray coating appears on all parts of the plant. The flower must be transplanted into a new soil and processed, such as Rovral, Vitaros.
  2. Root and stem rot. This disease is evidenced by a black root neck, which begins to rot. The leaves become pale, and later they turn yellow and wither. The cause of such a disease is increased moisture and reduced moisture. It is recommended to fight rot with the preparations "Biporam", "Fitolavin".
  3. Late blight. The flower is affected by the fungus and quickly withers and rots. The fungus is mainly transmitted from, but can be transferred from another plant by a draft. The disease develops due to high humidity. Pelargonium leaves turn pale, the plant slows down in growth. You can also notice a white fluff in the focus of rot. The plant is treated with. Damaged parts of the plant must be removed, and the sections treated with charcoal. A transplant into a sterile pot and substrate is required.
  4. Eden. Tubercles and growths form on the leaves. This disease appears due to waterlogging.

Almost every indoor plant lover has this one in their collection. beautiful flower. In the common people, it is known as geranium, there are many varieties and varieties of it. It decorates the windowsill with bright flowering inflorescences of different shades, and the flowering period lasts almost all year round with proper care. The scientific name is royal pelargonium. Let's talk about how pelargonium propagates by cuttings, and let's not forget to consider home care.

This is pelargonium (photo):

Description and features of the plant

Pelargonium royal is a small shrub, because its stems are well branched. However, they are quite fragile, with long petioles. Leaves that have round shape and lobed edges, emit a characteristic aroma when rubbed with the fingers. The flowers of the plant resemble spherical umbrellas in shape, formed at the ends of thin long stems. At home, it is possible to grow almost any color - from white to all shades of red and inky purple. With proper care, you can admire the bright flowering bushes from spring to October, and sometimes throughout the winter.

Pelargonium - care

For geraniums, good lighting, light spaces, warmth are important. But at the same time, she does not like direct sunlight, scorching rays, so she needs shading. They feel good both in rooms and on open, semi-shaded balconies. When grown on balconies, the plant must be protected from rain.

In order for good buds to start by spring, it is necessary not to stimulate and maintain flowering for the winter, but to withstand flower pots in cool places at a temperature not higher than 15 degrees and good lighting.

It happens that there is no way to care for the plant in the winter. In this case, you can remove them from the pots, remove some of the leading shoots, and clean the root part from the ground. Wrap each bush with newspaper and place in a cool room, if possible - in the basement or in the cellar. In March, remove the bushes from the newspapers and place them back in pots.

When flowering in the autumn-summer period, pelargonium needs liquid top dressing. In order for the plant to bloom better, it must be pruned. Even if the trunks are already too lignified, they can produce shoots and young branches.

Watering is carried out as the soil dries up, but pelargonium does not tolerate excess moisture. Pelargonium at home will grow better if you use water after settling, you can also water it with rain or melt water. How to prepare melt water, you can read on the site using the search.

Possible pelargonium diseases and pests

The main reasons for the appearance of diseases or pests is a violation of the rules of maintenance. For example, if yellowing leaves are found, then the plant is hot, watering is insufficient or there is not enough top dressing. Also, wilting leaves can signal that the plant needs a larger pot.

If the soil is waterlogged, the leaves may become covered with rust or moldy spots. Well, if the tops are pulled out, and the lower leaves fall off, then your pet does not have enough lighting.

Check the undersides of the leaves regularly for aphids, spider mites, or whiteflies. Upon detection, it is immediately treated with fungicidal compounds or even transplanted into other pots with the replacement of the entire soil.

Royal pelargonium - propagation by cuttings

Absolutely any variety at home can be propagated using cuttings. This is easy to do: you need to cut off a small stalk below the location of its internode, making a cut at an angle of 45 degrees. Royal pelargonium cuttings, although they give roots in water, do it reluctantly and often rot.

After pruning, it is recommended to treat the cuttings with charcoal, leave to dry for 4-5 hours. Then they are planted in a sand-peat mixture or a composition of peat and perlite. Very convenient to use and peat tablets that are sold in every flower shop.

Each cutting should be planted in a separate pot. At improper care or the appearance of diseases and pests, there is a chance that some plants will still be accepted. As soon as rooting occurs, the plants are transplanted into a full-fledged soil mixture.

After transplantation, the cuttings are pinched to stimulate branching and the active appearance of buds. The first pinching is carried out above the third pair of leaves, then - as it grows and the need for branching. During the growing season, the plant must be fertilized with compounds in which the percentage of nitrogen does not exceed 11%. With an increase in nitrogen concentration, the plant will go more into growth than into flowering. Flowering activators can be used no earlier than 9-10 months after the full rooting of pelargonium.

Why is it worth keeping royal pelargonium at home?

It is believed that this plant creates a favorable, calm atmosphere in the room, softening anger, negative energy and anger. The aroma that the leaves emit has a calming effect on babies, neutralizes aggression and whims.

Pelargonium royal enriches the air, filling it with healing phytoncides and releasing negatively charged oxygen ions. These ions perfectly purify the air, filling a person with energy, normalizing the work of the heart and eliminating inflammatory processes.

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