What color is an onion. Types and varieties of onions with a description

Encyclopedia of Plants 30.06.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

The quality and quantity of the crop depends on the correct choice of onion varieties. When choosing it, you need to take into account the weather conditions of the region and the intended purpose of the vegetable. All types of onions differ in terms of ripening, the shape, color and taste of turnips, and the duration of storage of the crop.

The cultivation of onions took place about 4 thousand years ago in Asia. In Russia, they learned about this vegetable crop in the middle of the 12th century, since then almost no dish can do without onions. The vegetable has medicinal properties and is widely used in folk medicine.

All varieties, like onions, differ in growth, appearance, taste, ripening time. There are about 900 varieties of onions, but only 220 species are grown on land. The most common types of onions: turnip, batun, shallot, leek, slime, branched, multi-tiered, chives, fragrant.

Varieties of onions

Varieties of onions by the amount of essential oils and sugar content:

  • spicy varieties with a sugar content of 11%;
  • semi-sweet varieties of onions contain 8% sugar;
  • sweet varieties in their composition have about 5% sugar.

The sweetest varieties of onions contain the least sugar, but they also have the least essential oils. It is essential oils that give the taste bitterness and sharpness. Below is a list of types of onions in demand among gardeners with names and descriptions.


It is better to choose an unpretentious variety of onions with good yields and long-term storage.

The best productive varieties include: Aleko, Golden, Timiryazevsky. Varieties of early ripening are: Carmen, Bogatyrskaya force, Red Semko. For a long time, turnips do not lose their density and taste in onion varieties: Sturon, Orion, Stuttgarter.

Onions love fertile, loose soil with neutral acidity. Actively develops in good light and air temperature above +15 degrees. The culture makes special demands on irrigation during the formation of the underground part. Superphosphate, ammonium nitrate, potassium salt are suitable as a fertilizer.

Vegetables can be grown from seeds. Seeds are planted in the prepared soil - nigella. Sewing will be ready next year. Onion seeds can be bought at the store or collected by yourself. Black seeds are in boxes on the arrows that the onion head releases after planting.

Seeds are sorted, sorted, disinfected and germinated before sowing. Furrows are made on the prepared site at a distance of 20 cm. The seeds are deepened by 2–3 cm.

You can plant sevok. For planting, heads no larger than 2.5 cm in size are selected. The sevok is heated, disinfected and soaked in growth stimulants. As soon as the soil warms up to 10 degrees, the sowing is deepened by 5 cm.

Sevok begins to be planted before winter when the air temperature drops to -3 at night. It is better to choose a sunny place, without stagnant moisture. The best varieties of onions for the winter are: Ellan, Bessonovsky, Arzamas, Chalcedony.

Care consists in regular watering, loosening the soil after watering and rains, weeding, fertilizing and treating pests and diseases. The first feeding is carried out two weeks after planting. You can prepare a solution of chicken manure. Two weeks later, a second top dressing is carried out. The third fertilization coincides with the period of active head formation.


Leek is a biennial herbaceous plant. It has a lot in common with onions. It is distinguished by the absence of a round bulb; long, wide leaves and stem are used for food. The length of the leaves can reach one meter.

All types of onions are divided according to the timing of ripening. Early onion varieties begin to ripen after 140 days, mid-ripening after 165 days, late-ripening leeks can be harvested after 180 days or more.

Leek varieties that can be grown from seed: Kamus, Bastion, Tango, Mercury, Greywing, Vesta, Goliath.

The most common is the seedling method of planting vegetables. Sowing seeds begins in late February or early March. Transplantation of adult seedlings is carried out in mid-May. Leek grows best in loamy soil. In autumn and spring, when digging the land, it is recommended to add humus or compost.

Leek care requires careful and attentive:

  • watering should be plentiful and regular;
  • loosen the earth should be every week;
  • hilling is carried out once every two weeks;
  • in order to get a rich harvest for the entire growing season, it is desirable to make at least two top dressings;
  • be sure to destroy weeds in a timely manner.

The harvested crop is best stored with green leaves. This will allow the white stem not to lose juiciness and nutritional components.


The difference between shallots and onion varieties is the formation of several oblong bulbs at the base of the nest, small in size and a greater number of thin feathers. The pulp of turnip tastes sweet, without bitterness.

According to the aging time, there are:

  • early ripe varieties: Cascade, Emerald, Family, Jasper, Belozerets;
  • mid-season species: Airat, Blondin, Kuban, Bistro, Andreyka;
  • with late boundaries of bulb ripening: Krepysh, Siberian amber, Ural violet, Vonsky.

All varieties of shallots have good disease resistance and drought tolerance. Shallots can be planted in spring and autumn. It is better to choose a sunny, non-acidic, fertile, loose soil for planting. Can be grown from seeds and bulbs.

The plant after planting should be watered frequently and plentifully. During the season, it is recommended to fertilize three times, the last application should be three weeks before harvest. In order for the vegetable crop to receive a sufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients, it is necessary to loosen and weed the soil.

It is imperative to carry out preventive treatment from pests (onion flies and nematodes, worms most often appear) and diseases (powdery mildew, fusarium, neck rot are found).


Before growing shallots, you need to get acquainted with the description of the variety. Oblong brown-white or purple-red bulbs are formed small, up to 20 pieces. They taste more delicate, fragrant and sweet than onion vegetables.

The aerial part consists of a false stem and numerous tubular, bright green leaves. Schnitt begins to bloom in the second year of growth, in May. In August, instead of flowers, a box with seeds is formed. Young leaves are eaten, which are cut 2-3 times per season.

A landing site should be chosen protected from direct sunlight. The soil must be fertile and moist. Care is standard and involves weeding, loosening, fertilizing.

Popular varieties of chives are: Bohemia, Crocus, Albion, Medonos, Siberian, Velta. They can be grown both outdoors and in a greenhouse.

Fragrant onion

Fragrant onions are distinguished by long, flat leaves of dark green color. The bulb does not form, instead a long stem with a diameter of 2 cm is formed. It tastes juicy with a garlic flavor. The fragrant plant is named for the delicate aroma of inflorescences.

The plant does not require special growing conditions, but grows well on loose, fertile soils with neutral acidity. Does not make special demands on light, tolerates cold well. Leaf growth continues until snow.

In spring, new leaves appear in place of old leaves. Greens for food begin to be used only in the second year of plant growth. During the season it is cut three times.

The fragrant vegetable can be propagated by seeds or by dividing the bush. Seeds begin to be sown at the end of April or before winter, at the beginning of October. The division of the bushes is best done in the spring. Popular hybrid varieties of fragrant onions: Fragrant, Aprior, Benefit, Astrologer, Piquant, Dzhusai, Oriental.

Tiered onion

What kind of vegetable is there? There are the following varieties of multi-tiered onions, which are known among vegetable growers: Gribovsky 38, Likova, Odessa Winter, Memory.

Tiered bow has an unusual appearance. Instead of inflorescences, large air bulbs are formed on the tubular arrow, which are called bulbs. The plant forms several arrows with bulbs located at different levels. The leaves are juicy and pleasant in taste, the bulbs have a slightly bitter taste.

The plant is characterized by high resistance to diseases and pests, unpretentious and easy to grow. It tolerates drought and frost well. As planting material, you can use both ground bulbs and the underground part.

The soil on the site should be light, loose, breathable and fertile. To get a good harvest, fertilizers must be applied to the soil. Care consists in moderate watering, loosening the soil, weeding from weeds and timely fertilization.


Lettuce onion is a perennial herbaceous plant. The bulb is formed small and not juicy, with thin scales. They don't store well in the winter. Only tubular leaves and stems are used for food. The plant is characterized by excellent greenery with a pleasant, delicate aftertaste. Popular varieties are: April, Giant, Russian Winter.

Batun is very useful for the human body, the product has a high content of vitamins, trace elements, essential oils.

For planting a batun, you need to choose wet, but not wetlands. First, the earth is dug up and organic matter is introduced. When growing an annual crop, sowing begins in early spring. For cultivation as a perennial plant, sowing is carried out in summer or autumn. Seeds are deepened by 1-2 cm.

After the emergence of seedlings, thinning is carried out, leaving a distance of 2.5 cm. When thinning again, the distance is increased to 6 cm. Otherwise, the care is no different.

Aging Buchu Bow

Buchu onion is a wild plant that grows on gravelly slopes, in the mountains, and can be found in the steppes. It is found everywhere in Mongolia, China, Korea. In Korea, onions are grown for human consumption. The juicy ground part is edible only in spring, in summer the stem and leaves of the plant become coarse and acquire a bitter taste.

There are 4 types of Puchu:

  1. The European variety produces long, narrow and straight leaves.
  2. The Altai-Sayan species is distinguished by short, straight leaves.
  3. The Trans-Baikal species can be recognized by its powerful bush and short, recurved leaves.
  4. The Far Eastern species has long, spirally folded leaves.

The ripening period begins at the end of summer. The taste of the leaves by this time acquires a pungent aftertaste. Bulbs are cut into rings, dried and added during the preparation of first courses.


Strigunovsky onion belongs to the northern group of plants. For full development, he needs a length of daylight hours of 15-17 hours. The bulb is round, slightly elongated at the base, weighs 50 g, with a spicy taste. The scales become yellow at the time of maturation.

The turnip ripens early. The yield of the variety is high, it is well stored all winter, until the next harvest, does not impose special requirements for care.


Tenaz onion seeds have an average turnip ripening time. It takes 100 days to fully mature. Dense bulbs weigh 90 g, the taste is semi-sharp. Their shape is rounded, the scales are golden yellow. The yield is consistently high, the storage of the crop is long.


Mid-season hybrids include onions of the Valentino variety. The turnip is round, dense, weighing about 110 g. The scales are brown, the flesh is white and juicy with a semi-sharp taste.

Under good conditions, you can harvest a rich harvest that can be stored for up to 5 months. The variety is resistant to adverse factors, high resistance to diseases, especially pink root rot.


It is worth getting acquainted with the description of the Bessonovsky onion variety, which has good characteristics. The bulbs are small in size, weigh 50 g, rounded in shape, slightly flattened. The pulp tastes sharp, spicy. The scales are golden yellow.

The harvested crop can be stored for up to 9 months, while maintaining taste and presentation. The variety belongs to early ripe crops, you can collect a turnip in the last days of July. The plant is characterized by medium resistance to diseases.


The yield of the variety is high, it is characterized by drought resistance and rarely suffers from fungal diseases. The crop is suitable for long-term storage, while maintaining taste and presentation.

Green banner

The high-yielding onion Green Banner has an early fruit ripening period. Bow type batun. The plant forms erect leaves up to 50 cm long, dark green in color with a waxy coating.

They retain juiciness for a long time and do not grow coarse. Green leaves are frozen, dried and used in cooking. The variety is disease-resistant, especially well resists Fusarium and pink root rot.


Onion hybrid Golden Semko is recommended to be grown on a turnip from seeds. The hybrid has early ripening terms, which leave 73 days. A dense, rounded bulb weighing 90 g is formed. Dry scales are bright yellow. The taste of white pulp is semi-sharp.

Taste and commercial qualities are preserved for 6 months. Good development is noted even with irregular watering and high air temperatures.


In the description of the Danilovsky onion variety, high yields and good disease resistance are noted. Belongs to the onion type of vegetable crop. Turnip ripening begins after 100 days. Dry scales of a purple hue. The taste of light purple pulp is semi-sharp. The shape of the bulb is flat-round, weight 100 g.

yellow dragonfly

The yellow dragonfly with excellent characteristics belongs to the mid-season onion variety. The period from germination to mass lodging of tops is 100 days. The bulb is small, round, slightly flattened. Dry scales of straw-yellow color. Pulp of sweet taste, bulb weight 60 g.

Sterling F1

Onion hybrid Sterling F1 is recommended for growing on turnips as an annual plant from seeds and as a biennial plant from sets. Belongs to the late-ripening, onion culture. Dry outer scales are white. The taste of the pulp is semi-sharp. The mass of a round bulb is 120 g. The yield is high.

Siberia F1

Onion Siberia F1 is recommended to be grown on a turnip from seeds. Refers to an early ripe culture. The white flesh is semi-sharp in taste. The bulb weighs 100 g. Dry scales are colored yellow-brown. It tolerates frost well, the variety is resistant to diseases and pests.


Growing Elan onions from seeds is not difficult. Bulbs of a round-flat shape ripen early, their weight is 110 g. The husk is yellow, the flesh is white. The taste is soft, sweetish.

Seeds are frost-resistant, germinate even at a temperature of +1 degree. Before winter, they are sown a month before the onset of frost. Bulbs will begin to form in mid-May. The succulent bulbs are harvested in a mule, they are not stored for a long time.


The description of the winter onion hybrid of the Senshui variety notes early ripening, frost resistance, high yield and disease resistance.

The plant reaches a height of 50 cm. The leaves are wide dark green. The head is rounded, slightly flattened. Outside golden yellow, inner scales white. Bulb weight 170 g.

Hybrid Kaoba

The Kaoba onion hybrid has an average ripening time. From the moment of planting to ripening, 110 days pass. Belongs to the onion type of vegetable crop. The fruits are round with a smooth yellow-brown surface.

The variety is characterized by high yield, long shelf life, high resistance to diseases and pests.


Salad onions are easy to grow, do not require special care and take up little space. The vegetable crop grows rapidly and is rarely subject to disease. All types of salad vegetables grow well in fertile, compacted soils. Harvest is stored no more than 4 months. Bulbs contain many useful components.

The varieties of the salad group include: Exhibition, Yalta, Ermak. The flesh of the bulbs is juicy with a pleasant semi-sharp, spicy aftertaste.

Choose to your taste

Each type and variety of onions is suitable for cooking individual dishes (salads, canning, stewing, baking). Cultivation involves the passage of the same stages. Be sure to prepare planting material, choose a place for planting, regularly water seedlings, fertilize, loosen and weed.

When choosing the type of vegetable crop, attention should be paid to the ripening time, yield, and it is imperative to study the main characteristics: color, taste and head size, suitability of leaves for food, and care requirements.

Vegetable growers have been choosing the Strigunov variety for many years. The taste of the onion is sharp and juicy. The ripening period lasts 80 days. Harvest can be stored for a long time without losing taste.

Onion Golden Semko forms a large rounded head (weight 100 g) in a short time. The taste is semi-sharp. The crop is stored perfectly for a long time. It is not affected by diseases and has a high yield.

" Onion

Onions are used to prepare many dishes, so any housewife, when choosing crops for growing on her plot, prefers several varieties at once. Variety in the beds allows you to create new masterpieces in the kitchen, and at the same time improve in gardening. In this article, we will find out what types of onions are, domestic and wild, talk about their description and find out the main characteristics.

Taking over the experience of their ancestors, preference is often given to the same varieties of onions when planting a vegetable garden. It's time to change stereotypes, improve and achieve new results, because the dish can sparkle with new flavor notes if you use Setton or Leek instead of the usual onion. Moreover, in central Russia, a large number of varieties can be planted, as practice has shown. Though lettuce, even green. And then we will find out where which species can grow.

To determine the choice of seeds of bulbous plants, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of different species, their preferences and the nuances of planting. It is also worth paying attention to the correspondence of the growing conditions of the culture and the climate of the region. This will be discussed in this article.

The most popular varieties of onions

All varieties of culture differ not only in taste, but also in the rules of planting, ripening period, and yield.

Onion sets

  • Chalcedony grows outdoors, is very popular among gardeners in the southern regions of Russia. Suitable for growing feathers and root crops. The ripening period (from planting to harvesting) is 95-110 days. An average of 4 kg is removed from a square meter with a marketable weight of one small copy of 85-100 gr. Sometimes there are onions weighing up to 400 gr. There is a good immunity to peronosporosis, vulnerability to neck rot. Taste: pleasant with a slight spiciness.
  • early ripening, from sowing to harvesting takes about 3 months. Round-flat onions weigh 150-250 g on average, but there are also giants up to 350 g. The plant rarely shoots arrows, does not become covered with spots characteristic of downy mildew. Taste: sharp with a sharp aroma.
  • Souball is characterized by large rounded bulbs with an average weight of up to 200 gr. The root crop ripens about 100-110 days, gives a good harvest. Taste: delicate with a slight hint of spiciness, mainly used for salads.

Onion (turnip)

  • Goldenseal represents a mid-season look, is distinguished by rounded onions of medium size weighing about 60-70 gr. Used for greenery and growing turnips for planting next season. The middle is white and juicy with a slight point.
  • Shaman belongs to early ripening varieties, ripens in 86-95 days. The root crop has an elongated shape, a pink-red rather juicy middle. The average weight of a turnip is 55-65 gr. Advantages: stable high yield, high taste qualities. Stored for a short time.
  • Oporto ripens in 98-107 days, belongs to the mid-season species. The weight of the turnip reaches 270-300 gr., The shape is correct rounded. Advantages: high yield when using seedlings, immunity to diseases and pests, retains its presentation for a long time. Taste qualities allow the use of porto for all types of processing.

Varieties of lettuce

  • matures for about 130 days, tastes very sweet with abundant juice secretion. Turnips are round and very large, reaching 550 gr., but there are also specimens of 700-800 gr. The only disadvantage of the culture is a small storage period (no more than 3 months).
  • enjoys incredible popularity due to its excellent taste. The plant matures in 138-150 days, the turnips are large, flattened purple, reaching an average of 200 gr. In the middle lane, you can grow a variety using seedlings. Onions will keep for up to 4 months.
  • Ermak holds the record for aging, the crop is removed 75-95 days after sowing. It has good immunity, long shelf life (until the next season). A gastronomic feature is a soft juicy structure with a slight spiciness.

Onion Yalta

Red onion

  • The crimson ball ripens in 85-95 days, annually gives a stable harvest. Dark purple round turnips justify the name. The middle is juicy with a pleasant taste, tinted with a light point. The disadvantage is a short shelf life (up to 4 months).
  • Campillo F1 introduces red onion hybrid, which has a rounded shape with a dense center and a pleasant purple tint. Advantage - the pigment is not transferred to kitchen utensils and fabric. Taste qualities: delicate structure with abundant juice release, well-palpable sweetness. It can be stored for a long time without losing its properties.
  • Retro is famous for its high yield and fast maturation (up to 90 days). The middle is tender dark red with white stripes. Onions are very sweet without spiciness, so they are even added to children's salads.

white bow

  • Albenka is characterized by rapid maturation (up to 95 days) and interesting taste qualities that combine light spiciness and sweetness. Grown for greens and onion sets. Not suitable for long term storage.
  • White globe has good seed germination and fast maturation. Harvest can be done 95-105 days after planting. A rounded, slightly elongated turnip weighs 160 g on average. The variety has a high stable yield, immunity to Fusarium.
  • Sterling is a group of white onion hybrids with a maturity of 110-120 days. The mass of an average turnip is 120-200 gr. The shape is rounded with a white husk. The middle is soft and juicy with an unusual taste, not similar to other types. The storage of the root crop is short (3-5 months), but during cultivation, immunity to many diseases and pests is noted.

sweet bow

  • Kaba ripens in 145-155 days, is immune to disease. Productivity is stable, stored up to 4-5 months. The weight of a round turnip with a slight pressure is 80-125 gr. The middle is dense, but sweet and juicy.
  • Globo ripens for 110-125 days, the size of the root crop is a real giant. The weight of one onion reaches 600-900 gr. The taste is delicate, sweetish, ideal for salads and various other dishes. Growing a crop from seedlings, you can get a crop from 1m2 to 12 kg.
  • Spanish 313 differs in productivity, immunity to diseases and pests, suitable for fresh consumption and processed. The weight of an average turnip is 120-150 gr., The shape is round and large. Onions have long been recognized by domestic gardeners and are popular due to their unpretentious care and sweet flavor notes. Productivity from 1m2 - 4-5 kg.

Names of onion varieties for storage

  • has a dark red color, the onion is rounded slightly flattened. The plant matures in just 90-95 days, the weight of the turnip is 95-110 grams. Advantages: stable high yield, light taste with a small spiciness.
  • Volsky Bow prefers nutritious light soils. The root crop ripens in 120-140 days with an average weight of 90-140 gr. The turnip grows in such a way that the top is on top of the ground, which makes it easier to collect. Taste features: sharpness is well felt.
  • Orion represents an exclusive hybrid that English breeders have been working on for a long time. The variety ripens quickly, which makes it possible to grow a crop even in the northern regions. The turnip has a regular rounded shape of a beautiful purple color, weighing an average of 150-200 grams. Orion is very popular among gardeners, but most likely it will not grow either in the Moscow region or in the Urals.

The best bulbs for the Moscow region

  • gained popularity all over the world due to its high taste. Rounded elongated turnip reaches a weight of up to 110 grams. Productivity is average, but stable (up to 3-4 kg per 1 m2). Advantages of the variety: not subject to the release of arrows, long shelf life (up to 8-9 months), resistance to decay. The root crop has a sharp taste.
  • is considered a prolific crop, giving from one square meter to 8-9 kg of root crops. Breeders, working on a hybrid, initially set the task of obtaining a long-lasting onion. The result exceeded expectations - good resistance to diseases, long-term storage without loss of useful properties, resistance to the vagaries of nature. The weight of the turnip is up to 120 gr., the taste is at its best (sharpness is light, juiciness, moderately sweet).
  • represents a hybrid grown by Dutch breeders. As a result of painstaking work, a variety was obtained that is resistant to diseases and pests, well-preserving its presentation for 9-10 months. The ripening of the plant occurs in 100-115 days, the weight of the average turnip is 120-150 gr. Gastronomic feature: suitable for all types of processing, neutral flavor notes with a slight spiciness.

Onions are one of the most famous root crops. A wide variety of species allows it to be used for salads, first and second courses, consumed fresh or thermally processed. Both underground and aboveground parts of the plant are used. The distinctive characteristics of onion varieties in the photo are clearly visible.

Description and benefits of culture

This is a perennial herbaceous plant grown in culture in 3 stages: seeds - sevok - turnip - seeds.

Description: tubular leaves of dark green color, peduncle (arrow) reaches a height of up to 1.5 m, hollow inside, without leaves. Flowers greenish-white, umbellate. Depending on the type of onion, the root crop changes its characteristics - spherical, cone-shaped, elongated, teardrop-shaped, with golden, white, red or purple scales. Grown for early greens and marketable turnips. Used in cooking, folk medicine, cosmetology. It has an antiseptic, bactericidal, antiviral effect, contains essential vitamins and minerals.

What is onion

This word denotes completely different plants. Even garlic, which is also considered an onion, belongs to this group. Depending on the external characteristics, varieties of onions are distinguished:

  • Onion - grown for greens and root crops.
  • Shallot - many small, irregularly shaped onions grow in one nest. Cultivated to collect feathers and turnips.
  • Batun - does not form bulbs, is used to obtain green mass.
  • Slime is grown for greenery. Its leaves are flat, 8-15 cm wide.
  • Schnitt - no turnip, green feather can be eaten, often grown as an ornamental plant.
  • Leek - a false bulb, turning into a white stem, used for food.
  • Multi-tiered - has several onions formed on the leaves.

The photo shows types of onions with names.

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Onion Chives
Tiered onion Shallot Onion Batun

All varieties of crops have separate varieties, on which it depends on how it looks, is grown, eaten, and stored. Green onions can be cultivated as a perennial plant in one place for about 5 years or more. Size, taste, external characteristics have differences in each type. To obtain a turnip, seed material is sown or planted every year.

Popular varieties of onions

The culture has varieties that differ in taste, ripening speed, agrotechnical indicators, and external characteristics. Varieties of onions are divided into sweet, semi-sharp and spicy, differing from each other in the content of sugars and essential oils. At the same time, sweet types contain less sugar than spicy ones. Their delicate taste is due to the absence of a large amount of esters.

According to the ripening time, early, mid-season and late crops are distinguished. The first group produces greenery and turnip crops earlier than others, and is planted before winter (the so-called winter varieties). The growing season is only 90-100 days. Mid-season ripens in 100-120 days, and late - from 120 or more.

According to the characteristics of turnips, varieties are divided into small-nested (1-2 pcs.), Medium-nested (3-4 pcs.), Multi-nested (from 5 pcs.). Bulbs can be small (up to 50 g), medium (50-100 g), large (from 100 g). Dry scales have a different color, the root crop has a different shape.

Varieties vary in preference in different regions. Their productivity depends on climatic zones, soil fertility. Selectors have bred types of hybrid onions with improved characteristics, allowing it to be grown in any natural conditions, increasing yield, resistance to diseases and pests.

Popular varieties with photos and names:

  • Bessonovsky is the most unpretentious, suitable for the climatic conditions of central and southern Russia. Early ripe, with a round-flat yellow turnip, weighing 35-80 g.
  • Rumba - large (100-120 g), round, brown bulbs. The pulp is white, juicy, sharp. Productivity - up to 5 kg, unpretentious to changing weather conditions.
  • Karatal quickly sings, does not require special care, has few nests. The bulb is round, yellowish, weighing 100-200 g.
  • Ellan - an elite variety, elongated shape, round marketable turnip (up to 300 g), light brown in color and medium-sharp taste. Tolerates drought well.
  • Danilovsky reddish-violet onion, 80-100 g each, semi-sharp taste. The flesh is light purple or lilac.
  • Snowball is a mid-early, universal species bred by breeders. White turnip, weighing about 200 g, suitable for making salads.
  • Hercules - a hybrid of light yellow color of a round shape. The taste is delicate, slightly spicy. The advantages include drought resistance, high yield (up to 8 kg per 1 m²), immunity to viruses.

Early varieties

Early onion pleases with fresh herbs already in April, it forms a marketable bulb up to 3 months. It can be grown from sevka or nigella, winter sowing is common. The culture tolerates small temperature changes well. Under proper storage conditions, it has good keeping quality.

Strigunovsky onion is universal, suitable for cultivation in the northern regions. The turnip is round, light yellow, weighing 45-80 g, spicy in taste. Productivity is good, up to 3.5 kg per 1 m². With proper storage, it lies until a new harvest.

In the variety Red Baron, the shape is rounded flat, the color of the upper scales is dark red. Turnip weighing up to 24 g with burgundy-purple flesh. The variety is universal, semi-sharp, with good maturity, productivity and keeping quality.

The bulbs of Centurion F1 have a spindle shape, the scales are yellow-brown, golden, weight 1 pc. 100-150 g. It has a sharp taste, it is stored for 8-9 months. The variety belongs to early ripe, winter varieties, does not shoot. You can't get onion seeds on your own.

Texas yellow is resistant to temperature extremes, suitable for growing in the North of Russia. Undemanding in care, immune to pink rot, has good keeping quality and yield. The bulb is round, golden yellow, weighing 80-150 g, with white flesh.

Stuttgarter Riesen gives a good harvest - up to 8 kg per 1 m², does not shoot, resistant to diseases. The turnip is flattened, large (up to 180 g), dense, semi-sharp taste. The husk can be different shades of yellow, as well as milky, brown. The variety is universal, it is also grown on a feather, it is used for preparing salads, hot dishes, canning, freezing.

Growing for greenery

To obtain green mass, early ripe onion varieties are used. Turnips with several buds are well suited. They give a high pen yield - Rostov, Bessonovsky, Arzamas, Amber, Black Prince, Ryazan, Supra, Skopinsky. Hybrid varieties are specially bred to be universal, having a high yield of not only turnips, but also greens. Can be planted in a conveyor way to have fresh feathers on hand at all times.

Other species of the Onion family are also used to obtain greens: Batun, Schnitt (Rezanets), Leek (Pearl), Slizun, Shallot, Multi-tiered (Egyptian).

Depending on the type and variety, onions grow with thin feathers or wide, flat ones. Perennials do not form bulbs, are grown on a green feather. Many can be planted for landscaping and decorating the land.

If there is no need to grow a large crop, for forcing on a feather, you can plant any set, marketable onion, sprouted specimens. Varietal affiliation must be considered when growing on an industrial scale. Proper care and compliance with the rules of agricultural technology will give good results even when using planting material intended for obtaining marketable root crops, and not a feather.

Onion is a herbaceous perennial plant. There are up to 900 species of bulbous plants. They were originally distributed in the wild in the Northern Hemisphere. Many types of onion plants are ornamental or have not acquired an economic purpose. Therefore, only about 200 varieties are used for food.

Bulbs are very rich in chemical composition. They contain sucrose, fructose, pectins, organic acids, various vitamins: B1, B2, PP, C, E. The composition contains minerals: cobalt, phosphorus, copper, magnesium and calcium. Onion juice is a powerful weapon in the fight against viruses, it is recommended for people prone to colds and for general strengthening of the immune system. Onion plants have many uses in cooking: cutting into strips is used in salads, onion feathers are used as a spice, onions are pickled for the winter.

The most common is the onion. Currently, breeders have bred more than 100 new species of this plant, differing in size, color, taste, and early maturity. Varieties behave differently, depending on the region of cultivation.

Varieties of onions

What different varieties of onions are there! The most common onion is the onion. It is also called onion cibula. Ripe fruits are hidden behind scales of gold, brown, purple or white, depending on the species. Onions are grown not only for bulb heads, but also for greenery. Varieties Carmen, Danilovsky, Bessonovsky are widespread.

Various varieties of onions

Shallot is one of the varieties of onions. Its second name is family. Valued for its frost resistance. It has a delicate sweet onion taste and pleasant aroma. Popular shallot seeds: Ginger, Asterisk, Ural 40.

According to the description, the batun is the same onion, but with the difference that it is grown exclusively for the sake of fresh greens, because the head develops poorly. A very demanding plant: it does not grow well on acidic soils, it is afraid of high humidity. With quality care, it can bear fruit until autumn frosts. It has a long green leaf, up to 40 cm high. Common varieties: May, April, Welsh.

The thickest onion is called the leek and, like the batun, is grown exclusively for the feather. This type of onion is valued for its thick (about 6 cm in diameter) leg. It is cold-resistant, has a rich chemical composition, and a specific onion taste. Onions are suitable for long-term storage. If you create suitable conditions for the plant, it will be stored until spring.

During storage, the content of vitamins in fruits does not decrease. Popular seeds: Tango, Carantan, Alligator.

As greens, it is recommended to grow chives. The feather is bright green in color, up to 40 cm long, very thin in diameter. Bulb forms poorly. The greens of this plant are useful for improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Gardeners use chives as an ornamental plant because the chives look like a flower. Known types of chives: Siberian, Early, Prague.

Variety differences

Let's figure out what types and varieties of onions exist. Onion varieties can be classified according to many criteria: by region of cultivation, by the duration of ripening, by size, taste and color.

According to the region of growth, onions can be of three groups:

  • Central Asian group. These plants are distinguished by the small size of onion heads and a long growing season, up to 140 days. The color of ripened fruits is red, but white, purple and orange species are also found. Famous Asian varieties: Samarkand, Margelan;
  • Central European group. Grown in the middle climate zone. In Russia, these are Moscow and the Moscow region, Tver, Tula, Novgorod and other cities. The color of the bulb is predominantly yellow, the size is average - up to 130 gr. The shape is flat or rounded flat. Known seeds: Kaba-Kaba, Lugansky, Annual Siberian, Dniester. For Udmurtia, breeders have bred the onion variety Senchik;
  • Mediterranean group. Bulbous plants of this group are characterized by a long period of maturation, about 120 days. The bulbs are large, sweet or semi-sweet. Known varieties: Spanish, Donetsk golden, Orange, Krasnodar.

spanish bow

According to the ripening time, onions are:

  • Early ripening - early onion, ripening period - no more than 90 days. Fast maturing varieties such as Strigunovsky, Alisa Greig, Bessonovsky, Kasatik, Karatalsky, Penguin and Stuttgarten Riesen are popular among gardeners;
  • Mid-season - the growing season - from 100 to 120 days. Common varieties are Centurion, Sturon, Shaman, Exhibition, Senator, Azelros;
  • Late - full maturation of the fetus - at least 120 days. Bulbs of varieties Standard F1, Farmer, Delight, Effect ripen later than the others.

All types of onion vegetables differ in size:

  • Small - weighing up to 70 grams. Popular small varieties: Zolotnichek, Odintsovets, Shetana MS;
  • Medium varieties - from 70 to 120 grams, such as Myachkovsky 300, Christina, Oporto;
  • Large bulbs Chalcedony, Supra, Oval, Russian size can reach a weight of over 120 grams.

All types of onions differ in taste characteristics:

  • Spicy fruits contain up to 10% sugars in their composition, burning in taste. Varieties Centurion, Hercules;
  • Semi-sharp bulbs have approximately 8% sugar. Varieties Red Baron, Sturon;
  • Sweet bulbs are 5% sugar. The sweetest variety is Exhibition and Snowball hybrid.

By color:

  • Yellow: Shtur, Bayram, Rapture;
  • White: Alba, Comet, Nevada;
  • Reds: Crimson Ball, Campillo, Red Brunswick.

It's amazing how versatile onions can be.

Sowing varieties of onions

You can grow onion vegetables in different ways: seeds (nigella), seedlings or sets.

With annual cultivation, the onion is grown from seeds or seedlings. This is a rather tedious task. Seeds are first soaked, disinfected and dried before planting. The soil is dug up and loosened before planting. The seeds are planted in open ground to a depth of 5 cm. In the process of growth, the plant needs watering, loosening and weeding. The plant needs treatment from diseases and pests.

We plant onions

As a result, at the end of August, the sevka harvest is harvested. Bulbs are left on the ground until the top leaves dry. Then the leaves are removed and the fruits are dried again. Sevok is stored in a warm, ventilated area.

Known varieties of onions for growing seeds: Lincoln, Esaul, Timiryazevsky, Buran.

The most common cultivation of turnips is through sevka. Sevok - an onion grown from a seed. The next year, this onion is planted in open ground for growing onions.

Quality sevok should be dry. The sowing bulb must not have defects and mechanical damage. The average bulb size is from 2 to 4 cm. Pay attention to the shape of the bulb. The bulb should not have dents, notches and tubercles.

Important! The smell of the onion should be characteristic, without the smell of rot or mold.

Selected sevka bulbs are placed in a warm room before sowing. The air temperature must be heated to 40 degrees.

Planting onions in open ground

The advantages of sevka as a growing material are obvious:

  • Getting a crop in a short time;
  • The plant is less susceptible to the negative effects of weeds;
  • Easily tolerates lack of moisture;
  • The quality of the crop is much higher.

It is important to correctly choose the variety of sevka, since the yield and growth rate of plants depend on it.

The most popular varieties among experienced gardeners and gardeners are Shturtgarten Risen and Sturon.

Sturon is considered one of the best hybrids bred by breeders. The hybrid is mid-season, which makes it easy to grow it both in the south and in the north. He is not afraid of cold and frost. The taste is spicy-sweet. The average weight of a ripe fruit reaches 200 gr.

Sturtgarten Risen is the predecessor of Sturon. It was very popular before the advent of hybrid varieties. Harvest Sturtgarten can be harvested in May - June. The weight of one onion head is from 100 to 150 gr. The taste is medium spicy and juicy.

The range of sevka is huge. You need to find the right variety.

Farmers and greenhouses receive crops of green feathers and root crops, growing perennial onions and turnips in their areas. Vegetable producers select either well-known varieties of onions, or sow hybrids that have proven themselves well and have positive reviews. The onion seed market is vast, and each offer has its own advantages and disadvantages.

What varieties are available

Experts distinguish onion varieties according to the speed of ripening and divide them into early, middle and late types.

Important: Drought, lack of nutrients, soil compaction leads to the formation of a small bulb and its rapid dormancy, regardless of the characteristics of the planting material.

When grown from nigella, one root crop is formed in the first year of life. A plant grown from bulbs with a diameter of less than 3 cm is able to form a different number of turnips in the nest. According to this ability, onion varieties are divided into:

  • small nested, with the formation of 1-2 turnips;
  • medium nested with 2-3 root crops;
  • multi-celled, if more than 4 bulbs are formed.

By taste, spicy, peninsular, sweet varieties are distinguished.

Bulbs of spicy varieties contain a large amount of essential oils that give the vegetable bitterness. These root crops contain a lot of dry matter, which makes it possible for the turnip to maintain its quality characteristics for a long time. Sharp varieties of onions ripen quickly and are grown throughout Russia.

Semi-sharp onion varieties contain more moisture and sugars, which reduces their shelf life by several times. Sweet bulbs require up to 160 days to mature. They need long daylight hours. In most of Russia, this condition can be met only with the help of artificial lighting in closed ground.

Zoned varieties of onions

The State Register registers varieties traditionally used by Russians to harvest turnip.

Bessonovsky is an early ripe variety created in the Penza region. The scales have a sharp taste.

The growing season of the sevka from the first leaves to harvest is 85 days. In the Bessonovka nest, up to 5 round-flat bulbs are formed, with an average weight of 30 g.

This is an old Russian variety, the characteristics of which are known to farmers in Russia. Bessonovskaya turnip is grown from seeds or through sets. Judging by the reviews, Bessonovsky competes with new popular onion hybrids in terms of taste, keeping quality and yield.

Kaba is a late-ripening semi-sharp variety that forms no more than 2 bulbs in the nest. It is cultivated for 1 season from nigella. It takes 123 days from sowing in the ground to harvesting the turnip. A mature root crop with a cast-iron shape and a flat top has brown shades.

Krasnodar G-35 is a semi-sharp small-nested mid-ripening onion variety. Ripens in 120 days. The onion coloration of the outer scales is yellow-brown. The average weight of a round turnip is about 50 gr. It is poorly preserved.

Onion Strigunovsky - a variety of the Kursk region, capable of growing a turnip weighing 30 grams. for 1 season from seeds. It is a sharp, small-nested onion that takes 123 days to mature. Strigunovsky onion has a rounded root crop with a slight run to the neck. The color of the scales is light yellow, with a slight pink tinge. Root crops are stored until spring, retaining all the nutrients.

Important: In the second year of life, the sevok planted in the ground does not shoot and forms a head of about 200 g.

Arzamas - a variety obtained in the Nizhny Novgorod region. 3 bulbs are formed in the nest, each weighing 80 g. The crop ripens 110 days after planting.

Onion Danilovsky - an onion variety improved by the Gribov breeding station. Flat bulbs have a semi-sharp taste. This is a salad onion, the juicy scales of which are painted in a slightly purple color. The color of dry scales has a purple-red tint. Up to 3 large turnips can grow in the nest.

It happens that onion Danilovsky forms 1 large root crop weighing 200 g. To obtain medium turnips of this variety, seeds are needed, onions from which can be obtained 110 days after germination. Bulbs of 1 year of life have a weight of about 60 grams.

winter onion

Winter onions are planted to obtain early greens and root crops. Planting sevka takes place in ready-made beds in late autumn, so that it can take root, but does not grow. Such varieties of onions or hybrids are used in areas where there is a high snow cover and a short summer.

In early spring, plants begin to grow a feather, rarely give arrows. 80 days after germination, bulbs are harvested, which are stored for 3 months. It could be:

  • Bamberger, loving sandy soils rich in humus.

  • Kaoba is a powerful hybrid from the Netherlands, forming large bulbs that have a bright yellow color.
  • Snowball is a white bow that is resistant to the formation of arrows. It is well stored, has a medium-sized turnip, sweet pulp.
  • Senshui Yelou Glob, which gives a high percentage of germination of planting material after overwintering in the ground. It survives Siberian frosts well. It forms a bulb of a flat, rounded shape of a golden-bronze color.

  • Elan is an ultra-early variety. It was created by Kuban breeders. Root crops ripen in early June. Onions form bulbs on a short day, which contributes to the ripening of an early crop, but does not lie well. It is meant to be eaten in summer.
  • Shakespeare produces a good quality turnip with yellowish brown outer scales. It can hibernate in snowless winter conditions at a temperature of -50C.

  • Siberia f1 is a high-yielding hybrid with white flesh. Root crops are dense, covered with red-brown scales.
  • A radar that can be stored for a long time.

What is winter onion, how to grow it, and why this species is preferred by the villagers, is described in the video.

Hybrids and varieties from other countries

Hybrids are obtained by crossing new varieties of foreign origin with zoned onion species. This allows you to get seeds that are resistant to the adverse conditions of central Russia, temporarily improve the characteristics of the variety.

Domestic onion Golden Semko with white tasty pulp is an early ripe hybrid of semi-sharp taste. It is capable of forming a rounded root crop weighing up to 100 g in 83 days. The bulbs are single-bearing, capable of long-term storage. Root crops lie up to six months, retaining their marketable qualities.

Valentino is a hybrid onion from Spain that lasts up to 5 months during winter storage. It is of interest to farmers because it is resistant to putrefactive lesions of the bulb.

Valentino is grown by sowing nigella in the ground at the end of April. In the phase of 3 leaves, the crops are thinned out, leaving a distance between 2 sprouts of at least 5 cm. With normal care of the beds, a yield of up to 4 kg / m2 is obtained. The weight of 1 root crop reaches 200 gr.

Varieties suitable for cultivation in industrial volumes come from Holland to Russia. Root crops grown over a 1-year period from Dutch breeders are well transported, stored for a long time, and do not rot. They have a good taste and retain all the beneficial properties of onions.

Description of Dutch varieties and hybrids is given with a photo so that you can see what the best hybrids look like. Farmers love to grow Manas onions. This is a late-ripening hybrid that forms a rounded brown onion. The root crop has a semi-sharp taste and gives the food a spicy flavor. It is used in salads raw, suitable for meat and cooking various dishes with heat treatment.

Red Baron is the name of the annual red onion known to many farmers. This is a lettuce variety, the bulbs of which are painted in a dark reddish hue. They have a sweet taste and are often eaten raw. The Red Baron is disease resistant. The turnip ripening period is 95 days.

Sterling F1, hybrid onion, Dutch, requires a long daylight hours. With the seedling method in the Kuban, it gives white bulbs up to 800 g in size.

Shallot varieties

Types of onion in home gardens of the northwestern part of the country are often replaced by multi-nested shallots. This type of onion is propagated by seeds and turnips, which rarely release a flower arrow.

Each root crop has from 3 to 30 rudiments, which allows you to get a large nest of onions suitable for eating. It is valued for its good keeping quality, delicate taste, frost resistance. Common varieties of shallots:

  • Ginger, forming rhombic, beveled heads on one side of a bright red color. The variety ripens later than other types of family onions, which allows it to survive the July drought and develop further. Up to 10 per nest.
  • Knyazhich, giving 8 large heads up to 50 g and a long powerful feather that retains elasticity for a long time.
  • Old Russian, with purple juicy scales. In a bush, 8 large root crops are formed in 2 months.
  • Andreyka, semi-sharp variety with dry dark brown scales and pinkish juicy flesh. It forms a turnip weighing 26 g.

Producers manage to get shallot hybrids. This allows you to improve the characteristics of the family onion, increase disease resistance, reduce the thickness of the neck. Shallot requires careful pre-planting processing.

Onions for greens

Perennial onions are grown to produce multiple crops of green feathers. Their cultivation in closed ground can take place all year round. In open ground, when using different varieties, a green feather is obtained throughout the warm period of time.

Onion batun

Batun is highly branched and forms a mass of tubular leaves. The bulbs are cylindrical and poorly developed. Plants of the first year of life by the end of the summer season begin to branch and make it possible at the end of August to cut the first crop of young leaves. If young plants grow closely, they break through, eating the feather along with the bulbs. At the 2nd year of life, the batun throws out flower-bearing arrows and forms seeds that germinate in the garden in the fall.

Among the varieties known are Gribovsky, April and Maisky. April 12 begins to grow green leaves immediately after the topsoil thaws. The first shoots can be seen after the beds are cleared of ice and snow cover. After a month, it forms arrows and may go dormant due to improper care.

Maysky and Gribovsky varieties of onions replace the retired April batun. They form leaves in early May and produce several crops of greenery until mid-June.

Of the recently bred varieties of practical interest are:

  1. Russian size grown as an annual. It is sown in early spring and by autumn branched plants are obtained, which are uprooted.
  2. Russian winter - lettuce variety, forming powerful bushes from the second year, and growing in 1 place up to 6 years.
  3. Pierrot is an early ripening variety suitable for greenhouses. It is used for early forcing in greenhouses and greenhouses.
  4. Legionnaire is resistant to downy mildew. From sowing in open ground to obtaining marketable products, 45 days are required. Greens retain freshness for a long time after harvesting.
  5. Green Banner - the description of the variety contains an indication that this is a Dutch variety of batun, which has a high adaptation to weather conditions.

The latter variety is distinguished by a well-developed root system and large thick dark green leaves with a bluish wax coating. It is resistant to fungal infections that cause rotting of the underground part and feather. Easily tolerates the hot season and is recommended for cultivation in dry areas, in open and closed ground.

Tiered Bow

This type of onion, which gives a quality feather, is propagated by airy bulbs. The underground part of this type of onion does not enter into a state of long dormancy. With proper agricultural technology, the plant grows green mass from early spring to the very frost. 3 varieties are registered in the Russian Federation:

  1. Likova, which expels the first green feather 3 weeks after the soil thaws in the garden, easily tolerates spring frosts.
  2. Memory, which forms a large bulb for the 2nd year of life, capable of expelling up to 6 kg of green leaves and forming several tiers of arrows, abundantly covered with aerial seeds.
  3. Chelyabinsk, recommended for cultivation in areas with risky farming.

Growing these onion varieties requires fertile soil and constant care.

chives, slime, leek

Schnitt gives a lot of early tender greens. You can sow seeds of varieties such as:

  • Spring;
  • Siberian;
  • early maturing;
  • Moscow;
  • Prague.

All varieties have a thin round feather, a well-developed root system, and an inconspicuous bulb. With proper care, it gives several crops of greenery. Without proper care, the feather becomes bitter and hard.

Slizun forms a bush for 2 years of life, which can live in 1 place for about 5 years.

All varieties of slime form short, wide, flat leaves with a pleasant taste.

Propagated by seeds and division of the bush. The most common varieties:

  • Leader;
  • broad-leaved;
  • Vavilovsky.

The feather grows in the first decade of April. In July, the bulbs dry up, and at the end of August they wake up and begin to grow new leaves, allowing you to make several cuts of vitamin greens.

Leek, which is cultivated as an annual plant in central Russia, is best planted in seedlings in the soil. Known varieties are:

  • aligator;
  • Goliath;
  • Pandora;
  • Tango;
  • Karantansky.

They form a thickened white false stem, on which flat lanceolate leaves up to 60 cm long grow throughout the summer season. Leek leaves are similar to the ground part of garlic. They are covered with a wax coating and have a bluish-green color.

Rarely Used Green Onions

The fragrant onion grows wild in the Far East and is found in the south of Siberia. The plant is cultivated for early greenery. Varieties registered in Rosreestr:

  • Fragrant;
  • Jusai;
  • Astrologer;
  • Spicy.

After sowing the seeds, a rosette of long elastic thin flat leaves is formed, resembling garlic in taste and appearance. After the leaves dry, a false bulb is formed, consisting of a large number of primordia. All of them are separated for 2 years of life, and form a large bush, which will increase in size every year.

This hardy, seed-propagated plant can quickly take over a large area of ​​land as a weed. A variety of wild onions is not afraid of digging, because small bulbs are difficult to damage with a shovel.

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