Mirabilis: planting and care in the garden, growing from seeds. Mirabilis - "Night Beauty": planting and care in the open field Mirabella flowers growing

The buildings 13.06.2019
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Mirabilis is very popular in Europe, it grows almost without care, puts up with occasional watering, therefore, it is indispensable for those who do not have the opportunity to visit the dacha often. Mirabilis is easy to grow from seeds at home, and at the end of frost, seedlings are planted in open ground.

When to sow mirabilis

The simplest and reliable way mirabilis propagation is cultivation through seedlings. In order to get sufficiently developed plants by the time of planting in the garden, they start sowing in early April.

How to prepare seeds, photo

Mirabilis seeds are large, covered with a dense thick shell. Therefore, planting with germinated seeds is more effective. In order for the seeds to germinate faster, they must first be soaked for several days before the pecking appears.

Before germinating seeds, treat them in a deep pink solution of potassium permanganate, rinse with water, place on wet cotton pads or cloth and cover.

Make sure the seeds don't dry out. Moisten them with a spray bottle from time to time.

For germinating Mirabilis seeds, it is convenient to use food containers from the supermarket. First, wash the container thoroughly with dishwashing detergent and dry well, otherwise mold may form on the walls of the container and on the seeds.

Germination can be replaced by heating the seeds in hot water within half an hour. You can also apply the scarification technique: lightly rub the shell of mirabilis seeds with a piece sandpaper or make neat incisions with a nail file. Do this carefully to break the seed coat, but not damage the seed itself.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

For sowing, use ready-made soil from the store or make the soil for mirabilis seedlings yourself. Mix 2 parts peat, 2 parts sod or garden soil, 1 part of humus or well-rotted compost and 0.5 parts of washed sand. night beauty likes neutral or slightly alkaline soils, so add 2 tablespoons of dolomite flour or 0.5 cups of wood ash to the mixture for every 5 liters of mixture. Stir. Fill small pots ¾ full with mixture and compact. Pour until completely wet with a fungicide solution (Vitaros, Fundazol, Maxim). Place 2 seeds in each pot.

If you have several varieties of the same flower, then put labels. Sprinkle seeds on top soil mixture layer 1-1.5 cm.

Pour in a thin stream, starting from the edge of the pot - so that the seeds do not float to the surface.

Place in a greenhouse or in a clean plastic bag and place in a warm place.

Mirabilis from seeds: seedling care

At a temperature of + 18 ... + 20 ° С, the seeds of the nocturnal beauty sprout after 5-6 days. Prepared in a different way rise a little longer. After the emergence of shoots, put the pots with seedlings in a bright place. When the first true leaf begins to appear in the seedlings, it is necessary to remove the weaker shoots, leaving one of the most developed ones in the pot.

At the same time, make the first top dressing with a solution of mineral fertilizer for seedlings (Krepysh, Fertika, Mortar), which dissolves well in water and, in addition to the main elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium), contains all the necessary trace elements. Water the seedlings after the earthen coma has completely dried out, because mirabilis seedlings do not tolerate waterlogging.

As soon as the plants reach a height of 10-15 cm, transfer them to pots. bigger size and feed again.

Mirabilis flower: planting and care, photo

After the warm weather is established and the threat of frost has passed, the seedlings can be planted in the garden in a permanent place. 2 weeks before, gradually accustom her to fresh air and sunbeams.

Mirabilis bushes are quite large and spreading, so place the planting holes at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other. The soil he prefers clay and loamy with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. If the soil in your garden is acidic, then add 300-400 g of wood ash or 200 g of dolomite flour per 1 square meter for digging. m. About 1/3 of a bucket of rotted compost and 1-2 tablespoons of complete mineral fertilizer can be added to the prepared holes.

Mirabilis, he is the "night beauty" - herbaceous plant of the Niktaginov family, is considered a non-wintering perennial. The birthplace of this unusual flower is Mexico and southern part America. In Florida, it grows in open ground in the wild.

Mirabilis is a heat-loving plant, it will be an excellent option if planting and caring for green spaces is a burden to you. It got its interesting name due to an unusual property - the flowers of the plant bloom in the afternoon and are fragrant with a fragrant aroma all night. By morning, the flowers wither. Although the perennial plant is exotic flower, growing it is a pleasure.

Mirabilis: varieties and varieties of "Night Beauty"

Mirabilis is an infrequent guest on garden plots in Russia. However, about 60 varieties of this are known in the world. flowering plant. And only one species has taken root in the middle latitudes of our country - Mirabilis Yalapa.

Mirabilis Jalapa

Mirabilis Jalapa(aka Mirabilis laxative) - a plant native to Mexico, considered perennial, although cultivated as an annual. This is due to the fact that the roots of the plant are not ready for wintering in harsh conditions. The peculiarity of the "Night Beauty" is that sometimes buds can bloom on one stem various shades. It grows in height up to 70–80 cm. The stems are straight, the leaves are elongated and ovoid. The seeds of the plant have good germination, they retain their quality for 3 years.

Among the varieties of mirabilis yalapa, Tea Time Formula Mixture and Tea Time Red are especially distinguished. One of them has flowers of various shades, and the second, respectively, pink-red.

Mirabilis: planting and plant care

Mirabilis is a light and heat-loving plant, therefore, when choosing a place for planting, preference should be given to the most illuminated and warm part of the garden.

Advice. "Night Beauty" prefers fertile loamy soils, this must be taken into account when planting.

Watering the plant should be moderate, no more than once every three days (preferably in the evening), after the soil dries out. But this perennial also does not tolerate drought well. In the absence of watering, the growth of the flower stops.

Don't let the soil dry out

In the southern latitudes of Russia, Mirabilis is planted in open ground as early as April.

Features and stages of perennial sowing:

  • sowing plant seeds in pots with peat at home;
  • choose deep pots for sowing, because. root system mirabilis grows deeper;
  • preliminary soaking of the seeds is not required, the main thing is to carefully shed the soil in the pot;
  • after 7–10 days, the first shoots appear, and when good watering they turn into bushes;
  • planting mirabilis in open ground.

In care, "Night Beauty" is unpretentious. Having good lighting fertile soil and periodic moderate watering are the main conditions for growing an exotic perennial.

Mirabilis shoots

The plant is not afraid of drafts, even strong gusts of wind are not able to damage its thick and strong stem.

Advice. With the onset of cold weather, the tubers should be dug up and in winter period keep them cool, but at a temperature not lower than -5 degrees.

In the American South, mirabilis grows as a wild plant, it does not require planting and care.

Fertilizer and top dressing perennial

Before planting mirabilis in open ground, the soil must be limed. This is done by adding wood ash and mineral fertilizer to it.

Mirabilis can be fed with mineral fertilizers

Per summer period additionally, the perennial is fed about 3 more times with mineral fertilizers.
The result will not keep you waiting. The plant gives more buds, becomes more magnificent and, as a result, more beautiful.

Mirabilis reproduction

Reproduction of the plant occurs in two known ways.

  1. By sowing seeds. Mirabilis seeds have good germination. Therefore, sowing is the main method of propagation of this plant.
  2. Cuttings are a less popular way to propagate mirabilis. However, it is also sometimes used. This option requires more effort and does not guarantee a positive result.

mirabilis seeds

Instruction mirabilis propagation by cuttings:

  • cut dry branches from the plant;
  • dry the place where the cut was;
  • leave the cuttings in the growth stimulator;
  • after a few weeks, plant the cuttings in the prepared substrate.

If you follow the instructions step by step, then rooting will occur within 2 weeks.

The plant is also easy to propagate by cuttings.

Diseases and pests

Mirabilis, unlike most plants, is resistant to many diseases. Sometimes rust and blotches appear on it. With these unpleasant ailments, a fungicide will help to cope. Otherwise, growing perennials will not be a problem.

Compositions with other plants

Mirabilis looks great in group compositions. As a combination with this exotic plant chamomile, marigolds, bellflower and anemones are suitable. Mirabilis also pairs wonderfully with fragrant tobacco, lavender and lobularia.

Mirabilis in the garden

Depending on the variety of mirabilis, it is used in landscape design. Tall perennials are suitable as hedges. The lower ones are seated in groups, they decorate borders, decorate mixborders and lawns.
Mirabilis is also suitable for decorating terraces and balconies, and lower specimens are planted in flowerpots. Incredibly beautiful perennial in a single planting. It grows and takes up a lot of space.

Mirabilis - unpretentious plant, perennial. Some of its varieties are used for food or paint is made from them. It is used in cosmetology and perfumery. Wide application received in landscaping, it looks great as a standalone planting as well as in combination with other plants. The ease of growing and caring for it attracts many gardeners. And the captivating and intoxicating aroma that envelops everything in the night will not leave anyone indifferent.

Mirabilis care and cultivation: video

Types and varieties of mirabilis: photo

The night beauty is a flower that is quite rare, although even a novice florist can handle its cultivation. This plant with a very exotic appearance is a member of the Nyctaginaceae family, which has about 60 species. Mirabilis is also surprising in that it can be represented by a variety of colors and is capable of pollination. The diameter of one flower is small - 3-3.5 cm. How to decorate your garden with this beautiful flower and how to grow mirabilis correctly, we will talk in this article.

Did you know?Mirabilis got its name for the unusual opportunity for flowers to open the petals not during the day, but in the late afternoon, and in the morning "close" the bud.

When to sow mirabilis

Mirabilis most often requires proper cultivation especially from seeds. Before you begin the process of "feeding" the plant, you need to know when is the best time to plant a flower. There are two favorable periods for landing.

If you decide grow mirabilis in a greenhouse, then it is necessary to sow seeds in early April in a semi-warm room of a greenhouse / greenhouse. If you have decided planting mirabilis seeds simply in open soil, it is necessary to plant them already in early May, when the soil is warmed up.

Important!Planting mirabilis immediately in open ground is recommended only to residents of the southern regions.

For seed method you can use both store-bought seeds and seeds collected with your own hands after mirabilis has bloomed.

How to prepare the substrate for sowing

Before you talk about planting mirabilis and how to plant this plant with seeds, you need to know what soil is best to plant it in.

If you decide to grow mirabilis in open ground, then it is recommended to prepare the soil for planting in the fall, namely, lime and add a little ash before planting. This will speed up the growth process.

The best mixture for sowing mirabilis will be a mixture of peat, humus / compost, sod land and sand. These components should be used in the following ratio: 2 parts of garden (turf land) must be mixed with 2 parts of peat, one part of humus and 0.5 parts of washed dried sand. Mirabilis is unpretentious, so for some gardeners it grows even in loamy soils.

Important!Mirabilis does not tolerate too acidic environment of the substrate!

Favorable conditions for seedlings

If the night beauty, when grown from seeds, was already planted in the right soil when planted at the first stage, now you need to take care that the seedlings sprout well and give a quality planting material.

Seedlings are best grown at room temperature (18-22 degrees). When you notice the first signs of seedlings, they must be rearranged in a well-lit place. When there are more seedlings, the weakest of them are removed and swooped down.

Did you know?The root system of Mirabilis grows in length and the best capacity for seedlings will be oblong, deep containers.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Sowing mirabilis for seedlings is a responsible first step in growing a plant. This must be done clearly and correctly in order to get a healthy plant.

How to prepare seeds

Planting mirabilis for seedlings begins with the preparation of mirabilis seeds before planting. The seeds are quite large, hidden under a rough shell. For speedy germination, they are prepared by soaking. Before proceeding with the germination of seeds, they must be disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate, then rinsed with water and, preventing drying, put on wet discs and cover. It is best to store these seeds in a washed food container in the refrigerator. They will germinate quite quickly, the main thing is to ensure that the seeds are always in a humid environment.

Important!Germination can be replaced by the process of scarification: it is enough to rub the seed coat with a nail file or soft emery, this must be done very carefully, without damaging the seed itself.

Planting seeds

Mirabilis is an unpretentious plant, and the process of planting seeds is quite simple.

  1. The selected containers must be filled with three-quarters of the substrate for planting and rammed;
  2. Moisten the soil with a fungicide ("Fundazol", "Maxim", "Vitaros");
  3. Two seeds should be put in each container, they do not need to be buried;
  4. Sprinkle a thin layer of soil on top;
  5. Seeds are watered from the edge and do it in such a way that they do not float to the surface;
  6. Cover the containers with plastic or polyethylene and put in a warm place.

As you can see, the process is quite simple and interesting. If you happen to be planting several varieties, it is better to sign each container.

How to care for Mirabilis seedlings

Mirabilis seedlings should be stored in a warm, well-lit place and watered when the earth in the container is dry. The first top dressing is carried out even before planting in open ground with mineral fertilizers for seedlings containing elements that dissolve easily in water. Mirabilis seedlings must be placed in a bright place at room temperature.

In almost every flower lover's garden there is one or two completely inconspicuous bushes. Looking at them, guests often wonder why, among the general riot of colors and fragrance prominent representatives flora needs such a "gray" stranger. But they will still see what the quiet mirabilis flower is capable of, because the life of this plant differs day and night, like the sun and the moon.

mirabilis- unusual flower, brought to us from America, it belongs to the Nyctagin family, it is a non-wintering perennial herbaceous plant. It is considered its homeland in Mexico and South America, for the most part it is a cultivated plant that is grown in gardens, but in Florida it is found in open ground.

Night mystery

The Mexicans did not just affectionately nickname the flower "night beauty mirabilis." In the photo during the day, it looks like an ugly duckling from the fairy tale of the same name, but as soon as the sun sets, the dull bush turns into a “beautiful swan”. And then the one who previously spoke disparagingly about the unsightly appearance of the flower freezes in mute delight, struck not only by its beauty: Mirabilis has another “trump ace up its sleeve”.

Under the cover of night, a magical transformation begins: one after another, multi-colored gramophones open, which immediately spread their vibes throughout the garden, filling the air with an unusual aroma. It creates a feeling of some pleasant unreality, as if you were in a fairy tale. The night, the moon shines softly, the stars sparkle like diamonds, and you find yourself thinking that you can almost hear the music that flows from the living mini-gramophones.

These are the fabulous surprises that the seemingly quiet Mirabilis can give us. Photo in the flower bed good quality it is extremely difficult to do it only in the light of the moon or with one flash. To capture the memory of wonderful metamorphoses, photographers have to install special lighting.


Despite the fact that flowers that are next to each other are always pollinated and in the end it is impossible to guess what color mirabilis will bloom next, scientists have managed to develop certain varieties.

6 popular and most beautiful varieties:

  • Tea Time Red. A dense shrub of medium size, resembling a ball, the stems of a pale green color are knotty and branch strongly upwards. The leaves are oblong, smooth and noticeably darker than the stems in shade. The flowers are deep pink, reminiscent of small funnels. The variety is most resistant to temperature changes and diseases, blooms from summer until the first frost, and therefore is most often used in cold regions.

  • Iolanta is a spherical bush about 50 cm high with thick and strong stems - knotty, branching at the top. Funnel-shaped flowers, medium in size, stand out among other varieties with a bright palette with stripes in the form of strokes. The flowering period lasts from the end of June until the first frost.

Variegated flowers of Mirabilis cultivar Iolanta

  • Elvira is a medium-sized rounded shrub with some branches up to a meter high. The leaves are dark green in color, oblong in shape and have pointed tips. This variety is also distinguished by the size of the flowers - they reach almost 4 cm and have a bright color.
  • Red lollipop. A bush about a meter high is distinguished by its latitude, the stems are smooth, strongly developed, branch upward and have a shade of light green. Specially different from the rest large flowers- they grow in diameter up to 6 cm, they are also distinguished by the shape of the petals - the “funnel” is wavy at the edges. The color is bright, the plant is disease resistant and extremely unpretentious in care.

Mirabilis variety red candy

  • Tea Time Formula Mixture. A wide bush-ball of medium parameters with a height of branches up to 90 cm. The leaves are oblong, located more densely towards the top and pointed at the ends. The stems are absolutely bare and smooth from below, but strongly branched towards the ends. The flowers are small, 2-3 cm in diameter in the form of a gramophone, differ in variegated tones, wavy at the ends.
  • Jalapa is a medium shrub about 60 cm with green stems and succulent leaves, fully covered with tubular flowers. They can be either one tone or multi-colored, even as if striated lines. It begins to bloom after the decline in sunlight activity at about 16:00, for which the plant has received the nickname "4 o'clock in the afternoon." Blooms until late autumn.

Jalapa is the most popular variety of Mirabilis.

Mirabilis: planting and care

The plant propagates by seeds, but many gardeners use cuttings and occasionally division.

Mirabilis. cultivation

The night beauty is not particularly whimsical in reproduction and care; it is quite simple to grow it.

Three ways:

  • Germination. Seeds are collected from faded bushes, soaked in water for a day, then planted in a pot and watered moderately, waiting for seedlings to appear. In the warm season, seeds can be planted directly in the ground in the open air. They are strong and sprouts appear very quickly.

Advice! You can collect only darkened seeds - almost black. The green ones are not yet ripe and will not sprout.

  • Cuttings. This method is less common than propagation with seeds, but is practiced if they cannot be obtained for some reason.

Mirabilis seedlings in pots

  1. The cuttings should be a little stiff - be firm to the touch, then they are dried.
  2. The tip of the cutting is covered with any growth stimulant that can be purchased on the market or in a specialized gardening store.
  3. For better root growth, the shoot is placed in a nutrient mixture, but ordinary water can also be dispensed with.

    Advice! If you use water, its temperature must be at least 20 degrees, otherwise the plant will not give roots.

  4. We wait from 2 weeks to a month, and if after 30 days the roots have not appeared, you can throw everything away and cut new cuttings, but usually Mirabilis germinates quickly and does not cause additional trouble. The sprouts are distributed each in a separate container and wait until they gain strength.

  • Division is a completely unpopular method for given flower, but it is also possible. The plant is taken out of the soil, the excess earth is shaken off, cut into several parts so that each has pieces of the root, and immediately planted in other places.

Mirabilis roots suitable for division

Advice! To make roots appear faster, flower growers often use a little trick - they heat the bottom of the container to 24-25 degrees.

Planting cuttings in the ground makes sense under favorable conditions. climatic conditions- a clear guarantee that frosts will not hit, and well-developed processes. The main landing period is the beginning of May, but at first in the evening they need to be carefully covered with polyethylene, since the nights are still cold. Between seedlings it is worth keeping a distance of at least 40 cm, since this is a future bush that reaches one and a half meters and is widely distributed in breadth.

Mirabilis flowerbed: tall and wide bushes

Mirabilis. Care, photo

Despite the unpretentiousness, for a good flower growth, a number of conditions must be observed.

What do you need:

  • Good illumination with clay soil. On the ordinary earth and in the shade, the plant will not be able to develop rapidly and gain enough strength to grow. The size of the bush and flowers will be smaller, the colors will be dull.
  • No drafts - mirabilis does not tolerate them well and can get sick.
  • Water moderately. It is not worth monitoring the humidity especially carefully, except during the period of heat and drought, because with a lack of moisture, all the leaves will turn yellow and wither, inhibiting the growth of the stems.

  • Loosening the soil - every time after watering: this will provide good air access to the root system, and the bush will not thicken too much.
  • Weed weeding.

Loosening the soil and weeding weeds - milestones in the care of the mirabilis flower

  • Removal of withered, diseased and dried parts so that they do not "pull the juices" from the entire bush.
  • Top dressing - once a month with mineral fertilizers according to the instructions on the package, and if planting was carried out in already fertilized soil, it is not required at all.

Fertilizing the soil before planting mirabilis is the key to good cultivation

  • Dead stems are cut at the root, and the tubers are left and stored for next year; they are stored in a container with peat at temperature regime external environment not less than 5 degrees. If the varieties are intended for growing on balconies, the tubers are left in pots and taken to a dark, cool place, such as a basement. Every month and a half they need to be watered, otherwise they may dry out until spring.

Advice! In the process of care, the bushes should not be cut, otherwise they will not be able to form a spherical shape.


Mirabilis is resistant to pests and diseases, and occasionally stains or rust can form on it. In this case, the affected areas and neighboring bushes must be treated with any fungicide that is sold in gardening stores. Aphids can occasionally be found, then the leaves are washed with soapy water.

The best place in the garden

The plant is popular in landscape design, high grades they are used as hedges, medium and low are planted in small groups, they can decorate borders, terraces, balconies or decorate lawns. Designers advise placing the highest varieties in the background of the site so that they do not interfere sunshine to go to the little brethren.

At all small species look good in a flower pot, they are also good in a single version, because, growing, they take up a lot of space and serve as a bright color accent. Some species are even used in cooking, cosmetology, perfume compositions, or as a dye (paint is made from them). Special varieties that grow in warm regions with an air temperature of at least 15 degrees even in winter are used by some gourmets in food. To do this, take the green part of the bushes and tubers.


Due to the ease of care and unpretentiousness, mirabilis can grow anywhere in the garden, and due to the extensive color palette Perfectly harmonizes with any other small flowers.

Advice! Such pompous beauties as roses, peonies, dahlias and other large garden "leaders" will shift attention to themselves, and small mirabilis can be lost, despite the saturation of the color palette. The optimal neighbors for him will be simple, albeit no less bright flowers.

Best combined:

  • daisies;
  • marigolds and their mixture;
  • chamomile;
  • bells;
  • nigella;
  • lavender;
  • fragrant tobacco;
  • lobularia.

In such communities, the night beauty will feel as comfortable as possible, harmoniously and in full equality. Such a background will favorably set off her romance and modest sophistication.

A few useful observations from professional gardeners:

  • Mirabilis begins to please the eye with the first flowers already in early June, but if by the middle of the month it does not bloom, although it seems that the buds are about to bloom, it is worth increasing the amount of watering. Apparently, lack of moisture affects. However, if for some reason you have no time, you can initially plant a phyllanthus variety that blooms well in dry soil.
  • Thinning is useful - jigging extra shoots, so mirabilis will develop, become stronger and larger.
  • The flower cannot be fed with fresh "organic matter": such a fertilizer tends to corrode the root system, which increases the risk of its death. It is better to take dry-type mineral dressing and pre-dilute it in water.
  • If, when planting, you “spoil” the seeds a little - cut or file the shell, they germinate faster.

Here is such an unpretentious, but mysterious surprise - mirabilis, a photo of whose flowers in different stages of development is so fond of making and laying out flower growers. This plant does not just please the night owls with the peculiarities of the flowering time. With an amazing combination of night, beauty of form, shades of flowers and delicate aroma, it can immerse our consciousness in the amazing atmosphere of an elven fairyland, giving rest from gray everyday life and everyday life to our souls.

Mirabilis is one of those flowers, all the beauty and sophistication of which you understand far from immediately. His unusual lifestyle surprises not only novice flower lovers, but also experienced gardeners. After all, its delicate flowers do not enjoy the warm sun, but the cold moonlight. They bloom only closer to sunset, when the night luminary already appears in the summer sky. For this feature, Mirabilis is often called "night dawn" or "night beauty".

Another amazing feature of the sublunar beauty is a huge variety of colors of flowers. Her "gramophones" surprise with snow-white, pale pink, lilac and purple, carmine and golden hues. But the most interesting thing is that for some species and varieties, this entire palette can miraculously get along together not only on the same plant, but even on the same flower. There are specimens with contrasting stripes, specks and spots. Sometimes only one calyx segment can be of a different shade.

Lush green bush, all strewn bright colors, with the onset of evening, it begins to emit a delicate tropical aroma that cannot leave indifferent nocturnal insects. At dusk, a real fluttering cloud of moths and night butterflies forms over Mirabilis.

This incredible plant comes from Mexico and the northern part of the South American continent, where its wild varieties can be found everywhere. In our latitudes, out of 50 cultivated varieties, the Mexican version of the night princess, mirabilis jalapa, has taken root best of all. Her interesting varieties they begin to bloom already at the beginning of summer, delighting with their expressiveness and bright aroma until the first frost.

Selecting a landing site

Wild types of mirabilis growing in places with a warm climate are perennials. However, in the conditions of our harsh winters, the root system of the night beauty does not withstand low temperatures, therefore v middle lane In Russia, this flower is grown as an annual plant.

The right choice of a place for landing a heat-loving guest will be a guarantee good development plants, its abundant and long flowering. Considering the tropical nature of Mirabilis, choose a sunny and draft-protected place for it with fertile, water- and breathable soil. If a native of tropical countries is calm about the lack of moisture, then its excess has a detrimental effect on the plant, so when preparing a flower bed, do not choose places with a low level of the earth or provide good drainage.

In addition, the increased acidity of the soil also negatively affects the vegetation of the plant. If your site has just such a soil, it is necessary to carry out its liming.

Landing of the night beauty

Mirabilis can be grown in several ways: from seeds, tubers or cuttings. The simplest and therefore the most common option is planting a plant with seeds. This is the most affordable option also because in our latitudes, under the condition of a sufficiently dry and warm summer, the seeds of the princess of the night ripen remarkably, remaining viable for several years. In addition, they are quite large and have hard shell, so their landing does not present any problems.

If you want to get flowers already in June, then you should grow mirabilis through seedlings.

  • For this, the seeds are already in the first decade of April should be planted in pots filled with a light substrate with neutral acidity.
  • To speed up the germination of seeds, pre-soak them for a period of 12 hours to a day in a damp cloth.
  • Plant the seeds in prepared pots with a substrate, deepening no more than 2 cm.
  • Cover containers with seeds with a film or glass to create the effect of a greenhouse, which will also speed up the germination process.
  • Place the pots in a warm (+ 22–25 ° C) place for germination. At this stage, lighting does not play a role. Shoots usually appear a couple of weeks after planting.
  • When the first seedlings appear, move the containers to a window sill with sufficient sun or another location with similar conditions. Optimum temperature for the development of seedlings is in the range from + 18 ° C to + 20 ° C.
  • Seedlings require moderate watering, which is done after the soil has dried on the surface. Excess moisture can kill plants.

When there is no opportunity to grow Mirabilis seedlings, you can plant the seeds of the night beauty directly into the ground.

  • Landing dates should be chosen not before the end of April when the soil warms up properly.
  • Pre-soaked seeds are planted on a prepared flower bed at intervals of 5–7 cm, taking into account subsequent thinning. Planting material is deepened by no more than 2 cm.
  • Landings are abundantly watered with warm water and covered with a film or nonwoven fabric before the appearance of the first shoots.
  • If the threat of night frost has already passed, the mini-greenhouse can be removed.

Mirabilis seedlings are planted in open ground at the end of May, after the weather becomes consistently warm. Don't forget that there is a place for tropical beauty should be chosen in the sunniest and warmest corner of your garden. Leave the interval between seedlings from 30 cm to half a meter, depending on the future size of the plant. Usually the height of the bush reaches from 80 cm to 1 meter, but recently dwarf varieties up to 40 cm high have been obtained.

How to take care of the princess of the night

Mirabilis at all unpretentious flower, and if the soil and the landing site are correctly selected for it, then it will not cause you additional trouble. Like most cultivated plants, the night beauty requires regular watering, fertilizing, weeding and loosening.

  • In open ground, Mirabilis loves abundant, but not frequent watering. Stagnation of moisture should not be allowed, watering the plant on average once a week, depending on the amount of precipitation. The princess perfectly tolerates nights and dry periods, but then flowering may slow down, and its intensity will be somewhat lower. To prevent this from happening, in the complete absence of rain, water the plant once every two days.
  • Mirabilis responds well to top dressing, which he needs at least three per season: at the beginning of the growing season (before the first buds appear), in the middle and at the end of summer. Use mineral complexes for top dressing, and note that the second and third time the fertilizer should not contain a lot of nitrogen, as it inhibits flowering and promotes the growth of green mass.
  • The essential advantage of mirabilis is that it is very resistant to various pests and diseases and therefore does not require additional protection measures.
  • So that your night beauty pleases her blooming view, do not forget not only to water and feed the plant, but also regularly loosen the ground under the bushes and remove weeds.
  • With the onset of frost, you can dig up mirabilis tubers and clean until the next season in a cool dark place by placing in a container filled with sawdust or newspapers. If winters are mild enough in your area, you can leave the tubers for the winter in the ground under a thick layer of mulch or covered with spruce branches.

Mirabilis in landscape design

Among the numerous varieties of the night beauty, there are both tall (up to 1 m) and dwarf (up to 40 cm) varieties. Depending on these features, they choose the role that the princess of the night can play in your garden.

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