How to grow lilies from bulbs in the country. How to grow and transplant oriental lilies in a pot? What to look out for

garden equipment 08.06.2019
garden equipment

Lilies do well in containers that can be taken out into the garden, where they will look very impressive. This is very convenient way growing lilies, especially if it is not possible to do this in the garden.

The method is suitable for such varieties ...

Almost all lilies grow well in containers, but more high grades require supports. Suitable species: Lilium auratum, L. formosanum, L. longiflorum and L. speciosum. Suitable varieties: short (60 cm high) Asian hybrids (eg Apollo and Côte d'Azur) and the Pixie series (only 50 cm high).

When to plant lilies

It is ideal to plant in early autumn, although the bulbs can be planted until spring.

Lilies can also be subjected to greenhouse forcing at home. Bulbs sold for forcing: Asian hybrids, L. auratum, L. longiflorum and L. speciosum. These bulbs must be kept cool so that they can bloom without the need for exposure to the natural winter cold. Forcing consists of bringing the pot into the warmth of a house or heated greenhouse where the lily will flower about six weeks after planting.

planting lilies in containers

Container preparation

Put 5 cm of drainage material, such as sherds or small stones, at the bottom of the ceramic pot, and then fill the pot with soil for growing plants. Plastic containers may not need to be drained if the drainage holes are higher than the bottom of the container.

planting density

Plant individual large bulbs (10-12 cm diameter) in 20-23 cm containers, or plant 3-4 smaller bulbs (5-8 cm diameter) in 20-23 cm containers. The distance between the bulbs should be 5 cm. Use only deep containers.

planting depth

Some lilies, such as Asiatic hybrids, only grow roots from the base of the bulbs. Others, including L. formosanum, L. lancifolium and L. longiflorum, shoot roots not only from the base of the bulb, but also from the stem above the bulb. These varieties will require a deeper container .

Plant lilies that root from the base (or those whose behavior is unknown) to a depth equal to the height of the bulb. Those lilies that release roots at the stem are planted to a depth equal to two and a half heights of the bulb.

The bulbs are planted with the lower part (there are hair-like roots on it) down, and the pointed tips of the bulb scales should look up.

The soil

While any all-purpose potting mix will do, John Innes potting mix is ​​the easiest to use in terms of watering and fertilizing. John Innes No. 3 is recommended for most lilies. If the mixture is too thick, add 20 percent of the volume. garden gravel with heather soilless compost or leafy humus.

Some lilies are calcephobes (for example, L. auratum and L. speciosum). They need to be planted in heather compost. John Innes heather compost is recommended.

Lilies require abundant amounts of fertilizer, so add granules or packaged fertilizer when planting.


The soil should be kept moist at all times, but not wet. In the summer, feed with a high-potassium liquid fertilizer like for tomatoes every two weeks.

To speed up the appearance of flowers (forcing), move the flowers to a place with a temperature condition of 18-21 ºC when shoots appear.

After flowering

Repot in the fall when the leaves have fallen, or move the bulbs to the garden. In large containers, lilies can grow two seasons in a row, but replace the top 5 cm of soil with a fresh mix of fertilizer or well-rotted manure.


It is ideal to keep containers in a cool but not frosty place, with good lighting, for example, in a well-ventilated greenhouse or greenhouse.

There are many hardy lilies that can be left outside. all year round. You may need to wrap the container in bubble wrap in winter in cold places to protect it from frost. In very cold places, or if the lilies are not frost-hardy, store the containers in cool, frost-free areas until spring.

To protect lilies from waterlogging, place containers under a shed or wall, or store in an unheated greenhouse or greenhouse.

Lilies usually require cool winter conditions so that they bloom well, so it is not recommended to keep them indoors in winter.


Red lily beetle - one of the most important pests of lilies, but they can also suffer from gray rot, slugs and snails.

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You will need

  1. Lay the bulbs upside down, the bottoms are slightly pressed to the ground;
  2. Decide on varieties - preference is given to oriental, dwarf, Asian, royal and long-flowered species;


  • A lily in a pot can reach a height of up to 1.5 meters, and can grow into a small compact bush. To regulate the height of the stem, you need to select varieties. Well, and accordingly, the pot for the lily must comply with the required agrotechnical conditions. The higher your future flower, the greater the height and diameter of the lily pot should be. So, with a stem height of 1.5 meters, the container should have a wall height of 35 - 40 cm. Volume seat for the 1st bulb is 16 cm2. Thus, in a pot with a diameter of 40 cm, 3-4 bulbs can be planted. Single plantings in separate pots are not advisable, since lilies, with a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe earth around the bulb, begin to actively produce babies, and flowering does not occur until the entire space is filled. This can take years. lilies in pots in the photo
  • After the appearance of sprouts, you need to water them moderately, about 2 times a week and make the first top dressing organic fertilizers. A week later, phosphorus-potassium are introduced. Sprouts 2 times a week are sprayed with growth stimulants. This is necessary for flower buds to form. After the lily grows to a height of 10 cm, you need to fill the ground almost to the brim and loosen after each watering, to a depth of about 5 cm.
  • Growing lilies at home has its own secrets.
  • Gradually increase watering of the plant. Fertilize the lily every ten days with a solution of organic fertilizers.
  • Lilies - graceful and very beautiful flower. Grown in a pot, they will not only please the eye and delight with a pleasant aroma, but will also become a wonderful decoration for the interior of your home.​

Growing lilies at home

Recently, specialized stores sell oriental lilies in a pot in an already flowering state. How to preserve this beauty and continue the vegetative development of plants at home. First of all, you should know that caring for an oriental lily in a pot during its flowering period includes mandatory abundant watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. Spray the foliage at least once a day. This will maximize the flowering period.

15 - 20 cm of fertile soil is poured on top; stratify the bulbs in the refrigerator for 15 - 20 days - the temperature should be about 5 degrees Celsius; After the aerial part has completely dried, watering stops completely and after 2 week comes the time to dig up the lily bulbs. It is not worth leaving in the same land, because it is already depleted and will not allow the bulbs to fully develop root system next year.lilii-v-gorchke​

Choosing a lily pot

Preparing lilies for planting

Getting ready to grow lily flowers in pots at home: photos of plants and the subtleties of preparation

Don't forget to fertilize once a week. When the lily is 1 month old, it must be taken out into the open air. But you need to accustom gradually, all the time increasing the stay of plants on the street, to bring it up to 10 hours. Until the buds appear, it is advisable to spray the leaves, but in order to avoid burns, hide the plant from the sun.

1. You need to pay attention to the bulbs, they should not be small, their weight should be at least 40 grams.

Tie up the flowers when the lily blooms. Do not forget about abundant watering during the entire flowering period of the plant.

- bowl;

You also need to know how to transplant a lily in a pot after the end of the flowering period.

Planting lilies in a pot

Watering is carried out with warm water so that the soil is evenly moistened.

Before planting, soak the bulbs first for 2 hours in a solution of potassium permanganate;

Lily Care

And now we will analyze in detail how to plant a lily in a pot at home:

When can you plant lilies

Lily can grow in a pot for 3 years without transplanting. Much depends on what conditions are created for wintering. The pot cannot be taken out to the balcony, in the cold, the bulbs will not have time to prepare and freeze.

​2. Think about which variety is better to choose. Most often planted at home: oriental, royal, dwarf, Asiatic and long-flowered lilies.

Gradually reduce watering when the lily has faded. Remove the bulbs from the pot after the stems have died. Place them in damp sand and put them in a cool room for winter time or until the time you decide to plant the flower in a pot again.

Lilies have faded, what care

- soil (sand + leaf humus + nutrient mixture);

To do this, after the fall of all the buds, wait until the moment when all the stems turn yellow and dry. Under no circumstances should you cut them. At this time, it is necessary to reduce watering to 1 time per week. Each watering is combined with abundant fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers. Foliar spraying is completely stopped. It is important for us at this moment that everything accumulated in foliage and stems nutrients switched to bulbs and powerful flower buds were laid there for the next growing season.

Before planting lilies, decide on the capacity and height of the sides of the pot. Considering the recommendations given above, calculate these parameters in such a way that after planting there is about 7 cm of space up to the top edge of the pot. Because after germination and the start of growth, it will be necessary to add soil, since lilies give additional roots in the process of their development.

Then for 12 hours in a solution of nutrient fertilizers and a growth stimulator.

Now you know how to grow a lily in a pot at home and have the knowledge of how to properly transplant bulbs. Check out some more photos of lilies in pots: lilii-v-gorchke6​
After the sprouts reach a height of 10 cm, the earth is topped up to the top edge of the pot. Then, caring for a home lily in a pot comes down to regular loosening of the soil to a depth of 5 cm to ensure the flow of fresh air to the root system. Watering is carried out daily. Top dressing with mineral and organic complexes for flowering plants at least 1 time per week. At the age of 1 month, a lily in a pot can be taken out into the open air. But this must be done with preliminary hardening. Take out on the first day for 30 minutes, on the second - for 1 hour, on the third for 2 hours. And so gradually bring the period of stay on fresh air until 10 o'clock. Exposure to nighttime temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius should be avoided. This slows down the process of laying flower buds.

Drainage is placed at the bottom of the tank in the form of sea and river pebbles or expanded clay, you can also use pieces of foam and broken bricks, a layer of up to 5 cm;

right choice planting material - the bulbs must be strong and weigh at least 40 grams;
Lily bulbs can be planted at any time. Its flowering depends on this. If in mid-March, then the flowers will appear in May. For later flowering, you can plant later.​
3. Before planting the bulbs, it is advisable to hold them in the fruit section of the refrigerator for three weeks.
​Author admin - 10.09.2015​
- lily bulbs;
After the aerial part is completely dry, watering stops completely and after 2 weeks it is time to dig up the lily bulbs. It is not worth leaving in the same land, because it is already depleted and will not allow the bulbs to fully develop the root system for the next year.

You can get a rich and long flowering only if all agrotechnical requirements are met. Growing lilies in pots is a fun and easy process. Enough to provide a complete proper care for lilies in pots, carry out regular watering and fertilizing with a balanced composition of mineral and organic fertilizers.

A lily flower in a pot can be grown without transplanting bulbs for 2 to 3 years. For this, it is necessary to provide optimal conditions for overwintering plants. In no case should containers with planting material be taken out to the balcony in winter. Unprepared bulbs may freeze. How to store after flowering and what to do to get abundant budding for the next season, we will tell further. In the meantime, we offer a few more colorful photos of lilies in pots on the balcony and windowsill:

Until the buds open, caring for a home lily in a pot can be supplemented by daily spraying of the foliage. This ensures faster growth and development. Outdoors, one rule must be observed. During spraying and until the moisture dries up, the leaves should not be exposed to direct sun rays. Otherwise it will cause sunburn. After blooming flowers when spraying, avoid getting water on the petals. Moisture shortens the flowering period.lilii-v-gorchke4​
then poured 10 cm fertile soil;​
Decide on varieties - preference is given to oriental, dwarf, Asian, royal and long-flowered species;
And if it is necessary for the lily to bloom in December, the bulb is planted in September, but as soon as sprouts appear, it is necessary to increase the length of the day, due to additional lighting.
4. First, it is advisable to soak the bulbs, for about 2 hours, in potassium permanganate.
Flowering plants will decorate any interior of the house. Especially lilies, because they bloom beautifully and smell delicately. Breeders have bred special varieties that can grow indoors. They can be attributed to oriental or Asian hybrids. They can grow for many years in the same pot and give very few babies.
- organic fertilizers.

We take out the earthen ball from the pot and carefully disassemble it, taking out the bulbs. Children are best immediately planted in a separate container for growing planting bulbs. Wash large onions under warm running water and cut off the shoot at a height of up to 5 cm from the bulb. Then we put it in a container and fill it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes. Take out and dry in fresh air for 2 hours. In the meantime, prepare the moss or sawdust, slightly moistening them and transferring them to a plastic bag. There, mixing with sawdust, add the onions. All this is placed in the refrigerator or basement. This is how the bulbs are stored until the next planting.

Let's figure out how to care for a lily in a pot. So, the landing was carried out correctly and successfully, now you need to wait for the sprouts to appear. For this period, a low temperature should be provided and watering should be carried out as the earthen coma dries up. This is about 1 time in 3 days.​

In order for something to begin to grow and develop, it is necessary to provide conditions for the growth of roots and nutrition. Planting a lily in a pot involves choosing the right soil. It can be soddy land in a mixture in equal proportions with humus or compost. When self-forming the soil mixture, do not forget about the addition of complex mineral fertilizers. As a rule, 50 gr. is taken for each liter of soil. mixtures in equal proportions of nitrogen, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. You can buy ready-made soil for lilies in the store. But before use, it must be disinfected. To do this, spill the filled pots with boiling water with the addition of fungicides and potassium permanganate.
Home lily in a pot - the subtleties of growing
If there are a lot of buds and they are heavy, then it is necessary to install support structures that will support the stem.
Lay out the bulbs tops up, the bottoms are slightly pressed to the ground;
Stratify the bulbs in the refrigerator for 15 - 20 days - the temperature should be about 5 degrees Celsius;
As the lily blooms, its buds will fall off, you will need to wait until the leaves and stems turn yellow. You cannot cut them. You need to water only once a week, not with ordinary water, but with top dressing. This is necessary so that all the nutrients from the stems pass into the bulbs, for laying flower buds for the next year.
5. And then hold in fertilizers dissolved in water, adding a growth stimulator, throughout the night.

Growing lilies

Prepare a small bowl for the plant. At the very bottom, put a sufficient number of skulls or medium-sized pebbles to ensure good drainage. Fill the pot to a depth of 5-6 cm with earth. As a soil, use coarse-grained sand mixed with a nutritious sod mixture and leaf humus.​
Now you know how to grow a lily in a pot at home and have the knowledge of how to properly transplant bulbs. Check out some more photos of lilies in pots:​

In principle, a home lily in a pot does not require much care. After shoots appear, the first top dressing is carried out with a solution of organic fertilizers. After 7 days, re-feeding is carried out using a phosphorus-potassium composition. It is desirable at the time of initial growth to spray the sprouts with solutions with the addition of a growth stimulator. This is done about 2 times a week. This technique stimulates the laying of flower buds and ensures the development of large colorful buds.​
You can plant a lily in a pot at any time of the year. To obtain crops for summer decoration of balconies, it is necessary to plant bulbs no later than the second decade of March. In this case, flowering will be provided in the second half of May. For later budding dates, it is necessary to repeat plantings with an interval of 2 weeks. To get flowers by December, you need to plant a lily in a pot at the end of September and provide additional lighting immediately after the sprouts appear.
Flowering plants in the house are a great opportunity to create a favorable cozy atmosphere and fill the air with amazing aromas. The house lily in a pot is not currently surprising with its presence, since special varieties of this plant have been bred that are adapted to room conditions. First of all, these are oriental and Asian hybrids, which give very few children and can grow without a transplant in the same pot for several years. Growing indoor lilies in a pot is not as difficult as it might seem. It is possible to regulate the flowering period and get beautiful large buds for any special occasion. To do this, you just need to choose the right time for planting and provide the required conditions for growth.​
​Look at the photo of lilies in pots that you can successfully grow at home with the effort and using the tips given above.​

15 - 20 cm of fertile land is poured on top;

Home lily in a pot - the subtleties of growing

Before planting, soak the bulbs first for 2 hours in a solution of potassium permanganate;

Once the stems and leaves are dry, the bulb can be dug up. Dip in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, dry and put in a plastic bag with sawdust, and then in the refrigerator or basement for storage until next year, the children can be planted in the ground.

Ready-made soil is sold in stores, it is best to salt it.

Getting ready to grow lily flowers in pots at home: photos of plants and the subtleties of preparation

in a pot, does not present any particular difficulties. Most importantly, it will be possible to regulate flowering by choosing the time for planting and creating certain conditions, if necessary, for the lily to bloom for some kind of celebration.

  1. In the fall (or summer), plant the bulb in a bowl. Spread out all roots first. different sides. Sprinkle the bulb with earth so that the distance from its top to the surface of the soil in the pot is at least 5 cm. Lightly press the soil.
  2. ​Source:​
  3. After the sprouts reach a height of 10 cm, the earth is topped up to the top edge of the pot. Then, caring for a home lily in a pot comes down to regular loosening of the soil to a depth of 5 cm to ensure the flow of fresh air to the root system. Watering is carried out daily. Top dressing with mineral and organic complexes for flowering plants at least 1 time per week. At the age of 1 month, a lily in a pot can be taken out into the open air. But this must be done with preliminary hardening. Take out on the first day for 30 minutes, on the second - for 1 hour, on the third for 2 hours. And so gradually bring the period of stay in the fresh air to 10 hours. Exposure to nighttime temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius should be avoided. This slows down the process of laying flower buds.
  4. And now we will analyze in detail how to plant a lily in a pot at home:
  5. A lily in a pot can reach a height of up to 1.5 meters, and can grow into a small compact bush. To regulate the height of the stem, you need to select varieties. Well, and accordingly, the pot for the lily must comply with the required agrotechnical conditions. The higher your future flower, the greater the height and diameter of the lily pot should be. So, with a stem height of 1.5 meters, the container should have a wall height of 35 - 40 cm. The volume of the seat for the 1st bulb is 16 cm2. Thus, in a pot with a diameter of 40 cm, 3-4 bulbs can be planted. Single plantings in separate pots are not advisable, since lilies, with a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe earth around the bulb, begin to actively produce babies, and flowering does not occur until the entire space is filled. This can take years.​

How to grow and transplant oriental lilies in a pot?

How to plant a lily in a pot?

Irrigation is carried out with warm water so that the soil is evenly moistened.
Then for 12 hours in a solution of nutrient fertilizers and a growth stimulator.
The conclusion suggests itself that growing lilies at home is not difficult, and it is also an interesting and exciting activity.

  • We take a pot, put drainage on the bottom, about 4 cm high. It can be expanded clay, broken brick.
  • Lily, depending on the variety, can have a different height: be tall and small, compact. Therefore, depending on the height, a pot is selected. For lilies with a height of about 1 meter, a 40 cm pot is taken. And with a container diameter of 45 cm, it will be possible to plant 4 or 5 bulbs.
  • Place the lily pot in a cool (about 4 degrees) bright room for 1.5-2 months. Keep the soil moderately moist.​
  • See also: types of lilies
  • Until the buds open, caring for a home lily in a pot can be supplemented by daily spraying of the foliage. This ensures faster growth and development. Outdoors, one rule must be observed. During spraying and until the moisture dries, the leaves should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Otherwise, it will cause sunburn. After blooming flowers when spraying, avoid getting water on the petals. Moisture shortens the flowering period.

Drainage is placed at the bottom of the tank in the form of sea and river pebbles or expanded clay, you can also use pieces of foam and broken bricks, a layer of up to 5 cm;

The subtleties of growing a domestic lily in a pot and caring for plants

Look carefully at the various photos of potted lilies, the amazing beauty of these flowering plants fascinates and fascinates. If the decision to plant them is made, then we are preparing to grow lily flowers in pots. The subtleties of preparing for growing a lily at home in a pot include a few secrets:
Recently, specialized stores sell oriental lilies in a pot in an already flowering state. How to preserve this beauty and continue the vegetative development of plants at home. First of all, you should know that caring for an oriental lily in a pot during its flowering period includes mandatory abundant watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. Spray the foliage at least once a day. This will maximize the flowering period.
Before planting lilies, decide on the capacity and height of the sides of the pot. Considering the above recommendations, calculate these parameters in such a way that after planting there is about 7 cm of space left up to the top edge of the pot. Because after germination and the start of growth, it will be necessary to add soil, since lilies give additional roots in the process of their development.lilii-v -gorchke2​
A lily flower in a pot can be grown without transplanting bulbs for 2 to 3 years. To do this, it is necessary to provide optimal conditions for the wintering of the plant. In no case should containers with planting material be taken out to the balcony in winter. Unprepared bulbs may freeze. How to store after flowering and what to do to get abundant budding for the next season, we will tell further. In the meantime, we offer some more colorful photos of lilies in pots on the balcony and windowsill: a photo of a lily in a pot at home

Growing lilies in containers. Many hybrid varieties lilies can be grown in containers, vases that are exposed to the open air (for example, Asian hybrids). In spring or autumn, three or four bulbs are planted in a large pot or tub to form a bright spot of color. Not forgetting at the same time that lilies with stem roots require a deep planting. A drainage layer (pebbles, expanded clay) must be placed in containers (vases) at the bottom. Lilies are planted in vases and containers in spring (April-May) or autumn in October, after the foliage fades. Take deep containers (at least 20 cm in height), with a volume of 5-7 liters. A drainage layer of expanded clay or gravel is placed at the bottom. It is good to put another layer of charcoal 2-3 cm thick. soil mix prepare light, loose, rich in humus. As an earthen substrate, a mixture of coconut fiber, biohumus and washed coarse sand is perfect (2 parts of biohumus are mixed with 4 parts of coconut fiber and 1 part of sand). You can use other components (from soddy and leafy soil, humus and washed coarse sand in a ratio of 1:1:1:0.5). The main thing is that the substrate is breathable and moisture-absorbing. Fill the container with the substrate. Bulbs are dug out of the beds carefully so as not to damage the roots. Preferably with a clod of earth. Planting material should be moderately large, healthy. They are planted deep enough so that there is a layer of earth 8-10 cm thick above the bulbs. spring planting containers are placed immediately on the street to a permanent (chosen) place. It is desirable that it be a sunny place protected from the wind. At autumn planting pots are placed in a cool place and kept for at least 1.5-2 months at a temperature of plus 1-2 degrees. Watered very sparingly. Excess moisture in the substrate can lead to the development of fungal diseases. At the end of the rest period (in late March - early April), pots (planted in autumn) are placed in a warm place. With the advent of seedlings, watering is increased, and the air temperature should not be higher than 15-18 degrees. If the temperature rises, the plant stretches, the quality of the flowers deteriorates. After the threat of night frosts has passed, the containers are taken out into the street (to a permanent place), refraining from direct sunlight for the first 2-3 weeks. Before the appearance of the first buds, the soil is watered abundantly, maintaining its moisture. After that, until the end of flowering, once every two weeks, the plants are fed with liquid complex fertilizer. Depending on the varietal characteristics, flowerpots bloom in 80-140 days. After flowering withered flowers cut off. The next steps depend on whether you want to save the bulbs for later use or not. If you want to save the bulbs, then continue to water the plants until the leaves turn yellow. Then the bulbs are taken out of the container, dried, dead leaves are removed and the bulbs are stored in a cool dry place. In autumn they are planted in open ground- for re-planting in containers, it is better not to use them. Lilies by mail

Lilies, blooming luxuriously in many gardens, win new fans among flower growers every year.
Seeing the flowering of their first lilies, gardeners seek to replenish the collection with elegant varieties from different groups.

However, not all lovers of these plants succeed, which would bloom better every year.
In this case, there are many subtleties that beginner growers need to know.
One of these important nuances is the presence of healthy roots in purchased lily bulbs, as well as the preservation of the root system in the process of care, planting and transplanting plants.

Preservation of the roots of lilies

Healthy roots are the key lush flowering lilies.
It is important to maintain the integrity of the roots of lilies throughout the gardening season, which is why loosening around the plant stems is undesirable. Therefore, for lilies, instead of loosening the soil, it is recommended suitable materials(peat, well-rotted manure, mature compost, wood chips, etc.). Mulch gives the lily bulbs extra nutrition and creates a favorable environment for the roots.

Do not damage the root system of lilies when digging bulbs. Therefore, digging is usually done with a pitchfork, carefully and deeply capturing a layer of earth around the plant.
They try to keep the roots of dug lilies carefully freed from the ground until planting.

Planting lily bulbs is carried out in the spring, or at the very beginning of autumn.
Please note that with proper storage, high-quality lily bulbs must have viable roots by the time they are planted!

By purchasing planting material lilies, carefully inspect the scales and roots of the bulbs. Dried scales and the absence of living roots indicate that such bulbs have little chance of further normal development, successful wintering and good flowering. Therefore, it is better to refuse such a dubious purchase.

Keeping lilies in the house before landing in the garden

In early spring, when bulbs of various varieties of lilies appear in stores, you want to buy and plant everything right away!
I am personally scared by the advice that applies to almost all bulbous and bulbous plants - "store until planting on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator." I don’t know about other flower growers, but the bottom shelf of our refrigerator is “not rubber”, and the products also need to be put somewhere ...

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