How to build paths in the country with your own hands. How to make gravel paths - we make bulk garden paths from gravel in the yard and in the country

landscaping 25.06.2019

In this article, we will offer some original ideas for arranging original, beautiful and at the same time inexpensive and comfortable garden paths with your own hands, which will become one of the decorations of your adjoining plot or cottages.

1. Gravel, just gravel

Let's start with one of the simplest and least expensive ideas - creating gravel garden paths. The advantages of this option include a wide selection of fractions and shades, as well as the ability to get by with a minimum of cost and effort.

In the case of arranging such a path, you will have to take care of the presence of a curb or other limiter so that the gravel remains within the boundaries of the path

In this case, enough gravel was covered big square between neat flower beds where not flowers grow, but vegetables

2. Large stones or slabs on gravel

Somewhat more expensive, but also more comfortable and original version- lay out a path of flat stones or concrete slabs, and fill the space between them with the same gravel.

Large slabs of stone or concrete will become the basis of the path, and so that grass does not break through between them and the path looks more attractive, the space is covered with inexpensive gravel

Stone slabs on gravel can be scattered in any, the most chaotic order - this way the path will look even more unusual

3. Stones and lawn

If you have nothing against green grass, let the lawn grow freely between stone slabs tracks. This combination of greenery and stone will look very natural and harmonious in the garden.

Stone slabs literally "grow" into the green lawn, becoming an integral part of the garden

Why destroy the lawn, if you can create just such a beautiful path, walking along which will be no less convenient than along ordinary paths completely tiled

One can confidently say about such a path of massive stone slabs - “made for centuries”. And the moss growing between the slabs gives it natural look as if the path appeared on its own

4. One board, two boards

The result may not be a ladder at all, but a comfortable garden path. Just do not forget to process the wood, which will have to withstand moisture and temperature changes.

It is not necessary to use fairly expensive ready-made boards; you can purchase ordinary pallets that are quite inexpensive. It remains only to disassemble them, process the resulting boards with a special composition and lay out the track

Another plus of such a garden path is that if necessary, it will not be difficult to replace one of the boards.

5. Boards and gravel

From wooden planks it is not at all necessary to lay out a continuous flooring. You can use gravel and create a harmonious combination of stone and natural wood.

Gravel between the boards can be poured in different ways - large, medium, small, it all depends on your desire

By the way, with the help of boards and gravel, you can also create stepped paths in areas with uneven terrain.

6. Pebble

An ideal option for those who want to transfer a piece of the sea beach to their garden is pebbles. You can lay out unusual compositions from it or just fill up the track, be sure to take care of the limiters.

Highly beautiful option pebble paths. Children will especially enjoy jumping from one laid out piece to another - a real playground

It will be nice to walk along such a path barefoot, imagining yourself on a pebble beach somewhere on the Black Sea coast

7. Wooden cuts

If the boards seem too banal to you, or you just recently got rid of a large tree that cluttered up the site, you can use wooden saw cuts to create a garden path. The beauty of natural wood does not need additional decorations, but it will have to be protected from external influences.

Wooden saw cuts can be of different sizes - this combination will look just as good.

Of course, finding large wooden saw cuts will not be easy. However, smaller rounds can also be laid out in this way - on top of each other, in steps

8. Boards and grass

As with stone slabs, green grass can be allowed to grow between planks. Experts note that boards lying on gravel last longer, but your garden will look like a corner of almost untouched nature with lots of greenery.

Old boards on a green lawn are both a retro option and a very natural part of a garden that has retained its natural charm

9. Stone mosaic

This option for arranging a garden path will require a lot of time and effort, but the result will be so beautiful, durable and original that it will pay off all the efforts.

From pebbles, large and small stones, you can create amazing garden paths, real mosaic panels

Such a mosaic is laid out on concrete or sand. If you decide to lay the stones on the sand, you can additionally fix them with wood glue so that the paths last long enough

The process of laying out such a stone mosaic is very painstaking, it requires attention to each pebble.

10. Mosaic from broken ceramic tiles

Anyone who has ever made repairs using ceramic tiles, necessarily remain unclaimed pieces. Do not rush to throw them away - with the help of a bat or tile cut into pieces, you can create a beautiful and reliable garden path.

From pieces of a wide variety of broken tiles, you can create garden paths that will definitely be one of a kind

From small pieces of tiles, you can create small separate panels

11. Plastic lids

A very interesting option for arranging garden paths. The more you have plastic caps different colors, the more beautiful and brighter your garden path will turn out.

Plastic is not afraid of moisture and temperature changes, so such covers can be called an unusual, but quite suitable option for creating garden paths.

The only thing that can delay the implementation of such a project is the need to collect enough a large number of plastic covers. Although, if you turn to friends, acquaintances and neighbors for help, it will not be difficult to cope with this task.

12. "Vegetable" concrete slabs

Concrete is a truly versatile material from which you can make amazingly beautiful things. To create a garden path from unusual concrete slabs, you only need cement mortar and ordinary big burdock, which you will definitely find without problems under the nearest fence.

It turns out that even a child can make such a garden path! So you can definitely do it

These are the concrete mugs you should get in the end

13. Mold for casting

Special forms for creating concrete garden paths can now be purchased at many hardware stores. With their help, you can arrange comfortable paths throughout the garden or house adjoining area with your own hands.

It will depend on the chosen form. appearance your garden path

You can add color to the solution and your track will sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow

14. Terrace board

Of course, this option can no longer be called cheap, because a ready-made decking board is very expensive. However, such a track will look not only beautiful, but also respectable, and will last for many years without losing its original parameters.

A deck or deck board walkway is one of the most expensive options.

A deck board made of larch will cost less depending on the type of material

15. Brick

Remember the girl Ellie, who walked with her friends to Goodwin along the yellow brick path? Why not transfer such a fabulous path to your garden by creating a solid and beautiful brick path with your own hands.

You can choose a brick for the path in a different shade, and the process of laying it is similar to paving slabs

The most economical option is to create a garden path from the old brick left after dismantling the outbuilding

16. Paving slabs

It seems that there is nothing original in this idea. Indeed, at present, paving slabs have become one of the most popular options for arranging garden paths. But tiles are different! The diversity that exists today allows you to create original patterns from paving slabs and turn garden paths into a masterpiece of landscape design.

And in this case, the path of paving slabs is surrounded by areas covered with gravel

As you can see, there are many options for arranging garden paths, and you can choose very inexpensive, if not free, options that involve the use of such "improvised" materials as wooden cuts, old bricks and plastic covers. Choose the idea that you like, implement your options and let your paths on the site be the most beautiful!

The paths in the country house connect all the objects on the site: a house, a gate, summer kitchen, barn, gazebo, greenhouse, sauna, garden, shower. You can't do without them. On one site they can be made of various materials, have all sorts of configurations, but must necessarily fit into general form space. In the country, you can make paths with your own hands, having previously drawn up a plan.

The paths in the country house connect all the objects on the site: a house, a gate, a summer kitchen, a barn, a gazebo, a greenhouse, a bathhouse, a garden, a shower

Designers recommend making them curved in small areas - this visually increases the area. Trees should not grow near the paths, as their roots can compromise the integrity of the pavement. Having drawn a diagram, estimate on the ground how convenient it will be to move from one object to another along the planned paths, so that later there is no desire to redo everything. It's complicated. The paths, even from improvised materials, but well designed, give the territory a neat, complete and cozy look.

First you need to decide on the coverage. Most often it is made from paving slabs, concrete, stone, brick, wood, pebbles. General requirement for all materials - strength, moisture and frost resistance. The surface must be non-slip and easy to clean. To make markings and prepare the soil for laying, the following materials and tools are needed:

  • pegs, cord;
  • boards;
  • shovel;
  • sand, gravel;
  • rammer;
  • level;
  • screwdriver

Determine the boundaries of the track by adding an allowance to the formwork. Its width depends on the destination. Usually, from the gate to the house, it is made wide and solid, but, for example, near the dog aviary, it can be narrow and intermittent. Pegs are placed along the marked edges, the cord is pulled. Sod is removed with a shovel to a depth of 10 cm, the bottom is leveled in the resulting trench. Straight lines of paths are limited by boards at the same level, securing them with stakes from the outside. One to the other boards are screwed with a screwdriver. Sand is poured into the trench and rammed. Its depth and height of the pillow depend on the chosen material for coating and the technological features of laying. The coating may be hard or soft.

solid tracks

Rigid surfaces include: paving slabs, concrete, clinker bricks, stone, wood.

Paving slabs are the most common option for paths on the site. The market offers many types, sizes, shapes and colors. There are plenty to choose from, including at an affordable price. Depending on the location, it can be laid on sand, gravel or mortar. In this case, it is necessary to follow the rule: it is necessary to pave the paths with a slight slope so that the water flows off them freely.

The tile is placed tightly, its position is leveled with a level and a rubber mallet, if necessary, sand is added. The quality of laying is controlled wooden block: if the tile is raised, it is planted by tapping on the bar. It is correct to start laying from the curb. After finishing work, the seams are covered with a mixture of sand and cement and watered. In order for the track to keep its shape, it is limited by curbs, setting them on a liquid solution.

If it is planned to lay tiles on concrete, then after a pillow of sand and gravel is made, they are installed across the track at a distance of 1 m along the entire length on the edge of the board to provide a compensation gap in case of temperature changes. They are leveled along the formwork, which should protrude 2-3 cm above ground level. To prevent concrete from sticking, the boards are treated with machine oil or drying oil.

To make smooth turns, the formwork is made from wet plywood, it can be bent as you like. The constructed frame is poured with concrete: cement (M500), sand, crushed stone in a ratio of 1: 4: 6, water is added as much as the mixture takes. To obtain a more plastic solution, a special plasticizer is used, you can use liquid soap. It is best to make the mass in a concrete mixer.

This is the most common option for tracks on the site.

A monolithic concrete track is inexpensive. It looks decorative, if in upper layer add dye and decorate it under a stone. The first layer with crushed stone is poured onto a prepared base 4 cm thick and a grid with cells up to 20 cm is laid. When the solution hardens, a 3 cm layer of concrete is applied on top of it without crushed stone with a small amount of water, carefully tamping it down. The surface is leveled and smoothed.

To decorate it under a stone, you can use bent fittings, applying a pattern to your taste with it. Usually, a pattern imitating a small stone is drawn along the edges of the path. To give the surface a characteristic porosity, you can treat it in places with a sponge. Before full maturation, concrete must be covered from both the sun and rain. The slower it matures, the stronger the coating.

Gallery: paths in the country (25 photos + video)

Forms for garden paths

You can make paths from decorative concrete by purchasing a special dry mix and a plastic or silicone mold with a pattern in the store. Choose it with grooves that are small in depth and width, as dirt quickly accumulates in volumetric gaps and the track loses its decorative effect. The shape pattern can consist of rhombuses, squares, rectangles diverging like a fan, all kinds of weaves. Country paths made of decorative concrete look very stylish and cost no more than those paved with paving slabs. The work is performed in the following sequence:

  • prepare the base, as described above, and cover it with rubble with a layer of 10 cm;
  • poured cement mortar and smooth;
  • sprinkle with dry powdered dye of the desired shade;
  • stamp the surface with forms, laying them close to each other and lightly tamping;
  • after 3 days, the path is washed with a brush dipped in a solution of hydrochloric acid;
  • cover acrylic varnish, which protects against negative impact and makes it more attractive.

You can make paths from decorative concrete by purchasing a special dry mix and a plastic or silicone mold with a pattern in the store

Instead of a dye, a hardener can be used, which, in addition to the pigment that gives color, contains quartz sand. Pressing can begin when the concrete mixture does not reach for the finger attached to it.

stone and wood

For wooden walkways, larch is mainly used as the most moisture-resistant material. Solid flooring is installed on piles of blocks 10-20 cm high terrace board with a pattern so that it is not slippery. The soil is leveled only under the blocks, they are placed on pillows of sand and gravel, insulating from the ground and timber with roofing material. First, they make a complete laying out of the boards over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe track, and only then they are attached.

Despite the fact that wood loses in strength to stone and concrete, it rots, to create paths in the country in rustic style tree cuts are used. Often for this, logs left after the dismantling of old buildings are used.

The trunk is divided into stumps 15-40 cm thick, the top layer is ground, the bark is removed and the part that will be underground is treated with an antifungal agent, after which it is laid on the prepared surface, leveled.

You can build paths from stone. They look very harmonious. It is not recommended to use shell rock and limestone, as they are short-lived and also slippery. Most often they are laid on the sand. Such a path will be made slowly, since each stone should be examined, choosing the smoothest side that will be outside. Often they have to be filed. After laying 2-3 m, the segment made is fixed by filling the gaps between the stones with a liquid solution of cement and sand (1: 3). It is convenient to do this using a kind of cone from an empty bag with a cut off corner. Slabs for stone paths must be at least 4 cm thick.

For wooden walkways, larch is mainly used, since it is the most moisture resistant material.

Original new material for coatings - decking, or garden parquet. It consists of small sections made from planks of hardwood. Garden parquet is laid on supports, selected in height so as to smooth out differences in ground level. The basis for decking can serve as a sand and gravel cushion, concrete pavement with drain or wooden logs. Water under it should not stagnate. It installs quickly and easily. At the end of the season, it is dismantled, washed, lubricated special oil and stored in a dry place.

Having a personal plot, you immediately want to equip it, ennoble it. And then plant, and this ... Fantasy is in full swing, and there are so many ways to realize your plans! We just need to understand what exactly we want and HOW to do it? And you don’t need to immediately rush in search of a newfangled designer, calm down, you can arrange everything YOURSELF! And our site will help you make the right choice.

What can give each garden a special individuality, exclusivity? Of course, garden paths!

There is a great many different types garden paths that can be done at low cost. And there is nothing complicated in their manufacture, and the savings are obvious. Having done everything with your own hands, you will save on the services of a designer, and by correctly “seeing” and selecting materials from those already available on the site, you will also reduce these costs to zero.

The most popular country paths from improvised materials, which you can easily make with your own hands, we will now take a closer look at:

  • Here's everything you need to get started:
  • Gravel (pebbles, expanded clay), at the rate of 1 ton per 15 m ^ 2;
  • Dense film or geotextile;
  • Sand;
  • Boards made of wood or concrete on both sides of the track.

  • Mark your future path on personal plot, draw all its turns and bends (if any);
  • On both sides of the future path, dig in the sides of wooden blocks, or concrete strips;
  • Remove the top layer of turf along the entire path by 15-20 cm;
  • Take a geotextile or a dense film and lay it along the entire path, while trying to put the edges under the sides of the path;
  • Sprinkle the cleaned place with sand for 5 cm;
  • Carefully level the sandy surface;
  • All preparatory work finished, now you can finally start filling the prepared path space with gravel;

  • That's all the difficulty when doing a gravel path!

Related video: the secret to a quality gravel path

Tracks from natural stone are considered the strongest and most durable. However, to make them you will need to purchase natural stone if your area does not have one.

  • Prepare the following materials:
  • Booth or chipped cobblestone;
  • Sand;
  • Sand compacting tool.

Stages of laying a stone path:

Work should begin with marking the future path, after which the turf should be removed from the place along which the path will be laid. Moreover, the largest of the stones you prepared will indicate the depth to you (dig 5-10 cm more than the largest stone);

Then you should fill the entire path with sand and evenly level it, the height of the sand embankment should be about 10 cm;

Lay the stones on the sand, pressing them well into the sand. For large stones, the distance between the stones can be up to 8 cm, subsequently it is covered with earth and, for beauty, can be sown with grass. For a small stone, a distance of 2-3 cm will be sufficient. Such seams are subsequently sealed with a cement mortar;

The stone path is ready! Do you have installation difficulties?

Do-it-yourself concrete garden paths

For concreting garden paths, modern manufacturers have come up with a special plastic frame. With this device, your concrete garden path with their own hands will appear in the garden very quickly and will not require any extra time or delivery of the stone. What materials are needed for garden paths - sand, fine gravel or small gravel, cement, water.

Related video: Concrete garden path, mold for making

  • We prepare the path in almost the same way as the gravel one, only the trench under the path should be dug 20 cm wider than your path will be in ready-made.

  • We take out the excess soil and tamp everything down well;
  • Fix the formwork with pegs along the entire path on both sides;

  • Attach transverse rails to the formwork every 2.5-3 m. This will help protect the concrete from cracking during operation;

Apply the form to the prepared sections of the track and proceed to fill the form with cement mortar. At the same time, it is very important to ensure that the entire form is filled with cement evenly and that there are no voids anywhere. If you still haven’t noticed the void that has formed somewhere - don’t worry, apply the form again and fill it with cement - everything will be fixed;

Thoroughly compact the concrete with a heavy flat object, possibly a board;

Move from one section of the track to another. At the same time, cover the finished one with polyethylene - so as not to inspire debris on the freshly prepared and not yet completely cured concrete;

Backfill the space between the cement tiles with earth and seed them herbaceous plants- should be very nice!

The remaining spaces around the path (remember, we dug a trench bigger size than you need), you can overlay with bricks, cover with earth or small pebbles.

Related video: We concrete the garden path with our own hands

An excellent and very popular material for your garden path can be an ordinary tree. Thanks to the variety of colors and textures of wood, you can get a unique and very beautiful path!

From how the paths will be decorated on suburban area, largely depends on its entire design. Even in such conditions, when it is not possible to perform time-consuming and expensive work, you can choose more affordable options that have been developed and already tested by craftsmen.

Do-it-yourself paths in the country can be made from the most different materials by choosing the appropriate option from the options below. For example, for these purposes, ordinary bricks or round logs, sawn from logs, are perfect for these purposes, round, medium size pebbles or regular corks from plastic bottles. There are also removable track options that can be laid exclusively on summer period. By the way, such tracks can also not only be purchased ready-made, but also made independently.

In any case, before laying any garden paths, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work.

First of all, you need to schematically place a house, outbuildings on the plan, connecting them together and paving the way to the entrance gate - these will be the main paths, which you cannot do without in any case.

Then, you need to plan paths leading from the house to various areas of the site, for example, to the gazebo, pool, playground or zone.

If there is a need, then, having brought the path to the garden or garden, it is worth branching it in such a way that it is convenient to get to every corner of the site in any weather, since the lack of paths is especially unpleasant for moving on “bare” ground during or immediately after rain .

After the project is drawn up, you can transfer it to the territory of the site.

Marking on the ground

To determine the width and direction of the tracks, it is necessary to make markings on the ground. This is especially important if they are kept in certain sizes in width - for example, laid out from finished tiles or bricks.

Marking is carried out with the help of driven pegs and a cord pulled over them. To make it more convenient to visually figure out how the direction will look like, and whether the width of the path is sufficient, each border on the sides can be sprinkled with lime a little.

The best option is if, along with the path, you immediately mark the location of the plants that will frame it, since everything looks a little different on the ground than in the project.

At the planting sites of bushes and trees, which will be located along the path, you can install signs or lay out stones, and mark the boundaries of future flower beds with lime.

It must be remembered that the pit to be torn off should be somewhat wider than the path itself, since in order for it to serve for many years, it must be protected on both sides with stone or concrete curbs. Whatever material it is planned to build a track from, such a preparatory part will in any case improve the quality of the work and allow the laid out track to function for a long time.

After marking, you can proceed to the preparatory earthworks.

Preparing the base for the garden path

So that the path does not crumble in a year or is not overgrown with grass with the same sad outcome, serious preparatory work needs to be carried out. At the same time, it must be remembered that the path should have a slight slope in one or both directions. In addition, a small trench is made in the side of the slope, into which water will drain during rain.

  • First of all, from the places where the track will pass, it is removed fertile layer, thickness 15 ÷ 200 mm. In order for the depth of the pit to be approximately the same along its entire length, it is necessary to control its sides with a ruler.

  • Further, in order to maintain the evenness of the edges of the future path, boards are installed inside, along the entire length of the walls of the pit, but under them it is first desirable to add and compact some sand.
  • If the pit is limited by concrete curbs, then their width should be 70 ÷ 100 mm greater than the height of the walls of the pit. The curbs are set according to the level, and so that they do not move, they are fixed with reinforcing bars, which are driven into the ground inside the trench, next to the curbs. The length of the rods should be from 250 to 350 mm, and this segment should be clogged by 200 ÷ 300 mm. The pin remaining above the ground will hold the curb in the desired position.

  • If the walls of the pit turned out to be uneven due to excessively loose soil, then reinforcing pins will also have to be driven into the walls, and then installed, pressing curbs against them, setting them in level and also fixing on the other hand pins.
  • Further, crushed stone or gravel mixed with sand or cement is poured into the bottom of the pit. can be from 50 to 100 mm after tamping.

… and careful tamping to maximum density

  • After backfilling and distribution over the pit, the resulting surface is periodically moistened and thoroughly compacted.

The type of material to be poured will largely depend on the total thickness of the "cushion", on the type of upper decorative coating. Also, do not forget that between the "cushion" and the top lining, most often a layer of sand should still be placed.

Varieties of garden paths for a suburban area

As mentioned above, paths can be made from different materials. It is worth considering the installation of some of them in order to accurately determine the choice of the most suitable option.

brick path

A fairly reliable, durable and aesthetic path is obtained from a brick. It is laid out, in principle, using the same technology as paving slabs or. In order for such a path to last for a long time, you need to choose high-quality clinker bricks and carry out work very carefully.

  • The base for the path, with a compacted upper sand layer, needs to be well leveled using a homemade rule.

The rule is made from a board with perfectly even and smooth end sides. The board should have a length of 200 mm more than the width of the path. The corners of the bottom of the board are cut to the thickness of the brick. Upper, longer uncut parts boards will serve as a stop and limiter when leveling the sand layer.

  • When the entire sand layer is leveled, you can proceed with the installation of side bricks in the path, which are installed on the edge and driven half the width into the sand with a rubber mallet.

Laying and driving in a line of "border" bricks

  • If a curb is not provided in the path device, then the side bricks are fastened together with a mortar, and after it hardens and is removed, they must be fixed from the outside with reinforcing pins, and then a crushed stone bed should be arranged, which will need to be carefully tamped.
  • After installing the side bricks on both sides of the path, you need to decide what pattern the middle of the path will be laid out with. The brick can be installed on the end or laid on its wide side.

  • To make the masonry rigid, you need to lay one row along and the other across the path, driving bricks into the sand at the same level in height with the framing ones. However, in order for the path to be as reliable as possible, it is advised to fasten the brick together with a glue solution on cement base designed for outdoor work - this will also reduce the risk of grass growing in the gap between the bricks.

It is advisable to put the solution in such a way that it does not protrude from above, but remains inside the masonry, which means that it will not require too much.

  • After the laying of the path is completed, the gaps between the bricks are filled with sand. To do this, he spills out onto the path and with a long-haired brush is distributed first over one area, then in another way - and so on until all the gaps are completely filled.

The remaining excess sand is swept off the surface with the same brush.

  • Further, when the path is almost ready, the formwork from the boards is removed from its sides. On the outer edge of the path, crushed stone of the middle fraction is poured and carefully compacted, and another layer of crushed stone is freely poured on top of it.
  • To brighten the color and prolong its service life, it is recommended to treat the brick with a penetrating primer, and after it dries, cover it with a varnish that is suitable for stone in outdoor conditions.

With some assumption, a variety of such tracks can be considered those that are made of thick ones. How the process takes place is shown in detail in the video.

Video: garden path laying master class

Round log path

Option number 1

To "paving" the path with columns, you need to take a dried tree of one of the hard species. Round logs should have a flat surface, so they must be cut very carefully.

Then the surface of the stumps is cleaned and leveled.

  • For the construction of the path, logs of different diameters are taken, so that it turns out to fill the space of the pit as densely as possible.

The height of the round timber should be twice the height of the walls of the pit, counting from the compacted gravel, that is, the columns should rise above the surface of the soil located around the future path by 100 ÷ 130 mm.

  • When the log blanks are prepared, it is necessary to treat their lower part with an antiseptic that will protect the wood from biological pests and the negative impact of ground moisture on it.

This is best done by placing the stumps in turn in a container with liquid and leaving for 3 ÷ 4 minutes. Simply applied to the rest of the surface wide brush. Before installing the paths in the pit, the round timber is thoroughly dried.

  • After drying, the hemp is dipped into the "Kuzbass varnish" for a few seconds - it will perfectly protect the wood from moisture. However, the disadvantage of this composition is that its structure is destroyed by exposure to ultraviolet rays and overheating. However, if it processes only the lower part of the stumps, which will be closed by the wall of the pit, sand, geotextiles and gravel, then such detrimental effects do not threaten.

A regular heated tar can serve as a substitute for varnish, which, when cooled, forms a fairly dense film on the surface of the stumps - it is not afraid of either high temperature or sunlight.

  • Prepared round timber from trunks of different diameters begin to install on the rammed at the bottom gravel pit as follows:

- A small amount of sand is poured to the transverse wall of the pit at the beginning of the path.

- Then, the first row of round timber is installed. It must be well sized so that it fits as tightly as possible.

- Sand is poured between the logs to the level of the top of the walls of the pit.

“Such cyclical manipulations continue until the end of the path.

  • Along the edge of the path, a sandy border is filled up and compacted.

Option number 2

Another option using round stumps, which is arranged in combination with crushed stone or gravel.

In this case, only the curb is mounted from the stumps, and the remaining stages of work with the removal of soil, the embankment of sand and the installation of stumps to the walls of the pit are carried out in the same way as a path completely made of logs. The process goes in the following sequence:

  • At the bottom of the pit, a "cushion" of sand is poured and rammed;
  • Then, along the edge of the future path, stumps are installed, which are driven into one level and sprinkled with sand. Sand bedding is compacted directly near the bottom of the stumps;
  • After the borders of the logs are completely laid out, geotextiles are laid on the entire surface of the track, the edges whom bend on stumps by 80 ÷ 100 mm;

  • The next step is an embankment of gravel or medium fraction crushed stone directly on geotextiles;

A mound of gravel is distributed over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe track in an even layer. If necessary, the layer is increased, since it must be equal in height to the level of the soil of the entire area.

The gravel layer should be the second retaining wall for stumps in the border.

  • If the top of the stumps have different colour, but you want to achieve harmony in the design of the track, then they can be covered with paintdesigned for external works, and the shade in this case is selected to the taste of the owner of the site.

Path made of round river stone

For those who value originality - a mosaic path made of river stone

Paths with amazing curls are obtained from Altai river stone, which has bluish hues, from very light to dark blue-gray. To make such a wonderful path, you need to prepare round and oval smooth stones different sizes, clean sand, rubber or wooden mallet, cement, sponge, level, and, of course, water.

The preparatory work takes place in almost the same way as with the construction of a brick path, but with slight deviations.

The whole process begins with the sorting of stones, as they come with a small marriage. If the flaw is not too large, then it can be hidden by turning the stone straight side up.

After going through the stones, you need to choose a pattern that is suitable in size to the width of the track, the base for which has already been prepared. If a suitable one was not found, then it can be easily compiled on your own, using squares as a basis for drawing, into which curls-shells will fit perfectly.

Option number 1

  • The drawing from the sketch is transferred to the prepared base. The curl must be placed in the marked square, and it is desirable that this square has from all four sides of the sides, which prevent the mosaic from falling apart.

Since the base is made of crushed stone, the markup can be done with lime.

  • The next step is to mix sand with cement, approximately 3:1 or 4:1, add water and make a thick mixture, from which a side is laid out according to the marking, having a width equal to the length of the pebbles. The bands are getting arranged small areas to make it easier to equalize stones in them.
  • An oval stone with rounded edges is folded into a small path - it is laid on the side and slightly pressed into the solution.

If the solution has already hardened a little, then to align all the stones, you can tap on them with a rubber mallet.

  • When one of the strips is laid out, its evenness must be checked with building level- there should not be strong performances over general level tracks.

  • So, looking at your sketch, row after row, they lay out a similar stone mosaic. It can be used as small oval smooth stones, with their installation on the edge, and round, if they fit well into the pattern being created.

  • In addition, you can use different shades of stones, for example, laying out one stripe with light stones, the other with dark ones, or making a smooth color transition.
  • Depending on the conceived pattern, the stones can be installed in height. The main thing is to keep constant control with the help of the level.

  • After one of the parts of the mosaic is laid out, it is watered with a spray bottle. This will not only strengthen the curing mortar, but also wash away its excess from the surface of the mosaic.

  • So, dividing the drawing into separate parts, gradually, in accordance with the sequence thought out in advance, lay out the entire plane reserved for the mosaic. As a result, it should be densely filled with stones.

Option number 2

Another option can be called simpler, since the stones are immediately laid in leveled wet sand, without the use of cement.

However, so that the created composition does not crumble ahead of time, it must be laid out in a limited space. For this, installed borders with temporary partitions can serve, since the mosaic is laid out in parts, or a kind of formwork made of boards, which is removed only after compaction of each of the parts.

  • So, curbs, as well as temporary partitions, which will limit the area of ​​work being carried out, are set up and leveled on a base with compacted gravel.
  • Further, wet sand is poured into the resulting form, compacted and leveled with a rule. The height of the sand cushion should be 20 ÷ 30 mm lower than the sides of the curb or formwork - it is at this height that the stones will remain on the surface, and the laid mosaic will need to be aligned along the curb.

Lines are drawn on the leveled sandy surface along which the stone mosaic will be laid out.

  • It is more convenient to lay out the stones not one at a time, but immediately fold them into a path and, tapping on top with a rubber mallet, deepen to the desired level. If necessary, the sand must be additionally moistened.

When carrying out work, the height of the stones must be constantly monitored using.

  • Having laid out a certain section of the mosaic, until the sand has dried, you need to once again walk over the entire surface with a rubber mallet, and then you need to pour more dry sand or a mixture of sand and cement on top. The excess of such backfill must then be immediately brushed off.
  • After complete drying of the laid surface, you can once again walk over the surface with a brush.

After a few hours, the sand will compact and sink a little between the stones. After that, you need to repeat the procedure with backfilling and splashing.

  • After the next drying of the mosaic, all the stones are washed with a wet sponge.

  • The entire composition is wetted with water every day, for a week - this is necessary in order for the track to “gain rigidity”.
  • If a work in progress for the installation of mosaics in open space, then in order to avoid blurring it with rain, at night it is best to cover the entire composition with thin foam rubber. It will allow water to pass through, but will not allow sand to be washed out.
  • If the work was carried out in the formwork from the boards, after the completion of the masonry and its temporary fencing, it is necessary to strengthen the path by lining it with stones or bricks in the form of a curb.

concrete walkway

For concrete walkway marking is carried out in the same way as described above, and then excavation is carried out along the marked area.

Then, sand is poured to the bottom of the pit, which is moistened and compacted. The final thickness of the compacted layer should be 60 ÷ 70 mm.

Crushed stone is poured on top of the compacted sand, which also needs to be compacted.

A reinforcing grate is installed on the rubble, which will make the path much stronger.

Then, you can do one of two ways, depending on which track you want to get.

1. If a flat surface should be obtained, then a thin one is made, with which the formwork is poured.

- In the case when concrete is poured into the space between already installed curbs, then the rule will need to be made independently, and it must have the same basic form as the one described in the section on sand leveling when constructing a brick path.

- The finished track is reinforced with iron. To do this, dry cement is scattered on a still wet surface with a thin layer, which is immediately gently rubbed with a grout. You can also use commercially available hardening topping mixes.

2. If the path is planned to be made using a form that helps to imitate stone laying, then the concrete mixture is poured into the formwork in two layers.

- The first layer is poured to half the height of the formwork and leveled also using the rule. In this case, a coarse mortar is used, consisting of cement and gravel. The surface should turn out to be fairly even, and in order to achieve this, it is recommended to install beacons of the desired height, and equalize the concrete along them.

- After the concrete has set, a mold is set on its surface and filled with a thin mortar. It aligns with the surface of the form. The form poured with concrete is left to harden for 3 ÷ 5 days.

Figured shapes for a "paved path" effect

If there is only one form, then the work, of course, will be carried out for too long, therefore, when using such a technology, it is desirable to have at least two similar forms at your disposal. It should be noted that with their help you can arrange not only paths, but also the floor in the gazebo, the area near the gate or near the garage.

Video: an example of using a form to fill a "paved" path

Cover garden paths

A very interesting version of the track - it turns out that it can be made from caps from ordinary plastic bottles. Thanks to their bright, varied colors, they can be used to make various ornamental patterns that will help decorate the landscape of the garden.

The only difficulty that will be encountered on the way of the master who decides to make this work will be the collection required amount these "mosaic elements" of the future track.

Having decided to do this work, you need to start collecting covers in advance. While the process with boron is going on, you can think about which pattern to choose for the track and draw up a rough sketch of it.

Don't wait until it's fully assembled. right amount covers for the entire length of the path. Having collected a certain number of them, you can begin to mount elements of the future canvas from them. For example, to assemble the fragment shown in the photo, you will need only 19 covers.

A large number of lids are usually found in summer time on the beach. And by the way, you can get three benefits from the collection process:

- at least a little to clean the sand of the beach from foreign objects;

- breathe fresh air while walking along the beach;

- get completely free material for the manufacture of the track.

  • To connect the covers in the desired pattern, you will need a “gypsy” needle, an awl, always with a wooden handle, and a large amount of fishing line. wooden handle needed due to the fact that the awl will have to be heated on fire so that holes can be easily made in the covers for fastening them together.
  • Holes for the passage of the needle are pierced from the sides of the covers, as shown in the photo above.
  • First, individual elements are assembled, according to the prepared sketch. , and when several of them are ready, they are interconnected.
  • The work on assembling the elements of such a track is quite long and painstaking, but it does not require t ore-intensive preparation of the base associated with earthworks or concrete work.

In the presence of material and the necessary diligence and patience, it is possible to “pave” quite large areas

  • When the rug from the covers is completely ready, the place for it is prepared as follows:

- marked space for installation, spilled with weed control;

- then, a prepared mat of covers is laid on it;

- so that less soil gets on the surface of the track during operation, it is recommended to install a border of brick or stone along the track;

- for this, the upper soil is removed to a depth of about two-thirds of the brick, and then the space of the trench is half filled with sand, into which the brick is set at a corner and the brick is tapped. The side gaps between the soil and the brick are also filled with sand, which is moistened in advance.

Prefabricated paths made of plastic plates

Mobile garden paths can be laid quickly, without arranging a foundation for them, using special plastic panels.

From them you can assemble a path of any width, as they have fasteners that will allow you to connect them both along and across.

The connecting elements, which are large enough, give the structure rigidity, since every two plates are fastened in two places and serve as a kind of stand-legs.

The advantage of such slabs-panels is not only the speed of installation, but also the fact that their surface is absolutely non-slippery, such tracks can withstand quite large loads, they are very durable in operation.

For the manufacture of plates, frost-resistant plastic is used, which well withstands not only low temperatures up to - 35 ÷ 40, but also high temperatures up to + 45 ÷ 50 degrees. However, leaving such a garden path for the winter does not make much sense - if desired, it can be quickly and easily disassembled, stacked and sent for storage to one of the outbuildings. The tile will not take up much space, and in the spring, the path will not be ore in the shortest possible time to lay it out again anywhere on the site.

The tile has a very convenient size for working with it - it is 570 × 570 mm wide and 570 mm long, and its thickness is 22 mm.

In addition, the convenience of such a tile also lies in the fact that water does not accumulate on it, since there are longitudinal holes on the surface.

By the way, on winter period you can lay out a rug from such a tile in front of front door- its surface is corrugated, which means it will not allow slipping and getting injured.

This option for arranging garden paths does not require much effort for installation, since tiles can be laid both on and on the soil surface. If grass begins to grow through the holes in the tile, the path can be easily moved or disassembled, and after getting rid of the grass, collect it and put it back in place.

"Garden parquet"

"Garden parquet" - quite expensive the type of material that they are used not only for laying on the site, but also for decorating floors in gazebos, on verandas, terraces and balconies.

Expensive, but very cool - "garden parquet"

It has characteristics similar to plastic plates. This option is great for laying on garden paths - "garden parquet" is also quickly assembled and disassembled, as it has special fasteners for this, which have their own specific features.

Fastening tiles "garden parquet"

Detailed panels can have a different arrangement of the elements that make up its drawing. They are laid on a compacted gravel mixture or fine crushed stone.

Laying "garden parquet" will never take long

Such a “parquet” is made from wood treated in a special way and does not react to the usual external “irritants” - it is not afraid of moisture, direct Sun rays, temperature changes, biological effects. However, in addition to wood, for the manufacture of "garden parquet" (relatively inexpensive models), special plastic is used, which perfectly imitates natural wood. It is clear that the second version of the parquet tile is much more accessible to the average owner of the site.

So there is a very large number country paths. After careful consideration, you can always choose the right one for the price, design and complexity. self-fulfillment all works. Therefore, if the time comes for planning a site, you need to carefully consider all the nuances and calculate your strengths and capabilities.

Video: A variety of options for garden paths

Friends, in this photo selection of ideas for country paths, I would like to introduce you to 35 economy options for their design. Budget does not mean bad, because even without a large amount of money on hand, you can create an ideal site and equally ideal paths and paths at your dacha.

We all know that old paving stones and bricks left over from buildings usually end up in a landfill. But if you clean them, bring them into proper shape, then with such materials you can pave all the paths in the country.

Simple stone pebbles, found in abundance in rivers, can also become the basis of your country economy path. We also add rectangular cement stepping slabs here and get a beautiful, gracefully curved path.

Returning to the bricks, I would like to note the red clay pre-revolutionary brick, it's just a treasure! And if you pave your paths with this material, then your path will last more than one century. Previously, brick was made to last.

Crushed stone mixed with cement rectangular stepping blocks can also serve as an excellent option.

The battle of bricks can also serve as the basis of the budget path, the main thing is to join it together beautifully, to make up some kind of common canvas.

Round step blocks can also look beautiful, which can be placed both as a passage through a pond and just on a lawn. The basis is cement and the remains of building materials.

Brick paving borders can be uneven, this will give your economy path a special decorative effect.

Sometimes you can buy a flagstone battle at a rather attractive price, and from it you can already make a real work of country art on a cement basis.

Having a grinder on hand, you can cut the old brick into squares and create a combination of rectangular and square blocks.

An original solution for the design of a path in a country house can be a brick border and a central bulk part made of crushed stone.

I deliberately do not show completely dubious options for economy tracks from boards, after all, there must be some kind of reasonableness. In areas where stone is found in abundance, even ideas such as in the photo above can be completed without any investment at all.

It is important to understand that even limestone can be found at an affordable price, if there is a mood.

Returning to the old red brick, it can be "extracted" from the ruins of former collective farms. Or it’s cheap to buy from stalkers - villagers who make a living by dismantling these buildings.

Well, river pebbles can be washed in any river or stream, not at a time, but on rifts similar material full.

And I generally consider cement walking paths made of squares to be the most in a simple way creation of design in the country.

Even flagstone imitation is obtained from simple cement with some artistic taste.

Various dyes mixed into cement will give your economy track completeness and attractiveness.

If you have grown on the site a big tree, then for a couple of seasons you can make paths from the cuts of this tree. Nice and economical.

Combining fragments of limestone and small gravel, you can get just such a stylish country path.

Between the slabs, you can sow a lawn to add artistic appeal to your path.

In general, all unoccupied territories on suburban area I would advise to sow a lawn. Cut grass is better than dirt, I think!

An interesting idea is the base of the path made of cement, and on top the decor is made of flat large pebbles.

In some cases, even impregnated boards can be a great option for an economical country track. The same applies to timber and old logs, only they will have to be processed first.

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