Is it possible to eat burdock. Burning big - use in nutrition

The buildings 30.06.2020
The buildings

Therapeutic properties and contraindications of burdock are described not only in ancient folk herbalists, but also in modern phytotherapy directories. In scientific medicine, the plant is prescribed as an antidiabetic, laxative, anti-sized, choleretic, disinfectant medicine. Until now, the study of the chemical composition of the burdock continues. The unique polysaccharide (inulin) in its composition is beneficial effect on the entire body and improves metabolism.

Features of the burdock as a medicinal plant

Lopeh is a medicinal plant, although it belongs to the weed types of herbs. Most often, the burdock is harvested as a pharmacy raw material and cobweb. What are the healing properties of this plant? What are the indications and contraindications to its use?

Burning felt, or woolly, cobweb. Lock small. Burdock.


Burning, like a plantain, chamomile, is an easily recognizable medicinal plant. There are about 20 types of burdock. Of these, in folk and scientific medicine, three species are most often used that are similar in the botanical characteristic and biological activity.

  • Burning felt, or woolly, cobweb. Two-year-old grassy plant with fleshy, spine-shaped, thick, large root. Height: from 60 cm to 2 m (sometimes up to 3 m). The stem is a very branched, reprehensive, ribbed. The leaves are large downstairs, decrease up the stalk. At the bottom of the servers, on top - smooth, dark green. The peculiarity of this species is a coatinist-fluffy stem and iron-hairy floral baskets.
  • Lock small. Its morphological difference from other species: baskets are collected in the brushes and larger in diameter. The height of the stem can be from 50 cm to 1.5 meters. Most common in Europe and Western Asia.
  • Burning big. Other names of this species are known: Common Burning, or real, burdock, fries. According to botanical characteristics, it looks like a felt felt. The average height is 1.5 meters. On wet, fertile soils can grow up to 3 meters.

Also known many hybrid species that grow along the roads. Food are formed in conditions of close gravity. In hybrids it is difficult to determine the signs of one or another type.


The bundling plant in the area of \u200b\u200bdistribution covers all Eurasia. Its main types can be found not only in Europe, but also in Siberia, in Asia, China. Also grow in North, South America, Australia, New Zealand as a vigorous look. In the Central Russian strip occurs everywhere. Loves weed places. Refers to ruderal (garbage) species. It takes good on the wastehouses, landfills, in the gardens, gardens, along the roads, fences, near the housing. Wildlife forms high thickets. Often it can be seen in ravines, beams, forest stations, as well as along the shores of reservoirs, in Evnyaki.

Preparation of raw materials

Burning in folk medicine is known for a long time. In ancient herbalists, recommendations on its workpiece are described.

Healing action

What are the beneficial properties of the root of burdock?

  • Blooding.
  • Secretor.
  • Antitumor.
  • Antifungal.
  • Diuretic.
  • Potting.
  • Bactericidal.
  • Wound-healing.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Disinfectant.
  • Suspension.

What is the root of the buried? The most valuable substance is Polisaccharide Inulin. This carbon removes radionuclides, strengthens the immunity, normalizes the work of the liver, stimulates the growth of hair and bone tissue, contributes to the absorption of calcium, and has a beneficial effect on lymphoid tissue. This substance is also contained in chicory, topinambur, garlic, nine, dandelion, asparagus.

In addition, the root is found: mucus, proteins, bardan essential oil, organic acids, fats, glycosides, trace elements, tannins, phytosterols, substances with antibacterial and antifungal properties. In the leaves a lot of mucus, tannins, essential oil and vitamin C.

Indications for use

What treats the root of the burdock? Under what diseases it is most often used?

  • Treatment with burdens of joints and bones. It is useful to drink with rheumatism, radiculitis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, gout, rickets. Well removes inflammation in the joints, strengthens the bone, soothes the pain. Take inside, externally used in the form of compresses, baths and trousers.
  • Treatment of busty busty organs. The mucus contained in the grass is useful for the stomach and intestines. Infusions drink in chronic gastritis, stomach ulcers, to stop gastric bleeding, with digestive disorders, constipation, hemorrhoids. Lophh has a choleretic property, it can be taken with stones in a bustling bubble, inflammation of the pancreas, gallbladder. Also, the grass has anti-shine property.
  • Cysts Treatment Burning. At the root of the plant contains substances with resinking properties. Lopuhch delays the growth of benign tumors in the body of various localization and nature. As a diuretic appointed with renal disease, edema, inflammation of the urinary system organs.
  • Treatment of the root of the burdock of respiratory diseases. Decorations and infusions are taken inside as antipyretic and campground with an ARVI, flu, cold, breathing and cough inflammation.
  • Application in gynecology. Recommended when a monthly delay, to normalize the menstrual cycle. Also, the burdock drink from the ovary cyst, the uterus misa.
  • Application in endocrinology. Plant improves all metabolic processes in the body. It is useful to take with diabetes mellitus (under the supervision of the doctor!). The plant improves the pancreas and insulin production. Quite a lot of positive feedback on the reception of the root of the burdock for weight loss. The tool cleans blood, lymph, urine, rejuvenates the entire body, removes toxins and slags.
  • Burn root at oncology. Most often used in gynecological oncodiagnoses, stomach and esophagus cancer. Lophh is effective against cancer at the initial stages. It is also recommended to drink for the prevention of malignant tumors, especially in old age.
  • Outdoor application. Champions, ointments, tincture, juice are treated with wounds, burns, boils, trophic ulcers, acne, eczema, deprived, dermatitis, corrosive inflammation, bruises, hemorrhage. Also, the burdock helps with mastopathy, neuralgia. They are treated with throat and oral cavity in inflammation.
  • Disinfectant. It is useful to drink with various poisoning - food, alcoholic, chemical, heavy metals and poisons. There are positive feedback on the root of the burdock as an antidote in the bite of poisonous animals and insects.

Contraindications at the root of the burdock a little. In rare cases, it is an individual intolerance and an allergic reaction to the grass. With caution and only after consultation with the doctor it is possible to use during pregnancy, lactation and in childhood. Also, with the exacerbation of all diseases of the busty and urinary bodies, medical advice is required before admission.

The use of burdock in folk medicine

What is the use of burdock root at home? From it cooks, ointments, oil hoods, alcohol tinctures. Also widely apply fresh leaves and buckle juice. The plant is often used in cosmetology and even eaten.

Pharmacy drugs

In the pharmacy you can buy ready-made vegetable raw materials. But the alcohol tincture of the burdock is on sale not to find, it can be prepared at home.

  • Grass. This is ready, crushed vegetable raw materials. Refers to the pharmacological group of plant spasmolitics. It is most often prescribed as a choleretic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, disinfectant.
  • Phitchy. You can buy fitching from the burdock in filter bags. In addition to the burdock, other herbs are added - licorice root, chicory, blackberry leaves, chrysanthemum, ginseng, orange zest. Such tea is rich in the high content of inulin and tanning substances. It can be taken within a month, but only after consulting with the doctor.
  • Biologically active additives. Bada can be purchased at the pharmacy without a recipe. But still recommended the consultation of the doctor before their reception. May be in the form of tablets and capsules - dry extract of leaves and reicer root. Also produce dietary supplements in the form of a liquid extract of burdock.


The decoction is used inwards for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, poisoning, to purify the blood, the regulation of the kidney activities, a decrease in temperature, stimulation of the pancreas in diabetes mellitus. It is also a good bactericidal, wound-healing and analgesic outer agent. Typically, more concentrated solutions are prepared for rims and compresses - by 2 tbsp. l. Dry raw materials take a glass of water.


  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. Dry root.
  2. Pour the glass of boiling water.
  3. Boil 1 minute.
  4. Insist 40 minutes.
  5. Perfect.

Take a glass of glass 3 times a day before meals. Also, decoctions and water infusions are prepared from leaf leaves and seeds. The infusions of the leaves are best helped with the stomach, bile and renal disease. Infusion of seeds drink in chronic constipation.


The infusion on vodka is often used externally - for tricks with radiculitis, arthritis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is also taken inward at all above the diagnoses listed.

Recipe Tincture Burn Root

  1. Take 1 part of a dry crushed root.
  2. Fill 10 pieces of vodka.
  3. Insist 2 weeks.
  4. Perfect.

Inside take 15-20 drops 3 times a day, diluting in a tablespoon of water.

Recipe for alcohol and honey tincture

  1. Take in equal proportions juice of fresh burdock, honey and vodka.
  2. Mix.
  3. Insist for 3 weeks.

You can take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. Such a tincture of folk healers recommend taking with salts deposition as a prophylactic remedy for malignant tumors.

Oil and ointment

Oil hood and misfortune-based ointments are well helped with burns, frostbite, trophic ulcers, furunculaes, diseases of the joints. Oils and ointments are often used to strengthen hair.

Cooking oil

  1. Take 1 part of the crushed dry root.
  2. Fill 5 pieces of olive oil.
  3. Insist 2 weeks.
  4. Perfect before applying.

Oil for several weeks rubbed into painful joints, in weak hair roots. This means carefully lubricate the affected areas of the skin. It can also be taken inside with a long course of treatment.

Cooking Mazi.

  1. Prepare a decoction of 4 tbsp. l. Root powder and 4 water glasses.
  2. Take the ¼ part of the beam.
  3. Add 4 pieces of foam oil.
  4. Heat.
  5. Stir carefully.

Numerous feedback confirm that the ointment of the reurenik is an effective means for rapid healing of burns and wounds. Also, ointment helps well with the inflammation of the sciatic nerve. The tool is tricious sick place, after which they wrap. Instead of cow oil, you can use another fat - pork or goose. In Ointment, you can add extracts of other herbs - the Hypericum, a turn, souls, strawberry leaves, licorice.

Features of the use of fresh leaves and burdock juice

How do fresh leaves apply?

  • With skin, the leaves are wetted in milk and apply for several hours to the affected skin.
  • In mastopathy applied to the chest in the form of a compress.
  • In the silent inflammation, the leaves are applied, lubricated home (vertex) sour cream.
  • Apply to wounds for rapid healing.
  • Sick joints wrap fresh leaves, insulate and leave overnight.
  • From the young spring leaves and shoots are prepared salads - this is a good remedy for avitaminosis.

What is the main use of burdock juice?

  • This is an effective tousing agent.
  • Inside, it can be used with all the listed diagnoses, but only in a diluted form.
  • The most effectively treated by the juice of the leopa of liver diseases.
  • Juice is added to therapeutic ointments, based on its hair and face masks.
  • Well heals purulent wounds, trophic ulcers.
  • During dermatological problems, not only external, but also drink a long course.
  • Fresh covers of roots and leaves - a prophylactic means of malignant tumors.

The use of burdock leaf juice is the same as the root juice. But the preparation principle is different.

Cooking juice from leaves

  1. Take the young leopa leaves.
  2. Skip through the meat grinder.
  3. Squeeze the juice through the gauze.

Such juice can be used with the casicie from the leaves. It is useful to apply to the affected skin.

Cooking juice from roots

  1. Grind the fresh root in the coffee grinder.
  2. From the resulting cake, squeeze juice.
  3. Cake pour with cold water (1 part of the cake and 10 parts of water).
  4. Insist 3 hours cake, then strain.
  5. Couple squeezed juice and water hood.

Such juice can be drunk 3 times a day at 1 tbsp. l. For 4 weeks. A very wide range of pharmacological action of juice: it is a good choleretic, diuretic, blood purity, bactericidal, antitumor medicine.

Contraindications of burdock juice are the same as common contraindications of the plant. However, it must be remembered that fresh juice more often gives an allergic reaction and side effects in the form of digestive disorder. We emphasize once again: take it follows in a divided form.

Application in cosmetology

The main healing properties of the root of the burdock are anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antitumor, diuretic, choleretic. Due to this wide pharmacological spectrum of action, the grass is used to treat diseases of the digestive, urinary system, musculoskeletal system, diabetes, benign and malignant tumors. Outwardly used for the treatment of traumatic, infectious, allergic lesions of the skin. It is also an effective tool for skin care and hair.

Are there anything ordinary burdock among our herbs? This is a large plant with a powerful stem, large leaves and "cluster" seeds in lilac floral shores grows everywhere and therefore familiar to everyone.

It can be found at the roadside of the road, in the glades, in the ravines, on wastehouses, in the gardens - where only this green commander does not come across! Plugged straight, meaty dwelling barrel will not collide and the wheel of the cart! The entire appearance of the burdock speaks of strength and power, well, a real bear among herbaceous plants. It is not by chance that the scientific name of the burdock comes from the Greek word Arctium - the Bear. And another one of his names received the plant because the leaf was called "LOP". To the information of the summer, hence the word "shovel" occurred. And the burdock is called reurenik, grandfather.

In nature, behaves like a typical twiser: in the first year it develops the rosette of the leaves, the nutrients are recruited, which are flown under autumn to the root; At another summer, a one-year-old "bear" throws out a powerful trunk, blooms, acquiring baskets of seeds - repiges and, repulse, dies. From repaint and nickname - burdock.

There is reason to believe that the homeland of the burdock is Russia. Botany argue that until 1815, he was not known in Europe, but was delivered to the Russian Connection after the defeat of Napoleon's troops.

Lophch, he is the same froth - an incredible plant in its resilience. Even Lev Tolstoy in his story "Haji Murat" Writes: "Eki Energy! - I thought. - Everyone defeated the person, millions of herbs ruined, and this (ray) does not give up everything. "

In favorable conditions, the burdock reaches human growth, but three-meter giants came across! It blooms this healthy in June - August, and the seed gives up to a thousand pieces on the bush.

The roots of the burdock are harvested exclusively the first year of life, in September - October or early spring before the start of the rust in March - April. They dig up the shovel, shake the ground, cut the above-ground and thin roots, washed, and then cleaned from the crust. Dried outdoors under a canopy or roof, spreading with a thin layer. Pack in the bags, stored in dry, well-ventilated rooms.

If you count the advantages of the burdock, the fingers do not have enough fingers. Lophch - feed for livestock. It is silly along with straw sharp, swan and Russian; From such a feed of the cow noticeably add fishing. Green "Bear" - good bird feed. Chicken burdock seeds are better than others - only be enough. Lopeh is a wonderful honey. Even very important dignity of the reurenik - food. Lopukh edible! BUT in Siberia and the Caucasus The burdock has long been considered a vegetable plant. IN Japan The burdock is recognized as a garden culture and is cultivated under the title "Gobo". Young leaves are used for cooking salads, soups.

IN Austria A two-year burdock root is used as a light laxative and choleretic agent. IN Chinese medicine They are used inside the seeds and all freshly plants as a diuretic means at edema. It is prescribed for hemorrhages in combination with other plants, for the treatment of syphilis and when intoxicating from and snakes. IN Poland and Germany Fresh root or extract from it are used as a good diuretic and campphic, as well as at skin diseases and to strengthen hair. IN bulgarian folk medicine The root of the burdock is used as diuretic and improving metabolism means, with kidney and bladder stones, with gastritis and stomach ulcers. Externally during dermatitis, skin itch.

It is a pity that the ray is considered weed. And in France, Belgium, USA and a number of Asian countries, as a valuable food product, grown on plantations.

In traditional medicine and cosmetology, Lophh is used since ancient times, used in many countries, from Europe to China. They even treat oncological diseases; But, apparently, not so much treat how much their development will slow down, which is also important. However, there are many diseases that burdock actually treats, and the preparation of drugs from it does not cause special difficulties and maybe even in the field.

The roots of the burdock can be used in food with raw, boiled, fried and baked. From this point of view, burdock is a universal product. But it should be remembered that only the roots of plants of the first year of life are edible. This is a real delicacy! It is put in soup, borsch instead of potatoes, carrots and parsley. From the roots of the burdock make porridge, cutlets and mashed potatoes. You can cook jetty and marmalade. To prepare a coffee drink from the roots of the burdock, it is necessary to dry them, fry to brown and grind on a coffee grinder. Young shoots and leaves, peeled from the peel, is an excellent base for salads.

For medicinal purposes, the leaf leaves are primarily usedthat do not require processing. They are applied to the head with headaches. "Bear" sick joints and wounds. In the crushed or pressed form (you can simply delay), we are imposed on the affected areas of the skin at itching, eczema, urticaria, degrading, burns, eels, with insect bite.

Beautiful drug is juice Lopuhaobtained from leaves. Juice, like other leopa preparations, is a good diuretic, choleretic, sweat, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. In addition, it has a pronounced antiordoid, antidiabetic and anti-allergic effect, improves the work of the liver, kidneys, metabolism and the absorption of the protein, normalizes the composition of the blood. To get juice from the leaves, they are enough to pass through the meat grinder and squeeze the resulting mass through the gauze. Swimmed in juice tampons apply to wounds, ulcers. The blasting juice is rubbed into the skin of the head to strengthen the hair. With many diseases, juice is used inside 20-30 minutes before meals from 1-2 tablespoons up to 1 cup. And the juice is shown to remove alcoholic intoxication. Surprisingly, but the fact - there are no contraindications of the use of juice and other leopa drugs.

From the roots, leaves, the seeds of the buried prepare various drugs - infusions, tinctures, decoctions, ointment, oil.

For cooking nastoshev Use water, oil or some liquids. There are two main ways to prepare: cold and hot. With cold finely chopped parts of the burdock poured room temperature fluid and insist a certain time in a closed vessel. With a hot method, the crushed plant is poured with boiling water or heated butter and insist in the thermos. For preparation of infusions use fresh and dried leaves, roots, inflorescences. Insist convenient in the thermos: 2 tablespoons of raw materials for 1 cup boiling water. Insist to natural cooling, strain. The principle of reception is the same as the juice. It can be used and externally.

Tincture Prepare on alcohol or using alcohol, vodka. It is advisable to carry out in a dark place at a temperature not lower than plus 20 degrees. The longer the plant is in alcohol, the higher its healing qualities. Most often insist on alcohol roots and burdock seeds. The simplest way: mix in equal proportion of fresh juice with alcohol. This tincture is perfectly stored in a closed dish in a dark place. Apply 1-2 tablespoons for half an hour before meals, as well as externally for robusts and rubbing.

Decorations prepare both on water and vegetable oil. For example, 4 tbsp. Spoons of crushed roots or 15 inflorescences are poured with 2 glasses of boiling water and insist 12 hours, then 15 minutes boil on slow heat. The resulting decoction drink and applied externally as compresses.

Why is our burdock so useful? Recent studies have shown that the roots of the burdock large by 50% consist of inulinaThanks to which it is just a find for patients with diabetes. It also contains essential bardana oil, protein, vitamins A, B, C, E, P, minerals, tannilic acids, acid acids - ascorbic, coffee, stearin, palmitic, resins and mineral salts. In the leaves, the presence of tubyl substances, mucus, a slight amount, ascorbic acid up to 350 mg%.

Doctor-phytotherapist from Moscow A.V. Pechenevsky Gives several recipes for the use of burdock preparations:

1. Hepatitis of various origin, cholecystitis.
Take the blade juice of 1 tbsp. A spoon is 3-5 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals for a month. After a month break, repeat the course. Conduct 3-5 such courses.

2. Gastritis and peptic disease.
Mix in 2 parts of the burdock and hormour juice, as well as 1 parts of mint juices, potatoes, carrots and cabbage. Take 2 tbsp. Spoons of the mixture in warm form 4-5 times a day for a month.

3. Colds.
Take 3 tbsp. Spoons (50 g) Lopuha juice with honey 3-4 times a day for 3-5 days. Not to go out on the street. An excellent effect has a reception in the same doses of a mixture of burdock juice with black elderbiles, plantain and a series taken in the same proportion.

4. Urolithiasis disease.
Take the blade juice of 1 tbsp. Spoon 3-4 times a day before meals.

5. Gout.
Mix ropes of lop juices, rod and chicory. Take 1-2 tbsp. Spoons 2-3 times a day before meals for a month. If there are no juices, you can drink one blade juice in the same dose. Course treatment is carried out 2-3 times a year.

6. Eczema, neurodermatitis, acne rash, itching.
Take the bed of burdock 2 tbsp. Spoons 3-4 times a day before meals for 1-1.5 months. Simultaneously make a bummer.

7. Female infertility, delayed monthly and mastopathy.
Take juice 1-2 tbsp. Spoons 3 times a day before meals for 1.5-2 months. When mastopathy, in addition, put a sheet of burdock on the chest.

8. With hair loss.
Apply the blade juice on balding sites once a day for several months. Additionally, 2-3 times a day take 1 tbsp. Spoon juice inside.

With inflammatory processes in the stomach It follows for 2-3 weeks to eat every day 4-5 freshly dried young roots of the burdock.

With colitis, stubborn constipation Use the decoction of the leopa seeds. 2 tbsp. Seed spoons poured 2 cups of boiling water in thermos at night. In the morning, filter and drink on ½ cup after meals.

From the roots is preparing burr oil. For this, 75 g of a fresh root is poured 200 g of any oily oil (sunflower, olive), insist during the day, and then on slow fire, it is boosted 15 minutes and filter.

"It closes like a ray," they speak the people about an obsessive man. Yes, the burdock is attained. His round baskets equipped with hooks, adcept for clothing and to animal wool. Closer to autumn from them, there are no passage. So the burdock spreads ...

Interesting Facts:

People's sign says: "Before the rain of the bumps of the reurenik, spines spread."

Swiss engineer Georges de Mesters In 1948, walked with his dog. To her wool stuck the seeds of the burdock. He looked at them well and invented the fastener-velcro.


Many of us have come across that while you are carrying greens from the cottage, she faded. This will not happen if parsley, to be wrapped in the leopa leaves. Green will remain fresh, as if just with the bed.

The most useful, miraculous part of the burdock is the root, or rather juice from it. But the trouble - it spoils very quickly (within an hour). Therefore, to successfully use it better to buy concentrated in the pharmacy.

To be continued...

What exactly is used and in what form

With therapeutic purpose, roots, leaves and burdock seeds are used. Based on the roots prepare brazers and infusions. Use the root in the fresh form and in the form of a liquid extract. In therapeutic recipes uses powder from the root of the burdock. Fused on olive or almond oil, the root of the plant is used as the famous "rapid oil". The root is part of the masses and tinctures, therapeutic tea. The leopa leaves are used in compresses, rumors for cooking. Fresh burdock juice is used for various skin diseases. The root of the burdock is freshly used in homeopathy.

Medical properties

The root of the burdock contains 0.17% bardana oil, 45% inulin, 12.5% \u200b\u200bof proteins, antibacterial substances (polyacetylene components), potassium nitrate, sterile (sitosterlin, stigma), acids (palmitic and stearin), tanning substances. The leopa seeds contain glycoside Arctin, leaves - tanning substances, mucus and essential oils.

In herbal compositions, the burdock is prescribed in chronic rheumatism, skin diseases (eczema, skin itching, hair loss as a consequence of seborrhea).

Preparations of the root of the burdock have diuretic, choleretic, cooler and disinfectant properties; stimulate the formation of proteolytic enzymes and accelerate the insulin forming function of the pancreas; They contribute to the growth of glycogen in the liver, have a beneficial effect on metabolism. The decoction of the root of the burdock inside is prescribed in case of metabolism (gout, articular rheumatism, kidney and bile stones, diabetes mellitus); under the skin diseases (rashes on the skin and suppuration against the background of the artistic, furuncular, acne); With gastritis and ulcerative diseases of the stomach, in chronic constipation, hemorrhoids, edema, rickets and menstruation delay. Burn root powder is taken inward when goug. Lock is part of the coating tea. The infusion of leaf leaves drink in violation of the functional activity of the stomach and at the root, and the infusion of burdock fruits - during constipation. Young leaves possess antibacterial properties. Juice made of leaves and flowers, as well as aquatic infusion from flowers, traditional medicine uses for the treatment of wounds and skin cancer.

In official medicine

Among the pharmacy preparations created on the basis of the plant: the burdock oil, the root of the dried burdock for the preparation of healing fees, the extract of the root of the burdock.

In folk medicine

  • As a diuretic, cereal, choleretic agent and to enhance the metabolism and the removal of slags from the body, a decoction is useful: half the tablespoon of crushed root of the burdock pour 200 ml of water. Boil on slow fire 10 minutes, let it brew within two hours. Take 100 ml in small sips 2-3 times a day.
  • In diabetes mellitus, a tablespoon of a mixture of ground roots of the burdock, the husks of fruit beans, blueberry leaves and walnuts (in equal parts) insist in 250 ml of water, pecking for 5 minutes, and take after eating during the day, drinking from 5 to 6 glasses in day.
  • When gougrium, ulcerative stomach disease, metabolic disorders, heat meal tube spoon made of bundle root, rhizomes, grass, herbs, trees, Veronica herbs and violet tricolor pouring a glass of water, cook on slow fire a quarter of an hour, take up to 3 glasses per day (first receiving an empty stomach).
  • With eczema, rheumatism is taken inside the broth, which is prepared from a mixture of the root of burdock and nine-step (in equal proportions), simultaneously using ointment, therapeutic baths and warming compresses on the affected parts of the body.
  • In chronic constipation, the infusion of burdock seeds is used: 20 g of seeds pour 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew 60 minutes, take 1-2 tablespoons to 4 times a day.
  • In dermatoses, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, urticaria, seborrhea, vulgar eels recommended decoction: 2 tablespoons of crushed root on 500 ml of water. Take half a cup of four days per day, before taking food.
  • In folk medicine, the decoction of the leaf leafs of small drink like tea with malignant tumors, liver diseases, from injections, wounds, warts.
  • When allergic is mixed on a tablespoon of rosehip fruits, crushed roots of the dandelion of the medicinal and roots of the burdock of large. A tablespoon of such a collection to pour a glass of boiling water and warm in a water bath quarter of an hour. Give the brave to cool and strain. Drink at 0.3 glasses three times a day.
  • With asthma, prepare a mixture of 4 tablespoons of the leaf leopa of a large, 4 tablespoons of oxis leaves and teaspoons of capofi fir. Collecting 200 ml of cooled boiling water, pour half a teaspoon of soda and withstand infusion for 6 days in a darkened cool place. After that, infusion strain and drink across the tablespoon once a day.
  • When rheumatism, a recipe is recommended: mixed in half a cup of burdock and lime honey. Insist a week in a cool darkened place. Drinking on a teaspoon three times a day to take food.

  • With a radiculitis of 6-9 fresh leaf leaves, put on a clean cloth, press the kitchenware with very hot water from above. To withstand the leaves under the hot press for about 5 minutes. When brown juice starts out of the burdock, the leaves should be applied to the affected body. Compress tightly cover with paper and woolen cloth, and leave for 2-3 hours.
  • With hair loss, the following procedure is useful: 2 tablespoons of burdock roots pour 200 ml of boiling water and warm on a water bath for about 10 minutes. Then the decoction cool and strain. Add 100 ml onion juice and 3 tablespoons of vodka. This mixture was lying in the roots of the hair several times a week per hour or two before washing with shampoo.
  • With rheumatism, arthritis, ulcers, degrading, eczema add to the bathroom decoction of a mixture of root roots, herbs of heresk, nettle roots, herbs of a marsh buggy, grass of a tattarist and lingonberry leaves.
  • When hair loss and dandruff wash the head twice a week decoction of the root of burdocks and flowers of calendula in a 2: 1 ratio (handful of collection of water liter). Or the decoction is used: a mixture of the roots of the burdock, herbs of heresk and nettle (2 tablespoons) and one tablespoon of hop cones.
  • Fluff ointment for the treatment of skin diseases, seborrhy: Collecting from fresh root of burdock, oak bark, walnut leaves and calendula flowers (2: 1: 1: 1) are combined with a glass of sunflower, almond or olive oil, boiled a quarter of an hour on slow heat , covered with a lid and leave in a warm place for the night. In the morning, the oil decoction to strain. The resulting ointment lubricates the affected places. Such an ointment is treated for burns, forged rheumatism.
  • In the face of inflammation, young leopa leaves lubricate sour cream and apply to the affected places.
  • When the roots are dandruffed, placed in a pan, pour water and boil on slow heat. Cook, while the roots do not become very soft. Then strain and cool the broth. Grease this decoction hair roots every day
  • The root of the root of the burdock is prepared on a strong vodka (in proportions 1:10). The tincture of the root on vodka lubricate the body areas, affected by circular or nestlashiness, red eels (inflammation of the sebaceous glands).
  • Pucked (loss) fresh leopa leaves are applied to wounds, solid tumors, gouty nodes.

Flook ointment (based on roots): 40 g of fresh crushed roots to insist during the day in half a glass of vegetable oil, after boiling for a quarter of an hour. Ointment well heels burns, ulcers, wounds.

Repeater oil recipe: 75 g of fresh leaf leaves rinse, crush and pour the glass of vegetable oil, give a break, then boil for a quarter of an hour and strain. Rub in the scalp 60 minutes before washing. This procedure helps to strengthen hair.

In east medicine

The ancient medicine of China used the seeds of the burdock (" nupangji") In fever therapy, colds and cough, arthritis, anorexia and various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. China was also used inside the burdock seeds and all the fresh parts of the plant as a diuretic with a cluster in the tissues of the liquid.

In scientific research

In the herbalist (1653), British N. Kalpeper about Lopukhu said: "The leopa leaves treat ulcers and inflammation on the skin. The composition of a small amount of the root of burdock and seeds (nuts) pine helps with hemlawing and purulent process in bronchops and lungs. Pain in damaged tendons can be removed if you make the leopa leaves. The juice from the leaf leaves, mixed with wine is used in snake bite. The root of the burdock, crushed and mixed with a small amount of salt apply externally in the bite of frantic dogs. The blade juice connected to honey acts diurely and removes pain in the bladder. Infusion on the fault of the leopa seed is useful for Ishias. The burns are treated with shredded leopa leaf and egg whites.

Numerous burdock-based recipes were collected and was actively used by the famous Soviet herbal from Irkutsk Elena Vasilyevna Loch, which made a huge contribution to the research system on therapeutic properties of the plant.

Pharmacological properties of the burdock largely explored Y.S. Chang, L. N. Cheng, J.H. Wu and others.

The work of the fitopreparations based on the burdock is devoted to the work of Komatova I. J., Nurmukhamedova R.A., Badriddinova M.N.

The purpose of scientific research Fedoseeva L.M., Knaub N.N. and Selieva T.G. It is a histochemical analysis of the leaves and the roots of the burdock large.

The therapeutic effect of the oil extract from the root of the burdock is analyzed in the work of Bekkuzhina A. G. and Berdgaleeva A. K.

Important roles of burdock predict scientists in the future in the treatment of cancer. For example, the antitumor effect of biologically active substances contained in the roots of the burdock is described in the dissertation of Boev R. S.

In cooking

Salads from young leaf leafs are part of the medical and prophylactic diet. The young root of the burdock in baked or fried form is used as a substitute for potatoes. The dried root, sliced \u200b\u200binto small pieces and roasted in the oven, is also an excellent coffee surrogate. From the roots of the burdock, the dense, jelly jam, beautiful yellow-green shade is boiled.

Salad with burdock leaves

Young leopa leaves omit for 1-2 minutes in boiling water, then dry on a towel or napkin, finely cut, add the crushed green onions, salt, grated horseradish and fill with cream. At 150 g of the leaf of the burdock take 50 g of green onions, 30 g of Khrena, 20 g of cream and salt to taste.

Lopuha soup

Ingredients: 100 g of root of burdock, quarter of bulbs, 2 slice of bacon, bunch of fresh parsley, two tablespoons of vegetable oil, 0.5 l of water, 1 broth cube, salt, pepper to taste.

Wash and clean the roots of the burdock, cut into strips and soak in water. Finely cut into a bulb, grind bacon, chop the green parsley. Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry bacon and bow, add chopped root of the burdock, stew everything on slow heat. Pour water, throw a bouillon cube, cook soup, while the root of the burdock does not soften. Salt, pepper. Serve, serving a chopped greens.

Sandwiches with burdock

To cook a snack, you will need: 2 sheet sheet, a tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese, carrots, bulbs, 5 dandelion flower buds, 2 tablespoons of kefir, slightly grained cheese.

Young leopa leaves rinse, cut into neat, smooth squares or triangles. Prepare a filling: Mix cottage cheese with crushed crude carrots, onions, add grated cheese, kefir, mix.

Share a sandwich mass on a leopard leaf, decorate a dandelion flower.

Burning and dandelion beer

The original recipe for a drink that has become traditional and popular, invented in Britain still in the Epoch of the Middle Ages.

To prepare such beers (Dandelion and Burdock Beer): 150 g roof of the burdock, 50 g of dandelion roots, 0.5 kg of sugar, 2 tablespoons of molasses, juice of one lemon, beer yeast (one bag), 4.5 liters of water. Rinse and clear the roots of the burdock and dandelion, cut into them with thin plates and peel in half the water required for a 30-minute recipe. Remove from fire, add the remaining amount of water (cold), sugar, molasses and lemon juice, and stir until sugar is completely dissolved. Strain in the dishes for fermentation, cover with a lid. When the liquid cools up to room temperature, add beer yeast and withstand a week. Then pour into a special bottle and withstand a week. After that, the drink is ready. Herbal beer stored in the refrigerator.

Burn roots chips

To prepare such chips, you will need: several large roots of burdock, olive oil, sea salt. Wash the roots, clean and cut into thin stripes. Slice the roots with a small amount of olive oil, salt to taste. Preheat oven to 220 0. Put the strips on the roaster, lined with paper for baking. Bake the chips about 10 minutes to the light brown, then turn over and bake the second side of the strips. It is necessary to overlook.

Carrot cookies with honey infused on the root of the burdock

For the test you will need: a cup of wheat flour, a teaspoon of a baking powder, a quarter of a teaspoon of salt, 100 g of butter, one yolk, half a cup of honey, infused at the root of the burdock, ¾ grate cups on a grater of carrots (take two medium roots), Halfps of oat flakes, Halfps of light raisins, 3 \\ 4 cups of purified walnuts.

For cream: 120 g of cream cheese, 100 g of butter, 1, 5 cups of sugar powder.

For the preparation of honey, infused on the root of the burdock: the tablespoon of the dried root of the burdock, mounted in powder, 160 g of honey. Prepare honey in advance, mixing it with a fluff root powder. Give honey breeding 5-10 days. To withstand honey in a warm and not darkened place, periodically stirring.

For the test, sift flour, mix with a baking powder, salt. Beat the oil, gradually adding egg yolk, prepared honey and pasting carrots. Connect flour with oily-egg mixture, oatmeal, nuts and raisins. Preheat oven to 180 0 and a spoon lay the dough portions on the roasar, covered with paper for baking, forming flat gingerbread rice shapes. Bake cookies 15 minutes before golden brown, checking the readiness. When the cookie is completely cooled, decorate with cream (beat cream cheese, butter and sugar powder, adding a droplet of vanilla extract). So that the cream is frozen, leave cookies for some time in the refrigerator.

In cosmetology

Burry for hair

To strengthen hair roots, a decoction is used: 2 tablespoons of burdock roots are poured 200 ml of boiling water, then warm in a water bath around a quarter of an hour. The cooled decoction strain and rub the head and roots of the hair after washing with shampoo.

Hair rinser with burdock: a mixture of rhizomes of AIRA of the marsh, the roots of the burdock of large, flowers of the nails of medicinal and bumps of the hop of an ordinary (every grass on a tablespoon) to pour a liter of boiling water. Great in a water bath quarter of an hour. Give the brave to breed and cool. Stretch and rinse hair after washing.

It is useful for hair and the next recipe: mix on the tablespoon of the roots of the burdock, the leaves of the plantain of big, grass mint, the hormour of the well-stranded and nettle dwarfish. Take 3 spoons of such a collection, pour a liter of hot water, warm in a water bath a quarter of an hour. The decoction to cool, strain and use as a hair rinse.

Strengthens and makes healthier hair using such a ragger: mix crushed roots of the burdock and the rhizoma of AIR in equal parts. 6 tablespoons of such a collection are poured by a liter of water and boil a quarter of an hour. Then insist in a warm place. Rub the broth in the scalp to 3 times a week.

Strengthened hair burdock mask: mix one part of brandy, 4 parts of the leaky onion juice and 6 parts of the burst roots of the burdock. The whole lot is thoroughly confused. Rub into the skin of the head, then kill with a heating towel. After 2 hours, wash the mask.

Burning for skin

With oily skin, infusion from the tablespoon of fresh crushed roots of burdock and 200 ml of boiling water is recommended. With the infusion to withstand half an hour, then strain. Clean cloth or gauze to moisten in the infusion and apply to the face cleaned skin for 10 minutes.

A decoction helps with acne: to prepare a mixture of the roots of the burdock and the grass of the Hypericum of the reinforced (on a tablespoon). Collecting 200 ml of boiling water and warm on a water bath quarter of an hour. The decoction to cool, strain, and wipe the skin affected by acnewes.

Other uses

To get rid of mice, enjoy borders. They are scattered near the alleged mouse minks. The ray clings to the skin of the rodent, causes itching, irritation and dries away from the habitat.

Repelique oil has found applied in industry: in soap, manufacture of oil and wrapping paper, in operation of gyroscopic devices.

In the fight against pests of agricultural crops (caterpillars of cabbage whitening, scoop, mole) use infusion: half ancient of the disturbed leaf leaf pour to the top of the water. Insstruct at least 3 days. Then strain and spray garden and garden crops.

Under the skin diseases, domestic pets and cattle, apply a decoction (one piece of burdock roots on 10 parts of water), which wash animals.

  • Before the early 19th century, the burdock was not listed among representatives of the Flora of Western Europe. The leopa seeds were listed in the Western European Region of the Russian Connection after the fall of the Napoleonic Army.
  • In Japan, the burdock is cultivated as an ordinary vegetable and grow massively on the gardens. In this country, he is known under the name "Gobo".
  • The symbolism of the buried is associated with the amazing property of the plant to hold on to any soil and grow in all conditions: it symbolizes life durability, endurance, perseverance and confrontation circumstances. In a folk oral tradition, there are tagged proverbs and sayings, in which the sustainable meaning of the hub, referee, enthusiastically, enthusiastically fastened behind the lop flowers: "I closed like a ray," "I am glad, like repretions", etc.

  • The famous velcro fastener was invented in the middle of the 20th century by Swiss J. De Mesallem precisely thanks to the leopa seeds. Engineer Meshly considered the weed, who stuck to the wool of his dog after a walk and the principle of the structure of tenacious rapidas "Lipuchek" pushed it to the invention.
  • In the history of painting, the plant is captured on the web of I. I. Shishkin "Lopuhi". And in the literature, one of the most famous works where burdocks are tested by the real hero of the narration, the Tale of G. K. Andersen "Happy Family". In it, the writer said about the reurenger as follows: "The biggest leaf in our region, of course, a sheet of burdock. You put it on the tummy - here's the apron, put it in the rain on your head - umbrella! ".
  • Astrology offers the following recommendations on the workpiece of the medical raw materials of the burdock: the leaves are broken at the first phase of the Moon, when the sun is in the first decade of the scales (September 22 - October 1), from sunrise until noon. Roots digging on the third phase of the moon during sunset. Lopuch is associated with the energy of Jupiter and Saturn.

Harm of the burdock and contraindications

In some people, there may be an allergic reaction due to the individual intolerance to the leopa drugs. Treatment with a plant of pregnant and nursing mothers is possible only with permission and under the strict control of the attending physician. .

We collected the most important points about the benefits and the possible harm of the burdock in this illustration and will be very grateful if you share the picture on social networks, with reference to our page:

Botanical description

Lophukh is a two-year plant representing the Astrov family (comprehensive).

origin of name

Folk Names of Lopukha - ladrophnik, frustration (burdock), grandfather, doggyman, cut. Latin name - Arctium. - goes back to borrowing from the Greek language and translated as " bear».


The modern nerds defined 19 types of burdocks, of which the most common:

  1. 1 Burdock - The agricultural area is very extensive, includes Europe, Asia, African continent, Far East, India. The species is also known as the "reicker". A source of medicinal raw materials, a plant-honey, used in cooking, in industrial production.
  2. 2 Lock small - It grows in Europe and those regions of Western Asia for which a temperate climate is characterized.
  3. 3 Burning felt (web) - It is found in Europe, Siberia, Central Asian region, China. Refers to edible plants. Oil extracted from the roots is used in cosmetology. Without difficulties, forms hybrids in the event that it grows in close proximity to other species.

Burning large - a two-year-old grassy plant, a height of 60 cm to 1 m and above. The root of the plant is extended, fleshy, spindle-shaped, length up to 0.5 m. Stems upright, furochy, strongly pubescent - woollyopathy, branched in the top. The listocation is alternate, the root leaves are very large, the upper is significantly less, the egg-shaped or heart-shaped shape, on top of the green, from the bottom - serve. Purple-purple flowers are collected in spherical baskets. Flowers burdock from July to September. The fruits of the seed ripen in September-October.

Lopeh is a widespread weed plant. It grows on wastehouses, along the roads, in the gods, over river banks, in the fields, near residential settlements, in weed places, in places with high humidity (in the floodplains of rivers, on the bottoms of the beams), in the hedge. Sometimes it forms small thickets, more often grows with small groups or single instances.

Growing conditions

The burdock productively multiplies with a seed way. Seed seeds in autumn or spring, plots with soils that are unsuitable for the cultivation of other plants are suitable for sitting. The plant is completely unpretentious and does not require care.

In the first year, only the root leaves are formed at the burdock, and in the second year the plant forms the stalks, the color-time period begins and, with the completion of the ripening of fruits, the burdock is devouted.

The roots of the first year of cultivation are harvested in the autumn period, and the second year is in spring. Dropped roots free from soil, cut the above-ground part and thin roots. Separated thick roots are thoroughly washed in cold water and cleaned with a knife from the crust. The root root is dried outdoors, under sheds, laying up a thin layer on burlap or paper.

The leaves are collected in July-August and dried in shaded places, on draft. Seeds are harvested as ripening. The shelf life of raw materials from roots - 5 years, leaves - year, seeds - up to 3 years.

  • Mamchur F. I., Gladun Ya. D. Medicinal plants at the nursery. - K. Zhozhai, 1985. - 112 p., Il.
  • Handbook of preparations of medicinal plants / D. S. Ivashin, Z. F. Katina, I. Z. Rybachuk, etc. - 6th ed., Sp. and add. - K.: Vintage, 1989. - 288 C.: Il.
  • Karhut V.V. Live pharmacy - K. Health, 1992. - 312 s., Il., 2, Ark. Il.
  • Medicinal Plants: Encyclopedic Directory / Ed. A. M. Grodzinsky. - K.: Olympus, 1992. - 544 p.: Il.
  • Karhut V. V. Medication around us. - K.: Health, 1993. - 232 p.
  • Neprug, burdock, plantain, St. John's wort. Medicines from 100 diseases. Nikolaeva Y., Ripol Classic: 2011. - 192 p.
  • Burdock, source // The Project Gutenberg Ebook of the Complete Herbal, by Nicholas Culpeper,
  • A Review of the Pharmacological Effects of Arctium Lappa (Burdock),
  • Reprint materials

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    Safety regulations

    The administration is not responsible for trying to apply any recipe, council or diet, and does not guarantee that this information will help and will not harm you. Be prudent and always consult with the relevant doctor!

    Folk Medicine finds the use of many plants using their healing properties to the fullest. Burning large - a widespread plant, still known as a burdock, which is vainly considered to be weed: if it is properly used, it can heal many diseases. Go to move both the leaves of the plant together with fibrous stems and its roots. This article will consider the beneficial properties of the leopa leaf, their chemical composition, indications for use, the principles of the workpiece and the methods of cooking domestic drugs based on this plant.

    Chemical composition

    The composition of this amazing plant is not studied so far. The studies have shown that it contains the following substances:

    1. Vitamins: carotene, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, cobalamins.
    2. Mineral composition is represented by trace elements - zinc, copper, selenium, aluminum, and macroelements - calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus.
    3. Truble and bitter substances.
    4. Essential oils.
    5. Alkaloids.
    6. Vegetable proteins.

    Important! Bars and tinctures on this plant have a pronounced diuretic effect that lasts for one-two hours after use. If you are treated with a burden basis, calculate your location so that the first time after application is not far from the restroom.

    Useful and therapeutic properties of leopa leaves

    Most often, the leopa leaves are used to remove the eats during the injuries and are made from them decoctions to strengthen hair. There are other, less well-known beneficial properties of this plant.

    Before using his leaves for medicinal purposes, you need to know what they are treated:

    Contraindications and harm

    There are no restrictions on the use of this plant in therapeutic and cosmetic purposes. The only exception can be the individual intolerance to the substances it contains.

    How to prepare and when collecting leopa leaves for treatment

    This two-year plant develops a young socket and is rooted in the first year of his life, and the second gives a stem with astroven-like flowers. Green mass can be collected for the first, and for the second year. The collection is carried out in the spring - in late April or early May, when the leaves reach a length of 15 cm.

    As soon as the plant launches the color-based arrow, it becomes unsuitable as therapeutic raw materials. Collect only bright green smooth leaves without holes, damage, plates of mold or rot.

    Did you know? Absolutely all kinds of bugs are medicinal plants. The reurenger itself refers to the Astrov family - his small separate flowers have a purous color and always ostrive. For the first time, this plant was made to the official botanical classification in 1762 by the English botany named John Hill.

    Separated by the green mass separated from the stems, finely disturbed, decompose on drying in a dry and bright room. From sunlight, dry leaves need to be preserved. After drying, the bulk mass collect the bags of cotton fabric or a ceramic container, wrap in a dense natural fabric and put it on storing in a dark dry place.
    Keep ready-made raw materials can not be longer than a year. Every four weeks it is necessary to get it, open and ventilate, so that the medicinal mass does not ban and do not suffocate.

    Important! The roots and stems of this plant have a property of accumulating hard metals: raw materialscut into an environmentally friendly area, as far as possible from large tracks and industrial enterprises.

    Application in folk medicine: recipes

    In the raw form, the leaves are most often used to remove bruises, in other cases of them are preparing teas, decoctions, tinctures and other medicines.

    Tincture on vodka.

    Depending on the components added to it, the tincture can be used to treat skin diseases, problems with joints, intestinal disorders. The following recipe will be effective when depositing salts, articular diseases, rheumatic pains and arthritis.

    • leaf leaves dried - 10 g;
    • honey - 15 ml;
    • root nine - 5 g;
    • vodka - 200 ml.

    Cooking method:

    1. Dried and finely disturbed leaves fold into a small ceramic container, pour the honey and leave for ten minutes to soak.
    2. Finely cut down or overtakely in Kashitz nine. Add it to the chopped mass.
    3. Fill the resulting mixture with vodka.
    4. Close the container tightly, shake it well and leave it in a dark and warm place for two weeks. Every three days get the container and shake it again to update the surface of the component contact.
    5. After two weeks, resurrected the obtained tincture through the siete or gauze tissue, break into the glass container and tightly close.
    6. Take the tincture every day once a fifteen drops for half an hour before meals. With strong articular pains, rub the problem joints every day after a hot bath or soul.

    Compress on joints

    This method of treatment provides for the use of young freshly plane leaves.


    • fresh leaves - 5 pcs.;
    • ointment of Vishnevsky - 10 g.
    Mode of application:
    1. Leaves rinse under cool running water. Cut the stems from them.
    2. Fold the sheets one to another, cover the stack with a sheet of pure paper and put it under a heavy hot press (you can use a saucepan with hot water or preheated iron).
    3. Hold the leaves under the press for five minutes so that they warm up. Lubricate the problem joint of the ointment of Vishnevsky.
    4. Apply the compress from the leaves on the joint need a smooth side up. Fix the compress with a bandage bandage or leucoplasty, blindly climb a wool handkerchief or scarf, since the best action of this means is manifested in heat. If strong pain is worried, it will be useful and correctly leaving a bandage for the night.
    5. The course of treatment lasts two weeks or until the symptoms are completely eliminated. As a lubricant, in addition to ointments, you can use honey, olive oil or alcohol tincture of calendula.

    This is an effective means to combat women's diseases. It is used in mastopathy, neoplasms, interference of sexual function and hormonal background. Also juice can be used to combat skin problems.

    Important! Men to use lop juice in pure form is not recommended. It contains phytoestrogens - vegetable analogs of female sex hormones that will have a negative impact on the men's sexual function.


    • fresh leaves - 300 g;
    • water boiled - 700 ml.

    Cooking method:

    1. Freshly plane leaves rinse in a weak soap solution, rinse under running water. Clean them from small seams, filled areas, cut the stems from them.
    2. Grind the purified leaves in a blender before receiving a homogeneous cleaner.
    3. The resulting green mass is transferred to the ceramic or enamelled container, cover with a lid and leave it for two hours.
    4. The juice formed, strain through a gauze tissue, break into the glass container and tightly close. Store the juice in a cool place protected from sunlight no longer than three months, as it has a property to scatter.
    5. The course of treatment lasts from seven to nine days. Take juice is necessary every day before eating 10 ml. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated in two weeks.


    This medicinal drink is an effective remedy for intestinal disorders and diseases. It has a slightly laxative and enveloping effect, tones the stomach and normalizes the production of gastric juice.

    Did you know? With its appearance, Velcro is obliged to chain rapid baskets. In 1947, the Swiss engineer on the surname Mesh was walked with his dog in nature, and on returning home noticed that the wool of the dog was completely covered with a buried. Loining several rapid balls from the wool, the mestel saw them under the microscope and noticed that they were clinging for the surrounding items with small cool hooks. After a year of work, Mesh presented the public a revolutionary discovery- Chain velcro clap.


    • leaves dried - 20 g;
    • flowers lime dried - 10 g;
    • flowers chamomile dried - 5 g;
    • water - 400 ml.

    Cooking method:

    1. Boil water. In a ceramic kettle, mix the leopa leaves, chamomile flowers and linden.
    2. Fill the resulting mixture with boiling water, close the kettle and give the components to strengthen for seven minutes.
    3. The resulting tea drink an empty stomach one and a half glasses, if desired by a tablespoon of buckwheat or lime honey.
    4. Course treatment is carried out within two weeks or until completely eliminating discomfort.

    Did you know? In the country of the Rising Sun, the burdock enjoys a great honor. It is grown as a cultural garden plant and know called Gobo. The Japanese are allowed into the move all parts of the buried and find him a variety of applications. From the roasted chopped roots, a drink similar to our chicory is widely boiled. They still swollen them, stew and prepare from the resulting mass of cutlets, cakes, soups. Young leaves are also used in cooking: they are put in soups, noodles, add to salads and vegetable mixes.

    The leopa leaves are safe and affordable medicinal plant. It has many useful properties and the complete absence of contraindications. Folk remedies made from the leaves of this plant are used in skin diseases, problems with the digestive tract, gender system and joint diseases.
    If you choose a suitable medicine and adhere to the formulation of its preparation, then the regular use of this tool will have a beneficial effect on the body and help heal the ailment.

    I want to welcome all the guests and regular visitors to our! Such a plant, like burdock, in Russia is known to every resident of the country, because it grows throughout, attracting attention to its wide leaves, lilac flowers and round spiny baskets. No matter how surprisingly, it is the most common weed and at the same time a medicinal plant. And in the east of his root prepare various dishes.

    And in the future, this amazing gift of nature from their gardens in the future, it is worth learn more about what the burdock root is - useful properties and contraindications that it offers us.

    About the composition and benefits

    The burdock is related to the Astrov family and it is most often called a buried. You can meet it on the side of the roads, duties and bushes, on wasteland and in the forest, as well as in garden sites.

    Nutritional value consists of 1.53 g of proteins, 14.04 carbohydrates and 0.15 fats, placing only 72 kcal per 100 grams.

    At the same time, the composition of the plant is very rich, offering us:

    • ash with food fibers;
    • tannins;
    • fatty acids - stearin with palmitine;
    • mono and Disaccharides;
    • stigmasterine with essential oils;
    • sitosterin with Inulin;
    • pectins with alkaloids and glycosides;
    • vitamins of groups in (1, 2, 3 and 9), s, e, k and pp;
    • mineral elements presented by copper, iron, manganese, strontium, zinc, tin, selenium and boron.

    At the same time, there is a lot of water in its composition - 80.09%.

    Based on the foregoing, it is possible to distinguish the following healing properties for the human body:

    1. Lope helps to strengthen immunity, being an excellent antioxidant.
    2. It has a laxative action (average).
    3. The benefits are enclosed in the antipyretic, choleretic, diuretic and sweetest effect. The root of the buried is able to eliminate pain and output an excess salt from our body.
    4. The activation of metabolic processes is also by the forces.
    5. Inulin in the composition has a prophylactic effect against the development of cancer.
    6. With it, it decreases the amount of bad cholesterol.
    7. Burning is able to prevent the emergence of such aids as stroke and heart attack.
    8. With regular use of burdock root, magnesium digestibility is improved.
    9. The plant is an excellent antiseptic with bactericidal properties.
    10. With the help of it, they strengthen the roots of the hair and heal wounds.

    Prepare from the plant brazers, infusions, tinctures, teas, creams, ointments and lotions, and in fresh form it is also useful.

    The greatest concentration of useful elements in the composition of the plant falls on the first year of his life.

    Root of burdock in cosmetology

    In the field of cosmetology, the root of the buried is used as a natural vegetable extract. It is part of a large amount of cosmetics - as a rule, to care for skin face and hair.

    The plant acts as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant means, which is explained by the presence of tanning substances in it and vitamin C with essential oils.

    Still burdock reduces bruises and inflammation on the skin, and also reduces excess secession.

    The most unique active compound in the plant root extract is sesquiterpenic lactones, endowing it with antifungal and anticoral properties.

    Thanks to antioxidants, the effect of free radicals is suppressed.

    Most of all the root of the burdock is useful for women with dry, itching and peeling skin. It is traditionally used for the treatment of psoriasis and the head, eczema and dandruff.

    Those who suffer acne, the plant will also be very useful, helping to get rid of redness, swelling and irritation with such a littleness as Cuperoz and Rosacea. The extract in the composition of lotions and creams will facilitate the consequences of mosquito bites and burns - thermal and chemical. Reviews of many people confirm this information.

    Another plant is considered to be the most efficient means that revives the beauty and health of hair, providing a preventive effect against their loss.

    The cosmetology industry with success and massively uses the burdock root extract for the production of shampoos, serum and hair masks. To a lesser extent, this component also applies in lipsticks, sunscreen cosmetics and personal hygiene products.

    Medical use

    Fitotherapy is the main sphere of use of the root of the burdock for medical purposes. The collection of natural material is desirable in May month.

    Plant helps with the following health problems:

    • the presence of stones in the kidneys, withdrawing them;
    • with diagnosed gastritis, ulcers and gout;
    • the plant perfectly cleans blood;
    • venestic diseases, too, the root of burdock;
    • prepared infusions and decoctions help with mercury poisoning, as well as the bite of poisonous animals;
    • natural insulin as part of the plant is important for people suffering from diabetes. Not only the level of blood sugar is reduced, normalizing the content of leukocytes, but also the digestion is improved, and the intestine is cleared of harmful elements.

    The easiest way to use for the prevention of various diseases is as follows - to scream the washed root of the burdock, grate on the grater and add the resulting cleaner to yogurt or salad. Such a recipe is very useful and on cancer.

    Bulgarian herbalists The root of the buried is used as a diuretic and improving metabolic processes.

    Adenoma Prostate is treated with infusion of the plant, which is relevant for men suffering from this disease - to use up to 5 times during the day by ½ cup.

    How to prepare infusion from the root of the burdock

    Brew the infusion simply: pour 25 g of chopped plant floor liter boiling water, then overflow then the composition into the thermos and leaving for wrying for an hour.

    Such a recipe is useful for colds and angina, rheumatism and illness of the gallbladder, as well as kidneys. It is used in diabetes and gastritis, hemorrhoids and ulcers of the stomach, furunculese and rickets, eczema and inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane of the mouth.

    Infusion is healing the skin of the face, moisturizing it and feeding it, eliminating the oily shine. Skin diseases are treated with compresses, and the composition is also added to the baths using both phytotherapy.

    Another recipe for the preparation of infusion that helps get rid of various tumors - equal parts of the root root with honey and medical alcohol insisted for 2 weeks, and then take 1 large spoon three times a day.

    Preparation of bravery

    Grinding the root of the buried, pour it into a glass of water, giving it to get drunk for 20 minutes on a small fire. After half an hour, insist and strain.

    The testimony for its use is such ailments such as osteochondrosis and bladder inflammation. It is also used as a coating agent in respiratory diseases and pancreatitis.

    And brazers, and infusions need to be taken in a warm form after eating up to 4 times a day for a month.


    For the preparation of the tincture, vodka will be required in the ratio of 10/1 - insist 2 weeks, after which it is lubricated to her problem areas on the skin.

    How to cook the root ointment

    25 grams of the fused root root with the leaves of the plant pour the floor with a glass of water, killing 20 minutes. The resulting composition is in a paste, adding 100 g of butter.

    This mixture is getting rid of burnhead burns and apply in preventive benefits against baldness.

    Recipe for making oil

    In 200 g of any vegetable oil, pour 75 g of the root of the reurenik in the fresh form - to insist during the day, then cook for 15 minutes and strain.

    Such oil perfectly strengthens hair, improving their growth and structure, preventing loss.

    The remedy has a positive effect on various skin diseases.

    An excellent means for treating hair is a pharmacy oil with vaseline, almond and olive oils. To get the maximum effect, you need to grasp the roots of the hair with a slight massage of your fingers. The procedure is carried out in a couple of hours to a hike in the bathroom. To keep warm, it is desirable to wear a cellophane package on the head, covering the top with a towel.

    Eating burdock root

    Inside is used not only in therapeutic, but also in culinary purposes. Thus, young shoots with roots with roots, possessing a weak and slightly sweet peculiar taste, are edible from the burdock.

    The plant does not even freeze in severe frosts, allowing it to collect even early in spring until the central stem on the surface appears. One "but" - the roots are difficult to dig out due to its long length.

    The burdock can be an excellent substitute for potatoes during cooking soup. Even the root is well combined with acidic milk, vinegar and sorrel. In the process of cooking, inulin is subjected to hydrolysis, forming fructose thanks to which it turns out a jacket with a sour-sweet taste.

    Another plant can be choke with slices, making refueling for sauces or cooking with butter.

    Use in cooking the root of the burdock applies to marinades. It can also eat in the raw form, but it is better to fry or bake.

    The roasted root of the buried is an interesting substitute for chicory and can serve as a surrogate of coffee.

    For baking bread, the plant is also used in combination with rye or wheat flour. And the cutlets and pellets are prepared from it.

    Billet and storage

    The harvest of the root of the burdock should be carried out in the first year of the plant's life in the fall, but still warm (September, October). This time of year is considered the most optimal, since it is in the autumn period in it the largest content of useful elements and juice:

    1. The young root is digging, separated from the base, cleaned from the ground and is thoroughly washed with water.
    2. After that, the collected vegetable material cuts into pieces of up to 15 cm in size and dried in a room with a good air exchange. For these purposes, an outdoor area under a canopy or an attic where you can open the windows.

    If you live in the countryside, just spread the raw materials on paper and put on the stove.

    Stored such dried roots up to 5 years.

    Who is contraindicated root burdock

    Harm root root can only apply if you use therapeutic chains or decoctions for a very long time.

    You should not yet apply the plant in any form for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    If you have a tendency to allergic reactions, then before starting to use the root root, draw a control test for their absence or availability, and only then make a decision on the feasibility of reception.

    Arrange the day of the big salad. A huge bowl of vegetable salad is eaten a day. Other food - only after the impressive portion of salad.

    A minute of exercise before meal will reduce appetite better than any special means.

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