Aromatic home air freshener. DIY natural air fresheners for home and car

Encyclopedia of Plants 04.03.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants
August 4, 2016
Specialization: a professional in the field of construction and repair (a full cycle of finishing work, both internal and external, from sewerage to electrics and finishing work), installation of window structures. Hobbies: see column "SPECIALIZATION AND SKILLS"

A toilet freshener is, frankly, by no means the main detail in equipping a bathroom. And yet, without it, the level of comfort will clearly be “not the same”. No matter how effective ventilation is, unpleasant odors will still appear, and something will have to be done about them.

Of course, the easiest way is to buy a factory-made air freshener. However, not everyone likes the range of flavors on sale, so it makes sense to understand the technology of self-manufacturing a flavor from the available raw materials.

Industrial products

And yet, before thinking about how to make a freshener yourself, I would recommend analyzing the range of available ready-made products. Still, the perfume industry does not stand still, and if you manage to find a smell that will not annoy you (and even more so if the price is acceptable), then you should not waste time on chemical experiments at home.

Almost all funds presented in mass sale can be divided into two groups:

  • flavors- various compositions that are distinguished by a strong and pleasant (at least from the point of view of the manufacturer) aroma. Once in the air, flavoring molecules practically do not come into contact with suspended solids, but simply "clog" an unpleasant odor, influencing our receptors more intensively.
  • deodorants– despite the popularity of the name, this group is represented by a limited number of brands. The thing is that the principle of operation of an air deodorant is to bind the molecules responsible for the appearance of an unpleasant odor and convert them into an inactive form. As a rule, deodorants practically do not have their own smell, and they are additionally added with fragrance during production.

In one way or another, deodorizing components are present in most flavors, but their effectiveness is low. So if you are sensitive to foreign smells, it is better to find a fairly expensive deodorant with a neutral composition.

In addition to the principle of action, the means of industrial production can be divided into groups according to the form of release. Manufacturers offer several classifications, but from my point of view, the most convenient is the one shown in the table below:

Release form Description
Spray can The most common variety, which is used almost everywhere. The air freshener is pumped into a pressurized can and then sprayed into the bathroom.

The advantages of this solution are simplicity, compactness, low cost of most compositions and a wide range of flavors. The disadvantages, I would include not the best efficiency for most air fresheners, as well as a short duration of action and the need to periodically spray the composition yourself.

Autosampler According to the principle of operation, the autosampler is somewhat similar to an aerosol can, but the liquid in this case is poured into the spray tank. Depending on the settings, the atomizer emits a cloud of small droplets into the air either by pressing a button or by a timer (usually set to an interval of 15 to 30 minutes).

Most models on the market consist of two parts: a wall/floor dispenser, which is quite expensive, and replacement cartridges. The fact that fragrance cartridges are not versatile is a significant disadvantage: it may happen that you will not find consumables for your model, and there will be nothing to replace them with.

aromatic block Unlike aerosol forms, aromatic blocks act constantly. They are tanks with a gel or solid base impregnated with a volatile composition. After opening the tank, the contents gradually evaporate, eliminating unpleasant odors and adding the aroma of your choice to the space.

The obvious minus is not very high efficiency: in the background, the device does an excellent job, but it clearly cannot suppress a strong “ombre”.

Block for cistern/toilet In principle, these compositions are included in a separate category, since they freshen the air not directly, but indirectly, through the flushed water. The aromatic block is either lowered into the tank or attached under the rim of the toilet bowl: when flushed, part of the active substance dissolves, forming foam.

In principle, a fairly effective solution, but the composition is consumed quite quickly, so the costs will not be the smallest.

I will not dare to give an unequivocal answer to the question of which air freshener is better to buy: it is obvious that all options have pros and cons. In terms of comfort (rather than savings), I would use a combined option: automatic aerosol + water flavoring tablets in the drain tank.

Recipes to combat bad breath

Recipe 1. Essential oil

Despite the fact that on sale you can find a variety of deodorants and fragrances, many do not like their smell. That is why the question often arises - how to make an air freshener for a toilet with your own hands, using not too expensive components.

Sometimes the reason for the refusal of factory formulations is an allergic reaction to their components. Here you need to either look for an alternative hypoallergenic freshener, or really, engage in "applied perfumery creativity."

There are quite a few recipes that allow you to achieve the desired result, but here I will give only those that I managed to try out in practice and made sure of their effectiveness.

The main source of pleasant smell is essential oils.

So, the easiest way to make a flavoring additive based on essential oils:

  1. We take a medicine jar: any vial with a fairly wide neck and a volume of about 20-25 ml is suitable for us.
  2. Place a cotton ball inside.
  3. Drip 4-5 drops of concentrated essential oil onto cotton wool. We select the aroma to your taste: pine, fir, and lemon are suitable. Well, don't forget about individual sensitivity!

What you should refuse is heavy sweet smells - they will not solve the problem, but will exacerbate it.

  1. We place an open jar near the hot water pipe: constant heating will contribute to the active evaporation of volatile components.
  2. Once a week we change the cotton wool and drip new oil.

You can make another composition:

  1. Pour 15-20 drops of essential oil into a container.
  2. Add 0.5 cups of table vinegar (not acetic acid and not vinegar essence!).
  3. Pour in 1.5 cups of water and mix the solution thoroughly.
  4. Now pour the resulting composition into a small jar, which we close with a tightly screwed cap with holes. As in the previous version, we put a jar near the pipe with hot water.

Recipe 2. Gel

The disadvantage of the previous version is the rapid evaporation of the active component. You can deal with this by making a gel freshener.

The base is gelatin diluted in hot water.

The optimal instruction - in any case, after several trials, I settled on it - would be like this:

  1. We heat 250 ml of water almost to a boil, add 15 g of edible gelatin to it and mix thoroughly.
  2. Add 10 ml of glycerin to the hot composition and stir the composition again. If this is not done, then the product will dry out quickly and lose its effectiveness.
  3. In the mixture that has not yet hardened, add 1/4 teaspoon of ground cinnamon and 4-5 drops of essential oil.

  1. Instead of essential oil, you can add natural flavors - mint, lemon, rosemary, fresh needles, etc.
  2. Pour the resulting gel into a container with a wide mouth and leave it in the toilet.

I added a little food coloring and got quite a nice composition. In any case, in a small glass jar, it looked quite presentable - no worse than factory-made aromatic blocks (by the way, they are made using a similar technology).

  1. Instead of a gel based on gelatin and glycerin, you can also use silica gel balls, which are sold in gardening stores as a primer. Silica gel perfectly adsorbs liquids, therefore it is enough to fill it with a solution containing essential oils or cinnamon infusion - and the aromatic balls will smell pleasant for at least a month.

Recipe 3. Soda, salt, gelatin

If you don’t want to bother with the preparation of the gel, you can follow a simple path - pour any absorbent base with an aromatic composition. The tool is made elementary:

  1. We take a jar with a wide mouth, wash it, and dry it thoroughly.
  2. We fill the container about 1/3 with baking soda, fine salt or gelatin grains.
  3. Add 10-15 drops of aromatic oil to the base.
  4. We close the neck with two layers of foil, grab the foil with an elastic band and shake the jar vigorously, evenly distributing the essential oil over the poured substance.
  5. Using a needle or a thin awl, we make several holes in the foil for the release of volatile substances.

An air freshener made according to this scheme can be used not only in the home, but also in the outdoor toilet. True, in the second case, it is worth adding more active substance - in conditions of good ventilation, essential oils evaporate much faster.


To avoid discomfort when visiting the bathroom, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive automatic toilet air fresheners (although they are quite effective). You can get by with a homemade composition: after studying the tips given here and watching the video in this article, you can make such a mixture from almost nothing.

Hello my dear hostesses! HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH UNPLEASANT ODOR IN YOUR HOME? Surely you buy air fresheners, which are full of all household goods stores. But in vain. Unfortunately, not everyone knows what they are made of. We have heard enough about harmfulness, but who talks about the harmfulness of aerosol air fresheners? Honestly, I have not seen a single program, and maybe I have not caught my eye.

And until recently, I enjoyed all these amenities myself. I tried a huge number of smells for a long time and stubbornly and did not even suspect that this was a time bomb, which, without a twinge of conscience, was being sold and a huge industry was making money on it. And believe me, they don't care about our health. Recently, I came across an article from an Internet resource about aerosol dispensers, in which it is scarce, but nevertheless, the composition of this muck is stated. So, get ready to hear some facts about air fresheners.

Composition of modern air freshener

In 2007, there were studies that showed that 12 out of 14 air fresheners contain substances called phthalates. This chemical is added to thousands of foods. Starting from building materials, ending with cosmetics and children's toys. The whole horror is that they can cause diseases of the reproductive system (deformation of the genital organs). This substance is especially dangerous for pregnant and lactating mothers. No wonder that in some countries phthalates are banned in the production of children's toys and cosmetics.
A year later, there was another study that showed the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in air fresheners. Chemicals also added to many consumer products (adhesives, cosmetics, detergents and cleaners). Their insidiousness lies in the fact that they evaporate slowly and affect the body gradually. VOCs can cause damage to the kidneys, liver, and even the brain. And yet, remember, not a single aerosol eliminates the smell, but masks it by acting on our olfactory receptors.
That's it! Did you get scared? I immediately lost the desire to please myself with “aromatherapy”. Instead of poisoning yourself with chemicals that advertising imposes on us, you can quite successfully get rid of unpleasant odors in environmentally friendly and safe ways that will make your home cozier and give a modicum of health. I will share with you the secret of how to make an air freshener from simple and affordable ingredients.

Do-it-yourself aroma diffuser

This item has been gaining popularity lately. A quality diffuser is quite expensive. Its advantage is obvious - there is no need to use electricity or fire, as in an aroma lamp. And you can use it both in the car and at home. The principle of operation is simple and easily repeatable. For this we need:

  • glass or ceramic jar
  • liquid natural oil
  • diffuser sticks

Pour a small amount of liquid oil into a container, add essential oil. The more you add it, the more intense the scent will be. Insert diffuser sticks. You can buy special cane or bamboo ones, or you can replace them with branches that have been previously peeled from the bark layer, and essential oils with perfume. The more sticks you use, the stronger the scent will be. Aroma diffusers are not only a way to freshen the air, but also a piece of furniture. It can be decorated with ribbons, fabric, paper, painted with paint. In short, fantasize. Essential oils have antimicrobial and antiviral properties. They not only freshen the air, but also purify.

An aroma lamp can serve as a worthy replacement for an aromatic diffuser. But for its use, heat in the form of fire (candles) is needed. Therefore, it should be used with extreme caution.
You can also drop a few drops of essential oil into a saucer of water and put it on the battery. This method is relevant only in winter, when the heating is on.

DIY air freshener for the refrigerator

To make a do-it-yourself air freshener for, take half an orange and cut the pulp so as not to damage the peel. Fill an orange basket with baking soda or salt, drop a few drops of lemon essential oil, put it in the refrigerator, preferably on the door so that it does not tip over. Salt absorbs stale and unpleasant odors, while citrus aroma will refresh. Instead of an orange, you can take a lemon, grapefruit, tangerine.

By the way, if you constantly have a musty smell in your refrigerator, you can put a peeled onion on the door. She neutralizes him. Also, after washing the refrigerator, wipe the shelves and walls with vinegar water. To do this, mix a glass of water and 1 tablespoon of 9 percent vinegar.

DIY gel air freshener

We will need:

  • 2 glasses of water
  • gelatin - 4 packets
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • food coloring
  • 15-20 drops of essential oils
  • decorations (beads, ribbons, lace, etc.)

Mix the essential oil and dye in one glass of water. Dissolve gelatin and salt in another glass of warm water. Mix both solutions, stirring slowly without creating foam. In small beautiful containers at the bottom, put beads or herbs for decoration. Pour in liquid. Let cool. Decorate with ribbons, lace or leave as is. The salt in the composition is used as a preservative. But still, it is better to use a helium air freshener in a cool place, such as rooms, a toilet, but in no case in the kitchen.

DIY air freshener from soda

Get a jar or plastic container. Pour baking soda there and drip a few drops of essential oil (you can use the peel of a lemon, any citrus). Close the lid, after making a lot of holes there. Such a freshener is perfect for a toilet, bathroom, smoking areas, in a cabinet with a slop bucket or just on a chest of drawers or bedside table. The vapors of essential oils will slowly evaporate, penetrating into the air through small holes.

DIY coffee air freshener

Natural ground coffee or coffee beans are a great alternative to harmful aerosol fresheners. All kinds of interior items can be made from grains: paintings, topiaries, souvenirs. They will exude a pleasant unobtrusive aroma constantly. Ground coffee can be used as a sachet filler. Put the fragrant bag in a closet or hang it near the stove. Recently, natural coffee candles have become very popular. When burned, they fill the air with a pleasant aroma.

Smells have a great influence on our well-being and mood. Do-it-yourself fragrances at home bring not only benefits to the body, but also fill the house with a unique atmosphere and comfort. To prepare the air freshener, various essential oils sold in pharmacies are used. Most often they are made in the form of liquids or gels. Gel fragrance can be placed in the car.

Benefits of Natural Flavor

One of the undeniable advantages of a handmade flavor is its natural ingredients, which are selected according to your taste. It will be harmless to all residents of the apartment: adults, children and animals. It is possible to choose components that will not cause allergies in households. In addition, such a freshener will be an order of magnitude cheaper than bought in a store. The composition of such products does not include reagents that destroy the ozone layer, and substances that pollute the atmosphere. A container for homemade fragrance can be used several times, unlike a store-bought spray.

Natural fragrances are more gentle than artificial ones, they are light and unobtrusive, as they are not saturated with chemicals. At home, you can prepare different types of flavors: liquid, gel-like or solid. You can use them indoors in an apartment or in a car. Even children can make such a useful air freshener with their own hands.

Essential Oil Air Freshener

The most common recipe for making a freshener is to create it based on natural essential oils. Pharmacies offer a huge selection of oils from the most common to exotic. They are inexpensive, on average from 30 rubles per bottle. Some manufacturers offer sets of essential oils in small containers of 3-5 ml. They are convenient to buy for those who have not yet decided on their favorite flavor or want to experiment.

The most popular types of flavors prepared by hand without the use of chemical ingredients:

5. Bouquet. To prepare this type of flavoring, you will need a beautiful bottle with a wide neck, baby oil, wooden barbecue sticks, decorations in the form of leaves and flowers. Pour baby oil into a bottle, add 1 tbsp. l. alcohol or vodka and 10 drops of essential oil. Shake the mixture well. Dip wooden sticks into the liquid and let it soak for 3-4 hours. Then they need to be turned over with the other end and left for another 3 hours. Further, if you wish, you can decorate the sticks with leaves and flowers to make a fragrant bouquet. Such a freshener will fill the house with aroma for a very long time.

6. Orange hedgehog. On the eve of the New Year holidays, citrus natural air flavors will be relevant. You will need an orange, a beautiful button, a golden thread, a carnation. The button must be strung on a thread. Fold the two ends of the thread together and thread through the core of the fruit. Get a kind of Christmas ball. Push the cloves all over the orange peel. This can be done in the form of stripes, geometric shapes or inscriptions. The fragrance is ready.

7. Soda. Pour baking soda into a pretty jar. Top with citrus peels, coffee beans, cinnamon sticks, or clove buds. Add 5-6 drops of your favorite essential oil or perfume to the created composition. Close the lid with holes. Soda absorbs odors and moisture and slowly releases them into the surrounding air. Therefore, the freshener prepared in this way for a long time will delight with a delicate, unobtrusive aroma. This fragrance can be placed in the bathroom, toilet or closet.

8. Fragrant pouches. For cooking, you need dry flower petals. From the remnants of tulle, organza or any other fabric, it is necessary to sew bags measuring 7 * 12 cm. Fill them with petals, sprinkle with your favorite perfume or add 2-3 drops of your favorite aromatic oil. Good for closet placement.

aroma stones

Recently, designer things have become popular. In addition to the aesthetic function, they also have practical benefits. Aroma stones are a modern form of air freshener, very beautiful and easy to make. You can make several aroma stones with your own hands and amaze guests with an attention-grabbing interior detail.

The process of making stones is quite simple. To do this, you need to take 600 g of wheat flour, 1 kg of salt, 200 ml of warm water, 5 tbsp. l. starch, food dyes of different colors, essential oils (to taste).

The process is as follows:

  1. 1. Pour flour and salt into a small bowl. Mix thoroughly with a spoon. Then starch is added and the ingredients are mixed again.
  2. 2. The dye is diluted with water according to the instructions on the package. If they want to get multi-colored stones, they take several colors of dye and prepare solutions in different glasses. In the following procedure, the dry mixture is divided into parts equal to the number of desired colors.
  3. 3. Gradually pour a colored solution into a mixture of flour, salt and starch and knead a stiff dough.
  4. 4. Form figures that look like sea pebbles.
  5. 5. Apply 2-3 drops of your favorite fragrance to the stones and leave to dry completely in the room, without using heaters.

After drying, the stones are laid out around the apartment individually or creating original compositions. It is possible to make a puncture through them during manufacture, and after drying, string them on a skewer in the form of a rock. Or put in a wicker basket with the addition of petals. When the stones cease to exude aroma, do not throw them away. Just drop the aroma oil on the surface again. Stones will delight you again.

For example:

  1. 1. Lemon. Concentrates attention and soothes, helps relieve irritability.
  2. 2. Lavender. Helps to increase stress resistance and keep the situation under control. Its essential oil relieves migraine symptoms and increases concentration by 20%.
  3. 3. Jasmine. A strong antidepressant, charges with optimism and restores spent energy.
  4. 4. Rosemary. Perfectly tones, helps to cheer up. Relieves muscle pain.
  5. 5. Cinnamon. Relieves mental fatigue and increases concentration.
  6. 6. Mint. Plant oil excites all body functions, energizes and energizes.

To prepare a car air freshener, first consider the place where it can be placed. Then you need to find a suitable container, jar or cup. Ideal jars of cream for the face or body. We prepare the flavoring from gelatin, glycerin, water and aromatic oil according to the mini jelly recipe described above. Unlike home use, the car fragrance container must have a lid that has holes. In iron, they can be clarified with a screwdriver. In plastic or cardboard cut out with a knife or scissors.

The tool is placed under the driver's seat or placed on the front panel, secured with double-sided tape. As the aroma decreases, the essential oil is added to the jar.

Because of the chemicals in modern fragrances, many people prefer to make their own home air freshener using natural ingredients. The reasons why they create their own fragrance that gives the air in their home a unique smell are significant. They are usually led to such a decision by the need to take care of the health of their family members.


Air fresheners offered on the modern market to consumers are not suitable for many due to their composition, since their use causes allergic manifestations. Therefore, housewives come up with various compositions from natural products that allow you to freshen the air in the premises, but at the same time do not cause allergies.

How to make an air freshener at home, everyone decides for themselves. Some housewives come up with recipes for pleasantly smelling compounds on their own, and some of them use the advice of friends who have ready-made examples of their inventions. To make a flavor is available to anyone, since this work is simple. All the necessary components without much difficulty can be purchased in stores.

Before you make an air freshener with your own hands, you need to choose a container for it. It should not only allow the aromas emanating from it to spread throughout the room, but also have an attractive appearance.

Not all people understand why they spend their time making their own air freshener. In the store you can find a means for flavoring the air with any smell, in a package of any size. Their cost is low, so the purchase of this type of product is available even to a person with low incomes.

Natural ingredients guarantee the safety of the product and do not harm the inhabitants of the house

Making fresheners yourself is not a way to cut costs. It is both creativity and health care. Not every person is satisfied with the composition of commercially available fresheners. Therefore, they are looking for an alternative, finding it to be used in their own recipes of natural ingredients. Having spent a little money and time, they get the following benefits from their creativity:

▪ natural ingredients guarantee the safety of the product and do not harm the inhabitants of the house;

▪ By choosing the right ingredients, even an allergic person will avoid manifestations of the disease. Natural fresheners have a mild effect, so they are more easily tolerated by small children;

▪ the cost of producing your own formulations is low, and they last longer;

▪ home-made products do not contain reagents that have a negative impact on the state of the ozone layer. Therefore, this version of the air freshener is optimal for people who care about the ecological state of nature. And there is no need to dispose of used vials;

▪ smells of home-made fragrances are not too harsh and intrusive, their saturation can be corrected.

Such significant advantages of fresheners made from natural ingredients will convince even the most stubborn skeptics of their useful qualities. They can name only one drawback - the time spent on their manufacture. However, it is so insignificant that it is even difficult to call it a disadvantage.


Magnificent appearance has a do-it-yourself air freshener made from essential oils and located in a beautiful glass cup. You can also use a small bowl.

To make your own air freshener, you will need essential oils.

To create it you will need:

▪ a small glass cup or bowl;

▪ 200 grams of water;

▪ essential oil with the scent you like. You can also use a mixture of oils, such as tea tree oil, fir, eucalyptus;

▪ cinnamon;

▪ gelatin and glycerin.

To give the composition of the freshener a beautiful color, you can use food coloring. To decorate the container in which the flavor will be placed, you can use a variety of decorative elements.

Having prepared all the components necessary for the manufacture of flavoring, you can get to work. The freshener is created in the following order:

1. Pour a glass of hot water into a metal bowl. Adding 2 tbsp. gelatin, put it on a slow fire and stir until the contents are completely dissolved.

2. Add a little cinnamon to the composition (helping to improve mood), 1.5 tsp. glycerin (it will not allow water to evaporate quickly), a few drops of essential oil. The intensity of the aroma of the freshener will depend on the amount of oil.

3. Pour the prepared containers with the resulting composition.

After 2-3 hours, the air freshener will be ready for use. Beautiful design will allow it to become an original decoration of any room, filling it with a magnificent aroma. The use of coniferous tree oils in the manufacture of air fresheners will help in the treatment of bronchitis in children. It will be valid for at least 2 weeks.


In the kitchen, where food is constantly being prepared, an unpleasant smell often appears. Get rid of it in various ways. One of the simplest methods is to use cinnamon or coffee beans heated in a pan. A wonderful aroma appears in the kitchen, and the smell from cooking disappears.

Some housewives are preparing to get rid of an unpleasant odor without waiting for it to appear. For this purpose, they place a small bag over the stove, into which they pour a couple of spoons of freshly ground coffee. As soon as the stove heats up, the coffee aroma fills the kitchen.

Sometimes a mixture of water and lemon juice is used by pouring the solution into a spray bottle.

Sometimes a mixture of water and lemon juice is used, pouring the solution into a spray bottle. However, you can use a more efficient option for making a citrus-scented air freshener. To do this, prepare the following components:

▪ any citrus fruits;

▪ vodka or alcohol;

▪ a bottle equipped with a sprayer.

The flavoring solution is made in a very simple way:

1. First of all, it is necessary to prepare one of the main components - the peel of citrus fruits. It is placed in a glass jar and filled with vodka. Alcohol needs about 0.5 liters. The contents of the tanks are closed with a lid and infused for 2-3 days.

2. The finished tincture is poured into a spray bottle, and then topped up with water until the container is completely filled. Water should be added to reduce the alcohol smell. To enhance the aroma of citrus, you can use a few drops of oil (lemon, orange, grapefruit).

3. You can add some finely chopped citrus peel to the container, mix the contents by shaking. The air freshener is ready to use.

The skin from citrus fruits is placed in a glass jar and poured with vodka

This composition strengthens the immune system and improves mood. Instead of the peel, you can use the essential oil of your favorite citrus fruit by adding it to the water. You will need about 15 drops of essential oil. Then a little medical alcohol is added to the water, which helps to better combine the oil with water.

4 Oil bathroom freshener

Another original version of the air freshener is perfect for the bathroom. For its manufacture you will need:

▪ a small bottle of baby oil (about 200 grams);

▪ a vase with an extended neck;

▪ vodka, about 2 tablespoons;

▪ wooden sticks;

▪ 4-5 drops of aromatic oil. You can use lavender, rosemary or lemon.

Having prepared everything you need, you can begin to assemble all the components:

1. Pour baby oil into a vase and add vodka. The alcohol will make the oil more liquid so that it is easier for it to soak the wooden sticks. The composition is mixed, and then it is supplemented with aromatic oil.

2. Now we lower the wooden sticks into the vase and leave them in the mixture for 3-4 hours. Then we turn them over and again immerse them in the oil mixture. The intensity of the fragrance depends on the number of sticks used.

This freshener will keep working for at least 3 weeks. Just do not forget to systematically turn the sticks over so that their insides are saturated with new portions of the oil mixture.

Mistresses come up with many ways so that in any of the premises of the apartment it is not only cozy, but also smells good. They figured out how to use a hydrogel designed to grow flowers. Pour a small spoonful of hydrogel into a tall glass, and then fill it with cold water.

A little essential oil is added to the resulting mixture. Initially, it will be cloudy, but after a while the gel will swell, turning into a fragrant ball, and the bathroom will be filled with aroma. There are many similar recipes for making flavors, so every housewife can easily choose the most suitable method for her, and with it the most pleasant aroma.

Helpful Hints

Have you ever thought, when you next visit a household chemicals store, that all these cleaning, washing, scrubbing and odorizing agents are far from the safest choice for your health and the health of your family?

If you ever thought about such things, then you probably faced the question of finding safe detergents, air fresheners and so on.

If it is quite difficult to make detergents on your own (namely, to make it yourself, and not use mustard, soda, and so on instead), then make your own elementary air freshener for the hall or toilet room easy peasy.

You won't believe how pleasant and natural the scent can be in your home if you use the following air freshener recipes.

How to make an air freshener with your own hands from an ordinary orange?

Ah, this holiday is the New Year! What does the New Year have to do with it, you ask? And try to remember those aromas that hovered in your apartment or house as a child on this bright and kind holiday. What scent was the most pleasant and most associated with the arrival of the new year? That's right - it's the aroma of oranges or tangerines. With just two small oranges, you can provide this festive scent in a single room for two weeks.

So, take two oranges and three or four dozen dried cloves. Divide the carnation flowers in half (equally for each orange), and then stick them evenly into the orange peel. Get a sort of orange-clove hedgehog, which will exude a pleasant, light and spicy aroma for two weeks - moreover, without any chemicals and other substances hazardous to health. Again, good for the ozone layer!

How to make a DIY air freshener from gelatin?

To make a flavoring from a product of the processing of animal connective tissue (which is, in fact, gelatin)? Is that possible? How else is it possible! And you need quite a bit of it - only 20-30 grams, or, more simply, two tablespoons. This amount of gelatin must be dissolved in approximately two hundred grams of water (that is, in one glass), heating it all up for a couple.

After the mixture begins to become more homogeneous, you can add a dozen drops of your favorite essential oil to it. Love lemon freshness? No problem - squeeze the juice of a couple of lemon slices into it, or rather throw them whole. Don't like the color of the mixture? What problems - add any food coloring. Then pour it all into a cute and cozy glass container, and you will get not only a long-lasting freshener, but also a very stylish feng shui contraption, as they say!

How to make an air freshener with your own hands from various plants?

Let's take another look at the shelves of household chemicals stores: air fresheners containing plant extracts prevail there - fir, chamomile, rose ... Is there any way to make a similar flavor at home, but without extracts? There is nothing easier! But first you need to get a fresh sprig of the plant whose smell you want to inhale for long days and prepare a bottle of water with a regular sprinkler.

If you haven’t guessed yet, you should lower the branch you are looking for into this same bottle, let it stand for a while, and then simply spray the room to moisturize and aromatize. Isn't it incredibly simple? If we talk about herbs, then basil, juniper, spruce branches and so on will do. And a sprig of fir, in addition to giving a pleasant aroma to the air in the room, can also help in the fight against germs in case of colds.

How to make an air freshener with essential oils at home?

It is quite logical to use ordinary essential masses, which, as a rule, have a very persistent aroma, to create excellent scented air. Moreover, they can be used not only for rooms. For example, if you add just a few drops of some oil to ordinary cotton pads, and then put them in the closet, you can be sure that your clothes or bed linen will always exude a light, pleasant aroma.

If we talk about creating a certain aroma in the room, then, if you have a humidifier, it makes sense to add some of your favorite essential oil there. Putting just a few drops of oil on fresh spruce cones, you will get a wonderful fresh forest scent that is very soothing. If you are too lazy to invent something, then you can always buy an inexpensive aroma lamp based on essential oils.

How to make an air freshener for the refrigerator?

Forgot to take the spoiled sour cream or kefir out of the refrigerator in time? They didn’t think to cover the dish with herring with another plate, which in just a day stinks, it seems, not only all the products, but also the walls of the refrigerator? Finally, have you not looked at the vegetable shelf for a long time, where, despite the conditions of "permafrost", a long-forgotten lonely tomato began to mold, exuding a characteristic fetid smell? The situation is bad, but fixable.

However, before getting rid of the unpleasant smell in the refrigerator, it makes sense to try to wash it (after defrosting, if the instructions require it). If the smell really got into the walls, then the situation will be helped by a wide open container of water, in which sodium bicarbonate NaHCO3 was previously dissolved ... Yes, ordinary baking soda, what else? An extremely effective way, especially with prolonged and regular use.

How to make your own bathroom air freshener

Many people think that this issue needs to be given some special attention, choosing an air freshener with the most pungent and cloying smell. In fact, you and I are going to freshen the air, and not pollute it with any muck. Therefore, feel free to use any of the methods described above for bathrooms and toilet rooms. And if you install a fan in the exhaust opening of such a room, then you will forget about the unpleasant smell forever!

How to make an air freshener for the kitchen and living room from coffee?

To begin with, any of the above recipes for self-made fresheners and flavors are perfect for both the living room and the kitchen. However, the monotony of smells is somewhat annoying.; besides, it will be quite natural if the air in the kitchen will have its own aroma. And the aroma of coffee is perfect for this.

How to make flavoring from coffee? It's much easier than you think! It is only necessary to cut a small bag out of burlap-like fabric, in which you could literally pour two tablespoons of coffee, and, tying it, hang it in the kitchen or living room. Needless to say, aromatic freshly ground coffee should be used for such a flavoring. By the way, a similar flavor is perfect for a car.

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