The spring block is springless. Which mattresses are better - spring or springless? What options of spring mattresses can be chosen

landscaping 03.03.2020

Performance and well-being largely depend on the quality of sleep. If a person rests on a comfortable, properly selected mattress, he does not suffer from back pain and wakes up less often. That is why the choice of product must be approached responsibly, having studied all the advantages and disadvantages of different models.

Pros and cons of spring mattresses

Spring structures have a number of advantages:

  1. Air exchange. Due to the presence of cavities inside the mattress, the air circulates freely.
  2. Affordable cost, which primarily applies to models with a classic spring block. Mattresses, inside which independent springs are hidden, are much more expensive.
  3. Safety. If one of the independent springs breaks, the fabric will not be damaged. Steel elements are protected by special covers.
  4. Possibility to combine several zones of rigidity. When making a mattress with an independent block to order, you can ask to make one side softer and the other elastic. This is especially true for people with different weights.

Spring mattresses are most often found on sale, but they are not without drawbacks:

  • the design becomes unusable in less than ten years;
  • during operation, the springs rust, and a characteristic creak appears.

Budget mattresses with a spring block do not have orthopedic properties. This is important to consider for people who need spinal support.

Photo: A variant of the structure of the mattress with an independent spring block

Pros and cons of springless mattresses

Springless models have the following advantages:

  1. Good spine support. The elastic material adapts to the anatomical features of the person, allowing you to maintain the correct position of the body during a night's rest.
  2. Noiselessness. Due to the absence of metal parts, the mattress does not creak.
  3. Hygiene. Bacteria and insects do not start in the product, dust does not accumulate.
  4. Durability. With proper maintenance, a mattress can last more than ten years.
  5. Vibration absorption. On a bed with springs, it is uncomfortable to sleep together, because when one person tosses and turns, the vibrations spread over the entire surface. Foam, latex and PPU allow you to sleep even next to a restless neighbor.

Despite their versatility, springless designs also have disadvantages:

  • models made from natural raw materials can cause an allergic reaction;
  • fast absorption of moisture. Some mattresses absorb liquid like a sponge, which is a disadvantage for people who sweat a lot.

High-quality springless mattresses are quite expensive, but the costs are offset by their wear resistance.

Similarities and differences

An integral part of any mattress is a filler. The properties of the mattress and its durability largely depend on its quality.

Coir or coconut fiber is considered one of the best materials for making mattresses. It is used in the production of both spring and springless products. Coir does not absorb moisture, does not rot, keeps its shape well and allows air to pass through.

Regardless of the design - with or without springs - mattresses are hard, medium hard and soft. The degree of elasticity is selected individually.

Springless mattresses can be monolithic or prefabricated, consisting of several layers of different thicknesses. Latex, coconut, foam, polyurethane foam are usually used as stuffing.

Box spring mattresses first appeared on the market about 150 years ago. The springs can be placed in individual cases and work independently of each other (independent) or combined with a steel frame (dependent / bonnel). The first option allows you to provide the spine with optimal support, but children should not be allowed to jump on such a bed.

Which mattress is better to choose: spring or springless

The selection of a mattress depends on the preferences of the person, on the state of his health and other factors:

  1. When buying a mattress for a child, you need to take into account that the vibrations of the springs can adversely affect the condition of the fragile spine. Therefore, for kids under 12 years old, it is better to purchase a springless product filled with latex or coconut. Adults can consider both options.
  2. Overweight people, as well as those who suffer from pathologies of the heart or respiratory system, should give preference to springless mattresses.
  3. Those who like to sleep on a hard surface should pay attention to mattresses with an independent spring unit. In this case, the more metal elements, the better.
  4. If you have problems with the spine, you can not sleep on a surface that is too hard. Depending on the degree of development of the pathology, a springless product of medium hardness or a high-quality spring mattress is suitable. Before making a choice, you should consult with an orthopedist.
  5. When choosing budget springless mattresses, you should be careful. Despite the fact that some manufacturers claim that foam rubber (polyurethane foam, aka PPU) is similar in properties to latex, in fact it is not. In addition, such a product can cause allergies.

Important: When choosing a mattress, remember that memoryform products, according to recent studies, are recognized as toxic. In some people, they cause shortness of breath and allergies.

A high-quality, properly selected mattress is the key to a sound and healthy sleep. You can sleep well both on spring and springless structures. Products differ in their properties, so they are selected taking into account the preferences and needs of the person.

Spring. Such models are made on the basis of Bonnel blocks and independent springs. The first ones are a single system in which the load is distributed over the entire area, a wave effect is created. That is, any movement of the lying will be felt on the entire surface. Mattresses with an independent block of springs are deprived of this drawback.

Their design allows you to create zones of different rigidity. This leads to a good orthopedic effect. The "multi-pack" model can select couples with a significant difference in weight. On such a mattress they will sleep comfortably.

Springless. They are made on the basis of various natural and synthetic materials. They can be combined to create a specific stiffness index. Most often used in production:

  1. coconut coir. This material is obtained from the fruits of the coconut palm by pressing or latexing. It is distinguished by high rates of rigidity, biological inertness, breathability and elasticity;
  2. latex. It can be natural or synthetic. The first one is distinguished by high cost, but also significant orthopedic and antibacterial properties, environmental friendliness. It is practically not pressed through and provides proper support for the spine during sleep. The difference between natural and synthetic latex is stiffness, cost, and durability;
  3. polyurethane foam. Dense foam material, which is characterized by elasticity and elasticity, good air exchange, anatomical effect, safety. For many users, its significant plus is its affordable cost;
  4. memory foam. Foamed polymer material, which is specially designed to create the maximum orthopedic effect. He is able to "remember" the contours of the body and return to its original shape after removing the load. In addition, it provides good blood microcirculation, allows the body to completely relax;
  5. felt, horse hair, seaweed, etc.. Such materials are used in the form of layers that adjust the rigidity or other parameters of the product.

Comparison of the main characteristics of mattresses

In order to understand exactly how a spring product differs from a springless product, it is important to compare their performance, take into account the comfort of their use. The main indicators are shown in the table.




Noiselessness over time, they may begin to creak. completely silent in use.
Effective area have edges that provide the structure with additional rigidity and strength, but reduce the usable area. have a uniform structure over the entire area, so the entire surface can be used.
Moisture accumulation In inexpensive models, moisture can accumulate and cause corrosive oxidation of the springs. materials are well ventilated.
Accumulation of dust springs in mattresses are hollow, and dust can accumulate in them, which is an excellent breeding ground for mites. dust particles from the upper layers are easily removed with a vacuum cleaner. most materials are unsuitable for breeding mites.
Static electricity the presence of metal springs causes the creation of static electricity, which adversely affects the body. fillers are not prone to the formation of static electricity. when buying, it is also important to pay attention to the material of the case.
Life time based on the Bonnel spring block - about 5 years, with independent springs - 8-15. from artificial materials - from 7 to 12 years, based on natural latex - up to 20.


For kids. To decide which is better - a spring or springless mattress, it is important to take into account such a factor as age. The child's body is actively growing, the spine is just being formed, so it needs reliable support. In the first years of a baby's life, it is very important to create a rigid foundation for sleep. For this period, coconut coir mattresses are ideal. Among other things, their significant plus is the preservation of the original characteristics after drying. For an older child (from 3 to 6 years old), it is better to buy a springless, medium-hard mattress. During this period, the spine and the muscular system are actively developing, so this model will only contribute to proper growth. For older children, not only springless products of medium hardness are suitable, but also orthopedic products with an independent arrangement of springs. They will provide comfortable support while you sleep.

"Adult" models. For adults, it is important to combine the life period with existing diseases. If there are no significant problems, then:

  1. young people under 25–30 years old can buy elastic models of medium rigidity with an orthopedic effect, for example, from a latex monolith or a block of independent springs;
  2. for persons aged 25 to 45, any mattress is suitable. Here the main selection criterion is personal preferences, health status. Some people find it more comfortable to sleep on a soft surface, while others prefer a firmer base. A universal option can be a model "with memory";
  3. for people over 45 it is more expedient to choose a soft or semi-rigid anatomical model;
  4. it is better for the elderly to buy a spring or springless soft or medium soft mattress.

The choice of mattress in the presence of diseases

A sedentary lifestyle and a frantic rhythm can adversely affect your health. Pain in the neck, back and lower back are signs of serious illness. To prevent them or reduce discomfort, it is important to choose the right mattress. Experts recommend:

  1. for herniated discs, use soft orthopedic models with good support. You can prefer an asymmetric mattress, which has differences in the rigidity of the sides;
  2. sciatica (sciatica) to purchase a medium-hard model based on a block of independent springs or a monolith of natural latex, foam;
  3. scoliosis, use hard or medium hard mattresses. Reviews indicate that a springless product, in which layers of coconut coir and softer filler alternate, can be a good option;
  4. osteochondrosis find the golden mean. In this case, medium-hard or soft (but not too) products are suitable. The best solution can be a mattress where layers of latex coconut coir and high-quality polyurethane foam or latex alternate.


A comparison of spring and springless mattresses showed that each of the options has its own advantages and features. They should be taken into account when choosing. Also significant criteria are age and the presence of diseases. Only an integrated approach to the problem will solve it most effectively and buy an excellent mattress.

In choosing bedroom products, initially pay attention to their type. To understand which mattress is better to choose spring or springless, the information provided in the article will help. An alternative to a dependent and independent spring block is a high-quality filler. Each model has certain advantages and disadvantages.

What's the Difference

Spring mattresses are made from trend fillers. Products differ in the number and placement of shock absorbers. This affects hardness.

What is it, a block of independent springs is useful for buyers to know. At the assembly stage, Pocket Spring technology is used. It provides an even distribution of loads, which creates a full-fledged orthopedic effect. Models are considered comfortable, safe. Provide healthy, restful sleep.

There are two main types:

  • with the dependent block "Bonnel";
  • with independent.

In the first version, the springs are interconnected. The same stiffness is distributed over the entire area. In the second, a large number of these shock absorbers are hidden, which are not interconnected.

Springless mattresses are:

  • from natural materials, for example, wool, cotton wool, horsehair, coconut fiber;
  • with synthetic fillers.

The modern version consists of natural latex, coconut fiber, memory foam. Such fabrics are hypoallergenic. An alternative to natural latex is polyurethane foam. They have good thermal insulation properties, do not interfere with ventilation.

The goal is to create the right conditions for recreation. They differ in characteristics, individual properties. The price depends on the filler, size, density, thickness.


Orthopedic models without springs are made on the basis of different materials. The maintenance of the body is due to the combination of several fillers. They are soft, medium and hard.

Models with springs are divided into several types. They are chosen based on their health benefits. Suitable for adults and the elderly. Provide accurate load distribution.


Regardless of the content, you can order a model of the required dimensions from the manufacturer. In the forehead, a quality product remains comfortable.


A mattress without springs is recommended for older people. Comfortable sleep with pain in the upper back will provide a hard product. For back pain, it is recommended to choose a soft model. Each option will be comfortable in an individual case.


An allergic reaction can be caused by any model with a natural filler. Modern mattresses with and without independent springs are hypoallergenic.


Both options have good hygroscopicity. This provides ventilation, the passage of moisture. In such species, mold, fungus, and other harmful microorganisms will not appear.

Some spring options do not have such features. For example, these are thin or old products. They collect moisture, which leads to corrosion.

Life time

The average life of springless types is 15 years. And spring - 10 years.

Individual characteristics - an indicator for selection. Each person should choose a sleep accessory that suits their personal needs. When choosing double products, you should also take into account the features and needs of the partner. An important criterion is the state of health, the ratio of weight, height, age.

When choosing, it is very important to take into account the weight of the user. For people weighing more than 100 kg, manufacturers recommend paying attention to hard mattresses. They support the spine well, do not lose their appearance.

Adults weighing up to 50 kg can look at any models. Children will be comfortable without additional cushioning. Elderly people can choose soft, comfortable products.

Carefully approach the choice in the presence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system. An orthopedist can also advise which mattress is better spring or springless.

Pros and cons

Advantages of spring products:

  1. Benefit for health. Species with any cushioning block are orthopedic. They support the spine and are good for health. Helps relieve back pain.
  2. Noiseless. Modern models contain components that are packed in separate fabric bags. This prevents them from rubbing against each other. There is no characteristic annoying creaking that interferes with a comfortable sleep.


  1. Price. Quality models are expensive.
  2. Sensitivity. The product responds to any load. Over time, it may lose its appearance and properties.

Advantages of products without additional depreciation.

  1. Strength. There are no elements in the mattress that break quickly. The fabric is dense, does not crumble and does not get enough sleep over time. The service life lasts about 15 years.
  2. Noiselessness. There are no elements that cause a creak.
  3. The benefits are due to quality and orthopedic properties. Sleep will be full, healthy. There is cheerfulness in the morning.

Their shortcomings.

  1. Weight restrictions. The option can withstand no more than 120 kg.
  2. Such natural models as cotton or can provoke an allergic reaction in the wearer.

The pros and cons of springless mattresses are obvious. Bedroom accessories are chosen according to different criteria and needs. Do not pay attention to cheap options - they quickly lose their original qualities.

Each species has certain characteristics. Healthy sleep is possible when choosing the right filler.

The accessory must correspond to the state of human health, personal needs. Much depends on the height, weight, age of the consumer. Having carefully studied the characteristics, the user will determine which mattress is better to choose spring or springless.

About a third of your life a person spends in a dream, so it is very important to choose the right mattress. Only in this case, a person will be able to fully relax, and in the morning he will be full of strength and vitality.

Modern ones are divided into two main varieties - spring and springless, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. We will consider their features and try to figure out which product is better to buy: spring or springless.


Classic products appeared about 150 years ago and still continue to be in demand due to the fact that their design is constantly being improved. They are divided into dependent and independent springs.


Classic dependent "Bonnel" - the most common in the world. It consists of a five-turn hourglass-shaped steel wire, in the amount of 100-150 pieces per square meter, fastened to each other with a spiral weave and united by a common frame.


  • The main disadvantage of dependent - lack of orthopedic properties. When a person lies down, under his weight, not only those who are under load are compressed, but also neighboring ones. As a result, the product is not able to repeat the shape of the body.
  • If two people sleep on a mattress with dependent springs, then they roll to the middle. And as soon as a person moves, his movement, according to the principle of a wave, is transmitted throughout the product, creating "hammock effect" which also does not contribute to a comfortable sleep.
  • Creak. With every movement of a sleeping person, the filler touches each other and creaks, disturbing sleep.
  • Short service life. Dependent ones have a not too long period of operation, and after a few years the springs can "sag and dents form."

Due to its characteristics, addicts are often used as an inexpensive option for giving or for guests.


Each wire is placed in a separate fabric cover and works independently of the others, pressing one of them does not affect the others. They have a smaller diameter and, accordingly, a larger number per sq.m. compared to dependent. In a quality product, each square meter should contain at least 250 independent springs. The more of them, the more pronounced orthopedic effect you will feel.

Advantages independent springs:

  • Due to the fact that each wire works independently of the others, the mattress has high orthopedic characteristics, it easily adapts to the contours of the body of the sleeper. Thanks to this, the human spine retains its natural curves, blood circulation in muscle tissues is not disturbed, and the quality of sleep improves.
  • Independent springs are separated from each other by covers, so they do not rub against each other and do not creak.
  • Safe spring block design: even if any of the springs breaks, the case in which it is inserted will not allow it to pierce the product and injure the sleeping person.
  • Life time on an independent spring block is higher than on the classic Bonnel block.


  • Mattresses on independent springs: you absolutely can’t jump on them or fall sharply on them.
  • Production is a long and complex process, so they the cost is much higher than on the dependent block, but it pays off with the quality and durability of the structure.

Springless mattresses

In them no spring block, and body support is carried out exclusively due to fillers, which are used as: polyurethane foam, coconut fiber, natural or artificial latex, struttofiber.

  • Natural latex is a material of plant origin. Differs in softness, elasticity and durability, well takes the form of a human body, creating comfortable conditions for a dream and rest.
  • Synthetic latex is an inexpensive alternative to natural latex.
  • Very often, layers of latex are combined with layers of coconut coir, which allows you to provide the necessary elasticity and rigidity of the bed. Coconut coir is a natural filler made from coconut fibers. Differs in rigidity and durability, evaporates moisture and "breathes" well. Often used for the production of children's mattresses.
  • Polyurethane foam (PPU) has high resilience and elasticity, repeats the anatomical outlines of the human body and provides the spine with proper support.
  • Struttofiber is a synthetic filler made of polyester fiber. Vertically oriented fibers act like springs.
  • Orthopedic foam with "memory effect" Memory foam is a modern artificial material of a new generation. The filler "remembers" the anatomical contours of the body under the influence of heat. The foam material guarantees an orthopedic effect.

The best solution would be to buy a springless one that combines several materials with different properties. The combination of fillers of different levels of rigidity will provide the necessary elasticity and orthopedic effect. A universal option would be a choice with sides of different rigidity.

Advantages of springless:

  • Long service life, as there is no spring block to break.
  • The absence of springs guarantees noiselessness mattress.
  • Excellent orthopedic qualities.


  • A high quality springless mattress, especially made of natural latex, will cost more expensive spring analogue with the same orthopedic properties.

We hope that our advice will help you decide which mattress is better to choose: spring or springless. First of all, you need to pay attention to the quality and convenience for you personally. The best criterion is to check on the spot before buying. Moreover, all sellers provide the opportunity to lie on them in order to evaluate its properties.

Spring and springless mattresses are one- and two-sided - this unites them. And they differ only in one. If we take into account the accepted division of mattresses into very soft, soft, medium, hard and very hard, then the latter do not exist among spring mattresses.

From what? Because of the design. Both the types of mattresses themselves and the models inside each of them differ precisely in the structure of the sleeping block. How significant are these differences and what are they?

Springless mattresses

There are two types: monolithic - from one solid layer of filler, and composite - from several layers of materials with different properties. Moreover, among both those and others there are orthopedic options with fillers of zonal density: this is when the stuffing layer has different stiffness in the area of ​​the head, shoulders, pelvis and legs.

And since there is no spring block in such mattresses, then choosing it, you need to focus solely on the properties of the stuffing.

Soft mattresses. Here, as fillers, they are in the lead - they are the most pliable, elastic materials. In addition, latex is a champion in terms of service life among natural materials: manufacturers claim that it retains its properties for up to fifteen years.

It is believed that only those whose weight is less than 90 kilograms and whose age is more than 25 years old will have a healthy and comfortable sleep on soft mattresses. Especially by the way they will come in handy for people over fifty years old. And also for those who suffer from problems with the lower back, joints, blood vessels or like to sleep on their side. And pregnant women, of course.

Medium. Monoblocks are made more often. Composites - from them with layers of natural fillers: soft latex and hard coir, sisal or others.

Composite springless mattress made of polyurethane foam and memorif

Medium hardness springless mattress from a monolithic block of holcon

Composite springless mattress: ergolatex and natural latex

Soft and almost unbelievable in its properties, it works effectively in tandem with memorif. For example, a two-layer Piacere mattress from TECHNOGEL SLEEPING, having an average hardness and a height of 20 centimeters, can withstand a load of 160 kilograms per bed and gives the sleeper complete relaxation, improving blood circulation in problem areas.

Discreetly soft and moderately hard mattresses are comfortable and versatile: they are suitable for most people. In addition, many of them have an orthopedic or anatomical effect.

Rigid. More layers are used in their sandwich constructions. The upper sides of the mattress are usually made of them. This guarantees its pleasant stiffness. Well, layers of soft material inside give it flexibility and elasticity.

For those who weigh more than 90 kilograms, these mattresses are especially needed, as they provide comfortable back support with a large sleeping weight. They are also suitable for lovers of sleeping on their stomachs and almost everyone who is not yet 25 years old.

Very tough. To create increased rigidity, the same coir is taken - a monolith or a multilayer without soft fillers with layers of protective material. Mattresses from it perfectly hold a lot of weight, strengthen the Spartan spirit in the owners and serve them for a long time.

Multi-layer mattresses made of coconut coir provide excellent back support

But they are not suitable for those who have problems with joints and blood circulation, as well as for people over 50 years old - their spine needs comfortable conditions for rest, and the bed should be soft. So if you want a super-hard mattress, it is better to consult an orthopedist before buying it.

Pros of springless mattresses: pronounced orthopedic properties, long service life and low weight. In addition, many models are so flexible that they can be stored rolled up.

Cons of springless mattresses: most models have a small thickness - usually 15-20 centimeters. And it is believed that the higher the mattress, the more comfortable it is, the better in terms of anatomical qualities and the longer it lasts.

Spring mattresses

Such mattresses also come in varying degrees of hardness-softness, depending on the fillers of the upper layers. But their middle part always consists of a block with dependent or independent springs. And this springy "stuffing" does not allow the mattresses to be particularly hard. And what does she herself look like?

Bonnel blocks. In fact, the technology of yesterday. They first appeared in the 19th century. These are large springs interconnected in a grid with a rigid edging around the perimeter.

The springs in the Bonnel block are connected to a common grid

The friction of its metal parts against each other often causes a creak, and the dependence of each spring on the neighboring ones leads to the surface being pressed through - the effect of a hammock. After a couple of years, pits form in the mattress, it becomes uncomfortable. Even filler inserts do not save. So there is no question of any anatomical qualities here.

However, in 1925, SIMMONS patented an independent spring block (Pocket Spring): no squeaks, no pits - a complete victory over the problems of its predecessor.

In it, all the springs are dressed in covers made of durable fabric: the parts do not touch and when a load is applied to one spring, the neighboring ones are not pressed through. Today there are several types of such blocks.

Standard independent blocks. They consist of six-turn springs with a diameter of 6 cm, in a mattress there are usually 220-300 of them per square meter.

From below and from above they are covered with one or several layers of filler: coir, latex, polyurethane foam or others - a classic inexpensive option.

multipocket. By reducing the diameter of the springs, their density is increased to 1000 pieces per square meter. A mattress with such blocks is considered anatomical: capturing and repeating the features of the body, it optimally distributes the load between its parts and reacts to a change in the position of the sleeper - making his sleep serene and comfortable. The cost of such mattresses is quite high.

Pay attention to the one-and-a-half mattress of the Sonberry sensation series with a block of independent springs Multi Pocket 550, which is presented in the store.

Dual Spring ("spring in a spring"). In this system, the outer spring works at a small mass pressure, and the inner one if the load increases. A mattress made of such blocks allows people with different weights to sleep next to each other equally comfortably. Judging by the reviews, the idea is really good, but the price spoils everything.

Smart Spring Blocks, developed by Ormatek, consist of springs of different elasticity. Noticing their multi-colored clothes in the photo or in store samples, you can immediately understand: these are orthopedic zonal blocks. In the mattress, they are distributed according to the anatomical parameters of a person: in the pelvic area - the most rigid springs, in the area of ​​​​the feet - the softest.

Zone Blocks of Independent Springs Smart Spring

In total, from three to fifteen zones with different loads are allocated. Sleeping on such a mattress is very comfortable: the body assumes a natural position for it.

Pros of spring mattresses: a serious service life - up to 10 years, an affordable price (not for all models, of course), an excellent level of comfort and anatomical effect. But all this does not apply to the Bonnel block platform.

Cons of spring mattresses: There is an opinion that since they are hollow, dust accumulates inside, and where there is dust, there are dust mites. And the ingress of moisture also, as a rule, ends in failure: it evaporates for a long time - the springs begin to rust, and the fabric on the inside can become moldy.

Comparison by main selection criteria

Of course, without testing models from different manufacturers, choosing a mattress is risky. However, how to give an assessment. Still, we need to sum up our battle of mattresses: compare the advantages, disadvantages and count the points.

Safety. Both types of mattresses are beyond doubt. Springs in modern blocks, with the exception of Bonnel, are protected by dense fabric - they are unlikely to be able to break through it. But even so, there is insulating material above and below and usually more than one layer of filler - nothing threatens the sleeper. Here the score is even.

Hygienic, hypoallergenic. The variability of models with hygienically advanced, allergen-free fillers for springless and their rivals is the same: they have the same materials. Therefore, the risks of earning an allergy are also equal. Moreover, many are mistaken, believing that the artificial filler causes it more often - expert statistics say just the opposite.

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