forgetting methods. How to forget unnecessary information

Encyclopedia of Plants 12.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

This is information for those who have made the decision. For those who already know exactly what they want. For those who have already experienced and tried everything, and realized that they want to know, how to quickly forget a person.
I offer you a very powerful practice based on on the technique of recapitulation which he described in his books Carlos Castaneda.

At its core- it's a magical technique, but we will use it for our "human" purposes. To get myself back stop again and again reminisce about the past remembering the same moments obsolete relationships. When you have made the decision: “Everything! Enough!". But…. It doesn't turn out very well.

Trust me, this time it will work! You remove the energy connection to this person, you will stop endlessly returning to him with thoughts, you will be able to enjoy life again and in time you will become open to new relationships.

Interacting with outside world, a person puts his energy into any situation, event, relationship with people. And the more emotions were experienced, the more his energy remained in specific situations of the past. It means that a huge part of our personal power does not belong to us. All deep feelings leave our energy in the world and people. We need more and more energy.

- a technique that allows you to take this energy, once captured everyday life, and use it for other purposes of your choice - to collect energy from the past, as if valuable things were once left behind.

With the help of recapitulation, we extract the emotional energy embedded in it from the past event. When the review is completed- the event becomes for you only a fact, a slide, a picture that does not cause any reactions. We know that the event was and that's it.

How to quickly forget a person. Recapitulation methodology

Recapitulation is best done in private, small room.You need to choose a quiet secluded place, where you can sit (sorcerers did recapitulation in special small caves, so you can choose a closet or a large box, or even a shower). The point is that the walls, as it were, "press" on your energy "cocoon"

1. To get started, you must identify the person you want to work with. Need to compose a list of the brightest, "charged" situations associated with it, with these relationships. Take time to remember this. This is very important, you need both positively and negatively "charged" moments. Don't get hung up on them. It is important to remember them, you can write them down.

If you decide to work “big”, then you can work with other people who have left a mark on your life. But you need to start with the most emotionally charged, because this relationship was taken from you most energy, and when you replenish it, you can make it more effective to recapitulate other people.
Simply writing a list is already changing you and helping you focus on what's important right now.

2. When you write the list, find a place where the “walls pressed against the cocoon“. Sit back and get started.

3. Sign in calm meditative state using whatever method suits you.

4. Start with the first situation. Remember the name of the person or the situation itself, concentrate not on the action itself or on the feelings that you experienced then, but start recreating the scene, visually representing as accurately as possible all the external elements of the event.

remember distant environment, street or house where the event took place. Then imagine entering the building, noticing every detail: the wallpaper, the paintings on the walls, the floors, the furniture, all the little things and objects that our memory can recall. Do the same with appearance a person, his clothes, embedding everything in his idea. You need to follow the senses in addition to vision: remember what music was playing at that moment, what perfumes were on that evening.

5. After you have remembered all the details, let the event float and develop freely. Control your breathing to fully immerse yourself in the memory.

6. Breathe deeply with the diaphragm, and let the head slowly move from side to side, from one curing to the next in a sweeping motion. Breathing is very important, because exactly it releases energy from the past.

7. Start from the right shoulder. The eyes are closed. While inhaling, turn your head to the left, moving your chin across your chest, and imagine that with the help of inhalation, all the feelings invested in the event are returned back (I return all my energy to myself (inhaling)). Above left shoulder, after a short pause, start exhaling, throwing out with it all unnecessary and alien feelings (I give you all your energy (exhaling)). Return your head to your right shoulder.

Sweeping breath helps release the energy left in the past, returning it when you inhale. And throws out energy alien to us when exhaling. With each breath, all the details of our memories become clearer and clearer. Use sweeping breath throughout the practice of remembering.

8. Continue to turn your head, inhaling and exhaling, as many times as necessary. Finish only when all the details and feelings are experienced. You will understand that you are done when the stage becomes "empty" and free of emotion.

If you experience nausea, palpitations, cramps, or sweat while remembering, keep moving your head, but while holding your breath, let the symptoms go away. This the sweeping motion will soften and unravel the appropriate threads of energy and allow us to overcome the blocks to delve deeper into the memory.
Work through all your acute situations in this way, remembering one after another. And releasing more and more energy.

If the relationship has been going on for a long time, then you may need more than once to work through all the memories. But in any case, if you did everything right, then after the first time you will feel like a different person. Your mood will improve and energy will appear.

This job is the best opportunity to turn back time. You will be able to separate life energy from experience. The task is not easy, but it frees you from the trap of self-reflection, which deprives you of energy and throws you back to your original position.

What to do when unpleasant pictures from the past appear before your eyes as if alive, but already in the present? How can I stop replaying these debilitating memories in my head?


Human memory is arranged in such a way that the most emotionally colored moments of life are remembered most of all, and exactly what is more relevant and significant for a person. Until unpleasant memories lose their emotional charge, that is, until they become neutral, they continue to affect us.

For process speed "forgetting" individual characteristics of a person also have a strong influence. Other things being equal, a person with an optimistic personality, cheerful and cheerful will overtake a pessimist in this process.

To date, there is no unified theory of the mechanism of memory.

If we consider the physiological approach, then it is based on the property of the nervous tissue to retain footprints nervous excitation, temporary nerve connections are formed that persist, fade away and revive under certain conditions.

Recently, there have been many supporters of the theory that our memories are not only in neural networks brain, but represent some energy waves.


First What you need to do is to realize that by constantly retrieving these images and memories from your memory, you only strengthen them, thoughtlessly fill them with energy, thanks to which they will continue to live in your brain, in your soul for a long time to come.

Second what needs to be done is to release this energy, remove the emotional charge, turn memories into neutral knowledge. But for this to happen, for this, strange as it may sound, it is necessary to consciously revive these events of the past. But do it under special control.


1. No matter how much bad thoughts you have during the day, set aside a clearly defined and limited time for this, for starters 30 minutes a day, name this time "Hour of Memories". The rest of the time, take control and drive away all this negativity. Gradually, this time will be reduced.

2. "Catch" memories as soon as they arise. You are doing something, you are somewhere and all of a sudden…images arise suddenly, unpleasant thoughts, freeze, stop, stop completely, do not move, be aware of this moment, become a witness of how it happens. The half minute that you will have should be spent on realizing that the planned “hour of memories” has not yet arrived. Then direct your attention to what can distract you.

3. If the chaos in your head is especially strong, try TantricPractice "Headless" . It lies in the fact that you need to walk and think that you no longer have a head, only a body. Always remember that there is no head. Visualize yourself without a head. Hang the mirror so low that when you look into it, you cannot see the head, only the body. Try to experience amazing silence and weightlessness, because you don’t have a head.

4. Remove as many items from your space as possible. "launch" memory mechanism. External stimuli revive traces of nervous excitement almost instantly.

5. During the "Hour of Remembrance" dump emotional charge of his memory. This can be done, for example, in the following ways.


For 30 minutes, unleash your memories to the fullest. Be alone, turn off the lights, turn off the phones, turn on some really sad music.

Remember the scenes of the past, all the details, all the nuances, do not allow yourself to stop, do not allow yourself even a hint of good mood. Scream, cry, moan, yell, just don't stop.

You will soon find that it is very difficult to remain in this state for a long time, since you do it consciously and you do not get lost in it and do not dissolve.

After 30 minutes, suddenly come out of negativity. Turn on the lights, turn on beautiful fun music and dance for 20 minutes. Then take a shower. It will wash away all negativity and it will cleanse you.


1. Take White list regular size paper (A4) and draw on it a circle with a diameter of 7 - 9 cm. The circle is a perfect mandala of time, which has neither beginning nor end and contains any possible form of existence and the content of human experience.

2. Draw in it a red fiery cross, which is a symbol of death and rebirth.

3. Attach this sheet in front of you at a distance of 20 - 25cm. Stare at this circle for 3-5 minutes.

4. Close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths in and out of relaxation.
Remember the first situation when you experienced an acute negative feeling: shock, fear, resentment… When did this happen, what were your life circumstances, what surrounded you, what or who caused this feeling…

5. When you have completely entered this situation - in thoughts, feelings, images, bodily sensations - open your eyes and try to imagine, see, feel it in a circle. Then slowly erase this situation by moving the cross clockwise.

6. Close your eyes - take a deep breath, exhale and remember the second situation when you experienced an acute negative feeling: fear, resentment, guilt ... Do the same with this situation - turn the wheel of time and free yourself from the burden of a heavy memory. Then remember the third situation, the fourth ... the seventh ... and with each turn of the fiery sword, bring the wheel of time closer to the present moment ...

A memory is not a one-dimensional thought or idea. This is the sum of impressions from specific events in your past. You remember not a point in time, but a lot of sensual details.

For example, if you try to remember a pleasant day spent on the beach as a child, not only the image of the river will come to mind. You will remember how warm the sand was, the smell of the wind and the taste of ice cream bought at the kiosk across the street.

Any of these sensations can become a trigger. When you buy a sundae, similar in taste to the one from childhood, you will be transported again to a hot day on a river beach.

Thus, memories are inseparable from the context.

2. How to manage memories?

Context is the most important factor for someone who wants to learn how to manage their memories. After all, with its help you can fix the memory. The wider and brighter the context, the stronger we remember the event.

Let's go back to the memory of a hot day at the beach. It is desirable that you detail, environment, emotions and feelings. Then the context will be formed.

If you remember the light flow river water, the warm sand of the coast, the hot asphalt of the path next to your umbrella and the creamy taste of ice cream, the memory of this day will remain very bright and complete for many years to come. The wider the context, the more varied the experience. It is he who we resurrect in memory when we recall a hot day spent in childhood.

So if we know how to use context to create a memory, can we find a way to erase our memory?

3. How can memories be erased?

The strategy of forgetting might be to allow oneself to forget particular details of the event in order to destroy the memory entirely.

To test this assumption, scientists conducted a study in which two groups of people took part. They had to learn words from two separate lists and look at photos of different landscapes at the same time to create context for the memory.

One group was told to approach the task very carefully: memorize the first list of words and only then move on to the second. The subjects from the second group were asked to first learn the words and then forget them. Then the volunteers had to repeat what they remembered.

The brain activity of the participants in the experiment was studied using functional MRI. It turned out that the subjects who forgot the learned words had a much lower level of activity in the part of the brain that is responsible for image processing. This group of participants simply let the words and images slip through their minds.

When the brain tries to remember words, facts, images, it is constantly working to create context. When the brain tries to forget something, it initially rejects the context and abstracts from it. Therefore, a memory is created with difficulty and does not last long.

If we return to the beach example, we can say this: in order to forget this day, you should specifically try to forget the taste of ice cream and hot sand under your feet.

4. Can I delete a memory completely?

Does this method work always and 100%? Of course not. To say that scientists have discovered a magical way to forget, as in the movie "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind", is impossible. We know too little about the brain and can't erase memories.

Forgetting is very helpful. We can use it to get through a traumatic experience or painful event more easily. Forgetting is necessary to clear the brain of unnecessary information.

In the experiment, participants remembered and forgot simple things: words and pictures. A real memory is dozens of details and sensory impressions, so erasing it is not so easy. But this research is the first step at the beginning of a very intriguing and alluring journey.

It looks like we can figure out how to forget unpleasant and unnecessary things. More importantly, we will learn to remember happy Days and moments for a lifetime.

Life is a complex and bright thing, with a lot of different moments and intersection with the fates of thousands of people. And every time those or other moments sink into the soul. If it is something positive, it gives strength, if it is bad, then, on the contrary, it takes away. Negative memories still have such a property - to corrode the soul and, like a lump, wind up grievances. And in order to just live on, you need to learn to forget the bad, throw it away and live a new day.


Oddly enough, you need to start with cleaning the house. And then do head cleaning. You need to get into every locker and box, shake things up and documents and leave at home only what you really need. You should not keep gifts and things of those people with whom you have negative emotions. Throw away everything that your ex gave you, all joint photos and tickets from trips. Let the house make room for the new.

Going through things, work through your memories, remember not only the bad, but also the good, mentally thank people for being in your life, thank things for their faithful service. And then imagine that along with things you take away from the house all the negativity that has accumulated over the years. That's all: cleanliness in the house, cleanliness in the soul.

Learn to Meditate

Meditation is not just a special posture and divine music, it is the ability to withdraw into yourself for a while, to harmonize your thoughts and feelings. Let it be half an hour thoughts about goodness, prosperity and love. Set yourself up for good, bright and positive.

Spend more time in nature, distracted from external problems. Do not get hung up on grievances, be calm and balanced. Only unhappy and unloved people are rude and swear so always be above it and ignore them. And if something really hurt, then sit down, write it all down on a piece of paper, express all your feelings and burn this piece of paper, imagining how the flame eats up everything bad.

Don't accept and forgive

It is rightly said that as long as you have not accepted the negativity of other people, then it does not concern you. You have the right to be happy and loved, even if everyone around you whines and complains. Everyone chooses how to live and what to feel.

If people are forcibly trying to offend you or have already offended you, then forgive them and no longer scroll through this situation in your head. By being able to forgive, we acquire the great power of love and understanding, which helps us to be a source of light in this world even in the darkest times.

Psychologists say that a person forgets 80% of what he heard in 24 hours, and 90% of the information received in two days. We only need one week to forget the remaining 10%. It seems that the mechanism of forgetting is debugged by our brain to perfection. But still, sometimes you want to erase unpleasant memories from our lives!

You have probably already heard about ways to improve memory and various exercises for memorization. But when we need not to remember, but on the contrary - to forget about something, other exercises will come to the rescue.

Techniques designed to forget unnecessary information are called flight technicians (from the name of the ancient Greek river of oblivion Lethe, remember the expression "sink into oblivion"). Consider a few exercises that will help you forget unpleasant moments:

"TV set"

Sit comfortably in your favorite armchair or sofa. Imagine your negative experiences shown on big screen TV. Pick up an imaginary remote control and turn off the sound of your "movie". Observe the picture, then make it dim and finally dissolve. Do not rush to complete the exercise in a couple of minutes, imagine a lot of details.

"Burning Letter"

Write on paper those memories or feelings that bother you unpleasantly. Then crush this leaf and burn it in a special dish. Imagine that all your negative emotions are burning along with the paper. This will help you gain control of the situation.


This method is suitable for forgetting not so much unpleasant as unnecessary things. Imagine these facts written on chalk school board. Pick up an imaginary wet washcloth and start wiping them off the board. Continue the exercise until new information stops appearing in place of the erased information and the board becomes clean.


Our brain considers it unnecessary to remember the information that is recorded and always at hand. Use this feature of him if you need to forget something unimportant. Write down plans for the day, make shopping lists and write down phone numbers instead of keeping it all in your head at the same time.

Have a good, but selective, memory!

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