Ecological problems of the region. External effects and their impact on the environment in the Republic of Buryatia

reservoirs 22.09.2019

Forced to turn to "the city and the world" due to the fact that environmental and economic problems Buryatia, just like my position on them, turned out to be the subject of not always conscientious discussions in the course of preparation for the preliminary voting (primaries) of the United Russia party to determine the candidate for deputies State Duma.

1. I consider it necessary to reduce the water protection zone of Lake Baikal. Now it is prohibitively large - from 10 to 80 km. Its inhabitants are experiencing and will continue to experience serious difficulties. Take, for example, the village of Turka. There are a few empty spaces left in the cemetery, but neither the old one nor the new one can be created. Most likely, you will have to use the cemetery in the village of Turuntaevo - not a dipped beam. It is in Turuntaevo that now it will be necessary to export solid household waste (does anyone in Turka have a license for their transportation?). Not to mention that cars can drive on paved roads and stand in paved parking lots - how many of them are there in Turka? It is also forbidden to operate buildings without sewerage and waste processing systems. Where then to live?

Yes, the restriction on the privatization of land plots is associated with Art. 27 of the Land Code, but I have a court decision at my disposal, which indicates the position of the prosecutor's office that any construction in the water protection zone is prohibited.

We should not forget about the fish protection zone, approved by the same order of 05.03.2015. The 500-meter zone combines all the restrictions of the water protection and coastal protection zones, for example, it is impossible to plow the land and graze livestock. And there is someone to follow these bans - fish protection.

2. I do not condemn the initiative to change the Law on the Protection of Lake Baikal and the Water Code, to reduce water protection zone up to 500 m. I just consider it more productive to change the order on water protection and fish protection zones. But for this, it will be necessary to change the resolution on the Baikal natural territory and its zoning, that is, to reduce the Central Ecological Zone. I think that the formal 500 m project of the Institute of Geography. Sochavy SB RAS with the width of the water protection zone from 40 m to 5 km. But if it's easier to change the laws and approve a 500 m zone, it's still better than the current situation.

3. I have never spoken out against the development of the Kholodninskoye field. Indeed, I proposed to design it as a natural monument following the example of almost all exploited fields in Sweden. That is, to preserve the reference pillars and outcrops, which are necessary, among other things, for the training of the mining and processing plant personnel. Already in the license agreement, the obligations of the subsoil user for underground mining, processing and disposal of waste outside the Baikal natural territory are recorded. At present, the development of the deposit is impossible due to the unfavorable situation for zinc and some other metals, the lack of a project, investors, and so on and so forth. And do not scare us with UNESCO - a uranium deposit is being developed on the territory of the Kakadu National Park World Natural Heritage Site in Australia. On the other hand, the development of the Kholodninskoye deposit will make it possible to stop the flow of adit waters with exorbitant concentrations of cadmium and other heavy metals, remove ore dumps on the steep bank of Kholodnaya, and eliminate pollution from the destroyed village of Pereval, an electric power plant and a core store on the banks of the Tyi.

4. I consider the current deputy of the State Duma, Mikhail Viktorovich Slipenchuk, to be the best candidate out of the 20 nominated candidates. I will vote for him on May 22 and call everyone to the same decision.

- 177.50 Kb

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Buryatia

Buryat State University

Faculty of Medicine.

Analysis of the ecological situation in Buryatia.

Completed by: Student of group 14200z

Trifonova Olga Iosifovna

Checked by: Zhigzhitzhapova SV

Gulan-Ude 2013

  1. Introduction. Ecological situation in Russia……………………2

  1. State environmental control…………………...11

  1. References………………………………………………... 13


Ecological situation in Russia

An analysis of the environmental situation in Russia shows that the crisis tendencies that have clearly manifested themselves in the previous 15 years have not been overcome, and in some aspects are even deepening, despite the measures taken.

Russia, where almost 65% of the country's area (11 million km2) is preserved in undisturbed ecosystems, is of key importance for global ecodynamics. Together with some adjacent territories, this massif forms the world's largest Northern Eurasian Center for Environmental Stabilization, the importance of which for the restoration of the Earth's biosphere will increase more and more.

However, 15% of the territory of Russia (larger in area than Western and Central Europe combined), where the bulk of the population and production is concentrated, is in an unsatisfactory ecological state, environmental safety is not guaranteed here. At the same time, specific indicators negative impacts on the environment per capita and unit of gross domestic product in Russia are among the highest in the world.

Exceeding the permissible concentrations of harmful substances is noted in the atmospheric air of 185 cities and industrial centers with a population of over 61 million people (40% of the total population of the country). Cases of exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations of air pollutants by five times were noted in more than 120 cities. The main sources of air pollution are still enterprises of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemistry and petrochemistry, construction industry, energy, pulp and paper industry, as well as motor vehicles.

A particularly unfavorable situation is observed in the cities of Arkhangelsk, Lipetsk, Moscow, Norilsk, Bratsk, Yekaterinburg, Kamensk-Uralsky, Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk, Nizhny Tagil, Ufa, Sterlitamak, Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk, Novokuznetsk, Omsk, Cherepovets.

Experts estimate that the share of the impact of pollution atmospheric air the overall incidence in children is on average 17%, in adults - 10%. Air pollution causes 41% of respiratory diseases, 16% - endocrine system, 2.5% - oncological diseases in persons aged 30-34 years and 11% - in persons 55-59 years old.

Forest and lake ecosystems, as well as agrocenoses, are significantly affected by harmful emissions not only from local sources, but also from long-distance sources, including foreign ones. In the European part of the territory of Russia, more than 1 million tons of oxidized sulfur of transboundary origin falls annually, which is more than from Russian sources. A very significant contribution to the pollution of the natural environment in Russia with sulfur and nitrogen oxides is made by Ukraine, Poland and Germany.

The water quality of most water bodies Russian Federation, since almost 40% of the Wastewater belongs to the polluted category. Almost half of the country's population is forced to use water that does not meet sanitary and hygienic requirements due to poor water treatment and the unsatisfactory condition of public water pipes. Behind last years quality drinking water didn't improve.

Due to the unstable work of most enterprises, their difficult financial situation, insufficient budget financing, the implementation of water protection measures is carried out in completely insufficient volumes.

The ecological state of a significant part of the agriculture land, the trend of soil degradation persists. On 43% of the arable land, a decrease in the humus content is noted, and in the Non-Chernozem zone, the share of such soils reached 45%. The areas of land subjected to radioactive contamination are not reduced.

Uncontrolled harvesting of berries, mushrooms, valuable species of medicinal plants causes great harm to the state of the plant world. The damage in the forests from pests and diseases, fires, illegal logging is great. Up to 300,000 hectares of forest plantations perish annually from these causes.

However, positive trends in the change in the number of game animals can be noted. The process of stabilization and growth in the number of mammals classified as hunting objects - elk, wild boar, roe deer, is explained by the increased efficiency of the fight against poaching, and the improvement in the state of the food supply of game animals. The forecast for the number of sturgeons is unfavorable, here the most stringent measures against poachers are needed.

The problems of processing household and industrial waste, destruction of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons remain acute. The threat of hazardous waste imports to Russia remains. A serious danger comes from overfilled, physically and morally obsolete storage facilities for liquid radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel, decommissioned nuclear submarines. A high degree of wear of technological equipment at the enterprises of the chemical, petrochemical, microbiological industries is fraught with man-made accidents with subsequent chemical contamination of the territory.

Society is very concerned about the low level of knowledge of the problem of environmental pollution with dioxins and other supertoxicants, as well as the emergence of new substances in production, the consequences of which are not well understood.

The ecological situation in the country is described in detail in the annual state reports on the state of the environment. Russian Federation which are replicated and available to interested consumers.

Ecological situation in the Republic of Buryatia.

The Republic of Buryatia is one of the most ecologically clean regions of the Russian Federation.

The main types of negative technogenic impacts are associated with only a small part of the territory of the republic, related to industrial centers and adjacent areas.

Main ecological problems region:

– air pollution, including emissions of pollutants from vehicles;

– pollution of surface water bodies;

- the increasing amount of production and consumption waste.

Table 1.

Main indicators of environmental pollution in the Republic of Buryatia

Indicator, units rev.

Volume water use,

million cubic meters m

The volume of wastewater discharge into water bodies, million cubic meters m

of which, the volume of polluted wastewater discharges, mln. m

standard clean (without cleaning)

legally cleared

Circulating and re-sequential water supply, million cubic meters m

Emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, total, thousand tons

from stationary sources, thousand tons (denominator - in %)

from vehicles, thousand tons

(denominator - in %)

The degree of purification of atmospheric emissions for treatment facilities, %

Volumes of generated waste, thousand tons

of which, used and neutralized, thousand tons (denominator - in%)

Accumulated at the end of the year at enterprises, thousand tons

air basin

Formation on the territory of the Republic of Buryatia high level air pollution is caused by emissions from enterprises for the production, transmission and distribution of electricity, gas, steam and hot water and vehicles.

Over the past five years, emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere in the Republic of Buryatia have increased by 18.1 thousand tons.

Causes of air pollution:

- an increase in the amount of fuel burned, which was used as a mixture of various coals at enterprises for the production, transmission and distribution of electricity, gas, steam and hot water;

– increase in production volumes at enterprises for the extraction of other minerals;

– presence in the cold season (mainly in winter) long periods with meteorological conditions unfavorable for the dispersion of harmful impurities in the atmosphere, i.e. under the action of an anticyclone - when powerful temperature inversions form a delay layer that extends hundreds of kilometers and prevents the transfer of impurities to the upper layers of the atmosphere.

In addition, it is worth considering the factor of an increase in the number of enterprises that submitted an annual statistical report (public administration and military security enterprises), whose indicators increased the amount of pollutant emissions from stationary sources.

water bodies

The main sources of pollution of surface water bodies are industrial enterprises and enterprises of housing and communal services that discharge wastewater containing pollutants that exceed the MPC of a water body.

The largest load on the river. The Selenga is observed in the area of ​​Ulan-Ude, where wastewater is discharged from the right-bank and left-bank treatment facilities of MUP "Vodokanal" in Ulan-Ude.

In 2008, 510.59 million m3 were discharged into surface water bodies, including the lake basin. Baikal - 449.5 million m3, the Yenisei basin - 1.08 million m3, into the water bodies of the Vitim basin - 60.02 million m3. Of these, 49.53 million m3 of polluted wastewater, there was a decrease in comparison with 2007 by 2.88 million m3 (5.5%). In 2008, 44 water users discharged wastewater through 53 outlets.

The total volume of discharges of polluted wastewater (49.53 million m3) contains 26,350 tons of pollutants (in 2007 - 52.41 million m3, containing 28,839 tons of pollutants). Comparative data on the discharge of pollutants into water bodies are given in table 2.

Table 2.

Comparative data on the discharge of pollutants into water bodies (according to the statistical data on the use of water according to the form 2-TP (vodkhoz)

The name of indicators



suspended solids

Oil products

Dry residue


Ammonia nitrogen

Phosphorus total

BOD (full)

COD (chemical oxygen demand)

Short description

Russia, where almost 65% of the country's area (11 million km2) is preserved in undisturbed ecosystems, is of key importance for global ecodynamics. Together with some adjacent territories, this massif forms the world's largest Northern Eurasian Center for Environmental Stabilization, the importance of which for the restoration of the Earth's biosphere will increase more and more.


Introduction. Ecological situation in Russia……………………2
Ecological situation of the Republic of Belarus……………………………………..4
Air basin……………………………………………...5
Water bodies…………………………………………………….6
Federal equity programs……………………………...9
State environmental control…………………...11
Environmental perspectives…………………………………...12

Suppliers of imported products to the republic in 2009 were 25 countries of the world. Main trading partners: Ukraine (49%), China (19.7% of imports), Mongolia (13.1%), Belarus (11.9%).

The commodity structure of import deliveries carried out by enterprises and organizations of the republic is characterized by a high proportion of engineering products - 70% (machines, equipment, vehicles). Of the other largest items, food and agricultural raw materials accounted for 21.6% in 2009, metals and products from them - 4.1%.

Railway transport

In the republic it is represented by three sections of railways common use with a total length of 1,227 km, which belong to the East Siberian Railway, a branch of Russian Railways, and are serviced by two of its branches. First of all, this is the section of the Trans-Siberian Railway from the Vydrino station to the Petrovsky Zavod station, which is a double-track electrified main line. The second section is a single-track non-electrified railway Ulan-Ude - Naushki - State border with Mongolia. The third is the section of the Baikal-Amur Mainline from the western border of the republic to the Taksimo station - electrified, single-track, further east, to Khani station - not electrified, single-track.

On the East Siberian Railway, in the long term, it is planned to electrify the Southern Railway of the Eastern Railway (Ulan-Ude - Naushki), which will increase the flow of goods through the Naushki station to Mongolia and the People's Republic of China. In order to develop the deposits of the Eastern Production and Infrastructure Complex, in particular, the industrial development of the deposits of the Ozerny ore cluster, it is planned to build the Novoilinsk-Ozerny GOK-Taksimo railway at the Novoilinsk-Ozerny GOK site. As part of the reform of railway transport, it is planned to complete the creation of a suburban passenger company in Ulan-Ude.

Automobile transport

Road transport is the most popular and affordable transport in the country. It accounts for over 80% of all passenger traffic. The total length of motor roads in the republic is 9153 kilometers. Currently, 97% of road transport and 80% of passenger transportation is carried out by private and joint-stock companies.

Air Transport

The most significant and urgent task for the development of air transport in the republic is connected with the development of the airport in Ulan-Ude.

Ulan-Ude International Airport is the center of the intersection of air routes between Southeast Asia and the European part of the Russian Federation, as well as cross-polar routes from Southeast Asia to North America through the North Pole. Ulan-Ude Airport has undeniable advantages over the airports of the East Siberian region due to its location near the main cross-polar routes (Polar-2, Polar-3), as well as the best weather conditions. The strategic location of the airport makes it an ideal place for technical landing, refueling and ground handling of cargo aircraft from the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. Up to 100% of flights of the main cargo route of the last decade "China - Moscow - Europe" were carried out precisely through the Ulan-Ude airport.

The modernization of the Ulan-Ude International Airport complex, which provides for the creation of a cargo terminal on its basis on the Asia-Europe route, will be carried out within the framework of the Federal Target Program "Economic and social development of the Far East and Transbaikalia until 2013". The result of the project will be an increase in the competitiveness of the airport, an increase in cargo and passenger traffic, including to the countries of Southeast Asia. Ulan-Ude airport plays a special role in the development of the special economic zone of the tourist and recreational type "Baikal Harbor": it is planned to direct the main flow of tourists through it.

Table 9

Characteristics of transport routes of the region

Railways, thousand km

River routes, thousand km

roads, thousand km

Territory area, thousand km

Density railway tracks, km/10000km²

Density of river routes, km/1000 km²

Density of auto-roads, km / 1000km.²

river Buryatia



The Republic of Buryatia has a fairly extensive and developed transport infrastructure, represented by various modes of transport.

The main transport artery of the republic is the Trans-Siberian Railway. The length of public and departmental roads with a hard surface is 10,000 km.

A well-developed road network makes it possible to transport goods by road to most settlements areas.

Chapter V I . Ecological problems of the region.

During the interaction of society and the natural environment (NES) in the production process, landscapes and their components change, which affects the health and lifestyle of people. In order to assess the consequences of human activity and identify ways to rationalize nature management in the study area, it is necessary to determine the levels of impact of settlements on the environment. The Republic of Buryatia is a complex in which residents in the process of life have an impact on the state of the OPS.

To determine the level of such an impact, it is necessary to calculate the average ecological density of the population (EC cf) by adjusting the population size by the pollution concentration factor:

K 1 =1; K 2 =1.5; K 3 \u003d 2.0,

where K 1 - corresponds to the population of up to 500 thousand people; K 2 - from 501 thousand to 1.0 million people; K 3 - over 1.0 million people.

Then to identify the level of impact (HC) of the urban settlement on natural environment. SW is determined by the formula:

SW=EP cf / K cf,

where K cf is a tabular indicator that takes into account the ecological situation and the significance of the state of the soil (K p), atmosphere (K a), water basin (K w) of the Republic of Buryatia.

K cf \u003d K p + K a + K in / 3.


1.4 + 1.1 + 1.25 / 3 \u003d 1.25 - K cf


377100/1.25=3168 – Ulan-Ude impact level;

25500/1.25=2400 – impact level of Severobaikalsk;

23500/1.25=14400 – impact level of Gusinoozersk;

19500/1.25=14800 – Kyakhta impact level.

The Republic of Buryatia is one of the most ecologically clean regions of the Russian Federation.

The main types of negative technogenic impacts are associated with only a small part of the territory of the republic, related to industrial centers and adjacent areas.

The ecological situation in Buryatia is moderately acute. The housing and communal services of Ulan-Ude have the greatest impact on the water bodies of the republic (more than 40% of the total volume of polluted wastewater). On the territory of the republic, 4 sites of polluted groundwater were found, the largest one is located in the zone of activity of the Selenginsky Central Control Commission. 3 industrial hubs (Ulan-Uda, Gusinoozersky and Nizhneangarsky) account for about 70% of the total emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere of the republic.

The main environmental problems of the region:

– air pollution, including emissions of pollutants from vehicles;

– pollution of surface water bodies;

- the increasing amount of production and consumption waste.

air basin

The formation of a high level of air pollution on the territory of the Republic of Buryatia is due to emissions from enterprises producing, transmitting and distributing electricity, gas, steam and hot water and vehicles.

Over the past five years, emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere in the Republic of Buryatia have increased by 18.1 thousand tons.

Table 10

Main indicators of the impact of economic activities on the environment and natural resources

Water intake from natural water sources for use 1), million m 3

Discharge of polluted wastewater 2), mln m 3

Emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere

air, thousand tons:

from stationary sources

from vehicles

Land disturbed due to non-agricultural activities, ha

Disturbed land mined, ha

Production and consumption waste generation 3), thousand tons

of which have been used and disposed of

*Compiled according to: Russian Statistical Yearbook. 2007. S. 90-92; Russia in numbers

Causes of air pollution:

- an increase in the amount of fuel burned, which was used as a mixture of various coals at enterprises for the production, transmission and distribution of electricity, gas, steam and hot water;

– increase in production volumes at enterprises for the extraction of other minerals;

- the presence in the cold season (mainly in winter) of long periods with unfavorable meteorological conditions for the dispersion of harmful impurities in the atmosphere, i.e. under the action of an anticyclone - when powerful temperature inversions form a delay layer that extends hundreds of kilometers and prevents the transfer of impurities to the upper layers of the atmosphere .

In addition, it is worth considering the factor of an increase in the number of enterprises that submitted an annual statistical report (public administration and military security enterprises), whose indicators increased the amount of pollutant emissions from stationary sources.

water bodies

The main sources of pollution of surface water bodies are industrial enterprises and enterprises of housing and communal services that discharge wastewater containing pollutants that exceed the MPC of a water body.

The largest load on the river. Selenga is observed in the area of ​​Ulan-Ude, where wastewater is discharged from the right-bank and left-bank treatment facilities of MUP "Vodokanal" in Ulan-Ude.

In 2007, 510.59 million m³ were discharged into surface water bodies, including the lake basin. Baikal - 449.5 million m³, the Yenisei basin - 1.08 million m³, into the water bodies of the Vitim basin - 60.02 million m². Of these, 49.53 million m³ of polluted wastewater, there was a decrease in comparison with 2006 by 2.88 million m³ (5.5%). In 2007, 44 water users discharged wastewater through 53 outlets.

The total volume of polluted wastewater discharges (49.53 million m²) contains 26,350 tons of pollutants (in 2006 - 52.41 million m², containing 28,839 tons of pollutants).

Table 11

Comparative data on the discharge of pollutants into water bodies

The name of indicators





Oil products

Dry residue


Ammonia nitrogen

Phosphorus total


COD(chemical oxygen demand

*Compiled according to: Russian Statistical Yearbook. 2009. S. 90-92; Russia in numbers


The ecological situation in the Republic of Buryatia remains difficult: a high level of air and environmental pollution persists in most cities of the republic, and anthropogenic impact on the ecosystem of Lake Baikal continues.


The Republic of Buryatia has a significant and diverse natural resource potential, which is an important factor in ensuring a favorable natural environment and further economic development.

The Republic of Buryatia has a large preliminary estimated raw material base of uranium, unique reserves of various varieties of jade, quartz, and zinc. The raw material base of gold in the republic is more than 2% of the total reserves of Russia. Currently, only gold mining makes a significant contribution to all levels of the budget of the Republic of Buryatia. The Baikal region has great opportunities for the development of amateur hunting and fishing, picking mushrooms, berries and nuts.

Tourism is recognized as a strategic direction of the socio-economic development of the Republic of Buryatia. In terms of its tourism assets, the republic is one of the most competitive regions of Russia.

There are positive changes in the field of development planning and organization of tourism at the local level, which is a factor that increases the manageability of the industry and reduces the negative economic, environmental, socio-cultural results of uncontrolled tourism development. The promotion of the tourist product of Buryatia in professional tourism markets contributes to the development of international relations, attracting investment resources not only in the tourism sector, but also in other promising sectors of the economy, the development of promising enterprises and projects, which ultimately leads to an increase in tourist flow to the republic.


    Russian statistical yearbooks (2008,2009,2010)

    Lapidus B.M. Regionalistics: Tutorial for universities, M., 2000

    Geographical atlases of Russia. Various editions.

    Economic geography of transport / ed. N.N Kazansky. M., 1991

    Rodionova I.A. Economic geography and regional economy: Textbook., M., 2002

    Big encyclopedia of transport. Edited by V.P. Kalyavina, St. Petersburg, 1998.

    Economic and social geography of Russia: Textbook./ ed. A.T. Khrushchev. M., 1999


    Until 2015, of the environmental problems for Buryatia, perhaps only one topic was really relevant and acute - the preservation of Lake Baikal. Mass "wild" recreation on the sacred lake was accompanied by mountains of waste and garbage. The past year has shown that in Buryatia and in addition to the garbage on Lake Baikal, there are many unresolved or potentially dangerous environmental problems. The most terrible incident of the year, no doubt, was the fires, which caused irreparable damage to the entire ecosystem of the republic.

    "Phenolic Lake" LVRZ

    Scandalous phenolic waters burst into the space of the republic for a long time, but the year 2015 continued this topic no less sharply. The most unpleasant thing for all the "greens" in the republic and beyond was the fact that phenolic waters are also associated with the theme of Baikal.

    This scandal began to gain momentum back in 2014 and entered 2015 with the same calm gait. Recall that in 2005 the LVRZ stopped operating a gas generating station, as a result of which phenolic, or oily, waters and wastes of hazard class II were generated. Phenolic waters were discharged into a sump-accumulator with a total area of ​​27.6 thousand square meters. meters, a depth of two to four meters, not having a sealed bottom and walls. As a result of drainage processes, phenolic waters polluted groundwater flowing below the bottom of the sedimentation tank.

    Also, due to the sloping terrain, groundwater contaminated with phenols mixes with the waters of the Uda River, which in turn flows into the Selenga, the main artery of Lake Baikal. The alarm was sounded by residents of the Kirzavod microdistrict, placing in social networks photos of this septic tank. It seemed suspicious that the sale in the summer of 2014 of the site on which the sedimentation tank is located, to the company TransLogistic.

    Oil waste can get into Baikal. Photo: RIA PrimaMedia

    The progress of the topic began in 2015, then in January the Ulan-Ude Railway Court satisfied the requirements to recognize the actions of the Ulan-Ude LVRZ (a branch of JSC Zheldorremmash) to pollute groundwater and atmospheric air as illegal. The court also forced JSC "Zheldorremmash" to neutralize the phenol sump, restore the disturbed state land plot at the expense own funds to compensate for the damages groundwater in the amount of almost 9 million rubles, as well as to ensure the quality of air purification.

    However, this, apparently, all the progress and ended. As far as is known, work on the liquidation of the "phenol lake" has not yet begun.

    Water is the new currency?!

    In the last ten days of January 2015, another an important event associated with the ecology of the region. The Commission of the Government of the Russian Federation for Emergency Situations then decided to introduce a high alert regime in the area of ​​Lake Baikal. Nevertheless, the country's Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev allowed the discharge of water from Lake Baikal even after its level drops below the critical level. According to him, this is necessary in order to "avoid the threat emergency and provide water, heat and energy supply to the population and objects of the region's economy". During the year, environmentalists closely monitored changes in the water level, by April the water level had fallen 14 cm below the critical level. According to scientists, this "record" may be broken in May 2016, and the water level will decrease by another 28 cm.

    Meanwhile, disputes flared up around Lake Baikal on one more issue: the signing of an agreement with Chinese company for the export of Baikal water. At the same time, Beijing investors intend to become leaders in the Chinese drinking water market due to the valuable Baikal liquid. The design capacity of the enterprise is 2 million tons of water per year. In addition, the trademark "Earth Well" has already been registered in Chinese and English in 12 countries. Work has already begun in the region on the design of water intake and production shops. Issues with power supply, construction of a railway line for shipment of products for export to China are being resolved. The entire project is estimated at 1.6 billion rubles. About 500 people will work at the enterprise, mostly local residents.

    Baikal is getting shallower, and Baikal water is being sold to China. Photo: Maria Olennikova, IrkutskMedia

    Ecologists are also concerned about Mongolia's intention to build a number of hydroelectric power plants on the Selenga, a discussion of this topic even reached the state level in May of the past year. Recall that the Selenga supplies half of the annual runoff to Baikal. Therefore, we can say with confidence that the transfer of part of the runoff and a sharp increase in water consumption for evaporation and underground filtration will also reduce the volume of water supplied to Baikal. This, in turn, against the background of its shallowing will lead to a large-scale environmental disaster. However, the Mongolian government stated that they had abandoned the construction of the hydroelectric power station, having calculated all the environmental risks. But already in mid-July, the republican media reported that Mongolia had announced a tender for preliminary technical and economic work. In turn, the head of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Buryatia stated that they would closely monitor the situation and prevent damage to Lake Baikal.

    burning region

    In 2015, Buryatia became the most "burning" region of the country. The fire season began on April 1st. Two weeks after that, an emergency mode was introduced in the republic - for residents and guests of the republic, entry into the forest was prohibited. On June 15, the regime was lifted, but four days later it was announced again.

    In total, according to i. about. head of the RALH, ​​this year in Buryatia about 1.5 thousand natural fires were registered on the territory of about 800 thousand hectares - compared to 2014, their number increased by 22%, and the area covered by fire increased seven times. Data on the efficiency of extinguishing work were also made public. According to official data in the republic, the efficiency of detection and start of work is 20%, for comparison, in Irkutsk this figure is 80%. According to the estimates of employees of the Baikal Institute of Nature Management of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the damage from forest fires in Buryatia is more than 200 billion rubles.

    Forest fires. Photo: Gurshal Yuri, SakhalinMedia

    On September 18, a meeting of the Baikal inter-factional deputy group was held, the deputies also discussed forest fires in the Baikal region and their consequences. In addition, at the meeting, Mikhail Slipenchuk announced data on fires in Buryatia, and also asked the President of the country Vladimir Putin to help create a center for eliminating the consequences of fires in Buryatia.

    Recall that the Minister of Emergency Situations of Russia Vladimir Puchkov on August 14 said that the department would cope with the fires in three days, he repeated the same the next day at a meeting in Ulan-Ude. However, after two weeks the area of ​​fires increased from 90 to 140 thousand hectares. The situation began to improve only by mid-September.

    In addition to forests, the republic was engulfed in the flames of peat fires, they captured the territory of about one thousand hectares. The administration of the Kabansky district of Buryatia called for help from Greenpeace Russia specialists. Grigory Kuksin, a Greenpeace fire program specialist, came to Buryatia with his team to study and assess the territory. In addition, they began training volunteer organizations in the technology of extinguishing this type of fire. Based on the results of the audit, a statement was sent to the East-Baikal interdistrict environmental prosecutor's office about the inaction of the Medical Unit and the administration of the republic. The claim was fully satisfied, a fine was imposed on the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Greenpeace specialists roughly assessed the damage to the environment caused by fires. The result was an amount of about 640 million rubles.

    Recall that during the combustion of peat, hazardous to human health are released, heavy metals. Assess health damage local population impossible. In addition, due to proximity fires to the federal highway M-55 and heavy smoke on the road, several accidents occurred, including lethal outcome.

    Due to the smoke from the fires, accidents occurred on the roads, also with a fatal outcome. Photo: Olga Levashova, PrimaMedia

    "Trash Extravaganza"

    In recent years, the number of unauthorized dumps in the territory of the republic has increased tenfold. The first to pay close attention to this problem were, again, public voluntary organizations.

    The Association "Great Baikal Trail - Buryatia" has begun installing camera traps in urban forests in order to implement public control over unauthorized dumps. As part of an innovative project for the republic, by the end of the year, it was planned to install four photo recorders at different areas. The trap installation project is funded by the program "Every Drop Matters - Lake Baikal: Clean Baikal for a Clean Future". Such a measure will help the public to establish control over illegal dumping of garbage. Also, the received photos will be transferred to the authorities for further investigation.

    The government of the republic, in turn, allocated 2 billion rubles for the construction of landfills and waste processing stations. During 2011-2015, the volunteers of the "Baikal Coastal Service" collected and removed about 850 tons of garbage from the shores of Lake Baikal.

    There are more and more unauthorized dumps in Buryatia. Photo: Anton Balashov, PrimaMedia

    It should be noted that according to official data at the beginning of last year in Buryatia there were almost 150 illegal dumps on an area of ​​about 90 hectares, the volume of accumulated waste here is slightly less than 100 thousand cubic meters. Also, the state inspectors of Burprirodnadzor revealed about 400 new unauthorized dumps on an area of ​​206 hectares, where the volume of accumulated waste amounted to almost 23,000 cubic meters.

    And after the rubbish about pigs...

    After describing the garbage problem, it is impossible not to say a few words about pigs. Only not in a figurative sense, but in the most direct sense. In November last year, the republican Rospotrebnadzor discovered significant violations of environmental and environmental legislation in the large pig farm "Nikolaevsky", located in the Tarbagatai district of Buryatia.

    As reported by the department, as a result of the enterprise's activities, production and consumption wastes are generated, mainly fresh pig manure (hazard class 3). According to the 2-TP (waste) annual report for 2014, its amount amounted to just over 30 thousand tons. It was also found that the enterprise violates the quality of the soil in the place of temporary accumulation of waste. This is due to violations: the place of temporary accumulation of waste was not properly equipped.

    Pigs were definitely not screwed. Photo: Vitaliy Grechanyuk, PrimaMedia

    Thus, the enterprise polluted the soil with ammonium nitrogen, calcium and oil products, while technical regulation(instruction) or another document that defines the conditions for the collection and accumulation of waste of the solid fraction of pig manure is not available at the enterprise.

    In addition, the enterprise has not developed and registered passports for gas purification installations in the boiler room, there are no actual data on the efficiency of the installations in violation of the Federal Law "On the Protection of Atmospheric Air". The company was fined 150 thousand rubles.

    It should be noted that the Nikolaevsky agricultural holding, despite the identified violations, is developing quite dynamically, we hope that all violations have been eliminated. Recall, on this moment"Nikolaevsky" supplies a significant part of the republic's market and plans to bring its own products to the market of Irkutsk.

    Features of the nature of Buryatia

    On South Eastern Siberia on an area of ​​351.4 thousand square meters. km stretches the land of Buryatia. On the peculiarities of its nature big influence renders remoteness from the seas and oceans and mountainous relief territory.

    Continuous and focal distribution permafrost and the predominance of a sharply continental climate are also closely related to the high relief.

    These factors take an active part in the formation of various natural complexes - taiga, dry steppe, treeless stony alpine spaces, wetlands.

    The territory of Buryatia above sea level has a significant elevation, and its lowest mark is the level of Lake Baikal (-456 m). The highest point is Munku-Sardyk (3491m).

    Basically, the territory is occupied by heavily dissected medium-altitude mountains. Plain territories can be found only in tectonic depressions and in the valleys of large rivers.

    Depressions can be intramountain - this is the Baikal type and intermountain - the Transbaikal type.

    The Baikal depression, Verkhneangarskaya and Barguzinskaya basins belong to the Baikal type.

    The Trans-Baikal type of depressions includes the Gusinoozerskaya, Chikoi-Khilokskaya, Udinskaya, and others.

    Remark 1

    The Transbaikal type of depressions is distinguished by the fact that they have almost no asymmetry of mountain slopes and are usually located between mid-mountain ridges.

    The Eastern Sayans from the mountains of Buryatia are the highest and youngest - this is "Tibet in miniature".

    On the southern shore of Lake Baikal, there is the Khamar-Daban ridge, or as it is also called the "Siberian jungle", because its slopes are covered with impenetrable thickets.

    From the east, the Barguzinsky Range adjoins Baikal, their figurative name is the “Land of a Thousand Lakes”. Indeed, here is a large number of lakes of glacial origin.

    The Baikal Range, overgrown with forest, is located in the north of the lake.

    Remark 2

    The peculiarity of the Baikal ranges is that most of them have soft outlines and flat tops. They stretch parallel to the Baikal basin and are directed from the southwest to the northeast. The exception is Khamar-Daban.

    The area is seismically active. The strength of earthquakes can reach 8-10 points. In Transbaikalia, permafrost of rocks has been widely developed.

    A feature of the sharply continental climate of Buryatia is large annual and daily temperature fluctuations and an uneven distribution of precipitation over the seasons. The harsh and windless winter is replaced by a late dry spring with strong winds and night frosts.

    Summer is short, its first half is dry and the second half is rainy. Early frosts and sharp daily fluctuations are characteristic of a cool autumn.

    In the cold period, a powerful northeastern spur of the Siberian anticyclone develops here, so in winter in Transbaikalia there is a low temperature and a large number of sunny days.

    In Buryatia, the January air temperature is -24, -25 degrees, on some days it can drop to -45 degrees. Precipitation falls up to 500 mm.

    The republic is often called "sunny Buryatia" because the average duration of sunshine is 2200 hours.

    On the territory of Buryatia formed different types soils. In Transbaikalia, on the plateaus, a podzolic type of soil is common under larch, pine, and cedar-fir forests.

    The areas of fertile chernozem soils are much smaller than those of chestnut soils. The transitional soils between them are gray forest soils.

    Meadow and marsh soils have developed in river valleys where groundwater is close to the surface. Meadow-frozen soils are formed along river valleys, where there are permafrost rocks. Solonetzes and solonetsous soils are found in the southern regions of the Republic.

    Resources of the Republic of Buryatia

    The bowels of the Republic are rich in various mineral resources. In terms of their reserves, Buryatia is one of the leading places in Russia.

    There are about 30 coal-bearing areas within the Republic, such as the Uda coal-bearing depression, Dzhidinskaya, Pribaikalskaya, Gusinoozerskaya, etc.

    In the bowels there are tungsten ores, molybdenum, nickel. Large tungsten deposits are Kholtosonskoe, Inkurskoe. Orekitkanskoye, Malayonogorskoye, Zharchikhinskoye are large deposits of molybdenum. Large nickel deposits include Chaiskoye and Baikalskoye.

    Explored reserves of non-ferrous metals - beryllium, lead, tin, zinc.

    Even before the revolution, large deposits of ore and alluvial gold were being developed in the north of Buryatia.

    Non-metallic minerals include phosphates, apatites, and fluorspar. There are explored reserves of fluxes and refractories. Large deposits asbestos are concentrated in the Molodezhnoye, Ilchirskoye, Zelenoe deposits.

    The unique deposits of potassium-alumina ores and nepheline syenites include the Sannyr and Mukhal deposits, respectively.

    The area of ​​land occupied by forests in 2012 was 84.3% of the area of ​​the Republic. Forest areas increased by 403.1 thousand hectares, while the areas of forest fund lands decreased by 88.8 thousand hectares.

    The reason is connected with their transfer to the lands of specially protected territories.

    The forest resources of the Republic are subject to frequent fires, the average area of ​​which is 63.1 hectares.

    The great wealth of the Republic is fresh, mineral and thermal waters, on the basis of the latter there are resorts of Russian importance - Arshan, Goryachinsk. Resorts of local importance are Nilova Pustyn, Khakusy, Kuchiger, Goryachiy Klyuch and others.

    Water resources are represented by rivers and streams, of which there are more than 9 thousand. The Selenga, originating in Mongolia, is one of the most major rivers Buryatia. The history of many peoples of Asia is connected with this river, which flows into Lake Baikal.

    No less famous is the Barguzin River. The famous song "Glorious Sea - Sacred Baikal" is associated with this river. This unique lake is known all over the world, it is ancient and deep. The lake has the status of a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The basin of the lake contains 20% of the world's reserves of surface fresh water and more than 80% of Russia's water reserves.

    Figure 1. Typical landscape of Buryatia. Author24 - online exchange of student papers

    There are many other lakes on this earth - Gusinoe, Pike, Sable, Guitar, Heart, etc.

    On the territory of Buryatia there are specially protected natural areas where all resources are protected by law.

    These include:

    • Barguzinsky, Baikalsky, Dzherginsky nature reserves;
    • Tunkinsky and Zabaikalsky national parks;
    • twenty reserves;
    • 266 monuments of nature.

    The total area of ​​these territories is 10% of the area of ​​the Republic itself.

    Ecological situation in Buryatia

    Compared to other regions of Russia, Buryatia is one of the ecologically clean regions.

    But, nevertheless, environmental problems are also typical for the Republic.

    Problems include:

    • deterioration of the air basin of Selenginsk and Ulan-Ude;
    • the state of some water bodies;
    • growing solid waste and its unauthorized disposal;
    • environmental damage of past years;
    • low ecological culture of the population.

    According to Burstat, pollutant emissions from stationary sources amounted to 26195.1 thousand tons. tons in 2011. There was an increase in emissions compared to 2010.

    By hazard class:

    • 70.0% increase in first class;
    • 17% reduction in second class;
    • a decrease of 42.5% in the third class;
    • decrease by 22.5% fourth grade;
    • an increase of 58.1% of the fifth hazard class.

    The increase in the amount of waste is associated with an increase in the number of overburden rocks that are formed during the development of coal deposits, and this is the fifth hazard class.

    The increase in waste of the first hazard class occurred as a result of the fact that capacitors at Buryatenergo facilities were written off, having worked out their shelf life.

    In view of the fact that the volume of work at the facilities of Russian Railways was reduced, there was a reduction in waste of the third hazard class.

    With the transition of the Selenginsky Pulp and Cardboard Plant to secondary raw materials, waste of the fourth hazard class has decreased.

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