Atmospheric emissions. Air pollution: main sources

Decor elements 26.09.2019
Decor elements

Atmospheric pollution

Atmospheric pollution - the introduction into the atmosphere or the formation of physical and chemical agents and substances in it, due to both natural and anthropogenic factors.

Volcanism, forest fires, dust storms, weathering, etc. serve as natural sources of atmospheric pollution. These factors do not threaten negative consequences for natural ecosystems, with the exception of some catastrophic natural phenomena. Large forest fires, the smoke from which spreads over thousands of kilometers, can also be a source of atmospheric dustiness. It leads to significant reduction inflow solar radiation to the earth's surface.

However, in the last decade, anthropogenic factors of atmospheric pollution began to exceed the natural ones in scale, acquiring a global character. They can have various effects on the atmosphere: direct - on the state of the atmosphere (heating, changes in humidity, etc.); impact on the physical and chemical properties of the atmosphere (change in composition, increase in the concentration of CO2, aerosols, freons, etc.); impact on the properties of the underlying surface (albedo value change, ocean-atmosphere system, etc.) (Israel, 1984). The main sources of pollution include: industrial enterprises, transport, heat power engineering, agriculture, etc. Among industries, especially toxic emissions into the atmosphere are produced by enterprises of non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical, oil, ferrous metallurgy, woodworking, pulp and paper industry etc.

the greenhouse effect

Systematic observations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere show that it is growing. It is known that in the atmosphere, like glass in a greenhouse, it transmits the radiant energy of the Sun from the Earth's surface, but delays the infrared (thermal) radiation of the Earth and thereby creates the so-called greenhouse (greenhouse) effect.

global change climate are closely related to atmospheric pollution by industrial waste and exhaust gases. The influence of a thermal civilization on the Earth's climate is a reality, the consequences of which are already being felt. Global warming The atmosphere is associated with an increase in the content of carbon dioxide in it due to deforestation that absorbs it, and the burning of fuels such as coal and gasoline, which releases this gas into the atmosphere.

Global warming contributes to the early melting of snow, as a result of which the absorption of solar energy by the soil increases, which evaporates moisture in it, adjacent to drought. In addition, warm, moisture-laden air masses are shifting northward, resulting in less rainfall.

The first conclusions of scientists about the inevitability of anthropogenic climate change attracted the attention of government organizations in our country. Back in 1961 board of the State Hydrometeorological Service recognized the possibility of warming and decided to organize a systematic study of the impact economic activity on the global climate. The main sources of CO2 of anthropogenic origin is the combustion of fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas, etc.) - annually more than 9 million tons of reference fuel. Around the world in the late 1980s, about 8 billion tons of carbon dioxide were emitted into the atmosphere, which amounted to 1 ton. for every inhabitant of the planet. The indicators of its release in certain countries are interesting.

Negative Consequences greenhouse effect. Priority global problems the rise in the level of the World Ocean in the conditions of the warming of the climate of our planet stands out. Main causes: melting of continental and mountain glaciers, sea ​​ice, >thermal expansion of the ocean, etc. Therefore, in many countries, work is underway to model the environmental consequences of sea level rise of about 25 cm per 100 years. With a significant increase in air temperature (more than 1.5-2 degrees), the area of ​​mountain glaciation,\u003e the area and thickness of sea ice will begin to decrease intensively, which will lead to a contrasting rise in sea and ocean levels (by the end of the 21st century it will be 0.5-2 m .). All this will lead to the emergence of complex> environmental and socio-economic problems: the filling of the coastal plains, the intensification of abrasion processes, the deterioration of the water supply of coastal cities, the degradation of mangrove vegetation, and so on. It is estimated that a 1-meter rise in ocean level will flood 20% of Bangladesh and Egyptian farmland, many large coastal cities in China will suffer, and catastrophic floods will

The negative consequences of the greenhouse effect of a local nature, especially for Russia, where almost 50% of its territory is occupied by permafrost (permafrost), include: an increase in seasonal thawing of soils, which poses a threat to roads, buildings and communications, activation of thermokarst processes, waterlogging, deterioration forest areas on permafrost other. UNESCO launched the International Program "Global Sea Level Observing System" (GLOSS), which in the future will help reduce Negative consequences a significant rise in the level of the World Ocean on coastal ecosystems.


the most important integral part The atmosphere that influences climate and protects all life on Earth from solar radiation is the ozonosphere. The bulk of ozone is located at altitudes from 10 to 50 km, and its maximum is 18-26 km ... In total, the stratosphere contains 3.3 trillion tons. ozone. In the ozonosphere layer, ozone is in a very decomposed state. If the entire amount of ozone was collected at a pressure of 760 mm. rt. Art. and a temperature of 20 degrees, then the thickness of this layer would be only 2.5-3 mm.

An important feature of atmospheric ozone is that this gas is extremely unstable. Gradually, the process of ozone destruction occurs, therefore, even for the existence of such a number of necessary factors that ensure its continuous formation. On average, about 100 tons of ozone is formed and disappears every second in the Earth's atmosphere.

Despite its small amount, atmospheric ozone plays an exceptionally important role in the processes of radiative transfer of solar energy. It almost completely absorbs the ultraviolet radiation of the sun.

The absorption of solar energy by ozone determines the heating of the atmosphere at altitudes of 30-60 km, which, in turn, through the most complex mechanisms interaction forms the dynamic and thermal processes, ultimately determines the features of the circulation of the atmosphere and the specifics of the climate on our planet.

An active role in the processes of formation and destruction of ozone is played by oxides of nitrogen, heavy metals (copper, iron, manganese), chlorine, fluorine, and bromine. The overall balance of ozone in the stratosphere is regulated, therefore, by a complex set of processes. Taking into account the current gas composition of the stratosphere, in order to estimate, it can be said that about 70% of ozone is destroyed by the nitrogen cycle, 17% by oxygen, 10% by hydrogen, about 2% by chlorine and other cycles, and about 1. 2% enters the troposphere. It is important to note that in this balance, nitrogen, chlorine, oxygen, hydrogen and other components participate as if in the form of catalysts, do not change their content, therefore, the processes leading to their accumulation in the stratosphere or removal significantly affect the ozone content. In this regard, even relatively small amounts of such substances entering the upper layers of the atmosphere can stably and long-term affect the established balance associated with the formation and destruction of ozone, and lead to the consequences that have already been mentioned.

The depletion of the ozone layer in the earth's atmosphere leads to an increase in the flow of UV rays to the earth's surface, which creates a danger to all life on our planet. According to WHO, a 1% decrease in ozone leads to a 6% increase in skin cancer cases in humans; significantly weakened the immune system person. An increase in the intensity of ultraviolet radiation can lead to a decrease in crop yields, to the death of phytoplankton in the ocean, to a disruption in the global balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen, etc.

acid rain

Acid rain has a pH less than 5.6. Acid rainfall is associated with anthropogenic pollution of the atmosphere with emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides (annually in the world - more than 255 million tons) (when burning any fossil fuel: coal, fuel oil, oil shale, vehicles). As a result, more than 31 million hectares of forests are dying in various regions of the world. So, in Germany, acid rain damaged about 35% of the country's forest area, and in Canada, the oldest forests (up to 300 years old) from balsam spruce have already died. Acid fallout has degraded and killed montane red spruce forests in the northern Appalachians. All this has sharply reduced the growth of forests and worsened natural reforestation. There have been cases of forest damage in our country. Under the influence of acid rain, the yield of some agricultural crops (cotton, tomatoes, grapes, citrus fruits, etc.) is significantly reduced by an average of 20-30%

Especially lake reservoirs in Canada, Norway, Sweden, Finland, the USA and others suffered from acid precipitation. In Canada, more than 14,000 lakes are acidified; in Norway, out of 5,000 surveyed lakes, fish disappeared in 1,750, etc. The lakes of our country also suffered from acid fallout. For example, in the territory of Karelia, as a result of acid rain (with a pH of less than 4.7), frequent cases of acidification of many lakes were noted, which caused a decrease in the stocks of salmon and whitefish. In many lake ecosystems, an increase in water acidity, i.e. lowering the pH value leads to the degradation of populations of fish species and other inhabitants. And ultimately, the rapid development of white moss indicates that this reservoir has become biologically dead.

Acid rain, as noted above, adversely affects soils, in particular when the pH increases to less. 5.0, a progressive decrease in their fertility begins, and at a pH of 3.0, the soils become practically barren. A decrease in their fertility, and at a pH of 3.0, soils become practically barren. Podzolic soils of the taiga zone are at the greatest risk of acidification. Acidity accelerates corrosion metal structures buildings, bridges, dams, etc., and also causes serious damage to architectural monuments (Colosseum in Rome, St. Mark's Cathedral in Venice, temples and tombs in Japan, etc.). Therefore, many European countries - the USA, Canada, Japan, etc. signed International agreement to combat acid rain, providing for the reduction of sulfur emissions by 30% by 1993 (Vronsky, 1991).

Emissions from vehicles

A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation. This is known to everyone. But the fact that machines can turn from the blessing of civilization into its scourge, mankind began to understand relatively recently. The more cars take to the streets, the more difficult it is for the townspeople to peacefully coexist with their steel humming and shitting stream. The exhausts of internal combustion engines contain carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, hydrocarbons, aldehydes, soot, benzo(a)pyrene, and telium metals. When carbon monoxide enters the blood, it acts on the red blood cells, erythrocytes, in such a way that they lose their ability to transport oxygen. As a result, oxygen starvation occurs, which primarily affects the central nervous system. When we inhale nitrogen oxides, they combine with water in the respiratory tract and form nitric and nitrous acid. As a result, there are not only irritations of the mucous membranes, but also very serious diseases. It is believed that nitrogen oxides are 10 times more dangerous for the body than carbon monoxide.

A typical representative of concentrated substances, i.e. substances that contribute to the emergence of cancerous tumors is benzo (a) pyrene. Suffice it to say that scientists have already found about 200 components in these gases. Namely, in the development of motor transport and, therefore, in the increasing clogging of urban air with automobile gases, many scientists see main reason increase in mortality from lung cancer. The frequency of this disease in the city is much higher than in countryside.

At present, there are 800 million cars in the world, including 80 million trucks and about 1 million city buses.

The total contrast of highways worldwide is more than 18.3 mil. km. (458 equators); 10.9 mil. km. on paved roads. Just as the smallest blood vessels permeate the entire body, so do roads reach the most remote corners of the planet.

The contradictions from which the car is “woven” are, perhaps, not revealed as sharply in anything as in the matter of protecting nature, on the one hand, it made life easier for a person, on the other, it poisons it in the most direct sense of the word. The experts found that one a car annually absorbs from the atmosphere an average of more than 4 tons. oxygen, emitting with exhaust gases about 800 kg. carbon monoxide, about 40 kg of nitrogen oxides and almost 200 kg of various carbons. If we multiply these figures by 800 million units. global car flow, one can imagine the extent of the threat posed by excessive motorization.

The increase in the amount of dust suspended in the air and settled on the surface is also explained by the increased wear of the asphalt pavement of roads due to the use of studded tires.

The problem of air pollution is one of the urgent and intractable problems of our time. Mankind is trying to find a way out - environmentally friendly fuels are being invented, new ways of waste disposal are being developed, harmless materials are being created for production and construction.

The main sources of air pollution are anthropogenic and natural. A natural source is something that happens in nature with more or less regularity. There is no escape from this - we are unlikely to ever be able to prevent a volcanic eruption, guarantee protection from forest fires, or The process of decomposition of animals or plants also contributes to the gradual pollution of the atmosphere.

Anthropogenic impact on the atmosphere comes from man. Here one can distinguish rapidly developing and expanding industrial enterprises, the fuel and energy complex, engineering enterprises and, of course, transport.

A lot goes into the atmosphere gaseous substances, which harm it, but do not forget about solid particles - dust, soot, soot. In areas where industrial enterprises are concentrated, such hazardous heavy metals as nickel, copper, cadmium, mercury, lead, vanadium and chromium have already become permanent components of the air. Airborne problem a large number lead becomes especially threatening.

In general, in the 20th century, the content of ozone and carbon dioxide in the air has changed significantly. The daily burning of fossil fuels increases the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air. This is exacerbated by the shrinking area of ​​tropical forests, which transform the gas composition of the atmosphere.

The consequences of air pollution are multifaceted. Dirty air adversely affects the quality of natural ecosystems. How polluted the atmosphere in a particular region can be judged by the state of the green cover of the planet - forests.

Forest biocenoses suffer from the effects of acid rain. Such rains are also caused by sulfur dioxide. Scientists have established that conifers trees are more susceptible to the negative effects of acid rain than broad-leaved trees. Needless to say, plantings in large industrial centers suffer the most.

No less important is the problem of depletion and thinning of the ozone layer, the formation of ozone holes. This is caused by the excessive use of freons in everyday life and production.

In addition to freons, atmospheric pollution is also caused by gases that have never been present in its composition before. Yes, the volumes of these gases are incomparably less than the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, but still they can be much more dangerous.

In the 20th century, atmospheric pollution also occurs through radioactive elements. The source of such pollution is test explosions when testing a new type of weapon - hydrogen or In addition, the production nuclear weapons, and nuclear reactors. Even minor damage and accidents at nuclear reactors lead to air pollution, and such a global catastrophe as the Chernobyl accident has dramatically and significantly worsened the state of the atmosphere.

The natural processes occurring in the biosphere are exposed to the negative impact of consequences more and more. Fortunately, at this stage, the biosphere still retains the ability to self-regulate, so far it can neutralize or at least minimize the harm caused by humanity. However, there is a limit beyond which - the inability of the biosphere to maintain the necessary balance. When this happens, environmental disasters occur, which people have already experienced in some regions of the world.

The atmosphere is one of the necessary conditions for the emergence and existence of

life on earth. It participates in the formation of the climate on the planet, regulates its thermal

mode, contributes to the redistribution of heat near the surface. Part of the radiant energy of the Sun

absorbs the atmosphere, and the rest of the energy, reaching the surface of the Earth, partially goes into

soil, water bodies, and partially reflected into the atmosphere.

Of the total amount of solar energy, the atmosphere reflects - 35%, absorbs -

19% and passes to the Earth - 46%.

The atmosphere protects the Earth from sudden temperature fluctuations. In the absence of at-

atmosphere and water bodies, the temperature of the Earth's surface during the day would fluctuate within

shaft 2000 C. Due to the presence of oxygen, the atmosphere participates in the exchange and circulation of

creatures in the biosphere.

In its current state, the atmosphere has existed for hundreds of millions of years, all living things

capable of a strictly defined composition. The gas envelope protects living organisms

we are from destructive ultraviolet, X-ray and cosmic rays. The atmosphere

keeps the Earth from falling meteorites.

In the atmosphere, the sun's rays are distributed and scattered, which creates a uniform

new lighting. It is the medium in which sound propagates. Due to the action of the gravitational

forces, the atmosphere does not dissipate in world space, but surrounds the Earth, rotates

together with her.

The main (by mass) component of air is nitrogen. In the lower layers of the atmosphere, its content

nie is 78.09%. In the gaseous state, nitrogen is inert, and in compounds in the form of nitrates

rats it plays an important role in biological metabolism.

The most active atmospheric gas in biospheric processes is oxygen. Its content in

atmosphere is about 20.94%. Oxygen is taken in by animals during respiration and

plants excrete as a normal product of photosynthesis.

An important component of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide (CO2), which is

0.03% of its volume. It significantly affects the weather and climate on Earth. Dioxide content

in the atmosphere is not constant. It enters the atmosphere from volcanoes, hot springs,

research of humans and animals, during forest fires, consumed by plants, dissolves well -

I'm in the water. Small amounts in the atmosphere contain: carbon monoxide (CO), inert gases

(argon, helium, neon, krypton, xenon). Of these, argon is the most - 0.934%. The composition of the atmosphere

spheres also include hydrogen and methane. Inert gases enter the atmosphere in the process of continuous

discontinuous natural radioactive decay of uranium, thorium, radon.

In addition to gases, the atmosphere contains water and aerosols. In the atmosphere, water is in

solid (ice, snow), liquid (drops) and gaseous (steam) state. When water condenses

vapor clouds form. Complete renewal of water vapor in the atmosphere takes 9 -

The primary source of atmospheric heat energy for the Earth is the Sun. surfaces

The earth reaches a small fraction of the radiant energy of the sun. Part of the energy reaching the surface

reflected, and the rest is absorbed, turning into heat. This energy causes convection

active movement in the atmosphere. Since 71% of the Earth's surface is occupied by water, the absorption of solar

nefarious energy is accompanied by evaporation. The heat expended on evaporation is released

is present in the atmosphere, contributing to its movement.

Under atmospheric pollution understand the presence in the air of gases, vapors,

particles, solid and liquid substances, heat, vibrations, radiation, which are unfavorable

clearly affect humans, animals, plants, climate, materials, buildings and


By origin, pollution is divided into natural, caused by natural, often

anomalous processes in nature, and anthropogenic, associated with human activities.

Rice. 6.3. Classification of atmospheric pollution

Atmospheric pollution





With the development of human production activities, an increasing share of pollution

atmosphere comes from anthropogenic pollution. They are divided into local and global

ballroom. Local pollution is associated with cities and industrial regions. Global-

nye pollution affect the biospheric processes in general on the Earth and extend to

huge distances. Since the air is in constant motion, harmful substances are not

travel hundreds and thousands of kilometers. Global air pollution is on the rise in

due to the fact that harmful substances from it enter the soil, water bodies, and then again

solder into the atmosphere.

Air pollutants are divided into mechanical, physical and biological.

Rice. 6.4. Classification of atmospheric pollutants

Atmospheric pollutants




Mechanical pollution - dust, phosphates, lead, mercury. They are formed when

combustion of fossil fuels and in the production process.

Physical contaminants include:

thermal (entry into the atmosphere of heated gases);

 light (deterioration of natural illumination of the area under the influence of artificial

venous light sources);

noise (as a result of anthropogenic noise);

electromagnetic (from power lines, radio and television, work of industrial


radioactive, associated with an increase in the level of radioactive substances entering the


Biological pollution is mainly a consequence of the reproduction of microorganism

nisms and anthropogenic activities (thermal power engineering, industry, transport, actions

armed forces).

Ecologists warn that if it is not possible to reduce carbon emissions into the atmosphere,

carbon dioxide, then our planet is in for a catastrophe associated with an increase

temperature due to the so-called greenhouse effect.

The essence of this phenomenon lies in the fact that ultraviolet solar radiation

quite freely passes through the atmosphere with a high content of CO2 and methane

CH4. The infrared rays reflected from the surface are retained by the atmosphere with increasing

climate change.

Pollutants enter the human body through the respiratory system. Daily

The volume of inhaled air for one person is 6 - 12 m3. Under normal

breath with each breath in the human body enters from 0.5 to 2 liters of air.

Inhaled air through the trachea and bronchi enters the alveoli of the lungs, where

gas exchange between blood and lymph. Depending on the size and properties of pollutants

substances, their absorption occurs in different ways.

Coarse particles are retained in the upper respiratory tract and, if they are not toxic,

can cause a disease called field bronchitis. Dust particles can

lead to an occupational disease, which is collectively called pneumoconiosis.

A person can live for a long time without food for 30-45 days, without water - 5 days, without air -

only 5 minutes. Harmful effects of various and dusty industrial emissions

per person are determined by the amount of pollutants entering the body, their state, composition and time of exposure. Atmospheric pollution can affect

human health little impact, and can lead to complete intoxication of the body.

The destructive effect of industrial pollution depends on the type of substance.

Chlorine causes damage to the organs of vision and breathing. Fluorides, getting into the human body, are washed out

remove calcium from bones and reduce its content in the blood. When inhaled, fluorides are negative

have a strong effect on Airways. Hydrosulfide affects the cornea of ​​​​the eyes and respiratory organs

haniya, causes headaches. At high concentrations it is possible fatal outcome. Di-

carbon sulfide is a poison of nervous action and can cause mental disorder.

The acute form of poisoning leads to narcotic loss of consciousness. Dangerous to inhale

vapors or compounds of heavy metals. Beryllium compounds are harmful to health. Dioxide

sulfur affects the respiratory tract. Carbon monoxide interferes with the transport of oxygen, which

oxygen starvation occurs. Prolonged inhalation of carbon monoxide

can be fatal to humans.

Aldehydes and ketones are dangerous in small concentrations in the atmosphere. Aldehydes render

irritating effect on the organs of vision and smell, are drugs that destroy

shaking the nervous system, nervous system also affect phenolic compounds and organic

sky sulfides.

Atmospheric pollution has a harmful effect on plants. Various gases have

different effects on plants, and the susceptibility of plants to the same gases

is not the same. Sulfur dioxide, hydrogen fluoride, ozone, chlorine, diox-

nitrogen oxide, hydrochloric acid.

Air pollutants adversely affect agricultural crops.

tenia, both due to direct poisoning of green mass, and soil intoxication.

Atmospheric pollution by industrial emissions significantly enhances the effect

corrosion. Acid gases contribute to the corrosion of steel structures and materials. Dioc-

sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrochloride, when combined with water, form acids, enhancing chi-

chemical and electrochemical corrosion, destroy organic materials (rubber, flame

masses, dyes). On the steel structures ozone and chlorine have a negative effect. Not even-

a significant amount of nitrates in the atmosphere causes corrosion of copper and brass. Similar

but acid rains also act: they reduce soil fertility, negatively affect

flora and fauna, reduce the service life of electrochemical coatings, especially chromonics

left paints, the reliability of the operation of machines and mechanisms is reduced, more

more than 100 thousand used types of colored glass.

Climate change has an impact on agriculture. When warming increased

the duration of the growing season is calculated (by 10 days with an increase in temperature

at 10C). An increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide leads to an increase in yield.

Anthropogenic processes include the destruction of the ozone screen, which you

are called:

Work of refrigerators on freon and aerosol installations;

The release of NO2 as a result of the decomposition of mineral fertilizers;

Aircraft flights at high altitude and satellite launches (you-

release of nitrogen oxides and water vapor);

Nuclear explosions (formation of nitrogen oxides);

The processes that contribute to the penetration of chlorine compounds into the stratosphere

anthropogenic origin, as well as methyl chloroform, carbon tetrachloride,

methyl chloride.

According to scientists, at present, the ozone content is decreasing annually with

measured by 0.1%. This can significantly change the climate and cause other negative


The development of technology is accompanied by an increase in the number and power of sources of ionizing

radiation, which includes nuclear power plants, enterprises producing and processing nuclear fuel, waste storage facilities, research institutes, test sites.

The development of nuclear energy is accompanied by an increase in radioactive waste generated

involved in the extraction and processing of nuclear fuel. The activity of these wastes has been increasing since

every year, and in the near future will be a serious danger to the environment.

Atmospheric pollution message will briefly tell you everything about this modern phenomenon.

Pollution atmospheric air is any change in its composition and properties that has Negative influence on the human health, animal health, the state of ecosystems and plants.

What are the types of pollution?

Pollution is:

  • natural or natural. They are caused by natural processes: weathering rocks, volcanic activity, mass flowering of plants, wind erosion, smoke from steppe and forest fires.
  • Anthropogenic. They are caused by the release of various pollutants during human activities.

Types of atmospheric pollution:

  • Local. It is characterized by a high content of pollutants in small areas - an industrial area, an agricultural area, a city.
  • Regional. The sphere of negative impact extends over a significant area.
  • Global. There is a gradual accumulation of environmental and climate changes on a planetary scale.

Types of pollution in relation to the state of aggregation:

  • Liquid: alkalis, acids, salt solutions.
  • Gaseous: nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide.
  • Solid: resinous substances, carcinogens, inorganic and organic dust, lead and its compounds, soot.

Main sources and factors of air pollution

Today, the main sources of pollution are the following industries:

  • Thermal power engineering - nuclear and thermal power plants, urban and industrial boiler houses.
  • Enterprises of non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy.
  • Production of building materials.
  • Engineering.
  • Petrochemical and oil industry.
  • Chemical industry.
  • Atmospheric pollution from transport

The atmosphere is also polluted by volcanic eruptions, forest fires, dust and household waste. Particularly harmful pollution of the atmosphere by the gases of vehicles. They can accumulate in the air and cause asthma attacks in humans.

Atmospheric pollution control

The quality of atmospheric air is strictly regulated - permissible concentrations have been established that do not harm human health. To control and purify polluted air, resort and sanatorium zones, boarding houses, rest houses, tourist bases, parks, summer cottages and sports grounds.

To control the state of the air, the maximum one-time and average daily allowable concentrations of emissions are constantly being checked to prevent harm from them. This is especially important in areas where enterprises are located that employ people.

The control of industrial emissions determines the parameters of gas and dust flows and reveals substances emitted into the air.

Atmospheric pollution results

Prematurely in the world due to air pollution, 3.7 million people die every year. In industrial large centers, there is such a phenomenon as smog - the accumulation of water, dust and smoke. It reduces visibility on the roads, which increases the number of accidents. Aggressive substances in its composition adversely affect the animal and vegetable world, cause corrosion of metal structures, cause headaches, sore throat and lacrimation in people.

The accumulation of nitrogen and sulfur oxides in the air leads to acid rain. Once in the reservoirs, they cause the death of fish, and those that survived do not give more offspring. Acid rain impoverishes the soil, leaching nutrients. They weaken the plants and burn the leaves. Such rains corrode pipes, cars, monuments and building facades.

An increased amount of methane, carbon dioxide, ozone and water vapor leads to an increase in temperature and a warming climate.

Under the influence of oxygen, chlorine, bromine and hydrogen atoms, “ozone holes” are formed, as a result of which the effect of ultraviolet rays on flora and fauna increases, leading to the development of oncological diseases in humans.

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One of the main conditions for the preservation of human health and longevity is fresh air. Unfortunately, in modern realities in many parts of the world to achieve compliance with this key requirement seems like a mission impossible. But is it really impossible to make the air we breathe cleaner? And what exactly pollutes the atmosphere the most?

All sources that negatively affect the state of the air basin are divided by ecologists into anthropogenic and natural. Most Damage environment It is the first category that inflicts - factors related to human activity. Atmospheric air pollution occurring due to natural causes is not only negligible on a global scale, but is self-eliminating in nature.

Industry that kills

The number one source of air pollution in developing and some developed countries is industry. The lion's share of emissions into the atmosphere comes from energy, non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy enterprises. Less harmful to the air basin, but still dangerous are such industries as oil production and oil refining, mechanical engineering. In places where industrial production is concentrated, phenols, hydrocarbons, mercury, lead, resins, oxide and sulfur dioxide are present in significant quantities in the atmosphere.

Air pollution in developed countries harmful substances became pressing problem even a century ago. That is why the process of creating environmental legislation there began earlier than in other states. Thus, the Netherlands was the first to track the emissions of enterprises by adopting relevant laws in 1875-1896. In the United States, an act to control the purity of the air was voted in 1955. In Japan, the law on monitoring and limiting harmful emissions appeared in 1967, in Germany (FRG) - in 1972.

When the charms of civilization harm?

transport, being necessary condition functioning modern society, is also a major threat to human health. All machines used for work different types fuels pollute the atmosphere to some extent. For example, a car actively absorbs oxygen from the air. Instead, it releases carbon dioxide, water vapor and toxic substances(carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, aldehydes, soot, benzapyrene, sulfur dioxide). The contribution that individual modes of transport make to air pollution is as follows:

  • 85% of harmful emissions come from cars and trucks;
  • 5.3% - for river and sea vessels;
  • 3.7% and 3.5% for air and rail vehicles respectively:
  • agricultural vehicles (seeders, planters, combines, tractors, arable equipment) pollute the atmosphere least of all (2.5%).

Each country solves the problem of air pollution in its own way. Indicative in this regard is the experience of Denmark. After the Second World War, residents of a small Scandinavian country, whose streets were flooded with cars, began to resent gas pollution. When the oil crisis of the 70s broke out, the Danish authorities had no choice but to go along with the public. A developed cycling infrastructure was created in the country, a huge tax was introduced on the purchase and use of a car. The local residents liked the idea: the actions “Copenhagen without cars” and “Sundays without cars” became massive. Now Denmark is the most cycling country in the world, one of the three cleanest and most prosperous states for a person.

Wind, sun and water are our best friends?

Large-scale pollution of atmospheric air with harmful substances is caused by the work of heat and power enterprises. The operation of power plants running on coal, diesel, fuel oil, kerosene and gasoline is accompanied by the release of hazardous compounds heavy metals, carbon monoxide, carbon, nitrogen. Outside the city, as a rule, dumps of ash left during the burning of coal accumulate.

To reduce ash formation allows the use liquid fuel, but such a replacement does not affect the amount of nitrogen and sulfur oxide emissions. On the nuclear power plants air pollution occurs with aerosols, radioactive gases and iodine. All types of traditional fuels are certainly harmful. Perhaps conditionally harmless is the gas.

How to avoid ? Alternative energy sources make the air cleaner. Another argument speaks in favor of using the energy of the tides, wind and sun - the limited reserves of gas and oil. China, India, the USA, Japan, the EU can boast of advanced experience in the field of energy. On the alternative sources these countries account for up to 20% of the total energy generation. In coastal regions, tidal power plants are being built, in southern countries- solar. Geothermal power plants, which generate energy from the natural heat of the planet, are located near thermal springs.

Eco farms are the future

Agricultural production causes more damage to water bodies, land and trees than air, but is still considered one of the main sources of . As a result of the use of manure in livestock companies, ammonia is released. Danger for humans, animals and plants are also used in agriculture pesticide. The solution to the problem could be a new type of agricultural complexes that operate without the use of herbicides and pesticides. The introduction of the concept of environmentally friendly farms is in full swing in European countries, Canada, and the USA. Successful farms for the production of healthy products operate in Russia.

Dust storm pollution

Among natural sources, soil weathering is the largest contributor to air pollution. Strong dust content is typical for areas with a low degree of soil moisture and poorly developed vegetation. Global air pollution with dust occurs in the Takla-Makan, Gobi, Sahara deserts, local - in the Mongolian and Central Asian region. In Europe, dust clouds that change the composition and quality of the atmospheric boundary layer dominate in the southeastern and eastern parts. The speed and distribution area of ​​pollution depends on the particle size. Fine dust is kept in the air for 1.5-3 weeks, spreads throughout the hemisphere. Large particles spread over hundreds of kilometers, settling within hours or days.

How does soil weathering affect human health? If our body is able to filter out large particles, then fine dust easily penetrates through the upper respiratory tract and settles in the lungs. According to WHO studies, an increase in the content of suspended particles in the air by 10 μg / m 3 leads to an increase in mortality by 0.5–1%.

Dust storms harm not only humans. They are dangerous for the entire planet. The accumulation of hundreds of thousands of dust particles interferes with the normal outflow of excess heat from the Earth. How to solve the problem of wind erosion of soils? To prevent dust storms, a system of windbreaks and forest belts is being created, agricultural activities are being carried out in order to increase the adhesion of soil particles.

Volcanism and forest fires

A volcanic eruption is a rare event, accompanied by catastrophic consequences. Annually during natural disaster the atmosphere is replenished with 40 million tons of substances. Among the gases emitted by volcanoes, most of is due to water vapor. Eruptions are one of the reasons for the increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Polluted air is also dangerous because the sulfur oxide released by the volcano, reacting with water, turns into sulfuric acid.

During the hot period, the problem of forest fires is acute. The cause of the fire could be solar Activity and non-compliance with human safety rules. During a natural disaster, atmospheric air is polluted with aerosols, vapors, and toxic gases. Forest fires are the second source of methyl chloride release after the ocean. Indirect air pollution also occurs: due to the destruction of vegetation, oxygen production decreases.

Other sources of pollution

Oceans and seas slightly affect the degree of air pollution in the world. During evaporation, crystals are released from the water into the atmosphere. sea ​​salts(potassium bromide, calcium chloride, magnesium, sodium). The proportion of substances that enrich the air masses noticeably increases during a storm. Evaporation of sea salts in itself is not dangerous, however, along with them, other, toxic, compounds can be present in the water. Thus, air pollution is inextricably linked to the ecological state of the ocean.

In addition to substances of terrestrial origin, cosmic dust is also present in the atmosphere. Scientists have calculated that 40,000 tons of such particles settle on our planet every year. This means that dust from space is a tiny source of air pollution that does not cause serious problems. However, if its quantity increases, it can significantly affect the climatic conditions of the Earth.

Finally, no matter how trite it may sound, the air is polluted daily by people who smoke. The composition of cigarettes includes about 400 substances, including ammonia, nitrobenzene, formaldehyde, toluene and many other toxic compounds. All of them inevitably get into the air along with tobacco smoke and do not dissolve, but settle, for example, on the soil. One can draw an analogy with and conclude that our planet suffers from it, and the only way out is for already dependent people and to prevent the younger generations from being involved in this process.

So, the main sources of air pollution are associated with human activities. TO anthropogenic factors, which worsens the condition of the air basin, is industrial production, transport, thermal power engineering. The degree of influence of each of these causes in different regions in the world is markedly different. Among natural sources ecological state the atmosphere is most threatened by soil weathering.

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