Cheese at home made of milk simple recipe. Home Cheese - Best Recipes

Decor elements 21.10.2019
Decor elements

To be 100% confident that cheese is made only from high-quality ingredients, use the advice and recipes of experienced housewives, which know how to make cheese at home from milk.

The abundance of cheese products on the counters of our stores has long been not surprising for a long time. A variety of varieties often makes you think what cheese to choose? To bring the maximum benefit to the body, it should be made from natural and benign products.

Do you know that for cooking 1 kilogram you need to take 10-12 liters of milk? And good milk is far from cheap raw materials. Wanting to save, many manufacturers use many additional components that make cheese are no longer completely cheese. What to do?

Is it possible to prepare delicious cheese at home?

Once almost every hostess who kept cows or goats, could prepare delicious homemade cheese or cottage cheese. Without harmful additives and palm oil. Want to learn and understand how to make cheese at home?

It is easy and the result will surely please. The resulting cheese dishes can be diversified by spices, spices and greens. During cooking, experiment, try adding garlic, paprika, dill, sharp pen. You will get spicy and aromatic cheese.

Homemade cooking often gives a more tasty and useful result than production supplied to the conveyor. The technology of cooking cheeses is to mix lactic acid bacteria or special enzymes with milk.

expert opinion!Bacteria and enzymes can be bought at the pharmacy, they quickly fold the milk and help to divide it on serum and cottage cheese.

Requirements for main ingredients

Perfect cheese is made of only three ingredients - milk, swarms and salts. But such a "pure" composition is quite rare.

If there is an opportunity, take fatty and high-quality milk, the best homemade or farm from proven sellers. Cheese is a product with a large content of fat, so the fatter will be milk, the more tastier it will turn out. It is not necessary to boil it, so you will "kill" all the useful substances.

interesting!To increase the fat content of milk, you can add cream or sour cream to it. By the way, the rustic separated sour cream is better not to take, it is the "urban" shop cooked on Zakvask, which is very important for the preparation of cheeses.

Sour cream and eggs often use sour cream, but you can take a kefir or natural yogurt.

When someone talks about cheese, for some reason the solid product with holes immediately appear. But what about other varieties? Cheese at home from milk can be made both solid and soft, brine or dairy - experiment with spices and recipes and you will be sure to surprise your seven delicious and healthy dish, and most importantly, you will be completely confident in quality.

How to cook cheese at home so that it is helpful and tasty? Turn to the proven recipes.

Indian cheese Panir

This type of cheese is distributed in South Asia. Cook it is very easy. 4 liters of milk and juice of one middle lemon are all the ingredients.

In a thick-walled saucepan, bring milk to almost boiling and pour lemon juice. Literally after 2-3 minutes, curd flakes and serum will appear.

Pour the resulting mass into the gauze, beat the serum, tie the knot and put under the press. After a few hours, the cheese is ready.


Take a 0.5 liter of good sour cream, as part of which only cream and break. The fat will be the sour cream, the tastier the cheese will turn out.

Put the sour cream in Marla, optionally you can add a pinch of salt. Touch the tips of the gauze and hang sister to flow serum per day. You can surprise, but cream cheese is ready!

interesting!If you add greens, seasonings or spices in sour cream, then the cheese will be difficult to distinguish from the store.

The second option of the recipe is in kefir. Delicious and bold kefir right in the package Put in the freezer for 6-8 hours. Then get rid of it from the film and put on the gauze and colander. After it melts and stalks all the serum, you can smear the creamy cheese on the sandwich. The disadvantage of this method is a small output.


This cheese refers to creamy and has a delicate cream consistency. It is well suited for sandwiches, and like a cake cream.

Take 1 cup of ripples and kefir at least 2.5% fat, and half a cup of 20% sour cream.

Mix the ingredients of the room temperature, add a pinch of the salt and lay out in a colander, shining gauze. Install it in a liquid flowing saucepan and leave for 1-2 days in the refrigerator. In order not to be taught, cover with a lid or a plate. During this time, serum stalks, and the raw mass seals and matures.


The brine cheeses are manufactured using special salted pickled brins, they differ in the absence of a crust and have a bristing consistency. This species belongs to Brynza, Suluguni, Adygei, Chechchil and other popular varieties. Due to the fact that bacteria are rapidly developing in such products, the solution is sometimes specifically renovated to extend storage.

But for your family, you can cook cheese at home with such a salt concentration, as you like that it distinguishes him from the shop.

Adygei cheese refers to soft cheeses and does not require maturation.

Ingredients are as follows.

  1. Milk - 1 liter.

  2. Sour cream - 200 g

  3. Salt - 1 tablespoon.

  4. Eggs - 3 pcs.

Bring milk to boil. Wear eggs with salt, add sour cream and mix well. Pour the mixture into boiling milk with constant stirring. Boil 3-5 minutes. As soon as the curl mass from milk was separated - it's time to remove from the fire. Digest - cheese will be rubber.

Coland to make gauze in 3-4 layers and lean the hot mass to push the serum. After a couple of hours, make a gauze, put under the press to the fridge for the night. In the morning, Adygean delicacy is ready.


Prepare it easy and easy! On 3 liters of milk, you should take a tablespoon of salt and 3 spoons of 9% vinegar. Exit - 350 grams.

Boil milk, add salt and bring to a boil again. Pour vinegar as soon as flakes, remove from the fire.

With the help of a colander and gauze, let the serum drain and put under the press to the refrigerator. Best leave for the night. In the morning, the resulting cheese can be served to tea, but it is better to put in a container and fill with serum - the next day it will be more tastier.


How to cook cheese at home so that it resembles a solid Dutch? Surprisingly, you will spend only half an hour of your time.

Ingredients are as follows.

  1. Cottage cheese - 1 kg, best fat domestic or farm.

  2. Butter - 100 g

  3. Milk - 1 liter.

  4. Eggs - 2 pcs.

  5. Salt and soda - one teaspoon.

Fill the cottage cheese with milk and put on the middle fire, stirring constantly. When serum is separated, remove from the stove and fold on the colander, let's stop. Add creamy oil. Eggs sweat with salt and soda. All are well mixed and put on a small fire.

Boil until the mass becomes thick and tight, yellow. Be sure to stir continue to avoid burning. The whole process will take no more than 10 minutes.

Place the cheese in the form and put in the refrigerator. After cooking, the product should be cooled for some time and can be tasting - it does not require long maturation.


If anyone does not know, Mozarella looks like white balls, closed in brine, and refers to renewed cheeses. The rennet cheese is a product prepared with a special enzyme that is removed from the stomachs of calves or a goat. Its use significantly reduces cooking time.

important!A classic recipe requires a black buffalo milk, but, unfortunately, in the store it is not for sale, so take the usual cow.

The ingredients are following.

  1. Milk - 4 liters.

  2. Pepsin (enzyme) - 0.04 g

  3. Salt - tablespoon with a slide.

  4. Water - 30 grams.

Heat milk to about 35 degrees is the best temperature for the effective reaction of the reaction of the reaction of the reaction. Take advantage of a special kitchen degrees.

Pepsin is difficult to measure, so take it on the tip of the knife. Dissolve in boiled water room temperature and mix with warm milk.

In about half an hour, milk is fermented and will become like jelly. Cut it into small squares to release the serum, and leave for 15-20 minutes.

Drain the serum and shock the "solid milk" into a colander or a special breathable shape for cheeses. Let it stand for another 2 hours. During this time, excessive serum finally stalk.

Turn the shape to the dry clean plate and leave for another couple of hours.

Getting to the ambassador. Dissolve salt in serum, lower the cheese in the brine and leave overnight.

interesting!The next day you can start tasting, and you can withstand several days for ripening. Real renewed cheese matures at least three weeks.


Armenian cheese braided in pigtails is dietary because it is prepared from low-fat varieties of milk. He belongs to the brine beene cheeses and the Suluguni Slice.

Ingredients are as follows.

  1. Milk - 4 liters.

  2. Water - 8 liters.

  3. Lemon acid - 1 teaspoon.

  4. The rennet enzyme is 1 gram.

  5. Salt - 200 g

In the water bath, heat the milk to 36-38 degrees, constantly stirring. Different with citric acid and enzyme in a quarter of a cup of milk or water, mix them with heated milk and retain in a warm place. To preserve heat, the pan can be wrapped with a blanket.

An hour later, warm the saucepan literally 5-7 minutes on medium heat. Cut the jelly-like mass on the cubes and drain the serum. Let it stand for another 30 minutes.

Heat the water in another container to 70-80 degrees and put cheese pieces into it. Bring them in water with wooden blades for about 15 minutes.

Put the rubber gloves and keep mixing with your arms. Maintain the water temperature constant.

Gradually, start stretching the cheese, form the threads and shift them into the salty solution. On 1 liter of water should be taken 200 g of salt.

Leave the threads per day in the brine, then press them and glow the pigtails.

The ingredients are following.

  1. Very fat cottage cheese - 1 kg.

  2. Vegetable oil without smell or melted creamy - 3 tablespoons.

  3. Salt and soda - half a teaspoon without a slide.

  4. Water (or diluted milk) - 2 liters.

  5. Paprika and fenugreeps - 1 teaspoon.

Leave cottage cheese in the freezer at night. Bring the water to a boil and place frozen cottage cheese in it, boil for 15-20 minutes. Perfoliate through the gauze, laid in a colander to a complete flow of fluid.

Mix cottage cheese with salt, soda and butter. Place in a thick-walled pan and boil up to homogeneity, about 10 minutes. If the taste of soda is felt, then you can add a spoon of vinegar and a pinch of sugar.

Take the paper for baking (parchment), sprinkle it with a mixture of spices and salt. To lay the edge of the cheese mass and wrap the roll. Cool in the refrigerator. After 2 hours you can try.

Each routine - in your boxes

Home cheese must be stored in the refrigerator no longer than the week, because you do not add to it preservatives, and therefore bacteria multiply faster. But, as a rule, households eat a delicious dish literally per day or two and you have to cook a new portion.

Storage methods depend on the type of product. For example, cottage cheese can not be stored in polyethylene crops - it chips there and quickly. Put it into enamelled or glassware. This is the fastest kind of cheese - a day or two, and acidic and an unpleasant odor appears.

Put in the freezer, cottage cheese and cheese from those products that, when defrosting, do not lose their useful properties.

tip! The rennet cheeses do not tolerate moisture, so provide them with dry storage. Wrap the food film and put into the enameled saucepan.

Adygei, Brynza and Suluguni feel great in stainless steel or enamel tanks.

The perfect place for storage of cheese is a compartment for vegetables in the refrigerator. Pre-wrap it into the food film to ensure tightness.

If the refrigerator did not turn out at hand, he broke or you left for nature, on the journey, and on the street it is hot, then take a cotton fabric, moisten it in salted water, press and wrap the cheese. Put in a dark, well-ventilated place.

  1. If you want to get a solid cheese, like in the store, then the heavy press should be used, density depends on the pressure. But it still does not affect the taste, so think well, do you need it?

  2. Cheese must be matured, let him lie down. Its taste will be more saturated and piquant. It matures well if his mass is more half a chalk.

  3. To give a form, you can take ordinary colander.

  4. Saved rennet or brine cheeses should be soaked, excessive salt will go into the water.


If you want to cook homemade cheeses, based on savings, you can hardly win a lot. But you will be confident in the freshness of the product and the quality of the ingredients. Do you know what your cheese will be different from the shop? It will be cooked with love, which means that you will bring the dual benefit to your family.

Such a delightful, tasty and useful product! And, by the way, ancient origin. Back in ancient Greece, according to historians, they knew how to prepare homemade cheese from milk.

A bit of history

It is clear that the industrial production of this product has not yet been. But in each family they prepared homemade cheese from milk. At first - for the purpose of longer storage of food (because the milk "lives" is not so long, and the cheese can be kept much longer). After - in order to enjoy the cheese. This product becomes an indispensable component of many culinary dishes. Especially in countries where animal husbandry and milk collection were originally developed: cow, sheep, goat, mare and even camel.

Modern state of affairs

Now, in view of extensive industrial production, this product at home is risking to make units. Whether due to the insecurity in their culinary skills, or due to a lack of time and strength. But recently, interest in the natural product increases to a large extent, because some of those who follow their own health, prefer to prepare homemade cheese from milk personally to be the most confident in the absence of unwanted ingredients, as a rule added to the factory production.

Important information for cheese

In recipes (some) you can meet such a component as renin. This is a special renewed enzyme, centuries, used for the manufacture of cheeses. In its pure form it is quite difficult to get it, and it is impossible to replace it - the specific ingredient allows high-speed location without special heating of the product. How to cook cheese if this component is found in the recipe, and you do not have it at hand? It is known that Sichug is part of some drugs (for example, "Abomin" and the like), so that in this case you can use medicines. An animal renin can also be replaced by vegetable, isolated from mushrooms.

Homemade milk cheese

The most ordinary cheese is well used in the fresh form, and as part of many famous dishes: pizza, pies, sandwiches, baking. There are two preparation-tested methods: fast and long. Consider them alternately.

Fast option number 1

If there is no time to wait until they ripen, you can try to apply an express recipe that allows you to prepare the product almost instantly.

We will need: Moderate fatty cottage cheese - kilogram, whole milk - liter, cow oil - grams 50, half a spoon of soda, spoonful salt, seasoning add to the choice in a small one (so as not to spoil the taste) quantity.

Milk boil and immediately ubaim the fire until the minimum. Cottage cheese is peathed carefully, until the absence of grains in it. Suck a little on the milk, stirring. A little wait and turn off the fire. The resulting mass is constrained through the double gauze to the state when serum stops dripping. On a prepared frying pan on a very small fire, we melt the oil and pour the mixture. Mass stir constantly, not giving to the merger, until complete homogeneousness (it should begin to reach with a fork). At the end, add selected spices. Then weeping the soft cheese in a special mold and put under the yoke to the cold (from 6 hours or more). It turns out quite competitive inadequacy, very tasty.

Fast option number 2

Soft cheese can be quickly prepared with eggs and sour cream, if you taste very fat products.

We will need: a liter of solid milk, a glass of sour creams of medium fat, three eggs, a small spoon of salt.

Milk pour into a saucepan and bring 70 degrees to a temperature. Solim. The fire should be very small. In a separate dish, we whip the eggs with sour cream. In hot milk we pour this mixture. Do not forget to constantly stir the vapor with a wooden spatula. Do not bring to boil, but simply warm 5-7 minutes. During this time, milk is usually completely folded, and specific flakes occur. In a colander with a small grid, we cut a mixture from the pan and give a drain. You can put right in the colander to put under the gilt so that the serum continues to drain. Leave in this position for six hours. Then we remove into the refrigerator, continuing to hold under the oppression for some time.

This is another way to make cheese pretty quickly.

Long option

To implement the conceived, you will need: five liters of solid milk, yogurt without additives - several spoons (or dry, 1 capsule), renin - 0.5 grams, salt on the knife tip, purified water.

In heated to a temperature, just above 30 degrees milk introduce yogurt and stir. We make a rennet solution: renin, salt, some water. We add it to the total mass. Withstand in such a state more than an hour. Then constrain through double gauze until the serum stop dripping. After mixing and put it under the gilt (for 12 hours approximately).

Final: The product is washed in a weak salt solution and lay down under the press for longer storage. Home cheese will be ready in about three weeks. And it turns out much more tastier than the store. So it is worth tinker!

Adygei home cheese

We will need: two liter of store milk 2.5% fat, a small lemonic acid spoon.

How to make cheese, similar to the Adygei shop, not making special efforts? In the saucepan of milk you need to bring to a boil, stirring the noise, but do not boil! We remove the milk from the fire and introduce, stirring, citric acid. Immediately begins the process of folding milk. We continue to interfere a few more minutes. When characteristic flakes cease to form, finish the process. Jump the mixture through double gauze. We put under load for 6 hours. All the serum must hold well, and the resulting cheese is to take a rounded shape. We take it out and put it into plastic container with a lid. We take a glass of serum remaining from push, and well sue her. Serum pour into the container with the product, close with a lid and remove the refrigerator for the night. After the specified time, Adygei cheese is ready. At the exit of 2 liters of milk, more than two hundred grams of cheese and a half liter serum can be drunk or used, for example, for cooking.

Nostalgic option: Melted cheese

How to make cheese melted at home? After all, this type of product does not cease to enjoy steady popular with our people since the time of the USSR! And homemade cheeses from cottage cheese are not so difficult to prepare, even having a certain experience.

You need to take a fat cottage cheese - sheltered, a glass of milk, a spoon of cow oil, salt and soda on a knife tip. To obtain an exquisite taste, you can use additives: cinnamon, ginger, cocoa, nuts. We do it at will.

Further cooking cheese is quite simple. In the milk, a slightly heated, add salt and mix with overclocking cottage cheese. The mixture put on a very small fire, stir constantly so as not to burn. Then add oil, follow the process, constantly stirring. Cottage cheese begins to melt. We do not give to the bottom and walls of the dishes. As soon as the boiling process begins, removing from the fire. At this stage, you can enter additives. Leave a stroke on a small grid. We lay on the storage in the container (keep the refrigerator at thenime). Such cheese at home can be used to prepare sandwiches, pizza, soup, oriental baking. It is well kept in the refrigerator at least a week (but, as a rule, during this time it is already time to eat).

With greens

Cheese at home, low-calorie and nutritious, can be prepared with greens. It is full of vitamins and trace elements. It is good to use such a product in the spring when the avitaminosis is scheduled. In addition, for people who follow their figure, it is extremely relevant.

We will need: 3 liters of milk, 1.5 liters of kefir low-fat, greens fresh, salt.

Green Vitamin Cheese at home is preparing easy and simple. We start with the heating of milk (but not boiling)! Next, we pour a kefir to the kefir, constantly stirring. Characteristic cheese flakes are formed. Still the mixture is not boiling! We remove the saucepan from the fire and add a couple of salt pinch. The resulting mass is leaving for gauze, folded in several layers. Let the serum stitch and form the head. At this stage, we introduce greens in our cheese. As ingredients, you can use fresh cilantro, dill, parsley, basil, onions. Here focus on your own taste - who loves more. Formed heads tie into gauze and put under the press for the night to additionally "dry out" the product.

What is the press: useful information

What is this device? After all, each hostess in the kitchen is found a branded kitchen. Make it with your own hands is very simple. Type into a glass jar of water (half-liter or liter, depending on the size of the cheese head). Close tightly with a lid. Put the jar from above on the prepared head, closed in gauze and laid on a colander, so that there is an opportunity to drain serum, observing the balance. Here you have a primitive press. But he must act, performing his functions.

How to salute?

How to cook cheese at home so that the finished product gets a salty taste (as it can sometimes get too sweet cheese? We make the following procedure. In the glasses of serum dissolve a spoonful of salt. The head of the cheese is placed in a container in size. Top pour salt serum so that it completely covers cheese. Cover the lid and put down the refrigerator for the night. When the finished cheese was pregnant well, take it out and stored without serum (although it is possible and not to take out and maintained in the same form).

In a slow cooker

This device has long been gaining popularity in many kitchens. Therefore, we give a recipe for how to make cheese in a slow cooker. We will prepare with seasonings and greens, but if you love pure cheese, you can have these ingredients, not doubting the final result, just exclude.

So, we will need: 2 liters of milk, two large stained salt spoons, half-liter sour cream low-fat, 5 eggs fresh, dill bundle, dry paprika sweet - a pair of tablespoons.

Eggs, sour cream, paprika, dill, chopped finely mixed in a separate dish to a state of homogeneity. In the bowl of the multicooker pour milk and fall asleep salt, stirring. Turn on the cooking mode for a pair (10 minutes). Cook with an open lid, constantly stirring with silicone spatula. Milk is ready for boiling. We pour into it a prepared mixture, constantly stirring. We extend for five minutes timer. Then we pour the mass on the colander, covered with gauze in several layers. Let's spend and lay down under the press for 6 hours. Cheese in a slow cooker It turns out soft and gentle: with the specified number of ingredients at the output, about 400 grams of the product are ready for use.

Use the oven

In the brass cabinet, the product is obtained as a little buckled, shrimp. Cheese in the oven is quite easy to cook using previous skills.

We will need: Milk - three liters, kefir - liter, 3 eggs fresh, two small spoons of salt, two small sugar spoons. If we want to do with greens, then - a bundle of fresh greenery as desired.

We beat eggs and mix with kefir. Milk put on fire, but do not bring to a boil. We add a cooked mixture, sugar, salt in milk. Constantly stirring so that it is not burnt. With the advent of the bundle (flakes), we remove the saucepan from the fire with a cheese mass. Next you need to move and put under the press, as in previous recipes. The difference is the process of baking cheese in the oven. We put the finished head into the baking container, fault with a yolk, slightly whipped. Heat the oven to 220 degrees and bake our cheese 10-14 minutes before the formation of a golden crust.


As you can see, cook cheese at home is easy. Possessing a sufficient stock of products and the desire to experiment, you can not buy cheese in the store at all, because the cooking process itself will turn into an interesting culinary action, and it will be difficult for you to stop.

Homemade cheeses cooked with dried fruits are very popular. Used prunes, dried apricots, dried apples and berries. To prepare, dried fruits need to be carefully flushed and quiveed. After that, cut into small pieces and mix with the cheese mass at the head formation stage. And after already - under the press. Such cheeses have a thin fruit and cheese fragrance, exquisite taste.

Try to cook using the main recipes, cheeses with the addition of all kinds of nuts. Most available walnuts. They need to be cleaned from the peel and streak, to quit boiling water and finely cut or rub in a step. After that, mix nuts with the basis and form the head.

In general, in the preparation of domestic cheeses, you can really show a flight of culinary fantasy. After all, variations of recipes mass. And I want to try everything-all!

Such a delightful, tasty and useful product! And, by the way, ancient origin. Back in ancient Greece, according to historians, they knew how to prepare homemade cheese from milk.

It is clear that the industrial production of this product has not yet been. But in each family they prepared homemade cheese from milk. At first - for the purpose of longer storage of food (because the milk "lives" is not so long, and the cheese can be kept much longer). After - in order to enjoy the cheese. This product becomes an indispensable component of many culinary dishes. Especially in countries where animal husbandry and milk collection were originally developed: cow, sheep, goat, mare and even camel.

Modern state of affairs

Now, in view of extensive industrial production, this product at home is risking to make units. Whether due to the insecurity in their culinary skills, or due to a lack of time and strength. But recently, interest in the natural product increases to a large extent, because some of those who follow their own health, prefer to prepare homemade cheese from milk personally to be the most confident in the absence of unwanted ingredients, as a rule added to the factory production.

Important information for cheese

In recipes (some) you can meet such a component as renin. This is a special renewed enzyme, centuries, used for the manufacture of cheeses. In its pure form it is quite difficult to get it, and it is impossible to replace it - the specific ingredient allows high-speed location without special heating of the product. How to cook cheese if this component is found in the recipe, and you do not have it at hand? It is known that Sichug is part of some drugs (for example, "Abomin" and the like), so that in this case you can use medicines. An animal renin can also be replaced by vegetable, isolated from mushrooms.

Homemade milk cheese

The most ordinary cheese is well used in the fresh form, and as part of many famous dishes: pizza, pies, sandwiches, baking. There are two preparation-tested methods: fast and long. Consider them alternately.

Fast option number 1

If there is no time to wait until the homemade cheeses of cottage cheese mature, you can try to apply an express recipe that allows you to prepare the product almost instantly.


  • moderate fatty cottage cheese - kilogram,
  • whole milk - liter,
  • cow oil - grams 50,
  • half a spoon of soda
  • spoon salt
  • seasoning add to the choice in a small one (so as not to spoil the taste) quantity.


  1. Milk boil and immediately ubaim the fire until the minimum. Cottage cheese is peathed carefully, until the absence of grains in it. Suck a little on the milk, stirring. A little wait and turn off the fire.
  2. The resulting mass is constrained through the double gauze to the state when serum stops dripping. On a prepared frying pan on a very small fire, we melt the oil and pour the mixture.
  3. Mass stir constantly, not giving to the merger, until complete homogeneousness (it should begin to reach with a fork). At the end, add selected spices. Then weeping the soft cheese in a special mold and put under the yoke to the cold (from 6 hours or more). It turns out quite competitive inadequacy, very tasty.

Fast option number 2

Soft cheese can be quickly prepared with eggs and sour cream, if you taste very fat products.


  • a liter of solid milk,
  • a glass of sour creams of medium fatty,
  • three eggs,
  • little salt spoon.


  1. Milk pour into a saucepan and bring 70 degrees to a temperature. Solim. The fire should be very small. In a separate dish, we whip the eggs with sour cream. In hot milk we pour this mixture. Do not forget to constantly stir the vapor with a wooden spatula.
  2. Do not bring to boil, but simply warm 5-7 minutes. During this time, milk is usually completely folded, and specific flakes occur. In a colander with a small grid, we cut a mixture from the pan and give a drain.
  3. You can put right in the colander to put under the gilt so that the serum continues to drain. Leave in this position for six hours. Then we remove into the refrigerator, continuing to hold under the oppression for some time.

This is another way to make cheese pretty quickly.

Long option


  • five liters of solid milk,
  • yogurt without additives - several spoons (or dry, 1 capsule),
  • renin - 0.5 grams,
  • salt on the tip of the knife,
  • purified water.


  1. In heated to a temperature, just above 30 degrees milk introduce yogurt and stir. We make a rennet solution: renin, salt, some water.
  2. We add it to the total mass. Withstand in such a state more than an hour. Then constrain through double gauze until the serum stop dripping. After mixing and put it under the gilt (for 12 hours approximately).
  3. Final: The product is washed in a weak salt solution and lay down under the press for longer storage. Home cheese will be ready in about three weeks. And it turns out much more tastier than the store. So it is worth tinker!

Adygei home cheese


  • two liters of store milk 2.5% fat,
  • little lemonic acid spoon.


How to make cheese, similar to the Adygei shop, not making special efforts?

  1. In the saucepan of milk you need to bring to a boil, stirring the noise, but do not boil! We remove the milk from the fire and introduce, stirring, citric acid. Immediately begins the process of folding milk.
  2. We continue to interfere a few more minutes. When characteristic flakes cease to form, finish the process. Jump the mixture through double gauze. We put under load for 6 hours. All the serum must hold well, and the resulting cheese is to take a rounded shape.
  3. We take it out and put it into plastic container with a lid. We take a glass of serum remaining from push, and well sue her. Serum pour into the container with the product, close with a lid and remove the refrigerator for the night. After the specified time, Adygei cheese is ready.
  4. At the exit of 2 liters of milk, more than two hundred grams of cheese and a half liter serum can be drunk or used, for example, for cooking.

Nostalgic option: Melted cheese

How to make cheese melted at home? After all, this type of product does not cease to enjoy steady popular with our people since the time of the USSR! And homemade cheeses from cottage cheese are not so difficult to prepare, even having a certain experience.


  • fat cottage cheese - Polkulo,
  • a glass of milk,
  • spoon of cow oil,
  • salt and soda on the tip of the knife.

To obtain an exquisite taste, you can use additives: cinnamon, ginger, cocoa, nuts. We do it at will.


  1. Further cooking cheese is quite simple. In the milk, a slightly heated, add salt and mix with overclocking cottage cheese.
  2. The mixture put on a very small fire, stir constantly so as not to burn. Then add oil, follow the process, constantly stirring.
  3. Cottage cheese begins to melt. We do not give to the bottom and walls of the dishes. As soon as the boiling process begins, removing from the fire. At this stage, you can enter additives.
  4. Leave a stroke on a small grid. We lay on the storage in the container (keep the refrigerator at thenime).

Such cheese at home can be used to prepare sandwiches, pizza, soup, oriental baking. It is well kept in the refrigerator at least a week (but, as a rule, during this time it is already time to eat).

Cheese at home with greens

Cheese at home, low-calorie and nutritious, can be prepared with greens. It is full of vitamins and trace elements. It is good to use such a product in the spring when the avitaminosis is scheduled. In addition, for people who follow their figure, it is extremely relevant.


  • 3 liters of milk,
  • 1.5 liters of kefir low-fat,
  • fresh greens
  • salt.


  1. Green Vitamin Cheese at home is preparing easy and simple. We start with the heating of milk (but not boiling)! Next, we pour a kefir to the kefir, constantly stirring. Characteristic cheese flakes are formed. Still the mixture is not boiling!
  2. We remove the saucepan from the fire and add a couple of salt pinch. The resulting mass is leaving for gauze, folded in several layers. Let the serum stitch and form the head. At this stage, we introduce greens in our cheese.
  3. As ingredients, you can use fresh cilantro, dill, parsley, basil, onions. Here focus on your own taste - who loves more. Formed heads tie into gauze and put under the press for the night to additionally "dry out" the product.

In a slow cooker

This device has long been gaining popularity in many kitchens. Therefore, we give a recipe for how to make cheese in a slow cooker. We will prepare with seasonings and greens, but if you love pure cheese, you can have these ingredients, not doubting the final result, just exclude.


  • 2 liters of milk,
  • two large spoons of stone salt,
  • half-liter sour cream low-fat
  • 5 eggs fresh,
  • bunch of dill
  • dry paprika sweet - a pair of tablespoons.


  1. Eggs, sour cream, paprika, dill, chopped finely mixed in a separate dish to a state of homogeneity. In the bowl of the multicooker pour milk and fall asleep salt, stirring.
  2. Turn on the cooking mode for a pair (10 minutes). Cook with an open lid, constantly stirring with silicone spatula. Milk is ready for boiling. We pour into it a prepared mixture, constantly stirring.
  3. We extend for five minutes timer. Then we pour the mass on the colander, covered with gauze in several layers. Let's spend and lay down under the press for 6 hours. Cheese in a slow cooker It turns out soft and gentle: with the specified number of ingredients at the output, about 400 grams of the product are ready for use.

Use the oven

In the brass cabinet, the product is obtained as a little buckled, shrimp. Cheese in the oven is quite easy to cook using previous skills.


  • milk - three liters,
  • kefir - liter,
  • 3 Fresh eggs,
  • two small spoons of salt,
  • two small sugar spoons.

If we want to do with greens, then - a bundle of fresh greenery as desired.


  1. We beat eggs and mix with kefir. Milk put on fire, but do not bring to a boil. We add a cooked mixture, sugar, salt in milk. Constantly stirring so that it is not burnt.
  2. With the advent of the bundle (flakes), we remove the saucepan from the fire with a cheese mass. Next you need to move and put under the press, as in previous recipes. The difference is the process of baking cheese in the oven.
  3. We put the finished head into the baking container, fault with a yolk, slightly whipped. Heat the oven to 220 degrees and bake our cheese 10-14 minutes before the formation of a golden crust.

As you can see, cook cheese at home is easy. Possessing a sufficient stock of products and the desire to experiment, you can not buy cheese in the store at all, because the cooking process itself will turn into an interesting culinary action, and it will be difficult for you to stop.

Homemade cheeses cooked with dried fruits are very popular. Used prunes, dried apricots, dried apples and berries. To prepare, dried fruits need to be carefully flushed and quiveed. After that, cut into small pieces and mix with the cheese mass at the head formation stage. And after already - under the press. Such cheeses have a thin fruit and cheese fragrance, exquisite taste.

Try to cook using the main recipes, cheeses with the addition of all kinds of nuts. Most available walnuts. They need to be cleaned from the peel and streak, to quit boiling water and finely cut or rub in a step. After that, mix nuts with the basis and form the head.

In general, in the preparation of domestic cheeses, you can really show a flight of culinary fantasy. After all, variations of recipes mass. And I want to try everything-all!

What is the press: useful information

What is this device? After all, each hostess in the kitchen is found a branded kitchen. Make it with your own hands is very simple. Type into a glass jar of water (half-liter or liter, depending on the size of the cheese head). Close tightly with a lid. Put the jar from above on the prepared head, closed in gauze and laid on a colander, so that there is an opportunity to drain serum, observing the balance. Here you have a primitive press. But he must act, performing his functions.

How to salute?

How to cook cheese at home so that the finished product gets a salty taste (as it can sometimes get too sweet cheese? We make the following procedure. In the glasses of serum dissolve a spoonful of salt. The head of the cheese is placed in a container in size. Top pour salt serum so that it completely covers cheese. Cover the lid and put down the refrigerator for the night. When the finished cheese was pregnant well, take it out and stored without serum (although it is possible and not to take out and maintained in the same form).

Cheese at home made of milk simple recipe

Many young hostesses (as well as experienced hostesses), who are just beginning to know the secrets of cooking, are in constant search for various culinary ideas, secrets and techniques for making a dish. As a result, today it became popular to prepare various products that are often acquired in the market or in the store, at home. Since the domestic food is more useful and does not cause doubts from her consumers. That is why, in this article we will talk about how to prepare cheese at home from milk so that the result is not only delicious, but also very useful for the body.

Each recipe for milk cheese at home has its subtleties and cooking features. Somewhere, acidic products, vinegar, citric acid or lemon juice, and someone for this in the priority of Sichuga and Pepsin, are used as milk of the resulting substance.

Also, the kind of milk plays an important role, because traditionally in mountainous locations the most tasty was the cheese of goat and sheep milk, in the steppe districts, the tribute was given to the horsepower. However, at all times outside the competition, homemade cheese from whole cow's milk remained - a product, no doubt useful and very nutritious. If you get acquainted with the technology of cooking a useful milk product, cook cheese at home from milk will not be so difficult.

There are at least 100 recipes for cooking home cheese, each of which has its own characteristics.

Therefore, not only traditional solid cheese can be prepared independently, but also such types:

  • melted
  • cream cheese
  • suluguni.
  • adygei
  • mascarpone
  • panir
  • brynza
  • bryinte

Some of the above dairy snacks can be used as a basis for the preparation of sweet desserts, baking, creams and stuffs. In addition, nuts can be included in the home product, dried greens, oriental spices, pickled or fried mushrooms and even pieces of bacon.

How to cook cheese at home

Home cheese feta

Feta Cheese is a good option in order to try your strength in cheese. It turns out quite recognizable and perfectly fits into a Greek salad or other snacks, and at the same time quite simple in the manufacture. Of course, the connoisseurs, of course, the real feta cheese can be produced only in Greece. So it is so, but our cheese will get much better much of what is sold outside of this sunny country, and most importantly - it is made in your kitchen.


  • 1 l. milk
  • 1 tbsp. l. Yogurt
  • 1.5-2 Table. Acidine-pepsin (or rennet enzyme)


Fill milk into a saucepan and, periodically stirring, bring it to a temperature of 31 degrees. How to stir 1 cup of milk with yogurt, pour it into a saucepan, stir again, cover with a lid and leave at room temperature. Distribute acidine-pepsin into powder and fill ½ tbsp. Cold water.

After 1 hour, pour water with acidine-pepsin into a saucepan, stirred and leave overnight. During this time, the milk will come, and serum separated from the cottage mass. Knife gently cut this mass on the serum surface to the squares side of about 1 cm., Still several times with breaks in five minutes, and pour the contents of the pan into a colander, unluckled in several layers of gauze. Leave for several hours to glass all fluid.

Mix in a curl mass ¼ h. L. Salts, put the cheese in the form (such can be done, for example, from a package from under the juice) and leave at room temperature for another 12-24 hours - the cheese will finally "grab" and the consistency will be as a real feta. Prepare brine: 200 ml. Serum (you did not pour it away, right?) Stir from 1.5 tbsp. l. Salts, cut the cheese cubes, pour the brine and remove into the refrigerator. This, firstly, even more will "pull out" the fluid from the fette, and, secondly, will allow it to be stored almost forever - however, you, eat it before.

How to cook cheese ricotta

Next, we will prepare Italian Ricotta Cheese - and after you master this outrunning procedure, you will no longer buy Ricott in the store. In addition to obvious savings, home ricotta also has a much more creamy texture and delicate taste. Use it for snacks, pasta, lasagne, baking and desserts. At the same time, if you are preparing ricotta for dessert, you can reduce the amount of salt, increase the ratio of milk and cream and / or take more fat cream for better results.


On 4 servings

  • 1 l. Pasteurized milk
  • 300 ml. Cream 22%
  • juice ½ lemon
  • ½ h. L. Sololi.

Cooking method:

Mix milk and cream in a saucepan, add salt and put it on a small fire, stirring from time to time. Bring the contents of the pan to boil - the slower, the better. In order to evaluate the time remaining before boiling, it is convenient to use the thermometer. The thermometer for meat is great for these purposes. When a mixture of milk and cream will finally boil, pour the lemon juice in the pan and squeeze it. A minute later, when the rolled milk is separated from the serum, remove the saucepan from the fire and cover the tight towel.

Give your future ricotte to stand up - ideally to complete cooling. Fold twice the piece of gauze and put in a colander. Gently shift the curl mass, which accumulated on top, in a colander with a noise. Wait until the excess serum stalks - it will take it no more than an hour, otherwise Ricotta will be too dry, - wrap the gauze around the cheese and look slightly. Purchase Ricott to a bowl or other capacity and remove in the refrigerator, where it can be stored two days.


In order to make this home cheese, you will not need a rennet enzyme - an excellent opportunity to fill your hand before starting more serious experiments in the field of homemade cheese.


2-4 servings

  • 1.5 liters. milk
  • 200 ml. Cream 22%
  • 300 ml. Pakhti.
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. Lemon juice


Pathel - a by-product of cream oil knocking. Order it from the teres trading with dairy products on the market, it is often not necessary for anyone, so it is possible that you will be given to you for free. Mix in a saucepan of milk with cream and put on the minimum fire. In a small bowl, stir the pointer and lemon juice, pour into a saucepan, and it should be mixed. After that, bring the contents of the pan to the temperature of 80 degrees, if possible, without stirring, remove from the fire, cover with the lid, and leave at least an hour on the stove.

After removing the cover, you will see that the curly mass formed something like the peel of the ice on the surface of the serum. Strip it with a sharp knife into small cubes and put them in a colander, removed by the double layer of gauze. Connect the corners of the gauze, tie and hang over the pots or sink to give a serum track. Having time depends on what you want to get - if you want the FROMAGE Blanc to hold the shape, leave it overnight if you are going to use it for bread on bread, you will need a few hours less.

Ready cheese put in forms, and if you wish, give it to the dessert, watering with greasy cream and jam.

Simple recipe for delicious home cheese


  • Milk - 3 liters
  • Lemon - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l.


Milk bring to a boil in a large saucepan, pour salt and sugar. Lemons wash, dry. From lemons to squeeze juice and pour it into milk. Cook milk with lemon juice, one minute, stirring, preferably wooden spoon. Remove the saucepan from the fire and leave for 20 minutes under the lid. It turns out a lot of clots. Calculate these clots shovel and leak on the colander, shining marley. Press a little cheese mass, so that the excess fluid has come. Slightly salting our future cheese, add a cumin, if you use and shift into ceramic or glassware. Remove homemade cheese for a couple of hours in the fridge for ripening.

Solid sharp cheese


  • 1 kg of cottage cheese
  • 1 l milk
  • 70-100 g of butter
  • 5 g salts
  • 5 g of drinking soda
  • 5 g of turmeric
  • curry
  • pepper
  • asafetide on the tip of a knife

Cooking method:

Bring milk to boil, add cottage cheese to it, bring to a boil again, immediately remove from the fire. Strain the mass through a colander, covered in two layers of gauze, squeeze. Curd mass to fry in melted oil for 1-2 minutes, while breaking the lumps. Bring the mass to the tight consistency.

Continuing to stir, add soda, salt, seasonings. Then shifting the hot mass into the shape for cheese and cool.

Adygei cheese stuff


  • 3.5 l of milk,
  • 1 l Pathel
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Bring milk to boil, pour the pointer, constantly stirring. Milk is divided into cottage cheese and serum.

The resulting mixture is strain through a colander, covered in two layers of gauze, leave for 2-3 hours to glass liquid. Add some serum and salt. Cheese put on a clean surface, form a ball, wrap with a cellophane film and put about 1 kg under the press, put in the refrigerator for 1 day.

Patherty is an acidic fluid, which remains after moving oil from sour cream or cream. The food properties are close to the smelter, which is obtained during milk. It is in it, and not in oil and cottage cheese, most of the biologically active substances are concentrated, including lecithin and choline. The cheese of the storage facilitates the formation of instant cholesterol compounds in the body. They help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and make them more elastic.

Preparing cheese Panir at home


  • 1 l milk
  • 150 ml kefira

Method cooking:

Milk bring to a boil, add kefir before the drainage, remove from the fire, mix thoroughly and leave the mixture for 3 minutes. Coland to store gauze into two layers and lean cottage cheese on it to the glass serum.

Tie tightly gauze and put cottage cheese under the press weighing 2-3 kg for 30 minutes. Then remove the press and remove the finished cheese of gauze.

As a self-made press for the preparation of home cheese, you can use a saucepan filled with water.

Homemade Brynza


  • 1 l milk
  • 2 tablespoons salt
  • 3 eggs
  • 200 g sour cream


Bring milk to boil. Do not reduce the fire, add salt, whipped eggs and sour cream. Boil the mixture, stirring, about 5 minutes. When serum starts separated, fold the mixture on the colander, shining gauze. Suspend cheese for 3 hours, and then put it under the press for another a few hours.

Melted homemade cheese with parsley


  • 500 g of cottage cheese
  • 120 ml of milk
  • 40 g of butter
  • 5 g of drinking soda
  • 1 bunch of parsley greens

Cooking method:

Add soda into cottage cheese, pour milk and mix thoroughly. Heat heat on low heat, stirring constantly. As soon as cottage cheese starts to melt, add butter, salt, washed and sliced \u200b\u200bparsley greenery. Heat to complete melting of cottage cheese. The thickness of the mass must resemble a manna porridge. It is a hot mixture to pour into the molds and put in the refrigerator.

Homemade cheese of goat milk

If you like a gentle creamy cheese taste, then this recipe is for you. Homemade cheese made from goat milk will please the incredible taste and melting sensation in the mouth. Other components are also recommended in the recipe.


  • goat milk-1500 milliliters
  • fresh kefir - 1000 milliliters
  • one teaspoon salt

Cooking technology:

In a deep saucepan, you need to boil the kefir. From the surface to remove cotton bunches and put them in a sieve. The remaining serum is filled with a separate ass and leave for a couple of days, sticking to room temperature.

We pour the milk into the pure pot, send it on a hot surface and wait until it boasts. After that, we pour serum. All the mixture weganize about fifteen minutes all the mixture. White cooking is formed by clots. After that, the composition of Solim, at will, be filled and shifted on the gauze. We try to squeeze her well, and hang for thirty minutes. After that, you can begin to form a ball from cheese. For this, the cheese must be placed between a pair of plates and put a jar with a liquid on top. Such a "design" must be left for a couple of hours. After that, the cheese is removed into the refrigerator for eight hours.

Where to buy pepsin?

In principle, you can buy a rennet enzyme via the Internet, damp enterprises, or simply to negotiate the market - enthusiasts are so for sure and will be done, and for 99% of all others there is a much more affordable way. Fortunately, in addition to the cheese of pepsin, it is applied for medical purposes, for the treatment of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dyspepsia and so on. Well, if so, it means that our path lies in the pharmacy. In domestic pharmacies there are two drugs that can be used in hodges - Abomin and Acidine-pepsin. The second seems to be much more accessible - and therefore it is a little more about it.

Acidine-pepsin (other trading names - aspectrersin, aspectsol, valve, reersacid, reversa-min) contains 1 part of pepsin and 4 parts of acidine. The acidine during hydrolysis is isolated by hydrochloric acid, which is absolutely harmless, since, firstly, and so contains in the gastric juice, and, secondly, in the finished cheese will be present in insignificant volumes. On a 1 liter of milk, from which, depending on the recipe, it turns out about 200-300 g. The finished cheese is used, 1-2 acidine-pepsin tablets are used, which dissolve in water and introduced into the milk brought to a certain temperature. There is a packaging of acidine-pepsin about 50 rubles, released without a recipe.

What seasonings are added to cheese

Seasonings advantageously enrich the tasteful properties of the dairy product. The choice of spicy herbs and spices is diverse, so special attention is recommended to refer to the following:

  • Ground pepper
  • Coriander
  • Lovers
  • Melissa
  • Nutmeg
  • Green parsley and dill

If it is meant to independently prepare a home milk product, it is not necessary to use all the spices for cheese.

It is enough to dwell on greens, turmeric, nutmeg or chili, cardamon, coriander, Anis.

  • it is advisable to use medium fatty milk. After cooking, the cheese will succeed in the desired consistency and will not be strongly tough;
  • cheese the mixture for cheese is in the tank of thick walls, in this pot it will not burn;
  • during the infusion of kefir and eggs into milk, it is definitely all stirred. For stirring, it is best to use a wooden shovel;
  • additionally, the cheese can add spices, greens, olives or pieces of vegetables.
  • home cheese is boiled from natural milk and cottage cheese, so take off to buying these dairy products in stores very carefully, if cottage cheese or milk will not be natural, then your cheese will not mature;
  • for the manufacture of home cheese, the high-quality natural milk is best suited by milk, but not ultrapasterized and sterilized purchased;
  • home cheese ripens if the source dairy material is not less than half a cell;
  • high fat content in cottage cheese gives natural oil and special tenderness, which distinguishes homemade cheeses;

The manufacture of cheese at home is becoming increasingly popular, and the reason for its development has recently been the danger to buy in the cheese store, which fell as notorious palm oil of low quality. And at first, it is possible that homely cheese will give to the taste of brand, but the practice will improve his taste qualities certainly, and the usefulness and security of this beloved by many products will remain, beyond any doubt. Do not take the time and strength, prepare it yourself, your relatives will appreciate your hardware.

The manufacture of homemade, soft or solid cheese at home is an art that can be learned. Using natural and affordable ingredients such as cottage cheese and milk, it is easy to create a small culinary masterpiece in your own kitchen. A gentle cream product without preservatives, dyes and harmful additives is an excellent alternative to the most expensive imported delicacies. The main thing is to choose your ideal recipe.

How to cook cheese at home

Experienced cooks know how to make home cheese, so that his taste does not inferrect European counterparts. It is prepared from greasy cottage cheese, cream and eggs, in some varieties add enzymes, a spoonful of kefir. The main ingredients are heated on slow heat before separating the serum, which is then merged. The finished mass is discarded on a colander, pressed or pressed under the yoke, stored in closed containers or brine. The shelf life and ripening of cheese is different from those that are indicated on the shop labels, although there is definitely in the refrigerator longer than a week in the refrigerator.

Solid cheese

To make the head of a solid home cheese, a piece of milk is mixed with Zakvaya, and the remaining adjust to 32-33 degrees, leave warm. It is added to it and dissolved in the water enzyme. The generated bunches are cut into squares, leave under the lid. The saucepan put on a slow fire, cubes are heated to 38 degrees about 10 minutes. Out of the serum is drained, replaced with warm boiled water. The cheese mass is heated to 40 degrees about 15 minutes, separated from serum, salted and mix. After that, it remains to be pressed, drown and give to grow.

Soft cheese

Soft varieties can be prepared without using special enzymes from natural yogurt, home sour cream, oily cream. Ingredients are connected, add salt, spices, spicy herbs to taste. Some types of cheese can not even cook, but just leave in colander with gauze folded fourly. With the help of cargo, which is placed on top of 12 or more hours, remove excess liquid and give a more dense, but gentle consistency.


Home melted cheeses are smeared on toasts, use in cold snacks and other dishes. They are made by clean curd, mushroom, mix with parsley. With a simple recipe, including cottage cheese, eggs, soda and a little sour cream, any schoolboy will cope. The ingredients are interrupted by a blender, boil on a steam bath for 10-15 minutes, add spices and roasted champignons. Pour into jars or molds, sent to the shelf of the refrigerator. Preparation of melted cheese, gentle, golden and glossy, often takes no more than an hour.

Cheese recipes at home

Verified recipes with step-by-step photos explain in detail how to cook cheese. Including such popular and sought-after varieties like Suluguni, Adygei, Synenny, Brynza, Mozzarella and Muscarpone. The secret of the perfect home product is very simple - before making cheese, it is necessary to buy high-quality ingredients, as its taste, aroma and consistency depend on them. Add salt is recommended with accuracy to gram, otherwise it will interrupt the taste of the dish or leave an unpleasant taste.

From milk

  • Number of portions: 5 persons.
  • Calorie dish: 57 kcal in 100 g.
  • Cuisine: Indian.

The classic home cheese recipe is easy to perform and requires a minimal number of ingredients. From milk, fresh lemon juice and simple water can be made an exotic, but very tasty Asian dish - Panir. This is one of the most popular varieties of cheese in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan. It has an unusual, slightly crumbly consistency, not melting, slightly sour.


  • fatty milk - 6 tbsp.;
  • water - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • lemon juice - 3/4 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Bring homemade fat milk to boiling on medium heat, stirring. Boil 10 minutes.
  2. Mix lemon juice with water, gradually add to the milk.
  3. If the main ingredient does not start roller, pour some more lemon juice. After 2-3 minutes, remove the saucepan from the plate.
  4. Mall folded four times, lay out on a colander or sieve. Give a liquid track.
  5. Carefully rinse with cold water to remove a strong lemon flavor. Slightly knead, giving a more dense homogeneous consistency.
  6. Cut into portion pieces.

From cottage cheese and milk

  • Cooking time: 3 hours 30 minutes.
  • Number of portions: 10 persons.
  • Calorie dish: 141 kcal in 100 g.
  • Purpose: snack, for breakfast.
  • Kitchen: European.
  • Preparation complexity: Easy.

Home cheese is a natural product with a fantastically soft creamy taste and a dense consistency, which is convenient to cut it with a knife. So that he acquired an appetizing yellow color, the egg can be replaced with two yolks. Milk is better to use a cow - a ready-made goat milk dish will have too sharp smell that many are considered unpleasant.


  • cottage cheese - 1 kg;
  • milk - 1 l;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • butter cream - 100 g;
  • food soda - 2 h.;
  • salt - 0.7 hp;
  • greens - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Before cooking homemade cheese from cottage cheese and milk, get out of the refrigerator and soften the creamy oil.
  2. Fill a large saucepan of milk liter. Bring to a boil, stirring.
  3. Add cottage cheese, cook 5 minutes on a small fire until serum is separated.
  4. Throw off on a colander, covered with wet, folded twice by gauze. Let the serum drag, the ends of the gauze to connect. Having sink over the sink, not unleashing the resulting pouch.
  5. Beat butter with egg, salt, food soda. It is not necessary to quench it.
  6. Mix the egg-and oil mass with a curd mixture. Add fine chopped dill, parsley or other fresh greens, mix until uniformity. Shoot in a saucepan.
  7. Cooking 10 minutes on a steam bath until the mass acquires a durable consistency.
  8. Lay into the container, lubricated with oil. Press the cargo, remove for 3 hours in the refrigerator.
  9. Remove from the form, cut.

From cottage cheese

  • Cooking time: 4 days.
  • Number of portions: 8 persons.
  • Calorie dishes: 194 kcal in 100 g
  • Purpose: snack, for breakfast.
  • Kitchen: European.
  • Preparation complexity: Easy.

To properly prepare a solid curd delicacy, you will need 4 days. The main trick is how to cook cheese and give it the necessary consistency. To do this, he should ripen and be covered with mold, which will give it a special, delicate taste and aroma. Such a product can be added to your favorite homemade salads, such as the famous Greek. It will easily compete with feta sheep cheese and other elite varieties.


  • cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • butter creamy - 40 g;
  • sour cream - 120 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • cumin - to taste;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut homemade cottage cheese lid. Leave it to be covered with mold.
  2. After 4 days, skip cottage cheese through the meat grinder together with sour cream, tmin, salt.
  3. Melt oil in deep containers.
  4. Shoot the cottage cheese to the oil, heat on a small fire. Stir up to a homogeneous state.
  5. Beat 2 eggs, add to cottage cheese. Heat again.
  6. Share on the oiled dishes on the oil, leave for the night in the refrigerator.
  7. Cut with portion slices.


  • Cooking time: 3 days.
  • Number of portions: 6 persons.
  • Calorie dish: 60 kcal in 100 g.
  • Purpose: snack, for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Circassian.
  • Preparation complexity: Easy.

The National Adygei Cheese at home is prepared from cow, goat, sheep milk. It is widely used in cooking, added to vegetable salads, soups, khachapuri, pies, dumplings. Before making cheese at home, it is worth identifying than it differs from classic varieties. This product has a pleasant cottage texture and unique spicy taste with pasteurization notes. Moderately salty, can slightly crumble. The second name is Circassian.


  • pasteurized milk - 3 l;
  • kefir - 1 l;
  • salt - 2 h. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat the kefir on slow heat until the serum starts separated.
  2. Dry serum into a bowl. Leave a rock at room temperature for 48 hours.
  3. After 2 days, bring milk to a boil. Reduce fire, pour serum.
  4. After 7 minutes, get the mass that came up and separated from the serum. Squeeze through gauze. Salt.
  5. Having sink over the sink in the gauze bag.
  6. When stalking is excessive liquid, press the press. Merge out of water. Send to refrigerator.
  7. After 24 hours, remove the press, cut the homely Adygei cheese with portion slices.


  • Cooking time: 15 minutes.
  • Number of portions: 2 persons.
  • Calorie dishes: 292 kcal in 100 g
  • Purpose: snack, for breakfast.
  • Kitchen: European.
  • Preparation complexity: Easy.

Before cooking cheese with an unforgettable creamy taste, you need to buy only one ingredient - good sour cream. The greater it will be, the more tastier the product will be. It is added to the cream desserts, souffle, Norwegian rolls with salmon or hunchbacked, biscuit cakes and even cheesecakes from a slow cooker. The main advantage of such a cheese recipe at home - it is not necessary to boil, and the whole process takes a few minutes.


  • sour cream 21-25% - 800 ml;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Mall folded four times, put in a deep plate.
  2. Pour a thick homemade sour cream to gauze. If desired, salute. If you do not add salt, the product can be used for snacks and for desserts.
  3. Tie the corners of gauze, hang the resulting bag over the container. The easiest way is to take a saucepan, put a long wooden spoon on top, tie to her gauze.
  4. Leave for 20 hours or a day while serum flows.
  5. Shoot in the container, store in the refrigerator.


  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Number of portions: 3 persons.
  • Calorie dishes: 67 kcal in 100 g
  • Purpose: snack, for breakfast, for pizza.
  • Cuisine: Italian.
  • Preparation complexity: Easy.

The picturesque beauty of Italy is not only the Colosseum, spaghetti and temperamental celentano. This is also the famous Mozarella cheese, with which various casseroles, salads, pizza, tomato snack drink, and other dishes are prepared. The real Italian mozzarell is easy to find out in the photo - it is a small elastic balls immersed in the brine liquid.


  • milk - 1 l;
  • natural yogurt - 125 g;
  • vinegar 25% - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1.5 h. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Fresh milk to warm up with salt, without bringing to a boil. The original product is prepared only from buffalo or cow's milk.
  2. Add yogurt, mix thoroughly.
  3. When milk will come, pour vinegar.
  4. Clear gauze folded fourly, shifting on a colander. Fix over the bowl or pan, where the serum will be dragged.
  5. Throw off the milk mixture on the colander. Raise together with gauze, squeeze well.
  6. Shape dense balls.
  7. Pour serum into a container or lunch box, immerse balls. Cool.
  8. Leave per day in the refrigerator. The next day, the solder merge. Keep homemade mozzarella in a closed container.


  • Cooking time: 1 hour 45 minutes.
  • Number of portions: 5 persons.
  • Calorie dish: 180 kcal in 100 g.
  • Purpose: snack, for breakfast, base for confectionery cream.
  • Cuisine: Italian.
  • Preparation complexity: Easy.

Mascarpone is difficult to confuse with any other product - it has amazing creamy consistency, it is easy to apply on home or lush American waffles, sweet cakes. A spoonful of cream cheese can be simply smeared on the morning toast. In the manufacture of a soft delicacy, whose homeland is Italian Lombardy, use milk of cows or buffalo milk. It is added to snacks, basic and even sweet dishes, for example, a gentle dessert of Tiramisu with coffee, cocoa and Savoyardi, whose photo is bangible in the menu of the best world restaurants.


  • cream - 200 ml;
  • sour cream 20% - 800 ml;
  • lemon juice - 2 h.

Cooking method:

  1. Before making homely cheese, prepare a kitchen thermometer in advance and squeeze 2 spoons of lemon juice.
  2. Mix cream with sour cream. Cream can be replaced with bold milk.
  3. Put the mixture on a slow fire, stir. Using a thermometer, measure the temperature - it should not exceed 75 degrees.
  4. Add lemon juice. To ensure that the curved mixture does not boil. Remove from fire.
  5. On the colander put a clean wet gauze, folded fourly.
  6. Discard the mass on the colander, leave for an hour. Wait until the excess fluid is stroke.
  7. Carefully squeeze - the stronger to break, the less gentle and tasty will be a mascarpone cheese.
  8. Shift into the container. Keep refrigerated.

Philadelphia cheese

  • Cooking time: 40 minutes.
  • Number of portions: 8 persons.
  • Calorie dish: 58 kcal in 100 g.
  • Purpose: snack, for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: American.
  • Preparation complexity: Easy.

Mild Cheese Philadelphia adore everywhere, but especially in America, in honor of one of the cities of which this amazing product was called. They prepare rolls, crispy tartlets, homemade pies, berry cheesecakes, marzipan cakes, vegetable graulties, canapes and all favorite rolls with eel. A profitable analogue of a "creamy foreigner" can be made from ingredients that are easy to find in each refrigerator.


  • milk - 1 l;
  • kefir - 500 ml;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • citric acid - 5 g;
  • salt - 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Milk mix with a spoonful salt, bring to a boil on medium heat.
  2. Pour kefir. Stirred until the milky-kefir mixture will begin to roll.
  3. Pull the hot mass on the folded four-fold gauze, leave the flush for 15 minutes.
  4. Beat egg with citric acid.
  5. Mix with the resulting cottage cheese, drive to the state of a lush homogeneous mass. Cool up to the desired temperature.
  6. Store in a closed container.


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