Sewerage: do-it-yourself septic tank for summer cottages, plastic, made of concrete rings; How to install a sewer antiseptic for a toilet? Antiseptic for cesspools - proper cleaning of sewers Antiseptic for home sewers.

Encyclopedia of Plants 20.06.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants
In large cities, there is a centralized sewerage system, which receives waste from all apartments. But in small towns and holiday villages there is no way to connect to a centralized sewerage system, so you have to solve this issue yourself. Owners of a country house almost always face the problem of recycling and waste disposal.

You can solve it in two ways: either dig a mini-sewer for a toilet and other Wastewater or make a toilet outside. The second option is more profitable from an economic point of view, since its price is low. But in the case of year-round living in the country, it is necessary to make a full-fledged sewerage. One way or another, you need to disinfect both the toilet and the sewer, and an antiseptic will help in this.

What is a toilet sanitizer?

Most often in the country they make toilets of the classical type - with a cesspool. To get rid of an unpleasant smell, it is necessary to use a special substance called an antiseptic. It is a chemical disinfectant that breaks down impurities and eliminates bad smell. As an antiseptic, tablets or bioactivators are used.

In addition, you can also use natural remedies, which perform the same functions as a chemical antiseptic. So, a do-it-yourself peat mixture is added to the cesspool, which helps to turn waste into compost. Of course, this option is the cheapest. But it must be borne in mind that the process of compost formation is very long, while peat must be constantly thrown up so that the reaction proceeds faster.

Chemical antiseptic also has its drawbacks. So, it is very dangerous for humans, because upon contact with the skin it can corrode it. Moreover, it pollutes environment. Therefore, before using it in the country, you need to think carefully.

Why are antiseptics needed?

Antiseptic for the toilet is very important, so you need to use it. After all, he:

  • Cleans the waste tank from sewage falling into it;
  • Does not allow limescale to form on the walls of the toilet;
  • Has a disinfecting effect;
  • Eliminates unpleasant odors from the toilet;
  • Dissolves solid waste, including even toilet paper;
  • The tank is constantly kept clean;
  • If a chemical antiseptic freezes, it does not lose its properties after dissolution;
  • Increases the life of the toilet;
  • Prevents corrosion.

The disadvantages of the drug include only the fact that it must be used with a certain frequency. Otherwise, its use will not give the desired result.

Village sewer maintenance


This version of the antiseptic for the toilet is best suited for installation in the country, as the splitting of waste occurs without harm to the surrounding space. But fruits and vegetables are grown in the country, so they should not be allowed to become polluted. However, bacteria require special conditions: moisture, light, temperature.
With the help of such microorganisms, you can quickly get rid of sewage, prevent the development of fungi and eliminate unpleasant odors. In addition, moisture is absorbed into the soil, so the contents of the pit become smaller and smaller. You can buy a biological antiseptic in the form of tablets, powder or liquid. for toilet small size you can use just one tablet. But if it is large and the whole family uses it, then it is better to add powder or liquid.

It should be borne in mind that biobacteria are inactive in tablets and powders. Therefore, they need to be activated by hand. To do this, they are mixed with cold water and left for certain time. Immediately after the liquid enters the cesspool, the cleaning process will begin. Bacteria feed on sewage and multiply. Therefore, over time, the splitting of waste will occur even faster.

How to use it?

Since bioactivators are living organisms, in order for them to function normally, certain rules must be followed:

  • In no case should chemical and medications, which are able to kill bacteria;
  • The water level in the pit should be about 20 cm above the solid elements;
  • Be sure to make ventilation for the toilet, as bacteria also need fresh air;
  • Bacteria are killed by exposure to cold. Therefore, it is not recommended to use them in winter, in early spring or late autumn;
  • If not enough bacteria is introduced into the pit, they will not cope with all the waste, so they will die over time.

Chemical cleaning

Currently, there are three types of substances intended for chemical treatment of sewage:

  • The cheapest variety is formaldehyde. However, a few years ago it was proven to be highly toxic to humans. Therefore, it is practically not found in free sale;
  • Nitrogen purifiers also do a good job, but they are very expensive. But they are insensitive to detergents and cleaning agents that may be in the cesspool;
  • One of the best chemicals to clean the toilet in the country is ammonium. The preparations in which it is included quickly break down waste and eliminate unpleasant odors. However, it is not known how the substance affects the environment, so you need to work with it carefully.

The use of antiseptic for dry closets

An antiseptic is also needed for a dry closet, since it must be periodically cleaned of microorganisms. Thanks to the use of special compositions, toilet parts become stronger, because their anti-corrosion properties increase. In addition, the antiseptic perfectly disinfects the dry closet and eliminates unpleasant odors. You can not worry about clogging the toilet, as the substance quickly breaks down not only human waste products, but also toilet paper.

But it must be borne in mind that only liquids specially designed for this should be used to clean the dry closet. It is not recommended to replace them with dishwashing detergents, clothes powder and other substances. This can cause damage to the toilet.

Liquids intended for cleaning biological toilets, can be of two types:

  • For top tanks. They flush the waste directly. They need to be poured into the top tank. If they fall into the lower tank during flushing, they do not prevent the decomposition of waste;
  • Liquids for the lower tank should be more active from a chemical and biological point of view. After all, they are designed to dissolve or recycle waste. In addition, they are important for eliminating unpleasant odors coming from sewage. For a dry closet, only biological antiseptics can be used. Therefore, when buying a drug, you need to carefully read its composition.

Antiseptic for a wooden toilet

An antiseptic can be used not only for splitting sewage, but also for treating the toilet itself. Since in the country the outdoor toilet is made of wood, the disinfectant must also be designed specifically for such material.

The tree needs to be treated from time to time to reduce the chance of microbial growth. You can use both biological and chemical antiseptics for this. And you can cook it with your own hands.
To do this, you need to take a container of 25 liters, preferably with a lid (a canister of the appropriate volume is ideal). It contains 100 g of iron sulfate (costs about 70 rubles) and 10 g of potassium permanganate (50 rubles). Everything is poured with 20 liters of water and left until completely dissolved. You can then apply to wooden part toilet. The price of such a tool is about 160 rubles, but there are a lot of benefits from it. In addition, this composition is also suitable for processing dry closets.

Thus, you can purchase a ready-made antiseptic. You need to select it in accordance with your needs, since each of its varieties has its pros and cons. In addition, you can make the drug at home with your own hands.

Video: An effective remedy for country toilets

How to clean an outdoor toilet if a cesspool truck cannot drive up? Modern septic tanks for cesspools will solve this problem without difficulty. Biologists have been able to grow microorganisms that purify wastewater and turn it into process water.

Types of cleansing preparations

To date, septic tanks for cleaning cesspools are produced in two versions:

  1. Chemical;
  2. Biological.


  • Chlorine and its compounds;
  • Formaldehydes;
  • nitrogen compounds;
  • ammonium compounds.

Chemicals are used to disinfect and decontaminate the contents cesspool. Preparations can be used at any air temperature. The action of the reagents is aimed at the total elimination of harmful microorganisms and infectious agents.

But it should be borne in mind that the reagents can partially penetrate the soil, and also cause corrosion. metal pipes. It is important to follow the exact dosage when using in order to avoid unwanted manifestations. Remember that waste after applying chemicals must be removed from the site: they are not suitable for fertilizing the soil.

Among chemicals, nitrate oxidizers (nitrogen fertilizers) are the safest. The activators that are part of nitrate oxidizers liquefy and disinfect feces and sewage, depriving them of their harmful properties. The resulting slurry can be used to water compost heaps.

We watch the video, a little about the septic tank and septic processes:

Ammonium compounds contribute to the decomposition of sewage and eliminate unpleasant odors. However, if there are soapy substances in the drains (after showering and washing), the ability of ammonium to deactivate fecal matter worsens. Waste processed with ammonium is recommended to be removed from the summer cottage.

Remember that everything chemical compounds extremely harmful and have a high degree of danger to health. In this regard, some reagents are prohibited for use in living conditions(formaldehyde). Among the listed reagents, nitrogen is the safest.

How bioactivators work

Biological preparations in their composition contain living microflora and enzymes. Sewage and waste are a breeding ground for them. To date, manufacturers offer two types of biological products:

  • Septic tanks;
  • Antiseptics.

Active microorganisms, getting into wastewater, begin to multiply, feeding on sewage. As a result of their operational activities happens:

  • Processing of faeces and waste into liquid;
  • Reducing the volume of stocks.

Septic tanks cause the decomposition and processing of feces into an odorless technical liquid. Antiseptics sanitize sewage waste. With the regular use of biological products, there is no need to pump waste out of the toilet: clean drainage system conducts liquid well into the soil. Also, after the work of microorganisms, the liquid becomes completely safe, and it can be used to water the garden or fertilize the soil.

Features of the use of biological products

  1. They are used only at positive temperatures (3 - 30 degrees).
  2. The growth and activity of microorganisms is suspended in the presence of chemical constituents in the effluent.

What to choose

Nitrate oxidizing agents (nitrogen) are the most popular chemical cleaners. They are expensive, but are not carcinogenic like formaldehyde. Chlorine substances are not desirable for use, since exposure to chlorine vapor negatively affects the human body.

Popular bioactivators include:

  • The drug "Saneks";
  • The drug "Micropan";
  • Means "Doctor Robik".

If there are soapy substances in the wastewater that microorganisms do not like, you need to choose a Fatcracker septic tank. It is specifically designed for this type of cleansing. It also neutralizes alkalis "Doctor Robik" well.

If you need compost, use the Oxygenator preparation. This bio-powder perfectly forms "early" compost for fertilizers.

Types of drugs

  • Description: "Septic-Biogranules"

Biogranules are used for cleaning septic tanks and cesspools. The drug "Septic-biogranules" processes sewage, turning them into harmless liquid. To activate the growth of microorganisms contained in biogranules, it is necessary to add the contents of the package to a jar of water and leave for at least 20 minutes. Then the liquid from the can is poured into a cesspool or drain hole.

Strictly follow the instructions and do not use the home toilet for 15 hours so that the microorganisms can adapt to the new environment. During this time, all pipes will be completely cleared of impurities. It is necessary to clean the sewerage with biogranules every 7-8 days.

  • Description: "Doctor Robik"

The bacteria of this drug are able to survive in aggressive chemical environment. They recycle everything except iron, wood and plastic:

  1. Phenol;
  2. Material;
  3. Solution of washing powders;
  4. Cleaning powders.
  • Description: Waste Treat

This septic tank contains anaerobic microcultures for the processing of fecal matter and household waste. This type bacteria are well adapted to aggressive chemistry. The drug completely eliminates unpleasant odors, reduces the amount of waste by several times, and cleans the drainage system.

  • Description: "Septi Treat"

The preparation contains enzymes, saprophytic microflora and several types of soil microorganisms. "Septi Treat" converts fecal matter into valuable fertilizer.

When applying, monitor the moisture level of the waste. If the sewage has dried up, several buckets of water should be added to the pit.

  • Description: "Oxygenator"

This bioactivator perfectly forms compost for fertilizer. Reviews: The drug "Oxygenerator" processes not only fecal matter, but also straw, kitchen waste, leaves and sawdust. You get high-quality compost fertilizer for the production of mushrooms, berries, any horticultural crops. The formation of compost is not accompanied by clouds of flies and a putrid smell. Boiled water is used to activate the Oxygenator.

This is a cesspool chemical powder that destroys dangerous microbes. The action of the device is aimed at disinfecting the contents of the cesspool and eliminating the unpleasant "aroma". "Septifos" turns an unpleasant smell into the fragrance of eucalyptus.

How to apply

  1. When using ammonium preparations, processed waste should be removed from the site using a sewage machine. It is forbidden to store on the site and use recycled liquid and waste for fertilizer.
  2. The use of nitrate oxidizers (nitrogen) for sewage treatment is the safest among chemicals. Recycled material can be watered compost heaps. Prices for septic tanks containing nitrogen are quite expensive.
  3. When using bioactivators, watch out for sufficient level moisture in the pit. In an insufficiently humid environment, microorganisms cannot function effectively. If the liquid level is low, simply add water to the cesspool.
  4. Remember that with irregular use of the country toilet, the mobility of bacteria decreases: they need a nutrient medium. If the toilet is not used for two weeks, then the microorganisms will simply die from “malnutrition”.
  5. If you are using bioactivators for the toilet for the first time, buy a septic tank for the Start cesspool: this mixture accelerates the growth of microorganisms in the cesspool. Subsequently, "Start" is not necessary to apply.
  6. Remember that bioactivators do not like soapy substances and chemical ingredients. If soapy liquid enters your cesspool, choose special means. Well adapted for such conditions "Doctor Robik".
  7. If you use bioactivators for waste disposal and recycling, do not use chemical detergents. It is better to buy not ordinary washing powders, but enzymatic ones: bacteria will not die from the aggression of chemicals.


Cesspool and septic tank cleaning important point in the life of gardeners. When choosing a septic tank, first of all, consider the frequency of using the toilet. If you do not often visit the cottage, it is advisable to buy a chemical agent. When choosing bioactivators, pay attention to the concentration of bacteria. If the percentage of microorganisms in the preparation is high, you will rarely need to add the agent to the cesspool.

Not all country houses are located near a centralized drainage system. In this regard, it becomes actual problem discharge of wastewater, an ordinary cesspool is not an option, because with permanent residence in the house, too much wastewater will have to be diverted. Plastic septic tanks for sewerage can be a solution to this problem.

How autonomous sewage works

Main difference autonomous sewerage from the usual is that all wastewater is simply treated within land plot and fall into the soil. In a centralized one, wastewater is simply discharged into the drainage system ().

A septic tank for the sewerage of a country house allows you to clean the drains to about the level of process water.

The standard design of a septic tank solves the following tasks:

  • at the first stage, the effluents settle for 3 days without air access. Anaerobic bacteria come into play, in addition, large particles settle to the bottom;
  • in the second tank, the main purification of the liquid takes place. Here oxygen access is already needed, because the main work falls to the share of aerobic bacteria;
  • after that, the effluents enter the normal drainage well and soak into the ground.

Note! The quality of water purification is very important, especially if ground water used for domestic water supply. If the septic tank construction technology is not followed, the risk of water contamination is high, which means that people's health is at risk.

What is the best septic tank for a country house

The choice in this matter has to be made with an eye on the budget.

You will have to choose from the following options:

  • finished plastic septic tank. Could be called the best choice, if not for its price, and in terms of efficiency it is not so different from home-made counterparts;

  • homemade septic tank from eurocubes- a good option for a country house. The size of the container can be selected for any number of family members;
  • prefabricated structure from concrete rings or monolithic concrete . In terms of tightness and efficiency of work at height, but the need to rent special equipment somewhat reduces the popularity of this type of septic tank;

  • from truck tires. Such a sewer septic tank should not even be considered, it can only be suitable for giving, and then as a temporary option.

Given the price, performance and ease of installation, designs using plastic containers remain out of competition.

Regulatory aspects of installing a septic tank

You can focus on the following maximum permissible distances:

  • the septic tank is installed no closer than 5 m from the house;
  • the distance to the road must be at least 5 m;
  • from drinking well it is better to remove the septic tank as much as possible, the distance of 40 - 50 m is considered optimal;
  • the stream should be at least 10 m away, and the reservoir - 25-30 m away.

The layout of the septic tank

Improper installation of a septic tank can lead to serious consequences, up to problems with the law. Formally, violation of the installation technology falls under Article 250 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Septic device technology

Septic sewerage in a private house is not such a rarity, and quite often the whole sewer system made by yourself.

In principle, there is nothing complicated in this, it is recommended to adhere to the following procedure:

  • dig holes under 2 plastic containers(for primary and secondary wastewater treatment) and 1 pit for a drainage well;
  • a drainage pillow is arranged at the bottom of the pits;

  • in the containers themselves, holes are cut for connecting pipes and ventilation;
  • pits are installed, if necessary, the walls are strengthened;
  • containers are installed in the pits, and they are backfilled.

All work can be done by hand without the involvement of special equipment.

Calculation of the required container volume

With a centralized drainage system, they only think about the volume of effluents when choosing the diameter of the pipeline; when using a septic tank, it must be taken into account that the cleaning takes 3 days at least. That is, the container should easily accommodate a 3-day volume of effluents.

SNiP 2.04.09-85 ties the volume of effluents to the degree of improvement of the territory. So, for a house without a bath and hot water per day, you can take a flow volume of 125 l / person, but for houses with central heating and a bathroom, this figure rises to 350 l / person.

In a private house, you can take an intermediate option - 200 - 300 l / person per day. Thus, for 3 people, the volume of flow in knocks will be 600 - 900 liters, and for 3 days - 1800 - 2700 liters. In this case, an autonomous septic tank may look like a chain of 3 containers (each 1000 liters) or use 2 containers of 1500 liters.

Pits for containers

The pit is dug with a small margin relative to the size of the container. On each side, the distance from the wall of the pit to the wall of the tank should be at least 30 cm.

It should be noted that the second container in height should be shifted 30-40 cm down relative to the first. Accordingly, a step is made at the bottom of the pit to provide this difference.

Note! The difference in height will allow you to maximize the use of the second tank. If this requirement is neglected, then the calculated volume of tanks may not be enough.

A layer of crushed stone (10 - 15 cm) is laid on the bottom, and a layer of sand on top. The sand layer must be carefully compacted, it is allowed to moisten the sand for this.

Tank preparation

Before installation in containers, everything must be done required holes and seal them. Thick plastic is conveniently cut with a grinder.

First, a hole is made in the place where it will pass sewage pipe, then a hole is made in the second container for the outlet pipe (the one that discharges water into the drainage well). The most time-consuming can be called the installation of pipes for internal overflow.

In addition to the horizontal bridge in plastic tanks you also need to install tees, the septic tank sewer systems must work smoothly, such a design will not allow the communication of the tanks to be disturbed. The problem is that often the tees do not fit into the neck of the container. In this case, a technological hole is made, an overflow is arranged, and the hole itself is then sealed.

Without exception, all joints of plastic and pipes must be sealed. In addition, it is necessary to install several layers of waterproofing.

Tank installation

After placing the tanks in the pits, it is necessary to solve the issue of thermal insulation and the strength of the walls, the ground pressure can destroy them.

The instruction for solving this problem looks like this:

  • for thermal insulation, the tanks are lined with foam;

  • then a knitted frame is installed around the tank from reinforcing bars and wire;
  • the space between the walls of the pit and the tank is filled with concrete or covered with soil ( reinforcing cage not needed in this case).

Note! At the time of backfilling the pit or concreting the walls, it is better to fill the tanks with water. This will not allow pressure on the walls to break the tightness of the containers.

As for the ventilation pipes, they are installed exactly above the tee inside the tank. Thanks to this, it will be possible to clean the overflow at any time.

Cleaning septic tanks

The whole mass of chemicals for cleaning sewers can be divided into 2 groups:

  • bioseptics for sewage - such products as Saneks, ROEBIC, Micropan;
  • antiseptics are quite aggressive chemical substances, are not afraid of hard water or detergents.

Bioseptics (or biobacteria) are absolutely harmless to the environment. In fact, these are microorganisms that actively break down human waste. To function, they need moisture and heat, so it is better to use such products in the sewerage of a house intended for permanent residence.

But the antiseptic for sewage will retain its effectiveness at low temperatures. In addition, biobacteria can die if sufficiently aggressive substances (for example, detergents) get into the septic tank. This will not happen with an antiseptic. The reverse side of the coin can be called the fact that such substances actively destroy the sewage system itself (metals are especially affected), and the environment suffers some damage.


A properly arranged autonomous sewer or septic tank is able to work as Swiss Watches for many decades. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to buy an expensive septic tank from a well-known manufacturer ().

Even a homemade septic tank will do an excellent job of processing wastewater. The main thing is to observe the technology of performing work during its installation.

In the video in this article, attention is paid to autonomous sewer systems for country houses.

Sooner or later, the time comes to clean the cesspool on the site of a private house. An unpleasant smell appears in a private house, the risk of spilling sewer water increases, and hence soil contamination. Of course, if possible, then the hole can simply be covered with earth. To make it more likely to turn into compost, you need to add a special chemical agent to it in advance to speed up the process. Before you clean the cesspool in one way or another, analyze the nature of domestic wastewater in drain system at home. Remember to decontaminate the environment first by adding pit latrine antiseptic.

You can, of course, carry out the pumping of sewage. But it is not always possible for a sewage truck to approach. Pumping out yourself with a pump is often also difficult. Finding a place to drain waste is difficult, because the risk of soil contamination is high. Also, on the walls drain pit remains a silt residue that needs to be cleaned out.

Therefore, it is often used various methods sewer water treatment without pumping, which you can do on your own - on your own. These methods include chemical and biological treatment.

Chemical cleaners

How to clean a cesspool without first pumping out? Such methods of cleaning a sewer pit in a private house have general principle: decomposition of aggressive impurities into organic compounds, their neutralization.

Formerly used formaldehydes and quicklime today are banned for use as environmentally hazardous and harmful to human health.

  • Ammonium compounds(quaternary substances, HOURS) safer. But if there are funds in the water household chemicals(washing powders, detergents), their effectiveness is significantly reduced. They are cheap, but draining them into the soil is not recommended. Their disadvantages: it is not recommended to use in pits with metal elements because of the threat of their rapid corrosion. Such substances can be toxic to humans and pollute the environment. Dispose of wastewater after pumping will also have to be removed from the site.
  • Nitrate (nitrogen) oxidizers- the safest, however, they have a high cost. In composition, they are similar to nitrogen fertilizers used in agriculture. They are not sensitive to residues home chemistry in sewer water. In addition to the decomposition of biological inclusions, they also neutralize unpleasant odors, and are practically devoid of drawbacks.
  • Action of acid cleaners similar to the action of nitrates. They dissolve sludge and solids in drain tanks and then neutralize harmful bacteria. They cannot be used in tanks with plastic walls and open pits.

Chemicals are sold both in the form of tablets, granules or liquids, as well as in the form of a powder, which is pre-diluted in water and drained into wastewater. Tablets are immediately placed in the pit sewer, which is very convenient in a private house. Approximate consumption: 1 piece per cubic meter of water.

Biological cleaning methods

Here, instead of chemicals, they use natural methods waste processing by bacteria. Such biological products are divided into 2 types:

  1. Septic tanks. Bacteria, as a result of their vital activity, decompose sewer masses into a cloudy, odorless liquid.
  2. Antiseptics . Such a tool only sanitizes cesspools.

All commercially available bacterial agents are divided into aerobic and anaerobic. The first for life needs access to free oxygen. Therefore, it is necessary to provide air supply to the sewage pit.

anaerobic bacteria on the other hand, they do not require oxygen. Therefore, they are used in the initial, sealed tanks of septic tanks. Additional purification of water (transformation into a silty liquid) occurs in subsequent tanks by aerobic organisms. This water can already be used for irrigation using a conventional water pump without a filter. garden plants Location on. The soil serves as an additional filter in this case. At the same time, the frequency of cleaning the tanks with a sewage machine is significantly increased.

biological methods cesspool cleaning is effective at positive ambient temperatures (not used in winter). However, at air temperatures above +30°C, the mouth of the pit must be shaded to prevent the death of beneficial microorganisms. Bacteria (except for some rather expensive species) are sensitive to household chemicals. Especially dangerous for them are those that contain chlorine.

Important! It is worth noting that most laundry detergents are now biohazardous.

They are usually sold in powder form, which must be diluted in a certain amount of water before use. To clean the cesspool in this way, you can simply drain the solution into the sewer system through the toilet.

In any case, before you buy an antiseptic for cesspools, read the attached instructions. Consider the composition of the drains of the cesspool, its design, the material of the tanks. Try not to buy a suspicious tool from little-known companies.

Technical communications play one of the main roles in the life support system of a country house, creating not only comfortable, but also safe conditions for the residence of the owner and all members of his family. In addition, care must be taken to ensure complete wastewater treatment. In this case, autonomous septic tank for a country house the best option.

What is

As most consumers note, an independent purifier is a convenient type of sewer for country houses. The structure is a special container placed underground. All waste and drain water, getting into it, are subjected to the process of settling. After that, the drains pass mandatory system filtration.

The principle of operation of such a septic tank is based on the fact that all pollutants from wastewater that linger in the structure tank undergo a fermentation process, and then decompose into soluble and insoluble substances. Undissolved particles settle to the bottom of the container and accumulate there, which requires their periodic removal.

Types of septic tanks

If earlier the only solution for treating wastewater was the arrangement of a cesspool, then today more efficient and safer methods have been invented. modern industry offers a wide variety of models of devices that differ from each other not only in design, but also in the degree of wastewater treatment.

According to the principle of action, they are all divided into the following types:

  • Drives. They are hermetic containers, the main purpose of which is the accumulation of wastewater. The only drawback of drives is that their contents have to be periodically pumped out with special equipment.
  • Settling tanks with anaerobic fermentation. In them, not only the process of settling wastewater takes place, but also the fermentation of sediments due to the action of a number of bacteria. This method removes about 70% of contaminants. The rest is neutralized by means of soil filtration.
  • Station of deep biological treatment. The main advantage of the presented installation is that in addition to anaerobic fermentation in the tank, complete wastewater treatment is carried out when the working air is supplied.

According to the method of wastewater treatment, septic tanks are divided into two categories:

  • Soil filtration method. The peculiarity of such treatment equipment is that all effluents undergo a process of natural settling. The solid particles lingering at the same time settle to the bottom, where they are decomposed under the influence of microorganisms. Lighter components enter the next compartment, where they are retained by finer filters and also decompose. A septic tank based on soil filtration removes about 70% of contaminants from drains.
  • biological filtration. The principle of their operation is similar to conventional soil filtration designs, but with the only difference that they are equipped with an additional tank. It is in this third compartment that anaerobic water treatment takes place. This method gives 98% purification.

Depending on the material used in the production of a septic tank, the proposed modules are divided into the following types:

  • Plastic. Today they are quite widespread due to a number of advantages. They are easy to install, non-corrosive, durable and, last but not least, accessible to everyone. Their installation is very simple - the container is simply dug into the ground. It should be noted that in addition to the advantages of the design, there is one significant drawback. Since plastic is quite light material. It is not recommended to use this device in loose soils, since it is likely that the septic tank will be pushed to the surface. If it is not possible to use a module from another material, then in this case, experts recommend without fail fix the device with a reinforced concrete slab.
  • Made of stainless steel. Septic tanks made of this material are used extremely rarely, since their service life is quite short. Even high-quality stainless steel susceptible to corrosion wet soil. In addition, this type of equipment is very heavy and therefore requires additional equipment to install it.
  • Reinforced concrete. Most suitable for soils located in the central European part of the country. Its main advantages are the ability to control the volume of the septic tank and a high service life. And the disadvantage is the complexity of the installation of the structure.

What to consider when choosing

According to experts, for the correct choice of an autonomous sewer system, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the mode of its use. So, if housing is intended for year-round use, then the best option is a septic tank with anaerobic fermentation.

For seasonal country houses, it is illogical to purchase an independent cleaning device with a large capacity. In this case, it is most advisable to purchase conventional storage systems.
When choosing a specific model, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the device itself.

The standard formula for calculating the required volume of a septic tank looks like this: the minimum volume of the first compartment must be at least three times larger than daily rate water consumption per person. Conventionally, a person uses about 200 liters of water per day. This means that the minimum storage volume should not be less than 600 liters per person. A tripled indicator is necessary in order to ensure optimal performance of an autonomous sewer in the event of an unstable load - a sharp decrease or increase in the volume of water used.

Autonomous septic tank Topas

This Topas sewer system is the most popular type of aeration treatment aimed at high-quality filtration of the resulting effluents from accumulated contaminants. Its operation is based on biological treatment, which is designed to perfection and eliminates up to 98% of contaminants. And the purified water discharged into the soil or a reservoir fully complies with all environmental parameters.

The device itself is made of high quality plastic, with a tightly mounted inner case. It is this design that allows the septic tank to be durable and reliable. In addition, it completely eliminates the ingress of pollutants into the soil and the impact of temperature changes on it.

Depending on the functions performed, the septic tank is divided into the following models:

  • Long - used when it is necessary to install the device at a shallow depth.
  • Pr - provides forced discharge of clean water.
  • Long Pr - combines the properties of both models.

According to experts, in order to ensure an uninterrupted wastewater treatment process, it is necessary to pump out the accumulated activated sludge in a timely manner, rinse or change the filtering elements of the structure. Only with proper maintenance and operation of the presented septic tank, its service life increases to fifty years.

Autonomous septic tank Tank

Specialists pay special attention to the presented independent sewage system Tank. The manufacturer offers several varieties of the device:

Module 1- mainly used in country houses seasonal residence, while providing for the needs of five people at once.

Module 2- designed for a small building for permanent use, in which 4 people live at the same time. For temporary residence facilities, 6 people are uninterruptedly served.

Module 2.5- is an individual treatment system that can provide wastewater treatment for a group of five people living in the house permanently.

Module 3- is considered the most powerful cleaning system. Suitable for a dwelling in which six people live year-round.

Module 4– a modern stand-alone device capable of providing effective cleaning wastewater generated from the life of nine people.

In addition to the high performance of the device, the septic tank is distinguished by the fact that it is made of high-strength chemically resistant material. This means that it ensures reliable and durable operation of the treatment system. In addition, it is environmentally friendly and meets all technical requirements.

This septic tank has gained particular popularity due to its easy installation. Its unique design is thought out in such a way that it allows 100% wastewater treatment. Ease of maintenance of the device does not require close attention. Complete removal solid sediment is produced once a year, and when using special biological preparations - once every five years.

As noted, after installation, the device requires regular maintenance. Only such an approach to the operation of treatment equipment will ensure the long-term and uninterrupted operation of the presented life support systems.


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