Topas septic installation. Autonomous sewerage topas Advantages and disadvantages of the structure

landscaping 20.06.2020

Self-installation of Topas-type septic tanks should begin with the selection and preparation of the site. Firstly, it is necessary to take into account the minimum distance between its body and the building, which is 5 m. Secondly, with the help of industry standards (SNiP) or design organizations, such a criterion as the depth of soil freezing in a given region is clarified. It affects the choice of the main or extended (Long) version of the septic tank.

After determining the location, you can proceed to the next stage of preparation - the formation of the foundation pit. Its dimensions depend on the dimensions of the septic tank and are determined by the wiring diagram that comes with the kit (example in the illustration below).

A wooden formwork is installed around the perimeter of the pit. This is a necessary precaution to keep the walls from collapsing. When groundwater occurs too close to the surface (the so-called quicksand), without a dense crate of the walls, it is not at all possible to form a foundation pit.

  1. With high shrinkage and mobility, sand provides a dynamic, shock-absorbing base. That is, any movement of the soil will be leveled, and the septic tank will retain the correct spatial position and geometry;
  2. A layer of 15 cm will raise the top cover to a similar height above the ground. Such a solution will prevent the flooding of the septic tank with melt water and, as a result, the failure of electrified units.

After that, you can proceed to the direct installation of the septic tank in the pit. For the convenience of the operation, there are technological holes in the individual elements of the body (stiffening ribs, for example). You need to thread a safety rope through them and slowly lower the module to the bottom.

This can be done manually, involving assistants, or using auxiliary equipment.

As soon as the septic tank is installed in the pit, it is leveled and the laying and connection of engineering networks begin. Usually, a specialized polyethylene sewer pipe with a diameter of 50 to 110 mm is used for these purposes. In a trench, it is also recommended to lay it on a sand cushion in order to avoid the influence of soil movement. It will be necessary to ensure a sufficient slope, which depends on the diameter of the line: for pipes Ø50 mm - at least 3 cm / m, and for Ø110 mm - at least 1-2 cm / m.

The place of insertion (input) into the body of the septic tank is determined based on the installation conditions and the requirements of the attached scheme. For its formation, it is desirable to use a special core drill with an adjustable diameter. The branch pipe for connection with the pipe is sealed with a special polypropylene soldering cord. It is laid around the perimeter of the hole and processed with a building hair dryer (it melts, and then cools and hardens).

Attention! Once again, I would like to focus on the need to align the body of the septic tank before sealing the joint, since after that it will be almost impossible to do this.

After connecting to the sewer, you can proceed to the electrical connections. For this, a PVC wire with a cross section of 3 × 1.5 mm is used, which is laid in a trench next to the pipe in a corrugated box. On the house shield, the input is carried out through a separate circuit breaker (6-16A). Connections in the terminal box of the septic tank are carried out in accordance with the attached diagram.

At the final stage of installation, it is necessary to fill the space between the walls of the septic tank body and the formwork. This should be done carefully and slowly, adhering to the following recommendations:

  • It is desirable to use sand for backfilling for the same reason as in the case of a pillow under a septic tank and. The soil is harder and harder, which in the future may lead to deformation of the walls of the case and disruption of the normal operation of the unit;
  • You need to fill up the space gradually, in layers of 15-20 cm, while filling the septic tank with water slightly above the sand level. Thus, it will be possible to equalize the pressure on the walls of the case and avoid their deformation.


On this, the installation of the Topas septic tank can be considered completed. It remains only to ennoble the site and follow the manufacturer's further recommendations regarding operation. There are not so many of them that it could complicate the life of the owner. Most of all, you will have to tinker with coarse filters (located between the receiving chamber and the air tank) - once a month they need to be audited. Every 2-3 years of operation, an audit, cleaning and, if necessary, replacement of compressor membranes is carried out. Approximately once every 3-4 years it is recommended to clean the waste sludge. By the way, it can be used as a fertilizer for the soil in the presence of a household plot. No more than 1 time in 12-15 years, you will have to change the aeration unit.

On the technical side, these are, in principle, all warnings, and as for sewage, it is not recommended to drain wastes with a high content of aggressive detergents, antibiotics and large fractions into it. Subject to these simple conditions, a deep cleaning station of the Topas type can easily serve its allotted 50 years or more.

If earlier biological wastewater treatment seemed something unrealistic, then at the present time, thanks to the emergence of the new Topas septic tank treatment system, it has become quite feasible. The development of this unique method belongs to the leading domestic company for the production of wastewater treatment plants Topol-eco. An innovative feature of this system is the purification of wastewater by means of microorganisms. The process of processing and disposal of wastewater completely eliminates the possibility of environmental pollution. This system is environmentally friendly and complies with established standards for wastewater treatment.

The principle of operation of the septic tank Topas

As noted earlier, Topaz is a septic tank, the principle of which is to purify domestic water with the help of special microorganisms - anaerobic bacteria. Under their influence, organic compounds decompose, are disinfected and processed into sludge.

First, wastewater passes into the installation chamber (sector 1 in the figure), where the first stage of treatment takes place. In the process of it, large fractions of pollution are eliminated, after which the water is sent to the aerotank by means of an airlift (sector 2). The latter is the main part of the septic plant, where active bacteria are kept. It destroys contaminants that have managed to pass the first stage.

Sludge, which is formed as a result of waste processing, acts as a binder for particles of foreign bodies contained in water. After that, all the liquid goes to the sump (sector 3), called the pyramid. There, the silt settles to the bottom, and the finally purified water follows further (sector 4).

Filter sludge that accumulates in the sump should be removed periodically. The recycling process is quite simple and does not require special knowledge. If you plan to use a septic tank to give Topas, then silt can be used as a fertilizer.

Characteristics of the septic tank Topas

I would like to briefly dwell on the unique characteristics of this septic plant. Among them are:

  • cleaning efficiency (99%);
  • compact design;
  • low power consumption;
  • no noise during the working process;
  • Topaz-septic tank is an automated device: it does not require special operating conditions and is easy to maintain;
  • tightness that prevents the spread of unpleasant odors.

Here it should be added that users can easily choose the appropriate version of the septic tank for their needs. So, different models differ from each other in the number of users.

For example, Topas 8 and Topas 5: the first is designed to serve 8 people, the second, respectively, to 5.

Installation of a septic tank

It can be divided into six main stages, which we will consider in more detail using the Topas 5 model as an example.

Stage 1: site preparation

Topas septic tank instructions provide for installation at a distance of at least 5 meters from the foundation of the house. This recommendation is dictated by the norms of SES. After the place is determined, a pit is pulled out. Its dimensions are determined depending on the model of the septic tank. Topas 5 has dimensions of 1000x1200x1400 and for it the pit should be 1800x1800x2400. After it is dug, it is required to make a formwork.

Stage 2: installation of a septic tank

Next, in the pit, it is necessary to organize a sand cushion. To do this, its bottom is covered with sand by 15 cm. Thus, after installation, the septic tank will also rise above the soil surface by 15 cm. This is required for the convenience of operating the cleaning system in the spring season and preventing its damage. Otherwise, if the septic tank is installed flush with the ground, in the spring, during the snowmelt, the aeration station may be flooded. As a rule, water will get inside through the ventilation vents or the top cover. In this case, the compressors, and sometimes the entire system as a whole, may stop functioning.

Pro tip:

It is necessary to choose a model of a treatment plant taking into account the level of groundwater occurrence. If it is very close to the surface, then preference should be given to varieties marked PR. In such systems, a forced removal of treated water is provided, which is carried out by means of a built-in pump.

Septic tanks for a country house Topas (5 and 8) can be installed manually in the pit. No special equipment is required, unlike other models of these systems. A rope is threaded through special holes, which are located on the stiffening ribs, and the station is lowered into the pit.

Stage 3: organization of the sewer system

For HDPE pipes, diameter 110 mm are used. The depth of the tie-in level of the pipe into the septic installation is 70-80 cm relative to the upper ground level. For stations of the Long model, the depth varies from 120 to 140 cm. The slope of the sewer pipes depends on the diameter of the pipe:

  • at 100 mm - 1-2 cm per meter;
  • at 50 mm - 3 cm.

If the pipe insert was made at a distance of 70 cm from the top, then at a distance of 10 m from the house, the height of the pipe leaving the house should be 50 cm from the ground.

Stage 4: sealing the installation

In the outer case of the station, it is necessary to drill holes for the sewer pipe. To do this, it is recommended to use an adjustable crown (diameter 103-100 mm). In this case, the adjustment should be 105-108 mm. It is desirable to carry out sealing guided by the instructions.

The station is equipped with a special polypropylene cord, with the help of which the branch pipe placed in the hole is soldered to it. To do this, use a building hair dryer with an appropriate nozzle. After the pipe is securely attached, a sewer pipe is connected to it.

Pro tip:

Before sealing, it is worth leveling the installation using a building level.

Stage 5: providing a power source

Since the system is powered by electricity, the installation of the Topas septic tank provides for power supply to it. For this, a PVA cable (section 3x1.5) is used. It is placed in a corrugated pipe designed for earthworks, and placed near the sewer pipe.

The cable is brought to the unit through a special input and connected to the terminals. In the house, it is connected to the switchboard through a separate 6-16 A machine.

Stage 6: pressure normalization

The final stage is equalization of pressure on the outer surfaces of the station during its sprinkling. This is necessary in order to compensate for the pressure on her body. Filling the installation with water and sprinkling are carried out simultaneously and in the same quantities. The station is filled with water by a third and similarly by a third it is filled up. The process is repeated until the station is submerged into the ground to the required level.


From all of the above, it can be seen that it is quite feasible to install a Topas septic tank with your own hands. Nevertheless, if you have not had to deal with this kind of work before, it is better to turn to specialists. As for the operation, it is not associated with great difficulties. Operating features:

  • It is recommended to clean the sump 1-2 times a year. If it is not possible to use the sewage equipment, you can do it yourself using a conventional deposit. The pumped-out sludge is suitable for use as fertilizer.
  • Replacement of compressor membranes and cleaning of filters should be carried out at intervals of 2-3 years. These procedures can also be performed independently with a screwdriver and a wrench.
  • The aeration system of the station is replaced every 12 years. This is necessary to ensure the normal functioning of the installation. Despite the fact that all contaminants are completely recycled, it is possible that large particles enter the septic tank. If they are not removed, the installation may fail.

So, maintenance of the Topas septic tank is quite simple. With the timely implementation of the necessary measures to clean it and replace certain elements, the station will serve for decades.

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The Topas septic tank, which can be installed without much difficulty on your own, is a popular sewage treatment station. Such a system is produced by the domestic manufacturer Topol-Eco.

More recently, biological wastewater treatment seemed to us something fantastic and unrealizable. But modern man is not surprised by anything. A striking example of this is the innovative Topas septic tank, which, through microorganisms, performs effective and guaranteed high-quality wastewater treatment, as well as their processing into sludge.

The main advantage of this device is its absolute environmental safety. The principle of operation of the septic tank is such that the environment is not polluted during its operation. The device of the described cleaning device is thought out to the smallest detail. All its elements are arranged in a single body. Due to this, the installation of Topas can be done by hand. The design of the septic tank includes 4 compartments:

  1. Receiving chamber connected to sewer pipes. It accumulates sewage up to a certain level. As soon as the volume of wastewater exceeds it, a special float-type switch sends a command to the purifier compressor. It turns on, opens the next compartment, where sewage flows. Between the first two chambers, several filters are installed that stop the hair and produce a rough cleaning of the drains. Large particles settle to the bottom of the compartment.
  2. Aerotank. Wastewater enters this chamber, which is slightly filtered when it enters from the first compartment. It is in the aerotank that microorganisms live. They begin to eat sewage and destroy large particles of household waste. As a result, organic matter completely disappears from the water. An important condition for the active life of bacteria is the presence of oxygen in the second chamber. It is supplied there by a compressor unit. The incoming oxygen guarantees the movement of waste water and ensures that it mixes with the sludge. The latter acts as a filter. It binds foreign impurities and bodies, solid particles that penetrate Topas along with dirty water.
  3. Secondary sump. Further, the drains enter this chamber, inside which a special pyramid is installed. Water, along with sludge, is fed into it by means of an airlift. The principle of operation of the septic tank assumes that in the second sump, the wastewater is separated into sludge and water. At the same time, a special compartment device allows light fresh sludge to return to the receiving chamber. The old silt and all the components that are in it in a bound state remain at the bottom.
  4. Compartment for the purified liquid. Through the upper part of the pyramid of the second chamber, the water that has undergone aerobic treatment enters this compartment. It builds up to a predetermined level. And then it leaves the septic tank through a special hole.

Environmentally friendly septic tank "Topaz"

As you can see, the principle of operation and the device of the treatment plant are quite simple. Such an installation provides 95–97% wastewater treatment. As a result of the activity of aerobic bacteria, clean water comes out of the septic tank, suitable for various technical needs and excellent fertilizers in the form of sludge for the garden. Agree, the system is ideal for country houses and plots.

Note that the described result can be obtained only if the installation of the Topas septic tank is carried out correctly and clearly according to the instructions. In addition, its device involves regular maintenance of the treatment plant.

The principle of operation of the septic tank assumes that microorganisms will constantly receive raw materials for their life. Therefore, Topas should be operated without long breaks. This means that its installation is optimal for dwellings where people are constantly (or regularly come there for the weekend).

The next nuance. Microorganisms are able to eat and decompose far from all the waste that residents of city apartments have a habit of pouring down the toilet. To ensure the normal functioning of bacteria, you must take care of their proper nutrition. Make it simple. Do not pour the following substances into the Topas septic tank:

  • rotting vegetable and fruit products, as it can cause the death of microorganisms;
  • acid and chlorine compounds;
  • technical liquids and oils;
  • drugs and alkaline compounds.

Also, the principle of operation of the cleaning structure prohibits the discharge of various objects and elements into it, which by their nature are insoluble. These include plastic films and bags, household and technical waste, building materials waste. Such items can clog compressor units and purifier compartments and disable the entire structure. And bacteria do not feed on inorganic compounds.

The principle of operation of the cleaning structure

The Topas system is available in different variations. Various models of a septic tank are designed for a certain volume of wastewater in one day. It is strictly forbidden to exceed the recommended amount of drains! You need to choose the model that suits your case.

But from an operational and technical point of view, all septic tanks under the Topas brand are the same. We have already considered the principle of their operation, and now we highlight the unique characteristics of such units:

  • no noise during operation;
  • compact dimensions;
  • high efficiency of effluent decomposition;
  • absence of unpleasant odors due to the complete tightness of the installation;
  • automated operation of a septic tank;
  • minimum electricity consumption.

Do-it-yourself cleaner maintenance involves the following steps:

  • coarse filter cleaning (every 30 days);
  • removal of sludge from the septic tank using a drainage pump (once every three months);
  • installation of new membranes in the compressor (every 2-3 years).

In addition, every 10 years, the treatment plant requires the replacement of aerators and thorough cleaning. Both of these operations are performed by hand, there is no need to call specialists.

Do-it-yourself installation of a treatment plant is carried out in several stages. First you need to properly prepare the place where Topas will be installed. According to SES standards, it should be located at a distance of 5 meters from a residential building (at least).

In the selected area, you will need to dig a pit. The geometric parameters of the pit depend on the size of the septic tank. The instructions for it clearly indicate what the height, width and depth of the pit should be. For example, for Topas-5, which is popular among household consumers, they dig a hole with dimensions of 180x180x240 cm. Then you need to do it, and equip a pillow from at the bottom of the pit. The height of the latter is about 15 cm. It is these extra centimeters above the soil surface that the cleaning structure will rise. This is done for a reason, but to facilitate the maintenance of Topas and to protect it from possible ingress of water into the system during the spring snowmelt.

Note! If in your area the groundwater lies very close to the surface, it is advisable to buy a PR model septic tank.

Installation of a septic tank model PR

It has a device (built-in type pump) for the removal of treated effluents according to a forced scheme. We continue the installation of the structure with our own hands. We thread the rope through the holes on the side of the septic tank and carefully lower it into the prepared hole. After that, you need to equip the supply of the sewer system to the cleaner. It is recommended to use low-pressure polyethylene (HDPE) pipes for these purposes.

In relation to the upper level of the soil, the pipe is cut into Topas at a depth of about 75 cm. Do not forget to set the required slope to the pipe:

  • 3 cm per meter for products with a cross section of 5 cm;
  • 1.5–2 cm for 10 cm pipes.

Next, we drill a hole in the body of the septic tank into which the pipe will be inserted. It is optimal to perform such an operation with an adjustable crown. The described cleaning stations are supplied with a cord made of polypropylene. It is necessary for soldering a pipe placed in the hole to it. The connection of these elements is carried out using a nozzle on a building hair dryer. The sewer pipe is connected to the pipe only after it is securely fixed.

The installation of the station is, in fact, completed. Now it needs to be connected to a power source. A corrugated pipe is brought to it, into which a PVA wire 3x1.5 mm is placed. This electrical cable is connected to the terminals on the septic tank through a specially made factory input. And in the home, the cord is connected to the switchboard. It is desirable to connect the wire through a separate 16 A machine.

The final work on the installation of the cleaning station is the adjustment of the load on its external parts during sprinkling. The procedure is performed like this:

  • pour water into the septic tank (about a third of its volume);
  • at the same time backfilling the structure (also by a third);
  • fill with water again and backfill.

The operation ends when the entire station is deepened into the ground to a given level. The septic tank is ready for use!

Modern people are increasingly thinking about the state of the environment, perceiving it as part of their home. This is especially true for the owners of a suburban area, striving to live in comfort even far from centralized communications. And if local sources of underground drinking water have long become an attribute of the private sector, then house-side treatment facilities began to appear relatively recently. But their popularity is growing.

One of the representatives of such a wastewater treatment plant is the Topas septic tank, manufactured by the Topol-eco group of companies.

The Topas septic tank is a local biological wastewater treatment system with preliminary sedimentation of large suspensions. It is on this principle that centralized sewage treatment plants work, so the Topas septic tank can conditionally be called their miniature.

A step-by-step scheme for processing wastewater can be represented as follows.

Step 1. The entire cleaning process begins with sedimentation in the first chamber, where waste from domestic sanitary equipment flows through the central outer pipe. In addition to sedimentation, already at the first stage, the process of biological decomposition begins due to the fact that oxygen from the air is also supplied to this compartment. From the receiving tank, settled water, thanks to the operation of an airlift equipped with a filter for cleaning large particles, enters the second compartment.

Step 2. The next tank is an aeration tank. In this section, the main work of activated sludge takes place, which consists in the decomposition of pollutants due to the process of respiration of microorganisms. Therefore, air is supplied here by the compressor. In addition, some particles become silted, which will allow them to be removed during the sedimentation process in the next chamber.

Step 3. The third compartment is a pyrami do sump. In it, sludge from the water is deposited, and purified water is discharged. At the outlet of the secondary clarifier, the liquid also passes through an additional filter.

Step 4. Effluent treated to almost 100% of the level is discharged into a receiving tank, reservoir, ditch, etc. A high level of purification allows the use of water for irrigating the green spaces of the site.

Step 5. Light suspended sludge from the secondary clarifier is fed to the beginning of the cycle, and heavy sludge is pumped into the fourth chamber, called the sludge stabilizer.

Such a simple scheme allows, without much human intervention, to obtain high-quality wastewater treatment, which is based on the usual natural process of biological decomposition.

Pros and cons of the Topas septic tank

The only drawback of the Topas septic tank is the energy dependence associated with the operation of the compressor. But the lack of uninterrupted power supply on your site will make it impossible to install any biological treatment plant.

The advantages of the Topas septic tank are several:

  • lack of noise and unpleasant smell;
  • compact design;
  • low level of electricity consumption;
  • simple installation scheme and operation process;
  • large range of models.

Model range of septic tanks "Topas"

The models of this cleaning station differ in capacity, which depends on how many people will operate the sanitary equipment of a residential building.

Note! For a house with a large amount of sanitary equipment, it is better to purchase a septic tank with increased capacity.

The numerical indicator in the model name indicates the number of users for which the septic tank is designed. Also, each model provides two main modifications, differing from each other in the height of the input and output of drains, and hence the height of the septic tank itself:

  • the Standard model is suitable for the case of introducing a supply pipe at a depth of 0.4 - 0.8 m;
  • the Long model is applicable when it is necessary to deepen the sewer pipe by 0.9 - 1.4 m.

There is modifications with forced withdrawal of treated water. They are equipped with a pump.

For private houses, 5, 8 and 10 models of the Topas septic tank are most often used, so we will focus on a brief description of these particular varieties. In order not to repeat ourselves, we indicate that all these models have the same width, which is 1.2 m.

The Topas 5 septic tank is designed for a salvo discharge of 0.22 m 3, and a productivity of 1 m3. Weight, depending on the height of the tank and the presence of a pump for forced pumping of treated wastewater, ranges from 0.23 - 0.31 tons. The height of standard models is 2.6 and 2.5 m for gravity and forced evacuation of wastewater, respectively. The height of the elongated model is 3.1 m. The length of the septic tank is about 1 m. The estimated cost, depending on the height of the tank and the presence of a pump, ranges from 80 thousand rubles.

The Topas 8 septic tank copes with a salvo discharge of 0.44 m3 and has a capacity of 1.5 m3. The weight of the septic tank of this model, depending on the modification, ranges from 0.35 - 0.41 tons. The length is about 1.5 m, and the height for standard systems is approximately 2.5 m, and for elongated systems - 3.1 m. Price range is 85-105 thousand rubles.

Septic tanks "Topas 10" successfully operate with a capacity of 2 m3, and the volume of a volley ejection can be equal to 0.76 m3. The weight of the container with equipment varies for modifications in the range of 0.50 - 0.62 tons. The height of this septic tank is the same as that of the eighth model, and the length is 2.1 m.

In addition, the Topas 10 septic tank, in addition to standard models, has an elongated tank with a reinforced structure that can withstand strong ground pressure.

We also note that among the Topas treatment plants there are varieties capable of serving several houses and even small populated areas with up to one and a half hundred people. In this case, the installation must be left to professionals. Small structures can be installed independently.

Installation work

Topas 8 - autonomous biological wastewater treatment system

Before the preparatory and installation work themselves, it is necessary to correctly select the location of the septic tank in accordance with certain conditions:

  • the distance to the treatment plant from residential buildings should be at least 5 m, but not exceed the threshold of 10-15 m;
  • if the conditions of the area force you to install a septic tank further from the house, then it is recommended to install an inspection well on the external sewer pipeline;
  • an inspection well will be required if the supply pipe has bends of more than 30 degrees, so it is better that the pipeline does not have turns.

Having decided on the place, you can proceed to the installation work.

Step 1. Dig a pit using equipment or manually. The width and length of the pit for the container should be approximately 50-60 cm larger than the corresponding dimensions of the septic tank. The depth of the pit is made equal to the height of the septic tank, even though a fifteen centimeter sand layer will be poured at the bottom. After all, it is at 0.15 m that the septic tank should rise above the ground to facilitate its maintenance and prevent flooding of the station during the spring flood. If an additional concrete base is installed at the bottom, then its height must be taken into account, determining the depth of the pit.

Step 2. To prevent shedding of the pit, its walls are reinforced with formwork.

Step 3. At the bottom of the pit for the Topas septic tank, a sand backfill 15 cm thick is made, which must be leveled to the mounting level. If the septic tank is installed in places with water-saturated soil or with a seasonal rise in GWL, then it is important to additionally fill or install a ready-made concrete base at the bottom of the pit. The septic tank is further attached to it.

Step 4 Holes for pipelines are made in the wall of the container.

Step 5. A septic tank is released into the prepared pit. If we are talking about 5 or 8 models, then no more than 4 people should be involved to carry out all the work. To do this, they thread slings through the eyes on the stiffening ribs of the capacity, holding for which they release the septic tank into the pit.

It is important to check, using the building level, whether the septic tank is level.

Step 6 Prepare a trench for laying a pipe from the house to the septic tank. The depth of the ditch must ensure that the pipeline passes below the zero ground temperature point typical for the winter period. If this fails, then the pipe will need to be insulated. A sand backfill is also made at the bottom of the trench, which is leveled in such a way that the laid pipe runs at a slope of 5-10 mm per linear meter.

Step 7. Lay the supply pipe and connect it to the septic tank through the pipe inserted into the prepared hole in the tank wall. All connections are additionally sealed with a special plastic cord that comes with the station. To do this, use a building hair dryer. At the same stage, the septic tank is connected to the power cable and compressor equipment is installed.

Step 8. A ditch is being prepared for a pipe that already drains waste after cleaning into a receiving tank, reservoir, filtration well and other discharge points. A pipe is laid at an angle in it, if the removal of water is planned to be carried out by gravity. For forced evacuation of the liquid in the slope is not necessary. The outlet pipeline is connected to the septic tank, all connections must be tight.

Step 9. Fill the septic tank with sand or a mixture of cement and sand. At the same time, clean water is poured into the tank itself, its level should be 15-20 cm higher than the backfill level. Every 20-30 cm, the backfill is carefully rammed manually. The space between the upper 30 cm of the septic tank and the foundation pit is filled with fertile soil and the turf is laid back around to restore the landscape.

Note! The sand in the backfill must be unsifted so that during the freezing of the soil, large particles do not damage the walls of the septic tank.

Step 10. Ditches are filled up with inlet and outlet pipes laid in them.

Rules for operation and maintenance

After installing all the constituent elements of the Topas cleaning system, start-up work is carried out. For the first time, it is better to leave this procedure to professionals, watching their work.

Note! It takes about three weeks to form the required biomass of activated sludge. To speed up this process, you can add ready-made river silt to the septic tank.

Ongoing maintenance includes the following activities.

Note! Stabilizer sludge is a good fertilizer for your green spaces.

The comprehensive service also includes cleaning the coarse fraction filter and checking the float mechanism of the first chamber, which is responsible for turning the compressor on and off. For revision, you just need to forcefully raise and release the float and see how the compressor works.

It is also important to clean the pumping equipment compartment, after removing the compressors from there, rinse all hoses and pipes.

Note! Before reinstalling the compressors, thoroughly dry the compartment.

After completing all the cleaning procedures and installing the equipment in place, it is necessary to fill the septic tank with clean water by two-thirds. You can proceed to further operation.

Otherwise, the Topas septic tank works effectively offline.

Video - The principle of operation of the septic tank "Topas"

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WWTP model Installation supervision* Installation* depending on the type of soil
Sand-Loam-Clay Quicksand
7 875 14 000 25 500
7 875 15 000 25 500
TOPAS 5 Long
7 875 18 000 29 000
7 875 15 000 29 000
TOPAS 6 Long
7 875 18 000 29 000
TOPAS 6 Long Us
TOPAS 6 Long PR Us
7 875 18 000 29 000
9 750 17 000 27 500
TOPAS 8 Long
9 750 20 000 30 500
TOPAS 8 Long Us
TOPAS 8 Long PR Us
9 750 22 000 30 500
TOPAS 9 Long Us
TOPAS 9 Long PR Us
9 750 22 000 30 500
11 810 18 000 30 000
TOPAS 10 Long
TOPAS 10 Long PR
11 810 20 000 32 500
TOPAS 10 Long Us
TOPAS 10 Long Us PR
11 810 22 000 32 500
11 810 19 000 32 500
TOPAS 12 Long
TOPAS 12 Long PR
11 810 21 000 32 500
TOPAS 12 Long Us
TOPAS 12 Long PR Us
11 810 23 000 32 500
13 685 19 000 30 950
TOPAS 15 Long
TOPAS 15 Long PR
13 685 21 000 32 600
TOPAS 15 Long Us
TOPAS 15 Long Us PR
13 685 23 000 32 600
15 750 21 200 32 700
TOPAS 20 Long
TOPAS 20 Long PR
15 750 27 500 39 500
17 625 46 500 54 400
TOPAS 30 Long
TOPAS 30 Long PR
17 625 58 700 65 200
23 625 53 000 59 800
33 375 68 600 75 400
35 250 107 000 113 200
37 125 141 000 152 200
45 000 194 000 212 000

*The price of TOPAS installation includes the following works and materials:

  • Unloading the station from the car
  • Digging a pit for Topas station
  • Trench digging and laying 4 running meters sewer pipe DU 110
    Soil excavation when digging a pit and a trench is carried out in a dump
  • 10 m of VVG 4 × 1.5 electric cable and laying it in a HDPE pipe or corrugated hose
  • Descent of the station into the pit, sanding and simultaneous filling with water
    Delivery of sand to the pit no further than 10 meters

*The price of Topas installation supervision includes the following works:

  • Installation and connection of compressors to the station
  • Installation and connection of the pump (for stations with forced ejection)
  • Commissioning and launch of Topas station.

Attention! The cost of sand, water and formwork (if necessary) is not included in the installation price. The cost of preparing and laying a concrete slab at the bottom of the pit for AS Topas models: 30, 40, 50, 75, 100, 150 and their modifications is not included in the installation price.

Quicksand is a water-saturated soil (usually sand or sandy loam), which is capable of spreading and flowing when opened. When developing a pit, it is necessary to apply protective measures against soil collapse - formwork, caissons.

What is installation supervision?

Installation supervision is the commissioning of equipment, carried out by a field specialist of the Vega company.

What should the Customer prepare when ordering installation supervision?

  • Prepare a pit according to the wiring diagram for your station model
  • Lay a pipeline of sewer pipes from the house to the pit
  • Run an electric cable from a separate machine in the house to the pit
  • Lay pipes from the pit to the point of discharge of treated water
  • Arrange the required number of people or special equipment to unload the station from the vehicle and lower it into the pit (if delivery is carried out by an onboard vehicle, and not by a manipulator)
  • Prepare enough sand and water to fill and fill the station. Sprinkling and pouring of the station takes place under the control of a field specialist, by the Customer
  • Prepare the necessary material for supervised installation of the station (bends, couplings).

The price of installation supervision TOPAS includes the following works:

  • Checking the dimensions of the excavation for the planned Topas station
  • Checking the depth of the inlet sewer pipe to the station
  • Sealed tie-in and soldering of the inlet sewer pipe into the receiving chamber of the Topas station
  • Sealed tie-in and soldering of the outlet pipe, in the case of a forced station
  • Connecting the station to the electrical cable
  • Installation and connection of compressors to the station
  • Installation and connection of the drain pump (for stations with forced ejection)
  • Launch of Topas station, adjustment work
  • Warranty for commissioning - 1 year.

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