How to make slopes on the windows inside the apartment. What slopes are best done on PVC windows - plasterboard, plaster or plastic

Engineering systems 25.06.2019
Engineering systems

After installing new windows, you need to take care of finishing such elements of the window opening as slopes. Many firms offer finishing services, but knowing how to make slopes on windows can be done by hand. There are several finishing options:

  • plastering;
  • plastering with insulation;
  • sheathing with PVC panels, conventional or cellular;
  • sheathing with MDF board or drywall sheet;
  • installation plastic slopes from sandwich panels.

How to choose the option of finishing the window opening?

When deciding on the type of finish, you need to consider that this will affect not only the aesthetics of the room. Uninsulated opening surfaces shift the dew point inside the room, resulting in condensation around the frame. Improper insulation can lead to the same result. When purchasing new energy-efficient double-glazed windows, you need to take care of the thermal insulation at the junctions of the frame and the wall.

Finishing with plastering

Plastered slopes are the most familiar option, one might say, a classic of the genre. If climate zone allows you not to worry about thermal insulation or the window opening is located in an unheated utility room, then the easiest way out is to finish with plastering without thermal insulation. The use of heaters such as expanded polystyrene, polyurethane foam or mineral wool board, under plaster, is suitable for conservatives. In this embodiment, you get an insulated slope with a traditional appearance. You can also use special plaster mixtures with perlite additives, which also provide high thermal insulation properties.

Drywall and MDF

The disadvantage of finishing with drywall (gypsum plasterboard) is its poor moisture protection. Advantages - the rigidity of the structure. This is important if the surface depth is more than 30 cm. If you need to finish an opening of a complex configuration or an arched type, then drywall is almost indispensable. The same advantages and disadvantages of the MDF board. Despite the fact that it is protected by a moisture-proof film, it still does not have complete moisture insulation. If the choice is between a sheet of drywall or MDF, then the second option has some advantage - it does not require subsequent finishing. The drywall construction will have to be puttied and painted.

PVC panels

PVC panels are used only with a substrate made of heat-insulating material. Most often it is mineral wool, although you can pick up another heater. Not only panels are suitable for finishing - you can make slopes on the windows using siding, lining. Cellular plastic panels have proven themselves well. The disadvantages of this type of finish are the low rigidity of the PVC sheet and its fragility. Advantages - speed of installation, low price, especially if you do the installation yourself.

If you settled on the option of PVC panels, then choose the manufacturer very carefully. Low-quality panels quickly lose appearance and they have to be changed.

Finishing with sandwich panels

Sandwich panels for slopes have good rigidity and thermal insulation properties. This panel consists of three parts:

  • a layer of perfectly smooth glossy plastic;
  • polystyrene foam insulation;
  • a layer of rough plastic (attached to the wall).

Their cost is higher than that of ordinary plastic sheets, but given that there is no need to purchase additional materials, in the end it will come out about the same. Advantages - easy to install with your own hands, beautiful appearance.

Surface preparation

Regardless of the material chosen - plaster, drywall, PVC panels - before finishing the slopes with your own hands, you need to close the window with a film. This is done not only to protect the plastic profile. Very often when repair work building dust gets into the window mechanism, which can lead to a deterioration in its operation. The flaps do not open well, close and may not fit snugly.

The next step is to prepare the surface of the window opening. You should start by removing the old layer of plaster and excess foam that remains after installing the window. The next step is to impregnate the surface of the opening. To do this, you need to purchase a deep penetration impregnation. It protects the wall from fungus, mold and prevents destruction from temperature changes and humidity levels. Then cement mortar recesses, chips, potholes and cracks are sealed. To make the finish right, both external and internal slopes are arranged only after such preparation.

U-turn markings

In order to correctly set the slopes, such a stage as marking turns is important. Slopes with respect to the wall rarely stand at an angle of 90º. As a rule, they are slightly deployed into the room. This is done so that the light penetrating through the window illuminates the room more and more evenly. The angle of rotation can be different and depends on how the frame is located, as well as on the thickness of the wall.

Marking the angle of dawn (turn) can be performed according to the following scheme.

  • The center line of the window sill is marked.
  • The width of the window is measured and the resulting value is divided by two. A mark is placed along the edge of the measured segment on the inside of the window sill. For example, if the window width is 120 cm, then 120:2 = 60 cm.
  • We add 3-5 cm to the result obtained. The larger the number, the greater the angle of rotation. Based on our example, 60 + 5 = 65 cm.
  • We measure the obtained value from the center of the window sill, but already along the outer edge, which is located closer to the room. We also mark here.
  • If we connect the marks located on the outer and inner edges of the window sill, we get the angle of rotation.

If the window sill has not yet been installed, it is not recommended to start finishing the opening, since it is necessary to ensure a snug fit of the slope to the window sill. In addition, when installing it, you can damage the finish.

Do-it-yourself plastering slopes with insulation

To insulate the opening with your own hands, you need to choose a good thermal insulation material. Here you can use plate heaters- facade polystyrene foam, XPS sheets, basalt mineral wool or polyurethane foam boards. They are mounted on a prepared dry wall with glue and additionally fixed with dowels. On the side surfaces, the use of dowels is not necessary, but the insulation must be securely fixed above the window.

The surface of the insulation must be rough. This improves its adhesion to the opening surface. There is a heater with a corrugated surface on sale, but if smooth plates are purchased, you need to process them with a spiked roller. The foam has sufficient adhesion without additional processing.

After installing the insulation, a plaster mesh is attached to it with umbrellas. A plaster solution is applied over the grid and smoothed. To give an aesthetic appearance, putty is applied over the plaster and sanded.

If outdoor work is carried out, you need to monitor temperature regime. The manufacturer indicates the conditions for the use of glue and plaster mixtures, and if they are not followed, this will lead to a poor-quality result.

Installation of slopes from sandwich panels

To properly install the slopes with your own hands using sandwich panels, you will need to purchase a starting U-shaped profile and an F-profile. Installation begins with the installation of the start profile. The end part is fastened with self-tapping screws along the edge of the window frame and in profile. A sandwich panel is inserted into the profile at the top of the window. After that, 4 pieces of the starting profile, cut to the size of the opening depth, are inserted into the profile installed on the sides, top and bottom. This is done in such a way that they are perpendicular to the window and parallel to the window sill (bottom) and the upper slope (top).

Now we have a frame from a profile, into which the side parts from a sandwich panel are inserted. The final stage is the fastening of the slope cover, that is, the F-profile. To do this, strips of the desired length are cut off and snapped onto the cut edges of the panels. Initially, the transverse strip of the profile overlaps. The excess part must be carefully cut off, and the joints treated with liquid plastic.

The difference between internal and external slopes

External slopes have several differences from internal ones. The most important thing to consider is that external openings are exposed to the external environment: temperature changes, freezing / thawing, and others. Therefore, not all materials are suitable here. The PVC panel can warp, the plasterboard finish will also not withstand precipitation.

One of the most reliable and inexpensive options there will be foam insulation followed by plastering. If you buy dry plaster mixture, you need to pay attention to whether it is suitable for facade works. So that the outer slopes have more long term operation, their surface must be plastered correctly, according to technology and coated with waterproof paint.

Internal slopes- one of the elements of the interior of the rooms, so they are subject to increased aesthetic requirements. Plastic windows will look harmoniously with the finish of sandwich panels. A drywall slope looks like a plastered surface and is ideal for a room with painted walls. The choice of material depends on the overall interior design of the room, wall decoration and other factors. Choosing the type of finish for the inside of the window opening, you need to combine a beautiful appearance and thermal insulation properties. If you install the slopes with your own hands, observing the technology, the room will be cozy, beautiful and warm.

Choosing the right slopes for plastic windows.

Installing slopes is an important step in window installation. Slope - the inner part of the window opening, the place where the window itself is inserted. When you have to change the window, you need to pay attention to the slopes, the higher their quality, the better the overall appearance will be.

When installing PVC windows, the following types of slopes are currently offered:

  • drywall;
  • plastering;
  • plastic.

Without (pigtail) any newest and highest quality window will look unfinished and sloppy. And often they learn about slopes in the process of repairing an apartment or when replacing windows. There is an explanation for the fact that the old slopes stood for a long time without a single crack. The old window design had increased air permeability. It blew from a loose fit and cracks, which created a sparing temperature zone for the slopes. But modern design wooden and plastic windows has tightness. Air does not enter the gaps, which simply do not exist, and the slopes are between cold outside and warm inside, that is, on the temperature border, which is expressed quite sharply. When opening a window to ventilate, cold air falls on a heated slope, because of which it cracks. Condensation also plays an important role.

Plaster slopes for plastic windows

The plaster mixture from which the slopes are made does not firmly connect to the PVC frame, and this will sooner or later lead to the slope peeling off. There are no materials in the plaster slope that would have good heat-insulating properties, this leads to hypothermia of the opening in cold weather, the window itself. This causes condensation, both on the slope and on the double-glazed window.

It takes a lot of time to make plaster slopes. According to the technology, the material is applied in layers, and each new layer can be laid only after the previous one has dried. Otherwise, the surface will crack. Plaster, which is applied to concrete or brick, continues the wall. Therefore, the slopes are cold and freeze at the junction with the frame. By the way, look at what is now, the most common technology is oknadena.

Plasterboard slopes

The slopes from which still require good fastening. If thin plastic is glued onto a drywall sheet, the quality will also not be up to par: this is laborious work with insufficient drywall stability and unreliability adhesive bond also leads to destruction.

Thin plastic sheets are not suitable for finishing, although this is one of the easiest ways to finish. In this case, the window frame is not insulated, and this leads to freezing and condensation, and the method of gluing plastic leads to delamination due to compression / expansion of the material.

PVC plastic slopes

Now on the market building materials you can find panels made of cellular plastic. When warming mineral wool, using a mounting profile, mounting panels on a rail, you can use this material. Here you should choose the highest quality manufacturers. Cheaper panels change color over time, stiffening ribs are visible on the front surface, which in turn leads to a loss in the overall attractiveness of the window, giving the impression of a handicraft finish of a window opening with a well-manufactured window.

Slopes from MDF panels at a cost they are quite cheap than those made of drywall, do not have sufficient moisture resistance and need high-quality fastening.

For single-sided sandwich panels good aesthetic performance, but lacks sufficient rigidity. This is especially undesirable for wide slopes, as the slope will sag.

To date, two-layer sandwich panels and special plastic slopes are produced, which are considered the highest quality and most practical in operation, although they are more expensive than others.

Installation of plastic slopes

In terms of installation, the installation of slopes for PVC windows is the simplest. In addition, plastic, unlike other materials, can withstand deformation to a critical point. If the wooden slope does not withstand seasonal temperature changes and deforms without lacquer protection, then the plastic calmly tolerates both moisture and temperature changes. From a decorative point of view, slopes can resemble in texture finishes such as metal, wood. This is achieved by laminating with a special film that imitates these materials. Learn about, which will be quite interesting.

Installation of plastic slopes video

Video: Installation of slopes, sandwich panel | Do-it-yourself plastic slopes

Video: Work process. Installation of plastic slopes

After installing plastic windows, slopes are installed. Proper implementation of this measure affects the subsequent thermal insulation of the room. But how to finish the slopes for windows inside? Today, there are many materials, thanks to which you can professionally finish the slopes. Let's look at the slopes of sandwich panels, drywall, and PVC.

Many people have an idea about drywall is not entirely correct. They believe that it is a profile structure to which the sheet is attached. However, not many people understand how it can be connected to the window system. Therefore, the question related to how to make slopes on drywall windows with your own hands is very relevant for non-professional builders.

Organizational process

As a rule, slopes are placed immediately after changing window systems, so the surface must already be prepared.

If the place where the slopes will be located has not been prepared, then it must be processed independently, after removing the remains of the plaster from the surface. After that, the walls must be treated with a primer in order to improve adhesion.

If the plaster layer is dense and difficult to beat off, then it can not be removed, but only if this does not interfere with installation. And to improve its strength, impregnate the plaster with a layer of primer.

Choosing materials

  1. Operating time already finished product largely depends on the material that will be selected.
  2. Since there is a constant temperature difference near the window and high humidity, then it is better to make slopes from moisture-resistant drywall.
  3. The primer is important component, which plays an important role in . It will also prevent the growth of fungus or mold.
  4. Drywall will be attached to the landing plaster. Therefore, it must withstand temperature changes, which will create warm slopes for plastic windows, and have moisture-resistant characteristics.

We take measurements

When installing slopes after installing plastic windows, measurements are very important. Let's look at how to take measurements in more detail.

  1. The first thing to do is to measure the distance from the edge of the wall to the window.
  2. Then you need to measure the distance from the wall to the middle of the window that sets the slope angle. Thanks to this, we get legs.
  3. Next, you should square the length of each of the sides of the triangle, and then add everything up. The square root is taken from the resulting number. As a result, it will become the value of the width that the future slope should have. The length of the panel is measured with a tape measure.

Remember: it is simply necessary to make such calculations. If this is not done, then as a result you will get visually crooked openings and uneven windows. And to make accurate and quick calculations, use the calculator, so you can easily extract Square root without using special formulas.


Before mounting the slopes, markup should be made, which should be equal to the distance from the wall to the window. Then it is applied to the frames on which the slope will be located.

After that, according to the instructions of the instructions prescribed on the package, planting gypsum is diluted. The mixture is applied with a spatula to the wall in order to obtain 3.4 points of contact between drywall and wall.

Next, you can proceed with the installation window slopes made of drywall, which includes gluing the sheet with the help of landing plaster. At the same time, the edge near the end of the wall must be held tightly, and the edge located at the window is equal to the markup.

Remember: in the process of adjusting the slopes in the markup, it is better to use a level, thanks to which you can easily follow the curvature of the surface.

Final works

When the putty dries, paint for window slopes will come in handy, which is necessary for additional protection.

PVC panels

For those who are still puzzling over how to fix the slopes after installing plastic windows, we can offer another worthy variation - PVC panels.

The installation of PVC slopes is divided into several stages. Let's consider each stage separately.

Surface preparation

After a day after the installation of the balcony block, you can proceed to the installation of slopes. First, remove excess foam that appears between the profiles at the joints and the wall with a clerical knife. After the plane must be cleaned from the remnants of small litter.

PVC window slopes

Guide profile installation

Initially, using a tape measure, you should calculate the parameters of the profiles along the visible edge. Moreover, it is necessary to calculate their outer width, as well as find out the distance from the top of the window to the bottom. It should be noted that this process can be facilitated if the frames are completely removed or at least slightly bent the film.

to install pvc slopes for windows, a U-shaped profile is used, suitable in width, it is cut into pieces. For this purpose, special scissors are used for cutting metal sheets. Then the profile elements are fastened at a distance of 20 cm with screws to the outer part of the frame. Identical manipulations should be done with the side and top surfaces.

Lathing installation

To collect the crate, wooden slats (section 2 * 4 cm) are used, which are attached to the side and upper corners of the slope. To fix the slats, dowels are used, the distance between which should be approximately 30 cm. If you want a perfect lattice, let the planer enter, thanks to this tool you can perfectly trim the thickness of the slats. At the end, check their evenness using the building level.

Installation of the upper slope

How is the repair of slopes after installing plastic windows with your own hands? First, you should determine the length of the external slope, and then cut off the element from the PVC panel required size. It is better to work with the material using a jigsaw, but at the same time, trimming must be done very carefully. Further, the panel is attached to the upper profile and the crate with self-tapping screws.

Mounting the side panels

Side PVC profile mounted in the same way as the top bar. The space that appears between the wall and the panel is filled mounting foam. For this purpose, the exterior of the product is wetted, and then foam is applied to it. This work continues until all free space not filled with material. Following is attached PVC panel, while do not forget to monitor their evenness, using the level, and also fix them with self-tapping screws. The ratio of slopes and angles is controlled by a tool called bevel.

Installing F-profiles

At this stage, the installation of plastic corners is carried out, in which the product of the required size is cut off, and then it is inserted onto the panel along the edges. In those areas where the corners come into contact with the screws, a small incision should be made in the inner side of the corner.

Final stage

At the end, the joints are finished, in which a slope sealant or a profile mixture of a suitable color is used. The composition is applied to the incision of the joint, and then gently pressed. The rest are removed. The sealant will protect the product from dust, moisture, debris.

Sandwich panels

When installing slopes from sandwich panels, builders use 3 main materials:

  • foam;
  • liquid Nails;
  • wooden beams.

Foam installation is the easiest option. However, in this case, it is necessary to purchase sandwich panels with a rigid frame. This process is done like this:

  • taking measurements;
  • trimming the frame strip;
  • frame assembly;
  • fixing the frame between the upper slope and the window sill;
  • cutting panels;
  • inserting panels into the frame.


First, 2 side slopes are assembled, and at the end - the upper one. Before blowing out the system with foam, it is necessary to measure the slopes with a level, and also place spacers so that the swollen foam cannot displace the frame.

Slopes from sandwich panels

This method can only be implemented if two-layer sandwich panels are used. To improve adhesion, before blowing out the cracks, the wall of the room and the inner plane of the panels should be sprayed with water from a sprayer.

After a day, the foam will harden, then it will need to be trimmed. Next, put on linings that perform a decorative function. Sometimes installers carry out this process immediately, but this is not compatible with the technical rules.

They will be appropriate only if the walls are in good condition. Thanks to liquid nails you can not use the frame, installing it directly on the wall.

This method is suitable for spacious windows, where a lot of plastic will negatively affect their appearance. The process is divided into the following steps:

  • measurements;
  • trim panel;
  • preliminary fitting;
  • leveling the surface (plaster, removing old materials);
  • panel bonding.

Initially, the outer panel is attached, and the side panels are adjusted to it. But after that, 2 unresolved problems remain:

  • seams in adjacent places;
  • open end piece.

Seams are sealed with a simple putty mixture that matches the color or silicone, provided that the plastic has White color. Today, more and more often for such work they use acrylic paint, its texture is similar to PVC coated, thanks to which you can create a good appearance.

Slopes from sandwich panels for windows

The end face can be covered with a layer of plaster. And if the windows are located over the entire surface of the wall, then there will be no need to think about how and how to paint the slopes on the windows inside. In this case, the end face is painted with white paint, but here it should be noted that the sandwich panels must have an identical color. You can also just hang wallpaper.

wooden bars

To reduce foam costs during the installation of difficult, destroyed slopes, wooden slats are used, which are the basis for attaching the frame. The technology of this process is as follows:

  • taking measurements;
  • cutting beams;
  • assembly of a quadrangle, to which planks of sandwich panels are attached using a stapler;
  • cutting and subsequent insertion of panels into the base;
  • blowing foam;
  • after 24 hours, all unnecessary is removed;
  • lining installation.

Window slopes made of sandwich panels are particularly resistant to mechanical defects. Give preference to 3-layer panels, because 2-layer ones are not rigid enough. However, this condition is optional.

Drywall slopes - fastening

The turmoil associated with an important change, the purchase of plastic windows, is the choice of profile, design, fittings, but not only. There is a decision to be made about slopes. Without the help of experts different types slopes can be done, save some money at the same time and buy a window sill, for example, more expensive.

The downside is that, most likely, it will not be possible to repair windows under warranty. On the other hand, they shouldn't break. The warranty is just insurance.

Often needs to be warmed up window hole, the quality of "native" slopes is not satisfied. Only by dismantling the old ones, improving them with a heater, will it be possible to change the situation.

Mosaics made of glass, mirror splashes, fragments, a relief surface and other extravagant design options are created in a separate order, mostly by hand. Photos of slopes with your own hands, from different materials will help you make a choice. But also from the features installation work, their simplicity or complexity, accessibility depends a lot.

Pros and cons of plaster

Increasing the slope by plastering is the most elementary way to design a window opening. No need to buy tools, modern materials. Previously, people plastered walls only on their own and did an excellent job with this task.

Cons of this method:

  • the surface may end up uneven;
  • it is desirable to insulate such slopes additionally;
  • it will take quite a lot of time to work, because it will be necessary to apply building mix in several layers, let each dry.

If you try, the new slopes still turn out to be even, beautiful. As they say, the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing. Should buy the right materials, to start restoring the natural, usual design for apartments and houses.

It is important to consider that as a result, the slope will not look as harmonious with the windows as plastic. The feeling of novelty, progress will be lost. But it will be cozy, beauty in the retro style will return to the house.

The harmony of the design of the window opening is understood different people differently. This applies not only to curtains, the choice of plants, the colors of the window sill, the color of the windows, but also the slopes.

Mounting Features

How to make slopes with your own hands when wrinkling plaster without defects? The surface is easier to make if you use special plaster beacons. They are on sale, they can be plaster, metal, wood.

It is better to choose plaster because they are very easy to handle. The metal ones are perfectly fixed, while the wooden ones are easier to remove during the restoration process.

How many beacons do you need for one window? They are installed according to a clear scheme. The first is attached next to window frame, up close. As a result, the distance of the overlap, overlap of the slope on the frame should be about 50 mm. Lighthouses are also needed at the outer corners of the window opening. These areas are subject to greater stress, this element strengthens them.

Paint corners help to improve the effect, achieve optimal results, shape correct angle. Attach them with gypsum putty.

In order for the plaster not to crack, before proceeding with the creation of a new surface, the old one must be thoroughly cleaned. It is possible to achieve better adhesion of new materials to the surface if notches are made, although this is not necessary.

The surface must be primed. For plastering, a mixture of cement and sand is used in proportions of 1 to 2. Gypsum dry plaster is ideal for the upper slope.

Each layer is applied as carefully as possible, it is allowed to dry, leveled with a spatula, then proceed to apply the next one. Sanding the last layer is a responsible process. You don't need a spatula, but Sander or sandpaper- with large grains and smaller.

A sealant that can be used for painting will help eliminate gaps in the corners, along the line connecting the slope with the window frame, the wall.

That's all, the slopes are ready. The surface is primed and painted desired color. If insulation is provided, it is necessary, after removing the old slopes, treating the walls with a primer, putty, to mount the insulating material, fix it with foam or with the help of nails intended for this. Then apply plaster.

Drywall slopes - a lot of advantages

Do-it-yourself installation of slopes from drywall is difficult at first glance. They do everything "scientifically", as they say. Because of this, perhaps, the result is luxurious - the windows are neat, stylish, fashionable. True, you will need special tools that not every home has.

People are used to the need for a hammer to hammer in a nail, but it turned out that it was more practical to purchase a screwdriver. In the country, the hammer is relevant, but in the apartment with modern renovation no. And all because of the drywall.

This is a light weight material, cut with a grinder. With its help, in a short time it is really possible to create a perfectly flat surface. Such slopes can be repaired in case of minor damage with putty.

The disadvantage is that it is unstable to moisture. Be sure to use a primer. It cannot be used to decorate surfaces from the side of the street.

Start with mounting the frame: attached metallic profile, guides. Then the insulation is fixed, drywall sheets are installed. Sheathe the sides first, and then the top.

If desired, if there is a skill, the work can be done faster than if you choose plastering. Door slopes with their own hands are often also made from this material. It's beautiful and practical.

Sandwich panels for slopes

How to make slopes on the windows with your own hands without any extra effort? Sandwich panels - what you need. Having bought them, you can simultaneously complete the decor and insulate the window opening. They are different colors, easy to fix.

In order to put the slopes in order, it is not necessary in this case to remove the old ones, but it is desirable - a truly durable surface will be created that will last for many years. If you decorate with sandwich panels old surface, the duration of their operation will depend on its condition.

The starting profile is placed next to the frame, and for the outer edge they take wooden lath. A sandwich panel is attached to them using screws, self-tapping screws.

Mounting foam carefully fills the void between the panel and the wall. The decorative profile is put on the corners, fixed. It remains only to wipe new surface, remove the dust. The slopes are made new design will delight the eye with beauty modern materials, their combinations.

DIY slope photo

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Finishing window slopes: features and technology of using 4 materials

Option 1: plaster

general information

Finishing window slopes on the outside is traditionally done with plaster. Inside, it is also used, but not as actively as a couple of decades ago: the use of modern materials improves the quality of surfaces and, which is much more important for builders, noticeably speeds up the finish.

What is useful to know about plaster slopes?

  • Exterior finish with gypsum and putties strictly prohibited. Gypsum is not resistant to water, and the slopes will “float” in the first prolonged rain. Internal slopes gypsum mixtures it is possible to finish, but at the same time, normal ventilation and heating of the window opening must be ensured: it must not freeze, which will cause condensation;
  • External slopes are leveled with mixtures based on Portland cement;

Along with the finished plaster, a self-prepared cement-sand mixture can be used. M-400 brand cement is mixed with sifted sand in a ratio of 1:3. It makes sense to add a little plasticizer to the solution or liquid soap(at the rate of 1 tablespoon per bucket of ready-made solution): then it will be possible to reduce the amount of water, which will speed up the setting of the mixture.

  • For a fine finish, it is better to use putties on white cement. In this case, the base will not shine through even if the paint layer is broken. Acrylic can be applied with the same success. facade putty on concrete bases.


  1. The opening is brushed clean of debris, dust and primed twice with a penetrating primer. The primer will bind the inevitable dust residues, prevent wall shedding and ensure high-quality adhesion of the plaster to the base;
  2. Plaster, in my opinion, is most conveniently applied with a rectangular steel spatula.

A small portion of the plaster is applied with a second spatula or trowel on its plane, after which it is pressed into the slope with a light blow. The method guarantees a minimum amount of plaster spatter and high-quality adhesion to the base. Excess plaster is removed with the same spatula; the absence of large irregularities is checked by a rule or a long straight rail;

An important point: with a plaster layer thickness of more than 3 cm, it is applied in two steps and with a mandatory sticker of a reinforcing glass mesh. Otherwise, the shrinkage of the plaster will lead to cracks.

  1. Puttying is more convenient to perform with a flat steel trowel 30–35 cm wide. The putty is applied to it with a narrower trowel, after which it is applied to the opening surface with a sliding motion from the frame to the slope angle.

How to paint a plastered opening?

I advise you to use water-dispersion for both internal and external slopes. "rubber" paint. Do not be afraid of its name: the color and texture of the paint is no different from any other semi-gloss water-based emulsion. However, it is a full-fledged waterproofing coating and completely eliminates the wetting of slopes in the rain.

In the photo - rubber paint produced by Sevastopol Rezel +. Highly recommend.

Option 2: drywall

general information

Finishing slopes inside with drywall is noticeably faster than plastering. Main disadvantage GKL - limited resistance to water, so I will emphasize again: the opening must be ventilated and heated. As a rule, in rooms without ventilation ducts, the problem is solved by installing a supply valve in a plastic frame; heating is provided by a heating radiator under the window.

However: in my house thermal curtains in front of the windows provide inverter air conditioners installed on the side wall, which are used as the main heating.

For fastening plasterboard slopes can be used:

  • in brick or panel house- gypsum glue (for example, Perlfix from Knauf), as well as any gypsum putty or plaster;
  • Inside wooden house GKL is attached to self-tapping screws.

I will clarify: GKL - not the best solution for finishing window openings wooden house in terms of aesthetics. Wooden lining looks much more harmonious in it.

If the room was covered with wallpaper, after installing drywall slopes, the edges of the opening will look untidy. Instead of wallpapering, you can use a simpler and cheap solution: the opening is finished with a plastic corner 25 - 30 mm wide.

A couple of subtleties of finishing the corner:

  1. For cutting plastic to size, it is most convenient to use a grinder with a cutting disc for metal or stone. It allows you to make the cut line perfectly even and does not leave burrs;
  2. To stick a plastic corner, high-quality silicone sealant or liquid nails can be used. They are applied in two narrow strips on each inside corner. It is easiest to press the corner for the time of setting of the adhesive composition with masking tape.


So, how is the finishing of slopes of plastic windows with plasterboard done?

I do it like this:

  1. GKL is cut to the size of the opening with a small margin in width. The excess is easy to remove after setting the gypsum adhesive with an ordinary planer;

Cutting with a saw or jigsaw produces a lot of dust. It is better to cut the GKL sheet a quarter of the thickness with a sharp knife, and then break it off at the corner of a table or any other elevation. Lastly, a layer of kraft paper is cut off from the back of the notch.

  1. The opening is cleaned of dust and primed twice with penetrating soil. The goal is the same as in the case of a plaster slope: to prevent shedding of the surface and to ensure reliable adhesion of the adhesive to the base;
  2. Glue or gypsum putty is being prepared. The cooking algorithm for them is the same: the dry mixture is poured into a clean wide container with water and after a few minutes it is thoroughly mixed (with a mixer or with your own hands, using a spatula);
  3. The finished glue is thrown in cakes with a minimum step between them on the wall or a GKL sheet cut to size;
  4. Drywall is pressed against the slope and leveled with light slaps with the palm of your hand. To finally level it, use a level and a rule or a straight rail.

The upper slope at the time of setting the glue will have to be fixed with props.

Another option is to fix it with a perforated tape folded onto the wall, which will later be hidden with putty.

The seams in the corners are reinforced with serpentine or rolled fiberglass, after which the slopes are puttied over the entire area with gypsum or acrylic putty. The tool is a wide steel spatula.

Interior decoration is completed by painting the slopes. And in this case, I advise you to use a "rubber" emulsion that gives a waterproof washable coating. To obtain a uniform color, at least 3 layers are needed, each of which is applied with a brush or a narrow roller perpendicular to the previous one.

The last layer should lie across the slopes. So the inevitable bumps will be the least noticeable in natural light.

Option 3: metal

general information

How to finish the outside opening in a wall lined with metal siding or thermal panels?

One of the most simple solutionsmetal slopes. They can either be attached to the profile surrounding the window with roofing screws, or sit on sealant and mounting foam.

Here obvious merits finishing the opening with metal from the outside:

  • Long (at least 30 years) service life, during which the slopes will maintain an impeccable appearance;
  • The ability to hide significant irregularities in the walls of the opening;
  • Extremely easy maintenance. It is enough to wipe the surface painted with powder paint from time to time from dust and drips with a damp cloth.

The disadvantages can only be recorded as the noise of low tide in the rain. With the windows closed inside the room, it is almost inaudible.


Steel profiles with zinc coated and powder coating are made according to the sizes of a window in industrial conditions. The ebb is made with an overlap on the slopes, which allows for tightness in the corners.

There are few subtleties in the installation of ebb and slopes:

  • The ebb is mounted first;
  • Connections to the frame and wall are sealed with silicone;

Especially important is the sealing of the junction with the wall of the upper slope. In case of slanting rain, water can flow under it. Constant dampness under the opening will lead to mold and accelerated destruction of the walls.

  • Cavities under slopes and ebb are foamed with mounting foam with a low coefficient of expansion;
  • Slopes are attracted directly to plastic profile window frame with galvanized self-tapping screws;
  • During the setting of the foam, it is better to install spacers in the opening, which will prevent the thin metal from deforming when it expands.

When mounted on metal carcass or a wooden crate for fixing ebbs are used, as I mentioned above, roofing screws with a drill and a rubber gasket under the cap.

Option 4: plastic

general information

How to finish inside the opening of the kitchen window near the stove? After all, the splashes that are inevitable when cooking will quickly make plaster or plasterboard slopes untidy, right?

And what is used to finish the window openings in the walls covered with vinyl siding from the outside?

You already guessed, right?

Everything is correct. In both cases, they use PVC panels and profiles.

Of course, their appearance and method of attachment are very different:

  • Interior finishing is performed with honeycomb or sandwich panels, including a layer of expanded polystyrene;
  • For exterior finish the opening uses a thin single-layer vinyl profile.

Exterior plastic finishing does not require any comments: the profiles quite harmoniously complement the siding. Why attractive internal plastic slopes?

  1. Opening insulation. Both sandwich panels and cellular panels equally exclude the possibility of freezing slopes in cold weather;
  2. Ease of care. For cleaning slopes, you can use any detergents except abrasive.


Let's start with how to finish the opening with plastic in a wall lined with siding.

  1. Along the entire perimeter, the window frame is protected by a waterproofing apron made of roofing sheet or rolled materials;
  2. A starting profile is attached to the window frame on each side of the opening;
  3. The window profile is cut to size, taking into account the overlap at the corners;
  4. On the upper window profile, cuts are made at both ends and tongues are bent, which will be inserted into the side profiles and will serve to drain water into them;
  5. Trimming vinyl architraves in the corners.

    Fastening profiles, as well as vinyl siding, performed with galvanized self-tapping screws. The head of the self-tapping screw should be located in the middle of the profile groove and allow it to move freely when the linear dimensions change due to heating or cooling.

    Now let's move on to the plastic finishing of the internal slopes.

    Here is how the entire slope structure looks in section:

    The installation instructions are not difficult:

    1. Starting profile with printed on it silicone sealant fastened to the window frame with galvanized self-tapping screws 9 mm long in increments of 15 - 20 centimeters;
    2. Side and top slopes are cut to size of the opening;
    3. Under the side slopes to the window sill, the segments of the starting profile are attached in the manner described above;
    4. The panels are inserted into the fixed profile;
    5. The cavities between them and the wall are filled with insulation (usually mineral wool);
    6. In the upper corners, a cut-to-size corner profile is inserted between the panels. With the same success, however, the junction can be issued with a starting profile. To do this, the upper slope should be slightly longer than the opening;
    1. The junction of the slope to the wall is closed with a removable casing or sealed with a plastic corner.

    As plastic slopes, you can use ordinary wall panels of sufficient width. I strongly advise you to buy glossy rather than matte panels: they are much less dirty and easier to clean.


    I hope that I was able to exhaustively answer the question of how you can finish the slopes of the windows. As always, I would appreciate your comments and additions to the article. Good luck, comrades!

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