How to make a patch on an intex mattress. How to avoid new damage

Engineering systems 12.06.2019
Engineering systems

Inflatable furniture is popular due to its convenience, ease of storage and transportation. But over time, holes appear on the mattresses through which air escapes.

You can repair damage on your own at home. Most often, damage is associated with inflating the mattress to the maximum. Manufacturers indicate in the instructions that this is prohibited, but many violate this rule.

  1. Rubber adhesive made from natural rubber Desmokol.
  2. Super Moment Crystal from Henkel.
  3. "Uranus" for rubber boats.

Do not forget that the toxins contained in the adhesives can harm a person and require careful and careful handling.

It is worth remembering that the compositions for working with inflatable products are flammable and there should be no open sources of fire or sparks near you.

How to seal an Intex air mattress

You will need:

  • scissors,
  • glue,
  • rubber patch,
  • glue brush,
  • sandpaper,
  • detergent or shaving foam.


Start with a search damaged places, it is not easy. Usually holes are left by pets or children who love to jump from the heart.

First of all, you should carefully examine the seams, joints of the surface and internal ribs.

  1. Not in living conditions use the method: lower the inflated mattress into the water and see where the air bubbles will come out.
  2. At home, you can use soap or shaving foam, applying it to possible puncture sites, it will bubble in the air outlet areas.
  3. If it was not possible to find cuts, water with washing liquid is poured into the mattress. From the damaged places, when pressing on the mattress, soapy water will come out with a whistle.
  4. When damage is found, a patch or sticker is applied to the cut.
  5. What glue to glue an air mattress, the craftsmen answer - buy an Intex kit designed for repairing inflatable things, it includes both patching material and glue.

If the cut is at the junction of the seams, then the place is treated with alcohol, and then glued according to the instructions.

But in order not to spoil appearance, glue can be applied from the inside.

  1. The damaged area is pulled out through the valve hole and the patch is fixed from the inside.
  2. It will take a little glue - apply an even layer on the patch and firmly press it to the surface. Leave the mattress to dry for about 12 hours.
We glue the mattress step by step

Another option for the reconstruction of the mattress:

  1. The place of damage is treated with sandpaper.
  2. Then soaked in alcohol.
  3. After that, the size of the patch is selected, glue is applied to it and attached to the cut site. Instead of purchased patches, you can use rubberized materials and polyurethane glue or a compound for working with rubber.
  4. After gluing the patches, the mattress is left under pressure for 24 hours.
  5. Then they inflate and check how reliably it was possible to glue the patch and the cut.

If there are several damages, then they need to be closed in stages, waiting until the previous seam is completely seized. If, after inflation, the air still comes out, then either there are still cuts or the inlet valve is not screwed tightly.

If the problem is in the valve:

  1. To check for problems in the valve hole, shaving foam is poured into the inflated mattress.
  2. It will foam around the valve if it is damaged.
  3. Then the valve is unscrewed and lubricated.
  4. The end itself is ground and treated with silicone grease and returned to its place. In case of serious damage to the valve, you will have to contact the workshop.


Where to stick an air mattress

If you have this question, then with large cuts, punctures, open seams, it is better to call and ask for the help of professionals.

Difficult to fix seam tears or damage on your own internal partitions. Technicians can come to your home and fix the damage on the spot. And if there was a small puncture, cut, you can fix the problem yourself.

There are companies and private craftsmen who specialize in the repair of just such products. You need to call professionals if the seams and cuts are more than five cm, and also the internal partitions have come off.

Inflatable mattresses are used not only for relaxing on water bodies, they are also often used at home instead of a bed for guests. They are compact, take up little space when deflated, and have an indefinite life as long as they are handled with care and punctures are avoided. But when they happen, the question arises of how to seal the inflatable and whether it is possible to do it yourself. Anyone can perform such repairs, you just need to select the required materials and tools.

Such a convenient home attribute can be torn or pierced at any time, this can be facilitated by frisky pets at home, branches or debris on the street, but you should not throw it away. The mattress can be repaired on its own with the help of patches and glue, if you follow the instructions below, it will turn out no worse than that of specialists.

Gluing a rubber product is a simple process, it is much more difficult to figure out how to find a hole in an air mattress. Most often, it is so small that it cannot be found with a cursory examination, and there is no way to determine by sound. First of all, you should make sure that the problem is not in the valve, often it is because of its loose screwed cap that air leaks occur.

Almost 90% of the holes in mattresses appear on their side seams, and the rest occur on the bottom surface that is in contact with the floor.

First, you need to find all the leaks, and without a careful inspection of the entire product and the use of various methods for detecting punctures, you cannot do.

1st stage. Finding the location of damage

A visual inspection of a rubber thing sometimes does not give any results. If the place of damage immediately becomes noticeable, then, by attaching the back of the hand to it, you can feel the flow of cold air coming from inside the mattress.

You can also feel the movement of air with your hands moistened in water, only you need to carry out the examination of the mattress systematically, studying every centimeter, not forgetting to constantly wet your brushes.

Immersion in water

If the hole has become noticeable near a reservoir, then the exact location of its deployment can be calculated if the product is fully inflated and placed on it as much as possible more people. Then, under their mass, it will plunge into the water and bubbles will become noticeable on the water surface, and the damaged area is determined from them.

A pre-inflated mattress must be treated with soapy water, for this they use foam sponge or a piece of this material. A soapy substance prepared from liquid or ordinary soap is poured into a convenient container - a cup, and all surfaces are methodically treated with it. With this method of detecting holes, even the smallest of them can be identified by air bubbles.

By sound

People with good hearing be able to identify punctures by ear. Only to check the mattress you need to choose a quiet room, inflate the mattress in it and listen carefully to the characteristic hissing sound, it is formed by the air at the outlet.

Liquid filling

Sometimes it is advised to fill the rubber product with water, and by the trickles that will flow from it, you can determine where the hole is. But the complexity of this technique is that the product after such filling will be difficult to dry, and in the future, some simply refuse to use it. But if, nevertheless, the situation is in the summer, then the mattress is easy to dry in the air, only whitish stains can remain.

If they do not confuse, then the order of determining holes is as follows:

  • completely release all air from the rubber product;
  • prepare a liquid with a soapy solution;
  • pour the prepared soap solution with a volume of 3 liters into the mattress and inflate it;
  • slowly turn the mattress over from all sides in order to determine the place of the puncture by the characteristic hissing sounds;
  • mark the identified areas of damage with a marker.

2nd stage. Surface preparation for patch application

After determining all the places that let air out of the mattress, you should mark them with a marker, chalk or a soap bar. The rubber thing is thoroughly cleaned of dirt, if necessary, washed, waiting for it to dry naturally. In no case should it be hung on a battery or near other heating devices.

If the hole is located on the fleecy part of the mattress, then this area is cleaned a little sandpaper fine grit so that the patch can be pressed more tightly against the damaged surface.

The patch should be degreased using acetone, lighter gasoline, pure alcohol, or nail polish remover. After such processing, no traces should remain.

3rd stage. Preparation of the necessary tools and materials

A completely logical question arises, how to glue an air mattress so that it can last for many more years. It is best to buy a ready-made repair kit from Intex, which contains:

  • transparent vinyl film;
  • flock patch;
  • glue.

The kit comes with instructions that make it easy to figure out how to properly stick the patch. Such a set can be bought in advance together with a mattress in order to avoid searching in the future the right materials. It does not take up much space, but if necessary, it can be used even on the road.

If there is nowhere to buy such a kit, then you can prepare all the materials necessary for repair from improvised means:

  • for patches, any old inflatable children's toy, from which you can cut a piece, will do right size, it can be a ball, armlet, pool, circle and much more;
  • instead of special glue, you can purchase its analogue for rubber, but you can’t use super glue, otherwise you can damage the mattress.

Scissors, sandpaper, a glue brush and a marker for marking are used as tools.

4th stage. Adhesive selection

There are many products on the market that are suitable for gluing rubber products, when choosing them, you should avoid those options that act instantly.

The moment is universal

Its transparent composition reliably glues not only rubber patches, but also pieces of other materials. Its complete drying occurs after a day.

PU for shoes

This polyurethane adhesive is also known as Desmokol. It is mainly used for gluing leather products, but has also been successfully used to repair rubber mattresses.

PVC adhesive

It is also known as Liquid Patch. It is waterproof and different colors, which is very convenient, since you can restore the product of any color without losing its attractive appearance.

Super Moment

Although this glue is made from natural rubber, it is not recommended to use it for repairing mattresses, because when it hardens it becomes so hard that it can subsequently crumble.

rubber adhesive

It must be applied to the patch and the rubber product at the same time, and after two minutes they are applied to each other and placed under the press. After 24 hours, the result of the repair can be checked.

5th stage. Cutting a patch

If the damage is small, then you should not overload the product with large patches, it will be enough to cut off suitable material a piece measuring 1.5 × 1.5 cm. Before gluing, the patch itself and the puncture site must be treated with alcohol, and then wait until they dry. Gluing should be carried out when the rubber is dry.

If there are several local puncture points on the mattress, but they are located next to each other, then they can be combined into one piece of material. In this case, it is necessary that the edges of the patch completely cover the area of ​​damage, for this you need to provide a margin of at least 1 cm on each side.

6th stage. Surface sealing

The amount of glue depends on its type. In the case of using the "Moment", it is applied in a thick layer, and if the repair is carried out by Dismakol, then it is smeared thinly and evenly over the patch. After applying the adhesive, the patch and the damaged area must be dried, it is advisable to wait for 10 minutes. But if there is not so much time, then you can use it, only warm, not hot air should come out of it.

The patch is pressed tightly against the mattress and held for two minutes until it is well fixed. If you fulfill all the repair conditions, then the mattress can be used after half an hour.

7th stage. Seam sealing

At small areas damage to the seam is simply filled with glue and does not touch the product until it is completely dry, but if it was not possible to correct the situation the first time, then the repair should be repeated.

There is another way to glue the seams, it is more laborious, but reliable. Its implementation is as follows:

  • after identifying the place of leakage, the mattress section must be pulled out through the valve, for this you can use a ruler;
  • the place of damage is wiped with alcohol or other means for degreasing the surface;
  • after processing, the product must dry out, during which time the necessary patch is cut out of the prepared rubberized fabric, on it inside glue is applied;
  • the patch is applied to the seam and firmly pressed against it.

After this repair option, the mattress does not need to be touched for at least 12 hours, after the glue has completely dried, the mattress is turned back and inflated.

If it was not possible to eliminate the leak at one time, you need to repeat the entire process of gluing the patch again, just do not need to eliminate the old one. It is necessary to cut a piece larger than the previous one and fix it over the old one, it will be more reliable, but at the same time you need to make sure that the edges are well greased with glue.

Some people worry that the edges of the patch will start to lift up over time and it will fall off because of this. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to process them with sandpaper a little after the patch is glued, and then apply a small strip of glue on top.

How to prevent new confirmations?

Each time after using the mattress on vacation, it must be blown off on the beach, and then transported home in this form. If you don’t want to constantly inflate it, then you should carry it on your hands, while trying not to touch sharp and piercing objects (tree branches, roofs, etc.). At home, it is better to install it against the wall, in the corner, so that doors, pets and children cannot catch it. It is stored only in a dry form.

If this rubber product is used only as a bed for guests, then after each departure it is advisable to blow off the product and store it in its original packaging.


Proper repair of the mattress guarantees its long service life in the future, and if you follow all the recommendations for its storage and use, then the rubber thing will delight you for many, many months.

Air mattresses (beds) are convenient when you need to quickly organize a temporary sleeping place. They are cheap, they are different sizes, shapes and colors. Most modern air mattresses are made from soft sheet polyvinyl chloride (PVC) of small thickness. Their most common problem is air leakage through small damages (holes) that form spontaneously during normal use, in other words, the mattress deflates.

Large manufacturers of air mattresses for such cases offer their own repair kits (repair kits), consisting of a special adhesive for PVC and several patches. Such a repair kit can be recommended for purchase immediately (along with a mattress), since sooner or later it will definitely come in handy.

If there is no branded repair kit at hand, then you can use improvised means.

To seal an air mattress, you must:

  1. Soapy water.
  2. Glue "Universal Moment".
  3. Degreaser (acetone or gasoline).
  4. Pieces of thin rubber.

Transparent glue will level the flaws in its application.

In the kit for repairing car cameras, you can find ready-made patches of suitable sizes. Experimentally, it was found that his glue is not suitable for gluing PVC.

The first thing to do is to find on the mattress all the damage from which air comes out. To do this, we prepare soapy water, shake it until a rich foam forms. Tightly inflate the mattress and start slowly, consistently applying foam with a brush to its entire surface. An inflating bubble is evidence of an air leak. As a rule, the holes are very small, and in order not to lose sight of them, it is better to immediately circle the problem area with a marker.

The “bubble bath” dissolved in water allows you to quickly get a lot of foam.

Air escaping from the mattress inflates the bubble.

The holes are usually very small, and most often occur at the attachment points of the internal mattress connectors.

On a flocked surface, it is even more difficult to see a hole.

After all the damage is localized, we proceed directly to gluing the mattress, after expelling the air from it. We degrease the patching area, as well as the patch itself. If the damage is on the upper flocked surface, then the flock must first be removed with acetone.

Degreasing (photo above) and removing the flock with acetone.

Apply glue to both surfaces (mattress and patch) in an even layer of moderate thickness. We maintain a five-minute pause, apply a patch and strongly press it to the place of damage. It makes sense to press down the patch with some kind of cargo for up to 24 hours.

Applying glue.

Imposing a payment.

Despite the fact that inflatable furniture has a lot of advantages and excellent performance, it has one significant drawback - insufficient strength. Inflatable sofas, mattresses and chairs are pierced and torn more often than we would like. In this situation, many people have the question of how to glue the air mattress with glue so that it can be used for a long time.

But before the choice of glue and others necessary materials for repair, it is worth understanding the nature and location of the puncture. In most cases, this is the main difficulty in repairing an air mattress.

Often the mattress deflates without visible damage, because a small puncture is enough for this, not visible to the eye during the visual inspection. In this case, damage can be done in several ways:

  1. Dip the inflated mattress into the water. However, this method can only be applied in nature or in industrial conditions. It is not suitable for home repairs.
  2. Apply soapy water to the mattress. This method is quite simple. It is necessary to take a soapy solution (you can dilute the dishwashing detergent with water 1/1) and apply it to the damaged product. As a result, foam will bubble in places of damage.
  3. Find holes from the inside. This method is considered the most time-consuming and has its drawbacks, which is why it is used in case of an unsuccessful search using the above methods. In order to detect damage, the mattress must be deflated. Then pour 5 liters of soap solution into it and inflate it with air. After that, as a result of turning the mattress over, the water should come out of the hole. And the soap solution will bubble. Thus, you will find damage that must be noted with a felt-tip pen. The disadvantage of this procedure is that the water will have to be removed. Dry the mattress. Otherwise, the repair will be impossible.

Types and causes of damage

There can be many reasons for damage to an air mattress:

  • it can be damaged by children, with indefatigable games,
  • animals living in the house
  • various plants and sharp objects in the immediate vicinity of the mattress,
  • and even you yourself inflating the mattress more resiliently than the instructions require.

There are several types of damage. The easiest repair is considered to be a puncture of the plane material. In this situation, the repair is not difficult and can be done without specific equipment. by the most difficult option a case is considered when the mattress material has parted along the seam or has come off the internal partitions.

In this situation, the recovery process is more laborious. If you think that you can’t handle it yourself, then it will be easier to take the damaged product to a specialized workshop where it will be repaired. Air mattresses are repaired both in workshops from manufacturers and in private companies.

How to fix a mattress without the help of specialists?

Once you've found a puncture or other damage to an inflatable and assessed its nature, you should decide whether to fix it yourself or have it repaired by professionals. Of course, if this mattress is dear to you and you expect to use it successfully in the future, contact service center from the manufacturer, especially if the damage is complex or large. However, if it's just a small hole in the surface, you should be able to fix it yourself.

For repairs, you will need a special repair kit manufactured by the manufacturer of the product, you can purchase it at the points of sale of mattresses. The repair kit usually includes special glue and patches of different diameters.

Today, two main methods are used to repair simple mattress damage:

  1. Repair of products outside. In order to repair the inflatable product in this way, it is necessary to degrease the surface of the mattress with alcohol and glue the patch according to the instructions. However, such a repair is not suitable for everyone, because the patch spoils the aesthetic appearance of the product and can come off at any time. If you do not want to spoil the appearance of the mattress, and you want to be sure of the reliability of the repair, you need to resort to the second method - repair from the inside.
  2. Repair of inflatable furniture from the inside. This method is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. The first thing you need to do is pull the damaged area into the air inlet. To do this, you can successfully use a ruler or other thin, but not sharp object. After pulling the desired area through the valve, you also need to degrease the surface and fix the previously prepared patch with glue. With this approach, the patch appears to be inside the mattress and will not stand out on the surface.

At self repair air mattress, you must strictly follow the instructions for using the adhesive. The quality of the repair directly depends on this.

Do not use too much glue, it is enough to smear the surfaces with a thin layer and carefully press the surfaces together using a heavy object. Also pay attention to the glue drying time, it is not recommended to inflate the product until the glue has completely dried.

We think you are familiar with the situation when you stayed overnight with friends on an air mattress, and by morning you found that you were lying almost on the floor. Despite all the convenience, economy and functionality of such beds, you will have to wonder how to seal an air mattress more than once: no matter how rarely and carefully you use it, over time it will no longer hold air as well as at first after the purchase. Find out how you can find the culprit of the leak and how to resolve such a problematic situation.

Rule out valve failure

Before scolding children or a cat for making holes, make sure that the mattress is not deflating for another reason, and this may well be a valve malfunction. It is possible that it is not necessary to glue the mattress at all and you can limit yourself to repairing this part.

Lie down on the air bed, put your hand to the valve and listen: if you feel or hear air escaping in this place, then returning the tightness valve will help you solve the problem of waking up on the floor. To begin with, try pulling out the valve, rinsing it of dust and putting it back: debris accumulated in the grooves may well be the cause of the problem. But this method will only work if the valve is not damaged and has no cracks in the pump hole. In this case, it will not work to repair the part at home: you will have to buy and replace the valve with a new one. It can also be caused by an improperly installed or simply loose valve, and since these options are the easiest to determine by eye, try to rule them out first.

In order for the valve to remain in its original form for a long time, you should not screw the pump too tight when inflating the mattress.

Finding the source of the leak

Everything is in order with the valve, and it became obvious that there are still holes in the material? Well, it’s quite possible to seal them at home, but first you need to determine exactly where the gap is, and oh, how difficult it is to do this without using household tricks. By the way, in such a situation, you can not look for someone to blame: very often holes appear on air mattresses simply during operation without extraneous mechanical damage.

  • A great way to identify holes is to use a foam solution, which is best made with bath foam or detergent for dishes. On a completely air-filled mattress, section by section, apply the solution with a sponge, cloth or spray gun, and you will see that large bubbles like soap bubbles will begin to form in some places. It is in this place that you need to look for a hole.
  • First of all, holes should be looked for at the borders of the adhesion of the outer canvas with internal elements, and this is the entire length of the relief pattern. This place is the most vulnerable, although small tears along the seam or on the main canvas cannot be ruled out.
  • Having found a hole, circle it with a pen or marker so as not to forget its location, because you can stick the mattress only when it dries, and by that time the tears can be lost sight of.

Also, don't be complacent when you find one hole: often, especially on older mattresses, you have to deal with several tears at the same time, so it's best to inspect the mattress thoroughly and completely.

When inflating a mattress, remember that overfilling it with air over time can cause small or even large tears in the surface.

We seal holes and tears on an air mattress

The same store where you bought the bed will probably sell branded repair kits to fix the problem, but you probably want to know how to seal an air mattress at home without spending money on expensive kits. Correctly and efficiently repair an air bed can be done independently with the help of improvised means, if you follow a certain algorithm.

  1. Proceed with gluing only after the mattress is completely dry after taking soapy baths.
  2. Buy glue for PVC: the classic "Moment" is quite suitable, because after drying it becomes like rubber. But its transparent variations, although they will make the patch more accurate, can adversely affect its quality, since such compositions “glaze” after drying and may crack when bent. For the same reason, superglue is not suitable. Besides, it can ruin pvc material, as it is an aggressive adhesive.
  3. As a patch, you can use a piece of thin rubber or, for example, patches from a tire repair kit if you are a motorist and they are lying around idle. In this case, the patch should close the hole at least 1 cm on each side. So, for a simple, barely noticeable hole, you need to cut a circle with a diameter of 2-3 cm.
  4. Both the area with the gap and the patch itself must be thoroughly degreased with acetone or other means if you want the bond to be really strong. If your mattress has a flocked surface, then the pile must first be removed with acetone or fine sandpaper: it will not work to stick a patch to it.

Due to the specifics of working with Moment glue, it is possible to glue the mattress only when deflated, otherwise it will not work to press the surfaces strongly against each other, as the mattress will spring back. Apply adhesive to the damaged area on the mattress and to the patch, wait 5 minutes, press the surfaces firmly together and fix the patch in place with a weight for the next 24 hours.

If your mattress starts to bleed while camping or camping and you can't fix it, good duct tape will do the trick before you get home, although this method doesn't work well on a velor surface.

Repairing an air mattress with your own hands, without contacting a workshop and without buying special repair kits, is real if you allocate a little time for this and follow the recommendations listed!

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