Agroclimatic resources of the world. Agroclimatic resources

Gardening 21.09.2019

Providing the possibility of maintaining production: light, heat and moisture. These properties largely determine the placement. The development of plants is favored by sufficient illumination, warm, good moisturizing.

The distribution of light and heat is determined by the intensity solar radiation. In addition to the degree of illumination on plants, and their development affects the length of the daylight. Long Day Plants - Barley, Len, Oats - require longer illumination than a short-day plant - corn, rice, etc.

The most important factor for plants is the air temperature. The main life processes in plants occur in the range from 5 to 30 ° C. The transition of the average daily air in 0 ° C with its increase indicates the beginning of spring, with a decrease - about the occurrence of the cold period. The gap between these dates is a warm period of the year. Armored period is a period without frost. The growing season is called a period of year with a stable above 10 ° C. Its duration approximately corresponds to the frosting period.

The sum of temperatures of the growing season is of great importance. It characterizes heat resources for crops. In the context of Russia, this indicator is in the mains in the range of 1400-3000 ° C.

An important plant growth condition is a sufficient amount of moisture. The accumulation of moisture depends mainly on the number of precipitation and distribution over the year. From November to March, in most areas of the country falls in the form of snow. The accumulation of them creates snow cover on the surface surface. It provides a stock of moisture for plant development, protects the soil from the freezing.

The best combination was formed in Central Black Earth, North and Partly in the Volga Regional Economic Areas. Here, the sum of temperatures of the growing season is equal to 2200-3400 ° C, which allows you to grow winter wheat, corn, rice, sugar beet, sunflower, thermal-loving vegetables and fruits.

At the main territory of the country, the sum of temperatures from 1000 to 2000 ° C prevails, which according to world standards is considered below the level of profitable. This applies primarily to Siberia and: here the amount of temperatures for most of the territory ranges from 800 to 1500 ° C, which almost completely eliminates the possibility of cultivation of crops. If the isolated amount of temperatures of 2000 ° C in the European territory of the country passes through the line Smolensk - Moscow - - Ufa, then it descends south - to Kurgan, and Barnaul, and then appears only in the south of the Far East, in a small area Amur region, Jewish autonomous region and Primorsky Krai.

Agroclimatic resources are the properties of climate, ensuring the possibilities of agricultural production. The most important indicator of agro-climatic resources are: the duration of the period with the average daily temperature above 10 degrees; The amount of temperatures during this period; Moisturizing coefficient; Power and duration of snow cover. Since the climate of our country is very diverse, its different parts have different agro-climatic "capabilities".

Most (3/4) of the territory of Russia is located in the zone of cold and moderate climatic belts. Therefore, the solar heat enters it very in limited quantities (the average temperature of the territory as a whole does not exceed 5 ° C, the amount of temperature for the period over 10 ° C varies from 400 ° C in the north to 4000 ° C in the south of the country), huge areas (10 million square meters. km, or 60% of the country's territory) occupies eternal Merzlota.

In terms of the Russian territory (approximately 35% of the country area), located in a temperate belt (with temperatures above 10 ° C 1000-4000 ° C), heat is enough to aging such crops, like wheat, rye, barley, oats, buckwheat , Flax, sugar beets, sunflower dr. However, on a huge area located behind the polar circle (islands and the mainland coast of the Northern Ocean), only vegetable growing in the closed soil or focal agriculture is possible.

Due to the considerable length of the territory in Russia, the continental climate prevails, while the continentality of the climate is intensified from the west to the East. On the European part of Russia, the climate is moderately continental with cold and snowy winter and warm, relatively wet summer. Behind the Urals, in Siberia and most of the Far East, the climate is sharply continental, with a significant drop in seasonal temperatures (very cold and long winter and roast, short summer) and a reduced number of annual precipitation. With the overall severity of nature, agriculture opportunities in the eastern regions are also limited to the presence of a huge area of \u200b\u200bpermafrost.

The greatest amount of precipitation falls in the mountains of the southern slope of the Caucasus (up to 1000 mm per year), in the Western and central regions of European Russia (up to 600-700 mm per year). To the north (in the Arctic) and the East (in some southern regions of the European part of the country, in Siberia), their number decreases to 100-150 mm. In the south of the Far East (in Primorye), in the field of monsoon climate, the precipitation again increase to 1000 mm per year. At the same time, due to sharp differences in evaporation, the northern and northwestern regions belong to the overwhelmed (humid) territories, and the Southern (Eastern regions North Caucasus, South of the Volga, Urals and Siberia) - to arid (arid).

As a result, almost all the territory of the country is in the zone of risky agriculture (areas where there are frequent refunds of cold weather, drought or convergence and as a result - non-market years); the cultivation of most perennial cultures in the country is impossible; Most of its pastures fall on low productive tundra; areas with favorable conditions for agriculture (North Caucasus, Central Chernozem region, Middle Volga) occupy a small space (just over 5% of the country's territory).

According to heat and moisture, Russia is significantly inferior to many countries, including the United States, whose agroclimatic potential is more than 2.5 times, France - in 2.25, Germany - 1.7, UK - 1.5 times higher, than in the Russian Federation.
In the latitudinal direction, from the north to south, the territory of Russia crosses several soil and vegetable (natural) zones: Arctic deserts, Tundra, Forestandra, Forest (Taiga and Mixed Forests), forest-steppe, steppe, semi-desert. An insignificant area on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus (from Anapa to Adler) is covered by the zone of subtropics.

The zones of the Arctic desert, Tundra and Fierotundra are either unsuitable at all or extremely unfavorable for agricultural activities. Agriculture is impossible for most of the territory in open soils. The prevailing type of farming is extensive pasture reindeer herding and animal resistance.

Agricultural development of the forest zone, due to climatic (cool short summer, the predominance of atmospheric precipitation over the magnitude of their evaporation), soil (low-chicken podzolic, gray forests and swamp soils) and other conditions are associated with overcoming significant difficulties - land reclamation (drainage) of land, Correction of soils, making additional fertilizers, clearing the territory (Calcanov's cleaning, cutting down of the forest, feeding the stumps, etc.) and others. Ripping of the forest area is small, significant areas have hay-and-natural pastures. The main directions of the economic development of the farm are milk-meat cattle breeding and liner, production of early grain (rye, barley, oats) and fodder crops, potatoes.

The zone of the forest-steppe and steppe (central black earth, north-caucasian, Volga region, the southern regions of the Urals, Western and Eastern Siberia) exceed all others in agroclimatic resources. In addition to high security, the heat for the zone is characteristic different species Chernozem and chestnut soils, distinguished by high fertility. The deposit of land is very high. The zone is the main resident of the country, the main manufacturer of agricultural products (almost 80% of the farming of the country, including the overwhelming part of wheat, rice, corn on grain, sugar beets and sunflower, fruits and vegetables, fruits and grapes, etc.). In animal husbandry developed cattle breeding of milk-meat and meat areas, pig breeding, poultry and sheep.

The zone of subtropics (the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory) in the area is very small, but concentrates all the production of tobacco and tea of \u200b\u200bRussia.
Mountain areas of the Caucasus and Southern Siberia (Altai, Kuznetsky Alatau, Western and East Sayan, Mountains of Tuva, Baikalia and Transbaikalia) are allocated by their natural meadows used under pastures. Specialization of agriculture - meat cattle breeding, sheep, horse breeding, maralovotmia, observation, camel.

In the production of agricultural products of the country, the equally equal role belongs to crop and animal husbandry.

The last 15 years have become one of the most arid in the newest history of our country. So, the frequency of droughts in the European territory of Russia, where they were observed in 1999, 1998, 1996, 2002, 2010, and some other years were observed. At the same time, the character of winter, which is now characterized by frequent absence of snow cover or decrease its height has changed. This leads to the fact that the duration of the growing season everywhere increased by no less than 7-10 days, which, accordingly, affects the timing of ripening and harvesting.

It is worth noting that the impact of the climate for different agricultural crops is quite differentiated. Thus, rice and grain corn, which are fully or partially placed in the territories of irrigated land are the greatest resistance to weather changes. At the same time, barley and spring wheat are most susceptible, the yield of which is noticeably falling with the deterioration of weather conditions.

Specialists evaluate the current trend of climate change, as "warming with an increase in aridness." For our country, this can lead to a displacement of the risky agriculture zone to the north. According to different estimates, the modern border of natural zones can shift at 700-1000 kilometers to the north. This may also increase the territory that will be more favorable for agriculture. Thanks to this, our country will be able to significantly increase exports.

In general, global climate change on forecasts positively affect the development and operation of agriculture. According to the national report on the problems of global warming and changes in climate prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development, the balance of negative and positive impacts on the work of agricultural enterprises will in favor of the latter. Thus, the area of \u200b\u200bland suitable for cultivation will increase, heat supply will increase, and the conditions for pumping plants will improve.

Development of agriculture in a zone with favorable agroclimmatic resources in the south of Russia

1. Agroclimatic resources are the properties of climate, ensuring the possibilities of agricultural production. They are characterized: the duration of the period with the average daily temperature is higher than +10 ° C; the amount of temperatures during this period; the ratio of heat and moisture (humidification coefficient); moisture reserves created in winter Snow cover.

Different parts of the country have different agroclimatic resources. On the Far Northwhere the moisturization is excessive, and there is little heat, it is possible only focal agriculture and greenhouse-greenhouse. Within the Taiga North of the Russian Plain and most of the Siberian and Far Eastern Taiga, warmer - the amount of active temperatures of 1000-1600 °, can be grown by rye, barley, flax, vegetables. In the area of \u200b\u200bsteppes and forest-steppes Central Russia, on South Western Siberia. And the Far East Moisturizing is sufficient, and the amount of temperatures from 1600 to 2200 °, can be grown by rye, wheat, oats, buckwheat, various vegetables, sugar beets, feed crops for the needs of animal husbandry.

The most favorable agro-climatic resources of the steppe regions of the Southeast of the Russian Plain, the south of Western Siberia and the Pre-Bureau. Here is the sum of active temperatures of 2200- 3400 °, and you can grow winter wheat, corn, rice, sugar beet, sunflower, thermal-loving vegetables and fruits.

2. The European part of Russia is located in the west of the country, stretching from the Western borders to the Urals. The Asian part of Russia is in the east of the country, stretches from the Urals to Pacific Ocean and includes endless expanses of Siberia and the Far East.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe Eastern Zone is about 3 times more than Western, but EGP is less profitable, as it is removed from the main economic centers of the country, European countries, has a weak land connection with other parts of the country. The eastern zone has access to the seas of the quiet and northern ice oceans, waterways are associated with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, and the West goes to the seas of the Atlantic Ocean.

Oriental zone is better provided with natural resources: it contains 80% of fuel, 75% of forest, 70% of water and 75% hydropower resources. Only an iron ore western zone is provided better. But natural conditions in the East are less favorable (swamps, permafrost, harsh climate, mountain Relief). Construction here is 3-5 times more expensive than in the west of the country. The average population density of the Eastern zone is 12 times less than Western. It is placed much more uneven, concentrating in the south of the zone, along the rivers and railways, huge areas are not populated at all.

The living conditions of people in the east are also more complex, the lack of housing is added to the harsh natural conditions, low household equipment. The cities here are less than two millionaire cities, however, the share of the urban population is higher due to the weak development of agriculture and the few of the population occupied in it.

The basis of the economy of the Eastern zone is the mining industry. It produces the bulk of oil, gas and coal. Agriculture is developed weaker, mainly in the south, it does not satisfy the needs of the population of the zone in products.

The role of the region in the country's economy is constantly increasing. In the 70s and 1970s, East Macroregion became the main fuel and energy base of the country, the main producer of aluminum, the supplier of the ORD color, rare Metals, fish and forest products.

The processing industry prevails in the West, agriculture is developed much better than in the east. It produces 4/5 products of industry and agriculture, 9/10 scientific products, placed the main part of banking capital.

Such significant differences in the economy of two zones are explained not only to differences in EGP and features natural resources, but also the peculiarities of the development of the country - the western part of the country is historically much better mastered and settled.

Publication date: 2014-12-08; Read: 203 | Violation of copyright page - - 2014-2018. (0.001 c) ...

The rational organization of agricultural production as the main condition for solving the exacerbating food problem in the world is not-possible without proper accounting of climate resources of the area.

The influence of climatic factors on the farm of Russia

Such elements of climate, such as heat, moisture, light and air, along with supplied from you are nutritious required condition Life of plants and, ultimately, creating agricultural products.

Therefore, under agroclimatic resources, climate resources are understood as appreciating the demands of agriculture.

Various climatic phenomena (thunderstorms, cloudiness, fogs, snowfalls, etc.) also have a certain impact on plants and are called environment factors. In depending on the strength of this effect, the vegetation of plants is weakened or enhanced (for example, the transpiration increases with strong wind and the need of plants in water increases, etc.).

Environment factors are crucial if they reach high in-stands and are dangerous to the life of plants (for example, freezing flowering time).

In such cases, these factors are subject to special accounting. Another negotiation is established: the existence of the body is determined by the fact that it is in Mi-Numume (the rule of Y. Libich). These ideas are used to identify the so-called limiting factors in the specific territories.

Air. The air medium is characterized by the constancy of the gas composition. The proportion of nitrogen components, oxygen, carbon dioxide and other gases is clearly changing, and therefore, with zoning, they are not taken into account.

Shine. The factor determining the energy basis of the entire variety of livelihoods of plants (their germination of flowering, fruiting, etc.) is mainly the light part of the solar spectrum. Only in the presence of light in plant organisms arises and develops the most important physiological process - photosynthesis.


Each plant requires a certain minimum and maximum heat for its development. The amount of heat required to complete the vegetative cycle is called biological temperature summation . It is limited to the arithmetic amount of the average daily temperatures for the period from the beginning to the end of the vegetation of the plant.

The temperature limit of the beginning and end of the growing season, or critical uro-vein, limiting the active development of culture, was called biological zero or minimum. For various environmental groups Crops Biological zero of the neodynaks. For example, for most grain crops of a moderate belt (barley, rye, wheat, etc.) it is equal to + 5 ° C, for corn, buckwheat, legumes, sunflower, sugar beets, for fruit shrubs and wood crops of moderate belt + 10 ° C, For subtropical crops (rice, cotton, citrus) + 15 ° C.

To account for thermal resources, used amount of active pace . This indicator was proposed in the Xih century.

french biologist Gasparen, but theo-retratically designed and clarified by the Soviet scientist G. G. Selininov in 1930 he was imagined by himself arithmetic amount All average daily temperatures for the period when these temperatures exceed a certain thermal level: +5, + 10c.

To conclude culture growth opportunities in the area studiedIt is necessary to compare each other two indicators: the amount of biological temperature expressing the need of plants in heat and the sum of active temperatures that accumulates in this area. The first value should always be less than the second.

Plant feature moderate belt (crofils) is passing by them winter rest phasesDuring which the plants need a certain thermal air and soil layer mode.

Deviations from the desired temperature range are unfavorable for normal vegetation and often lead plants to death.

Under the agro-climatic assessment of the conditions of wintering means the accounting of adverse meteorological and weather phenomena in the cold season: sharp frosts, deep thaws causing sowing; powerful snow cover under which they screamed; ice, ice crust on the stems and others.

As an indicator of the severity of the conditions of wintering plants, especially wood and shrub, more often than others is used middle of absolute annual air temperature.


The most important factor in the vital activity of plants is moisture. In all lands of life, a plant for its growth requires a certain amount of moisture, without which it dies. Water participates in any physiological process associated with creating or destruction organic. It is necessary for photosynthesis., Provides ter-segulation of vegetable organism, transports power elements.

With normal vegetative development, cultural plants absorb huge amounts of water. Often to form a single unit of dry matter is spent from 200 to 1000 mass units of water.

The theoretical and practical complexity of the problems of water supply of plants led to the appearance of many methods and methods for calculating its parameters.

In Soviet agroklimatology, several moisturizing indicators were developed and used (N.N. Iva-Nova, T. Selianinova, D.I.Shashko, M.I. Budyko, S.A. Sapozhnikova, etc.) and formulas of op-tymal Water consumption (I.A. Sharov, and M. Alpatyev). Very widely used hydrothermal coefficient (GTK) - the ratio of the amount of precipitation for a certain Peri-OD (month, the growing season, year) to the sums of active temperatures during the same timeproposed in 1939

G. Selininov. Its use is based on a known method, empirically well confirmed: the sum of active temperatures, reduced 10 times, is approximately equal to the magnitude of the evaporation. Consequently, the CTC reflects the relationship between the flowing and evaporating moisture.

Assessment of territory moisture supply For growing crops, based on the following decoding of GTC values: less than 0.3 - very dry, from 0.3 to 0.5 - dry, from 0.5 to 0.7 - dry, from 0.7 to 1.0 - Insufficient moisture, 1.0 is the equality of the arrival and consumption of moisture, from 1.0 to 1.5-sufficient moisturizing, more than 1.5 - excessive moisturizing (agro-climatic atlas of the world, 1972, p.

In foreign agro-climatic literature, a lot of indicators are also used to moisten the territory - indexes K. TornTeitte, E. De-Martonna, Valtera, L. Embège, V. Lauer, A. Penka, J. Morman and J. Kessler, X.Gosssen , F. Banulya, etc. All of them are usually calculated empirically, therefore, only for limited areas of the area of \u200b\u200bdistricts.


Agroclimatic resources of land

The possession of rich soil and agroclimatic resources in the modern world becomes one of the key factors of stable development in the long run. In conditions of ever-increasing overcrowding in individual countries, as well as load on soil, water bodies and the atmosphere, access to high-quality water sources and fertile soil becomes a strategically important advantage.

Regions of the world.

Agroclimatic resources

Obviously, soil fertility, the number of sunny days a year, as well as water is divided on the surface of the planet unevenly. While one regions of the world suffer from lack of sunlight, others feel the excess of solar radiation and constant droughts.

In some areas, devastating floods, destroying crops and even whole villages occur regularly.

It is also worth considering that soil fertility is far from a permanent factor that may vary depending on the intensity and quality of operation.

Soils in many regions of the planet tend to degrade, their fertility decreases, and over time, erosion leads to the fact that the conduct of productive agriculture becomes impossible.

Warm as the main factor

Speaking about the characteristics of agro-climatic resources, it is necessary to begin with a temperature regime, without complying with the growth of crops.

In biology, there is a concept as "biological zero" - this temperature at which the plant ceases growth and dies.

In all crops, this temperature is unequal. For most cultures that are grown in the middle lane of Russia, this temperature is approximately equal to +5 degrees.

It is also worth noting that the agro-climatic resources of the European part of Russia differ in wealth and diversity, because the considerable part of the central European region of the country is occupied by black soils, and the water and the sun in excess from spring to early autumn.

In addition, thermal-loving cultures are cultivated in the south and along black Sea coast.

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Water resources and ecology

Given the level of industry development, increasing pollution ambientIt is worth talking not only about the number of agroclimatic resources, but also about their quality. Therefore, territories are divided by the level of heat supply or availability large rivers, as well as on the environmental purity of these resources.

For example, in China, despite significant water reserves and large squares Farmland, it is not necessary to talk about the full provision of this densely populated country with the necessary resources, because the aggressive development of the manufacturing and mining industry led to the fact that many rivers were polluted and unsuitable for the production of quality products.

At the same time, such countries as Holland and Israel, having small territories and complex climatic conditions, become leaders in the production of food.

And Russia, as specialists noted, not at full capacity uses the advantages of a moderate belt, in which a significant part of the European territory is located.

Technologies in the service of agriculture

The more people inhabit the land, the more pressing the problem becomes the problem to feed the inhabitants of the planet.

The load on the soil grows, and they degrade, sowing areas are reduced.

However, science does not stand still and after the Green Revolution, which allowed in the middle of the last century to feed a billion people, comes new. Given the fact that the main agro-climatic resources are focused on the territory of such large states as Russia, the USA, Ukraine, China, Canada and Australia, more and more small states use modern technologies, come out into the leaders of agricultural production.

Thus, technologies allow you to compensate for the lack of heat, moisture or sunlight.

Distribution of resources

Soil and agroclimatic resources are unevenly distributed on Earth. In order to designate the security level in a region, to the most important criteria Assessments of the quality of agroclimatic resources include heat.

On this basis, the following climatic belts are determined:

  • cold - security is warm less than 1000 degrees;
  • cool - from 1000 to 2000 degrees for the growing season;
  • moderate - in southern areas heat supply reaches 4000 degrees;
  • subtropical;
  • hot.

Given the fact that natural agro-climatic resources are distributed on the planet unequal, in conditions modern market All states have access to agricultural products, in which region it has been produced.


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The agro-industrial complex (APC) is key in the global economy. It refers to the number of most important national economic complexes that determine the basic conditions for ensuring the vital activity of society. Its value is not only in ensuring the needs of people in food products, but also that it significantly affects the employment of the population and the effectiveness of all national production.

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One of the key factors of the development of the agro-industrial complex are the climatic resources of a region, affecting the suitability of natural conditions for the cultivation of any agricultural crops.

Agroclimatic resources are the properties of climate, ensuring the possibilities of agricultural production.
The key indicator of agro-climatic resources are: the duration of the period with the average daily temperature above 10 degrees; The amount of temperatures during this period;
Moisturizing coefficient;
Power and duration of snow cover.

The rational organization of agricultural production as the main condition for solving the exacerbating food problem in the world is impossible without due account of climate resources of the area. Such elements of the climate, such as heat, moisture, light and air, along with nutrients supplied from soil, are a prerequisite for the life of plants and ultimately the creation of agricultural products.

Therefore, under agroclimatic resources, climate resources are understood as appreciating the demands of agriculture. Air light, warm, moisture and nutrients They call the factors of living organisms. Their aggregate determines the possibility of vegetation of vegetable or vital activity of animal organisms.

Lack of at least one of the lifestyles (even if there is optimal options All others) leads to their death.

Various climatic phenomena (thunderstorms, cloudiness, winds, fogs, snowfalls, etc.) also have a certain impact on plants and are called environment factors. Depending on the strength of this effect, the vegetation of plants is weakened or enhanced (for example, the transpiration increases with strong wind and the need of plants in water, etc.) increases.

Environment factors are crucial if they reach high intensity and are dangerous to live plants (for example, freezing during flowering). In such cases, these factors are subject to special accounting. These representations are used to identify the so-called limiting factors at the specific territories. Air, the air medium is characterized by the constancy of the gas composition. The proportion of components - nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and other gases - is spatially weakly changing and, therefore, when zoning, they are not taken into account.

For vital activity of living organisms, oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide) are especially important.

Shine. The factor determining the energy basis of the entire variety of vital activity of plants (their germination, flowering, fruiting, etc.) is mainly the light part of the solar spectrum. Only in the presence of light in plant organisms, the most important physiological process - photosynthesis occurs and develops.

A portion of the solar spectrum directly participating in photosynthesis is called photosynthetically active radiation (headlights). Created due to the absorption of headlights in the process of photosynthesis organic matter is 90-95% of the dry mass of the harvest, and the remaining 5-10% are formed due to the mineral soil power, which is also carried out only simultaneously with photosynthesis.

When evaluating light resources, the intensity and duration of lighting (photoperiodism) also take into account.

Heat. Each plant requires a certain minimum and maximum heat for its development. The amount of heat required by plants for the complete completion of the growing cycle is called the biological summation. It is calculated by the arithmetic amount of the average daily temperatures for the period from the beginning to the end of the plant vegetation.

The temperature limit of the beginning and end of the growing season, or the critical level limiting the active development of cultures, was called a biological zero or a minimum.

For various environmental groups of crops, the biological zero of the neodynaks. For example, for most grain crops of a moderate belt (barley, rye, wheat, etc.) it is equal to + 5 ° C, for corn, buckwheat, legumes, sunflower, sugar beets, for fruit shrubs and wood crops of moderate belt + 10 ° C, For subtropical crops (rice, cotton, citrus) + 15 ° C.

For accounting thermal resources, the amount of active temperatures is used.

This indicator was proposed in the XIX century. The French biologist is Gaspanen, but theoretically designed and clarified by the Soviet scientist G. T. Selyaninov in 1930. It is an arithmetic amount of all average daily temperatures for the period when these temperatures exceed a certain thermal level: + 5, + 10 ° C.

In order to conclude the possibility of growing a culture in the study area, it is necessary to compare two indicators among themselves. The biological temperatures, expressing the need of plants in heat, and the sum of active temperatures that accumulates in this area. The first value should always be less than the second.

A feature of the plants of the moderate belt (croofils) is the passage of the winter peace phase, during which the plants need a certain thermal air mode and soil layer. Deviations from the desired temperature range are unfavorable for normal vegetation and often lead plants to death. Under the agro-climatic assessment of the conditions of wintering means the accounting of adverse meteorological and weather phenomena in the cold season: sharp frosts, deep thaws causing sowing; powerful snow cover under which they screamed; ice, ice crust on the stems and others.

The intensity and duration of the observed phenomena are also taken into account.

Moisture. The most important factor in the vital activity of plants is moisture. In all periods of life, the plant for its growth requires a certain amount of moisture, without which it dies. Water participates in any physiological process associated with the creation or destruction of the organic matter. It is necessary for photosynthesis, provides thermoregulation of vegetable organism, transports batteries.

With normal vegetative development, cultural plants absorb huge amounts of water. Often, one unit of dry substance is consumed from 200 to 1000 mass units (B. G. Rozanov, 1984).

Based on the analysis of factors, a complex agroclimatic zoning of the terrain is carried out.

Agroclimatic zoning is a division of the territory (any level) to the regions that differ in the conditions of growth, development, overrevming and producing in.

whole cultivated plants.

In the classification of the agro-climatic resources of the world at the first level, the differentiation of the territory is carried out according to the degree of heat resource, in other words, on macroslections in thermal resources.

This feature is distinguished by thermal belts and subjoints; The boundaries between them are conditionally carried out by the insulation of certain values \u200b\u200bof the amounts of active temperatures above + 10 ° C.

Cold belt. The amounts of active temperatures do not exceed 1000 °. These are very small heat reserves, the growing season lasts less than two months. Since at this temperature, the temperature is often lowered below zero, agriculture in open soil It is impossible. Cold belt occupies extensive spaces in the north of Eurasia, in Canada and in Alaska.

Cool belt. Heat propriety increases from 1000 ° in the north to 2000 ° in the south. Cool belt with a rather wide band stretches the south of the cold belt in Eurasia and in North America And forms a narrow zone in the south of the Andes in South America.

Minor heat resources limit the set of cultures that can grow in these areas: it is mainly early, undemanding plants that are capable of transferring short-term freezing, but light-loving (long-day plants).

Such are gray bread, vegetable, some root, early potatoes, special polar species of wheat. Agriculture is focal in nature, concentrating in the warmest habitats. The overall lack of heat and (most importantly) the danger of late spring and early autumn frosts reduces the possibilities of crop production. Pashnya in a cool belt occupy only 5-8% of the total land area.

Temperate zone. The heat supply is at least 2000 ° in the north of the belt and up to 4000 ° in the southern regions. Moderate belt occupies extensive territories in Eurasia and North America: it belongs to it. foreign Europe'(Without southern Peninsulas), most Russian plains, Kazakhstan, Southern Siberia and Far East, Mongolia, Tibet, Northeastern China, South Canada regions and Northern Areas of the United States.

On the southern continents A moderate belt is represented locally: it is Patagonia in Argentina and a narrow strip of the Chilean coast of the Pacific Ocean in South America, Tasmania Islands and New Zealand.

In a temperate belt, there are differences in the seasons of the year: one warm season is observed, when plant vegetation occurs, and one winter peace period.

The duration of vegetation is 60 days in the north and about 200 days in the south. The average temperature of the warmest month is not lower than + 15 ° C, winter can be very harsh, and soft depending on the degree of continentality of the climate. The same way The power of the snow cover varies and the type of overwrith of cultivated plants. Moderate belt is a mass farming belt; Pashnya occupy almost all suitable in terms of the relief of space.

The range of grown cultures is significantly wider, all of them are adapted to the thermal mode of moderate belt: annual cultures quickly finish their vegetation cycle (for two or three-year-old months), and perennial or winter views necessarily pass the phase of narrowing or vernalization, i.e.

winter rest period. These plants are separated into a special group of cofyl cultures. These include the main grain cereals - wheat, barley, rye, oats, flax, vegetable, root. Between the northern and southern regions of the moderate belt there are large differences in total heat reserves and in the duration of the season of the growing season, which allows you to allocate two subsidences within the belt:

Typically moderate, thermal resources from 2000 to 3000 °.

Here it grows mainly a long-day long-day plant, little demanding to heat (rye, barley, oats, wheat, vegetable, potatoes, grass and dr.).

It was in this subsidence that the share of winter crops in the crops is high.

The heat dimensional belt, with the sums of active temperatures from 3000 to 4000 °, a long period of vegetation, during which a lot of heat accumulates, allows you to grow late-weighted varieties Grain I. vegetable crops; Here we successfully vegetate corn, rice, sunflower, vineMany fruit and fruit wood crops.

There is an opportunity to apply intermediate cultures in crop rotations.

Warm (or subtropical) belt. The amounts of active temperatures range from 4000 ° on the northern border to 8000 ° on the south. The territories possessing such a heat propulsion are widely represented at all continents: Eurasian Mediterranean, South China, the prevailing part of the territory of the United States and Mexico, Argentina and Chile, South African mainland, southern half of Australia.

The heat resources are very significant, but in winter the average temperatures (although positive) do not rise above + 10 ° C, which means suspension of vegetation for many overwhelming crops. Snow Pokrov is extremely unstable, in the southern half of the belt there are vegetative winter, the snow may not fall out at all.

Thanks to the abundance of heat, the range of grown cultures is much expanding due to the introduction of subtropical thermal-loving species, and two harvesters may be cultivated in the year: annual cultures of a moderate belt in the cold season and perennial, but cofin species of subtropics (silky, tea bush, citrus, olive, walnut, grapes, etc.).

In the south, annuals of tropical origin appear, requiring large sums of temperatures and intolerable frosts (cotton, etc.).

Differences (mainly) in the winter season mode (the presence or absence of vegetation winters) allows you to subdivide the territory of the warm belt to two subjoints with its specific sets of crops: moderately warm with the sums of active temperatures from 4,000 to 6000 ° and with cool winter and typically warm suburbs with The heat propulsion is about 6000 - 8000 °, with mainly vegetative winters (the average temperatures of January above + 10 ° C).

Hot belt. Heat reserves are almost unlimited; They are highly exceeding 8000 °, sometimes more than 10,000 °. The territorially hot belt occupies the most vast Sushi Sushi spaces. It includes the predominant part of Africa, most South America, Central America, all South Asia And the Arabian Peninsula, Malay Archipelago and Northern Half Australia.

In the hot belt, the heat stops playing the role of a limiting factor in the placement of cultures. Vegetation lasts round yearMidh temperatures of the coldest month are not lowered below + 15 ° C. A set of possible cultivated cultivated plants is replenished with types of tropical and equatorial origin (coffee and chocolate trees, palm palm trees, bananas, manica, butt, cassava, chinny tree, etc.). The high intensity of direct solar radiation is detachious for many cultivated plants, so they are grown in special multi-tiered agrocenosis, under the shadow of specially left single specimens of high trees.

The absence of a cold season prevents the successful growing vegetation of cryogenic crops, so the plants of the moderate belt can grow only in high-mountainous areas, i.e.

almost beyond the root belts.

At the second level of agroclimatic zoning of the world, thermal belts and subds are divided on the basis of differences in the annual moisture regimes.

A total of 16 areas are allocated with different values \u200b\u200bof the volution coefficient of the growing season:

Excess moisturizing the growing season;

2. sufficient moisturizing of the growing season;

3. Arid vegetation period;.

4. Dry vegetation period (probability of drought more than 70%);

5. dry throughout the year (the number of annual precipitation is less than 150 mm. GTC for the growing season is less than 0.3);

6. Sufficient moisture throughout the year;

7. Sufficient or excessive moisturizing in summer, dry winter and spring (monsonic climate type);

8 "Sufficient or excessive moisturizing in winter, summer dry (Mediterranean climate type);

Agroclimatic resources - climate properties providing

Sufficient or excessive moisturizing in winter, summer arid (Mediterranean climate type);

10. Insufficient moisturizing in winter, summer arid and dry;

11. Excessive moisturizing most of the year at 2-5 dry or arid months;

12. Sukho most of the year with sufficient moisture within 2-4 months;

Dry most of the year with excess moisture within 2-5 months;

14. Two periods of excessive moistening at two dry or arid periods;

15. Excessive moisture throughout the year;

16. The temperature of the warmest month is below 10 s (evaluation of moisture conditions is not given).

In addition to the main indicators, the classifications also take into account the most important agro-climatic phenomena of a regional nature (conditions for the wintering of cryophilic crops, the frequency of the repeatability of adverse phenomena - drought, gardections, floods, etc.).


Agroclimatic resources - climate properties that ensure the possibility of agricultural production: light, warmth and moisture.

Climate properties

These properties largely determine the placement of crop production. The development of plants is conducive to sufficient illumination, warm weather, good moisturizing.

The distribution of light and heat is determined by the intensity of solar radiation.

In addition to the degree of illumination on plants, and their development affects the length of the daylight. Long Day Plants - Barley, Len, Oats - require longer illumination than a short-day plant - corn, rice, etc.

The most important factor for plants is the air temperature.

The main life processes in plants occur in the range from 5 to 30 ° C. The transition of the average daily air temperature in 0 ° C with its increase indicates the beginning of spring, with a decrease - on the occurrence of the cold period. The gap between these dates is a warm period of the year. Armored period is a period without frost. The growing season is a period of year with a stable air temperature above 10 ° C. Its duration approximately corresponds to the frosting period.

The sum of temperatures of the growing season is of great importance.

It characterizes heat resources for crops. In terms of Russia, this indicator in the main agricultural areas is within 1400-3000 ° C.

An important plant growth condition is a sufficient amount of moisture in the soil.

The accumulation of moisture depends mainly on the number of precipitation and distribution over the year. Since November to March, sediments are falling out in the form of snow.

The accumulation of them creates snow cover on the surface surface. It provides a stock of moisture for plant development, protects the soil from the freezing.

The best combination of agroclimatic resources was formed in the Central Black Earth, North Caucasus and partly in the Volga Regional Economic Areas. Here, the sum of temperatures of the growing season is equal to 2200-3400 ° C, which allows you to grow winter wheat, corn, rice, sugar beet, sunflower, thermal-loving vegetables and fruits.

The main territory of the country prevails the amount of temperatures from 1000 to 2000 ° C, which according to world standards is considered below the level of cost-effective agriculture.

This applies primarily to Siberia and the Far East: here the sum of temperatures for most of the territory ranges from 800 to 1500 ° C, which almost completely eliminates the possibility of cultivation of crops. If the isolated amount of temperatures of 2000 ° C in the European territory of the country passes through Smolensk - Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod - Ufa, then in Western Siberia, it descends south - to Kurgan, Omsk and Barnaul, and then appears only in the south of the Far East, in a small territory Amur region, the Jewish Autonomous Region and the Primorsky Territory.

Agroclimatic resources of Russia Wikipedia
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Ryazan region is considered a zone of risky agriculture. Nevertheless, modern technologies of everyone else with love of people to work brings fruits. This can be traced on the example of the collective farm. Lenin in the Kasimovsky district of the region.

Working for more than 30 years, the economy is engaged in growing potatoes and grains and animal husbandry. The total area of \u200b\u200bfarmland is over 7 thousand.

hectares, of which Pashnya is about 6 thousand hectares.

The collective farm employs 330 people. The number of cattle is more than 3,000 heads, of which about 1,500 cows. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe economy is 14 settlements.
The main criterion of the economy is the environmental friendliness of products.

To achieve this, employees use a scientific approach and the most modern technique. For many years, the collective farm named after Lenin is one of the best potatoes of our country. And in part of the animal husbandry in the region they are not equal.

the farm has the status of a tribal plant with high quality genetic material flock. Last year, according to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Ryazan region, the collective farm. Lenin is recognized as the most efficient economy of the region. The economy won in the ranking of productivity, on one fodder head amounted to 9505 kg per year, or 26 liters per day. High rates are the result of many years of work of the economy of the economy, the employees of the ministry say.

At the same time, it is emphasized that imported cattle was never covered here. In 2017, the daily thumbs in the collective farm them. Lenin reached 40 tons of milk per day.

The farm has a robotic complex for 300 cattle heads, it is planned to open a complex for another 400 heads and the creation of its own recycling of low power milk.

As local residents say, in many ways the success of the enterprise is due to the personality of the head.

Honored Agriculture Worker Russian Federation Tatyana Naumova is headed by an enterprise since its inception.

It is due to its enthusiasm and perseverance in the farm, the most modern technologies and the highest culture of production are being introduced. In addition to purely industrial activities, the economy also leads a large social work. Over the past seven years, more than 60 houses have been built here, the Feldsher-obstetric item, playground, reconstructed kindergarten.

At the same time, agricultural enterprises traditionally takes a significant part of the costs of preparing project documentation and construction of construction. As a deputy of the Kasimovsky district Duma, Tatyana Mikhailovna also solves many domestic issues of residents of the district. In short, the collective farm. Lenin in practice proves that patience and work will be perfect.

Even in the zone of risky agriculture.

391359; Ryazan region, Kasimovsky district, p. Torbaevo, Tel.: (49131) 4-72-55, e-mail: [Email Protected],

Agroclimatic resources call the properties or possibilities of climate, providing agricultural production. They are characterized by the following indicators:

a) the duration of the period with the average daily air temperature is higher than + 10 ° C, since it is at that time a vegetation of plants actively goes;

b) the amount of temperatures during this period;

c) the coefficient of moisturizing, which shows the ratio of heat and moisture.

Since the climatic conditions on the territory of our country are very diverse, the agro-climatic resources are very diverse, which, in turn, allows us to cultivate various cultural in Russia in Russia. The most important agricultural resource of Russia is snow cover and moisture generated by them.

In general, the provision of warmth in Russia can distinguish three belts:


The amount t for a period of t above 10 about FROM


Agricultural crops


encompasses the parking and plague, as well as southern Siberia and the eastern part of the country from the Verkhoyansky ridge.

Vegetable growing in closed soil

Focal farming, disposed of warmth

Temperate zone

Covers the main part of the country with the exception of the cold and small territory of subtropical belts

Early and median culture - grain, leguminous, potatoes, flax, in a warmer piece of sugar beet.

The secondary and middle-plant culture is the late grade grades, corn on grain, sunflower, rice, soy, etc.

Late cultures - Late varieties of corn, medium rice varieties, etc.

Subtropical belt

More than 4000.

Narrow coast of the Black Sea coast from Novorossiysk to Sochi

Heat-loving culture with a long period of vegetation

4. Soil. Soil resources

Main Types of Soils of Russia

Tundra gley soils

Tundra gley soils are formed on the plains of the Far North of Russia in the zone of many years of permanent. The frozen breeds are thawed in the summer of just a few dozen centimeters. Located below the frozen soil does not let the water, so the tundra gley soils were converted. In them, under the top peat horizon at the Gley Horizon in, or Glya. This horizon has a bluish-gray (gray) color sometimes with rusty spots. The formation of Glya occurs when the soil and the disadvantage in it oxygen. Under the glying horizon there is a long-term permanent.

Podzolic soils

Podzolic soils are formed under coniferous forests on the Eastern European and West Siberian plains. Here, the amount of atmospheric precipitation exceeds evaporation. This leads to a strong washing of soils and the formation of the clarified Horizon of Washing A2 from this horizon, organic and mineral compounds are taken into groundwater. Some of these compounds are delayed in the underlying arms horizon. The horizon in dense and has a rusty shade. Soil power and the amount of humus in the humus horizon A1 gradually increases from north to south.

Dernovo-podzolic soils

Derne-podzolic soils are formed under mixed coniferous-wide forests. Here is higher summer temperatures and more plant residues entering the soil. In mixed forests, herbal cover is well developed. Numerous herbs roots at the top of the humus horizon A1 form a turf. Hence the name of the soil - the turf-podzolic. Washing in these soils is not so intense as in podzolic. They contain more humus and mineral connections.

Merzlotically taiga soil

The permanent taiga soil is formed under the forests in the conditions of a sharp-continental climate and many years of permanent. They replace podzolic soil east of Yenisei. These soils have a small power (up to 1 m) and a special structure. They have a humus horizon A1, but there is no leaching horizon A2. Washing prevents a long-term permanent. The soil is painted with iron compounds in a brown color. Gumus is detected not only in the horizon A1, but also in the lower parts of the profile. At a depth of 50 cm, its content is 5%, at a depth of 1 m - 2-3%.

Gray forest soils

Gray forest soils are formed under deciduous forests with rich herbal cover. These soils do not form a solid zone. But their intermittent band stretches from borders with Belarus in the West to Transbaikalia in the East. In deciduous forests, more plant residues fall into the soil than in coniferous and mixed. The horizon A1 contains from 3 to 8% humus. A2 leaching horizon is inflamed. This is due to the fact that through soil washing occurs only in spring. Soil power is 120-140 cm. Gray forest soils are much more festive than podzolic and turf-podzolic.


Chernozems are formed under the herbal vegetation of forest-steppes and steppes. Evaporability from the surface here is equal to the annual amount of precipitation. However, from the north to south, moisturizing decreases. In conditions of insufficient moisture, the soil is not washed. In the structure of chernozem, the humus horizon of the black color of high power (40-80 cm) is highlighted. In the upper part of this horizon - steppe felt consisting of herbal vegetation residues. Under the humus horizon there is a transitional horizon. It has a blacknate-brown uneven color. The horizon in gradually passes into the soil-forming breed (C). Chernozem - the richest soils.

Chestnut soils

Chestnut soils are formed under the herbal vegetation of dry steppes. It drops significantly less atmospheric precipitation than it can evaporate from the surface. Due to the dry climate, vegetable cover is rare. Therefore, less plant residues fall into the soil and less humus accumulates than in chernozem. The upper horizon and a grayish-chestnut color with a capacity of 15-25 cm contains 3-4% humus. The transitional horizon in a brown-brown color, compacted, with a capacity of 20-30 cm. Due to strong evaporation, the soil solutions are tightened to the surface. Salts are taken with them, which, during evaporation, moisture falls into the sediment. Thus, there is a saline of chestnut soils.

Brown soils semi-desert

The brown soils are formed under conditions of a sharp lack of atmospheric moistening under strongly sparse vegetation. The humus horizon has a brown color and a power of 10-15 cm. Construction Humming up only 2%. Horizon in brown with brown tint, dense. For soil characterized by salinization.

Soil resources

Soil - valuable natural resource. This is the main source of food and some types of industrial raw materials. In agriculture, soils are the main means of production. However, the quality of soils, their fertility is very important for this sphere of economic activity. Therefore, in agriculture are not all lands are used. The main part of the agricultural land is located in the southern part of Russia, since here the best soil-climatic conditions.

Under pashnya use the most fertile soils - chernozem, gray forest, dark chestnuts. Wheat, sunflower, sugar beets, etc. are grown on them, and others. For ferrous-podzolic soils, the degree of deposit is also high. These soils are favorable for cultivation of such cultures, like rye, Len-Dolgúdane, potatoes. Thus, the main agricultural zone is located in the natural zones of forest-steppes, steppes and mixed forests.

Podzolic soils of coniferous forests, brown, brown dry steppes, semi-deserts are less suitable for agriculture. Among agricultural land, hay and pastures are dominated here.

Opportunities to increase the area of \u200b\u200barable land in Russia are practically exhausted. Therefore, to meet the needs of the population in food, it is necessary to rationally use soil resources and an increase in soil fertility. An important role in this belongs to land aelioration.


In the overall balance of world sushi, plowed areas occupy 16.5%, meadows and pastures - 20% and other territories - 39.5%.

In Russia, the share of agricultural land accounts for only 13% of the territory, including arable land - 8%. Distribution of agriculture depends on natural conditions. In the tundra zone it is almost impossible, in the zone of coniferous forests - focal. With the promotion of the south, the role of agriculture in economic activity increases and increases the soil piping. However, in dry steppes and semi-deserts, its value is very much reduced.

45% of the land foundation make up forests. First, they satisfy the needs of the country in the wood, and secondly, other important functions are performed: they supply oxygen into the atmosphere, the air is cleaned, protect the soil from erosion and agricultural fields from drought and Sukhovyev. In addition, the forest is a great place to relax and tourism. The forest produces a blank of mushrooms, berries, medicinal plants.

6% of the land foundation occupy a swamp;

4% - surface water;

19% - deer pastures;

0.2% - cities, settlements, roads;

0.9% - Mountain dumps;

11.9% Earth.

In Russia, as in many countries of the world, efforts are being made to preserve the land fund and improving its structure.

Inner waters I. water resources Russia

Rivers of Russia

There are more than 2 million rivers in Russia. Each of them is characterized by the length of the catchment pool and the annual flow.

General length All Russian rivers exceed 6.5 million km. The longest river of Russia is considered Amur . If its length is considered from the sources of the river CHILK, then it will be 4416 km. In the second place of the river Lena - 4400 km. Length Obi Also exceeds 4 thousand km and equals 4070 km. There are no such long rivers on the European part of the country. The most extended here is the river Volga , the length of which is 3690 km.

Another characteristic of the river is square of the catchment pool . On this indicator leads Ob . The area of \u200b\u200bits pool is about 3 million square meters. km. Square lena and Yenisei pools approximately equal to 2.5 million square meters. km. Pool Amura It takes a smaller area - about 1.8 million square meters. km. However, it is almost 0.5 million square meters. km more than Volga (1.38 million square meters).

However, the most important characteristic of the river is its water content or annual stock . All other things being equal in the river, the river is proportional to its pool area. However, natural conditions (the amount of precipitation, evaporation, the presence or absence of many years of milling, etc.) is never the same, and this pattern is often violated. So, the first place on water belongs Yenisei which is on average for the year discharges 600 cu in the Northern Arctic Ocean. km of water. In second place Lena - 488 cubic meters. km. Large values \u200b\u200bof the flow of these rivers are mainly due to the wide distribution of many years of permanent in their basins. Wherein Ob With its largest swimming pool, it takes water only third place - 400 cubic meters. km. Further Amur - 350 cubic meters. km. Annual stock Volga It is about 250 cubic meters. km. W. Kolyma, Pechora, Northern Dvina The magnitude of the annual flow exceeds 100 cu. km. Interesting river Neva. With a length of less than 100 km and a relatively small pool area, its stock is 74 cubic meters. km. It is more than Don, Yana, Indigir, Mezeni, Onega, Urals.

Nutrition river - This is replenished with water from various sources. Sources of nutrition of the river can be rain or groundwater, as well as moisture formed by melting snow and glaciers. In accordance with this, rain, soil, snow, and glacial nutrition are highlighted. The nutrition of most rivers of our country is mixed, while one or another source can be the main one. Most of the territory of Russia is located in the continental regions of a moderate climatic belt. They are characterized by negative winter temperatures and sustainable snow cover. Therefore, the main source of supply of the overwhelming majority of rivers are TELL snow waters. In addition, for most rivers is characteristic rain food, And on the Rivers of the Far East, this power source is predominant. All rivers in one or a different degree is present soil nutritionThanks to which the rivers do not dry in dry seasons, as well as during a decorative. In this case, this power source is not the main one. The least characteristic of Russian rivers glacial food. From major rivers, it is only present at Terek and Kuban, the origins of which are located within the Caucasus highlightened. The minor share of the glacial has Katun (one of the sources of Ob), starting in Altai.

Power rivers determines them mode - That is, the behavior of the river during the year (fluctuations in the water level, freezing and opening processes, etc.) The highest levels of water in the river are marked during the flood. At the same time, the level lifts are sufficiently long and repeated approximately at the same time. The period of low water levels in the river is called intereth. Mainary is connected with a decrease in water flow into the river with a catchment area due to hot dry summer, or during the lesion period, when the river is powered mainly groundwater. Some rivers are characterized by flood. Flood - a sudden short-term irregular rise of the water level in the river arising from abundant rains, rapidly melting of snow, glaciers. Floods on rivers due to their surprise can be caused by floods. Most Russian rivers are characterized by the following basic features. In the spring, the melting of snow begins, the water level in the river rises and the flood comes. The river leaves the shores, flooding. In the summer, the river returns to the river, and sometimes even a merge due to an increase in evaporation. This is a summer integrity. In the fall, due to the decrease in evaporation on the river, short-term floods may be observed. In winter, the river is covered with ice. Other type of mode is characteristic of the River South of the Far East. In the conditions of the monsoon climate of snow over the winter falls. In the spring, it is not so much melts how much evaporates, so the rise in the water level in the rivers is insignificant. But in the second half of the summer, monsoon rains, causing floods begin. Summer flood is also characteristic of the rivers of Northeast Siberia. In those edges in spring (April-May), it is still cold, and the snowming, causing the flood, starts only at the beginning of summer. The origins of the Kuban River are located on the slopes of Elbrus at the edge of the Ulluk glacier. With summer melting of ice is bound by flood.

Features of the river network are determined not only by the climate, but also relief. The relief affects the direction and nature of the flow of rivers. Water in the river is moving under the influence of gravity, from higher places in lower. Features of the relief of Russia are such that most rivers flow north.

The flow rate of the rivers Depends on the fall and slope. The fall of the river is the difference in absolute heights between the source and the mouth. And the slope is the attitude of the fall to the length of the river. The river is considered to be mountain, if its slope is greater than 20 cm / km. The river is considered to be flat, if its slope is less than 20 cm / km. For example, a slope equal to 0.25 m / km is characteristic of hangars. The average bias at the Volga is 7 cm / km, and Ob is even less - 4 cm / km.

Moving water makes a certain work . This work is divided into destructive and creative. The destructive work of the river is called erosion, and creative - accumulation.

As a result of river erosion, river valleys are formed. If the river has the mountain nature of the flow (large falls and slopes), then prevails deep erzya and the river valley becomes deep and narrow. If, by the nature of the flow of the river is flat (small drops and slopes), then prevails side erosionAnd the river valley becomes wide. Flat plains created by river accumulation (accumulation of river wear), stretch strips along the river bed.

The river puts the blurred material along its shores. Most small particles River comes to mouth. Here loose material accumulates, forming an island, and the river is divided into two sleeves. Then new islands and new sleeves appear, and forms delta. Of the Russian rivers, the River Volga and Lena rivers have the greatest on Square.


Lake - a closed natural recess on land filled with water. From the Lake River, there is a closedness, lack of directional water movement; From the pond and reservoir - the naturalness of the origin of the basin. Unlike the sea, the lake is not part of the World Ocean.

For its origin, lake basins are divided into tectonic, residual, volcanic, glacial (moraine), glacier and tectonic and old (floodplain).

By the number of lakes, Russia occupies one of the leading places in the world. The share of lakes in the country's square is 2%. The vast majority of the lakes are small in the area. Large lakes are relatively few. About 140 lakes have an area over 100 square meters. km, and only 9 of them are an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 1000 square meters. km. The Caspian Sea Lake, Baikal, Ladoga and Onega Lakes belong to the largest lakes in the world.

Most of Russia lakes are fresh. Salted lakes are located in the south of the country. Of these, it is produced by a table salt, Glauberov Salt, and others. To such lakes include Baskunkchak, located on the Caspian lowland.

Brief description of the main lakes of Russia:

Studying geographic features different regionsIt is easy to see that various climatic conditions largely determine the difference in the agronomic capabilities of a particular area.

The accumulation and development of these knowledge made it possible to objectively to assess the agro-climatic resources of each region.

The concept of agroclimatic resources

Speaking about the agro-climatic resources of a region, we mean the aggregate that affect the possibility of cultivation of certain crops, their yield, complexity of agrotechnologies, etc.

It is clear that they are largely determined by geographic latitude, terrain relief, remoteness from the sea, the presence of water bodies. Agricultural production capacity is a key development factor for any region.

Agriculture's ability to feed a certain number of people is only the first stage in the economic chain. For a modern agricultural complex, the presence of an extensive infrastructure of processing and serving agriculture of production. On how much the region can be independent on basic level Providing people with food, the level of its development depends largely.

Main indicators of agroclimatic resources

Determining factors for the development of agriculture are light, moisture and heat required for plant growth. They directly depend on the geographical location of the region, climatic belt and natural zone.

Today, agroclimatic resources of any territory are characterized by the following indicators:

- the sum of the active average daily air temperatures (i.e. exceeding 10 degrees Celsius), under which the active growth of crops occurs;

- the duration of the growing season when temperature mode conducive to the growth of green mass, the ripening of fruits and cereals (short, long and medium-lifting periods of vegetation);

- The security of soil moisture, the coefficient of soil moisturizing, which is determined by the ratio of the annual precipitation to the evaporation rate (it is clear that the evacuation will be the higher, the higher the average annual air temperature).

The amount of average daily temperatures is calculated, summing the daily average daily temperature indicators exceeding 10 degrees Celsius, during the year. The average daily temperature is calculated as the arithmetic average of four frozers made at noon, midnight, 6 and 18 hours.

The amount of heat and precipitation depends on the geographical position of the territory - its high resistance and location in a latitudinal zone. Agro distribution climatic belts and moisture zones in plain localities has a latitudinal distribution, and in the mountains depends on the height above sea level.

Agroclimatic resources of Russia

The extensive territories of the Russian Federation are characterized by a wide variety of agro-climatic resources, changing with a change in climatic belts and moisture zones.

To evaluate thermal resources, use the total average daily air temperature exceeding 10 degrees Celsius. Here you can allocate:

- the Arctic belt, in which the total average temperature does not exceed 400 degrees, and the cultivation of agricultures is impossible;

- subarctic belt, where the indicator of the total air temperature ranges from 400 to 1000 degrees Celsius, and it is allowed to grow individual cold-resistant crops - green onions, radish, early potatoes - in a short period of summer heat;

- A moderate belt with oscillation of the average daily air temperature range from 1000 to 3,600 degrees Celsius, favorable for growing most crops.

In addition to heat, the success of agriculture has a significant impact of soil moisture. On the territory of the Russian Federation there are both zones provided by moisture sufficiently and arid areas. The border between them is northern tip Summer belt.

Regional distribution of agroclimatic resources in the Russian Federation

The most favorable regions for growing a wide range of agricultures are the districts of the North Caucasus (total average temperature of about 3000 degrees). Here in abundance, various grain crops grow, including rice in irrigated areas, sunflower, sugar beet, vegetables and a variety of fruits. Good conditions for agriculture are available in the southern regions of the Far East, where the monsonic climate provides abundant moistening of the soil in summer period.

Regions of the middle strip, the sum of the average daily temperatures in which ranges between 1600 and 2200 degrees, are used to grow potatoes, cereal, forage crops and herbs. The soil moisture indicator is close to sufficient.

As for the taiga zone, its total average daily temperature fluctuates in the borders of 100-1600 degrees with excessive moisture, which allows grain crops on the forest free areas, potatoes, feeding herbs.

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