Team name and motto. Ecological KVN in the preparatory group

Decor elements 24.09.2019
Decor elements

The topic of ecology is very popular today. From TV screens we are being told about the need to protect the environment in which we live, from the pages of newspapers and magazines, articles on similar topics are pouring in. Ecological groups are created in children's summer camps, in schools and other educational institutions thematic events about ecology are held. It is not so easy to come up with an environmental motto, slogan, slogan or slogan, so we decided to help you with this.

About the environment

Environmental motto about environment should be a call to preserve the beauty and originality of natural resources. Examples of such slogans are:

  • Nature is amazingly beautiful, love it and do not destroy it in vain!
  • We take care of nature - we take care of our homeland.
  • Everyone who loves nature, let him be happy and cheerful!
  • We help nature, we protect it, we protect our house from the sad consequences!
  • We will love nature, take care of it and you. Let the soul and heart sing from magical beauty!
  • We must protect the planet, because there is no other like it!
  • Whoever protects nature, lives in harmony with himself!
  • And let's go into the fire, and into the water with those who protect nature!

Ecological slogans about the environment should call for concrete actions:

  • Pick up your trash and don't let others leave it!
  • Keep the environment clean just as you keep the flooring in your own house clean.
  • Cleanliness of the environment is the guarantee of the health of all people. You are not an exception.
  • Don't let the gutter turn into an ocean.
  • Nature is a reflection of our souls. Look in the mirror more often and watch your reflection.

Water, earth and air are the three main elements. Ecological slogans, slogans and mottos about them should be considered separately.

About water

Reservoirs are polluted only because of human actions, therefore, ecological slogans and mottos about water should remind people that there can be no life without water.

  • Clean water will save you, dirty water will kill you!
  • A man without water is like a tree without roots.
  • Voditsa gives life and strength, do not anger the water element. To be on the wave of life, treat the water with care.
  • Spending - no, saving - yes! Be careful not to drip water from the faucet!
  • Let both brother and sister take care of water from childhood!
  • There is a glorious slogan: "In life, water is the main thing!" For the cleanliness of lakes and rivers, so that a person is healthy!
  • She has no price, she is needed, simple fresh water. It gives us the power of life, the radiance of the eyes and the clarity of thought.
  • Water has no smell or color. But without it, a person can neither live nor enjoy the bright colors of nature, nor feel the aromas of flowers and herbs.

About the air

One of the main problems of our time is the destruction of the ozone layer. Everyone knows about it, but air pollution does not stop. Once again, environmental slogans about the air will help to draw attention to an acute problem.

  • Everyone around needs air, take care of it, my friend!
  • Everyone wants to breathe. Let everyone keep the air clean.
  • Stop walking under a hood of smoke, breathing and smoking are incompatible!
  • Air is a wealth that money cannot buy.
  • It is transparent and tasteless, but it is very necessary for life.
  • He can fly on the ground and drive clouds across the sky, pacify the heat with coolness and amuse the kids. Let the breeze be clean, then it will only be for the future.
  • Let the air be clean and the sweet aroma beckon us. So that we all breathe beautifully and it was cool to live in the world!

About earth

The earth is one of the main natural resources of mankind. Environmental slogans about keeping the soil clean should be bright and concise enough to draw attention to the problem.

  • If you want to eat healthy, not contaminated bread, do not pollute the soil.
  • Pick up the battery from the ground, so you will give both one and the other a new life.
  • Remember! Man is what he eats. If you don't want to be poisoned from the inside - take care of the soil!
  • If you plan to live long and happy life, do not forget that its quality directly depends on the cleanliness of the environment.
  • A piece of paper thrown into a dumpster speaks of much more patriotism than a tricolor on a car, because true love for the motherland begins with love for the native land.

About flora and fauna

People know that they are far from the only inhabitants of the planet, but they often think that they are the kings of nature. But animals and plants are the same full-fledged inhabitants of the Earth, just like us. Motto on environmental theme can attract attention and make everyone think about whether he is doing everything possible to preserve the diversity of flora and fauna.

  • The river is quiet and smooth, not a single fish to be seen. They fish there without measure, these people are poachers. You protect nature, save it from enemies
  • Doesn't it seem strange to you that the number of animals and birds is inversely proportional to the number of people on Earth?
  • Do not let the Red Book turn into an endless multi-volume book, which lists all the plants and animals on the planet.
  • Anyone who believes that people dressing in artificial fur do not have enough money for natural fur do not understand that they themselves do not have enough intelligence to save the lives of several animals.
  • Hand over waste paper, give trees the right to life!
  • Hand over a ton of waste paper, pump up the muscles!
  • Hooligan, drop your slingshot and don't shoot at the birds! You better take a shovel and plant trees!
  • Man, do not touch the bird: neither the crow nor the titmouse. Be for them not an enemy, but a friend, let them live around!
  • Cut down one tree - plant a dozen!
  • You take care of the animals, because for them we are not enemies. Be for them kind of imperious, but not a bit dangerous.
  • Trees and flowers, grass and birds will not be able to protect themselves from the threat. If you destroy them forever, a person will become lonely!

Instead of a conclusion

A person who has not learned to love nature in his whole life probably does not know how to love at all. Love can only truly be taught by nature itself. Let the following lines sound like an ecological motto:

Nature has no immunity.

Kill birds with a crossbow

Destroy, destroy nests,

Pollute the air in the starry sky.

This list can be continued for a long time.

If people stop poisoning

Rivers, skies, lakes, groves,

Agree, it will become much easier to live!

And then we will give you another answer:

"Nature has immunity!"

And the main ecological motto for all time is: "Live so that the next generations can proudly say thank you for their ancestors for the cleanliness of the environment!"

  1. "Ecology"

Detachment "Young Ecologists"Motto: We are the ecologists of the planet, We are the defenders of the Earth, May trees always grow, May gardens always bloom.

Detachment "Children of Ecology"Motto: We chose the road and confidently go. We are ecologists, there are many of us and we will save the planet!"

O series: "Friends of Nature"Motto: "In our careful hands The globe is beautiful! Nature has created all of us And everyone is important here!"

Squad: "Ladybugs"Motto: "Let's protect our planet Everywhere, at every step, All together and each separately!"

Team "Friends of Nature"Motto: "Let's friends, in any weather Let's protect our native nature!"

O series "Nature around us"Motto: "Take care of your planet, because there is no other in the world!". Motto (city) Help us build New town, garden city. For nature, the Glorious City of Ecocity is not dangerous.

Squad "Flower-Semitsvetik"Motto: Petals fly around the world - Ecology greetings. Let their bright light sparkle, Let's make our world clean!"

Detachment "Ecogroup"Motto: "We protect nature, we save all living things. What the 21st century will be like for the planet depends on you as well."

Team "Green Team"

Tornado Squad Squad motto: Don't run into us, Because we are a tornado!

Squad: Youth of the 21st century
The motto of the detachment: We are the youth of the 21st century, always and everywhere we will succeed! We flew to you from an ordinary planet, There is nothing supernatural in us, But we will be the best, we will get victory, We will never forget everyone who helps in this!

  1. career guidance

Squad: Gang
Motto: Commander: - Why are we the coolest? Detachment: - Yes, because we are a gang! K: Why are we the first? Detachment: - Yes, because we are a gang! (etc)

Squad: Champions
Motto: Maximum sports, maximum laughter! This way we will be successful faster. If another squad is ahead, we'll tell him Wait a minute!

Squad: Freaks
Motto: In reality we are in a dream. We are on land and in water. We are always moving forward. Eccentric luck awaits!

Squad: Robinson
Motto: We don't need nannies. We are islanders.

Squad: Iskrata
Motto: We are funny guys, because we are sparkling!

Squad: Rescuers
Motto: Chip and Dale rush to the rescue, but we are not far behind.

Squad: Restless
Motto: Boredom, laziness out of mind - our Restless squad

Squad: Crew
Motto: There is no crew better than us in the camp now!

Squad: Major League
Motto: And our motto is - more action, less words!

Squad: Family
Motto: We are a family of simple class - everyone in our family is atas!

Squad: fortune hunters
Motto: We always need luck, only this way, and not otherwise!

Squad: RMID
Motto: The republic of boys and girls is stronger than all commonwealths on Earth.

Squad: Merchants
Motto: We are businessmen of the market age, in our hands is the fate of man.

Ecological KVN for children of the preparatory group "In union with nature"

to consolidate children's knowledge of nature;
to form elements of ecological consciousness and culture in children;
generalize children's knowledge about natural communities;
to form the ability to solve riddles about natural communities, to name natural communities(field, meadow, forest, etc.) according to their constituent plants and animals living in them;
continue to form speech, teach coherently, concisely answer the questions posed;
to activate the vocabulary of children;
develop speed of reaction, ingenuity, logical thinking, erudition;
captivate children and evoke a joyful experience from joint team activities;
to cultivate a sense of camaraderie, respect for partners and opponents in the game, teach to follow the rules of the game, the ability to listen to answers and supplement them.

Materials and equipment:

pictures from the life of nature;
pictures for the game "Zoo Joke";
equipment for the game "Guess who?";
six juice bags;
phonogram "Voices of the forest";
pictures with the rules of conduct in the forest;
panel with bird feeders;
scoreboards for the jury;
prizes for rewarding children;
emblems for teams;
sound recording - the voices of birds and animals;
split pictures;
interactive board.

Preliminary work:

conducting circle work on environmental education (games, observation, etc.);
memorizing poems, proverbs, guessing riddles about nature and weather;
conversations with children about endangered animals and plants that are listed in the Red Book;
holding a contest of advertising posters "Do no harm to nature";
desktop and didactic games about nature and weather: "Edible and inedible", "Field, forest, garden", "Fishermen and fish", lotto "Domestic and wild animals";
Examination of the encyclopedia "Animals and plants of our nature."

Introductory conversation.

Guys, today we will talk about nature. A wonderful writer and a great lover of nature M. Prishvin wrote: “We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is a pantry of the sun with great treasures of life. A fish needs water, a bird needs air, a beast needs a forest, a steppe, mountains, and a man needs a Motherland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland. (Quote - on the interactive whiteboard)
- Today we are waiting for a fascinating journey along ecological paths. Ecology is the science of the home, of nature. And nature is our big house and we must all work together to keep it in order.
Open wide the doors!
Come quickly!
KVN clicks here
All friends and all girlfriends.
What a miracle
What a wonder?
The hall is decorated so beautifully!
Gotta think
It's time to start KVN!
Good afternoon, Dear friends! Welcome to the Club of cheerful and resourceful! Our KVN today is called "Our home is nature." The teacher reads the motto of KVN:
"You are a person who loves nature
Feel sorry for her sometimes
On fun trips
Do not trample its fields.
In the station hustle of the century
You hurry to evaluate it.
She is your old good doctor,
She is the ally of the soul.
Don't burn it down
And don't go to the bottom.
And remember the simple truth
We are many, but she is one.

Preparing for the game.

The facilitator distributes elements of split pictures to all those present. On command, the players begin to collect the whole picture: for example, some get an elephant, others get a dog. The team unites children who have parts of the same picture. Teams come up with a name for themselves and choose captains ...
So, today the game will be played by two teams. A jury will judge them. Allow me to introduce the members of our distinguished jury.

Presentation of the members of the jury.

The jury, as you can see, we deserve respect.
They had, and more than once, to evaluate the battle!
For each competition, the jury will award one point, which is equal to 1 chip.
(the host puts the chips on the table)
The teams are asked to take their places. Nature hides many secrets and mysteries from us. But we are an inquisitive people and any secrets are revealed to us! We start the game. So - forward to victory! The teacher asks the children the name of their team
1 team - "Sunshine". Children answer in chorus.
Team Sunshine Captain
Our motto: "Take care of your planet - there is no other in the world."
Team 2 - "Droplet" The answer of the children in chorus.
Captain of the Drop Team
Your motto: “Tree, grass, flower and bird will not always be able to defend themselves! If they are destroyed, we will be left alone on the planet.
The floor for evaluation is given by the jury. It is a blitz poll. Each KVN game begins with a warm-up, so we will not break the tradition. I will ask questions to the teams, and you will take turns answering them. You can’t shout, points will decrease for this.
In one minute you need to answer as many questions as possible. The start and end of the competition is signaled by the sound signal of the jury.

Questions for the Sun team:

When does a squirrel store nuts? (in autumn)
What is the name of the birds that fly to warmer climes? (migratory)
Carp, catfish, pike, perch? (fish)
What is the name of a baby horse? (foal)
When do raspberries ripen in the garden? (summer)
What animal can be called long-eared? (hare)

What bird heals trees? (woodpecker)
When in the sun White snow sparkles? (winter)
What is the name of the animals that live next to a person in one word? (home)
Is the dog wild or domestic? (homemade)
What tree has a white trunk? (at the birch)
When does the snowdrop bloom in the forest? (spring)
What does a butterfly eat? (nectar)
What plant helps to heal a wound? (plantain)
Name the baby chickens (chickens)
What do they mainly eat migratory birds? (by insects)
What is the name of a baby pig? (piggy)
When do leaves fall from trees? (in autumn)

Who spins a web in the forest? (spider)
When does the ground rest under the snow? (winter)
What is the name of the animals that live in the forest? (wild)
What is the green cover of the Earth? (grass)
Which insect has ears on its feet? (at the grasshopper)
What does a hedgehog do in winter? (asleep)
Which birds come to us first? (rooks)
How many legs does a spider have? (eight)
Who was red in summer and gray in winter? (squirrel)

Questions for the "Kapelka" team

When does grandpa dig potatoes? (in autumn)
What tree do acorns grow on? (on oak)
What is the name of the animals that live next to a person in one word? (home)
Crow, starling, sparrow, swallow - who is it? (birds)
What is the name of a baby cow? (calf)
When does an icicle drip and melt? (spring)
What animal has a red coat? (for squirrels, foxes)
How many legs does a beetle have? (six)
Who sleeps in the forest all winter? (hedgehog, bear, badger)
When does river water freeze? (winter)
What bird has a red breast? (at the bullfinch)
Is the lion a wild or domestic animal? (wild)
Which insect has red wings with black dots? (at ladybug)
When are strawberries ripe? (summer)
Which bird breeds chicks in winter? (crossbill)
Fly, mosquito, butterfly, dragonfly, ant - who is it? (insects)
What is the name of the house of ants? (anthill)
Which bird lays its eggs in other people's nests? (cuckoo)
Who wears his house on his back? (snail)
What animal has quills? (at the hedgehog)
When is harvested from fields and gardens? (in autumn)
What is the name of the birds that winter with us? (wintering)
When does a butterfly fly over a field? (summer)
What bird is called "forest radio"? (magpie)
What is the name of a birdhouse made by human hands? (birdhouse)
What is the name of the person who guards the forest, keeps order? (forester)
What tree has a white trunk? (Birch)
What is the name of the ant's house? (anthill)
What mushroom is called a forest predator? (chanterelle)
What animal looks like a hedgehog? (porcupine)

The floor is given to the jury, which names the total score.

1. Guess where we came from?
- Around high grass, beautiful flowers, trees and shrubs are not visible at all, butterflies are fluttering, bumblebees are buzzing busily. (meadow)
2. It has become darker and cooler. The grass has become less dense. Here a birch grows, here an oak, and there are many deciduous trees further. (forest, grove)
3. Look, now there is no grass under your feet at all, deciduous trees come across less and less. On the ground - prickly needles, cones. (coniferous forest)
4. Here the forest thinned out, the trees parted. What is that glittering ahead? Not a horse, but running
Not a forest, but noisy, murmuring. (stream)
5. The river is getting slower, the current is getting smaller. It smells of mud, frogs croak. Mosquitoes fly in flocks. (swamp)
At the end of the competition, the floor is given to the jury. Two representatives from each team are invited to participate in the competition. There are juice bags, scissors on the tables, bird food in the plates. It is necessary to make a feeder and pour food into it. It is not the speed that is evaluated, but the quality of the task performed.
The teacher invites the rest of the team members and spectators to a musical break. Offers to remember as many songs about nature as possible and sing a line from each song. Then, at the end of the competition, the jury is given the floor. You need to remember which birds fly to the feeder in winter and place their images on the panel.

How to call in one word the birds you have chosen? (wintering) Pictures of which birds were left on the table? How to call them in one word? (migratory) Now their voices are not yet heard, and quite recently the forest was full of bird hubbub. But are we a bit of a wizard? We close our eyes: "One, two, three - spring forest, revive!"

Representatives of the teams take turns calling the birds. They recognized the singing of the nightingale, magpie, cuckoo, woodpecker, sparrow, titmouse, crow, owl, bullfinch.
Fans are invited to recognize the voices of animals: wolf, bear, fox.

The jury evaluates the results of the training.

Both team captains are invited. Participants of KVN greet the captains.

An unusual animal wandered to us, no one saw it, no one knows what it is called.
These are the animals. You, captains, need to tell what parts of animals and birds this animal consists of.
The captains lay out pictures of animals on an easel and explain. Now let's have a little rest. Close your eyes.

The music of F. Schubert "Ave Maria" sounds. Auto-training "Trees"

I imagine that I am a tree.
My roots are deep in the ground.
My trunk, my branches reach for the sun.
These are the trees in the forest.
Elbows bent, brushes shaken.
The wind knocks down the dew.
Gently wave our hands.
The birds are flying towards us.
How they sit down, we'll show -
Wings folded back
Or 2nd option:

Relaxation "If I were a tree" (to the music).

“Our feet are roots. They keep us firmly on the ground, they are looking for water for us to drink. They grow deeper and deeper (sitting on a chair with their feet firmly planted). Our skin is the bark. It is hard and tough, all in bumps and furrows. She protects us from injury. And everyone will understand that it is impossible to carve inscriptions and signs on this skin, which is called bark (stroke themselves with their hands). Our hands are branches. They stretch, reach for the sun. Birds can rest on them and even build a nest (raise their hands up). Our fists are kidneys. Every spring, our buds open and leaves appear.
"I am all people and birds
green friend,
I stretch my hands to everyone
And a lot - a lot of hands ”(squeeze and unclench fists). How wonderful to be a tree! AT summer heat provide coolness and shade. And a light breeze will blow, and we will sway to the left to the right, barely audibly talking to each other (they will sway with their hands up).
And now the trees have grown (get up).
The wind blows in our faces
The tree swayed (swaying).
The wind is quieter, quieter
The tree is getting higher and higher (straighten up). Children perform 3 ditties from the team, prepared together with the music director. Little dramatizations are held on the topic: “How to behave in nature”

1 situation for the Sun team

A girl was walking in the forest in the early spring morning.
- Oh, look what I found. Nest!
- It has an egg in it.
"Maybe we can take him home and we'll have a chick."
- We'll take care of him!
The girls took the egg with them.
Host: Did the girls do the right thing?
Children: Wrong. The chick will die because it needs maternal warmth.

2 situation for the team "Droplets"

The boy was walking along a forest path, saw a hedgehog and decided to take him home.
Host: Did the boy do the right thing?
Children: Wrong. Wild animals cannot be taken home, they may die in captivity. - Each team receives 5 badges. The children must identify the name of each of them.

1st team:

1) - You can not spoil the bark of trees.
Did you know that oxygen is released green plants. Especially useful are large spreading trees. It has been calculated that one 60-year-old pine tree releases as much oxygen per day as is needed for three people per day.
2) - Don't leave trash.
Do you know that most of garbage decomposes for a very long time, for example:
orange peel - 2 years;
plastic bags - from 10 to 20 years;
cans– from 80 to 100 years;
plastic bottles do not decompose at all!
3) - Do not destroy mushrooms, even poisonous ones.
Do you know that even mushrooms that are poisonous to humans are useful, because they are food for some animals, in addition, some plants cannot live without them.
4) - You can not cut down trees.
Did you know that man uses trees to make paper. By saving paper, you save trees from being cut down!
5) - You can not make noise in the forest.
Did you know that in the forest you can see many interesting animals, provided that you keep quiet and do not frighten them. Chamois, deer, squirrels are afraid of noise.

2nd team:

1) - Don't catch butterflies.
Do you know that no animals should be killed because they are part of our natural environment. Under special protection are such animals that require special attention because they are either very useful or very rare.
2) - Don't break branches.
Did you know that plants retain a huge amount atmospheric pollution and dust, in addition, they dampen noise. Trees, absorbing pollution, purify the air, but they themselves fall ill and die. Remember that if you break at least one branch, the tree can dry out!
3) - Don't touch the bird's nests.
Did you know that birds leave nests that people have touched and never return to this place. If there were eggs in the nest, then chicks will not appear from them. If there were chicks in the nest, they will die without a mother.
4) - Take good care of the water.
Did you know that all living organisms need water. Healthy man consumes about 2 liters of water daily. People get water not only in the form of drinks, but also contained in food. For example, an apple contains 80% water. A person cannot live more than a week without water.
5) - Do not pick flowers.
Did you know that humans have endangered 25,000 plant species in the last 100 years. Among them are lilies of the valley, bluebells, snowdrops, oak anemone, lady's slipper, which blooms only at the age of 18, and many others. - Let's think together: will our forest be worse if, walking along the path, you break a branch, or step on a fly agaric; make a wreath of flowers that grow in a clearing? (children's answers)
- Yes, nature will be worse! After all, every branch broken in vain, or a crushed mushroom is a small wound inflicted on nature. And it is difficult for nature to heal even the smallest wounds. Listen again and try to remember the forest rules. The facilitator in turn gives riddles to each team. Guess the riddles, and I will write the answers in a crossword puzzle, and then we will see what word we got in the highlighted cells.


1 fluffy cotton
Float somewhere.
The cotton is lower
The closer the rain (Clouds)
2 In winter, he dresses in a white caftan,
In spring - in a green sundress,
In summer - in a colored dress,
In autumn he wears a golden cloak. (Earth)
3 Himself scarlet, sugar,
The caftan is green, velvet. (Watermelon).
4 The blue tent covered the whole world (Sky)
5 Worth a cake
On one leg
Whoever passes by
Everyone bows down. (Mushroom).
6 The red cheat lives in a dense forest. (Fox).
p r i r o d u


1. Not rider, but with spurs
Not an alarm clock, but wakes everyone up (rooster).
2. He flies all night - he gets mice
And it will become light, he will sleep in a hollow (owl).
3. Flies, squeaks, rings very thinly.
The case will not miss, sit down and bite (mosquito).
4. Water craftsmen build a house without an axe.
A house made of brushwood and mud and a dam (beavers)
5. Red-breasted, black-winged loves to peck grains.
With the first snow on the mountain ash, he will appear again (bullfinch)
6. The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden.
7. Lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village (fox)
What word is in the highlighted cells? (HELP)
What does this exciting word tell us?
The fact that sometimes, without thinking at all, a person causes great harm to the environment.
Let's take care of our beautiful Earth, our common Home. Protect and love all living things! Remember, children, you are a particle of nature! A forest or a river gets sick, and we will feel bad. Do not hurt a tree, or a cat, or an ant! Don't hurt each other! A person must be kind!

1 child:

Take care of the earth! Take care!
Love native nature:
Lakes, forests and seas.
After all, this is ours with you
Forever native land!

2 child:

On it you and I were born,
We live with you on it.
Children in chorus:
Come on people, all together
We treat her kindly!

3 child:

Let's save the planet
There is nothing like it in the whole universe,
There is only one in the entire universe,
It is given to us for life and friendship!
Our planet earth
Very generous and rich:
Mountains, forests and fields
Our home, guys!
Let's save the planet
There is no other like it in the world.
Let us scatter clouds and smoke over it,
We won't let anyone hurt her!
We will take care of birds, insects, animals.
This will only make us better.
Let's decorate the whole Earth with gardens and flowers.
We need such a planet!

The jury sums up.

In our Club of Cheerful and Resourceful, the team won ... it is awarded ... The team receives incentive prizes ...

We tested you for glory
And winners by right
Worthy of praise. And awards
Now we are very happy to give


Thank you for your participation
Here are some souvenirs for you!
Look, admire, accept
Choose whatever you like!
KVN is over, friends, goodbye!
I want to say goodbye to everyone:
There are so many of us on earth
And we can take care of nature - one - completely!
April 22 is Earth Day. (on interactive whiteboard)
- Read the sentence. Maybe some of you know why people started celebrating Earth Day on this day?
(The story is accompanied by a display of photographs on an interactive whiteboard) For the first time this day began to be celebrated in the United States, after the tragedy that occurred in 1969. A big accident happened at an oil rig. Great amount oil spilled over the surface of the ocean, polluted the beaches. Many animals died, especially birds were affected. This tragic event shocked many people. They decided at least once a year to remind the inhabitants of the planet about their attitude to the environment. This is how the idea of ​​Earth Day was born. This holiday unites people from many countries. Every year there are more and more of them. Earth Day began to be celebrated in Russia as well. In addition, by government decree, from April 15 to June 5, we hold special days for the protection of the environment.
- And what good deeds can you guys do to make our Earth a little more beautiful and cleaner? (Hang up feeders, clean up your yard, plant trees, break a flower bed near the entrance, whitewash the trees, tell the younger ones about the rules of behavior in nature, etc.) Formation of respect for native land in older children preschool age

“Only in the hands of each of us is the future of our beautiful planet. When we have already learned to fly like birds, And swim under water like fish. There is only one thing left for us - to learn how to live on Earth like people!” The authors of the project: Students of the 4th grade of the MOU secondary school 3 with in-depth study of individual subjects Project manager: Khokhryakova Marina Alexandrovna

Fundamental question: Is it necessary to organize environmental protection and socially significant activities in the field of ecology? Problematic issues: What is the ecological situation in our city and how to draw the attention of the population to the existing environmental issues? What kind of work can we arrange for the use of household waste in the framework of environmental activities? Didactic goal of the project: Organization of environmental and socially significant activities. Methodical tasks: To instill in children a sense of responsibility for their work. Improve collaboration skills. To promote the development of a conscious emotionally-valuable attitude to nature, the formation of an ecological culture, an active activity position for the conservation of nature and one's own health.

"Inquisitive lads" carefully studied the ecological situation in our city. How? We took to the streets of the city, examined the "green zones" adjacent to the city. We took to the streets of the city, examined the "green zones" adjacent to the city. Collected information about the environmental Collected information about the environmental situation in the city department of ecology. What did you get? Attracted the attention of the population Attracted the attention of the population to existing environmental problems. We have identified the most polluted placesWe have identified the most polluted places in the city. We realized that the city needs to strengthen environmental protection activities. We realized that the city needs to strengthen environmental protection activities.

In order to improve the ecological situation in your hometown, we created an Ecological Map! The information booklet "Let's make our city cleaner" was handed out to the population! "Wisdom of Nature" held a marathon, it helped to improve ecological culture! They came to Kamyshlovskoe TV and told everyone! Adult aunts and uncles, having listened to us, created the SOS program!

"Ants" did not waste time either: We actively studied how to use household waste! "Talking signs" of nature from household waste together with their parents created and showed the people! Remember: it is our only planet Earth! Let's cover it all together from the garbage rain! Plant manager, be a man! Do not dump waste into the river!

Chants, the name of the detachment and the motto for summer camp on different topics:

  • Squad name: Extreme. Squad motto: We are extra class guys, Our extreme is always with us.
  • Squad name: Coca-Cola. Squad motto: we are Coca-Cola guys, we can't live without fun!
  • Squad name: SHOCK. Squad motto: Noisy! Naughty! Kinders!
  • Squad name: Nonstop. Squad motto: No matter what happens - NonStop always goes forward!
  • Order name: Shoelaces. Squad motto: Do ​​not untie us!
  • Order name: Smile. Squad motto: Smile, people love idiots!
  • Team name: Phoenix. The motto of the detachment: Burn and light others.
  • Squad Name: S.O.S. Squad motto: Operational Rescue Service
  • Order name: Ducklings. Squad motto: Quack! Quack? Quack! Don't scream in vain.
  • Squad name: Assets. Squad motto: Active at night, active during the day, Active always, everywhere and in everything!
  • Team Name: Smile. The motto of the detachment: Life without a smile is a mistake, long live laughter and smile!
  • Order name: Barkhan. Squad motto: We are the movement.
  • Team name: Tornado. Squad motto: Don't run into us, Because we are a tornado!
  • Squad name: BEMS. Squad motto: Fighting, Energetic, Young, Cute.
  • Squad name: Brakes. Squad motto: We slow down everything in a row, two counselors and - The name of the squad.
  • Detachment name: Valenki. The motto of the detachment: We are neither right nor left, because we are felt boots!
  • Detachment name: USSR. Squad motto: The Union of the Most Modern Guys!
  • Squad name: VVO. Squad motto: All in - Squad name!
  • Order name: Constellation. The motto of the detachment: The stars shine in the sky, in our small country, the stars send us their greetings, give us warmth and light!
  • Detachment name: German Titov. The motto of the detachment: Not the first, but alive and well!
  • Team Name: The Addams Family. The motto of the detachment: We are a family, just a class, everyone in our family is atas!
  • Order Name: Hungry Chipmunks. The motto of the detachment: Not a step back, not a step on the spot, but only for an afternoon snack and only all together!!!
  • Team name: Records. The motto of the detachment: Records - always, records - everywhere, records on land and even in water!
  • Squad name: Grand. Squad motto: We are a super Gang, There is no better Grand!
  • Team Name: Rainbow. Squad motto: We, like rainbows of color, are never apart.
  • Squad name: Dynamite. Squad motto: If our camp rumbles, Dynamite did it!
  • Team name: The King's Devoted. The motto of the detachment: Always, in everything, forward for the king!
  • Team Name: Friends. Squad motto: Many times, many times! We are many, many of us! We are - The name of the squad - - The name of the squad of friends! Have fun with us!!
  • Team Name: Train. Squad motto: Very noisy guys!!! We are a train, not a wagon. There is no one better than us - The name of the detachment, Our train to victory GO !!!
  • Squad name: Instigators. The motto of the detachment: If something happens somewhere, - know - we did it!
  • Detachment name: Pioneer dumplings. The motto of the detachment: Pioneer dumplings - you have not eaten such ones yet!
  • Order name: Cacti. The motto of the detachment: We are always together, we are always there, cacti are always with - The name of the detachment!
  • Detachment name: Again 25. Detachment motto: 25 stars in the sky, 25 in - The name of the detachment of us, who does not know us yet, will recognize us now!
  • Order name: Peanuts. Squad motto: Boobs slap on the belly!
  • Order name: Dandelion. Squad motto: Stick together, so as not to be blown away.
  • Team Name: Club. Squad motto: Let everyone know how we relax!
  • Squad name: Macrome night circle. Squad motto: Isn't the name enough?
  • Squad name: Merchants. The motto of the detachment: We are businessmen of the market age, in our hands the fate of man.
  • Squad name: Invincible. Squad motto: Our motto is UNBEATABLE: we will excite and we will not give!
  • Order name: Cutlets. Team Motto: Always Ready!
  • Team name: MTS. Squad motto: We are mobile guys from the MTS team! MTS is the highest class, there is no better place in the world than us!
  • Squad name: Forest Brotherhood. The motto of the detachment: We are the Forest Brotherhood marching once or twice, we will defeat anyone - once and it's ready!
  • Squad Name: Best. The motto of the detachment: Let's light a fire in the hearts of people, as Prometheus did!
  • Squad Name: Leader. Squad motto: If to be, then to be the best!
  • Name of the detachment: Youth of the 21st century. The motto of the detachment: We are the youth of the 21st century, always and everywhere we will succeed! We flew to you from an ordinary planet, There is nothing supernatural in us, But we will be the best, we will win, We will never forget everyone who helps in this!
  • Squad name: Cool peppers. The motto of the detachment: I became pepper - so do not look for food, do not look for an easy life!
  • Order name: Forget-me-nots. Squad motto: We are not geese, we are not ducks, we are forget-me-not guys. Let's not forget to sleep all night and help our friends.
  • Squad name: Kingdom of the Elves. Squad motto: Through the walls to the stars!
  • Order name: Socks. Squad motto: Don't break us!
  • Squad name: Comet. Squad motto: A comet is in the sky, and we are on the ground! Long live happiness always and everywhere!
  • Squad name: Oba-na. Squad motto: Bez - The name of the squad OBA-ON to the entire Khan camp.
  • Detachment name: Kipish. Squad motto: Hey dude, do you hear? - We are the team - KIPISH!
  • Squad name: OMON. The motto of the detachment: - The name of the youth detachment for special purposes!
  • Squad name: Kapitoshka. The motto of the detachment: Rain drops on the roads, but we are not at all bored. We play and sing, we live very cheerfully.
  • Team Name: From Dusk Till Dawn. Squad motto: From dusk till dawn, we are ready to do it!
  • Squad name: Madhouse. The motto of the detachment: As - We will call the name of the detachment - so we will live in it!
  • Squad name: Generation. Squad motto: Ripped jeans, sneakers, sneakers - we are the generation of a new party!
  • Team name: Friendship. The motto of the detachment: World-peace, war is unnecessary, we - The name of the detachment was called friendship!
  • Order name: Navels. Squad motto: Our motto is 4 words: we are navels and it's cool!
  • Detachment Name: 9th Company. The motto of the detachment: Not a step back, Not a step in place, but only forward and only all together!
  • Squad name: Ripped sneaker. Squad motto: Even if there is a hole in the sneaker, we still run to victory!
  • Squad Name: City of Shadows. Squad motto: Goths, zombies and vampires, Come all here, You will never find another city of shadows!
  • Detachment name: RMID. Squad motto: The Republic of Boys and Girls is stronger than all commonwealths on Earth.

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