Diseases of fir trees and their treatment - from which the beauties of coniferous breeds suffer.

Engineering systems 14.06.2019
Engineering systems

Some coniferous in the winter changes painting (boils the needles, a golden hue appears), partially falls the needles. This is a normal seasonal phenomenon. The chevings of different plants are holding on a bush or a tree from three to eight years. Then the old needles with the onset of cooling fall out. "Losses" are more visible in the depth of the crown, where less light. Pines, cypressov and Tui, the fallen needles gradually accumulate. Therefore, the crown, especially the branches, must be cleaned of such clusters. The easiest thing is to wash off a strong jet of water from the hose (on low trees you can remove with a hand in a dense glove).

Tip: If there is no suspicion that the tree is sick or suffers from pests, it is better left under it. It accumulates, mulching the earth and overloading. At the same time, the suitable acid-alkaline balance of the soil is preserved.

... or illness

Sometimes the change in the color of the needle is a symptom of the disease. Problem trees do not restore their typical color in the spring, in this case they need to urgently assist. What reasons can cause harsh and dedication of needles? 1. Fungal diseases. In this case, the conifer crown is sprayed with potocomotes (according to the instructions) or 1% burglar liquid (several times with an interval of two weeks before full recovery). Preparations of Fundazole, Hom, Oxy-Hom, Ordan or Commander (according to the instructions) are also suitable.

2. TLL. Destroy the pest helps the early-spring spraying of carbofos. In the middle of summer - AcTellik or Rogor-C (according to the instructions).

3. Incorrect landing of a tree (excessive excavation). Bad, if the groundwater is suitable close to the surface of the soil.

4. Fasting plant. Need feeders with a balanced complex fertilizer for conifers with magnesium.

5. Conductive drought or mooring of the soil. In the case of convergence, it is necessary to divert water, and sometimes to transplant the young plant.

6. Saplings seedlings of many types of conifers need to plant in a half or shadow young trees from the burning of the rays of the sun. Do not like coniferous and frequent smokers. Therefore, you do not need to burn garden trash next to them. After smoking, it is desirable to hide the crown of coniferous water from the hose.

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  • : We fight with sunny burns ...
  • : Coniferous: burns, sparing, frosty dying ...
  • Lyudmila Shcherbakova,
    Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the St. Petersburg Forestry Academy, Specialist Conservation and Protection of Garden and Park Plant

    Fir damage, reasons, treatment

    To healthy, correctly planted ate pests attack rarely. The soil should be light, wet and weakly acid. Fertilizers contribute to improving the growth of fories, the development of their root system, and also protects them from diseases and pests.

    Sucking pests

    A few dozen species of sucking pests are known on the seals, including cocides (shields, false shields, milderous cherberies), Tly, Hermes and Cellites. They suck juices from the needles, shoots, branches, trunks and even roots. They have small sizes and are minor. They can be detected by sticky discharges that cover the surface of the needles and branches, or the presence of gallins.

    • Yellowish spots appear on the old needle, later the needles fall. Tsl Fir Sitkhinskaya - Pest of Eli Kolyach, spruce Serbian and spruce Sitkha. This is a green sucking insect size of only 1-2 mm. Tar can be detected by substituting a sheet of white paper and knocking on the branch.

    Fight measures. Toils are bred and graze ants. Exit - prevent the spread of ants. If a little bit, regularly wash the infected places with clean cold or soapy water (but before this you need to cover the soil so that the soapy mass does not hit the roots in large numbers). The procedure must be repeated more than once with an interval of 6-10 days. Significantly reduces the harmfulness of insect cutting over the ends of the shoots with the colonies of the tool. This event can be combined with planned trimming.

    • The curvature and yellowing of the needles, on the bottom of the cheops are visible sticky fluffy snow-white education. At the ends of young shoots, galls are formed. It is the churmes green elo-larch or spruce-fir. These "shutters" are gradually growing, increase, acquire crimson color. Inside such a shortened mutilated escape, there is up to 120 pests. At the kidneys on the crust you can see adult females, and on the needles - brown or yellowish green larvae. Hermes larvae cause bending, drying and further sprinkling of chewing. Branches on which galls appear, dry the next year. In the middle of summer, Galla cracks and young rills fly to growing sprues, fir or larchs nearby. Hermes harms basically ordinary and barbed.

    Fight measures. Eradicated Hermes is very simple - to remove all shoots with galls on time, and no chemistry will need. Do not plant larch and fir. When distributed - spraying insecticides. Through the fluff does not penetrate insecticide aerosols, so the shermes are best across the plant juice with system insecticides.

    • Coupling is braided by web and at the expense of this are holding on a tree. With the winds of the wind, it takes off, and the crown is taken off. Mulse caterpilts minouncing the chevings, making round holes at the base of the needles. So the spruce leaflerting-needled works, it harms many types of firs. It is difficult to diagnose, if you do not touch your hands.

    Fight measures. Affected shoots should be repeatedly treated with a solution of liquid soap or deleted. Dry chewa can be combined with small fan robbles, laying under a tree polyethylene or other material, and the collected chevy burned. With a large propagation of the pest, use systemic pesticides that penetrate vegetable tissue and are transferred according to the vessels throughout the plant.

    • The needles are embodied with a thin rare cobweb covered with yellowish spots, it becomes brown later and crept. A spruce web tick and his larvae damage young plants: spiny spiny, Canadian, ordinary, so-western, juniper, biota. A little damage Elgelman, Serbian. For the summer, the female gives 3-4 generations. The most harm of the tick causes trees growing on dry soils in hot years. Behind the growing season, pincers form from four to six generations, so the degree of damage increases by the end of summer.

    Fight measures. Good care for young seedlings. Promultially spray plants with cold water to enhance humidity. When symptoms appear, spraying with colloidal gray, infused dandelion or garlic. If the affected area takes a significant area, then apply acaricides.

    • Passing and dedication of needles, drying of branches, shiny traces. Flawed focus is not only a pest of ate ordinary, but also other types of ate. Mass colonies of insects on young landings, sucking juices, not only cause a general slowdown in growth, but often the plant is completely lit. The branches of adult trees on which the colonies of spoors appear, dry out and deform, they decrease the overall assimilant surface, and this delays growth and reduces the winter hardiness of trees. Softwares and larvae are fed by juices on the needles and shoots, highlighting the Pad.

    Fight measures. The trees growing in shaded places and dry soils especially suffer from fir-tilt. Compliance proper agrotechnology Prevents pest attack. Helps preventive spraying of young trees insecticides. With great numbers repeat the spraying in August - September.

    • The needles of young seedlings and seedlings ate begins to dry and crumble. From thin roots of young Christmas trees, juices are sucking two types of root tool: fir-firing, spruce - an intermediate plant, and spruce root. Range ribs are harmful to seedlings and seedlings.

    Fight measures. You can destroy the root tool only by system insecticides.

    • The needles turn yellow and twisted. On the branches appeared small insects With white fibrous shields on the back, which protect them from predators. These are relatives of Tley - coniferous worms. In dry years, they multiply in such a quantity that branches seem to be covered in Enem. You can also detect these pests on fir and pines. Like all other sucking insects, Cherweans are the main carriers of viruses.

    Fight measures. Spraying with infusion of tobacco three times with a weekly interval. With a strong damage, it should be resorted to "systemic" insecticides, they penetrate the juice of the treated plant and for a while they make it poisonous for pests.

    Cheering pests

    Insects, overtaking kidneys and cheese, are called horsepower pests. They are quite numerous and represented by the views of butterflies, sawers and beetles.

    • Young needles on the top and side shoots acquire a red-brown color and does not fall off for a long time. It is first minounted, and then eaten the entire larvae of an ordinary firing sawder. It is very difficult to see the larvae, they are well mastered under the chew. The old chew of ate spook single and nesting sawers. Both of these sawmakers are equipped with cobwebs and excrement.

    Fight measures.

    • The kidneys are united. If the kidney is damaged from the inside, then it is a spruce buds chipper or caterpillar of fir moth. If the kidney is damaged outside, then it is a weed farm beetle. Damage to kidneys and shoots are especially dangerous for young trees.

    Fight measures. Drop the prior circles. Destroy the nests and larvae at low pest numbers. Spraying with infusion and heralds of insecticidal plants. With a large number of processing on insecticide larvae.

    • In May-July, moths fly around the firs, the caterpillars appear on the branches. It can be a spotted night light, butterfly from the Scoop family. Her brown-gray caterpillars are harmful, covered with long hair. They appear in August-September and eat cheese. In a different way, they also look, but also harm the spinning of the dark gray and the spinning of the carcloyable coniferous. They pound in the ground under the fir.

    Fight measures. Food baits with ferry additives. These baits are good for all summer. With a peopling or looser, the destruction of brown dolls. Processing of plantings by insecticidal and biopreparations during the renal dissolve period.

    Pests damaging cones

    Spruce cones - real delicacy for many pests. The bumps damage the caterpillars of the leaflers, spiders, fires and larvae of gribers, gallicle and seeds. The bumps damaged by pests is easy to distinguish between curvature, color change and sprinkled from the bump.

    • In June-July, usually in the evenings occurs years of butterflies. This is a chish fire, the caterpillars of which bumps bumps and eaten seeds. On the surface of the cones hanging the brownish mass of excrement, places of battles of resin. The chish fire will populate the cones of ordinary, Eastern and Siberian ate, Caucasian fir, Siberian larch, Korean cedar pine. This is one of the main pests of seeds of coniferous breeds.

    Fight measures. Processing with systemic insecticides during the period of degeneracy of the caterpillars.

    Stem pests

    Stem pests damage the bark and various wood layers. Their larvae develop under the crust, penetrating into all layers of wood (depending on the species affiliation of the pest). Implanting under the bark, the cores allocate odorous substances - pheromones, all new beetles are flying on their smell. For example, on the smell of spruce core-typographical beetles fly from the distance to 11km! The tree populated by the Cororas can be cleaned extremely rare, and if the beetles settled it throughout the circumference of the trunk, the only measure is the urgent destruction of the tree until the young generation of beetles did not come out of the bark.

    • Already in the middle of the summer, the needles begins to fill up, later turns yellow and falls. Numerous fine holes in the crust. In all circumference of the barrel, brown drilling flour is abundantly poured. The coroede-typograph is often affected by a weakened ate of different ages. Very dangerous pest. He destroys the trees in Pavlovsk's historic parks and Pushkin, at one time destroyed the fir-tent in Trigorsky and several memorial Hannibalov fir trees in Mikhailovsky (Museum-Reserve "Pushkin Mountains"). Everywhere is common in our forests. Such trees need to be removed before the young generation of the typographic will finish the development under the crust and departs to the will.
    • Red needles on branches of fir wheels and fir, large resin funnels in the pest deployment places in the trunk. Big spruce Loubohed is the largest of our cores, up to 9 mm long. Extremely dangerous pest, very aggressive. It attacks mostly on old ate, but does not neglect the young. May settle and pines. IN last years Blue spruce die from him in Peterhof. At the slightest signs of weakening a tree, it is necessary to carefully inspect the trunk, and if you see the drilling flour, do not spare the tree, and remove it as soon as possible.
    • Beetles are crawling on the trunk, they have an elongated body and characteristic of these insects must be looked at the back. The length of the mustache in some species significantly exceeds the length of the beetle itself. Black spruce Usachi is introduced into the trunk of the tree and make numerous moves there. When laying, Usachi eggs leave characters on the crust, as if the nail pressed on the bark. Usache usually enters us from nurseries together with contaminated landing material.
    • In May-June, black beetles appear with a rust-red buggy shield and yellow-brown hoppers, which are two longitudinal stripes. This is a mattogruda firwood. It hurts ate, also damages the fir, pine tree and larch. The beetle settled on weakened or sick trees. The larvae do wide moves in the wood.

    Fight measures. At the initial stage there is a chance to save the tree. Careful treatment with protective preparations, the dysfunction of the formed holes can kill the first beetles, without giving them to multiply and attract the main mass of pests to the trees. During the departure period of Zhukov (June - July) spray the crowns of trees with contact insecticides. If they discovered the drilling flour, remove the knife of the bark at the place of its appearance and square white larvae eating cambiums. It is impossible to fight with the koroche with the help of pheromon traps in the garden plot, as traps will attract beetles from all surrounding forest plantations. The traps hang out in the nearest forest array, as is done in the forests and parks, where thousands of trees can be sacrificed to the rescue. The main thing is not to forget to check the traps and remove the pests in them.

    Diseases of ace

    Ate, like all conifers, suffer more from not infectious diseasescaused by adverse conditions ambient, and gardener errors when landing and leaving.

    • Landing with a strong blowjob. In nature, the roots of fir trees go to the surface.
    • Water shortage is a common cause of fir death.
    • If a fir european or ordinary has yellowed housing, in most cases the cause is the lack of nutrients.
    • Strong frosts can damage young landings.
    • The heavy mass of snow leads to an oblast branch.

    The ate very often suffer from mushroom diseases. As a rule, they do not cause the death of the tree, but can provoke premature reset of the needles, which is reflected in the appearance of trees. Mushroom diseases provoke dense landing, lack of illumination and excess moisture in the air and soil.

    • The needles in May will boil, but remains on the branches. At the bottom of the needles, the arms disputes are formed. There is an infection of neighboring needles, the plants will boil, the shoots are poorly overwhelmed - spit.
    • In the fall on young couplers, brown spots appear, in early spring White mycelium develops on the needles. The needle darkens and falls away - Shingle Schuyut.
    • On young seedlings, drill and leaves the needles, the traces of the spioning of the mushroom - fusariosis, the disease, affecting the roots, the infection on the vessels penetrates all the fabrics.
    • Suchurance, grinding and drying of the part of the crown, with a strong lesion - the hats of mushrooms are growing on the trunk - stem and root rot. Root rotes penetrate the trunk wood and cause the destruction of the tree.
    • The bodies of the branches darkens, dries out, on it the growths of brick colors or dark small pads are formed, the bark is dying, the tree dies. Necrosis of the bark.
    • In the trunks, ulcers are formed: open, with a mixture, with protruding bodies of mushrooms or closed, in the form of numerous resin gaps - ulcerative (wounded) cancer can be caused by mushrooms and bacteria.
    • On the inner side Clauses of the crust appear rounded dusty dark brown pustulas. The bumps are widely disclosed, hanging several years, seeds of nonsense. This is a rust of cones. Sometimes the shoots are curved, the disease in this form is called a fir spit. Infection comes from the cherry.

    Fight measures. Healthy planting material, timely removal of dried branches, cooled of a garden ward, paint. Improving sustainability by applying microfertres and immunostimulants. Do not squeeze near the cherry. Processing of the roots of seedlings before planting fungicides. With the appearance of signs of the disease - watering fungicides under the root. Preventive spraying of early spring with copper-containing drugs. Destruction of affected needles, branches.

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    These at first glance, unpretentious trees are also sick. Yellow needles - the most common disease, which is subject to these forest beauties. An explanation to this fact is somewhat, and all negative reasons are desirable to eliminate.

    The reasons for the yellowed needles at coniferous trees

    In coniferous trees, the yellowing needles may sometimes be celebrated or even their complete drying. Why do the Christmas tree shine needles, and how to help the tree?

    First, one of the reasons for yellowing needles at coniferous rocks may be cold. In some coniferous plants, the branches can shield in winter. For example, such plants include microbiotes, juniper ordinary varieties of Plumosa and "Depressa Aurea", Pseudo-eyed green and other plants. But this is not critical, since with the onset of spring branches will again acquire their green color.

    Secondly, the shore of the needles can also during non-malls. And all because not all coniferous plants are frost-resistant. For example, the following coniferous plants can be attributed to such - the cypressist is stupid, Juniper Virginsky, Pseudo-showing green and eastern, Louuson cypressovik, and a giant. If you wish to grow these plants in the middle lane, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the care of them in winter and know whether they are required to strengthen them during this period.

    Also often have a fir yellow needles under the influence of heat. With a long-term lack of moisture, the following coniferous plants can dry - Metaequisy Chinese, Cypressians, Japanese, Gorokhornogenic, Swamp and others. All these plants are afraid of too warm spring, which comes immediately after frost. In the fall, they are required to rush to hide them so that they can make moisture stock for a long period.

    With a lack of coofing minerals, a yellow shade can also be purchased. This is especially true of a lack of magnesium when feeding coniferous plants. Therefore, such a selection of mineral fertilizers is needed, which contained all the necessary minerals and could exclude the yellowing of the needles.

    The Christmas tree shine needles and under the influence of pests and diseases. Therefore, yellowing needles need to carefully examine and pay attention to whether they are flare, spots or any pests. If necessary, plants should be treated with appropriate drugs.

    Defendant to coniferous crops is the dog urine. The labels left by these animals lead to drying the branches that need to trim, and the plant itself can be protected from such encroachments.

    If you bought a coniferous plant at the exhibition or in the store and noticed that he has a yellow needle, or has you been growing in open soil Pine or Thuja, but at one very very moment you notice that with one concrete side or in general, the whole Crown begins to yellow, then we bring to your attention 5 main reasons, and probably the only one, from which the needles shore at coniferous plants. The main thing is to react in time to save the plant. Some reasons are not fatal, the other causes can hardly damage the conifer and will have to "get out".

    The first reason - why the shores of the needles. The most common cause is a lack of watering. The store has conifers in pots, containers, the needles of them are green ... and they can rarely water inexperienced sellers, the needles will not be fed, and green stands! Remember, your New Year's Christmas tree or pine is so long, that is, according to her appearance, you can not quite understand, there is enough water to her or not.

    So they were overpowered in the store of the earthen com, then remembered, poured. But small roots that are more and faster absorbed moisture - died. And so that they have the industry to help plant fertilizer or growth accelerator, water periodically water.

    Therefore, when you buy a conifer in a store or in a nursery, then rather guided by the seller's conscience than the appearance of the soil. Even if he is politically, it may mean that he was only poured today, and so the coniferous plant was dry. And when you bring a sober to bring home, in a week he can get the needle.

    Of course, it is best to know the quality of the company or the seller in advance, if the store or nursery is not far from you, periodically visit and observe plants, as they care for them. Conifers in pots photo:

    If you bought such a "mischief" plant, and you have already started yellowing the cooler at home, then if you want to plant a plant into open ground, we advise you cannot land such sufferers in dry sandy soil, especially lime, with a shallow fertile layer. They will hurt for a long time. In this case, you need to specifically prepare a pit for landing so that it was enough fertile soil, and you need to plant along with a room, so as not to learn and so weak roots.

    The second reason is why the shores of the needles. This is inconsistent late landing. As the saying goes, "the greed of Fryer killed." If you planted a swinger late in autumn and he did not have time to get involved, it was rooted, that is, winter came, frosts, the soil was frozen, then the coniferous plant will shove the needles, since the roots do not absorb, sleep, and the needle continues to evaporate moisture. Yes, coniferous plants in winter, especially in clear days evaporated moisture from the needles. As a result, the plant is dehydrated, yellowing the needles and falls.

    To save the plant:

    1. - Stick it from frost and sun;

    2. -Cistant around the sober snow So that he formed a side around the trunk and at least after a day, water the conifer is sufficiently warm water (60 degrees). Water when it will be absorbed into the cold ground the desired temperature. And the side of the snow will also create a protective zone, so that the drafts are not witched harder than the soil. Planting coniferous late autumn photo:

    Third reason - why yellow cohs. Sunny burns. Most often in winter and early spring, when it did not reach the snow, sun rays, reflected from white snowEven more create illumination near the plant, almost 2 times more intense. Therefore, the needles turn yellow and falls. After all, there is little moisture in the ground, and the needle water reserves starts more and more sunlight. Of course, all winter boys do not need to water.

    Of course, it is advisable to water at least once a month. But from the Sun, coniferous plants will save shelter. It can be covered with tight paper, burlap, special covering material, which can now be bought at any garden store, or the same coniferous savor. Sunburn coniferous photo:

    Fourth reason - why yellowing. Mushrooms, that is, mushroom diseases can cause yellowing and foaming. These are mushrooms that most often cause coniferous diseases as different types of spit and a variety of rust. Fungi may appear from incorrect care Behind plants, frequent landings in which there are no blown places, permanent shadow. For conifers, conduct preventive treatment, as fungi can be everywhere in the ground and air. For prophylaxis, the spraying of funds is suitable (10 gr. Per 10 liters of water with an interval of 10 days).

    If the needle is already desirable and you did not reveal other reasons, therefore most likely that these are wine fungi, then process boys of biopreparations - phytoosporin - m, alin, gamiir. These biological preparations are struggling with fungi, and here to strengthen the immunity of the plant itself, then process the conifers with zircon preparations and epin - extra. Rust needles:

    The fifth reason is why yellowes. The coniferous plants have enough pests that love to spoil the appearance of plants, or even to lead to death. For example, tuyaya Tlla or Tl Fir Sithinskaya. Most often, the Tlla attacks the Tui, on Sithkin's pine, barbed and Serbian.

    Place a white leaf under the branch, and lead on top of the branch. If dark "goats" fell on the sheet, then your boys "eats" to the word. You can get rid of thephonic on the conifers if there are often plants to spray with potash soap, strong infusion of garlic, wormwood or other herbs.

    Still not chemistry ...

    TLL on the needle photo:

    Another pest of coniferous plants can be a night butterfly - a monastery, or rather the voracious caterpillars of dirty - white, gray color. If you have a little coniferous and you notice the caterpillars, then their majority can be collected and destroy, but note that these caterpillars are striking chewing so that the branches remain naked. Therefore, it is better to even in addition to spray the conifers with bitoxibaclinine or other decis, karate preparations.

    Also, your coniferous plants can spoil the web tick and a firing leaflet. When the plants are striking the leaflever, then the shores of the needles, there is a fairly noticeable web and small caterpillars appear inside. If you begin to notice the web on your needles, then we first take a mechanical processing.

    We dress gloves, hands carefully cover the branch and, as it were, we are tightened by the web with them in the direction of the growth of the needles. You can reveal, shake twigs. Then we process plants by colloid gray, strong infusion of dandelion or garlic.

    If the branches are strongly amazed, then we are processing them with a solution of liquid soap so that insects are stuck and suffocate, and then these branches are removed. If you have a lot of coniferous plants and everyone has started to go into pests, we advise not to waste time in vain, and take advantage of chemical insecticidal drugs, in which case you will accurately save your plants.


    Coniferous trees are unpretentious, but they need help if they have become infected with the fungal causative agent and a detrimental impact of pests. The main problems faced by the owners of coniferous breeds - spider, rust, tracheometheosis and insects.

    This disease is typical only for representatives of coniferous rocks, it provokes fungal pathogens - ascomycetes. Depending on the nature of the manifestation, several forms of this disease distinguish.

    Spit on ate

    Real spit - One of the main reasons for premature decay of the needles of firs. In the risk area, young, as well as weakened conifers come to the risk. The needles spruce infected with this fungus become brown, dry and fall. Such symptoms can be observed in the spring and early summer. But in the fall, the disease is manifested in the form of small yellow dots on the needles of ate, which gradually darkens. And on the branches where needles crumbled, black bodies are formed - this is a spore fungus. In such a cocoon, fungus perfectly worries winter frosts, and in the spring again crashes out.

    Snow Schute - This kind of fungus can be found almost on all types of coniferous, including ate European, blue, conic, twisted and ordinary. This disease is a special danger for snow-covered and northern regions, where it can even completely destroy fir. Infection with fungus occurs already at a temperature of 0 degrees, and very rapidly. The pathogens of this sickness of firings cause the convergence and dying of coniferous needles after melting snow. Throughout the summer season, the fungus is increasingly progressing, the spruce becomes first reddish, and then light gray, as in the photo. The needles begins to crumble and falls. By the autumn, the spore fungus becomes more noticeable, dotting with black branches. Favorable conditions for further spread fungus are falling out and melting of snow in autumn, drizzling rain, heavy snowfall and protracted spring.

    In preventive purposes, do not forget to cover the decorative ate in your garden, especially the fir-tree conic. Although it is considered a frost resistant, shelter for the winter does not hurt.And it will also protect the conic from sun burnswhich she will help get from the beginning of February. As a protective material, use burlap, film, cardboard, leaving the bottom of the bottom open to avoid the debate.

    Brown Schute or Snow Brown Mold. Amazing absolutely all kinds of ate (including blue varieties). It is manifested in early spring when it starts to melting snow. The ideal temperature conditions for development is the mark from 0 to +1 degrees. On dead brown coniferous needles, a black and gray raid and point body spores fungus are noticeable. With such a disease of the needles, it may not be imposed for a long time, and thin branches die gradually. Provokes a disease thickening landing and high humidity air.

    Snowy brown mold

    Preventive measures include: selection of more resistant coniferous varieties (fir twisted and European), regular thinning of thickened landings, timely destruction of patient crumbling needles and dried branches, as well as processing of fungicides. Having a hive, pay attention to the intensity of entering the site sun ray. Remember, shaded places are perfect conditions for distribution spit, especially for small dwarf trees - Spruce spruce and barbed. Treatment of firings is carried out with copper-containing and sulfuric drugs - 1% burglar liquid, Abiga Peak, Hom. As prevention, use these fungicides for spraying in early spring and autumn. With a high risk of infection, the needle treatment is also carried out in summer.

    Coniferous needles acquire a reddish tint and shuffled? It is worth carefully look at the root system. Typically, such signs indicate a very unpleasant and dangerous soil disease - tracheomekosis. Most often, this type of disease is striking young coniferous plants with a surface root system and a low-rise rod root. Such rocks applies. Unfortunately, this fungal disease is not amenable to treatment, and fir dies. The plant must be removed along with the ground and burn, and the soil itself, where the conic grew, to decoke with a solution of copper sulphate.

    Rust fungal pathogens amaze coniferous needles And the bark of shoots. Their disputes are very quickly applied to neighboring plants, causing them significant deformation. Here are some of the most common varieties of rust coniferous rocks.

    • Rust needle. The development of fungus occurs in early spring. On the needles there are chaotic-plated yellow bubble pustulas. If the disease is launched, ate loses its decorativeness - their needles are starting to turn quickly and prematurely fall.
    • Pine spit, bubble or columnar rust. Infection begins with needles of coniferous rocks, and then applies to the bark and branches. At the site of the affected rust plots, resin is distinguished, and yellow-orange bubbles perform from cracks on the cortex - the eciastulas, they can be seen on the photograph. The fungita forms thickening, which over time provoke the formation of open wounds. Damaged shoots are greatly bent and dry.
    • Rust of cones and fir spit. The inner side of the fir scraps is amazed by rounded dark brown esiopulas. This leads to a wide disclosure of cones and incorrect seeds. If the fungus provokes the curvature of escapes, such a form of a sickness of fools is called a spruce spit. The main carrier of the dispute of this fungus is a cherry.

    Rust fir

    In preventive purposes, try to plant coniferous trees away from plants that have a tendency to infection with rust, such garden crops include poplar, aspen, black currant, cherry and their hybrids. Conduct a constant trimming of affected shoots, cut the dry branches and delete the fallen needles on time. Treatment of fir trees from rust carry out by spraying with drugs Phytosporin-M. and Abiga Peak..

    Let's start, perhaps, from the most important pest - a paustic tick. They affect absolutely all kinds of cultivated plants. Their main activity is manifested in spring and summer in hot dry weather. Cellic ticks feed with cellular juice. The presence of their presence shows the presence of numerous small dots on the needle and entangling needles ordinary web. If the fir is strongly amazed by these pests, the needles are completely white and covered with a numerous cobweb. Carefully looking at it, you can see how the needles are moving. In the quality of these insects, try more often to spray cheese to maintain permanent air humidity.

    Spider tick on ate

    To combat, use special preparations from ticks - Akaricides Apollo, Borneo, Envidor, Floromite, Flumite, as well as proven insecticides Akarin, Aktellik, PhyTenerm, Oberon, Agrarotin, Conducting a processing several times in one of the following means.

    The attack of insect-sawers is most often conees, Serbian, European, ordinary spruce, and can also be found on blue needles. As a rule, those affected by these sucking insects were restored for the next year. But who truly cause significant damage to the peelers, so it is pine. Sometimes they can form entire sockets from their own excrement and remnants of damaged needles. The sawmaker themselves are also hiding in the nests, cutting the tissue of trees with the help of a special file where they lay the laying of eggs.

    Detect such a masonry will not be a lot of work, the appearance of the larvae look like caterpillars. Special activity of peelers manifest from the beginning of May to the end of June. If you do not start fighting with them in time, soon the branches will look exacerbated and will die with time. And get rid of them quite simple. Mechanically remove the visible nests along with the larvae and spray the coniferous plant with one of the following insecticides - Fury, Aktellik, Bi-58, Decis.

    If you have noticed numerous moves on the cortex of a coniferous tree, then your spruce populated the dangerous pests - cores. Laying in the royal stroke of the masonry of eggs, they quickly pumped up and, having hatched out of the pupa, tear off holes in the cortex through which outwards come out. If the cores are populated all the tree - it dies. Basically, the attack of these pests are weakened, patients and drying trees. They represent a special danger for small decorative coniferous trees Type of conic (Canadian ate). Good insecticides in the fight against these insect pests are Bi-58, Befentrin, Clipper, Krona Antip.

    Early Hermes - their activity can be observed at the end of June. Features - the formation of small oval galls at the ends of the branches. In August, you can see the activity of yellow sherry, it is possible to determine the presence of quite large green galls. But at the end of August-early September, late chirmers forming large spherical galls at the branches of coniferous rocks. The pests themselves feed with trees juice. The emerging larvae significantly deform the kidney pine and ate. The outer shell of hurmes is covered with a strong downhill, which makes them almost invulnerable. However, among the insecticides, you can allocate decent chemicals High Action - Commander and Aktar.

    Early Hermes on Tree

    Another frequent pest of coniferous breeds is a spruce word. These are small green insects of only 1-2 mm long. Setting up the colonies, they are able to suck a large number of Coffee juice. Strong damage they apply, such as conic or Canadian spruce, as well as blue needles. It is possible to notice the presence of Tlima by the formation of numerous ant nests around the tree. The needles themselves are equipped with yellow spots and dry. Insecticides help struggle with these pests Aktara, Match, Dursban. If the damage is strong, the first spraying is recommended to conduct Aktarova, and with alternation in 2 weeks drugs Match and Dursban. As prevention in May-June month, spend a two-time spraying Dursban, as well as take care of the destruction of ant nests - the main satellites of Fir Tlima.

    These at first glance, unpretentious trees are also sick. Yellow needles - the most common disease, which is subject to these forest beauties. An explanation to this fact is somewhat, and all negative reasons are desirable to eliminate.

    The reasons for the yellowed needles at coniferous trees

    In coniferous trees, the yellowing needles may sometimes be celebrated or even their complete drying. Why do the Christmas tree shine needles, and how to help the tree?

    First, one of the reasons for yellowing needles at coniferous rocks may be cold. In some coniferous plants, the branches can shield in winter. For example, such plants include microbiotes, juniper ordinary varieties of Plumosa and "Depressa Aurea", Pseudo-eyed green and other plants. But this is not critical, since with the onset of spring branches will again acquire their green color.

    Secondly, the shore of the needles can also during non-malls. And all because not all coniferous plants are frost-resistant. For example, the following coniferous plants can be attributed to such - the cypressist is stupid, Juniper Virginsky, Pseudo-showing green and eastern, Louuson cypressovik, and a giant. If you wish to grow these plants in middle lane Be sure to take into account the peculiarities of the care of them in winter and know whether they are required to be covered during this period.

    Also often have a fir yellow needles under the influence of heat. With a long-term lack of moisture, the following coniferous plants can dry - Metaequisy Chinese, Cypressians, Japanese, Gorokhornogenic, Swamp and others. All these plants are afraid of too warm spring, which comes immediately after frost. In the fall, they are required to rush to hide them so that they can make moisture stock for a long period.

    With a lack of coofing minerals, a yellow shade can also be purchased. This is especially true of a lack of magnesium when feeding coniferous plants. Therefore, such a selection of mineral fertilizers is needed, which contained all the necessary minerals and could exclude the yellowing of the needles.

    The Christmas tree shine needles and under the influence of pests and diseases. Therefore, yellowing needles need to carefully examine and pay attention to whether they are flare, spots or any pests. If necessary, plants should be treated with appropriate drugs.

    Defendant to coniferous crops is the dog urine. The labels left by these animals lead to drying the branches that need to trim, and the plant itself can be protected from such encroachments.

    Do not lose their attractiveness and decorativeness throughout the year, and live, as a rule, longer than many deciduous breeds. They are an excellent material for creating songs due to the diverse shape of the crown and the painting of the needles. Most widely in professional and amateur gardening uses such coniferous shrubs like juniper, tees, thuja; From woody - pines, larchs, ate. Therefore, information about their major diseases is relevant. Especially acute the question of the treatment of conifers is in the spring, when it is necessary to deal with burning, winter drainage and infectious diseases on the plants weakened after winter.

    First of all, you should mention noncommunicable diseasescaused negative influence on the growth and development of coniferous plants of unfavorable environmental conditions. Although coniferous demanding of high humidity of soil and air, excessive moisturizing, associated with natural fever, raising the level of groundwater, spring floods and abundant autumn sediments, leads to the yellowing and necrotization of the needles. The same symptoms very often appear due to lack of moisture in soil and low air humidity.

    Tui, spruce, Tisi are very sensitive to the drying of the roots, so immediately after landing, their priority circles are recommended to be mulched by peat and bevelled with grass, if possible, maintain mulching during the entire time of their growing, to regularly water. The greatest degrees of drought-resistant pines, thui and juniper. In the first year after planting, young plants are preferably sprayed with water in the evening and diagnose them in a hot period. Coniferous in the overwhelming majority are shadowed, when growing in open solar places, they can fall behind in growth, they can shove them and even die. On the other hand, many of them do not endure strong shading, especially the light-loving pines and larch. To protect against sunburn bark, it can be cheered by lime or a special whimpering in early spring or at the end of autumn.

    The condition and appearance of plants largely depend on the provision of nutrition elements and balance of their ratios. The disadvantage in the soil of iron leads to yellowing and even whims for the needles on individual shoots; With a lack of phosphorus, a young needle acquires a red-purple shade; With a nitrogen deficit, the plants grow markedly worse, become chlorobic. The best growth and development of plants occurs on drained and well-processed soils provided by food elements. Weakly acidic or neutral soil is preferred. It is recommended to carry out feeding with special fertilizers intended for coniferous plants. In the country's cottages, coniferous can suffer from frequent visits to dogs and cats, causing an excessive concentration of salts in the soil. On Tui and Juniper, in such cases, shoots appear with red cheese, subsequently drying.

    Low temperatures in winter and spring frosts cause frozen crowns and roots, while the needle becomes dry, it acquires a reddish color, dies, the cortex cracks. The most winter-hardy are ate, pines, fir, teu, juniper. The branches of coniferous plants can be ripening from the neck and snow-bearing in the winter.

    Many coniferous breeds are sensitive to air pollution with harmful industrial and automotive gaseous impurities. This manifests itself, first of all, the yellowing, beginning with the ends of the kingdoms and their extinguishing (dying).

    Conifers are rarely amazed infectious diseasesAlthough in some cases they can suffer from them. The moldy plants are generally less resistant to the complex of non-infectious and infectious diseases, with age, their stability increases.

    Types of soil mushrooms of childbirth Pytium.(Pitium) and RhizoCtonia (risocontium) lead roots shooting up and dying, often cause significant losses of young plants in schools and containers.

    The pathogens of trachemic and fiction most often have anamorphic mushrooms. Fusarium. oxysporum., which belong to soil pathogens. The affected roots will be drowned, mycelium penetrates vascular system And fills it with its biomass because of what the access of nutrients is stopped, and the affected plants, starting with the upper escapes they are told. The needles turn yellow, blushes and falls, and the plants themselves are gradually dry. Seedlings and young plants are stronger than all. Infection is preserved in plants, plant residues and propagates with infected landing material or with infected soil. The development of the disease contributes to: stagnation of water at low sections, lack of sunlight.

    As a protective action, it is necessary to use a healthy planting material. Delete all dried plants with roots in a timely manner, as well as amazed plant residues. In prophylactic purposes, a short-term soaking of young plants with an open root system in a solution of one of the drugs are carried out: Bactophyte, Vitaros, Maxim. At the first symptoms, the soils are carried out with a solution with a solution of one of the biological products: Phitosporin-M, Alin-B, Gamiir. In order to prevent the soil shedding Fundazole.

    Gray mold (rot) Amazes overhead parts of young plants, especially in unprofiled areas with a strong thickening of landings and insufficient lighting. The affected shoots become gray-brown, as if covered with a layer of dust.

    In addition to these diseases, widespread and on hardwood, there are diseases characteristic only for conifers. First of all relate to them schuteThe pathogens of which are some types of ascomette mushrooms.

    Ordinary spider pine

    Real spit Lophodermium. seditiosum. - One of the main reasons for premature peeping needles in pine. Basically, young plants are affected, incl. In the open soil of nurseries, and weakened trees, which can lead to their dying due to severe conifer. During the spring and early summer, the needles becomes a buroy and falls. In the fall, small yellowish dots are noticeable on the needles, gradually growing and raging, later on the dead-creepy needle, point black fruit bodies are formed - desktions that mushroom persists.

    Ordinary spider pinehaving similar symptoms and development cycle causes Lophodermium. pinastri. In the fall or more often in the spring of next year, the needles turn yellow or becomes reddish and dies. Then the fruit bodies of the fungus are formed on it in the form of small black strokes or dots, black and increasing to autumn. Thin dark transverse lines appear on the chevings. Dissection of the dispute and infection of the needle contributes to moderately warm weather, drizzling rains and dew. More often, weakened plants in nurseries and cultures up to 3 years of age and pine sumps are also affected.

    The mushroom is called P.h.lAcidium. infestans, which affects the main types of pine. Especially harmful in multiserry areas, where sometimes completely destroys the resumption of the pine.

    It develops under snow cover and develops relatively quickly even at a temperature of about 0 degrees. Mycelium grows from the chewing to the cup and is often further to neighboring plants. After the melting of the snow, the deceased needles and often shoots and die away. Sick plants are covered with amusted quickly disappearing molds of mycelium. During the summer, the needles die, it becomes a reddish-red, later light gray. It crumbs, but almost does not fall away. Pines twisted ( Pinus. contorta) The deceased needles is more reddish than the pine of ordinary. At the autumn, desktions are becoming visible as small dark dots, damp points. Ascospores of them are applied by air currents on live pine chevy immediately before they are commonly covered with snow. The development of the fungus is favored by drizzling rains, loss and melting of snow in the fall, soft multispery winter, a protracted spring.

    Brown spider Or brown snowy mold of coniferous rocks affects pines, fir, spruce, cedars, juniper, caused by mushroom Nortrichia Nigra.. It occurs more often in nurseries, young people, on self-sow and young teen. This disease is manifested in early spring after snow, and the primary contamination of the needles by the suites occurs in the fall. The disease is developing under the snow at a temperature not lower than 0.5 ° C. The lesion is detected after snow removal: black and gray spidelines of mycelium, and then dotted fruit body mushrooms, is noticeable. The needles do not fall long, the thin branches die away. The development of the disease contributes to high humidity, the presence of depressions on the sowing grounds, plants thickening.

    Signs of defeat juniper Schute(pathogen - mushroom Lophodermium. juniperinum) Appear at the beginning of summer on last year's needle, which acquires a dirty yellow or brown color and does not appear long. Since the end of the summer on the surface of the chewing, round black up to 1.5 mm fruit bodies are noticeable, in which the sulfting of the mushroom is preserved in winter. The disease develops intensively on weak plants, in wet conditions, can lead plants to death.

    Schute protective measures include the selection of planting material, which is sustainable by origin, giving plants as much resistance, timely thinning, as well as the use of fungicidal spraying. The most susceptible to the disease shaded plants. Maliciousness spree increases with high snow cover and its long melting. In the forests and parks, instead of natural renewal, planting plants of necessary origin are recommended. Plant plants are more evenly distributed over the area, making it difficult to infection by the mycelium of one plant from another, in addition, they faster reach the height of more critical level. In areas where Schuytte damages the pine tree, you can use a twisted or erendic fir tree that is amazed extremely rarely. Use only healthy planting material. It is recommended to remove the fallen patient a quiet branch in a timely manner.

    Fungicidal treatments are necessarily used in nurseries. Spraying with copper and sulfur preparations (for example, Bordeaux mixture, ABIGA-PIK or HOW, lime-sulfur decoction) early in spring and autumn effectively reduce the development of diseases. In the manifestation of the disease to a strong degree in the summer, the spraying is repeated.

    Special importance for conifers have rustful diseasesThe mushrooms of the Basidiomico Division, the class of Srednyomycete, amazing the cheva and the bark of shoots, actually all of their pathogens are diverse, and with conifers go to other plants, causing their defeat. We give a description of some of them.

    Rust bumps, spruce spit. On the inside of the scales of fir, which is an intermediate owner of a rust mushroom Puccinia. strumareolatum, rounded dusty dark brown esiopustuls appear. The bumps are widely disclosed, hang for several years. Seeds of nonsense. Sometimes the shoots are curved, the disease in this form is called a fir spit. The main owner is the cherry, on the leaves of which small round light purple satinium appear, then black teliopustulas.

    Causes a rust diverse mushroom Melampsora pinitorqua.. Emiral stage develops on the pine, as a result of which its shoots S-shaped bend, the tip of the escape dies. Aspen is the main owner. In the summer, from the bottomside of the leaves, small yellow satiniopustulas are formed, disputes of which cause massive contamination of the leaves. Then, black teliopules are formed by autumn, in the form of which the mushroom pumps on plant residues.

    Rust pine needles cause several species of kind ColeOSporium.. Affects basic types of kind Pinus., meets everywhere in their ranges, mainly in nurseries and young people. Eziostiadia mushroom develops in spring on the needle pine. Yellow bubble sieves are located in disarray on both sides of the chewing sides, the Uredo and Teliospoda are formed onto a mother-and-step, a cross, a severity, a bell and other herbatous plants. With the strong distribution of the disease, the disease of the needles is prematurely yellowing and falls, and plants lose decorativeness.

    Overhead mushroom CRONARTIUM. ribicola. causes pine Vertun.(five-wing pines) , or columnar rust currant. Initially, conifers occurs, gradually the mushroom applies to the branches and the branches of the branches and the stems. In place of the lesion, the resin is selected and eviopulatuls in the form of yellow-orange bubbles protrude from yellow-orange bubbles. Under the influence of the mushroom, thickening is formed, over time, turning into open wounds, the overlying part of the escape dries or twisted. The intermediate host is curontin, it is rarely affected by the gooseberry, from the bottom side of their leaves, numerous pustulas are formed in the form of small columns, orange, then brown.

    Mushrooms Roda Gymnospranangium. (G.. comfusum., G.. juniperinu., G.. sabinae.), pathogens rust juniper The caticker, hawthorn, apple tree, a pear, Ivy, who are intermediate owners are affecting. In the spring, the disease develops on their foliage, causing the formation of yellowish growths (empty) on the underside of the leaves, and from the top - a round orange with black points of spots are noticeable (Ecal Stage). Since the end of summer, the disease passes to the main host plant - juniper (Teliostiadia). From autumn and early spring on its needles and branches, yellow-orange student masses of the sporing of mushrooms-pathogen appear. On the affected parts of the branches, spine-like thickens appear, the fracturing of individual skeletal branches begins. On the trunks, the swollen and influx are formed more often on the root neck, on which the bark dries and open shallow wounds. Over time, the affected branches dry, the needles will boil and crept. The infection is maintained in the affected kore juniper. Chronic disease, almost incurable.

    Rust birch, larch - Melampsoridium. betulinum. From the bottom side of the leaf of birch and alder in spring, small yellow pustulas appear, yellowing, the growth of shoots is reduced. The larch, which is the main owner, in the summer yellowing of the needles.

    As protective events from rust diseasesit is possible to recommend spatial isolation from affected plants having a general causative agent of the disease. So, you should not grow a poplar and aspen next to pines, five-quiet pines should be isolated from the planting of black currant. Cutting the affected shoots, increasing the sustainability due to the use of microfertres and immunostimulants will reduce the harmfulness of Rzavchin.

    Causative agents drying of the branches of juniper There may be several mushrooms: Cytospora pini., Diplodia. juniperi., Hendersonia. nOTHA, Phoma. juniperi., Phomopsis juniperovora., Rhabdospora sabinae.. There is a drying of the crust and formation on it numerous fruit bodies of brown and black. The needles turn yellow and falls, the branches of the bushes dries. The infection is preserved in the crust of the affected branches and unacceptable plant residues. Distribution contributes to thickened planting plants and the use of infected landing material.

    Tui often can also appear drying, drying of shoots and branches,the most commonly caused by these mushroom causative agents. A typical manifestation is the yellowing and feasting of the leaves from the ends of escape, the worship of the young growth of the branches; In wet conditions on the affected parts, the union of mushrooms is noticeable.

    The causative agent of which is a mushroom Pestalotiopsis funerea. Causes a non-frictional disease of the branch branches and taking the chewing. On the affected tissues, an olive-black sputure of the fungus in the form of individual pads is formed. With a strong drying of the branches in hot weather, the pads dry and acquire a view of the coast. Under the abundance of moisture on the affected needles and the crust of the stems develops a grayish-black mycelium. The affected branches and needles are yellow and dry. The infection is maintained in the affected plant residues and in the crust of drying branches.

    Sometimes on the plants of juniper appears biatherell cancer. His pathogen - mushroom Biatorella difformisis the conidial stage of the sample mushroom Biatoridina. pinastri. With mechanical damage to the branches over time in the crust and wood, pathogenic microorganisms, causing necrosis, begin to develop. The mushroom spreads in the tissues of the bark, the bark will be dried, drying up, cracks. Wood gradually dies and longitudinal ulcers are formed. Over time, rounded fruit bodies are formed. The defeat and dying of the bark leads to the fact that the needles turn yellow and dry out. The infection is maintained in the crust of the affected branches.

    Causative agent oktrieval cancer juniper is a sample mushroom Nectria. cucurbitula., with a conidial stage Zythia. cucurbitula.. On the surface of the affected crust, numerous brick-red pillops of the spioning dimension of up to 2 mm are formed, over time they are darker and dry. The development of the fungus causes the fracture of the bark and the Luba of individual branches. The needles turn yellow and falls, affected branches and whole bushes dry out. The infection is preserved in the crust of the affected branches and plant residues. The spread of infection contributes to thickened landings and the use of infected landing material.

    In recent years, in many cultures, incl. conifers, rush mushrooms activated Alternaria.. Causative agent alternariosis Junizhelnika is mushroom Alternaria. tenuis. On the affected needles, which becomes a brown, and the branches appear velvety black colors. The disease is manifested when the landings are thickened on the branches of the lower tier. The infection is maintained in the affected and branches of the branches and in plant residues.

    To combat drying and alternariasis, you can use prophylactic spraying of plants in spring and autumn burglar mixture, ABIG peak, copper chlorine. If necessary, in the summer, spraying is repeated every 2 weeks. Using a healthy planting material, timely trimming of the affected branches, disinfection of individual wounds and all sections with a solution of copper sulfate and mazing of oil paint on natural Olife Significantly reduce the prevalence of diseases.

    Larch cancercalls a sample mushroom Lachnellula.willkommii.. His mycelium is distributed in the crust and wood of larch branches during its spring and autumn growth rest. The next summer there is a new bark and wood around the wound. As preventive protective measures, it is recommended to plant sustainable types of larchs, grow them in favorable conditions, not thicken, avoid damage by frost.

    Some types of mushrooms can settle on stems of conifers trutovikovforming rather large fruit bodies, annual and perennial, causing cracking of the crust, as well as rotors and wood roots. For example, the pine wood-affected sponge is purple first, then white spots appear on it, which turn into emptiness. Wood becomes cellular, sieve.

    Tui trunk rotes often cause rutoff mushrooms: pine sponge Porodaedalea. pini.causing the Pestro-Red Ring of the Trunk and the Blutch Shvey - Phaeolus. schweinitzii., which is the causative agent of the brown central fascinated rot from the roots. In both cases, fruit bodies of the mushroom are formed on the rotches of wood. In the first case, they are perennial, rustic, top part Dark brown, diameter up to 17 cm, the second mushroom fruit bodies annual in the form of flat hats, often on the legs, are located groups. The affected plants are gradually dying, and unacceptable dried plants and their parts are a source of infection.

    It is necessary to cut patients in a timely manner, damaged, dried branches, cut off the fruit bodies of drums. Ware Damage is cleaned and treated with lull or paint based on olifa. Use a healthy planting material. Preventive spraying of plants in the spring and autumn burglar mixture or its substitutes can be carried out. Be sure to draw the stumps.

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