Why do the needles on the Christmas tree turn yellow from below. Coniferous diseases - we recognize and treat

The buildings 13.06.2019
The buildings

The main reason for the yellowing of spruce needles

By planting an adult spruce in a pot, the plant begins to adapt to new conditions. The tree gives new shoots, and the needles turn yellow on the old ones. This is a natural biological process that will soon stop. The systematic yellowing of the needles should alert.

Problems ate and how to get rid of them

The yellowish color of the needles on young plants in a pot indicates that:

1. Incorrect planting of spruce in a pot. The devereva already has little room for development, so until you have transplanted it into the ground, stop feeding it unnecessarily with various fertilizers. Only after transplanting spruce into the ground should fungicides be used. Buying a seedling in a pot, spruce can get a fungal infection. IN winter period or while the needles are in the pot, the fungus will not manifest itself. But in the spring, the total drying of the tree will begin. In this case, use a biofungicide, which is an excellent prophylaxis against fungal diseases.

2. Unsuitable conditions for a favorable habitat. Spruce is very demanding on the quality of the soil, even if it temporarily lives in a pot. It does not tolerate excessive dryness and excess moisture as well. Due to the lack of phosphorus and iron, coniferous leaves become dull reddish. Before transplanting a tree into the ground, provide it with comfortable conditions for development: do not overdry the soil and do not feed during the dormant period.

3. If, nevertheless, a fungal infection has occurred, it is necessary to use the services of a forest pathologist who will determine the type of pest and rid your spruce of a stem fungus or beetle. Funds from such pests do not go on free sale.

How to determine with your own eyes the disease of spruce:

  • The bark has an unhealthy bright red color
  • Resin streaks form on the bark
  • The tree throws off young shoots

4. Damage to spruce soil-dwelling fungi. Spruce is resistant to infections. But with improper care or maintenance, the immunity of the tree is reduced. Infection with soil fungi entails the death of the roots of young spruce trees. Affected roots change color. Feed access is closed nutrients, the needles of the needles turn yellow, fall off and the tree dries out. You can stop this disease only in the early stages, when the tree is still in a pot. Preventive spraying of the tree with biological products, as well as the introduction of immunostimulants will correct the situation.

5. On coniferous trees dog urine has the most negative effect, so if you have pets, make sure that the spruce pot does not become their favorite place.

A healthy spruce will give you the feeling of an eternal holiday, will delight you with its fresh and attractive look.

Maxim@79 06-09-2017 09:54

Hello comrades! I turn to you for help and advice!
The situation is this: suburban area got sick (not sick?) spruce.
It all started about 5 years ago, at first the top began to dry, in the first year a maximum of 50 cm, they did not immediately notice. Further more. With each subsequent year, the drying part of the top increased, and the needles began to crumble. On the this moment the situation is quite deplorable.
They ate exactly 50 years, it is known for sure, because. my grandfather planted it upon receipt of the site, incl. the plant is also expensive as a memory.
I made a cut of the bark, no traces of pests were found.
Whether it matters or not, 3 years ago a sawfly appeared on young spruce and pine seedlings (green and brown caterpillars sticking out in bunches, right?). Exhausted.

pf 06-09-2017 10:52

quote: I made a cut of the bark, no traces of pests were found.

bark beetle is already visible - small holes in the bark and wood flour around the trunk at the roots

Maxim@79 06-09-2017 11:18

small holes in the bark and wood flour around the trunk at the roots

no, there is no such thing. I read that some other creatures live under the bark, they don’t seem to ask to come out, but they leave small paths under the bark behind them, they eat like resin.

N.Valerich 06-09-2017 11:46

planted by my grandfather

In fact, planting a Christmas tree near the house turns out to be - Bad sign.

I will assume (judging by the photo) that your Christmas tree is flooded with water from the roofs of buildings.

Our Christmas tree has been growing on the shore of the pond, probably for 150 years or maybe more, because my grandfather’s grandmother planted it when she was a girl (grandfather was born in 1911).

CMS-UA 06-09-2017 12:03

quote: planting a Christmas tree near the house turns out to be a bad omen

quote: why is the spruce on the site a bad omen? There is a belief in the villages that spruce should not be planted in the yard, next to the house. It is believed that as soon as the spruce becomes higher than the roof, death will happen in the family. According to another variation, when the spruce grew taller than the person who planted it, he died. Source: © http://grimuar.ru/primetyi/pri...tml

-RUS-36- 06-09-2017 12:18

my mother-in-law died when, so the grandmother looked at the roof of the house alone and blurted out, the type said she shouldn’t be planted, it’s a bad omen, I didn’t know then, then the current found out what she was for ...
Already after I planted 4 pine trees near the house, they all dried up ....
after he learned the belief, he made no more attempts, as they say, be careful ...

Maxim@79 06-09-2017 12:24

Bad sign

There is a belief in the villages

I take signs very calmly
quote: Originally posted by N.Valerich:

plant a tree for a man

quote: Originally posted by CMS-UA:

spruce on the site

quote: Originally posted by N.Valerich:

I will assume (judging by the photo) that your Christmas tree is flooded with water from the roofs of buildings

I don't think so. For 50 years she lived somehow, not even somehow, but wonderfully, the spruce branches were fluffy like those of blue spruce, until recently, and there are spillways on buildings, and root system she is very branched.
Could a lightning strike have provoked such a hat?

pf 06-09-2017 12:27

quote: no, there is no such thing.

siravno f firebox. pipets tree. in winter, cut down while the infection is sleeping, and burn it tries. ce la vie

Maxim@79 06-09-2017 12:32

quote: Originally posted by pf:

siravno f firebox.

I don't want to, sorry...

pf 06-09-2017 12:42

quote: I don't want to, sorry...

it will be more pitiful if she falls on the roof.
people in Malakhovka had a dozen and a half century-old fir trees and birches in their plots. bark beetle zahaval. the birches were toppled by a hurricane. and nothing. cut down and live on.

Maxim@79 06-09-2017 12:49

Yes, it shouldn’t seem to collapse, it sits firmly, but yes, you can live a lot without something), but you don’t want to)

N.Valerich 06-09-2017 13:06

quote: We have a Christmas tree growing on the shore of the pond, it is probably 150 years old or maybe more

Four pines grew nearby (25 years old or a little more), in the summer a breeze blew and three pines fell into the pond (small and stunted remained). They fell so well that only holes remained.
quote: Originally posted by Maxim@79:

So a Christmas tree, or spruce? And I also annoyed the pines

Pines do not count precisely a spruce or a Christmas tree, as anyone likes, and next to the house, and just the peasant.
There are several pieces of pines growing in the garden, there are fir trees planted about 65 years ago, and there are Christmas trees but outside the garden, the birch planted next to the house about 50 years ago causes the most problems.

Six years ago, in late autumn, with a friend in the village, we decided to plant a Christmas tree in the garden, painfully beautiful grew along the road. I planted mine behind the garden "according to my guidelines", where he planted I do not remember. Mine died (didn't survive at all). A comrade climbed into the loop in the summer.

Maxim@79 06-09-2017 13:45

quote: Originally posted by N.Valerich:

Mine died (didn't survive at all). A comrade climbed into the loop in the summer.

Can you add positivity...

big-dead 06-09-2017 22:09

At first I thought it was written in a foreign language.

algol 07-09-2017 01:45

Most likely - this is a typographer's beetle - and the foresters are pesdy - no problem!
Take a train ride from Moscow to Alexandrov - look.

algol 07-09-2017 01:46

Just cut down and plant a pine or larch.

Maxim@79 07-09-2017 09:00

quote: Originally posted by algol:

Most likely it's a typographer beetle

Thanks, I'll go check it out!

Maxim@79 07-09-2017 09:04

No, the symptoms don't seem...

CMS-UA 08-09-2017 05:19

Call the forestry with a tower and fuck off the sick part ... if it doesn’t seem beautiful - put an artificial spruce on top with garlands on new year holidays and turn it on when you're bored.

Maxim@79 08-09-2017 08:55

quote: Originally posted by CMS-UA:

attach an artificial spruce with garlands on top

All you giggles-hahanki ..... although .... as an option!

N.Valerich 08-09-2017 11:54

quote: Originally written by CMS-UA:
Call the forestry with a tower and fuck the sick part ...

The upper branches stretch vertically upwards and there will be several tops.
I hesitated so to file the tree growing under the wires (the trees along the fence were planted before the power line was laid).

CMS-UA 09-09-2017 18:44

I know a cherry cut under the wires with some kind of light bulbs that shine from the radiation of the wires, it’s very cool, and you can’t see it during the day, the owner said that the children bought broken Chinese indicators - and here it is happiness

ag111 10-09-2017 19:50

Spruces do not grow alone. They work like a lightning rod, but the flowing electricity burns the top. When the spruce is in the forest, the electricity is divided among all the spruces.

As an option, put a lightning rod above the spruce. Although such experiments are not yet known.

Maxim@79 11-09-2017 09:09

quote: Originally posted by ag111:

Spruces do not grow alone. Work like a lightning rod

Vooot. I had a suspicion that her lyktrystvo ё..nulo. But how did it grow for 50 years before that, thirty years of them in this size?

Behind last years I had to remove household plots and in the parks there are a large number of dried spruce trees. All of them died from only one reason - they were colonized by a dangerous pest of conifers by a bark beetle-typographer. Imagine the feelings of those people who specially purchased a site for building a house in a spruce forest, where the air is very clean with the aroma of spruce needles, with large Christmas trees on the site. Now these trees have to be cut down. Moreover, in the vast majority of cases - completely the weight of the forest on the site. After that, only stumps remained.

When I worked in the forestry, we had to clear-cut spruce trees that had dried out from bark beetles in areas of 15-20 hectares.

I will briefly try to tell where this pest came from, how, when and what trees it inhabits. What can be done to delay the spread of bark beetle - typographer. I will briefly consider several circumstances related to dried fir trees.

All the information below is taken from personal experience 10 years of experience in forestry. And also from my entrepreneurial activity, in which I often encounter the problem of removing bark beetles. All the recommendations below are really tested in practice and really help.

Here real case from my entrepreneurial life. A woman calls, asks to drive up to her site, to look at the trees that have dried up near her house. We come, we look. Indeed, several overmature large fir trees have dried up. I tell the customer that a few still living trees on her site will soon dry up, but she does not believe. After a while, she calls again and invites us to work with her again. The trees I told her about have withered. Next, I will tell you what you need to know in order not to get into such a situation.

First you need to say a few words about the bark beetle itself, as a species of insect. This is a small beetle, which, for reproduction and nutrition, needs to climb under the bark of a living spruce, less often a pine, and feed on fresh resin. Because of this property, he is dangerous. The beetles of the bark beetle-typographer eat away the bast tissue (the so-called inner bark, which is located directly next to the wood itself). Through this very tissue, moisture (the resin so necessary for the bark beetle) rises from the root system of the tree to the crown of the tree to feed it. As soon as the bark beetles destroy this tissue on the tree trunk along the entire circumference, the tree crown's nutrition from the roots stops and it dries up. That's the whole mechanics of destroying a tree with a bark beetle.

When do bark beetles colonize fresh trees? - In the spring, starting from the end of April, beetles emerge from the destroyed trees and fly to fresh trees for feeding and reproduction. There may be 4-5 such sorties for the entire warm period.

Where did the bark come from? - He was always present in the forest. Only the conditions for its mass reproduction were not very suitable. In the early 2000s, there was a very strong hurricane when a lot of firs fell down. And after that there were several very hot years. This is what the bark beetle needs and it has multiplied so much that it began to populate damp-growing trees.

It must be said that the bark beetle cannot populate healthy trees. Such a tree fills the passages of the beetle and itself with resin, and the bark beetle simply dies. For this reason, the pest only infects old and weakened trees that are already suffering from some kind of disease, for example, root rot. Young fir-trees well resist to a bark beetle - a typographer.

Measures that can significantly reduce the risk of contamination of your fir trees:

1. In April, before the start of the first flight, install special traps with pheromone around the perimeter of your site and service them regularly throughout the summer: collect and destroy beetles that fall into these traps, change pheromone plates in a timely manner. You can learn more about these traps, how they are installed and how they work, and where you can buy these traps, on the Internet. There is a lot of information on this subject. I can only say that this event will protect your fir trees from bark beetle well.

2. Before the beginning of the summer, it is best in the winter months to make a sanitary pruning of old fir trees on your territory. In this case, it is necessary to saw off everything, including the lower and thin, dry branches. Through them, bark beetles penetrate the tree, because when they get on living branches, they are filled with resin, as I said earlier.

3. No need to console yourself with the illusion that a populated tree, even if it is still alive, can be cured. For all the time during which I had to deal with the problem of bark beetle, I have never heard that an infected tree has not dried up. If there are signs of a bark beetle colonization of a tree - small sawdust on the ground near the trunk (the so-called drill flour), small inlets in the bark, the needles begin to crumble and change color - it acquires a reddish tint - it must be removed as soon as possible. Such a spruce is itself a distributor of this dangerous pest. It is no longer possible to save her. After cutting down such trees, it is necessary to remove all the bark from the trunks and burn it together with the branches of this tree, preferably immediately.

In connection with the above, I recall a case related to the treatment of a tree inhabited by bark beetles. At that time, we removed spruce trees that had dried up from this pest. In a neighboring area, where spruces also grew, I saw the following picture: a spruce, obviously infected with bark beetle. Four huge syringes are stuck into the roots of this tree. And next to all this go a few gardeners. I asked what process they were watching, to which these respected people explained to me that in this way the treatment of the tree from the bark beetle takes place. And after a while we sawed down this tree. And the customer had to pay for this treatment, and after that - for cutting down an already withered Christmas tree.

I also want to note that the market value of a plot in the forest, bought for the construction of a house, decreases sharply if there are dead trees on this plot. For this reason, the owners of such plots often order the removal of fir trees dried from bark beetles.

Now almost all overmature spruce plantations in the Moscow region suffer from this dangerous pest, and any owner of the territory on which old spruce trees grow, if he wants to save these trees, must take the measures indicated in this article.

In some conifers, the color changes by winter (the needles turn brown, a golden hue appears), the needles partially fall off. This is a normal seasonal occurrence. The needles of different plants are kept on a bush or tree from three to eight years. Then the old needles fall off with the onset of a cold snap. "Losses" are more noticeable in the depth of the crown, where there is less light. In pines, cypresses and thujas, fallen needles gradually accumulate. Therefore, the crown, especially the forks of branches, must be cleared of such clusters. The easiest way is to wash off the dead needles with a strong jet of water from a hose (on low trees you can remove it with your hand in a thick glove).

TIP: If there is no suspicion that the tree is sick or suffering from pests, it is better to leave the fallen needles under it. It accumulates, mulching the ground and rotting. At the same time, a suitable acid-base balance of the soil is maintained.

…or disease

Sometimes discoloration of the needles is a symptom of the disease. Problematic trees do not restore their typical color in the spring, in which case they need urgent help. What causes yellowing and falling of needles? 1. Fungal diseases. In this case, the coniferous crown is sprayed with Kartocide (according to the instructions) or 1% Bordeaux liquid (several times with an interval of two weeks until complete recovery). The preparations Fundazol, HOM, Oksi-hom, Ordan or Commander are also suitable (according to the instructions).

2. Aphid. Early spring spraying with Karbofos helps to destroy the pest. In the middle of summer - Aktellik or Rogor-S (according to instructions).

3. Incorrect tree planting (excessive deepening). bad if ground water come close to the soil surface.

4. Plant starvation. We need top dressing with a balanced complex fertilizer for conifers with magnesium.

5. Long-term drought or waterlogging of the soil. In case of waterlogging, water has to be diverted, and sometimes a young plant needs to be transplanted.

6. Sunlight Seedlings of many species of conifers should be planted in partial shade or shade young trees from the burning rays of the sun. Do not like conifers and frequent smoke. Therefore, there is no need to burn garden waste next to them. After smoke, it is advisable to pour coniferous crown with water from a hose.

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  • Ludmila Shcherbakova,
    Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the St. Petersburg Forest Engineering Academy, specialist in the conservation and protection of garden and park plants


    Healthy, properly planted spruces are rarely attacked by pests. The soil should be light, moist and slightly acidic. Fertilization helps to improve the growth of spruces, the development of their root system, and also protects them from diseases and pests.


    On spruce, several dozen species of sucking pests are known, including coccids (scale insects, false scale insects, mealybugs), aphids, hermes and spider mites. They suck juices from needles, shoots, branches, trunks and even roots. They are small and inconspicuous. They can be detected by sticky secretions that cover the surface of needles and branches, or by the presence of galls.

    • Yellowish spots appear on the old needles, later the needles fall off. Aphid Spruce Sitka - a pest of prickly spruce, Serbian spruce and Sitka spruce. This green sucking insect is only 1-2 mm in size. Aphids can be detected by holding up a piece of white paper and tapping on a branch.

    Control measures. Aphids are bred and grazing by ants. The way out is to prevent the spread of ants. If there are few aphids, regularly wash the infected areas with clean cold or soapy water (but before that you need to cover the soil so that the soap mass in in large numbers didn't get rooted). The procedure must be repeated more than once with an interval of 6-10 days. Cutting off the ends of shoots with aphid colonies significantly reduces the harmfulness of insects. This event can be combined with planned pruning.

    • Curvature and yellowing of the needles, sticky fluffy snow-white formations are visible on the underside of the needles. Galls form at the ends of young shoots. This is HERMES GREEN SPRUCE-LARCH or SPRUCE-FIR. These "bumps" gradually grow, increase, acquire a crimson color. There are up to 120 pest larvae inside such a shortened mutilated spruce shoot. At the buds on the bark, you can see adult females, and on the needles - brown or yellowish-green larvae. Hermes larvae cause bending, drying and further shedding of the needles. The branches on which galls appear dry out the next year. In the middle of summer, the galls crack and young aphids fly to spruce, fir or larch trees growing nearby. Hermes harms mainly spruce and prickly spruce.

    Control measures. It is very simple to eradicate Hermes - remove all shoots with galls in time, and no chemistry is required. Do not plant larch and fir next to spruce. When spreading - spraying with insecticides. Aerosols of insecticides do not penetrate through the fluff, therefore it is best to act on Hermes through the plant sap with systemic insecticides.

    • The needles are braided with cobwebs and due to this they are kept on the tree. With gusts of wind, the needles fly around, and the crown is exposed. Tiny caterpillars mine the needles, making round holes at the base of the needles. This is how the SPRUCE NEEDLE ROLLER works, it harms many types of spruces. Diagnosis can be difficult if you do not touch the needles with your hands.

    Control measures. Affected shoots must be repeatedly treated with a solution liquid soap or delete. Dry needles can be combed with a small fan rake, laying polyethylene or other material under the tree, and burned the collected needles. With a large spread of the pest, use systemic pesticides that penetrate the plant tissue and are transported through the vessels throughout the plant.

    • The needles are entangled in a thin rare cobweb, covered with yellowish spots, later turning brown and crumbling. Spruce spider mite and its larvae damage young plants: prickly spruce, Canadian spruce, common spruce, western thuja, juniper, biota. Few damage the Engelman spruce, Serbian. During the summer, the female gives 3-4 generations. The mite causes the greatest harm in hot years to trees growing on dry soils. During the growing season, mites form from four to six generations, so the degree of damage increases towards the end of summer.

    Control measures. good care for young seedlings. Spray plants prophylactically with cold water to increase humidity. When symptoms appear, spray with colloidal sulfur, infusions of dandelion or garlic. If the affected area occupies a significant area, then apply acaricides.

    • Browning and falling of needles, drying of branches, shiny traces. SPRUCE FALSE SHIELD is not only a pest of common spruce, but also other types of spruce. Mass colonies of insects on young plantings, sucking out the juices, not only cause a general slowdown in growth, but often completely destroy the plant. the branches of adult trees, on which colonies of false scale insects appear, dry out and deform greatly, their total assimilating surface decreases, and this retards growth and reduces the winter hardiness of trees. Females and larvae feed on sap on needles and shoots, excreting honeydew.

    Control measures. Trees growing in shady places and on dry soils are especially affected by spruce scale insects. Compliance proper agricultural technology prevents pest attacks. Preventive spraying of young trees with insecticides helps. With a large number, spraying is repeated in August - September.

    • The needles of young seedlings and seedlings of spruce begin to dry and crumble. Two types of ROOT APHIDS suck out juices from the thin roots of young Christmas trees: spruce honeysuckle, for which spruce is an intermediate plant, and spruce root. Root aphids harm mainly seedlings and seedlings.

    Control measures. Root aphids can only be killed with systemic insecticides.

    • The needles turn yellow and curl. appeared on the branches small insects with white fibrous shields on their backs that protect them from predators. These are relatives of aphids - coniferous worms. In dry years, they multiply in such numbers that the branches appear to be covered with frost. You can also find these pests on firs and pines. Like all other sucking insects, mealybugs are the main carriers of viruses.

    Control measures. Spraying with tobacco infusion three times at weekly intervals. In case of severe damage, one should resort to "systemic" insecticides, they penetrate into the juice of the treated plant and temporarily make it poisonous to pests.


    Insects that eat buds and needles are called needle-eating pests. They are quite numerous and are represented by species of butterflies, sawflies and beetles.

    • Young needles on the apical and lateral shoots acquire a red-brown color and do not fall off for a long time. It is first mined, and then the larvae of the common spruce sawfly are eaten whole. Its larvae are very difficult to see, they are well disguised as needles. Old spruce needles are gnawed by single and nested sawflies. Both of these sawflies equip their dwelling from cobwebs and excrement.

    Control measures.

    • The kidneys are eaten. If the kidney is damaged from the inside, then it is the SPRUCE BUDNEY SAW or the caterpillar of the SPRUCE MOTH. If the kidney is damaged on the outside, then it is a WELVIBLE. Damage to buds and shoots is especially dangerous for young trees.

    Control measures. Dig up trunk circles. Destroy nests and larvae when pest numbers are low. Spraying with infusions and decoctions of insecticidal plants. With a large number of treatment for larvae with insecticides.

    • In May-July, moths fly around the fir trees, followed by caterpillars appearing on the branches. It could be the SPOTTED MIGHT, a butterfly from the scoop family. Its caterpillars are brown-gray, covered with long hair. They appear in August-September and eat the needles. They look different, but also harm the DARK GRAY MOTHER and the CORN-WINGED CONIFEROUS MOTHER. They pupate in the ground under the spruce.

    Control measures. Food baits with fermentation additives. These baits are good because they last all summer. When digging or loosening, the destruction of brown pupae. Treatment of plantings with insecticidal and biological products during bud break.


    Spruce cones are a real delicacy for many pests. Cones damage leafworm caterpillars, moths, moths and larvae of grinders, gall midges and seed-eaters. Cones damaged by pests are easy to distinguish by curvature, discoloration, and dust spilling out of the cone.

    • In June-July, usually in the evenings occurs the summer of butterflies. This is a CONE FIRE, the caterpillars of which gnaw cones and eat away seeds. A brownish mass of excrement hangs on the surface of the cones, in some places there are streaks of resin. The cone moth populates the cones of common, eastern and Siberian spruce, Caucasian fir, Siberian larch, Korean cedar pine. This is one of the main pests of coniferous seeds.

    Control measures. Treatment with systemic insecticides during the hatching period of caterpillars.


    Stem pests damage the bark and various layers of wood. Their larvae develop under the bark, penetrating into all layers of the tree (depending on the species of the pest). Penetrating under the bark, bark beetles secrete odorous substances - pheromones, and more and more beetles flock to their smell. For example, at the smell of a spruce bark beetle-typographer, beetles flock from a distance of up to 11 km! It is extremely rare to save a tree inhabited by bark beetles, and if beetles have inhabited it along the entire circumference of the trunk, then the only measure is the urgent destruction of the tree until the young generation of beetles comes out from under the bark.

    • Already in the middle of summer, the needles begin to fade, later turn yellow and fall off. Numerous small holes in the bark. Brown drilling flour is abundantly poured around the entire circumference of the trunk. The bark beetle often infects weakened spruce trees of various ages. Very dangerous pest. He destroys trees in the historical parks of Pavlovsk and Pushkin, at one time destroyed the spruce tent in Trigorskoye and several memorial Hannibal fir trees in Mikhailovskoye (Pushkinsky Gory Museum-Reserve). It is ubiquitous in our forests. Such trees must be removed before the younger generation of typographers complete their development under the bark and fly out into the wild.
    • Red needles on spruce and fir branches, large resin funnels in places where pests enter the trunk. GREAT SPRUCE BEETLE - the largest of our bark beetles, up to 9 mm long. Extremely dangerous pest, very aggressive. It attacks mainly old spruces, but does not neglect young ones either. May inhabit pine trees. In recent years, blue spruces in Peterhof have been dying from it. At the slightest sign of weakening of the tree, you need to carefully examine the trunk, and if you see drilling flour, do not spare the tree, but remove it as soon as possible.
    • Beetles crawl along the trunk, they have an elongated body and mustaches characteristic of these insects, which can be thrown over their backs. The length of the whiskers in some species significantly exceeds the length of the beetle itself. BLACK SPRUCE BORNEBS burrow into the trunk of a tree and make numerous moves there. When laying eggs, barbels leave characteristic notches on the bark, as if they were pressing on the bark with a fingernail. Usually barbel comes to us from nurseries along with infected planting material.
    • In May-June, black beetles appear with a rusty-red border of the shield and yellow-brown elytra, along which there are two longitudinal stripes. This is a matt-chested SPRUCE WOOD CUTTER. It harms spruce, it also damages fir, pine and larch. The beetle settles on weakened or diseased trees. The larvae make wide passages in the wood.

    Control measures. At the initial stage, there is a chance to save the tree. Careful treatment with protective preparations, douching the holes formed can kill the first beetles, preventing them from multiplying and attracting the bulk of pests to the trees. During the departure of beetles (June - July), tree crowns are sprayed with contact insecticides. If you find drill flour, use a knife to remove the bark where it appears and scrape off the white larvae that eat the cambium. Bark beetle control with pheromone traps should not be carried out in the garden, as the traps will attract beetles from all surrounding forest plantations. Traps are hung in the nearest forest area, as is done in forests and parks, where a dozen can be sacrificed to save a thousand trees. The main thing is not to forget to check the traps and remove the pests that have fallen into them.


    Spruces, like all conifers, suffer more from non-communicable diseases caused by adverse conditions. environment, and gardeners' mistakes during planting and care.

    • Landing with a strong DEEP. In nature, spruce roots come to the surface.
    • LACK OF WATER is a common cause of spruce death.
    • If European or Norway spruce has yellowed needles, in most cases the cause is a lack of nutrients.
    • STRONG FROST can damage young plantings.
    • A heavy mass of SNOW leads to breakage of branches.

    Spruces quite often suffer from fungal diseases. As a rule, they do not cause the death of a tree, but they can provoke premature shedding of needles, which is reflected in the appearance of trees. Fungal diseases are provoked by dense planting, lack of light and excess moisture in the air and soil.

    • The needles turn brown in May, but remain on the branches. In the lower part of the needles, spores of the fungus are formed. Infection of neighboring needles occurs, plants turn brown, shoots do not overwinter badly - SHUTE.
    • In autumn, brown spots appear on young needles, in early spring white mycelium develops on the needles. The needles darken and fall off - SNOW SHUTTE.
    • On young seedlings, the needles turn brown and fall off, traces of sporulation of the fungus are visible - FUZARIOSIS, a disease that affects the roots, the infection penetrates through the vessels into all tissues.
    • Dry top, thinning and drying out of a part of the crown, with severe damage - mushroom caps grow on the trunk - stem and root ROT. Root rots penetrate the wood of the trunk and cause the death of the tree.
    • The bark of the branches darkens, dries up, brick-colored growths or dark small pads form on it, the bark dies, the tree dies. Necrosis of the cortex.
    • Ulcers form on the trunks: open, with resin, with protruding bodies of fungi or closed, in the form of numerous resin nodules - ULCER (wound) CANCER can be caused by fungi and bacteria.
    • On the inside scales of the bark appear rounded dusty dark brown pustules. The cones are wide open, hanging for several years, the seeds are not viable. This is RUST CONES. Sometimes shoots are bent, the disease in this form is called SPRUCE SPIRIT. Infection comes from bird cherry.

    Control measures. Healthy planting material, timely removal of dried branches, coating of saw cuts with garden pitch, paint. Increasing resistance through the use of microfertilizers and immunostimulants. Do not plant next to bird cherry. Treatment of the roots of seedlings before planting with fungicides. When signs of illness appear, water with fungicides under the root. Preventive spraying in early spring with copper-containing preparations. Destruction of the affected needles, branches.

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    These seemingly unpretentious trees also get sick. Needles turn yellow - the most common ailment to which these forest beauties are subject. There are several explanations for this fact, and it is desirable to eliminate all negative reasons.

    Causes of yellowing needles in coniferous trees

    In coniferous trees, yellowing of the needles or even their complete drying can sometimes be noted. Why do the needles of the Christmas tree turn yellow, and how to help the tree?

    Firstly, one of the reasons for the yellowing of needles in conifers may be cold. Some coniferous plants branches may turn yellow in winter. For example, such plants include microbiota, common juniper varieties "Plumosa" and "Depressa Aurea", pseudosugu green and other plants. But this is not critical, since with the onset of spring the branches will again acquire their green color.

    Secondly, the needles can turn yellow even with mild frosts. And all because not all conifers are frost-resistant. For example, these include the following coniferous plants - blunt cypress, virginian juniper, green and eastern pseudosugu, Lawson's cypress, giant thuja. If you want to grow these plants in the middle lane, you should definitely take into account the peculiarities of caring for them in winter time and know if they need to be sheltered for this period.

    Also, spruce needles often turn yellow under the influence of heat. With a prolonged lack of moisture, the following coniferous plants can dry out - Chinese metasequoia, Japanese cypress, pea-bearing, marsh and others. All these plants are afraid of too warm spring, which comes immediately after frost. In autumn, they need to be watered abundantly so that they can make a supply of moisture for a long period.

    With a lack of minerals, the needles can also turn yellow. This is especially true for the lack of magnesium when feeding coniferous plants. Therefore, such a selection of mineral fertilizers is necessary, which contains all the necessary minerals and could eliminate the yellowing of the needles.

    The needles of the Christmas tree turn yellow under the influence of pests and diseases. Therefore, yellowing needles must be carefully examined and paid attention to whether they have plaque, stains or any pests. If necessary, plants should be treated with appropriate preparations.

    Dog urine is also detrimental to coniferous crops. The marks left by these animals lead to the drying of the branches that need to be cut, and the plant itself, if possible, should be protected from such encroachments.

    If you bought a coniferous plant at an exhibition or in a store and noticed that its needles are turning yellow, or if you have a pine or thuja growing in open ground for a long time, but at one fine moment you notice that on one particular side or in general the entire crown begins turn yellow, then we bring to your attention 5 main reasons, and probably the only ones, from which the needles of coniferous plants turn yellow. The main thing is to react in time to save the plant. Some reasons are not fatal, while other reasons can severely damage the conifer and you will have to “puff” over it.

    The first reason is why the needles turn yellow. The most common reason is lack of watering. In the store there are conifers in pots, containers, their needles are green ... And inexperienced sellers can rarely water them, the needles do not fade, and the green one is worth it! Remember, your Christmas tree or pine stands for so long, that is, by its appearance it is not entirely possible to understand whether it has enough water or not.

    Here they dried out an earthen ball in the store, then they remembered, they watered it. But the small roots, which absorb moisture the most and most quickly, have died off. And in order for them to branch, you need to help the plant with fertilizer or a growth accelerator, periodically water it on time.

    Therefore, when you buy a conifer in a store or nursery, then rather be guided by the conscience of the seller than by the appearance of the soil. Even if it is watered, this may mean that it was only watered today, and the coniferous plant has been dry for a week. And when you bring the conifer home, then in a week its needles may turn yellow.

    It is best, of course, to know in advance the quality of the company or seller, it may be necessary, if the store or nursery is not far from you, to periodically visit and observe the plants, how they are cared for. Coniferous in pots photo:

    If you bought such an “under-watered” plant, and the needles began to turn yellow at your place, then if you want to plant the plant in open ground, we advise that such sufferers should not be planted in dry sandy soil, especially calcareous, with shallow fertile layer. They will be sick for a long time. In this case, you need to specially prepare a pit for planting so that there is enough fertile soil in it, and you need to plant it together with a lump so as not to tear off the already weak roots.

    The second reason is why the needles turn yellow. This is an inappropriate late landing. As they say, "the greed of the fryer killed." If you planted a conifer late in the fall and it did not have time to take root, take root, that is, winter came soon, frosts, the soil froze, then the needles of the coniferous plant will turn yellow, since the roots do not absorb moisture, they sleep, and the needles continue to evaporate moisture. Yes, coniferous plants in winter, especially on clear days, evaporate moisture from the needles. As a result, the plant becomes dehydrated, the needles turn yellow and fall.

    To save a plant:

    1. - cover it from frost and sun;

    2. -clear snow around the conifer so that it forms a side around the trunk and at least every other day water the conifer with warm enough water (60 degrees). Water, when it soaks into the cold earth, will take desired temperature. And a side of snow will also create protection zone so that drafts do not freeze the soil more. Planting conifers in late autumn photo:

    The third reason is why the needles turn yellow. Sun burns. Most often in winter and early spring, when the snow has not yet melted, the sun's rays, reflected from white snow, create even more illumination near the plant, almost 2 times more intense. Therefore, the needles turn yellow and fall off. After all, there is little moisture in the soil, and the needles of water reserves begin to evaporate more and more from solar lighting. Of course, conifers do not need to be watered all winter.

    Of course, it is desirable to water at least once a month. But coniferous plants will save shelter from the sun. You can cover with thick paper, burlap, special covering material, which can now be bought at any garden store, or with the same coniferous spruce branches. Sunburn coniferous photos:

    The fourth reason is why the needles turn yellow. Fungi, that is, fungal diseases, can cause yellowing and falling of needles. These are fungi that most often cause coniferous diseases such as various types of schütte and various rusts. Fungi can appear from improper care behind plants, frequent plantings, in which there are no ventilated places, constant shade. For conifers, carry out preventive treatment, as fungi can be everywhere in the soil and air. For prevention, spraying with foundationazole (10 g per 10 liters of water with an interval of 10 days) is suitable.

    If the needles have already turned yellow and you have not identified other reasons, so it is most likely that this is the fault of fungi, then treat the conifers with biological products - Fitosporin - M, Alirin, Gamair. These biologics fight fungi, but in order to strengthen the immunity of the plant itself, treat the conifers with Zircon and Epin - extra. Needle rust:

    The fifth reason is why the needles turn yellow. Coniferous plants have enough pests that like to spoil the appearance of plants, or even completely lead to death. For example, thuja aphid or Sitka spruce aphid. Most often, aphids attack thuja, Sitka, prickly and Serbian pines.

    Substitute a white sheet under the branch, and tap the branch on top with your hand. If dark little “goats” fell on the leaf, then your conifers “eat” aphids. You can get rid of aphids on conifers if you often spray the plants with potash soap, a strong infusion of garlic, wormwood or other herbs.

    It's not chemistry though...

    Aphids on needles photo:

    Another pest of coniferous plants can be a night butterfly - a nun, or rather voracious caterpillars of a dirty white, gray color. If you have a few conifers and you notice the caterpillars well, then most of them can be collected and destroyed, but keep in mind that these caterpillars hit the needles so that the branches remain bare. Therefore, it is better to additionally spray the conifers with Bitoxibacillin or other Decis, Karate preparations.

    Also, your coniferous plants can spoil the spider mite and spruce leafworm. When the plants are struck by a leafworm, the needles turn yellow, a fairly noticeable cobweb appears and small caterpillars eating the needles are visible inside. If you start to notice the cobweb on the needles, then we first undertake mechanical processing.

    We put on gloves, gently cover the branch with our hands and, as it were, pull the web from them in the direction of the growth of the needles. You can twist, shake the branches. Then we process the plants with colloidal sulfur, a strong infusion of dandelion or garlic.

    If the branches are severely affected, then we treat them with a solution of liquid soap so that the insects stick and suffocate, and then we remove these branches. If you have a lot of coniferous plants and all together began to be eaten by pests, then we advise you not to waste time, but to use chemical insecticidal preparations, in which case you will definitely save your plants.

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