Fall icicles from the roof of the house. Real case: Soselka fell on my car from the roof of the house

Engineering systems 04.03.2020
Engineering systems

I was called from the serving company (in my house it is a "housing") and said: "Urgently remove the car, I dropped it down." At that moment I was in the center, I quickly went home. The car was parked at the house. There were warning fences, but I did not break their zone. On the car, the rear window is broken, the roof and the hood, the rear stop signal and the electrician are damaged.

I called the police, the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs arrived, conducted a survey and recorded damage to the car, took me to the department so that I wrote a statement. They explained that now it is necessary to wait two weeks - then I will receive a refusal to initiate a criminal case. In general, there are signs on the house, warning about icicles, but the police said that the utilities from responsibility does not exempt.

As far as I understand, after it comes a refusal, you will need to take the car for examination and with the conclusion of an expert about the amount of the loss and the decision of the police about what has been damaged by property, go to the management company and offer it to compensate for me voluntarily. Then they will not need to cover judicial costs, the costs of lawyer services and state duty. If they refuse to pay, have to go to court.

The next day, by the way, the roofs continued to hang ice. The fence, however, was transferred, and it already captured the platform, where I then parked, they wrote that they would shoot down.

Did I do everything right and what are the chances of getting compensation from the management company?

"Such situations always occur due to the poor work of the management organization," says the lawyer of the Moscow board of lawyers Arbat Vadim Bashir-Zade. "It is for her that she is entrusted to the proper maintenance of common property in an apartment building, which are roofs. It should support the house in a state that excludes the possibility of harm. " The duty of the serving company is removed Farry and icicles with roofs directly provided "Rules and norms of technical operation of the Housing Fund", adds an expert.

How to behave in such a situation?

First of all, it is important to correctly fix the incident. It is necessary to invite a representative of the managing organization itself to draw up the act of damage to the property and in it to reflect all the damage and circumstances of the incident (from which house fell out or snow, under what circumstances), the head of the quality control department of the National Law Service Amuleks is explained by Nurida Ibrahimov. True, the management company may refuse to exercise an act (as an option, refuse to record all damage) or a person who represents it may not be authorized for such actions.

So you need to go to law enforcement agencies, in this case - to the police. "If the items fell on a fixed machine, you need to call the police, but if the car moved during the fall of snow and ice - traffic police. Police officers must compile a protocol inspection of the scene with the fixation of damage. If the traffic police is caused, a certificate of an accident is drawn up, "clarifies Vadim Bashir-Zade. He advises to receive these documents in copies in order to use them to obtain compensation. According to Nurida Ibrahimova, police officers are not obliged to issue a copy of the statement, but later at the request of the plaintiff, the check materials and a copy of his statement in civil case on the fact of the incident can be exterminated on the basis of a court request.

Both lawyers emphasize that it is necessary to produce a photo and video of a damaged car at the scene. "And in the act of damage to the property, and in the protocol made up by police officers, the presence of photography and video materials should be reflected," says Ibrahimov. The head of the Amlex Quality Control Department also advises to write the data (name and contacts) of eyewitnesses in case the police or the court will need their testimony. In such situations, a criminal case, as a rule, is not excited, but the check materials can be used in the court in the civil case for damages, the expert says.

Move the car until the incident is recorded, it is impossible, it warns.

The next step is to appeal to an independent appraiser, which will determine the amount of damage, explains Vadim Bashir-Zade. "Such an assessment must be tried to do as quickly as possible," Nurida Ibrahimova emphasizes. "At the same time, if hidden damage was identified in the car, experts conducting an assessment must refer to this so that later, when considering a dispute in court, it was possible to establish a causal relationship between hidden injuries and incident."

After that, a claim is drawn up to the management organization, documents confirming the events, photographs and an approval of the appraiser are applied to it, says Bashir-Zade. Considered the damage claim for damages is worth specifying the details of the account and a reasonable time to meet the requirements, for example, 10 days, adds Ibrahimov.

If at this stage the management company will voluntarily reimburse the damage, then the conflict has been exhausted.

What is the probability that the management company will voluntarily reimburse the damage? And what to do if she refuses to do it?

The probability of satisfying the requirements voluntarily by the management organization is extremely small: most of its culprits consider the cost of restorative repair overestimated or do not consider themselves guilty (for example, when the snow falls with roofs of houses after heavy snowfall), even though the provision The safety of the life and property of citizens by cleaning the roofs from the land and snow is their direct responsibility, says Nurida Ibrahimov from Amites.

Often, the management organization does not recognize his guilt and refuses to satisfy the claim, confirms Vadim Bashir-Zade - then it is necessary to submit a claim for compensation for damage to court and prove the fact of causing this damage and its size. The guilty of the management company in court must be proven by the extermination of the contract for servicing the house, from which it fell out, materials of verification of law enforcement agencies, the act of damage to property, photographs and video materials and testimony, lists Ibrahimov.

"The management organization in court can accuse the car owner himself with reference to the violation of the requirements of the construction standards and rules ( ) It is forbidden to leave the car at a distance of closer than 10-15 meters from a residential building, - conjugates Bashir-Zade. - In practice, this argument does not receive support in court (example - Of the Samara Regional Court of 10.03.2016 in case No. 33-2980 / 2016). The fact of placement on the house of warning plates about falling snow and ice also does not exclude the guilt of the management company. The guilty car owner may be only if the incident happened if there were signs forbidding signs, but there are almost no such signs in the courtyards. " Thus, the guidelines in the court will be proved in almost 100 percent of such cases, the lawyer concludes.

Will it help in such circumstances the policy of CASCO?

The usefulness of CASCO in such history depends on whether such cases are insurance under the terms of the policy. In practice, according to Vadim Bashir-Zade, they enter the majority of insurance, so that at the initial inspection of the car it will be necessary to notify the insurance company, so that the emergency commissioner is sent to the scene: often this is a prerequisite, when not fulfilling which it is impossible to receive compensation from the insurance company . "If there is no such condition, then after the incident, a statement is drawn up in the insurance company, after which the car is inspected by its representative," says the expert.

It is important that the wording used by the police officers in the protocol of the scene of the incident and in the act of damage to the property coincided with the wording in the insurance contract, emphasizes Nurida Ibrahimov: difficulties may occur, for example, if the inspection protocol uses the expression "Drop of Toleni or Snow on the car" , and in the policy - "drop in foreign objects on the car."

Even if there is a CASCO policy with the necessary wording of the insured event, the amount of insurance compensation may be less than the cost of the restoration repair of the car, Ibrahimova warns. In this case, a part of the compensation covered with insurance should be obtained from the insurance company, and the remaining part is recovered from the culprit of the incident, it explains.

When icicles hang from the roof, they look beautiful and smarter, but carry a serious danger. Due to the temperature drops, small growths can appear and whole blocks of ice hanging from the cornices of houses. They pose a threat to those passing by people, as well as cars and other items located next to the walls of the building. Falling from the roofs, icicles can damage the electric pipe. To prevent the appearance of icicles on the cold roofs, it is necessary to organize good ventilation, and if the attic room is dwelling, then the roof is needed to warm up well.

Causes of the appearance of icicles on the roof

There are several reasons that lead to the appearance of icicles on the roof of the house. Consider them in more detail.

How to get rid of icicles

If the reasons for the appearance of the icicles were not in time eliminated, sooner or later the question arises, how to get rid of them. You can cope with this task in a private house with your own hands, and it is best to attract specialists to get rid of the icicles on multi-storey buildings.

The use of modern technologies allows you to carry out such work with the minimum participation of a person, which significantly reduces the risk of injury. But this requires the availability of specialized equipment and trained personnel. With mechanical removal of land, it is necessary to be very careful because there is a big risk to be injured or breaking from the roof. In this case, you also need to have certain experience and tools.

Telescopic scraper handle allows you to remove snow and icicles, while at a safe distance from the wall of the house

  • shovel. In order not to damage the coating, it is better to use a plastic or metal shovel with a rubberized blade at the end;
  • special axes. They also should not be sharp, so that the roof of the building is not damaged during operation;
  • ice axes. They are used to remove those icicles, which are located outside the roof;
  • hooks and stretching for removal of large icicles. With the help of such tools, they are fixed, after which they spill in small parts;
  • stairs. It should be durable and reliably installed. Instead of the staircase, you can use a hydraulic lift;

    In order to get to the icicles on the roof of a high house, you can use a hydraulic lift

  • long pole. With it, you can shoot down the icicles, without approaching the building, and delete them at a safe distance;
  • hacksaw, benzo- or electric saw. These tools are used in the event of the formation of large icicles, which can not just knock;
  • insurance equipment. If the work is carried out from the roof, it is necessary to use insurance, which should be durable and reliable to ensure the safety of people.
  • Safety requirements while staying next to the building and on its roof in winter

    During thaw or spring, when the snow is actively melted, and at night there are freezes, icicles begin to actively form on the roofs of buildings. In order not to get an injury during the fall of the icicle from the roof, you must adhere to certain rules:

    It is necessary to clean the roof independently, taking into account the following recommendations:

    How to prevent the formation of icicles and nondes on the roof of the house

    It will be much easier and cheaper to prevent the appearance of icicles and sleep than constantly struggling with them.. There are several ways to prevent the formation of ice on the roof, and which one to choose, each owner solves independently.

    The underlying condition in which flipped on the roof will not form - maintaining the negative temperature of its surface. This is achieved at the expense of the insulation of the attic room or the underpants, so that the heat from home does not fall into the roofing material. In this case, the roof in the winter will be covered with snow, and there will be no ice on it.

    The main methods of preventing the appearance of land and icicles on the roof of the building are reduced to the following events.

    1. Elimination of places through which warm air goes to the roof. Through the ceiling, if it is bad is isolated, a lot of heat is lost, which goes on a cold attic. If there is a residential attic, then it is necessary to warm it even more carefully, as the walls of this room are directly contacted with roofing pie. Most often warm air leaves through the gaps near the chimney pipes, in the places of plasterboard stakes, etc. It is easiest to determine such places in winter. Just look at the roof and you will see where the snow is more actively.

      If you eliminate the places of heat loss through the roof, I will stop forming icicles

    2. Providing the necessary thickness of thermal insulation materials. Experts are recommended that the layer of fiberglass or mineral wool makes 30-35 cm. In addition to the thickness of the insulation, it has the correctness of its laying. Between themselves, sheets must be tightly pronounced so that there is no gap anywhere. If the roof is insulated correctly, the possibility of formation of icicles will be minimized: they will appear only during the warming of the surface by the Sun, but it is just a few days.
    3. Creating high-quality ventilation. With the help of such a system, warm air is effectively removed to the street, and its place occupies cold. In the attic, the entrance holes are made above the cornice, and the weekend is near the skate. In order for the ventilation system to work effectively, it must be correctly calculated. If your knowledge is not enough, it is better to seek help from specialists. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe supply holes should slightly exceed the area of \u200b\u200bthe outlet holes.
    4. Installing special vibrators. The vibrator can affect the truss system or directly on the ice. In the first case, a small electromotor with an eccentric is installed on the rafter, which during operation creates minor fluctuations with a frequency of 10-50 Hz, due to which the ice is split and flies from the roof. Although such a device has small sizes, it is enough to protect up to 200 m 2 roofs. For the impact on the ice, equipment operating in the ultrasound range is used. At the exit of the vibrator there is an electromagnet connected to a metal circuit. When the contour vibrates, ice is destroyed. But this technique is expensive, besides, it is quite difficult to install it.
    5. Snove keepers. These elements do not prevent the formation of icicles, but they do not allow large ice blocks to fall from the roof. They delay them, they are gradually melting, and water flows from the roof.
    6. Antiborean compounds. With their help before the start of the cold, the roof is carried out. These may be fluoroplastic, silicone formulations or a synthetic rubber solution. After their application, the cloudy of ice and roof decreases, therefore the probability of the appearance of sleep is significantly reduced.
    7. Electric heating. A special thermal cable is installed on the bottom edge of the roof, which does not allow for ice. The cable will also have to spend significant funds, and specialists are invited to its installation. In order for water to go from the roof, it is necessary to make waterproof heating. Two cable types can be used for the Snowtone Device:
      • self-regulating. Changes power depending on the temperature on the street, so it may differ in different sections, which allows to save electricity. Such a cable is not heated at renewed, it is reliably protected from the negative effects of ultraviolet, has high resistance to damage, it can be mounted by sections of different lengths, but its value is quite high;
      • resistive. It has a constant power in its entire length, it is afraid of overwhelms, and also has limitations at the maximum and minimum length, but it is much cheaper.

    Video: Installation of the roof anti-flare

    There is no one method, which would completely eliminate the formation of icicles and nondes on the roof. It is impossible to affect natural factors, so the snow on the roof will still be melted. The implementation of the described measures will significantly reduce the rate of formation of the land, so if icicles will be, then small and unable to inflict serious danger. If the need for cleaning the roof from snow and ice, then you already know how to do it yourself.

    For February and March in St. Petersburg, more than a dozen people suffered from falling icicles and ice with roofs. In some cases, I discharged employees of public utilities, in the others, it was not cleaned on time, herself flew. From the blow of the icicle on the head on February 8, a 73-year-old woman died on Vasilyevsky island.

    "Paper" He tells how Petersburgers seek compensation for their injuries and the death of relatives due to poor-quality roof cleaning, whose side accepts the court and why the owner of the balcony may be guilty of the tragedy.

    As a student from Estonia fell into one after the fall of the ice blocks on his head and for eight years later learning to move

    On February 5, 2010, the student of the Eastern European Institute of Psychoanalysis Milan Kashtanova made his way along the path between the snowdrifts, when the block of ice fell from the roof of the house 3 along the street of the Red Cadet. With a broken head, she fell to Earth, after which he had no consciousness half a year.

    Doctors were confident that Milan could not come to himself, and at first even doubted that he would survive. In October 2010, consciousness returned to the girl. She diagnosed the dislocation (displacement) of the brain, subdural hematoma, severe diffuse injury of the head (the rupture of neurons, which is usually accompanied by a coma).

    The last eight years Milan is newly learning to move and talk. During this time, she survived many operations and procedures, traveled to Germany and Estonia, where he lives. On the progress of Milan, her relatives write in the "Live Journal".

    Although the treatment helps, fully for the old life, the girl cannot yet return. Most of the time it is forced to carry out in bed: a strong headache subsides only when Milan is lying. It moves on a wheelchair. Recently, the girl took the lessons of vocal, it became more likely to be in nature and concerts, they told her relatives in the blog.

    The boulder fell during the cleaning of the roof. The court's guilty in the occurrence was recognized by Jilkomservis Technology No. 2 of Petrogradsky District Tatiana Ushakov. For causing negligence harm, entailed grave harm to health, she received half a year of conditional deprivation of freedom.

    Ushakova recognized the guilt, although at first in the LCK and claimed that the girl ignored the fences. On the video recordings from the scene of the fences are not visible.

    From the LCK itself, the court subsequently demanded 1.3 million rubles of compensation, then 2.8 million, although the defendant challenged several times and delayed payments. Milan's family writes that in sum through the court received 10 million rubles from Zhilkomservis for moral damage, which made it possible to almost pay off all debts for the treatment of the girl.

    Whose side took courts in loud affairs about injuries and death from icicles

    Six-year-old Vanya Zavyalov on January 13, 2011, he walked with his grandmother to the clinic for a certificate for kindergarten. A narrow trail was not fenced. According to eyewitnesses, a block, which fell from the roof of a five-story house, was the size of the door. Passersby helped to convey the boy with a broken head to the clinic, but the doctors could not save him.

    Four months later, it became known that the director of ZHES No. 3 51-year-old Margarita Anikin was accused of the occurrer. According to investigators, she gave the head of the house management No. 69 vacation, thereby formally taking his duties. From their execution, she "thoroughly" explained in the press service of the SC.

    The court over Anikina lasted four years, for which she never recognized the guilt. In the summer of 2015, the court recognized the woman guilty of providing services that do not meet the security requirements (Article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and gave three years conditionally, but immediately amnestied.

    On December 27, 2014, 44-year-old St. Petersburg died from the fall of the icicle in Apraksin Alley, next to the house number 2. The daughter of the victim appealed to the court with the requirement to compensate for moral damage. The court decided that the tragedy is to blame the residents of APRAXIN Dvor, who improperly cleaned the roof. The court agreed with the prosecutor who demanded to pay the victims of 2 million rubles.

    At the same time, the daughter of the victim filed a statement and against the Glavstroy St. Petersburg company, which was responsible for the reconstruction of Apraksina of the courtyard. However, the organization has refuted its connection with the LSK, and the court did not satisfy the claimant's claims to the company.

    Easy injuries also become a reason to attract owners not purified by the Ice of the building, although the amount of compensation in this case may be noticeably reduced. On February 25, 2016, 28-year-old St. Petersburg, Natalia Galkina, together with the child, came out of the Pyaterochka store in English Avenue. At that moment a piece of ice fell off from home number 16 and fell on his head. From the blow, the woman lost consciousness.

    Having come to Himself, she headed to the hospital, where she was diagnosed concussion. Galkina filed a lawsuit to the owner of the building, demanding a million rubles for moral damage. The court accepted the side of the victim, but reduced the amount of payments tenfold.

    As in the death of a girl from Icicles accused the owner of the balcony

    Not only management companies, but also St. Petersburgers who have not impaired icicles from their balcony can be recognized in accidents with icicles.

    On March 11, 2011, Flash from the balcony at home 27/1 on a suede street killed 18-year-old Elizabeth Latchevskaya. The owner of the 32-year-old Sergey Kuzmina balcony was recognized guilty, who, according to the investigators, arranged a roof for him and did not cleanse it out.

    House on Soul Street, 27

    According to the lawyer Dmitry Belyachkov, the total amount of the affected side amounted to about 1.3 million rubles. To indemnify the damage, the Kuzmin family sold the house in the Leningrad region, but the revenue funds did not have enough.

    Petersburger appointed 1.5 years of correctional work, the proceeds should have been to pay the claim. Belyachkov called the support "Kuzmina Absotence." According to a lawyer, the guilty could both the HOA and the management company, and the communal authorities of the district, and the master who built a balcony construction and did not take into account the risks.

    Who is responsible for cleaning the roofs from the land and how to make compensation for injury in court

    Cases of causing harm to health are considered infrequently, and statistics will vary from year to year, "explains the lawyer Versus.legal Sergey Kovalkov, - for example, in 2011 there were five cases, and in 2015 and 2016 there were no at all.

    According to the lawyer, Petersburgers most often apply claims to managers on compensation for moral damage - their interests are spelled out in Article 151 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the plaintiffs refer to the ruling of the Government of St. Petersburg, according to which the owners of the buildings should purify the roofs from the icicles and the land from October 16 to April 15.

    Most often, says Kovalkov, the courts satisfy the claims of citizens. When making a decision, the judges rely on the conclusions of forensic medical examinations, testimony of witnesses, the inspection protocols of the scene of the incidents that are compiled by the police. The average compensation is 50-100 thousand rubles, the amount is formed depending on the damage caused by health.

    Kovalkov also clarifies that fences do not exempt public utilities from responsibility, as well as an agreement on cleaning with other companies:

    Sometimes utilities in the courts say that the wine for the fall of icicles lies on another organization, with which the utility service has concluded a contract for cleaning the roof. However, the courts are such an argument, as a rule, is not accepted.

    Why is St. Petersburg, whose blocking of ice broke the clavicle, could not make compensation

    There are cases when even if there is evidence, compensation for injury from fallen ice is not possible. So, for example, it happened with St. Petersburg, Elena Kantorovich.

    Lena came out, behind her Natasha, and after<…> I came out.<…> So what is next<…> I see that from the sky, Lena to the left shoulder, the assisted head, hilarious ice hollows the size of a human head, - so Vladimir Kantorovich described what happened to his wife Elena on January 13, 2011.

    The block of ice fell on Elena, when she came out of a cafe on Nevsky Avenue, 105. According to Vladimir, there was a roof, but they did not put the fences - he made photographs. Vladimir remembered that a woman wrapped them in Orange Rob with the inscription "LSK 3". Another woman who, as Vladimir understood, led the process, was called the foreman.

    Elena conducted an operation: installed a plate, tightening the clavicle. It turned out that when a shovel was broken. Now Elena still experiences the consequences of the injury.

    What can be normal health if a person is iron in the body and bones of a triple? - told Elena "Paper". - Of course, [the fracture site] responds to the weather, on the load. There, in addition to the clavicle, the spine will also be held.

    After six months, the investigation of the incident did not lead to anything. The case was closed, Cantorovichi did not receive compensation, and no one was punished. In the investigation, Elena says, neither the testimony of witnesses, nor the recording from cameras:

    Six months later, the case was handed over to another investigator, then to Moscow. From Moscow came notice that the case was closed in the absence of the composition of the crime.

    Who suffered from icicles and land in 2018

    February 8, 2018 at home 27 on Repin Street on the head of a 73-year-old woman icicle. The pensioner received injuries and fractures. On the same day, she died in the hospital. It is known that the woman was in a dangerous territory when she fed cats.

    The Investigative Committee opened a criminal case under Article 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("causing death by negligence"). In the administration of Vasileostrovsky district, they argued that the site of the street, where Soselka fell fenced. A few days later, the deputy head of the administration of Vasileostrovsky district, Alexander Maslov and director of the district housing agency Sergey Alekseev, lost their positions.

    House on Repina Street, 27

    On February 13, 70-year-old passer-by heavy injuries at the Rosreestra building on Chapayev Street. From the roof the icicle fell on his head, the man fell into intensive care. February 22, Flash on the head of the 16-year-old Petersburger at the house 16 on Bronnitskaya Street.

    From March 9 to March 11, seven people in St. Petersburg from falling. On March 10, Ice's boulder head of St. Petersburg at the big prospect of P. S. - it was hospitalized. Another incident occurred on March 13 in the Krasnogvardeysky district: Soselka fell on the head of a woman from the roof of a seven-story house at Novocherkassky Avenue 41/14. The victim was hospitalized in the Alexander Hospital with severe injuries.

    So far there is no information about one case of payment of compensation after such incidents that occurred in 2018.

    Snowy winter time Sttold colorful ice forms and massive snowy snowdrifts. But there is a reverse side of natural phenomena - deadly and destructive dangers emanating from frozen blocks. The fall of snow and sucking from the roof is one of the main problems that are pursued by regions with a temperate climate. We provide information on the devastating consequences from the fall of snow and ice during thaw, and how to avoid this danger.

    Falling snow and icicles with roofs - what is the danger

    Icicles may look beautiful, hanging garlands from the ends of buildings, in fact they carry a danger as they grow the fall. Also ice can rely on high wires, towers and skyscrapers, branches of trees, creating serious threats to people and objects. In some countries, statistics are not conducted by injury from falling snow and ice blocks on passersby people. Unfortunately, sometimes such cases become lethal.

    Icicles are formed when snow on the roof melts because of heat , rising up from the heated space inside the building. The melting of snow on the roof of the building occurs at temperatures above 0 degrees Celsius. At night, when the temperature drops below 0 degrees, melt water freezes right on the end, thus forming ice icicles.

    It is important to properly design the eaves and the edges of the structures to minimize the emergence of large ice growths, for this it is worth contacting professional design companies for design and maintenance of real estate, presented meshs that can be used as strokes from ice drop.

    The rate of falling one frozen fragment - an average of 128 meters per second, which is sufficient to apply injuries and the deadly outcome. The highest probability falling snow and icicles observed During strong wind, sunny weather. Blinds are partially weakened, and disconnected from the roof. People passing by such objects risk getting into the danger zone. In the epicenter of danger, material values \u200b\u200bare also provided - cars, posters, windows. For example, in December 2016, some Streets of the American city of Boston had to be completely overlapping due to massive ice strikes on the walls of buildings and glass windows.

    Security measures

    Every year, thousands of people around the world suffer from the fact that the fall of snow and icicles from the roofs right on their heads. At best, the "sharp-eyed" land will cause human injury body compatible with life. In order not to happen the worst case with death, you should take security measures How not to get "under the distribution" of snow and ice blocks.

    1. In sunny and windy weather, avoid places where snow and ice lumps have grown. Carefully inspect the territory and move away from a dangerous place to a distance of 5-10 meters at least.
    2. Do not approach buildings from which the alignment of snow formations is possible. These include buildings with single-table and inclined roofs, emergency houses.
    3. In the presence of a warning anchlage (signs), do not cross the fence, bypassing this place.
    4. Having heard a suspicious noise, do not look around and do not lift the head up. As soon as possible, cling to the wall of the building, under his end.
    5. If the snow and icicles are massively hanging on the roof of your home, you should contact urban services that will help to eliminate this problem. It is not recommended to remove the roof without special equipment and assistance.
    6. Wear a winter headdress on your head. For example, in many cases, a high hat saved from a random fall of ice on his head.

    European Statistics of Snow and Ice Falls With Roofs: Photo and Video 2018

    In early March 2018, the continental part of Europe suffered from bad weather - cyclone "Beast from East" brought a lot of snow. After the advantage of the positive temperature, the snow mass began to "melt", turning the streets in the river, and the ends of the roofs in the ice garlands. In Switzerland, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, France, Romania, Hungary, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Russia and Ukraine, everything frozen, and then began to melting the ice, stuck to solid surfaces on the street. In Italy The problem threatens to bring floods to which local authorities are preparing.

    Cyclone "Beast from East": Snow cloud over London

    In Great Britain The pointed ice fragments fully covered Network Rail, which temporarily suspended the movement of trains. Employees of the railway company hired specialists in orange helmets, which eliminated the problem.

    Photo twitter: @networkrail

    In the Murmansk region Russia The snow mountain fell from the roof to the mother with a child, the victims were delivered to the hospital. Injuries were not detected.

    In the city of Kharkov, Ukraine In early 2018, the ice boulder fell from a 5-storey house on the head of a woman who approached the entrance with the child. The woman was injured ray bone on his hand, the child was not injured.

    The roofs of dozen houses collapsed under the pressure of snow in the village of Unsk-Sanski North-West Bosnia .

    Due to catastrophic weather conditions, three people died from falling snow in the Eastern England , and at least two people were found dead in Romania .

    Hundreds of schools were closed B. United Kingdom, Romania and Croatia The dozens of trains and flights were canceled, and the local police blocked the roads in some areas due to the danger of the fall of snow and snowdrops from the roofs.

    If the car fell on the car, what to do - Video:

    The article is written on the materials of the uatoday.info news resource.

    Since the beginning of the year, dozens of Petersburgers suffered from the fall from the fall of the roofs. Once the breakdown of the icicle and led to the tragedy. The site tried to find out how to get the highest possible refund for the negligence attitude of the communal services to his work. Anastasia Sirenko \u003e St. Petersburg 8 (812) 33-22-140 Society

    Another victim of the negligence communal services in St. Petersburg. Two days ago it became known about an elderly woman who received a concussion of the brain because of the roof of the house falling on it from the roof in the alley of Matyushenko's blocks of ice. The pensioner was hospitalized in a state of medium severity.

    This is the case far from the first from the beginning of the spring, when the icicles fall on the heads of the inhabitants of the northern capital. Only in March holidays from the collapse of the land suffered seven people. All accidents occurred in the city center, on the most lively streets, which means the victims of the fall of the icicles could be more. Considering that the strength strength of the icicle sometimes reaches 700 kilograms, then no one died.

    But in February of this year, the consequences of thaw led to the tragedy. Floar fell on the head of an elderly woman on Repina Street. The pensioner was taken to the hospital, and the doctors could not save her. Immediately after this, two officials were lost from the administration of the Vasileostrovsky district. Deputy Head of Alexander Maslov and the head of the district housing agency Sergey Alekseev were dismissed.

    For all the above cases, the St. Petersburg investigators conducted checks. But the punishment of the guilty is not all. What to do people who suffered from the negligence employees of housing and communal services? How can Peterburgers get back, if not health, then at least money cast for treatment, and how to cover moral damage?.

    Few people know that "street stalactites" arise not from scratch. And not only the weather is to blame. Experts note that the thermal regime is broken in apartment buildings. The temperature of the roofing carpet in the building should be the same as the outer air. But, often, it is much higher. As a result, the snow falling on the roof immediately melts, and after it is ice, but already on the cornices. So grow huge icicles, which, breaking up, at high speed fly to the asphalt.

    - This is a complex problem. Housing and communal services are not monitored by compliance with the temperature regime in buildings. As a result, snow is copied on the roofs, which no one is in a hurry to clean. Then - the ill-fated icicles, from which they also do not immediately get rid. Of course, they appear not in one day, "the lawyer notes, an expert in the field of housing and communal services Nikolay Tyashmansky.

    Municipal workers are justified: the money they collect with citizens is not enough. St. Petersburg lacks workers, and hire new nothing to do. The authorities promised to take the situation under control. Communal services discharge fines and even excite criminal cases. Apparently, the management companies do not frighten.

    What if the misfortune did not go around you and you suffered from fallen to sleep? You can only get compensation if the site was not fenced, and the warning signs did not hang on the building. Lawyers celebrate - even if you are 100% sure of your rightness, the court can not be avoided.

    - Affordable cases where employees of public services without a court and initiating a criminal case paid compensation. Or it will be a kopeck. If the fallen icicle did not make a person with disabilities or did not deprive his life at all, to prove the guidance of the management company will be a very troublesome business, "says Tyashmansky.

    According to experts, the victim is needed evidence that he was provided for medical care. To do this, you need to collect all certificates from doctors, recipes from them, as well as checks, confirming the costs of treatment.

    Not excess will be the testimony of witnesses. It may be people who assisted you, and just passersby. In addition, lawyers recommend returning to the place where an accident occurred, and see if there are video surveillance video surveillance cameras on the neighboring buildings. Perhaps it will be possible to receive records that fixed the fall of the pest icicles.

    Also, you should have a ruling from the district. If passersby caused you an ambulance, doctors themselves will inform about the police that happened. Law enforcement officers will appreciate the situation and decide whether to initiate a criminal case. With appropriate paper, you have to contact the management company. And when there will be refused to compensate for damage, - to court.

    It is noteworthy that in court as a defendant never serves as director of the management company - a person who, in fact, should be responsible for the unlocked roofs. The public utilities are exposed in the role of the guilty house guidelines, or even at all - janitor. As a result, he will pay from his pocket.

    In St. Petersburg, not only pedestrians fall under snow ribs. Only from the beginning of this year, the slices of ice falling from the roofs of the Hundreds of cars. This happens not only as a result of thaw. Sometimes the communal communalists themselves, without thinking, knock down the icicles on the car parked at the bottom.

    OSAGO in cases with falling icicles does not apply. The policy of compulsory insurance is to attract one drivers to the responsibility before others. Compensation for a broken car is easy to get if the car owner is decorated with CASCO. According to lawyers, it is realistic to sue the money and the management company. But for this it is necessary to prove that there were no warning about flying icicles at the moment of an accident. In addition, you need to know that, according to SNiP of 1989, park cars at a distance closer than 5-8 m from the wall of the building with a height of up to 10 floors and 8-10 m, if the house is higher, it is impossible. Accordingly, if you allowed such an oversight, it is meaningless to court. The defendant will appeal to your violations not to pay compensation.

    At the same time, it must be remembered that the public utilities sometimes go to the tricks, trying to avoid responsibility for poorly performed work. So, just a few days ago, in the Moscow district of St. Petersburg, employees of the management company lightningly began to hang warning signs, immediately after a huge icicle collapsed from the roof of one of the houses on the hood of the Audi SUV. Actions of quirky communal services noticed eyewitnesses and posted video of capture work on the network. This time the car owner, whose car suffered from the ice, was lucky. The rest must be remembered about the need for an evidence base.

    So, you noticed that the car parked safely and preservation from one of the houses. Returning and see that your favorite car is breaking through the glass or the body. What to do? First of all, we call the precinct. Police officer will fix the fact of damage to the property.

    While the precinct rides, the car owner must assemble as much evidence as possible. To do this, you can write to the voice recorder or video testimony of eyewitnesses and, most importantly, to make photos and video of the machine itself from different sides. After the law enforcement makes a conclusion, and you have collected evidence, you have to go on an independent expertise of damage.

    - For examination you should invite a representative of the Management Company. No one, most likely, will not come, but you still should be done to keep all the formalities, - the head of the regional public organization "SPB. Auto »Svyatoslav Danilov.

    Further, if the CASCO was not decorated, a "letter of happiness" was sent to the management company with the results of expertise and the claim for damage compensation. If the policy is available, we go to insurers with the appropriate package. Lawyers note that in 99% of cases, persistent car owners receive money to repair their cars. But how much for this you need to wait, it's hard to say.

    The culprit of the icicles falling on his head or the car may not necessarily be the management company. If the block of ice fell not from a residential building, but, for example, from a shop or business center building, then the claims must be submitted to its owner. But the evidence in this case will be the same - photos and video, eyewitness testimony, fixing the fact of damage to the precinct. True, in this case, the victim is better to immediately prepare for submitting to the court of claim. State institutions or businessmen will not voluntarily pay anything.

    There is always the opportunity to find the owner of the mountain building. To do this, you can make a request for an extract from the USRP in Rosreestre. If it turned out, the owner is a state institution, it is necessary to refer to the management of the structure.

    In any case, today far from all managers of management companies and the owners of buildings understand that they will spend less money if they decide to compensate damage in pretrial order. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that your rights will have to defend your rights before servants of the benemis.

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