Analysis of the poetic work Monument of Derzhavin. "Analysis of the poem g

Encyclopedia plants 24.09.2019

"Monument" Gabriel Derzhavin

I am a monument to myself wonderful, eternal,
Metals harder it and above the pyramids;
Neither the whirlwind of it nor the thunder will break the fleet
And the flight time it will not be crushed.

So! - I will not die all, but some of me is big,
From a treny, killing, in death will live,
And my glory will increase, without fading,
The Slavs Dock The genus of the Univen will be honored.

The rumor will take me from white waters to black,
Where the Volga, Don, Neva, the Ural pours with the Rifey;
Everyone will remember that in the peoples of unfortunate,
How of obscurity I have become known

That the first I kept in a funny Russian syllable
About the virtues of Felitsa to heal,
In the heart ease of talking about God
And the truth of the kings with a smile to speak.

About muse! fade by merit fair
And squeezes who you, those president;
Easily hand leisurely
The man of your zero is immortality to be a bench.

Analysis of the poem of Derzhavin "Monument"

Almost every poet in his work appeals to the theme of eternity, trying to find an answer to the question of what fate was prepared by his works. Homer and Horace were famous for the epic oodas, and later, many Russian writers, including Gabriel Derzhavin. This poet is one of brightest representatives classicism that inherited European traditions to lay out their poems "High County", but, at the same time, he adapted to spoken Speechthat they were available to understanding almost any listener.

During the lifetime of Gabriel, Derzhavin was over the Empress of Catherine II, which he devoted his famous ODU "Felitsa", but his contribution to Russian literature was appreciated by descendants only after the death of the poet, who became a kind of spiritual mentor for Pushkin and Lermontov.

Anticipating such a development of events, in 1795 Gabriel Derzhavin wrote a poem "Monument", which originally called "to the Muse". This work in its form was supposed to the best traditions Ancient Greek poetryHowever, its content very many considered causing and immodest. Nevertheless, reflecting the attacks of critics, Derzhavin advised them to not pay attention to the pompous syllable, and think about the content, noting that it was not praising in this work, and Russian literature, which, finally managed to escape from the close shackles of classicism and become More simple for understanding.

Naturally, a huge merit belongs to the Derzhavin himself, which he mentioned in his poem, noting that he erected a monument to himself, which "Metals is harder" and "above the pyramid". At the same time, the author claims that he is not afraid of a storm, nor thunder, no years, since this construction is not material, but a spiritual property. Derzhavin hints that he managed to "think" poetry, which is from now being destined to become publicly available. And it is quite natural that future generations will be able to evaluate the beauty of the poetic syllable, which was previously available only to the chosen. Therefore, the poet does not doubt that he is waiting if not glory, then immortality. "I won't die all, but some of me is big, from Tlen who kills, will have to live in death," the poet notes. At the same time, he emphasizes that rumor about him rolled throughout the Russian land.

It was this phrase that caused the indignation of the opponents of the poet, who attributed to Derzhavin excessive pride. However, the author meant not his own poetic achievements, but new trends in Russian poetry, which, as he foresee, will be picked up by the new generation of writers. And it is their works that will be widely popular among the various segments of the population due to the fact that the poet himself will be able to teach them "in heartless simplicity about God and the truth of kings with a smile to speak."

It is noteworthy that in their assumptions about the future of Russian poetry whose man will be crowned with the "gursing of immortality", Gabriel Derzhavin was right. It is noteworthy that shortly before death, the poet attended the graduation exam in the Tsarskoselsky Lyceum and listened to the poems of the young Pushkin, which "in the coffin coming blessed." It was Pushkina that was destined to become a successor of poetic traditions, which were laid in Russian literature. It is not surprising that the famous Russian poet, imitating his teacher, subsequently created the poem "I am a monument to myself erectable", which echoes the "monument" of Derzhavin and is a continuation of the multifaceted controversy about the role of poetry in modern Russian society.

You can listen to audio recordings of ODD "Monument". Text reads Honored Artist of Russia Alexander Dmitrievich Fedorov.

"Monument" Derzhavina is the transformation of the poem of the ancient Roman poet Horace. Horace lived a long time ago, even before our era. But he managed to invest in his "monument", at all subsequent times burning for the artist-Creator. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe immortality of the works created by him, and, consequently, his own. Before Derzhavin, this wonderful work was transferred by Lomonosov, after Derzhavin - Pushkin. The topic of the immortality of poetic creations has never leaving Russian literature. At the beginning of the last century, the "Monument" Horace again translated V.Ya. Bruce. In the middle of the century to the topic "Monument" more than once turned a big Russian poet N.A. Zabolotsky, even later - Arseny Tarkovsky, Joseph Brodsky, Alexander Kushner and many other poets. Everyone did it in his own way, because the theme is eternal and inexhaustible, as eternal and inexhaustible poetry itself.

Someday a literary student or just a poetry lover will post all the "monuments", starting from Goragian, will look and compare how the historical era and the identity of the poet translator reflected in each of them. The identity of Derzhavin in his arrangement "Monument" was fully reflected and recognizable:

Monument I am a wonderful monument to myself wonderful, eternal; Metals are harder, and above the pyramids: Neither the whirlwind of it nor the thunder will not break the fleet, and the flight time will not be crushed. So! - I will not die all; But some of me is big, from a trench who fading, it will be to live in death, and my glory will increase, without fading, the crew of the Slavs of the Univena will be honored. The rumor will pass about me from white waters to black, where the Volga, Don, Neva, pours the Urals with Rifey; Everything will remember that in the peoples of unfortunate, as from obscurity I know it became that the first I kept in a funny Russian syllable about the virtues of Felitsa to scream, in hearty simplicity talk about God and the truth to the kings with a smile. About muse! Burnt by merit fair, and the squeezes of you, the most desira; Easily hand, leisurely, the man of the burnt of the immortality of a venture.

Of course, "from obscurity I have become known" is he himself, Gavril Romanovich Derzhavin. Began his way with a missing soldier, long and difficult to knock out in " large people"And all the successes in the life path are obliged only to themselves. And the" funny Russian syllable ", and the message of Felice-Catherine, and the bold equating in the" heart simplicity "of a person to God, and barcia for the sake of truth with the Empress itself - all this poet says about For yourself personally. Perhaps, none of the former Russian poems dares so frankly and just put themselves in the center of the narration on such a traditionally high topic! And the point here is not only that Derzhavin never suffered from excessively modesty. The poet was firmly confident, what exactly is due to their special life pathHe raised Russian poetry to a new height. And yet: the case in his unique artistic manner. So he was able and sought to write: tangible, saturating the works by the facts of his biography, the flesh of today.

Even geography in his verses is dense and saturated. Northern I. Southern Sea, Volga, Don, Neva, Rifey (Ural) Mountains. Placed in the context of a whole country with its "unfortunate nations", the image of the poet is immeasurably enlarged. The poet is equal to this "unpleasibility", this sweep and scale. Thus, household details of the poet biography are woven into the high pathos of the work, without reducing this pathos, but making reliable.

Derzhavin does not very much adhere to the exact match of the Horace text. In his "monument" he introduces national and personal signs and details. But the most interesting, although, of course, the controversial, in this poetic reorientation was that Derzhavin modified the ideological idea of \u200b\u200bthe ancient Roman poem. Horace in poetic greatness was primarily on the perfection of a verse, Derzhavin - on his truthfulness. At one time noted by N.G. Chernyshevsky. In the article "Essays of the Gogolian period of Russian literature" he comments: "Horace says: I consider myself worthy of glory for writing poems well; Derzhavin replaces this to others: I consider myself worthy of glory for what the truth and peoples spoke, and the kings ".

Read also other topics of chapter VI.

History of creation. The poem of Derzhavin, written in 1795, refers to the mature period of the poet's creativity (from the second "half of the 1790s to the beginning of the 1800s). It was the time to summarize the life and creativity, when the poet persistently seeks to comprehend the path passed to them. ., To determine your place in the history of society and literature. The poems created by him at that time become peculiar poetic manifestos. To them, in addition to the "monument" include the poems "My Istukan" (1794), "Swan" (1804), "Recognition" ( 1807), "Eugene. Zvanskaya life" (1807).

It is significant that it is time to summarize the poetic life of the Derzhadina to be marked by the free translation of OD Roman poet Horace "To Mellengene" ("Exegi Monumentum.,"). Before him, another Russian poet - Lomonosov had already appealed to this work, making the first translation of the poem into Russian. Lomonosov's translation was quite accurate, reflecting the main ideas and images of the original. In the future history of Russian literature, the poem Horace was most often not translated into Russian, but served as the basis for creating their own poems, the "monument". It was such a free translation-arrangement for the first time that Derzhavin was made, which Lomonosov continued brilliantly.

Genre features. According to its formal signs, the poem of Derzhavin, as well as Lomonosov, is one. But this is a special genre variety of ODD, which takes their origins from the poem Horace and gets the name "Monument".

Kwigt Flacc Horace - the greatest poet Ancient times, whose name passed through the century and became known in many countries. He was born in 65 and died in 8 BC. During these years Ancient Rome worried the most important fracture in his historical development - The fall of the republic and the establishment of the empire. Many poems g. Orazia glorify public figures and express the pride of the poet for the achievements that the Roman Empire made the largest and most developed state in all respects ancient Mira that era. Such poems were created by him in the genre of ODD and amounted to as many three books that became well-known readers. Reflecting on the poetic glory that came to him "and about the future fate of his creativity, many of the works that included in his meeting of OD devotes the theme of poetry and poetic immortality. Not all ORG Oration reached us, but the most famous among them became the ode" to Mellengena. "In ancient Greek mythology, Melpomen is one of the nine muses, patroness tragedy. This soda entered the last three books of the compilation of one at number 30 and turned out to be thus finalizing not only the third book of OD, but also the entire collection, since it was a kind of poetic The result of the creativity of the poet.

In the future, this ODA has become widely known not only in the ancient Roman literature, but received distribution in many European countries, where it has been translated into national languages. So the tradition of the genre of the poetic "monument" began to take shape. Russian literature did not go around. After all, it is difficult to imagine a poet who would not dream about poetic immortality, did not try to evaluate his creativity and determine that it was the most important, most significant contribution to the development of the literature of culture and his own people, and the peoples of the world.

The first translation of ODY Horace into Russian, made by Lomonosov, quite accurately conveys its content and features of the style. Of course, Derzhavin knew him and, creating his poem, relied on the experience of the Great Predecessor. But the Derzhavinsky "Monument" is an original work, in which the writer puts forward its own evaluation criteria for poetic creativity.

Basic topics and ideas. The main theme of the poem is the glorification of true poetry and approval of the high appointment of the poet. "It is a genuine anthem of poetry. The main theme of the poem is given already in the first stanza: creativity becomes a kind of monument to its creator, and this" wonderful "monument turns out to be stronger and more than any" man-made monuments "- such is the power of poetic art. It should be noted that this thought It is a continuation of the Horatian image. Compatible these lines (the text of oration is given in Translation S. Shervinsky):

Created a monument I, bronze cast, stronger,
The royal pyramids have risen above.
Neither a snatching rain nor aquilon
Do not destroy it, will not crush and row
Endless years - running time.

(Horace. "To Mellengene")

I am a monument to myself wonderful, eternal,
Metals harder it and above the pyramids;
Neither the whirlwind of it nor the thunder will break the fleet
And the flight time it will not be crushed.

(Derzhavin. "Monument")

Both author noted that the poetic monument is unusually durable ("bronze casting stronger" and "Metals is harder"), and the forces of poetry are even more powerful than the laws of nature ("Neither the rone rain nor Akvilon will not destroy it", Aquilon - in the ancient Romans so It was called a strong northern or northeast wind, as well as a deity, personifying this wind; "Neither the whirlwind of it. Not a thunder will break the fleet"). This "monument" is higher than the pyramids - the traditional image of the power of the creative force. But more importantly - it turns out to be impartial time.

This topic of the immortality of the poet receives its development in the following stanza, and again the Dervinsky image is similar to Goragian: "No, not all I die, best part I will escape the funeral "(Horace); "So! "I won't die all, but some of me is big, from Tlen who fueling, will live in death ..." (Derzhavin).

But further arises a significant difference. Horace emphasizes that the key to his poetic immortality in the power and non-omnibilities of Rome. Derzhavin, the strength of his glory sees in due respect to his Fatherland, the workshops beat the community of the root in the words "Glory" and "Slavs": "And the glory will increase, without fading, the creed of the Slavs, the genus of the Univena will be honored." Interestingly, in this regard, it is also noted that writing about itself, the poet and the court Ekaterininskaya Russia, Derzhavin gerically transfers the Horatian image of the spread of poetic glory ("I will be called everywhere - where the frantic Avfid will rotate", Avfid - River in the southern Italy, Where Horace was born) to Russian realities:

The rumor will take me from white waters to black,
Where is the Volga, Don, Neva, the Ural pours from the rife ...

Horace puts himself in merit that he was a reformer of the national system of renovation: for the first time began to use, in the Latin poetry to achieve an ancient Greek ("first I joined the song of the Eolia to Italy's poems", Ealia - Greece). For Derzhavin, it turns out to be more important: he not only notes its innovation, especially in the field of poetic language and genres, but also puts the problem of the relationship between the poet and power:

That the first I kept in a funny Russian syllable
About the virtues of Felitsa to heal,
In the heart ease of talking about God
And the truth of the kings with a smile to speak.

Derzhavin sees their merits in what the Russian syllable "funny" did, that is, simple, cheerful, sharp. The poet "daring ... to heal" not about the exploits, not about the greatness - about the virtues of the empress, that is, talking about her, as about simple person "Therefore, the word" daring ".

The last stanza of the poem, like in G Oracea,. - Traditional appeal to the Museum:

About muse! fade by merit fair

And squeezes who you, those president; Easy-e-hand of a leisurely man of your zero of the immortality of a venture.

These lines indicate that Derzhavin does not hope for the unanimous approval of contemporaries, but retains the types of dignity and greatness on the threshold of immortality,

In general, it can be concluded that we have a completely original interpretation, based on the Lomonosovskaya ODU in half a century before it, but also developing a pan-European cultural tradition at the same time. It is interesting to note the fact that, although the version of the Derzhavin did not claim for the consistency of the translation, but, on the contrary, it was put on its autobiographical installation, in a semantic direction he closer to the Gracian source. In comparison with Lomonosovsky, the poem of the Derzhavin amazes the originality of poetic images that are repelled from the original source - OD Horace. This is rather a free crossing, in which certain reminiscence is given, general poetic motifs and images are used, but with filling them with specific realities of their own life.

Artistic peculiarity. The poem of the Derzhanin, created in the genre of OD, or rather a particular type of its type, corresponds to this high style genre, it is written by a jamb with pyrrhee, which gives his sound a special solemnity. The intonation and vocabulary here are very solemn, the rhythm is slow, majestic. It helps to create numerous rows homogeneous members, syntactic parallelism, as well as the presence of rhetorical exclamations and appeals. The selection of lexical agents contributes to the creation of high-style, the author widely uses sublime epithets (wonderful, eternal, fleeting, in the peoples of uncomfortable, fade by merit fair). There are many satelms and archaisms in the poem, which also emphasizes his solemnity (erected, Tlen, Docked, the Slavs Rod, will descend the man and others).

The value of the work. The poem of Derzhavin continued the tradition of understanding the poet of his creativity and summing up the results laid down by Lomonosov. At the same time, Derzhavin approved the genre canon poem- \u200b\u200b"Monument". He then received a brilliant development in the work of Pushkin, also turned to the Goragian primary source, but with a support for the Derzhansky poem. After Pushkin the poem in the "Monument" genre continued to the writer leading Russian poets, such as such a magnificent and original lyrics, like A.A. Fet. This tradition and subsequent epochs disappeared. At the same time, each of the authors in its own way determines the role of the poet and the appointment of poetry, relying not only on the literary tradition, but also on their creative discoveries. And whenever a poet, including our contemporary, comprehends his contribution to poetry and its relationship with society, he again and again appeals to this remarkable tradition, leading a live dialogue with his great predecessors.

Analysis of the poem

"Monument" Derzhavina G.R.

History of creation. The poem of Derzhavin, written in 1795, refers to the mature period of the poet's creativity (from the second "half of the 1790s to the beginning of the 1800s). It was the time to summarize the life and creativity, when the poet persistently seeks to comprehend the path passed to them. ., To determine your place in the history of society and literature. The poems created by him at that time become peculiar poetic manifestos. To them, in addition to the "monument" include the poems "My Istukan" (1794), "Swan" (1804), "Recognition" ( 1807), "Eugene. Zvanskaya life" (1807).

It is significant that it is time to summarize the poetic life of the Derzhadina to be marked by the free translation of OD Roman poet Horace "To Mellengene" ("Exegi Monumentum.,"). Before him, another Russian poet - Lomonosov had already appealed to this work, making the first translation of the poem into Russian. Lomonosov's translation was quite accurate, reflecting the main ideas and images of the original. In the future history of Russian literature, the poem Horace was most often not translated into Russian, but served as the basis for creating their own poems, the "monument". It was such a free translation-arrangement for the first time that Derzhavin was made, which Lomonosov continued brilliantly.

Genre features. According to its formal signs, the poem of Derzhavin, as well as Lomonosov, is one. But this is a special genre variety of ODD, which takes their origins from the poem Horace and gets the name "Monument".

Kwigt Flacc Horace - The greatest poet of antiquity, whose name passed through the century and became known in many countries. He was born in 65 and died in 8 BC. During these years, the ancient Rome experienced the most important fracture in its historical development - the fall in the republic and the establishment of the empire. Many poems g oration glorify state leaders and express the pride of the poet for the achievements that the Roman Empire has made the largest and most developed state of the ancient world of that era in all respects. Such poems were created by him in the genre of ODD and amounted to as many three books that became well-known readers. Reflecting on the poetic glory that came to him "and about the future fate of his creativity, many of the works that included in his meeting of OD devotes the theme of poetry and poetic immortality. Not all ORG Oration reached us, but the most famous among them became the ode" to Mellengena. "In ancient Greek mythology, Melpomen is one of the nine muses, patroness tragedy. This soda entered the last three books of the compilation of one at number 30 and turned out to be thus finalizing not only the third book of OD, but also the entire collection, since it was a kind of poetic The result of the creativity of the poet.

In the future, this ODA has become widely known not only in the ancient Roman literature, but received distribution in many European countries, where it has been translated into national languages. So the tradition of the genre of the poetic "monument" began to take shape. Russian literature did not go around. After all, it is difficult to imagine a poet who would not dream about poetic immortality, did not try to evaluate his creativity and determine that it was the most important, most significant contribution to the development of the literature of culture and his own people, and the peoples of the world.

The first translation of ODY Horace into Russian, made by Lomonosov, quite accurately conveys its content and features of the style. Of course, Derzhavin knew him and, creating his poem, relied on the experience of the Great Predecessor. But the Derzhavinsky "Monument" is an original work, in which the writer puts forward its own evaluation criteria for poetic creativity.

Basic topics and ideas. The main theme of the poem is the glorification of true poetry and approval of the high appointment of the poet. "It is a genuine anthem of poetry. The main theme of the poem is given already in the first stanza: creativity becomes a kind of monument to its creator, and this" wonderful "monument turns out to be stronger and more than any" man-made monuments "- such is the power of poetic art. It should be noted that this thought It is a continuation of the Horatian image. Compatible these lines (the text of oration is given in Translation S. Shervinsky):

Created a monument I, bronze cast, stronger,
The royal pyramids have risen above.
Neither a snatching rain nor aquilon
Do not destroy it, will not crush and row
Endless years - running time.

(Horace. "To Mellengene")

I am a monument to myself wonderful, eternal,
Metals harder it and above the pyramids;
Neither the whirlwind of it nor the thunder will break the fleet
And the flight time it will not be crushed.

(Derzhavin. "Monument")

Both author noted that the poetic monument is unusually durable ("bronze casting stronger" and "Metals is harder"), and the forces of poetry are even more powerful than the laws of nature ("Neither the rone rain nor Akvilon will not destroy it", Aquilon - in the ancient Romans so It was called a strong northern or northeast wind, as well as a deity, personifying this wind; "Neither the whirlwind of it. Not a thunder will break the fleet"). This "monument" is higher than the pyramids - the traditional image of the power of the creative force. But more importantly - it turns out to be impartial time.

This theme of the immortality of the poet receives its development in the following stubborn, and again the Dervinsky image is similar to Goragian: "No, not all I die, the best part will avoid funeral" (Horace); "So! "I won't die all, but some of me is big, from Tlen who fueling, will live in death ..." (Derzhavin).

But further arises a significant difference. Horace emphasizes that the key to his poetic immortality in the power and non-omnibilities of Rome. Derzhavin, the strength of his glory sees in due respect to his Fatherland, the workshops beat the community of the root in the words "Glory" and "Slavs": "And the glory will increase, without fading, the creed of the Slavs, the genus of the Univena will be honored." Interestingly, in this regard, it is also noted that writing about itself, the poet and the court Ekaterininskaya Russia, Derzhavin gerically transfers the Horatian image of the spread of poetic glory ("I will be called everywhere - where the frantic Avfid will rotate", Avfid - River in the southern Italy, Where Horace was born) to Russian realities:

The rumor will take me from white waters to black,
Where is the Volga, Don, Neva, the Ural pours from the rife ...

Horace puts himself in merit that he was a reformer of the national system of renovation: for the first time began to use, in the Latin poetry to achieve an ancient Greek ("first I joined the song of the Eolia to Italy's poems", Ealia - Greece). For Derzhavin, it turns out to be more important: he not only notes its innovation, especially in the field of poetic language and genres, but also puts the problem of the relationship between the poet and power:

That the first I kept in a funny Russian syllable
About the virtues of Felitsa to heal,
In the heart ease of talking about God
And the truth of the kings with a smile to speak.

Derzhavin sees their merits in what the Russian syllable "funny" did, that is, simple, cheerful, sharp. The poet "dare ... Head" not about the exploits, not about the greatness - about the virtues of the Empress, that is, talking about her, as a simple person - therefore, the word "daring".

The last stanza of the poem, like in G Oracea,. - Traditional appeal to the Museum:

About muse! fade by merit fair

And squeezes who you, those president; Easy-e-hand of a leisurely man of your zero of the immortality of a venture.

These lines indicate that Derzhavin does not hope for the unanimous approval of contemporaries, but retains the types of dignity and greatness on the threshold of immortality,

In general, it can be concluded that we have a completely original interpretation, based on the Lomonosovskaya ODU in half a century before it, but also developing a pan-European cultural tradition at the same time. It is interesting to note the fact that, although the version of the Derzhavin did not claim for the consistency of the translation, but, on the contrary, it was put on its autobiographical installation, in a semantic direction he closer to the Gracian source. In comparison with Lomonosovsky, the poem of the Derzhavin amazes the originality of poetic images that are repelled from the original source - OD Horace. This is rather a free crossing, in which certain reminiscence is given, general poetic motifs and images are used, but with filling them with specific realities of their own life.

Artistic peculiarity. The poem of the Derzhanin, created in the genre of OD, or rather a particular type of its type, corresponds to this high style genre, it is written by a jamb with pyrrhee, which gives his sound a special solemnity. The intonation and vocabulary here are very solemn, the rhythm is slow, majestic. It helps to create numerous rows of homogeneous members, syntax parallelism, as well as the presence of rhetorical exclamations and appeals. The selection of lexical agents contributes to the creation of high-style, the author widely uses sublime epithets (wonderful, eternal, fleeting, in the peoples of uncomfortable, fade by merit fair). There are many satelms and archaisms in the poem, which also emphasizes his solemnity (erected, Tlen, Docked, the Slavs Rod, will descend the man and others).

The value of the work. The poem of Derzhavin continued the tradition of understanding the poet of his creativity and summing up the results laid down by Lomonosov. At the same time, Derzhavin approved the genre canon poem- \u200b\u200b"Monument". He then received a brilliant development in the work of Pushkin, also turned to the Goragian primary source, but with a support for the Derzhansky poem. After Pushkin the poem in the "Monument" genre continued to the writer leading Russian poets, such as such a magnificent and original lyrics, like A.A. Fet. This tradition and subsequent epochs disappeared. At the same time, each of the authors in its own way determines the role of the poet and the appointment of poetry, relying not only on the literary tradition, but also on their creative discoveries. And whenever a poet, including our contemporary, comprehends his contribution to poetry and its relationship with society, he again and again appeals to this remarkable tradition, leading a live dialogue with his great predecessors.

G. R. Derzhavin. Pooh "Monument"

History of creation

Derzhavina has long been loved to compare with the ancient Roman poet Hoodie. Derzhavin knew Horace for German translations in the seventies. Among the poems of Derzhavin, you can count at least fifteen translating and translations from Horace. The two significant works of Dervin are connected with Hoody, in which he expressed self-esteem, confidence in his poetic calling and the hope-based hope for immortality: "Swan" and "Monument". The poem "Swan" Derzhavin concluded the second volume of the collection of his writings of 1808, just like the end of XX Horace ended the second book of his OD. At the end of the first volume, Derzhavin put the poem "Monument" (1796). His original at Horace also ended the third book of OD.

The first translation into Russian of this wonderful ODA, called Hoodie "to Mellengery," was made Lomonosov.

Features style

"Funny Russian Slog" is a new stylistic manner introduced by Derzhavin in Russian literature. Two central works of such works are "Felitsa" and "God", in which poetic sincerity is emphasized, the lack of posture and affecting - "heart simplicity", as well as civil courage and beloved. Derzhavin did not forget to add that he spoke the truth "with a smile", that is, softening the sharpness of moraling the jokes of tone, but not at the expense, as we know, the depth of objections and disagreement.

This "smile" should not be mixed with the requirement of "smiling satire", which wrote the magazine "Everyone" in 1769. Derzhanin well distinguished weakness from the vices, and his satire always wore a social character. Derzhavin appreciated the service in his poetry for the general. Horace says: "I consider myself worthy of glory for writing poems well"; Derzhavin notices this in the other way: "I consider myself worthy of glory for told the truth and the people and the kings."

Thus, pushing away from the thought of Huratia, sometimes retelling it in verses, Derzhavin was then taken to write about his, sore, about what he worried him in this time. Therefore, in the 1770-1790s, there are separate images, comparisons, the topics of Hurata, but there are no translations of it, nor translaimations in the adopted meaning of this word. Derzhanin is only "charged" by Horati in order to greater power, supported by the authority of the classic poet, collapsed for flaws modern society and individual representatives.

In the formation of literary and aesthetic views of Derzhavin, a certain, and more considerable, the role of Horace "Message to Pisons", or "Science of Poetry" played the role.

Horace advised persistently to work on the expressiveness of the language. Lessons "Messages to the Pisons" were useful to Derzhavin, who managed to find his syllable and install it "so that every mild at first he could seem, / but so that the imitator was swept over him ..." This soon understood numerous imitators of Derzhanin.

Topics, motifs

The basis of art, the content of his Derzhavin considers the truth, in explanation of which consists of the purpose of poets and artists. The poet for Derzhavin is a special, significant creature. Faith by virtue of the word, in its omnipotence was common among the enlighteners of the XVIII century. The writer, talking to the truth, - a courageous citizen and the faithful son of the Fatherland, he will not die in the memory of people, while the thrones can fall and destroy the kingdoms: "Heroes and singers will not forget; / In the grave I will, but I will speak. "

The "monument" of Derzhavin breathes the confidence of the poet in his immortality, because an immortally human word. This thought passes through a number of poems of Derzhavin, the new "monument" it is the main theme And expressed especially clearly. It is important to notice that Derzhavin considers himself a national poet: "And the glory will increase by my, bad, / Credit Slavs, the genus of the Universe will be honored ..."

In the poem, Derzhavin speaks of popular memory: "He will remember that in the peoples of the uncomfortable ..." He saw the memory of the people, from the generation to the generation of the transmitting story about great people, folded by poets whose word is immortally.

Derzhavin lists their merit and accurately: "That the first I kept in a funny Russian syllable / about the virtues of Felitsa to scream, / in heart simplicity to talk about God / and the truth of kings with a smile."

Reduced to abandon the pompous solemnity of commendable ODA, to the poems, a stalking satire in coarse spaticral expressions amounted to the individual Manner of Derzhavin, thanks to which he opened a new page in the history of Russian literature.

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