Egyptian pyramids. Who built the pyramids? Mysteries of ancient civilizations

reservoirs 11.10.2019

Unsolved mysteries on our planet every year becomes less and less. Continuous improvement of technology, cooperation of scientists various areas Science reveals to us the secrets and mysteries of history. But the secrets of the pyramids still defy understanding - all discoveries give scientists only tentative answers to many questions. Who built the Egyptian pyramids, what was the construction technology, whether there is a curse of the pharaohs - these and many other questions still remain without an exact answer.

Description of the Egyptian pyramids

Archaeologists talk about 118 pyramids in Egypt, partially or completely preserved to our time. Their age is from 4 to 10 thousand years. One of them - Cheops - is the only surviving "miracle" from the "Seven Wonders of the World". The complex called "The Great Pyramids of Giza", which includes and, was also considered as a participant in the New Seven Wonders of the World competition, but it was withdrawn from participation, since these majestic structures are actually the "wonder of the world" in the ancient list.

These pyramids have become the most visited sightseeing objects in Egypt. They are perfectly preserved, which cannot be said about many other structures - time did not spare them. Yes, and local residents contributed to the destruction of the majestic necropolises, removing the lining and breaking out stones from the walls to build their houses.

The Egyptian pyramids were built by pharaohs ruling from the 27th century BC. e. and later. They were intended for the repose of the rulers. The huge scale of the tombs (some up to almost 150 m high) should have testified to the greatness of the buried pharaohs, things that the ruler loved during his lifetime and which would be useful to him in the afterlife were also placed here.

Stone blocks were used for the construction various sizes, which were hollowed out of the rocks, and later brick began to serve as the material for the walls. Stone blocks were turned and adjusted so that a knife blade could not slip between them. Blocks were stacked on top of each other with an offset of several centimeters, which formed a stepped surface of the structure. Almost all Egyptian pyramids have a square base, the sides of which are oriented strictly to the cardinal points.

Since the pyramids performed the same function, that is, they served as the burial place of the pharaohs, their structure and decoration are similar inside. The main component is the burial hall, where the ruler's sarcophagus was installed. The entrance was arranged not at ground level, but several meters higher, and was masked by facing slabs. Stairs and corridors led from the entrance to the inner hall, which sometimes narrowed so much that they could only be walked on squatting or crawling.

In most necropolises, burial chambers (chambers) are below ground level. Ventilation was carried out through narrow shaft-channels, which penetrated the walls. Rock paintings and ancient religious texts are found on the walls of many pyramids - in fact, scientists draw some of the information about the construction and owners of the burials from them.

The main mysteries of the pyramids

The list of unsolved mysteries begins with the shape of necropolises. Why was the shape of the pyramid chosen, which is translated from Greek as “polyhedron”? Why were the edges located clearly on the cardinal points? How did the huge stone blocks move from the place of development and how were they raised to a great height? Were the buildings erected by aliens or people who own a magic crystal?

Scientists even argue over the question of who built such tall monumental structures that stood for millennia. Some believe they were built by slaves who died in the hundreds of thousands building each. However, new discoveries of archaeologists and anthropologists convince us that the builders were free people who received good food and medical care. They made such conclusions based on the composition of the bones, the structure of the skeletons and the healed injuries of the buried builders.

All cases of death and death of people involved in the study of the Egyptian pyramids were attributed to mystical coincidences, which provoked rumors and talk about the curse of the pharaohs. There is no scientific evidence for this. Perhaps the rumors were spread to scare off thieves and marauders who want to find valuables and jewelry in the graves.

To the mysterious interesting facts can be attributed to the short time frame for the construction of the Egyptian pyramids. According to calculations, large necropolises with that level of technology should have been erected in at least a century. How, for example, was the pyramid of Cheops built in just 20 years?

Great Pyramids

This is the name of the burial complex near the city of Giza, consisting of three large pyramids, a huge statue of the Sphinx and small satellite pyramids, probably intended for the wives of the rulers.

The initial height of the pyramid of Cheops was 146 m, the length of the side was 230 m. It was built in 20 years in the 26th century BC. e. The largest of Egyptian landmarks has not one, but three funerary halls. One of them is below ground level, and two are above the base line. Intertwining corridors lead to the burial chambers. On them you can go to the chamber of the pharaoh (king), to the chamber of the queen and to the lower hall. The chamber of the pharaoh is a chamber made of pink granite, has dimensions of 10x5 m. A granite sarcophagus without a lid is installed in it. Not a single report of scientists contained information about the mummies found, so it is not known whether Cheops was buried here. By the way, the mummy of Cheops was not found in other tombs either.

It still remains a mystery whether the Cheops pyramid was used for its intended purpose, and if so, then apparently it was plundered by looters in the past centuries. The name of the ruler, by whose order and project this tomb was built, was learned from the drawings and hieroglyphs above the burial chamber. All other Egyptian pyramids, with the exception of Djoser, have a simpler engineering device.

Two other necropolises in Giza, built for the heirs of Cheops, are somewhat more modest in size:

Tourists travel to Giza from all over Egypt, because this city is actually a suburb of Cairo, and all transport interchanges lead to it. Travelers from Russia usually go to Giza as part of excursion groups from Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada. The trip is long, 6-8 hours one way, so the tour is usually designed for 2 days.

The Great Buildings are only accessible to the public work time, usually up to 17 hours, in the month of Ramadan - up to 15 hours. It is not recommended to go inside for asthmatics, as well as people suffering from claustrophobia, nervous and cardiovascular diseases. You must take with you on the tour drinking water and headwear. The tour fee consists of several parts:

  1. Entrance to the complex.
  2. Entrance inside the pyramid of Cheops or Khafre.
  3. Entrance to the Museum of the Solar boat, on which the body of the pharaoh was transported across the Nile.

Against the backdrop of the Egyptian pyramids, many people like to take photos while sitting on camels. You can bargain with camel owners.

Pyramid of Djoser

The first pyramid in the world is located in Saqqara, not far from Memphis, the former capital of ancient Egypt. Today, the pyramid of Djoser is not as attractive to tourists as the Cheops necropolis, but at one time it was the largest in the country and the most complex in terms of engineering.

The burial complex included chapels, courtyards, and storage facilities. The six-step pyramid itself does not have a square base, but a rectangular one, with sides of 125x110 m. The height of the structure itself is 60 m, inside it there are 12 burial chambers, where Djoser himself and members of his family were supposedly buried. The mummy of the pharaoh was not found during the excavations. The entire territory of the complex of 15 hectares was surrounded stone wall 10 m high. At present, part of the wall and other buildings have been restored, and the pyramid, whose age is approaching 4700 years, has been preserved quite well.

There are approximately 35 pyramid complexes in Egypt today. Most of these are small structures that were the tombs of the pharaohs. On the Giza plateau, three of the greatest pyramids stand apart, which amaze with mutual mathematical harmony. It manifests itself in the volumes and height of the pyramids, as well as in the size interior spaces and aisle lengths.

From generation to generation, people are lost in conjectures: who built the pyramids in Egypt, and what information was transmitted through them from great ancestors.

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Official Egyptology version

According to the records of the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, the legend tells of the order of Pharaoh Cheops to build the greatest pyramid. For ten years, roads were laid along which huge stone blocks cut out of rock were to be moved. The next twenty years were spent on construction.

Three months later, one hundred thousand workers changed. They were engaged in the construction of a pyramid 147 m high. For this, special devices were used - the predecessors of cranes. In accordance with another theory, the ancient Egyptians used to lift and install blocks:

  • bulk ramp,
  • rolling logs,
  • the draft power of oxen.

unsolvable questions

None of the available theories provides an exhaustive answer to the questions:

  1. The ancient Egyptians only had access to stone and copper chisels. How did they manage to process granite slabs with their help without leaving gaps between the blocks?
  2. How did they manage to go down almost 100 m into the rocky base of the pyramid?
  3. It is amazing that in just 20 years, 2.5 million "bricks" weighing 2-3 tons were laid along magnetic earth lines, in perfect order. It turns out that 346 blocks were “thrown” upstairs every day and around the clock. One "brick" in five minutes ...

And still, who built the pyramids in egypt?

Herodotus received information from the priests almost 1000 years after the decline of the civilization of Egypt. Perhaps they themselves did not know everything. Or something is hidden. Herodotus was not among the initiates.

Civilized Egypt in the ancient world

So, in those days, when almost the whole world was still living in savagery, the Egyptians built a state, judicial and tax system. They erected complex architectural structures. They knew how to write and count.

The task of the caste of chosen priests was not only to help the pharaoh lead the people. More importantly, they kept in touch with higher powers. In order to become a priest, the applicant was subjected to many tests for moral and mental strength. The Greek philosopher Plato underwent the rite of passage for 9 years. The great scientist Pythagoras lived in Egypt for 22 years. The initiates took a strict vow of silence. Its violation was punishable by death.

Esoteric version

This is a controversial and rather mystical theory. She explains that the giant pyramids were erected by the Atlanteans. Where did they come from? The civilization of Atlantis was founded by high priests who escaped during the Flood.

Esotericists believe that the Atlanteans "suspended" an formation over their part of the mainland in the form of an artificial satellite, shaped like a pyramid. With its help, they did unusual actions for us:

  • transformed cosmic energy,
  • controlled the weather
  • flew,
  • changed the gravitational field, etc.

Esotericists do not doubt who built the pyramids in Egypt - the photo shows their version.

What happened next? People, due to their greed, began to take more energy. And the Earth could not cope with the reception and processing of such an amount of matter. As a result, the continental layers shifted, and Atlantis disappeared under water. Since then, only the elite were initiated into secret knowledge.

The papyri say that the three great pyramids were built by nine perfect gods in "primordial times" (long before the appearance of the state of Egypt). And many centuries later, the pharaohs produced them " redecorating”, restoring, reconstructing and completing something. For example, attentive researchers found that the lowest, ancient foundation very carefully crafted, almost polished. On these blocks were placed other blocks of the lower part of the pyramid already with rough processing.

Ideas by Conan Doyle

Famous English writer, who created Sherlock Holmes, also did not rule out interference in the construction of the pyramids ancient civilization with a higher technological level. In his 1929 novel The Maracot Abyss, the characters find themselves at the bottom Atlantic Ocean. There they discover an ancient island that has sunk to the bottom. Examining the underwater architecture, the heroes notice an almost exact resemblance to the remains of the Temple of Karnak in Egyptian Luxor. Even the half-erased inscriptions and decorations strongly resembled those on Egyptian structures.

Before writing the novel, the writer traveled to Egypt. He put forward the version that the local structures were built in ancient times by the Atlanteans.

Theories about highly developed civilization

The geographical hypothesis suggests that the territory of ancient Egypt was inhabited by representatives of a more highly developed civilization that came from other regions of the Earth. Having built pyramids and other unusual structures, they disappeared.

According to another hypothesis, a highly developed civilization originated and then perished directly on the territory of Egypt. Only much later did the people who are considered to be the ancient Egyptians appear.

There were no UFOs. Fans of aliens from other planets claim that it was they who built many mysterious structures on Earth, including the pyramids.

Until now, there is no confident point of view on the question of the authorship of the pyramids. It is for this reason that various theories arise, up to the most exotic ones. Representatives of the esoteric versions add confidence to the many questions regarding the construction of the pyramids, to which scientists have not given an intelligible answer.

Pyramids, structures scattered all over the planet - their purpose is one of the great secrets of the planet Earth, because even now scientists cannot reliably explain the purpose of the pyramids.

What is interesting about the pyramids? - many researchers who visited the pyramids that were inside these structures of ancient people, long time, note a curious fact - the mind seems to embrace unity with some other mind. As if there is a connection to some foreign network, not earthly.

According to researchers, the accepted opinion that the pyramids were tombs for ruling dynasties false. Why build such megalithic structures for burial. As experts note, only a highly developed culture could do this, the legacy from which we can see in the form of pyramids.

And one more curious fact in the history of the pyramids - they appear on our planet in different places almost simultaneously. It is as if the builders-engineers receive the plans for the construction of the pyramids at the same time. But how can this be? - after all, at the time of the construction of the pyramids, and this is more than a dozen millennia ago, there was no global network. Communication between the continents was at a very, very weak level. How could the ancients independently build a single structure without intercontinental contacts.

Many believe in the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence - maybe in the case of the appearance of the pyramids, there is also the influence of extraterrestrial intelligence? Yes, say the researchers! As they believe, to build almost identical structures on five continents - 155 in Egypt, 300 in Bolivia, and in Central America even 10 thousand pyramids - according to the theory of paleocontact specialists, the ancient inhabitants of the Earth could not do this. They were clearly assisted by experts from extraterrestrial intelligence.

During the construction of the pyramids, the engineers had the same knowledge in the field of mathematics, astronomy, and were also well aware of the geophysical properties of the earth. Despite the fact that the pyramids still have some design differences, - nevertheless, they have one very important fact - all the pyramids (from the first ones) are located in the so-called places of “exit of power”.

On the Giza Plateau, in Egypt, is the Pyramid of Khufu, the most studied and explored pyramid on the planet. But what can scientists say about her? – strangely enough, but very little. Only that for about 4,500 years the pyramid was the most tall building. And why it was erected, what is the purpose of such a huge structure - remains a mystery in our time.

Explorer Christopher Dunn is a structure 145 meters high, consisting of 2,500,000 blocks, the heaviest of which weighs 70 tons. Thousands of tons of granite were delivered from a quarry located 800 kilometers from the construction site. An amazing structure, it is impossible to imagine how people could do such a job. What kind of technology was used for this. This is a huge scale of work.

According to most archaeologists, the pyramid of Khufu was erected around 2500 BC, as the tomb of Pharaoh Khufu. That's what the legends say about it. However, the body of the pharaoh was not found in the pyramid in the burial chamber. There were no human remains at all.

Since the beginning of the last century, archaeologists have carried out a thorough study of the Egyptian pyramids. As a result of research, by 1960, archaeologists note a curious fact. The sealed, untouched pyramids are empty, they do not contain the remains of the buried - they are empty. But how can this be? - why are the burial chambers empty if they were intended for burial. And the assumption that the plundered tombs are to blame for everything turns out to be untenable - the pyramids studied by scientists were untouched.

As the researchers suggest, our ancestors built pyramids for other purposes, and built pyramids according to drawings received from extraterrestrial intelligence. According to fans of the theory of paleocontact, our ancestors, building miracles of engineering, received inspiration from an extraterrestrial source.

This is what ancient legends say - which also came from the ancient Mayans, from the Egyptians - the gods descended from heaven and ordered them to build pyramids. The Egyptian god Thoth, or as he is called the "Creator of the Universe", - as local legends say, it was he who gave the "project" to create a complex of pyramids in Giza.

Pharaoh Amenhotep, under whose government the first pyramids were erected, also said that he received necessary information from the gods. As ancient legends say, a certain source of information from unknown spheres was revealed to the pharaoh. After that, the construction of the great pyramids began.

Now many researchers say that the ancient civilizations that existed on Earth could not independently come to the construction of structures in the form of pyramids. How could ancient cultures that did not communicate with each other develop common drawings for the erection of pyramids, with almost the same dimensions. In compliance with all engineering requirements. Carefully maintaining the technology of construction - it was so carefully designed and sustained that the pyramids stand for millennia, not succumbing to destruction by time.

According to researchers, supporters of the theory of paleocontact, there is a single pyramid between thousands of pyramids located all over the planet. This can be proven by looking at the pyramids from the air.

At sunrise and sunset, on the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes, an extraordinary mystery was noticed at the Great Pyramid. It turns out that she does not have 4 sides, but eight. And you can only notice it from above, which happened in 1940 when a RAF pilot flew over the complex at this time of year.

1940 - RAF pilot notices an unusual feature of the Great Pyramid, it does not have 4 sides.

This suggests that our ancestors knew not only about these days, and what effect they can have on the sides of the pyramid, but also that the engineers had great knowledge in mathematics. And as experts note, it follows from this that the Great Pyramid from the Giza Plateau stands out from the total mass of such structures. Her true form can only be seen from above, and only on certain days and times.

How could the ancients create such a shape, visible only twice a year on the equinoxes. According to supporters of paleocontact, the pyramid was built in the center of the earth's dry land. And almost perfectly located on the cardinal points. And the mines laid out inside the pyramid are directed to the constellations Orion and Sirius.

Scientists believe that the mines carried a functional meaning - the ventilation of the pyramid. But there is another opinion among scientists. They are also called "star mines" - through them it gets to where it came from. And as the locals believed, through them the soul of the ruler would go straight to the constellation of Orion, where it would become a star.

- The Temple of the Moon, the Temple of the Sun, the Temple of Quetzalcoatl, have a common definite plan. On one of the plans of the pyramid complex you can see the structure solar system. And also among these complexes one can see a single feature, not only are the complexes similar to each other - they are also located like stars in the constellation of Orion, the pyramids of Giza also correspond to this.

Looking at the pyramids, you come to the conclusion that they had a common engineer. But who was the engineer? - a man of earthly culture? - or is it a representative of alien cultures. Now researchers are increasingly inclined to believe that the pyramids were erected at the behest of an extraterrestrial culture. They served as space beacons, and were once united in a single network.

The question of how the pyramids were built in Egypt has been haunting the human imagination for over a hundred years. There are many versions, starting with the construction of the pyramids by the disappeared race of Atlanteans and ending with aliens from other worlds. In the future, we will consider these assumptions, and today we will start with the most, in my opinion, banal, but at the same time having every right to exist: the builders of the pyramids were the Egyptians themselves.So let's get acquainted with the facts on which this theory is based.

In the question of the construction of the Pyramids, of course, one cannot do without the testimony of the "father of history" Herodotus, who visited Egypt in 425 BC.

"The method used was to build in steps, or as some call it, rows or terraces. When the foundation was completed, the blocks for next row above the bases were raised from the main level by devices made of short wooden levers; on this first row there was another one that raised the blocks one level higher, so step by step the blocks were raised higher and higher. Each row or level had its own set of mechanisms of the same type that easily moved loads from level to level. The completion of the construction of the pyramid began at the top with the highest level, continued down, and ended with the lowest levels closer to the ground.

Mention by Herodotus wooden machines” - gave impetus to the direction of research. The Italian Egyptologist Osvaldo Falestiedi believes that the remains of one of these machines were found in the 19th century during excavations of the temple of Queen Hatsepshut. The enthusiastic Italian managed to restore ancient device and it worked!

The machine designed by Falestiedi resembles a cradle. Inside wooden frame a stone block tied with ropes is placed, which is swayed with the help of special wedges. With the help of such rocking, the inventor is convinced, the ancient Egyptians raised multi-ton stones. Falestiedi's discovery was tested by Japanese and American engineers and archaeologists. And: independent expertise; confirmed the correctness of the Italian. Now Falestiedi, together with engineers from the Turin Polytechnic Institute, is going to create a working model of a device that can lift stones weighing up to forty tons.

Egyptologist Zahi Hawass claims that reports of big weight stone blocks - nothing more than speculation. The weight of the blocks from which the pyramid was built did not exceed half a ton.

For construction, ancient Egyptian engineers built a harbor 800 meters east of the recently discovered valley temple of Khufu (Cheops). This harbor was used to transport stone from other quarries in the country to the plateau, such as the granite used for Khufu's burial chamber and the fine white limestone with which the pyramid was lined.

The harbor was also used to bring workers from their homes in Memphis and other nearby cities. Food from farms on the banks of the Nile was offered as sacrifices for the temples, and was used to feed the inhabitants of the pyramid cities responsible for maintaining the cult of the deceased king. To the south of the pyramid of Khufu, Mark Lehner discovered a quarry in which stone was mined for its construction. The remains of a ramp made of crushed stone and silt were also found nearby. This ramp went from the quarries to the southeast corner of Khufu's pyramid. Most likely, blocks were raised along it.

One of the most important archaeological discoveries ever made at Giza are the tombs of the pyramid builders. This find proves that those who built the pyramids were Egyptians, not slaves. We know from hieroglyphic inscriptions and graffiti that skilled builders worked on their site. all year round. They built their tombs, complete with statues and grave goods, near the pyramids.

The tombs themselves are built of raw brick, their forms vary from mini-pyramids to stepped pyramids and mastabas. Some of the tombs were built using granite, basalt and diorite, i.e., rather expensive materials that were available only to prosperous generations of builders who used stone left over from the construction of royal tombs and memorial temples.

Analysis of the skeletal remains showed that average age The deceased was between 30 and 35 years old. Many of the remains bear traces of hard, exhausting work. However, the level of medical care that was available to these people is surprising. Dr. Azza Sarri el-Din of the National Research Center found that one of the construction workers had a successful craniotomy, and some of the workers' broken arms were healed with wooden splints and bandages. One master had his leg amputated, after which he lived for another 14 years. Dr. Saleh Badair, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Cairo University, found traces of syphilis on one of the skeletons.

The upper necropolis is famous for its unique tombs built of limestone and raw brick, much more elegant and majestic than the tombs of the lower part of the necropolis. Statues and other monuments from the upper part of the necropolis are more high level artistic performance. The two tombs were provided with a long stone processional road with a libation pool at the end. Perhaps it was an analogue of the valley temple in the royal burial complex. The unique titles found in the tombs of the upper necropolis speak of the occupation of the dead: “head of the construction of tombs”, “supervisor of craftsmen and workers”. The people buried here are the builders who died during the construction of the pyramids.

Mark Lehner, working near the eastern part of one of the builders' tombs, discovered two very interesting monuments: bakeries for baking bread, equipped with molds and ovens, warehouses for sorting salted fish, and forges for working metals.

Perhaps not far from this place was royal palace: next revealed in the remains of a grandiose sewer system, serving approximately three square kilometers of the settlement.

Here in ancient times the camp of the builders of the pyramids was located. It was divided into two villages. In one lived permanent workers who gave their lives in the service of the tsar and were buried in the Upper Cemetery; in the other - those who were engaged in dragging stones and were buried in the lower cemetery. This testifies to social stratification among workers, total number which did not exceed 20,000 people. Far from the 100,000 pyramid builders described by Herodotus, the great Greek historian who visited Egypt in the 5th century BC. BC e. Alas, even the "father of history" did not know the whole truth about the pyramids of Giza

So with builders and machines it is clear, but how did the Ancient Egyptians, who did not know the compass, orient their structures? The answer is obvious - by the stars.

Keith Spence believes that to be more precise, these stars are Mizar and Kochab, in the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. Due to the displacement of the Earth's own axis in space (with a period of 26,000 years), these two stars in different centuries indicate different sides Sveta. By calculating when they pointed to the north, one can very accurately determine the time of the construction of the pyramids.

Moreover, with the help of the "two stars" theory, those errors in the alignment of the pyramids, which the Egyptians nevertheless made, are perfectly explained (in fact, Spence developed her own theory to explain these errors). After all, the pyramids were not built at the same time, the stars managed to shift a little during this time, and the direction “to the north” also shifted somewhat. Today's "northern" star - the Polaris - in those years did not point to the north at all and could not serve as a guide for the Egyptians.

It is not known whether the ancient architects really determined the direction to the north by two stars, but there is no argument against the fact that they could do this. All we know for sure is that the pyramids aligned to the north because the Egyptians believed that a dead pharaoh became a star in the northern sky. Therefore, it is quite logical to assume that when building pyramids for the dead pharaohs, they looked towards their new home.

Using her method, Kate Spence calculated the construction time of the Great Pyramid of Giza (one of the Seven Wonders of the World). She believes that this happened in 2478 BC, plus or minus five years. Thus, according to the "astronomical" theory, the Great Pyramid is 4478 years old - 75 years more than previously thought.

It is assumed that the alignment took place as follows: Over a water ditch a few tens of meters long, from one end to the other, a thin string was pulled, and then its reflection on the water surface was monitored until it coincided with the reflection of the North Star. (The remains of ditches were indeed found near the eastern side of the pyramid of Cheops.)

Water could help the builders with leveling the base horizontally. The method is next. The selected area was first lined with a network of ditches, which were filled with water. Then, according to the lowering of the water level, the stone was chipped between the ditches until the site became level enough to allow construction to begin. Sometimes, however, the base was leveled only along the perimeter, and a rocky elevation was left in the middle, which saved the builders' labor and time.

To date, 35 pyramid complexes have been discovered in Egypt. Most of them are small and are the tombs of the pharaohs. There are 3 great pyramids on the Giza plateau, which still continue to delight the imagination of people. The question remains, who had a hand in these greatest creations?

Official version

According to the records of the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, Pharaoh Cheops ordered the slaves to build the greatest pyramid in the world. The construction was carried out for about 20 years, it took about 10 more years to clear the surrounding area for the delivery of stone blocks. The height of the built pyramid is 147 meters. Slaves lifted blocks of stone with the help of special lifts, which are somewhat reminiscent of existing cranes. Others believe that people used the pulling power of oxen, an artificial ramp and rolling logs.


It is worth noting that the ancient Egyptians had copper and stone tools at their disposal. There was no talk of any iron. How could they process such blocks without leaving gaps between the blocks? Our modern builders have not yet reached such heights, look at how modern houses bricks and blocks. Scientists have found that in 20 years the Egyptians managed to lay out about 2.5 million blocks, the weight of one reached 2.5 tons, clearly along the magnetic earth lines. It turns out that one such block was laid for 5 minutes for 20 years. Is it real? Or are we not being told something? We are not suggesting a version of extraterrestrial assistance, but simply stating obvious facts. Another version, maybe these pyramids were built not in 20 years, but for a longer period?

Esoteric version of the pyramids of Egypt

A truly mystical version shrouded in mystery. According to legend, the giant pyramids were built by the Atlanteans. Esotericists claim that the Atlanteans lived on the deceased mainland of Atlantis and hung an artificial satellite in the sky, which had the shape of a pyramid. Therefore, structures of this kind were needed on earth in order to: control the weather, transform the energy of space, fly, change the gravitational field of the planet. What happened, and why do we know nothing about it? According to some experts in the field of esotericism, people began to take more energy out of their greed, and the planet could not cope with such a volume. As a result, the layers of the earth shifted, and Atlantis went under water. This version is confirmed. Ancient writings were discovered in Egypt, where it was said that the great pyramids were built under the auspices of the Gods in "primordial times." This was before the emergence of the Egyptian state. Then the pharaohs made cosmetic repairs and made their own adjustments, appropriating the greatest creations on Earth.

The theory of a highly developed civilization

According to the geographical hypothesis, the territory of Ancient Egypt was inhabited by people who came here from other parts of the planet. They possessed high technologies that are unknown to us and built these gigantic structures. After that, they disappeared, where and why, no one can answer this question. Such a theory really has the right to life. Then, on the territory of Egypt, the Egyptians appeared, who appropriated the buildings of the "ancient" to themselves. Ufologists claim that the pyramids of Egypt were built by aliens, but there is no confirmation of this theory. The question of the authorship of the pyramids remains open.

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