Black spots on lemon leaves. Diseases and pests of indoor lemons: Fighting them

Engineering systems 02.06.2019
Engineering systems

Good afternoon, my name is Ksyusha. My great love - houseplants. I especially love the room citrus: why goes into a supermarket when you have a mandarine, oranges and lemons grow right on the windowsill?

But they are also susceptible to pests and diseases. About them, and about the methods of struggle with misfortunes, I will tell today.

Lamon room refers to the citrus tube and to the rut family. The most popular is its following types:

  • Genova;
  • Pavlovsky;
  • Novogruzsky;
  • Cítrus Méyeri;
  • Large-root Kiev.

Description of indoor lemon diseases

Road lemons can be ill in several cases:

Usually citrus items drop the leaves. Sometimes the leaves are discharged due to a lack of some trace element. But it is more likely that this is the disease. It is because of them a room lemon may die.

Mosaic virus

It is possible to determine the mosaic to determine by strokes on citrus leaves: they can be thick paint, and lighter, but always have a mosaic form. The growth of house lemons during the disease slows down.

Treatment, alas, no one can give in, but the symptoms can be reduced. To do this, you need to care for lemons correctly and richly fertilize. If you have a few room lemons, the patient, alas, it is better to destroy.

Prevention is to avoid TRU to plant. Also, lemons are better not to water cold waterSo that they do not have immunity.

Citrus cancer

You can identify by brownish stains on the peel and leaves. During the development of illness, the fruits become an ugly form, and lemon leaves are falling out. Plant dies.

Cut citrus cancer is unrealistic. In prophylactic purposes, you can process a lemon with liquid copper-based fungicide.


The virus "loves" lemons that do not get good care and weakened. You can identify the loss of leaves, as well as the dying of the branches and bark. It is impossible to treat tristez, it certainly leads to the death of citrus.

Citrus gamuting

Also referred to as a gommoz. Refers to Mikosam. All citrus sitrus are inclined to it, and the frequent pathogen is Phytophthora Citrophthora.

The fungus is best developed in a too damp room, with damage to the bark, as well as with a shortage of potassium or phosphorus. Also provoke gamoting can also have a large amount of nitrogen in the ground, sore soil and too blunting trunk.

You can identify by oblong red-brown spots. The bark under the stain cracks and dies, the cracks appear on the cracks, the sticky liquid of golden color appears, which freezes quickly.

For treatment, you need to coup all stains on the core. Delightened all the wounds process with copper vigor (concentration of 3%). Garden wrair smear from above. We repeat this procedure until stains disappear from the lemon bark. The branches with gommos need to be removed entirely.


Also refers to the Mikozam, the pathogens of which are fungi-askomitics (genus colletrichum). You can identify by yellowing sheet plates. Over time, they fall out, the bud of buds comes. On the fruits you can detect red spots.

To combat anthracnosis, remove all affected twigs, leaf plates and fruits. Next to carry out a spraying with the help of borobo fluid. Concentration - 1%.


The causative agent is silent mushrooms. Most often amazing citrus young. First, pale yellow specks appear on the youngest sheet plates.

Over time, they become gray growths. Over time, the growths extend throughout the lemon and lick it. Fruits themselves are covered with redish spots. Lemons fall away.

To combat the lessed leaves and utilize them. The crown should be sprayed with a Bordeaux liquid (1%).


Occurs more often on plantations when the weather for a long time It remains cloudy. Domestic lemons hit from autumn in spring if they lack light. When the leaves fall there, and lemon hesitates. Methods of treatment are still unknown. If the disease struck Lemon seriously, it only has to accept the death of the plant.

Root rot

Possess the disease can be possible if the citrus plant threw the leaves sharply. If you find rotted roots, immediately remove them, and leather transplant in another pot from the new earth. We move the lemon to the windowsill, where light. It is not necessary to water yet, but wipe the leaf plates with a wet cloth or sponge. You can not water around the week.

Senior fungus


They not only spoil health and appearance Lemon, but also transfer harmful microorganisms. Therefore, with them you also need to fight.


On the bedroom lemons live two of its kind:

  • Ordinary;
  • Root.

You can fight with themselves different ways. If it is not so much, you can simply remove the affected sheet plates and branches. After you need to carry out an unscheduled lemon feeding.

TLL root is transmitted through infected planting materials. It dwells underground. To combat it, the infusion of mentioned already garlic or insecticides of contact is also suitable. You also need to transplant lemon into a new soil.


Set on citrus larva. When growing, it becomes motionless and turns the wax. It usually lives on the lower parts of the residents of the sheet plates, but sometimes spreads throughout the lemon. Lemon while weakens, dries and illnesses infections or viruses.

Insecticides, the infusion of previously mentioned garlic and soap solution can be used to combat. On the liter of water it is necessary 50g. Spraying, waiting for an hour and my room lemon. After a couple of days we repeat.

Polybnaya ticks

Dry air lovers. You can identify on a web hanging from twisted leaves. Most often settled on young shoots and leafy plates. You can fight with a boring acid (concentration - one percent). It is best to spend 4 procedures.

Summing up

Room lemon is subject to the same diseases as other home plants and citrus. Diseases are the following:

  • Viral;
  • Infectious;
  • Mycoses.

Grow beautiful plant And never meet his enemies - an unreal situation. Midges and harmful microorganisms climb into the most hermetic places. The only place is a vacuum, but it is contraindicated to all living organisms. So, let's talk about harmful midge and gady disputes of all sorts of fungi, necrosis, etc.

Pest of indoor lemon

Limons have a plurality of pests - Cherweets, Tsl, mites, flashers, shields, caterpillars of spiders and scoops, leafoblishes, locust, larvae of crumbs and grasshoppers. IN room conditions Most often, lemons are damaged by shields, custodians and ties. When keeping on the street the number of insects crumpled plants, many times increase, but it's easier to fight them there. Means that help them fight, every year it appears more and more. The main thing is to correctly define the type of insect. And 3-4 treatment with a solution of the drug, with a small interval, and not stop on the first one. For example, the shields have protective education in the form of shields, and they protect the insect from the impact of chemistry. But such drugs should be used last.

Yadogymicates should be used very carefully and for the plant, and for themselves. The soil is covered with any material, and a handkerchief on his head, gloves on his arms and respirator. Such precautions will save root system From the long influence of poisons (after all, with each watering, some chemistry will fall into the soil), and you need to take care of chemical burns.

The best protection against volatile clasp moshcar will be prevention. The air is always wet, and the plants are not too close to each other, the leaves can not be kept dusty and daily spraying - minimal measures that have favorably affecting the condition of lemons and not only them. The weekly shower is considered a good protective measure - the crown and leaves on both sides are washed under the jet of water. Another way to protect is rubbing the leaves with a weak soap solution. It is impossible to leave in such a state of the plant - you need to slip them under the shower. You can carry out such an operation 1 time month. Before carrying out any of these methods to prevent pests, it is necessary to secure the soil. The shower can wash off the soil, and the soap solution does not really like lemons roots.

60g powder dry mustard poured 1 l water and insist 3 days in tightly closed dishes. Before spraying, the solution is diluted with three liters of water.

Pliers and indoor lemons

Cellite ticks on lemon leaf

In room conditions, the web ticks are most often robbed. For home lemons, they usually move with vegetable and flower plants. The detection of this pest is associated with difficulties due to its very small sizes. The adult female is not more than 0.7 mm, and the male is 0.3 mm. They settle with the back of the leaves and shoots. Pliers are not insects, but spoofy, they have four pairs of legs with which they tap and "sniff". It gives their coloring - browning with yellow or reddish shades. If they are disturbed, they begin to quickly move and thereby give themselves.

80g The dry grass of yarrow is brewed with boiling water. After 30 minutes, it is topped with water to 1 liter and insist 48 hours. Helps from ticks.

First of all, ticks are taken for young shoots and leaves, and over time and for all other parts of the plant. It damages this pest of room lemon leaf and twigs, and they are covered with a thin cob, under which he lives. For a warm period, up to 10-15 generations can develop.

It is possible to fight with a tick on lemons with a spraying of 0.2% anabazine solution with the addition of 0.4% soap, lime-sulfur decoction and pollinating gray. Also help tobacco decoction and soap-tobacco emulsion. Lime-and-sulfur decoction is prepared as follows: 60g of fresh lime and 120 sulfur thoroughly mix. Then this mixture is pouring 1 liter of water and boil it for 1 hour on weak heat. The color of the beam is a dark brown-green. After the decoction cools, it must be strain. On the room lemons For spraying on 1 part of the burden, 14-16 parts of warm water are taken. After the procedure, all parts of the plant must be wet. After 24 hours, all the plant spray with clean warm water.

With a tool and a spider tick, vegetables that always have every mistress are onions and garlic. At 100g onion husk poured 5 liters of water and leave for 48 hours. Focus and spray lemons. And the garlic is done like this: 50g garlic is crushed (as well as convenient), poured into a three-gram bank and pour hot water. It insist 5 days in the pitch darkness. Focus. Used this: 50g soap is added to 50 ml of the solution and it is divorced by 10 liters of water.

For the preparation of tobacco beam, 1 liter of water and 30-35g Machorkas are taken, mix and leave for 24-48 hours. Then the infusion should be boiled 30-40 minutes on low heat. Chilled decoction filter. Before use, the solution is heated and the 2-3g of soap is bred in it. Processing lemon trees Conducted by spraying or wiping. After a day, the plants are wrapped with clean warm water.

Each of the described solutions should be used 3-4 times at an interval of 7-10 days or until the pest is completely disappeared.

Blend: garlic + long husk + Tobacco

To 200g each ingredient, they are poured with water in a large saucepan and boil 2-2.5 hours. The decoction is cooled and plotting the liquid, bringing the volume to 10 liters.

Shields and home lemons

The shields and spoors make great harm to home lemon. They are crawling insects covered with a shield, greenish yellow color in young age And yellow-brown dirty color in adulthood. Against this pest is recommended to use an anabazine solution with soap, tobacco-soap solution and an oil-soap emulsion. Good results will give off the plants of the kerosene-soap emulsion. For her, they take 2 liters of water and the 40-50 g of the household soap and 20-25 drops of kerosene are bred in it. After a day, the plant is rinsed with warm water. During the need, the operation is repeated until the insect is completely disappeared, and the interval between processing is 10-14 days. Usually grabs 2-3 treatments.

Against the shield spraying (wiping) anabazine with soap make every 7 days. You can also fight with them with a cassel of fresh onions - just wipe the tampon, moistened in the juice, damaged places. Another folk remedy, Helping to fight with shields, as well as tool, is infusion of garlic. For this, 6-8 large plants heads are taken, clean and crushed, poured 10 liters of water and insist 24 hours. Then 1-2 times a month wash or spray with this infusion lemons.

We offer you another option of folk preparation from large number Shield. 20-25g 1.5% tobacco extract, 60g hoz. Soap and 40g denatured alcohol for 1 l water. At first, half of the water is heated and dissolved in it soap. When the solution is cooled add the rest.

100g sharp pillary pepper boil 1 l water 1 hour in closed enameled dishes. Insist 48 hours. Pods are inherited and the mixture is filtering. At 1 dose of concentrate 10 doses of water - and spray from insects.

Chervests and indoor lemons

Muddy worm on a sheet

Cherweans are sucking insects, more in size for the shields. They are very mobile. Their caller is covered by powdered discharges or wax. These coatings protect them from the effects of pesticides. The most frequent cherry on lemon is mild cherler. The female has the body of oval shape, yellow and up to 3 mm. In addition, they can give birth to 300 larva for the year. This little thing prefers to settle on the top of the sheet.

IN summer time With damage to the cruises, soap-oil emulsions are used, and the rest period is their solutions. In general, it is necessary to fight this pest of indoor lemons as well as with the shields.

200g needle of annual pine growth poured with 3 rainwater glasses and insist 7 days in dark place, mixing every day. Then the infusion is filtered and 1 particle of infusion on 10 parts of water is diluted before spraying.

Diseases of lemon room

In addition to leaf-making, juice and root pests, there are diseases in the room lemon. They may be caused by bacteria, mushrooms, viruses and unfavorable conditions.

Hommind (gaming) manifests itself on the bark of the stem, mainly in its lower part, in the very Earth itself in the form of red-brown spots in the initial stage. Next, the bark in these places cracks and dies, and the adhesive yellowish-golden liquid flows from the crack - gum. If the leaves began to turn yellow and fall, then the plant is running. The disease manifests itself in such cases:

To cure the window lemons from gamuseture will help eliminate the reasons that caused it. In addition, the wound need to be cleaned of patients with tissues, to be disinfected with a 3% solution of copper sulfate or manganese and smeared with garden water.

The sage fungus is first manifested on the leaves, and then on the branches and even on the trunk in the form of a dark fly. It is strongly oppressed by citrus plants. It is erased by a damp rag moistened in a soap-oil solution, from the leaves, and the stem is considered brushes with subsequent disinfection of lime. We just need to whitewash the village. The causes of the appearance may be the same insects and abundant watering during the daytime.

For the prevention of such a disease in a home lemon, like a sage fungus (and other sores), the premises are watered, watering in the evening either early in the morning, sprayed 1 time in 2-3 months a 0.05% solution of potassium mangartage. The same solution and water once every 2 months of the soil. A good warning appearance against a home lemon disease means is a spraying of 0.5% mortar of the Bordeaux liquid.

It is almost inevitable such a bad period in the life of every amateur of growing lemons, as the diseases of this beautiful plant. In this article we will only talk about those diseases that have occurred not by your fault. Namely: about infectious and bacterial diseases. There are still virus diseases, they, alas, are incurable, in case of such a disease of your lemon, the plant immediately needs to be removed from other home plants, after which it must be destroyed. Lemon is such a plant that is subject to many vegetable diseases, so if you have gathered at home this plant or already possess them, tips and knowledge about diseases of Lemon. And you are simply necessary for his treatment.

Infectious diseases of Limonov


This lemon disease belongs to infectious. The bark at the bottom of the trunk acquires a brown color, cracks appear, of which the dark adhesive liquid begins to flow. Cracks gradually become greater, after which they begin to rot. Treat and fully cure this disease is very difficult. The place damaged by the disease must be cleared and smeared these places with copper vigorous, after which it is necessary to extract lemon from the soil, carefully clean the roots of the plant and transplant to a new place with good soil. Different pathogens can cause this disease, sometimes cured the plant from this disease cannot be cured.


This disease causes an infectious drying and dying of lemon shoots. On the plantations of Georgia, this disease is manifested suddenly in the spring, and in lemons that grow at home, the disease is manifested in autumn period until spring. This ailment of lemons causes the dedication of foliage, the disease begins to develop from the tips of the twigs. The wood of lemon, which is already amazed by this ailment, in the places of sections, the reddish-orange color becomes. Packers from leaves during the feast remain in place. Those who are just starting to breed lemons need to know that if several leaves dropped in the lower part of the tree or along the edges of the branches, and the pots remained in place, then this may well be a consequence of a lack of sanctification. So do not need to panic. There is no unambiguous recipe for treatment.

Root rot

Already on the very name everything is clear. In lemons, growing at home, there are several varieties of this disease. This disease is almost imperceptible until the leaves start massively fall from the tree. With such symptoms, the plant needs to dig and inspect the roots, if there are affected, they must be trimmed with a sharp knife. Also, the roots need to be treated with a stimulant of rooting and completely change the soil. The plant must be placed in a greenhouse, or as much as possible wipe the foliage with a damp cloth. In no case, the plant can not be filled with water! He needs to provide good lighting.

Viral diseases lemon

Psorozis a or xylopusosis

This virus is capable of being in a latent state up to 10 years. When the activation of this disease occurs, the tree bark is strongly struggling. On plantations, real professionals check the infection by vaccination of the lime acid. Gudders lovers who grow lemons at home, as a rule, cannot be determined by this disease, they take it for homosex. There is no treatment from this virus.


There is an empty bark on the lemon trunk. There are varieties of lemon, which are resistant to this disease, on such plants it is simply in the latent state.

Sheet Mosaica

The disease is manifested in the form of patterns on the foliage. This disease belongs to viral, for this reason it does not succumb to treatment.

Citrus cancer

Like any citrus plant, Lemon is strongly subject to cancer. The disease is manifested in the form of dark brown spots on the fruits of the tree and on the foliage. Treatment is also not subject to treatment.

This, of course, is not the whole list of diseases that your plant can get sick. It is necessary to be simply more attentive to this plant, carrying out preventive procedures, 1 time in 3 months it is necessary to spray and shed a plant with a weak solution of manganese-solid potassium (0.05%). Such measures will help you avoid many diseases.

Limon pests

In addition to diseases of viral and fungal, enemies of citrus plants growing at home, still pests are considered, such as a web tick, falcifer, shields and a wave. A paustic tick can be seen with the naked eye, it also leaves on the leaves (especially old) on the bottom side of white dots. Tick, if you touch it, starts to run away quickly. The leaves are young begin to twist strongly, after which the web is covered in white.

Tar can be seen on the shoots of young lemons. The individuals adults have a yellowish-green color, the length of them from 1 to 3 mm, to infect TLI lemon from the bouquet of the colors you have brought or from the window. Tip: No need to put bouquets brought flowers next to the growing lemon. It is worth noting that citrus plants They strongly attract these pests, for this reason it is better to propagate the prevention of the fight against these pests, rather than after dealing with them.

Prevention is as follows:

1. Not less than once a month (better than once a week) It is necessary to thoroughly wash the leaves and branches in the shower, closing the soil in advance polyethylene film. Also with the shower, at least once a month, you need to process the crown of the crown of soap foam.

2. When buying a new plant, it needs to be carefully viewed and for 2-3 weeks not to put it nearby (i.e. in one room) with his lemon.

3. It is very good to view every day every leaf and twig, such an inspection can be busy 5 minutes, but this will prevent the development of diseases and pests.

You can use garlic, tobacco dust to combat tick or aphids. 1 tbsp. A spoon of tobacco dust poured with 1 glass of boiled water, insisted within 6 days, after 10g is added there. Soap economic. The influence obtained is necessary to spray the patient plant 3-4 times, making a break per week.

You can use garlic: 1 garlic head through a meat grinder or grate, after pouring 1 cup hot water And leave in a dark place for 2 days in a closed dish. After the solution is focused and used as well as tobacco with soap.

Room lemon, like all citrus, often suffers from virus, infectious diseases and even fungal nature. Lemon diseases are most often the result incorrect care: lack of useful substances and moisture, care errors. The plant dies slowly.

Shield - common lemon pest

If lemon at home appeared signs of some kind of disease, then you should act. To help this can advice from experienced crop specialists.

Why is room lemon sick?

Domestic lemon diseases arise for several reasons. The most common of them is the weakening of the immunity of the plant. Partly guilty of the person himself. Causes of imminent impact:

  • accuracy in care;
  • wrong watering and fertilizer;
  • unfavorable microclimatic conditions (air temperature, humidity, etc.);
  • crimping errors.

All these errors lead to the fact that the plant becomes weak. The impact of the old disease is not excluded.

Another reason is viruses and bacteria. To get into the pot with a plant they can in different ways. Some bacteria spread through the air. Others fall into the pot not themselves, through the main carriers - insects. In the room lemon due to lack of oxygen. Like all living things, he needs fresh air. And if the pot with citrus is in an unbelievable room, the risk of signs of disease increases several times.

The most common are the reasons that a person makes at the very first attempts to care lemon. Poor-quality vaccination material, as well as ground, can affect not only the growth and fertility of lemon, but also to cause his death.

Wrong care can lead to the appearance of pasta and other infections.

What pests can threaten lemon?

  • shield;
  • cobbled tick.

They affect the root system of lemon, branches and leaves, but each of these insects has its own characteristics.


Fighting tool is not sleeping. The main thing is to notice the pests in a timely manner. All you need is to cut the affected leaves and branches.

TLL first manifested by characteristic wrapped leaves

Get rid of the shield simply. The methods of combating it are similar to the methods that are used against TI: insecticides and special solutions prepared at home. One of these is a soap solution:

  1. Prepare one liter of pure water.
  2. 2 tablespoons of liquid soap are poured into the water bottle.
  3. Substance carefully shake.

Prepared solution should be applied on infected leaves. To resist the disease with such a means for one reception will be difficult. The greatest effect It is achieved for 3-4 daily procedures for 60 minutes. After each end, it should be thoroughly rinse the leaves under flowing water.

Web tick - no less common pest. It also attacks the leaves. The affected area is always covered thin cobwebwhich is characteristic of the vital activity of this insect. Fight with him simply: 1% solution should be prepared boric acid. They should spray the affected citrus. Already after the first procedure, improvements will be noticeable. For maximum efficiency The course of treatment should be 3-4 days.

Weather tick is often striking lemons

Bacteria and viruses

  • sage fungus;
  • scab;
  • warts;
  • root rot.

The latter attacks the root system, hitting the nutritional center of the whole citrus. Very rapidly sick plant dies. Therefore, at the first noted signs of rot (drying of the leaves and stem), lemon should be transplant to a new place. But this procedure has its own characteristics.

You can save the citrus from rotten only by replacing the soil to the new one. The affected roots must be bludge away from the ground, remove the dead plots and place the plant for 1 hour into the solution of manganese. Such a procedure destroys the pathogenic microorganisms. After 60 minutes of stay in the healing solution, the plant is dry and planted on a new place. To bring him a healthy look to lemon, it should be regularly fertilized.

Some diseases are rapidly treatment. The fungus is one of these. Due to the attack of malicious microorganisms, the plant slows down its growth and slowly dries. It is difficult to confuse such a disease with another difficult, since it is characterized by a ash flying, which is formed on the leaves. Do not be afraid of such symptoms.

To cure the plant is easy. It is necessary to thoroughly rinse the affected areas under running water or wipe them with a sponge. And as preventive measures, a room in which the pot with citrus should be regularly ventilated.

Often, the pair attacks homemade vegetation. This disease is characterized by the formation of spots on the leaves and stem. They quickly darken and make a sheet fragile. The affected areas can become soft, and their distribution leads to the fact that part of the plant simply falls. Conduct quickly with such a disease is difficult. It is necessary to remove the affected leaves and process a healthy part of the plant with copper vitrios. And so that the disease does not disturb the citrus and later, it is important to carry out seasonal spraying. The same methods of treatment correspond to both warts, the main development of which is associated with the destruction of the crop.

Helps putting into the soil of marganized superphosphate or manganese as part of comprehensive fertilizers.

Iron (FE)

The lack of iron at citrus is primarily manifested on the upper young leaves, their color becomes pale green, even yellow. Further can literally fade and becomes white. Left plant with a lack of iron.

For example, on the left plant with a lack of iron, right with young leaves

Zinc (Zn)

Participates in many metabolic reactions at the plant cell level.
On lemon leaves or mandarin, chaotic stains of bronze or gray-brown color appear, the leaves are smaller than normal. Yellow specks may appear on young leaves of plants or be completely yellow. The edge of the leaf plate can be spinled up.

Mandarin leaves with zinc lack

Helps the use of comprehensive fertilizers that have a zinc in their composition.

Copper (CU)

Its compounds are required for the photosynthetic process, as well as for immunity plants to fungus.
The sign on the citrus sheet, which he lacks copper, is twisting and general fading of the plant. Violation of the photosynthesis process in the leaves is characterized by the appearance of chlorose spots. For new leaves, you can observe the size of the larger and brighter color.

Lemon leaf twisting when copper shortage

If copper in the plant is a surplus, then on lower leaves Brown spots appear.

When making mineral fertilizers, it should be considered possible chemical reactions between elements and make them either as part of finished complexes, or separately with the pause between the introduction of various groups of substances.

General Memo on signs of lack of trace elements in Lemon and Mandarin

I hope that in this article we answered questions: what to get down and?

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