Homemade lemon tree how to care for. Lemon Tree - Home Care, Crimping, Watering

Encyclopedia plants 16.06.2019
Encyclopedia plants

What can be better vegetable and fruits that do not contain nitrates and other impurities. And how much better if it is done by your hands. Imagine, I wanted to drink tea with lemon, you stretched out my hand and crushed the ripe fruit, which grew at home.

At home is a perennial low evergreen plant with spiny strong branches. Leaves contain essential oil. Sheets mostly live for 2-3 years. Buds mainly read blossom after 5 weeks, and the drop-down flower is 7-9 weeks. The aroma is very pleasant. But the ripening of fruits can last 9 months.

From this article you can learn about the cultivation and care of the lemon at home. After we reveal you some secrets, you will surely want to settle it at home.

How to care

Photo of home lemons

there is a large number of varieties of this plant. Sometimes it can reach a height of 1.5 meters. But for the formation of a neat crown and provoking the speedy bloom, it is recommended to add, removing the top kidney, leaving 3-4 leaves.


This is a light-loving plant and therefore the light should be bright. Young trees need to be fencing from direct sunlight, and the cutting trees carry it normally.


It must be remembered that this is a subtropical plant. Moderate warmth will be comfortable for him.

  • In winter, the temperature should be within 10-14 degrees with a plus sign
  • In the summer - 10-22 ° C. Also, a pot with a plant can be placed on the loggia or outside under a canopy.


In addition to irrigation, it is necessary to constantly spray the plant with boiled water temperature. It is more important for him wet air Around the crown, rather than a large amount of moisture in the ground.

How to water

Lemon tree at home photo

How to water the lemon at home - everything is simple, this plant loves moisture and the soil should be wet. The older the plant, the more frequent and abundant watering. The amount and volume of watering depends on the temperature in environment. To do this, it is better to use a standing, talu, or rainwater. It should be room temperature or a couple of degrees above.

Watering in summer

In the spring and summer, watering should be abundant and frequent. If the humidity in the room is increased and cool, then less often, and if dry and heat is more often. In the spring, water is recommended in the morning, and in the summer and autumn - in the evening.

Watering in winter

In winter, it is watered as needed, when the upper layer is drying. Soil should not be reduced in the depths of more than 1 cm, otherwise the plant dries. So that the soil is less than dried, it is mounted. Excessive irrigation can lead to plants and disease roots.

Soil and fertilizer

It requires fertile, water and breathable, loose soil. It is mainly prepared from equal parts of sand, peat, humus, overwhelming the deciduous soil and 2 parts of the turf. Soil acidity should be within 5.8-6.5 pH. Also on the bottom, the pot is recommended to lay 2 cm drainage, which will not allow water to stir.

How to transplant lemon? Young lemon should not be treated immediately in large pot. That soil, which is free from the roots, will be a sour moisture. When transplanting recommended to take a pot, which is 5-6 cm more than the previous one. But remember the root neck, it should not be covered with the earth.


For normal development, it is necessary to periodically make organic and mineral fertilizers.

  • From March and before the beginning of October, fertilizers need to be made 1 time in 3 weeks. It is better to underminate than to overgrow. It is desirable to alternate mineral and organic fertilizers.
  • In winter, you can not fertilize the plant in the cool room.

The main requirement is watering the plants with clean water 2 hours before the fertilizer is made, in order to avoid burning the roots.


Limon trimming should be a mandatory treatment procedure. Crown should be formed depending on which it is grown by it. For decorative plant Formed a small compact crown, and a completely different method is used to obtain fruits. For fruiting lemon, a certain number of branches of the base are characterized, which consist of fruit wood. To form a crown, you can use the clothespin method.

  • Zero shoots that reached 20-25 cm pinch. Next, the closure of the escape is made at an altitude of 15-20 cm from the previous one. On the segment there should be 4 developed kidneys.
  • The shoots of the first order are pouring after 20-30 cm. When they are matured, they bring trimming by 5 cm shorter than the previous one.
  • Complete the formation of the crown on the shoots of 4 orders.

If such a procedure is not carried out, the shoots grow long, and the formation of shoots with fruits is delayed. In addition, pruning is also a sanitary function. It allows you to remove weak branches and those that grow inside the crown.


There are several ways to breed home lemons:

  1. Lemon from the bones. The cultivation of lemon from the bone at home is a very long process and the first fruits you may receive after 12-18 years.
  2. Lemon from cuttings. For cuttings, shoots with a thickness of 4 mm and in length are 10 cm. The lower cut is produced under the kidney, and the upper one over it. On the cutting should be 3-4 formed kidneys and 2-3 sheets. Cut out the stimulant and lower in the water half the length. After 3 days, they are planted in a mixture of flower soil, sand and humus. Immersion depth is 3 cm. Since the cuttings have no roots yet, they need to spray them every day with warm water. The soil must be wet. Temperature for rooting 20-25 degrees. Roots are formed in 1-1.5 months.
  3. Lemon via vaccination. How to instill lemon at home? Good inhibition is important for such a procedure. Ideal will be a seedman from a bone of 2-3 years with a barrel diameter of not more than 1.5 cm. Mostly vaccinate on other citrus. Take healthy unreserved annual shoots. From cuttings cut leaves, leaving only the kidneys in the sinuses. How to instill home lemon during active growth? Best do it in early spring. To do this, make a trunk of the T-shaped incision of the bark and remove its corners. Cut with a brought twist of the kidney along with a cushion and a shield. The cut of the cortex must be of this size to fit in the incision. Raise your bark and place the shield there. Then lower the bark, do not touch the cut with your fingers. Barrel of stock Wrap with ribbon or plaster. The adhesion takes about 3 weeks. If the pets of the intake kidney yellow will leave and disappear, then this indicates a positive result of the case. Then it is necessary to trim the trunk of the lead by 10 cm above the vaccination and remove the ribbon. Soothes on the trunk below the vaccination remove.

Diseases and pests

The pests include: Bellenka, Shield, custom tick, TRU, CERVETS.

Among the most common diseases are:

  • Leaves and buds fall. Cause: Lack of moisture. Solution: often spray and prevent the soil drying.
  • Lemon leaves pale or light green. Cause: Lack nutrients in soil or light. Solution: the work of feeding, an increase in lighting.
  • Brown leaf tips. Cause: disadvantaged watering Or dry air. Solution: Spraying and increasing irrigation.

Lemon does not bloom. Cause: Too close pot. Solution: Adjust and transfer.

Knowing such secrets of growing this plant, you will definitely plant it at home and will be touched by his fruits. In addition, its fruits can hang and fall on the tree to 2 years. So pleasure can continue for a long time!

Plant lovers grow citrus frills even on the windowsill. What factors pay attention to see blossom and enjoy exotic fruits?

Grow a beautiful tree that will delight fragrant fruits, It is possible at home. But this plant has a whimsical character, it takes attention not only to watering, but also to the temperature regime of the room where it is located. Mandatory element care is feeding, which is performed in accordance with defined rules. Important air humidity, lighting, timely transplant. If all care elements are performed regularly and efficiently, then the plant will be fruit and rejected by barriers.

Factors that affect lemon growth

Limonchik who is grown on his windowsill may differ slightly from those selling in the markets. This is due to the fact that for home dilution Choose indoor varieties. Fine lemons, which have a very thin skin, are particularly appreciated. In addition, they look very bright and beautiful on the window. Larger fruits will have a dense and thick skirt, and it will be no less exotic to look.

The complexity of the care of this fruiting tree is that it is accustomed to climate of subtropics wherever it comes from. This causes that its comfortable air temperature should not be more than 17-18 degrees. In the winter in winter due to heating, this indicator is higher. The presence of batteries also affects the humidity. It becomes below 70%. And the correspondence of the indicators characterizing air, the regulations are very necessary a trees for growth.

No less important for the growth of lemons and the degree of illumination of the room. Right place For wood indoors, choose with the fact that it does not like direct sunlight. The most ideal location will have a good degree of lighting throughout the day, but this light will be scattered.

Cookware for the tree also matters. For entry into the phase of active growth and the formation of the strings of future fruit, it should be placed in a closer pot. If the root system is too spacious, the flowering phase will move away indefinitely. Ideal for plant landing will be dishes from natural materials. These are clay products or drawers made of wood.

Earth for growth does not matter. But it must correspond to the quality of air and water permeability. The soil mixture may contain peat and sand. Fertility will add humus. Soil should be disappeared.

Moisture has a direct impact on growth. So abundant watering in spring and summer timeWhen the ambient temperature is striving up. In winter, the irrigation frequency is reduced. More adult trees require more abundance of moisture. It is desirable that watering is carried out by prepared water. Suitable in advance gained in the container and ending. You can also use the fatty water, although the most perfect option - Rain.

To lemon Tree Fruit, it is fed. Suitable will be any of the organic or mineral fertilizer species. The frequency of this procedure should not be too intense. The optimal period of time is in 20 days.

Lemon care at different times of the year

To grow lemon, care at home behind the plant should take into account some differences depending on the time of year. In the spring season, it starts the phase of active growth, and then forms buds, which will subsequently become fragrant fruits. Temperature regime should be in the range of 14-18 degrees. Overish warm room Will lead to a dropping of buds and barriers. And such an event can provoke the death of the entire tree.

Well contributes to the natural growth of the lemon fresh air. Since the stabilization of the air temperature outside the window at 13-14 degrees, the plant can be placed for the entire warm period on the balcony or terrace. However, it is monitored for possible drops of temperatures due to possible freezing and reduce it by night. To avoid the death of the plant, it is wrapped.

Summer danger to lemon tree represents open sunny rays. Therefore, this situation is carefully monitored to avoid burns.

Winter time for lemon is characterized by the stage of the final ripening of fruits. Optimal conditions for this period include moderate temperature mode (16-18 degrees). Necessarily support optimum humidity (about 70%). Another important condition of the good state of the tree in winter is to eliminate air flows that go from heating sources. The pot with a lemming is removed away from heaters and batteries. It also provides no time for at least 12 hours by the source of light.

Lemon tree in care is quite capricious. For him, no high temperatures are not suitable, as too low. Watering should be moderate, but at the same time, a very dry earth should be avoided. The plant does not like direct sunlight, but requires a long exposure during the day of scattered light. Excluding and fulfilling all these conditions it is impossible to achieve the appearance of uncertains, which will subsequently delight with fragrant fruits. Timely watering and feeding, proper soil Also are of great importance.

Errors when growing lemon on video

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In the wild medium, citrus fruits perfectly grow, breed, bloom, fruit. For the same house this species Plants are quite capricious. If you want to have beautiful tree With good fruits, get acquainted with the peculiarities of lemon care at home.

Optimal conditions for growing

Lemon tree is bred with a cutlets, a bone or vaccination. However, it is not necessary to plant it yourself. Especially since this also requires certain knowledge. Now there are enough places where you can buy a ready-made plant in a pot. This is a botanical garden, a specialized nursery, or flower shop. So, you brought a new guest in your apartment. Where to begin?

A place

Determine the place for your pet in advance. Consider several factors:

  • provide a constant "place of residence". It poorly tolerates frequent movements;
  • pretty big height is about two meters. Match with the size of your ceilings. If you want something down, you can choose citrus hybrids. For example, Meyer Lemon or Troyfortnell. The treet is just a half meters high. Require less concerns than other varieties (admire the photo);
  • keep it away from heating batteries. The heat will have a detrimental effect.


Home lemon loves a light room. Ideal - scattered sunlight, southern or south-eastern side of the house. You can hold it under the right sunlight, up to two hours a day. More can not, otherwise foliage burns. Winter requires additional backlight.

Homemade citrus fruits turn their leaves behind the light. Therefore, so that it will not be one-sided, to form a beautiful crown, slightly deploy the vase. Do as needed, but neat.

Too strong, long-term (more than 12 hours / day) lighting leads to rapid growth, but slows down fruiting. Insufficient - slows down growth causes diseases.


The most important stage of lemon tree care falls on the spring. Active growth begins, flowering. Therefore, an important role is played here such a factor as the temperature regime.

Citrus takes out various temperatures: from +14 to +27 degrees. A feature is that it should be constantly the same. The tree badly tolerates temperature jumps. When the flowering period comes, then the apartment should not be above +18 degrees. Highel temperature leads to the drying of buds, and then - to throw them.

In the spring (ranging from +12 degrees), the vase can be transferred to the balcony. It is also suitable garden plot. It stimulates growth.

In winter, the lemon is needed more cool conditions of detention than in summer. He is perfect for a warmed balcony. If the apartment is hot, a disease may occur, even death. At night, you cover the crown with a light natural cloth.


Humidity plays a particular importance when leaving the room lemon. It is moderate, 60-70% when average temperature (+18 degrees). If the heat - spray the plant, also air around it twice every day.

The soil

The soil lemon tree is needed with a neutral reaction. Acid exclude. Watch that the soil is loose. The approximate composition is:

  1. earth is delicious, 2 parts;
  2. sand, 1 part;
  3. humid, 0.5 parts;
  4. wood ash, 0.25 parts.

Adult trees add a little clay. Be sure to use drainage. For example, fine crushed stone or charcoal. Upper layer Soil must be periodically shallowly loose.

Fertilizer and watering

Lemon care requires careful watering. Perfect moisture - Natural: River, Rain, Snowy. Using indoor water, it is boiled, defend, acidify. This makes it less tough. 1 gram of citric acid at 6 liters of water. Either: 1 liter - 4 drops acetic acid; 4 liters - 0.1 grams ascorbic.

Abundant watering is needed in summer, up to two times daily. The bottom of the pot must be degraded, and the soil is a good drainage. Thus, they avoid stagnation of moisture in the roots.

In autumn, watering is reduced. In winter, bring to one or tw time a week. Remember about spraying: leaves, barrel, air around.

Signs talking about the need for moisture:

  • grayish shade of the earth;
  • the pot makes a ringing sound if you click on it;
  • drooping young sprouts;
  • the leaves are folded by the "tube";
  • some soils are easily scattered from the dishes.

Watering lemon depends on:

  • his age (the older, the more often);
  • air temperature (the higher, the more often);
  • humidity (with high - less often);
  • year of year.

The most important component of lemon care at home is played by feeding. Nutrients are necessary for normal growth, fruiting. March - October entered fertilizers every three weeks. Organic fertilizers alternate with mineral. Summer feed when watering. The rest of the time is 2 hours after moisturizing. Pubridge gives a negative effect. Therefore, it is better to unoccuping. In winter, lemon feed it is not necessary.

Video "Grow Lemon House"

About the cultivation of citrus in household conditions in the video below

Pests and diseases

All indoor plants, lemon are also susceptible to diseases, pest attack. To ensure healthy life to your pet, careful care is needed. As long as we'll figure it out, who is the most dangerous pestWhat problems they can cause.


Damages the leaves. They are covered with brown round scales. They are almost impossible to separate them. The shield is covered with a wax shell. therefore chemicals It is useless here. Soon of the leaves appear adhesive discharge. In the absence of measures, they are yellow, then fall.

Best deal with such a disease on initial stage. Watch out the leaves daily, especially the bottom. If the insect noticed, then one leaf can be sacrificed. With a common damage, wipe them with a napkin, moistened with soapy water. Then - alcohol solution. After all the green parts, process insecticide, as larvae can remain.

Cobed tick

The most dangerous pest of home lemon. Initially, the leaves are covered with small yellowish spots. Later they become brown. And then the web appears, where the tick lives. It looks like moving reddish dots. Favorable conditions distribution - high temperature, dry air. The tick is postponing the larvae for just a week. The leaves twisted the "tube".

To be infected with a spider tick lemon from other plants, or by air. It is very difficult to eliminate. Therefore, it is easier to make prevention:

  1. daily inspect to conduct a thorough inspection;
  2. rinse the crown weekly under the shower, especially both sides of the leaves;
  3. monthly wipe the greens of soapy water;
  4. citrus must be separate from the rest of the plants.

When the tick appears or threatens to spray with such a solution: a glass of boiling water pour a tablespoon of tobacco dust. Insist 6 days. Add chips economic Soap. Spray a month, every week once.

Still use the following solution. Ground head of garlic pour a glass of boiling water. Insist two days. The dishes are dark, closed. Strain. Apply similarly.

From the tick, the Tlima exists an Omatt (4ml / 1 l of water). Spray weekly 3 times in a row. You can use other chemical preparations. However, it should be remembered that they are toxic for humans. Processing, care, only put on the gloves, with good air access. It is suitable for a TRU as well as a web tick.

Lemon tree is subject to bacterial, infectious, viral diseases. The latter are incurable. These are like: xylopusosis. The virus can live 10 years before the manifestation of the first signs. Therefore, only a specialist can determine this disease. Trices - amazes the bark of the plant, up to her death. Sheet mosaic, citrus cancer.

Infectious diseases

Gommind. Amazes tree trunk. The lower part of it becomes bright, covered by cracks. Of these, adhesive dark liquid flows. Cracks grow up. It begins rotting. Damaged parts are cleaned, shuffled with copper vigor. Plant transplant. Take a new, fertilized soil. Before it inspect, washed roots. Sometimes healing homos is impossible.

Malseco. Amazes shoots, right up to death. First, their tips are amazed, moving to the foliage, then the wood. Patients have a brick color. Leaves fall. Unfortunately, there is no specific recipe for treatment.

Root rot. Noticeable when mass leaffall begins. Treatment. Lemon remove from the soil. Rinse roots. Fully remove the rotten parts. Transplant B. new pot. Take high-quality soil.

The main cause of these problems is bad care for indoor plant. It should be remembered that not only fruitful, also decorative lemons require careful care.

So do everything right, then everything will be fine with your lemon tree.

Evergreen citrus crops fell harmoniously into the interior of apartments and offices. Lemon cultivation attracts lovers room flowers With its exotic, combined with the simplicity of tree care. Many have tried to plant a bone extracted from sour fruit, but it was not possible to achieve the desired result. So that the plant at home pleased with luxurious blossoms, and fruits have risen on its branches, you will have to try. And the first step here is a careful study of culture requirements for the conditions of content.

Lighting and temperature

The subtropical origin of the lemon makes it capricious in relation to the temperature regime. The plant loves heat, but poorly tolerates severe heat, especially if the air is dry. At home, it will be most comfortable in the room where the air is heated to + 10- + 22 ° C. In the summer of the apartment to provide a lemon tree with a moderate temperature not easy. Many flower flows come out of the position by placing a pot with a plant on the loggia. The owners of a private house can be taken out to the street and leave under a canopy to autumn. IN winter In the room where the room lemon grows, the temperature should not exceed + 14 ° C. But to allow it to fall below + 10 ° C, it is impossible.

All citrus fruits love light. But compared with its relatives, a lemon tree is less painfully tolerates the lack of sunlight. You can even grow at home on the northern windows, although it is better to choose a southeast side for a pot. Adult lemon straight rays of the sun are not terrible. It can be placed on the windowsill, which is focused on the south. If the plant is young, it takes care in the form of shading. Tender tree leaves can suffer from sunburn.

In winter, when it darkens early, the room lemon needs to be shown. It is organized with the help of special phytolamps. Separate types of culture easily carry a short light day and are able to do without additional care. It belongs to them little variety Panderoza. If you add coolness to a short light day (from +7 to + 14 ° C), the plant will plunge during rest. The lemon tree fell into the hibernate watered very rarely. It is not necessary to freely.

Soil and pot

To put the right plant, you need to take into account the features of its root system. Representatives of the kind of citrus are no root hairs. Soil mushrooms help water and nutrients from the soil and nutrients of the lemon. They can be seen on its thin roots. They look like threads forming thickening at their ends. Tree roots and mushrooms closely interact with each other. IN scientific literature Their symbiosis is called mycorrhoid. It is very sensitive to external conditions and may perish in an unfavorable setting:

  • long drought;
  • lack of air;
  • sharp drop in temperature (below -7 ° C);
  • a strong heat (if the thermometer column rises above + 50 ° C).

This is followed by the main rules for the cultivation of lemon:

  • prevent a drying of the substrate in the pot;
  • do not pour a tree.

The plant is well evolving in loose soil rich in nutrients. Its reaction should be neutral (with a pH indicator in the range of 5.8-6.5). The easiest way is to purchase a ready-made soil in the store, designed for citrus.

To prepare nourishing substrate At home independently, three components are mixed:

  • ferrous land (3 parts);
  • humid land (part 1);
  • sand (1 part).

If you plan you need an adult lemon, the volume of humus is increased twice.

You can fill the pot and make up derdy land, deciduous land and dung humus.

All components are taken in equal proportions. Ruffiness to the resulting substrate will give river sand, and minerals It will enrich the crushed charcoal.

For the landing of the lemon home it is better to use a clay pot. If the plant is large, it will develop well in a wooden cadke. Natural materials It will make it easier to penetrate the air to the roots of the tree. Drainage layer in 2 cm can be added to the bottom of the landing capacity. You can make it from the broken brick. From above, the drainage layer is covered with sand, and then fill the pot with a nutrient substrate.

Methods of breeding

Room lemon You can grow from the seed, a cutter or a tank.

It is easiest to multiply a tree that is already fruits, at home, cutting a cutlery from it. For their workpiece, the young lemon branches are suitable with not yet cooked and flexible wood. They must be one year old or a little older.

The correct stalk has the following signs:

  • length is not less than 10 cm;
  • 3-4 developed kidneys;
  • at least 3 sheets.

The cut line should be held at right angles at a distance of 7 mm from the kidney. From the lower kidneys, 1 cm are depicted. The cut is made at an angle of 45 °. From above the wound is smeared with garden boraner. It will protect the stalk from the penetration of infection. It is advisable to apply a shallow groove with a needle to the lower slice. This will improve the formation of the roots. You can put the cuttings at home in the sand or nourishing substrate. Having made a small deepening, put a cropped branch in it. It is not necessary to put it into the soil.

Before boarding the lower part of the cutter is lowered into a solution of the drug that stimulates the growth of the roots, where they hold 1-2 hours.

The cuttings will quickly come down if the leaves are cut on them with scissors on ⅔. So they will evaporate less moisture. Planting cuttings are covered with a jar. Root lemon forms slowly. In heat (at a temperature of + 25 ° C) and at the constant humidity of the substrate, their appearance will have to wait for 2-3 months.

Care for cuttings is simple. They need to provide a lot of light, but the straight rays of the sun should not fall on them. With the advent of the first leaves, the process of adaptation of cuttings to the air of the room is beginning. The bank is lifted and put a pinch or other support under it so that a small gap formed. The sizes of the hole gradually increase. You can do differently - to air the future tree daily. At first, the bank from the cuticle is filmed for a couple of minutes, the next day increases this time twice. So that the sprout is used to the climate of the house, 2 weeks of ventilation will be required. Then the shelter can not be returned to the place.

Professionals almost do not use a generative way of reproduction of lemon. To put in a pot of the bone is easy, but the plant obtained from it is unlikely to be fruit, even if we provide competent care. The exit here is one - to instill a tree. It will take 2-3 years, and with its branches you can disrupt fruit. For vaccination most often use cuttings from a fruiting plant. A good result gives an eyepiece of the eye.


Lemon prefers moderate watering. The soil in the pot is moistened with water room temperature, which is pre-defended. It can add a bit of vinegar (2-3 drops per 1 liter). The liquid accumulated in the pallet is drained, not letting it remain in it more than 2-3 minutes. In summer, at home, the procedure is carried out every day or every other day. Determine when another watering is needed, the state of the soil will help: if an earthen one is missing, it is time to moisten it.

Lemon reacts well to care in the form of spraying. Conduct them daily, regardless of the time of year. Especially important spraying for wood in the winter, when the air becomes dry due to the operation of heating devices. But with them you can not overdo it, otherwise the plant can hit fungal diseases. Spray the leaves with warm water, occasionally you can make it a weak solution of mangartee to strengthen the health of the plant. With the onset of cold weather, watering is reduced, but not much - up to 2 times a week.

Problems for growing citrus houses Most often arise due to irregular or too abundant moisture. If the leaves are notepolyv, the leaves are yellowing, wither, and Mikoriza dies. Excessive humidity will cause the soil in a pot and reducing the roots of the plant. It is important to properly carry out the procedure, distributing water along the surface of the substrate. If you pour it into one place, the earthen com builds unevenly, and the roots can suffer from leaching.

At home, lemon periodically "bathe". Such care is carried out once a month. The soil is securely protected by the film, and the tree leaves arrange a warm shower, thoroughly rinse them from all sides. It is necessary to clean their surface from dust and other contaminants. Accumulating on the leaves, they interfere with photosynthesis that weakens the plant and can cause problems with his health.


In order for the lemon at home quickly and did not lose decorativeness, it will be needed regular feeding. It will not be possible to do with one drug. Fertilizers should be different, and they need to be changed periodically. If you use the same nutrient for a long time, the soil reaction will change. It will become too acidic for lemon or alkaline. From such a soil, the plant will not be able to receive the elements necessary for its development.

At home, begins to feed the lemon in March. Up until October, they feed it once every 2-3 weeks, then organic, then mineral compositions. If the plant is young, fertilize it less often - once every 1.5 months. IN summer period Falkers are combined with watering. In the spring and autumn fertilizers contribute to the already moistened soil. From the moment of watering, there must be at least 2 hours. From excess nutrients in the soil, lemon suffers even more than from their shortage. Therefore, it is impossible to overflow it.

From the middle of the autumn to make fertilizers begin less often. The plant fell into the hibernation ceases to need fake. If it is warm and warm good lightingThey spend them every 1.5 months. Lemon suitable complex mineral formulations. Of organic fertilizers It reacts well only for some types:

  • hood of wood ash;
  • infusion of birch leaves or swans (filling the jar with crushed green mass on ½, fill the water; 2-3 days, and natural fertilizer will be ready);
  • weak (divorced 5-6 times) infusion of fresh manure.

If the leaves are actively growing on lemon, and flowering is delayed, it is worthwhile to change the fertilizer. Nitrogen-rich compositions are excluded, feeding the citrus with drugs with high content phosphorus.


Without the formation of the crown when lemon lemon, do not do. Regular trimming performs decorative and sanitary function. Its scheme is determined by the goal of growing a tree. Decorative lemon do not need a big crown, she is given compact form. In a fruitful citrus, the main branches should be equalized by rigoring shoots. The crown formation is carried out by pinching. First create a skeleton of a tree, cutting off the side branches so that they do not outweigh each other and did not interfere with the development of neighboring.

When lemon age will be 1 year, the main escape is shortened to 30 cm. Then the kidneys then located along its sides will germinate, forming side branches. When they develop well, they are plugged, leaving on the shoot of 3-4 sheets. Such a lemon care is necessary, otherwise its branches will grow very long and bring a meager harvest, waiting for which for a long time. Fruit wood allowed after his crown formed. If it blooms earlier, the buds are broken. Otherwise, the plant will strongly weaken and can even die.

Old branches that interfere with the development of lemon and smoothed sooner or later, it is better to trim that they are not pulled out of the tree of power. We also remove weak, growing in the crown or interfering with adjacent shoots. Usually pruning is carried out in March, but it can be performed and after harvesting. For a fruiting lemon, care is required in the form of removal of unnecessary buds. The plant blooms abundantly, but the rationalization of the barriers is carried out by the number of leaves. For each fruit, they should have at least 10, otherwise the exhausted lemon the next harvest will be delighted soon.

During the ripening of fruit, the wood requires increased attention. They treat him very carefully, trying to completely eliminate factors that can lead to scattering stocks:

  • lack of nutrient elements;
  • drafts;
  • dry air;
  • lack of light;
  • diseases.


Beginner flowers often allow a mistake that reduces all their efforts to grow lemon wood at home. It is an attempt to plant a young citrus immediately in a big pot. As a result, the growth of the tree slows down heavily, its roots are puments, and lemon die. The planting capacity should be a commensuous root plant of the plant. When it develops and fill the entire pot, the lemon roll up into another container, the amount of which is a little more. Doing so better springWhen the tree begins the period of active growth.

The bottom of the tank is covered with a drainage layer. Top on it put extracted from the old pot together with an earthen room lemon. Empties on the sides are filled with fresh substrate, cooked home independently or purchased in the store. The plant is abundantly watered. After moisturizing the soil, it will fall, then they shine more land. Lemon roots must "breathe". If the pot is tightly on the pan, it is advisable to put small stones or sinters between them to improve air circulation.

The transplanted tree is returned strictly to the previous place without changing its orientation. Lemon reacts sensitively even on minor turns, responding to stress and loss of decorativeness. Tree leaves stretch behind the sun. To his crown did not turn out to be one-sided, you need to turn a slightly pot around its axis. Make this time in 10 days, very carefully, deviating from the previous position to a maximum of 10 °.

Lemon will take an honorable place among plants on the windowsill. But that he become a real decoration of the room and the subject of pride, you will have to pay attention to him. To care for the lemon tree is easy. His agricultural engineering consists of familiar to all fans of room colors procedures. Only to perform them is necessary strictly in accordance with the requirements of the plant, because the lemon disregard will not be careful. If we provide a tree comfortable conditions, it will round year You can delight your eyes with your glossy leaves, then abundance of unusual colors, then bright shades of greeted fruits.

Lemon is a type of cytrus plant cultivated in industrial scale In regions with a subtropical climate. In nature, the lemon tree reaches a height of 8 m, while a room representative of the species is represented by low-voltage plants whose branches are covered with spines. The lemon is valued in the pot not only for its fruits - in the period of long flowering (about 2 months) bloom beautiful flowerscaptured by their wonderful aroma.

As a result of continuous operation of breeders, many varieties were derived, as for agricultureand indoor flower growing. There are varieties capable of fruit all year round, as well as exclusively decorative. There are low and tall shapes.

Among the most popular varieties adapted to apartment conditions are allocated:

  • "Lemon Meyer" - raking variety with two or three-time blossoms throughout the year. The plant with a height of up to 1.5 m gives fruit weighing up to 150 g with a weakness pulp.
  • Pavlovsky is the result of domestic selection, so the variety is well adapted to home cultivation and most common among flower flowers.
  • "Lisbon" - the variety is characterized by a good adaptability to the apartment environment, which gives him the opportunity to cope with dry air. A fast-growing plant up to 2 M height gives fruit weighing in 150 g.
  • "Jenoa" is a yield grade of Italian selection, which is capable of fruit several times a year. Maximum height Tree does not exceed 1.5 m.
  • "Kursk" - a domestic grade that is distinguished by drought-resistance, shadowness and rather high yields. Medium weight Fruits - 120 g
  • "Kiev large-scale" - low-grade variety of fruits up to 1.5 kg, which can be collected every season provided proper carewhich includes systematic trimming.

Optimal conditions for lemon breeding

The easiest to grow a lemon tree from the bone.

To do this, it is enough to purchase ripe fruit in the store without visible damage with mature seeds.

The correct composition of the soil

The lemon tree needs an easy-to-rotate substrate with a weakly acidic reaction (pH 6.6-7.0), which is easy to prepare, mixing peat and universal soil for flowers in equal amounts.

What is better to grow lemon

When choosing a pot for lemon wood at the initial stages (landing and 2 subsequent transplants) can be stopped on plastic. However, due to its minuses, which are in ease and waterproof, preference is worth paying wooden ads.

Despite the briefness, wooden dishes has all the necessary qualities for the cultivation of lemon:

  • water permeability;
  • simplicity disinfection;
  • stability.

Before filling the selected capacitance, the substrate must be placed on the bottom of the drainage layer of clay, rubble or gravel.

Attention! The diameter of each new container should not exceed the same parameter of the previous pot more than 6 cm. Not busy roots Soil has a property to scat.

How to choose Plant Location

Lemon is a plant of a short luminous day, which makes it possible to transfer the lighting deficit normally. In the event of a long-lasting day, the tree will grow more actively, but the phase of fruction will come later. The windowsill of the Eastern or Southern Window with Easy Dentation after lunch will be the optimal place in the house. In winter, when cloudy weather prevails, an artificial light source is installed, working around 6 hours a day.

Tip! In order for the plant in the same way from all sides, turn the pot clockwise 10 ° to 10 days.

Lemon Tree: Home Care

Caring for the lemon tree should be permanent and include a number of important events, without which fruiting, indicating the health and strength of the plant, is simply impossible.

Watering and humidity

The inhabitant of subtropics since the end of spring before the start of autumn needs daily irrigation, which should be carried out by purified water temperature.

On other periods, it is enough to moisturize Lemon twice a week so that the substrate so that the substrate humiliate slightly. Exotic plantDespite the adaptability to low humidity, a daily spraying is required, which can be stopped only when wearing a tree in winter in the coolness.


To build the green mass of the lemon tree, it is enough to ensure temperature regime within 17 ° C.

  • During the formation of buds and promises, a mercury column should not rise above the mark at 18 ° C, otherwise it may threaten the discharge of future fruit.
  • But when aging citrus, the temperature increases to 22 ° C and higher.
  • With the arrival of winter, if possible, it is necessary to organize a lemon tree of rest stage at a temperature of 12-14 ° C so that the plant will cut the energy before the upcoming season.

Fertilizing and fertilizer

To preserve the life forces, Lemon needs regular feeders, which are conducted for young plants every 6 weeks, and for adults - every 3 weeks with complex mineral fertilizers. In winter, the interval between the feeders increases. If the plant is at rest, then they stop at all.

Caution! The oversupply of nitrogen fertilizers may suspend the offensive of the fruction phase due to the active increasing of the greenery.

How to trim the lemon tree

For decorative lemon Krone is formed compact, small sizes.

If the goal is to obtain fruits, the formation is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. When the seedman reaches a height of 25 cm, the seafront is held.
  2. After the stem will grow by 20 cm for another 20 cm, it complains the second time in such a way that 4 kidneys of growth remained between the seas, from which skeletal branches will develop.
  3. The shoots of the first order are picked up with a gaps of 25 cm, and after their aging, they are shortened below the chipquarters by 5 cm.
  4. Each subsequent branch should be shorter than the previous 5 cm.
  5. The trimming of the fourth order of shoots is completed.

In addition to the forming haircut, if necessary, sanitary trimming is carried out: weak, injured, growing inwards are removed.

Technology Transplantation Plants

Lemon transplant is carried out before the volume of the pot reaches 10 liters. Then only update the top layer of the substrate is performed.

Among the pests on the shoots of lemon, damage to the web tick, whiteflies, shields, mathematical Cherweet And Tli. When identifying malicious insects, it is necessary to resort to the processing insecticide, since folk Methods Not always effective, especially with a strong settlement.

What difficulties can be encountered when growing

Cultivation of lemon tree often causes many questions to solve the reason:

  • Yellowing lemon. The problem arises for a number of reasons - with a low level of humidity, nutritional deficiency, high temperature in the winter or due to the population of the plant by a bypass tick.
  • Foliage festivities, wound. If such difficulties occur, it is worth paying attention to the level of humidity of soil and air. As a rule, this is due to moisture deficit.
  • Split leaves. If lemon began to dry and spin the leaf plates, this is due to a violation general requirements By content. The revision of the activities carried out will allow to identify the cause.

So, despite the fact that the cultivation of lemon is a rather troublesome occupation, the result is worth: high decorativeness, beautiful aroma during flowering and useful fruitsrich in vitamins will definitely inspire flower for new experiments.

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