Predecessors on gardening beds. Proper alternation of growing plants on your beds

Decor elements 14.06.2019
Decor elements

Crowning of vegetable crops is the necessary alternation of grown plants on your beds. Crowning in the garden ideally should be an annual and continuous. This means that in the same place for two or more years in a row nothing to grow! This, of course, ideally, and implement such a utopian picture not every summer house. However, "Gardener and Gardener" will try to help you with this difficult business.

We prepared for you certainly useful schemes and tables, download which you, as usual, can at the end of the article. In the meantime, proceed to the theory.

Crowning of vegetable crops: Table for occupied gardeners

In general, the device of crop rotation - the occupation is not fast and requires certain time costs. This is due to the fact that during the alternation of crops it is necessary to take into account quite a few factors: the need for a plant in nutrition, belonging to the biological family, soil infection by pests, etc. The same, who does not have enough time for long settlements and building schemes, we offer a quick and easy solution.

"Table of crop rotation: followers and predecessors of vegetables when landing" will help you navigate in the choice of plants for a particular bed, not fit into details. The only thing to remember when using it is a culture can be returned to the previous place at least 3 to 4 years.

Table of crop rotation: followers and predecessors of vegetables when landing

As can be seen from this consolidated table of crop rotation, there are the best predecessors of vegetable crops, permissible and bad:

Best tomatov's predecessors - Color and early cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, greens, carrots and sites. It is permissible to plant tomatoes after onions, garlic, spicy herbs, beets, lateral and medium-sized cabbage. After the rest of the cultures, the tomatoes are no longer planted on the garden.

Wonderful cabbage predecessors - Cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin and legumes. But then there is a division. For later and medium grades are good early potatoes and carrots, and for early and color cabbage It is better to sow after Sideratov and Luke with garlic.

Good bow and garlic predecessors (which you are not growing for greens) - color and early cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, early potatoes, peas, beans, beans and sitarats.

Best cucumber precursors, zucchini, pumpkins And Ave. - Onions, garlic, legumes, corn, early and cauliflower.

Good predecessors of pea - Any cabbage, early potatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins and patissons.

Excellent forerovers of carrots - Cabbage, potatoes, greens and spices, cucumbers-zucchini and Siderats.

Best pepper and Eggplant Predecessors - cucumbers, onions, carrots, siderates, etc.

Good predecessors of beets - spices and greens, potatoes, cucumbers, etc.

Wonderful potato precursors - zucchini, garlic, legumes, siturates, etc.

It seems to understand how the table works, you managed without special difficulties. So, "Toropagi" leave us, and we go further.

Cross-turnover vegetables on the beds: the need or fault

Those dacifices who are not limited in time "Gardener and Gardery" offers to "dig deeper". To begin with, let's look at objective reasonswho are talking about the undoubted practical benefits and the need for crop rotation in the country.

Causes of fatigancy of soil:

1. Accumulation of pests and pathogenic organisms.
If a long time is planted on the same place, for example, potatoes, then the number of wires, colorado beetles and pathogens of phytofluges will inevitably increase in this area. It is also the situation with the rest of the cultures. Growing all the time on the same beds among the same vegetables, you risk getting on one domain onion flies, on another cabbage kille, on the third carrot flew, etc. What to talk about root and leafy nematodes, rotches and other "small" troubles.

2. Accumulation of toxins.
Another reason that speaks about the need for vegetable crop rotation is the inevitable toxic root allocations - colin. Many vegetable cultures are very sensitive to their own toxins. If you continue to plant them in one place, then the crops every year will become worse and worse, even despite the absence of pests and diseases. For example, the most susceptible to their root allocations spinach and beets. A little easier for them to react parsley, radish, radishes, celery, carrots and pumpkin cultures. Less suffer from Cups, leeks and legumes of corn. Many toxins remain on tomato, cucumber, carrot and cabbage beds.

3. Nutrition needs.
Reserve nutrients On the plot is not limitless. Each plant has its own nutrient requirements. Some cultures are less demanding, and some more. Therefore it is very important to know, "Who is who" to track the state of a particular bed. So, if you sit for the same place related plants, then for several years they will "split" from it everything you need for growth, exhausting the margin of some elements. As a result - yield will fall.

All these factors in the aggregate give the so-called soil fatigue. You can fight this and need. Most effective tool - This very crop turnover of vegetables on your cottage.

Crowning in the garden: the fight against soil depletion

In order to be described above, horrors did not become a reality on your favorite dacha or plot, it is enough to remember and stick to three simple rules crop rotation.

1. Rule Botany.
It should never be put on each other's one and the same plant, but even the culture related, belonging to one type! This is the first, most importantly, important.
Judge himself:
- Diseases and pests they most often are identical. Consequently, the first reason will not be eliminated.
- They are also similar to toxins. Processing the colin of one plant only the culture of another botanical view. So the second reason will remain in place.
- Nutrition and need for trace elements in the cultures of one family are also almost identical. It turns out that the third reason is not going anywhere.
Conclusion: vegetable crop rotation within one botanical family is useless!

2. Rule of time.
The longer the culture does not return - the better!
The minimum time through which the plant can be returned to the previous place - 3 years. For carrots, parsley, beets, cucumbers it is better to increase it to 4-5 years. Cabbage, when the keel appears, you can return only after 6-7 years. If there is an opportunity (there is enough space, many cultures are grown), then boldly increase these numbers, it will only be better.
Otherwise, the very three causes of soil fatigue will be again not eliminated.

3. Rule of fertility.
Determining the order of alternation of cultures in crop rotation, remember meals and plants that help enrich the soil with the necessary elements.
All cultures use nutrient elements for their height, someone more, someone less. Strong-demanding plant nutrition should not be shed at each other.
Some cultures are improving fertile layer Already the very fact of its growing in this place. These include almost all legumes. They only break the soil, but also fill it with mineral elements. No wonder many vegetables love them as predecessors. By the way, the plants of other species, who have similar qualities, have similar qualities root system Deep, powerful and developed.
Others contain the necessary substances in their roots and leaves. These plants need to know and, if possible, lay in compost. Although this is a separate topic, several examples are still present.

In accordance with this rule, we advise you in the preparation of the order of alternation of cultures in the crop rotation, not only to pay attention not only to the botanical species and time frame, but also to the demanding to nutrition and improvement of fertility. In this way:
- after each plant, demanding of nutrition, for the next year it costs to plant bean cultures or seriously fertilize the garden,
- After a less demanding vegetable, you can plant more demanding, moderately supports the soil.

So that it was more convenient to navigate when alternating crops in crop rotation, "Gardener and Gardener" prepared you a special memo.

Memo: "What to take into account when alternating vegetable crops in crop rotation"

Scheme of vegetables crop rotation

Giving some options for crop rotation schemes - a waste of time. The country's country area of \u200b\u200beach gardener is unique, and therefore, few people can approach some standard plans to rotate cultures. And the point is not even in the size of the site or the number of beds. Just vegetable crops that are cultivated by everyone different. Someone comes a lot of cabbage different species, and someone literally 5-6 plants. Someone places potatoes of 5 acres, and someone has enough 5 square meters. meters. Someone puts many cultures in the greenhouse, and someone has a greenhouse for tomatoes and cucumbers. Therefore, it is more appropriate for each dacket yourself to plan the crop rotation and make an individual scheme for yourself.

The basic principles that should be adhered to, we voiced above. Now let's remove from the ideal and plunge into the realities. Next, "Gardener and Gardener" offers you a list of practical advice, on the device of crop rotation.

Crop rotation in the country area: practical advice

1. Human memory is not limitless. Recall that the vegetable was sitting on this garden five years ago - the task is not necessarily for most dachensons. Therefore, the first advice is not to be lazy and draw up a note on the notebook with all the beds. In this regard, every year you will celebrate planted cultures. Those who have a lot of free time can immediately mark the likely plants for a year, two or three ahead. The rest to make up full map The crop rotation will be required 5-6 years (according to the number of average return of culture).

2. In the process of sowing, decide and recorded in your notebook, how much place what culture does you have (a third of the beds, a quarter, half, as well, etc.). This is necessary so that in the following years it was possible to "fold" suitable landinglike pieces of mosaic. After all, it is not necessary to sow all the beds of some kind of culture. If after Luke you can put a cabbage and greens, so make - half a year of one, half a year. Just do not forget to make sure the compatibility of the neighbors plants.

3. If there is no place to change the place of some culture (which is, it happens), do not despair. Just add to her to bed "neighbor" from another family (without forgetting to refer with a compatibility table). So plants self-definers (beets, spinach, carrots, etc.), which we talked about in the second reason (accumulation of toxins), can grow in one place completely calmly and without loss in yields to 3 years. After all, the neighbors of another species proceed well and absorb their destructive toxins. Mixed landing works better when it is really mixed. That is, not half a year of beets and half a year of carrots, but a number of more than a number of other. Or even better - fill out the aisle the same beans.

Here, perhaps, all the information you need to organize the right and effective crop rotation in the country. The table will help to quickly decide on the seeded culture. Memo - plan all in advance. Practical advice - solve problems arising in the process. Good harvests!

The material is taken from the site:

Ecology of life. Manor: The crop turnover of vegetable crops is the necessary alternation of grown plants on your beds. Crowning in the garden ideally should be an annual and continuous. This means that in the same place for two or more years in a row nothing to grow!

Crowning of vegetable crops is the necessary alternation of grown plants on your beds. Crowning in the garden ideally should be an annual and continuous. This means that in the same place for two or more years in a row nothing to grow! This, of course, ideally, and implement such a utopian picture not every summer house. However, "Gardener and Gardener" will try to help you with this difficult business.

We prepared for you certainly useful schemes and tables, download which you, as usual, can at the end of the article. In the meantime, proceed to the theory.

Crowning of vegetable crops: Table for occupied gardeners

In general, the device of crop rotation - the occupation is not fast and requires certain time costs. This is due to the fact that during the alternation of crops it is necessary to take into account quite a few factors: the need for a plant in nutrition, belonging to the biological family, soil infection by pests, etc. The same, who does not have enough time for long settlements and building schemes, we offer a quick and easy solution.

"Table of crop rotation: followers and predecessors of vegetables when landing" will help you navigate in the choice of plants for a particular bed, not fit into details. The only thing to remember when using it is a culture can be returned to the previous place at least 3 to 4 years.

Table of crop rotation: followers and predecessors of vegetables when landing

As can be seen from this summary table of crop rotation, there is the best predecessors Vegetable crops, permissible and bad:

The best predecessors of tomatoes are colored and early cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, greens, carrots and sites. It is permissible to plant tomatoes after onions, garlic, spicy herbs, beets, lateral and medium-sized cabbage. After the rest of the cultures, the tomatoes are no longer planted on the garden.

Wonderful cabbage predecessors - cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin and legumes. But then there is a division. For late and medium grades, early early potatoes and carrots, and for early and cauliflower it is better to sow after Siderats and Luke with garlic.

Good foresters and garlic predecessors (which you are not growing for greenery) - color and early cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, early potatoes, peas, beans, beans and sitarats.

The best predecessors of cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, etc. - Onions, garlic, legumes, corn, early and cauliflower.

Good pea precursors - any cabbage, early potatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins and patissons.

Excellent carrot predecessors - cabbage, potatoes, greenery and spices, cucumbers-zucchini and sitarats.

The best predecessors of pepper and eggplant - cucumbers, onions, carrots, siturates, etc.

Good predecessors of beets - spices and greens, potatoes, cucumbers, etc.

Wonderful precursors of potatoes - zucchini, garlic, legumes, siters, etc.

It seems to understand how the table works, you managed to do without much difficulties. So, "Toropagi" leave us, and we go further.

Cross-turnover vegetables on the beds: the need or fault

Those dacifices who are not limited in time "Gardener and Gardery" offers to "dig deeper". To begin with, let's consider the objective reasons that are talking about the undoubted practical benefits and the need for crop rotation in the country.

Causes of fatigue of the soil:

1. The accumulation of pests and pathogenic organisms.
If a long time is planted on the same place, for example, potatoes, then the number of wires, colorado beetles and pathogens of phytofluges will inevitably increase in this area. It is also the situation with the rest of the cultures. Growing all the time on the same beds among the same vegetables, you risk getting on one domain onion flies, on another cabbage kille, on the third carrot flew, etc. What to talk about root and leafy nematodes, rotches and other "small" troubles.

2. Accumulation of toxins.
Another reason that speaks about the need for vegetable crop rotation is the inevitable toxic root allocations - colin. Many vegetable cultures are very sensitive to their own toxins. If you continue to plant them in one place, then the crops every year will become worse and worse, even despite the absence of pests and diseases. For example, the most susceptible to their root allocations spinach and beets. Slightly easier for them, parsley, radish, radishes, celery, carrots and pumpkin cultures react. Less suffer from Cups, leeks and legumes of corn. Many toxins remain on tomato, cucumber, carrot and cabbage beds.

3. Nutrition needs.
The supply of nutrients on the plot is not implanious. Each plant has its own nutrient requirements. Some cultures are less demanding, and some more. Therefore it is very important to know, "Who is who" to track the state of a particular bed. So, if you sit for the same place related plants, then for several years they will "split" from it everything you need for growth, exhausting the margin of some elements. As a result - yield will fall.

All these factors in the aggregate give the so-called soil fatigue. You can fight this and need. The most effective means is this very crop rotor of vegetables on your cottage.

Crowning in the garden: the fight against soil depletion

In order for the horrors described above did not become a reality on your favorite dacha or plot, it is enough to remember and stick to three simple rules of crop rotation.

1. Rule Botany.
It should never be put on each other's one and the same plant, but even the culture related, belonging to one type! This is the first, most importantly, important.
Judge himself:
- Diseases and pests they most often are identical. Consequently, the first reason will not be eliminated.
- They are also similar to toxins. Collects of one plant only culture of another botanical species. So the second reason will remain in place.
- Nutrition and need for trace elements in the cultures of one family are also almost identical. It turns out that the third reason is not going anywhere.
Conclusion: vegetable crop rotation within one botanical family is useless!

2. Time rule.
The longer the culture does not return - the better!
The minimum time through which the plant can be returned to the previous place - 3 years. For carrots, parsley, beets, cucumbers it is better to increase it to 4-5 years. Cabbage, when the keel appears, you can return only after 6-7 years. If there is an opportunity (there is enough space, many cultures are grown), then boldly increase these numbers, it will only be better.
Otherwise, the very three causes of soil fatigue will be again not eliminated.

3. The rule of fertility.
Determining the order of alternation of cultures in crop rotation, remember meals and plants that help enrich the soil with the necessary elements.
All cultures use nutrient elements for their height, someone more, someone less. Strong-demanding plant nutrition should not be shed at each other.
Some cultures improve the fertile layer already by the very fact of their growing in this place. These include almost all legumes. They only break the soil, but also fill it with mineral elements. No wonder many vegetables love them as predecessors. By the way, the plants of other species have similar qualities that have a deep, powerful and developed system.
Others contain the necessary substances in their roots and leaves. These plants need to know and, if possible, lay in compost. Although this is a separate topic, several examples are still present.

In accordance with this rule, we advise you in the preparation of the order of alternation of cultures in the crop rotation, not only to pay attention not only to the botanical species and time frame, but also to the demanding to nutrition and improvement of fertility. In this way:
- after each plant, demanding of nutrition, for the next year it costs to plant bean cultures or seriously fertilize the garden,
- After a less demanding vegetable, you can plant more demanding, moderately supports the soil.

So that it was more convenient to navigate when alternating crops in crop rotation, "Gardener and Gardener" prepared you a special memo.

Memo: "What to take into account when alternating vegetable crops in crop rotation"

Scheme of vegetables crop rotation

Giving some options for crop rotation schemes - a waste of time. The country's country area of \u200b\u200beach gardener is unique, and therefore, few people can approach some standard plans to rotate cultures. And the point is not even in the size of the site or the number of beds. Just vegetable crops that are cultivated by everyone different. Someone comes a lot of cabbage of different species, and someone literally 5-6 plants. Someone places potatoes of 5 acres, and someone has enough 5 square meters. meters. Someone puts many cultures in the greenhouse, and someone has a greenhouse for tomatoes and cucumbers. Therefore, it is more appropriate for each dacket yourself to plan the crop rotation and make an individual scheme for yourself.

The basic principles that should be adhered to, we voiced above. Now let's remove from the ideal and plunge into the realities. Next, "Gardener and Gardener" offers you a list of practical advice, on the device of crop rotation.

Crop rotation in the country area: practical advice

1. Human memory is not limitless. Recall that the vegetable was sitting on this garden five years ago - the task is not necessarily for most dachensons. Therefore, the first advice is not to be lazy and draw up a note on the notebook with all the beds. In this regard, every year you will celebrate planted cultures. Those who have a lot of free time can immediately mark the likely plants for a year, two or three ahead. The rest of the same to make a complete Card of crop rotation will be required 5-6 years (according to the number of average return of culture).

2. In the process of sowing, decide and write down in your notebook, how much place what kind of culture do you have (a third of the beds, quarter, half, whole, etc.). This is necessary so that in the following years you can "fold" suitable landings like pieces of mosaic. After all, it is not necessary to sow all the beds of some kind of culture. If after Luke you can put a cabbage and greens, so make - half a year of one, half a year. Just do not forget to make sure the compatibility of the neighbors plants.

3. If a place to change some culture does not work (Well, it happens), do not despair. Just add to her to bed "neighbor" from another family (without forgetting to refer with a compatibility table). So plants self-definers (beets, spinach, carrots, etc.), which we talked about in the second reason (accumulation of toxins), can grow in one place completely calmly and without loss in yields to 3 years. After all, the neighbors of another species proceed well and absorb their destructive toxins. Mixed landing works better when it is really mixed. That is, not half a year of beets and half a year of carrots, but a number of more than a number of other. Or even better - fill out the aisle the same beans.

Here, perhaps, all the information you need to organize the right and effective crop rotation in the country. The table will help to quickly decide on the seeded culture. Memo - plan all in advance. Practical tips - solve problems arising in the process. Good harvests! Published

Crowning of vegetable crops is the necessary alternation of grown plants on your beds. Crowning in the garden ideally should be an annual and continuous. This means that in the same place for two or more years in a row nothing to grow! This, of course, ideally, and implement such a utopian picture not every summer house. However, "Gardener and Gardener" will try to help you with this difficult business.

We prepared for you certainly useful schemes and tables, download which you, as usual, can at the end of the article. In the meantime, proceed to the theory.

Crowning of vegetable crops: Table for occupied gardeners

In general, the device of crop rotation - the occupation is not fast and requires certain time costs. This is due to the fact that during the alternation of crops it is necessary to take into account quite a few factors: the need for a plant in nutrition, belonging to the biological family, soil infection by pests, etc. The same, who does not have enough time for long settlements and building schemes, we offer a quick and easy solution.

"Table of crop rotation: followers and predecessors of vegetables when landing" will help you navigate in the choice of plants for a particular bed, not fit into details. The only thing to remember when using it is a culture can be returned to the previous place at least 3 to 4 years.

Table of crop rotation: followers and predecessors of vegetables when landing

As can be seen from this consolidated table of crop rotation, there are the best predecessors of vegetable crops, permissible and bad:

The best predecessors of tomatoes are colored and early cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, greens, carrots and sites. It is permissible to plant tomatoes after onions, garlic, spicy herbs, beets, lateral and medium-sized cabbage. After the rest of the cultures, the tomatoes are no longer planted on the garden.

Wonderful cabbage predecessors - cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin and legumes. But then there is a division. For late and medium grades, early early potatoes and carrots, and for early and cauliflower it is better to sow after Siderats and Luke with garlic.

Good foresters and garlic predecessors (which you are not growing for greenery) - color and early cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, early potatoes, peas, beans, beans and sitarats.

The best predecessors of cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, etc. - Onions, garlic, legumes, corn, early and cauliflower.

Good pea precursors - any cabbage, early potatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins and patissons.

Excellent carrot predecessors - cabbage, potatoes, greenery and spices, cucumbers-zucchini and sitarats.

The best predecessors of pepper and eggplant - cucumbers, onions, carrots, siturates, etc.

Good predecessors of beets - spices and greens, potatoes, cucumbers, etc.

Wonderful precursors of potatoes - zucchini, garlic, legumes, siters, etc.

It seems to understand how the table works, you managed to do without much difficulties. So, "Toropagi" leave us, and we go further.

Cross-turnover vegetables on the beds: the need or fault

Those dacifices who are not limited in time "Gardener and Gardery" offers to "dig deeper". To begin with, let's consider the objective reasons that are talking about the undoubted practical benefits and the need for crop rotation in the country.

Causes of fatigue of the soil:

1. The accumulation of pests and pathogenic organisms.

If a long time is planted on the same place, for example, potatoes, then the number of wires, colorado beetles and pathogens of phytofluges will inevitably increase in this area. It is also the situation with the rest of the cultures. Growing all the time on the same beds among the same vegetables, you risk getting on one domain onion flies, on another cabbage kille, on the third carrot flew, etc. What to talk about root and leafy nematodes, rotches and other "small" troubles.

2. Accumulation of toxins.

Another reason that speaks about the need for vegetable crop rotation is the inevitable toxic root allocations - colin. Many vegetable cultures are very sensitive to their own toxins. If you continue to plant them in one place, then the crops every year will become worse and worse, even despite the absence of pests and diseases.

The most susceptible to their root secretions spinach and beets. Slightly easier for them, parsley, radish, radishes, celery, carrots and pumpkin cultures react. Less suffer from Cups, leeks and legumes of corn. Many toxins remain on tomato, cucumber, carrot and cabbage beds.

3. Nutrition needs.

The supply of nutrients on the plot is not implanious. Each plant has its own nutrient requirements. Some cultures are less demanding, and some more. Therefore it is very important to know, "Who is who" to track the state of a particular bed. So, if you sit for the same place related plants, then for several years they will "split" from it everything you need for growth, exhausting the margin of some elements. As a result - yield will fall.

All these factors in the aggregate give the so-called soil fatigue. You can fight this and need. The most effective means is this very crop rotor of vegetables on your cottage.

Crowning in the garden: the fight against soil depletion

In order for the horrors described above did not become a reality on your favorite dacha or plot, it is enough to remember and stick to three simple rules of crop rotation.

1. Rule Botany.

It should never be put on each other's one and the same plant, but even the culture related, belonging to one type! This is the first, most importantly, important.
Judge himself:
- Diseases and pests they most often are identical. Consequently, the first reason will not be eliminated.
- They are also similar to toxins. Collects of one plant only culture of another botanical species. So the second reason will remain in place.
- Nutrition and need for trace elements in the cultures of one family are also almost identical. It turns out that the third reason is not going anywhere.

Conclusion: vegetable crop rotation within one botanical family is useless!

2. Time rule.

The longer the culture does not return - the better!
The minimum time through which the plant can be returned to the previous place - 3 years. For carrots, parsley, beets, cucumbers it is better to increase it to 4-5 years. Cabbage, when the keel appears, you can return only after 6-7 years. If there is an opportunity (there is enough space, many cultures are grown), then boldly increase these numbers, it will only be better.
Otherwise, the very three causes of soil fatigue will be again not eliminated.

3. The rule of fertility.

Determining the order of alternation of cultures in crop rotation, remember meals and plants that help enrich the soil with the necessary elements.
All cultures use nutrient elements for their height, someone more, someone less. Strong-demanding plant nutrition should not be shed at each other.
Some cultures improve the fertile layer already by the very fact of their growing in this place. These include almost all legumes. They only break the soil, but also fill it with mineral elements. No wonder many vegetables love them as predecessors. By the way, the plants of other species have similar qualities that have a deep, powerful and developed system.
Others contain the necessary substances in their roots and leaves. These plants need to know and, if possible, lay in compost. Although this is a separate topic, several examples are still present.

Buckwheat and melon leaves - calcium,
- Durman leaves - phosphorus,
- Stems and tobacco leaves - potassium,
- Dwyman nettle - iron.

In this way:
- after each plant, demanding of nutrition, for the next year it costs to plant bean cultures or seriously fertilize the garden,
- After a less demanding vegetable, you can plant more demanding, moderately supports the soil.

So that it was more convenient to navigate when alternating crops in crop rotation, "Gardener and Gardener" prepared you a special memo.

Memo: "What to take into account when alternating vegetable crops in crop rotation"

Scheme of vegetables crop rotation

Giving some options for crop rotation schemes - a waste of time. The country's country area of \u200b\u200beach gardener is unique, and therefore, few people can approach some standard plans to rotate cultures. And the point is not even in the size of the site or the number of beds. Just vegetable crops that are cultivated by everyone different. Someone comes a lot of cabbage of different species, and someone literally 5-6 plants. Someone places potatoes of 5 acres, and someone has enough 5 square meters. meters. Someone puts many cultures in the greenhouse, and someone has a greenhouse for tomatoes and cucumbers. Therefore, it is more appropriate for each dacket yourself to plan the crop rotation and make an individual scheme for yourself.

The basic principles that should be adhered to, we voiced above. Now let's remove from the ideal and plunge into the realities. Next, "Gardener and Gardener" offers you a list of practical advice, on the device of crop rotation.

1. Human memory is not limitless. Recall that the vegetable was sitting on this garden five years ago - the task is not necessarily for most dachensons. Therefore, the first advice is not to be lazy and draw up a note on the notebook with all the beds. In this regard, every year you will celebrate planted cultures. Those who have a lot of free time can immediately mark the likely plants for a year, two or three ahead. The rest of the same to make a complete Card of crop rotation will be required 5-6 years (according to the number of average return of culture).

2. In the process of sowing, decide and write down in your notebook, how much place what kind of culture do you have (a third of the beds, quarter, half, whole, etc.). This is necessary so that in the following years you can "fold" suitable landings like pieces of mosaic. After all, it is not necessary to sow all the beds of some kind of culture. If after Luke you can put a cabbage and greens, so make - half a year of one, half a year. Just do not forget to make sure the compatibility of the neighbors plants.

3. If a place to change some culture does not work (Well, it happens), do not despair. Just add to her to bed "neighbor" from another family (without forgetting to refer with a compatibility table). So plants self-definers (beets, spinach, carrots, etc.), which we talked about in the second reason (accumulation of toxins), can grow in one place completely calmly and without loss in yields to 3 years. After all, the neighbors of another species proceed well and absorb their destructive toxins.

Mixed landing works better when it is really mixed. That is, not half a year of beets and half a year of carrots, but a number of more than a number of other. Or even better - fill out the aisle the same beans.

Here, perhaps, all the information you need to organize the right and effective crop rotation in the country. The table will help to quickly decide on the seeded culture. Memo - plan all in advance. Practical tips - solve problems arising in the process. Good harvests!

Corn rotation is a agronomic term under which the natural, scientifically based annual change or alternation of crops on one or several fields included in the cultivation cycle of these plants.

Sowing planning

Vegetable crop rotation contributes to the accumulation of nutrients in the soil, heals it from causative agents of diseases and wintering stages of insect pests. Layout and co-growing create opportunities for collecting elevated yields. The crop rotation table should be every amateur vegetable. It is advisable to remember the principles of a fruitman on various features:

  • By the type of economic valuable part of the crop in direct and reverse order, roots are replaced by the fruits, then leafy vegetables - flowers;
  • On the basis of belonging to the biological family: plants from the Pumpkin, legumes, marlaine and cabbage families are replaced by parlor.

What then plant

In addition to clear ideas about the sequence, it is important to know a number of rules relating to soil fertility and a favorable phytosanitary regime:

  • The same culture should not be redeemed in one place for longer than one year. Even if cultures are different, but belong to the same botanical family, they should not follow each other, because they are damaged by the same pests and react to soil toxins equally;
  • The soil is useful to leave under the "ferry", nothing hot for 1-2 years, during the season the plot is stolen and loose, if necessary, water;
  • Plants that were grown on the site last year, leave behind the volume of root residues, which then overload and create a stock in the soil necessary macro and trace elements. In addition, bushes with a deep-rotary root system are saturated with oxygen soil and make it moisture-permeable;
  • The tops of vegetable crops and colors significantly enriches the soil with an organic matter, and the area looks clean and neat;
  • Plants that distinguish substances that scare insect pests make it possible to significantly reduce the pesticide burden on the soil and the environment;
  • The annual cultivation of high-consuming plants to the level of mineral nutrition significantly depletes the soil.

Watch the video! That after which you can plant - gardeners tips

Tip! Top Vegetable I. flower cultures Use to get compost and create warm beds!

If you follow the above rules, the accumulation of nutrients and the improvement of the soil will occur in the system and targeted order. Gardening gardens need to keep a diary, where to bring records of all manipulations in the garden and in the garden.

Using mixed landings

A number of studies and practical experience of vegetable water testifies to the positive effect. mixed landing Vegetables. The most suitable landing schemes, including:

  • onion + carrots;
  • radishes + carrots;
  • onion + cabbage;
  • beets + cabbage.

Seeds are sowing alternating rows, while they help each other to eat and protect against possible pests. When planning joint landing Vegetable is important to take into account their attitude to illumination.

Among the vegetables there are no brassy crops. With the absence of direct sun ray They cease to develop and give a crop of poor quality.

Table 1 - The ratio of vegetable crops to the level of illumination

Good predecessors of vegetable crops

All plantations are left after themselves in the soil, except for a set of mineral and organic substances, useful or toxic substances, root remnants. If you competently select the sequence of plants, actively use compost, then you can effectively control the soil fertility. The main vegetable cultures and good predecessors for them are shown in Table 2.

Table 2 - Basic vegetable crops and good predecessors for them

Culture Predecessor
Beans, beans, peas White cabbage, Beijing, broccoli, potatoes, cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin, onions, garlic, pepper, eggplant
Cabbage, beet Cucumber, potatoes, pepper, carrots, beans, pumpkin, eggplant, tomato
Potatoes Cabbage, Cucumber, Pumpkin, Onions, Garlic, Carrot
Onion garlic Cabbage, Potatoes, Bean, Green, Radish
Carrot Cucumber, Potatoes, Cabbage, Tomato, Bean
Cucumber, pumpkin, zucchini Cabbage, legumes, onions, garlic, corn
Pepper, eggplant Cabbage, cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin, onion, garlic, legumes, carrots
Tomato Cucumber, carrots, cabbage, bow, beet

All plants impose certain requirements for soil fertility and remove fixed quantities of batteries. Table 3 presents categories of vegetable and green crops By the level of removal of batteries from the soil.

The level of removal of nutrients from the soil means that for growing subsequent plantings, nutrients must be made back to the soil in a volume exceeding the one that has been rendered by the previous culture in order to accumulate fertility.

Useful! Leave the soil under pure ferry for 1-2 years every 5-6 years of use.

Plant Alternation Scheme on the Dacha

We will analyze how correctly the scheme of vegetable crop rotation for giving up. The first priority is to draw up a map plan with an indication of buildings, household objects, trees, gardening areas and the aspect ratio of light. This will allow you to see the most illuminated and privided zones. The easiest way to create a crop rotation is to divide the entire zone under the beds for 4 sectors and move the entire set of dacha vegetable crops along it.

Important! In the garden, where the culture of the first group grew up in the past year, in the current one should plan representatives of the second group, etc.

Thus, the country's crop turning includes 4 groups of vegetable plants:

  • Cucumber, cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin, patisson;
  • Tomato, onions, radishes, garlic, green crops;
  • Carrots, beets, radish, parsley root;
  • Potatoes.

Such a combination of vegetables takes into account the ratio of the amount of need for each form. The following year, the aggregate of cultures moves to the next sector. The proposed scheme is very convenient. Over time, the dacrooms produce a habit of the correct arrangement of cultures and the need to keep records disappears.

Attention! For soil under greenhouses and temporary shelters, the requirement of observance of crop rotation is also preserved.

Good and bad neighborhood

Good compatibility of cultures for joint landing

Many years of cultivation experience gardening crops Allows you to draw up a list of plants that are having affecting each other:

Watch the video! Vegetables-neighbors on the beds

Poor compatibility of cultures for joint landing

The peculiarity of growing plants on dumart sites It is what falls on comparatively small square Fix a wide range of crops like wood-shrub and vegetable. The fact is that many fruit and walnut trees can have bad influence on plants that are in close proximity to them. Here are examples of negative neighborhood:

  • Walnut inhibits any plants that are in contact with the substance that it highlights - Yuglon;
  • Fennel inhibits all cultures in close proximity;
  • Bean vegetables and wormwood are bad;
  • Potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes and strawberries are growing worse if they are in the zone of influence of each other's roots, also applies to all representatives of the Parubyar family;
  • Cabbage and strawberries - two cultures that attract to the site great amount pests, which adversely affects the growth of each culture separately.

Thus, the time spent on the design of crop rotations in the country is not a spent in vain. Competent approach and thoughtful solutions will correctly design the country's crop rotation, save on fertilizers, plant protection products and get a significant harvest of vegetables.

Watch the video! Crowning of vegetable crops

Cucumber is a traditional and favorite culture. To obtain a plentiful and high-quality harvest, it is necessary to know, after which crops will be favorable to plant the cucumbers, and what cultures, on the contrary, are bad predecessors for them.

The value of crop rotation when planting cucumbers

For full development And the maximum yield of the plant is required not only moisture and sun, but also the nutrient elements from the soil. Different families of plants take a certain type of nutrient at the soil. If from year to year put the cucumbers per and the same place, the soil will open and will not be able to provide a plant with everything necessary for full growth. In addition, in the soil, a medium is formed, favorable for the development of diseases and comfortable for breeding pests. Avoiding these problems will help compliance with the rules of crop rotation.

The main rules of the crop rotation are forbidden to plant a plant of one family on the same place. If planted peppers after eggplant, it will harm the seedlings, and it will not enrich the soil. The longer the plant does not return to his original landing site, the more nutrient elements accumulate for him in the soil. It is advisable after harvesting to sow on the beds of the plant-Siderats, but also it is necessary to take into account compatibility. These plants are saturated with nitrogen soil, structure it and prevent the growth of weeds.

The roots of cucumbers do not germinate into the deep layers of the soil, depleting only the surface layer. After cucumbers, the soil scares on nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and is saturated with a fair amount of phenolic compounds. Therefore, plants with a powerful rhizome, which deepen in the lower layers of the soil, will feel good. Also, cucumbers will be more comfortable after such plants. These can be rooted and other cultures with a powerful root system or nitrogen delivering to the ground, so necessary cucumbers.

Compatible plants

The ideal predecessors of cucumbers for landing in the open ground:

  • beans (beans, beans, peas);
  • roots (potatoes, radish, beet);
  • garlic;
  • cabbage.

Bean crops do not take nitrogen from the soil, since due to its unique structure they are able to receive it from the air. Thus, the soil not only retains nitrogen, but is additionally enriched with them. This has a positive effect on the development of cucumbers.

And if on the autumn, the soil together with the pea, beans or beans, then the nutrients will be even more.

After the root, the surface layer of the soil remains gentle, in it enough chemical elements For full growth and ripening. Despite the fact that carrots are also a root plant, it is not recommended to plant the cucumbers after it. After potatoes, the tops need to be removed because it contributes to the development of the fungi and bacteria of the medium for the development of fungi and bacteria. If the potato tops are burned, it can be used as ash - source of potassium and phosphorus for soil. Bottles can be used as a fertilizer with a high nitrogen content.

Onions and garlic have bactericidal properties, the soil after them will be delivered from unwanted microorganisms. This will allow the gift book to avoid financial and physical costs to combat cucumber diseases and pests. In addition, onions and garlic are unpretentious, and they need a minimum of nutrients, which is favorable for the soil.

The cabbage the length of the rhizoma can reach about half a meter, therefore, as well as in the case of root, upper layer Soil retains a nutrient organic. The cucumbers are not susceptible to diseases from which cabbage suffers, they will not be terrible with cabbage pests in the soil. Cabbage cultivation contributes to the loosening of the soil - it becomes easier and better passes the air and moisture.

Predecessors in the greenhouse:

  • bulgarian pepper;
  • tomatoes.

The greenhouse plants of the Parenian family have various diseases with cucumbers and the need for a nutrient medium, so the cultivation of cucumbers after them will have a positive result.

Adverse predecessors for cucumbers:

  • pumpkin (pumpkin, zucchini, patissons, watermelons, melons);
  • strawberry.

The cucumbers belong to the pumpkin family have the same needs and suffer from the same diseases and pests. Therefore, you should not land them after a friend. The cucumbers require neutral, weakly alkaline or weakly acidic soil, pumpkin leaves after themselves mainly an alkaline environment. Zucchini, patissons and melons are often suffering from Bakhcheva Tley, Medveda, Rostic Flys, because substances allocated by them in the soil and the atmosphere are favorable for the development of these pests, which is dangerous for cucumber as a representative of the family.

Strawberries significantly depletes the soil on the nitrogen content. it perennialAnd for the period of your life she has time to imagine all the best, after such predecessor, the cucumbers will not remain anything useful.

Bad "neighbors"

Next door to cucumbers can not land:

  • tomatoes;
  • potatoes;
  • spices.

Cucumbers and tomatoes prefer different microclimate - cucumbers require significantly more moisture. Tomatoes, in turn, with excessive moisture begin to suffer from fungal diseases. The requirements for watering from these vegetables are also different - cucumbers need constantly wet soil, and the fruits of tomatoes under such conditions lose their taste qualities.

The cucumbers planted next to potatoes will have an inhibitory effect on the root plant, highlighting phenolic compounds into the soil and air. This will lead to the insufficient development of tubers and harm the development of the plant as a whole.

Planting cucumbers next to fragrant herbs will lead to a slowdown of their growth, reduce the amount and quality of the crop. In addition, spicy herbs can affect the taste of the fruits.

Except from this rule is dill. His neighborhood with cucumbers has a positive effect on the yield.

Favorable neighbors for cucumbers will be:

  • corn;
  • legumes;
  • onion and garlic;
  • calendula.

The most successful neighbor for cucumber is corn, such a neighborhood helps to significantly increase the yield of cucumbers. Corn landed between cucumbers will serve as a natural support for them. Such a landing strategy, besides other advantages, also simplifies harvest. It is possible to plant corn with a separate grocery, but necessarily a side with south of cucumbers. High and sustainable plants will be protected from wind and sun, and also help create the necessary microclimate.

Bean cultures also improve the growth and yield of cucumbers. They are saturated with nitrogen and nutritional substances for cucumbers. Even after the bob harvest is assembled, the plants are left in the soil so that the cucumbers continue to focus.

Onions and garlic will remove cucumbers from most diseases, among them - puffy dew, Gray rot, Peronosporosis, mosaic field. Garlic smell scares tool, ticks and nematodes.

If on a cucumber bed in a heater to plant a calendula, it will scare away unwanted pest insects, but will attract bees and butterflies needed by pollinated varieties. In addition, the bright orange flowers of the calendula will simply become an excellent garden decoration.

On a note

If you do not have the ability to conduct an annual redevelopment of landing zones by virtue of various reasons, you will come to the revenue plants Siderats. If they are grown after collecting the main part of the crop, they are able to rehabilitate any soil and put it with such substances as magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, nitrogen, as well as starch, proteins and sugars. The green mass of the Siderates is composed in the fall. The most common sites are:

  • legumes (alfalfa, clover, donnon);
  • cruciferous (mustard, surepitsa, rape);
  • cereal (buckwheat, oats, winter rye);
  • amaranth (shin, amaranth);
  • astrovaya (calendula, sunflower).

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