How does forsythia reproduce? We choose the appropriate method. Planting and caring for forsythia

Engineering systems 14.06.2019
Engineering systems

How to grow forsythia? What to feed, fertilize? How to trim and rejuvenate? How to prepare for frost, warm? (10+)

Features of growing forsythia

When winter is just leaving, and spring has not yet sparkled with bright and fresh colors, you really want to create spring mood and the atmosphere around. This can help blooming garden outside the window. In urban conditions, tulips in municipal flower beds, dandelions on lawns and small bouquets of lilies of the valley, which are sold in the passages, are considered the usual heralds of spring.

However, few people know that the first suburban area just magic bushes can bloom forsythia. There is no need to be afraid of the complicated name: it is formed from the surname of the chief gardener of the Royal Garden of Great Britain - William Forsythe, that was his name. He not only cultivated given plant, but was the first to bring it to Europe from China.

In total, there are 11 types of forsythia and only one of them is of European origin (Balkan), while the rest are from Asia (China, Japan, Korea). But, despite all the "exoticism", this plant takes root and grows well in our area.


It is simply impossible not to notice or not pay attention to forsythia. It is a straight-growing sprawling shrub that resembles a tree in size - it can grow up to 4 m in height and spread 2 m wide. Forsythia grows very fast and up to maximum dimensions may grow in 2-3 years.

Forsythia leaves are simple, small oval-shaped with notches. The branches of the shrub are strong, flexible, stiff. They are densely covered with small four-leaved bright- yellow flowers, which bloom violently in early April. It is thanks to the huge concentration of flowers on the branches that the plant looks fantastic and cannot but be liked. The first flowers are bright, juicy and filled with colors from the inside, pleasing to the eye and creating a spring mood.

Growing Forsythia

Except mind-blowing appearance I am also pleased that forsythia is very unpretentious plant and no special efforts are required for its cultivation.

The most common type of forsythia grown in our latitudes is the hybrid form of intermediate, medium forsythia. This group includes several species that are similar in their characteristics. It is this hybrid that is optimally suited to the climate of our area.

When choosing a place for forsythia, it is necessary to take into account its impressive size. It is advisable to choose a sunny area, forsythia can grow in partial shade, the main thing is to avoid strong drafts. The soil is suitable for medium fertility, light, not acidified.

It is better to choose sprouts for planting with large quantity earth on the roots - so there are more chances that the plant will quickly and painlessly take root.

When you have decided on the place and sprouts, it's time to go directly to planting. The best time for this - the middle of spring or the beginning of autumn, periods when there is no intense heat, but the soil is warm and sufficiently moist. It is necessary to dig a hole 50 * 50 cm in size and 50-60 cm deep. Pour drainage from fragments of brick and rubble into the bottom, a mixture of humus, sand and earth on top. Then, at a depth of 30-40 cm, carefully plant the plant, sprinkle with earth and water.

Watering should be moderate, forsythia tolerates dryness more easily than waterlogging. It is necessary to ensure that the water does not stagnate under the bush. And be sure to loosen the ground after each watering.

top dressing

Before flowering and after it - a favorable time for fertilizer. To do this, you can take manure, dilute it in water and water the bushes. The main thing in this case is to strictly observe the proportions. In the spring, under the forsythia, it is necessary to put manure in the ratio of 50-100 g per bush and water everything abundantly. Before the plant begins flowering, it must be fed with mineral fertilizers. The third dressing is required after the plant has already faded. Forsythia must also be fed with phosphorus and potassium, but only at the end. summer period. The branches tilt and wrap well on winter period.

In April, complete mineral fertilizer 60-70g/m2 is also applied. Another top dressing is carried out after flowering, when new flower buds are being laid. Kemira-universal 100-120g/m2 is recommended.

Forsythia tolerates dry soil better than excess soil moisture. And only in summer, if the drought is long, once a month the bushes are watered at the rate of 10-12 liters for each bush. After watering and fertilizing, the soil under the plant is loosened and mulched.

For the winter period, the branches of the bush need to be bent to the ground, attached with studs and sprinkled with foliage. Such a blanket will help the plant to successfully winter, survive the frost.


Forsythia bushes grow very quickly and actively, so in order for them to look well-groomed and tidy, they need to be cut. You can prune the plant only after it has already bloomed at least once. The form can be given any at your discretion. From the correct pruning, the bush will bloom even more. During the pruning process, old dead branches are removed, too dense places are thinned out, and shoots that have faded should be shortened.


Reproduction of forsythia is not difficult. It is enough just to dig in layers in spring or autumn. There is also an option for rooting cuttings: cut cuttings about 15 cm are rooted in wet soil in the shade, and then transplanted to a prepared place. Cuttings can be covered to create a greenhouse effect.

Aesthetic value

Forsythia - very a good option for gardeners with imagination. Forsythia bushes are easy to give the desired shape, and it will successfully fit into the exterior of the site.

You can also create from bushes hedge of incredible beauty, and due to its structure (strong and flexible sprawling branches), such a fence will also be practical.

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A striking feature of this culture is that it blooms in early spring. The branches of the shrub are almost entirely covered with small bright bells. yellow color, and only after the dazzling petals wither, young leaves begin to appear on the forsythia.

Forsythia: planting and care, reproduction and cultivation

The shrub is quite unpretentious, it is easy to care for it. The plant loves fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. Additional watering is needed only in persistent drought. It is noteworthy that forsythia tolerates the dry period much better than excess moisture. Loosening the soil has a very positive effect on the plant: be sure to weed the weeds around the bush.

landing and care

The photo perfectly conveys how bright and beautiful the plant looks, which begins to bloom before all other representatives of the flora. The shrub needs annual pruning and protection for the winter. Usually a flowering culture, removing faded shoots to the middle. Branches can be cut at the root, but only in spring, then the plant will quickly restore its shape. For the winter, shrub branches are bent to the ground and covered with spruce branches or dry leaves.

Both experienced and novice gardeners will definitely like such a shrub as forsythia. Planting and caring for it is very simple, it does not take up much space, does not require special fertilizers. A decorative properties this shrub is amazing.

If you want your garden to start blooming in the earliest spring, forsythia is a must. Culture propagation is carried out by cuttings. Green shoots are usually cut in early summer. Seedlings are placed in sand and covered with a film. Before planting cuttings, it is advisable to keep them in Forsythia, planting and caring for which do not require much effort, and can also be propagated by lignified cuttings. They are cut from thick annual shoots in autumn. Cuttings are planted in the ground and covered with fallen leaves. Next spring you will receive ready-made young bushes.

Forsythia can also be propagated by layering. To do this, the young branch of the plant is bent to the ground, fixed, for example, with wire, and sprinkled with earth. And in order for the roots to form faster, it is advisable to slightly incise the bark at the point of contact with the ground.

So, it turns out that forsythia, planting and caring for which are very simple, completely undemanding and unpretentious. There are several types of shrubs: ovoid, hanging and dark green. There are specially bred varieties of dwarf forsythia.

The shrub is widely used in the construction of hedges in landscape design. Fast growth, early flowering and decorative make it a welcome guest.

The most winter-hardy is the ovoid forsythia, but it also needs to be covered in severe frosts. For example, the Siebold variety has very flexible stems, so many gardeners plant shrubs near the trellis, and then spread the shoots over them. Branches on the ground look very beautiful.

Forsythia is a shrub or tree that belongs to the olive family. The branches are erect, reaching a height of up to 4 meters. The leaves are simple, oval in shape, have notches. The length of the leaf can reach 10 cm. Forsythia flowers are bright yellow and consist of 4 petals, reach 3 cm in diameter. The advantage of these bushes is that flowering begins immediately after winter. Flowers appear first on the branches, and after flowering, bright green leaves appear. The flowering period lasts almost a month.

Forsythia hanging:

  • Its homeland is China.
  • It is a shrub, the height of the branches of which reaches 3 meters.
  • The branches, olive in color, grow in an arcuate shape, and the bush itself has a sprawling shape.
  • The flowers are bright yellow, four-petalled in diameter, reach 2.5 cm. The flowers on the branches grow singly or grow in inflorescences of 3-4 pieces.
  • Leaves are oval with serrated edges.

Forsythia intermediate:

  • This plant has such a name, since this species is an intermediate hybrid between the type of forsythia dark green and drooping.
  • The height of this bush reaches 3.5 meters.
  • Its branches are straight and drooping, strongly sprawling.
  • The leaves are oblong, oval, serrated along the edges, the length can reach 10 cm.
  • Flowers of golden yellow color are collected on branches several pieces together.
  • This species is hardy and tolerates drought well.
  • Flowering begins already in the third year of life. The flowering period starts from the end of April and lasts for 20 days.

Forsythia ovoid:

  • The height of the shrub reaches 2 meters.
  • The branches are spreading, on which golden flowers are located.
  • pointed at the ends.
  • This species does not bloom for a very long time, about 2–2.5 weeks.
  • This species is beautiful not only in spring, but also in autumn.
  • During this period, forsythia leaves turn orange and purple.
  • Forsythia ovoid tolerates winter and dry summer well.
  • Grows fast enough. Propagated by seeds, layering and cuttings.
  • Often used in gardens and parks.

  • The bush has a spherical shape due to thick branches, the height of which reaches 2 meters.
  • The bush itself can grow up to 3 meters in diameter. The flowers are lemon-colored and fairly large.
  • Flowering begins in April, flowers appear a few days earlier than leaves.
  • The leaves are light green in color and reach a length of 8 cm.
  • A fairly durable plant, the age can reach 70 years.

Forsythia dark green:

  • Homeland is China, where it grows on mountain slopes.
  • These bushes have a dark green color of the branches, thanks to which this type of forsythia got its name.
  • The bush itself grows up to 3 meters. The plant blooms in a gently light green color, and the flowers are collected 3 pieces in a bunch or are arranged singly on the branches.
  • The leaves are elongated, at the ends in the upper part there are notches.
  • This species is more thermophilic than the others, but also drought-resistant.
  • Distributed in southern, coastal countries.

Forsythia Giralda:

  • Its homeland is China.
  • Forsythia bushes of this species reach a height of 2 meters.
  • It has straight and curved yellow-brown branches.
  • The leaves are elongated, dark green.
  • This plant blooms in May, the flowers have a light yellow color and slightly twisted petals.
  • It tolerates winter and frost well.

Forsythia bushes require annual pruning.

At correct pruning the bush becomes thicker, and the flowering is more abundant. In young shoots, a little of the upper part is cut off. Older branches are cleaned more thoroughly. If pruning is decorative, then only those branches that go beyond the required shape are removed. In the spring, immediately after wintering, all dry branches are removed. Pruning goes to healthy living wood.

Pruning after flowering is also necessary, in which a smaller part of the faded branches is removed.

For the winter, the bush must be mulched:

  • To do this, you can use fallen leaves from a bush or straw.
  • In areas where the winter is more frosty, long branches are also insulated. They are bent to the ground, fixed and insulated.
  • It is important to control the opening of the plant in early spring, with a late opening, warmed roots and branches can support, and the plant may get sick.
  • Also after opening the bush it and mineral fertilizers.

Forsythia should be watered moderately and only during the dry season. The plant tolerates heat well, but reacts very poorly to excess moisture and waterlogged soil. Resistant to diseases and pests.

Forsythia reproduces in autumn period using cuttings and cuttings.

Much less often, reproduction is carried out using seeds. The easiest way for this plant is to propagate by layering. Branches that fall from the bush and come into contact with the ground take root well on their own. You can also root the necessary branches yourself. To do this, you need to cut the bark a little in a place where the branch will be sprinkled with earth. Next, bend and fix the branch near the ground and sprinkle the incised place with earth, about 10 cm. This operation is carried out in the fall, and in the spring you can cut off the layers from mother bush. Such a young bush can bloom in a year.

It is also easy to propagate the plant by cuttings:

  • Young cuttings are cut in June, stiff in autumn.
  • For rooting, they are planted in fertile soil and must be insulated for the winter.

Ready seedlings with good roots are planted in the autumn.

To do this, sunny places are chosen in the garden, closed from the wind. You can also plant a bush in partial shade. Young bushes are best planted in prepared fertile soil, consisting of humus, sand and leafy soil. Planting pits are made shallow, up to 70 cm and at a distance of up to 2.5–3 meters, depending on the type of forsythia. At the bottom of the hole, it is preferable to make drainage, after which a bush lies in it and sprinkles with prepared soil. The earth around the bush is well trampled down and watered abundantly.

Forsythia is very often used in the design of gardens and parks. Due to the fact that in spring it is the first to bloom among all bushes and trees, and in winter it is covered with bright purple and yellow-orange leaves, it is often planted singly. The forsythia bush also looks very impressive in layout with other bushes of a similar size.

Very often in country houses This plant is used as a hedge.

Designers are very fond of using forsythia bushes, as it does not require special care and frequent pruning, drought-resistant and looks great in any composition.

More information can be found in the video.

In the spring, when you want bright colors so much, you can’t help but notice the bushes, still leafless, gray stems of which are densely covered with small yellow flowers. How to propagate this early flowering plant called forsythia using cuttings and layering in the spring season will be described in the article. View detailed video will help you understand everything better.

What varieties are popular

In nature, bushes can be found in East Asia and in the former Yugoslavia:

  1. Not too large shrub - 1-3 m high and about 2 m wide.
  2. Shoots are covered with gray, durable bark.
  3. Leaves are oval with serrated margins. Fully bloom after flowering. They are located opposite each other along the stem.
  4. Flowers shaped like a bell, painted yellow, each of them has 4 petals. The flowering period lasts a long time - about three weeks.
  5. The fruits are represented by small boxes, in each of which several seeds with wings ripen.

In the gardens of Europe, you can find several varieties of plants. European- shrub up to 2 m tall with vertical shoots. Flowers solitary. Giralda- differs from the previous species in twisted flower petals and their larger sizes. drooping- grows up to 3 m. Shoots hang down. Yellow flowers form bunches. Popular varieties:

  • motley - it is distinguished by green leaves with a yellowish pattern, its flowers are yellow;
  • Forchuna - the leaves of the variety are narrow, the flowers are yellow;
  • purple-stemmed - this plant has purple stems and blooming leaves.
  • dark green - reaches 3 m in height. Shoots grow up. Large leaves, dark green. The flowers have a greenish tint.

Intermediate- leaves oblong, dark green. The flowers are bright yellow. Varieties:

  • Beatrix Farrand - tall (up to 4 m) shrub with yellow flowers;
  • Denziflora - the plant reaches 1.5 m, with twisted petals;
  • Spectabilis is a shrub up to 1 m in height and up to 1.2 m in width, the flowers are bright yellow, the green color of the leaves changes to purple by autumn.

White- stands out from all the unusual white flowers with a yellow throat, which at the bud stage have a pink tint. The underside of the leaves is purple. ovoid- endowed with yellow single flowers, blooming on a shrub earlier than other species. Leaves green with purple tint. Common varieties:

  • Spring Glory - flowers are bright yellow, large, leaves are green in spring, and in autumn they become variegated with a purple and yellow pattern;

  • Tetragold is a low (up to 1 m) shrub with yellow, fairly large (up to 3 cm in diameter) flowers;
  • Goldzauber - flowers are golden yellow, large, bloom in mid-April.

How to propagate a shrub yourself

Forsythia is propagated in several ways:

  • seeds;
  • layering;
  • cuttings.

Seeds are collected in late autumn and stored in a cool room. To grow a full-fledged shrub, the following work is carried out:

  1. Prepare boxes with nutrient soil, which is suitable as a mixture garden soil, humus and sand (1:1:1, respectively).
  2. Seeds are sown to a depth of about 1 cm.
  3. Crops are covered with film or glass.
  4. After 20-40 days, the first shoots break through.

Attention! Must be taken into account. That seed germination is small - only 30-40%.

Of the positive aspects of this method of reproduction, one can note the possibility of obtaining a large number plants. The negative side is the very slow growth of seedlings and the first flowering 5-6 years after planting.

Propagation by layering and cuttings

Forsythia shoots, when in contact with the soil, are able to germinate, so it is enough just to propagate it by layering.

  1. In spring, young, flexible shoots are chosen.
  2. A small hole is dug from their base (about 10 cm deep).
  3. Along the entire length of the branch, with the exception of the top, the leaves are cut off.
  4. Immerse the part of the shoot from which the leaves were removed into the groove and pin it.
  5. Sprinkle with soil.
  6. This place is regularly watered.

Advice. In order for the shoots to take root faster, several cuts must be made along the stem.

The shoot obtained by this method is separated from the mother bush next spring. It will bloom within a year.

Propagation by cuttings is a method available to everyone. Implement it like this:

  1. In the spring, after the bush has faded, cut blanks with 2-3 internodes, moreover, the upper cut is made oblique.
  2. For 3-4 hours, the cuttings are immersed in a root formation stimulator.
  3. Planted in a container with sand, or immediately in the garden under a glass jar.
  4. Periodically watered, trying not to allow the soil to dry out.
  5. A month later, the cuttings take root.
  6. Transplanted from the box to the garden next spring. They bloom the same year.

Advice. To avoid frost damage, it is better to cover the plants in the first winter.

There is absolutely nothing complicated in the reproduction of forsythia. Anyone can easily plant this bright shrub that blooms at the same time as primroses on their site without any problems.

Reproduction of garden forsythia: video

At the time of flowering, the forsythia shrub cannot leave anyone indifferent: its drooping branches, densely strewn with golden yellow flowers, bell-shaped fascinate, resembling solar cascades. And even after the forsythia bush fades, it does not lose its decorative effect, because to replace bright flowers come no less bright, large leaves of rich dark green color.

What does forsythia look like when it blooms?

The forsythia plant (Forsythia) belongs to the Olive family (Oleaceae), its homeland is East Asia, Southeast Europe.

Forsythia, or forsythia, is an early flowering deciduous shrub with yellow shoots and bright green oval or tripartite leaves, which combines 6 species common in East Asia and one species growing in South East Europe. Among these six species, three East Asian varieties are distinguished by frost resistance: forsythia ovoid, or oval, drooping, or hanging, and intermediate.

For amateur gardeners, the most promising f. European (F. europaea), f. hanging down (F. scandens), f. intermediate (F. intermedia), f. dark green (F. viridissima) and etc.

Forsythia is an early flowering shrub up to 2 - 2.5 m tall, with sprawling ascending or drooping shoots. The leaves are large, simple or trifoliate, opposite, occasionally serrated at the edges, dark green. special attention deserves forsythia at the time of flowering: golden-yellow, single, bell-shaped flowers densely strew the branches. Forsythia blooms profusely, in early spring, before the leaves bloom. In the conditions of central Russia, flowers begin to bloom in late April - early May, some species have a faint aroma. In harsh winters with little snow, part of the flower buds die, so it is recommended to bend down the shoots for the winter so that they are covered with snow.

Here are photos of forsythia flowers:

Forsythia is highly decorative. It is especially effective in single and group plantings, in rock gardens and mixborders. Suitable for covering fences and low walls. Sprigs blooming in early spring are very attractive, they are cut in buds, flowers bloom in vases, and the cut stays at home for 10-12 days.

Planting and caring for forsythia shrubs (with photo)

The plant is quite demanding on heat, suffers from severe frosts, in middle lane Russian shoots often freeze slightly, but then the crown is quickly restored. Should be planted on fertile soils, in open sunny places, protected from the winds. For the winter, it is advisable to slightly cover the ground under the bushes with leaves. Forsythia easily tolerates gas contamination.

Forsythia are durable and do not get sick. At the same time, the plants are drought-resistant and undemanding to the soil. Grow up maximum height very fast. When planting, for ease of care for forsythia, it is better to choose sunny areas, in extreme cases, partial shade. Freezing species need to be bent to the ground for the winter, which allows you to make flexible branches, and cover with spruce branches. The formation of bushes should be started immediately after flowering, old and powerful branches should not be cut, as they contain the vast majority of flower buds.

It is best to plant these plants in groups in open areas. In order for flowers to appear immediately after active heat, they are planted along a warm wall or on a sunny edge.

Hanging Forsythia can be placed on the slopes, where it will look spectacular. If you cut off a forsythia branch with buds in January and put it in warm water, then leaves will soon appear.

When growing forsythia, plants need to be watered, loosen the trunk circle and weed weeds. Shrub tolerates dry soil better than too wet.

In winter, the most vulnerable point of forsythia is the flower buds that appear on last year's shoots. Therefore, in order for the branches to be strewn with flowers in spring, the plant is covered for the winter: the branches are bent to the ground and covered.

In the spring, when the buds begin to bloom, you can remove the frozen ends of the shoots to living wood. And immediately after flowering, shorten the branches - so that as many side shoots as possible form by next year.

The photo of planting and caring for forsythia shows how to properly grow this shrub:

How to propagate a forsythia bush

Propagated by green and lignified cuttings, seeds, weeping forms - layering.

Reproduction of forsythia by lignified cuttings is a simple matter. In October, thick annual shoots are cut into cuttings of 15 cm each, poke them into loose soil so that two or three buds remain on the surface, and cover with dry leaves. In the spring, the cuttings will begin to grow and by the autumn they will turn into seedlings. If the plants are weakly branching, they are pruned. Do the same with frozen plants. Chopped branches can be rooted in water and then planted.

For propagation of forsythia, cuttings with two pairs of leaves can be cut in June - July. At the end of winter, lignified cuttings are prepared. After 2-3 weeks, when the cuttings take root, they are planted in the garden and kept for two years. If the plants branch weakly, they are cut to a stump.

When propagated by layering in summer or autumn, the lower young branch is bent to the ground, fixed with studs and sprinkled with fertile soil (before bending the branch, you can cut the bark on it - then the roots will appear faster). In the spring, this branch is cut off from the bush. By next year it will be a new plant.

More fast way propagation is green cuttings. Before propagating forsythia, the cuttings are cut in June, after which they are impregnated with a root growth stimulator and planted under a film, where there should be room temperature and high humidity.

Shoots of weeping varieties take root themselves.

Seeds should be sown in autumn or spring after 2-month stratification into beds and looked after like any other seedlings, observing the irrigation regime and applying universal fertilizer once a year.

As you can see in the photo, forsythia seedlings are covered with spruce branches for the winter:

After a year, the seedlings must be dived, and after another 3 years, transplanted to a permanent place.

Types and varieties of forsythia shrub

Here you can find photos and descriptions of the most popular types of forsythia.

Siebold form- undersized, with dark yellow flowers, thin creeping shoots. It grows quickly, frost-resistant, hardy in urban conditions, used in landscaping. This type of forsythia grows best in fresh, fertile soils containing lime. In amateur gardens, it is recommended to plant in groups, or along paths, to decorate slopes and in wide curbs. Used for early forcing on bouquets.

Forsythia GiraldaForsythia giraldiana. Homeland - China. Cultivated since 1938. Shrub with spreading, thin branches, flowers up to 2 cm long, light yellow. It blooms in April very abundantly and for a long time (up to three weeks). Quite winter-hardy, good for hedges and in plantings in groups.

Forsythia europeanForsythia europaea. Originally from Albania Height up to 2 m, shoots are thick, resilient, yellow flowers with dark yellow stripes. In cold winters, it often freezes, even in Ukraine.

Forsythia hanging downForsythia suspensa. It grows wild in mountainous China. A large shrub, up to 3 m high, with sprawling, arched, sometimes creeping shoots along the ground, with spectacular yellow flowers up to 3 cm in diameter. Blooms in late April for more than three weeks, very abundant. It blooms especially well on rich soils with sufficient lime content. Quite winter hardy. Very good when growing it with trellises.

The most interesting and noteworthy is forsythia hanging form is deceptive. This is a large shrub that stands out for its intense yellow coloration flowers. Dark green leaves turn beautiful brown in autumn. The flowers are very large - up to 4 cm in diameter, solitary. Blooms in April - May for three and a half weeks. Pretty winter hardy.

Forsythia medium, or intermediateForsythia intermedia(F. suspensax F. viridissima Lindl.). Beautiful forsythia of hybrid origin. A large, wide-spreading shrub up to 3 m tall, part of the branches is arched, hanging down, part is directed upwards, with golden yellow, crowded flowers.

Look at the photo - the flowers of the forsythia shrub of this species are collected 2-3 in inflorescence, golden yellow, the perianth tube inside with orange-yellow stripes, the limbs of the flower are long, the same length as the tube:

It blooms very profusely for more than three weeks from the second decade of April before the leaves bloom and is very effective during flowering. Very resistant to drought, severe frost and gas pollution. Propagated by cuttings.

Interesting varieties of forsythia of this species: "Spectabilis" , "Spring Glory" , "Beatrix Farand" .

Forsythia dark greenForsythia viridissima. This plant comes from China, up to 3 m high, with erect shoots, greenish-yellow flowers. In central Russia, in severe winters, it freezes heavily.

Forsythia ovoidForsythia ovata. Shrub up to 2 m high, originally from the Korean Peninsula. The leaves are bright green, broadly ovate, pointed, up to 7 cm long. The flowers are bright yellow, solitary, up to 2 cm in diameter, blooms in April - May for 3 weeks. By autumn, the leaves turn dark purple and orange tones, making the shrub very elegant. The most winter-hardy of all types.

Now you know what forsythia looks like different types, it's time to learn about pruning shrubs.

Forsythia pruning (with video)

Forsythia is usually planted with 2-3 year old seedlings. In this case, all damaged, weak and diseased shoots should be removed. The existing several skeletal branches are cut off by only 3 - 7 cm. They do this above a strong and healthy kidney. In the first year after planting, forsythia blooms very weakly.

After the end of flowering, all faded branches must be cut off, leaving only strong growths. In the second year, again after flowering, all faded branches are removed, since powerful shoots form below them, from which the crown of the bush will form in the future. All weak shoots should be removed immediately. For the third and subsequent years, the previously done work is repeated. Faded branches and 1/4 of old shoots are removed, while it is necessary to achieve the preservation of the shape of the bush. Main Feature forsythia is flowering on growths of the previous year. Based on this, all methods of trimming it are built:

  • forsythia pruning is carried out immediately after flowering;
  • at the same time, all faded branches are cut and removed;
  • simultaneously carry out thinning and shortening of old branches.

This is done to accelerate the development of generative buds on a new growth. Adult bushes are rejuvenated once every 3-4 years by pruning on a stump. However, in order for the bushes to continue to bloom, this work should be carried out in 2 - 3 stages, stretching for 2 - 3 years. Mature forsythia plants can be left unpruned for several years, provided they do not oppress neighboring plants.

The video "Pruning forsythia" shows how this agricultural technique is performed:

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