Drainage of the site. How to drain a wet area from water: effective ways to deal with excess moisture Drainage of a summer cottage with your own hands through deep drainage

Water bodies 25.06.2019
Water bodies

Recently, special attention has been paid to the role of soil in human existence and activity. Many people understand and realize its colossal importance. Therefore, the advantages of personal plots are being increasingly appreciated. Today, reclamation of the suburban area is becoming a necessity.

Video about equipment for agricultural land reclamation

The value of fertile soil

Soil is a colossal natural wealth that provides people with food. It is a special formation of the earth, which has a composition, structure inherent only to it, and invaluable properties. The most important property soil is its fertility, the ability to ensure the development, growth, fruiting of plants. This is the main value of soil for human life, as well as all living organisms living on land.

In addition, the most important soil is also in the fact that it absorbs and retains pollutants, binds them physically and chemically. It acts as a kind of filter that prevents harmful compounds from entering groundwater, plants, as well as animals and humans. However, the soil's possibilities are not limitless. It can be characterized by excessive waterlogging, high levels of acidity and salt deposits, excessive depletion, and dryness.

Suburban area with cultivated soils

What is land reclamation

The term melioratio itself, translated from Latin, means “improvement”. This is a whole complex of economic and technical works to improve soil, hydrological and agroclimatic conditions. Land reclamation provides for an increase in the efficiency of land use, as well as water resources to quickly obtain sustainable and high yields of agricultural crops. It differs from ordinary agrotechnical work in a more intense and prolonged impact on certain objects of the summer cottage. These are works that are aimed at improving the quality, properties of the soil, increasing productivity, maintaining plantings and crops in a strong rainy or dry period.

Reclamation activities were known even in ancient greece... Practically throughout the Mediterranean, there were built complex systems, providing for water supply, as well as unique water pipelines were erected. They still amaze scientists with their organic design, their thoughtfulness.

The main requirement for the arrangement of a modern suburban area is reclamation work. Despite all the delights of the backyard landscape, it is impossible to create a harmonious artificial ecosystem without a special drainage or irrigation system.

Scheme of reclamation structures at the summer cottage

The most favorable time for reclamation work is the spring-summer period. It is during this period of time that it is possible to realistically assess the level of moisture of the entire soil on the site, determine the amount of wastewater, and identify the places of accumulation of moisture.

Preconditions for reclamation activities

Reclamation today garden plot is one of the main types of work, on which the yield depends, as well as the quality of fruits and vegetables. Excessive waterlogging, as well as insufficient moisture, leads to negative consequences for the entire internal biological system allotted.

Organization of stormwater

Regular flooding of soils, violation of the composition, erosion, excessive acidity of the soil - all these indicators lead to excessive salinization, the development of a bacterial background, putrefactive processes manifested in fundamental buildings, destruction of flora.

In turn, dry soil leads to improper water exchange, destruction of vegetation cover and higher stands. That is why to create favorable conditions, contributing to the development of flora, a well-designed land reclamation is required.

Types and types of reclamation works

There are such types of soil reclamation as hydrotechnical, cultural, thermal and chemical.


Drainage ditch

Provides for bringing the entire complex of landscape and garden plants... The process is aimed at improving the living conditions of the personal or suburban area. There are such works:

  • irrigation;
  • drainage;
  • landslide works;
  • flood control actions;
  • anti-mudflow and anti-erosion processes.

Hydraulic reclamation is based on the performance of drainage works, which provide for the creation of a reserve for successful growth and natural development both artificial and natural plantings. This implies the elimination of excess moisture from the places of its accumulation, as well as adjustment of the mode of its accumulation by the soil.

Cultural and technical reclamation

  • treatment of salt licks;
  • clearing the ground from stones and other unnecessary items;
  • removal of bumps, mosses and stumps;
  • primary tillage, sanding, earth-growing, claying.

Thermal reclamation

Heat reclamation consists in changing temperature regime in the soil. The desired result can be achieved by compacting the surface layer of the soil, placing special compost heaps in those places of the site where wood compositions are planted. In addition, it can be the creation of snow blockages, spring and summer mulching. It is advisable that all work is carried out under the supervision of an experienced agronomist or a specialist in landscape design, since excess moisture contributes to nullifying the results of growing decorative, garden and vegetable crops.

Chemical soil reclamation

This method is used in cases where it is necessary to bring slightly acidic or excessively acidic soil closer to slightly alkaline. Carry out the following works:

  • liming;
  • phosphorization;
  • plastering.

Most of the plants grow better in slightly acidic or neutral soil. Excessive acidity can slow down the growth of the root system, disrupt metabolic processes. In such cases liming is required.

Phosphorization (application of phosphorite fertilizers to the soil) is carried out in cases where there is a lack of microelements important for the development of plants.

Alkaline soils, especially salt licks, are usually gypsum.

The types of reclamation are characterized by certain features, therefore, the choice of specific reclamation works depends on the natural and economic conditions prevailing on the site. A whole range of actions is often used. But drainage and irrigation are still considered more ambitious. These are the methods of land reclamation that involve laying a drainage or irrigation systems NS.

Drainage: installation and operation of the drainage system

A properly planned and designed drainage system allows you to protect country cottage area from regular flooding, stagnant water, putrefactive processes. Laid at a certain depth, the pipe system will not interfere with the growth of fruit and vegetable crops, their processing, plowing of the allotment, and landscape work.

Mounting drainage system starts with measurements. Accurate measurements can be obtained with an ordinary or digital level. In addition, you will need polyethylene pipes for land reclamation, the diameter of which ranges from 70 to 110 mm. The specificity of the material, low weight determine their long service life.

A feature of such pipes is a large number of small (up to 1 mm) holes. They determine the principle of operation of the entire drainage system on the site. The pipes function like a suction sponge: water that has oversaturated the soil seeps through these holes into the system. Under the action of the resulting vascular pressure, the accumulations flow down to the outlet (the lowest part of the site), into a canal, which, in turn, can flow into a local natural or artificial reservoir.

The depth of the laying, as a rule, is 40 - 60 cm. The classical scheme is a pipe around which coarse gravel, sand and vegetation are laid. The location of underground drainage along the entire perimeter of the allotment will significantly reduce the level of groundwater, relieve the site of excessive excess moisture.

We organize watering of the site: methods and types of irrigation

In places of unstable moisture, especially where droughts occur periodically, it is necessary to use irrigation. The establishment of an irrigation system is impossible without a reliable source of water suitable for irrigation. This source can be a lake, reservoir or river. For the purpose of irrigation can also be used The groundwater.

If the level of the nearest reservoir is significantly higher than the level of the area intended for irrigation, then the water can flow by gravity. Otherwise, it is necessary to create a special system, the functioning of which depends on the pump.

Depending on how the water will be distributed over the site, the following types of irrigation are distinguished:

During sprinkling, water is purposefully sprayed over the allotment. Ground irrigation involves the supply of water over the soil surface or special furrows. The subsoil irrigation system is designed for continuous operation. Through special pipes, under pressure, water is directed to the root system of plants. The advantages of such irrigation are that it does not require careful planning when laying, and also does not complicate further agrotechnical work on the site.

The frequency of watering depends on the weather conditions and the characteristics of the cultivation of certain crops. As a rule, this is soil moistening before planting plants, as well as during their active growth. There are also feeding, water-charging, fertilizing, refreshing, flushing irrigation.

Stages of land reclamation

After the laying of the drainage or irrigation system, reclamation and land reclamation of the site is carried out. The work is aimed at restoring the landscape, improving the sanitary and hygienic conditions of a particular natural environment.

Reclamation is carried out in two stages: this is technical work, as well as the restoration of biological processes. At the first stage, preparatory technical actions are carried out, the damaged surface of the site is restored.

A complex of reclamation and reclamation work will help restore soil fertility and it will again be able to delight you with rich harvests!

Biological reclamation is aimed at improving fertility, increasing the level of nutrients and trace elements in the soil. The site is being prepared for subsequent efficient use.

It is advisable to involve specialists in reclamation, as well as reclamation work, because not only certain equipment, tools, materials are needed, but also specific knowledge and skills. In the competence of such specialists, not only the improvement of the sites, but also the reclamation of ponds. As a result of the work carried out, you can get such a summer cottage that will delight you not only with a high harvest, but also make you feel good about having a good rest.

Before we get started, let's figure out what we will be doing this coming weekend on our backyards. What kind of animal is this - "reclamation"?

Reclamation is a complex of technical, organizational and economic measures of long-term and intensive impact on the land, aimed at improving its properties.

Carry out a set of measures on the site to improve the soil

Have you figured out the definition? Wonderful!

Moving on! What properties of the land do we need to improve? After all, from the course of school science we know that Mother Earth in its original form is beautiful and perfect! And any sprout given to her under her care can grow.

But a person is such a being that he always strives for something more perfect and ideal. People use a set of measures (land reclamation) aimed at improving the quality and properties of the soil, to increase productivity, the safety of garden plantings in heavy rain or drought.


Reclamation measures are carried out in several directions, there are several types of reclamation, such as:

  • Hydro reclamation includes the following works: irrigation, drainage, anti-landslide and anti-flood actions, anti-erosion and anti-mudflow processes. All this is achieved by performing drainage works, which will help us in removing excess moisture from the places of its accumulation, as well as in regulating the mode of its accumulation by the soil.
  • Cultural and technical reclamation is based on the performance of such works as: processing salt licks, removing stones and unnecessary objects from the ground, removing bumps, mosses and stumps, primary tillage, sanding, earth tenure, claying, etc.
  • Heat reclamation is a change in the temperature regime in the soil by compaction of the surface layer of the soil with compost heaps in areas with trees.
  • Chemical reclamation is used when it is necessary to change the acidity of the soil (for example, the transition from acidic soil to slightly alkaline, which is preferred by most horticultural crops).

It should be noted that the choice of reclamation work depends on the natural and economic conditions prevailing on your site. A number of actions are often taken. But in most cases, drainage and irrigation are used. These are the methods of amelioration that involve the laying of a drainage or irrigation system.

How does any type of work begin? Of course, with planning and design. What do we need for this? First of all, it is a pencil and clear sheet paper, and of course, a great desire to work hard for the benefit of oneself.

Approximate plan suburban area

Let's decide on the goals that we need to achieve:

  • protection of the suburban area from regular flooding;
  • protection against stagnant water;
  • protection against putrefactive processes in the soil.

Our next action is to decide how and with the help of what it is possible to achieve the intended goals. The answer is simple, and you won't be surprised to hear it. This is a properly planned and designed drainage system.

Drainage system

The manufacture of a drainage system at our summer cottage begins with measurements. To do this, we need a conventional or digital level (a geodetic instrument for leveling, that is, determining the difference in heights between several points on the earth's surface relative to the conditional level, in other words, determining the elevation).

And polyethylene pipes, 70–100 mm in diameter, are needed for land reclamation, since this material and its light weight guarantee us and even our grandchildren and great-grandchildren a long service life. Such pipes are special in that they have many small holes. Through them, water seeps into the system from the oversaturated soil, it resembles the work of a "suction sponge".

The drainage system not only improves the efficiency of the land, but can also serve as its decoration by creating an artificial reservoir on its basis.

Necessary materials for reclamation of a summer cottage with your own hands: tools (shovels), a pipe, large crushed stone, which we lay around the pipe, sand and vegetable soil.

Organization of watering the site

We all know perfectly well that water is the most important thing on the planet for the existence of all living things. Likewise, our garden plantings require care and moisture. We will be able to resolve this issue by organizing an irrigation system on our site. We can take care of our plants by a complex of irrigation measures:

  • sprinkling;
  • ground surface irrigation;
  • subsurface distribution of moisture.

Ground surface irrigation

Stages of land reclamation

After we have carried out work on the creation of drainage and irrigation systems, reclamation and land reclamation of the site is carried out. The purpose of these works is important to us for many reasons: we are restoring the landscape; we improve the sanitary and hygienic conditions of a specific natural environment.

It is necessary to carry out two stages of reclamation:

  • technical (restoration of the damaged surface of the summer cottage);
  • biological (increasing soil fertility).

Reclamation work is not as easy as it seems at first glance, so we recommend that you involve specialists in this area or work under their strict guidance. Indeed, for each case, not only certain equipment, tools, materials are needed, but also specific knowledge, skills and experience.

The result of the work carried out will be such a personal plot, which will not only be high-yielding, but will also become the best place for a good rest for you and your loved ones.

The use of land for agricultural purposes does not lose its relevance even in the age of high technologies. However, the effective use of soil for cultivation cultivated plants possible only on condition that it meets the necessary agrotechnical characteristics. There are practically no lands that are initially ready to provide a high yield after sowing without appropriate preparation. Achieve an optimal result in the process of soil exploitation allows the reclamation of agricultural land, during which the quality of the cultivated area is improved. It is not only about a direct increase in the productivity of the soil layer, but also about the rationalization of land in terms of further use for agricultural needs.

What is land reclamation?

Reclamation is understood as a whole range of measures aimed at increasing land productivity in terms of increasing yields. This is achieved through the use of organizational, technical and economic measures, as a result of which there is an improvement in soil properties. However, there are different types land reclamation that enhances specific characteristics. This can be, for example, a set of measures to improve the soil layer, which has undergone excessive oxidation.

Reclamation operations are widespread not only in the professional agricultural field, but also in the field of private gardening. For example, it can be the regular cultivation of a summer cottage or vegetable garden. But in in this case an intensive and long-term impact on the land is important, since land reclamation is a system of agrotechnical methods, the implementation of which is fundamentally and in better side changes the state of the soil.

Land reclamation

This is one of the most common types of reclamation work, which is used both in specialized farms and ordinary summer residents. Hydro-reclamation provides for the improvement of the condition of soils through water or air impact. These measures are used in the processing of excessively humid, swampy, eroded, arid and washed away lands. In such cases, the main types of land reclamation are usually used, which normalize the water, heat and nutrient regimes of the soil. The most popular types of hydro reclamation include drainage, irrigation, erosion control, flood control and mudflow control measures. The prevalence of this area of ​​agricultural prevention is due to the resources used. In particular, water and heat with air are the primary components on which the productivity of the soil depends.

Agroforestry of lands

Activities of this type provide for the use of soil-protecting and water-regulating properties of the forest. In other words, agroforestry aims to provide protective barriers, the formation of which also occurs in different ways. For example, erosion control reclamation is an agrotechnical measure aimed at protecting soil from erosion by using forest plantations. In this case, trees are planted on the territories of gullies, ravines, river banks, etc. Another direction of agroforestry is field protection measures. In this case, it is assumed to provide protection against adverse factors of different origins... For example, from the phenomena of anthropogenic, natural and man-made character. Land protection is also achieved through forest plantations, which are formed along the borders of agricultural plots.

Chemical land reclamation

With the help of chemical applications, it improves mineral composition soil layer. But such measures should be carried out only in the case of unsuitable or initially unsuitable lands. In the process of chemical reclamation, elements harmful to vegetation are removed from the soil, and the soil is enriched with useful components. Various types of reclamation of this type are used, including liming, acidification and gypsum. The first option is used to enrich non-chernozem lands with lime fertilizers. Gypsum additives are used in salt licks to reduce alkalinity in the soil. Acidification of land is practiced less often, but in the case of growing tea, this method of reclamation is most effective.

Thermal soil reclamation

This reclamation technique can be attributed to seasonal methods, since it is used mainly in winter time... The main task of such events is to ensure optimal thermal conditions for the soil. Work is carried out before frost in order to increase the temperature of the deep and surface layers so that the roots of the plants receive protection from the cold passing through the soil. This is achieved different ways, including the introduction of mineral soil. Classic thermal reclamation is mulching, which is done by placing compost on the ground. This is the simplest method of insulation that can be used for various materials... Even on a small farm, you can find raw materials for mulching - in particular, sawdust, shavings, leaves, droppings, and other waste are used.

Cultural and technical reclamation

This type of cultivation can be called superficial, since it does not imply intrusion into the structure of the soil and into its chemical composition. As a rule, cultural and technical measures on the ground are reduced to ridding the area of ​​foreign objects - these can be weeds, stones, stumps and other objects that interfere with the direct use of the land. Cleaning can be carried out either manually or with the help of special equipment. For example, cultural and technical land reclamation may include loosening by cultivators and sanding. Such work allows you to protect the soil from overgrowing with weeds and increase its resistance to pests.

Forest reclamation

We have already noted the activities that use forest plantations as a tool for soil protection. But this measure can be used as an independent method of land reclamation. The fact is that artificial and natural forest belts are able to effectively regulate water flows. For this reason, forest lands are practically not subject to erosion processes. This characteristic is especially appreciated in large agricultural enterprises and farms where a water-regulating component is needed. It can be said that forest reclamation is an auxiliary factor that allows the formation of favorable hydrotechnical conditions for the soil on an ongoing basis.

What factors influence the choice of reclamation?

There are many aspects on the basis of which the application of a particular reclamation method is determined. First of all, this is the initial state of the soil. The same operations of oxidation or liming are carried out only in cases where the earth requires additional nutrition or restoration against the background of a chemical imbalance. In other words, depending on the current situation, experts determine which types of reclamation are appropriate to use in this case. External factors are no less important - the presence of a forest belt and climatic conditions can add or adjust the choice of agrotechnical measures. The analysis of the needs for improving the operational properties of the soil does not do without taking into account the features of the future use of lands. For each crop, its own indicators of soil composition are important.


Reclamation work cannot be called something new for Agriculture... Perhaps this is one of oldest species activities of a person who worked the land and already in ancient times understood the meaning fertile soil... Another thing is that modern soil reclamation involves the use of technically advanced tools and special equipment. With the help of productive units, agricultural workers perform irrigation, cultivation, chemical treatment, fertilization and other activities. At the same time, there is room for folk remedies land reclamation, including mulching, loosening, clearing and all kinds of ways to protect the land cover from unwanted external influences.

It happens that, due to heavy rainfall or spring melting of snow, the territory of the summer cottage turns out to be swampy, and water remains in the soil and on the surface for a long time. The same situation may be due to the inconvenient location of the site (near a reservoir or in a lowland), due to the low occurrence of groundwater. Drainage of the same area will help to resolve the issue of draining the summer cottage and excess moisture.

In general, such a measure is favorable and provides a number of possibilities:

  • get rid of excess moisture and preserve the house and other structures on the site;
  • use soil for growing vegetables and fruits that is not very suitable for this;
  • to lower the level of soil won, which has a positive effect on the condition of the foundation of the house, the functioning of the drainage and sewerage systems and sources of drinking water.

On the contrary, if you do not take care of the drainage system at the summer cottage in a timely manner, then this is fraught with some problems:

  • water can begin to accumulate in basements and flood the foundation;
  • a high water level in the ground negatively affects the fruiting of garden trees;
  • vegetable crops planted in the ground do not always require this a large number water;
  • high humidity on the site and in the house can adversely affect the health of people living in the country.

Drainage formation is carried out in three stages:

  1. Arrangement of reservoirs for rain and melt water and the formation of channels for its diversion.
  2. Laying pipelines on the ground and underground.
  3. Arrangement of reservoirs (wells) for collecting discharged water.

Types of systems

  • Underground system. It is the most expensive, but also the most efficient, way to drain the soil. In pre-dug trenches, a structure is laid drainage pipes;

Excess ground moisture is discharged into drainage wells. Most often, PVC pipes with a diameter of 63 mm and 110 mm are used for such structures. The pipes have a corrugated surface on the outside and smooth on the inside; holes are placed along the entire length. copes with the task of removing excess moisture from the building and the site and preserves the aesthetics of the territory.

  • Ground system. These are channels that provide water drainage. Ditches 0.7 m deep and 0.5 m thick should be dug along the perimeter of the plot. The walls of the ditch should be beveled at an angle of about 30 °;

Water flows down these ditches into a gutter, which can be made one for several sections. This design is especially convenient if the natural slope of the site contributes to the drainage of melt or rainwater. This design is quite economical. With the right approach to design, it is able to make the drainage channel part of the decor of the site. In other cases, it interferes with work and living in the country.

  • Combined system. Assumes the use of both surface and underground structures for drainage;
  • Filling system. Such a system is performed in a similar way with a closed underground system, with the difference that in this case, not pipes are laid in the trenches, but large rubble or broken brick. Up to half the trench is filled with a coarse fraction, then - with a small one. The top layer consists of soil. To avoid silting and difficulties with further cleaning of such a drainage system, they are increasingly used as filling modern materials for waterproofing and filtration. It can be geotextile and tecton.

Stages of work

Stage 1: Study the relief of the site using a level and rangefinder (special geodetic instruments). In conditions where such devices are not available, there is an easier way: to observe the behavior of water flows in the area during rain and sketch them schematically. This diagram shows the locations for future drainage channels and trenches.

Step 2: Dig pipe trenches. Ensure that the trench locations are correct prior to laying the pipes directly. The choice of the place turned out to be correct, if after the rain there is no water left in the trenches.

Stage 3: Prepare drainage well... For this purpose, you can use reinforced concrete rings with a diameter of up to 1 m.The depth of the well, as a rule, is 2-3 m.

Stage 4: Along the entire length of the dug trenches, geotextiles are laid with a width of about 60 cm (or other material for waterproofing.)

Stage 5: Up waterproofing material pipes for drainage are laid. Cross and tees are used for switching at the intersection and connection points.

Step 6: The lower edge of the drain pipe is led into a drainage well.

Step 7: The pipes are wrapped with an overlap waterproofing tape to prevent sand and clay from getting inside.

Stage 8: The structure is covered with rubble ranging in size from 20 to 60 mm, leaving about 30 cm to the surface of the trench. At this stage, you can use any type of rubble, except limestone, as it contributes to the accumulation of salts in the soil.

Step 9: The remaining space is filled with soil or turf.

System care

A drainage system made of stone and crushed stone requires repair or replacement within 5-7 years after construction. A structure made of PVC pipes can perform its functions without repair for up to 50 years. There are measures, the adoption of which will improve the quality of the drainage systems, extend their life.

  1. If possible, it is necessary to exclude the movement of heavy vehicles in the area where the drainage pipes run.
  2. The soil compacted due to the movement of vehicles or other influences should be periodically loosened. This will ensure good water permeability of the land plot and increase the reliability of the drainage structure.
  3. With a regularity of 2-3 years, the pipes of the drainage system should be flushed with a strong pressure of water from a hose. Such measures will help to avoid possible clogging of the system with clay and rust.

Drainage with plants

Most plants feel uncomfortable in high humidity conditions, but there are also moisture-loving trees that can absorb excess moisture and become a decoration for the site. These trees include willow, maple, birch. You can also drain the site using hedges made from hawthorn and rosehip bushes.

This method is not the most effective, but for many summer residents it is the only way out. The most justified is the drainage of the site with the help of plants in small areas.

There are many ways to get rid of excess moisture in a summer cottage, and each summer resident can choose a method suitable for specific conditions. In order for the drainage system to serve for a long time and not to cause trouble, you should take a responsible attitude to all stages of its implementation: the choice of a place, supporting material and subsequent maintenance.

The installation of the drainage system can be carried out independently, without involving work force from the outside, however, at the stage of preparatory work, you can consult with specialists.

In order for the plants to feel good and to fully manifest their decorative and fruitful qualities, it is necessary to give the soil such properties that would be most favorable for growth and development, to create water, heat and salt that are optimal in comparison with the natural (initial) ones. modes.

The consequences of waterlogging of the soil.

It so happens that in spring or after heavy rains, water stays on the soil surface for a long time. Excessive moisture has a detrimental effect on plants. It impairs the access of air to the roots, as a result of which the plants experience oxygen starvation, heal and die. From waterlogging vypryat lawn grass and herbaceous perennials. In winter, plantings in depressions often suffer from soaking. Plants feel depressed, give poor growth, and lose their decorative qualities. All this testifies to the unfavorable water regime prevailing in this territory.

To improve the quality of soils and create the most favorable conditions for the growth and development of plants, land reclamation is carried out to remove excess moisture.

Reclamation (from Lat. Melio - to improve) is a system of measures to improve the properties and regime of soils in favorable production (agricultural, forestry, etc.) and ecological directions. It should always be borne in mind that the effect of reclamation is fully manifested only against the background of a high culture of agriculture.

The most expedient in the Non-Chernozem zone are the following types of reclamation:

Agronomic reclamation(agromelioration) is a set of measures aimed at changing (improving) the relief and physical properties soil. This can be solved by leveling the surface, loosening the soil deeply. Agro-reclamation measures ensure the organization and acceleration of surface runoff, improve the distribution of moisture on the surface of the irrigated field.

Cultural and technical reclamation- a set of technical measures to ensure that the surface and root-inhabited soil horizons are in a favorable state for the cultivation of cultivated plants. This is achieved by removing surface and subsurface stones, removing shrubs, stumps, bumps, small forests, filling holes, disassembling uprooted wood shafts, removing buried wood, etc.

Hydraulic technical reclamation ensure the accumulation of moisture in the required amount and at the right time, the discharge of excess gravitational moisture outside the territory under consideration. Hydraulic land reclamation has as its main task the regulation water regime soil. This is achieved by drainage, bilateral regulation of the water regime of soils, etc.

Thermal reclamation are aimed at changing the thermal regime of soils using measures to transform the granulometric composition of the surface horizons (for example, the introduction of small stones into the arable layers of northern soils in order to reduce their heat capacity and increase the temperature, systematic snow retention, mulching of the surface and etc.).

Since reclamation is a system of certain technical and other measures aimed at improving the properties and regimes of soils, then usually greatest effect can be achieved with complex application different types reclamation. For example, when draining heavy swampy soils - a combination of agro-melioration, hydraulic and cultural-technical melioration.

The task of land reclamation is to improve the properties and regime (or regimes) of the soil in a layer with a thickness of 1-2 m, i.e. in the horizons of the soil profile. Therefore, the immediate and main object of reclamation is always the soil cover.

From the history of land reclamation

Drainage reclamation began to be carried out in ancient times: for several millennia, the population of Egypt, Burma, India, Vietnam, China built dams in the valleys of large rivers to protect floodplains from floods. The Greek historian Herodotus described one of the first drainage systems in the Nile Valley over 2000 years ago. Drainage as a reclamation measure became widespread in the ancient period in Greece. Later, the Roman writer Cato (1st century BC) in his treatise "On Agriculture" described open drainage systems used in Ancient rome for drainage of soils in vineyards and olive plantations. Many of these systems are still in operation. In the X century. in Europe, work began on the installation of drainage systems in the pool North Sea... They were especially intense in the XII-XIV centuries. Large swamps, coastal lowlands, river deltas, lakeside depressions were drained.

In England, in 1252, under King Henry III, the first law on draining agricultural land was adopted, which became the basis for the development of land reclamation in the following centuries. The first closed drainage system in Europe was built, apparently, in this country under Henry V at the end of the 15th century.

The emergence of pottery drainage dates back to about 1810. In 1846, by an act of parliament, the drainage of agricultural lands was recognized as a national treasure.

For the period 1846-1873. in England 4 million hectares were drained. In 1880, the area of ​​drained land in the country amounted to 6.2 million hectares. Currently, the total area of ​​annual drainage construction (including reconstruction objects) is about 100 thousand hectares.

The intensive development of drainage works in Russia was initially associated with the activities of Peter I. He undertook the drainage of swamps in connection with the development of the coast of the Gulf of Finland, the construction of St. Petersburg and other cities, fortresses, factories. The operation of open drainage systems was described by M.V. Lo-monosov in his work "Livonian Economy" (1738). At the end of the 18th century. A.T. Bolotov worked out the issues of draining the northern regions of Russia. However, in the post-Petrine period until the second half of the 19th century. work in the field of soil drainage in Russia was carried out on a very limited scale. The abolition of serfdom and the rapid development of capitalism were the driving factor in land reclamation. In 1873, the Ministry of State Property, in order to use the vast swamps of the northwestern provinces for hayfields and pastures, improve state forests and improve the area, organized two expeditions to drain swamps under the leadership of I.I. Zhilinsky. The construction of the first two closed drainage systems for pottery drainage in Russia dates back to this time. They played an important role in the future in the development of this progressive method of dehumidification in our country. The first such closed drainage system was built in 1853 on the territory of the modern Belarusian Agricultural Academy A.N. Kozlovsky 10 years after D. Reed first invented the pottery drainage pipe in England in 1843. The second system of closed pottery drainage was created in the Smolensk province in the estate of A.N. Engelhardt, a close friend and colleague of V.V. Dokuchaev. At the beginning of the XX century. In Russia, a system of reclamation experimental stations and experimental fields for the culture of swamps is being created (Arkhangelsk, Yakhromskaya, Sarnenskaya, etc.).

Protection of the territory from water and drainage tasks

The main methods of regulation and protection of the territory from water are water disposal and drainage. Protection of the site from flooding by means of a drainage system is required if:

  • if it is located on a not too steep slope, along which water constantly flows from above (i.e. there is a pond or swampy area above the site);
  • when the water that collects along the entire slope, during the rain, has time, flowing through, to saturate the soils.

With slopes of more than three degrees, protection is required mainly from the washing off of the fertile layer. Water outlet with protection against surface waters it is recommended to carry out in two main ways:

  1. embankment of the protected area with shafts made of any bulk materials (with the exception of sandy dusty materials) from the side of the water inflow;
  2. by intercepting water and installing shallow upland ditches or trays located across the slope rivers at the upper and lower boundaries of the territory, with a drain into the storm sewer.

Drainage tasks:

  • quick drainage of melt water, which allows you to use the site almost immediately after thawing the soil;
  • lowering the level of groundwater;
  • drainage of excess water after prolonged precipitation, mainly on heavy clay soils.

It is best to entrust the design and construction of the drainage to specialists who can take into account the characteristics of the area to be drained and guarantee the normal operation of the drainage. On small areas a drainage project can be carried out without calculation. In this case, a number of parameters necessary for the device of drainage systems are taken into account:

  1. drain slope and diameter;
  2. distance between drains;
  3. the depth of the drains;
  4. planned location of drains;
  5. wellhead device, inspection wells and etc.

Drainage device

The drainage system is a complex of engineering structures, consisting of a water intake, a conductive network, a regulating network and a fencing network, which are located on the drained territory. The water intake can be a river, stream, ravine or kana-va along the road, that is, any place where you can drain water from the drained area. The water supply drainage network is a system of open canals and closed collectors through which water flows from the drained territory to the water intake.

The regulatory network consists of a drainage - open, in the form of a network of ditches, it is arranged over large areas or along the boundaries of the site, along the streets, or closed, vertical and horizontal, or of a mixed type.

Most often, closed horizontal drainage is used, consisting of trenches 1-1.2 (1.5) m deep, at the bottom of which there are drains - special drainage pipes or any material that conducts water: crushed stone, broken brick, brushwood, poles covered with earth from above. The purpose of the drainage device is to collect excess ground and surface water and divert them outside the site. Thus, drainage regulates moisture in the surface layer of the soil, in which the root system of plants is located. Drainage trenches should have a slope towards the water intake, the rate of water decrease depends on this.

The fencing network of canals, 1-1.5 m deep, intercepts surface and ground waters coming from the neighboring territories located above. The fencing network is usually laid along the perimeter of the built-up area.

Drainage sequence

Drainage construction begins with a water intake. After the water intake is made, a trench is laid under a closed collector, through which water will flow from the drains into the water intake. Drain trenches are then dug. The diameter of the drain is 6-9 (10) cm, and the collector, if it collects water from a large amount of drains in a large space, is 9-10 cm. In small areas (less than 50 acres), the diameters of the collector and drains can be the same.

The width of the trenches for the drains and the collector is 35-40 cm, and the depth is 1-1.2 m. The collector must be located below the drain so that water flows by gravity from the drain to the collector, and from the collector to the emnik. Open channels can have different depths, depending on the relief. On a flat area with minimum slopes the depth of the canal is 1.5 m, on a more relief one it is less than 1.5 m. These standards are applicable for all types of soil. The drainage system should have a slope: 0.002-0.005 m per 1 m (2-5 mm per 1 m) for pipes with a diameter of 90 (100) mm, and for pipes with a large diameter, the slope is made more.

The drainage system is located no closer than 0.5 m from the fence and 1 m from the blind area of ​​the house. The distance between drains in areas with heavy clayey soils is about 7-10 m, with light sandy soils well permeable to water - up to 15-20 m.

There are situations when the site is located in a lowland or on a slope, and the water intake is located above the drained area (i.e. there is nowhere to drain water). In this case, a drainage well with a depth of 2-3 m is made as a water intake. drainage pump, which will automatically pump out the water collecting in the well into the ditch or ravine located above. The drainage well is reinforced with reinforced concrete rings with a diameter of 1 m.

Drainage pipes must be wrapped with filtering material (geotextile) to protect the pipes from the ingress of clay particles (siltation), but usually they can be bought already wrapped. In addition to geotextiles, volumetric drainage filters are used. They are made from waste textile production, cereal straw (mainly from rye straw), fibrous peat, fibers coconut and other materials. Volumetric filters not only protect the plastic drain from siltation, but also improve and enhance the water inflow. Filters made of organic materials (for example, from rye straw) are also promising because they do not decrease their water permeability for a long time in conditions of intensive silting due to their ability to auto-regenerate, to restore porosity as a result of gradual decomposition of the filter material. These filters are especially effective on heavy clay and loamy soils.

A 5 cm layer of crushed stone is poured at the bottom of the drainage trench, then pipes are laid on the crushed stone at a certain slope, the pipes are sprinkled with crushed stone or gravel with a layer of 30-40 cm. Crushed stone is used with a fraction of 8-32 mm, clean, washed, lime crushed stone should not be taken. Next, you can pour coarse sand with a layer of 10-30 cm, and fertile soil is laid on top of the sand.

The drainage system with the use of drainage pipes is the most effective when carrying out drainage reclamation measures. Drainage, created only from crushed stone, broken bricks, poles, will drain water well only for 5-7 years, and after that it will require repair or complete replacement.

With proper operation, the drainage system from pipes will serve for a long time - up to 50 years. This is possible only if certain conditions are met:

  1. after the pipes have been laid, heavy equipment cannot be driven around the site. In case of emergency, it is better to build a temporary road;
  2. if the top layer of the soil is compacted by the wheels of cars, then deep loosening should be carried out in order to give the soil the necessary degree of looseness and water permeability. Otherwise, the drainage system will not work;
  3. It is advisable to flush the drainage pipes every 2-3 years in order to prevent their siltation and clogging of the holes with iron hydroxide. For this to open edge the collector (to that which flows into the water intake) is connected to a water supply hose and the drainage system is rinsed with a jet of water under pressure.

If all the work is done correctly, then during the functioning of the drainage system, a favorable hydrological regime is established on the site, which creates optimal conditions for the development of plants. But it must be remembered that plants will grow well and bear fruit only when all the factors necessary for their vital activity are combined, i.e. optimal properties and regimes of soil (water, heat, air) with high level agricultural technology, with good plant care.

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