Private state Silend. Principality Silent - Microstation located on the sea platform in the North Sea

The buildings 25.09.2019
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The initial idea was the capture of a none marine platform and the organization on it of some funny center like a fleet of entertainment. The adventure was interesting, albeit spent in financial PlanBut two boot buddy Peddy Roy Bates and Ronan O'reili decided to risk and secure a source of constant income. Shortly after disembarking produced in 1966, pleasants were partitioned in opinions and Bates sent O'Reili "in the chill", stating that from now on, the platform belongs only to him. However, there was no money for the complete refurbishment of the platform from the platform from the Returning Major of the UK and he decided on a breathtaking step - announced the territory of the platform equal to 1,300 square meters, the principality of Silend, and himself - by the monarch and prince Roy I. Do you think - is he a potential patient of the mental hospital? Everything is much more difficult ...

The territory of the Principality of Silend in "Youth" served in the army and wore the name "Fort Mouncell" - the maritime platform was created and established on request of the UK Navy in 1942. There were several dozen on the platforms along the coastline of England, each was located a detachment of two hundred soldiers serving a gun-anti-aircraft complex. With their help, Churchill and British Admiralty expected to seriously proper the ranks of German bombers in the event of an air strike from Hitler's Germany, to track the production of mineral fields by enemy minecraft - the gun-anti-aircraft platforms were something like the first line of the UK defense line.

Second World War The victory of the allies and the defense line from maritime platforms was dismantled, but "Fort Mouncell" remained in his place - they took off the guns and other army equipment, but it was not right to remove him (still Nok John Fort, he was in the image below). The fact is that on international legislation, the marine area around the perimeter of the British Islands owned by the United Kingdom is limited to three sea miles from the coastline. All other instruments and anti-aircraft platforms were exhibited within its limits, but "Fort Mouncell" installed on all - in six naval miles from the coast, across the mouth of the Thames River. Those. England had no right to her and therefore could not dismantle - the platform became a nonya located in neutral waters.

Another post-war platform and a fellow Silend - Nok John Fort

In the media of the middle of the last century, a native maritime platform received the nickname "Hooligan Tower" or "Rafs Tower" - the platform is available, and she has no owner. And in 1966, Bates and O'Reili were changed by this situation, they had reasons for that - both conflicted with the law of Great Britain and were considered radio philanthirats for regularly extending illegal radio stations Radio Essex and Radio Caroline (lack of a license, non-payment. taxes, copyright infringement, etc.). Let's go back to the former Major Roy Bates, who became the one-chased owner of RafS Tower - first of all, he again launched his Radio Essex, enjoying freedom from the jurisdiction of England. But Euphoria lasted for long - the design of the platform was in a deplorable state and demanded a permanent repair, and the money for it was at Bates, who, besides, England refused to pay pensions, was not ... But he was found - after long negotiations with lawyers and lawyers, retired warrior She declared himself a prince and the monarch of the Principality of Silend, whose territory was the marine platform and the three-miley zone around it.

The young principality immediately had two military conflicts - the former friend of O'reili tried to knock down a radio colleague and assign a platform to himself, the British Navy committed a similar attempt, also trying to return the platform under his jurisdiction and expel the incoming invader together with his family and friends whom Bates By that time, Silend's former army barracks settled. We need to pay tribute to an outstanding courage and determination of the retired major, his family and friends - both attacks were repulsed! In the first case, the population of the platform beat off the attackers with the help of rifles, machine guns and flamethos (!), In the second - the coast guard boats of England turned to the shore, as soon as the rifle bullets were witnessed (captains of the Navy can be understood - to get injured just and fight With civilians, they did not want, not the case).

Passport, coins and postage stamps of the Principality of Silend

Now about the legal status of the Principality of Silend. Having met the armed resistance of the population of Silend, representatives of the UK Navy appealed to the Essaysis court demanding to release the platform, illegally occupied by a citizen of England. But the Essays judge accepted the opposite decision - in early September 1968, he ruled that the Silent's maritime platform is outside the UK jurisdiction, i.e. The laws of the country over its population are not powerful. It was the first success of the young principality, which Prince Roy I Bates immediately decided to consolidate, letting his own postage stamps in 1969 (and demanding from the World Postal Union in Brussels to accept the Silent Principality in his composition), starting to coen your own coin in 1972, and In 1975 - by creating the Constitution of the monarchy Siland, her coat of arms, flag and anthem.

Those. According to the International Convention, Montevideo, adopted in 1933 at the 7th Pan American Conference, the Principality of Silend has all the signs independent stateNamely: there is its own territory, there is a permanent population, there is own government and the principality is capable (and repeatedly tried!) To join the diplotes with other states.

So since 1967 - already 45 years old - the Principality of Silend exists in good health, and the "August" family of the retired British major, who traded his homeland on the princely title, has accumulated a hopeless state. I had a reasonable question - what income can cause the principality located in the open sea and on the territory of the size with a football field? The first source of income was the Pirate "Radio Essex", then Roy I and his family switched to various types of promotional products - cups, T-shirts, posters, etc. Trade very much contributed to the attempt of the state coup in Siland, which occurred in 1978, which brought the incredible popularity to the microscopic principality and its population in the European media.

Crown Prince Silend Michael Bates

As a monarch of a sovereign state with all the necessary regalia, Roy I Bates, his spouse, Princess Joan I Bates, heir to the prince of Prince Regent Michael I and Penelope's daughter engaged in titles trading and other attributes of the principality - to purchase title and relevant documentation for it for 316 $ can everyone in the official site of the Principality of Silend And the former coupist and prime minister of Silend Count Alexander Gotfrid Achenbach, German citizen, announced himself with "the government in exile" and actively traded the fake passports of the principality, selling about 150,000 units of 1000 dollars for each (at the request of Interpol Prince Roy I canceled the action All Silend Passports a few years ago). From 2000 to 2008, the hosting company HAVENCO was held on the platform of the Principality, which made a bid on an offshore zone and paying for rent a round sum.

Dipboard Principality Silent

Since 2007, the principality on the maritime platform is sold in just 750 million euros, on its territory is now only one of the 27 Silland citizens. Himself aged prince with his wife for ten years ago moved to the land in England - the age is not the one to live on the platform in the middle of the sea expanses.

One of the oldest and certainly the most famous microbassanism in the world appeared in the distance in 1967. And you know what is the most interesting? You too can be a citizen of Silend - the freedom-loving principality at the businesses of Great Britain.

Platform for life

During World War II, the United Kingdom did everything possible to strengthen the coast. As part of this program, several platforms were built on the approaches. At the Rafs-Tower site, an impressive garrison of 200 people and several anti-aircraft guns were located. That's just in the bustle of the British, the very rafs-tower outside of its territorial water was erected, which was the impetus for further development Situations.

Amusement park

Already much later than the war, in 1966, the former warriors of Paddy Roy Bates and Ronan O'Relli looked at the abandoned platform to create an entertainment park. The plans of partners prevented a quarrel: Bates kicked Ronana from the platform and defended her for a while.

Pirate State

No entertainment park did not build a winner. Instead of this, it was planned to place the Pirate station Britain's Better Music Station, but the case did not go on the plans. Having lived on the platform for several months, Roy suddenly announced the creation of a sovereign state. On September 2, 1967, the whole world with amazement learned about the emergence of a new principality - Roy called him Silend.

Problems with authorities

Of course, the British authorities were not going to stay aside and to give their own property to some passing. In early 1968, two military boats came to the platform, which were encountered by shots. The bloodshed was avoided: England decided to simply touch the base, because he formally remained the British citizen.

Tricks of lawnists

Logical output from the current situation would be an expansion of territorial waters for the UK. On September 30, 1987, this was officially announced: now Silend came under the jurisdiction of the country. However, the smart prince responded to a new threat immediately - he also declared the expansion of the territory of the principality, to which British Snob decided not to react. And it was a big mistake: in fact, for the whole of the world, the United Kingdom as it would recognize the right of Beats for the sovereign management of his platform.

Scam with documents

For international crime, the existence of Silend has become a real gift. In 1997, Interpol came across the syndicate who sold fake Silent documents. Diplomatic passports, driver's licenses, ordinary civil documents - in Europe on such papers managed to buy weapons, open bank accounts and arrange entire scams. The operation of blocking fake documents demanded several years and cost an interpol about 10 million dollars.

Inexorable element

For a long time Silend flourished. But on June 23, 2006, the history of this strange state almost came to the final. The sudden fire destroyed almost all buildings on the platform, and the restoration of the infrastructure took the Silent six months.


Principality is managed as a constitutional monarchy. The chapter until recently was Prince Roy I Bates, and now he was replaced by heir, Mikhail I Bates. There is a full-fledged constitution, adopted on September 25, 1975. Control of life is carried out by three ministries: internal affairs, foreign affairs and telecommunications and technologies.


No need to think that Silend is just one of the invented states. There is everything you need for a normal life: the country produces its brands, there is a Silent Anglican Church and even its football team. The latter, however, did not recognize anyone any federation.


After the death of Roy, his heir was the only son Michael Bay. True, the politician did not move to the platform and prefers to spend time on the territory of the UK. In 2012, he was assigned the Crown Title General Admiral Silend Prince Michael I Bates.


Physically, the territory of Silend originated during World War II. In 1942, the British Navy was built on the approaches to the coastline of the platforms. One of them was RafS Tower (Eng. Roughs Tower). During the war, anti-aircraft guns were placed on the platforms and there was a garrison of 200 people. After the end of hostilities, most towers were destroyed, but Rafs-Tower, being beyond the limits of British territorial waters, remained intact.

In 1966, the retired major british army Paddi Roy Bates and his friend Ronan O'Rellilli chose the RafS Tower Platform, by that time the long-abandoned, for the construction of the amusement park. However, after a while they quarreled, and Bates became the only owner of the island. In 1967, O'Relli tried to take possession of the island and used for this force, but Bates was defended with the help of rifles, shotguns, bottles with an incendiary mixture and flamers, and O'Relli's attack was repulsed.

Roy did not build an entertainment park, but chose a platform for the basing of his pirate radio station Britain's Better Music Station, but this radio station never broke from the platform. On September 2, 1967, he announced the creation of a sovereign state and proclaimed himself by Prince Roy I. This day is celebrated as the chief public holiday.

In 1968, the British authorities tried to take the platform. The patrol boats approached it, and the Bates responded with warning shots in the air. Before bloodshed matter did not reach, but against Major Bates as the British submarine was started trial. On September 2, 1968, Essex's judge issued a resolution to which Silend's independence supporters attach historical importance: he admitted that the case is outside of British jurisdiction

On September 30, 1987, the United Kingdom announced the expansion of its territorial water from 3 to 12 nautical miles. The next day, a similar statement made Siland. The reactions from the British government to expand the territorial water of Silend was not. From the point of view of international law, this means that the maritime zone between the two countries should share the equal. This fact is considered by Silend's independence supporters as a fact of its recognition. Although the absence of a bilateral agreement regulating this issue has caused hazardous incidents. So, in 1990, Siland fired a British vessel, unauthorizedly approached by its border

The situation of Silend is relatively different from the position of other virtual states. Principality has a physical territory and has some legal grounds for international recognition. The requirement of independence is based on three arguments. The most fundamental of them is the fact that Silend was founded in neutral waters before the entry into force of the UN Convention on the Maritime Rights of 1982, prohibiting construction artificial structures On the open sea, and before the expansion of the sovereign marine zone of the United Kingdom from 3 to 12 sea miles in 1987. Based on the fact that the RafS Tower Platform, on which Silend is located, was abandoned and crossed out of the lists of British Admiralty, its occupation is considered as colonization. The settlers settled on it believe that they had full right to establish a state and establish the form of government at their discretion. According to international standards, the size of the state cannot be an obstacle to recognition. For example, the recognized British possession of Pitchern is a total of about 60 people.

The second important argument is the decision of the British Court of 1968 on the absence of UK jurisdiction over Silend. No other country also stated their rights to Silend.

Thirdly, there are several facts of recognition of Silend de facto. The Montevideo Convention states that states have the right to exist and self-defense independently of official recognition. In modern international practice, silent (non-diplomatic) recognition is a fairly common phenomenon. It occurs when any regime does not have sufficient legitimacy, but carries out actual power on its territory. For example, many states do not recognize China Republic Diplomatically, but de facto consider it as a sovereign country. With respect to Silend there are four such evidence:

  1. The United Kingdom did not pay a prince with a pension for the period when he was in Silend.
  2. The British courts refused to consider claims against Silend 1968 and 1990.
  3. Foreign Ministry of Netherlands and Germany entered into negotiations with the Government of Siland.
  4. Belgian mail some time recognized Silent stamps.

Theoretically, Silend's position is very convincing. In case of recognition, the principality would become the smallest country of the world and the 51st state of Europe. However, according to a constituent theory, more common in modern international Law, the state can exist only inspired because it is recognized by other states. Therefore, Siland cannot be accepted in any international organization, can not have its own mailing address, Domain name. None of the countries have established diplomatic relations with him.

Silend is trying to achieve recognition of independence by some major state, but did not try to achieve independence through the UN.

Recognized countries:






Silent operates the Silent Anglican Church, founded on August 15, 2006. On the territory of Silend there is a chapel in the name of St. Brendan, bordered by Metropolitan.


A constitutional monarchy Prince Mikhail I. Territory
% water surface.
0.00055 km²
0 Population
Total ()
5 people
9100 people / km² GDP
Per capita in the world
Currency Silent dollar Timezone UTC 0.

Silent, Principality Silent (Principality of Sealand.) - self-proclaimed micro-states in the North Sea 10 kilometers from the coast of Great Britain. Located on the sea platform. Coordinates: Coordinates:  /  (G)51.894444 , 1.4825 51 ° 53'40 "p. sh. 1 ° 28'57 "in. d. /  51.894444 ° C. sh. 1.4825 ° C. d. (G)

Political system

Roy did not build an amusement park, but chose a platform for the basing of his pirate radio station "Britain's Better Music Station". On September 2, 1967, he announced the creation of a sovereign state and proclaimed himself by Prince Roy I. This day is celebrated as the chief public holiday.

Conflict with United Kingdom

Attempting of the state coup

Expansion of territorial water

Territory of Silend with territorial waters

Sale Silend.

Legal status

The situation of Silend is relatively different from the position of other virtual states. Principality has a physical territory and has some legal reasons for international recognition. The requirement of independence is based on three arguments. The most fundamental of them is the fact that Silend was founded in neutral waters until the entry into force of the 1982 United Nations Convention, which prohibits the construction of artificial buildings in the open sea, and before the expansion of the sovereign marine zone of the United Kingdom from 3 to 12 nautical miles in 1987 year. Based on the fact that the RafS Tower Platform, on which Silend is located, was abandoned and crossed out of the lists of British Admiralty, its occupation is considered as colonization. The settlers settled on it believe that they had full right to establish a state and establish the form of government at their discretion. Silent meets all the criteria of the statehood specified in the Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Responsibilities of States. According to international standards, the size of the state cannot be an obstacle to recognition. For example, the recognized British ownership of Pitchern Island has only about 60 people.

The second important argument is the decision of the British Court of 1968 on the absence of UK jurisdiction over Silend. No other country also stated their rights to Silend.

Thirdly, there are several facts of recognition of Silend de facto. The Montevideo Convention states that states have the right to exist and self-defense independently of official recognition. In modern international practice, silent (non-diplomatic) recognition is a fairly common phenomenon. It occurs when any regime does not have sufficient legitimacy, but carries out actual power on its territory. For example, many states do not recognize Taiwan diplomatically, but de facto consider it as a sovereign country. With respect to Silend there are four such evidence:

  1. The United Kingdom does not pay a prince on a pension for the period when he was in Silend.
  2. The British courts refused to consider claims against Silend 1968 and 1990.
  3. Foreign Ministry of Netherlands and Germany entered into negotiations with the Government of Siland.
  4. Belgian mail some time recognized Silent stamps.

Theoretically, Silend's position is very convincing. In case of recognition, the principality would become the smallest country of the world and the 49th European state. However, according to a constituent theory, a more common in modern international law, the state can exist only inspired, since it is recognized by other states. Therefore, Silend cannot be accepted in any international organization, can not have its own mailing address, a domain name. None of the countries have established diplomatic relations with him.

Silend is trying to achieve recognition of independence by some major state, but did not try to achieve independence through the UN.


Silend coins, from left to right: ½ dollar, silver dollar and dollar ¼

In numismatic purposes, the following coins were minted in the principality:

Dignity Material Year of issue
¼ dollars bronze
¼ dollars silver
½ dollars copper-nickel alloy
½ dollars silver
1 dollar bronze
1 dollar silver
2½ dollars bronze
10 dollars silver
10 dollars silver
30 dollars silver
100 dollars

The self-proclaimed state of Siland is in the North Sea and is a platform of the Second World War, in each support of which - 8 rooms.
Sillan can only be reached by helicopter or boat.
The platform was built for anti-heart defense and remained abandoned after World War II. Since the platform was located outside three-mile coastal zone and was deserted, then it could be considered controversial territoryAnd Roy Bits hurried her officially occupy. Taking a rectangle with a length of 30 and a width of less than 10 meters long, Roy Bates declared his monarchy, himself with a prince and, accordingly, his spouse princess. The royal family and all loyal subjects of the newly formed principality declared absolute sovereignty. The new state was named by the Principality of Silland (Principality of Sealand).
In 1975, His Majesty Prince Roy announced the Constitution. Later, flag, anthem, postage stamps, silver and gold coins were legalized, silver dollars. Well, finally, the state and international passport Sillan were adopted.
Physically, the territory of Sillan arose during World War II. In 1942, the United Kingdom's Navy was built on the approaches to the coastline of the platforms. One of them was RafS Tower (Roughs Tower, Ass. "Hooligan Tower"). During the war, anti-aircraft guns were placed there and there was a garrison of 200 people. After the end of hostilities, most towers were destroyed, but Rafs-Tower, being beyond the limits of British territorial waters, remained intact. In 1966, the retired Major of the British Army Paddi Roy Bates chose this place to basify his pirated radio station "Britain" s Better Music Station ". To avoid prosecution From the English authorities, Bates declared a platform by a sovereign state and proclaimed himself by Prince (Prince) by Roy I. The proclamation of Silend was held on September 2, 1967. This day is celebrated as the chief public holiday.
In August 1978, the country occurred by Putch. He was preceded by the emergence of tension between the prince and his closest companion, the country's prime minister Count Alexander Gottfried Achenbach (Alexander Gottfried Ashhenbach). The parties diverged into views on attracting foreign investment to the country and accused each other in anti-constitutional intentions. Taking advantage of the lack of prince, which led in Austria negotiations with investors, Achenbach with a group of Dutch citizens landed on the island. The invaders locked the young Prince Michael in the basement, and then brought him to the Netherlands. But Michael ran from captivity and met with his father. With the support of loyal citizens of the country, overthrown monarchs managed to break the troops of the usurpers and return to power.
The territory of Silend with the territorial waters of the losers continued to insist on their rights. They formed a illegal government of Silend in emigration (Germany). Achenbakh argued that he was the Chairman of the Secret Council. In January 1989, he was arrested by the FRG authorities (naturally not recognized by his diplomatic status) and transferred his post to the Minister of Economic Cooperation Johannes Zaeger (Johannes W. F. Seiger), who soon became the Prime Minister. Re-elected in 1994 and 1999

September 2, 1967, Someone Paddy Roy Bates (Paddy Roy Bates) - the retired Colonel of the British Army, who chosen Fort Rough Sands (or Hm Fort Roughs, Del. The Hooligan Tower) for the basing of his pirate radio station "Britain's Better Music Station "Announced the creation on the territory of the Sovereign Principality of Silend on the territory of the sea fortress and proclaimed himself by Prince Roy I.
In 1968, the British authorities tried to occupy a young state. Patrol boats approached the seafood platform, and the princely family responded with warning shots into the air. Before bloodshed, it did not reach the case, but against the prince of Roy as a British citizen began a lawsuit. On September 2, 1968, the Essex's English County judge issued a historical ruling: he recognized that the case is outside of British jurisdiction - that is, de facto recognized the sovereignty of the Principality of Siland.

Siland was founded in neutral waters until the entry into force of the UN Convention on the Sea 1982, prohibiting the construction of artificial structures in the open sea, and before the expansion of the Sovereign Marine Zone of the United Kingdom from 3 to 12 miles in 1987, on the basis that RafS Tower Platform On which Silend is located, it was abandoned and crossed out of the lists of British Admiralty, its occupation is considered as colonization. The settlers settled on it believe that they had full right to establish a state and establish the form of government at their discretion.
In the principality, Siland lives only five people, but it meets all the criteria of the statehood specified in the Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Responsibilities of States. Silent - a constitutional monarchy, the head of which is the prince of Roy I Bates and Princess Joanna I Bates, although since 1999, direct power in the principality is carried out by the Crown Prince Mikhail I. The Principality has its own constitution, flag and coat of arms, in Silend, the Silent Dollar And produce brands. The smallest state in the world has even their own football team.

Principality Siland entered the story as the first state in the world burned to the tilt - June 23, 2006 due to short circuit The generator began a serious fire, which was able to extend thanks to the help of the Great Britain. The restoration of the artificial island requires a lot of money and the Silendian monarch, which with the island connected 40 years of life, decided that it was time to part with him. The state is put up for sale - the initial price is 65 million pounds.

In an attempt to bypass international copyright laws, the world's largest BitTorrent tracker The Pirate Bay (Pirated Bay "), which registered more than three million users for free download from the torrent" Pirate " software, music, films and other materials protected by copyrighted, recently launched a campaign to collect funds for the purchase of Silend state. "Help us - and you will become a citizen of Silend!" - Talk pirates.

"Monarchya Family" is already too old - Roy and Joanna Bates are already eighty (and he died), their heir - in fifty. A couple of years ago, they moved to Spain - they are not so easy to elderly to live in the open sea, on the hundreds of concrete and iron meters blown by all winds.

Siland has long become a legend, and the legends do not die.

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