Wedding grape growing technology. California Silal - Grapes Kishmisch Century

Landscape design and layout 21.05.2019
Landscape design and layout

This article provides the technology of growing grapes in the conditions of Germany, which can be successfully applied in the conditions of Ukraine and Russia.

In Germany, viticulture was developed mainly in southern regions (Dresden, Freyburg, Yen). The rest of the territory in its climatic features is unsuitable for breeding grapes. In this regard, grapes are bred in Germany, using the southern walls of houses, household buildings and fences, as well as the most heated areas protected from cold winds in the gardens.

Grape growing technology

The advantage of a pretty culture of grapes is that it is not limited to areas where natural conditions allow you to grow grapes from ancient times, and can be significantly advanced to the north.

For successful promotion of pre-war viticulture in new areas are necessary proper selection varieties, selection of plot and walls and proper agrotechnology culture culture. The numerous experience of Germany shows that, subject to these conditions, grapes can with success can be grown in a pretty culture in areas where, under the usual planting method, it fails.

The walls of buildings, especially stone or brick, per day accumulate a lot of solar heat, and at night, when the temperature decreases, they gradually give it, as a result of which there is no such strong cooling near the walls, as in other places.

First of all, this belongs to the southern walls of the buildings, however, you can use oriental and western walls. It should only take into account that the southern walls can land the grapes of a later period of maturation, while Western and Easterns should plant the earliest varieties.

When choosing a place special attention It should be paid to the protection of grape plantings from the wind, it is necessary to ensure that not to create shading from nearby walls.

For auxiliary culture, varieties are chosen with an early maturation of berries and vines, as well as varieties, well fruiting with long trimming.

Along with famous varieties, like Madeleine Anhevin, Malnger Early, Portuguezer, Pearls Saba, Queen of vineyards, Mirler Tourgau and Frankental for Wounded Culture in Germany are used by grades: Early Leipzig (or Yellow Leipzig) and Early Black Burgundy.

Early Leipzig wrappering grade is pretty yield. The clusters are dense, yellow-plated berries, oval, with thin skin, sweet and juicy. Bushes are stronger. The variety is better fruits with long trimming.

Early Black Burgundy - wasteful grade with small tightly seated berries, dark color. Grinding unrigible. Laza agrees well. Bushes are briefly cut, so the grade is recommended for low fences.

The soil treatment for a pretty culture is also produced as for conventional vineyards. The difference consists only in the fact that the area being processed with a pretty culture is very small, therefore, especially much attention is paid to fertilizers.

In places of grapes, along the walls of the soil is often affordable, and deep loosening and an indulgence of 50-60 centimeters are carried out for its improvement.

The landing distance between the bushes is usually given from 3 to 5 meters.

The plasticity of the grape vine allows you to give it any directions, to form it differently. In a pretty culture, a grape bush should occupy as much as possible the surface of the wall. Of great interest in this sense represents the formation called vertical cordon.

First, they bring the corresponding height stack of escape that grown vertically. It is cut on 3-4 eyes above the end of the future strap.

Next year, shoots that have grown out of the lower eyes and the trellis planes are cut into 2-3 eyes for the formation of fruiting horns of the first tier.

In the following years, under the cut of each branch, they are carried out on replacement and on the fruit escape.

In order to better ventilation, the wire trellis should not be closer to the wall than 10-15 centimeters.

In Germany, instead of a wire very often apply a lattice sleeper.

Wooden plate Bear vertically at a distance of 20 to 25 centimeters. Such a narrow location of the slats allows you to better distribute annual shoots on them. Sometimes rope trellis are used, but they should be well strained.

When growing grapes in a pretty culture, along with the cultivation of valuable products, the bushes are smartly decorated at home, fences, household buildings and arbors.

In terms of its climatic conditions, the southern regions of Germany approximately correspond to the conditions of the southern regions of Voronezh, as well as Kharkov and other areas. The Northern Grape Areas of Germany on climatic conditions are similar to the natural conditions of the Baltic countries and Russia.

Therefore, Germany's experience in growing grapes in a pretty culture can be widely used in these areas.

Video of grape cutting technology with cuttings.

This main component of the winery industry has already been more than 90 thousand years old, but the residents of the districts between the Caspian and the Black Sea, as well as in Afghanistan and Iran, appeared. Grapes cultural plant It quickly spread to almost all regions, but the technology of its cultivation is naturally different in different climatic belts. The most effective are the vegetative methods of reproduction of the plant, including the Italian technique, especially in the context of Europe, where the soil is not infected with Fillox. After all, Naeda Italy is considered to be homeland winemaking.

The main types of grapes grapes: 1 - cylindrical; 2 - conical with "wing"; 3 - conical without the "wing"; 4 - branched.

Scientists have calculated that the progenitors of today's cultural types of grapes are curly LianaAnd they always sought to abundance of sunlight and a sufficient amount of moisture in the soil, so to grow a good grape bush, you must comply with these requirements.

Biological features of grapes

Grapes belongs to the Vitaaceae Juss family, which has 14 genera and more than a thousand species. Almost all cultural types of plants belong to the genus Vitis, uniting 70 species. In a wild form perennial plants, giving large curly bushes in most cases.

The scheme of the structure of the grape vine: 1. Heel roots, 2. Underground stack, 3. Surface roots, 4. Head bushes, 5. Sleeves, 6. Fruit shoots, 7. Fruit link, 8. Breakfit escape, 9. Steying, 10. Stroke escape, 11. Annual shoots, 12. Arrow fruction, 13. Drying replacement, 14. Horn.

Cultural grape bush consists of underground and overhead parts. The underground part make up an underground stack and root system. The stack has a length of 40 to 50 cm and is used by gardeners as a planting material, because it is reliably protected by a layer of soil from low temperatures in winter and drying in the summer. The root system feeds the plant, absorbing useful substances from the soil, so the roots need to be given no less attention: moisturize, disintegrate the soil, make fertilizers.

The above-ground part is an overhead straw, a bush sleeve, his head, annual shoots and second-order shoots, called steps that, after flowering and turn into large cliffs of juicy delicious berries.

The base of the underground strain is called the heel. The head is part of the bush, which is located at the ground level or lower when the cultivation method is most common in the conditions of our country. Perennial vines, which depart from the head, are called sleeves, if their length is more than 35 cm, and horns, if they do not reach 35 cm long.

One-year vine, coming from the base of the bush, is called a bitch of formation, and adjacent to the fruit vine - a bitch of substitution. Fruit vines are called arrows if 5-8 eyes are left on it, the arc, if there are 9-12, and the leaf, if there are more than 12. It is a fruit vine along with a bitch of replacement and form fruiting links and require maximum care.

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Grape landing: Clothing for bushes

Grapes are not very picky to the soil, but if the soil is lowland, better landing pits to dig to a depth of 1 m, bringing organic fertilizers in them, black soil and sand. In conditions of the chernozem, it is possible to limit the depth of 60-70 cm. But the worst enemy of the grape bush is the shadow where it grows intensively, but it fertures weakly. If you plan to grow plants at the wall, choose the southern or southwestern part, because the wall is so warm up per day and even at night the bush will be provided with warmth.

If the grapes are grown in an open area, then for each bush, you can make a separate support, but the gardeners prefer, in order to save, plant plants with rows on a single support. Naturally, each variety should grow separately, because grapes are intensively wedged. The bushes should be at a distance of at least 1.5 m, and there is no less than 2 m. The ranks are better to form in the East-Western direction.

Landing Pits are better to have prepared since the autumn, putting the soil in the bottom, mixed with manure, and if it is absent to water the pit of an infused ash or litter of birds. For the winter, the landing jam is sealing a thin layer of soil. And in the spring there are planted seedlings, also prepared from autumn. With a lack of material for planting, it is possible to use cropped cuttings, but to leave a deep well above its surface.

Grapes can be planted vertically and obliquely, but we should not forget that in the first case all the roots are cut up to 10 cm. And in that, in another case, the roots are soaked in the infusion of rainwater with the addition of 1 heteroacexin tablets on 10 liters of water . It is not recommended to extort the fallout until the temperature reaches 10 ° C. The first watering is desirable to produce warm rainwater.

Autumn landing is also possible, but it should be carried out until mid-October, when the plant goes into rest. In this case, for the winter above the seedling, you need to build an earthen hormster with a height of 25-30 cm to avoid freezing.

It happens that the cuttings do not take root. The reason for this phenomenon can be drying, underdevelopment until the trimming time, the soil affected by rotting, too strongly sprout cuttings during landing, disadvantaged watering. Modern technique It offers for the best survivalability of the cutlery to plant it together with a part of a two-year-old vine with a length of about 1.5 meters, placing it with a ring along the bottom of the landing pit.

It is very important to establish supports for bushes. In the autumn of the first year, quite a single-row vertical chopling with a pyhyrupic wire. When six to eight sleeves are formed in the bush (3-4 years of fruiting), a two-plane inclined sweeter is required. Thus, all the plant keeps well on the support and gets enough light from top to bottom.

In the autumn period of the first year of the vegetation before the threat of frost, young shoots are covered without circumcision. They can be touched only in the spring, even if the vine is intensively "crying". After four years, the formation of the bush is made exclusively in the fall, when the sludge stops. A bush grown from a seedling naturally older than twigs, but regardless of this, only one escape with 2-3 eyes retain to the autumn. In the case of the development of two shoots, each of them is better to cut into two kidneys to form four sleeves in the future. But if there are three shoots, the lowest is cut off regardless of its thickness.

Summer work is reduced to the burst of soil around the bush, intense watering, especially in the conditions of hot summer and the fight against pests. Also during this period, weak shoots are developing from the central kidney, which gardeners are called "pancake". They need to trim, leaving only the two most developed lower escapes.

The worst enemy of the grape bush, and therefore, and the future harvest is Mildu, which is a rack to frosts and can remain in dry leaves. Another spring landing is better to treat copper vigor (100 g on 10 liters of water) without lime. In summer, a developing bush is sprayed with a solution of polychrome (25 g per 10 liters of water), and after each rain with the same solution, but in double concentration, without expecting the drying of the leaves. This will help protect bushes from many fungal diseases and rot.

Against oidium use sulfur as a means of prevention, which should be constantly on the bushes at the age of more than 4 years, in the form of pollination of the crushed gray or spraying the colloid sulfur suspension (80 g per 10 liters of water). Against ticks effective acaricides. If the plant is struck too much, it is better to remove it at all so as not to distribute the infection.

The first feeding of grape bushes is carried out in early May. For this, 60 g of nitrogen is dissolved in 10 liters of water and poured into the well around the base of the plant. Each 10 liters of the solution alternate with the same amount of pure warm water, watering repeated two more times, and the soil is mulched. Such procedures are repeated once every two or three weeks, depending on the weather. They are recommended to combine with fertilizer, which is made in the aisle no earlier than in the second year of complete fruiting.

For the winter, the bushes necessarily cover, especially in the climatic conditions of the greater territory of Russia. A week before insulation, cut the upper roots without leaving the hemp and with disinfection of sections with a solution of copper sulfate. But you can repeat this procedure only once every two years. To carry out the manipulations, dig holes at a depth of 15 cm, and then fall asleep with clean sand without impurities of clay. Take the green shoots are not recommended too tight, it is best to use a winding method with a winding, in which the loop is free on the stalk freely, and it is tightly tied to the mount.

The process of forming bushes can be accelerated in the summer seasonal period. It is this method that allows you to achieve maximum fruiting with Italian gardeners. To do this, choose a two-year or developed annual seedling, having two escapes cut into three eyes each, of which six shoots are already forming for autumn. In early June they are minted, leaving 5-6 leaves on each, and the most upper shoots are removed from the bush.

The chases arrows are obliquely two in different directions for the simultaneous growth of steps. After 9-10 days, step-down shoots start growing from the leaves of the main. By the end of June, the main shoots have two topmost processes, while it is very important that the second is outdoor, as the future feeding. The rest of the steps are neatly pinching, leaving the leaf, thus forming a young sleeve with saved leaves. The next year in the spring can already be performed for the first trimming, for which the outer bottom stepsin is cut into the drying of replacement with 2-3 eyes, and the top - on the fruit arrow with 7-8 eyes. So in the spring of the second year, you can get a formed quadruple bush with 30-35 eyes. In the first year, inflorescences from the bush are removed, and on the second it is already fully fruit. To date, this is the most common technique for achieving the maximum harvest from each grape bush.

If the bush normally develops and fruits, then from about from the beginning of October, when the last harvest is removed, the shoots are painted in light brown color and cracked when bending. It was time for a sanitary clearing - removing the piglery shoots and the leaves below the first wire, you can cut and the tops of young shoots. The lowest outdoor bitch is cut into a new bitch in 2-3 eyes, the following - on the fruit arrow in 8-10 bitch, and the upper escape is removed. After 8-10 years, when fertility decreases, the bush should be replaced with a young.

He told the head of the agronomical department of TD "Kisson" Yuri Kirillov. He also identified the main trends that are now observed in the viticulture of the Odessa region (the development of viticulture).

According to Yu. Kirillov, the viticulture in the region is concentrated where there is an opportunity to organize a stable irrigation, but most of all winegright works in Belgorod-Dnestrovsky district.

In recent years, unfortunately, new vineyards sits down less than the older. The fact is that the vineyard's bookmark is a big investment, which after the devaluation of the hryvnia is few people on the pocket (grape cultivation conditions). And "Tear Kush" on the grapes can be on average every 5 years, the remaining seasons of grapes are forced to work hard. "Most often, the limiting factor is the limited funds for investments - not only capital, for example, to bookmark the vineyard, but even on the current, for example, the acquisition of fertilizers," says Y. Kirilov.

Now there are usually those who already have the experience of growing culture (at least on the scale of the garden or cottage), who love and knows the grape vine well. At the same time, laying new vineyards, agriculture is actively experimenting with new varieties, formation schemes and other specific agrotechnologies, study the advanced experience of other Vinogradar countries, for example, USA, Argentina, etc. (grape growing technology). All this has one goal - improving productivity.

Choosing a table variety, the grapes are trying, first, to have the entire range of colors (and black, white, and pink) market (and black, and white, and pink), secondly, choose such dates of ripening, which would provide profitable sales (grape cultivation conditions). Therefore, in recent times, anyone has enough funds for relevant investments, trying to organize the cultivation of grapes in a closed soil (film greenhouses. - Ed.) To have as early products as possible, traditionally fruits and grapes are implemented at a premium price (growing technology grapes). Among the varieties that are now acquired by popularity, Yu. Kirillov called the kishmish grade, the planting material of which has fallen significantly in recent times and became available to a wide range of agrarians.

When choosing technical varieties of grapes are guided by acidity and sugar, looking for such grapes, which would ensure the maximum sugar content in the conditions of the Odessa region (grape cultivation technology).

According to the formation of the vine, then more and more winegartes, according to Yu. Kirillov, practice the California method, the complexity of which is significantly lower than in traditional domestic technologies. The essence of the California method is the formation of grapes on the Y-shaped chopper according to the planting scheme 2x3 or 3.5 m in a broader (grape growing technology).

According to the head of the agronomical department of TD Kisson, the company works closely with gardeners who grow peach and grapes, conducts many experiments on these cultivation on these cultures. "Often it is investments in viticulture that are a limiting factor of production. Therefore, we experience minimum and medium investment technologies, intensive production, "Y. Kirilov told and added that TD Kisson helps grapes with advice, consultations and drugs. (Grape growing technology)

According to the leading agronomist TD "Kisson", the grapeters in their assortment prefer the growth regulator "Rival", which is made to stimulate the growth of the vine in the autumn period; "Planter" (entered on the sheet); "Growth-concentrate" is also used as an anti-stresant.


TD "Kisson" is a distribution company and the production of a number of drugs for agriculture, which are used on a wide range of vegetable, fruit (including grapes) and field crops. In the assortment of TD "Kisson" - organo-mineral fertilizers based on humic acids; Dry powdered humats; organic fertilizer based on chicken litter; Chelate microfertres; comprehensive fertilizers for making a sheet and through a drip irrigation system; macrobractions; Microbiological preparation "Baikal-EM", growth stimulants, etc. Many of these drugs are used in organic agriculture as an alternative to chemical fertilizers.

Growing grapes is not so complex occupation as it is considered. Large clusters with juicy fruits will decorate your vineyard if you clearly follow the basic rules, taking into account the advice of experienced winegartes.

Photo of the vineyard

Why doesn't every gardener get a good grapes on his site so that he does not get out for the winter, did not bother in the summer and brought a rich harvest of decent quality? The fact is that it is necessary to approach the cultivation of this culture seriously.

First of all, you should choose a suitable grape variety, which will feel comfortable in your area. For instance, growing grapes in middle lane gives good results only when used winter hardy grades with early maturation. Among the new varieties, you will find a lot of excellent options resistant to mushroom diseases, pests and strong frosts, with high yield And the ability to ripen even in a cloudy short summer.

Video of growing grapes

Mineful varieties, as a rule, requires more sunlight and heat than light grapes, although there are quite hardy black grades.

Special attention is paid appearance Seedling when buying. Look, is there no mechanical damage on the plant, signs of drying or strange spots? Healthy grape seedlings must have at least three well-developed roots and escape a height of about half a meter. In order not to doubt as a landing material, buy seedlings in the nursery, and preferably in the container - so the plant is better attached.

The novice gardener will be easier to plant a ready-made grape seedling, especially if I want to create a vineyard "from scratch". Experienced grapes will easily cope with cuttings, well, those who are not afraid to experiment can try.

In the photo seedlings grapes

Getting Started to create a vineyard, it is important to take into account the climatic features: if the region is distinguished by minor winter and strong frosts, it will be preferable to plant grapes in trenches or pit, if the snow is enough for snow, but the summer is too short and cold, it is better to plant seedlings. In the pits, the root system will be reliably protected from frozen, and in the ridges the roots will receive more heat for the summer months.

You can engage in the planting of grapes as in spring and autumn, depending on which planting material you have chosen. Consider the most common and easiest option - autumn landing Grape seedlings in landing pits.

In the photo landing grapes

Steps of a grape seedling:

  • choose for landing well-lit by the Sun, even place where there are no drafts and excess moisture;
  • drop the planting fossa in the size of the root system, a depth of 0.2 to 0.5 m (for clay soil less, for sandy - deeper);
  • mix the soil from the pit with organic and complex mineral fertilizers;
  • at the bottom of the holes, pour the gravel layer, and on top of put a branch or plank;
  • install the pipe with a diameter of 10 cm to water grapes through it and fertilize the ground;
  • form over the gravel layer and the branches of a small holmik from the prepared land;
  • before planting the roots of the grape seedling, drop into a solution from clay and a reworked cowboy (clay twice as much as a cowboy);
  • soots do trin on a couple of kidneys and dip in melted paraffin;
  • place the seedling in the hole, whether to deal with its roots;
  • pull the pit in the remaining soil and carefully confuse;
  • pour grapes with warm water;
  • tighten the well with a compost or overwhelmed manure.

Photo of watering grapes

If you are going to put several grape bushes, leave at least one and a half meters between them. At the same time, plants are recommended from the south to the north.

For proper formation of grape bushes, you need to install a solid celeter. SAMI simple design It is two metal or wooden columns with several rows of wires between them. As the liana increases, it is neatly tapping to the wire, asking them the desired direction.

In photos of grapes

In the first three years, we pay especially much attention to the landings: carefully loose the land two days after the rain or irrigation, do not allow the leaves and dryness to dry out from the lack of moisture, destroy weeds. Starting from the fourth year, it is enough to water the vineyard three or four times a season in the most important phases of development.

Periodically, it is necessary to feed the grape bushes through drainage tubes and on the leaves, and from pests and disease processing suitable fungicides. Carefully examine the plants attentively to start the fight against dangerous enemies of grapes and prevent the death of the entire vineyard!

Vintage video

Each autumn after leaffall spend pruning grapes. With the onset of the first night frosts, remove the grape vines from the supports, emphasize with the brackets to the ground, handle the copper sulfate solution and cover polyethylene film. In the spring, do not hurry to open grapes until freezing and sharp drops of temperature stop.

Following the grape cultivation technology given in this article, you can create your own vineyard and enjoy delicious, juicy fruits every year.

California is counted to the wine-growing regions of the new light, although it can be called the newest region of the old world. Meanwhile, the winery traditions of California originated in the 18th century, when Spanish missionaries introduced California with wine production technology. 250 years of tradition and experience, innovation and improved technologies, the perfect climate for grape growing - all this makes California one of best places On Earth for the production of high-class wines.

California wines are known to the world with their high quality and variety. California is one of the most diverse wine-making regions of the world, where more than 100 grape varieties in more than 100 Vinogradar zones are growing. Different microclimate and soil types in combination with a very large number of wine farms, many of which have rich international experience, make this region even more diverse.

California quality can be traced in each bottle, whether it is an exclusive or ordinary table wine for everyday use that is in every supermarket. There is not the slightest doubt that California can boldly compete with the best wine regions of the world in all price categories.

International recognition of California wines

International demand for California wines is actively growing. Over the past 20 years, export rates have increased from $ 35 million in 1985 to 808 million US dollars in 2004. On average, the annual increase is 20%. Currently, 18% of the total production is exported to 125 countries. The 10 largest markets for the export of California wines are the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Ireland, Mexico Denmark and Belgium.

Volume in value calculation (millions of US dollars)
Volume in quantitative terms (millions of liters)

General exports from 1986 to 2004, volume in value and quantification


The climate in California is as diverse as the state itself. Although California is famous for its sunny weather, there is a significant difference in temperature, soil and other climatic parameters between regions and subregions. That is why there are wines of various styles in California.

California's climate is largely due to two mountain ranges that stretch from north to south. Majestic woody mountain ridges Coast-Renge (Coast Range) are located mainly along the coastal line. This is a relatively low mountain, which only in some places reach the height of more than 1200 m. The second mountain range is called Sierra Nevada (Sierra Nevada), which also goes parallel to the Pacific coast, about 160-200 kilometers wide. There is Central Valley between these ridges, a place where the main and most prestigious wine-growing states spread out.

From the west side of Coast Range, the climate is formed under the influence of the Pacific Ocean. The length of the Pacific coast of California is almost 2,000 kilometers. Warm winter, sufficiently warm summer, small daily and seasonal temperature differences, as well as high average humidity - these are the main characteristics of the climate of this zone.

Natural air conditioning system

The farther from the coast, the weaker the influence of the ocean. In zones, well-protected from the influence of the ocean, there is a continental climate with a warmer summer, cold winters, more sharp drops of temperature and lower relative humidity.

At the junctions between the fronts of cold air moving from the ocean, microsons are formed, each of which has its own microclimate, which is often ideally suitable for growing a variety of grapes. Most of the wine regions are located where the climatic conditions are among the average between the marine and continental climate. In such zones, the climate for viticulture and winemaking is almost perfect. Sunny, warm and dry days are replaced by cool - with the breeze and fogs, which cover the valleys every evening, creating a "natural air conditioning system", which allows the grapes to ripen slowly and evenly. The result is rich, powerful fruity, characteristic of all Californian wines and has become a kind of visiting wine-making card for the winters of the whole world.

California grape varieties

Over the past few years, among the varieties of grapes, their leaders were manifested. Chardonnay and Cabernet Councilo still occupy a leading position, Merlot and Zinfandel, occupy the 3rd and 4th place. Pinot Noir, Sira, Pet Sira, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Gri and Vionier recently are actively gaining popularity in California.

The total area of \u200b\u200bvineyards in California decreased to 208.000 hectares in 2004, which is 7% less than in the late 90s. After in 1999, active landings of new vines began, the amount of grapes became more compliant with the needs.

Today, the ratio of red and white varieties has changed. Red grades prevail over white, more than 60% take the planting of red grapes and 40% white. 5 years ago, this ratio was 56% of red varieties and 44% of white.

Below is a table showing the dynamics of changes in the growing area of \u200b\u200bcertain grape varieties from 1999 to 2004. Thus, you can see what varieties reached the peak of popularity, and which is not. Figures for the total area of \u200b\u200bvineyards and the growing area of \u200b\u200bindividual varieties are provided by various organizations, which is why some discrepancies are possible.

Cabernet Sauvignon

King of red varieties, including in California. In 1976.
on the comparative tasting of California and French wines organized by Journalist Stefan Sprier (Spurrier) in Paris, a special triumph fell to the share of Californian "Cabers". California wines from Cabernet Sauvignon are distinguished by a full-length, powerful and resistant aroma with blackberry tones, cherries and other black fruits. Many of these wines with rarely dense structures, outstanding tannins and excellent acidity, can be maintained at 10-15 or more years. Most of the so-called "iconic" California wines are Cabernet.


Merlot is one of the oldest and recognizable varieties of Vitis Vinifera. This variety is rapidly gaining popularity: In 1972, wine from this variety was done only by four manufacturers, in 1980 - 66, and today - more than 300. California Merlot - medium or dark red, with open fruit flavors and taste with notes of meadow herbs , currants and cherries. In his youth, they are softer and rounded, than wines from Cabernet Sovignon, but at the same time preserve the complexity and wealth of the bouquet.


Zinfandel, first planted in California in 1850, is considered a local California variety. During the first California wine boom at the end of the XIX century, he was rightfully the most popular. However, different DNA tests conducted by Professor Merilite in the University of California Davis showed that the genetic structure of Zinfandel and the primitive coincide. Studies also showed that Zinfandel is a direct relative of Croatian Carignan. However, Mali's float and Zinfandel are not the same variety as it was thought before. Zinfandel is a parent of Floas Mali with Dobricic. Does the foregoing mean that "Zin", primitive and Karignyan is 100% identical? Not at all. Although they have a practically identical structure of DNA, absolutely different wines are obtained from them.

Zinfandel is one of the most multifaceted grape varieties in the world. From it produce wine, the most diverse in their style. From very dry wine from White Zinfandel (White Zinfandel) is perfectly suitable for summer picnics, to rich and full-length red wines, which are obtained by a long fermentation on the mezg and with fermented fermentation, weathered in small oak barrels.
More information about this class you can get in an organization called Zap (Zinfandel Advocates & Produces).

Founded in 1991, non-profit organization It is engaged in what studies and reveals the uniqueness of the Zinfandel variety. The organization in a whole way supports all studies on this variety and contributes to the participation of wines from Zinfandel on all sorts of tastings. The annual ZAP tasting in San Francisco collects 10,000 people.

Pino Nair

Pinot Noir is one of the oldest grape varieties, known for two thousand years. He fell into California in 1885, but his popularity grew very slowly - however, as in other wine-making regions of the world. Wines from Pino Noir are thin and rich, with a characteristic roundness, attractive complexity and a long aroma. This variety feels best in the cool regions, so in California recognized centers of its production became coastal areas, such as Carneros, Russian River Valley, Monterey, San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara.


Sira or Shiraz has a long history in California. Like most Ron's varieties, such as Grenache, Karign, Murvedre, this variety was used by centuries for the production of table wines. But, starting with the 70s of the 20th century, many winemakers enthusiasts began to look for these old grades and make new Syrans, intended exclusively for the production of wine premium wine.

The most important white grapes


In California Chardonnay - one of the most common varieties: it manifests itself in almost all coastal areas. Although, most Californian Chardonnia are vified in barrels and often differ in rich, intense fruit flavors of pears, apples, melons and peach in combination with oil and oak notes, in California, and samples of new style wines - Chardonne, which are more like classic sophisticated white Wines, practically not sustained in oak.


This is the fourth in popularity in the state of the state variety, for the most part used for the production of inexpensive wines for every day. To date, he gradually loses its significance.

Sauvignon Blanc.

Wines from Sovignon Blanc are characterized by characteristic aroma and "crispy, fairy" acidity. For the first time, Sauvignon Blanc appeared over a hundred years ago on gravel soils near San Francisco Bay in Livermore Valley. The aroma of wine from this variety produced in California is usually described as fruit with pronounced shades of field herbs and greenery.

Shenen Blanc.

In California, more than 80% of all Shenen Blanc vineyards are concentrated in the Central Valley. Grapes grown here are used to produce low-cost table wines. Many winery in coastal areas also make varietal wines from Shenen Blanc with a delicate bouquet, in which shades of fresh melon are often detected. It is wines with a low acidity level, slightly "crispy" and very refreshing.

Pinot Gr.

Pinot Gri or Pinot Grijio refers to white grape varieties, despite the fact that his skin has a gray pink color. Grapes are very aromate, but the acidity in this variety is much smaller than in his relative Pino Blanc. Pinot Grove gives more fruit rounded wines that are great for complex dishes. California Pinot Gri is usually not maintained in oak tanks.

Sparkling wine

California sparkling wines deserve a separate mention. Made from Pinot Noir and Chardonnay, California sparkling wines are produced in the coolest regions of California on traditional champagne technology.

In the early 70s. Several well-known manufacturers of champagne (Moet & Chandon, Taittinger, Mumm, Roederer) and Spanish Cava (Gloria Ferrer, Codorniu), highly appreciating the wonderful conditions for the production of sparkling wines in California, began to produce high-class sparkling wines.

Dessert Wines

Another category of wine, which is worth mentioning, is dessert wines. They are made from various grape varieties, for example, from the Riesling of Late Collection, Muscat, Semilon, Gevurztraminer, Vionier and Sauvignon Blanc. For some wines, the technology of botreatization is used, that is, the appearance of noble mold, which causes the drying of the grapes and thereby leads to a high concentration of sugar and aromatic substances in berries.

Bathing wines

And finally, the world blended wines. California wines are mainly obtained by a variety of grapes, which should be at least 75%. However, many winemakers consider not varieties with their best wines, but bathing or blended.

According to the rules, those wines that do not comply with the requirement of 75% of the variety of grapes can be called only by the name of the economy or is simply labeled as "table wine". Since in this case, the name does not reflect adequately the quality of wine, in 1988, the "Meriness" category was introduced for high quality swabs. Meritage fault is banging based on traditional Bordeaux varieties. In the case of red wines, it is referred to as Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Fran, Pist Verdo, Gre Vero, Malbek and Carminer. For white used Sauvignon Blanc, Semilon, and Sauvignon Ver. There are blended wines and from other varieties, but they can no longer wear Meritage Wine names, for example, good floating wines from Ron varieties. More information can be found on the website of the Bashing Wine Association:


In the US, the appellasone of the origin of wine may be the name:
- state
- County (or counties)
- Ava (American Wine Rock Area)
When the appellason is a state (for example, California), then 100% of grapes used in the production of wine should occur from this state.
District Appellason (for example, Sonoma District) is an administrative-territorial unit. At least 75% of grapes should come from the specified district. Appellason, consisting of two or three (but no more) districts, may be indicated on the label if all the grapes were grown in these districts, and the percentage ratio of the grapes of each district is indicated on the label.
If the word label indicates the name AVA, this means that at least 85% of grapes for wine comes from this area. The AVA system is controlled by the US government.

Obtaining one or another region of AVA status does not mean guarantees of high quality wines produced in this area, but approves its difference from other areas of viticulture. AVA (for example, Carmel Valley) as an appellasone is an area that differs from areas around it geographic and physical signs (climate, soil composition, height above sea level), although the historical factors are sometimes taken into account. Today in the USA there are 157 AVA, 94 of which are located in California. (See below).

Solves consumer

AVA status does not prescribe special limitations in the production of wine. Unlike some other wine-growing countries, the manufacturer in California can plant those grapes, which, in his opinion, are best suited for this particular area (now the concept of terror is becoming increasingly distributed in California), if necessary, can apply irrigation on its vineyards may collect grapes when it considers it necessary, and can also establish the yield, which, in his opinion, is optimal, guided by its quality standards and requests for the circle of consumers for which he makes his wine.

In the end, it is the consumer that decides whether the winemaker was right or not. Of course, there are also rigid government laws designed to guarantee the high quality of California wines. This applies, for example, the limitations of shaptalization (the addition of sugar during fermentation in California is prohibited), the use of pesticides on vineyards, etc.

Map AVA.

All 94 AVA (American Winenery) existing in California can be found below where their location on the map is indicated, their area, as well as the year, when the zone received this status. Map composed of Vestra Resourses ( Data on the borders of AVA from June 2005.

Name AVA. Location on the map Acres Date of foundation
Alexandervalley. B3. 76,034 1988
Anderson Valley. A3. 58,532 1987
Arroyo Grande Valley. A7. 38,916 1990
Arroyo Seco. A6. 32,779 1983
Atlas Peak B4. 12,267 1992
Ben Lomond Mountain. A5. 35,049 1988
Benmore Valley. B3. 1,288 1991
Bennett Valley A4. 8,333 2003
California Shenandoah Valley C4. 13,652 1987
Capay Valley. B4. 99,681 2003
Carmel Valley. A5. 17,831 1983
Central Coast. B6. 5,467,084 1999
Chalk Hill B4. 22,921 1988
Chalone. B5. 8,652 1982
Chiles Valley District B4. 5,182 1999
Cienega Valley. B5. 7,080 1982
Clarksburg. B4. 68,100 1984
Clear Lake B3. 217,325 1984
Cole Ranch. B3. 189 1983
Cucamonga Valley. C8. 137,294 1995
Diablo Grande. B5. 34,599 1998
Diamond Mountain. B4. 4,980 2001
Dry Creek Valley. B3. 78,386 1983
Dunnigan Hills. B4. 69,554 1993
Edna Valley A7. 28,858 1982
El Dorado. C4. 410,110 1983
Fair Play. C4. 23,180 2001
FiddleTown. C4. 12,069 1983
Guenoc Valley. B4. 4,395 1981
High Valley B3. 14,552 2005
Hames Valley. B6. 12,297 1994
Howell Mountain. B4. 13,061 1984
Knights Valley. B3. 37,085 1983
Lime Kiln Valley. B5. 2,297 1982
Livermore Valley. B4. 82,345 1982
Lodi. C4. 541,076 2002
Los Carneros. B4. 37,061 1987
Madera. C5. 457,589 1985
McDowell Valley. B3. 2,226 1987
Mendocino B3. 327,426 1998
Mendocino Ridge. A3. 83,272 1997
Merritt Island. B4. 5,264 1987
Monterey B6. 597,617 1984
Mount Harlan. B5. 7,778 1990
Mount Veedera. B4. 16,856 1990
Napa Valley. B4. 400,207 1981
North Coast. A3. 3,240,599 1983
North Yuba. C3. 20,994 1985
Northern Sonoma. A3. 349,833 1986
Oakville. B4. 6,768 1993
Oak Knoll District B4. 4,002 2004
Pacheco Pass B5. 2,708 1984
Paicines. B5. 18,881 1982
Paso Robles. B6. 609,564 1983
Potter Valley. B3. 28,805 1983
Red Hills. B3. 32,029 2004
REDWOOD VALLEY. B3. 32,046 1996
River Junction. B5. 1,297 2001
Rockpile B3. 13,559 2002
Russian River Valley A4. 125,041 1983
RUTHERFORD. B4. 7,503 1993
Saint Helena B4. 9,257 1995
Salado Creek. B5. 3,046 2004
San Benito. B5. 46,634 1987
San Bernabe. A6. 24,736 2004
San Francisco Bay. B4. 1,760,830 1999
San Lucas. B6. 34,643 1987
San Pasqual Valley. C9. 9,208 1981
San Ysidro District. B5. 2,540 1990
Santa Clara Valley. B5. 317,338 1989
Santa Cruz Mountains. A5. 408,662 1982
Santa Lucia Highlands. A5. 20,708 1995
Santa Maria Valley. A7. 97,480 1981
Santa Rita Hills. A7. 33,373 2001
Santa Ynez Valley. A7. 181,127 1983
Siead Valley. C1. 2,204 1994
Sierra Foothills. C4. 2,654,143 1987
Sonoma Coast. A4. 516,402 1987
Sonoma Mountain. B4. 5,758 1985
Sonoma Valley. B4. 115,108 1982
South Coast. C9. 2,141,487 1985
Spring Mountain District B4. 8,472 1993
STAGS LEAP DISTIRT. B4. 3,042 1989
Suisun Valley. B4. 19,132 1989
Temecula. C9. 90,249 1986
Wild Horse Valley. B4. 3,941 1988
Trinity Lakes. C2. 80,620 2005
Willow Creek. B2. 7,583 1983
York Mountain. A6. 6,350 1983
Yorkville Highlands. A3. 44,618 1998
Yountville. B4. 8,328 1999

Winery regions

California can be divided into 5 large regions:

North Kalifornia coast

The coast of Northern California is a raised coastline, with forests towering over it (famous sequoias grow here), rapid rivers, green hills and abundant vineyards.

North of San Francisco are located such world-famous wine regions as Mendocino (Mendocino), Napa (NAPA) and Sonoma (Sonoma).

County Mendocino

History: The first vineyard was planted here in 1850, shortly after the gold fever. In the 1970s of Mendocino County Winery (Mendocino), under the leadership of Parducci Wine Celars and Fetzer Vineyards, achieved international recognition and success.
Location: 150 km north of San Francisco. Mendocino - the edge of the wooded mountains. 60% of its area occupy forests.
Vineyard Square: 6300 hectares, 25% of vineyards officially have organic status.
Winery: 53
AVA 10. Mendocino, Anderson Valley, Cole Ranch, McDowell Valley, Redwood Valley, Potter Valley, Mendocino Ridge, Yorkville Highlands, Ukiah Valley, Sanel Valley

District Lake

District Sonoma

History: In 1812, Russian colonists put grapes on coastal sites near the Fort Ross. Count Agoston Harad from Hungary, "Father" of the California wine industry, in 1857 he founded a vineyard in the Sonom called Buena Vista.
Location: Hour ride from San Francisco, between the Safety Ocean and the Valley of Napa
Vineyard Square: 20.000 G.
Winery: 260 (plus 750 Vinogradar farms)
AVA 13. Alexander Valley, Bennett Valley, Chalk Hill, Dry Creek Valley, Knights Valley, Los Carneros, Northern Sonoma, Russian River Valley, Rockpile, Sonoma Coast, Sonoma County Green Valley, Sonoma Mountain and Sonoma Valley
Additional Information: Sonoma County WinERies Association,

County Napa

History: In the language of the VAPPO Indians, initially settled this valley, the word "napa" (NAPA) means "earth of abundance". The first researchers like George Yant (Yount) planted grapes back there in 1838. In 1861, Charles Krag (Krug) founded the first commercial winery. And in 1966, the opening of the winery Robert Mondavi laid the beginning of the wine boom in the Napa Valley.
Location: 1.5 hours drive to northeast of San Francisco
Vineyard Square: 18,600 hectares, which is about 8% of the total area of \u200b\u200bCalifornia vineyards.
Winery: 373
AVA 15. Napa Valley, Howell Mountain, Chiles Valley District, Spring Mountain District, St. Helena, Rutherford, Oakville, Atlas Peak, Stags Leap District, Mount Veeder, Yountville, Wild Horse Valley, Los Carnaros, Diamond Mountain District and Oak Knoll District. Calistoga Ava is still waiting for its turn.
Additional Information: Napa Valley Vintners,

Los Corneros.

Central California coast

The coast of Central California stretches from San Francisco through Monterey to Santa Barbara - about six hours of driving on the highway number 101, which Franciscan monks once called El Camino Real - "Road of Kings".

Many wineries are located in the numerous valleys of Livermore Valley regions, Santa Cruz Mountains, Monterey County, San Luis Obispo County and Santa Barbara County.

Valley Livermore

Mountain Santa Cruz

History: The wine zone was founded in 1981.
Location: 80 km along the coast south of San Francisco, next to the famous Silicon Valley. The region is divided by half the low mountain range (the height of its peaks is about 1000 meters), so that its western part is addressed to Pacific OceanAnd the eastern is to the Bay of San Francisco. This explains why Pino Noire is mainly grown in the west of Apellya, in the cool conditions of Pacific influence, and Cabernet Sauvignon is in the east.
Vineyard Square: The region is comparable in the area with the Napa Valley, while the vineyards occupy only some part of it.
Winery: 60
Additional Information: Santa Cruz Mountains Wygrowers Association,

District Monterey

History: The first grape vines put here the Franciscan monks over 200 years ago. But the truly wine-making potential of the Monterey district (Monterey) was revealed only in the 1960s. By that time, the University of California in Davis prepared a report, according to which Monterey District was classified as "Cool Coastal Valley with temperate climates", Ideal for growing grapes. Among the first companies that began grown here, in the 60s, were Wente, Mirassou, Paul Masson, J. Lohr and Chalone.
Location: Two hours drive from San Francisco, on the coast
Vineyard Square: 18.300 G.
Winery: 60
AVA 7. Arroyo Seco, Carmel Valley, Hames Valley, Monterey, San Lucas, Santa Lucia Highlands and Chalone.

Paso Robles.

County San Louis Obispo

History: In 1820, the priest José Sanchez produced 400 barrels of wine. The revival of the region began in the early 80s.
Location: south of Paso Robles. Thanks to the cool climate, rains coming from the ocean, and soils, the EDNA Valley (EDNA Valley) is considered one of the leading regions for the production of Chardona.
Vineyard Square: 1.500 hectares (not including Paso Robles)
Winery: 25 (105 In the entire district, including Paso Robles)
AVA 5. Edna Valley, York Mountain, Santa Maria Valley, Arroyo Grande Valley and Paso Robles
Additional Information: San Luis Obispo Vintners & Growers Association,

Santa Barbara County

Southern California

This area spread from Los Angeles (in the south) to San Diego is most famous for its sunny sandy beaches, surfing, amusement parks and a filmmaster.

Only a few know that there is also its own wine industry here, and Temecula is the most important wine region.


Sierra Nevada

It also remembers the "golden fever", about the real madness, which covered thousands of people when gold was found here in 1848. Today, tourists do not dream of gold, and prefer to enjoy beautiful hotels, a variety of entertainment and visits on the famous winery, which are located in Amador's districts (AMADOR), Calaveras (Calaveras) and Eldorado (El Dorado).

Central Valley

The central valley located between the coastal hills and the western slope of the Sierra Nevada Rocky Ridge is the agricultural center of California.

Its main transport artery, highway №5 and №99, associate traditional agricultural and industrial enterprises in the region. Grapes grows mainly to the south of the capital of California - the city of Sacramento, the main regions are Lodi (LODI) and the San Joaquin Valley.

California wine label

The wine label contributes to the creation of the image of the wine, is designed to attract the buyer. The wine label also provides the buyer all the necessary information. Unlike other labels, which are so unfamiliar, which cause much more questions than they give answers, Californian wine labels are simple and understandable.
That's what you need to know:


As the name of the wine can act as the name of the winery and the name of the brand


Specify the grape variety on the label only if the name of the appellason is also indicated on the label. If the wine contains at least 75% of one grape variety (for example, Zinfandel), then it can be listed on the label, and the wine will be considered varieties. The names of two or more varieties can be indicated if their percentage is indicated on the label.


Region where wine was created.

Concrete vineyard

If the label indicates the name of a particular vineyard, it means that no less than 95% of grapes from this vineyard were used for the manufacture of wine. The names of the vineyards can only be used together with the name of Apellason.


Year when grapes were assembled. At least 95% of the amount of wine should be wine from the crop of this year, while the specification of the appeal on the label is also necessary.


The name and address of the manufacturer
Note "Bottled by) with the name and address of the Boto-Vania site is mandatory. The following wording may also be present on the labels:
"Produced ..." (Produced by; MADE BY) - indicating that at least 75% of the wine vinyl into winery, located at the specified address;
"Bolded ..." (blended by) - means that wine has been burned in the winery located at the specified address;
"It was kept ..." (Cellared by; Vinted by; Prepared by) - means that the wine was maintained in the winery cellar located at the specified address.
The indication "Bottled in the farm" (Estate Bottled) is allowed to be used if the winery where wine is bottled, and the vineyards where all grapes used were grown, are in one appellasone; At the same time, the winery and vineyards belong or are under the control of one company; In addition, the entire process of production of wine continuously proceeds within this winery.

Environmental winemaking

In 2003, winery and winemakers in California created "Code of Environmentally Rational Winemaking". In this code, those wine-made practices are prescribed, which do not harm the environment and meet the needs and interests of society.

This voluntary agreement describes such moments as a decrease in the use of pesticides, economical use Water and electricity, waste recycling, control over soil erosion, the use of "good bugs" to destroy "bad bugs", creating and maintaining conditions for habitat of predators and other wild animals around vineyards, etc. This desktop book is created to help winemakers to implement similar experience on their farms.

The organic "Code of Environmentally Ramed Winemade" is more than organic farming, it is one of the most important parts of environmental rationality. The designation "Organic" is a generally accepted term that can be found on product labels produced without the use of chemicals in winemaking and agriculture, while the "Code of Environmental Rationality" is a broader concept aimed at continuous improvement of the agricultural process to improve relations with employees, neighbors, and the protection of the Earth and the conservation of natural wealth, etc.

Winemakers can position their wines as "produced from organically grown grapes", if wine is made only from organic grapes. Winemakers can add sulfites in the production process. Despite the fact that many winery in California produce wine from organically grown grapes, they prefer not to indicate this on the label of their fault. This is explained by the fact that they want to be more free in the choice of technologies that can be used if necessary, for example, to save the harvest during weather or with any circumstances, where one organic agriculture cannot do.

Food and wine

California cuisine is one of the most interesting in the world. Young, inventive Californian chefs expand borders, borrowing ideas and technologies in Asia, Latin America and the Mediterranean, confessing a creative approach to cooking.

California was always a cradle of cooking, starting with the times of gold kits found legendary oysters in the San Francisco Bay, and to the present day, when immigrants from Latin America and South East Asia enrich California cuisine. The dishes that they are inherently call the "Fusion kitchen". For example, the Korean lamb cooked on the Mongolian sauce from coconut and curry to which powerful Zinfandel is served. The powerful bouquet of flavors in the dish and the saturated fruitness of wine are very well combined.

California cuisine is based on its own natural wealth. The table goes all the most natural from the garden, from the fruit garden, from the sea and from the fields. Fresh products at hand round year, from apples to Zucchini. In California, chicken, lamb, pork and beef are produced in abundance, often grown by organic. Seafood and fish are widely represented - crabs, salmon, halibut and many other marine animations; Numerous farms on the cultivation of mollusks, mussels and oysters work. Local cheese manufacturers conquer international vocation, making delicious goat, cow and sheep cheeses. In the 19th century, California was the main manufacturer of olives and olive oilThis tradition is going through the second birth today. Olives, often grown on winery and collected by hand, today can safely compete with the best in the world.

Wine on the table

Of course, California's great wines play a huge role in the formation of California cuisine.

Nowhere in the cook of the cooks do not pay such greater attention to the combination of dishes with wine. Most good restaurants have the so-called Wine-BY -The-Glass program - "Wine on the glasses", when highly qualified sommelier advise, which wine it is better to suit the selected dish. Californian wine producers believe that wine should be one most important components of any table.

Many Californian winery have their chefs, and manufacturers like Beringer, Cakebread and Fetzer offer their consumers to visit culinary courses at the winery. The American Culinary Institute, located in the Napa Valley and the California Culinary Academy in San Francisco, annually produces thousands of chefs.

Institute of Wine California

California Wine Institute with the Chief Office in San Francisco - Private Non-Profit Commercial Association of California Wine Model, numbering this moment 850 participants. The purpose of the International Department of the California Wine Institute is an increase in the export of California wines worldwide through propaganda and educational work, leading to an increase in interest and demand for California wines.

Visit sites on the Internet: and, where you can find great amount Information about the Californian wine industry. We list only a few sections: Wine Trade and Wine Consumption in the United States; Vineyards and statistics on export products; crop reports; Articles about fault and health; Wine laws in the United States; Calendar of events in the world of wine. On the sites there are direct links to all wine regional sites, and further to winery, various associations (such as Rhone Rangers), universities (including University of California in Davis), Wine Press Publications (for example, Wine Spectator), Work Vacations in the Wine Sector As well as many other useful sites.

Measurement Units Translation Table
People in California use Inchi, acres, gallons, while most of Europe uses centimeters, hectares and liters.

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