Liana Dolichos or "Curving Lilac": Features of growing. Dolichos, hyacinth beans, curly lilac Dolichos Growing

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Dolichos Growing from seeds, Liana. In a different hyacinth or Egyptian beans, Lablab, Lobia, a curly lilac. The most ancient view of famous people. For many decades, it is added to food, each people have its own name. Distributed in different places with a warm climate.

In Russia, they are grown as an annual decorative wound plant. In warm countries, not one year is growing. We have no experts to achieve many years of growth, despite the fact that experiments and attempts in this direction were carried out. Dolichos can be from 1.5 to 3 meters in height. If there is a support, then it grows hard. I wonder what he does it counterclockwise.

In specialized places of sales of seeds Dolichos - a curly lilac. By title, you can understand that they are similar. The plant in question from the legume family. You can plant for the economy or decorative purposes. Herbal liana while observing the departure from the very beginning will be excellent beauty.

In practice, it is obtained from seeds, with consistent care and proper landing Liana will be tall and strong. That the result cost the candle is important to know about development stages. Total numbers about fifty species.

Description Dolichos.

Hyacinth beans, so called the plant due to its decorative properties. Fruits appear after the end of the flowering period. Have the form of wide flexible pods. May have a saturated purple tint.

Large heart-shaped leaves, similar to bean or beans. May be:

  • green;
  • purple;
  • red-purple.

Flowers are going to inflorescences. The presence of a large brush of them large number It looks harmonious and fascinates. Externally aesthetically not only flowers, but also attracts an unusually curved form of fruits.

On the shape of the Flowers of Dolichos similar to the beans, but the first brush is more. Each type color is different, possess a pleasant aroma. The life cycle of the flower is made up only three days.

The flowering period begins in July and before the onset of cold. Dolichos flowers can be cut off. Blooming ends, dark purple beans appear, published resembling grapes.

Important: In order for Dolichos to be used in decorative purposes, it is necessary to buy only fresh seeds.

For successful cultivation it is important to buy correctly planting material. So that Dolichos decorate the garden, the cultivation is carried out of seeds. Implemented in small packs, in it, as a rule, 3-4 pieces. For sowing, the pods of the firstborn. From late seeds grow high, but not flowering bushes.

Dolichos photo

Dolichos Growing from Seeds

To plant a plant, it is necessary to perform actions in the correct sequence. First of all, after buying seeds, they are required to prepare, i.e. Make seedlings.

It is planted at the beginning of the season, when the soil is already enough. But it is necessary to do this very carefully, since if they damage them, then the plant will not be fully as much as I would like, that is, with a damaged root system, Liana is not able to fully reveal its beauty.

Dolichos, heat-seeking, and he needs a lot of light, so the landing should be carried out at sunny places. If you plan it near the building, then the rays will be his eastern side.

In the shadow, the plant will be poorly developed and the desired effect may not be achieved. Only the sun will wash the flower to grow most fully and beautiful. If you sit for harvest, then the most good places On the site will be after vegetables.

When to plant seeds? It is best to do this in February or in March. Each well should be at a distance of 20 centimeters. Seeds before planting need to be soaked for a day.

The first shoots appear on the eighth or tenth day. After all four leaflets of the seedlings are plugged down. As a result, the side shoots forming the carpet grow.

It is possible to sow seeds into the cups and with the onset of heat to transplant into the ground. Or wait for sustainable favorable weather and planted immediately to the ground on the plot. The main thing is that the soil by this time is heated.

In what place to focus seeds

To speed up the process of germination, processing is required. There are several ways to stratification:

  1. Processing with a pail or geek.
  2. Substitute shallow sandpaper.
  3. Cut the puncture on the seed with the needle.

This is done to disrupt the waterproof of the shell. After completion of the processing, seeds are placed in warm water for twenty-four hours. It is recommended during this time to change several times. Some instead of water use potato juice for several hours.

Further, the seeds are put on a small moss, covered with a napkin, pressed and moved to heat. After three days, small roots will appear. They can easily be rooted in a prepared substrate.

In pots, boxes or other tanks (peat pots are suitable for these purposes), in which seeds will be sitting, the substrate should be added in small amounts of chalk and wood ash.

This plant feels comfortable in neutral, slightly alkaline ground. Sat seeds need to be at a depth of three centimeters.

In the room with the seedle, the temperature is maintained above twenty degrees. Watering shoots is required once a week, if necessary, more often.

Keeping seedlings in May can be kept on the balcony if it is glazed. Since strong frosts, Dolichos does not tolerate. This is done to adapt bushes to real weather conditions. As a rule, small supports are required even at the growing stage of seedlings.

Important: Gardeners should be remembered that the Dolichos is unstable to strong frosts.

Caring for Dolichosomes

Dolichos loves abundant watering, so it is advisable to do it every day. And in the heat recommended several times. For a good result, the plant should receive sunlight. This plant gives an excellent harvest and at the same time adorns the site. The beans are very helpful, they are used as independent dishes and in the side dishes.

If seedling has grown it, it is necessary to carefully transfer, without damaging the roots and make a falling at a distance of the half meter. Next to each bush necessarily need to be supported, the stems are tested with thick threads. This is done to form proper growth.

For this, a moisturized, loose, nutrient soil is suitable. However, the flower can grow in conventional land with the addition of feeding. The plant is not able to grow in acidic soil. Liana is not demanding in leaving, but in the drought I watered abundant.

For feeding of Dolichos, the alternation of potash and nitrogen fertilizers is suitable, the use of complex fertilizers is also suitable. In the vegetative period, this should be done once every fourteen days.

Possible problems in growing

If small yellowish stains began to appear on the leaves, then the lack of potassium, but not as not that there is damage or a bush on Liana.

Dolichos is very resistant to different diseases and pests. This is another dignity, due to which many gardeners prefer this plant.

Sometimes mild dew can be amazed, as well as suffer from tli and caterpillars, as well as from root novel nematodes. It is not difficult to cope with them when applying the spraying method with special drugs. You can buy them in stores for gardeners (summer houses).

How to collect seeds

Two weeks after planting seedlings, fruits begin to appear on the site. If there are plans to continue to grow Lian (hyacinth beans), it is better to collect them and leave for seeds. The pods have a burgundy color, each should have five to six pieces, in color cream.

You can start the harvest when the stems begin to dry. Bob storage time is five years old. This is another dignity this plant. Pods are removed from Lian and dried within two to three weeks. Only then the beans are removed, better quality Deposited to spring in glass well-closed containers.

For seeds, it is recommended to select those seeds that are located above. They as the firstborn received more nutrition and care. And, therefore, the beans will be better. Seeds and other cultures are also harvested. With regular cultivation of culture, they are recommended to harvest independently, and not to buy. As in the store in packages may not be overwhelmed, which will lead to a meager blossom, despite good power Growth.

Famous varieties

First of all, the flower products allocate the most outstanding varieties. Not one of them does not require complex care and special conditions for growing. To choose the appropriate appearance, the most attractive dollyos will be described.

« Pink Moon"- That is exactly the variety that in its appearance is very similar to lilac. Leaves have a bright saturated green, and flowers colorful purple. The height of the stalks of this plant can be up to four meters. He got the greatest distribution. A special advantage of this variety is that they are able to hang up to snow.

« Lilac cascade"It grows perfectly even in the conditions of the city, on the balcony. They are sufficiently resistant to cooling. This variety goes more as decorative, not a yield. Appreciated for good branches. Great for balconies and veranda.

« Violet garlands»Attract the height of the stems. Can reach six meters. The variety is enormous in the size of the leaves and bright violet flowers, which in shape resemble garlands. Therefore, this Dolichos received such a name. Flowers give the feeling of celebration. They can be cut off to decorate the interior inside the house, in the water this variety can stand for a long time.

Important: regardless of the type, the dollyos is sensitive to the lack of moisture, especially in the first month of growth.

Dolichos in landscaping

Dolichos will perfectly decorate any garden. It can be successfully used in vertical landscaping. Well suitable for fences and hedges.

Perfectly close all unattractive walls of household buildings. Previously, he could be seen mainly in the plots, but now it became often practicing cultivation on the balcony and even in the rooms.

Important: If Dolichos is not enough light and heat, it is slow and weakly developing. And may not have time to bloom.

As already written it is unusual beautiful plantwho came from ancient times. His Liana is so picturesque that they are used to landscap the walls of houses, arbors, fences. With their help, beautiful partitions are created, pergola. Original painted foliage and bright fruits make a stunning view anywhere. Also, its beauty can be emphasized by putting the contrasting flowers.

Some for the unusual exterior use several varieties at once. This is not only supplemented by the beauty facade, but will bring the owner of the harvest with excellent taste qualities and benefit.

Dolichos in landscape design

The process of growing flower is fascinating. Especially if this is done in creative purposes. With it, you can give novelty the plot. To create a landscaped masterpiece, you should pay attention to the shades of colors. The compositions with different shades will look original. For the game of paints, Dolichos, you need to sit next to blooming plants.

Dolichos may be annual and perennial plants. Seedling from it can be used for a long time. From fruits, you can create delicious and unusual dishes. With minimal care, the result is delightful.

Dolichos rare plantwhich deserves get widespread. In the network you can find a lot of photos on which it can be seen as it is beautiful. Delihos Growing from seeds and care for it requires minimal effort. In exchange, his owner receives a well-kept and creative garden, standing out among others and pleasing for a long time.

Dolichos Liana, seeking to swell, fascinate. In many respects, a personal fantasy and a desire for work depends on the type of site. Of several seeds are able to form entire thickets. In the second half of the summer, at the same time on Liaans you can see the attractive combination of beans with flowers.

Although this plant is not demanding in care, you need to follow it correctly. For our country, this is a relatively new culture, which should be closed.

Use of Dolichos in Cooking

Dolichos is not only an unusually attractive liana. This is also an ancient food culture. It is widespread enough and especially in demand in Indian cuisine. Beans have a saturated aroma of herbs and contain a balanced amount of protein.

Mature dry fruits and fresh green pods are used. The second option is significantly softer, and in taste gentful and sophisticated. The taste of beans is similar to the beans. You can read more about its taste properties on numerous culinary sites.

It may be a main dish or part of garnish, salads, soups. Perfect to taste in combination with ginger and coconut. How green beans and unripe seeds are added to meat dishes. Perfectly combined with spices, rice, vegetables, seafood.

IN european cuisine The product is rarely applied. This was influenced by two main factors. The fruits of Dolichos are preparing for a long time, as well as in the composition there are substances that in the human body can be transformed into a sinyl acid. Because of this, the beans falls for a long time to soak, periodically changing water, and then cook no meer one and a half hours. On the Internet you can choose video recipes.

Beans perfectly fill the forces spent and renew human energy. Enrich the body with vitamins, and reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. Dolichos beans are useful to people with diabetes mellitus, with liver diseases and under reduced immunity.

Since it contains protein similar in structure with animals. In plants, protein is considered flawed, but not in this case. These beans can be frozen, the specialists have been proven, it only increases their favor.

Note: Before the use of beans, in obligatory They are soaked.

Dolichos is a curly perennial plant relating to the legume family. Gardeners call him a curly lilac, Egyptian beans and cocornik.


In the wild, the culture grows in East Africa. In the climatic strip with warm winter, culture is grown as a perennial, but in Russia it is cultivated, as an annual.

Egyptian beans in mid-July bloom. Inflorescences are presented in the form of long brushes, with small inflorescences of purple and white shade. In addition, the flowers of Dolichos smell very pleasant, and their smell remotely resembles Lilac.

Often, Dolichos is grown as decorative cultureused as decorating arbors, fences, decorative arches. A curly liana with bright green leaves, gentle-violet and pink inflorescences and purple pods, look very impressive.

Bean liana reaches a height of up to 6 meters, so that it can be combined with other curly colors, forming spectacular compositions for vertical landscaping.

The fruits of Egyptian beans use in medicinal purposes and eat in food by using the set of them different dishes.

Types and varieties

- Getting a curly perennial from Western Europe. Russia is grown as annual plant. The height of Liana reaches up to 5 meters. It has a good branch, large purple and green leaf plates. Coster-shaped inflorescences consisting of 40 small flowers. Brushes grow up to 50 centimeters and resemble garlands. They can be white, pink and creamy. The smell does not have. The flowering time falls on the middle of the summer and can last to the first frosts.

- The height of the plant reaches up to 4.5 meters and may have purple or green leaf plates. Homeland Plant is Western Europe, there it is grown as a decorative long-term culture. Egyptian beans bloom in middle of summer, large, long, white, pink or cream shade. After grazing in their place, dark purple pods with edible seeds - beans are tied.

- The plant is a liana having flexible shoots up to 4 meters long. Sheet plates have a bright green shade with a purple tide, a heart-shaped shape and a pointed top. Inflorescences at Dolichos are long, creeps with large lilac flowers. They are suitable for cutting, as they stand in water and exude a pleasant fragrance. Flowering time falls in mid-June. After the culture is wondering, dark purple beans adorning the plant before the middle of the autumn appear on the site of the inflorescences.

- It is a decorative, grassy annual liana. The height reaches up to three meters and has large, green with a red-purple sampling heart-shaped leaves with a pointed end. Social activities are long, busy white, pink, raspberry or purple shade With a pleasant aroma. Flowers culture in the middle of summer, after flowing, pods are tied with beans that can be used.

It is a decorative herby liana, reaching up to 4 meters. Long shoots frame large, heart-shaped sheet plates with a pointed end, green shade with purple tint. Break-shaped inflorescences, long, lilac color with a pleasant aroma. Flowering time falls on the middle of summer. At the end of flowering, dark purple pods are tied with edible beans inside.

- It is the most beautiful variety of all available Egyptian beans. In the length of the shoots of the plant reaches up to 4 meters. Leaf plates are large, bright green, heart-shaped with a pointed end. Cystic inflorescences, long, purple with a pleasant aroma. After a fruit, dark purple pods with beans appear.

- It is a tall liana, reaching up to 6 meters high. It has large dark green heart-shaped leaf plates and creeps, purple shade, resembling garlands. After the fruit of the plant, the decorativeness gives him the dark purple fruits of Dolichos in the form of pods with beans.

- This culture variety is characterized by more compact, branched shoots, the number of which is numbered up to 30 pieces on the bush. Leaf plates are dark green, heart-shaped, large with a pointed end. The flowering of culture is not as abundant, like the previous varieties, but nevertheless, inflorescences are characterized by high decorativeness, and their long-shaped purple inflorescences are beneficial on the background of green foliage. After flowing, dark purple, glossy pods with beans inside.

Dolichos landing and care in open soil

Plant cultivation with a seaside way is the most suitable option For Russia. Fresh-plated beans retain their germination up to five years.

It is possible to plant beans to open soil in May, but in this case the liana will develop very long and start blossoming only at the end of August, it is for this reason that experienced gardeners recommend growing seedlings in advance and plant it in an open soil when the time comes.

Severe the beans is necessary in a mixture of leaf turf, sand and peat. This procedure is held on the last week of February. Previously need to soak seeds, putting them on a wet gauze into a warm place.

Before soaking, the shell of beans should be pierced with a needle, not assisted white Spot On the edge, since there is a germ zone where sprout appears. It is necessary to sow culture in separate cups with a mixture of one Bob, blocking it into the ground for 4 centimeters. After disembarking, the land should be sprayed from the sprayer, cover the planting tanks with a film and remove them into a warm place with scattered light.

In order for seedlings faster, the containers must be used daily, systematically moisturize soil and maintain the temperature within 23 degrees.

In the open ground, the grown seedlings are planted in May, when the threat of spring frost disappears. In order for seedlings to take root, the transplant should be carried out by transshipment of the plant from the landing capacity in the well on the garden.

When disembarking Dolichos, it will be necessary to retreat between bush from 20 to 40 centimeters. Next to the bed, you need to form a support, the height of which should be at least 2 meters.

Place for disembarkation It is necessary to choose the illuminated, as the culture is light and loves warmth. It should also be protected from drafts and strong wind gusts, as they can damage the plant and bring it to death. The soil in the garden should be neutral, loose and fertile. Before planting seedlings, the plot needs to be switched. And in order to increase the fertility of the Earth, a month before the landing of the culture, it is necessary to make a recoverable compost.

Watering Dolichos.

Watering cultures should be carried out regularly. The earth must be constantly wet, but it is impossible to allow the fever to allow, otherwise the root system will begin to be installed.

Watering needs to be held every three days, bringing a small amount of water under the bushes. In severe heat, the watering should be carried out every two days. So that the soil remains breathable, it needs to systematically loosen and break through the weed grass.

Soil for Dolichos.

The plant prefers fertile, neutral and loose soil. It should have a minimum amount of nitrogen compounds, as well as it should be drained in order not to delay moisture.

Before the village of Dolichos, the Ginochka needs to move well and mix garden primer With sand or peat and focus with a reworked organic.

If in the garden, the soil has increased acidity, it is necessary to add a small amount of charcoal or lime to the ground.

Transfer Dolichos.

In transplant, Dolichos needs only at the stage of transferring seedlings from landing capacities to open ground. The procedure is carried out by transshipment of the land in advance prepared pit.

After the transplantation of Dolichos seedlings into open ground, the bed must be moistened, and in order to keep moisture longer, it must be closed with a dry peat.

Fertilizer for Dolichos.

Egyptian beans should be fertilized monthly with complex mineral fertilizers.

They will help the plant to maintain their decorativeness to the most frost.

Flowering Dolichos.

If the Dolichos is sown with a seedy way, the plant will bloom in June. Culture inflorescences are represented by long brushes of white, yellow, pink and lilac shades with a pleasant aroma. The flowering time of one inflorescences is twenty days, so the culture color is almost before frosts.

After a bunch of on-site brush, dark purple pods appear, which are also decorative, like flowers. Pods grow beams. Inside, each of them is from two to four beans with a white spot on the edge. They are eaten and used to prepare various dishes.

Trimming Dolichos.

In pruning, the culture does not need. Before the mention of the appearance of the side branches, it is necessary to quit the tops of the shoots.

And also to create a support and carry out a garter so that the plant can freely have up the chopper.

Preparing Dolichos for Winter

Since the culture in the climatic strip of Russia is grown as annual, then in preparation for winter it does not need.

As soon as the plant begins to fade, it is pulled out of the ground and burn.

Dolichos Growing from Seeds

Dolichos can be separated by a seed and ever. When placing beans to open soil, the plants germinate very long and bloom only at the end of summer.

For this reason, the gardeners do not use this technique, but prefer to multiply Egyptian beans ever. For this purpose, the beans take, damage the peel on them, avoiding the sprout zone and soak on the day, laying them on a wet marla in a warm place. The seeds are then planted in peat peas in one thing to a depth of 4 centimeters. After that, they are covered with a film, moisturized and removed into a warm place with scattered light.

For rapid shoots, the seedlings are ventilated daily, systematically moistened and maintain a temperature of from 20 to 23 degrees.

In the open ground, they are transferred by transshipment of the land in advance prepared wells. Rechazzle seedlings are made in mid-May.

Bobulk or Labunum is also a representative of the legume family. Grown when landing and leaving open soil without special troublesIf you follow the rules of agrotechnology. You can find all necessary recommendations in this article.

Diseases and pests

Dolichos diseases are stable. However, with improper care, the gardener can notice yellowing sheet plates and lack of flowering . To correct the situation, Egyptian beans should be provided with the necessary nutrients by simulating the correct fertilizer making.

Harmful insects are also very rarely affected by Dolichos. If the gardener notices the caterpillars or the TRU on the leaves, it will be necessary to openly treat the plant insecticide "Aktellik" according to the instructions specified on the package.

Dolichos in cooking: dishes recipes

Egyptian beans compared to conventional beans, much more tender, as well as more pleasant to taste. Since they contain a lot of vegetable protein and starch, they are distinguished by primary and quickly restore forces. For the preparation of various dishes are used both mature beans and young pods.

Dolichos is perfect in combination with seafood, rice, stewed vegetables and a bird. It is used as a salad ingredient, and also added to soups. Here are some simple and delicious recipes with Dolichos who will not leave you indifferent.

Soup with dolly, spices and coconut cream, it turns out very satisfying, piquant and unusual. They can be pampered both home and surprise their guests with an exotic bean dish.


  • Bay leaf - 4 pieces;
  • Chicken backs - 2 pieces;
  • Zira, dried garlic, turmeric - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Bulb - 1 piece;
  • Chile pepper - 4 pieces;
  • Beans - 450 grams;
  • Dried tomatoes - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • Coconut cream - 200 milliliters;
  • Dried ginger - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • Lyme juice - 6 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking soup with Dolichos:

Take chicken backs, bulbs and bay leaf, put them in a saucepan with three liters of water. Cook broth. When he is ready, take out a bulb, a bay leaf and backs. Separate meat from bones. Broth filtering.

Beans soaked in warm water for 4 hours.

Coconut cream in broth in broth, then put chili pepper, seasonings, spices, meat and beans in it.

We put a saucepan on a big fire and cook until readiness. In the middle of the cooking we put up soup.

When the soup will be ready, scatter it in plates, sprinkled with chopped greens and add a little lime juice into each portion. Bon Appetit.

Riot, spicy pasta serve with beans, greens and cheese. And their cooking takes no more than an hour.


  • Small pasta spirals - 230 grams;
  • Salt and pepper - to taste;
  • Boiled Dolichos - 1.5 glasses;
  • Lemon zest - 0.5 teaspoons;
  • Chopped parsley - 1 cup;
  • Parmesan grated cheese - 150 grams;
  • Green onion - 1 beam;
  • Olive oil - 0.25 glasses

Cooking pasta with beans:

Take pasta, drunk in salted water until readiness. A few minutes before removal from the stove, add beans. We fold down pasta with beans on a colander and give water to drain.

We shift pasta with Dolichos into a deep pile, add chopped parsley, finely chopped onion, cheese, oil, pepper and lemon zest.

Mix and serve, scattering on plates. Bon Appetit.

Fried chicken with vegetables and spicy soy-ginger sauce, it turns out very appetizing and piquant. And most importantly, you can even cook it.


  • Fried seed seeds - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • Chicken fillet, chopped - 450 grams;
  • Boiled cereal cereals - 3 glasses;
  • Dolichos was boiled to half-preparation - 1 cup;
  • Water - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Grated carrots - 450 grams;
  • Corn starch - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Bulgarian pepper chopped - 1 piece;
  • Soy sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Grated ginger - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • Orange juice - 0.25 glasses;
  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Chicken broth - 1.5 glasses;
  • Fine chopped garlic - 3 teeth;
  • Dried red pepper - 0.5 h. Spoons.

Cooking chicken with Dolichos:

Take a big, deep frying pan and warm up a tablespoon in it olive oil. Then put in it carrots and shops for 5 minutes. Next, put up bulgarian pepper And we are preparing vegetables for another 3 minutes stirring. Put vegetables in a bowl.

In the pan we pour more 1 tbsp. A spoonful of oil, heating it. Then put the chicken and fry it for 5 minutes after stirring from time to time. We shift meat to vegetables, add beans and mix.

We take a frying pan, again pour oil into it, put garlic in it, ginger, red pepper and prepare for a minute. We add broth, orange juice, soy sauce and bring to a boil.

We divor the starch in the water and pour it into the pan with spices, bring to a boiling and prepare for a couple of minutes.

Then put vegetables, beans and chicken in the pan with sauce, prepare for 10 minutes.

Give a chicken with a crook quinoa, sprinkled by sesame. Bon Appetit.

Unusual snack with avocado and Dolichos with spices and onions. It can be served with chips or croutons.


  • Boiled Dolichos - 320 grams;
  • Chips - 200 grams;
  • Toasts - 6 pieces;
  • Avocado peeled and sliced \u200b\u200bby cubes - 1 piece;
  • Salt and pepper - to taste;
  • Chopped onion - ¼ cup;
  • Chopped tomato - 1 piece;
  • Basilic pesto sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Lyme juice - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking snacks:

In the bowl of the blender, put Dolichos, onions, Lyme juice, avocado, pesto sauce, salt and pepper. Whip up to uniformity. Put the paste into the container and remove into the fridge before the filing.

Before the feed lay on the plate, decorate tomatoes and greens and serve with croutons and chips. Bon Appetit.

At first glance, the beef is a conventional dish, but if you cook it with the Dolichos and the teriyaki sauce, it turns out a piquant, spicy and delicious roast.


  • Terrician sauce - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Chopped garlic - 1 h. Spoon;
  • Cutting calf cutting with strips - 250 grams;
  • Bulgarian pepper and chili pepper - 1 piece;
  • Boiled Dolichos - 1 cup.

Preparation of beef:

We take the pan, warming the oil in it. We lay out meat and fry for 5 minutes. Put it in a plate.

Then we put the dolly and water in the pan. Arriving for 2 minutes. Put pepper and fry another 3 minutes. Add garlic and sauce, fry for two more minutes. Put vegetables to meat, mix and serve. Bon Appetit.


Having felt a little of its time and creating a microclimate needed for cultivation, the gardener will receive not only the original decorative plantthat will give it a plot of special charm, but also will expand its diet due to delicious and useful beans, which are matured at the beginning of autumn.

The curly lilac from the legume family is Dolichos, or hyacinth (Egyptian) beans, or Lobia. Purple Dolichos - Written with beautiful gentle lilac flowers. In any garden composition, it attracts admiring glances, gives a slight shading, being planted by y and, decorates garden arches and.

Only adherence to all stages of cultivation will help grow strong and beautiful Lian, which will delight the owners and decorate the garden to the most frosts. Let's look at how to squeeze the Seeds of Dolichos, how to care for the plant, and at what time to land it at a permanent place.

Acquaintance with unusual beans

In the hot and southern countries, the Dolichos is growing year-round, in its characteristics it is in our climate the curly lilac passes the whole life cycle from shoots to flowering and gradual drying in one summer season.

There are many varieties of Dolichos, but any of them over the summer grows up to three meters. The plant has herbal stem and triple rounded leaves with a pointed tip, the color of the leaves varies from the dark lilac to green color. But precisely decorativeness is precisely varieties with burgundy or purple leaves. Long inflorescences consist of small, gentle lilac flowers, similar to small moths. Forms inflorescence at the base of the leaf plate of Liana. Shades of floral color depend on the variety of plants, they are two-color, pink and snow-white, bluish-raspberry or dark purple. It is also very picturesque pods in which the grain is formed and poured. Against the background of green or burgundy foliage, purple pods look fantastically.

When the flowering period ends, as colors from the inflorescence, the pubic pods of purple color are formed in their place, very throwing and unusual color. It is difficult to pass without noticeing, by such a bright plant.
Interesting and caused by the seeds of Dolichos, in the form of a small, slightly curved black, brown or orange color With white compacted edge along the edges. The size of such a beaghine usually does not exceed 1-2 cm. The pod in which the grains are compressed, the surrendent shape, at the end of the seed is clearly visible, slightly currency.

The length of the pod ranges from 10 to 13 cm. Whole bundles of purple pods, gradually replacing Liana's long inflorescences, in combination with lush greenery until late autumn decorate gardens and

Dolichos flowering continues to deep autumn: on the bottom of the plant ripen the pods, burst, releasing the ripened seeds, begin to yellow the leaves, and at the three-meter height of the lush greenery decorated with a mass of newly blooming lilac flowers.

Important! Like other representatives of the straw family, the roots of Dolichos have nitrogen-containing bacteria. The plant has the ability to accumulate and hold nitrogen in the ground, it can be sowned specifically for enrichment and fertilizer of the Earth on.

Preparation of seed before landing

Hyacinth beans or curly lilac are quite easy to grow from seeds, the main thing for the growth of Liana is the term when it is necessary to plant a grain. But the process of growing from the seeds of the Purple Dolichos seeds in the southern regions, the middle lane or in the north of the country is significantly different. But in any case, the seeds are desirable. Bean seeds possess quite strong upper sheath grains.
One of the advantages of legumes are a long sentence of seeds. The bean can be as follows in the appropriate conditions (heat, moisture) and 5-7 years after ripening and collection. The main condition for the preservation of seed geogide is storage in a dry place with a suitable temperature. Seeds can be stored, but storage at temperatures above 25 ° C poorly reflects on the reproductive qualities of Dolichos grains.

For germination, long-stored liana seeds need mechanical damage, scratching () or another violation of the upper seed shell. Such seeds germinate within 5-7 days, the main requirement for sprouting is heat and watering.

Did you know? In the countries of South America, you can see at home or trees, seized with ten meters« copper» dolichos. Thanks to almost eternal summer, the plant flakes non-stop, builds large brightgreen leaves and soaring all new and new squares.

Growing seedlings

In the south, the seeds of Liana are sown in early April in the prepared, loose and wet, enough warm outdoor soil. But even in the south of Krasnodar or in the Crimea, this liana remains annual plant, at temperatures below zero, the plant dies.

In more northern areas, the cultivation of Dolichos from seeds must begin long before the time of landing the young plant into the ground. Decorative Liana is grown by a seaside.

It is not difficult to determine when you need to plant a seed into the ground. For this, just count 55 days in reverse direction From the expected date of disembarking young Liana on the street.

For the northern regions, landland, which do not tolerate even short-term decreases of temperature below zero, landing into unprotected primer is produced in the last days of May or the first decade of June.

In order to grow a good, healthy hyacinth beans - prepare the soil for sowing seeds.
You can easily mix soil from these components:

  • 1 pieces of pure river sand;
  • 1 pieces of crushed;
  • 1 parts are coated to a shallow fraction of pephocroxes;
  • 1 pieces of chernozem.
This composition is thoroughly mixed in high capacity. Before starting seeding, it is desirable to carry out heat treatment for this earthy mixture. High temperatures can be made at home in the oven. The soil poured into the baking sheet and at a temperature of 220-250 ° C heated for 20-30 minutes. This will defrast the soil and keeps gentle and other fungal diseases.

Processed soils fall asleep in seedlings or special pallets, slightly watered. Waiting for the excess liquid flowing out of a seedry into the pallet. After that, each cup is planted for 1-2 beans of the curly lilac. Seeds are planted at a depth of one centimeter. Cups with planted seeds again watered with water, after which they are covered polyethylene film And put in a dark and warm place.
If fresh or perennial seeds, but scarified, is on the germination at a temperature of 25-27 ° C, the first sprouts may seem on the fifth-sixth day. Sprouting sprouts is a very important point, it needs to be not skipped. If a random container with a sprout, which was proceeded, did not put on the window on time, where there is plenty of daylight, then such a plant will sweep (stalking), it will be weak and susceptible to diseases and can even die.

When there will be a pair of sprouts of Dolichos in each cup, everything will already be in a well-lit place (windowsill, seedlings). Further care For young sprouts, it is simple - as the soil dried in the rabbits, the plants are watered, the land is slightly blurred in a week with the help of wooden stick or a regular dining room fork.

With the normal growth and development of plants, 2 weeks after the sprout seemed from the Earth, two first real sheets will appear on seedlings. After that, the flower water from two plants growing in a cup, choose one, the strongest and healthy look. The second, spare plant is removed.

Important! Removing an extra seedman, in no case can not be rude to pull it out of the ground. With the help of the sprout, carefully cut (pinch) right in the ground. Such a neat removal of an unnecessary sprout will not break root system neighboring plants.

Transplant seedlings in open ground

The cultivation of Lobio will not seem too complex even novice gardener. It is only necessary to follow a simple algorithm for growing this unusual and very elegant plant, and in gratitude your flower garden or garden will play new bright colors.

Optimal deadlines

The curved lilac (hyacinth beans) is planted in an open and not protected ground in late May or early June. Landing is possible upon the occurrence of sustainable heat, without fears that night freezes will be returned. Caring for beans at the beginning of the growing season is heated and watering. If you are not sure that the non-wellhead of Lobio can be determined to a permanent residence, and the dates of the disembarkation are already starting to rush, we recommend purchasing. In case of weather surprises, this film will save the curving lilac from the destructive cooling.

Choosing a place

Lobio negatively responds to growth in or half. In order for the plant well to feel good, you need to choose for sowing or disembarking outdoor solar places. If you wish to decorate the climbing lilac of the building and want to get the maximum decorative effect - Sit from the eastern wall. It is in the east that the plant will increase the most powerful stem and large leaves and inflorescences.


When disembarking, Lian need to take into account that gaining growth, the plant will gain and volume:

  • the bushes of hyacinth beans land from each other at a distance of 45-50 cm;
  • if the landing is not in the garden, but on vegetable Groke, then beans can be planted on a double row;
  • the second row of plantations are planted in chess order in relation to the first landed row;
  • the width of the rod of one bed is left to one meter;
  • if there is a landing of several such beds, there is a track of 70-80 cm between the two-row beds.
The beds with planted plants can be avoiding the exhausting weeding and prevent the evaporation of moisture. As suitable, freshly acted grass, hay, fabric or paper.

Important! For the mulching of the beds, in no case cannot be used by sawdust, which are purchased on industries working with chipboard. They contain phenols, varnishes and remnants of furniture glue!

Care with knowledge

Further care for landed hyacinth beans (Lobio) lies in the shelter of plants polyethylene in the case of unexpected decreases of temperature, in timely irrigation, in processing from or other leaf-sizing insects.

Once every 10 days of beds or flower beds where liana is planted, to clean the soil from. Two weeks after disembarking, young Lians need to be dipped at a height of 20 -25 cm. This will allow the plant to increase the additional root mass, which will have a positive effect on its development and growth.


All legumes in dry soils or soils with a meager watering slow down or stop their height. It is impossible to dry out the root layers from Dolichos. If the gardener does not have the ability to provide regular lianas, then you need to take measures to detention moisture. For example, to remove the garden at the foot of the mulch plants. For mulching, you can use old, unnecessary remnants of rolled wallpaper. The paper prevents the evaporation of water from the soil, passes the water during watering and delays, and even it completely prevents growth.
For not time-consuming and long-term irrigation, gardeners are used. Under each Liana laid on the barrel such a bottle, pre-filled with water. For the subsequent irrigation, slightly weaken the closed cover on the bottle. Adjust the opening of the lid until water is supplied to the plant drops. Water in the bottle is enough for seven-day irrigation, while moisture will not spread, make the upper layers of soil. Gradually moisturizes the soil near Liana to the deep-ridicular layers, which means that the water goes to the roots.


Once all the lianas are permanent, near each plant you need to install reliable. The curly lilac is because it is called that this plant is developing, tends to up. To do this, the hyacinth beans have a special mustache that plants cling to the support that are growing near the plants, removing in the walls of houses or the opening of the chain grid.

It is necessary to organize the curly lianas with convenience so that they can freely grow up and show themselves in all its glory.
Here are some options for Lian Supplements:

  • a trunk of a rowing dry tree;
  • metal chain grid with wide cells;
  • wooden pegs, three meters high;
  • stationary high (as for);
  • beautiful wooden lattice portable pyramids supports.


One month after disembarking on the street, the plant needs feeding. For feeding, any for flowers or vegetables is suitable.

You can use natural feeders by organicae:

Option number 1

Half a 10-liter bucket fill. Pour the contents of the bucket with water to the top. Mix thoroughly. Buckets set in a sunny place for subsequent fermentation and cover the lid. After a week, concentrated fertilizer is ready.
For the fertilizer of plants under the root: on 10 liters of water, add 0, 5 liters of concentrate. Stir. Fertilizer is ready to use. The diluted solution must be used immediately, since with long-term storage, the most important component will deteriorate from it.

Option number 2.

A large capacity is filled from the garden to half. Very good for green fertilizer garden, but any further barrel fills up to the edge with water and the covered is left for fermentation for two weeks. Periodically, the contents of the container are mixed with a wooden pole, since the solution should be enriched with oxygen.

The finished solution is also concentrated. Before irrigated, it needs to be diluted: to the fourth part of the infused green concentrate add three parts of the water.

When and how blooms

Dolichos bloom starts from the middle of the summer and continues to the first frosts. Flower inflorescence Liana blooms up to one month, each separate flower Inflorescences live from one to three days. Elegant inflorescences of Lobio can be cut off for bouquets, in a vase such a cut saves freshness from 5 to 7 days. In one infloretia there are up to 50 flowers, which possess a pleasant, not sharp aroma.

The first colors in young inflorescences will appear on the beans three or four weeks after disembarking in bed. To collect the ripe plant seeds, suitable for breeding in the future, you need to wait for the inflorescence of the scenery, and the purple pods will replace the shied flowers. The beans from the pods are taken only after the pods are completely dried and change their color to sandy. Ripe pods burst from light pressed, branches made of dry pods completely matured. Each pod is in itself 4-6 grains. Seeds are capable of germinating 5 years.

Dolichos (lat. Doflichos) or Lablab, Curly Lilac, Cocornik, Hyacinth beans - a long-term beautiful-waving Liana family of beans. Her shoots are deprived of the mustache and wander completely around the support counterclockwise. Usually the length is limited to 3-4 meters, occasionally 10 meter specimens. Stems and shoots covers the skin of a purple shade.

Large leaf plates of the heart-shaped shape are attached with a long rod-like tube. The surface of the sheet is slightly rough, over a green background there are brighter or married bodies.

Winter hardiness

In nature, Dolichos is found in the territory of the subtropical regions of Asia and Africa. In areas where warm soft winters, Liana can grow for several years. In the middle lane, Russia is cultivated as an annals.

Flowering Dolichos.

With a period of flowering, it comes in mid-July. Flowers typical of legumes are collected in the brush of 40 pieces. Inflorescences are located on the tops of the shoots and in the sinuses of the leaves. Petals in white and yellow and pink-lilac colors. Each inflorescence pleases with beauty not more than 20 days, and the flowering period itself ends with the onset of frosts.

Fruits are also decorative. These are flat wide pods of green or purple shade, they will shine and hang with beams. Inside there is 2-4 dark bobs with a white spot. They can be eaten, thanks to which Dolichos is also called black beans or decorative beans. For the aroma and tenderness of inflorescences, Liana is called hyacinthic or curly lilac, and at the place of origin - Egyptian beans.

Cultivation of Dolichos from seeds at home

The cultivation of the seeds of seed is the most suitable option. The germination of beans is preserved for 5 years.

Lyan Dolichos is growing and developing with a range of 20-30 ° C. In conditions middle strip Russia will deteriorate it by annual cultivation from seeds. Sowing an open ground seems to be in about May, but in this case the seedlings develop for a long time, and Liana will bloom at about august. In order to enjoy the beauty of inflorescences, it will be necessary to bother with a seedler. Sewing in early March, and better - on the last week of February. For a day for swelling seeds soaked, putting on a soft wet fabric And putting in a warm place.

  • Pre-shell Bob pincise the needle, sewer or damn the file. Be careful: under the white spot is a germ that can not hurt.
  • Some in the cassette for seedlings or cups on one Bob, deepening in the soil by 3-4 cm.
  • Spray from the fine sprayer, cover tightly with a transparent package or a loaf and put for scattered lighting.

Ray the shelter daily to air seedlings. Maintain a temperature of at least 20 ° C, the soil must be constantly a bit wet. By the way, to grow seedlings of the climbing lilac use a universal substrate or a mixture of peat, sand and leaf land.

Dolichos reproduction with cuttings and gag

Egyptian beans can be bodies, however, this concerns the Lian grown in open soil for more than one year (locally with a warm climate). We do this in the spring. As a cutlets, we use the tops of the shoots, they jail on the garden, we water, to create the effect of the greenhouse from above, cover the cropped by a plastic bottle or a glass jar.

Under such conditions, the cuttings quickly root and go in growth, then the shelter is removed. To get a chain, it is necessary to jump on the stalk to the ground, lock the bracket and pour the land hut, leave the tillage sticking above the surface. In the autumn or next spring, separate the process from the parent plant and land for a permanent place.

Landing and care for Dolichos in the open soil

When and how to plant

In the open soil in about May, when present heat is established without the threat of return freezers. So that the seedlings have come successfully, turn into the holes along with a lore land. Between the individual plants, adhere to 20-40 cm. Immediately calm down about the support, it must be brought to a height of at least 2 m.

Choose a place under bright sunlight, for a thermal-loving plant requires protection against draft, also strong wind gusts are capable of tooling the leaves. The soil fit loose, fertile, neutral reaction. Plot is pre-pack. To increase fertility per month before landing, make a pumping compost or solution infusion of a cow.

How to water

Decorative beans will be required regularly, let only the surface of the soil, but it is impossible to allow for a lap. Optimally every 2-3 days to make small portions of water, in a strong heat water more often. Suggest from weeds, due to frequent irrigation, it will also be necessary to loose soil.


A large liana with a thick sheet cover and a lot of inflorescences needs feeding. Monthly or even with a frequency of 15 days, make a complete dose of complex mineral fertilizer.

To appear lateral processes, pinch the tops of the shoots.

Diseases and pests of hyacinth beans

Diseases as such a dolichos is stable. If Liana is growing badly, and the edges of the leaves are yellow, it means that the plant is lacking nutrients. When growing on the depleted soil and the absence of feeding, such phenomena cannot be avoided.

Pests also appear extremely rarely. The leaves are attracting caterpillars and TRU, root nematodes can start. We get rid of them with the help of insecticidal preparations.

Dolichos in landscape design

Decorative Dolichos All season: First evolve shoots develop, then blossoms, fall yellow leaves and on their background, the borders of the beans look just fantastically.

For vertical landscaping Liana fits perfectly. A curly lilac is used to decorate garden and household plots. Savages look picturesque on pergolas, arches, beautifully tutle the gazebo, walls of buildings, fences, open balconies.

Liana will become the center of the composition, if you install the frame or any basis on the flower bed, which quickly turns flexible vine. A particularly spectacular combination of a bright green colors with a lilac shade of colors and shoots, it is like this species and varieties preferred. Suitable neighbors will be Clematis, tulips, peonies and dahlias.

Therapeutic properties of Dolichos.

Therapeutic properties of Dolichos are known for a long time, officially began to begin in 1851 as a homeopathic remedy. Most often used with skin itching, as well as teething in children.

The decoction of beans of the curly lilac in Eastern medicine is shown to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Dolichos in cooking

Dolichos beans are relatively with beans, they have a more delicate structure, also taste softer. Due to the high content of proteins and starch, they are satisfying and quickly restore forces. In nutritional purposes, ridden beans and green young pods are used, dishes are obtained fragrant with a herbaceous taste. Dolichos is combined with rice, stewed vegetables, fish, seafood. Beans are a garnish, become part of Salad, used in soups.

Valichos varieties

There are more than 70 species of Dolichos, but only an ordinary Dolichos, like a lilac chain of stems and a purple tone along the residences on the leaves, culturally grown. It became the basis for varieties:

Ruby Moon or Pink Moon - Flexible Stems are pulled out in length 4 m, their thick covers the heart-shaped leaves of bright green. At this cheerful background, the arrows of lilac inflorescences are blooming. Flat and wide pods of purple color shine, sometimes they hang on the bush for a long time and the plant is brightly distinguished against the background of the first snow;

Violet garland - six-meter liana with chic heart-shaped leaves. Inflorescences extend purple garland, and after cutting a long time retains freshness;

Dolichos Niagara Falls Photo

Lilac cascade - shoots shorter, but actively branched. Most often grown in ads for decorating balconies and veranda. Although bloom is not as abundant, however, the grade is resistant to coldness and small frosts.

Dolichos Lablab (Dolichos Lablab) is currently called Loblab Purpureus. The plant comes with Kilimanjaro, is grown in a number of countries as a food culture.

Dolichos is differently called curly lilac or hyacinth beans. Thanks to its unusual appearance, the plant becomes an indispensable "accessory" to reflect fences, fences, arbors, veranda and balconies. This plant refers to the family of legumes, and in its family there are about 50 varieties. Dolichos is similar to an unusual Lian, which can reach up to 4 m in height. You can easily grow up such a curving lilac on your own cottage plot, Knowing the main tips and care principles.

The curly lilac Dolichos came to us from hot Africa, where, thanks to the greenhouse conditions, it is considered a perennial. In our country, it was not possible to achieve many years of growth from the plant, so Dolichos will delight you with its appearance just a year. The plant's stalk will wake up the supports against a clockwise arrow, creating something similar to the living fence. Curved lilac leaves are quite large, shape resembling heart, and the color varies from a saturated lilac to green.

Dolichos flowers are small in size, form long inflorescences in leafy sinuses. Similar lush inflorescences look very organic, effectively and interesting thanks to a set of flowerflies on one brush. The flavor from the flowers is simply incredible, and the colors are different - from pink to purple. There are also species with a two-color color. Interestingly, the duration of the life of one flower is only 3 days, but from this appearance Dolichos will not spoil for another 25 days.

Decorative properties have not only flowers and leaves of curly lilac, but also its fruits, externally similar to beans, which are painted in bright burgundy color. In addition to saturated color, the fruits of Dolichos have a pleasant glossy shine and an interesting curved shape. Inside these hyacinth beans, you can find seeds that in India and Africa are eaten. The fact is that the fruits of plants have a large amount of protein, rich in vitamins and minerals. To taste, Dolichos beans are similar to ordinary beans.

Dolichos: Features of care and cultivation of seeds

Grow the curving lilac is quite simple, if you follow the rules and peculiarities of care. - Before planting, the seeds of Dolichos are recommended to be treated - scratched with a pailer or a knife, thereby slightly disrupt the integrity of the waterproof seed shell to increase their germination.

  • The treated seeds are poured with water room temperature and leave for several hours. Some gardeners are soaked by Dolichos seeds in warm potato juice, after which they put them on fine moss, cover with a napkin, pressed, placed in a dense package and put in a warm place. After 3 days from the seeds, the roots will appear, which can be easily reduced by the usual way in a suitable substrate.
  • In the container where you will land seeds (for this purpose, peat pots are fitted), pour the nutrient substrate, add a little chalk.
  • Put a pot with a future room Dolichos, temperature mode which will be supported at least 22 degrees.
  • Watering seeds must be 1-2 times a week. When the bushes are growing, they can be placed on the balcony or veranda (this can not be done before May-month).

When the Earth finally warms up, you can land the bushes of Dolichos to open soil. Place choose enough solar with loose, weakly acid and fertile soil. The distance of the plants from each other should be at least 25 cm. Next to each drawing of the Dolichos, a support is established to which it as it will be asked.

And when Dolichos feels great in the open soil, you can proceed directly to the stages of care.

  • During active growth, this liana requires feeding time every 2 weeks. Superphosphate, potash, nitrogen and complex feeders are suitable as fertilizers.
  • The plant needs regular and abundant irrigation, which will be particularly relevant to strong drought and heat.
  • Dolichos is quite resistant to diseases and pests, which makes it even more attractive for gardeners. True, on the leaves of the curly lilac with a lack of potassium, you can see yellow specks. Do not be afraid, because this problem is easily solved with the help of appropriate fertilizers. Sometimes Dolichos can hit puffy dew, fungus, wave, nodule nematodes and caterpillars. With all these pests, you can easily handle the spraying of the plant of special chemicals sold in stores for gardeners.

Dolichos: Photos Plants

Hyacinth beans Dolichos - very beautiful liana, which can be easily decorated garden plot. It is ideal for landscaping walls, arbors, fences, partitions, veranda and other buildings. If you put a curly lilac along with bright colors and liaans of contrasting shades, you will receive luxury gardenin which he wants to spend the maximum of time!

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