The results of economic activity of the enterprise. Indicators characterizing the financial and economic activities of the enterprise

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RIO LLC has the organizational and legal form of a limited liability company.

The main purpose of the organization is to make a profit.

Net profit generated in accordance with established order, after payment of taxes provided for by law for the reporting period, is subject to distribution among the Participants in proportion to their share in the authorized capital. The net profit remaining at the disposal of the company is directed to the development and expansion of production, and other purposes at the discretion of the Participants.

The enterprise carries out economic activities on the basis of the charter of the Company.

RIO LLC operates on the basis of:

1. Economic calculation and self-financing;

2. Cashless settlements with citizens and legal entities;

3. Cash settlement with citizens and legal entities.

The basis of activity is contracts with enterprises, organizations of any form of ownership, as well as the provision of services directly to the population. Forms, content and terms are determined by the terms of these agreements.

RIO LLC sells its products and services at prices and tariffs set independently or on a contractual basis. The organization is responsible for the results of its activities, for the fulfillment of its obligations to the budget, the bank, contract partners, as well as to labor collective, in accordance with applicable law.

The property of RIO LLC consists of material values ​​and financial resources that are on its balance sheet and are the property of the company.

The Company independently plans its activities aimed at making a profit, determines development prospects based on the demand for manufactured products and services.

LLC "RIO" is on a simplified taxation system, but maintains accounting records in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 402-FZ of December 6, 2011 "On Accounting", as well as the regulations of bodies that are granted the right to regulate issues by federal laws accounting and is responsible for its accuracy.

In RIO LLC, accounting is maintained by the chief accountant. Chief Accountant appointed or dismissed by the head of the organization and reports directly to him. The chief accountant is entrusted with the functions of ensuring the correct setting of accounting, its reliability, timeliness, control over safety, rational and economical use all funds of the enterprise. He does accounting economic activity and flow control Money, their receipt and expenditure, as well as the movement material resources, maintains bank documents, settlement transactions, including those with employees for wages, books of purchases and sales. The accountant forms the balance sheet and annual reports, fills out declarations and reports to extra-budgetary funds.

The organization uses the current Chart of Accounts for accounting of financial and economic activities of organizations and enterprises, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2000. No. 94n.

Accounting of property, liabilities and business transactions is carried out on the accounts of the working chart of accounts of accounting, containing synthetic and analytical accounts.

Let's analyze the main indicators of the economic activity of the company for 2012-2014 (table 1).

Table 1 - General indicators of economic activity of RIO LLC for 2012-2014

The name of indicators Information source, calculation algorithm Factual data Change (+,-)
Absolute Relative
2012 2013 2014 2011 to 2010 2012 to 2011 2013 to 2012 2014 to 2013
1. Proceeds from the sale, thousand rubles. Report about incomes and material losses +280 -90 +28,4 -7,13
2. Cost of sales, thousand rubles. Report about incomes and material losses +24 +46 +5 +9,13
3. Gross profit, thousand rubles. Report about incomes and material losses +256 -136 +50,89 -17,92
4. Commercial expenses, thousand rubles Report about incomes and material losses +38 -29 +97,44 -37,66
5. Administrative expenses, thousand rubles Report about incomes and material losses - - - - - - -
6. Profit (loss) from sales, thousand rubles. Report about incomes and material losses +225 -123 +54,48 -19,28
7. Net profit, thousand rubles. Report about incomes and material losses +222 -129 +54,01 -20,38
8. Profitability of sales, % p.6/ p.1 *100 42,01 50,51 43,90 +8,50 -6,61 +20,23 -13,09
9. Average headcount, pers. Report to statistics - - - -
10. Payroll fund, thousand rubles. Report to statistics - - - -
11. Average annual labor productivity of one employee, thousand rubles. page 1/page 9 81,92 105,25 97,75 +23,33 -7,5 +28,48 -7,13
12. The average annual salary of one employee, thousand rubles. p.10/p.9 - - - -
13. Accounts receivable at the end of the reporting period, thousand rubles. Bukh. balance -40 +17 -26,14 +15,04
14. Accounts payable at the end of the reporting period, thousand rubles. Bukh. balance +5 +17 +2,53 +8,37
15. Average annual value of property, thousand rubles. Bukh. balance +175 +57 +31,36 +7,78
16. Average annual cost of fixed assets, thousand rubles. Bukh. balance - -12 - -5,11
17. Average annual cost working capital, thousand roubles. Bukh. balance +175 +69 +54,18 +13,86
18. Capital productivity of fixed assets page 1/page 16 4,18 5,37 5,26 +1,19 -0,11 +28,47 -2,05
19. Asset turnover, in turnover page 1/page 15 0,90 1,74 1,5 +0,84 -0,24 +93,33 -13,79
20. Turnover of working capital, in turnover page 1/page 17 1,15 2,24 2,38 +1,09 +0,14 +94,78 +6,25

As can be seen from Table 1, RIO LLC in 2012-2014 experienced an increase and then a decrease in the main effective financial indicators of the company's activities: sales proceeds, gross and net profit. However, the cost of goods sold increased.

Thus, sales revenue at the beginning of 2012 was equal to 983 thousand rubles, at the end of 2012 there was an increase in this indicator by 280 thousand rubles. (28.4%), which in total terms is 1263 thousand rubles, and in 2013 the revenue of RIO LLC reached 1173 thousand rubles, which is 90 thousand rubles. (7.13%) less than in 2012.

Cost of goods sold by RIO LLC for 2012 - 2014 tends to increase.

Gross profit of RIO LLC for 2012-2014 tended to increase and then decrease. Selling expenses in 2012 increased by 97.44%, which amounted to 77 thousand rubles, but in 2013 they decreased by 29 thousand rubles. (37.66%) and amounted to 48 thousand rubles.

Profitability in 2013 has a positive trend, compared to 2012 increased by 20.23%. The number of staff during the entire period of the study remained unchanged at 12 people, wages also remained at the same level.

This paragraph describes the organization and analyzes the indicators of financial and economic activity. Analysis financial condition organization is essential condition successful management of his finances. The financial condition of the enterprise is characterized by a set of indicators reflecting the process of formation and use of its financial resources. Now consider the organization of accounting in the enterprise.

The analysis of financial and economic activity consists of an analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise and an analysis of its economic activity.

The analysis of economic activity includes the analysis of fixed assets, working capital and the analysis of the labor resources of the enterprise.

The analysis of fixed assets characterizes the effectiveness of the use of the means of production available to the enterprise. Traditionally, it is considered that the analysis of fixed assets is carried out in the following areas:

Analysis of the provision of the organization with fixed assets;

Analysis of the composition and structure of fixed assets of the organization;

Analysis of the technical condition of fixed assets of the organization;

Analysis of the effectiveness of the use of fixed assets of the organization;

Analysis of the use of certain types of equipment by the number of units, by time, by power and analysis of the integral load of the equipment;

Consolidated calculation of reserves for growth in output due to factors associated with the use of fixed assets.

The efficiency of the use of fixed assets characterizes the rate of return on assets, calculated as the ratio of the volume of output for the year to the average annual total cost of fixed assets:

Phot \u003d Sales proceeds / Average annual cost of fixed assets (1)

To analyze the provision of the organization with fixed assets, the indicators of fixed assets are compared with indicators of the number of employees (capital-labor ratio):

Fv = Average annual cost of fixed assets / Average number of employees (2)

Capital intensity is the reciprocal of capital productivity. It characterizes how many production assets accounts for 1 ruble of manufactured products:

Fe = 1 / Phot (3)

The value of capital intensity shows how much money needs to be spent on fixed assets in order to obtain the required volume of production.

The capital-labor ratio and capital productivity are interconnected through the indicator of labor productivity:

PT = Output / Average number of employees (4)

In this way,

Ph = labor productivity / capital-labor ratio (5)

The composition of the coefficients characterizing the technical condition of fixed assets of the organization includes:

1. wear factor,

Ki \u003d Amount of accrued depreciation / initial cost of the OPF (6)

2. shelf life,

Kg = 1 - Wear factor (7)

The assessment of the movement of fixed assets is carried out on the basis of coefficients that are analyzed in dynamics over a number of years.

The input (renewal) ratio is the ratio of the amount put into operation to the cost of fixed assets at the end of the year.

Kvv \u003d st-t of received fixed assets / st-t of fixed assets at the end of the year (8)

Together with the coefficient of input, the coefficient of disposal of fixed assets is also applied. It reflects the ratio of the amount of retired fixed assets of the enterprise to their value at the beginning of the year.

Kvyb \u003d st-t of retired fixed assets / st-t of fixed assets at the beginning of the year (9)

Analysis of working capital characterizes the effectiveness of the use of working capital. First of all, an analysis of the turnover of working capital is carried out:

Cob \u003d Revenue / Average annual cost of working capital (10)

The turnover ratio shows how many times during the year current assets make a full turnover, the acceleration of turnover is a positive factor in the development of the enterprise. You should also consider the turnaround time. current assets, this indicator is related to the turnover ratio and is calculated as follows:

DO \u003d 365 / Cob (11)

Turnover ratios are also used to evaluate a company's business activity.

In addition to the turnover ratio, for the analysis of the company's current assets, the indicator of fixing (loading) of current assets is used. The fixing coefficient (Kzakr) shows the amount of working capital per one ruble of sold products:

Kzakr \u003d Average annual working capital / Revenue (12)

The final step in the analysis of the economic state is the assessment labor potential companies.

Sufficient provision of enterprises with the necessary labor resources, their rational use, a high level of labor productivity have great importance to increase production volumes and improve production efficiency.

To characterize the movement work force calculate and analyze the dynamics of the following indicators:

The turnover ratio for the reception of workers (Kpr):

Retirement turnover ratio (Kv):

Staff turnover rate (Km):

The coefficient of constancy of the composition of the personnel of the enterprise (Kp.s):

A generalizing indicator in assessing the efficiency of the use of labor resources is Labor Productivity (PT), considered among the indicators characterizing the efficiency of using fixed assets.

When conducting an analysis of the financial condition, the following sequence of work is used:

Horizontal Analysis

Vertical Analysis

Analysis of financial ratios

Factor analysis

trend analysis

Horizontal analysis of reporting is a study of the dynamics of changes in indicators, supplemented by their rate of growth or decline. In the course of horizontal analysis, absolute and relative changes in various indicators for a certain period are determined.

Vertical analysis (carried out for the asset and liability of the balance) shows the structure of the enterprise's funds and their sources, when the amounts for individual articles or sections are taken as a percentage of the section and balance sheet currency. Thus, they calculate specific gravity each element and assess its impact.

The analysis of financial ratios allows you to supplement and expand the idea of ​​​​the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, to specify the most important elements:

Property status

Solvency and liquidity


Business activity

Financial stability

Carrying out factor analysis allows the dependence and mutual influence of various factors on the resulting indicator, and trend analysis provides an opportunity to predict the model of enterprise behavior in the future based on current and retrospective analysis data.

In practice, several forms of analysis are usually combined in one table, for example, an assessment is made of the composition, structure and dynamics of the company's property over the period of the study. Also successfully combined horizontal analysis with the analysis of financial ratios, which allows you to track changes in a particular indicator over the study period.

In addition to information about the general structure of the property of the enterprise and the sources of its formation, the analysis of the balance sheet provides information on the quality of the financial resources used in the enterprise and on the effectiveness of their management. About quality financial resources enterprises can be judged by the results of the following stages of balance sheet analysis: balance sheet liquidity analysis, solvency of the enterprise, the probability of bankruptcy and financial stability.

An analysis of the property status of an enterprise is carried out by building an analytical (aggregated) balance sheet.

Analytical balance is useful in that it brings together and systematizes those calculations that an analyst usually performs when familiarizing himself with a balance sheet. Directly from the analytical balance sheet, you can get a number of the most important characteristics of the financial condition of the enterprise, which include the following indicators:

The total value of the company's assets is the sum of sections I and II of the balance sheet.

The value of immobilized (i.e. non-current) funds (assets) or immovable assets, equal to the total of section I of the balance sheet.

The cost of mobile (working) funds, equal to the total of section II of the balance sheet.

The cost of material circulating assets.

The value of the company's own capital, equal to the total of section III of the balance sheet.

The amount of borrowed capital, equal to the sum of the results of sections IV and V of the balance sheet.

the value own funds in circulation, equal to the difference between the results of sections III and I of the balance sheet.

After analyzing the property status of the enterprise, its solvency is assessed.

Solvency analysis is based on indicators of liquidity and solvency of the enterprise. In this case, as a rule, an analysis of the liquidity of the balance sheet and a coefficient analysis are carried out. Balance sheet data are used to calculate relative solvency ratios.

Analysis of the liquidity of the balance sheet consists in comparing the funds of the asset, grouped by the degree of their liquidity and arranged in descending order, with the liabilities of the liability, grouped by maturity and arranged in ascending order.

Depending on the degree of liquidity, i.e. the rate of conversion into cash, the assets of the organization are divided into the following groups

A1 - the most liquid assets - the company's cash and short-term financial investments without loans provided to organizations (the sum of lines 252; 253 and 260 of section II of the balance sheet asset);

A2 - fast-selling assets - short-term receivables, goods shipped, loans granted for a period of less than 12 months and other assets (p. 240; 215; 251 and p. 270 of section II of the balance sheet asset).

A3 slow-moving assets include inventories minus goods shipped, minus deferred expenses, plus long-term accounts receivable, plus long-term financial investments from section 1 of the balance sheet asset, reduced by the amount of investments in the authorized capital of other organizations;

A4 hard-to-sell assets - items of section I of the balance sheet asset, with the exception of long-term financial investments included in the previous group. This includes investments in the authorized capital of other enterprises excluded from the previous group.

Liabilities of the balance are grouped according to the degree of urgency of their payment:

P1 the most urgent liabilities - these include accounts payable (line 620 of section V of the balance sheet liabilities) and other short-term liabilities (line 660), including obligations not repaid on time, reflected separately in sections 1; 2 and in the reference to section 2 of form No. 5.

P2 short-term liabilities - short-term loans and borrowings (p. 610 section V of the liabilities side of the balance sheet);

P3 long-term liabilities - long-term loans and borrowings (the result of section IV of the liabilities side of the balance sheet);

P4 permanent liabilities - articles of section III of the liabilities side of the balance sheet.

To determine the liquidity of the balance sheet, one should compare the results of the above groups for assets and liabilities. The balance is considered absolutely liquid if the following ratios take place:

A1 > P1, A2 > P2, A3 > P3, A4 < P4

Depending on the rate of circulation of assets into cash, current assets can be divided into three groups. The first group includes cash on hand and on the current account, as well as cash equivalents (highly liquid market securities), that is, the most mobile funds that can immediately be used to perform current settlements. The second group includes assets that require a certain amount of time to convert into cash. This includes, first of all, receivables, as well as certain types of short-term financial investments. The third group consists of the least liquid assets - inventories, costs in work in progress, finished products, etc.

The given division of current assets into three groups allows you to build three main analytical coefficients that can be used for a generalized assessment of the liquidity and solvency of the enterprise.

Current liquidity ratio - financial indicator, which characterizes the degree of total coverage by all current assets of the enterprise of urgent obligations (short-term loans and loans, as well as accounts payable). This ratio reflects the general security of the enterprise with working capital for doing business and timely repayment of urgent obligations.

where OA - current assets of the enterprise (the result of Chapter II of the balance sheet);

KP - short-term liabilities (the result of Chapter V of the liability of the balance sheet).

This indicator belongs to the class of normalized indicators, and in practice a value above 2 is considered normal.

Quick (quick) liquidity ratio - an intermediate financial indicator, in determining which the least mobile part of working capital - inventories - is excluded from the calculation. This coefficient is determined by the formula:

where OA - current assets of the enterprise;

З - production stocks;

KP - short-term liabilities.

This indicator belongs to the class of normalized indicators and is considered sufficient if the quick liquidity ratio is in the range of 0.8-1.2

The absolute liquidity ratio is the most stringent criterion for the liquidity of an enterprise, showing what part of short-term liabilities can be repaid immediately, based on the fact that funds are absolutely liquid by definition. The formula for calculating the coefficient is:

where D - cash and short-term financial investments;

KP - short-term liabilities.

This indicator belongs to the class of normalized indicators, and experts believe that the theoretically normal value of the coefficient is 0.2 - 0.3.

Liquidity ratios should be considered in dynamics over a number of years, which makes it possible to assess the trend in their change. If the current liquidity ratio does not reach the recommended value, but shows an upward trend over the study period, the solvency recovery indicator should be calculated:

Kvp \u003d [Kt.l1 + 0.5 (Kt.l1 - Kt.l0)] / Kt.l (norm) , where (20)

Kvp - coefficient of solvency recovery,

Kt.l1, Kt.l0, Kt.l(norm) - the values ​​of the current liquidity ratio (reporting, base period and standard, respectively).

The value of this coefficient is the higher, the higher the possibility of restoring the company's solvency.

The opposite situation is also possible - the value of the current liquidity ratio corresponds to the standard, but it decreases during the study, then the probability of loss of solvency by the enterprise should be predicted by calculating the coefficient of loss of solvency (Kup):

Coup \u003d [Kt.l1 + 0.25 (Kt.l1 - Kt.l0)] / Kt.l (norms) (21)

With the value of this indicator more than one, the company is likely to lose solvency in the short term.

After assessing the solvency of the enterprise, its financial stability should be analyzed, for which the data of the balance sheet are used and the following coefficients are calculated:

1. The coefficient of financial independence (autonomy) - shows the share of own funds in the value of the property of the enterprise. It is calculated as the ratio of the amount of own funds to their entire amount, that is, it is determined by the share of own sources of funds in their total value according to the balance sheet, that is:

The independence coefficient reflects the independence of the enterprise from borrowed sources; the increase in its value should be carried out mainly at the expense of the profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise (net profit).

In practice, an independence coefficient of 0.5 or more is considered optimal, since in this case the risk of creditors is minimized: by selling half of the property formed at the expense of its own funds, the enterprise can pay off its debt obligations.

2. Debt financing ratio - shows the share of borrowed funds in the total value of the property of the enterprise. It is calculated using the following formula:

The growth of this indicator in dynamics means an increase in the share of borrowed funds in the financing of the enterprise. If its value is reduced to one (or 100%), this means that the owners fully finance their enterprise. This indicator is very widely used in practice; one of the reasons for its appearance is the convenience of use in deterministic factor analysis. It is logical that in the sum of the coefficient of independence, the coefficient of debt financing is 1.

3. The dependence of an enterprise on external loans characterizes the ratio of borrowed and own funds and is calculated by the formula:

The higher the value of this indicator, the higher the risk of shareholders, since in the event of an increase in payment obligations, the possibility of bankruptcy increases. The valid value is between 0.5-0.9. For critical take equal to one. A value of more than 1.0 indicates that the financial stability of the enterprise is in doubt.

4. The debt coverage ratio with equity is reciprocal coefficient financial risk indicator:

5. The coefficient of financial stability of the enterprise (the share of own and long-term borrowed funds in the value of property):

6. The coefficient of capital maneuverability shows - what part of equity capital is in circulation, goods in the form that allows you to freely maneuver these funds. It is calculated by the formula:

This factor should be high enough to allow flexibility in use. The normal limit is greater than or equal to 0.5. If the value of the calculated coefficients of the enterprise is lower than the maximum limit of the above coefficients, then this indicates its unstable financial condition.

After assessing the financial stability of the company, an analysis of its business activity should be carried out. The balance sheet and the “profit and loss statement” will serve as the information base for calculating business activity indicators. This group includes various turnover indicators:

1. Asset turnover ratio - the ratio of proceeds from product sales to the total balance sheet asset, characterizes the efficiency of the company's use of all available resources, regardless of the sources of their attraction, i.e. shows how many times per year (or other reporting period) the full cycle production and circulation, or how many monetary units of sold products each unit of assets brought. This coefficient varies depending on the industry, reflecting the characteristics of the production process.

2. Accounts receivable turnover ratio - it is used to judge how many times, on average, receivables turned into cash during the reporting period. The ratio is calculated by dividing the proceeds from the sale of products by the average annual value of net receivables.

3. The accounts payable turnover ratio - is calculated as a quotient of the cost of goods sold divided by the average annual cost of accounts payable, and shows how much the organization needs to turn over to pay its bills.

For receivables and payables, you can also calculate the duration of the turnover in days. To do this, you need the number of days in a year (360 or 365) divided by the turnover ratio. Then we find out how many days on average it takes to pay receivables or payables, respectively.

4. The inventory turnover ratio reflects the speed of realization of these stocks. It is calculated as the quotient of sales revenue divided by the average annual cost of inventories. To calculate the duration of turnover in days, you need to divide 360 ​​or 365 days by the inventory turnover ratio. Then you can find out how many days it takes to sell (without payment) inventory.

5. The turnover ratio of fixed assets (capital productivity). It characterizes the effectiveness of the organization's use of fixed assets at its disposal. The higher the value of the coefficient, the more efficiently the organization uses fixed assets. A low rate of return on capital indicates insufficient sales or too high a level of capital investment. In addition to indicators of turnover in the analysis of business activity, the duration of the operating and financial cycles is used. The formula for calculating the duration of the operating cycle of an enterprise is:


where POC is the duration of the operating cycle of the enterprise, in days;

POMZ - the duration of the turnover of stocks of raw materials, materials and other material factors of production as part of current assets, in days;

POGP - the duration of the turnover of stocks finished products, in days;

POdz - the duration of the turnover of the current receivables, in days.

The financial cycle (cash turnover cycle) of an enterprise is the period of time between the start of payment to suppliers of raw materials and materials received from them (repayment of accounts payable) and the beginning of the receipt of funds from buyers for the products supplied to them (repayment of receivables).

The duration of the financial cycle (or cash flow cycle) of an enterprise is determined by the following formula:

PFC \u003d POC - POKZ, (29)

where PFC is the duration of the financial cycle (money turnover cycle) of the enterprise, in days; POC - the duration of the operating cycle of the enterprise, in days;

POKZ - the average period of turnover of the current accounts payable, in days.

General indicators of the effectiveness of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise are indicators of profitability. The profitability ratios show how profitable the company's activities are. The growth of these coefficients is a positive trend in the financial and economic activities of the organization.

The value of profitability ratios has no norms. The higher their value, the better the company works. The value of profitability ratios can be negative, in which case they demonstrate the unprofitability of the company's activities.

The profitability ratio of sales or overall profitability is the main indicator of the effectiveness of the sale of the company's products.

The indicator characterizes what part of the proceeds from sales is profit before tax, is analyzed in dynamics and compared with the industry average values ​​of this indicator. Formula for calculation:

Rprod \u003d Pdn / Vreal, (30)

where Pdn - profit before tax

Vreal - sales proceeds

Indicator of profitability of current assets. It is defined as the ratio of net profit (profit before tax) to the current assets of the enterprise. This indicator reflects the ability of the enterprise to ensure a sufficient amount of profit in relation to the working capital used by the organization. The higher the value of this ratio, the more efficiently working capital is used.

Roa \u003d PE / OA, (31)

where NP is net profit,

OA - the average annual cost of current assets.

Indicator of profitability of fixed production assets (return on capital). It is defined as the ratio of balance sheet profit to the average value of the sum of the cost of fixed production assets, intangible assets and working capital in inventory.

Ropf = P / OPF, (32)

where P - profit before tax,

OPF - the average annual cost of production assets.

Return on assets of the enterprise. It is defined as the ratio of net profit to all assets of the enterprise:

Ract \u003d PE / WB, (33)

where NP is net profit,

VB - balance currency.

The level of profitability of costs (production) is defined as the ratio of gross profit to the cost of production:

Rid = VP / SS, (34)

where VP - gross profit,

CC is the cost of production.

Having considered the theoretical foundations of the analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, in the second chapter of this work we will analyze the financial and economic activities of the Municipal Unitary Bryansk City Passenger Motor Transport Enterprise (MU BGPATP).

In market conditions, there is always an element of risk in the implementation of production, economic, commercial and other activities. It is expressed in the production of a product that may receive insufficient demand, in loss of profit, bankruptcy, etc. Therefore, the desire to reduce the degree of risk requires careful economic calculations of the results of work in all areas of the production, economic and commercial activities enterprises, their analysis and evaluation. Their implementation presupposes the existence of appropriate evaluation criteria, economic indicators and appropriate methods of calculation, accounting and generalization.

Variety of properties and features various kinds production, economic and commercial activities of the enterprise determines the variety of indicators. At the same time, the problem of their use is that none of them plays the role of a universal indicator by which it would be possible to clearly judge the success or failure in business. Therefore, in practice, they always use a system of indicators that are interconnected and evaluate or show various aspects of the enterprise's activities. Allocate indicators individual, group (private) and general. Depending on the purpose of the analysis, indicators can be expressed in the form of absolute, relative and average values. Each specific economic indicator has a qualitative certainty (space, time and quantity). A number devoid of at least one of the two definitions is not an indicator. According to established practice, a criterion is understood as a feature that allows a comparative assessment of options for activities, calculations, characterized by many features.

An indicator is also a sign, but characterizing any one side of a phenomenon, action, their quantitative or qualitative characteristic (side) or the degree of completion of a certain task. In our country, science and practice formed a system of economic, financial and statistical indicators, developed methods for calculating and accounting for them, but they were designed for a centrally planned economic system. With the transition to market relations, this system of indicators, both in terms of their calculation and accounting, and the role in justifying decisions, has undergone and is undergoing certain changes. So, for example, if in the conditions of a planned management system in assessing the activities of an enterprise such indicators as the fulfillment of the plan, the volume of marketable output, the volume of gross output played an important role, then in market conditions the following indicators are put forward in the first place: sales volume, profit, profitability and overall a number of optimizations. Orientation of production to meet demand has sharply increased the value of the assessment various options meeting demand.

All indicators, based on market requirements, can be divided into:

Estimated, characterizing the achieved or possible levels of development or results of a particular activity;

Cost, reflecting the level of costs for the implementation of various activities.

Such a division is very conditional. It depends on the purpose of the analysis. For example, the indicator "production costs" in one case can be considered as an estimate, characterizing the achieved level of labor costs, and in another case (during planning) it can be defined as a cost indicator, which allows you to set the amount of costs in the provision of services. The same can be said about the significance of indicators. This largely depends on the nature (type) of activity. For example, the indicator of profit, despite all its importance, is not of equal interest to everyone: the lessor (land, buildings, equipment, etc.) is more interested in the movement of liquidity in the company, and shareholders are interested not only in the amount of dividends, but also in the share price, which depends on the growth rate of their sales volume.

From the established practice, it follows that the most important performance indicators that have been wide application, are:

The total sales volume of the enterprise.

Gross profit.

Conditionally net profit.

Conditionally pure products.

Profit after payment of interest on loans and credits.

Profit after taxes.

Profit after payment of all additional payments.

Liquidity after the implementation of new capital investments in the development of production.

Liquidity after payment of dividends.

The performance of the system (enterprise) as a whole and its individual elements.

AT practical activities enterprises primarily focus on sales and profit. Total sales - the cost of goods and services sold to consumers, is defined as

Q = P N,

where Q - sales volume, rub.;

P - price per unit of goods, rub.;

N - the number of goods sold, pcs.

The problem of measuring this indicator is that it is strongly influenced by inflationary processes. Therefore, it is very important to choose the period for which it is calculated (week, month, quarter, year). When choosing a long period, it is calculated at constant prices, and for the needs of accounting and ongoing planning, on the contrary, - in current prices. This indicator can be used for various aspects of assessing the activities of the enterprise. For example, in the United States, it is used to judge the degree of importance of companies in the market; for this purpose, the distribution of the 1000 largest US companies in terms of sales is published annually. In wholesale and retail trade, marketing divisions of industrial companies, labor incentives are built on this indicator.

In market conditions, the main resulting indicator for assessing the economic activity of an enterprise is profit. But how to determine the return on invested capital, i.e. profitability, profitability of this type of activity? As you know, the amount of profit is influenced by many factors: sales volume, product range, taxation and others. The question arises: what kind of profit are we talking about first of all - about conditionally net or gross, profit after taxes or profit after paying interest on loans and credits?

Gross profit is determined as the result of subtracting from the volume of sales (gross income) the cost of purchased raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and other elements of production costs. This indicator is preferable for industries, enterprises in which the share of variable costs production in the total cost structure. This circumstance also predetermines the fact that it is desirable to use gross profit for evaluation in the short term. The fact is that where there is a large share fixed costs compared with variables, the profit margin is determined primarily by the level of organization of production, the level of equipment utilization, it is weakly affected by fluctuations in raw material prices and slightly dependent on savings material costs. Hence, in the food and light industry it is less applicable than in capital-intensive ones. The main difficulty in calculating this indicator is determining the level of stocks and the size of work in progress and the degree of their mobility due to inflationary processes.

Notional net income is the result of deducting overheads and the amount of depreciation from gross profit. This indicator is practically used in all types of business. Its estimated value is associated with the desire to reduce overhead costs, therefore, according to the received conditional net profit, for example, in the USA and Western European companies, bonuses are set for top management personnel.

Conditionally net production represents conditionally net profit plus wage costs or the difference between the cost of sales of products, services and the cost of resources spent on their production (purchased materials, services, payments to subcontractors, depreciation, repair costs, etc. .). As a rule, current prices are used in its calculation, since the rate and scale of inflation do not affect its growth. The main problem of its calculation is the determination of the level of inventory and work in progress and the calculation of the amount of depreciation.

The remaining five of the listed indicators do not cause any difficulties either in their content or in their calculation. It is only worth dwelling on liquidity indicators in more detail, since they have not received significant distribution in our practice, but with the introduction of leases they become important for landlords.

The specified list of evaluation indicators is considered in combination with indicators such as:

market share controlled by the firm, enterprise;

product quality indicators;

indicators of the level of customer service;

indicators related to the training and retraining of personnel.

The most difficult to calculate is the quality indicator, so the quality of products, depending on its purpose, is estimated by the percentage of products (products) returned by consumers for warranty service, by the number of products returned by consumers in total sales.

The most difficult to measure is the indicator of production costs, which is primarily due to its complex nature. The scope of its measurement includes the cost of raw materials and materials, fuel, labor, depreciation and much more. Great difficulties in determining production costs are caused by the calculation of depreciation charges, the amount of which, on average, ranges from 1/3 to 1/2 of the value of conditionally net production. The fact is that the initial cost of buildings, structures and equipment over a long service life varies greatly, and not only in the direction of reduction. For example, the cost of structures may even increase over time against the initial level. The reason for the change in the value of fixed production assets is, as you know, physical and moral aging. The latter is explained by NTP and inflation, and NTP causes both the obsolescence of machines proper (the appearance of more advanced equipment) and the loss of the sales market for which this equipment was originally supposed to work. In order for the results of this not to adversely affect the financial position of the enterprise, an increase in the amount of depreciation charges is required.

Inflation, unlike NTP, has a contradictory effect on the process of calculating depreciation amounts. On the one hand, it increases the actual value of the passive elements of fixed capital (buildings and structures), and hence their market value after their complete write-off. This allows the management of the enterprise to make depreciation deductions even after they are written off. On the other hand, with the obsolescence of the active part of production assets, inflation causes an increase in the cost of replacing them with new ones. This already requires an increase in depreciation charges for the accelerated recovery of written-off elements of the active part of fixed capital. In market conditions, taking into account the above circumstances is very important, since ignoring them can negatively affect the competitiveness of the enterprise. In practice, two methods of depreciation are used.

The first is based on the definition of an economically justified service life production equipment(within 10-12 years) and the annual write-off of a fixed amount from the initial and residual value funds.

The second is the balance method, based on the annual write-off of a certain percentage of the book value (ie, of the value of assets minus the amount of depreciation for past years). The growth of overhead costs associated with the need to increase competitiveness requires a thorough assessment of all assets of the enterprise. The value of the assets is determined taking into account the market price of those elements of capital that can replace the retired ones. This valuation method does not cause difficulties in determining the current value of buildings and structures. When determining the current replacement cost of the active part of fixed capital (machines, equipment, etc.), the opposite is obtained. They are due to the variety of equipment, both installed and offered on the market (sometimes there is no similar equipment on the market that needs to be replaced), and hence the difficulty of establishing its current value. The solution to this issue is based on finding an analogue to the equipment to be replaced. At the same time, it is important that the analogue has a higher productivity, power density or lower operating costs compared to the equipment to be replaced. In this case, it follows that the value of the real assets of the enterprise is estimated depending on the technical and economic characteristics of analogues available on the market.

The use of methods for assessing the assets of an enterprise at present value is preferable during periods when high inflation rates are observed, in capital-intensive industries and in other areas of the economy with a high capital-labor ratio, where the share of assets in the cost of production is relatively large, and where old funds make up a significant part of the company's assets.

Valuation of assets at current cost allows more accurate calculation of the cost of maintenance and replacement of obsolete equipment when calculating the amount of profit. This valuation method also makes it possible to more accurately take into account the structure of assets in different areas business, their industry specifics, the ability to determine the amount of dividends on the shares of the enterprise and, importantly, without prejudice to the needs of the long-term development of production. The disadvantage is subjectivity in determining the replacement cost of assets.

When choosing a strategy for the investment policy of an enterprise, when looking for an answer to the question of where to invest capital, when assessing the level of competitiveness and others, it is necessary to use indicators that characterize the efficiency of using various production resources.

Such indicators are the amount of profit received on invested capital; the share of gross or conditionally net profit in the sales volume of the enterprise; the share of conditionally net production in sales volume; the ratio of the value of conditionally net production to the cost of wages. When determining the indicators of the volume of profit received on invested capital, two main methods of its calculation are used:

On the base share capital;

On the so-called economic basis.

In the first case, the invested capital - the denominator - is the amount of equity capital, financial reserves and retained earnings of the enterprise, and the amount of profit before tax is the numerator. In the second case, the invested capital includes, in addition to equity capital, the amount of long-term loans of the enterprise, often the amount of short-term debt and overdraft, and the profit represents the amount of conditionally net profit.

In both cases, the denominator of the fraction can be expressed in terms of the amount of the company's assets. In the first - it will be the cost of fixed and working capital minus all types of borrowed funds, in the second - attention is focused on assessing the results of the economic activity of the enterprise as a whole.

This indicator can also be used to compare the performance of one enterprise with another, but here it should be borne in mind that enterprises should be with a homogeneous structure of production costs and composition of capital. For example, in capital-intensive industries, its level will always be much lower than in labor-intensive ones.

Among other indicators that have become widespread in the market conditions, it should be noted:

1. Indicators of production efficiency.

2. Indicators of the structure of production costs.

The first group includes such indicators as the share of gross or conditionally net profit in the volume of sales of the enterprise; the share of conditionally net production in sales volume; the ratio of the value of conditionally net profit to the cost of wages.

The second group includes: the share of advanced capital and conditional net profit in the volume of sales of the enterprise; the share of fixed capital in the volume of sales; the share of stocks in the total cost of consumed materials and semi-finished products.

In market conditions, it is extremely important to analyze the level of production costs from the standpoint of their reduction. This analysis is carried out both in relation to the influence of technology and technology, and the effectiveness of the chosen structure of their elements. This includes many indicators of productivity: labor, capital, energy, etc.; to structural indicators - the share of fixed capital in sales, the share of stocks in the total cost of consumed materials and semi-finished products.

A systematic and comprehensive analysis of the company's activities will allow:

Quickly, qualitatively and professionally evaluate the performance of economic activities of both the enterprise as a whole and its structural divisions;

Accurately and timely find and take into account the factors that affect the profit received for specific types of goods produced and services provided;

Determine the costs of production (production costs) and trends in their change, which is necessary for the development of the pricing policy of the enterprise;

Find the best ways to solve the problems of the enterprise and make a profit in the short and long term.

When considering indicators, it is important to note that market relations imply that each business area should have its own indicators (often not used anywhere else). So, for example, in many branches of the food industry (canning, sugar, etc.), the degree of depth of processing of raw materials, the use of secondary raw materials, etc., are of great importance in reducing production costs.

It is important to understand that there is not and cannot be such an indicator of economic activity that would be suitable for all occasions. In order to develop in a highly competitive environment, the manager (entrepreneur) must see and feel the results of all types of activities, which means that it is necessary to form a system of interrelated indicators that reflect the degree of achievement of goals, the period and type of organization.

In market conditions, it is extremely important to know the financial position of the enterprise in each this moment. For this purpose, various coefficients are used.

1. Current solvency ratios:

a) coverage ratio = (liquid assets: short-term liabilities). Used to determine the ability of an enterprise to pay current debt;

b) liquidity ratio = (cash + securities + accounts receivable): current liabilities. Characterizes the ability to pay bills in the shortest possible time;

c) coefficient of average storage time = (number of days in a year × average inventory level) : cost of goods sold. Reflects the average terms of warehousing inventories.

2. Profitability ratios:

a) net profit ratio per 1 rub. sales = net income: total sales. Characterizes the amount of profit brought by each ruble received from the sale of products;

b) asset turnover ratio = total sales: average value asset. Shows how efficiently assets are used to receive each ruble of sales;

c) return on invested capital = net profit: average value of the asset. Determines profitability;

d) return on equity ratio = net profit: average share capital. Characterizes the profitability of investments;

e) profit ratio per share = net profit: number of shares. Calculates the income generated by one share.

3. Long-term solvency ratios:

a) ratio of borrowed capital to equity = borrowed capital: equity. Shows the degree of financial independence;

b) interest coverage ratio on loans = (net profit before taxes + interest on the loan): interest on the loan. Characterizes the degree of protection of creditors from dishonest payers.

4. Coefficients characterizing the position in the market:

a) share market price to earnings per share ratio = market price per share: earnings per share. Shows how much the investor can pay for each ruble of income;

b) ratio of received dividends per share at market price = dividend per share: market price of one share. Reflects the return on the capital invested by the shareholder;

c) market capital ratio = change in the market price of a share of a particular company: the average change in prices of all shares listed on the market, %. Characterizes the degree of change in specific prices in comparison with the prices of shares of other enterprises.

To establish ways to improve the performance of the enterprise, a system of technical and economic indicators is used that characterize the technical, economic and organizational state of production at a certain point in time. They reflect the level of use of equipment, the degree of mechanization and automation, the progressiveness of technological processes, the quality of products, the efficiency of production, the qualifications of personnel, the organization of production and labor, labor productivity, etc. The complexity of using the above indicators is to determine the degree of influence of each of them and all together. on the level of the economic condition of the enterprise as a whole.

In market conditions, indicators of the quality of products or services provided are important, since the quality of products has a strong influence both on increasing the competitiveness of goods and on increasing the selling price. The latter increases the volume of sales, and hence the growth of profits.

Quality indicators are different for types of products for different consumer purposes. For example, for food, the main indicator is the content useful substances(proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, etc.); for fabrics, knitwear and nonwovens- color strength, degree of shrinkage, tensile strength; for garments and knitwear - conformity to fashion. To evaluate durable goods, indicators of economy, reliability, durability, and the degree of consideration of the requirements of technical aesthetics are used.

In this case, efficiency is understood as such properties of products that save money both in the production of the product and during its operation. So, the latest generation of TVs is smaller in size, weight, lower power consumption, etc.

In the conditions of market relations, an enterprise can flourish and survive in the competition only by increasing the efficiency of its activities. Ensuring the effective functioning of the organization requires an economically competent management of it. The most important element management of the firm is an economic analysis.

Economic analysis is scientific way knowledge of the essence of economic phenomena and processes, based on dividing them into component parts and studying them in all the variety of connections and dependencies.

There are macroeconomic analysis, which studies the world, national and sectoral economy, and microeconomic analysis (analysis of economic activity - AHD), which studies the activities of individual business entities (enterprises, institutions and other organizations and their divisions).

With the help of analysis, the development trends of the enterprise are studied, the factors of change in the results of activities are studied, plans and management decisions are substantiated, control over their implementation is carried out, reserves for increasing production efficiency are identified, the results of the company's activities are evaluated, and economic strategy its development. AHD is the scientific basis for the adoption management decisions in business. To substantiate them, it is necessary to identify and predict existing and potential problems, production and financial risks, to determine the impact of decisions made on the level of risks and income of a business entity.

The main tasks of the AHD of the enterprise are as follows:

1. Establishing patterns and trends in economic phenomena and processes in the specific conditions of the enterprise;

2. Scientific substantiation of management decisions, current and long-term plans;

3. Control over the implementation of plans and management decisions, economical use of production resources;

4. Studying the influence of internal and external factors on the results of economic activity;

5. Search for reserves to improve the efficiency of the enterprise;

6. Evaluation of the results of the enterprise;

Holding economic analysis should be carried out on the basis of a number of principles:

· State approach to the assessment of economic phenomena, processes, results of management;

The scientific nature involves the use economic theory, achievements of excellence;

· Comprehensiveness of research of all parties, links of activity;

· Systems approach, implying the study of objects as interrelated elements;

· Objectivity, i.e. reliable, real reflection of reality, concreteness, accuracy;

The effectiveness of the analysis is expressed in the fact that its results are used practically;

· Planned means carrying out analytical work regularly according to the plan;

· Efficiency is expressed in carrying out the analysis quickly so as not to delay decision-making;

· Democracy involves participation in the analysis of a wide range of employees of the enterprise;

· Efficiency, i.e. the cost of analysis should be repaid many times over.

The AHD method is a systematic, comprehensive study, measurement and generalization of the influence of factors on the results of an enterprise's activities by processing the system of indicators of the plan, accounting, reporting and other sources of information with special methods in order to increase the efficiency of the enterprise. In the implementation of this method, a number of methods and techniques are used: comparison, graphical, balance methods, average and relative values, groupings, expert assessments, chain substitutions, absolute and relative differences, integral, correlation, component methods, methods of linear and convex programming, and others.

Economic analysis is carried out in the following stages:

1. The objects, purpose and tasks of the analysis are specified;

2. A system of analytical and synthetic indicators is being developed, with the help of which the object of analysis is characterized;

3. The information necessary for analysis is collected, its accuracy and reliability are checked, it is presented in a comparable form;

4. Held comparative analysis, i.e. actual results are compared with the baseline;

5. Factor analysis is performed;

6. Reserves for increasing the efficiency of economic activity are identified;

7. The results of management are evaluated and measures are developed to use the identified reserves.

The purpose of this work is to perform an analysis of the enterprise's activities to consolidate, systematize and deepen theoretical knowledge and acquire practical skills for conducting analysis. The work was carried out according to the indicators of the conditional enterprise set for two years. The indicators of the previous year were taken as the basis for comparing the indicators of the reporting year.

1. General analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise for the analyzed period

Table 1. Analysis of the main indicators of the production and economic activities of the enterprise compared to the previous year

Name Previous year Reporting year Absolute deviation Growth rate, %
1. The volume of gross output in comparable prices , thousand roubles 48780 50312 1532 103,14
2. Sales volume, thousand rubles 23100 25780 2680 111,60
3. Cost of goods sold, thousand rubles 13800 15780 1980 114,35
4. Profit from the sale of products, thousand rubles 9300 10000 700 107,53
5. Profit from other sales, thousand rubles 340 260 -80 76,47
6. Non-operating income, thousand rubles 118 125 7 105,93
7. Non-operating expenses, thousand rubles 400 340 -60 85,00
8. Balance sheet profit, thousand rubles 9358 10045 687 107,34
9. Average cost of fixed assets, thousand rubles 16200 17400 1200 107,41
10. Average cost of the active part of fixed capital, thousand rubles 11350 12450 1100 109,69
11. Number of units installed equipment 1100 1080 -20 98,18
12. Average cost of current assets, thousand rubles 9820 10250 430 104,38
13. Profitability of products (production activities),% 67,39 63,37 -4,02 94,03
14. General profitability of the enterprise,% 35,96 36,33 0,36 101,01
15. Return on turnover, % 40,26 38,79 -1,47 96,35
16. Capital productivity of fixed assets, rub 1,43 1,48 0,06 103,91
17. Capital productivity of the active part of fixed assets, rub. 2,04 2,07 0,03 101,74
18. The turnover ratio of working capital, turnover / year 2,35 2,52 0,16 106,92
19. Average annual productivity of 1 unit of equipment, thousand rubles 21,00 23,87 2,87 113,67

Table 1:

Gr. 1, 2, 3 - on assignment.

Page 4 "Profit from the sale of products" is calculated by the formula:

P = V real. – TC (1)

Where Vreal. - proceeds from the sale of all types of products (given);


Page 8 "Balance sheet profit" is determined by the formula:

BP \u003d P + P pr. real. + RVD (2)

P pr. real. – profit from other sales (given);

RIA - the result of non-operating activities (non-operating income minus non-operating expenses).

Page 13 "Product profitability" is calculated by the formula:

P \u003d P * 100 / TS,% (3)

Where P - profit from the sale of products (according to f. 1);

TS total cost of goods sold (given).

Page 14 "The overall profitability of the enterprise" is calculated by the formula:

R p.k \u003d BP * 100 / ( S os + S vol), % (4)

Where BP is the balance sheet profit of the enterprise (according to formula 2);

S os - the average size of fixed assets (given);

S about - the average balance of working capital (given).

Page 15 "Profitability of turnover" is calculated by the formula:

R about \u003d P * 100 / V real, % (5)

Where P - profit from the sale of products (according to f. 1);

Vreal. - proceeds from the sale of all types of products (given).

Page 16 "Capital return on fixed assets" is calculated by the formula:

ko = V production/ S main (6)

S main – average size of fixed assets (given).

Page 17 "Capital return on the active part of fixed assets" is calculated by the formula:

K o Act. = V prod. / S Act. parts (6)

Where V product. - the volume of manufactured products (given);

Sakt. parts - the average size of the active part of the main assets (given).

Page 19 "Average annual productivity of 1 unit of equipment" is calculated by the formula:

W = V prod. / Q mouth (7)

Where V product. - the volume of manufactured products (given);

Q set – number of units of installed equipment (given) .

Page 18 "The turnover ratio of working capital" is determined by the formula:

ko b = V prod. / S about. cf. (eight)

where V prod. - the volume of manufactured products (given);

Sb. cp - the average balance of working capital (given).

Column 4 "Absolute deviation" is calculated by the formula:

y = y 2 - y 1 (9)

where y 2, y 1 the size of the indicator, respectively, in the reporting and base (previous year or according to the plan) period.

Column 5 "Growth rate" is calculated by the formula:

Tr = y 2 *100 / y 1 (10)

According to table 1, we build a diagram (Fig. 1).

The analysis of the main economic indicators of the enterprise's activity allows us to give a general assessment of the work of the enterprise, without disclosing the internal content of each factor that influenced the formation of individual indicators, as well as to provide an opportunity to directly get acquainted with the scale of production, its features, etc.

To analyze the main economic indicators of the enterprise, the method of comparison is mainly used, that is, absolute and relative changes in indicators are determined.

Quantitative indicators are, as a rule, absolute values, and qualitative indicators are relative, that is, they are calculated as a ratio of absolute values.

The absolute deviation is calculated as the difference between the values ​​of the reporting and base year.

The growth rate is calculated as the ratio of the corresponding values ​​of the indicators of the reporting and base periods multiplied by 100%.

The growth rate to the base year is calculated as the value of the growth rate minus 100% or as the ratio of the absolute deviation of indicators to their value in the base period multiplied by 100%.

The results of the analysis are presented in table 1.

Table 1. Analysis of the main economic indicators of the enterprise


Base year

Reporting year

Absolute deviation from the base year

Relative deviation from base year

Growth rate (%)

Growth rate (%)


1. Volume of sales of goods

2. Production cost

3. Profit from the sale of products

4. Profit before tax (balance sheet profit)

5. Profit after tax (net profit)

6. Number of employees

including the number of workers

7. Average annual cost of fixed production assets

8. Annual balance of working capital


9. Output per worker

including output per 1 worker

Thousand rubles/Person

10. Costs per 1 ruble of sales volume

11. Profitability: overall


12. Return on assets

13. Capital intensity

14. Capital-labor ratio

Thousand rubles/person

15. Profitability

16. Turnover ratio

17. Load factor

18. Duration of turnover of working capital

The volume of sales of products = line 010 of form No. 2.

Cost of production = line 020+ 030 of Form No. 2.

Profit from the sale of products = line 050 of form No. 2.

Profit before tax (balance sheet profit) = line 140 of Form No. 2.

Profit after tax (net profit) = line 190 of form No. 2.

Annual balance of working capital = line 290 of Form No. 1.

Average annual cost of OPF = (value of OPF at the beginning of the year + value of OPF at the end of the year) / 2.

Production of 1 worker:

Production of 1 worker:

Where V is the volume of sales of products (thousand rubles);

H - the number of workers (persons).

Costs per 1 rub. sales volume:

Where C is the cost of production (thousand rubles);

V - the volume of sales of products (thousand rubles).


Total = (P real / C) * 100%

Estimated = (NP / C) * 100%

Where PE - net profit (thousand rubles);

C - the cost of production (thousand rubles).

return on assets:

FD \u003d V / OPFsr.g

Where V is the volume of sales of products (thousand rubles);

capital intensity:

FE \u003d OPFsr.g / V

Where V is the volume of sales of products (thousand rubles);

OPFsr.g - the average annual cost of OPF (thousand rubles).

capital-labor ratio:

FV \u003d OPFsr.g / H

Where OPFsr.g - the average annual cost of OPF (thousand rubles);

H - the number of employees (persons).

Return on investment:

FR \u003d (P real / OPFav.g) * 100%

Where P real. - profit from the sale of products (thousand rubles);

OPFsr.g - the average annual cost of OPF (thousand rubles).

Turnover ratio:

Cob. = V / OS

Where V is the volume of sales of products (thousand rubles);

OS - the annual balance of working capital (thousand rubles).

Load factor:

Kzag. = OS / V

Where V is the volume of sales of products (thousand rubles);

OS - the annual balance of working capital (thousand rubles).

The duration of the turnover of working capital:

ext. = T / Kob.

Where is Cob. - turnover ratio (turnover);

T = 360 days.

Based on the results obtained, the following conclusions can be drawn.

In the reporting year, there was an increase in the volume of sales of products by 19,776 thousand rubles. or 5.2%, as well as an increase in the total cost of production by 20,544 thousand rubles. or 5.5%. However, the rate of increase in cost exceeds the rate of increase in the volume of sales by 0.3%, therefore, the increase in cost leads to a decrease in the amount of profit.

In the reporting year, there is a decrease in profit from the sale of products by 768 thousand rubles. or 7.4% compared to the baseline.

Also in the reporting year, there was a decrease in the number of employees at the enterprise by 20 people. The decrease in the number of employees at the enterprise is accompanied by an increase in output. Output per worker increased by 86 thousand rubles. or 110%. At the same time, output per worker increased by 112 thousand rubles. or 111%. This indicates that the efficiency of the use of labor resources in the enterprise has increased.

Cost indicator for 1 rub. sales volume in the reporting year increased by 1 kopeck. This indicator characterizes the efficiency of the enterprise, because shows the amount of costs that are contained in 1 rub. revenue. Therefore, an increase in this indicator by 1 kopeck. will lead to a decrease in profit in each ruble of revenue by 1 kopeck.

Profitability reflects the final results of the enterprise. The level of overall profitability in the reporting year decreased by 0.3%. This indicates that the company is at the level of self-sufficiency.

To analyze the effectiveness of the use of OPF, the dynamics of such indicators as: capital productivity, capital intensity, capital profitability, capital-labor ratio was analyzed.

The return on assets shows how many rubles of revenue the company received from each ruble invested in the production of OPF. In the reporting year, the FD increased by 0.92 rubles. This indicates a slight increase in the efficiency of using the BPF.

Capital intensity shows how much OPF is spent on getting 1 ruble. revenue. There were no changes during the reporting period.

Profitability characterizes the amount of profit that the company receives from 1 rub. OPF. In the reporting year, it decreased by 12.5%. This indicates a decrease in the efficiency of the use of the OPF.

The capital-labor ratio characterizes what part of the OPF in value terms falls on 1 employee.

In the reporting period, the FV increased by 2.2 thousand rubles. per person. PV is greater than FD, therefore, the enterprise has unused equipment, which means that there are reserves for improving the use of BPF.

To characterize the use of working capital at the enterprise, the following indicators were analyzed: the turnover ratio, the load factor, the duration of the turnover of working capital.

The turnover ratio is used mainly to determine the amount of turnover of fixed assets for a certain period of time. The increase in this indicator in the reporting period compared to the baseline by 3.64 turnover indicates an increase in the rate of turnover of fixed assets.

In the reporting period, the duration of 1 turnover decreased by 17.3 days. It testifies that OS at the enterprise are used effectively. With the effective use of fixed assets, the turnover ratio in dynamics should increase, and the duration of the fixed asset turnover should decrease.

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