What is the difference between etiquette and protocol. business protocol

landscaping 21.09.2019

What is etiquette and protocol?

This question is of interest to so many people who want to keep up with the times and, if not even know, then at least understand what these words mean. This resource is just devoted to a detailed disclosure of these terms and to help everyone who wants to know how to behave in a given situation.

Human life takes place in his constant interaction, communication with other people. To ensure that contacts do not lead to conflicts, do not violate social balance, so that everyday communication is harmonious, pleasant and useful, rules of etiquette have been developed since ancient times. What is etiquette?

ETIQUETTE is an established order, a set of rules governing external manifestations of human relations.

History of etiquette

The term "etiquette" appeared in the XVIII century. But the rulebooks were created in ancient Egypt: around 2350 BC. e. A book was written here called "Instructions for Conduct." The great thinker of Ancient China, Confucius (Kung Tzu) (551-479 BC), the founder of the most influential of the ancient Chinese philosophical and religious movements - Confucianism - assigned a special role to etiquette (li). Li-etiquette, according to Confucius, was supposed to form harmonious relations between people, regulate human behavior in different life situations. The concept of "li-etiquette" is very close to the meaning of the modern European term "etiquette". Li-etiquette, in addition to many other things, is the norm of behavior in the family, the rules of relations between subjects and the sovereign.

Courtesy, "beautiful behavior" were highly valued in the ancient world. As Aristotle wrote, courtesy can be of three kinds: “The first kind is in address: for example, in how they address all they meet and greet them by stretching out their hand. The second is when they come to the aid of anyone in need. And finally, the third kind of courtesy - when they are hospitable feasters.

An example of courtesy was the behavior of Julius Caesar: “... when someone was served old butter instead of fresh at dinner and the rest of the guests refused it, he alone took it even more than usual, so as not to show that he reproaches the owner for negligence or impoliteness” .

Merchants, wealthy philistines tried to follow noble etiquette, and this often took on ridiculous, ugly forms.

The absurd manners of Parisian and London high society widened the gulf between the wealthy and the poor. The hatred of the exploited majority for the exploiting minority, the events of 1917 and the first post-revolutionary years led to the so-called etiquette nihilism. The elimination of the nobility and the bourgeoisie as social groups was followed by the eradication of the norms of etiquette, which took on forms no less ridiculous than many of the requirements of this etiquette. So, for example, in the 1920s, a handshake was declared a carrier of infection, and girls considered themselves insulted if they were given a coat.

Gradually, as the irreconcilable class struggle fades and material well-being of our people, the classical norms of etiquette began to return to life.

In recent years, in connection with the formation of market relations, and hence the emergence of the class of the rich again, secular manners, knowledge of the elementary basics of etiquette, the subtleties of conversation, serving, and the correct placement of dining table and in cars, etc. But this is not the only thing.

Etiquette, free from extremes and outdated formalities, does not complicate, but simplifies and makes everyday life more pleasant. Its rules are based on such moral categories as politeness, tact, correctness, decency. Thus, mastering the rules of etiquette contributes to the development of a sense of tact (the ability to speak and act taking into account the individual psychological characteristics and mood of other people), teaches you to maintain your own dignity and respect others even in difficult, conflict situations.

Integrity is an integral part of etiquette. Etiquette helps a person to refrain from unseemly acts - such as petty cheating or theft, slander, slander.

Owning the rules of etiquette eliminates stiffness, allows you not to offend your business partner with an awkward word or action, and at the same time not to drop your own dignity and prestige of the company. The assimilation of stereotypes of behavior offered by etiquette makes it possible to establish a favorable psychological climate for business communication, which makes business both successful and enjoyable.

Currently, Ukrainian enterprises and organizations are integrating into the economic, political and cultural life of Europe, developing links with business and political circles in other regions of the planet. Communication with representatives of other states requires special attention to etiquette, strict observance of its special rules and compliance with the business image. Fruitful, mutually beneficial relations between states are based on the principles of respect for sovereignty; equality; territorial integrity; non-interference in internal affairs.

Rules of diplomatic protocol

DIPLOMATIC PROTOCOL is a set of rules, traditions and conventions observed in international communication.

The generally accepted rules of protocol are the basis of the diplomatic practice of any country, although each of them has certain features due to the specifics of national traditions and the social system. Derogation from the diplomatic protocol or violation of its norms is unacceptable, as it can damage the dignity of another state and cause undesirable political consequences.

The protocol regulates the procedure for receiving heads of foreign states or governments, government delegations, representatives of state and public organizations and business circles; all kinds of official diplomatic contacts. Attitude to the protocol, making minor changes to it (more or less solemnity, raising or lowering the level of representation at official ceremonies, etc.) is used as a tool foreign policy. These rules have developed on the basis of long historical experience. Therefore, the diplomatic protocol is a model of international communication, which all organizations and individuals are guided by. What is a business protocol?

BUSINESS PROTOCOL, like a diplomatic one, regulates the procedure for meetings and seeing off delegations, holding conversations, negotiations and receptions, conducting business correspondence, signing contracts and agreements, etc.

But unlike diplomatic, business protocol is not followed strictly. In the field of business communication, its rules can be more flexible. Nevertheless, reputable commercial structures in international communication most often strictly adhere to the rules of diplomatic protocol.

BUSINESS ETIQUET is the rules of conduct in society. As well as the standard of business communication, the established rules of business ethics, the observance of which at the final stage contributes to better mutual understanding, the establishment of normal business relations in the team, and based on all this, the prosperity and stability of any business.

AT modern society possession of business etiquette in most cases has a positive effect on the success of an entrepreneur, and compliance with ethics only emphasizes the image of a professional in the eyes of business partners. When communicating with foreign partners, you simply must know the rules of etiquette and their countries, otherwise a wrong step in a conversation or meeting can result in significant losses in business.


Business etiquette and its meaning

Protocol - features of this type of etiquette

1 Diplomatic protocol

2 Business protocol




Modern man every now and then finds himself in situations that require him to have specific behavioral and communication skills. He goes abroad, enters into business and personal relationships; attends diplomatic receptions, presentations and exhibitions; he leads a lifestyle that encourages him to establish contacts with people who speak other languages ​​and are associated with distant, sometimes exotic cultures. All this makes demands on his behavior and appearance, on his language and cultural outlook.

Etiquette - a very large and important part of human culture. Modern etiquette inherits the customs of almost all peoples from hoary antiquity to the present day. Basically, these rules of conduct are universal, since they are observed not only by representatives of a given society, but also by representatives of the most diverse socio-political systems that exist in the modern world. The peoples of each country make their own amendments and additions to etiquette, due to the social system of the country, the specifics of its historical structure, national traditions and customs.

Business etiquette - the established order of conduct in the field of business and business contacts. Its application is not mandatory, but the implementation of its recommendations helps to avoid misses or smooth them out in accessible, generally accepted ways.

Protocol relating to etiquette - this is a historically established and culturally determined set of rules and regulations, in accordance with which the order of official ceremonies and events (for example, negotiations, signing of bilateral documents), official correspondence, dress code, etc. is regulated and regulated.

The purpose of this work: to characterize the features of the protocol and etiquette during business and official events.

The work consists of introduction, main part, conclusion and bibliography.

1. Business etiquette and its meaning

Etiquette(from French "label, label") - the established order, a set of rules of conduct relating to the external manifestation of attitude towards people (treatment with others, forms of treatment and greetings, behavior in public places, manners and clothing).

In the modern sense of the word, the term "etiquette" was first used at one of the receptions of the "sun" king Louis XIV, when courtiers and guests were presented with cards (labels) with a list of rules of conduct at court.

The concept of etiquette entered the Russian language in the 18th century as a set of rules adopted at the court of monarchs.

Practical value etiquette is that it enables people to effortlessly use ready-made forms of generally accepted politeness to communicate with different groups of people and at different levels.

The culture of behavior acts as a quality that is socially necessary and valuable due to its moral basis. AT broad sense words, this concept includes a set of methods developed and tested by experience of organizing everyday life and communication of people and is integral part universal culture. Etiquette models of communication are an unconditional acquisition of human culture. A person's compliance with etiquette or protocol norms in communication, his competence in the field of communication, the choice of an adequate manner of behavior in various situations will help to achieve success in any area of ​​interpersonal, group and mass communication.

The concept of business protocol is closely related to the concept of business etiquette. It is he who is a set of rules that regulate the procedure for holding meetings and negotiations, organizing receptions, formalizing business correspondence, etc.

That is, if the norms of business etiquette can be considered as a theory, then the business protocol is its practical part.

2. Protocol - features of this type of etiquette

The word "protocol" has a long history. It is rooted deep in time ancient Greece. In Byzantine diplomacy, it meant the first part of a document drawn up in solemn tones, which listed the composition of the participants in the negotiations. In the Middle Ages, this word meant the rules for processing various documents and maintaining archives. Soon the word "protocol" began to refer to diplomacy and the diplomatic service. The very meaning of this word was also expanded - in addition to the rules for processing diplomatic documents, issues of etiquette and ceremonial began to be attributed to the diplomatic protocol.

The norms of diplomatic protocol are not the invention of only one country or a certain group of diplomats. It is the result of communication between people. different countries and peoples over the centuries. Therefore, the concept of a protocol is a historical category. Since ancient times, human experience has accumulated, selected and adapted those rules of conduct, conventions and customs that corresponded to the interests of maintaining and developing communication between peoples. Thus, to the extent of the formation of states, relations between them were also formed - certain norms of communication between countries, along with which protocol norms began to form. In the course of its development, these norms have undergone many changes. Centuries of development experience international relations made it possible to develop the most important rules communication between representatives of different countries. In the most concentrated form, these rules are presented in the diplomatic protocol and etiquette.

.1 diplomatic protocol

Normal communication between states and their representatives would be impossible if they did not adhere to the general fundamental principles of relations: respect for sovereignty, recognition of territorial integrity, equality; non-interference in each other's internal affairs.

diplomatic protocoldefine as a set of generally accepted rules, traditions and conventions observed by the heads of states and governments, departments of foreign affairs, diplomatic missions, officials in international communication.

Under state departments and ministries, there are special protocol services, which are entrusted with organizing business meetings and trips of officials in accordance with all the rules adopted in international diplomatic practice.

By itself, the diplomatic protocol is a form in which this or that foreign policy action of the state, its representation or representative is clothed. Diplomatic protocol is an international category. Its basic rules must be respected more or less equally by all states. However, the diplomatic protocol of each country may have some national peculiarities.

Rulesdiplomatic protocol are based on observance of the universally recognized international legal principle of the equality of sovereign states, regardless of the system, the size of the territory and population of the country, political influence or economic power. Respect for the sovereignty of the state is expressed in the provision of honors national flag, performance of the anthem, etc. The principle of equality of states is manifested in the order in which diplomats are introduced to a high official in the host country, in the seating of delegations at international conferences, and diplomats at diplomatic receptions.

Normsdiplomatic protocol are based on the principle of international courtesy - a set of rules of etiquette, respect and respect generally accepted in international practice, respected in interstate relations. A breach of international comity, especially a deliberate one, is seen as damaging the prestige and authority of the state.

At the same time, the diplomatic protocol is very flexible. Within the framework of the norms generally accepted in international practice, quite significant deviations are possible. Depending on the state of relations between countries, the set political tasks, it is always possible to give various shades protocol rules (greater or lesser solemnity; increase or decrease in the number of participants in official ceremonies; increase or decrease in the level of representation on them, etc.). However, it must be remembered that any deviation from established traditions and norms will inevitably be noticed and interpreted accordingly.

The diplomatic protocol has a rich history, its own peculiarities and traditions. But its foundation is stable and unchanging: it is an expression of deep respect for the distinguished foreign guest, and in his face - for the country and people he represents. The rules and norms of the diplomatic protocol that have developed to date regulate almost all forms of foreign policy and international economic cooperation.

The diplomatic protocol has absorbed the rules and norms not only of interstate, but also of interethnic and interethnic communication. Therefore, one of its components is taking into account national characteristics, traditions, customs and conventions. One of the fundamental principles of diplomatic protocol is equal treatment and mutual respect for one's partner and the state that he represents. That is why the role of generally accepted rules and norms of the diplomatic protocol in the field of foreign policy and international economic cooperation cannot be underestimated.

Recognizing and observing the generally accepted norms of international courtesy, the diplomatic protocol does not distinguish between representatives of large and small states, does not allow any discrimination on national, religious or other grounds.

One of the organic constituent parts diplomatic protocol is diplomatic etiquette. Diplomats communicate with their colleagues with the governmental, public and business circles of the host country in compliance with long-established rules, deviation from which may cause undesirable complications in the relationship between the diplomatic mission and these circles.

If diplomatic protocol is "an expression of good manners in relations between states", then diplomatic etiquette is a manifestation of good manners in relations between officials, political and public figures representing their state.

Rules diplomatic etiquette contain certain forms of appeal, correspondence, as well as a strict procedure for making visits, holding meetings and conversations, diplomatic receptions, and the like. They make rather strict requirements for the appearance of a diplomat, civil servant, businessman, their clothes, manners, behavior, and so on.

Any visit begins with a memo from the initiator of the meeting. After that, the protocol services of both parties are negotiating the terms. It is discussed where and when the meeting will take place, the composition of the delegations, the range of issues discussed, the program of the stay and a host of other points. At this stage, protocol services interact not only with each other, but also with security services, information, technical, transport and others.

The host party must meet the guests, accommodate them and make sure that their stay is as comfortable as possible. Usually important issues are resolved at diplomatic meetings, and from quality work the minutes of the protocol to some extent depends on the outcome of the negotiations.

Negotiations are a central part of almost any visit, which, perhaps, is worth considering in more detail. Preparations begin long before the negotiations themselves. The hall is being prepared, a seating plan is being drawn up, technical issues are being resolved, all the smallest nuances are provided for, etc. According to the protocol, the protocol officer meets guests at the entrance to the hall and seats them according to the principle of seniority: at the head of the table is the place of the senior, to the right of him - closest in status, and further in rank. If these are negotiations between two persons, then they sit opposite each other, on the left side of each is an interpreter. At some events, the interpreter sits slightly behind.

The host always sits with their back to the window and facing the entrance. In front of each, a cover card was placed in advance with his name, sometimes also his position. As a rule, on the front side of the plate there is an inscription in the language of the host country or in English (sometimes transcription is given in brackets), on the back - in the native language of the guests. On the tables in front of each participant - the necessary minimum of stationery (notebook, pen), bottle mineral water, cup.

By the way, in world practice it is not customary to put water with gas. Also, disputes periodically arise among protocol workers whether it is necessary to put a napkin under a glass. A common opinion has not yet been found, so at different events you can find both options, and sometimes the third one - a napkin covers a glass. In addition, there may be flags of the countries of representatives on the tables, and large flags behind the backs of the heads of delegations. Usually, the time limit for negotiations, the time for signing documents and communicating with journalists, if any, is agreed in advance.

Being late for negotiations is a gross violation of business etiquette, and the status of the visit may be lowered. The British can even cancel the meeting due to a few minutes of delay. Although the Spaniards, for example, perceive such snags quite calmly. Before the start of negotiations, the heads of delegations must introduce their participants. Then everything goes according to the agenda.

During the negotiations, it is also customary to exchange business cards. There are a number of rules to follow here. For example, the first to give a business card is a superior in position. In some cases, only partners of equal status can exchange business cards. If the card, in addition to the address of the company and the work phone, also contains the mobile number of the owner, this means that the call will be appropriate at almost any time. But if there is no phone number on the business card at all, then further communication is not expected. However, business cards and the procedure for exchanging them are the subject of constant disagreement among protocol specialists. For example, some believe that it is not worth exchanging business cards at the negotiating table at all, but it is more appropriate to do this at a subsequent appointment.

When organizing a visit, it is extremely important to take into account the national and cultural characteristics of the parties. Members of delegations can receive brief instructions regarding the traditions of partners. For example, when communicating with the Chinese, it is highly recommended not to touch on the demographic issue, which is very acute in China. In some countries, the question of the health of the spouse is considered bad manners, although in Russia it is in the order of things. One of the principles of the business protocol states that discrimination on national, religious and other grounds is unacceptable, and this principle is strictly observed.

An important place in representative work is given to protocol techniques. Often, the result of the visit, the planned negotiations, this or that meeting largely depends on how successful the reception will be. The atmosphere in which the reception was held often contributes to the further course of negotiations and the achievement of the goals set. However, in order for a representative event - whether it be lunch, dinner, breakfast or cocktail - to be successful, the host must work hard in order to carefully prepare for it.

Many years of international practice has established the types of receptions, methods of their preparation and the rules of etiquette that all participants must adhere to. Their options are varied and the form of each depends on many factors. Receptions, as a rule, are inferior in importance to negotiations, but this in no way detracts from the responsibility of the organizers.

At the end of the visit, it is customary to exchange gifts. This procedure is also highly regulated and includes so many rules and details that it is the subject of a separate discussion.

The protocol is constantly changing under the influence of the times and modern trends, in which there is a desire to simplify some complex procedures and make them more convenient. But the basic principles that have developed historically will remain unchanged for a long time to come.

Thus, strict adherence to the norms and rules of diplomatic protocol, as well as etiquette, plays an important role in maintaining normal relations between states and their representatives; is a model of international communication.

diplomatic business protocol event

2.2 business protocol

In today's world it is difficult to establish and maintain close business relationships in the field of economy, business and finance, without observing the generally accepted rules of business communication. Knowledge of the basics of the business protocol, clear planning of the negotiation process helps to resolve issues. Experience proves that in order to establish normal relations with business partners, compliance with certain protocol rules and customs is also very important. “The ability to communicate with people is the same commodity bought in a day, like sugar or coffee. And I am ready to pay for this skill more than any other commodity in this world. These words belong to such a well-known authority in the business world as D. Rockefeller.

In the business world, business protocol is the highest level of business etiquette. This is a specific scenario of business relations, which takes into account everything from the time of presentation of a business card to the behavior of a businessman during a business meeting. Each action of the company must be thought out like moves in a chess game.

The mechanism of economic cooperation is largely based on the rules and norms of the diplomatic protocol. At the same time, the rules of diplomatic protocol at the level of business communication are less conservative and more flexible and free.

Compliance with the norms of business protocol not only creates a favorable atmosphere for the successful development of effective relations and business contacts with Russian and foreign companies, but also is an indicator of the culture of business communication, providing the company with a reputation as a reliable partner. This is a kind of “clothes” of a businessman, according to which he will be met. The postulates of the business protocol - respect for the interlocutor, accuracy, accuracy, clarity, brevity and sincerity - help in developing your own style of business communication (both written and oral), forming a positive corporate image.

Compliance with the rules and regulations of the protocol in various forms economic cooperation is designed to create a favorable atmosphere during any business meeting, which always has a beneficial effect on its results. Therefore, in the interests of the business, it is necessary to observe the generally accepted rules of introductions and acquaintances, organization of visits by delegations of business partners, minutes of business meetings and negotiations, business receptions, business correspondence, table etiquette. In a word, everything that is included in the concept of "business etiquette" and become part of the business protocol.

Consider some protocol requirements for the behavior of participants in official receptions.

The form arrangements for a meeting depends on the purpose of the negotiations. It is better to apply in writing when you need to arrange a meeting, for example, with a high-ranking interlocutor who cannot answer the phone now. In this case, the letter should specifically state the essence of the request or proposal that needs to be discussed.

If you are arranging a business meeting by phoneIt is important to remember the features of this type of communication. The main carrier of information here is the voice, so not only what a person says, but also how he pronounces it will matter. The timbre of his speech, speed, diction, intonation are important. You need to understand that if people did not know each other before, then they draw their idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe interlocutor and his appearance from this conversation.

The pace of modern business life does not always allow meeting with a partner in a business setting. As an alternative, businessmen are increasingly choosing the opportunity to negotiate in neutral territory, such as in a cafe or restaurant. But business etiquette has many rules in this regard.

When agreeing on the time and place of the meeting, it is important to give the person the right to choose, thereby showing respect for him. You can offer several options so that the interlocutor decides for himself where and when it would be more convenient for him to meet with you. But the institution must be chosen based on the purpose of the meeting, information about the degree of friendly relations between businessmen, their ranks.

The most common reception in business circles is breakfast (lunch), which is arranged between 12 and 15 hours. The optimal start time for lunch is 12.30 or 13.00, and the duration is 1-1.5 hours.

If the form of clothing is not specifically specified in the invitation, then they come to a regular business meeting in a casual suit. In most situations, overly bright ties with a catchy pattern or unfamiliar crests and symbols should be avoided. By color scheme The tie must match with the rest of the suit, including the shirt, socks and shoes. Socks should be matched to the tone of the shoes and be of sufficient length so that the shins are not exposed when the man crosses his legs.

When a personal meeting is finally scheduled, you need to remember about punctuality. If a person is late, he must notify about this in advance, because if he is more than 15 minutes late, there is a risk that the meeting may simply not take place. If you are late, you need to call and ask what actions would be more convenient for the interlocutor: wait or reschedule the meeting.

For the first personal meeting with a negotiating partner, there is a certain ritual. If you understand that this is the person with whom you made an appointment, you need to approach him and make sure that this is so.

The general rule is that when meeting, the younger must first greet the elder, the man - the woman. When greeting a man, you should be the first to give him a hand, while with a woman you can limit yourself to a bow, unless, of course, she herself gives her hand. While in society, a man always gets up (with the exception of the elderly) when a woman approaches him. She, in turn, greeting the man, continues to sit, but gets up if there is another woman in front of her.

Thus, an official, protocol reception is a continuation of work in informal conditions.

Maintaining table etiquette- not a convention, but a requirement stipulated by the protocol, considerations of comfort, convenience, traditions and rules of conduct. At the same time, at official receptions it is required: to sit correctly, eat beautifully, use the appropriate cutlery correctly, communicate correctly with the interlocutor at the table, with the attendants, observe the “rules of good manners”, which speaks of the internal culture of a person.

At the table during the reception: do not speak loudly, do not discuss the guests present, do not “gossip”, do not extend their hands across the table to greet, do not walk around the hall during the reception, do not exchange toasts with guests at another table and do not drink on the “brotherhood” ”, do not conduct conversations and conversations on special topics that are uninteresting and incomprehensible to others present, do not speak a foreign language that is incomprehensible to the majority.

The reception participant must behave with restraint, with dignity, not interfere with the neighbors on the table, not attract everyone's attention to himself, not cause irritation, surprise and laughter from others.

In conclusion, we note that although the rules of the protocol have no legal force, and no one is forcing anyone to enforce them, everyone understands that without observing generally accepted norms, there will be no proper interaction between individuals and entire states.


So, the protocol is a set of norms and rules governing the procedure for conducting events. In view of the fact that the practice of the protocol is still more common in the highest official circles, protocol usually means diplomatic protocol.

The diplomatic protocol and its norms play an extremely important role in the framework of international communication. Whether we are talking about the reception of foreign delegations of various levels in our country or about foreign visits of high officials, it is necessary to strictly take into account a number of issues affecting the dignity and prestige of the state.

However, the basic provisions of the diplomatic protocol can also be considered as the basis for building business cooperation in general, since accurate, well-thought-out and respectful business relationships are valued throughout the business world and allow internal communication to be brought up to the level of generally accepted norms. Compliance with the norms of the diplomatic protocol ensures the high efficiency of any contacts within the framework of international economic cooperation.

The protocol observed in the negotiation process, as well as in the preparation of various treaties and agreements, adds to its triumph of greater significance and greater respect with regard to the especially important provisions contained in them. The protocol helps to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere at business meetings, negotiations, receptions, and this, in turn, contributes to mutual understanding and the achievement of desired results.

Thus, a protocol is a means and a way of communication and communication, in which there are almost no legal norms and rules, but which must be strictly observed by everyone.


1.Beringova N.V. Business communication: textbook / N.V. Bering. - Tomsk: Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2010. - 160 p.

2.Lyadov P.F. International cooperation and diplomatic protocol [ Electronic resource] / P.F. Lyadov // MGIMO, 2010. - Access mode: #"justify">3. Solonitsyna, A.A. Professional ethics and etiquette. Textbook / A.A. Solonitsyna. - Vladivostok: Dalnevost Publishing House. un-ta, 2005. - 200 p.

4.Shepeleva A.Yu. Modern business protocol and etiquette / A.Yu.Shepeleva. - M.: Dashkov i K, 2009. - 64 p.

5.Jen Yager Business Protocol: Strategy personal success/ Yager Jen. - M.: Dialectics, 2004. - 336 p.


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The word "protocol" has a long history. It has its roots deep in ancient Greece. In Byzantine diplomacy, it meant the first part of a document drawn up in solemn tones, which listed the composition of the participants in the negotiations. In the Middle Ages, this word meant the rules for processing various documents and maintaining archives. Soon the word "protocol" began to refer to diplomacy and the diplomatic service. The very meaning of this word was also expanded - in addition to the rules for processing diplomatic documents, issues of etiquette and ceremonial began to be attributed to the diplomatic protocol.

The norms of diplomatic protocol are not the invention of only one country or a certain group of diplomats. This is the result of communication between people of different countries and nationalities over the course of many centuries. Therefore, the concept of a protocol is a historical category. Since ancient times, human experience has accumulated, selected and adapted those rules of conduct, conventions and customs that corresponded to the interests of maintaining and developing communication between peoples. Thus, to the extent of the formation of states, relations between them were also formed - certain norms of communication between countries, along with which protocol norms began to form. In the course of its development, these norms have undergone many changes. Centuries-old experience in the development of international relations has made it possible to develop the most important rules for communication between representatives of different countries. In the most concentrated form, these rules are presented in the diplomatic protocol and etiquette.

diplomatic protocol

Normal communication between states and their representatives would be impossible if they did not adhere to the general fundamental principles of relations: respect for sovereignty, recognition of territorial integrity, equality; non-interference in each other's internal affairs.

diplomatic protocol define as a set of generally accepted rules, traditions and conventions observed by the heads of states and governments, departments of foreign affairs, diplomatic missions, officials in international communication.

Under state departments and ministries, there are special protocol services, which are entrusted with organizing business meetings and trips of officials in accordance with all the rules adopted in international diplomatic practice.

By itself, the diplomatic protocol is a form in which this or that foreign policy action of the state, its representation or representative is clothed. Diplomatic protocol is an international category. Its basic rules must be respected more or less equally by all states. However, the diplomatic protocol of each country may have some national peculiarities.

Rules of the diplomatic protocol are based on the observance of the universally recognized international legal principle of the equality of sovereign states, regardless of the system, the size of the territory and population of the country, political influence or economic power. Respect for the sovereignty of the state is expressed in the provision of honors to the state flag, the performance of the anthem, etc. The principle of equality of states is manifested in the order in which diplomats are introduced to a high official in the host country, in the seating of delegations at international conferences, and diplomats at diplomatic receptions.

Norms diplomatic protocol are based on the principle of international courtesy - a set of rules of etiquette, respect and respect generally accepted in international practice, respected in interstate relations. A breach of international comity, especially a deliberate one, is seen as damaging the prestige and authority of the state.

At the same time, the diplomatic protocol is very flexible. Within the framework of the norms generally accepted in international practice, quite significant deviations are possible. Depending on the state of relations between countries, the set political tasks, it is always possible to give different shades of protocol rules (more or less solemnity; increase or decrease in the number of participants in official ceremonies; increase or decrease in the level of representation at them, etc.). However, it must be remembered that any deviation from established traditions and norms will inevitably be noticed and interpreted accordingly.

The diplomatic protocol has a rich history, its own peculiarities and traditions. But its basis is stable and unchanging: it is an expression of deep respect for the distinguished foreign guest, and in his person - for the country and people that he represents. The rules and norms of the diplomatic protocol that have developed to date regulate almost all forms of foreign policy and international economic cooperation.

The diplomatic protocol has absorbed the rules and norms not only of interstate, but also of interethnic and interethnic communication. Therefore, one of its components is taking into account national characteristics, traditions, customs and conventions. One of the fundamental principles of diplomatic protocol is equal treatment and mutual respect for one's partner and the state he represents. That is why the role of generally accepted rules and norms of the diplomatic protocol in the field of foreign policy and international economic cooperation cannot be underestimated.

Recognizing and observing the generally accepted norms of international courtesy, the diplomatic protocol does not distinguish between representatives of large and small states, does not allow any discrimination on national, religious or other grounds.

One of the organic components of a diplomatic protocol is diplomatic etiquette. Diplomats communicate with their colleagues with the governmental, public and business circles of the host country in compliance with long-established rules, deviation from which may cause undesirable complications in the relationship between the diplomatic mission and these circles.

If the diplomatic protocol is "an expression of good manners in relations between states", then diplomatic etiquette is a manifestation of good manners in relations between officials, political and public figures representing their state.

Rules of diplomatic etiquette contain certain forms of appeal, correspondence, as well as a strict procedure for making visits, holding meetings and conversations, diplomatic receptions, and the like. They make rather strict requirements for the appearance of a diplomat, civil servant, businessman, their clothes, manners, behavior, and so on.

Any visit begins with a memo from the initiator of the meeting. After that, the protocol services of both parties are negotiating the terms. It is discussed where and when the meeting will take place, the composition of the delegations, the range of issues discussed, the program of the stay and a host of other points. At this stage, protocol services interact not only with each other, but also with security services, information, technical, transport and others.

The host party must meet the guests, accommodate them and make sure that their stay is as comfortable as possible. Usually, important issues are resolved at diplomatic meetings, and the outcome of negotiations to some extent depends on the quality work of minutes.

Negotiations are a central part of almost any visit, which, perhaps, is worth considering in more detail. Preparations begin long before the negotiations themselves. The hall is being prepared, a seating plan is being drawn up, technical issues are being resolved, all the smallest nuances are provided for, etc. According to the protocol, the protocol officer meets guests at the entrance to the hall and seats them according to the principle of seniority: at the head of the table is the place of the senior, to the right of him - closest in status, and further in rank. If these are negotiations between two persons, then they sit opposite each other, on the left side of each is an interpreter. At some events, the interpreter sits slightly behind.

The host always sits with their back to the window and facing the entrance. In front of each, a cover card was placed in advance with his name, sometimes also his position. As a rule, on the front side of the plate there is an inscription in the language of the host country or in English (sometimes transcription is given in brackets), on the back - in the native language of the guests. On the tables in front of each participant - the necessary minimum of stationery (notebook, pen), a bottle of mineral water, a glass.

By the way, in world practice it is not customary to put water with gas. Also, disputes periodically arise among protocol workers whether it is necessary to put a napkin under a glass. A common opinion has not yet been found, so at different events you can find both options, and sometimes the third one - a napkin covers a glass. In addition, there may be flags of the countries of representatives on the tables, and large flags behind the backs of the heads of delegations. Usually, the time limit for negotiations, the time for signing documents and communicating with journalists, if any, is agreed in advance.

Being late for negotiations is a gross violation of business etiquette, and the status of the visit may be lowered. The British can even cancel the meeting due to a few minutes of delay. Although the Spaniards, for example, perceive such snags quite calmly. Before the start of negotiations, the heads of delegations must introduce their participants. Then everything goes according to the agenda.

During the negotiations, it is also customary to exchange business cards. There are a number of rules to follow here. For example, the first to give a business card is a superior in position. In some cases, only partners of equal status can exchange business cards. If the card, in addition to the address of the company and the work phone, also contains the mobile number of the owner, this means that the call will be appropriate at almost any time. But if there is no phone number on the business card at all, then further communication is not expected. However, business cards and the procedure for exchanging them are the subject of constant disagreement among protocol specialists. For example, some believe that it is not worth exchanging business cards at the negotiating table at all, but it is more appropriate to do this at a subsequent appointment.

When organizing a visit, it is extremely important to take into account the national and cultural characteristics of the parties. Members of delegations may receive brief instructions regarding the traditions of partners. For example, when communicating with the Chinese, it is highly recommended not to touch on the demographic issue, which is very acute in China. In some countries, the question of the health of the spouse is considered bad manners, although in Russia it is in the order of things. One of the principles of the business protocol states that discrimination on national, religious and other grounds is unacceptable, and this principle is strictly observed.

An important place in representative work is given to protocol techniques. Often, the result of the visit, the planned negotiations, this or that meeting largely depends on how successful the reception will be. The atmosphere in which the reception was held often contributes to the further course of negotiations and the achievement of the goals set. However, in order for a representative event - whether it be lunch, dinner, breakfast or cocktail - to be successful, the host must work hard in order to carefully prepare for it.

Many years of international practice has established the types of receptions, methods of their preparation and the rules of etiquette that all participants must adhere to. Their options are varied and the form of each depends on many factors. Receptions, as a rule, are inferior in importance to negotiations, but this in no way detracts from the responsibility of the organizers.

At the end of the visit, it is customary to exchange gifts. This procedure is also highly regulated and includes so many rules and details that it is the subject of a separate discussion.

The protocol is constantly changing under the influence of the times and modern trends, in which there is a desire to simplify some complex procedures and make them more convenient. But the basic principles that have developed historically will remain unchanged for a long time to come.

Thus, strict adherence to the norms and rules of diplomatic protocol, as well as etiquette, plays an important role in maintaining normal relations between states and their representatives; is a model of international communication.

diplomatic business protocol event

Business etiquette is the most important side of the morality of the professional behavior of a business person, an entrepreneur.

Knowledge of it is necessary professional quality which must be acquired and constantly improved. Almost 70% of failed deals that were beneficial for business people did not take place due to the fact that Russian businessmen do not know the rules of business communication and do not have a culture of behavior. This figure is also confirmed by world experience. So back in 1936, Dale Carnegie wrote: "The success of a person in his financial affairs is 15 percent dependent on his professional knowledge and 85 percent - on his ability to communicate with people." Quite a few careers collapse and money is lost due to improper behavior or bad manners. Knowing this, the Japanese spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year on teaching good manners and etiquette advice. They are well aware that the success of any company largely depends on the ability of its employees, on their ability to work together to achieve a common goal. Knowledge of etiquette, culture of behavior - these are the key conditions for successful work in any organization - such is the opinion of leading specialists of firms. We emphasize that the observance of business etiquette, the ability to behave culturally is especially important when working with representatives of foreign companies when traveling to conclude transactions abroad.

Many new Russians have a different taste in clothes and jewelry (be it massive gold chains with crosses around their necks or other numerous items made of precious metals and stones on fingers, wrists, etc.). In order not to get into an absurd situation, you need to know the rules of good manners. In the old days, they were strongly taught by Peter the Great. In 1709, he issued a decree according to which everyone who behaved in a "violation" of business etiquette was subject to punishment, the ability to behave culturally is the basis of entrepreneurial success. Etiquette is a historical phenomenon.

Not only a career, but also a person's life often depended on the knowledge of etiquette, the implementation of its rules.

In most countries with rich experience in business communication, there are a number of strict rules of etiquette, the violation of which can damage the image of a business person. AT pre-revolutionary Russia, there were also generally recognized rules and traditions of business communication, both with internal partners and with foreign ones. Now, when a market economy is becoming more and more established in the country, some serious businessmen are forced to turn to foreign experience of business communication in order not to look ridiculous in the world market, they assumed their goods or services. Knowledge of business etiquette is the key to success in doing business. Main indicator success in business - achieving real results, i.e. making a profit, increasing production, professional satisfaction, creating a positive image in society, respect for business partners, reliability of a company or enterprise. Unfortunately, the traditions of free enterprise in Russia after October revolution The year 1917 was not held in high esteem, and those people who decided to open their own business had to face many problems not only of a production nature.

The leaders who have developed in Soviet years, often outdated outlook, outdated views, which hinders the solution of economic, commercial and managerial problems. At the same time, many young entrepreneurs, striving for momentary profit, dare to take business risks and often confuse it with the risk of violating the law, absolutely not knowing the ethics of business relations, both with their partners and with foreign partners. That is why sometimes Russian market there turn out to be the same "partners" from abroad, whose goal is not long-term programs, but quick profit from the country's difficulties. It is known that only 10-15% of those who open their own business achieve real success. To get into their number, it is not enough to be a decent person and a good professional and in addition, know the technology of business relations, be able to negotiate, observe the ethics of commercial communication, constantly engage in marketing, develop effective advertising, study issues of demand and sales, overcome language difficulties, understand banking, constantly improve their professional skills, monitor its positive and much more.

In the East they say: "Friendliness is a golden key that opens the iron locks of human hearts."

Business etiquette requires a smile from a person, no matter what predicament he is in. After all, if you yourself will not be kind, humane, then is it worth expecting this from others. The research data are interesting: when asked what traits a person would like to cultivate in himself, 46% of the respondents named decisiveness and confidence, 30% - endurance and poise, 30% - purposefulness and willpower, 12% tolerance and 10% - benevolence. Other people would like to add kindness and humanity - 50%, respondents, humanity and decency - 30%, mutual understanding and sympathy - 22%, tolerance - 16%, altruism and generosity - 12%. This means that they want more firmness for themselves, and more warmth for those around them. Hence the mutual dissatisfaction and tension. If you are not understood, try to understand others. In the field of business relations, politeness is considered economic category, helping to increase profits, a way to save a good relationship which turns out to be a benefit. The lack of politeness gives people a feeling of discomfort, irritability, excessive nervousness, which, according to the rules of etiquette, must be restrained.

L.N. Tolstoy believed that if a person accepted in society has the tactlessness to spoil the pleasure with another expression of his boredom, then this proves that he is simply not at the level of the environment in which he is.

To date, generally accepted basic principles of etiquette have developed, including the priority of the elder and the priority of the woman, the principle of hygiene and the aesthetic principle. Human behavior should be beautiful, evoke a feeling of beauty. The general principles of a culture of behavior are specified by the basic requirements of etiquette: politeness, correctness, tact, delicacy, modesty, naturalness of behavior, accuracy, commitment. For a business person the strictest observance these requirements are the basis for success.

An important role in modern business etiquette is played by business cards - this is a small sheet of thin cardboard (or high quality thick paper) on which basic information about its owner is printed.

In the process of developing business cards as elements of business communication, two of their most important functions were identified:

  • 1. Representative function. When performing this function, the following types of business cards are most famous:
    • - A card for special and representative purposes, which indicates: full name, full name of the company, position, but do not put down the coordinates - address and phone number. Such a business card is given upon acquaintance. The absence of an address and telephone number indicates that the cardholder does not intend to continue contact with the interlocutor;
    • - Standard business card, which indicates: full name, full name of the company, position, office phone (telefax). It is awarded to establish close relationships. The home phone number is indicated only by representatives of creative professions. This type of card is used for business purposes only.
    • - Card of the organization (company), which indicates the address, telephone, telefax (telex). With such a card, congratulations, gifts, flowers, souvenirs are sent on the occasion of significant dates.
    • - Business Cards for informal communication, which indicate the full name, sometimes - the profession, honorary and academic titles, but do not put down the details emphasizing the official status. Their variety is "family" cards, which indicate the names and patronymics of the spouses (the wife's name is usually written first), home address and telephone number. Such cards are applied to gifts that are presented on behalf of the husband and wife, left during joint informal visits.

Business cards are printed on thick coated paper.

The classic option is a white business card with a strict black font, you can use other colors.

When holding events such as symposiums, conferences, etc. use large business cards - badges indicating the name, surname, academic title, position, organization, educational institution or scientific center. Badges are pinned on the left side of the chest and are worn only in the building where the event takes place.

2. The function of a written message. Currently, in the upper left or lower corner of the business card, established in international protocol designations (the initial letters of the corresponding French words) indicating the occasion for which the cards are sent.

The exchange of business cards is a mandatory attribute of the first personal meeting with business partners. When meeting, the first to present a business card is the junior in position to the senior, in case of equality of social status and in informal communication, the youngest in age is the first to give the senior.

When presenting a business card, they pronounce their last name aloud, upon receipt - the name of the presenter. This is done to avoid mispronunciation.

It is recommended that a business person always carry at least ten of their business cards with them. The presence of a business card for employees of the company helps to communicate with partners in accordance with generally accepted international standards of business etiquette.

Thus, a business card is a "portrait" of a particular person, so it must be handled very carefully.

Greetings and introductions etiquette is a set of rules and initial interpersonal interactions related to the external manifestation of attitudes towards people. In modern business etiquette, some rules have been developed regarding introductions and greetings, depending on the gender, age and position of the contacting people, as well as whether they are in a group or alone. The set of these rules assumes several basic qualities of the ethics of relationships: politeness, naturalness, dignity and tact.

Politeness includes such important elements as: greeting (including shaking hands) and introduction, which are a special form of mutual respect.

In any situation, a greeting should show your disposition and goodwill, i.e. the nature of the greeting should not be affected by your mood or negative attitude towards the other person.

In the course of a relationship, there may be various situations, having the specifics of greetings, introductions to each other or handshakes.

This specificity is expressed mainly in who has the right or is obliged to be the first in these actions.

Experience shows that legal norms alone are far from sufficient to ensure normal relations with business partners. It is also very important to observe certain protocol rules and customs, which are presented in the business protocol.

Business protocol - a set of rules, in accordance with which the order of various ceremonies, dress code, official correspondence, etc. is regulated. Any violation of these rules will create difficulties for the party that committed the violation, because. she will have to apologize and find a way to correct the mistake. The need for business people to follow the protocol is as follows:

  • - The protocol observed during negotiations, preparation of various treaties and agreements, gives its solemnity greater value and greater respect for the particularly important provisions contained therein.
  • - The protocol helps to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere at meetings, negotiations, receptions, which contributes to mutual understanding and the achievement of desired results.

A well-established and observed ceremonial and protocol is, figuratively speaking, the “lubricant” that allows the well-established mechanism of business relations to work normally, without interference.


Classes on Sundays from 11:00 to 17:00.
Duration: 4 weeks.

Price - 14,000 rubles.

Who is this course for?

Personal assistants, assistants to the head and secretaries of the first persons

For employees of protocol services and departments

Professionals who work in the field of international cooperation

To all business people interested in raising their own and corporate status

Intensive course "Business protocol and etiquette"

BLOCK 1. Business protocol. Introductory course.

Day 1. We understand the conceptual apparatus. We study the structure of the protocol service.

1. The essence of the concepts of “protocol”, “etiquette”, “ceremonial”;

2. Protocol: business, diplomatic, international, state;

3. History of the protocol;

4. Principles of protocol seniority;

5. Use of state and corporate symbols;

6. Protocol service: functions and structure of state and corporate services, international experience.

Day 2 We get acquainted with protocol events on the example of a visit of a foreign delegation. We learn the subtleties of the protocol.

7. Types of official and business visits;

8. Preparation of the program of the visit;

9. Meeting and accommodation of guests;

10. Negotiations, meetings, signing of documents: seating at the negotiating table, etiquette at the negotiating table, solemn signing of documents, press events;

11. Cultural program;

12. Official reception: types of receptions, dress codes, seating rules for guests, rules of conduct and specifics of official receptions;

13. Intercultural communication in business communication.

BLOCK 2. Business and office etiquette. Detailed and to the point.

Day 1. Getting to know business office etiquette We learn how to properly communicate with partners and meet official guests.

1. The concept of "etiquette". Types of etiquette. History of etiquette;

2. Distinctive features business etiquette and norms of behavior in the office;

3. Business meetings, meetings: preparation of a meeting room, behavior at meetings, coffee breaks and its features;

4. Guests in the office: organization of a reception, refreshments, guest etiquette and household life hacks for a personal assistant;

5. Speech etiquette and culture of non-verbal communication: acquaintance and presentation, postures and gestures;

6. Distance communication etiquette: telephone conversation and business lettermobile phone and email, instant messengers and social networks, videoconferencing and conference call;

7. Appearance business person: office style and corporate dress code.

Day 2 Learning to invite, congratulate and condole on paper. We get acquainted with table etiquette at a business lunch and an official reception.

8. Business cards: history of appearance, types of business cards, design requirements, use in the business environment and as part of the image, innovative approaches - IT technologies for business cards;

9. Invitation: types of invitations, drafting features, methods of distribution, rules for responding to an invitation - forms
acceptance and rejection;

10. Business congratulations and gifts: forms, features and specifics (gift options, packaging features, delivery protocol,
national specificity, “magazine and base” of gifts, gifts to civil servants), protocol bouquet;

11. Condolences;

12. Road etiquette. Business trip: public transport etiquette (airplane, train);

13. Business lunch - restaurant etiquette: choosing a place to meet, the art of Small Talk - choosing a topic for conversation at the table, paying the bill, table etiquette and typical mistakes.

Course instructor and author:

Tatyana Baranova

Expert, business protocol and etiquette consultant, developer and teacher of his own training course, permanent author of the monthly magazine "Secretary-referent", host of the daily author's program "Good Manners" on Radio 7, speaker of the Forum of Personal Assistants.

Member of the National Association of Protocol Specialists.

AT different time held the positions of business assistant, administrative director, chief of staff, head of the family office and others. She worked in the structure of Gazprom, took part in the preparation of the presidential election campaign, worked under the supervision of a businessman from the top five Forbes.

In addition to her basic translation education, she received a Harzburg Diploma from the Academy of Economics and Management, advanced her qualifications in the field of international business protocol and etiquette (MGIMO and DA of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation).

Practical knowledge and skills that the student will receive as a result of the intensive course

  • skills of business communication and interaction with colleagues, clients and partners at the proper level, taking into account the rules of international etiquette;
  • maintaining working correspondence and telephone conversations in accordance with business etiquette;
  • skills in working with invitations, congratulations and condolences, taking into account all the subtleties (forms of refusal and the time factor, features of a business gift, specifics of a protocol bouquet, and so on);
  • the ability to competently organize negotiations, meetings and meetings, taking into account protocol requirements, as well as knowledge of international business etiquette;
  • knowledge of the rules for the use of state and corporate symbols (on business cards, letterheads, company website, and so on);
  • the ability to organize work with visitors, meeting and receiving guests at the proper level;
  • knowledge of the dress code required for formal and informal communication;
  • understanding of cross-cultural communications and features of international business communication;
  • organization of business lunches and official receptions (selection of the type of reception, seating of guests in accordance with protocol seniority, preparation of a business lunch, and so on);
  • ability to organize and conduct an official visit high level(preparation of the program of stay, meeting and accommodation of guests, business part of the visit, and so on).

Cost of education

Price Intensive Course (4 lessons) - 14,000 rubles.

How is the training going?

Choose a convenient format

Depending on your requirements, you can choose any convenient training format:

  • classes in the classroom in Moscow, Ordzhonikidze st., 10 (7 minutes from the metro),
  • join the lessons ONLINE,
  • take our course remotely - in the recording.

How are the classes going?

Course duration - 4 weeks.

The course will be held on Sundays from 11:00 to 17:00 Moscow time.

The maximum number of students in a classroom is 12 people.

If you do not have time to get to the class, you can connect to it online, and the next day you will receive a recording of the webinar and a presentation.

Personal Area

A week before the start of training, you will receive a login and password for your personal account on our training platform. In it you will have access to all necessary information on the course: class schedule, links to webinars and video recordings of lessons, presentations of lectures, additional materials.

What will each student get?

Practical knowledge and skills in business protocol and etiquette

Certificate confirming the intensive course at the School of Personal Assistants

Lecture presentations: revise study materials at any convenient time and refresh your knowledge

We recommend reading
