How to choose a wardrobe: tips and secrets. Choosing a wardrobe with professionals! Which sliding wardrobe is better to choose in the hall

Encyclopedia of Plants 29.08.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants
The sliding wardrobe is very versatile and convenient item furniture that will find its place in any room - even in the bedroom, even in the hallway. However, here a logical question arises: how to choose the right wardrobe for your room? In order not to be mistaken with the purchase, consider the little secrets of choosing such furniture.

1. The form. Think over which wardrobe suits you best - a separate wardrobe or built-in wardrobe.

A freestanding wall cabinet has its own shape - a frame: walls, ceiling and bottom; such furniture is not built into any niches. This cabinet is more aesthetically pleasing from the inside, it can be moved to another place. A significant disadvantage of this type of cabinet is that it takes up quite large area and requires indents from the walls during installation, which is not very suitable for small rooms. In addition, cabinet cabinets are somewhat more expensive than built-in ones.

On the other hand, a built-in wardrobe is more space-efficient. It can be placed in separate niches of the room. Often the walls of the room serve as a frame for it and flooring, while the built-in wardrobe can be "adjusted" to almost any room. Among the minuses - the relative fragility of the structure and the impossibility of shifting from place to place. In addition, the built-in wardrobe cannot be placed close to the wall, which is finished with plasterboard.

2. Door opening mechanism. Pay attention to the mechanism for opening the sliding doors of your wardrobe. In this aspect, two types are traditionally distinguished.

  • Roller. The wardrobe door is built into a special metal frame and moves along the groove on standard roller guides. This method is more common, cheaper, but, accordingly, it is less reliable. Due to the entry of a foreign object or careless strong blow cabinet rollers may slide out of the grooves, the door will break.

  • Monorail. The rollers in the cabinet move along a special monorail. Such cabinets are more expensive, but the grooves are not clogged with dust or foreign objects. The door is protected from "slipping out". The monorail mechanism is much more reliable, albeit more expensive.

3. Roller material. Be sure to check the material from which the roller system is made. The service life of your cabinet largely depends on this. The best choice is metal casters. The “middle” version is plastic rollers with a special PTFE coating (Teflon). Finally, the worst is plain plastic casters (these won't last you a year).

4. Roominess. If you are buying a wardrobe, then take into account the needs of your family - if there are a lot of things, then it is better to purchase a more spacious wardrobe with a long-term perspective. If a lot of things are not planned, then there is no point in installing too large a cabinet.

5. Profile sliding system-the wardrobes. It means the structure of the cabinet - a metal frame, a system of guides, grooves, etc. This design can be made from different metals. Today, sliding systems are usually divided into steel ( stainless steel) and aluminum profiles.

  • Steel profile. These systems are more common and cheaper. Steel profiles are very durable, reliable and strong. But they make more noise and "pull back" the cabinet door a little, creating a decent load on the fittings. In addition, not all cabinet door trim materials are suitable for steel profiles.

  • Aluminum profile. Aluminum structures are more expensive, but they look more refined, neat and non-standard. These systems are thinner than steel profiles, giving you much more possibilities when decorating the facade of the doors. In addition, the aluminum profiles are quiet. True, there is one significant drawback - aluminum structures will last less under intense load - 5-8 years, while steel frames are practically for a lifetime.

6. Front door material. Finishing materials, from which the doors of the cabinet are made - a large variety, so here it is already for your taste. Doors can be made of chipboard, veneer, rattan, different types mirrors, patterned and frosted glass, bamboo, etc. The same applies to great variety. colors... Here you can advise you to sit well over the catalogs and choose the option that suits you best.

7. Location. This detail, like the finishing options, is also advisable to think over in advance. For example, decide for yourself whether it will be solid doors or with a mirror, since for different rooms they will look different too. Specify which room the cabinet will be in.

  • So, the "mirrored" built-in wardrobe looks best in the hallway, visually expanding the space of the room (just do not put it opposite front door). Sliding wardrobes with many internal sections - shelves, drawers, etc. are also good for the hallway.

  • The so-called modular wardrobes (both built-in and wall-mounted) are very good for the kitchen. Modular furniture is a kind of constructor made of separate pieces of furniture, which will allow you to easily change the interior of the kitchen, if necessary. If you are planning a mirror decor, then it is better to choose frosted glass.

  • For the living room best choice Is a wardrobe, which consists of a system of shelving. Some of the shelves can be open, others are covered with opaque doors or decorated with frosted or transparent glass.

  • Wardrobes with mirrored doors are suitable for the bedroom. They visually expand the space of the room. But, as in the case of the hallway, it is not advisable to put them with a mirror to the bed. In general, the decor of the doors of the wardrobe in your favorite bedroom can be different, up to self-painting or pasting with photographs. This question is up to you.

  • In children's rooms the best option- modular built-in wardrobes, especially the so-called convertible wardrobes, which make it easy to change the position of the shelves.

8. Door leaves. When choosing furniture, consider the width of the sliding door leaves cabinet. Remember that it is best if they do not exceed 100-120 cm, otherwise it will be very inconvenient to use the cabinet.

9. Evaluation of inner drawers, shelves, rods, etc. Analyze “ inner world»Cabinet - its convenience and functionality. For example, drawers may not be simple, but the so-called "full extension", when they can be pushed out completely. Think, maybe you need a pantograph, thanks to which clothes are placed in the closet in two levels with the option of lowering the upper "floor". Check the distance between the shelves - it usually should not be less than about 30-35 cm, otherwise it will be too narrow. The depth of the shelves traditionally reaches a maximum of 60-70 cm, more is inconvenient. Think, maybe you need special shoe nets or very convenient pull-out baskets for clothes. As for the rods for clothes, they are traditionally "under the cloak" (long - up to 150-160 cm) and for the "tennis" - up to 100-120 centimeters. This, like other "additional options" of internal content - can also be checked with the seller.

10. Manufacturer. When choosing a seller, you need to follow certain “rules of caution”:

  • Find out how long the company has been on the market (better - at least 5 years);

  • Analyze the reviews about the company on the Internet, if possible - check with your friends who have already ordered the wardrobe;

  • Look on the market for prices for similar models of wardrobes from different sellers, prices can vary greatly;

  • Check if the firm has its own headquarters;

  • Be sure to specify the cost of the so-called additional services(installation, delivery, assembly, etc.) - they can reach 20-25% of the final amount;

  • Buy furniture only "with a guarantee";

  • Find out if the company has its own machine tool production - sometimes the scale of the company can say a lot;

  • If it's just a store-warehouse of finished furniture - check for sales volumes;

  • When purchasing a cabinet to order - ask for the staff of the company. If the company employs at least 4-8 measurers, this is normal, but if 1-2 people are "a loader, a driver, a consultant, a measurer, and a joiner" - this is not for you.

That's all! As you can see, there is nothing complicated in choosing a wardrobe! Happy shopping!

Most often, sleeping space is limited, so the owners of each house are trying to save it. For the bedroom, it is recommended to choose a wardrobe. This furniture has long occupied an important place in interiors. modern premises... It is indispensable for apartments and houses. Thanks to the huge assortment, the wishes of even the most demanding buyer will be satisfied. In closets, you can store not only clothes, but also shoes, other household items and small household appliances... It is necessary to take into account their aesthetic purpose. So, they are able to close pipes, a column, visually narrow or expand the space of a room.

How to choose the right one?

  1. The most popular are built-in wardrobes, which are located across the width of the entire room. Thanks to this, you can significantly save space in the room.
  2. To receive you need to original cabinet, which fits perfectly into the interior of the room, emphasizes its style and becomes the main decoration of the room, you must place an order.
  3. Built-in wardrobes are also popular, and cabinet ones are now very rare.
  4. The main feature of any wardrobe is sliding doors. Thanks to them, you can save a lot of space. And for a swing cabinet model, it is necessary to use almost the entire area. The main disadvantage of the sliding door system is that it wears out very quickly.

There are two types of sliding systems. The most common option is a system in which movement is carried out by rollers on guide rails. Thanks to this, the movement of the door is ensured. The next sliding system involves placing rollers at the top. Thus, the doors seem to be suspended and equipped at the bottom with the help of special rollers. Modern buyers prefer not to buy, but to order cabinets. The specialist takes measurements. However, the depth must be determined independently.

Determine the depth of the cabinet yourself

In order to determine the depth, it is necessary to take into account many factors, namely:

  • the door system is no more than ten centimeters;
  • with the help of backlighting, you can eliminate insufficient illumination, if necessary;
  • the upper shelves can be accessed using drawers;
  • usually the standard depth is considered to be no more than sixty centimeters;
  • for storing dishes or books in the closet, it is best to order glass doors;
  • to increase the space of the room, mirrored doors are suitable.

Choosing the right wardrobe in the bedroom

Furniture color can be used to change general form rooms. Remember not to choose wardrobes bright colors, it is best to give preference light colors... When choosing a wardrobe with mirrored doors, remember that visually they will expand the space and also add light. To save space, corner wardrobes are ideal.

Among all types of furniture, from kitchens to sofas, the wardrobe occupies separate place. Contemporary wardrobes- these are real works of art, which, in addition to the main one, perform many additional functions: saving space, filling empty niches and corners, dividing rooms, masking irregularities in the walls and, of course, decorating the interior. This is especially true of the most versatile container for things - a wardrobe, the installation of which will be appropriate literally everywhere.

However, in order to achieve perfect combination this furniture item with general atmosphere in an apartment and get the most out of the purchase, you should carefully think over every little thing and make an informed, informed decision. Our article will help you not to get lost among huge assortment and learn how to choose the right wardrobes for any room.

Choosing a wardrobe: where to start?

Suppose you are determined to listen to interior designers who claim that a wardrobe is perfect option for any room, especially if it is made to order. From which side to proceed to the eternal question of choice? To begin with, there are several basic steps that are required for anyone who wants to acquire stylish furniture:

  1. Determine the place: depending on where you want to put the cabinet, its appearance, design, decor, and even the type of "filling" will change.
  2. Choosing the type of construction: in order to correctly make all the necessary measurements of the room, you need to know in advance what the device of the wardrobe will be like.
  3. We make calculations: all further decisions will, one way or another, be based on the dimensions you need. In addition, initially accurate measurements will avoid any inconsistencies and difficulties during installation.
  4. We study the technical aspects of the issue: it is extremely important to choose the right materials for the future product, door system and profile. This will save you from regrets about the poor quality and fragility of the dressing room in the future.
  5. We choose internal filling: shelves, drawers, shoe racks, hangers, folding tabletops or a mini-cabinet - the insides of the cabinet carry the main functional load, which is why so much time is devoted to them when designing.
  6. We develop a design: this task is more difficult than it might seem, especially when you consider the enormous possibilities of the modern furniture industry. The help of a professional will make life much easier, but the final decision will always be yours.

Consistent thoughtful implementation of all six stages of selection is a guarantee of a truly decent result. To know for sure how to choose the right wardrobe, we will consider each item separately.

Where to put the cabinet?

As a rule, this question is not in doubt: we know exactly which corner in the apartment is empty, where the extra shelves would be useful and which old dressing table is long overdue to get rid of. The beauty of the wardrobe is in its versatility: any more or less free space can be turned into an ergonomic tool for storing clothes and giving the room a fresh look.

Tips on how to choose a wardrobe in the hallway, bedroom, nursery, living room or anywhere else are highly individual. However, there are a few tricks to be sure not to be mistaken:

  • for the hallway the most a good decision there will be a mirrored wardrobe with many small compartments, strong bars for outerwear and, if desired, a built-in shoe rack: it will not only bring more convenience to your life, but also visually expand the cramped space of the corridor;
  • when wondering how to choose a wardrobe for a bedroom, pay attention to large-sized models that fill the entire wall: maximum roominess and a large space for fantasies on the theme of decor are what you need;
  • living room - the best place for original and bright furniture: cabinets of a non-standard configuration, walls and modular elements that make up a single composition fit perfectly here;
  • a wardrobe for a nursery should be roomy and multifunctional: to save space, you can equip it with a built-in writing desk, shelves for books and drawers for all sorts of little things.

And, of course, you should take into account the peculiarities of the layout: the design of the product will depend on whether you want to put it in a corner, fill an empty niche, fence off a part of the room, or simply place it along the wall. The tips below for choosing a wardrobe will help you deal with all the intricacies.

Which cabinet to choose: we study the design

There are two main types of wardrobes with a sliding sliding system:

  1. Cabinet: products fitted with all panels including side and rear panels as well as bottom and ceiling panels.
  2. Built-in: the walls of a niche or corner, as well as the floor and ceiling of the room itself, serve as a frame for them.

While cabinet furniture takes more space and costs a little more, built-in wardrobes can be installed in any corner of the apartment, providing maximum roominess and space saving. Nevertheless, unlike built-in models, cabinet furniture better protects things from moisture, is more stable and can be moved from place to place. The choice depends on your room type and personal preference.

In addition, depending on the future location, the layout of the wardrobe may also change. You can choose from straight, corner, trapezoidal, radius and other design options.

We calculate the dimensions

Measurements of the future cabinet include the following components:

  • depth;
  • width;
  • height.

The standard depth of the cabinet is 60-65 cm. This optimal size, in which the internal content can be organized in the most rational way. In more limited conditions, for example, in corridors and on balconies, narrow cabinets with a depth of 40-45 cm are often installed. This can significantly save space.

The main danger awaiting you when measuring the width of the room is the wrong layout. If you are going to install the cabinet along the wall, then the matter is small - determine the desired cabinet size and measure the required length. If we are talking about a niche, then you have to sweat a little. The fact is that the walls of rooms are rarely perfectly flat. To avoid unforeseen difficulties during installation, the width of the niches is measured in several places along the entire depth.

For cabinet furniture, a minimum value is taken into account: this ensures that the assembled product fits exactly into the space. The choice of a built-in wardrobe implies the determination of the maximum width, since the profile of the sliding system must fit tightly to the walls.

If you want to purchase a model with a height up to the ceiling itself, then the height should be measured at three points: along the left and right edges, as well as in the center. After you have established if there is a deviation in size, use the level to determine what exactly has a slope: floor or ceiling. Such flaws are easily corrected using a false panel of arbitrary width.

In terms of dimensions, it is best to use the services of an experienced measurer: he will be able to more accurately determine all the necessary values ​​and suggest which cabinet is better to choose for your specific layout.

Frame material

The frame means not only the walls of the structure (if any), but also the "filling" of the product. They can be made of MDF or chipboard. The fundamental difference between the two materials lies in their operational characteristics and in kind. MDF is considered to be more environmentally friendly, but reacts sharply to a significant increase in temperature. It is prohibited to place products made of this material near heat sources. If you are interested in a more economical option and do not mind the sensitivity to moisture, choose chipboard. Thus, when deciding which material to choose a cabinet from, you should first of all think about the conditions for using the future product.

Sliding compartment system

How to choose a built-in wardrobe without worrying about quality system discoveries? This item is one of the most important on our list. First you need to decide on the type of mechanism. There are two options:

  1. Roller mechanism: the essence lies in the fact that the doors move along the groove of a special metal frame, sliding on standard roller-type guides.
  2. Monorail mechanism: the guide rollers move along a monorail built into the cabinet structure.

The main advantage of the second option is its strength and reliability. The choice of a monorail system will help to avoid sliding doors and problems due to foreign objects falling into the grooves. Accordingly, the price of such a mechanism will be relatively higher.

The next step is to select the material for the profile. The frame, grooves, rails and monorail can be made of steel or aluminum. Steel is used more often due to its lower cost and ability long time withstand heavy loads. At the same time, aluminum movements are distinguished by their quietness and stylish appearance. They are not inferior to steel ones in reliability, and doors with such a profile can be decorated in much more diverse ways.

Do not forget to also check with the manufacturer about the material from which the videos themselves are made. The service life of the system depends on this. Below are the roller options in order of decreasing quality and durability:

  • metal (will serve faithfully for many years);
  • plastic with teflon coating (medium version);
  • ordinary plastic (not designed for long service).

How to choose a wardrobe: internal filling

There are countless options for the interior filling of wardrobes. Their choice is entirely based on the purpose of the product. For example, when we choose the insides for a wardrobe in the hallway, we should focus on the main needs of the family in this room: take off outerwear (possibly wet after the rain) and shoes. Therefore, the main elements of filling there should be shelves for shoes, rails for coats and, possibly, open-type hangers.

Now suppose we choose the "stuffing" for the wardrobe in the bedroom. Among the filling of such products, there must be a spacious drawer for bed linen. It will also be appropriate to place a mirror there (if the facade itself is not mirrored).

The type of fittings used for internal filling, the number of shelves and the materials used for manufacturing greatly affect the cost of the product.

There are many online programs, where you can roughly design the structure of the interior of the cabinet you need. This will help you better understand how.

Decoration and decor

The time when the only problem in choosing the right style of furniture was the task of choosing the right color for the cabinet is long gone. Today, the choice of all kinds of decoration methods is replete with newfangled technologies and materials.

The facade of sliding doors bears the main aesthetic value. It can be either solid or made of several panels of different colors and materials. For example, the combination of chipboard with exotic and natural rattan and bamboo panels is very popular.

Ways to bring originality and elegance to the interior are also in great demand, such as sandblasted drawings, frosted glass and photo printing. The beauty of glass facades, on which different patterns and paintings of this type are made, is the ease of maintenance. The same applies to mirrored surfaces, which, in addition to everything, advantageously increase the space of the room.

In conclusion, one thing can be said: there are many informational articles on the Internet on the topic of how to make a built-in wardrobe yourself, or how to install this type of wardrobe yourself. Nevertheless, if you want to get a really high-quality and durable result that will please the eye and help in everyday life, it is better

Sliding wardrobes are relevant at all times storage systems. A sliding wardrobe can give an aesthetic look and become a multifunctional solution for any interior. The main task is to correctly and proportionally fit it into the interior of the room.

We asked the head of the Deni-Art furniture and design studio, Tatyana Skvortsova, about how to fit the wardrobes correctly into the interior of your apartment.

At first glance, given the abundance of storage systems, a wardrobe may seem like a simple, not entirely comfortable, unoriginal and bulky storage solution. But with all this, if properly designed and installed, it can serve a long and reliable service. Here are some tips from a pro.

1. Making the most of space

Considering that the cabinet doors slide open like in a carriage compartment, there is no need to take into account the space for opening the doors. Accordingly, such furniture can become a fairly effective option for organizing a structure for storing things in a bedroom or hallway - this function ensures the use maximum number area of ​​the apartment.

More often than not, the corners in the room are left unoccupied. V this case an excellent solution would be a corner compartment closet of compact dimensions. Such furniture does not take up much space, and thanks to the corner structure, it organizes a spacious storage system. If you increase standard dimensions corner cabinet then it can serve as a good wardrobe.

3. We increase the visual volume of the room

The doors of the sliding wardrobe with mirrors will provide an opportunity not only to correctly fit it along the wall, but also help to visually increase the area of ​​the room. Install the sliding wardrobe with mirrors so that the door gets into daylight, and the room will become visually wider and brighter.

Today there are many ways how to beat the doors of wardrobes. They can be made of MDF, veneer or glass, with any patterns, textures, finishes. The main thing is that the cabinet fits into the interior and does not visually load it.

If the room is small in size, and the closet occupies almost the entire wall, then give up the intricate design solution, photo printing on doors or from dark shades. Pick up a cabinet with facades light colors: this will make it look lighter and more unobtrusive. If you choose a glossy or matte lacquer finish, then the wardrobe will reflect daylight, and the room will become visually larger.

And, most importantly, of course, think over its internal content. How carefully you work out all the details will determine the order and inner beauty of your storage system.

We would like to thank Tatyana Skvortsova, head of the Deni-Art furniture and design studio, for advice on choosing sliding wardrobes.

Sliding wardrobes have won the love of customers for a long time. And it is difficult to overestimate their merits. A properly designed wardrobe will ergonomically and easily accommodate everything that you are planning to store in it; the wardrobe will transform the interior of the apartment and hide the flaws in the room: it will close the pipe, the niche, hide the curvature of the wall and help visually expand the room!

Choosing a wardrobe is a responsible event! The furniture market is full of huge amount proposals. How to choose a good wardrobe from this variety? The range of materials, colors, finishes and interior filling of the cabinet is so great that it can be difficult to decide.

So that you are satisfied with the result of the ordered product, do not go beyond the planned budget and do not lose sight of any important detail, we bring to your attention advice on choosing a wardrobe. We hope that they will help you when the question “How to choose a high-quality wardrobe?” Arises.

How to choose a material?

The choice of material for the wardrobe is, perhaps, one of the most important tasks that you will face. As a rule, the body and internal filling of wardrobes is made of chipboard or MDF panels of various thicknesses. The thickness of the cabinet panels, in order to avoid sagging, should be calculated based on the width of each specific span (shelf). This is a rather important question that is best left to professionals with experience in cabinet design.


Chipboard - chipboard, which is made by pressing wood particles under the influence of high temperatures with the addition of a binder. Typically, formaldehyde resins are used as the binder. The surfaces of the slabs are laminated, the edges are rolled onto the ends. And there are a lot of options for colors and finishes! Chipboard is the most popular material used for the production of wardrobes. In addition to such advantages as strength, lightness and ease of use, it is also much more budgetary than others. When buying a wardrobe, pay attention to the edge! Chipboard is afraid of moisture, but only if the edge is poorly laminated.


MDF - the abbreviation is a transliteration English name Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF). Literal translation "medium density fiberboard". This material is made from sawdust small fraction. During the manufacture of panels, wood raw materials are ground, then processed with steam under high pressure, is thoroughly dried and glued with paraffin and lingin. It should be noted that MDF is absolutely environmentally friendly and harmless to human health. MDF is very durable, resistant to moisture and hot steam. Accordingly, a wardrobe made of MDF will cost more than a similar wardrobe made of chipboard.

Determine the size:

After you have chosen the material for the wardrobe, you should think about the dimensions of the future wardrobe, namely, determine its height, width and depth, that is, choose the wardrobe in the size that you need.

How to choose a built-in wardrobe? In this case, the cabinet may be missing side walls, floor, ceiling and back wall. This significantly reduces the cost of the cabinet. However, all cabinet elements will be attached directly to the walls that confine your room. If you value the decoration of the walls, floor and ceiling, then you should choose a cabinet-type wardrobe. It should also be remembered that the built-in wardrobe cannot be moved to another place - it will be created exclusively for a specific niche or corner. While the cabinet wardrobe can be safely moved to any other place if necessary.

The height of the wardrobe is limited only by the height of the ceilings that your apartment has. However, if the ceiling is stretched, then the technological gap to the cabinet is required (at least 50 mm!). This will help to avoid damage and unnecessary costs.

We would like to draw your attention to such a thing as the depth of the cabinet. The size of 600 mm was chosen as the golden mean. With this depth of the cabinet, the clothes hanger bar will be placed in the usual way. Clothes will not wrinkle, and the wardrobe will be more than roomy. However, a way out of the situation can also be found here. If you are limited in depth by the size of the wall, then end hangers will be used. Moreover, you can use both stationary and sliding for the cabinet - it's up to you to decide.

Sliding wardrobe doors. Which ones to choose? The choice of profile for wardrobes:

The sliding wardrobe is characterized by just sliding doors... Unlike hinged facades for cabinets, they do not require additional space during use, thus allowing rational use of free space, which not every room can boast of. And the variety of materials that are used as inserts in the door makes it possible for the future cabinet to fit into any finished interior!

We must not forget about the safety of the wardrobe! Mirrors and glasses must be covered with a high-quality film, the purpose of which is to keep sharp fragments on itself in the event of a strong blow, from which no one is immune. The surface will be covered with cracks, but will not injure anyone who is near the cabinet at this moment.

The production of sliding wardrobes does not stand still, thanks to which we regularly offer you more and more sliding systems for wardrobes. In addition to the already familiar floor rolling doors, there are "hinged" sliding door systems. They imply the obligatory presence of a cabinet frame, since they are attached to the roof, which in turn must withstand the considerable weight of such doors. Their main advantage is that they do not take useful space inside the cabinet (floor rolling doors "take away" from the depth of the cabinet 100 mm) and completely hide the body behind them. It seems that the cabinet doors are literally "floating in the air"!

Also, when choosing doors for a wardrobe, you should pay attention to closers. An important detail that carries with it a comfortable use of the cabinet. Their presence will only allow you to gently push the door - the closer will do the rest, it will simply save your time.

Deserves special attention appearance sliding wardrobe doors. Mirrors in the cabinet doors will expand the space; decorative panels Make the interior "heavier" and make it deeper; glossy finish will accentuate the important touches of the room. Feel like a real artist! Divide your wardrobe vertically and horizontally, creating a unique design for your wardrobe! Can other furniture boast such an opportunity?

Internal filling for sliding wardrobes:

So, we choose the insides. In order to get a functional wardrobe, you need to carefully choose the content. It is necessary to make a list of things that you plan to store in this cabinet. Much will also depend on HOW exactly you are used to storing certain things in the closet.

High mezzanine shelves in the closet will hold large items of your everyday life. As a rule, these are the things that take up a lot of space, but are used from time to time: travel bags, Christmas tree, sports equipment, maybe even boxes of household appliances.

Wide open wardrobe shelves are perfect for bedding, blankets and pillows. While for piles of clothes, it is better to use narrower cells (so that things do not fall over). Optimal height shelves range from 280 mm to 320 mm. Drawers must be included in your wardrobe filling list. Linen, belts and ties will find their refuge in them. It is necessary to place the topmost drawer in the wardrobe at a height of 1000-1200 mm from the floor. Also, when designing the sliding cabinet elements, it should be remembered that their width should be less than the width of the sliding door, behind which they are hidden. Thus, you will not get into the "dead zone" of sliding doors, which is hidden behind their overlap, and you will fully use the wardrobe.

Clothes hanger bars should be installed in your closet so that you can reach them. The optimum height is 2100 mm from the floor. For long clothes (evening dresses, raincoats and fur coats), leave 1500-1600 mm, for short (shirts, jackets) 1000-1100 mm is enough. There are also so-called "pantographs" or simply elevators. This item can be installed in a wardrobe to the very ceiling and lowered using a lever to the desired position.

Retractable shoe racks installed in a wardrobe are suitable for those who do not deny themselves the pleasure of purchasing a large number of shoes and boots.

The lady of the house. An indispensable detail of the closet of a business man who values ​​his time and comfort, namely: trousers will not wrinkle and quickly find the ones you need in the closet will not be difficult.

Accessories for ties, belts and scarves complement interior decoration your closet.

Closet. Choosing a color:

So what color to choose a wardrobe? When choosing this parameter, you need to take into account the color of the furniture in the room where the wardrobe will stand (if any), and also take into account the decoration of the walls, floor and ceiling of the room. Decide what result you want to achieve: sharp contrast or laconic warm tones and smooth transitions? And then move confidently in the given direction.

How to choose a wardrobe for a hallway:

The closet will provide easy access to clothes and shoes that the family wears in the current season and will be a storage for outerwear and shoes from other seasons; several shelves and drawers, placed in the closet, will allow you to keep on hand shoe cleaners, bags, sunglasses and other small things we need. Mirrored doors installed in the wardrobe will expand the space, making the hallway noticeably larger and allow you to look at yourself from all sides before leaving the house. Thanks to such a wardrobe, there will always be order and space in your hallway.

How to choose a wardrobe for a living room:

The living room is rightfully considered the "face" of the house. The main task of the living room wardrobe is to hide what needs to be hidden from the guests' eyes. Open shelves and racks will help to emphasize the interior, on which you will place beautiful and pleasant accessories. The home library, hidden by sliding cabinet doors with transparent and translucent glass inserts, looks unusual and very impressive. And the latest trend in furniture fashion is the TV-zone hidden in the wardrobe.

How to choose a wardrobe for a bedroom:

A wardrobe for a bedroom should be roomy, but at the same time, it should not take up much space. This can be achieved at least visually by giving Special attention the choice of color for the wardrobe, giving preference to light colors and mirrors. You will get an uncluttered bedroom full of light and air. This will be the bedroom in which the rest is complete, and the atmosphere breathes with ease and homeliness.

How to choose a wardrobe for a nursery:

Involve your child in the design process! The sliding wardrobe, created with his participation, will be the subject of universal pride! Believe me, you will give yourself and him a lot of pleasure! Both the romantic princess and the little robber will surely be satisfied with the palette of colors and options for filling the cabinet; will feel responsible for the result and will use the product with pleasure and accuracy. Sliding wardrobe will easily complement

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