Karputina A.Yu. Educational Robotics

Decor elements 20.09.2019
Decor elements

How do you rate educational robotics iku in Russia and what awaits us in the next 5 years? We asked this question to the coaches, judges and participants of the All-Russian Robotics Olympiad. The most interesting responses are below.

Sergei Filippov, teacher of robotics FML 239, St. Petersburg, coach of winning teams of Russian and international competitions:

At the level of school robotics, I believe that we have accelerated development and we are entering the world level. Student - far behind - it is not one decade you have to work actively. And a strange situation will arise when motivated, talented and very experienced schoolchildren will come to universities. Not all of them will be able to provide enough intensive and interesting study and work.

Last year at WRO there was a rapid increase in the complexity of creative projects, and they were very interesting. This year, the trend is maintained, but it settles down a bit - there was no new breakthrough. Although there are quite a few interesting solutions, technology.

Federal tutor on robotics and high technologies in children's technoparks "Kvantorium":

I think that the generation of children that has grown up from, say, the level of LEGO, will now move to the next stage, more complex electronics, mechatronics and so on will be added. And I think that the future belongs to DIY robots - do it yourself - makers and other guys who will make robots as if from trash. We assembled our robot and wow.

Dinara Gagarina, Entertaining robotics, and Andrey Guryev, Quantorium

Alexander Kolotov, Innopolis University:

What happens next, one can only imagine. If we look at the trends on the Internet, what tasks are currently being solved by leading roboticists, research universities or are already being implemented in commercial projects, we can see that educational robotics at some point, it should begin to correspond to this level, that some specific step of preparation should be built. The tasks that the participants should set themselves, the trainers who train these participants, should become more difficult every year. Because if you say the well-worn phrase from “Through the Looking Glass”, that to stay in place, you need to run fast, and to get somewhere, you need to run twice as fast. Also now, if we want our schoolchildren, who are now engaged in robotics, to conditionally enter the university in 5 years, and in 5 years after the university they come to the enterprise, it turns out after 10 years, then they must solve problems that are not 30 years old that have lost their relevance, and the tasks that are relevant now, only then in 10 years they will be able to fit into the robotic structure that will be formed in 10 years, and it will be formed instantly. We know that 10 years ago cloud technologies, neural interfaces and neural networks were all some kind of fantasy, now the toolkit has stepped far ahead and some basic foundations, basic mathematics are already enough to begin to understand and get acquainted with it. Schoolchildren have basic mathematics. Mathematics, programming, physics are. Accordingly, they can learn not just to solve the problems of the day before yesterday, but at least yesterday or today. I see this development. This is not only in Russia, but all over the world. And we may be able to set the tone for what tasks schoolchildren can solve.

Our schoolchildren, it's no secret, traditionally like to solve challenging tasks, which are challenge. We are weak in bringing it to the end, i.e. we like the task, it motivates us, but when everything is already more or less clear, how everything should work, everything is lined up .... Plus, this is probably also a Russian trait - perfectionism is another problem when you want to get better and better all the time. You can stop…

Igor Lositsky, Saint Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics:

I assess the state well, because if compared with the world, then we have good results, judging by the results of the Olympiad, which means that the level of educational robotics is normal relative to the world average. Prospects… I don’t know… Somehow it all started very like this with some kind of pathos, with some expectations, and looking around, you can see that the same people are engaged, there are no more of them, the level sometimes grows, sometimes falls. Because there are very few prospects for children as roboticists in Russia. They still become either engineers or programmers in the end ... but I don’t know yet that this would be the same mass phenomenon that is in great demand in Russia just as, for example, as programming.

Maxim Vasiliev, RAOR :

If we compare, for example, with other countries, including neighboring ones, then the state of educational robotics in Russia is not bad. It is quite popular, it is supported at many levels - public, private, for example, the private Innopolis University holds a serious Olympiad. There are many movements where robotics begins to take its place, ranging from additional education to Quantoriums, robotics is taken into account when entering universities. The process is now proceeding by leaps and bounds. I think that everything is fine, if we talk about the prospects, it will be even better.

The complication will be in the sense that technologies are changing, things of a general technical nature are being added, including dipping into educational robotics. LEGO will release a new robotics kit, there will be some new technologies that are not currently in EV3 (which is now the most popular). Other manufacturers will catch up, which will also include this (maybe these are elements of technical vision). This is all, on the one hand, it will become more complicated, but nevertheless it will still be accessible to children.

At school, you don’t need to do educational robotics ... It’s completely out of place. The school has standard educational subjects that are extremely necessary and important: physics, chemistry, mathematics. It would be better if they returned astronomy, drawing ... Teachers do not need this. Especially to sit, collect these robots. They don't understand well, it's not in their interest. The computer science teacher studied computer science, mechanics is alien to him.

Dmitry Alekseev, CEO DNS company, Robotics Development Center in Vladivostok:

All is well with educational robotics. We are waiting for the development of robotics itself… The robots themselves will become more complex. I think that we will soon see problems in pattern recognition and technical vision within the framework of school competitions. Honestly, I think the next version of LEGO will support this. Well, if LEGO doesn't, we will.

Robotics in education

There are many important issues that no one wants to pay attention to until the situation becomes catastrophic.

One of such problems in Russia is its insufficient supply of engineering personnel. Increasingly, space rockets and satellites fall, man-made disasters occur due to insufficient professionalism of service personnel, developers and designers.

This is due, of course, to a number of reasons. However, everyone connected with the educational environment unanimously notes that in the past few years there has been a decrease in students' interest in the study of physics, mathematics, astronomy (which, by the way, was generally taken out of school course) and other exact sciences, and, as a result, a drop in the quality of education in general.

For example, A.M. Reiman, a senior researcher at the Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, believes: “I have a general feeling that education in the middle level is degrading, leading to a decrease in the number of high school students interested in studying ... Physics can and should be taught. And this should be done early, while the child's eyes are burning and a utilitarian approach to life has not developed. ... And they will also know something about modern science, and they will not be allowed to hang noodles ... "

Work to motivate children to engage in serious science should be started as early as possible, preferably at primary school! Where does such a conclusion come from? When questioning children about whether they want to engage in technical circles, the following picture emerged: in the ninth and older grades, there was practically no interest; of additional education are engaged in Lego design, radio electronics, programming. But the students fourth grade the interest was enormous. That is, if children under 11-12 years old did not touch technical creativity, then with age it is quite difficult to arouse their interest in this activity. Therefore, work on the propaedeutics of robotics, physics, familiarity with the beginnings of programming must be carried out in elementary school and fifth grade. As a result, in high school children will come who have decently developed design skills, algorithmic thinking is formed, and an interest in experimentation is instilled.

Thus, it is necessary to actively begin the awakening of interest in the exact sciences and the mass popularization of the profession of an engineer, and it is necessary to take such steps for children from a fairly early age. It is necessary to return to society a massive interest in scientific and technical creativity.

At present, there are a sufficient number educational technologies that contribute to the development critical thinking and problem solving skills, but in educational environments that inspire innovation through science, technology, mathematics, encourage creativity, analyze situations, apply theoretical knowledge to solve problems real world Today there is a certain deficit.

The most promising way in this direction is robotics, which makes it possible to acquaint children with science in a playful way. Robotics is effective method to study important areas of science, technology, design, mathematics and is part of a new international paradigm: STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics).

The organization of a robotics laboratory at a school or an additional education institution is:

  • introduction of modern scientific and practical technologies in the educational process;
  • promoting the development of children's scientific and technical creativity;
  • popularization of the profession of engineer and achievements in the field of robotics;
  • new forms of work with gifted children;
  • effective forms of work with problem children;
  • innovative learning opportunities;
  • game technologies in education;
  • popularization of science and technology professions.

In Russian educational programs, robotics acquires everything greater value. students Russian schools involved in the design and programming of robotic devices, using LEGO robots, industrial robots, special robots for the Russian Emergencies Ministry



Robotics in education

Merzlikina N.V.

Modern life is very difficult to imagine without the use of information technologies. The intensive transition to the informatization of society causes an ever deeper introduction of information technologies in various areas human activity. In November 2015, a meeting of the commission for the development of the information society in the Federation Council was held. One of the topics discussed at the meeting was the development of educational robotics.

Robotics is becoming increasingly important in Russian educational programs. Students of Russian schools are involved in the design and programming of robotic devices, using LEGO robots, industrial robots, special robots for the Russian Emergencies Ministry.

Robotics is an applied science dealing with the development of automated technical systems. It is based on such disciplines as electronics, mechanics, programming. Robotics is one of major areas scientific and technical progress, in which the problems of mechanics and new technologies come into contact with the problems of artificial intelligence.

Educational Roboticsis a tool that lays a solid foundation for systems thinking, the integration of computer science, mathematics, physics, drawing, technology, natural sciences with the development of engineering creativity.

Technology implementationeducational roboticsin the educational process contributes to the formation of personal, regulatory, communicative and cognitive universal educational activities, which are an important component of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Today, there are different points of view on the issue of educational robotics. Here is how this question is revealed by Arkady Semenovich Yushchenko - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman: “A roboticist is someone who can combine mechanical, power, computer parts (and the work of these specialists) together. But when I come across robotics at school, for me it's just a kind of developing educational equipment, which is used to improve the student's knowledge school curriculum and gain the necessary additional skills.

Vladislav Nikolayevich Khalamov, Director of the Educational and Methodological Center for Educational Robotics: “Robotics is a universal tool for general education. Robotics fits perfectly into additional education, and in extracurricular activities, and in the teaching of subjects of the school curriculum, and in strict accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. It is suitable for all ages from preschoolers to students. And the use of robotic equipment in the classroom is both learning and technical creativity at the same time, which contributes to the education of active, enthusiastic people who have engineering and design thinking.”

Until the 60s of the last century, robotics was treated exclusively as an invention of science fiction writers, which was undoubtedly facilitated by the fact that the term “robot” itself was coined by Karel Capek and his brother Josef (the term was first used in the play by K. Capek Rossum's Universal Robots, 1921).

The engineering and technical orientation of the use of educational robotics is a brilliant opportunity for a child to demonstrate their knowledge in the field of engineering and technical thought by quickly (mobile) creating constructors using simple and complex engineering mechanisms and technical solutions. Currently, various robotic systems are used in education, for example, LEGO Education, FischerTechnik, Mechatronics Control Kit, Festo Didactic and others.

One of the important aspects of stimulating children to independent development of creative mental activity and maintaining interest in technical education is their participation in competitions, olympiads, conferences and festivals of a technical nature. Exists whole system robotics competitions different levels: regional, interregional, all-Russian, international.

Educational robotics has recently been developing at the speed of light, being introduced into all spheres of life, like computers in the 80s of the last century. Today, educational robotics makes it possible at an early stage to identify the technical inclinations of students and develop them in this direction. This understanding of robotics allows us to build a model of continuous learning for all ages - from pupils kindergarten to students. One of the important features of working with educational robotics should becreation of a continuous system- robotics should work for the development of technical creativity, the education of a future engineer, from kindergarten to the moment of obtaining a profession and even entering production.

Educational Robotics

Podlesnykh Elena Viktorovna


MBOU secondary school №17

City of Novy Urengoy

I. Introduction.

Modern life is very difficult to imagine without the use of information technology. The intensive transition to the informatization of society causes an ever deeper introduction of information technologies in various areas of human activity.

Introduction of new state standards general education

involves the development of innovative pedagogical technologies. the most important distinctive feature standards of the new generation is their focus on the results of education, and they are considered on the basis of a system-activity approach. The activity appears as external condition development of the child's cognitive processes. This means that in order for the child to develop, it is necessary to organize his activities. This means that the educational task is to organize the conditions that provoke children's action.

Such a learning strategy is easy to implement in the LEGO educational environment, which combines specially designed LEGO sets for group activities, a carefully designed system of tasks for children and a clearly articulated educational concept.

Robotics is becoming increasingly important in Russian educational programs. Students of Russian schools are involved in the design and programming of robotic devices, using LEGO robots, industrial robots, special robots for the Russian Emergencies Ministry.

II. Relevance. Mankind is in dire need of robots that can put out fires without the help of an operator, move independently on previously unknown, real rough terrain, and perform rescue operations during natural Disasters, accidents nuclear power plants in the fight against terrorism. There was a need for mobile robots designed to meet the everyday needs of people. And now in modern production and industry, specialists with knowledge in this area are in demand. Therefore, educational robotics is becoming increasingly important and relevant at the present time.

III. Problem.

The problem was before me: how to provide effective learning robotics course and practical use in educational process?

IV. Goals:

  1. Attracting the attention of gifted children to the sphere of high technologies and innovative activities;
  2. Popularization of scientific and technical creativity and robotics;
  3. Formation of competencies in the field of technical production using robotic systems;

V. Tasks:

  1. Creation of a circle on robotics and scientific and technical creativity.
  2. Development of a methodology for teaching the basics of robotics and scientific and technical creativity.
  3. Development of an educational and competitive platform.
  4. Implementation of robotics in the lessons of the educational program.

Of course, in my work programs, I always highlight the educational aspect in teaching the course. When preparing for each lesson, I try to think over educational tasks.

VI. Novelty.

The novelty of the concept lies in the fact that the Constructor and software It provides an excellent opportunity for a child to learn own experience. Such knowledge makes children want to move on the path of discovery and research, and any recognized and appreciated success adds self-confidence. Learning is successful when the child is involved in the process of creating a meaningful and meaningful product that is of interest to him. It is important that in this case the child himself builds his knowledge, and the teacher only advises him.

VII. Theoretical aspects.

Robotics is an applied science that deals with the development of automated technical systems. It is based on such disciplines as electronics, mechanics, programming.

Robotics is one of the most important areas of scientific and technological progress, in which the problems of mechanics and new technologies come into contact with the problems of artificial intelligence.

Constructors LEGO Mindstorms enable the organization of learning activities various subjects and conduct integrated and meta-subject classes. With these kits, you can organize highly motivated learning activities in spatial design, modeling and automatic control. And the teacher can create such conditions that the student wants to set up his own experiment.

Lego robots provide great opportunities for conducting computer science lessons on topics related to programming. The Lego programming environment allows you to visually design programs for robots, i.e. allow the child to literally “touch hands” the abstract concepts of computer science. The design of robots remains outside the scope of the computer science lesson: children only program different behavior already. assembled robots equipped with the necessary sensors and instruments. This allows students to focus on the problems of information processing by programmable executors, which are solved in the informatics course.

VIII. Teaching methods:

In my work I use explanatory and illustrative, heuristic, problematic, programmed, reproductive, partially search, search methods learning, as well as the method of problem presentation.

And yet, the main thing in the study of robotics is the method of projects.

The project method is understood as the technology of organizing educational situations in which students set and solve their own problems, and the technology of supporting the student's independent activity.

The main stages of the development of the Lego project:

  1. Designation of the theme of the project.
  2. Purpose and objectives of the presented project.
  3. Development of a mechanism based on the Lego model NXT.
  4. Drawing up a program for the operation of the mechanism in the Lego Mindstorms environment.
  5. Model testing, elimination of defects and malfunctions.

When developing and debugging projects, students share their experience with each other, which has a very effective effect on the development of cognitive, creative skills, as well as student independence. Thus, it can be seen that Lego allows students to make their own decisions, taking into account the surrounding features and the presence of auxiliary materials. And, importantly, the ability to coordinate one's actions with others, i.e. - work in a team.

IX. Results of the introduction of the robotics course into the educational process.

  1. Lego allows students to:
  • study together within the same team;
  • distribute responsibilities in your team;
  • show increased attention to the culture and ethics of communication;
  • show a creative approach to solving the problem;
  • create models of real objects and processes;
  • see the real results of your work.
  1. Created working programm mug "Lego design and the basics of robotics Mindstorms NXT" for a year of study. Methodological support of classes is being developed: class notes and presentations for them.
  2. The topics of the course "Informatics and ICT" are determined, on which it is possible to include robotics in the educational process. Thematic planning of topics has been adjusted. Are being developed teaching materials for their teaching.
  3. As a result of the training, students were able to show their achievements at the city, regional and all-Russian level. Pugach Nikita became the winner of the city conference "Step into the Future", and Repka Artem became its winner. The Alpha-X team (Yaroslava Chernikova and Nikolay Pishnenko) took 1st place in the city robotics competition in the Kegelring nomination. And the NXT.exe team (Roman Volovatov and Vladislav Ryazanov) took 1st place in the Line Following nomination and 2nd place in the Kegelring nomination. Repka Artem and Pugach Nikita became participants in the district competition for young innovators and inventors "From conception to implementation." In the 2012-2013 academic year, the NXT.exe team (Vladislav Ryazanov, Yury Tatarchuk, Artem Repka, Andrey Morgunov) took part in the District Assembly of Young Inventors in Nadym. According to the results of the work, the NXT.exe team received a grandee of the third degree. There are also awards at the All-Russian level: Repka Artem took 2nd place in the All-Russian competition of scientific and technical creativity " Young technicians– the future of innovative Russia”. The achieved results show that the guys like to engage in designing, programming, and they are ready to continue mastering such a new, modern, demanded area as robotics.
  4. Summing up the results of the introduction of the course into the educational space of the school, we can say what entailed:
  • Improving the quality of education and student interest in the subject;
  • Formation of new models learning activities using ICT;
  • Formation of information competence;
  • New forms of work with gifted children;
  • Innovative specialized training;
  • Application gaming technologies in training;
  • Modern ICT technologies in additional education;
  • An effective form of work with problem children;
  • Development of the creative potential of students;
  • Promotion of the profession engineer (designer).
  • Creation of conditions that allow to realize the abilities and interests of students;


Attracting schoolchildren to research in the field of robotics, exchange technical information and initial engineering knowledge, the development of new scientific and technical ideas will create the necessary conditions for the high quality of education, through the use of new pedagogical approaches in the educational process and the use of new information and communication technologies.

Summing up, we can say that the direction of "Educational Robotics" has great development prospects.

A roboticist is an engineer, programmer and cybernetician at the same time, he must have knowledge in the field of mechanics, design theory and control automatic systems. Therefore, to become a qualified specialist in this field, you need to have tremendous knowledge and practical skills in various fields.

The most demanded specialties of the future related to robotics

Robotics engineers are engaged in the creation of robots. Based on the goals of the project, they think over the electronic filling, the mechanics of movement, program the car for certain actions. Moreover, the work on creating a robot is usually carried out by a whole team of developers.

However, it is not enough to create innovative automated equipment, it is necessary to manage its work, carry out regular inspection and repair. This is usually done by maintenance personnel.

In addition, robotics is constantly evolving. Cybernetics begins to flourish, which involves a combination of bio- and nanotechnologies. Qualified specialists in this field are regularly engaged in research and make revolutionary discoveries.

In robotics, there are 7 popular specialties:

1. Electronics Engineer - Designs robotics, repairs equipment, and ensures reliability electronic elements management.

2. Service engineer - deals with maintenance and repair of robotics, performs diagnostics of equipment, and also provides training and consultations for operators who will control robots.

3. Electrical engineer - a universal specialist in electronic devices, which is responsible for the correct generation, conversion and formation of electrical signals, and also ensures the implementation of many other processes. Must have extensive knowledge of physics, mathematics and chemistry.

4. Robotics programmer - develops software for robots, according to their purpose. Also participates in service maintenance, launches and debugs innovative mechanisms.

5. 3D modeling specialist - combines the skills of a visualizer and a modeler. The responsibilities of a specialist include the development of three-dimensional models of robotics.

6. Application developer - is engaged in the creation of functional applications for remote control robotics.

7. A teacher of the specialty "Robotics" - can train schoolchildren, students of specialized universities, teach at advanced or preparatory courses, conduct advanced training courses, participate in seminars and lectures.

Where is robotics taught in Russia?

Universities that train specialists in robotics:

1. Moscow Technological University (MIREA, MGUPI, MITHT) – www.mirea.ru

2. Moscow State Technological University "Stankin" - www.stankin.ru

3. Moscow State Technical University. N. E. Bauman - www.bmstu.ru

4. National research university MPEI - mpei.ru

5. Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology - sk.ru

5. Moscow State University means of communication of Emperor Nicholas II – www.miit.ru

6. Moscow State University food production– www.mgupp.ru

7. Moscow State Forest University – www.mgul.ac.ru

Distance courses:

The first Russian university to launch online courses in robotics. On the this moment students and high school students can enroll in two streams: "Practical Robotics" and "Fundamentals of Robotics".

2. Educational project "Lectorium" - www.lektorium.tv

Conducts online courses on the basics of robotics for high school students, students and professionals.

3. Educational program Intel – www.intel.ru

Clubs and circles for teenagers:

Innopolis University launched a school education program in three regions of Russia.

2. Club "ROBOTREK" in Saratov - robotics-saratov.rf

3. "League of Robots" in Moscow - obraz.pro

4. Edu Craft Training Center in Moscow – www.edu-craft.ru

5. My Robot clubs in St. Petersburg - hunarobo.ru

6. Academy of Robotics in Krasnodar - www.roboticsacademy.ru

7. Robotics Laboratory of the Moscow Polytechnic Museum – www.roboticsacademy.ru

A complete list of circles and clubs in all cities of Russia can be found on the website: edurobots.ru.

Thus, people of any age and specialty have the opportunity to as soon as possible master the skills of creating automated systems. Almost all training courses issue a certificate confirming the fact that the student has acquired theoretical and practical knowledge in the development of robotics.

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