Educational robotics in Russia: the state and prospects of the eyes of teachers. Children's interest in learning

The buildings 20.09.2019
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Robotics in school is great way To prepare children to modern lifefilled with high technologies. It is necessary, since our life is simply replete with various high-tech techniques. Her knowledge opens up a lot of opportunities to the younger generation and will do further development Technologies faster.

Back in 1980, the Logo Seymour Peyper, which is the founder of the programming language, in his book offered to apply computers to teach children. The launder in his sentence was based on the natural curiousness of children and means for its satisfaction. After all, each child is an architect, independently building the structure of his own intelligence, and as you have already guessed, with any architect you need material, with the help of which everything is being erected. And it is environment And it is the material. And the more these materials, the more the child will be able to reach.

1. Why do I need robotic courses for children?

It is worth paying attention to the fact that in everyday life at home, at school, in public institutions Children surround a wide variety of technical devices and devices:

  • A computer;
  • Television;
  • Automatic washing machine;
  • Tablet PCs;
  • Smartphones, phones and more.

For children, as for many adults, all these devices are absolutely unexplored objects, that is, everyone knows what it is necessary or another device, as well as how to use it, but the principle of work is known only to a little. From here comes the question, or whether it is necessary to know? The answer is, of course, first in order to protect yourself, as well as extend the validity of the device used.

Also, many may have a question, and where is the robotics? In order to get the answer, it is worth understanding what a robot is. This is an automated mechanism that has a program for performing a function or another. In other words ordinary washing machine The machine can be called a robot, which is programmed for washing, rinsing and squeezing linen, and for this, various modes are provided.

The program of robotics at school allows children closer to learn about the principles of operation of such devices. This will make children more mobile, prepared for the introduction of various innovations in everyday life. At the same time they will be able to be technically more competent. In the theoretical aspect of this issue, such objects as physics, mathematics, informatics, chemistry and biology help children. But the synthesizer of such sciences, which is able to develop the technical level of literacy of the younger generation, through scientific and practical research and creative projects is working programm By robotics in school.

1.1. Children's interest in learning

It is worth noting that due to the curiosity of children, robotics courses in schools are quite capable of becoming the most interesting method knowledge and study not only digital technologies and programming, but also around the world, and even yourself.

At the same time feature this subject lies in the fact that children are constantly faced with various techniques Not only at school, but also at home, as well as in everyday life. It significantly enhances interest in gaining knowledge and allows you to easily and quickly assimilate information.

1.2. Main problems of robotics programs in school

With the introduction of robotics courses in the school curriculum in the educational process, we are confronted with two main problems:

  • Insufficient level of methodical materials;
  • High cost of one unit of the robotic designer. It should be noted that foreign developments are used in the overwhelming majority.

On the this moment In robotics programs, various special robotic complexes, such as Mechatronics Sntrol Kit, Festo Didasti, Lego MindstoRMS and so on. However, it is possible to distinguish the complexes using the greatest distribution in Russia. These include the following:

  • LEGO MINDSTORMS. This is a special new generation designer, which was represented by LEGO in 2006. The brain of the robotics designer is a microcomputer Lego. Various sensors are connected to its ports, as well as actuators (mechanisms). Depending on the fantasy of the constructor, the robot can be collected in the form of a person, cars, animal, and so on. In this case, the constructed mechanism is capable of performing various functions. In order to set the robot, behavior must be written the program. This can be done both with the help of a microcomputer, which contains keys or by means of special software on PC.
  • Designer Fischertechnik. This designer is developing. It is suitable for both children and teenagers and students. This constructor allows you to create a wide variety of robots and ask them programs using a computer.
  • Scratch Board.
  • Arduino.
  • Designers skirt. Such modules are equipped with a microprocessor, as well as sensor sets.

All these modules have a sufficiently high cost, which makes them less accessible. However, at the same time, they are able to actively develop children in all directions of related robotics - thinking, logic, algorithmic and computational abilities, as well as research skills and, most importantly, technical literacy.

2. Educational robotics in elementary school

Given the above problems, at the moment the program of robotics in the school is still not available everywhere. However, even without use special technique, designers and real robots in school programs on computer science and ICT should begin to study the introduction in robotics. This will allow the closer to introduce students with the subject, and will also help in further steps In this area of \u200b\u200bknowledge. At the same time, just two classes are enough, after which children will be able to independently engage in robotics.

The foundations of robotics for children in elementary school will make it possible to understand the disciples, what is a robot and the principle of his work. Also, children will be interested to know that the concept of "robot" was invented by the writer by the science fictional Karel Chapec in the distant 1920. These are the foundations of robotics, allowing to plunge into the world of full of amazing inventions and high technologies, which instantly excite in children a huge interest in this science.

In addition, the foundations of robotics will help children who chose the way of studying robots, in further teaching.

Technologies do not stand still, they are constantly evolving, and it is possible that it is your child or a student who constructs a nanorobot that can treat the most difficult diseases. The program of robotics at school is a huge step towards the technologies of the future, to the development and perfection of technologies.

3. Master class on robotics: video

In Russian educational programs Robotics acquires everything more important. Students russian schools involved in the design and programming of robotic devices, with the use of lego robots, industrial robots, special robots for EMERCOM of Russia



Robotics in education

Merzlikina N.V.

Modern life is very difficult to submit without use information technologies. The intensive transition to the informatization of society is determined by increasingly deep introduction of information technologies in various areas human activity. In November 2015, a meeting of the Commission on the Development of the Information Society in the Federation Council was held. One of those considered at the meeting topics was the development of educational robotics.

In Russian educational programs, robotics is becoming increasingly important. Russian school students are involved in the design and programming of robotic devices, with the use of lego robots, industrial robots, special robots for EMERCOM of Russia.

Robotics - This is an applied science engaged in the development of automated technical Systems. It relies on such disciplines as electronics, mechanics, programming. Robotics is one of of the most important areas scientific and technical Progress in which the problems of mechanics and new technologies come into contact with the problems of artificial intelligence.

Educational robotics - This is a tool laying the robust basics of systemic thinking, integration of computer science, mathematics, physics, drawing, technology, natural sciences with the development of engineering creativity.

Technology implementationeducational robotics The educational process contributes to the formation of personal, regulatory, communicative and cognitive universal educational actions, which are an important component of GEF.

To date, there are different points of view on the issue of educational robotics. This is how this question reveals Arkady Semenovich Yushchenko - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, head of the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman: "Robotics is the one who can combine the mechanical, power, computer part (and the work of these specialists) together. But when I come across robotics in school, for me it's just a kind of educational educational equipmentwhich is used to make a schoolboy better to learn knowledge school program And get the necessary additional skills. "

Vladislav Nikolaevich Khalaov, director of the educational and methodological center of educational robotics: "Robotics - a universal tool for general education. Robotics perfectly fits in additional education, and in extracurricular activities, and in teaching the items of the school program, and in a clear compliance with the requirements of GEF. It is suitable for all ages - from preschoolers to students. And the use of robotic equipment in the lessons is training, and technical creativity at the same time, which contributes to the upbringing of active people who are enthusiastic people who have engineering thinking. "

Until the 60s of the last century, the robotics was treated exclusively as fiction writers, which, undoubtedly, contributed to the fact that the term "robot" was invented by Karel Chapec and his brother Josef (the term was first used in the play K. Chapeca "Rossum universal robots", 1921).

The engineering and technical focus of the use of educational robotics serves as a brilliant opportunity to the child to show their knowledge in the field of engineering and technical thought by quickly (mobile) creating designers using simple and complex engineering mechanisms and technical solutions. Currently, various robotic complexes are used in education, such as LEGO Education, Fischertechnik, Mechatronics Control Kit, Festo Didactic and others.

One of the important aspects of stimulating children to the independent development of creative mental activity and maintaining interest in technical training is their participation in competitions, competitions, conferences and technical orientation festivals. Exists whole system Competitions on robotics of different levels: Regional, interregional, All-Russian, international.

Educational robotics recently develops at the speed of light, is introduced into all spheres of life as computers in the 80s of the last century. Today educational robotics It makes it possible in the early steps to identify the technical inclinations of students and develop them in this direction. Such an understanding of robotics allows you to build a model of continuity learning for all ages - from pupils kindergarten Students. One of the important features of working with educational robotics should becreating a continuous system- Robotics should work on the development of technical creativity, upbringing the future engineer, starting from the kindergarten until the time of receipt of the profession and even access to production.

How do you evaluate educational robototechnoiku in Russia and what awaits us in the next 5 years? We asked such a question to coaches, judges and participants of the All-Russian Robototechnical Olympiad. The most interesting answers below.

Sergey Filippov,teacher Robotics FML 239, St. Petersburg, coach of team winning teams of Russian and international competitions:

At the level of school robotics, I believe that we have accelerated development and we enter the global level. Student is lagging behind - this is not one decade to work actively. And there will be a strange situation when motivated, talented and very experienced schoolchildren will come to universities. Not everyone will be able to provide enough intensive and interesting studies and work.

Last year, a rapid leap of the complication of creative projects was observed at VRO, and they were very interesting. This year, the trend is supported, but it is a little setting - there was no new jerk. Although they are offered pretty interesting solutions, technologies.

Federal tutor on robotics and high technologies in children's technopark "Kwancer":

I think that the generation of children who has grown, say, from the Lego level, will now go to the next stage, more complex electronics, mechatronics and so on will be added. And I think that the future for DIY robots - do it yourself - makers and other guys who will make robots as if from the rubble. Gathered their robot and wow.

Dinara Gagarin, entertaining robotics, and Andrei Guriev, Quantorrium

Alexander Kolotov,University of Innopolis:

About what will happen next is possible only to fantasize. If we look at the Trends on the Internet, what tasks are now solved by leading robotics, universities research or already implemented in commercial projects, it can be seen that the educational robotics at some point should begin to meet this level that some kind of certain step of preparation should be built . The tasks that participants must be set in front of themselves, coaches who prepare these participants, should more complicate each year. Because, if you speak beaten enough phrase from "Alice in the Looking Game", to stay in place, you need to quickly run, and to get somewhere, you need to run two times faster. Also, if we want our schoolchildren who are now engaged in robotics, after 5 years have come to the university, and 5 years after the university came to the enterprise, it turns out in 10 years, then they should task not to solve 30 years ago who have lost the relevance, and the tasks that are currently relevant, only then after 10 years they will be able to get out of that robotic structure that will be formed in 10 years, and it will be formed instantly. We know that 10 years ago cloud technologies, neurointerfaces and neural grids - it was all some kind of fantasy, now the toolkit stepped far ahead and some basic foundations, basic mathematics, is enough to start understanding and get acquainted with this. Basic mathematics have schoolchildren. Mathematics, programming, physics is. Accordingly, they can learn not to simply solve the tasks of the day before yesterday, and at least yesterday or today. I see the development of this. This is not only in Russia, but also around the world. And we may have to ask the tone, which tasks can solve schoolchildren.

Our schoolchildren, it's not a secret, traditionally like to solve complex tasks, that are challenge.. We are weak in bringing to the end, i.e. We like the task, she motivates us, but when more or less everything is clear how everything should work, everything is built .... Plus, probably, this is also a trait - perfectionism is another problem when I want to better and better. You can stay ...

Igor Lositsky, Saint Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics:

I am well evaluated, because, if you compare with the world, then we have good results, judging by the results of the Olympiad, it means that the level of educational robotics is normal about the medium-level. Prospects ... I do not know ... somehow it started very much with some pathos, with some expectations, but, looking around, you can see that they do the same people, they don't get them anymore, the level is sometimes growing, Sometimes falls. Because the prospects for children, like robotics, very little in Russia. They still become either engineers or programmers in the end ... but I still do not know that it was the same massive phenomenon that is so much in demand in Russia, for example, as programming.

Maxim Vasilyev,Roor. :

If you compare, for example, with other countries, including nearby, the condition of educational robotics in Russia is not bad. It is popular enough, it is supported in very many levels - public, private, for example, Innopolis's private university conducts a serious Olympiad. Many movements where robotics, begins to occupy, ranging from questioning to quantoriums, robotics is taken into account when entering universities. The process is now quite seven-mile steps. I think that everything is fine, if we talk about the prospects, it will be even better.

The complication will be in the sense that technologies are changing, the things of the general technical plan are added, including descending into educational robotics. LEGO will release a new set of robotics, there will be some new technologies that are not in EV3 now (which is now the most popular). Other manufacturers will be tightened, which will also turn on (maybe these are elements of technical vision). It's all, on the one hand complicated, but nevertheless it will still be available to children.

At school, you do not need to engage in educational robotics ... not at all right. The school has standard educational items that are extremely needed and important: physics, chemistry, mathematics. It would be better to returned astronomy, drawing ... it is not necessary for teachers. Especially sitting, collecting these robots. They understand well, it is not in their interests. Computer science teacher studied for informatics, he is alien to him.

Dmitry Alekseev, cEO DNS, Robotics Development Center in Vladivostok:

Everything is fine with educational robotics. We are waiting for the development of robotics in itself ... The robots themselves will be more complicated. I think that we will soon see as part of the school competitions for the recognition of images, technical vision. Honestly, I think the next version of LEGO will support it. Well, if LEGO does not do, we will do.

This material was written by Khalamov Vladislav Nikolayevich, at his request, publish this post.

Dear Colleagues!
You refers to the director of the educational and methodological center of educational robotics. Our center unites teachers of pre-school, total, additional, vocational education, managers of resource centers for robotics, which lead scientific and methodological developments in the application of educational robotics in the objective environment.
As a specialist standing at the origins of educational robotics in November 2015, I was invited to a meeting of the Commission for the Development of the Information Society in the Federation Council. One of those considered at the meeting topics was the development of educational robotics. Despite the popularity of this area, there were many questions that have yet to be solved. In my article I made an attempt to consider them from the point of view of the professional community of teachers.

We want to find out the opinion of teachers, scientists and all who are interested in educational robotics about the issues discussed at the meeting of the Committee of the Federation, and invite them to dialogue and exchange experience.

Sincerely, Vladislav Nikolaevich Khalaov
Tel: +79823419526

What is educational robotics? Opinions of experts Commission of the Federation Council

The Council offection held a meeting of the Commission for the Development of the Information Society.
Representatives of the regions, universities, ministries and science of the Russian Federation, the Robotics Foundation, other interested structures were invited to the meeting of the Commission.
Three questions were put on the agenda:

So what is the "educational robotics"?
How does it differ from ordinary robotics?

This question was fully revealed by Arkady Semenovich Yushchenko - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, head of the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman. He told that robotics engaged in many years.

For me, the robot consists of several parts, each of which serves the relevant experts whom we have always prepared. For example, a mechanical part - mechanics, power part - electricians, computer part - electronics and programmers. And robotics is the one who can connect all these parts (and the work of these specialists) together. But when I come across robotics at school, for me it is just a form of educational equipment that is used to better learn the knowledge of the school program and get the necessary additional skills.

As a specialist standing at the origins of educational robotics, who knows this question from the inside, can not disagree from this point of view.
From myself I want to note that robotics is not a certain abstract object from the "highest" technologies available for understanding and developing only chosen how often we are trying to submit it. On the contrary, it is a universal tool for general education. Robotics perfectly fits in additional education, and in extracurricular activities, and in teaching the items of the school program, and in a clear compliance with the requirements of GEF. It is suitable for all ages - from preschoolers to students.

And the use of robotics equipment in the lessons is training, and technical creativity at the same time, which contributes to the upbringing of active, people who are involved in their work with engineering-designer thinking.

Educational robotics makes it possible in the early steps to identify the technical inclinations of students and develop them in this direction.

Such an understanding of robotics allows you to build a model of continuity learning for all ages - from pupils of kindergarten to students.

Such continuity becomes vital as part of solving the tasks of training engineering personnel. Indeed, according to teachers and sociologists, a child who did not meet the foundations of design activities up to 7-8 years old - in most cases will not connect its future profession with the technique.

However, the implementation of the technological formation model requires the corresponding techniques. And each of them must fit their age.

My many years of experience practical work with teams of professionals in the field of pre-school, general, professional and additional education allowed to build holistic educational systembased on the principles of continuity and educational training.

For preschoolers, it is propaedeutics, training for school, taking into account the requirements of GEF. This is a kind of preparatory course to classes by technical creativity in school age. The basis of any creativity is children's immediacy. Adults know how it is impossible, as correct. With such installations there is no creativity. It is important for us to start classes at that age in which the child has not yet managed to explain why it is impossible. Children feel the need to create much sharper adults and it is important to encourage this need by all means. Psychologists and teachers have long known that the technical work of children improves spatial thinking and helps a lot in the future when mastering geometry and engineering. Not to mention the fact that against the background of such interesting video games and smartphones lose their attractiveness in children's eyes.

Work at school aims to form a student's interest in research physical properties Objects, various phenomena of the surrounding world, in obtaining technical education.

Combine theory and practice is possible if you use educational robotics when studying various items.
IN primary grades Educational robotics successfully can be used in the lessons of the surrounding world, mathematics, technology, which will ensure a significant impact on the development of speech and cognitive processes (sensory development, development of thinking, attention, memory, imagination), as well as emotional sphere and creative abilities.

In the middle and older school, students are not only and not so much deal with robotics, as they use, as a certain interactive element, with which theoretical knowledge is easily fixed in practice. Educational robotics can be used both in mathematics lessons, computer science, physics and technologies and chemistry, astronomy, biology, ecology.

The educational and methodological center of Roor has developed laboratory workshops in physics, computer science, technology for students of grades 6-9, which will allow to consolidate the material through natural disciplines and obtain additional knowledge of certain topics.
The laboratory workshop includes a collection of practical tasks and guidelines For teachers.

Turning to a step of vocational education, a schoolboy thanks to educational robotics, as a rule, has already made his professional choice. Embedding robotics into the educational process of vocational education institutions helps a teenager not just to develop technical inclinations in this stage, at this stage there is an understanding of the essence of the chosen profession. Robotics allows you to realize professional knowledge through modeling, designing and programming, examples of this practice are presented on the portal of educational robotics www.FGOS-game.

For a number of specialties, standard modules have been developed for the methodological center of Roor: "Digital Technologies", "Robotics", "Radioelectronics".

The main goal at the level of vocational education is to ensure the interaction of education, science and production.
As for the organization of out-of-school or, so-called, informal education, then the educational robotics takes a worthy place. Schoolchildren can engage in creative associations, at electives, attend classes based on additional education institutions. Work forms can be diverse: general collaborating classes for guys primary and middle; Design research activities in scientific societies for high school students, and much more.

The organization of robotics associations allows you to solve a whole range of tasks, including attracting children of risk group, creating conditions for a self-expression of a teenager, creating a success situation for all children, because robotics is also a way to leisure children and adolescents using modern information technologies.

In addition, due to the use of educational designers, we can identify gifted children, stimulate their interest and develop the skills of practical solutions to current educational tasks.

One of the important aspects of stimulating children to the independent development of creative mental activity and maintaining interest in technical work is their participation in competitions, competitions, conferences and technical orientation festivals.
There is a whole system of competitions in robotics of different levels: regional, interregional, All-Russian, international.
For the orientation of children to the real sector of the economy, in order to upbringing future workers, a unique line of IKAR competitions (engineering staff of Russia) for children and adolescents has been created. The smallest participants of the competition are 4-5 years old.
Such competitions differ from other competitive events for several parameters:

Entertainment: The child sees the positive work of his peers, advanced engineering and technical achievements, new solutions in the field of robotics. And not an achievement in general, but related to specific production.
Competition: Allows you to identify the most trained team, able to quickly solve the task supplied by the coach (organizer).
Azarity: the desire of children to leadership, the rapid solution of the task, as it is impossible to be better manifested during robotics competitions.

And most importantly - they are not tied to a specific design or manufacturer. In our competitions, you can use robots collected from any designers or from individual parts.
The meeting of the Commission in the Council of the Federation confirmed that it was time to put new tasks, allowing to develop robotics not dotted, and systemically. Only so you can educate the prepared engineering staff, ranging from dating with Loego cubes in kindergarten before receiving the profession and necessary competencies.

Educational and methodical center of educational robotics Raor has great experience Work in the development of educational robotics. The center is already today prepared unique methodical manualsdesigned for children of different ages. They take into account the relationship of kindergarten and elementary school, general and additional education, medium, senior school and medium and higher education programs.

The teachers have developed a set of educational and methodological literature, which includes: programs, abstracts of classes, handouts. Teachers willingly share their efforts to introduce "educational robotics".
Dear colleagues and like-minded people! All who is interested in educational robotics, and the issues discussed at the meeting of the Committee of the Federation, I invite you to discuss and exchange experiences. My personal mail.

Robotics in Russia recently develops intensively. Due to what is increasing attention is paid to the use of high-tech technologies and equipment with high levels automation and robotization.

For the transition to new technologies, a personnel training system is needed for an innovative economy (schoolboy - a working - a certified specialist) on modern approaches and motivation.

Currently, large-scale robotization occurs various spheres human life: mechanical engineering, medicine, space industry, etc. Industrial robots have become an integral part of many areas of production.

Educational robotics today is gaining popularity in schools and circles of additional education. Pupils are involved in the educational process due to the creation of models - robots, design and programming of robotics devices and participate in robotic competitions, competitions, competitions, conferences.

Educational robotics - part of engineering education. Now it is necessary to actively begin the popularization of the engineer's profession already starting from school. Children need samples for imitation in the field of engineering activities. Robotics develops students in advanced development, relying on computer science, mathematics, technology, physics, chemistry. Robotics involves the development of educational learning and cognitive competence.

Educational robotics is a curriculum based on the use of robots for teaching purposes. In it, students are involved and motivated by independent simulation and design of models (objects that are similar or completely identical to real objects characteristics). These models are created using different materials and controlled by a computer software system called a prototype or simulation.

In a survey conducted among 11-13-year-olds, it was found that children would rather prefer to get into the room, eat the soup, go to the dentist, endure the garbage than to make mathematics. How is the visible lack of motivation to the study of mathematics affect the performance? Unfortunately, the lack of motivation negatively affects productivity in mathematical, scientific, technological and engineering (STEM) regions; regions, vital for national global competitiveness, innovation, economic growth and productivity.

For this purpose, the demand for STEM-related education and courses for workers from the technical to the doctoral level of education are increasing. STEM Education and courses can at exit to increase the average potential of employees by 26%. By 2019, approximately 92% of traditional Stem professions will require some forms of additional education including certain levels of specific industrial certifications. Further, some reports suggest that even employees are not STEM professions will need to get some major stem competencies to meet the global requirements and survive in modern technological society.

Training with the help of educational robotics allows students to think about technologies. In the process of modeling, designing, programming and documenting autonomous robots, students not only learn how technologies work, but also a significant and exciting way to use knowledge and skills received in school. Educational robotics is rich in integration opportunities not only in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), but also in many other areas, including literacy, social sciences, dancing, music and art, allowing students to find ways to work together, To develop their skills of cooperation and self-expression, solving problems, critical and innovative thinking.

Educational robotics is a learning tool that improves student experience through a practical study. And the most important, educational robotics provides a cheerful and interesting learning environment due to its practical nature and integration of technologies. An attractive learning environment motivates learning regardless of the skills and knowledge necessary to fulfill the goals set to complete the interested project.

How can the teacher be interested in student in learning items that require skills in the field of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)? Educational robotics offers a unique alternative traditional methods learning.

Interest in the use of robots for learning students of junior classes appeared in the first half of the 80s. With the start of using programs developed using technologies available at that time. But he remained unclaimed for a while due to limited access to the associated technologies, high costs, lack of research and the need for big number Testing, which prevented the extensive use of robots for teaching purposes. But times have changed. Over the past decade with arrival technological innovation, schoolchildren are now fully accomplished to the use of technologies due to audio players, smartphones, tablets, Internet and virtual Miraemscreated by the games in which they play. Pupils have motivation to use these devices, which in turn can add a new dimension to everyday teaching.

Little children are real engineers. They create fortresses, towers from cubes, castles from sand, and disassemble their toys to find out what inside. And also at this age, children to some extent familiar with the designers. Even before reaching the kindergarten age, every child has already played with the designer, or at least knows what it is. Using this association you can involve children in the learning process.

The choice is important and interesting for children theme for design is a great motivation for learning. For example, children at the lesson learned about the colors. They created small garden And their task is to protect it from pests. The teacher is invited to solve this problem using robotic sets.

Each child is appointed his role in the project based on his knowledge and learning style: developer, designer, programmer, photographer, etc. Children explore the design process with the following steps, to solve the problem: setting the problem, brainstorming for solving the problem, choice working idea, designing solutions, creation of a solution using robotic sets, model programming, process documentation, and a demonstration of the resulting project.

In the process of working on a project, students learn about physics, development and technologies, develop teamwork skills and communicative abilities through collaboration on problem and experimentation with various ideas.

Children learn to work together, and begin to quickly understand the importance of each team member. For example, the developer cannot create nothing without a designer, as it does not know the design features, and the programmer cannot work without a developer, since without finished model He will have nothing to program.

Children are not familiar with designers, too, should create a project based on simple mechanisms. They are given a promotion of action to help them learn, playing with the details of the designer. You can also bring them unfinished or made incorrectly models and give them the opportunity to correct them. The goal is to not give to children an example for copying, but provide them with some guide on how to make a model, which will allow them to engage in work with the rest of the group. It really works well, and the children started by the method of trial and error corrected the model and learn to program it. They can use different strategies to achieve the final result.

Project outline is also important for children. It helps them to systematize the information received and it is better to remember it. It also helps to track their successes in their work.

Students develop technological fluency when using computers, digital cameras and other devices that they can use when developing. They learn to program and recognize the basic technical termsRequired for correct modeling. Developing technological fluency, they are expressing different ways By modeling, recording, photographing and discussing their project. And the most important thing they develop self-esteem and self-confidence as students.

The above demonstrates that the educational robotics is a powerful tool that can be used for training.

  1. Children form their knowledge due to the process of modeling the projects significant for them and the embodiment of their own ideas using independently developed algorithms;
  2. Children learn through simultaneous work in virtual (programming) and real world (creating a model);
  3. Children face cognitive conflicts through a comparison of conditions and results in the process of programming and testing the model;
  4. Children learn through the reflection and reproduction of their own knowledge, discussing their observations;
  5. Children learn through conversations based on joint work, discussions, arguments

Robotics - universal tool for education. It is well suited for both additional education and for extracurricular activities. It is also a good option for teaching it as an object of the school program, as it fully complies with the requirements of GEF. Learning robotics can be trained since any age.

Moreover, the use of robotic equipment is training, the game and creativity at the same time, which guarantees enthusiasm and interest, as well as the development of the child in the learning process.

Educational robotics makes it possible in the early steps to identify the technical inclinations of students and develop them in this direction. Currently exists a large number of Different robotic sets that meet any requirements. Each of the sets has its own characteristics. This is the quantity, and the type of parts in the set, and various environments Programming, imitating or supporting known languages.

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