Which is better to buy a camera: tips for choosing and reviews. How to choose a digital camera: we understand the main parameters

Landscaping and planning 11.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

The first thing to do before buying is to find information on the Internet about the model you have chosen: sometimes entire batches with the same marriage enter the market, and you need to know in advance about the likelihood of meeting with a similar one.

In the shop

Feel free to spend as much time checking the camera as you need. The seller's task is to sell you a product, even with a marriage, but your task is to buy a serviceable model. Take the camera in your hands and carefully inspect the case: are there any scratches, screws are not touched. Check the buttons, covers, whether the battery is securely seated.

Prepare in advance and bring a laptop with Exif-O-Matic installed. Take a test shot, open it in this program and look for the Exposure Sequence Number parameter: this is the number of frames captured. If their number is small, the camera may have been used in a store. But big number most likely indicates that the camera was bought, used, and then returned to the store. Ask for another copy.

Check for dead and hot pixels. Set the following values: shutter speed 1/60 sec, ISO 100. Take a picture of a white sheet of paper, examine it on a laptop: if black dots are visible, these are dead pixels. Then remove the lens, close the camera cap and take another shot: the white dots are still the same dead pixels. Hot pixels can be detected as follows: alternately set a shutter speed of 1/3 sec and 2 sec (if there is a noise reduction function, it must be turned on at this shutter speed) with ISO 100. Pictures to search for damaged pixels should be viewed at 100% magnification. You can remove damaged pixels in the warranty service, but if their number is large, you should immediately ask for another copy.

The last thing you need to pay attention to is the work of the focus. As a rule, in stores you can find special tables for checking the focus, but you can use a regular ruler and a match. The ruler is placed vertically on a white sheet of paper, the match is placed perpendicular to it, in the middle. At an angle of 45 degrees, take a picture of a match and a ruler. Focus on the near or far end of the ruler - focus error. If the match is in focus, as intended, pay attention to the depth of field: it should be approximately the same above and below the match.

Purchase process

The camera is a complex and fragile piece of equipment, and the more reliable your seller is, the more likely it is to avoid a defective or used model, as well as to receive service services on time and without difficulty. In specialized stores, the price of goods is often overpriced, while in electronics hypermarkets, it is necessary to carefully check the camera for defects before buying. Be sure to check the documents and the warranty card, the appearance of the package.

Ordering from an online store will be a certain risk: if there is no alternative, do not spare money for the good name of the seller and good courier delivery.

A few years ago, a SLR camera was purchased for professional photography. Today is the time social networks, where everyone wants to stand out with beautiful photos, share photo reports from trips and walks. Often, a SLR camera is bought for these purposes. A variety of brands and models greatly complicates the choice for beginners and amateurs. In this article, we will describe in detail what you should pay attention to, how to choose a camera in accordance with your goals.

Is a DSLR really necessary?

Often buying a DSLR (reflex camera) seems good idea until the moment of its acquisition. According to many novice photographers, buying a camera is a 100% guarantee of high-quality pictures. Let's say you invited a photographer to an event, paid for an hour of work, and after a couple of weeks you got wonderful pictures without distortion, with an even tone of the face, “bokehs” in the background. And then a business plan emerges in my head, just an hour of time, such an amount, and I myself shoot well. The thought of investing matures Money into photographic equipment, the work is not dusty, and what a profitable one!

Not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. When buying a SLR camera, you are not only buying a device, but signing a sentence for yourself to buy an entire system that requires a lot of investment. Undoubtedly, high-quality pictures are obtained with a semi-professional SLR camera, and even with a whale lens. However, there is also a “but” here: in order for the pictures to match in quality and performance, you need to know the theory. Studying all the nuances will take a single day, understanding will come with experience in a month.

That is, when buying a SLR camera, you should stock up:
1. Finance(be prepared for additional costs).
2. by time(accumulation of photography experience, time for photo processing).
3. Knowledge(it is important to understand at least the basics: composition, color compatibility, volume, poses and angles, creating effects using various shooting modes, graphic editors).

What goals should be followed when buying a camera and how it will affect the choice:

- Amateur photography for family archives, photos of friends, children and relatives.
In this case, it is not necessary to consider top models. It is enough to limit ourselves to a semi-professional camera (the manufacturers themselves position them as entry-level models, it is not difficult to distinguish them due to their low cost, more numbers in the title). Starter models are equipped with a universal lens marked KIT (kit lens). It is difficult for an amateur who does not have experience and a carload of knowledge to get decent pictures with this optics. If your plans are to develop yourself as a photographer, then at the initial stage a whale lens is enough to get the hang of shooting in manual mode. When a camera is needed only to create a photo for the family archive, and you have the finances, it is more expedient to replace it with a better and light-sensitive model of optics.

- Professional and commercial photography.
This type of shooting implies that the buyer is already a photographer with a certain experience, has a wealth of knowledge, equipment and components.
Professional SLR cameras are far from a budget option (given that the optics must correspond to the level of the camera, or even be an order of magnitude higher). Therefore, beginners and amateurs who are ready to buy a camera today and post an advertisement for commercial shooting tomorrow are not recommended to purchase expensive models. Shooting on a DSLR requires the use of thinking, and if the whole process takes place in auto mode, then this is a waste of money.

SLR Camera Options

The SLR camera has about fifty characteristics, but not all of them are important, as the manufacturers assure. What is the first thing to pay attention to?

Matrix size and megapixels

It is the matrix that is the main unit of the camera, the digital analogue of film. Through the matrix, the flow of light is converted into electrical signals - this is how the picture that we see on the monitor is obtained. Simply put, a matrix is ​​​​a microcircuit consisting of millions of light-sensitive sensors.

In addition to the name of the matrix, the characteristics always indicate the number of elements (sensors), which is more familiar to us in the wording of megapixels. One megapixel (MP) is equal to one million light sensors.

The number of megapixels is directly related to the resolution of the matrix, the quality of the photo, detail and noise level depend on it. A larger number of megapixels allows you to get a picture with high detail.

But such an indicator as megapixels should not be in the first place. Initially, decide on the choice of the physical size of the matrix (the diagonal of the matrix in centimeters or inches). The fact is that a larger pixel size provides a high degree of light sensitivity, capturing more photons of light. Comparing several matrices with the same number of photosensitive sensors, with a lack of illumination, a matrix with a larger diagonal will provide a lower noise level.

You can often see digital compact cameras with 24 megapixels, but has at least one professional switched to a “soap box” just because it has more megapixels than an expensive DSLR? Of course not. Manufacturers are spurring demand for multi-pixel models, but the image quality does not get better from this. And all because the size of the matrix remains the same.

Considering, for example, several matrices, from compact camera and a SLR camera, the difference in physical size is immediately noticeable, while the number of pixels in both cameras is the same. But the size of the sensors of the SLR camera is larger, therefore, the light sensitivity is better.

So what does a manufacturer do when it claims to increase the number of pixels? Increases the physical size of the matrix? No it's expensive. The manufacturer places on the same small matrix not 12 megapixels, but 24 megapixels, for example. In the photo, this is reflected by an increase in sharpness and detail, but this is where the pluses end. The area of ​​light-sensitive sensors becomes several times smaller, the light sensitivity drops, and more digital noise appears.

In SLR cameras, the matrix size is indicated only in millimeters, in addition to physical dimensions, there is such a thing as crop factor.
The crop factor shows the difference between 35mm film (the same dimensions as a full-frame sensor) and the size of the sensor installed in the camera. All entry-level and mid-range DSLRs are not full-frame.

Full frame makes it easier to achieve the effect of blurring the background, to use the full potential of the lens (wider angle, higher ISO, easier focusing).
From this we conclude that Full Frame matrices (full-frame) allow you to shoot in low-light conditions, produce a picture with less digital noise and better color reproduction.

Noise in photos - an undesirable defect, which is a randomly located multi-colored dots that occur in low light. Noises are clearly visible in photographs in objects that are darker or uniform in saturation and color (background out of focus, dark clothes, etc.). Yes, you can get rid of digital noise in professional graphics editors, in which case the problem would seem to be solved. Not at all, getting rid of unwanted noise entails a loss of sharpness, a decrease in the detail of small objects and contrast lines. In more expensive models camera manufacturers are introducing new noise reduction algorithms, they help only partly.

Of course, any camera will give out noise, but they will only appear at different ISO values.

ISO is the sensitivity of the matrix, indicated by a numerical value. It is ISO that is one of the three settings for correct exposure. The more sensitivity is set in the camera settings, the more opportunities for shooting in the dark. However, it is still recommended not to work with high ISO values, this will lead to a loss in the quality of the final shots. The optimal ISO values ​​​​are 50, 100, 400, when the parameters are set higher, noise and digital garbage will appear in the photographs. So focusing on buying a camera where the ISO is higher is also not correct. If you plan to shoot in low light conditions, it is better to stock up on additional lighting equipment.

Everything that is described above should excite the buyer in the first place. But, as practice shows, entry-level models from different manufacturers are similar in their meanings and design features, so it will be important to study additional parameters of DSLRs. The following characteristics do not affect the quality of the picture, however, they bring convenience to the shooting process.

Image stabilization

Almost all compact cameras are equipped with a stabilizer, but not always DSLRs. This is primarily due to the weight and size of the camera, small compacts are more prone to shaking in the hand, unlike overall and heavy SLR cameras. A slight wavering of the hand entails defocusing and blurring in the image. SLR cameras are easier to hold in position without shaking because hold them with both hands very close to the face. I would like to note that the presence of stabilization does not greatly affect the cost of the camera, there are both amateur models with stabilization and professional ones without it.

Stabilization is useful for:
- Shooting with a long-focus lens (the longer the focal length of the lens, the more difficult it is to focus, the distance of oscillation increases exponentially when approaching).
- Shooting in low light conditions and at slow shutter speeds (indoors, evening and night shooting).

Stabilization systems:
- Optical. Implies automatic lens block add-ons, technically it's pretty complex view stabilization compared to digital.
- Digital. With digital stabilization, it is not the optics that move, but the matrix. Digital stabilization is less effective, so it is not advisable to focus on buying a camera with digital stabilization.

If you like a camera without built-in stabilization, do not worry. In any case, the best stabilizer is a tripod, rarely when shooting at a long focus or at a slow shutter speed is possible without a tripod.


The undoubted advantage of SLR cameras over digital compacts is the ability to change optics. Depending on the goals set, the photographer needs to change and select lenses. Portrait and full-length shooting is best done with medium focus, nature and the sky with wide-angle lenses. Unfortunately, universal optics "both in the feast and in the world" have not yet been invented. In this regard, in SLR cameras it is possible to change the lens. The mount acts as a connecting element between the camera and the lens. The mount is made of metal with a swivel joint (until it clicks). There are contacts on the bayonet through which the lens is powered and information commands are exchanged.

Having chosen a camera, study in advance the compatibility of optics for this model. Each global manufacturer of photographic equipment has its own mounting standard.
In addition to the differences in mounts between manufacturers, one should take into account the difference in the mounts of full-frame and cropped equipment. For full-frame cameras, each brand has its own separate line of lenses, in most cases with a "cosmic" cost. Of course, it is always easy to find an adapter adapter for "non-native" optics on sale, but these are separate costs.

If you have friends who are photographers, then find out what kind of mount they have, suddenly it will be possible to exchange or borrow a lens. It is easier to find an analogue of an expensive original lens to a popular type of mount. If you are limited on funds, then the best choice behind the most common mount.

Shutter Life: Together Forever?

There is probably no amateur photographer who did not worry about the camera shutter resource. Everyone knows that the SLR cameras there is a mileage limit, but is it worth it to be afraid? When buying used equipment, the shutter resource is almost the first parameter on which attention is focused.

The figures set by manufacturers do not always correspond to reality, the same models of DSLRs fail at different mileage. For example, the manufacturer indicates a mileage of 50,000 frames, there are no guarantees that the shutter will work for this particular period.

It all depends on the operating conditions. If the camera is located indoors or in a studio and is used in "greenhouse" conditions, then it is possible to extend the life of the shutter. Sometimes the mileage exceeds two or three times. Taking pictures outdoors in high dustiness and windy weather will not benefit the camera.

Frequent lens changes also have a detrimental effect on shutter life. To extend the production limit of the shutter, it is enough to avoid situations where dust and debris get into the mechanism.

You can always return your camera to service center to replace the shutter and clean the matrix, the service is not cheap, but the price of a new device is many times higher.

In addition to the resource, the shutter is associated with a parameter such as excerpt .

Before buying, decide which style of photography will prevail when shooting.

A fast shutter speed will allow you to capture moments from life, “freeze” water and moving objects. A slow shutter speed provides a long exposure to light, which expands the boundaries of evening and night shooting.

Built-in flash, is it really needed?

The flash built-in by the manufacturer is only suitable for amateurs who shoot in auto mode and don’t really think about the quality of the picture. If your goal is to "click to be", then the built-in flash is for you. For development in photography, shooting three-dimensional images, the built-in flash is not suitable, often its use “negates” the full potential of the camera.

Cons of built-in flash:
- Shooting "in the forehead", all the shadows on the face are highlighted, or have hard transitions, because of this, the effect of a flat image is created;
- red eyes and bright hard glare (overexposure) on reflective surfaces;
- there is no possibility to reduce the light intensity, therefore the exposure is not always set correctly;
- hard black falling shadows from objects;
- does not turn off during automatic and semi-automatic shooting, it works on the machine depending on the illumination.

Despite the weighty disadvantages, there are pros:
- flash is absolutely free, buying a camera with a built-in flash, you do not overpay. The built-in flash is rarely found on professional-level models, as only amateurs use it;
- compact dimensions. It's hard to forget, lose or break.

If you seriously decide to engage in photography, use the camera for commercial purposes, then think about buying an external flash.

Viewfinder and LCD screen

One of the important elements of a SLR camera is viewfinder. Through the viewfinder, the primary transmission of information from the camera to the photographer occurs.
The viewfinder is not responsible for the quality of the photo, but it affects how the photographer perceives the final image.

In modern SLR cameras found:
- Optic. It is a set of lenses built into the camera. The image is displayed with a certain error, focus adjustment becomes more complicated.

- Electronic. Allows you to see the image without distortion, you can immediately see whether the image is correctly exposed, white balance. Helps to accurately focus in manual mode. Displays shooting options.

LCD screen installed on all modern SLR cameras. Taking pictures in LiveView mode (looking at the LCD screen) is not recommended, but it is still a useful addition. Manufacturers complete the LCD display with a touchscreen, rotary mechanisms.

Buying a camera with a swivel display will make life easier for the photographer in many ways, saving new jeans from dirt and dust. How, you ask? Often, for a good shot, you have to choose the angle for a long time, shooting from below has always been a winning option, but it’s not pleasant to kneel or lie down on the asphalt for the sake of a shot.

It is enough to rotate the screen in LiveView mode and lower the camera to the desired level. Note that shooting in LiveView mode consumes power many times faster. To save energy, many models are equipped with a monochrome display. An additional display makes it easy to set up shooting parameters, displays the main indicators.

Video recording

The function is not found in all cameras, and not every photographer needs it. Suitable for wedding photographers, videographers, for shooting semi-professional videos, personal blogging. You can improve the quality of the recording with additional purchases: a microphone, a tripod. Modern models cameras support Full HD video recording, but this is still not enough to create ads or clips.

Summing up

The choice of a SLR camera confuses not only beginners, but also professional photographers.

We recommend not to get hung up on a specific brand of camera, but to proceed from the required characteristics. Having previously studied the information on the Internet, choose several suitable models and test them in the store. Pay attention not only to the characteristics and indicators of the “filling”, the shape and weight also play an important role. Cameras with a metal body are more reliable, but not every photographer can carry a kilogram carcass in his hands, and add the weight of the lens and flash to this.

Hold several cameras in your hand, the ergonomic shape and rubber grips will be an additional step towards comfortable shooting.
If you don't have the budget for a full frame camera, consider inexpensive models crop cameras. The characteristics of DSLRs in the same price segment are similar, so take a closer look at the little things that make shooting easier.

Check the compatibility of accessories and bundles for your preferred camera in advance. Sometimes buying a little-known brand leads to problems in choosing non-branded accessories. It is easier to find additional equipment for popular cameras at a lower cost, it is easier to resell.

The main mistake that novice photographers make is a complete investment in the carcass of the camera. While the best option is to invest in a lens, but in addition to buying an average level carcass. A good lens unlocks the potential of the camera and the photographer. With a budget version of a kit lens, it is extremely difficult to achieve a professional level.

Remember, 80% of success depends on the person operating the equipment, and not vice versa.

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Have you decided to buy a digital camera? Let me congratulate you. This is one of better ways punch a gaping hole in the family budget. It is most likely useless to dissuade you, so I will simply tell you how to choose a digital camera so that this choice causes you minimal financial and psychological damage.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to give unambiguous, universal recommendations for choosing a camera for an abstract novice photographer, since the needs of all photographers are different. Different photographic tasks require different equipment. A camera that suits me perfectly may not be right for you. Despite this, I will still try to highlight here specific models of digital cameras that, in my opinion, meet the requirements of the widest range of photographers.

What you should pay attention to

Marketers do not get tired of brainwashing naive amateur photographers with those camera parameters that can be easily measured numerically (resolution, ISO, zoom ratio, etc.), although they say very little about the suitability of the camera for real shooting outside the walls of a photo store.

The resolution of a camera (more precisely, its matrix) is measured in megapixels (Mp), i.e. in the number of dots that make up the camera's matrix, and hence the images obtained with it. Today, the resolution of digital cameras exceeds the capabilities of their lenses, and, sadder, far exceeds the capabilities of most photographers shooting with these cameras. Ten megapixels is enough for anyone, and today it is difficult to find a camera with a lower resolution. Instead of permission, please better attention on the physical size of the matrix - the larger the size (i.e., the smaller the crop factor of the matrix), the better. Other things being equal, the sensor bigger size more sensitive to light, has a greater dynamic range and less noise.

ISO is a standard for the sensitivity of photographic material (in our case, a digital matrix) to light. The maximum ISO value indirectly characterizes the camera's ability to shoot in low light conditions, but we should not forget that increasing the sensitivity inevitably leads to noise. What is the use of the manufacturer's declared maximum value of ISO 102400 if it cannot be used in practice, since the image will be a solid red and blue mess? Compact cameras with small sensors always behave horribly at high ISOs. SLR cameras look much better, but also require sanity.

Zoom ratio is simply the ratio between the maximum and minimum focal lengths of a zoom lens. For example, a lens with a focal length of 18-55 mm is essentially a 3x zoom (55 ÷ 18 ≈ 3), although the concept of a zoom factor is more often used in relation to fixed lenses of compact cameras. Taken regardless of the focal length, the zoom ratio has no meaning and certainly should not serve as a criterion when choosing a camera or lens, and here's why: firstly, it says nothing about specific focal lengths. For example, two completely different lenses can turn out to be equally 5x zooms: 24-120 mm and 80-400 mm. Secondly, you have to pay for versatility with quality - 30x ultrazooms physically cannot provide decent sharpness, and their aperture ratio is not high; and therefore do not chase zoom lenses with exorbitant multiplicity. A convenient set of focal lengths is much more important than the zoom factor. To compare lenses, it is appropriate to use the concept of equivalent focal length, because it allows you to take into account the difference in the size of the sensors of different cameras.

Digital zoom is not only useless, but even somewhat harmful. Having nothing to do with optics, digital zoom simply stretches part of the image through the camera's software, which creates the illusion of zooming in, but leads to a noticeable loss in quality. Similarly, you can enlarge the image in Photoshop.

The most important and most stubbornly ignored parameter when choosing a camera by sellers is ergonomics - how comfortable the camera fits in the hand, how quickly it allows you to respond to changing shooting conditions, how thoughtful the management of the most important settings is and whether menu navigation takes too much time. Convenience is an individual matter. You can finally make sure that a particular camera is right for you only by picking it up.

Some parameters just need to be able to interpret. For instance, big weight is not an advantage in itself, but it can indirectly indicate the mechanical strength and reliability of the camera, and the high speed of continuous shooting almost always indicates that the camera is suitable for reportage work.

And one more important advice: never listen to consultants in photo equipment stores. Their goal is to sell you a camera, and preferably at a higher price, not to improve your photographs. Only a practicing photographer can know which camera is really good and which is not.

For more detailed information on what criteria should be followed when choosing a digital camera and optics for it, you can learn from the following articles: "What is a professional camera", "Camera options" and "Criteria for choosing lenses". About what else, besides the camera, the amateur photographer will have to acquire, is described in the article “Starting kit for photographic equipment”.

SLR cameras

Nikon FX

Nikon currently releases five full-frame models: D610, D750, Df, D810 and D5. Camera sales around the world are now falling, and if you do decide to buy a digital camera, Nikon will prefer that this camera is necessarily full-frame - simply because it is more expensive.

Of course, we are all very sad that the poor Japanese capitalists are suffering losses, but do you really need a full frame? The difference in image quality between DX and FX devices is minimal today, and is manifested mainly by a slightly lower level of FX noise when high values ISO.

Canon APS-C

Canon APS-C cameras have a 1.6 crop factor sensor, i.e. slightly smaller than the Nikon DX. Canon cameras are better suited for shooting video, and this is a reason to take a closer look at them if you are interested in video shooting. I myself am skeptical about shooting video on a SLR camera, but you are entitled to your own opinion.

Canon has seven current APS-C format models: 4000D, 2000D, 200D, 800D, 77D, 80D and 7D Mark II.

4000D, 2000D, 200D and 800D are amateur cameras. The Canon EOS 2000D is a great camera for a beginner photographer - small, light and not too expensive. Canon EOS 200D is even more compact, but in this regard, it has only a minimum of external controls, which, however, is partly offset by the presence of a touch screen. Canon EOS 800D is a slightly more advanced, but still amateur model. The Canon EOS 4000D is a cut down (not to say worse) version of the 2000D.

Canon Full Frame

Today Canon releases four full-frame models: 6D Mark II, 5D Mark IV, 5Ds and 1D X Mark II. The Canon EOS 1D C doesn't count because it's designed for video, not photography.

Compact cameras

No compact camera can match a DSLR in speed of operation, and few can match in image quality, but when a camera is required to fit in a pocket, DSLRs are completely unacceptable due to their size.

Obviously, if you only need compactness, without regard to image quality and ergonomics, then the camera built into a mobile phone may well replace a real camera. Another thing is that even the simplest soap dish is still more convenient to shoot than the most advanced smartphone.

By the simplest soap dish, I mean something like Nikon Coolpix A10. This ultra-budget camera costs $150, has a 1/2.3" sensor (crop factor 6), a good universal zoom lens and shoots much better than most phones, and besides, it runs on standard AA batteries, which helps a lot on trips.

The problem is that if a person is satisfied with the quality of the image obtained using a 1/2.3" matrix (well, or 1/1.7" for more expensive soap dishes), then in most cases he will be satisfied with the quality that the matrix of a mobile phone gives out - for social networks will fit any rubbish. As for ease of use, a rare smartphone owner will agree to pay extra for a separate device with real buttons. He is accustomed to the touch screen and does not know that in some situations the archaic buttons are much more convenient.

However, fans of extreme recreation and tourism may like one of the protected compacts, say, Olympus Tough TG-5 for $ 500, which has a waterproof shock-resistant case, built-in GPS receiver and thermometer, as well as a small 1 / 2.3-format matrix.

I don’t recommend advanced ultrazoom compacts to anyone for the reason that their matrices are still tiny, but in terms of size and price, ultrazooms come close to budget DSLRs. It is possible that I do not understand something, but, in my opinion, if the camera looks and costs like a DSLR, but shoots like a cheap soap dish, then this is a bad camera and you should not buy it.

More expensive compact cameras with large matrices stand apart. The idea of ​​such cameras is to get the maximum image quality with the minimum size of the device.

Editors' Choice - Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark II for $650, equipped with a 1" sensor (crop factor 2.7) and a zoom lens with an equivalent focal length of 24-100 mm at f / 1.8-2.8 aperture. Why exactly 1"? After all, there are compact cameras and a larger format, up to full-frame ones? That's how it is, but more and more serious compacts have dimensions that no longer allow us to consider them truly compact. And if the camera ceases to fit in your pocket, is it not better to buy a real SLR instead of it for less money and enjoy life? At the same time, the G7 X and other similar cameras provide image quality quite comparable to DSLRs, but at the same time, they practically do not differ in size from ordinary point-and-shoot cameras.

Mirrorless cameras

In principle, it is difficult for me to recommend one of the mirrorless systems to a novice photographer. Their functional advantages even over the simplest SLR cameras are not quite obvious, and the price of mirrorless cameras is still quite high. A person who switches to a mirrorless system should do this consciously and be well aware of what he is losing and what he is gaining. A classic DSLR always has a better price/performance ratio than a similar class mirrorless camera. The only unconditional advantage of mirrorless cameras is their relative lightness and compactness, for which you actually pay an additional premium.

If you have come to this life, then I would advise you to choose between the Olympus Micro 4/3, Fujifilm X, Sony α and maybe Canon EOS M systems. The Olympus system has the most thoughtful ergonomics and a wonderful variety of lenses, but the Olympus sensor is small (crop factor 2). Sony has both cropped and full frame models, but the choice of lenses leaves a lot to be desired. Fuji System - golden mean. The Canon EOS M system is hardly mature, but Canon mirrorless cameras are compatible (with an adapter) with lenses for EF and EF-S SLR cameras. Mirrorless cameras from other manufacturers are nothing more than compacts with interchangeable lenses and an enlarged matrix. For serious photography, they are of little use.

Thank you for your attention!

Vasily A.

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There is a lot of information on how to choose a camera for a novice photographer. But how not to get lost in the endless sea of ​​information provided?

Sometimes the opinions of professionals are so contradictory that the townsfolk are completely desperate to choose something worthy.

It becomes especially difficult to understand that the market is filled not just with film or digital devices, but with DSLRs, compacts, “soap dishes”, non-DSLRs…

In addition, in the ranks of the aforementioned DSLRs, you can find thirty-five-millimeter full-frame devices, APS-C format and many others.

However, if you carefully study the information below, you can quite specifically answer the question of how to choose the right camera.

Film or digital?

First of all, we note that less and less people are currently using film cameras. And even if a professional has such a camera, in most cases it gathers dust in a case. Therefore, we will pay maximum attention to the consideration of the question of how to choose a digital camera. It has the following advantages:

The result of the shooting is immediately visible;

Photos can be easily posted online;

There is no need to purchase film;

You can correct the flaws of the picture thanks to software tools;

Understanding the control of a digital camera is quite simple.

As for the negative points, the main one is called specific distortions (noise, graininess, chromatic aberrations), which are associated with the structural features of the matrix of such a device.

Camera categories

How to choose a digital camera to use it with pleasure? Judging by the reviews of the pros, it is very important to decide what exactly you need a camera for. Will it become a source of income or will it be needed only to capture friendly gatherings? Imagine the conditional division of cameras into four categories:

- Compacts. They are not very expensive, however, they are equipped with a set of options. The latter are not so many, but for a beginner it will be quite enough. Such cameras are also called "digital cameras". We do not advise you to treat them with disdain, because they do their job at a decent level. The picture quality is average.

It is quite enough for printing a ten by fifteen photo. This is the camera to think about for people who are wondering how to choose a camera for travel, episodic party shooting, etc. In addition, such cameras are the best suited for children, because they are easy to operate and will not attract the attention of unclean faces. on hand.

- Super compacts. These devices can be carried around at all times. They are considered to be an extended version of the cell phone camera. They can be safely hung on the belt on the belt or put in your pocket. Such cameras are usually equipped with a minimum of settings that include scene modes.

- SLR cameras. We mean models for novice photographers, not for pros whose equipment costs tens of thousands of dollars. Nevertheless, even with such cameras it is difficult to control. You can not do without careful study of instructions, deepening into theory and practice, of course. How to choose a SLR camera for a beginner? First of all, it is recommended to pay attention to the number of options in the model you like. If there are too many of them, the shooting process can get boring very soon.

- Superzooms. These cameras are designed for special purposes. For example, for remote shooting of birds or wild animals. How to choose a camera of this category? It is important to pay attention to such non-standard parameters as the number of frames per second and the depth of immersion.

Now that you have decided on the purpose for which you will use the camera, let's consider what parameters to choose a camera for.


There is a fairly widespread misconception that the main parameter of this detail is the number of megapixels. In fact, the physical size that the camera's matrix has is much more important. How to choose a camera based on this parameter? Look for a device equipped with a maximum size matrix. However, keep in mind that this detail has a direct impact on the size of the optics and, as a result, the entire camera. Thus, one should not even dream of a super-compact with a full-size matrix.

How to choose a digital SLR camera, taking into account the above parameter? In the cells of this type currently CDD or CMOS sensors are used. There are no special differences between them, although there is still a difference in some properties. According to users, cameras with a CMOS matrix work a little faster. It is important that they do not consume much energy and are cheaper.

As for the resolution, it, of course, also affects the quality of the images. Theoretically, the higher this figure, the more details will be visible in the photo. But here all sorts of distortions play an important role, most noticeable with multi-pixel matrices, but small in size. Those details that were expected to be seen in the picture turn out to be completely “clogged” with dots different colors. So don't just look for high resolution. Six megapixels will be enough to print high-quality pictures up to A4 format.

When figuring out how to choose a camera, don't be fooled by the misleading claim that high resolution cameras don't take very good pictures. This myth is based on comparing images pixel by pixel, that is, in full resolution. If you bring photos to the same resolution (and everyone can do this thanks to modern graphic editors), then there will be no differences. So don't specifically choose low-resolution cameras.


It is recommended to pay special attention to this component. The fact is that the ability of the device to take pictures in low light (consider aperture ratio), its ability to cover more space (look at the viewing angle) and shoot distant objects as close as possible (zoom is responsible for this) will depend on the quality of the lens. This detail provides sufficient sharpness and clarity of images, as well as the absence of distortion.

How to choose a lens for a camera? Take a look at your favorite model. Usually the following is written on it: 5.8-34.8 mm 1: 2.8-4.8. What does it mean? The first two numbers indicate the distance from the matrix to the front lens (focal point), and the second numbers indicate the aperture ratio of the lens. In SLR cameras, it is possible to change this part. Thanks to this, you will get the most suitable device for specific conditions.

How to choose a lens for a SLR camera? Pay attention to one more indicator - the level of aperture. It determines the camera's ability to shoot in low light. In this case, the lower the number, the better. For example, an indicator of 1:2.8-3.8 is preferable to 1:2.8-4.8.

The viewing angle can be determined based on the focal length. It is inversely proportional to the view. When figuring out how to choose a camera, keep in mind that a short focal length indicates a wide angle of view. Thus, you do not have to move away so that all the objects of interest fall into the frame. But many wide-angle cameras distort the edges of the image significantly.

As for the zoom, this parameter can be determined by finding out the ratio of the maximum focal length to the minimum. So, if you see numbers 5.8:34.8 on the lens, then the zoom is six (of course, we are talking about optical).

Without special equipment, it will not be possible to independently assess the level of quality of lens manufacturing. In this case, it remains only to trust the manufacturer. To avoid unpleasant surprises, choose equipment from trusted brands. Among the latter are Canon, Nikon, Olympus, Sony, Fujifilm, Samsung.

Manual modes, automatic settings

How to choose a camera by built-in shooting modes? To clarify the situation, consider this parameter in more detail:

- Auto mode. In this case, the device independently determines such characteristics as shutter speed, aperture, sensitivity. You can completely trust the technique, only by pressing a button to fix the moment that is important to you. If you are interested in this option, get a camera with a good auto mode.

- Plot. It is almost a complete analogue of the previous one. The only difference is the greater adaptation to the plot being shot. For example, in the "sky" mode, the texture of the clouds is better visible. They will no longer appear as simple white spots. When you select the "sport" mode, you can achieve greater clarity of moving objects (this provides a slower shutter speed).

- Semi-automatic. The user is given the opportunity to independently set some parameters (for example, determine the sensitivity, and the camera will set the shutter speed and aperture).

- Manual. In this mode, all shooting parameters are set by you at your discretion.

Note that semi-automatic and manual modes in non-professional cameras are not highly valued. Until you become a pro in this area, adjust shutter speed, clarity and other settings better than a camera you can not. A camera with such modes is worth purchasing if there are plans to switch to professional-level equipment in the future.

Image stabilizer

With it, you get sharper photos in poor lighting, when you can not do without a slow shutter speed, and the risk that your hand will tremble when shooting increases significantly. In modern cameras, this part can be digital or optical type. How to choose a good camera? Purchase a device with a stabilizer. And although professionals note that this detail is not very effective in amateur cameras, nevertheless, it will help to some extent to make your pictures better.


In digital cameras, as well as in their film predecessors, sensitivity is measured in units of ISO. In the most advanced cameras, it reaches truly amazing values ​​\u200b\u200bof 6400. However, you should not pay attention to these numbers. special attention, because at sensitivity over 800 there will be too much noise in the picture.

Accumulator or batteries?

How to choose a good camera so that it does not let you down at the most crucial moment? To do this, purchase a device with a reliable power source. The latter can be provided both with a built-in battery and finger batteries. The only downside to the battery is its cost. As for AA batteries, they can suddenly sit down, they are large and heavy, in addition, many cameras do not detect their charge level.

Memory card

How to choose a flash drive for the camera? Most modern cameras use SD memory cards. Nevertheless, some manufacturers are in no hurry to change outdated formats (like Sony's Memory Stick).

Note that there is no fundamental difference between them. How to choose the right digital camera? As stated in numerous user reviews, compatibility with other devices should not be paramount. The fact is that the so-called card readers (devices designed to read cards) are quite affordable today.


Another name for this device is a tripod. It is designed to securely hold the camera, especially when shooting at slow shutter speeds. How to choose a tripod for your camera? Here are the basic criteria:

The tripod must match the model of the existing camera (the weight and dimensions of the camera matter).

The tripod should be chosen in accordance with the aims of shooting.

The working height of the device must be maximum.

If you need constant transportation, it is important to consider the size of the tripod when folded.

How to choose the right SLR camera? "Carcass" must be from a trusted manufacturer (currently the top three include Nikon, Canon and Sony). It will have to buy a lot more optics.

In the process of choosing a camera, be sure to hold several models in your hands. If you are going to shoot professionally, it is very important that the device fits comfortably in your hands.

Kit or Body?

How to choose a good SLR camera? Consider the prefix to the model name. So, if this is Body, then the camera is sold without a lens and other additional components. Kit models come with a lens. It is generally more suitable for beginners as it does not have high performance.

How to choose a camera for an amateur? Purchase models labeled "Double Kit". They are equipped with two lenses - regular and zoom. This set is quite enough for the first time in order to get acquainted with the features of the technique. This is the best option for beginners. Professionals, in turn, prefer to purchase only “carcasses” in order to independently buy all the optics they need.

More about brands. Canon

The cameras of this manufacturer are very popular. AND main reason The company's success is referred to as its rapid response to know-how. Canon cameras are successfully embodied the latest technology. The fact that the Canon EOS 5D Mark II devices are widely used as movie cameras in Hollywood for big-budget filming speaks volumes.

How to choose a mirror Canon camera? Before going to the store, decide what you need this device for, since even the manufacturer itself develops various product lines based on the tasks that users set for themselves. For example, cameras are produced for photojournalists, the shutter speed of which is twelve times per second. And studio photographers from the fashion world are actively acquiring large-sensor cameras in order to achieve maximum image quality.

Inexpensive cameras

Do you want to buy a SLR camera? Which one to choose so that the purchase does not hit your pocket? Canon offers a wide range of budget DSLRs. We will highlight the two most popular models.

Canon EOS 600D. It is a slightly modernized version of the 550 D. Equipped with a swivel display. The cost ranges from twenty to twenty-two thousand rubles.

Canon EOS 1100D. Standard budget model. Some users note not very high speed of its work. The average price is fifteen thousand rubles.

Average cost cameras

How to choose a semi-professional camera? Judging by the reviews, the most reliable option is the Canon EOS 5D Mark II. It can be purchased from 65 thousand rubles. The second most popular place is occupied by the Canon EOS 60D. It costs twice as much. In third place is the Canon EOS 7D. It will cost 42 thousand rubles. It is especially popular among beginner reporters. Differs in the moisture and dustproof case.

Professional Preferences

A Canon camera has long been an indicator of good taste. Which one to choose for the most demanding user? We recommend the device of the 1D X series. Its cost is 285 thousand rubles. The characteristics of the device are impressive: the index of the highest ISO sensitivity is 204800, the shutter speed is 12 fps, the field of view in the viewfinder is 100%.


Which digital camera is better to choose? Trust a reliable manufacturer! If you are a novice user, pay attention to the Nikon Coolpix S520 model. It is compact (115 grams without battery) and decent features: 3x optical zoom, 2.5-inch screen, 8.1 MP matrix. Another good entry-level DSLR is the D5000.

It is equipped with almost the same set of functions as in professional cameras. The most advanced amateur is called the D3100. It will cost about 15-17 thousand rubles. Interested in buying a Nikon camera? How to choose a professional option? The optimal model in this regard is the D700. She has a metal case, reliably protected from moisture, and a CMOS-matrix of twelve megapixels.

How to choose a compact camera

So-called mirrorless cameras are not equipped with optical viewfinders and a mirror unit, due to this they are much more compact. The construction of the frame in them is carried out by electronic viewfinders and high-resolution displays. Among the most popular models are Sony A6000, Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH3 (58 thousand rubles), Fujifilm X-M1 (28 thousand rubles), Olympus OM-D E-M10 (27 thousand rubles). When choosing, pay attention to the noise level, the presence of a Wi-Fi module and a fast hybrid focusing system.

The camera is cheaper than ten thousand rubles

How to choose an inexpensive camera? First of all, focus on tactile sensations. Devices with a metal case look more representative. If you plan to use the camera while traveling, pay attention to the zoom power. For photographing family and friendly gatherings, a device with a fivefold increase is quite enough.

How to choose a camera-"soap box"? Should I buy a model with large quantity megapixels? No. In many modern cameras, there are enough of them, and you will not see a noticeable difference in the quality of the pictures. The cameras presented below are definitely worth the money, but you should not expect the quality of DSLRs from them.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-SZ7- 5 500 rub.

Nikon Coolpix S6400- 4 600 rub.

Sony Cybershot DSC-H90 - 5 000 rub.

Canon Ixus 125HS - 4 900 rub.

Newfangled smart cameras

This is the most modern type of cameras. For the first time "smart" models were presented in 2012. Such devices are a hybrid of a compact camera and a smartphone. From the latter, they inherited the Android OS, the ability to connect to other devices via a wireless connection and a touchscreen.

Those users who want to immediately post their pictures on the Internet and enjoy various mobile applications stop their choice on such models. The leader in this field is Samsung. It offers models of the Galaxy Camera line from 12 to 53 thousand rubles. They are modestly followed by the Nikon Coolpix S800C for 5,000 rubles. You can download Google Play apps, including photo editing software, to it.


The above review of SLR cameras and their cheaper counterparts will help you make the right choice and purchase the model that is most suitable in terms of technical characteristics. However, remember that no matter how good a camera is, it all depends on what hands it is in. Of course, it is difficult to take a great picture with a cheap camera, but it is possible. Success in creative work!

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