How to find out the frame counter on Nikon SLR cameras. How to determine the real mileage on a Canon camera

Engineering systems 11.10.2019
Engineering systems
| 24.10.2017

Any decent camera has a mechanical shutter, and knowing the actual number of operations of this device is important at least in order to understand how long your device will last, because each shutter has its own resource.

What are the dangers of using a camera with a worn shutter? First of all, you should understand that working out a shutter speed of 1/8000 second is very difficult. If the shutter parts have already exhausted their resources, then the shutters may open unevenly or not correspond to the selected mode. In the worst case, the shutter can simply jam, and, like any trouble, this happens at the most inopportune moment.

It is especially important to know the real "mileage" of the camera when you buy it from your hands. Maybe, of course, he lay on the shelf for all three years from the date of issue, as the seller assures, but it's better to check anyway. We tell you how to do it.

Where are the firewood from

All digital cameras embed metadata called EXIF ​​(Exchangeable Image File Format) into each image file: they can find information about shooting conditions, shutter speed and aperture values, set mode, sensitivity, and other parameters. The vast majority of cameras also prescribe Shutter count, which is a display of the same “odometer”. It's just that regular programs don't do that. Indeed, there is so much secondary data in EXIF ​​that if viewer programs showed them, then there would be no room for the photo itself.

But we only need one line. Therefore, the first thing to do is to take a picture of something (preferably in RAW format) and copy the file to your computer. In this way, you can find out the counters of Pentax, Samsung, Nikon, Konica Minolta and certain Canon models.

Special software

There are many programs that can display EXIF, I will talk about the most convenient ones.

A small free program with support for the Russian language. The interface is intuitive and does not require special knowledge. It is enough to download the distribution of "software" from the developer's website, install the program, run it and click "Open file", specifying the raw or jpeg of your photo.

The PhotoME utility will show the name of the camera, the installed lens and other data, among which you need to find the line "Shutter count". By the way, in order to do this faster, I recommend pressing the familiar CTRL + F combination. It works here.

PhotoME has one minus, but a significant one. The product has not been updated for a long time, so it does not always understand EXIF ​​data modern models. So if you could not find the right line in its interface, you will have to use other solutions.

Another one free utility, but the interface looks very artisanal, giving the impression that the program was written by students.

I think they passed the test, but the program understands far from all RAW formats (each manufacturer has its own) and does not display all the values ​​either.

The program of Chinese developers is specially designed to view the counter, so here you will not see a hundred lines, which distinguishes it from others.

In addition, EOSMSG can display a counter of those cameras that should be connected to the computer, rather than stitching data into the frame. These are mostly Canon models.

Of the minuses of the product, I note the absence of the Russian language in the menu (although there is nowhere to get confused here) and the constant display of an advertising banner.

But in general, this is a trifle, the product works properly and is familiar even with new models of cameras.

Online Services

If you have Internet access when meeting with the seller, you can use one of the special resources:

Correctly displays the counter of frames taken even by modern cameras (the list of supported models is given on home page site).

All that is required is to click the "Select File" button and load the frame: after analyzing it, the service will return a single value - the SHUTTER COUNT you need.

As mentioned above, some Canon models require a USB connection to a computer.

When you look at the cost of new cameras, you involuntarily think - is it necessary at all new camera? Now a “decent” DSLR can cost 100, 150 thousand rubles or more, so it is not surprising that many people prefer to buy cameras “from hand”. In this case, it is very important not only to select the correct camera, but also to check its condition, which can be done using a special application.

One of the most important parameters for DSLR cameras is shutter life. It directly depends on the class of the camera and its cost. So, for our office Canon EOS 5D Mark III, the declared resource is 150 thousand operations, for cheaper cameras - from 50 to 100 thousand, for top-end ones - 400 thousand operations and more. The so-called "mileage" refers to the spent shutter resource: accordingly, the smaller it is, the better (just like with a car, yes). If the resource is almost exhausted, you will soon be faced with a shutter replacement procedure (a rather expensive and lengthy procedure).

To know in advance the status of the camera, you can use . This simple program was created specifically for Canon EOS cameras (list of supported devices), because it is in these models that shutter information is hidden very, very deeply. The application will show not only the declared shutter life, but also the number of exposures, including during “Live view” photography (the ability to use the LCD screen as a viewfinder, viewing the image being shot on it in real time.) It is enough to connect the Canon EOS camera to computer, and the application itself will detect it.

In addition, it is possible to view general information about the camera - battery charge, firmware version, possible number of shots and serial number.

Another one useful feature— data entry for filling in meta-information of images. You can specify the name of the owner, author, copyright. Very comfortably.

EOS Inspector is useful not only when buying used photographic equipment, but also in the case of new cameras, since now very often used models are sold under the guise of new ones. In addition, for photographers, this is an excellent tool for monitoring the state of their equipment. Now the program is distributed with a very good discount, so we advise you to purchase it.

Name: EOS Inspector
Publisher/Developer: Konstantin Pavlikhin
Price: 249 rub. (DISCOUNT!)
In-App Purchases: Not
Compatibility: for Mac


The digital shutter is not eternal, as it has only a certain resource of operations. For example, for Nikon D70 it is from 30 to 50 thousand. Moreover, for each specific instance, this number may vary, because it directly depends on the operating conditions of the camera, but the order remains the same. This information interesting not because of simple curiosity, but from a practical point of view. Manufacturers generally guarantee that cameras can perform at least 100,000 shutter releases without any performance degradation. That is why information about its "mileage" when buying is important. The easiest way is to turn to friends who are more experienced in these matters and ask for help.

If you don't have friends who understand this, try to figure out the number of positives yourself. In Pentax SLR cameras, information about the number of photos taken is recorded in the EXIF ​​data of the image. Therefore, you can find out the number of shutter releases without even touching the camera. Windows Explorer works fine with EXIF. Take the last frame and view the EXIF ​​data. If they are not displayed enough, use third-party software.

To do this, download and install free program PhotoME. It also runs fine on Windows 7, even though its latest version came out in 2009. Next, take a picture in JPG or RAW. Run the program and open the captured file. Go to the "Manufacturer's Notes" section and find the line Shutter Count - there they will be displayed necessary information.

The Opanda IExif program can also help you find out the number of hits for Nikon cameras. It's free. You need to work with the program in the same way as PhotoME.


  • Opanda IExif program.
  • how to check the number of shutter releases

The number of shutter actuations can only be found on a digital camera, and then not on every model. Some manufacturers have provided ways to determine the "mileage" of the camera, while others have left their customers to cope somehow differently, determining the wear of the shutter by eye. It is the shutter on SLR cameras that is the most quickly failing mechanism, and it is by it that the overall performance of the camera is determined.

You will need

  • - Opanda EXIF ​​program;
  • - ShowExif program.


Nikon and Pentax enter all the information about how many times the shutter did not work into a file of a special format - exif. This is a very small file, it is stored in every image that has been taken. You need to open the most recently taken photo in a program that reads exif, and there, in the properties that will open for viewing, you can find the line "Total Number of Shutter Releases". Its value is the number of shutter releases. There are many applications that read exif- . Some of the simplest are Opanda EXIF ​​and ShowExif.

Canon, another major DSLR manufacturer, does not fully support exif files. Some cameras have them, while others don't. You can try opening the image in a program that reads this format, and see if yours supports this method to find out the number of shutter releases.

Olympus cameras are distinguished by a non-trivial approach to solving the problem. To get the number of shutter clicks, you need several steps, far from obvious at first glance. Turn on and open the branch

At the output, you will get a very not the most visual set of characters. The current frame counter will be indicated in the line in bold, as well as at the very end. In the example above, you see a completely new camera out of the box - 24 frames. If you see something similar on sale, you can take it without hesitation - in front of you is a device that was practically never filmed. Well, in any run up to 300 frames can be "factory" - each camera is tested before going into the box and getting on the shelf in the store.

Method three

This option is good because it works offline. So, if you have to go somewhere where you don’t have internet, you can take your laptop with you and install the EOSInfo application on it in advance, aka 40DShutterCount. There is a version for Windows and for Mac. And in order to find out the mileage, you need to connect the camera to the computer via USB. After the utility "sees" your camera, it will show the data you need in its window.

Many of the amateur photographers who use compact cameras, over time, come to the decision to raise their professional level and expand the possibilities of their creativity. Preparing to purchase a SLR camera is constantly accompanied by reading forums, advice from seasoned and professional photographers.

There are always a lot of "rumors and myths" that are contradictory and greatly complicate the choice in making a decision. There are hundreds of criteria and thousands of opinions. Someone says Nikon is better, someone says Canon, but there are also Sony, Pentax, Olympus and others. Each user of a particular brand always defends the advantage of his equipment. After all, she has opportunities that others do not have.

In fact, it doesn’t matter what you choose, each brand has its own advantages and disadvantages. The main thing is that you yourself like it and feel comfortable. The camera should first of all meet your needs and requirements.

If you are purchasing a non-new digital SLR camera, then the main criterion that guides the modern photographer is the "mileage" of the shutter. The shutter of a camera is a vital part and failure of the shutter leads to costly camera repairs.

Here I would like to clarify, so that you are not mistaken in forming an opinion on these figures ...

First of all, when buying a camera, you need to inspect external state shutter by gently lifting the mirror with your finger.

A good shutter will have a minimum amount of abrasions between the lamellas, or even will not have them at all, and here the shutter run may not always give the expected “picture”.

A shutter with a range of for example 50,000 frames can be in much better condition than a shutter with a range of 15-20 thousand. Why is this happening? This happens because the operating conditions of the camera are different.

One camera can be in the studio and always work with one fixed lens. If we add to this a careful attitude and care, then such cameras are capable of exceeding the shutter release resource laid down by the factory by more than 2 times. In the second case, a shutter with a resource of only 18 thousand. What contributed to the frequent change of lenses in adverse conditions, for example: outdoors during the wind or in a dusty room. After all, the dust and debris that enter the camera shaft are constantly in motion at the moment the mirror is raised. These small particles fall between the shutter lamellas and into the mechanism that is responsible for the operation of the shutter. What causes increased wear and most often leads to breakage of the shutter lamellae.

It is also worth noting that there are models of zoom lenses, which are popularly called "vacuum cleaners" precisely because when the zoom ring moves, especially from the beginning to the end of the focal lengths, the displaced volume of air literally creates a wind inside the camera shaft, which you can even feel through the viewfinder. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the cleanliness inside the shaft, since debris entering the shaft will contribute to increased wear of the shutter.

So it’s far from a fact that by buying a non-new camera with a minimum “mileage” you will get a camera in excellent condition and you will not need to repair the camera.

For example: a new camera from the store may not even withstand a ten-day tourist trip to the Egyptian sands. And if it survives, then the state of its shutter may well be critical. Although of course this will largely depend on its owner and the measures taken by him.

For those who really need it. You can download the “EOSInfo” program that allows you to view the number of shutter cycles on Canon cameras with a DIGIC3 and DIGIC4 processor

Cameras: 1D*/5D/10D/20D/30D/40D/50D/300D/350D/400D/450D/1000D

For Nikon cameras, the number of firing cycles can be viewed in the Exif of each shot.

Good luck with your pictures!

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