How to choose a compact camera. How to choose a digital camera

Landscaping and planning 11.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

This question is probably asked by people who are not professional photographers. Surely most of the people who went to the site never had a camera at all. Therefore, this article will focus mainly on the issue how to choose a camera novice photographer.

Choosing a camera: step by step guide

1. First of all, forget about a certain brand! Each brand has its best and not so good camera model. Don't start unnecessary arguments with a sales assistant who says, "But Sony makes the best and highest quality cameras." It's all lies. Both Sony and Canon have failed models.

2. You need to choose a camera that has the largest matrix at the same price. The level of noise in the photographs depends on its size. The smaller it is, the higher the quality.

3. We VERY ask you not to chase the number of pixels on the camera! The fact is that the more pixels on the camera, the more it requires a matrix. You are mistaken if you think that the quality depends on the number of pixels. This is not true: pixels only affect the allowed maximum size of a photo, while increasing the level of noise. Noise is smoothed by the matrix, so an even larger matrix is ​​required. Try to find perfect combination matrix size and number of pixels.

4. In simple terms, such a parameter as ISO shows how likely it is to take pictures successfully in the dark. The higher this figure, the better the shooting will be. At the same time, another interesting dependence is observed if we compare the size of the matrix and ISO. The greater the difference between them, the worse the quality of the photos will be due to the increase in the noise level. However, there is no direct relationship here.

5. It is best to choose a camera with maximum aperture! For SLR cameras, please note that this setting depends on the optional lens. Aperture, one might say, increases the chances of obtaining high-quality photographs. This option is listed next to the lens. How less than a number on lenses, the better.

6. The zoom ratio affects how many surrounding objects enter the lens. If the focal length indicated next to the aperture is small, then the camera gets more items. If the focal length is large, then the camera, for example, at the same distance compared to a camera with a large focal length, will take a picture of a person not at full height, but a little less. At the same time, the photos will be the same in size (unless, of course, the number of pixels is the same), since the second camera will increase the person entering the frame.

7. Pay attention to whether there is an image stabilizer that allows you to take photos while traveling by train.

8. Be sure to choose a camera with a viewfinder! Why? The viewfinder in the case of bright sun is an indispensable thing. When the display is on, you consume a lot of power.

What are cameras?

The types of cameras discussed in this section, their advantages and disadvantages are described in terms of choice for beginners. The disadvantage of the camera, described in the article, in reality can be one of the advantages for a professional.


This is the most suitable option for beginner photographers who are not yet able to appreciate the difference between cheap and expensive. Advantages of compact cameras:

  • small size, it is convenient to hold in your hand, you will always have it with you, because it can even fit in a jacket pocket;
  • cheap in price good investment Your funds.

If you choose such a camera, then know that it has the following disadvantages:

  • cheap optics, which affects the quality of photos;
  • photos are much worse than on mirror ones;
  • a small matrix, which also affects the final result, but for beginners this is not so important;
  • fixed lens (for beginners this will be an advantage).

You can easily eliminate the lack of photo quality with the help of various computer photo editors!


Compared to compact cameras, they immediately have a number of innovations that improve the quality of photographs. Main advantages:

  • due to the large matrix and interchangeable lens, one of the best quality photographs is achieved;
  • the presence of a mirror;
  • optical viewfinder;
  • allow you to take professional photos.


  • high price; of course, if your pockets are full of money, then you can immediately buy such a camera; if you are a beginner who does not have such an amount of money, it is better to choose the previous option;
  • large dimensions (again, the disadvantage concerns beginners); it will be inconvenient for a beginner to hold it in his hand, and in order for him to be always at hand, he will have to keep him constantly around his neck.

When purchasing this option, pay attention to such characteristics as the speed of photographs, the size of the matrix, the lens. Manufacturers of high-quality "DSLRs" are such companies as Sony, Canon, Nikon, Sigma and Pentax. When choosing a camera, you should not look for a particular brand. Just compare the price of certain models and their characteristics. Choosing a quality camera is not easy!


Hybrid cameras are somewhere between compact and SLR cameras. The most suitable option for a beginner photographer. Advantages:

  • optimal price / quality ratio;
  • the functionality of the camera will be the most suitable for a beginner;
  • convenient dimensions compared to DSLRs, while the quality of photos is much better than digital ones.


  • lack of a mirror;
  • no viewfinder;
  • inferior in functionality to professional ones.

semi-professional camera

Another acceptable option for beginners, which, by the way, has one significant drawback - the price. Advantages:

  • such cameras allow you to take high-quality photographs;
  • have a Live View function;
  • full frame matrix.


  • high price;
  • the functionality is lower than that of the "DSLRs".

Before you start choosing a camera, let's define the difference between SLR cameras and ordinary "soap dishes". So, if you do not notice any significant difference between the photos from two different devices, then we do not recommend purchasing a mirror one, only disappointment will await you ahead. You can get high-quality photographs both from a SLR camera and from a “soap box”. Just in the second case, you will need more ideal conditions for shooting, as well as processing photos using photo editors. These cameras are able to forgive your mistakes, process photos on their own and are not so demanding on shooting conditions.

Remember that when buying a SLR camera, a beginner will always have room to grow and something to strive for. Over time, you will get acquainted with all the functionality of the “DSLR” and understand why it was worth taking this particular unit.

What is useful "Soap"? We decided to single out our smartphones with built-in "soap dishes" as a separate item. Of course, the quality of photos from soapboxes is much worse than from DSLRs, but from year to year, smartphone manufacturers release more and more new devices that have great functionality, and the quality of the functions built into them is constantly increasing by leaps and bounds. So, "soap dishes" have a number of advantages compared to the same "reflex cameras" (yes, yes!):


  1. In conclusion, I would like to add that cameras should be purchased only from trusted dealers and reliable branded manufacturers.
  2. Before buying, check the camera on / off, whether all buttons work, whether it shoots well.
  3. Check the zoom operation, make sure that the objective lens does not contain any scratches or other damage. For the latter, you need to photograph some kind of uniform background and check how good the pictures are.

Now you know how to choose a camera for yourself, depending on their characteristics and properties. Happy purchase!

The topic of choosing a camera, probably, has always been and will be relevant. Time passes, technology changes, old materials written on this topic become hopelessly outdated. The general principles remain unchanged, but a huge number of nuances makes us look at the problem of choice differently. Purpose of the article What is the best camera- dot the i's in the purchase question digital camera given the current market situation. The article is primarily aimed at beginner amateur photographers, but I'm sure the article will be useful for experienced users as well.

Where to start choosing the "best" camera?

First of all, you must determine the range of tasks for which the camera will be used. Tasks can be completely different and you need to come to terms with the fact that there is simply no absolutely universal camera. There are only cameras that are suitable for solving certain tasks or not suitable. For example, to go on a picnic with friends, it is absolutely not necessary to bring a professional SLR there (although there are enthusiasts), an inexpensive soap dish or even a smartphone is quite enough - after all, photos from such events, as a rule, do not go further social networks and home photo albums. AT this case the best camera there will be one that is always at hand.

For professional purposes, the requirements for technique vary considerably depending on the genre of shooting. To shoot a reportage, you need a high burst speed and the ability to take pictures handheld in low light, for a landscape - maximum clarity and depth of colors, for a portrait - high-quality reproduction of skin color and the ability to get a beautiful blur of the background, for macro photography - the ability to focus on very close object, and so on. Naturally, all these possibilities cannot be realized in one camera with a single lens. Thus, choosing the best option for a camera is always a compromise between the capabilities of technology, its size, ease of use and price.

Classes of digital cameras

One of the main criteria by which cameras are divided into different classes is physical size of the matrix. It is not measured in megapixels, but in millimeters (or inches). It is this parameter that has a decisive influence on the quality of photographs - color reproduction, noise level, dynamic range. Traditionally, it was believed that for DSLRs and mirrorless cameras a large matrix is ​​good, for soap dishes a small matrix is ​​bad. Now this division is very conditional, since many compact cameras have matrices comparable in size to amateur DSLRs and mirrorless cameras.

Conventionally, digital cameras can be divided into several classes.

Cameras in smartphones

AT last years there is a steady trend on the market - smartphones are slowly but surely replacing compact cameras. And there are good reasons for this:

  • Smartphone always at hand
  • The photo quality of most smartphones is sufficient for printing in a small format (for those who are used to it) and posting photos on social networks
  • Built-in photo processing capabilities eliminate the need for a graphics editor on a PC
  • Photos do not have to be printed - they are quite convenient to view on a smartphone
  • The issue of saving photos is solved by connecting cloud storage
  • It is convenient to share photos - via the Internet and via bluetooth

If you are going to take photos "for home, for family, for friends", the best choice is a smartphone with a good camera, and this is no joke! The only drawback of the smartphone is the lack of zoom, although there are models with two lenses - one for general plans, another for large ones. Such devices are more expensive, but they successfully solve 99% of the tasks of amateur photography.

Amateur compact entry-level cameras ("soap dishes")

Against the backdrop of the growth of smartphone capabilities, this class of cameras can be safely considered endangered. The demand for them is kept "by inertia", but, I think, within a couple of years it will completely disappear. Camera manufacturers are well aware of this and are gradually curtailing the production of compacts. The only subclass that is still afloat is "superzooms". These are compact cameras with 10-20 or more times optical zoom. The only advantage of such cameras over smartphones is the ability to shoot close-ups of distant objects.

The topic of choosing a superzoom has been moved (on this moment it is a bit outdated and needs to be reworked, but the general principles can be understood). If speak about the best manufacturer soap dishes, then in this niche there is not much difference between them. Choose from Sony, Nikon, Panasonic, Canon, Olympus. The quality of the photos will be the same, the difference is only in appearance.

Some entry-level compact cameras have a full range of manual settings. This is primarily aimed at those amateur photographers who want to learn how to photograph, however, the value of manual settings for such cameras is often greatly exaggerated. The presence of a programmable exposure mode (P), as a rule, covers 99% of the needs of an enthusiastic amateur photographer - verified from our own experience.

If you want to do artistic photography, I strongly recommend not to mess with "small" cameras. The picture quality will be acceptable only on the street with daylight. When lighting conditions deteriorate, the quality of photographs deteriorates rapidly. Photos from these devices are difficult to process in Photoshop, because even with minor manipulations with brightness, contrast, saturation, artifacts begin to appear - color distortion, increased noise level, "steps" on smooth color transitions.

Cameras for advanced amateurs

This niche is the most diverse, it contains at least three subgroups, in varying degrees, competing with each other in terms of their capabilities.

"Top soap dishes"

These are compact devices with an oversized matrix and non-replaceable optics. According to their declared characteristics, they seem to be inferior to entry-level amateur devices (see above) - they have fewer megapixels, the zoom ratio rarely exceeds 3-5 times, sometimes they have worse video capabilities, but they do their job more honestly and with better quality - and Namely, they provide better detail and color reproduction than devices elementary grade. All this is due to a larger matrix and a better lens.

Among the top compacts, in my opinion, Sony, Panasonic, Canon are the most successful.

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Another advantage of the "top" compacts (as well as all the groups listed below) is the ability to shoot in RAW format. What is RAW, we will briefly analyze a little later, but for now, just take my word for it - this is a very useful feature for which you can sacrifice the zoom ratio, rotary / touch screen, not to mention the "trendy chips" such as Wi-Fi, GPS, etc. .P.

"Top" compacts take excellent pictures during the day on the street, indoors with them you can also achieve acceptable photo quality. The merit of everything is a higher quality matrix of an increased size (from 2/3 "to 1") - the larger, the better, but also more expensive.

Almost all compacts of this class can shoot in RAW. The presence of the RAW format opens great opportunities to stretch photos to an acceptable level of quality. The only limitation is that most devices in this niche are not able to provide beautiful and powerful background blur (bokeh) where it is needed (for example, in a portrait or when shooting close-ups). To "make bokeh" in photographs, you need a device with an even larger matrix and a fast lens. More detailed information about choosing an entry-level or advanced-level soap dish, see the article Best compact cameras


Mirrorless - in fact, these are the same "top" compacts, only with interchangeable lenses. The main advantage of mirrorless cameras is their "consistency". This is a constructor in which the carcass acts as a base and you can hang a lot of interesting things on it - lenses, flash, video light, microphone, additional screen. Another question, this "interesting" costs extra money, and the cost of the kit can many times exceed the cost of the carcass :)

Modern mirrorless cameras have matrices ranging in size from 4/3 "(crop 2) to "full frame". Recently, even medium format system cameras have appeared. The cost of owning a system significantly correlates with the size of the sensor - the smaller the crop, the more expensive the optics. Sometimes noticeably more expensive!

If we talk about manufacturers, I would recommend first of all to look towards Sony, Panasonic, Olympus, Fujifilm. These manufacturers entered the "mirrorless" niche earlier than others and, in this regard, they have a wider choice of additional lenses and accessories than Canon and Nikon.

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A modern mirrorless camera is a fast, reliable and functional device that is not inferior in image quality and speed to SLR cameras (and in some ways even surpasses them) and at the same time is much lighter and more compact. The main disadvantage of most mirrorless cameras is that in the pursuit of compactness, many physical controls (buttons, wheels) are often replaced with software ones (menu items). Since the functionality of mirrorless cameras is very high, the menu becomes multi-level and complex - this makes life difficult for the photographer if you need to photograph something in non-standard conditions, when the standard settings and presets cannot provide the correct result. But this is more the exception than the rule. In my opinion, if you need a device "for every day", a mirrorless camera will be the most practical solution.

Having at my disposal a reflex Canon EOS 5D ("full frame") and mirrorless (Micro 4/3), I prefer the latter on most trips and light walks, as well as for amateur home shooting, and I can say that technical quality The photos of a modern mirrorless camera are no worse than those of a 13-year-old full-frame "dinosaur".

SLR Cameras

SLRs- devices in which a shutter with a movable or fixed mirror is used, through which the picture that the lens sees is projected into the viewfinder. This design has an advanced age, however, it has very successfully taken root in digital.

DSLRs have not had any objective significant advantages over system cameras for a long time, however, due to the large number of available optics, DSLRs are still in steady demand.

SLRs have taken root in the field of professional photography - for professional photographers, it is important not only the number of functions of the camera, but also the ease of access to them (it's easier to press a button than to climb the menu every time!). And the autofocus of advanced DSLRs in difficult conditions works faster and more accurately than mirrorless ones. The main disadvantage of a DSLR is its size and weight, although some models are very compact and comparable in size to top compacts (for example, Canon ESO 100D). If this drawback is not critical, the purchase of a DSLR is fully justified, otherwise it is better to look towards mirrorless cameras.

Among the manufacturers of DSLRs, Canon and Nikon traditionally share the palm, I recommend considering these manufacturers first of all. Not because Sony and Pentax DSLRs are bad - not at all! The question is that over time you will want to buy a new lens for your camera. If you have a Canon or Nikon, you can buy a lens at any photo store (after finding out where it is cheaper) or used on Avito. Sony has a worse situation - optics, in principle, are on sale, but the range is smaller and prices can be higher. Pentax - a separate song! The devices themselves are very interesting, but to find the right optics for them on sale, you need to try very hard.

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DSLRs hold the record for battery life, as the matrix "turns on" only at the moment the shutter is opened. For other classes of cameras, the matrix always works to transfer the picture to the screen. DSLRs also have a LiveView mode, in which the camera works like a "soap box" and shows the picture not in the viewfinder, but on the screen. At the same time, energy consumption increases accordingly.

If you try to look ahead, then in five years, if they do not disappear at all, then with 90% probability they will leave the amateur segment - they will be "taken out" by system cameras. The professional niche will also see a decline in the popularity of SLR cameras. It is no accident that the leading photo manufacturers have mobilized their forces to produce full-frame system cameras and optics for them!

In light of the above, I advise you to think carefully about the advisability of buying an advanced SLR camera for amateur use. In the secondary market, the demand for DSLRs has already noticeably decreased - used professional cameras are like new amateur ones, but no one buys them and is not even interested. And what will happen in a few years?

Cameras for enthusiastic amateurs and professionals

This niche is also very diverse. home salient feature these devices - the presence of some unique opportunities, for which people are willing to pay 2, 3 and even 10 times more than for middle-class equipment. Everyone has different requests - someone needs a full-frame matrix (mostly professional portrait painters, landscape painters, wedding photographers), someone needs an image component (most often, wealthy people for whom main criterion in the choice - "so that the device is pleasant to hold in hands" - it is for them that compact stylish "image" devices are created).

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Full-frame cameras provide the best image quality, which is why they are very popular among professional photographers and photo-advanced amateurs. If earlier this niche was dominated by Canon and Nikon DSLRs, now mirrorless devices are beginning to penetrate it. Sony Alpha A7 is the first swallow, a full-frame mirrorless camera for a sane cost for a full frame. The "vintage" Leica is a fashion device "for the rich", however, it has a full-frame sensor and quite good photographic capabilities.

The screenshot was taken when the dollar cost 33 rubles :) Now the cost of such a Leica is from 600 thousand rubles. I will modestly keep silent about the practicality of such an acquisition, for the price of one Leica M carcass you can buy a professional Canon or Nikon DSLR with a professional lens (or even several).

If you aim for a full frame, keep in mind that its capabilities are fully realized only with high-quality optics, which can cost comparable to the camera, and sometimes much more. Buying a full frame for amateur home shooting is not the most practical investment. If you are a beginner, it is better to buy simpler equipment, and invest the difference in price in photography training. If you have photographic experience and the desire to improve yourself, a full-frame camera will be a great tool in your hands!

Added on 05/15/2018

Recently, one of the readers made a remark to me that I did not consider in this article another category of professional equipment - medium format cameras. I must say right away that I am a little far from this topic and have only superficial knowledge about this technique. Medium format cameras have a matrix on average 1.5 times larger than the "full frame", their own fleet of optics and additional equipment. The cost of a full-fledged set for shooting on a "medium format" can exceed the cost of a new foreign car, so it is no wonder that the demand for this equipment, even in the professional niche, is small compared to the same full-frame DSLRs.

Shooting on a "medium format" is characterized by slowness, the use of slow shutter speeds and strongly (by "cropped" standards) clamped apertures. The reward for this will be images with tremendous detail (40-50 megapixels or more), perfect perspective transmission (since 50 mm on a medium format is a very wide-angle lens), and if you want to blur the background, then you can do wonders.

Conclusion. Which camera is right for whom?

So, it's time to draw a line under all of the above. Let's try to summarize the most typical options in a table. The options are "basic", depending on your preferences, they can be combined with each other. The table shows the approximate models of cameras that are suitable for this role. Sometimes I referred to entire families of cameras. I did not have a goal to list everything that fits - just designate a class of equipment, among which you need to look for options.

What will you be photographing? A good choice A very good choice!
1 I like to take pictures of everything, I post pictures on Vkontakte. Artistic photography is not interested. I am loyal to quality.Good smartphone :) Not necessarily an iPhone. Samsung and top Chinese smartphones have very good cameras!Smartphone with 2 lenses - for general and close-ups.
2 I just want a camera. Moreover, one that is always at hand, shoots well on the machine, but so that you can indulge in manual settings. I love walking light. I want to learn photography!

Top compact with 1" matrix - Sony, Panasonic, Canon

An entry-level mirrorless camera is often cheaper than top-end compacts, in the standard configuration it can be inferior to top-end soap dishes, but it gives more growth opportunities - interchangeable lenses, an external flash, a microphone - all this can be purchased as needed.

Sony, Panasonic, Canon, Fujifilm, Olympus

3 Camera for home, family, allowing you to take high-quality photos indoors and shoot video

Entry-level mirrorless with a kit lens and an additional "portrait" lens and an external flash (if there is a place to connect it)

Mid-range mirrorless camera with swivel screen, electronic viewfinder with "advanced" kit lens and additional "portrait" lens and external flash

4 Travel camera, mainly for landscape

For walking light close to home - a "top" soap dish or an amateur mirrorless camera with a whale lens

For long distance travel beautiful places- SLR or mirrorless with a set of optics from wide-angle to telephoto.

5 The camera as a means of production, mainly reportage

Semi-professional cropped or full-frame DSLR with semi-professional zoom lens (constant aperture 1:4.0) and external flash

Canon EOS 80D, Nikon D7xxx

Professional full-frame DSLR with fast zoom lens (1:2.8) and external flash

6 Mainly artistic portrait photography

Semi-professional device (crop, full frame) with fast aperture, can be non-autofocus (via an adapter)

Full-frame camera with a professional high-aperture fix. If the money has nowhere to go, then the "medium format".

7 Wedding photo

Entry level - cropped camera (DSLR, mirrorless) with an "advanced" kit 18-135 mm, fast aperture for portraits, external flash

Full-frame camera with a set of lenses covering the range of 24-200 mm, with a constant aperture of 1: 2.8, a professional portrait fixed lens, an external flash, additional light, reflectors, an assistant who will carry it all :)

8 Photo hunting

Amateur level - cropped camera (DSLR, mirrorless) with a 250-300 mm telephoto lens

Professional level - a full-frame device with a fast telephoto lens of at least 400 mm, possibly also a teleconverter (extender).

On this, I think, we can finish. Good luck with your choice of camera and more good pictures!

About my help in choosing a camera

Until recently, I provided a consultation service on choosing a camera according to your criteria. Now I am her do not provide. In view of my busy schedule, I no longer have the opportunity to regularly get acquainted with the latest in the photo industry, attend presentations and exhibitions of new products. Therefore, the maximum that I can offer you is to look again at the table above, or send a link to Yandex.Market with a selection of cameras with characteristics suitable for your tasks.

Hello colleagues! Today I’ll try to tell you how to choose a camera for an amateur, that is, a person who is not quite new to photography. Well, as usual, I have my own special view here: we choose not just an apparatus, but an apparatus for.

To begin with, at least with the fact that consumer "photo-soap dishes" are no longer suitable for you. Most likely, you started with such a fotik, right? "Soap box" is the first camera bought, rather like a toy. When you have played enough with it, when you have seen enough high-quality pictures of real masters, when you understand for yourself what kind of pictures, in what genre you yourself would like to take - you understand that the “soap box” is clearly not enough for you! She doesn't have the same opportunities.

Thus, our choice is narrowing - we do not consider compact cameras from the lower price category. Although, of course, no one forbids arguing about this! 🙂 However, we need to choose digital camera, which will solve our photographic problems, and not which someone on the Internet considers the best!

And even more so, if you plan to engage in stock photography, the device will be needed not as a toy, but as a working tool.

Camera Selection Criteria

As always, when we need to make the right purchase, in particular, to choose a good camera for an amateur, we must be guided by some milestones that will mark the area of ​​​​our priorities. Well, if I were faced with the question of choosing a new camera, how would I do it myself?

Since I am a stock photographer (albeit a shitty one), the main selection criterion for me will be what kind of pictures I am going to take in the future? We have already agreed from the very beginning that we are advanced amateurs, which means that we already have some experience in photography. Therefore, we can analyze: what did we like to shoot up to this point, what exactly did we shoot most often? And it would be advisable to choose the device for these subjects. And for those who already try their hand at photo stocks, there is one more criterion: what genres of stock photography do you like best?

Will we shoot urban scenes and genre on the streets? Or natural landscapes? Or work in a home studio, such as shooting objects, still lifes and food? Or leisurely studio portraits? Or dynamic sports competitions, or gossip in the difficult conditions of dark clubs? Each genre is best suited to its own class of technology. Of course, all this can be photographed with the same camera. But it's about convenience! About the maximum disclosure of all potentials, and not about “taking a picture at least somehow”.

Compact devices of varying degrees of sophistication

Ideal for family shooting, no claims for any sales, commissioned shoots, etc. These will be photos “for memory”, like “how we went swimming”, “how we built a garage”, and the like.

Compacts are just for such use and invented.

  • They are small and light, the lens is often completely hidden in the body, and the camera becomes like a mobile phone - just a flat box. The advantages are obvious - the device fits into any pocket.
  • They are easy to work with; often they have only one button and a scene selector. That is the very minimum that only allows him to work as a camera. The advantages are also obvious - no need to think. 🙂 Everyone will be able to turn the wheel on the desired plot program and press the button.
  • These scene programs represent their own pre-prepared settings for certain everyday scenes and subjects - landscape, portrait, macro, and so on. For example, when you set the "landscape" program, the camera processor reduces the aperture so that the depth of field (depth of field) becomes wider. This will lead to the fact that both the foreground and the background will be in sharpness, which is just what is important for the landscape. And if you set the "sport" program, then the processor reduces the shutter speed to avoid blurring. And so on. And in many compact models, these settings cannot be changed manually.

If someone thinks that such simple cameras are not suitable for working on photo stocks, then he will be mistaken. They are suitable, but true for a limited range of subjects. For example, you can shoot (and sell on stocks) urban genre scenes. Those where you do not need to catch the exact moments (because the shutter lag will not allow you to do this, and it is typical to varying degrees for all compacts). But city landscapes, people walking in parks, views of embankments, monuments, and so on - all this is available for compacts, and it’s quite sold on stocks!

As prices go up, compact cameras get more features, more features, and more convenience. The lens acquires normal shape and quality, ceases to hide in the body. Older models are already difficult to distinguish from SLR cameras! What is it in appearance as well as opportunities. And it is already difficult to call them compact. In fact, these are the same DSLRs, only without a mirror, and the lens cannot be changed. Previously, they were called "prosumers", a cross between professional and consumer cameras.

And of course, such devices are completely suitable for making money on photobanks.

  • They are still quite small, not as bulky as the top mirrors - they can be easily taken with you on trips,
  • They have a full range of settings, have manual modes, allow you to fully control the process of photography in all possible conditions,
  • They often have very decent lenses and the same matrices, which will make it possible to take photos that are indistinguishable in quality from pictures from professional DSLRs,
  • They do not remove the lens, which means that you do not have to regularly clean the matrix and retouch dust spots on the pictures.

To be honest, if I had to buy a camera “for myself” now, I would buy an advanced compact! Maybe not the most expensive and heaped up, but from the upper price range.

Mirrorless cameras

This is a very recent creation. They often look like real compact "soap dishes", only they allow you to change lenses!

This is a type of camera with interchangeable lenses, endowed with many advantages of mirror analogues: manual mode, high-quality images, large matrix, excellent shooting speed. These devices do not have a mirror and an optical viewfinder, so they are relatively small. This allows them to rightly be called an advanced compact with interchangeable lenses, by the way, which still needs to be found on sale.

Intending to purchase a mirrorless camera, you need to understand that functionally it does not surpass a SLR camera, but at the same time it is quite expensive. But if you appreciate the compactness and lightness of the device, coupled with the high quality of shooting, you can pay attention to such devices.

About two years ago, I started noticing photographs taken with such devices in Lori's photobank. They are still small, but over time it becomes more and more. The quality makes it possible to take them to the Lori base, the inspectors usually do not have any comments. Unless the photographer himself makes mistakes; but mistakes can be made even with the coolest and most professional camera in hand.

SLR cameras

It is believed that there is no professional photographer without a SLR camera. 🙂 Well, I have to agree with that. DSLRs are intended at least for advanced users who have an idea about photography and intend to further improve their skills. Their task is to provide the owner with the highest quality image that reflects the photographer's individual view of the world, which point-and-shoot samples cannot provide.

It is inconvenient to take such equipment on trips and on vacation, it is heavy and voluminous.

Although, of course, professional landscape photographers do this; in addition to the usual backpack, they carry with them a wardrobe trunk with photographic equipment under twenty kilograms in weight. They need to bring to the editorial office the highest quality images that are suitable for printing on paper, often also in a large, exhibition format. Only SLR cameras can provide this.

It is best to use DSLRs in the studio or when shooting to order. Weddings, for example, are what many photographers do. For studio work (and this may be your apartment), mirror devices are ideally suited. But they are also ideal for reporting, sports, club events, etc., where you need to shoot a lot and quickly, or where there is a lack of lighting. I have been filming rock concerts in small clubs for a while and can confirm that with an advanced professional DSLR it would be much easier! And I had to work with a simple Nikon D50.

Professionals usually use manual mode when working with them. This allows you to show an individual shooting technique and indicates a certain level of skill. Some DSLRs are also equipped with an automatic mode, but only younger models; the older and top ones do not have them, they do not have plot switches.

An important distinguishing feature of SLR cameras is the availability of interchangeable lenses, since the capabilities of one do not allow high-quality shooting in various conditions. You may also need other accessories - an external flash, a transmitter for studio monoblocks, memory cards, filters, external battery grips and much more. As a result, we conclude - reflex camera suitable for serious photography. Read to earn money. If your interests are limited to shooting swimming in the sea or monkeys in the zoo for home viewing and you are deciding which camera to buy, you should not spend extra money - it is better to look at other models that I wrote about above.

What features do you prefer?

Let's now briefly talk about the parameters of a digital camera that you need to pay attention to when choosing.

ISO- camera sensitivity to light; the higher this parameter, the darker conditions you can take pictures. Manufacturers often arrange a sensitivity race - which camera has a higher ISO. Or they declare the maximum ISO values, presenting this as the dignity of their model.

You should not pay attention to these advertising lures. You should shoot at the minimum ISO; less is better. The higher you set the sensitivity, the more digital noise will appear in the picture. When working on photo stocks, this means the higher the risk that the photo will not be accepted. If I was looking for a new digital camera, I would prefer one with a minimum sensitivity of 100. Even better, if the camera can set a fractional ISO, due to which it can be reduced to 50!

In other words, the choice is not the greatest, but smallest value ISO. But no one in the store will tell you about it. 🙂

Camera Resolution- an indicator that reflects the number of light-sensitive elements-pixels on the camera matrix. The more of them, the more accurate the picture is. Today, often, the resolution of cameras exceeds the capabilities of their lenses, and most importantly, the qualifications of their owners. For any beginner taking standard shots, 10 megapixels is already out of the question, and most cameras have much higher resolution.

At the same time, it is necessary to clearly understand - the size of the matrix and the number of pixels, things are not the same! On a very small matrix (the size of a match head!) There may be 16 or 20 megapixels! This is typical for consumer compacts, and this is nothing more than a marketing hoax. Very small pixels lead to image degradation. This is due to electronic effects; Roughly speaking, charges easily flow from one too small pixel to another. And vice versa, my old Nikon D50 has a matrix of about half the size of a standard 23x15 mm photographic frame, and it has only 6 (six) megapixels! This means that the size of each pixel is quite large, and you don't have to worry about the quality of the picture at all. Unless I'm screwing myself when shooting.

The latest matrix technologies began to appear, such as back reflection, when light from an object passes through a pixel twice - first directly, and then back, reflected from the matrix substrate. This is how the eyes of many animals work, for example, cats - that's why their eyes glow in the dark. The quality of the photographs, as they say, rises very sharply. But I dare to think that such a situation (the fewer photosensitive elements on the matrix, the better the picture) will still be maintained for a long time.

Zoom ratio(Zoom from the English. "image enlargement") - the ratio of the maximum focal length to the minimum. For example, a lens with a focal length of 35-105mm will have a 3x zoom, which is usually indicated on devices as 3x. There are two types of ZOOM:

  • Optical - characterizes the optical system of the device. The process of approaching/removing an object is carried out by shifting the lenses in the lens with the remaining parameters of the camera unchanged. This ensures good quality photos. Conclusion - it is worth choosing a lens with a large optical zoom,
  • Digital (digital zoom) - often used by marketers as a decoy for amateurs, although there is no real increase in the picture. The thing is that digital zoom simply stretches the image, just as we usually do on a tablet, pushing the image apart with our fingers. This creates the illusion of magnification, often resulting in loss of image quality.

Possibility of shooting video. Almost all cameras now have this feature. Useful from all points of view. At the household level, you can show your loved ones videos from your last barbecues or trips to the warm seas. And photo stockers know that sales of footages (short videos) have rapidly gained popularity, and now, perhaps, there is not a single photo bank without such content. Footage is much more expensive than still photos. I notice that some successful stock photographers in the past are gradually moving into footage shooting almost entirely, stopping taking pictures in the traditional way.

Ergonomics- an important parameter of the camera, which sellers pay little attention to. Meanwhile, this is a very important indicator of the functionality and ease of use of the device. Agree, I want to comfortably hold the camera in my hand and not figure out the intricacies of settings for hours. I would like all the buttons to be at hand, so that you have to climb into the menu less often to configure something. And the large rear screen is very handy for judging framing and quality.

Also pay attention to small details. For example, you will most likely need a hot shoe for an external flash. Usually it is always there, except for cheap compact cameras. Sooner or later you will need a tripod socket.

Well, there are a number of parameters that are difficult to assess unambiguously. For example, high burst speed is good when working on a photo essay. But do you need it if you shoot still life or food at home? Or heavy weight - of course, it is not very comfortable to shoot with a heavy camera, however, on the other hand, this is a direct evidence of its mechanical strength and reliability, and this is important in difficult conditions, for example, in a music club. Where you can easily be elbowed, doused with beer, knocked down in the crowd, and so on. 🙂

In general, everyone should have a camera these days. Choose the one that suits you best and shoot. The path from a cat shoot to your own cool photo studio is not so impossible. 🙂
And welcome to photo stocks!

It's hard to imagine life today modern man without a camera - the desire to capture highlights, travel or valuable information makes you wonder how to choose a digital camera, what characteristics are important to pay attention to, and which companies are better to give preference to.

What is the best digital camera?

A person who has not dealt with photographic equipment before can easily be confused by the abundance of cameras on the modern market. So, there is a small and compact technique that fits in the front pocket of a shirt, and there are huge overall models with a lot of weight, removable equipment. A separate issue is diversity. various brands, each of which releases a new model almost every year. How do they all differ, which company to prefer in order to get the best digital camera?

Digital cameras

These cameras are the most budgetary, while they are compact and convenient. But you should not count on the highest quality of photographs - the size of the matrix of such photographic equipment is small, sensitivity and other parameters are also of little importance. It is ideal for family daily shooting, travel, vacation. The best digital is often the following firms:

The optical zoom of soap dishes is often three or four times, in the newest models, for example, Nikon Coolpix S3700, eight times zoom. The same model and some others are equipped with Wi-Fi, which makes the process of data transfer more convenient. For maximum convenience in work, it is better to choose a model as new as possible.

This technique is an order of magnitude higher than soap dishes, and the first thing that distinguishes it is a large optical zoom, a good large-sized matrix, and high light sensitivity. A significant drawback that does not allow these cameras to enter the lists of amateur or semi-professional is a stationary lens. It is impossible to change the lens in the ultrazoom, the only thing that can be done is to choose macro attachments for high-quality shooting of small objects.

When deciding how to choose an ultrazoom digital camera, you should know that they are produced by such well-known firms, like Canon, Nikon, Sony, Panasonic, Olympus, the best option is to correlate price and quality. The rating of popular ultrazooms today is as follows:

  1. Canon PowerShot SX530HS. New model with 50x magnification, 16MP resolution, 3-inch display and Wi-Fi for added convenience. The focal length of the lens is 24-1200. The weight of the camera is only 442 grams, which allows you to take it with you to any event and long hikes.

  2. Nikon Coolpix B500. Three-inch swivel display, 40x magnification, matrix resolution 16 MPx, focal length 23t - 900 meters. The weight of the camera is 541 grams. Equipped with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

  3. Nikon Coolpix P900. Differs in a huge zoom - magnification of a lens in 83 times. Three-inch swivel display, 16 megapixel matrix, focal length 24-2000. Of the shortcomings - a large weight for the ultrasonic, 900 grams. The model is very expensive, suitable for shooting animals in the wild from a long distance. Equipped with Wi-Fi and GPS.

  4. Nikon Coolpix L340. A simpler and more cost effective model. Magnification 28 times, focal length 22-630, display 3 inches. Matrix resolution 20 MPks. Weight 430 grams.

  5. Panasonic DMC-FZ1000. Matrix 20 MPks, 3-inch display, 16x magnification, focal length 25-400. Equipped with Wi-Fi, capable of recording videos with ultraHD resolution. An important advantage of this photographic equipment is the ability to shoot in RAW format. Camera weight 830 grams.

  6. Canon PowerShot SX60HS. Matrix resolution 16 megapixels, magnification 65 times, focal length 21 - 1365 meters, the ability to shoot in RAW format. Three-inch swivel display, camera weight 650 grams. Equipped with Wi-Fi.

  7. Sony RX10 III. One of the most expensive ultrazooms, characterized by moisture and shock protection. Shooting in RAW format, ultraHD video recording, Wi-Fi. Optical zoom 25x, focal length 24 - 600. Camera weight 1051 grams.

- This is a high-quality photographic equipment of amateur, semi-professional and professional class. Large photosensitive matrix, huge assortment lenses for any requirement, the mirror design allows you to get pictures of the highest quality with ultra-accurate color reproduction. To choose a good SLR camera, you need to accurately determine the goals - either it will be high-quality shooting of family highlights, or professional work, and depending on this, select a model.

  1. CANON EOS 1DX. Recognized as the best SLR reportage camera in the world. Full-size sensor, 12 frames per second, 18 megapixel resolution. Such a camera is a real find for a professional, but for a family it is not at all advisable to buy it.

  2. Nikon D45. New model with 51 focus points, 11 frames per second shooting speed, 16 MP sensor resolution. Thanks to its high light sensitivity, this device takes high-quality pictures without a flash, even in the dark.

  3. CANON EOS 5D MARK III- the most popular professional reportage camera. Equipped with a new generation processor, 61 focus points, 6 frames per second shooting speed.

  4. Nikon DF. This camera is ideal for travelers, because the main advantage of this professional camera is its low weight, only 700 grams. It will also be appreciated by lovers of retro design. It is worth noting that it is “outdated” only externally - a touch screen, a good viewfinder, a magnesium case, good battery confirmation of this.

  5. CANON EOS 6D. This is the most budget professional camera that allows you to get high-quality results at an affordable price. Inferior to the well-known 5D MARK III in shooting speed - 4.5 frames per second.

  6. PENTAX K-3. This technique belongs to the semi-professional, since the size of the matrix is ​​not full, known as "crop", resolution 24 megapixels, 27-point focusing. The weight of the camera is 800 grams, the body is made of light metal and protected from moisture and dust.

  7. CANON EOS 7D. Included in the category of professional cameras, while it is available for amateurs. This camera differs from professional ones only in that it is a “crop”.

  8. SONY ALPHA DSLR-A390. A good amateur SLR camera with well-thought-out automatic shooting modes. Matrix resolution 14 megapixels, shooting speed 8 frames per second, good convenient viewfinder.

  9. NICON D 3300. An ideal model for a novice photographer, which allows you to delve into the specifics of photography without high costs and get beautiful bright pictures.

  10. CANON EOS 1100D. Almost similar to the previous camera. An ideal model for a beginner in photography, also good in quality. Its undeniable advantage is its low weight, it is very popular.

Mirrorless digital camera

If the question of how to choose a compact digital camera with high performance is important to you, you should consider mirrorless cameras. Their peculiarity is that they are based on a high-resolution electronic video finder, while they work perfectly with any lenses. They do not have an optical viewfinder on the mirrors, this is their fundamental difference from SLR cameras.

This technique first went on sale in 2008, it is considered new, but it has proven itself well in terms of its characteristics. Their important advantage over SLR cameras is their compactness and light weight, while the quality of the pictures, resolution, color reproduction and sharpness are in no way inferior. But their price is also high.

To decide how to choose a digital camera with a mirrorless system, our rating will help you:

How to choose a good digital camera?

Before choosing a high-quality digital and modern camera for home, it is still worth understanding its characteristics, only then the purchased camera will fully meet your request. What should you pay attention to when reading the characteristics of photographic equipment on display windows?

Dimensions of the matrix of a digital camera

When wondering how to choose a high-quality camera, it is worth knowing about the size of its matrix. This parameter is important when choosing high-end SLR cameras, it is determined by the size of the film frame and is responsible for image quality. The matrix of a digital camera can be full-size (36x24 mm) or with a crop factor (reduced in size).

Professional photographic equipment uses full-sized sensors, which gives good image quality, higher light sensitivity and low noise level. The downside is that it's very expensive, so unless you're planning to shoot professional photography in specific lighting conditions, it's not necessary. All semi-professional and amateur level cameras, soapboxes, Urazums and DSLRs are equipped with a crop factor matrix.

Those who are just getting acquainted with photography are interested in the question of what is the ISO sensitivity in the camera. Many have noticed that in the description of professional equipment everywhere they talk about high light sensitivity - this is the ISO parameter, the larger it is, the higher the camera's ability to shoot in low light conditions. But remember - high ISO gives a lot of noise, so try to set the ISO as low as possible in the settings.

If you are interested in how to choose a digital camera that is very simple and compact, automatic modes are enough for you - “auto”, “portrait”, “landscape”. If you want more from photography, choose a technique with manual modes that allow you to adjust the exposure (amount of light), the ISO number, and the depth of field. All SLR and mirrorless cameras, as well as ultrazooms, are equipped with several manual modes.

digital zoom in camera

What is optical zoom in a camera is an increase in the image on the frame without losing its quality. For a family camera, a three- or four-fold increase is enough; any “soap box” can give such a parameter. If you need an increase of 10 times or more, then you should pay attention to ultrasonics.

When choosing a SLR or mirrorless camera, remember that such a parameter as zoom has nothing to do with the camera itself, in this case it is the characteristics of the lenses. The camera itself will provide a high-quality image both with a Fix lens (not magnifying) and with a reportage one.

The best camera for video

Today, almost every camera has a video recording function, ranging from budget cameras to expensive SLR cameras. The only exceptions are professional SLR photographic equipment designed for high-quality photography. To choose a camera for shooting video, please note that the number of megapixels indicated in the specifications is only related to photos, video resolution is always lower. It is better to choose models with video recording with HD or FullHD resolution.

What brand of digital cameras is better?

Summing up the descriptions and ratings, we can safely say that the best companies that produce high-quality digital SLR and mirrorless cameras are Canon, Nikon, Sony, Pentax. To choose a high-quality soap dish or ultrasonic, you can add companies such as Samsung and Olympus to the previous list.

If you have decided to buy a digital camera, but do not know what to look for and in general which camera to choose from the many offers on the market, then in this article we will analyze all the nuances in detail.

Immediately you need to decide what you need a camera for at all.

Compact cameras or soap dishes

Pros: Small size and ease of use.

Cons - low image quality and lack of customizable options for creative possibilities.

Such cameras are suitable for amateur photography of children, animals, photos on trips. For example, the Nikon Coolpix A10 camera is a very good option.

But it is worth noting that modern smartphones have almost better cameras than compact cameras, so the best option will buy a good smart phone.

Also still in the category of compact cameras are cameras with a fixed lens. On such cameras, the zoom will be better and a little better quality photos, but the price is disproportionately higher than that of a conventional soap dish.

Professional compact cameras

Due to the larger matrix, the quality of photos is better, and some models are also equipped with a good zoom. This class of technology took a little bit from the rest. The size will be larger than conventional compact cameras, but not as large as professional ones. However, the price of such a camera will be even higher. Our choice is the Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark II.

A good option for amateur photography and travel.

SLR Cameras

  • good quality of photos;
  • large matrix;
  • many customizable features;
  • the ability to change lenses;
  • Ease of use.
  • rather big dimensions;
  • relatively high price.

DSLRs have become the standard for digital cameras, with great features to meet the needs of almost any photographer.

It is the matrix in the camera that is responsible for the quality of the photos, and in SLR cameras, due to the size of the matrix, the photos are better than in other cameras.

SLR cameras are divided into 3 types:

  1. amateur;
  2. semi-professional;
  3. professional.

The main difference between professional SLR cameras is a full-format matrix. All amateur and some semi-professional cameras have a cropped matrix.

Crop is a decrease, i.e. reduced matrix (compared to the full format). This means that the best quality will be on professional models with a full frame sensor. But do not think that the difference is so noticeable. It will be almost impossible to notice the difference by eye, it will be noticeable only when shooting at high ISO values. If you shoot in normal lighting, then for a regular photographer there will be no difference in quality. It is the lens that is responsible for the quality of the image.

So, a SLR camera is suitable for any type of shooting, except for travel (due to its large size).

For amateur shooting, shooting family, nature, photos for printing, it is better to choose an amateur SLR or semi-professional SLR camera. It is worth noting that many well-known wedding and magazine photographers still work on semi-professional DSLRs. For professional wedding, studio, advertising shooting, a full-frame professional camera is an excellent option.

Current Nikon SLR cameras



● Nikon D3300 (990 rubles with kit lens)

● Nikon D3400 (990 rubles with kit lens)

● Nikon D5500 (1080 rubles without lens)

● Nikon D5600 (1210 rubles without lens)


● Nikon D7200 (1590 rubles without lens)

● Nikon D7500 (2330 rubles without lens)


● Nikon D500 (3430 rubles without lens)

Nikon D3300 is the basic model with the necessary minimum. This means that it has cheaper materials and less functionality, but in terms of image quality it is almost as good as more expensive models with a crop sensor. Nikon D500 - Nikon's top model with a crop sensor, has maximum functionality.

Full frame:

● Nikon D610 (2250 rubles without lens)

● Nikon D750 (3090 RUB without lens)

● Nikon D850 (6850 rubles without lens)

● Nikon D5 (10,500 rubles without lens)

Conclusion: the best combination for price and quality - Nikon D7200.

Today's Canon DSLRs



● Canon 1300D (770 RUB* with lens)

● Canon 100D (1046 rubles with lens)

● Canon 200D (1110 rubles without lens)

● Canon 750D (1020 rubles with lens)

● Canon 800D (1280 rubles without lens)


● Canon 77D (1570 rubles without lens)

● Canon 70D (1550 rubles without lens)

● Canon 80D (1750 rubles without lens)


Full frame:

● Canon 5Ds (5450 rubles without lens)

Conclusion: the best combination of price and quality is Canon 80D.

Mirrorless cameras

Appeared on the market relatively recently.

  • Good matrix;
  • Change of lenses;
  • Manual settings;
  • Compactness.
  • high price;
  • fast battery consumption.

A mirrorless camera is a great travel friend, you get amazing quality photos and you can easily fit the camera into an inside pocket of your jacket. Also, mirrorless cameras are very popular with videographers, in particular the Sony a7 series.

When you have decided on the type of camera that you need, you should choose a specific model.

Take a closer look at the Olympus Micro 4/3, Fujifilm X or Sony α system models.

  1. Focus on model year, with new models it will be easier to repair and purchase accessories, and manufacturers are constantly adding new useful features and improve the quality of matrices.
  2. Before going to the store select a specific model on the Internet, find out the cost and functionality. It is not always possible to get qualified help from sellers.
  3. Nikon or Canon? It doesn't matter! The quality of the photos is the same =)
  4. The main misconception is that the quality of the photos is responsible number of megapixels. This is not true! Megapixels play a role when printing images. 16-20 megapixels is the best option, less is worse, but more is pointless, and sometimes even worse for image quality.
  5. Also consider if you need video recording in camera, you should not overpay for a camera with 4k video if you are not going to use it.
  6. Flagships, guarantor of quality - for Canon cameras, Nikon, Sony.
  7. We recommend the DXomark website. Here statistics are collected and compiled ratings for all cameras, lenses and cameras of mobile phones. After choosing a camera, you can look at its ratings and compare with other models.
  8. Be sure to buy a camera in the store and with a guarantee. Buying used photographic equipment is a rather risky business, because it will not be possible to immediately notice defects in the matrix and electronics in the camera.

What you should not pay attention to when choosing a camera:

● Per number of megapixels. 14 megapixels is enough to print a billboard!

● To the camera's maximum light sensitivity (ISO). Still, you shouldn't push ISO values ​​above 800.

● On digital zoom, this is a trick of the manufacturer. All the same, you will not shoot love stories from a distance of 700 meters!

● The number of shooting modes. Better come to us and learn the manual settings of the camera in 2 hours!

● For all sorts of "improvements". If the manufacturer does not give specifics about what is improved and compared to what, this is also a marketing ploy.

Summing up

  • For amateur shooting - professional compact cameras, amateur-level SLR cameras.
  • For professional shooting - full-frame SLR and mirrorless cameras.
  • For travel - mirrorless and compact cameras.
  • For video shooting - full-length SLR cameras and mirrorless Sony a7 line.
  • If you want to shoot everything at once - a semi-professional SLR camera.

Our choice

Mirrorless Camera - Sony a7 III

SLR camera :

Crop - Canon 80d, Nikon 7200.

And remember: for good shot the main thing is the skillful handling of the camera and the use of its functionality. And the camera matrix and lens are responsible for the quality of the picture.

If you want to not only buy a camera, but also learn how to take cool shots in two hours, and even for free, then sign up for a FREE photography lesson.

*Prices for cameras are indicated in Belarusian rubles for the spring of 2018.


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