Nikon camera mileage: how to find out the number of shots taken. How to find out the frame counter on Nikon SLR cameras

Decor elements 11.10.2019
Decor elements

Each camera has a shutter that opens and closes each time the shutter button is pressed, and since as this part performs some physical action, it can wear out. You will learn how to find out the number of shutter releases and how many releases are provided by the manufacturer in this article.

When buying a handheld camera, "camera mileage" is one of the criteria we should pay attention to. Firstly, it will show how often the camera was used and what condition it is in, and secondly, this figure will tell you how soon the shutter will jam and it will need to be replaced.

The number of shutter releases guaranteed by the manufacturer.

The more expensive the camera and the higher its class, the more practical it is and, accordingly, the parts from which the camera is constructed will last longer. How much longer, you can judge from the table below:

I would like to say that these numbers are guaranteed, but this does not mean that the shutter will work a guaranteed number of times or crumble when this figure is exceeded. It all depends on the case, the quality of the assembly, and the operation of the camera.

A shutter replacement costs about $200, but there are cases when the shutter worked 400,000 times or even more.

How to check Nikon/Sony camera mileage?

Shutter actuation data for Nikon and Sony cameras is stored in EXIF. Exists big number programs and online resources that allow you to view camera mileage data.

As an example, here is a resource for you: where you can upload an image of any format (almost any, even RAW) and view EXIF ​​data.

After downloading, use CTRL + F to find "Shutter Count", this is the number of shutter releases on the camera.

How to find camera mileage on Canon?

With Canon, things are a little more complicated; you won’t be able to find out its mileage by looking at EXIF, Canon very well hid this parameter from prying eyes. In order to still find out the mileage on Canon, you will have to contact the service center, which is not very convenient, or use a special utility EOSMSG.

Working with the program is intuitive. After downloading and running it on your computer, connect the camera via USB, it will automatically determine the serial number, battery charge and camera mileage.

Figure 1 - ShotCount - Canon 7D camera run "65 517" times

Every day on the Radozhiv website they ask me how to check a DSLR camera and lens when buying, especially when buying used. photographic equipment. Digital cameras- complex devices and when buying, it’s simply impossible to check all the functionality of the camera “quickly”.

Camera check. In this picture, the insides of the Nikon D700

Often, the complexity of verification lies in the fact that there is neither time nor appropriate funds for full-fledged testing in the store. Therefore, I advise you to perform a basic check in the store, and a more detailed one at home. For example, in Ukraine you can return the goods within 14 days without any problems. You just need to save all the papers and boxes, and after 14 days of using the camera, any 'critical bug' will appear on its own.

  1. If this new camera, be sure to find out what warranty comes with it. Usually there is a guarantee from the store-seller and an official guarantee from the manufacturer. I recommend equipment with an official guarantee. You can see what the Nikon or Canon 'official ticket' looks like on the Internet. True, according to the official guarantee, in the event of some kind of failure or malfunction, repairs will have to be carried out at the manufacturer's service center. Service centers are not available in all cities, in small towns at best, there will be a "reception point" that will send the equipment to the nearest large city, but not the repair shop itself.
  2. Next, you should simply inspect the appearance of the chamber, the new chamber must be absolutely clean, like a piece of jewelry, without any scratches. The most important thing is to look at the battery, it usually has a sticker with the manufacturer's hologram on it. Often, instead of a native battery, cheap Chinese batteries are slipped. True, recently on modern cameras there is good protection from "non-native" batteries. In most cases, the battery is not covered by the warranty because the battery can wear out. The battery has the ability to ‘die’ and the service center will not change it under warranty. The battery is not so easy to check, for this you need to completely discharge it while shooting, and then charge it.
  3. If this is a used camera - then you need to pay attention to the anti-slip rubber bands on the case, they usually swell and peel off, and to the screws, they must be clean, otherwise there is a risk that the camera was disassembled, which means that not everything is in order with it. Usually, by appearance cameras, you can immediately see how hard the camera was used.
  4. The shutter of each SLR camera is designed for a certain number of operations (that is, a SLR camera, or rather its shutter, can make a certain “manufacturer-guaranteed” number of frames in its life). So, amateur cameras have a limit of 100-150,000 shots, after which the shutter may break. If the camera ran more than 50,000 frames, you should think about whether you need to buy it, since it has already worked out half of its life resource. Checking the mileage of some cameras (especially Nikon cameras) is very simple - just open the last shot from the RAW, NEF camera or using a special program, for example, such as ShowExif , and in the 'Total Number of Shutter Releases' field, see the number of shots taken. I don't know if it's possible to twist the counter back.
  5. More it is worth checking the heart of the camera - its matrix. To do this, on a camera without a lens, with a bayonet cap on, in M ​​mode, take several shots with long , while turning off all noise reduction functions. It is best to use these parameters: ISO 100, - 15sec. Then view the result with maximum magnification on the camera or on the computer display, and there should be no bright luminous dots-pixels. In fact, hot, broken and colored pixels may appear over time, and if the camera has several of these pixels, then you can not bother and buy a camera. In any case, the decision is yours.
  6. Also, you can take several shots of a homogeneous object at the maximum closed aperture to check the contamination of the matrix. Typically, cameras are sold with standard lenses of the 18-55mm class. With such a lens, it is easiest to take a picture of the sky with ISO 100, F / 32, 55mm. The new camera should not have any extra 'garbage' in the picture. BOO. the camera usually has a whole bunch of junk on the sensor. If the matrix is ​​heavily littered, you should consider whether such a camera is needed. Cleaning the matrix is ​​not easy and expensive.
  7. When checking the lens, you should pay attention that it does not make unnecessary sounds when focusing, and that the lenses are clean. Checking for back and front focus requires a separate article. I do not write about checking for back and front focus, because I know many cases when amateur photographers did the lens check incorrectly and then complained about its work. Amateur photographers often have a whole bunch of invented problems with the camera :)
  8. You also need to check the built-in flash. It only takes one flash shot to make sure it works. If you buy only the 'Body' (camera without a lens), then put the camera in 'M' mode, turn on the flash by pressing the flash up button (usually located on the side of the built-in flash and has a 'lightning bolt' icon) and press the shutter. True, some cameras take their very first picture only with the 'native' lens on the camera.

My experience:

SLRs and other cameras usually either work or they don't. If the camera has problems, then in just 1 hour of active picking in the menu and taking test shots, you can confidently find the problem. Usually the problem is all sorts of errors that appear on the camera display and after which the camera stops working. Errors after shutdown may disappear, and then appear again. Another pitfall may be a non-obvious problem with sticking of a mirror or shutter. Usually, the mirror or shutter can stick during continuous shooting and with different camera orientations in space. I know cases where the camera worked fine in the vertical case, but did not work at all in the horizontal case.


A detailed check of the camera is a tricky business. Not every person will be able to understand the intricacies. Therefore, I recommend amateur photographers to 'drive the camera' as much as possible in a variety of shooting modes for several days. If after such a 'run' everything works fine, then 99% that everything is in order with the camera. It is very good if you have a friend who understands cameras and who will help you check the camera.

In the comments, you can unsubscribe your verification methods and the nuances that you have encountered in life - help others not to step on the same rake. Thank you for your attention. Arkady Shapoval.

As you may have guessed, this article will describe how to find out and check the real shutter speed on Canon cameras. Before the article, a little background. It all started when I wanted to upgrade my old Canon 550D camera to something new and more interesting. Of course, I wanted to buy something from the Canon 5D Mark 3 or Mark 4 series, but after looking at the prices of new cameras, I quickly abandoned this idea, since I didn’t even have enough for a used device of this class. Therefore, I decided to look at budget models, but with a good lens.

When buying a used camera, be sure to check its condition and mileage!

Such a device was quickly found on Yula (for those who are not in the know, Yula is a service for free ads for the purchase and sale of goods, as well as the provision of services, a kind of analogue of Avito). The choice fell on an advertisement for the sale of a Canon 60D with an EF 24-105 1: 4 L IS USM lens worth CENSORED rubles. In addition to the camera and lens, the kit included 2 batteries, a 32 gb memory card, a battery pack, a bag, Charger and all the wires, as well as the box. The photographs showed that outwardly the camera was in very good condition, but as we know, it is possible to take pictures in such a way that problem areas can be masked or hidden, which is why I made an appointment with the seller and made an appointment for the evening to check my doubts.

Having met and examined the camera, I did not find any chips or scuffs on it. There were no even scratches on the lens ring, hot shoe and on the camera mount to the tripod. That is, the device looked like new! Certainly, this worried me. Having asked the seller what exactly he was shooting and what was the approximate mileage of the camera, I received the following answer: they shot mainly on vacation and in New Year, mileage of about 5000 photos. In general, I decided to take. However, while I was driving home, I was directly harassed by the question whether the seller had lied and what was the real mileage of the newly purchased used canon camera 60D? As soon as I got home, I decided to check it out. However, if you decide to buy a camera, it is better to install special software on your laptop in advance and go with it for verification.

How can I find out the mileage of a Canon camera?

You can check the mileage of a Canon camera different ways, but I will give an example of the simplest: using the Canon EOS Digital info program. Using this method, you can determine the mileage of your camera in just 10 minutes, provided that you have a computer with the Internet, a charged camera, and a cable for connecting the camera to the computer at hand. Again, this method is only suitable for Cannon cameras, if you want to know the shutter mileage of other manufacturers, for example, Nikon or Sony, then other programs will be required, Canon EOS Digital info will not work for this!

Again, the program does not support all models of Canon cameras.

The list of supported camera models for the Canon EOS Digital info program is as follows:

If your model is not in the list, don't worry, just try to connect your camera and check if the program can determine the mileage on your canon camera model. If it does not work, then you need to look for another method or another program, and maybe a newer version.

So, we have come to the most interesting part of this article, directly to how to determine the mileage on a Canon camera?

In order to determine the mileage, do the following:

1. Downloading special program Canon EOS Digital info and unpack the archive on our computer. The program can be downloaded directly from my website here. The program works on computers with operating system Windows, and is also distributed completely free of charge, which is why I post it on my website. However, sincethe program is not mine, then I refer to the author and inform you that the program was written and developed by Mourad MKHAKH.

2. We connect the Canon camera to the computer with the cable that came with your DSLR and turn on the camera. We are waiting for the drivers to be installed and the camera to be seen as a removable device, where you can go and find our photos.

3. We launch the Canon EOS Digital info program and press the Connect button, after which we see the following data that the program allows you to find out, namely:

— camera model;

— camera firmware version / firmware version;

- mileage of the camera or shutter / shutter counter;

— serial number of the camera / serial number;

- installed lens / lens name;

- system date / system date.

— the level of the charged battery / battery level.

Results obtained by Canon EOS Digital info.

Having done these manipulations with the Canon 60D camera, I found out that the camera has not 5000 photos, as the seller claimed, but 10465 photos, that is, 2 times more. Of course, I was a little upset, but in principle, the runs of 5000 and 10000 are not so big, and the seller hardly sat and counted how many photos he took, it seemed to him that there were around 5000 pcs. Therefore, I do not think that the seller somehow deceived me, so if the mileage was 15000-20000 photos, and he said that 5000 then yes, he deceived me.

In the screenshot below, you can see all the above data on the Canon 60D camera.

Also, if anyone read carefully, I had my own Canon 550D DSLR, on which I also wanted to check the mileage, because if they asked me how many photos I took on it, I would say that I don’t know. I can say approximately, as it seemed to me, the mileage was more than 10,000 photos. Imagine my surprise when I saw a run of less than 10,000 shots! The run was 9989 shots. Below is a screenshot of the test. Of course, I am very pleased with the short run.

In general, that's all, I hope this article turned out to be useful and now it will not be difficult for you to check the mileage of a Canon camera. And for those who do not like to read, I post a video on YouTube.


Many of the amateur photographers who use compact cameras, over time, come to the decision to raise their professional level and expand the possibilities of their creativity. Preparing to purchase a SLR camera is constantly accompanied by reading forums, advice from seasoned and professional photographers.

There are always a lot of "rumors and myths" that are contradictory and greatly complicate the choice in making a decision. There are hundreds of criteria and thousands of opinions. Someone says Nikon is better, someone says Canon, but there are also Sony, Pentax, Olympus and others. Each user of a particular brand always defends the advantage of his technique. After all, she has opportunities that others do not have.

In fact, it doesn’t matter what you choose, each brand has its own advantages and disadvantages. The main thing is that you yourself like it and feel comfortable. The camera should first of all meet your needs and requirements.

If you are purchasing a non-new digital SLR camera, then the main criterion that guides the modern photographer is the "mileage" of the shutter. The shutter of a camera is a vital part and failure of the shutter leads to costly camera repairs.

Here I would like to clarify, so that you are not mistaken in forming an opinion on these figures ...

First of all, when buying a camera, you need to inspect external state shutter by gently lifting the mirror with your finger.

A good shutter will have a minimum amount of abrasions between the lamellas, or even will not have them at all, and here the shutter run may not always give the expected “picture”.

A shutter with a range of for example 50,000 frames can be in much better condition than a shutter with a range of 15-20 thousand. Why is this happening? This happens because the operating conditions of the camera are different.

One camera can be in the studio and always work with one fixed lens. If we add to this a careful attitude and care, then such cameras are capable of exceeding the shutter release resource laid down by the factory by more than 2 times. In the second case, a shutter with a resource of only 18 thousand. What contributed to the frequent change of lenses in adverse conditions, for example: outdoors during the wind or in a dusty room. After all, the dust and debris that enter the camera shaft are constantly in motion at the moment the mirror is raised. These small particles fall between the shutter lamellas and into the mechanism that is responsible for the operation of the shutter. What causes increased wear and most often leads to breakage of the shutter lamellae.

It is also worth noting that there are models of zoom lenses, which are popularly called "vacuum cleaners" precisely because when the zoom ring moves, especially from the beginning to the end of the focal lengths, the displaced volume of air literally creates a wind inside the camera shaft, which you can even feel through the viewfinder. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the cleanliness inside the shaft, since debris entering the shaft will contribute to increased wear of the shutter.

So it’s far from a fact that by buying a non-new camera with a minimum “mileage” you will get a camera in excellent condition and you will not need to repair the camera.

For example: a new camera from the store may not even withstand a ten-day tourist trip to the Egyptian sands. And if it survives, then the state of its shutter may well be critical. Although of course this will largely depend on its owner and the measures taken by him.

For those who really need it. You can download the “EOSInfo” program that allows you to view the number of shutter cycles on Canon cameras with a DIGIC3 and DIGIC4 processor

Cameras: 1D*/5D/10D/20D/30D/40D/50D/300D/350D/400D/450D/1000D

For cameras Nikon quantity operation cycles can be viewed in the Exif of each snapshot.

Good luck with your pictures!

Greetings, dear reader of my blog. I'm in touch with you, Timur Mustaev. Did you know that you can check the number of shutter releases on Canon cameras, very in a simple way without disassembling the camera? But you don't know how? Today, your camera knowledge level will go one step further, and will continue to grow as you read my blog articles and listen to my advice.

Before starting my article, I want to tell you my story, how I disassembled and assembled a large wardrobe today. My cousin, today moved to a new apartment and asked me to help her move the closet. In my practice, I already had experience in collecting furniture, since in the first year, I did this for about six months, earning money for my studies.

Past furniture collection skills did not let me down, and I easily disassembled and assembled the cabinet on new apartment. And even spare parts are not left, as is usually the case! So, as they say, you can’t drink skills! And how is it with you, have you ever assembled furniture in your practice? And as a result, did he please you?

And so, we turn to the topic of the article.

Once, I was asked how to check the mileage of a canon camera and I tell him. And so, there is only one way to see the shutter operation of the camera. To do this, you will need a curly screwdriver, wire cutters, a hammer, and a saucepan. Take your camera in hand and remove the lens. Using a screwdriver, unscrew all the bolts that you can see. Then you take out the shutter and look at the number of operations. On the back of the shutter, there will be numbers that will indicate how many times the shutter has been fired.

I look at him, and he is so shocked, and says that I changed my mind about watching the run. I laughed so hard, and I say, everything is not at all like that, I was joking. Operations look, with the help of software applications.

Important! In no case do not look at the mileage with a screwdriver and a hammer, this is a joke!

It is with the help of them that we will learn how to do this.

In one of my previous articles, I already wrote how you can. Today, manufacturers will not dwell on this.

As I mentioned above, for verification, we will use programs that show the information we are interested in. Viewing occurs either by reading the EXIF ​​file from the photo itself or by connecting the camera via a USB cable to a computer, and viewing information directly from the camera itself.

Shutter Count Viewer

This application reads EXIF ​​files and gives information about shutter release. I will tell you right away that, unlike Nikon, not all Senon cameras record information in a photograph. Only the EOS-1D, EOS-1D Mark II, EOS-1D Mark II N, EOS-1D Mark III, EOS-1Ds, EOS-1Ds Mark II, EOS-1Ds Mark III models record information in a photo, that is, only professional cameras with a full-frame sensor record information in a photograph.

program Shutter Count Viewer can be downloaded absolutely free from the official website of the developer.

More than one model of this manufacturer, that is, Canon, does not do this. Even from the above models, not all of them record correct information.

And if you don’t believe me and start looking for other programs that read EXIF ​​files or sites that claim that it is with the help of their shamanistic programs that you can see the mileage, then of course go ahead, and the flag is in your hands. But if I were you, I wouldn't waste time searching, as it's useless.

What can really help you is the EOSInfo program.

This application does not look at the shutter release from the photo file, it looks at the information from the camera itself. Download and install the program on your computer. Connect your canon camera to your computer via usb cable. You start the program. Let's look at the result. It works with cameras based on DIGIC III, DIGIC IV processors. There is a possibility that the application may not work with new camera models.

According to the developer, the application works with the following models of Canon cameras 1D*/5D/10D/20D/30D/40D/50D/300D/350D/400D/450D/500D/1000D/

It works the same way as the previous ones, by connecting via the USB port. You can download the application for free from the official website.

After downloading, install the program. We connect the camera to the computer and start it. If your camera is supported by the application, we admire the result.

Important! My advice, if your camera does not show mileage with any of the above applications, and the need to find out the shutter response is very important to you, contact the service center.

These are the main programs with which it is possible to see the operation of the camera shutter. There are also similar applications on the Internet, but be careful, my antivirus, and I use Kaspersky, swears at them. Therefore, computer security should come first for you.

If you are really interested in what a SLR camera is and what it is eaten with. If you want to take not just photos, but those that are obtained by professionals, then the video course " Digital SLR for beginners 2.0', this is your salvation to the world quality photos. Check out this course, and you will not regret it, and your knowledge of photography and photographic equipment is colossal. I highly recommend it to you.

On this wonderful note, I will end my article. I really hope that the information provided in the article turned out to be useful for you and found what you were looking for. I would be very grateful if you share the article in the social. networks. Subscribe to blog updates, ahead of you is waiting for even cooler information about photos. See you soon. Bye Bye.

All the best to you, Timur Mustaev.

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