Mileage Nikon camera: how to find out the number of personnel made. How to check the digital mirror camera when buying (matrix, autofocus, shutter)

Decor elements 11.10.2019
Decor elements

Hello photographers.

The article on how to find out the mileage of the Nikon camera, will be useful not only to those who are going to buy, but also wants to sell.

Do you feel about the first category? Keep in mind that without checking this parameter, you can lay out half the cost of the purchased model, and the new, to replace the important item.

Are you a honest seller? Then you need to know the goods mileage to establish its real price.

What is mileage and why is he important?

New cameras are now worthy of such money that many have no other exit, except to buy used. By the way, I also have Nikon, which I, like you, had to take "from the hands." And I will say on my own experience, there is nothing terrible in this - you can get a good working device if you carefully check it before buying.

Yes, visual defects are worth paying attention. If the device has many scuffs and chips, and the lens with scratches means it was not bold and may be damaged "insides." In this case, before buying it is desirable to give a device to a specialist. But a more important parameter that needs to be taken into account is mileage.

What is it?

In the cameras there is a shutter that closes and opens every time you press the shooting button. It is needed so that the light does not fall on the matrix. The shutter has a limited number of responses. It is called mileage. This parameter shows how many photos were removed.

In order for you to know which mileage is considered to be large, I will give general standards for shutters on different cameras:

  • The most simple digurities have a resource of 20,000 personnel;
  • The same compact devices, but the class above (pseudo-current) - 30,000 triggings;
  • In the elementary level mirror, the resource is 50,000 times;
  • Mirror devices of the middle class may decline from 50 to 70 thousand photos;
  • If you deal with a semi-professional carcass, at your disposal 80-100 thousand positives;
  • Professional chambers have a resource within 100-150 thousand times;
  • The processes that are intended for intensive use have a photograph limit, on average, 400,000 frames.

In particular, for popular Nikon models, such:

  • D40 - 10-20 thousand;
  • D70, D80, D90, D200, D3100, D5000 - 100 thousand,
  • D300, D7000 - 150 thousand,
  • D3, D3X - up to 300 thousand

If the device you choose is not in the list, see the characteristics in the descriptions to the product in online stores.

Methods for counting mileage

To check the mileage, you need to see the properties of the photo - EXIF. I will give a few examples as you can do it.

For any of the ways you need a fresh snapshot made on your chosen camera. It should be original, that is, not edited in Photoshop or somewhere else.

You can see online mileage. Everything is simple: go to the site, Load the photo and get the result. But there is no access to the Internet. In this case, it is worth using a different way.


Special utilities to help photographers are quite a lot. One of them - Picasa 3. from Google. It has a rich functionality, but within the framework of this article we are only interested in the number of shutter triggements.

After installing the program, discover the photo through it. Go to the "Properties" window by pressing the Alt + Enter keys. In the Column to the right, you will see different parameters, among which will be the "image number".

As an alternative to our goal, the program will fit PHOTOME.. In this case, you also need to download the photo, after which the utility will issue all the information about it. Scroll down the slider below the "Manufacturer Notes" section. In the SHUTTER COUNT line, there will be the figure you are looking for.

According to a similar principle, applications are applied Shutter Count Viewer, ShowExif, etc.

Bright and positive filming you.

Before selling or buying from the hands of a mirror photo, you should always know the real "mileage" of the camera. For the seller, this figure is needed to correctly set the price, and for the buyer - to know what about the camera is located. File numbering can be easily reset or changed in the camera menu, so this information is not a reliable source. But, fortunately, in mirror chambers and some modern Lammaker Nikon, such information is stored in EXIF \u200b\u200bdata of each snapshot made by the camera. You can modify or reset this meter only in the service center on special equipment, so it is it that shows the actual number of frames made by the camera. A small problem is that this information is recorded in the so-called exifting section of EXIF, and it is far from all programs for viewing pictures and / or exif information.

For the maximum accurate definition of the "run" of the camera, it is best to use my Shutter Count Viewer program that can determine the number of filmed frames not only of mirror cameras Nikon., but also Pentax, Samsung, Sony Some models of mirror cameras CanonAs well as most of the modern digital components of the listed manufacturers. Full list of cameras for which you managed to determine the number of shutter triggers and frame meter, you can see there on the program page Shutter Count Viewer..

To determine the actual frame counter, you need to take a picture, open it in the Shutter Count Viewer program and you immediately receive detailed information about the camera model, the version of its software and, of course, about the number of shutter triggements. Carefully tested and guaranteed all Nikon mirror cameras, including the newest.

Show expanded EXIF \u200b\u200bsection Some camera models can also free ShowExif. The principle of operation is exactly the same: open the photo in the ShowExif program and in the "ADDITIONAL SECTION" block, see the value of the parameter "Total Number of Shutter Releases" ("The number of shutter trigs"). This will be the real meaning of the chamber "run". The method is verified and works on the Nikon D90, Nikon D7000, Nikon D700 and Nikon D800 cameras, but for cameras from other manufacturers may not come up. Also, the experience has been found that on the Nikon Coolpix P5000 and Nikon Coolpix P7700 digits, information about the number of footage in EXIF \u200b\u200bis not saved. The program has not been updated for a long time, so on modern cameras, for example, on the Nikon D7100 camera, it cannot show a meter. Because of these errors, use the ShowExif program personally I do not recommend. (492,756 bytes)

Console lovers should like the Exiftool program from Phil Harvey. It supports a huge number of different file formats, it allows you to extract not only the frame meter, but also all available information from meta tags. Exiftool is often updated, new cameras, new tags and new file formats are constantly added. In addition, Exiftool works not only under Windows, but also under MacOS and UNIX.

Well, of course, nothing compares exactly with diagnostic programs that are used in service centers. It's not easy to get it, but almost impossible. With their help, you can not only see the accurate mileage of the Nikon camera, but also change the values \u200b\u200bof the mileage counter to any value, even "twist" to zero. After that, all of the above programs will show a new value.

Some time ago from a foreign technical center, there was a leak of service programs for several dozen Nikon mirrored chambers, they were laid out on the network. Nikon's sinks promptly accepted measures to close all resources and discharge all links, where the archives emerged with these programs, but it was too late. In stock There are service programs for Nikon D2h cameras, Nikon D2HS, Nikon D2X, Nikon D2xs, Nikon D3, Nikon D3S, Nikon D3x, Nikon D40, Nikon D40x, Nikon D50, Nikon D60, Nikon D70s, Nikon D80, Nikon D90, Nikon D200, Nikon D300, Nikon D700, Nikon D800, Nikon D3000, Nikon D300S, Nikon D3100, Nikon D5000, Nikon D5100, Nikon D7000 and Nikon D7100. Cameras are mostly old, but they are now sold on the secondary market. With the help of service programs, you can "twist" any mileage and set for sale any camera from the list as more or less new, even if the actual shutter mileage is several times higher than the warranty resource. So be attentive, when buying, pay attention not only to the indication of the run, but also on the appearance and general condition of the camera.

Camera meter Camera "twisted"

For obvious reasons, I will not lay out any service programs and instructions for their use, look on the Internet. For any request, lay out or send them to the mail will follow a unconditional ban!

After the camera's mileage is defined, you can compare it with a resource declared by the manufacturer. Shutter Count Viewer makes it automatically, displaying frame meter not only in numerical form, but also in the percentage ratio from the shutter resource manufacturer. I collected in a sign data on the resources of the shutters of all Nikon mirror cameras, both modern and already removed from production.

Camera modelResource shutter
Nikon D40.50 000
Nikon D40x.50 000
Nikon D5050 000
Nikon D6050 000
Nikon D70.50 000
Nikon D70s.50 000
Nikon D80.50 000
Nikon D3000.100 000
Nikon D3100.100 000
Nikon D3200.100 000
Nikon D3300.100 000
Nikon D3400.100 000
Nikon D5000.100 000
Nikon D5100.100 000
Nikon D5200.100 000
Nikon D5300.100 000
Nikon D5500.100 000
Nikon D5600.100 000
Nikon D7000.150 000
Nikon D7100.150 000
Nikon D7200.150 000
Nikon D7500.150 000
Nikon D90.100 000
Nikon D100.100 000
Nikon D200.100 000
Nikon D300.150 000
Nikon D300s.150 000
Nikon D500.200 000
Nikon D600.150 000
Nikon D610150 000
Nikon D700.150 000
Nikon D750.150 000
Nikon Df.150 000
Nikon D800.200 000
Nikon D800E.200 000
Nikon D810.200 000
Nikon D810A.200 000
Nikon D850.200 000
Nikon D1.150 000
Nikon D1h150 000
Nikon D1x.150 000
Nikon D2h.150 000
Nikon D2hs.150 000
Nikon D2S.150 000
Nikon D2x150 000
Nikon D2xs.150 000
Nikon D3.300 000
Nikon D3x.300 000
Nikon D3s.300 000
Nikon D4.400 000
Nikon D4S.400 000
Nikon D5.400 000

Remember that the shutter resource is not the time to break the camera, and the number of frames that the camera is guaranteed to do under the condition of proper operation.

The network has a huge number of programs that promise to show the number of shutter triggers on the camera. Some of them do not work at all, some of them work simply not correctly, showing that the camera took 9 shots for 4 years. The result is one - canon 400d does not peel any of the utilities found.

However, the exit was still found. After 2 hours of search and attempts, the old man has surrendered to Canon, and showed his main secret!

Immediately I want to make a reservation: the path is not very simple.

If you have doubts or the article is not very clear, it is better to go to experienced friends and ask for help. Straightening friends it is better to remember that "Thank you" does not boulevard, it is not put on the pocket and does not smear on the sandwich.

And of course, all that you will be done with the camera - is done with a fully charged battery at your own risk and risk, and no one but you are responsible for "something went wrong" does not bear. By the way, before starting, read the post to the end.

Action plan

  • we check the official version of the camera firmware, and if necessary is updated
  • install an additional not greater firmware into the camera that allows you to download a binary file from a memory card.
  • we make a memory card loading, load our binary on it
  • press the sequence of buttons on the camera and voila: cherished digit!
To battle

You can find out the current version of the camera firmware in the standard menu. Before entering the menu, make sure that the manual shooting mode is turned on (the wheel is on top, above the on / off button), for example, "P" mode. At the moment, the last firmware for the Canon 400D is version 1.1.1. Under the same link there is a necessary description with the pictures, and the download button is looking for on the same page at the bottom.

All the steps on the installation of alternative firmware are described in Habratopic: "CANON 400D overclocking to 3200 ISO". There is nothing extraordinary in it. There you will find and describe the work of the new features. But the method of outputting photo counter in the topic unfortunately is not described, so it describes it additionally.


  • Menu button: (1)
  • Button "Seal, with a blue indicator": (2)
  • Button "Select Measure": (3)

Last jerk

  • Turn on the camera. We are convinced that when you turn on the blue print indicator (2) blinking, it indicates the success of loading an alternative firmware.
  • Consistently press: "MENU" (1) -\u003e "Print, with a blue indicator" (2) -\u003e "Print, with a blue indicator" (2) -\u003e "Menu" (1) -\u003e "Menu" (1)
  • We see that a new item "Factory Menu" appeared. Go to it.
  • Immediately after entering a new menu, press the "Print, with a blue indicator" (2)
  • We leave all the menu double pressing the "MENU" button (1)
  • Next, sequentially press: "Selecting measurement" (3) -\u003e "Print, with a blue indicator" (2)

The same, but for Mortal Combat or Street Fighter fans, one line:
1 2 2 1 1 OK 2 1 1 3 2

After the actions have done in the root of the memory card, the file "stdout.txt" will appear. We find in this file the RELEASCOUNT line, and here it is our cherished number.

All successful flashing!

If you think about buying a camera, especially if you plan to buy "from the hands", then you probably wondered about how when buying learn the mileage of the camera Or, as people are expressed, "eating a dog in this business" - learn the shutter mileage of the camerathat in principle the same thing. On the Internet there are many articles on this subject, and also a lot of programs offered, but many of them are either complex to use, or after installation simply do not allow you to get the necessary information. If you read this article first, then you are the lucky one who did not have to try a lot of programs to learn how learn the mileage of the camera.

I note that the action to check the mileage of the camera, for its own soothing, it is advisable to do even in the case of buying it in the store, as there are unscrupulous sellers outstanding the existing technique for a new one. When buying a camera, in addition to checking its run, it is important to carry out a thorough visual inspection of both its own and its packaging. It will help you cut off knowingly poor-quality specimens. If you are planning to purchase and lens, then how to check it when buying is written.

But, "Let's go back to our Baran." What you need to know mileage of the camera when buying it? The answer is simple - each camera has a shutter that opens and closes when you press the camera descent button skipping the light on the camera's matrix and has a limited response resource. The average cost of replacing the shutter ranges in the area of \u200b\u200b200 dollars - and consider how much the camera will cost you if the resource of its shutter approaches its final. To find out what percentage of the mileage guaranteed by the manufacturer is passed to a specific camera, you need to know which information resource of the camera is guaranteed by its manufacturer. For this below, I bring the information received by me from the Internet, on the resource of the shutters of digital cameras by their types:

  • Compact digital entry-level cameras have a shutter with an average shutter resource in 20,000 triggers;
  • Compact top-level chambers, pseudo-cell cameras have a shutter with an average shutter resource, which starts from 30000 triggings;
  • Entry mirror chambers have a shutter with an average shutter resource in 50000 triggings;
  • Mirror middle-level mirror chambers possess a shutter with an average shutter resource in 50000-70000 triggered;
  • Mirror chambers addressed to semi-professional photographers and experienced photo lovers have a gate with an average resource in 80,000-100,000 triggered;
  • Mirror chambers, intended for professional use, have a shutter with an average shutter resource in 100,000-150000 triggers;
  • Mirrored chambers, intended for intensive professional use, have a shutter with an average resource in 150,000-200000-300000-400000 and more.

Now let's talk about ways to check the mileage of cameras from Nikon and Canon

Method Check Nikon Camera Mileage

Everything is simple here, just download the program that allows you to view the properties of the photo - EXIF \u200b\u200bphotos. I will show it on the example of the Picasa 3 program from GOOGL, in addition, this program is very interesting and at the same time convenient to work with large volumes of photos on your computer, but I will tell about this in another article.

The figure below shows the screenshot, with a photo open using Picasa 3, where you can see Mileage of the camera Made an open shot.

The "Properties" window, on the screenshot to the right of the photo, opens by the combination of the ALT + ENTER keys. The image number indicated in the figure is the total number of pictures made by this camera, which is the mileage of the camera.

Very simple. Is not it? Here with the definition mileage of the cameraCanon is a little more difficult.

Method for checking the canon camera mileage

Canon, looking into its EXIF, by analogy with Nikon, it will not work, because Canon reliably hid this parameter from prying eyes. In order to learn the mileage of the Canon camera We will need to either contact the service center, or download and install a program that allows you to pull out from the experimental camera you need information, deeply charged in it. For me, the second option seemed more acceptable. The program is called the EOSMSG and allows you to check the mileage of the most popular and frequently sold on the secondary market for the camera, including 5D MARK 2, 5D Mark 3, 1D Mark4 and so on, more on models below in the picture. To install this program, it is necessary to make sure the installation and synchronization and synchronization of it with the camera in accordance with paragraphs below:

2. Twice click on the downloaded file with the left mouse button;

3. After installing the program, run it on the same name with it, which appeared on your desktop;

4. Connect the USB Camera to the computer;

5. In the ShotCount string you will see the number of pictures made by the test camera or the so-called mileage of the camera.

This program did not correctly identified the serial number of my camera, but the definition of the camera's mileage is given to her. Successful purchase!

| 24.10.2017

Any decent camera has a mechanical shutter, and it is important to know the real number of triggers this device at least in order to understand how long your device serves, because each shutter has its own resource.

What can threaten the use of a camera with a worn shutter? First of all, it is necessary to understand that it is very difficult to work out an excerpt of 1/8000 seconds. If the gate details have already developed their resource, then the opening of the curtain can occur unevenly or not correspond to the selected mode. In the worst case, the shutter can simply be jammed, and, like any trouble, it happens at the most inopportune moment.

It is especially important to know the real "mileage" of the camera, when you buy it from hand. Maybe, of course, he lay on the shelf all three years from the date of release, as the seller assures, but it is better to check it better. We tell how to do it.

From where Drrovishka is from

All digital cameras are embedded in each picture of a picture of the metadata, called EXIF \u200b\u200b(Exchangeable Image File Format): You can find information about shooting conditions, exposure values \u200b\u200band drops, installed, sensitivity and other parameters. The overwhelming majority cameras are also prescribed by Shutter Count, which is the display of the very "odometer". That's just ordinary programs do not. Indeed, secondary data in EXIF \u200b\u200bis such a quantity that if the program-views demonstrated them, then there would be no places for the very photo itself.

But we need only one line. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is take a picture (preferably in the RAW format) and copy the file to the computer. In this way, you can find out the counters of cameras Pentax, Samsung, Nikon, Konica Minolta and certain Canon models.

Special PO

Programs capable of displaying EXIF, quite a few, I will tell about the most convenient.

A small free program with the support of the Russian language. The interface is visual and does not require special knowledge. It is enough to download the "software" distribution from the developer's site, install the program, run it and click "Open File", specifying the RAW or JPEG of your photo.

The PhotoMe utility will show the name of the camera, the mounted lens and other data, among which you need to find the SHUTTER COUNT line. By the way, to do it faster, I recommend pressing the usual combination of Ctrl + F. It works here.

Minus has a photome one, but essential. The product has not been updated for a long time, so it does not always understand the EXIF \u200b\u200bdata of modern models. So if you could not find the desired line in its interface, you will have to use other solutions.

Another free utility, but the interface looks very treasurely, creating the feeling that the program wrote students.

The credit, I think they passed, however, it understood the program far from all RAW formats (each manufacturer it has its own) and the values \u200b\u200balso displays not all.

The Chinese developers program is specifically created to view the meter, so here you will not see a hundred lines, which favorably distinguishes it from others.

In addition, EosMSG may display the counter of those chambers that must be connected to a computer, and not sew data into the frame. This is mainly Canon.

Of the minuses of the product, I will note the lack of Russian in the menu (although it's not necessary to get involved here) and the permanent display of the advertising banner.

But in general, this is a trifle, the product works properly and is familiar with new models of the camera.

Online services

If you have access to the Internet at a meeting with the seller, you can use one of the special resources:

It properly displays the counter of the frames of even modern cameras (a list of supported models is shown on the main page of the site).

All that is required is to click the "Select File" button and download the frame: after its analysis, the service will display the only value - the SHUTTER COUNT you need.

As already mentioned above, some Canon models require a USB computer connections.

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