Report on the minerals of the Trans-Baikal Territory. Large deposits of Transbaikalia

reservoirs 30.09.2019

Zabaykalsky Krai- a subject of the Russian Federation, part of the Siberian Federal District.

Date of formation- 2008, as a result of a referendum on the unification of the Chita region and Aginsky Buryat autonomous region.

Square- 431.9 thousand sq. km.
The length from west to east is 1000 km and from north to south is 900 km.

Population- 1,072,806 people (2018 data)
Population density - 2.48 people. per 1 sq. km.
The share of the urban population is 68.22%

Administrative center- Chita city.

Geographical position.
The Trans-Baikal Territory is located in Eastern Siberia, in the eastern half of Transbaikalia. It borders: in the west - with the Republic of Buryatia, in the north-west - with the Irkutsk region, in the north-east - with the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), in the east - with the Amur region, in the south-east of the region there is the border of the Russian Federation with the People's Republic of China and Mongolia.

Relief The territories of the Trans-Baikal Territory form medium-altitude mountains, in places reaching 1700-1900 m. The Daursky, Kodar and Yablonovy ridges are the largest. The highest point is the BAM peak with a height of 3073 m above sea level. Six geomorphological regions are distinguished in the Trans-Baikal Territory: the highlands of the north, the Vitim Plateau, the Trans-Baikal Middle Mountains, the Khentei-Daurian Highlands and the Uldza-Torey High Plain.

The climate is sharply continental. Average January temperature: -28.3°С. Average July temperature: +18.8°С. Winter is sunny, dry and frosty. Summer is warm and short. Precipitation is 240-400 mm per year. Vegetation period 120-160 days.

Water resources.
More than 40,000 watercourses flow on the territory of the Trans-Baikal Territory, 98% of which are streams and rivers less than 25 km.
The main rivers are: Shilka and Argun (sources of the Amur), Khilok and Chikoi (tributaries of the Selenga), Olekma and Vitim (tributaries of the Lena). The total length of the river. Argun is 1620 km. Of these, 669 km passes through the territory of China, and 951 km - through the Trans-Baikal Territory.

Large lakes: Bolshoye Leprindo, Leprindokan, Nichatka, the group of Chita lakes, Kenon, Zun-Torey, Barun-Torey.

Vegetable world.
The Trans-Baikal Territory is located in the zones of the middle taiga and the steppe zone.
Over half of the territory is occupied by mountain taiga forests (Dahurian larch, pine, cedar, birch). In the south and along the bottoms of the basins there are grass-forb steppes. Soils are predominantly mountain-taiga podzolic; in the steppes - chernozems and chestnut; in intermountain basins - meadow-frozen and meadow-chernozem.

Animal world.
Sable, Siberian weasel, ermine, brown bear, lynx, reindeer, red deer, etc. have survived in the forests. Badger, wolf, chipmunk, hare, gopher, etc. bustard, etc. In the rivers there are valuable species of fish: omul, sturgeon, taimen, whitefish and others.

Among the minerals are non-ferrous and precious metals, iron ore, coal, fluorspar, various building materials.
The most famous deposits:
deposits of polymetallic ores - Novoshirokinskoye;
Place of Birth copper ores— Udokan;
deposits of titanium-magnetite ores - Kruchininskoye;
coal deposits - Kharanor.

Sights of the region:

The groundwater.
On the territory of the Trans-Baikal Territory, almost all the main types of mineral cold carbonic and thermal nitrogen waters of Russia are found and there are about 300 sources. There are 10 resorts and sanatoriums in the region.

Resorts of the Trans-Baikal Territory:

Baleisky district — health resort "Urguchan". It is located 300 km east of Chita, on the northwestern slope of the Borshchovochny Range, at an altitude of 850 m above sea level, along the Urguchan River, a tributary of the Shilka River.

Karymsky district - Resort "Darasun" one of the largest low-mountain balneological resorts in Siberia and Far East. It is located 133 km southeast of Chita, on the banks of the Darasunk mountain river, at an altitude of about 750 m above sea level.

Krasnochikoysky district - resort area Yamorovka with mineral carbonic springs, located in the narrow valley of the Yamorovka River, at an altitude of 980 m above sea level. continental climate, warm summers, lack of wind, give reason to consider Yamarovka a mountain-climatic resort - one of the most popular resorts in Transbaikalia.

Chitinsky district - sanatorium "Kuka", located in the valley of the Kisly Klyuch River, 59 km from the city of Chita and 8 km from the Lesnaya station. It is located in Transbaikalia, on the eastern slopes of the Yablonovy Ridge. The surroundings of the resort are extremely picturesque. A health path leads to the most beautiful mountain Kreselnaya.

In the valley of the Molokovka River, 14 km southeast of the city of Chita, there is Sanatorium "Molokovka". The resort is located in a dense forest, at an altitude of 820 m above sea level and is surrounded on all sides by low hills, spurs of the Chersky ridge. The hills protect the resort from the winds.

Shilkinsky district - sanatorium "Shivanda", located 228 km from Chita and 25 km from the railway station. Solntsevaya, in the southwestern part of the Shivanda River at an altitude of 800 m above sea level.

On the territory of the Trans-Baikal Territory Daursky Reserve and Sokhondinsky Reserve.



Chechetkin V.S., Kharitonov Yu.F., Chaban N.N.

(“Mining Journal”, 2011 No. 3)
Transbaikalia is the oldest mining region in Russia. Its mineral resources are the basis for the socio-economic development of not only Eastern Siberia, but can meet the needs of Russia as a whole. An almost complete set of mineral deposits is concentrated here, including large and unique ones (Udokan, Katugino, Streltsovka, Chiney, Bugdaya, Balei, Zhireken, Darasun, Garsonui, Shivertui, etc.). Within its limits are concentrated: all-Russian reserves (%) of lithium - 80, fluorspar - about 38, molybdenum - 27, copper - 21, tantalum - 18, niobium - 16, lead - 9, gold - 7, titanium - 18, zinc - 2.8; tungsten - 4.6; coal - 1.6; , jewelry and jewelry and ornamental stones, limestone, magnesite, building materials. There are prospects for creating a raw material base for chromium, manganese, platinoids, antimony, graphite, talc, diamonds, gas, as well as a significant increase in the reserves of almost all of the above minerals (3.5).

All these riches of the Trans-Baikal Territory are concentrated in three mineragenic provinces: Aldan, Sayano-Baikal and Mongolian-Transbaikal (Fig. 1).

Aldan province represented by the western flank of the Kodaro-Udokan iron-copper-rare metal metallogenic area. The tectonic structure is based on Archean essentially sialic blocks and the protoplatform carbonate-terrigenous trough separating them. The leading types of deposits are represented by cuprous sandstones, ferruginous quartzites, rare-metal alkaline metasomatites, apatite-magnetite, ilmenite-titanium-magnetite and sulfide copper-nickel ores. Coals and synnyrites are of great importance.

Sayano-Baikal Province It is composed mainly of Precambrian plagiogranite-gneisses, crystalline schists, migmatite-granite and granitoid formations. Gold-sulfide-quartz, molybdenum, copper-molybdenum, molybdenum-tungsten and fluorite ore formations are of primary importance here. Mineralization, as a rule, is associated with the Late Paleozoic-Mesozoic activation.

Mongolian-Transbaikalian province covers the southern regions of the region. Its geological structures belong to the Central Asian folded belt, which underwent complex geosynclinal and orogenic development during the Paleozoic and Mesozoic.

Characteristic is the extreme diversity of formational and geological-industrial types of mineralization associated with late Mesozoic igneous complexes. The province includes Khentei-Daurskaya, Aginsko-Borshchovochnaya and Gazimuro-Argunskaya metallogenic regions, each with its own ore specificity. The Khentei-Daurskaya region is characterized by tin-tungsten, gold-quartz types of mineralization, for the Aginsky-Borshchovochnaya region - silicate-sulfide-cassiterite, tin-tungsten, rare-metal, gold-tungsten-bismuth and mercury-antimony mineralization. The Gazimuro-Argun region is distinguished by the greatest variety of mineral and industrial types of mineralization. Lead-zinc, molybdenum-polymetallic, molybdenum, rare-metal uranium, fluorite, as well as gold-placer and lignite deposits are of major industrial importance. In recent years, the Gazimur gold-copper-porphyry belt with significant total resources of copper and gold has been discovered here (1).

Below is a brief description of the resource base (Fig. 2.3).

Black metals. On the territory of the region, a large raw material base of ferrous metals is prepared for development, represented by various geological and industrial types of deposits of iron, titanium, vanadium, chromium and manganese.

Iron. In the south of the region is the Berezovskoye deposit of limonite-siderite ores with explored reserves of 438 million tons and iron content from 36.6 to 50.6%. The design capacity is 10 million tons of ore per year with a stripping ratio of 0.37 m 3 /t.

The Kruchininskoye apatite-titanomagnetite deposit is located 70 km from Chita, the explored ore reserves of which amount to 617 million tons with an iron content of 22.5%, phosphorus - 3.66%, vanadium pentoxide - 0.09%. With a quarry productivity of 10 million tons per year, it is possible to obtain 1.6 million tons of titanomagnetite, 0.7 million tons of ilmenite and 0.5 million tons of apatite concentrate.

The Zabaikalsky section of the BAM zone is very promising as a raw material base for ferrous metallurgy - the Chara group of deposits of ferruginous quartzites and the Chiney deposit of iron-titanium-vanadium ores. Reserves of deposits of the Charskaya group (South-Sulumatskoye, Nizhne-Sakukanskoye, Sakukanyrskoye) in categories С 1 + С 2 - 660 million tons of ore for open-pit mining and 475 million tons for adit mining, predicted resources - 1165 million tons. The content of magnetite iron in deposits from 26.4 to 31.9%.

The most promising is the Chineyskoye deposit, where the State Balance has taken into account the reserves of about 1 billion tons of ore in the open pit contour at the Magnitny site, the predicted resources are 30 billion tons of ore. The deposit is the world's largest in terms of vanadium reserves (more than 50 million tons) and unique in terms of its content in ore (up to 1.2% V 2 O 5 , average content - 0.34%).

Chromium. Manganese. The prospects for the discovery of industrially significant deposits of chromite ores in the region are associated with the Shaman massif, composed mainly of harzburgites to varying degrees serpentized, located 12 km south of the BAM route on the right bank of the Vitim River. The predicted resources of chromium oxide of the Shaman massif (up to a depth of 300 m) in category P 1 are estimated at 7.5 million tons with an average content of 38%, and in category P 3 - 15.2 million tons.

In the south of the region, to meet the technological needs of the Priargunskoye PCU, the Gromovskoye manganese deposit is being developed with manganese dioxide reserves of hundreds of thousands of tons at an average content of 20%. Prospects for the creation of a raw material base for manganese are associated with the Khoyto-Aga group of manifestations (Upper-Gurtuyskoye, Urda-Aga, Narynskoye, Kusochinskoye, etc.), confined to gentle thrusts within the Aga structural-formation zone among Paleozoic sand-shale strata (2).

Nonferrous metals. Copper. Almost one fifth of Russia's copper reserves are concentrated in the unique Udokan copper sandstone deposit located in the BAM zone (4). Copper reserves here amount to 20 million tons with an average grade of 1.53%. In the immediate vicinity of the field, a number of large, medium and small objects have been identified and preliminary evaluated of this type(Unkurskoe, Burpalinskoe, Sakinskoe, Pravo-Ingamakitskoe, etc.). Their geological reserves make up more than half of those explored at Udokan. In the same area, the Chinei massif is associated with the copper-bearing gabbroid deposit of the same name, the reserves and predicted copper resources of which make up 40% of the total reserves of the Udokan deposit, and the value of 1 ton of ore is 2-2.5 times higher due to associated components (Ni, Co, Pt, Pd, Au, Ag, etc.). Similar copper mineralization has been noted in the Upper Sakukan, Luktur, and Ebkachan massifs. The predicted copper resources of these objects are comparable to those of Udokan.

A new large raw material base of copper is being created in the southeast of the region at the expense of deposits of the skarn-copper-porphyry type (Bystrinskoye, Lugokanskoye, Kultuminskoye deposits). The most promising is the Bystrinskoye deposit, the explored reserves of B + C 1 + C 2 categories in the quarry contour are: copper - 2258 thousand tons (content 0.7%); gold - 261 tons (0.8 g/t); silver - 1167 tons (36 g/t); iron - 74 million tons (22.8%). In addition, the estimated predicted resources of copper are 1,500 thousand tons, gold - 145 tons, silver - 1,300 tons, iron - 29 million tons. %), gold - 123 tons (0.66 g / t), iron - 33 million tons (17.8%); forecast resources are: copper - 900 thousand tons, gold - 200 tons, iron - 50 million tons. Exploration of the Lugokanskoye deposit is being completed, the expected reserves of copper are 500 thousand tons, gold - 150 tons.

There are prerequisites for discovering deposits of the porphyry copper type with gold and molybdenum within the Uronai ore cluster, in the Gazimuro-Zavodsky, Mogochinsky and Verkhne-Olekminsky ore regions.

Lead and zinc. Of more than 700 deposits and manifestations of lead and zinc, about 500 are located within the uranium-gold-polymetallic belt between the Gazimur and Argun rivers. There are two geological and industrial types of lead-zinc ores: Nerchinsk and Novoshirokinsky. Both are characterized by a polycomponent composition (lead, zinc, silver, gold, silver, cadmium, copper, indium, thallium, bismuth, tellurium, selenium, etc.). Ores of the Nerchinsk type concentrate about 90% of the reserves of polymetallic ores of the region and are mainly represented by small and medium deposits (Vozdvizhenskoye, Blagodatskoye, Ekaterino-Blagodatskoye, Kadainskoye, Savinskoye No. 5, Akatuevskoye, etc.). The predicted resources of lead and zinc in ores of this type in the Argun region are 1.5 and 2.1 million tons, respectively. gold. In addition, objects of this type are much larger than the Nerchinsk one. The most promising and prepared for development is the Novo-Shirokinsky deposit, which, with a capacity of 400 thousand tons of ore per year, can annually produce 5.5 thousand tons of zinc, 12.8 thousand tons of lead, 1.3 tons of gold and more than 30 tons of silver. The largest deposit in the region is Noyon-Tologoiskoe, whose reserves and predicted resources are: lead - 920 thousand tons, zinc - 1091 thousand tons, silver - more than 4 thousand tons with a content of 1.04%, 1.22% and 44 g/t. There are prospects for resuming the extraction of polymetallic ores at the Vozdvizhenskoye and Akatuevskoye deposits.

Molybdenum. Until the end of the 1980s, the Trans-Baikal Territory supplied more than 20% of the molybdenum mined in the USSR. Now molybdenum reserves are listed in 3 deposits: Zhirekensky, Bugdainsky and Amanan-Makitsky. The Zhireken deposit is mined by a quarry, in 2008 molybdenum production amounted to 1.9 thousand tons, the final product is ferromolybdenum, copper 2.4 thousand tons in copper concentrate. A geological and economic reassessment was carried out at the Bugdainskoye deposit, molybdenum reserves amount to 600 thousand tons (Mo content - 0.08%), this is the largest molybdenum deposit in Russia. Forecast resources of molybdenum at 18 sites are estimated at 1.5 million tons. There are prerequisites for the discovery of 4 more large and medium-sized deposits.

Tungsten. At present, wolframite is mined in the region at the Bom-Gorkhonskoye deposit, while the Spokoyninskoye deposit is mothballed. In reserve is the Shumilovskoye deposit of tungsten-bearing greisens, which is average in terms of reserves. The total predicted resources of 19 promising deposits and manifestations are estimated at 300 thousand tons of tungsten trioxide.

Tin. Until the middle of the XX century. The region was one of the main suppliers of tin mined from ores of deposits of quartz-cassiterite (Ononskoye, Badzhiraevskoye, Budyumkanskoye, etc.) and silicate-sulfide-cassiterite (Khapcheranginskoye, Sherlovogorskoye, etc.) formations, as well as numerous placers. The resumption of mining at the Sherlovogorskoye deposit is not economically feasible due to low grades (0.1-0.2% Sn), objects with richer ores are needed. The promising ones include tin-rare-metal deposits of the skarn type (Bogdatskoye, Orochinskoye, Arkiinskoye), as well as tin-silver Bezymyannoye. The predicted resources of the latter are estimated at tens of thousands of tons of tin, and the total predicted resources of the south of the region are hundreds of thousands of tons.

Antimony, mercury. The Trans-Baikal Territory is one of the most promising territories for the discovery of industrially significant deposits of these elements. Prospects are associated with the Darasuno-Baleysky ore region (Kazakovskaya and Nerchinskaya mercury-antimony-bearing zones with gold and silver). Mercury-antimony-tungsten mineralization is also widely developed here (deposits Barun-Shiveinskoye, Ust-Serginskoye). Actually antimony deposits and ore occurrences with an antimony content of 5-30% are confined to three mineragenic zones: Gazimur with cinnabar-fluorite-antimonite (projected resources - 60 thousand tons of antimony), Ithaka-Darasun with gold-antimonite (projected resources - 40 thousand tons) and Tyrgetui-Zhipkoshinskaya with antimonite with gold (inferred resources - 60 thousand tons) mineralization. The Zhipkoshinskoye deposit is being developed with antimony reserves of 20 thousand tons.

rare metals. The Trans-Baikal Territory is the largest resource base and supplier of strategically important rare metals - lithium, tantalum, niobium, zirconium, germanium, and rare earth elements.

Lithium. Lithium was mined at the Zavitinsky deposit of rare-metal spodumene pegmatites. Significant reserves of lithium in lepidolite are concentrated in the Orlovsky, Etykinsky, Knyazhevsky deposits, where geological reserves are estimated at several hundred thousand tons. As promising objects for lithium (spodumene), the Kangin and Olonda fields of rare metal pegmatites can be considered, the predicted resources of which are estimated at the first hundreds of thousands of tons.

Tantalum, niobium, zirconium. Tantalum and niobium were mined at the Orlovskoye, Etykinskoye, Achikanskoye and Malo-Kulindinskoye deposits. Large reserves of them are concentrated in the unique Katuginsky deposit of complex cryolite-zircon-tantalum-niobium rare-earth ores, on the basis of which a highly profitable production with an annual output of up to 3 million tons of ore is possible. In terms of tantalum and yttrium reserves, the Katuginskoye deposit is one of the largest in the world. In general, the mineragenic potential of the Trans-Baikal Territory is estimated at hundreds of thousands of tons of tantalum pentoxide, millions of tons of niobium pentoxide and zirconium oxide, thousands of tons of rare earth oxides (mainly of the yttrium group), which makes it possible to consider the region as the largest rare-metal-rare-earth province in the world (5).

Germanium. In the Trans-Baikal Territory, industrial concentrations of germanium are associated with brown coal. The largest reserves and concentrations of this metal are confined to the layers of the Tigninsky and Sputnik-Tarbagatai deposits of brown coal. The germanium content of the Irgensky, Mordoysky, Altaisky, Sredne-Argunsky and other brown coal deposits has been established. In addition, germanium is of interest as an associated component in concentrates obtained from polymetallic ores. The predicted resources and reserves of germanium in the region are over 2 thousand tons and are concentrated mainly in the Tarbagatai coal deposit.

noble metals. Gold . More than 1,000 deposits and manifestations of native and alluvial gold have been discovered and studied to varying degrees in the region. The predominant part of relatively large industrial facilities is concentrated in the Baleisko-Darasun gold mining zone. The deposits are classified as gold-quartz (Voskresenskoye, Shunduinskoye, Kazakovskoye, Lyubavinskoye, Aprelkovsko-Peshkovsky ore clusters, etc.); gold sulfide-quartz (Middle Golgotai, Teremkinskoe, Itakinskoe, Aliinskoe, Kariyskoe field, etc.); gold-quartz-sulfide (Darasunskoye, Klyuchevskoye, Ukonikskoye, Novo-Shirokinsky); shallow gold-silver (Baley ore field) formations. About 4% belongs to the latter total number deposits containing up to 20% of commercial gold reserves. The Baleiskoye and Taseevskoye deposits are unique both in terms of gold content (up to 346 kg/t) and gold reserves. Large industrial reserves of ore gold are also concentrated in the Darasunskoye, Itakinsky, Novo-Shirokinsky, Klyuchevskoye, Talatuisky, Kariysky and some other deposits. The predicted resources are many times greater than the explored reserves and reach several hundred million tons of ore with industrial metal content. At the same time, more than half of them are in the Darasun, Mogochinsky, Baleisky and Budyumkano-Kultuminsky ore districts. In addition to the gold ore proper, the sources of gold can be deposits of cuprous sandstones (Syulbanskaya group, Burpalinskoye, Pravo-Ingamakitskoye, etc.) and copper-nickel deposits (Chineyskoye), as well as other types, in particular copper-skarn-porphyry, in which reserves and gold resources exceed those in the actual gold deposits.

The prospects for creating a raw material base of native gold in the BAM zone are associated with the Tallay-Bakhtarnak ore cluster, where it is known big number poorly studied objects with significant predictive resources (Bakhtarnak, Dikiy, etc.).

Alluvial deposits are concentrated within the Chikoi, Yuzhno-Daursky, Baleisky and other ore regions. Gold reserves in placers vary from several tens of kilograms to tens of tons. At present, mainly previously developed alluvial deposits (Shakhtaminskoye, Kazakovskoye, Undinskoye, Uryumskoye, etc.) are being washed away. Industrial reserves of alluvial gold in traditional mining areas will allow it to be carried out at the existing productivity for another 10-15 years.

As a result of the prospecting work, placer gold content was also substantiated in the northern ore regions of the region - Charsky, Muysky, Kalarsky, Kalakansky and Verkhne-Olekminsky. The predicted gold resources in these areas provide the possibility of extracting the precious metal for 20 years. The increase in placer gold reserves is also expected due to the search for ancient buried placers.

Silver It is widely distributed in Transbaikalia and is present in concentrates extracted along the way from ores of deposits of gold, lead and zinc, copper, molybdenum, tin and tungsten. In the state balance of reserves, silver is taken into account at 23 deposits (Udokanskoye, Bystrinskoye, Novo-Shirokinsky, Baleiskoye, Taseevskoye, etc.).

Fuel and energy resources. Coal. On the territory of the Trans-Baikal Territory, 24 industrial deposits and 77 occurrences of coal have been identified and taken into account, confined to the Upper Mesozoic deposits that fill graben-like depressions, graben-synclines and troughs.

brown coals(mainly BZ grades) were accounted for at 15 deposits with total balance reserves of 2.24 billion tons and predicted resources of 891 million tons. They form the basis of the operating coal complex of the region (Kharanorskoye, Tataurovskoye, Urtuyskoye and Tarbagataiskoye deposits) with a total productivity in 2001. 14.2 million tons. Prospects for the development of brown coal mining are associated both with the possibility of increasing productivity at existing enterprises, and with the development of deposits of the Priargunskaya group (Pogranichnoye, Kutinskoye, Priozernoye) with balance reserves of more than 650 million tons and the Zashulanskoye deposit - 259 million tons. t.

hard coals taken into account at 9 deposits, the total balance reserves of which are 2.04 billion tons, the predicted resources are 1762 million tons. Of the total reserves and resources, almost 60% (2.23 billion tons) are at the Apsat coking coal deposit. Currently, the Olon-Shibirskoye (DG grade coal) deposit is being mined (3.8 million tons were mined in 2007). Mining in small volumes for local needs is carried out at the Altanskoye, Burtuyskoye and Ureyskoye deposits. An increase in production is possible at the Olon-Shibirskoye deposit, as well as through the development of coal from the Nikolskoye, Apsatskoye and Zashulanskoye deposits.

A detailed study of the quality of hard coals on the territory of the region made it possible to identify the most promising "non-fuel" areas of their use, in particular for the production of various kinds of adsorbents. Such coals with an ash content of less than 5% and not containing harmful components, in an amount of about 1 million tons, were identified at the Zashulanskoye deposit. The wide development of coals with an ash content of up to 10% at this deposit makes it possible to produce spherical adsorbents on their basis for medical purposes and for the gold mining industry, especially when using heap leaching technology, where imported carbon adsorbents are currently used. There are prospects for identifying similar coals at the Urey coal deposit (5).

The provision of fuel and energy resources for the BAM zone is associated primarily with the development of the Apsat and Chitkanda gas-coal deposits. The coals of both deposits are stone. At the Apsat coking coal deposit (grades: Zh, KZh, K, KO, KS, OS, coal grades SS and T are slightly developed), the reserves of categories A + B + C 1 taken into account by the State Balance amount to 179 million tons, category C 2 - 790 million t, the predicted resources of the P 1 category are 1,249 million tons, which corresponds to half of the coal resources of the Trans-Baikal Territory.

The quality of coals from the Chitkandinsky deposit corresponds to the grades DG and G. They are high-calorie fuel, but can also be used in the coal-chemical industry and for blending coking varieties of the Apsatsky deposit. Explored reserves of categories A + B + C 1 are 12.5 million tons, category C 2 - 3.1 million tons. Inferred resources of categories P 1 + P 2 - 447 million tons.

works recent years gas content (mainly methane), which is of industrial interest, has been established in these fields. At the Apsatskoye field - 160-180 billion m 3 of methane, incl. in coal seams - 50-55 billion m 3, in the Upper Kalar depression, which includes the Chitkanda deposit - 13 billion m 3 with a possible annual production of up to 0.5 billion m 3. The extraction and use of associated gas from coal seams can radically change the economic and environmental situation in the development of the subsoil of the region, especially the Chineyskoye iron-titanium-vanadium ore deposit and the Yuzhno-Sulumatskoye iron quartzite deposit (obtaining metallized pellets).

Uranus. On the territory of the Trans-Baikal Territory there is a significant part of the world's largest Trans-Baikal uranium-bearing province. There are 6 uranium ore regions (Yuzhno-Daursky, Olovskiy, Urulyunginsky, Khiloksky, Menzinsky and Chikoysky), the largest of which (Urulyunguisky) contains unique uranium deposits of the Streltsovsky ore field - the raw material base of the only supplier of natural uranium in Russia, OJSC Priargunskoe production mining and chemical association.

Non-metallic minerals. A significant role in the mineral resource complex of the region is played by non-metallic minerals (Fig. 3), which are the basis for the functioning and future development of a number of mining and mining and chemical industries.

Fluorspar. Eastern Transbaikalia is rightfully considered the largest fluorine-bearing province in the world. More than 100 deposits and manifestations of fluorite are known here, the vast majority of which are raw materials of the most valuable metallurgical grades. The explored reserves of 20 fields listed by the State Balance amount to more than 46 million tons. The Abagaytuyskoye, Brikachanskoye, Garsonuiskoye, Zhetkovskoye, Solonechnoye, Uluntuiskoye, Urtuyskoye and Usuglinskoye deposits with total reserves of more than 15 million tons were involved in the operation. For 37 objects, forecast resources are taken into account - 75 million tons. The most attractive are the development of the Gagozor field and the fields of the Buguturo-Abagaytuy group (Novo-Bugutursky, Gorinsky, Semiletny, Shakhtersky and Voldinsky).

Potassium and aluminum raw materials. The prospects for creating a large center for the production of alumina and potash fertilizers are associated with the development of the Golevskoye deposit of synnyrites located in the BAM zone, containing 18.2% potassium oxide and 21.3% alumina. Explored reserves amount to 258 million tons of ore, predicted resources - 2.6 billion tons. The developed technologies allow waste-free processing of synnyrite to produce alumina, chlorine-free potash, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, cement, components for explosives, feldspar concentrate for porcelain, electrical and abrasive industries, kalsilite concentrate as a natural, environmentally friendly potash fertilizer of prolonged type and a number of other products.

Zeolites. The largest zeolite province has been discovered in the Trans-Baikal Territory, within which 2 large deposits have been explored - Kholinskoye and Shivyrtuiskoye, the reserves of which are more than 1.3 billion tons, which makes it possible to almost completely meet the country's needs for this type of raw material. The predicted resources of zeolites at the main facilities exceed 6.5 billion tons.

Magnesite. The Shilko-Gazimursky ore district is capable of becoming the raw material base of a large enterprise for the extraction of magnesite. A number of deposits have been identified here (Larginskoye, Bereinskoye, Timokhinskoye, Luchuyskoye, etc.) with magnesite reserves of 50.6 million tons and predicted resources of 387 million tons. An area of ​​high-quality magnetites (MgO - 44%, CaO - 4%, Fe 2 O 3 - less than 0.1%), the reserves of which (categories C 1 + C 2) are 10 million tons.

Recently, there have been positive trends in the development of the mining industry of the region. The annual growth of gold production increased, work was resumed at the Bom-Gorkhonskoye, tungsten, Zhirekenskoye molybdenum deposits, Novo-Shirokinskoye, Bystrinskoye, Bugdainskoye are under preparation. The construction of the railway line Naryn - Lugokan has begun, which will greatly accelerate the development of mineral resources southeast region Trans-Baikal Territory (Fig. 4). It is planned to complete the construction of the railway line Chara - Chineyskoye field, which removes transport problems development of the Udokansky, Katuginsky, Chitkandinsky deposits and is the connecting link of the main objects of the Charsky TPK with BAM. A number of gold deposits are being prepared for development, focused on the use of heap leaching technology. Nevertheless, despite the emerging positive aspects in the development of the mining industry, the region is in dire need of an influx of investments and state support on the formation of infrastructure and production of metallurgical orientation.

1. Bakhramov Kh.S., Rutshtein I.G., Chechetkin V.S., Chaban N.N. Mineral resources of the Trans-Baikal Territory (history of formation, development, prospects). Materials of the scientific-practical conference. Mineral resource base of Siberia: history of formation and prospects. Volume I. Tomsk, 2008. S. 476-480.

2. Kharitonov Yu.F., Chechetkin V.S., Ageev I.A. and other Natural resources of the Chita region and Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug. Atlas of investment proposals. Chita, 2002, 151 p.

3. Chechetkin V.S., Asoskov V.M., Voronova L.I. and others. Mineral resources of the Chita region. Current state and development prospects. Chita, 1996. 124 p.

4. Chechetkin V.S., Kharitonov Yu.F., Asoskov V.M. Geological structure and minerals of the Chita section of the BAM zone. Irkutsk, 2002. 63 p.

5. Chechetkin V.S., Kharitonov Yu.F. Mineral resources Trans-Baikal Territory. Chita, 2009, 23 p.

Lesson on the topic: "Minerals"
1 year of study (7-10 years)
The duration of the lesson is 1 hour. 25 min. with a change of 5 min.
Teacher: Korzhavina Svetlana Alekseevna
Lesson form: group.
To give students an idea about the minerals of the Trans-Baikal Territory and their classification, expand their understanding of their use, form the ability to identify minerals according to their main features. Develop speech, logical thinking students, the ability to observe, compare, generalize and draw conclusions.
To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, respect for the work of people involved in the extraction of minerals.
collection of minerals; mineral description plan;
illustrations of mining and the professions of people involved in mining;
I stage. Organizing time. Psychological mood.
- Look at each other, with your eyes, wish your friend a good working mood for the whole lesson. Now look at me. I also wish you all an interesting lesson.
II stage. Motivation and goal setting.
Presentation.- Look at our Earth. The nature of our Earth is rich and diverse. Some riches are on the surface of the Earth, others are hidden deep in the Earth. (slides 1, 2, 3).
What tricky secrets Ordinary objects hide: Minerals glitter in a salt shaker! Snowflakes are crystals! The foil that hid the candy - The metal is the same as in rockets. that the cobblestone is to blame, And then the omnipotent nature slipped you a breed!
- What do you think, what riches and secrets will be discussed today?
- Read the topic of the lesson. "Minerals" (slide 4).
- What problems do we need to uncover on this topic? What questions do we ask ourselves?
Let's clarify what we should get acquainted with and what to remember.
(What is a fossil and why are they called useful? What minerals do we know. Where are they located? How do people use them in their lives? How should minerals be protected? How are they mined?) - What problem do we put in the lesson? (Why do minerals play a big role in human life?) (slide 5).
- Why do we need to know this? (children's answers)
III stage. Learning new material.
Teacher: Today in the lesson we will remember with you everything that you know about minerals. Let's clarify the knowledge about their properties and significance for a person. Get to know the classification natural resources which are all minerals.
All natural resources that a person extracts from the depths of the earth or from its surface are minerals. Why are they fossils? And why useful? (Children's answers).
You got acquainted with many minerals in the classroom at school. Name them (children's answers).
But today we will consider the minerals that are mined in the Trans-Baikal Territory and learn how to independently determine their properties.
IV stage. Practical work students.
On the tables are samples of the mineral (each group has its own) and a plan for its description:
Write the name of the mineral.
Determine its properties: hardness, brittleness, etc.
Where is this mineral used?
Where is it mined in our region? (You can use the atlas of the Trans-Baikal Territory)
Working in a group, children determine the properties of their mineral, and then, together with the teacher, fill out a table on the board and in a notebook.
Name Properties Use In Transbaikalia
Teacher: I see that the groups are ready, we proceed to fill out the table on the board and in notebooks.
The children answer, the teacher writes.
I gr. - coal - hard, opaque, dense, combustible, black.
it is used as a fuel for residential premises, in factories, factories, railways; medicine is made from coal tar.
in Transbaikalia: Kharanorsky section.
Teacher: And, indeed, millions of years ago mighty trees grew on the earth. Under the influence of the wind, these trees broke and fell into the water. There they lay for a long time and turned into a hard, cold, black substance. So we inherited deposits of coal. How is coal mined? (in an open way - they dig a pit and load it into cars or wagons with excavators)
II gr. - granite - hard, opaque, very dense, gray in color, the main property is strength. used in construction: buildings, bridge supports, stairs, pave roads; well polished - they decorate buildings, embankments, metro stations; make monuments. denoted by:
Teacher: The word "granite" comes from the word "granum" - in translation "grain". Those. granite consists of individual grains - crystals of quartz, mica and feldspar, which are constituent parts granite. The color of granite depends on the feldspar. These components fit tightly together. Granite is formed in mountainous regions, in the depths of the earth.
III gr. - clay - hard, opaque, loose, non-combustible, Brown color.
used in construction: bricks are made from clay with the addition of sand; well molded, soft under the action of water is used for the manufacture of dishes.
found everywhere, a very common mineral.
Teacher: It is formed during the destruction of various rocks such as granite. Clay is made up of small particles, similar to scales, strongly fastened together. Therefore, clay, unlike sand, cannot be poured. Raw clay has a binding property.
IV gr. - limestone - hard, opaque, loose, non-combustible, white color.
used in construction to cover streets and roads, to obtain lime, which is needed for bonding building materials, whitewashing rooms, and preparing mortars.
In Transbaikalia - everywhere.
Teacher: It was formed from the remains of very tiny and larger marine organisms. Most often it is a stone of white or light gray color, consisting of small particles fastened together. Under the influence acetic acid boils, bubbles form on its surface and a hiss is heard. A variety of limestone: chalk. Let's, based on the properties of minerals in our table, divide them into groups. (Construction: limestone, clay, granite; ore: iron ore; fuel: coal, peat)
Teacher: And I want to remind you of some more minerals. Cars run along the roads. Roaring tractors in the fields. Planes fly in the air. By railway locomotives are running. Ships sail smoothly through the waters. What mineral helps man to set these machines in motion? (Oil)
– Yes, it is an oily liquid, dark in color with a pungent odor. From it receive gasoline, kerosene, machine oil. Lies deep in the ground. To get it, they drill narrow
wells into which pipes are lowered. Huge amounts of oil are being pumped through them.
pumps and poured into special oil storage facilities. Designated:
Teacher: Many have seen gas burning in the kitchen with a blue flame. It is also a useful resource. Plastics are obtained from it, rubber, from which rubber is made. It is colorless, with a barely perceptible odor, but quickly ignites. When burning, it releases a lot of heat. Gas pipelines run from gas fields for many
kilometers along which it enters major cities and towns. Designated:
– Which group of minerals do we classify oil and gas as? (Fuel, because the main property is combustibility)
And what mineral gave the name to our village? (schorl)
What do you know about him? (children's answers, teacher's explanation) - And how minerals are mined, we will look at the slides
- Do you think that these mining people have an easy job? What should we do? (Respect the work of people engaged in mining) - What are the names of the professions of these people? (Oilman, miner, driller, right320675stoneworker)
V stage. Fizkultminutka.
VI stage. Repetition of the studied material.
Teacher: We remembered and got acquainted with various minerals. And now let's try to recognize them by description and solve the crossword puzzle.
1. It is very strong and resilient, It is a reliable friend for Builders: Houses, steps, pedestals Will become beautiful and noticeable. (Granite)
3. This master is white-white At school, he does not lie idle: Runs along the board, Leaves a white trail. (Chalk)
4. The kids really need him, He is on the paths in the yard, He is at the construction site and on the beach, He is even melted in glass. (Sand)
5. Mom has an excellent assistant in the kitchen. It blooms from a match with a blue flower. (Gas)
6. Neither a taxi nor a motorcycle will run without it. A rocket will not rise. Guess what it is? (Oil)
8. She was cooked for a long time In a blast furnace, Scissors, keys turned out to be famous ... (Ore)
1. If you meet on the road, Then your legs will get stuck, And to make a bowl or a vase - You will need it right away. (Clay)
2. Roads are covered with it, Streets in the village, And it is also in cement, He himself is fertilizer. (Limestone)
7. Plants grew in the swampBecame fuel and fertilizer. (Peat)
9. It is black, shiny, A real helper to people. It brings warmth to houses. It is light from it around. (Coal)
VII stage. Acquaintance with the classification of minerals.
Teacher: in the first lesson, we remembered and got acquainted with the minerals of the Trans-Baikal Territory. To which groups do the minerals referred to belong? (children's answers - combustible, construction)
This is just one classification of minerals. But minerals are also called natural resources and they include solar energy, wind, tidal energy.
(Introduction to renewable and non-renewable; exhaustible and inexhaustible)
VIII stage. Consolidation of new material.
Quiz - you need to name the mineral in question and give it a description.
Remember Andersen's fairy tale about the little pot? He sang an old song wonderfully and always knew what was cooked for dinner in every house. The pot was, of course, magical. What is the name of the mineral from which the pot was made? Clay. (construction, inexhaustible)
What was made of steadfast soldier? (Tin) - ore, non-renewable, exhaustible) White, crystalline, hard rock, used for cladding stairs, walls. It is a type of limestone. Marble. (construction, exhaustible, non-renewable).
What word is missing in the proverb "Kui .... while it's hot." Iron.
This mineral is called the "little brother" of coal. Peat.
It is formed during the destruction of granite and quartz. Sand.
FROM Italian does the name of this fossil translate as "grainy"? Granite.
The teacher cannot do without it in the classroom. Chalk.
In nature, it is found in the form of powerful deposits. Its varieties are chalk, marble. Limestone.
This mineral cannot be extinguished with water. Oil.
Stage IX. Excursion to the department "Mineralogy" of the museum of guardianship and the Kharanorsky section.
Well done, you have worked hard today and a surprise awaits you - we are going to visit the Keeper of the Museum of the House of Children's Creativity. She will tell you about what other minerals are mined in Transbaikalia.
X stage. Summing up, homework.
What did we learn in class? What minerals are mined in the Trans-Baikal Territory? What classifications of natural resources did you learn?
At home, tell your parents, brothers, sisters what you learned new and write down in a notebook what minerals you met during the excursion and give them a description.

Transbaikalia is one of the oldest mining regions in the country. Crucial for the development of geological research and the associated mining industry in Transbaikalia and Russia as a whole, he had a decree of Peter I on the establishment of the "Order of Mining Affairs" dated August 19, 1700 (old style). In Transbaikalia, the first Russian deposits of lead, zinc, silver, tin, tungsten, molybdenum, and fluorite were found and worked out. The first domestic gold was smelted from the lead-zinc ores of the Argun region. Based on the study of the deposits of Transbaikalia, conducted by V.A. Obruchev, A.E. Fersman, M.M. Tetyaev, S.S. Smirnov, Yu.A. Bilibin, advanced ideas were born and the theory of world geological science was developed. In the 18th century, the Nerchinsk Dauria was the main source of silver and lead, mined from the ores of the Argun deposits. Many mining settlements arose, among which the most famous were the Nerchinsk Plant, Aleksandrovsky Plant, Gazimurovsky Plant, Shilkinsky Plant, Gorny Zerentui, Akatuy. Most of them developed under the Soviet regime and have survived to this day (Nerchinsk Zavod was the historical center). In the XVIII century. the first fluorite deposits were discovered (Purinskoye, Solonechnoye and others). Fluorite was used in the lead-silver-smelting industry, in particular at the Ducharsky plant. In 1798, on the basis of the iron ores of the Balyaginskoye deposit, the merchant Butygin and the blacksmith Sholokhov built the Petrovsky ironworks, the refractory bricks for the furnaces of which were made from magnesites from the lower reaches of the Shilka River. Glass production was also organized here using local quartz raw materials (Quartz Mountain not far from Balyaga) and soda from Doroninskoye Lake, located in the Ingoda valley. On the territory of the Nerchinsk mining district in the second half of the 18th century. not only the search and exploration of ore deposits were launched, but also the first geological survey work in Russia, which ended with the creation of the first geological map in Russia (earlier than in England), covering an area of ​​35,000 square meters. verst. It was compiled during 1789-1794. D. Lebedev and M. Ivanov. In the XVIII century. the first jaspers, agates, carnelians, aquamarines were obtained from Transbaikalia. The source of the latter was Sherlovaya Gora, where the Cossack I. Gurkov found these jewelry stones in 1723. To early XIX in. includes the discovery of the first deposits of tin (Onon and Kulinda mines), amethysts (Mulina Gora). In 1829, alluvial gold was discovered on the Unda River, the reserves of gold sands in the valley and in the channel of which have not been exhausted to this day. In the first half of the XIX century. the world-famous gem deposits of the Borshovochny Ridge and Adun-Chelon became known. In the middle of the XIX century. one after another, rich gold-bearing placers are discovered on the rivers Kara, Zheltuga, Shakhtama, Urov, Uryum, Baldzha, etc. The largest Darasun placer is being developed, as well as Kazakovskaya and placers along the Middle Borza. In the last quarter of the last century, the first primary gold deposits proper Ara-Ilinskoye, Lyubavinskoye, Kazakovskoye, Aprelkovskoye, Klyuchevskoye, Darasunskoye were discovered. Also in late XVIII in. wolframite was discovered on Sherlovaya Gora, but the first actual tungsten deposits (Bukukinskoye, Belukhinskoye Antonovogorskoye) became known at the beginning of the 20th century. It was they who gave the first tungsten and bismuth in Russia, and the Gutai mine - the first molybdenum. In the last quarter of the XIX century. Transbaikalia gave more than half of all the gold of Russia. In connection with the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway, a study began geological structure territory adjacent to it. A general concept of its geological structure was created, which had a beneficial effect on the development of geological concepts in the study of Central and Eastern Transbaikalia. Systematic geological survey and exploration work has not yet been carried out. Exploration of ore deposits was not practiced. After working out the near-surface most accessible and richest parts, they were left. The extraction of lead, zinc and silver at the deposits of the Argun region was almost completely stopped. After the establishment of the Soviet suit, even before the end civil war, work resumed, their conduct became systematic. The best geologists were sent to Transbaikalia. As a result of their studies, the tin deposits Khapcheranginskoye, Etykinskoye, Sherlovogorskoye, Budyumkanskoye, etc. were discovered. The discovery of the Sherlovogorskoye tin-polymetallic deposit confirmed the possibilities of new geochemical methods for prospecting for ores. Exploration and exploitation work was organized at the Darasunskoye, Kariyskoye, Lyubavinskoye, Kazakovskoye and other gold deposits. An outstanding achievement of Soviet geologists was the discovery in 1926 of one of the world's largest Baleiskoye gold and silver deposits. Three years later (in 1929) the first stage of the Baleisky GOK was put into operation. After the exploration of Davendinskoe, Shakhtaminskoe and other molybdenum deposits, the Chita region. became a major supplier of this most valuable metal. In the 1930s, the Kruchininskoye and Chineyskoye deposits of titanomagnetites were discovered. As a result of systematic prospecting and exploration work, the Abagaytuyskoye, Solonechnoye, Kalanguiskoye and other fluorite deposits received an industrial assessment. Patriotic War Transbaikalia has become the most important source of strategic raw materials for the defense industry. In the post-war years, exploration work was resumed at the deposits of the Klichka ore field. The raw material base for the Nerchinsk Polymetallic Combine was the Kadainskoye, Blagodatskoye, Akatuevskoye lead and zinc deposits. Within the Baleisky ore field, a unique Taseevskoye deposit of gold and silver was discovered. With the organization of the Chita Territorial Geological Administration in 1949, the volume of exploration work increased sharply. During the first 10-15 years of its activity, the explored industrial reserves of iron, coal, molybdenum, tungsten, gold, lead, zinc, fluorite, building materials increased significantly. At that time, such large deposits as Udokanskoye copper, Bugdainskoye molybdenum, Novo-Shirokinsky gold-polymetallic deposits were discovered and evaluated, 16 polymetallic deposits were explored (Spasskoye, Oktyabrskoye, Severo-Akatuevskoye, Savinskoye No. 5, Trekhsvyatitelskoye, etc.). In the late 1950s - mid-1960s, the Udokan copper deposit, the Bugdainskoye and Zhirekenskoye molybdenum deposits, the Spokoininskoye, Orlovskoye and Etykinskoye rare metal deposits were explored, and the exploration of the unique Streltsovskoye uranium deposit was completed. The latter became the raw material base for the construction of a large Priargunsky mining and chemical plant and the city of Krasnokamensk. In the 1950s, exploration of the Usuglinskoye fluorite deposit, which is unique in terms of raw material quality, as well as the Garsonuyskoye fluorite deposit, the largest in Transbaikalia, was completed. specific gravity exploration work in the northern regions of the region. The second stage of exploration of the Udokan field is being completed. The Katuginskoye rare-earth-rare-metal deposits, the Charskaya group of iron ore deposits, the Apsatskoye coal deposit, and the Sakunskoye aluminum-potassium ore deposits are being discovered and explored. These successes brought the Kalar region to one of the largest ore provinces of planetary significance. Industrial and civil construction, which was widely deployed in the Chita region, required a search for building materials. The Ust-Borzinskoye deposit of high-quality limestones and the Byrkinskoye deposit of clays have been explored, on the basis of which large-scale production of cement is possible. In addition, the Zakultinskoye perlite deposit, the Zhipkhegenskoye deposit of granites and more than two hundred deposits of sands, building stone, brick and bentonite clays have been explored. In the late 1980s, Russia's largest Shivyrtuyskoye and Kholinskoye deposits of zeolites, Urtuyskoye - fluorite deposits were discovered and explored. Over the past decades, more than 50 deposits have been explored in the region groundwater.History of discoveries, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits in the Chita region. is a story of great work and selfless devotion to the chosen cause of geologists. The mineral resource base of Transbaikalia was created in the fruitful cooperation of scientists and production workers. As a result of systematic geological survey work, the entire territory of the Chita region. (about 432,000 km2) for a relatively short term(about 40 years) is completely covered by the State geological survey at a scale of 1:200,000, 55% of the area is covered by a survey at a scale of 1:50,000. The geological knowledge of the region is one of the highest in Russia.

Coal is associated with Upper Mesozoic deposits that fill grabe-like depressions, graben-synclines, and troughs. A total of 24 industrial coal deposits are known. Of them:

  • * 15 - brown coal (Kharanorskoye, Tataurovskoye, Urtuyskoye, etc.) with total balance reserves of 2.24 billion tons and predicted resources of 891 million tons;
  • * 9 - hard coal: the largest Apsatskoye (975.9 million tons of reserves and 1249 million tons of forecast resources), Krasnochikoyskoye, Olon-Shibirskoye and others.

The total balance reserves of coal - 2040.3 million tons and forecast resources - 1762.0 million tons. In addition, 77 carbon manifestations were identified. Part of the coal deposits (Apsatskoe, Chitkandinsky) have a high gas content. The total reserves of methane reach 63-65 billion m3. Its resources in the Apsatskoye field alone make it possible to extract 1.0-1.5 billion m3 of methane per year. The available coal resources fully meet the energy needs of the region. Oil shales are also associated with sediments in the Mesozoic depressions. More than a dozen of their deposits and manifestations are known in the region (Yumurchenskoye, Turginskoye, Chindantskoye and others), but they are still poorly studied. Among the deposits of ferrous metals in the territory of the Chita region, iron ore, iron titanium and iron titanium phosphorus are known. The iron ore proper includes ferruginous quartzites of the Charo-Tokkinskaya iron ore zone, within which the Sulumat deposit is explored, located 2.5 km north of the BAM, with explored reserves of 650 million tons, including for the first stage open pit - 300 million tons with with a capacity of 6.5 million tons of ore per year and a duration of its operation of about 45 years. The predicted resources of iron ore in the Charsky ore district are estimated at 5890 million tons. In the Nerchinsko-Zavodsky district, siderite ores of the Berezovsky deposit were explored with reserves of industrial categories of 473 million tons. In addition, small deposits of magnetite ores are known in Gazimuro-Zavodsky (Iron Range, Yakovlevskoye, etc.), in Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky (Balyaginskoye) and other areas. Iron-titanium deposits belong to the titanomagnetite mineral type. Among them is the largest Chineiskoe, whose ores, along with magnetite and titanomagnetite, contain ilmenite. They also contain easily extractable vanadium in industrial concentrations, which will make it possible to obtain high-value steels naturally alloyed with vanadium. The predicted resources of these ores are 31.59 billion tons. Of these, about 10 billion tons are suitable for open pit mining. The Kruchininskoye deposit located in the Chita administrative region belongs to the iron-titanium-phosphorus type. Inferred resources of iron ore in the Chita region. amount to 38.02 billion tons. In general, the balance reserves of iron and titanium make it possible to organize the production of ferrous metals, and, taking into account the predicted resources, to provide it with raw materials for hundreds of years. An extremely important feature of the region's ferrous metal ores raw material base is their combination with ores of niobium, vanadium, molybdenum, tungsten, and rare earths. This makes it possible to organize profitable production of steels alloyed with these metals, which will greatly increase their value. Due to the destruction of the USSR, Russia lost a significant part of its sources of chromium and manganese. In the Chita region there are all prerequisites for the discovery of chromium deposits, primarily within the Shaman massif of ultrabasic rocks on the right bank of the Vitim. The only manganese deposit in the region is Gromovskoye, with manganese dioxide reserves of hundreds of thousands of tons at an average content of 20%. Ores are suitable only for hydrometallurgical processing. In the Chita region there is a significant part of the copper reserves, which are concentrated mainly in the Kodaro-Udokan zone and belong to the type of cuprous sandstones (Udokan, Unkurskoe, Burpalinskoe, Pravo-Ingamakitskoe, Sakinskoe, Klyukvennoe, Krasnoye and others) and copper-nickel, associated with the main rocks of the Chiney massif, etc. The largest of them is Udokan, in which about 20 million tons of copper are concentrated, and the reserves and predicted resources of all other deposits such as cuprous sandstones are 10--12 million tons. Their peculiarity is enrichment with silver, the content of which is 2-6 times higher than in the ores of the Udokan deposit.

The copper-bearing gabbroids include the Chineyskoye deposit, the predicted copper resources of which are about 40% of the total reserves of the Udokanskoye deposit. In addition to the Chineysky, in the Kodaro-Udokan copper-bearing province, the Verkh-Nesakukansky, Luktursky and Ebkachansky copper-bearing massifs, which are still poorly studied, have been identified. The forecast resources of 18 ore occurrences known here are estimated at more than 24 million tons of copper. In the southeastern part of the Chita region, the still insufficiently studied Lugokanskoye, Bystrinskoye, Kudtuminskoye deposits are also known, located in the uranium-gold-polymetallic belt. Their peculiarity is enrichment with gold. In addition, in the Gazimuro-Zavodsky, Mogochinsky and Vsrkhneolekminsky ore regions, the discovery of deposits of a porphyry copper type, new for Transbaikalia, in the ores of which copper is often associated with molybdenum and gold, is predicted. There are no deposits with balance reserves of nickel and cobalt in the Chita region yet. But the predicted resources in the ores of the Chiney deposit are estimated at hundreds of thousands of tons of nickel and tens of thousands of tons of cobalt. Commercial nickel- and cobalt content is assumed in layered massifs of basic rocks of the Chiney type in the north of the region.

Transbaikalia is one of the oldest mining regions in the country. Of decisive importance for the development of geological research and the associated mining industry in Transbaikalia and Russia as a whole was the decree of Peter I on the establishment of the "Order of Mining Affairs" dated August 19, 1700 (old style). The first Russian silver was obtained in Transbaikalia, and already in the 18th century, the extraction of fluorite, iron ores, gemstone raw materials (aquamarines, topazes, jaspers, agates, carnelian) was organized. In subsequent years, the region became the main supplier of lead, tin, gold, tungsten, and molybdenum for Russia.
In terms of explored mineral reserves, the Trans-Baikal Territory is one of the leading mining regions of the country. Through the efforts of several generations of Transbaikalian geologists, unique deposits of gold and silver, copper and uranium, many non-ferrous metals and rare earth elements have been discovered and explored. About 38% of the total Russian reserves of fluorspar, more than 25% of copper, 27% of molybdenum, 16% of niobium, 18% of tantalum, 9% of lead, 7% of gold, 18% of titanium, 80% of lithium, 2.8% of zinc, 4 .6% tungsten, 1.6% coal, 74% zeolites. In addition, the state balance takes into account the largest reserves of uranium, iron, vanadium, silver, bismuth, arsenic, germanium, cryolite, rare earths, zirconium, apatite, jewelry and ornamental stones, magnesites, and other minerals. There are prospects for creating a raw material base for chromium, manganese, antimony, graphite, talc, diamonds, gas, as well as a significant increase in the reserves of almost all of the above minerals.
In 2008, cash, total amount which amounted to 3206.16 million rubles, of which a significant amount, in the amount of 2724.39 million rubles, was invested by subsoil users.
As a result of the work carried out, an increase in reserves of categories was obtained: antimony C1-2.53 thousand tons and C2-3.85 thousand tons; lead C1-8.56 thousand tons and C2-61.98 thousand tons; zinc C1-17.7 thousand tons and C2-79.94 thousand tons; zirconium С1-4462 t and С2-26473 t; tantalum С1-120 t and С2-757.5 t; niobium С1-1322 t and С2-7495 t; uranium С1-66 t and С2-678 t; silver С1-27.03 t and С2-292.84 t; ore gold C1-8.35 t and C2-7.31 t; alluvial gold С1-0.55 t and С2-0.5 t; fluorite С1–353.7 thousand tons and С2-34.6 thousand tons, Р1-2.0 million tons and Р2-5.25 million tons.
In 2008, the extraction of minerals amounted to 7.4 million rubles.

The Ministry of Nature of Russia approved the following list of common minerals in the Trans-Baikal Territory:
Siltstones, mudstones (except those used in the cement industry, for the production of mineral wool and fibers);
Volcanogenic, igneous and metamorphic rocks (except for those used for the production of refractory, acid-resistant materials, stone casting, mineral wool and fibers, in the cement industry);
Pebbles, gravel, boulders;
Gypsum (except for those used for the cement industry and for medical purposes);
Clays (except for bentonite, palygorskite, refractory, acid-resistant, used for porcelain and faience, metallurgical, paint and varnish and cement industries, kaolin);
Dolomites (except those used in the metallurgical, glass and chemical industries);
Limestones (except for those used in the cement, metallurgical, chemical, glass, pulp and paper and sugar industries, for the production of alumina, mineral feeding of animals and poultry);
Quartzite (except for dinas, flux, ferruginous, abrasive and used for the production of silicon carbide, crystalline silicon and ferroalloys);
Chalk (except for that used in the cement, chemical, glass, rubber, pulp and paper industries, for the production of alumina from nepheline, mineral feeding of animals and poultry);
Marl (except for those used in the cement industry);
Facing stones (except for highly decorative ones and characterized by the predominant exit of blocks of 1-2 groups);
Sands (except for molding, glass, abrasive sands, for porcelain and faience, refractory and cement industries, containing ore minerals in industrial concentrations);
Sandstones (except for dinas, flux, for the glass industry, for the production of silicon carbide, crystalline silicon and ferroalloys);
Sand-gravel, gravel-sand, boulder-gravel-sand, boulder-block rocks;
Sapropel (except for those used for medicinal purposes);
Shales (except combustible);
Loams (except those used in the cement industry);

Mineral resource base
- Fuel and energy base: hard coal - approved reserves are 5 million tons;
- Ferrous metals: manganese - 8 million tons;
- Non-ferrous and rare metals: tungsten - approved reserves of 40 thousand tons, antimony - 6 thousand tons, tantalum, niobium, lithium;
- Noble metals: alluvial gold;
- Building materials: building stone, sand, sand and gravel mixture, limestone, brick clay and loam.
- Water resources: 7 fresh underground water deposits, more than 30 mineral water deposits.
- Prospecting and appraisal work is underway to explore deposits of gold, coal, antimony, and polymetals.
Dozens of gold, copper, zinc, and lead deposits have been discovered in the region. Also - deposits of coal, ziolites, magnesites, almost all Russian uranium, tungsten, two thirds of tantalum, one third of fluorspar, molybdenum are mined. A significant part of the territory of the Trans-Baikal Territory is covered with forests. The estimated cutting area is more than 10 million cubic meters

The region has a significant and practically unrealized hydropower potential, abundant timber reserves for the region, valuable for Transbaikalia chernozem and chestnut soils.
The largest copper deposit in the country, Udokanskoye, with reserves of 20 million tons, is located on the territory of the region. The region has the largest explored reserves of molybdenum, tin, lanthanum and polymetallic ores in the country.

uranium deposits
The region is the main developing resource base of the country's nuclear industry.
Reserves at the Berezovoe deposit in category C2 amount to 3.05 million tons of ore and 3481 tons of uranium with an average uranium content in the ore of 0.114%. At the same time, the predicted resources of uranium in category P1 are 500 tons.
The reserves of the Gornoye deposit in category C1 are 394 thousand tons of ore and 1087 tons of uranium, in category C2 - 1.77 million tons of ore and 4226 tons of uranium. The predicted resources of the P1 category deposit are 4800 tons of uranium.
The reserves of the Olovskoye deposit in B+C1 category are 14.61 million tons of ore and 11,898 tons of uranium.
One of the largest investment projects is the development of a number of polymetallic (copper, molybdenum, gold, iron ore) deposits in the Trans-Baikal Territory - Bystrinskoye, Bugdainskoye, Kultuminskoye, Lugokanskoye and Solonechenskoye deposits.

Bystrinskoye field
The Bystrinskoye deposit is located on the territory of the Gazimuro-Zavodsky district of the Trans-Baikal Territory. Upcoming settlements are the village of Novoshirokinsky, 14 kilometers to the northeast, and the regional center - the village of Gazimursky Zavod, 25 kilometers to the northwest.
The reserves of the deposit in categories B + С1 + C2 are: ore - 292 million tons, copper - 2073 thousand tons, gold - 236 tons, silver - 1060 tons, iron ores - 68 million tons.

Kultuminskaya area
The Kultuminskaya area is located on the territory of the Gazimur-Zavodsky district of the Trans-Baikal Territory, 90 kilometers north of the regional center of the village of Gazimursky Zavod.
The Kultuminskoye gold-iron-copper (with silver) skarn deposit was discovered and evaluated as a result of geochemical, geophysical and mining and drilling operations carried out in 2006-2008 in the Kultuminskaya area. As a result of the appraisal work performed, a feasibility study of temporary exploration conditions was drawn up and a report was prepared with the calculation of reserves, which were considered by the State Commission on Reserves of Rosnedra in November 2008. C1+ C2 category reserves indicators: copper - 587 thousand tons, gold - 121 tons, silver - 948 tons, iron ores - 33 million tons.
At the end of 2008, exploration disbursements amounted to US$16 million.

Lugokanskaya Square
The Lugokanskaya area is located on the territory of the Gazimur-Zavodsky district of the Trans-Baikal Territory, 280 kilometers from the regional center of the village of Gazimursky Zavod. The field is located in the Budyumkan River basin on the eastern slopes of the Gazimur Range.
The Lugokan gold-copper (with silver) skarn deposit was appraised in 2006-2008. Currently, a feasibility study of temporary exploration conditions and a report with the calculation of reserves are being prepared. Preliminarily, the indicators of reserves in category C1 + C2 are as follows: copper - 300 thousand tons, gold - 30 tons, silver - 650 tons.
As of the end of 2008, disbursements for exploration work amounted to US$17 million.

Solonechenskoye ore field
The Solonechenskoye ore field is located within the Gazimuro-Zavodsky district of the Trans-Baikal Territory, in close proximity to the Lugokanskaya area.
Exploration work at the site began in 2006, when areal geochemical and geophysical research. During 2007-2008, evaluation and exploration work was carried out at the Solonechensky ore field. As a result of these works, the reserves of the Solonechenskoye gold-antimony deposit were evaluated and explored. Currently, a feasibility study of exploration conditions and a report with the calculation of reserves are being prepared. According to a preliminary estimate, the indicators of reserves in category C1 + C2 are as follows: antimony - 70 thousand tons, gold - 3 tons.

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