What the work is a resistant tin soldier. Review of the fairy tale G. Heandersen "Resistant Tin Soldier

Engineering systems 24.09.2019
Engineering systems

To the question of a summary of the fairy tale Andersen. Persistent tin soldier Posted by the author Drizzle The best answer is The Steadfast Tin Soldier

Answer from Ilinar Khusainov[newcomer]
Little boy gave 25 tin soldiers in the box. One of them had no legs - it was visible, not enough tin. On the first day, he saw a wonderful toy castle, and in him - a beauty dance, which stood on one leg. It was love! But the evil troll living in Tabakcoque decided that the soldier was not a couple of such beauty ... In the morning the soldier put on the window, from where he fell into the street, where he did not find it. Two boys launched a figure in a swimming boat on a paper boat. Under the bridge, the sailor tried to catch up with a water rat. After the accident on a waterfall, where the water fell into a wide channel, the soldier swallowed the fish, which was then turned out to be on the table of cook in the very house, from the window of which the soldier fell into a memorable morning. There was still his love on one leg. Suddenly, the little boy threw the soldier in the oven, there she brought a dancer. In the morning the maid has found a piece of tin in the oven ash in the form of a heart and burnt broach.

Answer from Ivan Starukhin[newcomer]
Hans Christian Andersen. "The Steadfast Tin Soldier". Light, kind tale, revealing (like a number of other storytelling plots), the tragedy "is not like everyone else." Action occurs in miniature world Things and toys that revive the imagination of the author. Toy tin single-legged soldier, because of its own characteristics from the fellow, meets with a mechanical ballerina in which he sees your soul mate. But on the path of their friendship there is a malicious little troll living in Tabakcoque, because of the cunning of which the soldier falls into trouble. Falling out of the room window little hero It is forced to wander in a cruel and enormous city world, but does not lose hope will meet with his beloved. It seems that it is doomed; His paper boat sinks in the drainage canal, and the soldier swallows a huge fish. But this fish then falls into the kitchen to the same house where a little boy lives, the owner of the toy squad. The soldier meets the ballerina, and the envious troll throws them into the fireplace. The ballerina and melted, but the resistant heart of the tin soldier are fought in the ash. The meaning of the fairy tale; Love is immortal.

Answer from European[newcomer]
* Blaine * What a cool story (s_p_a_s_y_b_o) Ivan Strukhin
$ $

Answer from T N.[newcomer]

Answer from Argun228 pro.[newcomer]
Little boy gave 25 tin soldiers in the box. One of them had no legs - it was visible, not enough tin. On the first day, he saw a wonderful toy castle, and in him - a beauty dance, which stood on one leg. It was love! But the evil troll living in Tabakcoque decided that the soldier was not a couple of such beauty ... In the morning the soldier put on the window, from where he fell into the street, where he did not find it. Two boys launched a figure in a swimming boat on a paper boat. Under the bridge, the sailor tried to catch up with a water rat. After the accident on a waterfall, where the water fell into a wide channel, the soldier swallowed the fish, which was then turned out to be on the table of cook in the very house, from the window of which the soldier fell into a memorable morning. There was still his love on one leg. Suddenly, the little boy threw the soldier in the oven, there she brought a dancer. In the morning the maid has found a piece of tin in the oven ash in the form of a heart and burnt broach.

The texts of fairy tales seem to be a kind of kind in any case. Only with age, when a person will grow up, it is fading that fairy tales are not really children's works, but very adults, philosophical and deep. Of course, it is very important how one or another story is filed. Today we will talk about the work of the "Resistant Tin Soldier". A brief content is waiting for a reader in this article.

"Wrong" tin soldier

The story begins with whether to omit the entry of the author) that the boiler from the secured family give birthday box with tin soldiers. There are only 25 of them. And the latter was not lucky: there was not enough tin, and therefore it turned out to be single-leg. Even on those stupid descriptions that the author leaves, the reader understands that the soldier is very frustrated because of his own disresserved on others. And so, about a miracle! In the room he sees the ballerina of heavenly beauty. Angel, not ballerina. And what is surprising, she also stands on one leg.

Here you need to interrupt the story about the work of the "Resistant Tin Soldier" ( summary Which is in the focus of our attention) and say: the ballerina, of course, was not one-way, she raised his other leg so highly that the soldier simply did not notice her.

The service was attached for a tobacker on the table and from his shelter watched a girl. She did not see him, he looked at her for her. At night, when people already slept, toys began to have fun. Not only two are soldiers and ballerina.

Gloomy prophecy of Troll

Suddenly, from Tabakcoque, where there was never a tobacco in his life, the troll jumped up and began to push the soldier that he, they say, is not so good for such a beautiful ballerina. Military did not listen. Then the troll threatened him that something terrible would happen in the morning with the in love. At this place of the work of the "Resistant Tin Soldier" (short content, we hope, gives it to feel) The reader freezes the heart, he asks himself: "What will happen to the poor warrior?"

Nataria tin soldier

The child found a soldier in the morning and put it on the window. It was accidentally opened, and the soldier fell. It is not known whether the troll was involved in this or not. The boy together with the nanny ran into the street, but how much I was looking for, could not find. Meanwhile, it went raining. No, even a whole shower. The boy left. Other street children found a tin brave (after all, he did not lose the presence of the spirit for all this time) and let him in the groove. Children at this time happily clapped her hands and shouted. The hero of the work "Resistant Tin Soldier" (a brief content is slowly moving towards the final) was not to laughter. After all, for him the groove is a whole river, and this river went to the waterfall - the Big Channel. In addition, he met the rat in his path. She asked him for some reason his passport or a pass, but the Water was fascinated by the soldier away from the toothy. The ship began to sink, and with him and the soldier. Then darkness absorbed him, but it was not death, but only a belly fish.

The infancy of fate

Next, we set out the dotted line. The soldier removed the fish cook from the belly. Fish, naturally, was caught and hit the market, and then into the kitchen. And amazing business: the traveler got into the same house. He was put on the same place. True, the joy of the braveman was short. One of the children who were in the house (the smallest boy) picked it up and threw it in the stove. Of course, it was a troll, but it is not easier.

What happened to the hero next, it was easy to guess - he melted. Wonderfully describes this scene Andersen. "Persistent Tin Soldier" - a work that is worth reading only in full, especially since it is small. But the most dramatic moment the author leaves at last.

Ballerina, obeying the sudden impulse of the wind, goes to the stove for the hero. Lovers (now you can already say) dying hand in hand. Probably, the soldier was not scary and did not painfully die next to his beloved.

The main character of the fairy tale G.H.andersen "Resistant Tin Soldier" is a toy soldier, cast from tin. Together with other tin soldiers, he was presented for a birthday to one boy. I must say that from your brothers the main character Tales were distinguished by the fact that he had only one leg. For the manufacture of these soldiers, a tin spoon was used, and the tin was not enough for him. But the soldier stood standing even on one leg.

All donated soldiers the boy put on the table where there were still many other toys. The most beautiful toy was a cardboard palace, before which there was a mirror lake with swans. On the threshold of the palace stood on one leg of his mistress, dancer. She liked the soldier so much that he was only thinking about her.

When everyone went to bed in the house, toys came to life and began to play themselves. From Tabakcoque, behind which the soldier stood, jumped out the evil troll. He did not like that the soldier looks at the dancer, and the troll looked at the evil.

In the morning, the children rearranged the soldier on the window and from the gust of the wind he fell into the street. The soldier was looking for, but not found. He passed heavy rain and ditches were full of water. Two boys passing by, found a soldier. They decided to build a boat from a newspaper for him and send on a journey through water. The flow was strong and the soldier quickly worn into the river. He persistently tolerated dangerous swimming and thought about the dancer. At some point, the paper boat began to sink, but the soldier did not hit the bottom of the river. He swallowed a big fish.

In the belly, the fish was dark and crowded. But the soldier was resistant, he patiently demolished all the difficulties. Time passed and the soldier saw the light. It turns out that fish caught fishermen, and from the cooking market brought it into the house where it began to cut. The miracle was that the soldier again fell into the same house, from where his journey began. Annexed cook treated the soldier to children. He again saw familiar toys and an adorable mistress of a cardboard castle.

At this point, one of the boys perhaps with an evil troll, unexpectedly grabbed the soldier and threw it to the stove. From the heat of the flame, the soldier made of tin began to melt. And at that moment, the cardboard dancer took off and landed right in the flame of the oven, next to the tin soldier. She immediately burned down, and the soldier was melted by that time.

In the morning, the maid was found in the furnace only a lump of tin, which was similar to the heart and the burnt broom, that once hung on the neck of the cardboard dancers.

This is a summary of the fairy tales.

The main meaning of the fairy tale "Resistant Tool Soldier" is that the resistance is sometimes creating wonders. If there is the ability to transfer all adversity and deprivation, then you will definitely return to those whom you want to see. This fairy tale, due to the fault of the evil troll or by chance, a sad end, but the main characters of fairy tales, as a result, were together.

The fairy tale "Resistant Tin Soldier" teaches not to pay attention to envy and hatred, which sometimes comes from some ill-wishers. Being persistent means to be able to overcome difficulties and not bend under the blows of fate.

In this fairy tale I liked the tin soldier who resistantly demolished all the blows of fate. He wanted to be with the dancer - he stayed with her.

What proverbs fit the fairy tale "Resistant Tin Soldier"?

Who keeps tightly, he wins.
Persistent and happiness helps.

The plot of fairy tales "Resistant Tin Soldier"

The boy gave tin soldiers, one of which was single-legged. Nevertheless, he was firmly held on his one leg and turned out to be the most wonderful of all.

On the table there was a cardboard palace, next to which there was a paper dancer on one leg. Soldier, having seen her, immediately fell in love and wanted to marry her. At night, when all people fell asleep, toys themselves began to play a visit, in the war and in the ball. And the soldier continued to admire his beloved.

It noticed the Troll from Tabakcoque and began to threaten him. The soldier did not pay attention to him, and the next day, probably thanks to the shock troll, fell in open window. From this point on, his journey and adventure began.

The soldier was picked up street boys and putting it into a paper boat, sent to swimming in a groove. Despite the fact that it was pretty dangerous, the tin soldier bravely and stood on her one leg.

From under the walkings, the rat jumped out on it, which he demanded his passport. And even here he was not frightened, and the flow quickly fell a boat from one danger to bring it closer to another. The groove fell into a large channel, and for a small paper boat it was like a large waterfall for the real ship.

The boat quickly began to sink and the soldier was in the water. He quickly went to the bottom and drowned if not a fish swallowing him. The fish caught and she was on the table from the kitchen, just in the house, from the window of which the soldier fell. Thus miraculously He turned out to be on the table again and saw his favorite dancer.

But here his adventures did not end. It is very likely that the evil troll created some kind of witchcraft, and one of the boys left the soldier in the fire. And the little dancer, pickled to the draft, went after him. The soldier melted and a small tin heart remained from him. And the paper dancer burned down the dance, only a socket remained from her.

For the birthday, the boy gave 25 soldiers, but one of them was single-legged, because there was not enough tin. The soldier stood standing and on one leg. He loved the dancer from the cardboard castle, but this love was sad ... In a fairy tale, it is told about loyalty, self-sacrifice and resistance of the Spirit.

Tale Resistant Tin Soldier Download:

Resistant tin soldier read

There were once twenty-five tin soldiers, the native brothers on the mother - the old tin spoon, a gun on the shoulder, head straight, red with a blue uniform - well, the charm of what soldiers! The first words they heard when they opened their house-box, were: "Oh, tin soldiers!" It shouted, clapping in his hands, a little boy who gave tin soldiers on his birthday. And he now began to put them on the table. All soldiers were exactly the same, except for one that was with one foot. He was cast last, and tin was not enough, but he stood on his leg as hard as others on two; And he was just the most wonderful of all.

On the table where the soldiers were found, there were many different toys, but most of all rushed into the eyes of the Palace of Cardboard. Through little windows it was possible to see palace rest; Before the palace, around the small mirror, which was portrayed by the lake, stood a tree, and flooded the wax swans on the lake and admired their reflection of wax swans. All this was a miracle as cute, but the Mile was just a young lady, standing on the threshold of the palace. She, too, was carved out of paper and dressed in a skirt out of the finest batista; Through her shoulder, she was a narrow blue ribbon in the form of a scarf, and on his chest sparkled the socket with the face of the ladies itself. The young lady stood on the same leg, stretching his hands, "she was a dancer," and the other leg raised so high that our soldier did not see her, and thought that the beauty was also a single-legged, like him.

"That would be me such a wife! He thought. - Only she, as can be seen, from noble, lives in the palace, and I only have that the box, and then there are twenty-five pieces in it, she is not a place there! But it still does not interfere with. "

And he attached for a tobacker, which stood immediately on the table; Hence he was perfectly visible a charming dancer, who all stood on one leg, not losing equilibrium.

Late in the evening of all other tin soldiers put in the box, and all people in the house went to bed. Now the toys themselves began to play a visit, in the war and in the ball. Tin soldiers began to knock on the walls of the box - they also wanted to play, but could not raise the covers. Nutcracker tumbled, Griffel wrote on the board; There was such noise and gaps that the canary woke up and also spoke, and even poems! They did not touch only the dancer and the tin soldier: she still kept on an extended sock, stretching his arms forward, he cheerfully stood and did not sleep with her eyes.

Thought twelve. Schelch! - Tabakerka revealed.

There was no tobacco, but sat a little black troll; Tobackerka was with focus!

Tin Soldier, "Troll said," you have nothing to look! "

Tin soldier as if did not hear.

Well done! - Troll said.

In the morning, the children stood up, and the tin soldier was put on the window.

Suddenly - in the grace of whether the troll or from draft - the window was swollen, and our soldier flew his head down from the third floor, - only in the ears whistled! A minute - and he was already standing on the pavement up the foot: his head in a helmet and a gun was stuck between the pavement stones.

The boy and the maid were quitted now in search, but how many tried, they could not find a soldier; They almost fell on him legs and still did not notice it. Scrumbs he: "I'm here!" "They, of course, would have found him right now, but he considered an indecent shouting on the street, he wore a uniform!"

Began to stick the rain; Stronger, stronger, finally hung shower. When it turned out again, two street boys came.

Loose! Said one. - Von Tin Soldier! Send him to swim!

And they made a boat from newspaper paper, put a tin soldier there and put into the groove. The boys themselves fled next and clapped in her palms. Well well! That's how the waves went through the groove! The flow is so carried, - not wise after such a shower!

The boat threw and spit in all directions, so that the tin soldier was trembling the whole, but he kept steadfast: a gun on his shoulder, head straight, chest forward!

The boat suffered under long walkways: it became so dark, exactly the soldier again got into the box.

"Where is me? - he thought. - Yes, it's all the jokes of the ugly troll! Oh, if the beauty was sitting in the boat - for me, if one was doubled! "

At this moment, a large rat jumped out from under the carriages.

Passport is? She asked. - Come on the passport!

But the tin soldier was silent and tightly squeezed a rifle. The boat was carried, and the rat sailed after her. Wow! As she crossed his teeth and shouted to meet the chips and straws in towards:

Hold, keep it! He did not make a duty, did not show the passport!

But the course carried the boat faster and faster, and the tin soldier had already seen the light ahead, as suddenly heard such a terrible noise that would be aged any brave. Imagine, at the end of the bridge water from the groove rushed into a large channel! It was for the soldier as scary, as for us to ride on a boat to a large waterfall.

But the soldier was incurred further, it was impossible to stop. The boat with a soldier slid down; The poor fellow stayed still persistently and even the eye did not blink. The boat is spinning ... Once, two - filled with water to the edge and began to sink. Tin soldier found the throat in the water; Further more ... The water covered it with his head! Then he thought about his beauty: not see him more. In his ears he sounded:

Forward strive, about the warrior,
And death to safely go!

The paper broke out, and the tin soldier went to the bottom, but at the same moment the fish swallowed him. What a darkness! Worse than under the coupled, and even fear as closely! But the tin soldier kept steadfastly and lay, stretching out the entire length, tightly pressing the gun to himself.

The fish rushed there and came here, he made the most amazing jumps, but suddenly froze, like a lightning hit it. Little light and someone shouted: "Tin Soldier!" The fact is that the fish was caught, brought to the market, then she fell into the kitchen, and the kitchen resolve her belly was a big knife. The kitchen took the tin soldier with two fingers for the waist and carried into the room where everyone was escaped to look at the wonderful traveler. But the tin soldier was not indulged. He was put on the table, and - what does not happen in the world! - He found himself in the same room, saw the same children, the same toys and a wonderful palace with an adorable little dancer. She still stood on one leg, highly raising another. That's so durability! The tin soldier was touched and slightly cried with Tin, but it would be indecent, and he retained. He looked at her, she was on him, but they did not mention in any word.

Suddenly, one of the boys grabbed a tin soldier and threw him right in the stove. Probably, this is all the troll set up! A tin soldier stood embraced by a flame: he was terribly hot, from fire or love - he did not know himself. Paints from it completely tear, he was completely polished; Who knows from what - from the road or from grief? He looked at the dancer, she was, and he felt that she was melting, but he was still standing standing, with a gun on his shoulder. Suddenly the door in the room swung open, the wind grabbed the dancer, and she, like Sylphide, fluttered directly to the stove to the tin soldier, flared up and - the end! And the tin soldier melted and frozen in a lump. The next day the maid burned out of the stove ash and found a small tin heart; From the dancers left one socket, and that the whole burned and blaked as coal.

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