Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince": description, characters, analysis of the work. What do you think of the heroes of the fairy tale A

landscaping 01.10.2019

“The Little Prince” characterization of the main character from the story of Exupery is included in this article.

"The Little Prince" characteristic of the main character

The little prince is the main hero of the fairy tale, who arrived from his little planet to Earth. Before that time, zdіysniv dovgu was more expensive on the very planets themselves, as if they were inhabited by “wonderful grown-ups”. The Little Prince has his own world, to that the light of the grown-ups gives rise to a new mass of food and incomprehensibility. An accident-ridden aircraft troubleshooter. At the pilot’s svitanka, as he fell asleep, he heard the thin voice of a child: “Be a caress ... paint me a ram!” So I told you to know the reader with the Little Prince, that the floorings miraculously appeared in the midst of the Sahara.

Expensive for the Little Prince, having grown like a wine, having brewed with his Trojans, with a king, an ambitious man, a penny, a businesslike person, a geographer - the only bags of small planets - they allowed the author to grow whiskers: “So, wondrous people - they have grown! Dribnitsy are given to them as important, but they don’t stink of the head. Instead, to embellish your buds, cultivate your garden, your planet, stink to wage wars, tyrannize other people, and dry your minds with stupid numbers, and hush with stingy tinsel, and depict your vanity and greed, in the field of beauty. No, it is not so necessary to live! »The little prince is not known on the planets for anyone who could be his friend. Only the image of a likhtarnik is visibly seen in other images of them, who are guilty of their own dressing. І tsya virnіst hoch i bezgluzda, ale nadіyna.

The little prince sings on the Earth with the Fox and tames yoga step by step. The stinks become friends, but they separate. I will command the words of the Fox to sound wisely: You are victorious for your trojan.” Foxes and the trojans abandoned by him become dearest in this life for the Little Prince, for that stench is the only one in the world. The appearance of the Little Prince in the desert, the appearance of the litter, who had spent at the accident, is symbolic of the grown-up about the “internal fatherland”, and the yoga of “death”, the appearance and grief, vyklikane tsim, is the tragedy of the grown-up, in the soul of such a gyne child. The site of the same child in himself is all good, pure, beautiful.

Therefore, a writer with a shrill voice speaks about those who have grown up, separated from childhood, often forget about eternal, imperishable values; stench turbovan important, in their eyes, speeches and lead tedious, summarily іsnuvannya. And people are guilty of living in a different way, they need pure water from deep wells, they need bells of stars in the night sky. And to the one who Saint-Exupéry is not guilty of, to give in to you to perekonat people from his own - їkh is in control! - the truth is, the tale is so sumptuous.

The image of the Little Prince is the image of the human soul in ideal. Vіn vtіlyuє in yourself all the beautiful rice, yakі can be pritamannі people - virtuousness, purity, emancipation over the material, wisdom. Together with them, the Little Prince of Self. Yogo the planet of the floor is small, so it is unlikely that there is a place for anyone else. website Aje, in essence, the planet of the Little Prince is a symbol of the inner world of a person. From this position of special sensation, the words of the Little Prince swell: “It is such a firm rule. Stand up, vmivsya, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order. The stench characterizes the prince, like a person, clean up his thoughts and put things in order, we are in front of the soul.

Tsya is thin, selfish, vulnerable and mrіyliva child, like to love posterigat come in the sun, worry about the share of the whimsical flower and believe that I still have a lot of things to know, in a right way, to know love to Troyand and friendship with the Fox. The stench itself brought into Yogo the soul of that necessary touch of living life for another, pissing about the new and not caring about anything, like having grown Yogo and without that pure soul, the quintessence of the ideal human essence, until it traces the skin of us. Aje only love and vіddanіst zdatnі vіlіkuvati vіd samonostі i dopomogti znat ssensі zhittya.

Everyone has such books that he re-reads several times. Works that influence the way of thinking and perception of life. These include the creation of Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince". A children's fairy tale, translated into more than 180 languages, is already a textbook, which is studied in most educational institutions peace. A favorite book not only for children, but also for adults - it is so heartfelt, vital and at the same time simple.

"The Little Prince" Highlights Content

The French writer Exupery completed work on the work at a very difficult time - in 1943. In the midst of World War II, the Little Prince appeared. A book-fairy tale, a book-parable, a book-prediction - all definitions are unable to contain the philosophical, socio-cultural and psychological meaning of the work. “We are responsible for those we have tamed” is a legendary phrase familiar to everyone. And there are many more in this book.

27 fragments, colorful author's illustrations of the author and the life of a little boy in big world- that's what the "Little Prince" consists of. The theme is quite simple, but filled with huge philosophical meaning. What is good? What is a person? in harmony with yourself and the world around you?

The story is built around the stories of an unusual boy - an alien from the asteroid B-612. met him wrecked in the desert, a pilot who previously dreamed of becoming an artist, but under the pressure of the demands of "adult" life, changed his intention. The Little Prince tells about his life on his native planet, about meetings with the Rose flower, about traveling to neighboring asteroids and meeting various adults who inhabited it: the King, the Drunkard, the Ambitious, the Lamplighter, the Geographer and the Businessman. Each of these characters shows all the vices that the adult world is endowed with: lust for power, addictions, vanity, pride, and others. The last point of the Prince's travels was Earth, where he meets his future friend Fox. This character tells the boy about real truths that no one should forget. Everyone knows the aphorisms of the Fox "The Little Prince", because this is a real reference book of wisdom.

Prince - who is he?

The little prince is the personification of the child that lives in every adult. a living, creative and not indifferent soul, which, with age, is not allowed to live. They become overgrown with petty problems, stop appreciating nature and the people around them, think that they know everything, lose their curiosity and interest in everything that happens. Neighboring asteroids are the same high-rise buildings that people return to after work. Monotonous, not knowing the neighbor's name. An example of an adult who has not yet lost the inner child, remembers in his dreams, is the Artist.

The children's soul of the Prince also carries the ability to self-sacrifice - he must at all costs follow and care for his Rose, because he tamed her.

"The truth does not lie on the surface": philosophical thoughts in "The Little Prince"

All the details described in the book are metaphors and symbols that the Little Prince goes through. The aphorisms of the Fox and the boy himself are actually simple things, the truths that the characters are talking about.

For example, baobabs, the sprouts of which were plucked every morning by the Little Prince so that they would not tear the Planet apart. These plants symbolize both external evil (fascism) and internal - the sprouts of malice in the human soul. They must be eradicated and not allowed to be consumed by them.

In addition, you need to preserve your inner beauty. As in the case of the Lamplighter. When he lit the lanterns in the evening, it seemed to light up new star or a flower blooms. Giving this beauty to the world, the Lamplighter becomes the only one, according to the Prince, who thinks about someone other than himself.

The Little Prince is a book with a simple plot but an endless flow philosophical reflections on the theme of good and evil, the human soul, the beauty of external and internal, protection environment, true love and loneliness, child and adult.

Symbolism in every detail

In addition to baobabs, inhabitants of asteroids, other planets, there are many other symbols.

Rose is a symbol of love, feminine essence. Beautiful on the outside, the Prince always liked her. But after talking with Fox, he realizes that he sees her inner beauty, he realizes that he is responsible for her, and is ready to sacrifice his life for her.

The desert in which the action takes place is a thirsty world. It is devastated by wars, strife and selfishness. In such a world, as in a desert without water, it is impossible to survive.

"The Little Prince": aphorisms about a person

Any roads in the world, one way or another, will lead to a person, - says Exupery in his fairy tale. The Little Prince helps to understand that the desire for external material things makes a person limited, callous and selfish. He is able to see the world only through the prism of its value and only in this way gives an assessment of "beautiful - ugly". Hence the total loneliness of modern man.

Not all adults become unable to see spiritual beauty. Those who find a place in life for creativity, openness to communication and knowledge, enable their inner child to survive. You need to judge yourself, but this is the most difficult, as the work says.

Aphorisms about life and love

The theme of love is represented in the work by the relationship between the Prince and his Rose. To tame, according to the Fox, is to create an invisible bond between yourself and the object of love. This is to make the world a better place. It is impossible to find true friends and love if you do not give them a piece of your soul. To love is to look in one direction, as he says known to the world the words "The Little Prince".

Aphorisms about life in the work reveal the very essence of being. The boy and the Artist manage to understand that true life is much wider than the real existence of a person on Earth. And only an open soul is given to realize that the true world is revealed in eternal values: true friendship, love and beauty. “You have to search with your heart,” continues the “Little Prince” aphorisms.

A person's attitude to the world around him should begin with Wash himself - put the Planet in order. Exupery was able to foresee ecological problems population of the Earth, to which the irrational activities of people have led.

Who should read this story and why?

It is difficult to imagine a more sincere and kind book than The Little Prince. Exupery's aphorisms have long become known to the whole world. One gets the impression that the whole work consists of winged words - all the phrases of the book are so capacious, understandable and filled with meaning.

The Little Prince is the central character of the tale. The action takes place in the Sahara desert "a thousand miles from any inhabited land." The fairy tale, written for children, gained such wide popularity due to the exceptional poetic atmosphere created in it, and the fact that the fairy tale was addressed by the author not only to children, but also to "adults who remained children." The plane crashed in the desert, the situation is hopeless, and then M. p. appears - a boy, it is not known how he got into this deserted desert. He talks with the pilot and asks him: "Please ... Draw me a lamb!" - but none of the lambs painted by Saint-Exupery suit him. After all, the planet from which he arrived, using the “migratory birds”, is so small ... There are only three volcanoes on it, which must be cleaned daily so as not to smoke, and, most importantly, his beloved Rose blooms under a glass cap. Rosa is proud, wayward, "the only one in the world." “The planet of the king”, “the planet of the drunkard”, “the planet of the lighter of the lanterns”, “the planet of the geographer” - each contains for M. p. the stages of symbolic “cognition of the world”. For example, on the planet Earth, M. p. cognizes the concept of death. It should be treated stoically, this is taught by M. p. the wise Snake. One should only look at the starry sky and think that there, among the stardust, there is a star of a friend who left you. "His body was too heavy", he left it as an unnecessary shell on Earth and freely ascended in spirit to the stars. One of the central episodes of the tale is M. p.'s acquaintance with the Fox, who tells him: "You must tame me", "After all, you can only know those things that you manage to tame", "You need patience." The Fox's secret is simple: you can only see and understand well with your heart. The rest is hidden from human eyes. "The time you spent for your Rose is what makes her so meaningful to you."

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"The Little Prince" characterization of the protagonist from the story of Exupery is set out in this article.

"The Little Prince" characteristic of the protagonist

The little Prince - the protagonist fairy tales, who flew from his small planet to Earth. Before that, he made a long journey through the most diverse planets that were inhabited by "strange adults." The Little Prince has his own world, so a collision with the world of adults gives him a lot of questions and bewilderment. The crashed pilot is busy troubleshooting the aircraft. At dawn, the dozing pilot hears the thin voice of a child: “Please ... draw me a lamb!” So the narrator introduces the reader to the Little Prince, so miraculously emerging from the sands of the Sahara.

The journey of the Little Prince, which he undertook, having quarreled with his rose, meetings with the king, an ambitious man, a drunkard, a businessman, a geographer - the only inhabitants of small planets - allowed the author to conclude: “Yes, strange people - these adults! Trifles seem important to them, but they do not see the main thing. Instead of decorating their home, cultivating their garden, their planet, they wage wars, tyrannize other people, and dry their brains with stupid numbers, and amuse themselves with miserable tinsel, and offend with their vanity and greed the beauty of sunsets and sunrises, fields and sands. No, this is not how you should live!

The little prince did not meet anyone on the planets who could be his friend. Only the image of a lamplighter compares favorably with other images in that he is faithful to his duty. And this loyalty, though meaningless, but reliable. The little prince meets the Fox on Earth and, at his request, gradually tames him. They become friends but break up. The words of the Fox sound like a wise commandment: “... you are forever responsible for everyone you tamed. You are responsible for your rose." The most expensive in this life for the Little Prince are the Fox and the rose he left, because they are the only ones in the world. The appearance of the Little Prince in the desert, his appearance to the pilot who had an accident, is a symbolic reminder to an adult of his “inner homeland”, and his “death”, disappearance and grief caused by this, is the tragedy of an adult, in whose soul a child dies. It is the child who embodies all the kindest, purest, most beautiful. Therefore, the writer bitterly says that adults, parting with childhood, often forget about eternal, imperishable values; they are preoccupied with things that are important, in their opinion, and lead a boring, dull existence. And people should live differently, they need clean water from deep wells, they need bells of stars in the night sky. And because Saint-Exupery is not sure whether he will be able to inspire people with his own - their own! - the truth, the tale is so sad, so sad.

image of the little prince- the image of the human soul in the ideal. He embodies everything best features, which may be inherent in a person - openness, purity, elevation above the material, wisdom. However, the Little Prince is lonely. His planet is so small that there is hardly room for anyone else. But in fact, the planet of the Little Prince is a symbol inner peace person. From this position, the words of the Little Prince acquire a special meaning: “There is such a firm rule. Get up in the morning, wash your face, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order. They characterize the prince as a person who is able to purify his thoughts and put things in order, especially in his soul.

This thin, lonely, vulnerable and dreamy child who loves to watch sunsets worries about fate capricious flower and believes that he still has a lot to learn, truly reveals himself, knowing love for Rose and friendship with Fox. It was they who brought into his soul that necessary touch of the ability to live for another, caring for him and not demanding anything in return, which made his already pure soul the quintessence of an ideal human essence, to which each of us should strive. After all, only love and devotion can cure loneliness and help find meaning in life.

The little Prince

THE LITTLE PRINCE (fr. Le Petit Prince) is the hero of A. de Saint-Exupery's fairy tale "The Little Prince" (1942). M.P. - a child living on the asteroid B-12 - symbolizes for the writer purity, selflessness, a natural vision of the world. The bearers of these values, according to the writer, in XX "Sw. children have become. They live "according to the dictates of the heart", and adults mindlessly submit to absurd conventions modern society. Adults do not know how to love, be friends, regret, rejoice. Because of this, they "do not find what they are looking for." And to find it, you need to know only two secrets (they are revealed to the hero by the Fox, who taught M.P. the art of friendship): “only one heart is vigilant,” “you are always responsible for everyone you tamed.” Children are given an instinctive understanding of these truths. That is why the Pilot, whose plane crashed in the desert, doomed to die of thirst, if he does not fix his car, finds in M.P. a friend who saves him from loneliness and becomes for him that water, "which sometimes the heart needs." At M.P. kind heart and a reasonable outlook on the world. He is hardworking, faithful in love and devoted in feelings. Therefore, the life of M.P. filled with meaning, which is not in the life of a king, an ambitious man, a drunkard, business man, lamplighter, geographer - those whom the hero met on his journey. And the meaning of life, the calling of a person is in selfless love for those who need it. and M.P. returns to his asteroid to take care of his only Rose, who will die without him. The image of M.P. - a simple-minded, natural person, faced with the absurdity of customs human society, - genetically goes back to the philosophical stories of Voltaire.

All characteristics in alphabetical order:

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