Scenario of the literary evening “So, we are kindred at heart.

Decor elements 24.09.2019
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March 21, 2019 is World Poetry Day. The holiday, which was established in 2000 by UNESCO, has managed to become popular in a few years. We offer possible variant celebration, dedicated to the Day poetry in kindergarten or elementary school.

Scenario of the holiday World Poetry Day for children

Leading holiday starts:

Dear friends! Today we celebrate Poetry Day. From early childhood, we hear poetic speech.

- What is poetry?
She is the combination of magical sounds,
Souls of agitated dreams,
The torment of a proud mind.
In verse - a melody familiar from childhood,
He has been known to all of us for so long.
And the heart, listening to him, trembles,
And the voice trembles again and again.
And the lines flow in succession,
They beckon, they take away…

Then following the script children's holiday dedicated international day poetry, leading talk about Pushkin's poetry.

- We get acquainted with the poems of the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in childhood. Everyone finds in his poetry something of their own, close and understandable only to him. Today we will talk about Pushkin's fairy tales.

Children read poetry:

Near the seaside, the oak is green;
Golden chain on an oak tree:
And day and night the cat is a scientist
Everything goes round and round in a chain;
Goes to the right - the song starts,
To the left - he tells a fairy tale ...

A meow is heard behind the door. A cat appears in the hall.

- Hello my friends!
The scientist cat is me.
I am friends with poetry
I'm visiting the kids!

- Welcome!

- Dear guys, I want to invite you to the wonderful world of Pushkin's fairy tales.
Close your eyes and repeat the spell:
We know Pushkin's fairy tales
We love and read.
We want to be in a fairy tale.
One, two, three, Karabarim!”

The “Flight of the Bumblebee” sounds and the Mosquito, the Fly and the Bumblebee fly into the hall, dancing to the music.

What fairy tale are these characters from?
- The Tale of Tsar Saltan.

cat takes out an apple, a mirror and addresses the guys:
- My question is quite simple: What is the name of that fairy tale?
- The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs.

- I have in my hands an envelope with illustrations for the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin. What scenes are shown here?

The children give answers, naming the works of the poet familiar to them. You can learn with the children in advance a few short passages of these works, which they will read aloud.

- Guys, you are great, you know Pushkin's fairy tales well, you read a lot of poems by heart. Everyone responded well to questions and completed tasks. Thanks!

At the end of the holiday for children, dedicated to world day poetry leading addressed to children:

- Dear Guys! love and take care of our native language, love poetry, speak correctly and beautifully, do not litter your speech with rude and meaningless words.

Our beautiful language
Rich and resonant.
That powerful and passionate
It's softly melodious.
It also has a smile.
And accuracy, and affection.
Written by him
And stories, and fairy tales -
magical pages,
Exciting books!
love, keep
Our mother tongue!

Rostov region,Remontnensky district, Denisovsky settlement Denisovskaya Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution secondary school

Scenario of entertainment "Evening of poetry"

Prepared by the teacher

Belokon Irina Ivanovna

March 2016

Competition goals

1. Speech development and the formation of interest in artistic word in order to develop the ability to feel the beauty and expressiveness of a poetic word.

2. Attracting the attention of parents to the problem of declaring poetry, as one of the conditions for improving speech activity.

Competition objectives:

1Creating conditions for the cognitive and speech development of the child.

2 Raising a positive emotional attitude to literary poetry.

3 Identify the best readers among children, providing them with opportunities for self-expression.

Requirements and evaluation criteria.

Knowledge of the text

Intonation expressiveness of speech

Correct literary pronunciation

Usage means of expression theater (facial expressions, gestures, postures, movements)

Selection of a costume, attributes corresponding to the content of the performed work

Eachcriterion is estimated from 0 to 5 points.

The jury of the competition determines one winner in the following categories:

"The most charming performer

"For the sincerity of performance",

"Most Emotional Performer"

"The Youngest Performer"

"For the original reading of the poem",

"Best Image"

"The Most Cheerful Performance"

"Most touching performance"

"Best Performance"

"The most lyrical performance",

"The most perky performer",

"For artistic performance

move : To the music "Visiting a fairy tale" children enter the hall and sit down. The butler boy brings in the candles and lights them.

children enter the hall to the music, walk around and sit on chairs.

Leading :

- Poetry wonderful page

Opens the door for us today

And let any miracle happen!

You, most importantly, believe in him with all your heart!

Love and beauty of nature

The road of fairy tales, the world - any, -

Everything is subjectPoetry ,- Try!

And open the door to her country!

The rustle of leaves underfoot, a drop of rain,

A rainbow in the sky, a nightingale trills, -

Here the frost draws a pattern on the glass.

The world around is beautiful! And everyone is an actor.

(E. Nekrasova)

Leading :

Hello guys! I invite you to our event dedicated topoetry . As you may have guessed, the hostess of today's holiday will bepoetry .

By the way, guys, do you know who writes poetry? It seems to me that these are composers!

Children are not.

Leading : - Well, then - the artist!

Children are not.

Leading : - Well, tell me, what are they called?

Children are poets.

Leading : - That's right, guys, poetry is written by poets. And we have poets visiting today

Presenter: On June 6, 1799, an amazingly talented person, A.S. Pushkin, was born. He was called "the sun of Russian poetry". There is no person who does not know and does not love the wonderful works of Pushkin.

Leading : - Guys, guess the riddle.

Opened the snowy arms

The trees are all dressed up in dresses.

It's cold weather

What time of year is this?(Winter)

Children read poems about winter: “Here is the north, catching up the clouds”; "Winter morning".

Leading: We listened to poems about winter, and now the children will read poems about spring: “Driven by spring rays”; "Behind the spring, the beauty of nature"; spring is followed by summer:

"Red dawn"; "Smile clear nature"; and more verses about golden autumn: “Already the sky breathed autumn,”; "It's a sad time! Eyes charm!

We opened our evening with wonderful poems by A.S. Pushkin. The lines of his poems are like paths leading us to the land of poetry. Whom you will not meet on these unknown paths! And the proud Gvidon and the white princess Swan. And the lively Baldu, and the sorcerer of Chernomor and the glorious Ruslan

The poem "At the Lukomorye"

Leading : - Children guess the nextriddle :

Sparrows, swifts, penguins,

bullfinches, rooks, peacocks,

Parrots and tits :

In a word, it is.(birds)

(Yu. Svetlova)

Leading :- Well done children! Tell me, please, do you like to work? Now I propose to listen to a poem about one good deed.

I hope that lovers of poetry have gathered here today.

Poetry is a creative creation in which you can draw answers to the most important questions in this life. But the most important purpose of poetry is the possibility of self-realization, pouring out one's own thoughts on paper. After all, paper is the most attentive listener and the most obligatory keeper of secrets.

Competition "Fairytale Poetry"

You need to write down the answers on the sheets of paper. The speed and correctness of the answers are taken into account.

1. Strong, proud, noble,

Through the blizzard and frost

Through cold Lapland

On himself he carried Gerda (deer)

2. Not a bird sits on the branches,

And a beautiful girl is sitting.

Above the river in the thicket:

Bewitch, call

And drag it to the bottom (mermaid)

3. He steadfastly endured misfortunes,

Nobody saw his tears tin soldier)

4. As a child, everyone laughed at him,

Tried to push him away.

After all, no one knew that he

Born of a white swan (ugly duckling)

5. I almost became the wife of a mole

And a mustachioed beetle!

I flew with the swallow

High under the clouds (Thumbelina)

Competition "Remember the poem"

Most recently, we celebrated the 100th anniversary of Agnia Lvovna Barto. We are all familiar with her wonderful poems from early childhood.

(The student reads the poem "Bear").

- For many generations, they have experienced genuine joy when meeting with her funny, funny and invariably instructive

You will now be given cards with the end of the poetic lines, and you must remember their beginning and write down the entire quatrain. And also it is necessary to remember the author.

1. on the floor;


I will not quit;

he is good.

2. swings;

on the run;


I will fall.

3. horse;



for a visit.

4. hostess;


could not;

got wet.

5. crying;


do not Cry;

ball in the river.

6. we will build ourselves;

over the forests;

over the forests;

1. Bear

Dropped the bear on the floor

They tore off the paw of the bear.

Children ( from the hall):

I still won't drop it

Because he's good.

2. Bull

A bull is walking, swinging,

Sighs on the go

Children ( from the hall):

Oh, the board is over

Now I will fall.


Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep
He lay down in a box on a barrel.
Sleepy bear went to bed
Only the elephant does not want to sleep.
Sleep shakes its head
He sends a bow to the elephant .

4. Plane

Let's build the plane ourselves

Let's fly over the forests.

Children ( from the hall):

Let's fly over the forests

And then back to mom.

5. Horse

I love my horse

I will comb her hair smoothly,

Children ( from the hall):

I stroke the ponytail with a scallop

And I'll go on horseback to visit.

6. Truck

No, in vain we decided

Ride a cat in a car:

Children ( from the hall):

The cat is not used to riding

Overturned a truck.

7. Ball

Our Tanya is crying loudly:

Dropped a ball into the river.

Children ( from the hall):

Hush, Tanechka, don't cry,

The ball will not sink in the river


The hostess threw the bunny -

A bunny was left in the rain.

Children ( from the hall):

Couldn't get off the bench

Wet to the skin.

Competition "Quotes from poems »

You need to remember what verses these lines are from. Teams take turns answering.

1. “We need different mothers,

Mothers are important."

"What do you have?" S. Mikhalkov

2. “Instead of a hat on the go

He puffed out the pan.

Gloves instead of boots

I pulled it on my heels."

"That's how absent-minded" S. Marshak

3. “Beauty! Beauty!

We are bringing a cat with us!

"Song of Friends" S. Mikhalkov

4. “Long live scented soap

And a fluffy towel...

"Moidodyr" K. Chukovsky

5. “To you, with your height,

You have to ride an elephant!”

"Uncle Styopa" S. Mikhalkov

6. "Baby son

came to his father

and asked the little one:

"What's happened


and what is


V. Mayakovsky

Competition "Children's Poets"

Valentin Dmitrievich Berestov brought his love for children's works from early childhood. At the age of four, a very significant event- He learned to read. Since then, little Valentine has been constantly running to meet the postman, looking forward to his favorite magazines, Druzhnye Rebyata and Chizh.

(V. Berestov's poem "About the car").

For each team, write down famous children's poets on pieces of paper and remember at least one poem.

Competition "Discover your talent" So, the last task for everyone. Those who prepared and memorized the poem at home will receive a separate prize. Everyone else can take the prepared books and expressively read the verses they like.

Scenario of a literary evening for older preschoolers "In the world of poetry"

Gosteva Olga Alexandrovna, educator of MBDOU B "Firefly", branch "Skazka", Blagoveshchensky district.
Description: I bring to your attention the scenario of a literary evening, a joint event of children, parents and teachers for a methodical district association on the topic “Development of the speech of preschoolers”.
The publication may be useful to methodologists, teachers additional education, educators. All the poems read by the children are author's, composed by the parents together with the children.
Goals: the formation of reading and musical culture, the formation of a stock of literary and artistic impressions in children
Tasks: present to the attention of the audience poems composed by children, together with their parents, about the seasons, about family, about friendship. Promote the development of acting skills, create joyful. Emotional mood.
Members: children senior group, educator, music worker.
Equipment: paintings by Russian poets, projector, multimedia board, audio recordings.
Training: the idea of ​​holding a literary evening in a kindergarten was very unusual and original, but this idea did not bother us for long because of its originality. The project "In the World of Poetry" was developed.
Work on the implementation of the project was carried out for a month. Children were introduced to the poetic works of Russian poets, discussions were held on the topics: “What is poetry?”, “What is rhyme?”, various didactic games on the development of figurative speech, consultations were presented for parents “Is it necessary to learn poetry?”, “On the benefits of books.” Parents were connected to help their children compose poems. Learned these poems with children. I thought out the atmosphere for the evening and made slides for each poem. Together with children (a picture was drawn for each poem) a book of author's poems "The house where poems live" was made.
Was compiled musical accompaniment and reading poems in one harmoniously and logically constructed script.
What came of it, you decide, dear colleagues.

Event progress

(Slide number 1)
Hello guys!
Hello dear viewers!
We are glad to see you in our hall!
Today we have an extraordinary day. Children, I invite you to wonderful world poetry. Do you know what poetry is?
Yes, poetry is poetry.
That's right, poetry. These are words that rhyme. Poems can tell about everything: about the warm sun, about the cheerful rain, about green grass, about your family, about friends and, about much, much more, about everything in the world, because it is not for nothing that they say that poetry is like the sun with its dark spots and eclipses illuminating the whole world.

Child reads a poem
Poetry is a wonderful page
Opens the door for us today.
And let any miracle happen!
You, most importantly, believe in him with all your heart!
Love and beauty of nature
Fairy tale road.
Any world!
All poetry is subject
And open the door to her country!
The rustle of leaves underfoot, a drop of rain,
A rainbow in the sky, a nightingale trills, -
Here the frost draws a pattern on the glass ... ..
The world around is beautiful! And everyone is an actor.
(E. Nekrasova.)
Indeed, poetry is an amazing, huge, magical world. Children, tell me, where does poetry come from, who writes poetry?
Poets write poetry.
What poets do you know?
Agnia Barto, Sergei Mikhalkov, Korney Chukovsky, Samuil Marshak, Alexander Pushkin.

Well done guys, you know poets. We got acquainted with their poems. You yourself, as well as poets, are also already trying to compose your own poems.
And now, the poems that you composed yourself or with the help of your parents you will read to our guests.
And, to help me, to announce the speeches of our readers, today will be Alexandra. Let's welcome her.
(Slide number 2-3)
Our first poem is about winter. Winter is a wonderful time of the year. Down to earth in winter The Snow Queen, and everything around resembles a fairy tale. At this time, everything is perfect without exception! Even severe frosts, and those are good, because it is they who teach to love and appreciate the warmth and comfort of their home. And now Natasha will read her poem to us about this.
(Slide number 4)
The wind howls menacingly
Snow prickly scatters,
We look out our window
And we are warm in the room.
Mom lit the stove
We will not go to the porch.

(Slide number 5)
Winter is sometimes very harsh. It is not easy for our feathered bird friends: they are hungry and cold, and therefore, in order for the birds to live more fun, they need to be fed. And Nikita will tell us how to do this in his poem.
A bird freezes in the cold
Pigeon, sparrow, titmouse.
You build feeders for them,
It will be satisfying for them in winter.
(Slide number 6-7)
Imagine how fabulously beautiful the forest is on a clear winter day, especially when it sparkles. Sunray and illuminate the snow-covered tops of the trees. Lera has prepared a poem about wonderful winter pictures and now she will read it to us.
Winter pictures are beautiful,
Trees are decorated with wonderful snowflakes,
They conjure gently on a green Christmas tree,
Decorated diligently all her needles.

(Slide number 8-9)
Sasha, do you like falling snow, so beautiful and iridescent?
Yes, I love snow very much, I love it when it comes, it makes everything light and smart everywhere, as if someone upstairs is whipping up his huge down pillow. You look at the snowflakes, and it seems that they are not flying down, but up.
Yes, it's wonderful. They are so small and fragile that it is even scary to touch them, it seems that they are about to crumble. It is about such tender snowflakes that Yesenia will read her poem.
A white snowflake fell into my palm.
She whispered softly, "Don't touch me."
I am light and fragile, shining in the sun,
Bright colors make you happy.

(Slide number 10)
The winter forest is wrapped in snow, it is covered with snow, all the paths are covered with powder, it seems that there is no one around.
Leading: And Sonya has a poem about how animals have fun in the winter.
A little white snow fell on a steep bank.
The squirrel jumped off a pine tree, tumbled by the river.
The bunny jumped out of the snowdrift
A lot of mice ran.
Here's the fun! Here is winter!
All animals are beautiful!
(Slide number 11-12)
In winter, you don’t have to think long about how to have fun: you can just go out into the yard and build a snowman with your friends and play snowballs, go sledding, ice skating, skiing. Our Nastya loves winter entertainment very much, and her poem is about this.
The snow is falling on the street, the snow is flying like fluff.
Wonderful weather, everything around shines.
I'll go outside, make a snowman,
There will be a bunny, a bear and a fox nearby.
(Slide number 13-14)
Guys, do you know what an old, Russian solar holiday takes place at the end of winter? That's right, carnival. Everyone loves her, old and young. Everyone goes to the holiday to have fun and wish each other: fun, laughter, prosperity, good year! Maxim has a poem about such a fun holiday.
The blizzards have blown away
The frosts have receded.
The sun melted the last ice.
Widely meeting spring,
Cheerful people come out to the holiday!
(Slide number 15-16)
And now the long-awaited spring comes to replace the harsh winter. How we are waiting for her when snowstorms rage outside the window and frosts crackle! She leaves, and the spring sun begins to shine outside the window, filling the heart with joy and inspiration! Icicles are melting. Sparrows are chirping merrily. Sasha and Nastya have poems about this.
Look outside.
The sun is high in the sky
Smiling at the children.
Sparrow chirped
Fun on a branch.
Invites all friends
Have fun together.
(Slide number 17)
The sky is blue, the grass is green.
The sun is golden, spring has come to us.
A fresh wind blows in our faces.
The soul is calm, joyful, light.
(Slide number 18, 19.20)
After spring comes summer. Summer is the time of the sun, heat, bright colors, joy. And now comes the height of the summer reign. Let us now remember this wonderful time, albeit not for long….. And Sania will share her impressions of the summer with us!
I like summer very much……
It is warmed by the hot breath of the sun,
I love to swim
Dive, tumble in the sand.
I like to have so much fun!
Dima, Bogdan and Igor prepared poems about animals, since they love them very much, let's listen to them.
(Slide number 10)
Dima introduces himself in his poem
wise and fair hedgehog.
A gray hedgehog was walking through the forest,
Carried a white fungus on the back.
He wanted to treat the mouse,
Bunny, hedgehog, monkey.
After all, in the forest between the animals
There is a law of all wiser:
Be friends with each other
Cherish strong friendship.
(Slide number 11)
Bogdan has a poem about a cheerful and mischievous monkey.
Monkey - jumper
Jumped all the tops!
Dropped the suitcase
Sweet ate a banana
plucked a dandelion
She knocked over a glass.
Oh, and what a bastard!
Cheerful mischievous!

(Slide number 12)
Igor came to us with his merry girlfriend and will read us a poem about her.
green belly,
green barrel,
green paws,
And jumping lope - lope.
And knows all the swamp
green frog,
After all, a fun song
She always sings: kva - kva - kva.
(Slide number 12)
Sasha, almost all the children have already read their poems to us, but can you tell us yours?
Of course, I will read you a poem about my favorite cockerel.
Cockerel, cockerel,
golden scallop,
I love him very much
I feed him every day
And for this my friend
He sings all the songs to me.
(Slide number 13)
Guys, you read your poems to us today: about snowflakes, about the sun, about animals - these are all poems about what surrounds us, about nature. 2017 was declared the year of ecology in Russia and Ilya prepared his poem on how to preserve nature.
Green forest and fresh air
It's not easy for us to keep.
To live peacefully on the planet
We must love nature!

(Slide number 14, 15)
Sasha, today we heard a lot of poems about nature. But Serezha has a poem about the dearest, most important thing that we have, what do you think about it?
Child: I think the most precious thing is family.
Yes, that's right, and if the family is also friendly - this is real happiness! Please, Seryozha, read us your poem.
We have a friendly family,
We love to travel,
spend time together
And welcome friends.
We love doing sports
We love to sing songs
ride in a car,
Sit on the porch.
(Slide number 16)
Family is the most important thing, but it is very good when a person also has friends.
Sasha, what do you think, who are friends?
Yes, it would seem that the answer is simple, these are the people who will always come to our aid. But friends, these are also those with whom you never get bored, with whom you share everything in half. It is precisely about such a friend that our Cyril's poem is about.
I have a friend my Sasha,
We have been friends for a long time!
We do not fight, we do not play pranks,
We go to the cinema.
Together we build rockets
We share candy together.
The two of us are not bored at all,
Because we are friends.
And now Olga Alexandrovna will read her poem to us, it is about us, about children.
Children are happiness, children are joy,
Children are a fresh breeze in life.
They can not be earned, this is not a reward,
God gives them by grace to adults.
Children, oddly enough, are also a test.
Children don't grow like trees.
They need care, affection, understanding.
Children are time, children are work.
(Slide number 17)
Where there are always a lot of children, of course in kindergarten. After all Kindergarten is a country of childhood, where joy, children's laughter and fun always reign. Daniel has a poem about this.
Kindergarten "Fairy Tale" is just a miracle!
We all love each other here.
We make friends, we run, we play,
Forget about insults.
Let's exercise together
Let's jump into bed together
We eat together, we walk
Kindergarten respect!
Guys, you all read us your beautiful poems!
For your creativity, for the excellent reading of my poems, I would like to present you with certificates in memory of your participation in our event. (Children will receive certificates).

Guys, you all received certificates today, but look what else I have for you? (the presenter shows the book, there are no pages inside)
This is a book.
That's right, this is a book, but it is not simple, but magical, and in order to open it, you need to come up with rhymes for the word book. Let's take them to this word.

Children choose rhymes.
Well done guys, picked up a lot of rhymes. Now, let's try to see if the book will open. Here it is opened! But what is here? Yes, here is a sweet surprise for you - after all, you deserve it today, picked up rhymes, prepared such beautiful and interesting poems for tonight.

Poetry day in preparatory group kindergarten

World Poetry Day. Abstract of the lesson in the preparatory group.

Speech development and the formation of interest in the artistic word, the ability to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the poetic word.
To create conditions for the cognitive and speech development of the child.
Cultivate a positive emotional attitude to literary poetic works.
Consolidate previously acquired literary material.
To develop artistic and speech performing skills in preschoolers when reading poems.
Form the makings of poetry.
Integration educational areas : speech development, cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development, social and communicative development.

Course progress.

Stage 1. Motivational - motivating.
Educator: Hello guys. Today is an extraordinary day! On March 21, 1999, at the 30th session of the UNESCO General Conference, it was decided to celebrate World Poetry Day every year.
Do you know what poetry is? (children's answers)
What does the word poet mean? (children's answers)
What poets do you know? (children's answers)
Let us today remember our favorite poets, their works and try ourselves in the role of poets.

Poetry wonderful pages
The door is open for us today
And let any miracle happen
You most importantly believe in him with all your heart.

Love and beauty of nature
The road of fairy tales, any world
Subject to all POETRY, try
And open the door to her country.

Stage 2. Main part.
caregiver: Guys, let's remember our favorite poets with you. (children name the names of familiar poets)

A.S. Pushkin

I will ask you to name the works of this author that you are familiar with.
Children name familiar poems and fairy tales.

Educator: We will ask Rita to read one of A.S. Pushkin.

A girl reads a poem by A.S. Pushkin "Already the sky was breathing in autumn"

Educator: How beautifully the author describes the beauty of late autumn.
Guys, what impression does this poem make on you? (children's answers)
How do you feel when you hear these lines? (children's answers)
Please name some other poets who wrote their poems about the beauty of nature? Children's answers.

Children call the names of poets, including the name of S. Yesenin.

Sergei Yesenin sang in his poems the beauty of Russian nature. The poems of this author are very melodic, many of them later became songs.
We will ask Zhenya to read S. Yesenin's poem " White birch».

Educator: Guys, we read and memorized a lot of poems about nature, which of you can remember and read the verses that we memorized? Children read poetry at will.
Educator: Tell me about what and about whom else do poets write their poems?
Children's answers.
Educator: We recently prepared a festive concert for our mothers. At our holiday, a poem by Elena Blaginina was sounded.

Let's remember this poem today, I will ask the guys to read us a poem by E. Blaginina "Let's sit in silence."

Educator: What do you think the author wanted to tell us when he wrote these poems?
Children's answers.

Educator: Guys, do you know that there are poets who write poems addressed to a special category of people?
These poems can be cheerful, sometimes sad, extraordinary miracles and transformations can occur in them. What verses am I talking about?
Children's answers.

Educator: Of course I'm talking about poems for children. Name the authors of children's poems.
Children's answers.

Educator. K.I. Chukovsky, one of the poets who wrote for children. We have read many works by this author.

Let's play the game "Guess" I will show illustrations for the author's poems, and your task is to name the work. (the teacher shows illustrations; children give answers, all together recall excerpts from works)






Educator: Agnia Lvovna Barto is a poet, a friend of children. She wrote her poems for very young children and older children.

Educator: What works of this author do you know?
Children's answers.

Now we will listen to the poem “There was a dump truck in the world”, which our guys will read.
Children read the poem "There lived a dump truck in the world."

Educator: Guys, let's take a break and do exercises, but not simple, but exercises with poetic accompaniment.

Physical education minute

Educator: Why do you think the verse is so pleasant to listen to and easy to memorize? Children's answers.
That's right, they are very easy to read, because the authors choose words with a consonant ending, that is, they choose rhymes. Do you want to know what rhyme is?

I invite you to listen to the poem "The Amazing Birds" by the American poet John Ciardi:

Educator: Let's play poets and try to compose a poem. The main thing to remember is that in each poem there must be not only rhymes but also meaning, that is, we must come up with some kind of story and choose the words so that they rhyme well.
As a result of our game of poets, we got this verse

about my cat
They gave me a cat
Ah, what a beauty!
I will love him
And feed sausages.

Let's play with the cat
We purr, then.
I'll stroke his fur
I'll do his hair.

I'll dress him up nicely
I will tie a bow around my neck.
We'll play with a jump rope
Let's go to the river and go fishing.

We'll catch a lot of fish there
Let's prepare fish soup.
Then we'll eat the whole ear,
And we lie down on the sand.

And when we come home
Let's hang out with the cat.
The mouse will come out for a walk,
The cat is after her, run quickly.

He her with his paw,
Very fast, deftly bites.
And then we'll go to sleep
This is how we live with a cat!

Stage 3. Final
The teacher praises the children, gives the children medals of novice poets.

The script of the literary evening

“So, we are soul mates,”

dedicated to the presentation of the poetry collection "Springs"


Literature :

Dryzhakova E. In the magical world of poetry. Book for students Art. class - M.: Enlightenment, 1978. - 203 p.

Uglich poets (brochures).


portraits of poets


diploma, tokens, prizes


biographies of the poets of the collection "Springs".

Event plan:

Org. moment

Enter. leader's word

A word about guests

A word about the poets of the collection

Conversation with the guests of the evening (tea drinking) + Quiz "The best connoisseur of poetry"

Summing up the event.



***(Poetry is not the time to be a candle...)
... Poetry is not a torch, but a candle ...
(I forgot whose words, but it seems to be Gorodetsky)

Poetry is not the time to be a candle
Barely flickering, not the time at all.
Well, except perhaps when for peace ...
Mourning the young tribe...

Which would learn and grow,
Tasting this wonderful world for trial,
And not a throw of earth from a handful
Parental, in tears, on the lid of the coffin.

Poetry is not a candlelight,
Should be now, evil to the submissive winds,
And a guiding beacon in the night
Burning steel-smelting forge.

Presenter: Good evening, friends! Each of you sitting in this hall, each person in our vast world has his own understanding of poetry, individual, accepted only by him alone, and let poetry be comparable to a candle for one, and for another - with a guiding beacon - it does not matter. In our hall, a candle burns not by chance, because our evening is dedicated to the presentation of the poetry collection "Springs", the authors of which are students in (c) osh. Their voice is still weak, like this quivering flame. But sometimes this is enough to illuminate the souls of relatives, friends, acquaintances, but simply strangers who happened to be near you at a certain period of time. Poetry is the desire to share your light with others. The Yaroslavl poet K. Vasiliev very accurately noticed this fact:

“Poetry, which rages only in the soul of a poet, is not yet poetry, because no one knows about it. She is on her own. The same as - nothing. She is out of action. Out of life. A poet who hides his poems to himself - deprives his life of meaning. The need to make his poems public is an indispensable need for a poet. For only this gives meaning to his studies and, more broadly, to his life.

These words will be the epigraph of our evening.

Poetry is an old, beloved passion of mankind. There is no people on earth that does not have poets. Poets are endowed with talent to a greater or lesser extent, sometimes geniuses like Pushkin are among them. But world poetry carefully preserves the names of those who found and said the right words to people in time - sometimes peppy and kind, and sometimes bitter and ironic, and said in such a way that they wanted to believe him, because poets are always living witnesses of time. The choice of the poet-interlocutor will always remain with the reader, in whose absence the poet himself disappears.

There are no indifferent people in our hall, everyone came here at the behest of their soul and heart. Some of you write poetry yourself, someone is their grateful listener. I want to introduce the guests of our holiday:

Ochkina L.M., Zyablova N.A., Chistyakova L.P., Budnikov A., etc.

Let me introduce another full member of our evening - the poetry collection "Rodniki". Its authors are graduates and current students of our school. The choice of the name is also not accidental. Springs are springs with pure water, beating their jets from their native land; poems of young poets amaze with sincerity, kindness, love for our land, its nature, the world. Main feature poems are not the perfection of skill, but the purity and openness of their souls. And a frank conversation with enthusiastic youth will not leave anyone indifferent.

Rastorgueva Elena.

Elena, who grew up early, always amazed with depth and richness inner peace heightened sense of the present. Her poetry is not an ordinary girlish lyrical diary, but mature, meaningful, heartfelt things. Their main theme is love-passion, which knows no measure and boundaries; a feeling painted almost always in tragic tones. Like Tyutchev - "love is like a fatal duel ...".

Belkina Irina.

Cheerful, kind, sympathetic ... Irina lives in an atmosphere of constant celebration and disinterestedly shares her joy with others. This lightness, to some extent, carelessness is also inherent in her lyrics. Her poetry is simple and frank. Irina always talks about herself. But! When, for example, she admires the beauty of our capital, this admiration is passed on to us, the readers. And to speak frankly about what you love is a truly courageous act not only for a poet, but for any person.

Toporishcheva Love.

Love! Her name is the answer to all questions. Sincerity in feelings, often difficult, is unchanged. The image of a flying bird is not accidental either ... Love rushing outward; because in captivity this feeling dies. Simplicity of words! But only flattery and untruth are always verbose, and therefore their speeches are dead.

Myagkova Julia.

Julia is an amazing girl with the “radiant” eyes of a Tolstoy princess, in which Russian herbs bloom. In them, kindness coexists with tenderness, mercy with courage. So her poems are a reflection of her eyes. With the same diligence and attention, she writes about Russian nature, love, life. Living participation and frankness in everything is her life and creative credo.

Tushnova Anna.

Only at first glance, Anna is modest and fragile, because she is a strong-willed girl with character. A fighter by nature, she is transformed into poetry. Each of her poems is an emotional dialogue with the reader. More often it is a desire to mourn in the fall, watching the dying nature, or to ride in the winter on a fast three. But always, even in the most major poems, a slight sadness is felt.

Galaktionov Artyom.

Roman is a calm and self-possessed, responsible, but a little shy young man. He is someone you can always rely on. So his poems are open and simple.

Gagieva Maria.

Maria, a proud and independent girl, not subject to any law and rule. She is passionate in everything: both in life and in poetry, and therefore she hates halftones and half-feelings, reaching the very essence in everything. And, despite such a young age, her lyrics are characterized by a special "adulthood", the seriousness of thought and feeling.

The collection consists of three sections: "About Nature", "About Love", "About Life". In the life of every person - these are the most important and expensive topics.

Lyubov Ivanovna Sirotkina, director of our school, a wise woman and an interesting interlocutor, played a special role in creating the collection. Therefore, the collection begins with an epigraph poem by I. Belkina, dedicated to Lyubov Ivanovna. Irina currently lives in another city.


I've been at this school for three years

And I love her so much.

Our director is very strict,

But she helps everyone.

Sometimes it screams a little

There is no life without difficulties.

It happens, and praise too,

Let happiness be more trouble.

Thank you for understanding

Patience, honesty, kindness!

And never forget

Irina Belkin my!


Presenter: Each poet is a whole era, a whole world. Some people are attracted to pictures of nature; someone conveys in his lines a storm of passions, feelings;

someone frankly with the reader, someone philosophizes; someone talks about friendship, love; and someone about all this together. Of course, the lyrical descriptions of native Uglich nature will not leave anyone indifferent. And the story about the late autumn of Anna Tushnova is also extremely accurate. She compares cold rain to a weeping sky. And, by the way, a word to the poet ...

A. Tushnova:


All trees turned golden:

After all, it's autumn time.

A little sad in my heart,

It doesn't seem to end.

Get up in the morning and cold rain

Beats on the roofs, as if out of spite,

It seems that these are the tears of the sky,

Because it died.

The sun no longer warms him

And already dimly so shines.

The sky is all wrapped in a veil,

It seems that the sky, the sky is sleeping.


Host: Earthly love... Human love... Eternal, immortal theme. Each of the poets in his own unique way tried to express, convey this feeling. Saadi and Omar Khayyam, Dante and Petrarch, Byron and Goethe. And our great Pushkin! Other great Russian poets: Lermontov, Nekrasov, Tyutchev, Blok…. Everyone is an innovator in this topic, because he writes and says what his heart, his soul hurts about. Our century has left its mark on the sphere of personal, family relations, coarsened, trampled on the intimate world of man, gave rise to a cynical-merchant view of the holy of holies - love, feminine beauty, motherhood. The more joyful is the meeting with works, each of which is unique, in each of which there are the finest beautiful impulses of the human soul, its love and fidelity. It is interesting to observe the ups and downs of a young soul describing the experience of first love, first separations and betrayals. E.Rastorgueva's poems are not childishly serious and painfully sensual.


Two candles.

Two candles, like two lives, are burning,

Kindling fire in the souls,

Two candles, like two sinners

suffer in silence

You put my hand in yours.

You captivated me with a bright flame,

I lit a backfire

Our love was so warm

That the candles melted and love was gone.

We are now with you, like strangers,

We are now neither friends nor enemies,

Yes, my thoughts are different now.

They don't want more love.

My heart is now like ice

like an eternal block of ice,

I don't shed tears now

And I'm stronger now than then.


Host: Life is complicated. Great amount popular proverb proves this. "To live life is not a field to cross." Telling others about what worries you, what your heart cannot put up with is already a feat. Tears of respect are evoked by Y. Myagkova's poem "The Ninth of May".



Let's stand by the holy fire

Let's kneel to the granite

We remember the fallen and the living,

About destinies broken by war.

Look, a gray-haired soldier came up,

He put flowers on the balustrade.

Watch the medals burn in the sun

And bearing, as in a parade.

They were exactly like us:

Loved, worked, lived,

They joked, laughed, went to the cinema,

They gave birth to children and raised them.

But mourning the terrible word "War"

Intervened in their destinies and lives.

They defended their homes

Country and people from fascism.

See how many of them are in front of you in the ranks,

Do not count the kilometers of surnames,

Those who died in an unequal mortal battle,

So that we are happy with you.


Presenter: We light a candle on our birthday cake. There is only one candle, at the presentation of the second collection we will light two of them already.

A word to the guests.

Presenter: Where, when and under what circumstances did people learn to compose poetry? It is impossible to answer this question, because they studied it always and everywhere.

It is no coincidence that the name of our evening was chosen “So, we are kindred at heart!”. Everyone was united by the flame of this candle... Let its fire illuminate your soul and save you from the darkness of indifference and vulgarity. Family members should help each other. Share a spark of warmth, and it will return to you a hundredfold. See you again.


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