Why does not bloom in a hortensia bush. Incorrect feeding of hydrangea

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Hortensia is often planted on dumart sites Or in the parisade of your own house: her bush blooms beautifully and long. But sometimes it happens that the bloom of hydrangea refuses. It is not always easy to deal with the reasons, since there are quite a lot of them.

Reasons why hydrangea does not bloom, and ways to solve the problem

As a rule, the first 2-3 years after planting a young seedling should not be expecting flowering from hydrangea. Some varieties do not bloom and longer, but most are required to delight the owner already in young age. If this did not happen, you need to take action.

Incorrect landing

Hydrangea - gentle plantAnd under the scorching sun feels uncomfortable. If in an open place it will bloom, the bloom will be defective: it will end quickly, and the flowers will not be like lush and spectacular as expected. But in the shade to plant a bush should not be: hydrangea required at least a few hours good lighting in a day.

If the shadow is created by high trees, they will take the flower moisture and nutrient elements.

The best location is half of the day: in the morning the sun heated, lit up, and the dinner was hidden. If the error in choosing a place is to try to build a shelter. If it is impossible - you will have to transplant the bush, but it is possible to do this only with young plants.

Often hydrangea is planted at the fence, covering a bush from the Sun in the afternoon

The bush is difficult to survive

Hydrangea is not easy for growing shrubs: it adapts to a new place of residence for a long time. Therefore, with the slightest deviations from the landing or care rules, it can be "sick" long, but then, as a rule, everything comes to normal. If at the same place the plant is accustomed to one power supply and irrigation, and the new owner has other conditions, the adaptation period can delay.

If it's about this, you have to wait, but not to allow the death of the plant, and for this it is better to feed it, gradually reducing the number of fertilizers. And so that the change of place does not very much introduce the hydrangea to stress, it is necessary to transplant it with a lump of land.

For hydrangea seedling with a closed root system, the probability of stress from transplant is minimal

Lack of moisture

The drying of the soil under the bushes of hydrangea is unacceptable, as it reacts to it very painfully: the leaves are wound, shoots, and the bustle is not up to flowering. A strong heat without watering a bush may not survive at all. Hortensia and in normal weather watered weekly, and in the drought - twice as much. This is especially true of young plants.

Hydrangea moisture, she needs watering once or twice a week depending on the weather

However, the stagnation of water is harmful, therefore, drainage must be placed on clay soils when landing in the pit. For watering use water heated sunny rays. If you bring humidity regime to normal, the next year the bush will cover beautiful colors.

Unqualified cropping

Adult hydrangea is cut off annually, but it is necessary to do it correctly. Pruning starts only after the bush has given flowers for the first time. Act when trimming neatly:

  • cut thickening and old (age from 5 years) shoots;
  • remove the weakest branches, especially growing inside;
  • procure the shoots of last year, leaving no more than 3 healthy kidneys.

In the fall, only broken, patients and dried shoots are removed, and more detailed pruning spend in spring. If the lack of flowering bush is observed due to not proper trimming, the point is corrected: once it is necessary to do everything as it should, and the flowers will appear.

Even if the autumn does not carry out the cutting of hydrangeas, it is necessary to cut down at least the flooded inflorescences

Wrong power mode

Hydrangea does not need an unnecessary amount of fertilizers. This is especially true of nitrogen, which causes extension of the green mass to the damage to flowering. Nitrogen feeders (urea or infusion of a cowboy) are given only in May, in the summer they are excluded, and in the fall only asha.

Different trace elements can even adjust the color of hydrangea colors, but this is a separate topic.

There are fertilizers for hydrangea, depending on the color

If there is an assumption that the bushes have resignated with nitrogen, it is necessary to make more superphosphate, and for a time about urea and dung for a while - until next year.

Frozen roots and kidney

Even in the warm regions, hydrangea is prepared for the winter. The shelter there is only spunbond, which is covered by a shrub after autumn trimming. In the rest of the regions, it is necessary to emphasize the plants, adding a good layer of mulch and shelter with a coniferous sweetheart, and in the most severe climatic conditions - and rubberoid.

No matter how large a bush of hydrangeas, it is covered with sponbond to the winter, even in relatively warm regions

Almost no shelter to leave hydrangea dangerously, the soil freezing can lead to the full death of the root system. Partial frozen is fixable: good feeding and insulation for the next winter will soon be returned to normal over time.

Diseases, pests

Among the pests of hydrangea, the slugs, aphid and ticks most often annoy. It is better to destroy the smelters manually, and the rest are eliminated by various insecticides. Fighting with pests on the shrub is easy, and it is necessary to do this, since they strongly weaken the plants.

Dumpling slugs appear due to frequent rains and high humidity

Among the diseases are fungal (gray rot, peronosporosis, puffy dew), which are successfully treated with fungicides: copper chloroks or burglar liquid. Often amazes hydrangea and chlorosis: due to the deficiency of iron, the leaves are pale, bloom is hampered. Undercantling with iron vigor with time corrects the situation.

Video: Pruning, watering, shading - for better flowering hydrangea

The reasons for the fact that hydrangea does not bloom, a lot, but most of them are easily eliminated. It is important to understand on time, because of what the problem arose, and take urgent measures to make flowers to appear on the shrub on the shrub.

Hydrangea - beautiful flowerthat will decorate any landscape. They are of different typesBut all of them are blooming plants.

The correct will allow you to enjoy blossom for many years.

Many dackets grow large hydrangea, and oddly enough it can not bloom for a long time.

So why doesn't hydrangea bloom? Consider a number of reasons.

Why does not bloom in hydrangea?

  1. Pick up the hydrangea grade suitable for your locality, as some types of short term Summer in the northern regions just do not have time to lay floral kidneys.
  2. What is large hydrangea that the buggy or tree may not bloom due to the insufficient development of the root system, too young plant for flowering.
  3. If you have a large hydrangea, constantly cutting top Last year's shoots due to frost damage, and even moreover, it is suddenly doing it wrong, then the blooming of hydrangeas will not be or bloom will be scarce. Explore.
  4. Insufficient attention to the protection of hydrangea from frosts will result in the following question: "Why doesn't the hydrangea blooms?". Because in the fall there is a laying of floral kidney for the next year and if in the spring to remove the protection against frost too early, the kidneys may be damaged, the shoots will be frozen, which will affect flowering.

Hydrangea shelter for winter

In general, hydrangea winters well, but the question is whether it will bloom.

As you already know (from the topic) Blossom happens on the shoots of last year, so it's not worth worrying about the shelter of the roots, I'd rather think about the top:

  • in the fall, frosts may occur at the end of September, and the flowering of hydrangea still continues? Then cover the bushes with a double layer of Loutrasil or Lutrasil layer and a layer of greenhouse film. To wintering hiding the bushes is still early;
  • in the second half of October, until the land has not yet frozen, cover the hydrangea, cutting the inflorescences, but leaving the upper part of the sworded shoots with large kidneys;
  • young plants can be covered with land or peat (flowers will be blue), having cropped the branches to the ground;
  • when the plant is already an adult (5-7 years old), bending his branches to the ground, they can be broken. Do not bring until it can be placed at the bottom of the bush under the fold of the branches of the stones, then make a pillow from the huskry or needle, jump the branches, again make a deciduous pillow and on top of putting boards, bricks, stones, not traumating the plant, fix the rope. Next, shelter the earth, making in the central part, too, mound (dip). In the spring partially remove this embankment. To rejuvenate the hortensia bush at the end of flowering, all thick and old branches can be cut, leave the young and last year's shoots that can be burned to the ground;
  • in the spring, the shelter is not in a hurry;
  • after removing the shelter, it is not hurting for trimming, it would seem dry and lifeless branches, kidneys on them can even come around in May, the main rich watering. To pruning, proceed not early May - the first decade of June;
  • loutrasil do not hide until June, the appeared leaves after the winter or cracked kidneys will need to be covered for a week or more, as Mother's nature will require.

Hydrangees do not bloom due to lack of feeding

Be sure to feed the comprehensive fertilizer at the beginning of the bootonization and in early September before the end of flowering, the beginning of laying flower kidney.

By buying Hydrangea, pay attention to the presence of buds, they should not be, since this is a sign of artificial flowering stimulation ( drip irrigation With fertilizer), which in the next 1-2 years will affect the absence of flowering bush or worse than the plant will perish. Therefore, after landing, it is not necessary to drastically change the conditions of growing plants, let it adapt, bring it every 2 weeks for 2 months of fertilizer, gradually catching the root system to work independently remove nutrients from the soil.

So that such hydrangeas in the future bloomed and increased the secondary root system when landing mix at a distance of 20-25 cm garden soil With a substrate, preventing a sharp change in the soil structure.

The thermal-loving long-term shrub Hortensia is from Japan and first bloated in the XVIII century. Initially, the plant was only indoor, but experts "rearranged" Hydrangea in open sad. Hortensia know how a frost-resistant plant, which for many years will delight the eye on the flower bed in a temperate climate.

Varieties of blooming hydrangea

Today, a variety of variety of varieties and types of flowering hydrangea are available:

  1. Daboliste. Brought to moderate latitudes from North America, the advantage of the view in frost resistance - the plant withstands the temperature to -29 degrees. Among the popular varieties of Tennessee Clone, Applause (Epplause), Little Honey and many others, which are characterized by blade leaves (oak) up to 24 cm long and big flowers up to 3 cm in diameter.
  2. Pillya. Low-growing multi-year bush. Varieties: "Bluebird", "Golden Sunlight" (Golden Sanlay), "Veerle". A spreader plant with a toothed leaves and inflorescences up to 8 cm in diameter. A distinctive feature of the variety is the painting of flowers - a bright, rich blue shade.
  3. Cherry. The plant is a leaf full liano with air roots, total length Hydrangea can reach 25 meters at proper care. This type of flowering hydrangea is used by florists for decoration arches and pergol. The variety of plants is distinguished by a large variety of blossoms in color and form, but main feature - This is a spicy fragrance. Often, such a hydrangea is called climbing or plenty.
  4. Garden largest. Another name is broad-sized, large. The decorative view of the blooming hydrangea for landing into an open ground, a height of at least 130 cm and straight egg-shaped leaves, as well as spherical inflorescences. Flowers are large up to 3 cm, as a rule, pink colour. The shoots of the current year are herbaceous and green, weigh the next year. The most common blooming varieties Are "Forever & Ever", "Romance", "Red Sensation" and many others.
  5. . The name of the culture is directly related to the form of flowers, which are associated with a panicle and reach a length of 20-25 cm. It is a bush tall up to 2.5 meters high, which perfectly transfers low winter temperatures and has a thick crown. Varieta: "Vanilla Freiz", "Diamond Rouge", Limelaight. "
  6. Tree. Plant feature - high tolerance to cold and strong, abundant bloom. The tree grade is a high shrub, up to 160 cm by oblong leaves and small flowerflowers in inflorescences. Often the flowers of this species are called white bush hydrangea. This species Flowering culture is represented by popular varieties like "Grandiflora", Pink Anabel (Pink Annabelle).

When and how much hydrangea bloom?

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase yield by 50% In just a few weeks of application.
  • You can get good vintage even on low-grade soils and in adverse climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

Features of flowering hydrangea

Hydrangea Flower received a name due to the sister of Prince of the Sacred Roman Empire of Charles Heinrich Nassau-Siegen Princess Hortensia. The literal translation of the name is "water vessel", which means to get abundant bloom, can not be left without a melting moisture.

If the hydrangea landing is carried out at the beginning of spring with high-quality soil fertilizer, a bush by mid-summer can please several inflorescences.

What year after landing will bloom the hydrangea depends on the region.

On average, the plant will bloom 3 years after landing, it is necessary to take into account that at 2 and 4 years of landing does not bloom.

Culture completely tolerates light shadow and half.

Why does not bloom in hydrangea?

If it is incorrect to take care, often it happens that the shrub does not bloom.

To succeed, it is necessary to find out the reasons and eliminate them:

  1. Incorrect soil fertilizerNamely, the excessive use of potash-phosphate elements will lead to the oversaturation of the soil. It is necessary to enter into the soil throughout spring, summer and autumn, in winter it is strictly prohibited.
  2. Too severe trimming Hydrangea crowns will lead to the fact that the inflorescences are nothing to develop. In the spring, you can cut only dry twigs and growing inside the bush so as not to interfere with the formation of the crown.
  3. Unfinished care Before the winter will lead to the movement of the shoots of last year, so it is important to take care of the high-quality shelter of the Kush's crown for the winter. It is worth removing the nakanny dense material after frost and a decay of spring drops of temperature.
  4. Hydrangea does not bloom if the kidney is damaged. It happens with varieties having large leaves. The kidneys are formed from above on the shoots of last year. Blossom occurs on these shoots, so it is important for the winter period to cover the flower completely so that the kidneys do not froze.

How to achieve the flowering of hydrangea in the garden?

For cultures in the open ground, subject to all rules of care to increase flowering and that the plant bloom faster, use the following techniques:

  1. Early suspension of growth Perform in November or early December, in this case the first bloom can be waited at the beginning of March.
  2. For speedy blossom The warm watering method is used, for this, water from the early spring months with water at least 35-36 degrees.
  3. With the advent of the first sheets And the shoots watering the shrubs double, and also additionally use spraying Pi temperature at least 14 degrees.

For hydrangeas in the tubs and in pots there are other ways to speed up flowering:

  1. Heat bathsWhen the pot hold 10-12 hours in a pelvis with warm water (36-38 degrees).
  2. To ensure flowering In December - January, it is necessary to perform activities on additional electric lighting. For this, tubs and pots put under the lighting lamps for 8-10 hours at a time, especially at night. Such an event accelerates the beginning of education of inflorescences for 15-20 days.

Flowering room hydrangea

Home Flower Care Rules:

  • Adult home hydrangea bush Crop by 25-30 cm from the ground, planted for winter in the ground.
  • Qualitatively covered with dry leaves, yelnik.
  • In the spring stems to cut to the very base.
  • After updating the crown in August, plant a plant back to the tub.

Tips for choosing a size pot:

  • With one escape on the bush, they choose a tub with a diameter of no more than 10-12 cm.
  • Two or three escapes - it is better to give preference to a pot with a diameter of up to 15 cm.
  • For a large bush - 18-20 cm.

Care after flowering

The hortensia of the battle and tree grade is cut into high quality, but the large-scale does not touch the largest, because it blooms on the shoots of last year. The care for the perennial after flowering must be carried out either late autumn, or transfer all the events for the spring. When flowering passes, the inflorescences must be safely removed from the bush.

How to do pruning?

Trimming technique is divided into two main types:

Hortensia miscellaneous variety Crop to old branches, leaving several major shoots. Room hydrangea conducts gentle trimming, forming a shrub crown and several updating old branches on new ones. The event is carried out in late autumn.

Updating bush if it is performed correctly, it is completely safe and will allow you to buy a large luxuriousness and pomp.

Preparation for winter

Before the onset of the winter period, hydrangea is covered with a dense cloth, natural, transmitting air. Tolerant to the cold - a tree hydrangea, but also shelted it for the winter.

Step-by-step plan for preparing a long-term plant for winter:

  • In the 20th of September, extra leaves are removed, according to the recommended trimming scheme. This will ensure the decoration of shoots and strengthen the bush.
  • After that, it is important to feed the soil in potash-phosphate elements to provide a high-quality meal in the winter.
  • It is important to know that in the autumn time, nitrogen preparations are categorically recommended in the soil.
  • After that, cover the bush with woven material.

Transplant of hydrangea

Pereparing a long-term shrub at the autumn time is not recommended, it will cause difficulties with the adaptation of the plant and will lead to death. But, if we are talking about a tree hydrangea or blissful, experts allow a transplant in the fall.

It is better to transplant the plant in spring, if possible before the start of the deployment.

For this:

  1. dig holes with a diameter of up to 30 cm;
  2. contribute, pour water bucket;
  3. the branches of the flowering shrub are tied with twine to not damage them;
  4. to put a bush in the prepared hole and fall asleep the earth.

At the end of the event, conduct a rejuvenating crown crown to make hydrangea, as quickly as possible caught up and launched new roots and bloomed. Blooming Hortensia is undesirable to replant, it will lead to the death of inflorescences and bad survival.

Photo Gallery: Flowering Hydrangea in Garden Design

The stories of our readers!
"I am a gift with many years of experience, and this fertilizer began to use only last year. Tested it on the very capricious vegetable of my garden - on tomatoes. They grew and bloomed the bushes together, the crop gave more than usual. And the phytoofluorosis did not hurt, this is the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives a more intense growth garden plantsAnd they are fruiting much better. Now without fertilizer, the normal harvest is not growing, and this feeding increases the number of vegetables, so that I am very pleased with the result. "

What to feed the hortensia?

The correct systematic feeding of the soil for hydrangea is the key to the durability of growth, lush flowering and a good overall state of the shrub. It is necessary to fell so that the plant moves the wintering and resistant to disease and pests.

For spring period used next scheme Fertilizers:

  • In the spring The development of the leaves, the bookmark of the inflorescence, the rise of the crown occurs. For this an important element is nitrogen, therefore, for feeding, it is recommended to use solutions of potassium sulfate and urea in equal frequencies 1: 1 and bred in water (10 liters). To pour one blooming bush.iC, requires at least 4-6 liters of solution.
  • So that hydrangea received A sufficient amount of nitric acid is used by the dung alive, which is bred in the water in the proportion of 1:10.
  • Before the string of buds It is recommended to make a slightly different composition in the soil, it is necessary to make a large amount of phosphorus and potassium. To do this, it helps such a drug like superphosphate.
  • For a strong powerful stem The hydrangea is fed by a weak slightly pink solution of manganese. It can only be applied three times for the entire spring season.

IN summer time for getting abundant flowering Hydrangea use the drug "Kemira Flower", as well as the following recipes for feeding:

  • Solutions based on organic, for example, avian litter or manure, divorced in equal shares with water.
  • In summer, limit nitrogen substances.
  • In the summer, lactic acid is well used, in this case it is allowed for watering to use kefir, serum, prostroprious.
  • Effective simple option is the feeding of a broken breaks of bread.

In the fall, especially closely approaching the fertilizer of flowering hydrangea and carefully follow recommendations:

  • Move potassium sulfate and superphosphates. Specialized solutions phosphorus-potash helps a perennial highly prepare for winter, strengthen the roots. For this, 1 tbsp of potassium sulfate is divorced in 10 liters of water and use at least 7 liters to one bush.
  • Imagine nitrogen elements in the ground in the autumn period is categorically not allowed. Otherwise, this may lead to the fact that the plant will be vulnerable to frosts and will not survive the winter. The only thing that is allowed to use is peat and manure in small quantities.

Disease of hydrangea and how to revive the flower?

Among the most common diseases and pests of hydrations are allocated as follows:

Cepty Description:

Covers inner side The leaf of the flowering hydrangea of \u200b\u200bthe cobweb brown shade. In this case, the yellowing of foliage immediately, after which it dries and falls.

How to deal?

As preparations for the struggle with the pest, funds such as Tioffers, Phytoverm use.

Mealybug Description:

The disease caused by a torment worm manifests itself on the leaves and the stems of the bush, they are covered with extensive yellow spots. If you do not take any measures to fight, the stains gradually grow up and the plant dies. The development of such an unpleasant situation contributes to high humidity and high temperature.

How to deal?

To get rid of the disease, use a solution of copper sulfate, water and green soap in parts 15g: 10l: 150 g.

Chlorosis Description:

The first sign that hydrangea was influenced by chlorosis , There are white leaves that only accommodations remain dark green. It often manifests itself when the ambition or manure or manure is transformed in the soil.

How to deal?

In this case, it is necessary to use a solution of nitrogen potassium 40 g per bucket of water and water 3 times in three days.

Green leaf Description:

If the hydrangea blooming is affected by the green leaf floss, most often in the conditions of cultural growth in the closed soil.

How to deal?

As a struggle and prevention, the method of spraying with a solution of sulfate anabazin solution is used, in proportion of 20 grams per 10 liters of water.

Mushroom rot Description:

Mushroom rotation of hydrangea extends mainly on the roots of the plant. This process stops the influx of moisture, nutrient elements, due to which the perennial is covered with a tint and dies. The reason is the bacteria in the soil (organic additives), which are mainly affected by young rapid plants.

How to deal?

In order to get rid of fungal diseases in a timely manner, the effective preparation of phytoosporin and other high-quality are used.

Snails Description:

Often blooming hydrangea attachment snails (grape and ordinary yarcan). Insects commemorate inflorescences, feed in moisture from the leaves, "steal" nutrient elements from the plant. Often the snails can be seen near the bush in winter, they winter there and in the wreck of the soil of masonry snails. With the advent of the first sunny races, the snails begin to eat even unacceptable shoots.

How to deal?

To get rid of them in the spring period use metaldehyde powder, scattering it around the bush. It is mixed with the soil and blocks the way to snail, not allowing them to get to leaves and flowers.

Gallean nematoda Description:

It is small to sizes of worms, which in the process of vital activity create bloat on the roots. This leads to rewarding and eliminating the plant. The owners of young bushes are most often faced with such a problem.

How to deal?

To eliminate the problem, use a lightweight heat transfer solution for watering roots.

To reanimate the plant, depending on the cause of its diefing, a variety of chemicals and high-quality, effective fertilizers are used.

  • To get rid of light spots on the leaves of hydrangea, it is necessary to save the culture from direct sunlight.
  • If only the tips of the plant are rotated - the problem is in the insufficiency of moisture and dry air.
  • If hydrangea does not bloom, it is possible that the soil must be filtered with nutritional solutions.

Answer questions

Hydrangea is a unique flower, and many inexperienced while gardeners are asked the most common issues on the care and cultivation of a long-term plant.

Answer questions:

  1. Hydrangea bush with inflorescences of different color - how to achieve such an effect?To achieve such an effect is easy, feeding will help in this:
    1. To get a different shade on one bush Inflorescences, you need to bring ammonia-potassium alum divorced in water on one side, divorced in water (10 pcs on 2 liters). So one part of the Hydrangea bush will acquire a blue color.
    2. To obtain sky-blue inflorescences Put the soil salts of iron or you can wear the iron pipe, for later oxidation.
    3. To get a pink Flowers on a bush, you must pour into the soil on one side of the poverty handful of lime.
  2. Is it possible to make the purchased blooming room Hydrangea Color several times?Hydrangea unique plant, inflorescences appear from the middle of the summer to deep autumn. But if the flowering period has already passed, it is impossible to force the flower again, even if you transplant it into open ground.
  3. Is it possible to glue a flowering bush?Hydrangea is better to carry out summer period annual cuttings, up to 15 cm long. Blooming bush is cut for cuttings, but at the same time the inflorescences are removed (clipped). In this case, the best rooting of twigs and the landing material is obtained better.


Hydrangea is a beautiful perennial For home and garden. Thanks to the constant quality care, the bustice will be many years to please their owners with chic colors and bright colors. Rasting Hydrangea in the country will be easy even to beginner gardener, if followed the above rules and recommendations.

Many newcomers in the field of flower growing often admit simple mistakes when growing hydrangea. Because of this, the plants can stop bloom, and all the beneficial substances will be used in the development of foliage.

Hortensia is a perennial shrub, which gives amazing flowers in its beauty. But you can not always see these flowers on your plant. When growing these plants, you should know why hydrangea does not bloom, but only gives foliage. This will help the flowering flowers to observe the flowering of their plants every year.

White flowers

Hydrangea has more than 80 varieties, and they can differ by a large number of characteristics. The bulk of the varieties are small shrubs, a height of 1-2 meters, and the lianas can climb the height of more than 30 meters.


Blooming plants begins late spring and lasts until late autumn. The bulk of the flowers has a white color, but the flowers of individual hydrangea varieties can be painted in pink, red, blue and lilac colors. As a rule, the color depends on the level of soil acidity.

Causes do not flowering

Many flowers, deciding to grow Hydrangea on their garden plot, can not achieve flowering. The reasons may be somewhat, and the main of them should be known to prevent errors when growing plants.

  • Improper trimming bushes.
  • Lack of moisture.
  • Underdevelopability of the root system.
  • Cheating when buying.
  • Wrong transplantation.
  • Insufficient lighting.
  • Frosting kidney in winter.
  • Incorrect meals
  • Choosing ne. suitable variety.
  • Diseases and pests.

Trimming bushes

Hortensia, like other shrub plants, is needed timely and proper trimming. It strongly affects the amount of foliage and abundance of flowering. Incorrect trimming often becomes the reason why hydrangea does not bloom, but only gives foliage. This phenomenon is very often found in large hydrangea varieties.

As a rule, the bulk of the trimming is carried out in spring after the convergence of snow. On the autumn of work on circumcision of hydrangea bushes, it is rarely left, only the sworded parts are removed. Spring trimming is performed before the formation of foliage. Cutting methods may differ for each individual type of hydrangea.


Hydrangea loves moisture very much. Even its name in Latin is translated as a "water vessel". Watering for bushes should be abundant. In the summer, up to 50 ml of water is used for each bush.

Watering is done regularly. In the summer, the bushes are poured twice a week. If it is rainy weather, then watering should be cut to one time. The amount of watering should be adjusted on topical weather.

Root system

Young plants, which were just recently planted in the soil, have a weak root system. They need a long time to finally strengthen and start giving flowers.

Full bloom of plants begins only for 4 years of hydrangea growth. Therefore, you should not panic if the hydrangea blooms immediately after landing. With proper care, you can get stunning flowers annually.

Purchase of planting material

When buying hydrangea should not be referred to little-known sellers of planting material. Often unscrupulous sellers can use growth and flowering amplifiers. When buying, you can observe excellent bloom, and disembarking such plants in your soil, the flowering may stop.

The use of blossom amplifiers has a very high load on plants. Subsequently, such a plant will still not give flowers for a very long time. And in the worst version, you can not see the flowers at all.

Buy planting material Only in the companies carried out, and before the purchase itself it is necessary to carefully examine the reviews about it.

Conplanting bushes

Incorrect transplant very often causes why not blooming pink hydrangea, and gives only foliage. Newbies-flower products can easily damage the root system, violating the usual metabolism of plants.

Planting flowers

Also choose too close, or too spacious capacity for growing indoor plants They may result in a slowdown in development and, as a result, stopping the flowering of hydrangea.

The choice of suitable soil is also very important, because the sharp change of the soil composition can adversely affect the general condition of the plants.


The cause of bad flowering or its absence can be insufficient lighting. It is often observed in places where natural sunny lighting Not fully available.

To solve such a problem, additional coverage of other methods should be established or translated plants in places where sunlight will be plenty.

Pink flowers

Shelter for winter

With severe frost, flowering kidney can easily freeze. Such kidneys will no longer be able to give flowers, and they will only remain trim along with damaged stems. So that this does not happen, the plants are hidden for the winter.

Shelter for winter

  • It should be tied together the stems of hydrangea and emphasize their sawdust. After that, only sprinkle their land.
  • If there is an opportunity to stream hydrangea with nonwoven underfloor material, then you should take this opportunity.
  • Conifable branches will be a good covering material. They will not only save the bushes from freezing, but also increase the acidity of the soil, which the hydrangea bushes love.
  • Plants can even be covered, if you did not have time to fall out all the leaves. Neither pests or illness do not win on the leaves of hydrangea.


Making fertilizers

For full blooming of hydrangea, we need regular, but moderately dosed feeders. The oversupply of nitrogen fertilizers is the reason why the scattered hydrangea is not blooming, but gives only foliage. Blooming bushes ceases, and useful substances go to enhanced education foliage.

  • In the spring, at the beginning of the growth of bushes, it should be added to one square meter Soil 25 gr. urea, 40 gr. Superphosphate and 35 gr. Sulfur potassium.
  • With the onset of the bootonization phase, the supply of nitrogen fertilizers is reduced. On one square meter of the soil is made 80 grams. Superphosphate and 45 gr. Sulfur potassium.
  • The use of nitrogen fertilizers is relevant after the end of flowering. Under each bush, 15 kg of compost or overwhelmed manure should be added.

There are special fertilizers for hydrangea. They contain a set of minerals and trace elements necessary for the full development of plants. You can use them as the main feeding. Before use, you should carefully explore the instructions.

Selection of varieties

Each plant requires certain cultivation conditions. It is not always possible to achieve them in different regions of the country. The varieties originally accustomed to a large number of light and heat will feel uncomfortable in the northern regions.

Select variety

On the other hand, a grade designed for cultivation in the northern climate is unlikely to take root in the hot regions with a dry climate.

The choice of a suitable variety is one of the many basic conditions for the full growth and flowering of hydrangea.

Diseases and pests

Diseases and pests on hydrangeas are a rare phenomenon, but even they suffer from such troubles. The most common issues of hydrangea are considered:

They do not damage the flowers directly, but they can interfere with the development of plants, slowing the beginning of flowering or stops it at all. To combat disease and pests should be used modern means on biological or chemical basis, as well as folk methods.

Knowing why hydrangea does not bloom, but gives only foliage, it is easy to eliminate all the reasons that prevent the full development of the plant. Using these tips in practice, you can enjoy every year enjoyable flowering of your favorites.

The reasons why does not bloom in hydrangea, there may be many. Garden beauties Caprip. To raise this magnificent flower on its site and enjoy it with bloom, you need to make some efforts. It is necessary to study its preferences, determine the need for watering and lighting. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the soil, landing site and grade. If you carefully analyze the conditions in which hydrangea grows, it is possible to detect the reasons for its disadvantage and correct the mistakes.

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    Unsuccessful landing place

    Hydrangea feels uncomfortable on open placesBeing under the groaning rays of the sun all day. Gentle leaflets of many sorts in the heat are lifeless and burn out.

    In a sunny place, the plant will save the underestimated landing. The rolling circle of the bush should be 10 cm below the soil level. It must be inspired by a large-fiber peat or sawdust to the surface of the Earth. In such conditions, the plant can normally develop and blossom.

    In the hot and sunny regions, it is better to grow hiddenzing. With regular moisture, it will withstand the straight sunny rays all the light day without prejudice to flowering.

    In a deep shadow, under the crowns of large trees, hydrangea is unlikely to please be a lush color. The perennial is poorly developing with strong shading, regardless of which variety will be planted. If the flowers appear, they will be rare and underdeveloped.

    All varieties of plants prefer places on which sun rays fall only to lunch. In such conditions, hydrangea blooms especially brightly, lush and long.

    If the place for the shrub is chosen unsuccessfully and the situation cannot be corrected, you need to transplant it. It is necessary to do this only as a last resort, since a transplant plant tolerates badly. The most appropriate time for transplantation is autumn. At this time, the perennial is at rest.

    Finding out the right area, you need to dig a hole to a depth of 50 cm. The extracted land is stirred with 2 buckets of humus and add 80 g of mineral fertilizer. Hydrangea loves acidic soil and grows quickly in it. Therefore, the soil for it needs to acidify with a solution of sulfuric acid (1 tsp by 10 liters of water).

    It is necessary to transplant the plant very carefully, along with a room of land. If during the transplantation damage the root system, the plant will not bloom for a long time.

    Lack or excess of moisture

    The moisture is the main feature of hydrangea. Shrub has a botanical name Hydrangea. Translated from the Greek language "Hydrangea" means "water vessel". With a lack of moisture, the plant ceases to bloom. His roots should always be wet. It is impossible to dry out the earthen coma near the roots. If there is arid weather, without watering, hydrangea may die.

    In cool weather, it is enough to water the flower 1 time per week. In hot and dry days, watering should be carried out every 3 days. An additional moisture also needs a young plant until he is 1 year old.

    If the soil is clay, it should be watered less often. Water will be stated in heavy ground. With an excess of moisture, hydrangea can reduce or stop flowering. The abundance of water leads to rotting roots and the death of the plant. Heavier than others transfers the accumulation of moisture near the roots of hydrangea dabs. She needs only well-drained soil. So that the water in clay soil is not accumulated, it needs to add a pine bark.

    For watering it is better to use rain or filtered water. Water water It is necessary to defend before watering for 5 days. For a single watering of the bush, 1-1.5 buckets of water are needed. So that the moisture is not spread, it is worth making an earthen side at the base of the bush.

    In the garden among major and powerful hydrangea trees, moisture will miss. Roots of trees will take water from the flower. Even if when landing a perennial root of trees will be removed, they will grow already in a year.

    Adaptation after disembarking

    Very often after disembarking a healthy flowering plant in an open ground, it loses its decorative qualities and stops flowering. A sharp deterioration in the state of the flower is due to the lack of familiar feeding. Hydrangea sellers are often abused by fertilizers and overwhelm plants, achieving lush flowering and rapid growth. Finding B. natural conditionsFlowering bush begins to root. It is not able to independently absorb the necessary substances from the soil. Such a plant may die if you do not make emergency measures.

    When transplanting hydrangea from the container in the soil you do not need to cut roots and shake the substrate. A weakened plant will be very difficult to restore the root system. The soil remaining in the container needs to be mixed with garden earth and fall asleep it into the root area.

    In the first year, you need to regularly make feeding for hydrangea, gradually reducing the dosage. It is important to create a plant ideal conditions in the first months after a transplantation, not allowing drying and stiring water in the roasting zone. When hydrangea is strengthened, it will begin to develop and blossom.

    Incorrectly selected fertilizers

    If hydrangea to reconcile nitrogen fertilizers, young shoots will not have time to drain to frosts. Vulnerable branches will die during frosts together with floral kidney. To save young perennial shoots, nitrogen fertilizers need to be made in spring. At the beginning of the growth of bushes on 1 m² of soils, 25 g of urea, 40 g of superphosphate and 35 g of sulfur potassium are made. This will allow the plant to form a lush greens.

    When the first buds appear, the amount of nitrogen feeding is reduced. Otherwise, all the forces of the plant will be spent on the formation of greenery, and not on the flowers. To maintain the rain flowering of 1 m² of the Earth, 80 g of superphosphate and 45 g of sulfur potassium are fertile.

    When the plant is flashing, it is necessary to put 15 kg of compost or reworked manure. Fertilizers will help perennials safely to overreim and save kidney for flowering next year.

    Frozen winter kidneys

    Hortensia blooms on the shoots of last year. The kidneys of future colors are laid at the autumn time. If the plant is covered on the eve of winter too late or open in the spring very early, the kidneys can damage frosts. Some shrub varieties (Endless, or Forever & Ever) bloom on the shoots of the past and current year. Flowers may appear on them, but in much smaller quantity than usual.

    To avoid freezing the kidneys and ensure lush flowering, it is necessary to cut down the lower sheets until the middle of the height of the bush. This will allow the shoots to be worn and grate. Protect floral kidneys from frost will help available inflorescences. It should not be cut.

    Before the first frosts, the kidneys are covered with burlap or loans. On the eve of permanent frosts, the remaining leaves are removed, the bush is binding, wrapping it with a burlap or loutrasil and flex a branch to the ground. So that the branches under the weight of snow have not broken, they are laid under them or roller, made of firmly bandaged coniferous branches. Under the root you need to pour pine needles. From above, the plant is covered with a film.

    Film is removed in spring as soon as snow comes out to garden hydrangea Could have ventilated. The bush can be raised. It is necessary to remove Loutrasil only when a stable plus temperature is established. With this method of sheltering for the winter, the plant will bloom earlier than usual.

    Unsuccessful trimming of shrub

    If the kidney of future colors is removed during autumn trimming, the plant in the last time will not bloom.

    Cutting the hydrangea needs to be performed only by necessity. Young plants should not be touched until they start blossom. The perennials appear first colors in 2-3 years. Miscellaneous hydrangea can be bloated only for 6 years.

    In the fall, most of the varieties of hydrangeas can not trim. Spring trimming It is better to exercise in a later date when damage applied by shrub frosts is visible. Remove frozen kidneys, shoots and broken branches.

    The decorativeness of the shrub depends on the proper trimming. Some types of hydrangeas are very developed future education. If you do not cut forward a bush, it will quickly thicken and will bloom less abundantly small inflorescences. On a highly launched perennial, flowers may not be formed.

    It is necessary to cut small twigs inside the bush that do not give full inflorescences.

    To strengthen flowering, last year's shoots should be shortened, leaving 1-3 strong kidney couples. On a thin shoot, they leave one pair, and several inflorescences will fully diverge on the thickness.

    Hydrangea largest blooms from the upper kidneys of last year's shoots. Therefore, it is important to maintain the tops of young sprouts that are not blooming last year. Bottom kidneys on shoots rarely bloom. Old shoots, which are over 4-6 years old, do not give flowers, so they need to be removed.

    Diseases and pests

    The reason why the hydrangea hydrangea does not bloom, there may be grinding of the soil. Even if the flower is planted in the most suitable soil, with time the ground will become more alkaline. Due to the reduced soil acidity in the plant, the absorption of iron is disturbed and develops iron chlorosis (Lack of iron).

    The sign of chlorosis is the standing green streaks on the lifestyle and yellowed background of the sheet plate. Leaflets are reduced in size, twisted and fall. The shape of buds and flowers is changing. They drown and creep.

    It is possible to notice the decrease in the acidity of the soil by changing the color of the infloresception. If blue or blue flowers They began to acquire a lilac color, the soil acidity decreases. On the weakness and neutral soil will bloom the pink hydrangea.

    Often sick chlorine hydrangea, growing in soil rich in lime. Carefully endure lime in the soil only tree hydrangea.

    To cure the plant, you need to prepare a solution of potassium nitrate. It is prepared from 40 g of potassium nitrate and 10 liters of water. The composition is watered by hydrangea 3 days in a row, and on the fourth day they bring sulfur sulfate iron.

    Quickly and easily solve the problem of chlorosis with rust. It is scrupled from large metal objects and mixed with roasting soil. Near the roots you can bury rusty nails or tin covers.

    To prevent chlorosis development, you need to regularly water the shrub special fertilizer for hydrangea.

    In the spring chlorosis can develop due to sharp fluctuations in temperature in day and night. The exchange of substances in the plant is broken if the roots are in cold soil, and the ground part warms up solar rays. As the soil warms, the plant is restored.

    In addition to chlorosis, flowering can be prevented by blooming, web tick and mildew. They interfere with plants to develop, slowing down the flowering process or stopping it. To combat pests, modern funds on a biological or chemical basis are used.

    Invalidly selected variety

    Large hydrangea not so long ago began to land in an open ground. Many of her varieties are painfully transferred climatic conditions In the northern and northwestern regions. If the hydrangea is provided with proper care, it can take care and form a healthy bush. But the blooming gardener may not wait. The reason for the lack of colors on the bush may be too short summer. Perennial does not have time to form kidneys for flowering for the next season.

    To enjoy the magnificent hats of the scenery of the hydrangea, it is better to select unpretentious varieties. For northern latitudes, a white tree of hydrangea is suitable. It is rarely amazed by pests and diseases, it has frost resistance and does not die in drought. The plant will delight inflorescences for the next year after landing in the ground. The most popular in the north is the variety of tree hydrangea Annabelle.

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