What to do if the blizzard is not bloated. Hortensia does not bloom what to do

Encyclopedia plants 01.06.2019
Encyclopedia plants

Tree hydrangea

This type of plant is the most unpretentious. It is he who begins to grow inexperienced gardeners. Hydrangea tree can be different colors. Usually in nature there are flowers of a white and dark pink shade. Annabel is a variety of this type of plant. He is familiar to everyone, and its bushes reach 2 meters. Annabel has large and fluffy inflorescences.

Miscellaneous hydrangea

Also in nature can be found. This plant moves perfectly perfectly. Usually it can be found in the squares and parks. Hydrangea bushes can reach 1.5 meters in height. Flowers of this type of plants can be a red, cream or lemon shade.

Room Hydrangea

This type of plant is considered the most capricious. He is unique, so can change his coloring. This occurs when the ground acidity change. This type of hydrangea is designed for room growing. Coloring may be the most diverse.

Current hydrangea

This type of plant can be grown near the arches. Its bushes reach 2 meters long and can reach all the arches without support. But the plant is not able to endure the cold climate.

Plant does not bloom

Many novice gardeners are often wondering why hydrangea does not bloom, but gives only foliage? If this happens, first of all it is necessary to identify the cause.

First, the cause of the non-bloom of the plant may be the wrong work on trimming the shrub in the spring.
Secondly, insufficient soil nutrition could be carried out. Gardeners because of their ignorance could poorly water the soil and poorly illuminate the sections of the plant.
Thirdly, the root system could not fully develop.
Fourth, the buyer may notice that the plant in the store bloomed perfectly, and on arrival home it quickly brought. In this case, most likely the seller used blossom stimulants. Because of these drugs, the plant may not bloom for many more years. We advise in this case to use the activator of plant growth in order to give feeding the flower.
Finally, hydrangea may not bloom due to moving in winter.

The flower may not bloom because of not correctly chosen land. It is very important to find its soil acidity, since for different plants She is his own. Another reason for the illness of hydrangea is considered an irregular transplant. The gardener due to their inexperience transplanted the plant in a close capacity or, on the contrary, in too wide. When transplanting the gardener could damage the roots.

Often, gardeners are wondering why not blooming miscellaneous hydrangea, and gives only foliage. This can happen due to incorrect nutrition. That is, if the plant is reconciled large quantity nitrogen fertilizers. Many varieties of plants require rest to get the forces before flowing in the spring. Some plants try to put on sunny side, and some in the shadow.

The reason for the lack of flowering in hydrangea can be dry air. If the air temperature is too high, then spraying the plant, you help to remain fresh for a long time. Hortensia is able not to bloom and do not tie the buds if the pests are amazed. At first, the plant can bloom, but with a strong spread of pests, it will lose buds.

Due to incorrect trimming, hydrangea may not bloom. The wrong irrigation process also negatively affects the flowering of the plant. For successful blossoms of the blurred hydrangea required fertile soils. The plant loves an clay structure, and the sandy does not like. When planting hydrangea, if the soil is not acidic, then you will need to add sawdust and coniferous greens. Plant requires wet soil.

It is also not a big secret that Hydrangea prefers making. It is feeding that it is ready to effectively influence the flowering of the plant. You can feed the hydrangea to soluble coffee, scattering it on the surface of the Earth.

Hydrangea does not bloom due to the fact that she is young, and the root system is still poorly developed. It is very important to correctly care for the plant. Knowing everything possible reasons Not blooming hydrangea, it is worth making and conclusion to continue to prevent such mistakes.

- beautiful but capricious flowerthat does not always justify the expectations of the flower water, and does not always bloom in response to caring care. What is the reason for this phenomenon, why room or garden hydrangea refuses to bloom, and what should I do to correct the situation? There are a lot of answers to these questions, let's look at them together.

Right choice when buying

When buying a room or garden hydrangea, you should pay attention to whether the buds are on the stems. If the answer is positive, it means that the sellers watered hydrangea in bloom stimulants, forcing her blossom to give " commodity type" The young plant has already spent a lot of strength on the formation of buds, and after the transplantation may not bloom for two years, or does not fit in a new place at all. What to do in this case? Transplant bush in another pot or in open sad Together with the land, so that it is better adapted in a new place. And after the adaptation period, start feeding it with mineral fertilizers.

To answer the question: why does not bloom in hydrangea, you need to know what kind of plant you buy. Some types of hydrangea in young age can not bloom, or bloom bad because they have not yet accumulated enough useful substances for a beautiful and lush flowering. After all, the inflorescences of most hydrangeas are large, the bush spends a lot of strength on them.

Do not immediately bloody such types of hydrangea, such as garden largest, tree and blurred hydrangea. The first 1-2 years after the landing, they goes to the development of the root system, then it is going to strengthen the above-ground part if both stages of the plant have passed successfully, it will begin to bloom only on the third year.

And also - for landing in open ground, choose the zoned hydrangea varieties. If the summer in your area is too short, flower kidneys will not have time to form, and the flowering will not be.

The effect of trimming on blossom

Improper pruning is another factor that has a significant impact on the flowering of garden or room hydrangea. In order not to wonder: why does not bloom in hydrangea, it is necessary to trim it correctly. Moreover, the concept of "correctly" for each type of hydrangea is individually.

So, in the spring, in the fall, only the sworded inflorescences are cut off so that they do not break under the weight of the snow. If the hydrangea is not blooming in the summer, it means that it is not necessary to trim at all.

In the spring, the snowstorm is cut down to the dissolution of the kidneys, if you miss the trimming time, the development of the plant will be suspended so much that this season it does not bloom. When trimming, weak and small shoots are removed, as well as shoots that are frozen in severe frosts. Annual shoots cut off so that 3-4 pairs of kidneys remain on them.

Hydrangea is largely blooming only on the shoots of last year, more precisely - on young branches that grew up on last year's shoots. And if when cropping, remove last year's shoots, there will be no flowering. Trimming large hydrangea It is carried out only to remove damaged stalks and last year's inflorescences.

The soil hydrangea flowers blooms on young shoots of this year. Its trimming is in shortening too long young branches, thanks to which the bush becomes more branched, and blooms abundant.

From this we can conclude: so that the hydrangea is blooming, it is carried out with its species features, otherwise you can never see her blossoms at all. It is not necessary to forget that hydrangea growing in the wilderness blooms without any trimming, therefore, at home, it is not necessary to take unnecessary to this operation.

Right wintering

To protect the hydrangea from severe frosts, it is started to cook it in the fall. In the area with a warm climate, it will be enough to cut inflorescences, and to bite the bush agrofiber, and where the temperature in the winter falls below 25 degrees, it is necessary to make a more reliable shelter.

Old inflorescences are cut, branches are flexing to the ground and fall asleep peat, earth or sawdust. For this, the bush shares the boards to get a box - in it and put the branches. In order not to bend them too much, first put dry grass or leaves on the ground, and branches are laid on this pillow. The box is also shaped on top of the boards, after heavy snowfall, it is additionally insulated with snow.

In the spring, with the onset of heat, the whole design is cleaned, the plant is rejuvenated by cropping. In the case of spring frosts, which are so frequent in Russia, the bush needs to be covered with agrofiber - if floral kidneys, which have just begun to develop, will not be frozen, there will be no blooming plant this year.

Caprises of a home flower

Sometimes not blooms hydrangea room, growing in favorable conditions. What is the reason, and what to do in this case? Let's start from afar - in the fall room Hydrangea Can completely reset the leaves and leave on peace. At this time, it is carried in a dark, cool room, watering cuts, spending them only to the roots do not dry and with the beginning of spring the plant began to grow and blossom.

At the end of winter, the room hingedzia is carried into a bright and warm room, they begin to water and feed well. At the same time, you should not put a pot with a flower under the straight rays of the sun - hydrangea prefers coolness and scattered light. If the room temperature is too high, they are trying to create special conditions for hydrangea - remove it away from the window and heating devices, often ventilated, without exposing the flower to drafts. Hydrangea does not like sharp temperature drops, this feature should also be considered.

Soon, the new shoots will begin to grow from the roots on which inflorescences are formed. If there are too much shoots, some of them are removed, leave 3-4 the strongest and large. The remaining stalks are feeding with mineral fertilizers. Good fertilizer For hydrangea, the fresh coffee is scattered on the surface of the soil in the pot.

Every 3-4 years, the hydrangea is transplanted to a new place, for this they make soil with an acidic reaction from peat, needle, sheet and turf. You can use the finished soil for Azalei, adding a bit of needles.

Teploud perennial shrub Hortensia comes from Japan and first bloated in the XVIII century. Initially, the plant was only indoor, but experts "moved" Hydrangea to open ground. Hortensia know how a frost-resistant plant, which for many years will delight the eye on the flower bed in a temperate climate.

Varieties of blooming hydrangea

Today, a variety of variety of varieties and types of flowering hydrangea are available:

  1. Daboliste. Brought to moderate latitudes from North America, the advantage of the view in frost resistance - the plant withstands the temperature to -29 degrees. Among the popular varieties of Tennessee Clone, Applause (Epplause), Little Honey and many others, which are characterized by blade leaves (oak) up to 24 cm long and big flowers up to 3 cm in diameter.
  2. Pillya. Low-growing multi-year bush. Varieties: "Bluebird", "Golden Sunlight" (Golden Sanlay), "Veerle". A spreader plant with a toothed leaves and inflorescences up to 8 cm in diameter. A distinctive feature of the variety is the painting of flowers - a bright, rich blue shade.
  3. Cherry. The plant is a leaf full liano with air roots, total length Hydrangea can reach 25 meters at proper care. This type of flowering hydrangea is used by florists for decoration arches and pergol. The variety of plants is distinguished by a large variety of blossoms in color and form, but main feature - This is a spicy fragrance. Often, such a hydrangea is called climbing or plenty.
  4. Garden largest. Another name is broad-sized, large. Decorative View Flowering hydrangea for disembarking in open ground, not less than 130 cm high and straight egg-shaped leaves, as well as spherical inflorescences. Flowers are large up to 3 cm, as a rule, pink colour. The shoots of the current year are herbaceous and green, weigh the next year. The most common blooming varieties are "Forever & Ever", "Romance", "Red Sensation" and many others.
  5. . The name of the culture is directly related to the form of flowers, which are associated with a panicle and reach a length of 20-25 cm. It is a bush tall up to 2.5 meters high, which perfectly transfers low winter temperatures and has a thick crown. Varieta: "Vanilla Freiz", "Diamond Rouge", Limelaight. "
  6. Tree. Plant feature - high tolerance to cold and strong, abundant bloom. The tree grade is a high shrub, up to 160 cm by oblong leaves and small flowerflowers in inflorescences. Often the flowers of this species are called white bush hydrangea. This species Flowering culture is represented by popular varieties like "Grandiflora", Pink Anabel (Pink Annabelle).

When and how much hydrangea bloom?

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase yield by 50% In just a few weeks of application.
  • You can get good vintage even on low-grade soils and in adverse climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

Features of flowering hydrangea

Hydrangea Flower received a name due to the sister of Prince of the Sacred Roman Empire of Charles Heinrich Nassau-Siegen Princess Hortensia. The literal translation of the name is "water vessel", which means to get abundant bloom, can not be left without a melting moisture.

If the hydrangea landing is carried out at the beginning of spring with high-quality soil fertilizer, a bush by mid-summer can please several inflorescences.

What year after landing will bloom the hydrangea depends on the region.

On average, the plant will bloom 3 years after landing, it is necessary to take into account that at 2 and 4 years of landing does not bloom.

Culture completely tolerates light shadow and half.

Why does not bloom in hydrangea?

If it is incorrect to take care, often it happens that the shrub does not bloom.

To succeed, it is necessary to find out the reasons and eliminate them:

  1. Incorrect soil fertilizerNamely, the excessive use of potash-phosphate elements will lead to the oversaturation of the soil. It is necessary to enter into the soil throughout the spring, summer and autumn, in winter time Use is strictly prohibited.
  2. Too severe trimming Hydrangea crowns will lead to the fact that the inflorescences are nothing to develop. In the spring, you can cut only dry twigs and growing inside the bush so as not to interfere with the formation of the crown.
  3. Unfinished care Before the winter will lead to the movement of the shoots of last year, so it is important to take care of the high-quality shelter of the Kush's crown for the winter. It is worth removing the nakanny dense material after frost and a decay of spring drops of temperature.
  4. Hydrangea does not bloom if the kidney is damaged. It happens with varieties having large leaves. The kidneys are formed from above on the shoots of last year. Blossom occurs on these shoots, so it is important for the winter period to cover the flower completely so that the kidneys do not froze.

How to achieve the flowering of hydrangea in the garden?

For cultures in the open ground, subject to all rules of care to increase flowering and that the plant bloom faster, use the following techniques:

  1. Early suspension of growth Perform in November or early December, in this case the first bloom can be waited at the beginning of March.
  2. For speedy blossom The warm watering method is used, for this, water from the early spring months with water at least 35-36 degrees.
  3. With the advent of the first sheets And the shoots watering the shrubs double, and also additionally use spraying Pi temperature at least 14 degrees.

For hydrangeas in the tubs and in pots there are other ways to speed up flowering:

  1. Heat bathsWhen the pot hold 10-12 hours in a pelvis with warm water (36-38 degrees).
  2. To ensure flowering In December - January, it is necessary to perform activities on additional electric lighting. For this, tubs and pots put under the lighting lamps for 8-10 hours at a time, especially at night. Such an event accelerates the beginning of education of inflorescences for 15-20 days.

Flowering room hydrangea

Home Flower Care Rules:

  • Adult home hydrangea bush Crop by 25-30 cm from the ground, planted for winter in the ground.
  • Qualitatively covered with dry leaves, yelnik.
  • In the spring stems to cut to the very base.
  • After updating the crown in August, plant a plant back to the tub.

Tips for choosing a size pot:

  • With one escape on the bush, they choose a tub with a diameter of no more than 10-12 cm.
  • Two or three escapes - it is better to give preference to a pot with a diameter of up to 15 cm.
  • For a large bush - 18-20 cm.

Care after flowering

The hortensia of the battle and tree grade is cut into high quality, but the large-scale does not touch the largest, because it blooms on the shoots of last year. The care for the perennial after flowering must be carried out either late autumn, or transfer all the events for the spring. When flowering passes, the inflorescences must be safely removed from the bush.

How to do pruning?

Trimming technique is divided into two main types:

Hortensia miscellaneous variety Crop to old branches, leaving several major shoots. Room hydrangea conducts gentle trimming, forming a shrub crown and several updating old branches on new ones. The event is carried out in late autumn.

Updating bush if it is performed correctly, it is completely safe and will allow you to buy a large luxuriousness and pomp.

Preparation for winter

Before the offensive winter periodThe hydrangea is covered with a dense tissue, natural, transmitting air. Tolerant to the cold - a tree hydrangea, but also shelted it for the winter.

Step-by-step plan for preparing a long-term plant for winter:

  • In the 20th of September, extra leaves are removed, according to the recommended trimming scheme. This will ensure the decoration of shoots and strengthen the bush.
  • After that, it is important to feed the soil in potash-phosphate elements to provide a high-quality meal in the winter.
  • It is important to know that in the autumn time, nitrogen preparations are categorically recommended in the soil.
  • After that, cover the bush with woven material.

Transplant of hydrangea

Pereparing a long-term shrub at the autumn time is not recommended, it will cause difficulties with the adaptation of the plant and will lead to death. But, if we are talking about tree hydrangea Or whitewash, specialists allow a transplant in the fall.

It is better to transplant the plant in spring, if possible before the start of the deployment.

For this:

  1. dig holes with a diameter of up to 30 cm;
  2. contribute, pour water bucket;
  3. things blooming shrub tied with twine to not damage them;
  4. to put a bush in the prepared hole and fall asleep the earth.

At the end of the event, conduct a rejuvenating crown crown to make hydrangea, as quickly as possible caught up and launched new roots and bloomed. Blooming Hortensia is undesirable to replant, it will lead to the death of inflorescences and bad survival.

Photo Gallery: Flowering Hydrangea in Garden Design

The stories of our readers!
"I am a gift with many years of experience, and this fertilizer began to use only last year. Tested it on the very capricious vegetable of my garden - on tomatoes. They grew and bloomed the bushes together, the crop gave more than usual. And the phytoofluorosis did not hurt, this is the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives a more intense growth garden plantsAnd they are fruiting much better. Now without fertilizer, the normal harvest is not growing, and this feeding increases the number of vegetables, so that I am very pleased with the result. "

What to feed the hortensia?

The correct systematic feeding of the soil for hydrangea is the key to the durability of growth, lush flowering and a good overall state of the shrub. It is necessary to fell so that the plant moves the wintering and resistant to disease and pests.

For the spring period, the following fertilizer making scheme is used:

  • In the spring The development of the leaves, the bookmark of the inflorescence, the rise of the crown occurs. For this an important element is nitrogen, therefore, for feeding, it is recommended to use solutions of potassium sulfate and urea in equal frequencies 1: 1 and bred in water (10 liters). To pour one blooming bush, not less than 4-6 liters of solution.
  • So that hydrangea received A sufficient amount of nitric acid is used by the dung alive, which is bred in the water in the proportion of 1:10.
  • Before the string of buds It is recommended to make a slightly different composition in the soil, it is necessary necessary a large number of Phosphorus and potassium. To do this, it helps such a drug like superphosphate.
  • For a strong powerful stem The hydrangea is fed by a weak slightly pink solution of manganese. It can only be applied three times for the entire spring season.

In summer to get abundant flowering Hydrangea use the drug "Kemira Flower", as well as the following recipes for feeding:

  • Solutions based on organic, for example, avian litter or manure, divorced in equal shares with water.
  • In summer, limit nitrogen substances.
  • In the summer, lactic acid is well used, in this case it is allowed for watering to use kefir, serum, prostroprious.
  • Effective simple option is the feeding of a broken breaks of bread.

In the fall, especially closely approaching the fertilizer of flowering hydrangea and carefully follow recommendations:

  • Move potassium sulfate and superphosphates. Specialized solutions phosphorus-potash helps a perennial highly prepare for winter, strengthen the roots. For this, 1 tbsp of potassium sulfate is divorced in 10 liters of water and use at least 7 liters to one bush.
  • Make nitrogen elements in the ground in autumn period Strongly not allowed. Otherwise, this may lead to the fact that the plant will be vulnerable to frosts and will not survive the winter. The only thing that is allowed to use is peat and manure in small quantities.

Disease of hydrangea and how to revive the flower?

Among the most common diseases and pests of hydrations are allocated as follows:

Cepty Description:

Covers inner side The leaf of the flowering hydrangea of \u200b\u200bthe cobweb brown shade. In this case, the yellowing of foliage immediately, after which it dries and falls.

How to deal?

As preparations for the struggle with the pest, funds such as Tioffers, Phytoverm use.

Mealybug Description:

The disease caused by milder worms is manifested on the leaves and stems of the bush, they are covered by extensive yellow spots. If you do not take any measures to fight, the stains gradually grow up and the plant dies. The development of such an unpleasant situation contributes high humidity Air and high temperature.

How to deal?

To get rid of the disease, use a solution of copper sulfate, water and green soap in parts 15g: 10l: 150 g.

Chlorosis Description:

The first sign that hydrangea was influenced by chlorosis , There are white leaves that only accommodations remain dark green. It often manifests itself when the ambition or manure or manure is transformed in the soil.

How to deal?

In this case, it is necessary to use a solution of nitrogen potassium 40 g per bucket of water and water 3 times after three days.

Green leaf Description:

If the hydrangea blooming is affected by the green leaf floss, most often in the conditions of cultural growth in the closed soil.

How to deal?

As a struggle and prevention, the method of spraying with a solution of sulfate anabazin solution is used, in proportion of 20 grams per 10 liters of water.

Mushroom rot Description:

Mushroom rotation of hydrangea extends mainly on the roots of the plant. This process stops the influx of moisture, nutrient elements, due to which the perennial is covered with a tint and dies. The reason is the bacteria in the soil (organic additives), which are mainly affected by young rapid plants.

How to deal?

In order to get rid of fungal diseases in a timely manner, the effective preparation of phytoosporin and other high-quality are used.

Snails Description:

Often blooming hydrangea attachment snails (grape and ordinary yarcan). Insects commemorate inflorescences, feed on moisture from the leaves, "steal" nutrient elements From the plant. Often the snails can be seen near the bush in winter, they winter there and in the wreck of the soil of masonry snails. With the advent of the first sunny races, the snails begin to eat even unacceptable shoots.

How to deal?

To get rid of them in the spring period use metaldehyde powder, scattering it around the bush. It is mixed with the soil and blocks the way to snail, not allowing them to get to leaves and flowers.

Gallean nematoda Description:

It is small to sizes of worms, which in the process of vital activity create bloat on the roots. This leads to rewarding and eliminating the plant. The owners of young bushes are most often faced with such a problem.

How to deal?

To eliminate the problem, use a lightweight heat transfer solution for watering roots.

To reanimate the plant, depending on the cause of its diefing, a variety of chemicals and high-quality, effective fertilizers are used.

  • To get rid of light spots on the leaves of hydrangea, it is necessary to save the culture from direct sunlight.
  • If only the tips of the plant are rotated - the problem is in the insufficiency of moisture and dry air.
  • If hydrangea does not bloom, it is possible that the soil must be filtered with nutritional solutions.

Answer questions

Hydrangea is a unique flower, and many inexperienced while gardeners are asked the most common issues on the care and cultivation of a long-term plant.

Answer questions:

  1. Hydrangea bush with inflorescences of different color - how to achieve such an effect?To achieve such an effect is easy, feeding will help in this:
    1. To get a different shade on one bush Inflorescences, you need to bring ammonia-potassium alum divorced in water on one side, divorced in water (10 pcs on 2 liters). So one part of the Hydrangea bush will acquire a blue color.
    2. To obtain sky-blue inflorescences Put the soil salts of iron or you can wear the iron pipe, for later oxidation.
    3. To get a pink Flowers on a bush, you must pour into the soil on one side of the poverty handful of lime.
  2. Is it possible to make the purchased blooming room honestiness bloom several times?Hydrangea unique plant, inflorescences appear from the middle of the summer to deep autumn. But if the flowering period has already passed, it is impossible to force the flower again, even if you transplant it into open ground.
  3. Is it possible to glue a flowering bush?Hydrangea is better to carry out summer period annual cuttings, up to 15 cm long. Blooming bush is cut for cuttings, but at the same time the inflorescences are removed (clipped). In this case, the best rooting of twigs and the landing material is obtained better.


Hydrangea is a beautiful perennial For home and garden. Thanks to the constant quality care, the bustice will be many years to please their owners with chic colors and bright colors. Rasting Hydrangea in the country will be easy even to beginner gardener, if followed the above rules and recommendations.

The heiress of Far Eastern natural species and breeding innovations of the European Collection, Hydrangea (Hydrangea), as they refer to this flower in botanical satin, presented in domestic flower growing in a multiple cool summer and harsh winter resistant:

Among them there are no evergreen forms. Sometimes, for wintering, individual varieties have to transplant in pots and put into the room, but minus temperature Up to 10 ° C, and even -25 ° C, some of the hydrangeas (for example, the battered) are postponed with reliable shelter.

With a row landing, an interval of 1.5 meters is presented to the growth of the bush, but it happens that the bushes grow to 2.5 m in diameter (with good lighting), covering the chapter of inflorescences - each size with the human head. There is no way to do without supports and backups.

A year after planting the flower, if it is for him to care for it, forms a spectacular bush of 5-7 inflorescences, which at a total height of 2 meters and above - a serious application for decorative focus in the garden.

It blooms by the middle of summer, when sunny day becomes more, and at night relatively warmEtzvetets bush by September-October, repeating this cycle to 30-50 times. For 8 years of life, the uterine plant is able to give numerous offspring - up to 50 cloth cuttings.

ATTENTION: Fragrance will not only in warm sunny weather, he is inferior to his southern relatives. Will not please the aroma and flowering plantIn the shadows in the coolness of the North Summer.

Photos of plants

Here you can get acquainted with the photo flowering hydrangea.


The reproduction of hydranshea is most often carried out by cuttings, harvested from flexible roasting shoots (up to 3 intercity with 7-8 cm). Are suitable for breeding and strong cuttingswhich are plugged into the substrate (peat and sand) at T◦20 ° C and humidity - 80%.

For rooting, 5-6 weeks are enough, after which the plants are planted in pots or soil. In pots, seedlings can be overwhelmed with a basement. Blossom attempts are interrupted in the first year.

The division of the bush is breeding in the spring, transplancing "Delinki" to the prepared places. One-year-old tanks can also give life a new plant if they hug them and touch, leaving the top of the escape on the surface.

Grafting occasionally use for varietal changes. Its fulfillment requires special knowledge and skills, so in pomidend gardening not used. The cultivation of hydrangeas from seeds is a very laborious thing, and therefore is not popular.

The cycle of cultivation of hydrangea consists of:

  • reproduction (stalling, decodes, dividing bush, vaccination and seeds);
  • summer care for her (watering, feeding, trimming, mulching);
  • people's period (from October to March - wintering);
  • spring trampling (depending on goals) for single-air - 5-10 cm (potted), 5-30 cm (ground); Wintering plant in the basement can be put up for pasture from February.

How to care?

Summer care

  • regular irrigation (once in 7 days - 20-30 liters) of rain or outstanding water, in the heat - more often;
  • weeding, loosening (to the depth 10 cm) and mulching of the root circle (up to 3 times per season);
  • azotist fertilizer bush during the bookmark of buds (spring) and potash - at the time of flowering (in summer), with regularity 1 time in 2 weeks;
  • sanitary and from 4 years - forming trimming in the open ground, in order to rejuvenate the bush and stimulate flowering;
  • period of care - spring-autumn;
  • preparations for the period of rest: removal of leaves, linking the bush in a bundle, high impairment, setting the support under the underfloor material - the husknik, the film, Loutrasil;
  • with harsh winter, the whole design flood with snow;
  • landing or transplanting new plants in the prepared pit50x50 and depth - as much; The composition of the soil in equal shares: rod, sand, humid and peat;
  • in the first year, the expected growth of the stems is 20-30cm.

Council: Create a support fence around the bush to protect the stems from the seasoning under the severity of large inflorescences.


The period of rest for hydrangeas in conditions of a soft warm climate does not require any protective measures: Only trimming and fading in bundles. After the snowy winter, with the beginning of the co-fit and germination of the kidney, the stems need to be gradually opening the day, checking the bush, raise from shelter, to tie up vertically, protecting from sunburn.

All parts of the growing hydrangea are considered to be poisonous because they contain cyanogenic glycoidids, but in folk medicine The root extract is used as a tonic, wound-healing, diuretic and analgesic.

Required conditions for flowering

Among the gardeners there are two opinions on the cultivation of hydrangea: unpretentious plantAnd - quite a capricious. Based on them - the right and wrong choice of place for landing.

After all, the oppression of growth, poverty of flowering, damage to chlorosis or muced dew - a consequence of unsuccessful placement of the bush, or the choice of the composition of the soil. The plant may also be affected by the excess of the love of the gardener: exorbitantly filled or "stamped" fertilizers.

Optimal conditions for growth:

  1. Well illuminated elevation over the horizon of groundwater, where there is no direct sun, but it is formed halftime.
  2. Natural or artificial protection against constant winds and storm sediments.
  3. Podzolic soils and nutritious loams; Acidness is not higher than PH4.5-5.
  4. Permanent moisturity of the Earth Koma.
  5. Temperature background is not lower than + 12 ° C.
  6. Regular removal of weeds and processes from the root circle.
  7. Forming trimming.
  8. Proper preparation for wintering.

IMPORTANT: In areas with alkaline grounding for well-being, artificial acidifiers are used: lemon or oxalic acid (30 ml per bucket of water), and even rechargeable electrolyte (1 ml per liter of water).

See video about conditions for lush flowering hydrangea:

The opportunity to influence the color - the rare gift of nature man

The beauty of the spherical inflorescences of the hydranshea provides sterile four-petal flowers, bordering the non-smooth small fertile. From the latter is formed seed boxThey are honey, but admiration causes, similar to moths, fruitless flowers.

At the very beginning of flowering, regardless of the variety, they all have a light green color. Only over time it becomes obvious how the color will be swept.

The palette of blooming hydrangea: from the chaste white and pale beige through all the shades of pink to the gentle tones of lilac, blue and blue. It's hard to believe, but infrack of inflorescence Determines the acidity and content in the soil of chemical elements:

  • the presence of AL or FE in the form of alum guarantees all shades of blue;
  • on weakly alkaline soils, sterile flowers will have a pink (natural) color;
  • change coloring contributes to the introduction of peat.

ATTENTION: On sale there are harmless chemical compoundscapable of changing the cooler of inflorescences, with a greater or less intensity in the number of substances made.

Such processing is carried out during the beginning of the vegetation. The regular use of additives gives the uniqueness of the color of the mellowok, irregular - the manifestation of the two.

Special hybrids of hydrangea are derived, which can change the color and very easily "repainted" into the desired color - "Nikkoblue", "Blaumeise" and others. The most difficult to change the color of snow-white varieties, at best their inflorescences can get a slightly pink shade. Affecting non-ferrous samples, you can get complex shades of red and blue - purple, purple.

This feature is influenced by the inflorescence of hydrangea. People revealed an experienced way for a long time: you already drove rusty items or watered a plant with rusty water.

How to extend the joy of loving?

Blooming bush pleases the eye for a few months, cut for a bouquet of inflorescences in water 2 weeks. But thirst to extend the flowering time to the florists on the preservation of flowering hydrangea different ways For a period of up to a year. This is drying:

Such a flower justs in a floristic composition of the year, without loss of color, but then still fading.

Cut flowers for arcing you need at the end of the seasonWhen fertile flowers are actively blooming, and sterile - change the color, fading. It is very difficult to catch this moment: hurry - the flowers will dry for a very long time to the detriment of beauty, get it - from the color will turn into brown. It is not welcomed and plucking the blurred flowers, which can provoke the wilt of the entire sweaters.

IMPORTANT: Hydrangea does not carry drought, but also an excess of moisture to her to harm. Fungal diseases appear from it, they can start roots. Weakened plant is a house for twi, ticks and nematodes.

Watch video about drying ways:

Why does not bloom in the garden and what should be done in such cases?

This is perhaps the most important disappointment of the flower. Well, in the first year - it is clear, she is still early. And then? The reason may be in:

  • incorrectly selected for this region of grade;
  • artificial stimulation of the pre-sale instance, which is visible on the emerging bud;
  • a sharp change of substrate in which the bought plant and garden soil were
  • lack of root system development;
  • early exemption of the bush in spring from frost-protective cover;
  • damage by frosts of the upper buds;
  • improper pruning of stems, with removal of flowering kidney;
  • permanent stay of the plant in the shadow;
  • absence of a set of feeding.

The correct definition of the reasons will help to correctly eliminate them, and wait for the solemn torque: lush flowering of the Hydrangea bush.

It often happens that the gardener buys a flowering hydrangea in a container, landing it into the ground - and she dries out, the flowers are wither. Or after wintering, hydrangea does not bloom - neither on the first or on the second or the third year. Why does not bloom in hydrangea? How can I help the plant? Let's deal with.

Why does not bloom in hydrangea: typical gardener errors

Most problems arise with hydrangea of \u200b\u200blarge-scale (garden, marcoofila, largest), since not all the varieties of this gentle plant Adapted to our conditions. About hydrangea largest and will be discussed.

Moving the kidneys from hydrangea

Hydrangea Large blooms on the shoots of last yearThe kidneys are laid on the tops of the shoots in the fall. If it is too late to hide the hortensia, or to reveal it too early - the kidneys are frozen and the hydrangea will not bloom. What can (and need) do? The leaves remaining on the bush, the bush itself is tightened with a harness, wrap with observer material and film. Around the bush fasten the mulch - dry leaves, straw. With the arrival of frosts, hydrangea is flexible to the ground, fixed with brackets, covered with a sweetheart. In the spring, the hydrangea is revealed gradually, finally eliminating it from shelter with the departure of night frosts, that is, until the beginning of summer.

Wrong cutting of hydrangea

If you are in spring or autumn crumble of the shoots of large hydrangea, whether it is worth wondering why the hydrangea does not bloom. Once again we remind - flowers hydrangea on the shoots of last year, at the top of the shoots.

Incorrect feeding of hydrangea

If the hydrangea to reconcile with nitrogen fertilizers, the plant may not have time to downtreate to the arrival of frosts, and, again, will not survive the winter. Therefore, to feed the hydrangeas, like most of the garden plants, remember one simply rule: in the late spring-early summer we introduce nitrogen fertilizers (for greens), in summer - potash-phosphor feeding (for maintaining flowering), at the end of summer - phosphoric fertilizers ( To help hydrangea to overvil, retaining the kidney of blossoms for flowering next year).

Problems with rising and acclimatization of the root system

First of all, this is the problem of hydrangea of \u200b\u200blarge-scale, which were planted from containers to open ground. It often turns out that the sellers of hydrangeas to give fuel blossoms to irrigate the plant with feeders, organizing a drip watering. Such a hydrangea has a weakly developed root system - it is not accustomed to extract yourself with roots, but received everything ready with fertilizers, yes on a special soil. And when you plan her in your garden, the labored plant is not able to absorb in their weak roots nutrients, and sick in front of your eyes. Without emergency measures, such a hydrangea does not bloom that it does not bloom - it can also abyss.

What to do in this case? Correct the "bear service" of sellers and gradually teach Hydrangea from bait. First, in container blooming hydrangeas no need to cut rootshow often they advise not need them pitch or shake the substrate. The plant and so the strength spends on bloom, and under such conditions the development of the root system hydrangea will not extend. Will wage

Secondly, the first two months make feeding, gradually reducing the dose.

Thirdly, when preparing the landing pit for hydrangea, make sure that the place will be pronted at noon, otherwise the garden hydrangea may not endure the heat, and even the strong watering will not help. In the pit you need to make a mixture of soil from your garden with a nutritional substrate from the hydrangea container, and in the zone at least 20 cm from the roots of hydrangea. Thus, you will help hydrangea to adapt to new conditions.

Hydrangea variety is not suitable for climatic conditions

Large hydrangeas not so long ago began to plant in open ground in our territories, all the time new varieties appear, which praise and convince in the absence of problems when careing. And then buyers, especially from the northern regions of the country, can not understand - why does not bloom in hydrangea. Sadly, but even if all the agrotechnical techniques are observed, the greenhouse seedlings of Hingiennesses are not always for the warm season (if summer - short) have time to lay the kidneys next year. As a result, we get a chic green bush, but hydrangea does not bloom.

Do not torfer Hinghestenzia - let it develop a strong root systemwhich might irrigate the color. At the blurred hydrangeas, this period takes about 6 years. In addition, hydrangea can bloom simply because insufficient irrigation, unsuccessful place, heavy soils ,. Just carefully read the rules, select (if you are new to) - and you will definitely work out!

Tatyana Kuzmenko, a member of the editorial board of the companion of the Internet edition "Atmagro. Agro-industrial messenger"

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