Hydrangea paniculate planting seeds. How to grow hydrangea from seeds

garden equipment 13.06.2019
garden equipment

How to grow hydrangea from seeds from China at home

An excellent decoration of any garden or home will be a hydrangea. This plant has a huge variety, which allows you to decorate your garden in a unique and inimitable way. At the same time, many flower growers prefer to grow given flower from seeds. This article will tell you about how seeds are planted, and what care is then required for a young hydrangea.

Choosing seeds

Reproduction of hydrangea is carried out different ways. In some situations, seeds brought from Asia (China, Japan, etc.) are used to obtain a new plant, where this flower grows in the wild.

If you have chosen seeds as a breeding option, then here you should choose the right planting material. Hydrangea seeds that you will use for growing at home must meet the following requirements:

  • be solid and undeformed;
  • not have traces of illness, freezing, etc.;
  • assessment of the characteristics of the variety whose representative you plan to grow at home.

When choosing planting material, one should evaluate such an aspect as frost resistance. Hydrangea is a flower that grows in the subtropics. Therefore, not all varieties are able to tolerate climatic conditions our country, including harsh winters. If a young plant is planted in open ground, then you should choose those varieties for which at least a slight frost resistance is characteristic.

Planting process

Planting flower seeds does not involve pre-sowing preparation. Therefore, here planting material for growing a plant at home can be immediately sown in boxes specially prepared for seedlings. But some flower growers claim that excellent germination can be achieved by first germinating the planting material. To do this, the seeds are poured onto disheveled cotton wool and placed on the bottom of the saucer. After that, they are covered with another layer of cotton wool. Then we pour boiled water in a saucer and leave the resulting structure in this position for several days.

In this case, you need to periodically check the seeds, as they may become covered with mucus or begin to smell unpleasant. In such a situation, they must be urgently washed in running water and repeat the procedure again. Seeds that have been sent for germination can only be planted when they swell or form a root. If you did not germinate planting material, then planting will be carried out with dry seeds.

When growing hydrangeas from seeds at home, you need to take care of the soil. Optimal is the land that contains peat, sand, coniferous, sod, forest or leafy soil, as well as humus. If it is not possible to do this soil mix, you can use the land recruited from molehills.

If hydrangea from seeds reproduces massively, then wooden boxes can be used to grow it. At the same time, at home, you can use the usual flower pot. Regardless of whether a pot or a whole box is used for growing, the seeds must be covered with glass. An ordinary glass jar is also suitable for a pot.

Consider the planting process in more detail using the example of wooden boxes:

  • in this situation, you need a large enough wooden box, the depth of which should be approximately 15 cm;
  • put soil in the box. At the same time, about 3-5 cm of free space should be left to the sides;
  • then sow dry seeds. Please note that sowing should be done without forming depressions in the ground. From above, they also do not need to be covered with earth;
  • after that, water the soil abundantly with water and put glass on top. It can be replaced with film.

The film is removed when the first shoots have appeared. During this period, it is necessary to monitor the soil moisture. To do this, periodically carry out airing of the earth. By the same principle, seeds are sown at home in a flower pot.

If the seeds are immediately planted in open ground, then the process of planting them is carried out as follows:

  • we dig a small bed;
  • scatter randomly dry seeds;
  • then we trample them down and sprinkle with sand. Instead, you can pour a layer ordinary earth about 1 cm thick.

Please note that seeds should be planted in open ground only when it is well warmed up. Therefore, the best time for this is May and early June. In this situation, the first sprouts will appear in three weeks. Using the seedling method of getting sprouts from seeds, you will get a much younger plant sooner. In this case, the flowering of the bush will also begin earlier.

Using seedling method, when the first two true leaves appear, the seedlings should be planted in separate pots. When the bushes reach 7-10 cm, they can be planted in open ground (if it is spring outside). If the weather outside is not favorable, then we transplant the bushes into a pot with a depth of up to 10 cm.

Remember that for hydrangea plays great importance place of growth. Therefore, before planting seedlings, you need to choose the optimal landing site. This plant loves cool and shady places. When choosing a place, you should avoid the situation of direct sunlight on the flower. Otherwise, the bush will often hurt and burn. Also, the selected location must be protected from strong winds. Hydrangea can be planted at a permanent place of growth in spring, summer or autumn.

"Seeds for seedlings"

Care and cultivation

In order for the seeds to eventually turn out to be a tall and healthy bush, the planted seedlings or young plants require proper care. Care for young bushes involves the following manipulations:

  • top dressing. Fertilizers for top dressing should be purchased in special stores. For this flower, the acidity of the soil should be at a pH of 5.5. If you want to get a bush with flowers of blue color, then care involves the introduction of sulfate, sulfur or aluminum salts into the soil. In order for the color transition to be smooth, these substances should be applied unevenly;
  • watering. Care here involves maintaining constant moisture in the soil. When the top layer of the earth dries up, re-irrigation is carried out. Remember that it is not recommended to flood the plant. Care in terms of creation water regime must be optimal;
  • weeding a bush from weeds;
  • preventive measures aimed at preventing the appearance of pests.

In addition, hydrangea care involves pruning. But there are time limits for its implementation:

  • the first pruning is carried out when the bush has reached 5-6 years;
  • after the first pruning, pruning should be carried out annually.

During pruning, dried and broken branches should be removed from the bush. This procedure is carried out in the spring. As you can see, caring for young bushes is not very difficult. But when you perform all the necessary procedures, your hydrangea will not only bloom beautifully, but will also become a strong and tall bush.

Reproduction of hydrangea and its types

Hydrangea can be propagated in several ways:

  • seeds. This method has been described in detail above. We only point out that propagation by seeds is not the most popular method;
  • cuttings. This is the most common method of flower propagation. the best planting material here are the green cuttings. They should be received in mid-July. The green petiole is the leafy part of the stem, on which there is one or more buds. Petioles, when grown at home, can be placed in a jar;
  • layering. Reproduction by layering occurs in early spring until bud break. The method involves laying shoots in the ground in furrows specially prepared for this. The laid shoots are covered with earth and roots will soon form on them;
  • offspring. This type reproduction involves careful separation from mother bush coppice shoot and growing it to an independent seedling.
  • seedlings. This is the simplest way of reproduction, as it involves only right choice landing sites and the procedure itself.

Guided by the above data, you can easily grow hydrangeas at home even from seeds, which will become a real decoration of your garden.

"How to choose seeds for hydrangea"

Seed selection is one of milestones growing flowers at home or in your garden. This guide will help you do it right.


Growing hydrangea is hard work. It is necessary to protect the plant from drafts and water in sufficient volume. Hydrangea is capricious. Propagated mainly by cuttings, but it is possible to grow from seed. Seeds can be bought at the store, or you can choose from a nondescript flower, just such an unsightly bud contains a seed.

Seeds must be oblong, Brown color and without damage. There are no spots, marks or anything else that can alert you (see the photo for what the seeds look like). Give preference to familiar firms, leaders in the market. Read the reviews so as not to run into a fake. Pay attention to properties, for example, whether a given variety is frost-resistant, how many seeds of this manufacturer germinate.

Please note, since the material is small, it does not need additional mechanical processing!

landing conditions

Seeds must first be prepared, germinate them. Take a saucer, put cotton wool in it, then spread the seeds over it and cover with another layer of cotton wool. Pour boiled water and leave it for a few days.

If from the saucer appears bad smell, needed in without fail rinse everything. The most important thing is to prevent rotting, not to overexpose the seeds in a humid environment. We will sow when the sprout "hatches", but it is possible when the seed is still dry.

Advice! Buy Epin Extra, it is a natural biostimulant, absolutely safe. It costs about 15 rubles, but it protects the plant from stress at the stage of growth and planting. It also strengthens the “immunity” and has a beneficial effect in general. According to the instructions, dilute with water and soak the seeds.

Planting process

Now it's time to choose the soil. You can accumulate and mix in the correct proportions the following components:

  • peat;
  • humus;
  • soddy, deciduous or coniferous soil;
  • sand.

You can also buy now ready land in the shop. Keep in mind that hydrangea is a lover of acidic soil, like rhododendron. The ratio of the above components is 0.5:1:1:1:0.5.

Right place

Hydrangea does not like severe frosts, but prefers coolness. Direct Sun rays fatal for her, the leaves will hurt constantly. But if you still choose a warmer place, take care of increasing watering. Protect the sprouts from the wind. It is better to plant away from trees and shrubs, otherwise they will take all the water.

For the first time, they are sown in containers, pots, then it is possible in open ground (but it’s better not to, because it’s still cold in spring, and hydrangea doesn’t like frost).

In order not to wash off the seeds, watering should be carried out from a spray bottle.

In fact, the landing process itself is simple and clear:

  • Already germinated seeds are simply placed on the soil, they do not need to be pressed in, they can only be covered with sand for drainage, then they are covered with a film, which is removed after the seed hatches.
  • Next, you need to properly care for it.

In about a month there will be good sprouts, they must be planted in pots 7 cm wide. The soil must be mulched.

Care and cultivation

  • A good top dressing will be potash and nitrogen liquid fertilizers. Mineral fertilizers are applied regularly.
  • Be sure to loosen the soil, nothing will grow in dense soil. The top layer must be constantly wet.
  • As for the temperature, the optimum is 17-22 degrees. In winter, they are taken to a cool (9 degrees) room and left at rest, again, constantly monitoring the humidity. Watering should not be as plentiful as in summer, but the soil should not remain dry.
  • Use "Fitoverm" or the drug "Meta" for pest control.
  • It is necessary to cut off the weakest branches and leaves so that the hydrangea focuses on the main stem.
  • You can take it out to the balcony in winter, if the temperature is normal for hydrangeas at this time of the year.
  • The air in the room is necessarily humidified, you can put a sprayer.
  • Direct sunlight is contraindicated, but hydrangea needs bright diffused light.
  • The leaves are best wiped, not washed. Roots, especially in winter, should not stagnate in water.

A little about reproduction. indoor hydrangea propagated by cuttings and division of the bush. It is difficult to grow from seeds, but it is possible.

Features of growing hydrangeas at home

So, this plant loves moisture (lots of moisture!), ambient light, and acidic soil. Top dressing is carried out first in the spring, then two weeks later and further as needed. At proper care hydrangea will delight with flowers every year for several months.

You can change the color of the flower. It is advisable to do this no earlier than two years later, so that the plant recovers from stress. Hard water turns blue buds pink. Hydrangea loves soft rainwater.

Thanks to the wide variety of hydrangea varieties, with minimal care, you can create beautiful flower arrangements on the suburban area and in the garden. Most often, the plant is propagated by cuttings or dividing the bush, but with the development of some agricultural practices, you can successfully grow hydrangea from seeds. This long and difficult process will require patience from the grower, but as a result you can get beautiful shrub with lush flowers while maintaining the original decorative properties.

In the wild, hydrangea lives in Asia, so you can often find seeds brought from China, Japan and others on sale. Asian countries. At the time of buying seed material it should be borne in mind that this plant is thermophilic, therefore, not all varieties are able to withstand the harsh conditions that are possible when grown in Siberia. It is worth giving preference to varieties with increased frost resistance. Seeds that will be used for cultivation should not show signs of damage, disease or freezing.

Hydrangea seeds at home are sown for seedlings in February in special boxes. For sowing, loose nutrient soil is used, consisting of the following components:

  • 0.5 parts of sand;
  • 1 part of leaf land;
  • 1 part of sod land;
  • 1 part of humus;
  • 0.5 parts of peat.

The prepared soil is poured into seedling boxes to a depth of at least 15 cm, leaving 3–5 cm to the edge of the box. Dry hydrangea seeds are distributed over the surface of the soil and watered abundantly. It is not necessary to sprinkle with earth or plant seeds in the recesses. After watering, the box is closed with glass or film. After the appearance of the first shoots, the shelter is removed, and until that time the crops are carefully monitored, periodically ventilated and moistened the soil as necessary.

Hydrangea seeds can be sown immediately in open ground. The procedure can be performed only after the warm weather is finally established. The optimal time for this is in May or early June, when the soil warms up enough. For sowing, prepare a small bed, dig up the soil on it and distribute the seeds over the surface. Having slightly compacted the ground with seeds, a layer of sand or the same soil 1 cm thick is poured on top.

Water the crops very carefully so as not to accidentally wash off the seeds. Seedling care consists in timely weeding and periodic fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers. The first shoots appear in a month. A bed with seeds planted in open ground should be covered with a film if there is a threat of frost.

Using the seedling method of growing hydrangeas allows you to get a young plant much faster. Flowering in this case will also begin earlier. When the seedlings have 2 true leaves, they dive into separate pots. After reaching a height of 7–10 cm, they can be transplanted into larger containers - from 10 cm in diameter.

During the summer, pots with young hydrangeas are taken out into the air for hardening, avoiding drafts and exposure to direct sunlight. In the first two years, seedlings should not be allowed to bloom, so that all the forces of the plant go to active growth. For this purpose, all the resulting buds are cut off. Only in the third year can seedlings be planted in open ground in a permanent place.

Transplantation in open ground

Landing is carried out in April or May - depending on the climate and weather conditions. The soil at this time should be warm enough. For northern regions it is advisable to plant in the fall, in September.

hydrangea prefers wet soil, so you can grow it on a site with a nutrient clay soil, preferably with closely matching groundwater. Suitable neighbors for hydrangeas in the country will be trees and shrubs, and hostas or ferns can be planted on the lower tier.

Hydrangea does not tolerate drafts, so the place for planting it should be protected from the wind, for example, by the wall of the house. Do not plant a flower in an open area, as bright sunlight can burn it. It is best to place the shrub in partial shade.

For planting seedlings, holes are dug, the size of which is twice the diameter of an earthen coma. Peat mixed with soil is laid at the bottom of the planting pit, complex mineral fertilizers are added to flowering plants. The seedling is placed in a hole so that the root neck is slightly above the soil level, and covered with soil. After planting, the plant is abundantly watered with water and the near-stem circle is mulched with peat.


Young hydrangeas are undemanding to the conditions of detention, so it is easy to care for them. It is necessary to water the flower regularly, keeping the soil moist. Irrigation should be done immediately after the topsoil has dried, avoiding overflows.

Be sure to regularly weed weeds and feed the bush with mineral fertilizers. Depending on the composition used, one or another shade of inflorescences can be obtained:

  • With a neutral level of acidity, the hydrangea will be white or beige.
  • In alkaline soil, the color of the buds will be pink or lilac, and high acidity will make them blue and blue.
  • To give the shade of the petals saturation, top dressing with a high iron content is necessary.

Periodic top dressing with organic fertilizers has a positive effect on the growth of shrubs.


Mandatory care item garden hydrangea is a sanitary and formative pruning. You need to cut the bushes from the age of 3-4 years. The procedure is carried out in the spring, in March or in April, as soon as the growth buds swell. Tightening with pruning is not recommended, as the plant will have little time for the development of young branches. First you need to cut tree hydrangea, and then - paniculate varieties. When sanitary pruning, all broken, frost damaged branches, old and weak shoots, as well as last year's inflorescences.

In the second year after planting,forming hydrangea pruning, which is necessary for the correct formation of the crown.

  • Tree-like varieties are cut at the level of the 3rd - 4th kidney. The remaining cuttings are suitable for plant propagation.
  • Large-leaved hydrangea is pruned for rejuvenation and thinning. For this purpose, every fourth shoot is cut, choosing weak and broken branches, as well as shoots growing inside the bush.
  • At panicled varieties only last year's branches are removed, cutting them off by a third. Leftovers can also be used to produce young plants.

Paniculata hydrangea can be formed both in the form of a bush and in the form of a small tree on a trunk. To obtain this form, seedlings with a pronounced stem are suitable. In the spring, one upright shoot is chosen and tied to a vertical support, trying not to damage it. In summer, during the formation of lateral shoots, they are pinched, but not completely removed - they are needed to nourish and strengthen the trunk. With the onset of next spring, the side shoots are cut into a ring. When the tree reaches a height of one and a half meters, they begin to form the pruning of the crown and stimulate lateral branching.

Preparing for winter

The root system of the hydrangea lies superficially, so it can freeze in winter. Preparations for the upcoming cold weather begin in the fall. Bushes spud high and carefully mulch.

Hydrangea shelter for the winter

From mid-autumn, the bushes should be insulated. To do this, young plants are bent to the ground and covered with roofing material, securing the edges of the material with heavy stones. The branches of adult bushes are tied to the trunk and wrapped with spunbond. Around the plant, you can also make a frame of mesh in the form of a cone, and inner space fill with dry leaves.

About hydrangeas, we got acquainted with its types and varieties, with the requirements for growing these lovely flowers.

The question remains unanswered about how hydrangea breeding. Of course, the easiest way would be to buy a seedling in a nursery.

But, firstly, it is still an expensive pleasure; secondly, there is not always the variety that you like and, thirdly, the process of breeding hydrangeas is also a very exciting activity.

well, like this how does hydrangea reproduce? There are at least five ways to propagate it: by seeds, cuttings, layering, offspring, dividing the bush.

Let's get to know each of them a little.

We propagate by seeds

Hydrangea seeds do not require pre-sowing preparation, so they can be sown immediately in seedling boxes.

Seeds should not be planted in the soil. Immediately after sowing, cover the box with glass or plastic wrap. At the same time, of course, do not forget that the soil should be moist.

Shoots will appear in about 20 days. Then we grow the seedlings for two years and only in the third year they can be planted in a permanent place in our garden. By this time, our seedlings should be 30-40 cm high.

Keep in mind that only natural plants reproduce well with seeds. hydrangea, and varieties bred by breeders with this method of reproduction lose their acquired decorative qualities.

Since we will clearly be engaged in the propagation of varietal hydrangeas, we will consider the following methods in more detail.

The best way is with green cuttings

This way breeding hydrangeas is the most common among summer residents.

It is best to do green cuttings at the moment when the buds appear - this is approximately mid-July.

Let's define what is - green cutting. This is the leafy part of the stem with one or more buds.

I advise you to cut cuttings only from young plants. If you already have old bushes, then you must first carry out anti-aging pruning.

Also, note that cuttings cut from lateral shoots (grown on last year's growths) in the lower part of the crown take root better, but it should be well lit. Such cuttings have fairly developed large buds and no signs of any disease.

Still very important point- preservation of moisture in the tissues in the cut cuttings, since the success of rooting largely depends on this. To do this, we cut off the shoots in the early morning, at which time all the tissues of the plant are still filled with moisture, and then, in the process of further work with the cuttings, we carefully monitor that they do not dry out.

We immediately put the cut shoots in the water in the shade and start cutting the cuttings as soon as possible. At the shoot, we cut off the green top with a bud, since it is not suitable for a cutting.

The remaining green part of the shoot is divided into several parts with 2-3 pairs of leaves. After that, we remove the lower leaves from the cutting, and shorten the upper ones by half and carefully place the cuttings in a solution of some root growth stimulator so that the leaves do not get into the solution.

It can be, for example, root, heteroauxin or zircon. We make the solution strictly according to the instructions and keep the cuttings in it for 2 hours, preferably in a dark place.

If you didn’t have any root former at hand, then I advise you to prepare such a solution: dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey in one glass of water. Honey contributes to the rapid formation of callus - a thickening at the end of the cutting, from which the roots grow.

Now you can start planting the prepared cuttings. We plant them with a mixture of peat and sand prepared in advance (2: 1), having previously moistened it. For better rooting, you can cover the cuttings with banks and a couple of times a week (in the absence of rain) we water them directly over the banks.

If the weather is very hot and dry, it is advisable to water the cuttings every day. Cuttings that you have not covered, it is advisable to spray twice a day.

Usually, after 25-30 days (approximately by the second half of August), the cuttings take root and new leaves appear on them.

The jars can already be removed from them, but it would be better to cover the seedlings with several layers of any covering material so that early autumn frosts do not damage our still very young plants.

For the winter, they also need to be well covered. We fall asleep seedlings with fallen leaves, then we install a low frame above them and cover it with covering material.

For better snow retention, you can additionally put spruce branches on top.

In the spring, already rooted cuttings are planted in the garden for further growth. We plant seedlings in a permanent place when they grow enough.

We propagate by layering

It is best to start propagating hydrangeas by layering in early spring, even before bud break.

First, we dig the soil around the bush, then carefully level it. We make radial grooves 1.5-2 cm deep and put one shoot from the bottom of the bush into them.

To prevent the branches from straightening, we pin them with specially made spears and lightly sprinkle with earth.

For a faster appearance of roots, the following technique can be applied: on layering in front of the first well-developed bud from below, we make a constriction from a thin soft wire in 2-3 turns, then when the shoot thickens, our constriction will be pressed into the bark and roots will appear in this place.

By the end of summer, several young shoots should form on each of our layers.

When they reach a height of 15-20 cm, they must be hilled, then every 7-10 days we repeat the hilling. And we do this until the height of the mound becomes 20-25 cm.

In October, we dig up the layers and separate the resulting shoots from each other. Their height by this time should be about 50 cm.

We dig in the seedlings, and in the spring we plant them in the garden. And only a year later they will be ready to land on a permanent place.

Reproduction offspring

Overgrown hydrangea also reproduces well. This method of propagation of hydrangea requires great attention and caution.

To do this, we shoot in the fall upper layer soil and very carefully, so as not to damage the roots of the mother bush, we separate the coppice shoot.

We plant the separated shoots in the garden and leave them there to grow, depending on the condition of the seedling, for one or two years.

We transplant and divide the bush

This method of reproduction is mainly used when transplanting hydrangeas.

It can be used for all types of hydrangeas, except paniculata. It is best to transplant hydrangeas in early spring.

We pre-water the bush abundantly, then dig it out and carefully wash the roots from the soil.

Now you can divide the bush into several parts and immediately plant the delenki in a permanent place, cutting the ends of the shoots and roots.

I recently read about this method of hydrangea propagation, which Victoria Barabash shared with us, in a gardening magazine. Very affordable and original!

If you bought a hydrangea seedling in the fall, then it is just for you.

So, we cut off all the leaves on the seedling, cut off the unripened green shoots and take it out of the container.

Now it must be buried in a prepared trench. We make a trench of such a size that it is possible to lay a seedling in it obliquely, with the condition that the root ball will be lower and the branches higher.

First of all, we cover the roots with earth and compact well. Then we fan out all the branches of the seedling and also cover them with earth.

So that our seedling does not freeze in winter, we cover it with another layer of peat or humus from above.

As soon as the bright spring sun warms the earth, on the branches of our buried hydrangea, the buds will grow.

At first, new shoots will receive nutrition from a common root system, and in the future they will form their own roots.

At the end of summer, dug in this way, we dig up a hydrangea bush and separate the new shoots formed with their own root system.

So, having buried one plant, we can get ten new seedlings with well-developed own roots.

Now, dear readers, you have learned how hydrangea reproduces and you can successfully plant a few more varieties of this magnificent plant that you love on your site, or even replenish your budget by growing seedlings for sale.

I also suggest that you take a look good video about the propagation of hydrangeas by cuttings, in order to visually consolidate the information received.

See you soon, dear readers!

Care For hydrangeas, you should choose sufficiently lit places, while protected from direct sunlight - it is better to put the pot not on the windowsill, but at some distance from it on a stand. The optimal temperature for the plant will be the temperature for the plant - 20 ºC, no drafts and major temperature changes. During the dormant period that comes after flowering, it should be transferred to dark place with temperature 7-10 ºC, where it will be until about February, until the first buds begin to appear. After that, return the plant to normal conditions.

Important! If we neglect the creation necessary conditions between flowering periods, then the next one will not come the next year, but after one.

water the plant summer should be sufficient often and abundantly, in spring-autumn periodmoderately, a in winter, symbolic moisture is enough soil. Water is purified before irrigation - it is defended, filtered or frozen, and then warmed up to room temperature.

Once a month, it is recommended to water the flower with water with a small addition of lemon juice - at the rate of about 5 drops per 1 liter. Hydrangea loves moisture, so it should be sprayed regularly and monitor the humidity in the room. After the appearance of buds, the plant is required regularly (every two weeks) feed with complex fertilizer. Also, the flower needs to be replanted once a year.

Important! When transplanting, pay attention to the level of soil acidity - for plants with white, pink and red flowers, it should be low, with blue - high.

How to grow hydrangea at home from seeds?

grow hydrangea from seed at home - the task is quite difficult. The composition of the soil should contain equal proportions of humus and leafy and soddy soil and half the share of sand and peat. Seeds are usually sown in winter - in February. Crops should be covered with a small amount of soil and sprinkled with a spray bottle, then covered with glass or film. From time to time, crops need to be ventilated and moisten their soil.

Important! The soil must be regularly moistened, preventing it from drying out.

After germination, the glass or film is removed, and after the appearance of the first two true leaves, the seedlings are transferred to deeper containers with soil of a similar composition. Strengthened hydrangea seedlings are transplanted into separate pots with a diameter of approximately 7 cm


Reproduction by cuttings

For this method of reproduction in March, the lower young shoots with several leaves long are separated from the plant. 7-8 cm. Sheet plates should be shortened by at least a third, and two bottom sheet from the escape. The cut line should be straight and pass below last leaf on the 3-4 mm. Planted cuttings at a distance 4-5 cm from each other into deep bowls, deepening into the ground by 1.5-2 cm. It is not recommended to cover them with glass, as this can lead to decay. In the first 7 days, the cuttings must spray often - up to 4 times a day, then less often - 1-2 times. After about a month and a half, the cuttings, together with a clod of earth, are transplanted into 7-9 cm pots.

Important! It is necessary to regularly moisten the soil, preventing it from drying out.

In May, cuttings should pinch for bushiness. Hydrangeas grown in this way will bloom in May - June next year.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

In this way, you can breed plants that give shoots from the root in the spring.

Important! Be careful not to damage the root system of the main bush.

The shoot must be carefully separated from the root of an adult plant and transplanted into previously prepared soil. Recommendations for soil preparation - see "Growing hydrangeas from seeds." Before planting, the separated shoots and their roots must be shortened.


When propagated by children on the lower flexible branches, plants perform a small incision. Next, a small thin stick is inserted into this incision, thus attaching the branch to the ground. The place of the intended separation is sprinkled with a mixture of peat and hardwood and watered regularly. When the children give their roots, they are planted from the mother plant.

Summing up, we note that the most simple method of propagation of hydrangea is dividing the bush, but it requires accuracy and dexterity. cuttings is the most common way - and at the same time the most reliable. Majority plant diseases due either to non-compliance with the rules for caring for it, or to damage by insects.

A photo

Photos of room hydrangea flowers, see below:

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