Why does not flower hydrangea tree in the garden. Why badly bloom hydrangea

Encyclopedia plants 14.06.2019
Encyclopedia plants

Garden hydrangea belong to amazingly beautiful and magnificent plants that look very impressive on dumart sites, Flumbes.

These beauties can reach height to one and a half meters! And single hydrangea, and a composition of several bushes in the garden will always delight the magnificent inflorescences of different colors.

This favors not only the variety of shades of spherical and palate inflorescences, but also the form of the flowers themselves. In the center of the flower bowl there are female flowers, and larger and bright male, which consist of four or five enlarged cups, decorate the edges.

In addition, this plant can be not only a shrub, but also a small tree, and even Liana. Features of the design of the site with the help of hydrangea are endless!

Usually, the period of flowering hydrangea lasts from the end of spring and before the start of autumn. But sometimes gardeners who planted this plant a few years ago and are not waiting for the appearance of inflorescences. It happens that hydrangea blooms badly, and why is unknown.

Causes of lack of flowering

Before looking for the reasons explaining why hydrangea garden does not bloom, and decide what to do, you need to know about some features of species.

So, tree and blurred hydrangea Very demanding on the conditions of content. In addition, young plants will not form inflorescences until they gain strength, but lasts for years.

To say exactly what a year after landing is hydrangea flowers, it is difficult because they have the meaning and quality of the soil, and the level of lighting, and the regularity of watering.

In most cases, this plant does not bloom due to what is it root system Not yet sufficiently developed. If you have acquired blooming bush., landed it on the plot, and bloom smoothly went to "no", do not be surprised.

Unscrupulous sellers often use growth stimulants in order to make the hydrangea blossom. As a rule, two years after such forced flowering plants do not issue inflorescences, gaining strength.

The second reason is the wrong pruning of plants. Old varieties of large-scale garden hydrangeas release inflorescences in the upper part of the shoots that grew last year. If you did not worry about to cover a bush on the winter from frosts and prepare for winter, then these shoots will have to be removed due to frost.

It is quite natural that in the season of flowering your hydrangea will not please in lush inflorescences. Moreover, it will not bloom and for the next few years.

Prothesing of shoots should be made in late October. At the same time, there are several couples of young kidneys left on shoots. In the spring, these young shoots are shortening again so that flowering was more lush.

Bookmark Kidney Hydrangea Sadovaya occurs in the fall. If at the beginning of the spring, when they begin to awaken, frost will hit, they will disappear. It is not recommended to remove the shelter from the bush until the air temperature is set at -5 and above the degrees.

Homeland Hydrangea is middle Asiawhere the climate is different from domestic. When buying a plant in stores, turn attention on the variety Which are well acclimatized for our natural conditions.

The fact is that the thermal-loving hydrangea may simply do not have time for our short summer lay new flower kidneys, so there will be no bloom for the next year.

Although it seems, at first glance, care garden beauty Hortensia is easy, we must not forget that it is caprick. The expected bloom may not come, or it will be scarce, or the boutons that appeared will not be dissolved. The reasons why the hydrangea does not bloom a lot, consider them in order.

Selected inappropriate landing space

Open spaces covered by the Sun almost all day are not at all suitable for cultivation, excluding only a few varieties of Pillya, and she needs a limit - 6-8 hours a day.

If there is no other option, and you want to decorate your plot with luxurious bushes, you have to go to tricks: · The lowered landing - the base is located on 10 centimeters below the soil level, the rolling circle is covered with mulch (peat, sawdust); · Choose from a variety of species G. Miscellaneous, providing regular sufficient moisturizing, or G. Pilly.

Also, a little fit for beauties strongly shaded corners. In a constant shadow, the flowering of hydrangea is very scarce, and most often the buds do not dissolve. All bush varieties do not like the wind. Put them out in protected places, but away from brick walls or fence. Such a neighborhood will soon lead to the oppression of plants.

It is also necessary to choose a well-drained plot, melting or rainwater should not be stamped. Do not put flowers near large trees - it will suffer from lack of moisture.

If the wrong location is the cause of the lack of colors, the bush should be transplant, given all the above recommendations.

Wrong water level mode

Hydrangea, whose Latin name Hydrangea is a water vessel, like moisture. In dry weather, she needed watering so that the ground around her roots did not save. At the same time, it is also important in no case to pour.

Basic rules of watering: ·

in cool weather, it is enough to water once a week;

  • · In hot dry periods - every three days;
  • · To heavy clay soils Moderate watering is carried out less often; ·
  • on sandy and soup - more often and richly;

watering water is needed soft (rain, filtered or accustomed to at least 5 days water).

Each plant requires 1-1.5 buckets of water to watering. Bushes under the age of 3 children need an additional amount of moisture.

Adaptation of the purchased sapling

If a seedling with an open root system is bought (without an earthen coma), problems arise less, he will be happy to find out again in the ground. The main thing is to properly compose soil for him and choose the most suitable place.

The composition of the substrate for landing: ·

  • fertile land;
  • turf;
  • peat;
  • humus;
  • River sand.

Everything is taken in equal shares and is thoroughly mixed. Such a mixture already contains a sufficient amount of organic fertilizers, provides good ventilation of the roots.

It is necessary to bring the acid-alkalic index of the soil to normal - for hydrangea - 5.5-5.6 pH. If the seedling is in a container, the land with the roots does not shake, the roots are not cut.

Important! Very often such kids are fed by chemicals to have an impressive marketable condition. Therefore, to planting material did not experience hard stress, being in normal conditions, in the first year they contribute nutrients In slightly increased doses - by 3-7%.

Unbalanced subcord

Excess nitrogen will result in ejection of young shoots, but they will not have time to drain before the onset of cold weather. As a result, new twigs will be frozen, and floral kidneys will die with them.

Pay attention can not be picked up with nitrogen and during the aging of the flowers. It will provoke the appearance of new foliage, which will prevent the qualitative formation of buds and full bloom. Therefore, fertilizers containing nitrogen are brought only in the spring when vegetation begins and the magnificent greens will be only useful for appearance, and for photosynthesis. The rest of the feeding (for just 3 or 4) are carried out with potash and phosphate salts, and under the winter, the organic is introduced - compost or overwhelmed manure.

Other reasons

1. Incorrect autumn trimming Or improper shelter for the winter depending on the variety, the flowers are formed on the shoots of the past or current year.

That is why autumn trimming is carried out according to the relevant rules. For those varieties, whose flowers are formed on last year's sprigs, very important and timely shelter for the winter. So that young shoots fastened and worn before the onset of cold weather, about 3 weeks before shelter remove all leaflers (and old, and young) to about the middle of the height of the bush.

2. Latching soil. It happens in the event that an initially flower grows in a sheltered medium. To avoid this, you should use comprehensive fertilizers designed specifically for hydrangea. They have additives regulating the acidity of the soil.

3. Diseases and pests. Although all hydransheses have increased resistance to diseases and attacks by pests, care errors can lead to various kinds of lesions.

The most frequent disease is chlorosis - impaired iron absorption. Also possible appearance of mildew, especially at the end of summer, when it is still hot in the afternoon, and at night the air temperature is greatly decreased.

From pests that settle on weakened bushes, the most frequent "guests" are the TLL and cobed tick. As a result, it turns out that the hydransheus does not only bloom, but it does not form buds.

4. Inappropriate grade. Many varieties are absolutely not adapted to the short cool summer of the Northern and Northwestern regions: they grow, give lush greens, but do not have time to lay and fully form floral kidneys.

For landing on its site, it will be necessary to choose those species that actively bloom in the open ground in this region (zoned).

If the choice is still fell on a more thermal-loving plant, it makes sense to grow it in winter Garden Or in a large vase to extend for him the warm season, bringing it to the room.

The main thing when buying hydrangea - Choose the right variety, which in the climate of the region will be able to take root and survive the winter cold. If the variety is selected correctly, the absence of flowers can be caused by one of the factors:

  • Inappropriate climate - hydrangea is a rather thermal-loving plant, transplanting to new conditions may experience stress. In the unusual climate, generative kidneys will not develop. Before buying a flower, it is necessary to find out in what conditions it grew.
  • Insufficiency of the root system: young hydrangea roots are rather fragile and weak, after transplanting such plants may not bloom from two to five years.
  • Young plants do not give flowers, for flowering the age of hydrangea should begin with 5 years.
  • Incorrect trimming - in the annual irregular cropping of colors will not be, or there will be very little.
  • Cold - For the winter, the plant must be stolen, acting carefully and carefully. If it is not enough to cover with hydrangea - shoots freeze, if you do it too tight - there is a risk of damaging the branches.
  • Inappropriate feeding - may be one of the reasons why the flowers do not bloom.
  • Scooty soil - the plant is quite demanding about the quality of fertilizers and the soil on which it grows.
  • Artificial stimulation of flowering - if before selling flower dripped drip fertilizers to simulate lush blooming viewNext year the colors may not be at all. In order for the bush to start bringing flowers, he needs correct care.

Having secured the hydrangea of \u200b\u200bgarden babies, you will be able to be an excellent decoration in the garden, and fragrant lush inflorescences will delight the eyes for a long time. Let your hortensia bloom as much as it wishes!

Please note:

One of beautiful flowers, adorning the garden, is hydrangea. But, despite the simple care, some gardeners are wondering why there are no hydrangea hydrangea flowers.

To help hydrangea to bloom and extend flowering, it is necessary to find out what causes the lack of flowering.

Agrotechnical conditions for hydrangea growth

Hydrangea Miscellaneous - shrub, height up to 3 meters, with straight sprawling branches. Small flowers Collected in large inflorescences of a pyramidal form, 20-30 cm long. Blossom abundant from June to October (depending on the variety). The color of the inflorescence varies from white to pink, lilac, blue. Some varieties can change colors of inflorescences with changing weather conditions.

The main conditions for successful development, growth and flowering plants are:

Make a blossom or accelerate the growth of the large-scale variety of the buggy hydrangea can only be compliance with the recommendations when landing and competent quality care.

Causes of lack of flowering

This type of hydrangea is sharply reacting to insufficient (incorrect) care, which is noticeable when the foliage is overly grown in the plant, it becomes very smaller in the size of the flower, while it becomes more rare, not so magnificent, and the color of inflorescence is faded.

The main reasons for the absence of flowers in the Mistelular hydrangea are the following.

Wrong watering

For successful growth and flowering, the plant requires regular watering. In hot weather, we should water 2 times a week, in dry cool weather - 1 time per week.

Watering is carried out by pure stretching water under root, not less than 10 liters of water under each hydrangea bush.

Note! It is important to monitor the root system and the embroidery of the earth coma. The excess of moisture is destructive effect on flowering.

Making fertilizers

With untimely making fertilizers of unsuitable compositions, the plant is experiencing severe stress that negatively reflects on external condition hydrangea. Imagine feeders needed, according to the graph recommended by experienced gardeners:

  • During the landing in early spring And before the start of flowering, mineral (with phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, zinc) and nitrogen-containing fertilizers are introduced weekly under the root. You can mulch the roasting zone with organic fertilizers (household vegetable waste, beveled grass, pasta sunflower, etc.).
  • IN summer period (during the bootonization or start of flowering) 1 time in 7-10 days potash-phosphoric fertilizers are made, the introduction of nitrogen feeding is stopped.
  • IN autumn period (After the end of flowering), phosphoric feeding is made to strengthen and better winter hardiness kidney. You can make a reworked cow manure.

Growing, flourishing and decorating its color Garden hydrangea will be only on fertile, loose, well-moistened and fertilized soil. If the soil acidity is insufficient, it is possible to make some wood ash in the soil ( experienced gardeners advise the ashes of grape vines, fruit trees: Cherries, peach, apple).

Incorrect landing

Landing hydrangea by swelling in a shaded place or under the stacking rays of the Sun on a draft of fraught with a dropping of leaves, lack of flowers or flowering in very small rare inflorescences.

Planting hydrangea

The best place to plant hydrangea is a plot in a half or scattered sunlight, protected from drafts, sharp wind gusts, with fertile soil and sufficient water intake. Landing in a nizine with a constant stagnation of water contributes to the direction of the root system, its underdevelopment, lack of growth and flowering.

Laying hydrangea, planted in the shade of fruit trees, will not bloom, even if you increase watering and feeding.

Wrong autumn trimming

With incorrect trimming when the crown is generated, the shrub ceases to bloom. Proper trimming It is to promine the weak and subtle shoots. You can completely cut only dry branches and shoots growing inside the crowns and thickening bush.

Trim up the upper shoots on which the kidneys are formed in the fall, is strictly prohibited, because From these kidneys in the spring, the buds awaken, which will turn into a luxurious flower.

Insufficient shelter in winter

Despite the fact that the hydrangea hydrangea is the most frost-resistant grade, when growing this species in the northern regions of Russia, it is necessary to cover the shoots in the winter.

The shelter is carried out after autumn trimming with the onset of cold weather when all the inflorescences have already been blowing away. The flowering hortensation bush is tilted to the ground, are covered with agrofrix (Loutrasil) and fall asleep by peat or earth. You can use fallen dry leaves, firing chew.

Important! In no case can not be used for shelter polyethylene filmto prevent greenhouse effect and reloading the root system of shrub.

Bending to the ground of the branch of an adult shrub (over 5 years old) should be extremely careful not to break them.

To remove the shelter follows in the spring when the threat of frosts completely passed. You should not cut dry, at first glance, the branches, since with sufficient watering they can wake up kidneys, which will turn into a luxurious flower with time.

Adaptation after landing

After planting the Hortensia bush, it is important to pay due attention to the development of the plant. At first, after the disembarkation, it is often necessary to water only planted bush to speed up the process of rooting and development. Also make feeding and growth stimulants. First time after planting a sheet can become more faded, light. But with rooting growth of hydrangea, the sheet will become brighter and stronger.

It should also be refracted from buying and planting hydrangea grown in greenhouse conditions. As B. this case conducted drip irrigation, put into the soil a large number of Fertilizers and growth stimulants, which will negatively affect blossoms in the next after disembarking of the year.

Planting hydrangea

The weak development of the root system

Hortensia blooms for the second year after landing, when its root system is sufficiently formed. Young bushes, rebuilt with fertilizers, weak underdeveloped roots - the cause of lack of flowering.

If you do not make the above errors, it will help the plant to overreim and delight your owner with a lush color.

The lack of flowering for several years is another of the problems that beginner gardeners face. The main causes of this problem are the abnormal development (underdevelopment) of the root system, brute force with feeders, excessive watering, a strong freezing of shoots.

Causes of late flowering

If the hydrangea hydrangee began to bloom late, then the reasons can be:

  • ¾ Plant landing in inappropriate non-ground soil with great acidity, heavy, luggy, sandy.
  • ¾ lack of nutrients. The absence of feeding and fertilizer is manifested in the form of the late blooming of the bush, regardless of the varietal accessories and earlyness.
  • ¾ Research of moisture.
  • ¾ damage to fungal infections ( muced dew, phytoofluorosis),
  • ¾ The damage to pests: weevils, aphid, a spider tick.

On a note! You can accelerate blossoms using fertilizers. It is recommended to make comprehensive fertilizers suitable in the composition and varietal affiliation of the plant. Positively proven fertilizers are: Agrikola, "Crystal" (FERTIKA), Pokon, Green BOOM, Floral Paradise.

At home, make sure that hydrangea blooms before, it is possible in such ways:

  • ü Reduce the amount of watering, and then increase dramatically. Similar changes will provoke an artificial onset of flowering.
  • ü Make a light trimming of the youngest shoots to speed up the growing season and get to blooming Hingtones before.
  • ü Thoroughly braid the soil, to climb it with an organicaic, to feed the prostitutes (in 10 liters of water to stir 3 l of fresh sources and rude roots).

To avoid frequent questionsWhen hydrangea is not blooming (later blooms) What to do, it is important to strictly observe the agrotechnological activities that contribute to the rapid development of the root system, timely and abundant flowering.

Select variety

Choosing a type of hydrangea type for landing, it is important to pay special attention Variety, plant matching climatic zone, Requirements for landing and care.

The variety derived for cultivation in the southern regions of Russia, when landing in the northern regions will be either late blooming or not bloom at all.

Proper and proper care helps to grow a healthy plant, and the accelerated growth of the root system contributes to abundant and lush flowering, regardless of the variety and color of hydrangea.

Hello, dear readers! Hydrangea is extremely beautiful in bloom. Her delicate lace sheds of inflorescences looks spectacular in any garden. Hydrangea is gorgeous as a single landed bush on the lawn, and in the role of hedge, screen, landing along the fence. Despite the unpretentious temper of hydrangea,not all gardeners get to achieve lush flowering. Why does not bloom in hydrangea in the garden, but gives only foliage - we will try to understand this issue, without missing any important point.

To achieve lush flowering from its garden pet, you need to know the features of the care and preferences of hydrangea hydrangea in watering, characteristics of the soil, features of trimming, fertilizers, places of planting and plant varieties. But everything is not so difficult as it seems, even a novice gardener can cope with this.

What to do to the hortensia bloom

Grade hydrangea

So, do you know the variety of your hydrangea? Now known about 70 species and varieties of hydrangeas. There are species not only in the usual form in the form of shrubs, but also in the form of small trees, Lian, and both forever green and decades. There are a lot of hydrangea varieties in stores, but not all of them fit our climate, despite the assurances of sellers. Just some types of hydrangeas do not have time to bloom for our short summer season. Perhaps you have acquired exactly such a grade of hydrangea?

In our climatic conditions It can bloom only a small part of the diversity of hydrangea varieties, which exists in the world. Basically, it is hydrangea tree (H. arborescens L.), Miscellaneous (Hydrangea Paniculata Sieb), soil (H. Heteromalla Dipp). Choosing a hydrangea for your garden, prefer proven and unpretentious grades of this amazing plant.

If you are a novice gardener, then stop your grandiflora (Grandiflora). This is an old proven grade of hydrangea, it is the one that grows in the grandmother's garden. Hydrangea grade "Grandiflora" is unpretentious, frost resistant, and lives in our gardens for a long time, but it is not inferior to beauty modern varieties. There are Miseling I. tree hydrangea Grandflower varieties.

If you want bright colors in the garden, then pay attention to the varieties that bloom early. They are also unpretentious in care and remarkably feel in our climate: "Pink Daimond" or otherwise "Pinkie Winki", Vanilla Mills (Vanille Fraise), Fistashkovo-Green Coloring "Lime Light".

Age of hydrangea

In order for hydrangea to grow into a lush color should form and strengthen its root system. Saplings under two years old is not such a developed root system, it is only formed, so in the first years of life, hydrangea is hardly blooming. In some types of scattered hydrangea, flowering does not occur while the bush will not reach the age of six.

Place for landing hydrangea

One of important conditions The flowering of hydrangea is the landing site. Hydrangea love light half or scattered sunny color. Not all types of hydrangea transfer the straight rays of the scorching day sun, but more unpretentious species (sweatshirt and tree) normally feel in the sun, but provided that there is enough watering in the heat. Part of the site where the morning rays of the sun will fall will be the best place for hydrangea.

Hydrangea almost does not bloom under the crowns of trees, especially if they are devoured it. Hydrangea moisture-loving plant, no wonder the Latin name "Hydrangea" is translated as a "vessel with water", so do not land it next to large trees, shrubs that will take most moisture from the ground. Do not land a hortension next to the house under the roof. Falling snow from the roof in the winter can break the branches with the kidneys, and in the next summer season you can never wait for flowering.

Watering hydrangea

In order for hydrangea to bloody, and not allowed only the foliage it needs to be regularly water. In the heat and dry season at least two times a week. Water for hydrangea is better to use the rain, if there is no possibility to collect rain, then use any other water, preliminarily insistent its at least five days. A single watering of the Hydrangea bush is a bucket or one and a half.

Soil for hydrangea

Having wondered: why does not flowers in the garden in the garden, but gives only foliage - pay attention to the characteristics of the soil. The color of hydrangea will become if the soil is well moistened, loose and fertilized. For most varieties of hydrangea, the soil should be weakly acid, and for blue varieties large hydrangea acidic. So if you have a soil alkaline or neutral, then hydrangea is unlikely to bloom in such conditions. Change the soil acidity, and the hydrangea will necessarily bloom.

One of the proven soil oxidation methods for hydrangea is watering a bush with an electrolyte solution (diluted sulfuric acid) used in car batteries, and water, in proportion one liter of water per ml of electrolyte.

Hydrangea does not bloom - perhaps the reason in the wrong fertilizer soil.

Putting in the soil of nitrogen fertilizers stimulates the growth of hydrangea foliage, and potash-phosphorus has a positive effect on the abundant flowering of the bush. But this does not mean that nitrogen fertilizers do not need to be made at all, they should be made only in spring, for the development of the bush crown, and in the summer we introduce potash-phosphorus to maintain abundant flowering. Autumn fertilize the phosphoric fertilizer to help hydrangea to overreim and save the kidneys.

Hydrangea does not bloom due to severe trimming bush

This is one of the common causes of lack of colors on hydrangea. If you cut through all the branches of the hydrangea under the winter, then it will definitely not bloom for the next year, and all because the kidneys that will bloom after the winter are formed in the fall, they must be overwhelmed, and the next season awaken.

Limit autumn trimming Only dry branches without foliage, weak and thin shoots, cut the branches that grow inside the bush, they still do not need them. The kidneys are formed on the tops of the branches, so it is not necessary to shorten the branches of the hydrangea. If our goal is abundant flowering of hydrangea, then it is necessary to take care that her kidneys overwhelmed well, and the next year shot abundant blossomTherefore, it is necessary to take care of the shelter of hydrangea for the winter.

Hydrangea does not bloom due to kidney freezing

Most unpretentious species Hydrangees normally transfer frosts, but lately the winter is low, therefore, to keep the kidneys to spring, it is better to close the hindsy for the winter and the earlier to do it, the better, from mid-September just right. In dry weather, the flexible branches of hydrangea are beyond the earth, you can fix the branches of scrapers. Warring branches with a strong empower to the ground can break, you can put stones, bricks, a layer of fir branches.

After that, they are covered with a busty with observer material. Under the shelter should be preserved good ventilationTherefore, it is impossible to use polyethylene. From above, the material is falling asleep with a layer of peat or earth at 10-20 cm and covered with a snack (fir branches). You can open the hydrangea when frosts finally retrete and the sharp spring differences will end. Such a shelter will save the kidneys from the freezing and the next year you will get earlier and lush flowering.

In principle, in principle, the main reasons why does not bloom in the garden in the garden, after the elimination of which your garden loves should be bloated. Another advice when you buy Hydrangea make sure that it is not greenhouse, such seedlings are very badly joining in the open soil. Choosing a hydrangea in the store, we attract richly blooming specimens, but this is not an indicator of the health of the plant. Most likely, drip watering was used for lush flowering seedlings and a large number of fertilizers, which prevented the development of the root system. It is better to abandon the purchase of such hydrangea, but to give preference not to a blooming instance.

She blooms with me, but the flowers are crime and small, and the shoots are too thin. After fixing the errors, I had one huge flower in the form of a lace cap. Hydrangea is growing under the drain and her crown was strongly jammed by my bush, it was necessary to trim too crushing the branches of the plum. I began to acidify the soil, turn off all weeds under the bush and increased the frequency of watering. Fertilizers have not yet introduced. On the tops of the shoots a lot of new kidneys appeared. The next year I will transfer Hytenzia to a more suitable place for it. Now I do not have a question: why does not bloom in the garden in the garden, but gives only foliage? Successes to you in gardening!

Related Materials

It often happens that the gardener buys a flowering hydrangea in a container, landing it into the ground - and she dries out, the flowers are wither. Or after wintering, hydrangea does not bloom - neither on the first or on the second or the third year. Why does not bloom in hydrangea? How can I help the plant? Let's deal with.

Why does not bloom in hydrangea: typical gardener errors

Most problems arise with hydrangea of \u200b\u200blarge-scale (garden, marcoofila, largest), since not all the varieties of this gentle plant Adapted to our conditions. About hydrangea largest and will be discussed.

Moving the kidneys from hydrangea

Hydrangea Large blooms on the shoots of last yearThe kidneys are laid on the tops of the shoots in the fall. If it is too late to hide the hortensia, or to reveal it too early - the kidneys are frozen and the hydrangea will not bloom. What can (and need) do? The leaves remaining on the bush, the bush itself is tightened with a harness, wrap with observer material and film. Around the bush fasten the mulch - dry leaves, straw. With the arrival of frosts, hydrangea is flexible to the ground, fixed with brackets, covered with a sweetheart. In the spring, the hydrangea is revealed gradually, finally eliminating it from shelter with the departure of night frosts, that is, until the beginning of summer.

Wrong cutting of hydrangea

If you are in spring or autumn crumble of the shoots of large hydrangea, whether it is worth wondering why the hydrangea does not bloom. Once again we remind - flowers hydrangea on the shoots of last year, at the top of the shoots.

Incorrect feeding of hydrangea

If the hydrangea to reconcile with nitrogen fertilizers, the plant may not have time to downtreate to the arrival of frosts, and, again, will not survive the winter. Therefore, for feeding hortensia, like most garden plants, remember one simply rule: in the late spring-early summer we introduce nitrogen fertilizers (for greenery), in summer - potash-phosphoric feeding (to maintain blossoms), at the end of summer - phosphoric fertilizers (to help hydrangea to overreim, retaining kidney of blossoms for flowering next year).

Problems with rising and acclimatization of the root system

First of all, this is the problem of hydrangea of \u200b\u200blarge-scale, which were planted from containers in open sad. It often turns out that the sellers of hydrangeas to give fuel blossoms to irrigate the plant with feeders, organizing a drip watering. Such a hydrangea has a weakly developed root system - it is not accustomed to extract yourself with roots, but received everything ready with fertilizers, yes on a special soil. And when you land her in your garden, the plated plant is not able to absorb nutrients with its weak roots, and sores in front. Without emergency measures, such a hydrangea does not bloom that it does not bloom - it can also abyss.

What to do in this case? Correct the "bear service" of sellers and gradually teach Hydrangea from bait. First, in container flowering hydrangea no need to cut rootshow often they advise not need them pitch or shake the substrate. The plant and so the strength spends on bloom, and under such conditions the development of the root system hydrangea will not extend. Will wage

Secondly, the first two months make feeding, gradually reducing the dose.

Thirdly, when preparing the landing pit for hydrangea, make sure that the place will be pronted at noon, otherwise the garden hydrangea may not endure the heat, and even the strong watering will not help. In the pit you need to make a mixture of soil from your garden with nutrient substrate from the hydrangea container, and in the zone at least 20 cm from the roots of hydrangea. Thus, you will help hydrangea to adapt to new conditions.

Hydrangea variety is not suitable for climatic conditions

Large hydrangeas not so long ago began to plant in open ground in our territories, all the time new varieties appear, which praise and convince in the absence of problems when careing. And then buyers, especially from the northern regions of the country, can not understand - why does not bloom in hydrangea. Sadly, but even if all the agrotechnical techniques are observed, the greenhouse seedlings of Hingiennesses are not always for the warm season (if summer - short) have time to lay the kidneys next year. As a result, we get a chic green bush, but hydrangea does not bloom.

Do not rush Hortensia - let it develop a strong root system that could focus color. At the blurred hydrangeas, this period takes about 6 years. In addition, hydrangea can bloom simply because insufficient irrigation, unsuccessful place, heavy soils ,. Just carefully read the rules, select (if you are new to) - and you will definitely work out!

Tatyana Kuzmenko, a member of the editorial board of the companion of the Internet edition "Atmagro. Agro-industrial messenger"

Hydrangea will not meet in a bouquet. The reason for this is appearance. The flower is so beautiful that it is a pity to tear it from the bush. It happens that the plant refuses to bloom. It is very worried about gardeners and beauty lovers. Why do not bloom in hydrangea, read in the article.


The genus of this plant has up to eighty species. Hydrangea has a different name - hydranshea that translated from the Latin language means "water vessel". The birthplace of the flower is the country of the rising sun.

Hydrangea is a bush to sixty centimeters high. Some garden species This leavefall decorative plant Have a high frost resistance. The texture of large dark green leaves is rough, edges of the toothed. Flowers of white, red, blue and collected in huge inflorescences of a spherical or conical shape. Stunningly beautiful plant!

How to make Hortensia garden blossom?

  • To put it on the sunny and wind-protected area.
  • The land under the plant should be mulched peat, thick layer.
  • When the shoots appear, they need to pinpoint them.
  • So that in the spring is not wondering why the hydrangea garden does not bloom, after the listed preparatory workIt should be covered on top of a box, pre-upholstered thermal insulating material.

  • With the onset of spring, as soon as the snow melts, the hydrangea needs to be opened so that it does not sing. But, if suddenly the temperature starts to drop, cover again. The fact is that when the plant is freed from the shelter, they begin to shoot closer instantly, and even a small frost can destroy them.
  • Fertilize the hydransheus is recommended by special fertilizers: "Florena" or "Rosop".

What to pay attention to the purchase of planting material?

By purchasing flowers, it should be carefully examined by seedlings so that in the future there was no question of why the hydrangea does not bloom. If they have buds, it means that the flowering has been stimulated. They were watered by a drip method with the addition of fertilizer into the water. Such plants, if you get them, there will be no blooming for a couple of years, and it will be perished at all. After planting a seedling in the ground, it is not recommended to drastically change the usual growing conditions. The plant needs to be adapted, rooted. For this, for two months, with a period of two weeks, fertilizers should be made in the soil. It will teach the roots to independently extract food from the soil.

Why do not bloom hydrangea? This can occur due to poorly developed root system. So that the seedlings quickly increase it and in the future abundantly bloomed, it is necessary to mix the garden soil with the substrate during the landing, the amount of which should not change the structure of the soil.

Why do not bloom hydrangea in open soil?

This flower has many varieties. So, for example, hydrangea garden largest can grow long years on the plot, please the eye shape of the bush, the color of the leaves, but not blooming. Young tree and blurred hydransheses also do not bloom, since they do not have enough strength or they are provided to grow no appropriate conditions. But it happens rarely, do not be afraid. Why does not flowers hydrangea in the garden? There is a lot of reasons, consider some of them on the example of large hydranshex:

  • Hortensia, planted recently, may not be bloated, as its root system is not yet sufficiently developed. Over time, when the plant is strengthened, everything will work out. It happens when the soil dropped in this case a couple of years will have to admire the beauty of the forms of the bush and leaves.
  • Many gardeners regularly cut into the upper part of the previous year's shoots, considering it correct. Alas, you should know what exactly the hydrangea flowers appear.
  • If flower kidneys will suffer during spring frosts, it is likely that the plant does not bloom in this year.
  • Often the question arises about why the hydrangea is not blooming on the street. Yes, they simply chose the view not suitable for your climate, that's all. Other reasons may not be. It is known that northern regions They differ short in summer, and flower kidneys simply do not have time to mature.

Preparation of hydrangea to winter

This culture is well tolerated winter time of the year. But why does not flowers in the spring in the spring, after the frost period? The solution of this issue may depend on how well the hydrangea from low temperatures will correctly be protected. The most important thing is to protect against the drain of the top of the shoots. And for this, show care in September, the cover of the shrub Loutrasil or the film, since the end of the month is always freezing. But the flower is still early to hide the flower.

One of the reasons may be uncomfortable wintering. Therefore, so far the land is not freezing, it is necessary to cut the inflorescences. Top part Escapes should stay, kidney will be laid on it. The branches of young plants are flexing in the ground and together with roots fall asleep peat. If you do not have it, then the earth. Five-year-old hydrangeas and older branches are very fragile. To do not break them, the stones are put in the root zone, then the pillow from the husterie and leaves. All this is closed on top of the boards and is sprinkled with a thick layer of land. Work should be done carefully not to injure the plant. In the spring, the mound gradually is cleaned. The plant is rejuvenating: all damaged and sick branches are trimmed.

What do you need for flowering at home?

Many owners are interested in the question of why no hydrangea houses blooms. To make it do it, you need to ensure the correct care. To do this, you need to determine the hydrangea in a bright room, which is always ventilated, but so that sun rays Directly did not fall on the leaves.

The flower prefers the acidic soil, which should always be wet, is the most important thing for hydrangea. Therefore, it needs to systematically water and spray on top. In the spring, it is not bad to endure the plant on fresh air, And the shoots appear from the root on half the length to pull out, leave only the strongest.

  • Why does home hydrangea blooms? The reasons may be much, but one of them is the temperature difference in the room. It should be stable, especially during flowering.
  • If the plant suddenly stops blossoming sharply, it is recommended to cut off the shoots half.
  • It is very important after 3-4 years to change the plant for a new one. This will provide its annual bloom when complying with all rules for care.

  • In order not to arise the question of why Hydrangea does not bloom at home, insult and exclude such a reason as a transplant and replacement of the Earth. This procedure must be repeated every year. Replanting the plant, you need to disintegrate the earth at the roots. You can use the primer for azaleas, mixing it with the ground and the flour of horny. Good fertilizer Serves sleeping coffee. It can be mixed with earth or scatter on its surface. It is possible to facilitate the troubles and buy a finished primer for

Helpful information

There is an opinion that white color Hydrangea is easy to change to another, applying a special solution. This is not quite so. Varieties of white hydrogeni are not able to change color. This is for only large hydrangea hydrangea, which can change painting if ensuring high soil acidity. But even if a bluish tint appears on the colors, it will be blurred and dirty-pale.

It should be remembered that the plant can be bloated with uncircumcised shoots. But the branches are blurred or when pruning the branches gives stronger shoots. But the largest is better not to trim. It is necessary to know that it forms inflorescences at the top of the shoots. Of course, they can be cropped in the spring. They will also give strong side shoots, but do not bloom. It is better to rejuvenate a bush, removing thick and damaged branches.

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